Professional Services Template, Revised December 6, 2023 Page 1 of 10
This is a sample document only and is not intended to replace advice from an attorney.
Project Title
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the Village/City/County of
______________, Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as the Village/City/County) and
______________, (hereinafter referred to as the Consultant).
WHEREAS, the Village/City/County [address] and the Consultant [address] are desirous
of entering into a contract to formalize their relationship, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974,
as amended through 1981 and 24 CFR 570, the State of Nebraska Department of
Economic Development (the Department) is authorized by the federal Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide Community Development Block Grant
Program funds (hereinafter referred to as CDBG funds) to units of local government
selected to undertake and carry out certain programs and projects under the Nebraska
State Community Development Block Grant Program in compliance with all applicable
local, state and federal laws, regulations and policies, and
WHEREAS, the Village/City/County, as part of its [year] CDBG grant agreement with the
Department, under contract number , has been awarded CDBG funds for
the purposes set forth herein, and
WHEREAS, the Scope of Work included in this contract is authorized as part of the
Village/City/County 's approved CDBG program, and
WHEREAS, it would be beneficial to the Village/City/County to utilize the Consultant as
an independent entity to accomplish the Scope of Work set forth herein and such
endeavor would tend to best accomplish the objectives of the local CDBG program.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and provisions
contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the parties hereto agree
as follows:
1. Services to be Provided by the Parties
a. The Consultant shall complete, in a satisfactory and proper manner as
determined by the Village/City/County, the work activities described in the
Scope of Work (Attachment #1).
b. The Village/City/County will provide such assistance and guidance as may be
required to support the objectives set forth in the Scope of Work and will provide
compensation for services as set forth in Section 3 Compensation below.
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2. Time of Performance
The start of the contract shall be [date spelled out]. The termination date of the
contract shall be [date]. The effective date of this contract shall be the date the
parties sign and complete execution of the contract.
3. Compensation
The Village/City/County shall reimburse the Consultant in accordance with the
Payment Schedule described in Attachment #2 for all allowable expenses agreed
upon by the parties to complete the Scope of Work. Contract will not use cost-plus
or percentage of cost basis. In no event shall the total amount reimbursed by the
Village/City/County exceed the sum of $__________ (____________________
Dollars). Reimbursement under this contract shall be based on billings that are
supported by appropriate documentation of costs actually incurred. It is expressly
understood that claims for reimbursement shall not be submitted in excess of
actual, immediate cash requirements necessary to carry out the purposes of this
It is also understood that this contract is funded in whole or in part with funds
through the State of Nebraska Community Development Block Grant Program as
administered by the Department and is subject to those regulations and restrictions
normally associated with federally funded programs.
4. Record Maintenance, Record Retention, and Access to Records
The Consultant agrees to maintain such records and follow such procedures as
may be required under 2 CFR §200.300345 and any such procedures that the
Village/City/County or the Department may prescribe. In general, such records will
include information pertaining to the contract, obligations and unobligated
balances, assets and liabilities, outlays, equal opportunity, labor standards (as
appropriate), and performance.
All such records and all other records pertinent to this contract and work
undertaken under this contract shall be retained by the Consultant for a period of
ten years after the final audit of the Village/City/County's CDBG project unless a
longer period is required to resolve audit findings or litigation. In such cases, the
Village/City/County shall request a longer period for record retention.
The Village/City/County, the Department, and duly authorized officials of the state
and federal government shall have full access and the right to examine any
pertinent documents, papers, records and books of the Consultant involving
transactions to this local program and contract.
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5. Relationship
The relationship of the Consultant to the Village/City/County shall be that of an
independent Consultant rendering professional services. The Consultant shall
have no authority to execute contracts or to make commitments on behalf of the
Village/City/County and nothing contained herein shall be deemed to create the
relationship of employer and employee or principal and agent between the
Village/City/County and the Consultant.
6. Suspension, Termination and Close Out
If the Consultant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this contract the
Village/City/County may pursue such remedies as are legally available including,
but not limited to the suspension or termination of this contract in the manner
specified herein:
a. Suspension: If the Consultant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of
this contract, or whenever the Consultant is unable to substantiate full
compliance with the provisions of this contract, the Village/City/County may
suspend the contract pending corrective actions or investigation, effective not
less than 7 days following written notification to the Consultant or its authorized
representative. The suspension will remain in full force and effect until the
Consultant has taken corrective action to the satisfaction of the
Village/City/County and is able to substantiate its full compliance with the terms
and conditions of this contract. No obligations incurred by the Consultant or its
authorized representatives during the period of suspension will be allowable
under the contract except:
i. Reasonable, proper and otherwise allowable costs which the Consultant
could not avoid during the period of suspension.
ii. If upon investigation, the Consultant is able to substantiate complete
compliance with the terms and conditions of this contract, otherwise
allowable costs incurred during the period of suspension will be allowed.
iii. In the event all or any portion of the work prepared or partially prepared
by the Consultant be suspended, abandoned, or otherwise terminated the
Village/City/County shall pay the Consultant for work performed to the
satisfaction of the Village/City/County, in accordance with the percentage
of the work completed.
b. Termination for Cause: The Village/City/County may terminate its contract
with the Consultant if the Consultant fails to comply with the terms and
conditions of this contract and any of the following conditions exist.
i. The lack of compliance with the provisions of this contract are of such
scope and nature that the Village/City/County deems continuation of the
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contract to be substantially detrimental to the interests of the
ii. The Consultant has failed to take satisfactory action as directed by the
Village/City/County or its authorized representative within the time
specified by same;
iii. The Consultant has failed within the time specified by the
Village/City/County or its authorized representative to satisfactorily
substantiate its compliance with the terms and conditions of this contract;
then, the Village/City/County may terminate this contract in whole or in
part, and thereupon shall notify the Consultant of the termination, the
reasons therefore, and the effective date provided such effective date
shall not be prior to notification of the Consultant. After this effective date,
no charges incurred under any terminated portions are allowable.
c. Termination for Other Grounds: This contract may also be terminated in
whole or in part:
i. By the Village/City/County, with the consent of the Consultant, or by the
Consultant with the consent of the Village/City/County, in which case the
two parties shall devise by mutual agreement, the conditions of
termination including effective date and in case of termination in part, that
portion to be terminated.
ii. If the funds allocated by the Village/City/County via this contract are from
anticipated sources of revenue, and if the anticipated sources of revenue
do not become available for use in purchasing said services.
iii. In the event the Village/City/County fails to pay the Consultant promptly
or within 60 days after invoices are rendered, the Village/City/County
agrees that the Consultant shall have the right to consider said default a
breach of this agreement and the duties of the Consultant under this
agreement terminated. In such an event, the Village/City/County shall
then promptly pay the Consultant for all services performed and all
allowable expenses incurred.
iv. The Village/City/County may terminate this contract at any time giving at
least 10-days’ notice in writing to the Consultant. If the contract is
terminated for convenience of the Village/City/County as provided herein,
the Consultant will be paid for time provided and expenses incurred up to
the termination date.
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7. Changes, Amendments, Modifications
The Village/City/County may, from time to time, require changes or modifications
in the scope of services to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any
increase or decrease in the amount of compensation therefore, which are mutually
agreed upon by the Village/City/County and the Consultant shall be incorporated
in written amendments to this contract.
8. Personnel
The Consultant represents that he/she has, or will secure at his/her own expense,
all personnel required in performing the services under this contract. Such
personnel shall not be employees or have any contractual relationship to the
All services required hereunder will be performed by the Consultant or under his
supervision and all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully qualified and shall
be authorized or permitted under state or local law to perform such services.
None of the work or services covered by this contract shall be subcontracted
without prior written approval of the Village/City/County. Any work or services
subcontracted hereunder shall be specified by written contract or agreement and
shall be subject to each provision of this contract.
9. Assignability
The Consultant shall not assign any interest on this contract and shall not transfer
any interest on this contract (whether by assignment or notation), without prior
written consent of the Village/City/County thereto: Provided, however, that claims
for money by the Consultant from the Village/City/County under this contract may
be assigned to a bank, trust company, or other financial institutions without such
approval. Written notice of any such assignment or transfer shall be furnished
promptly to the Village/City/County.
10. Reports and Information
The Consultant, at such times and in such forms as the Village/City/County may
require, shall furnish the Village/City/County such periodic reports as it may
request pertaining to the work or services undertaken pursuant to this contract, the
costs and obligations incurred or to be incurred in connection therewith, and any
other matters covered by this contract.
11. Findings Confidential
All of the reports, information, data, etc., prepared or assembled by the Consultant
under this contract are confidential and the Consultant agrees that they shall not
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be made available to any individual or organization without prior written approval
of the Village/City/County.
12. Copyright
No reports, maps, or other documents produced in whole or in part under this
contract shall be subject of an application for copyright by or on behalf of the
13. Compliance With Local Laws
The Consultant shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of the
state and local governments and the Consultant shall save the Village/City/County
harmless with respect to any damages arising from any tort done in performing
any of the work embraced by this contract.
14. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
No person shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under
any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
15. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
No person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin,
or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of or be subjected to
discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds
made available under this title.
16. Build America, Buy America Act (BABA).
The Village/City/County must comply with the requirements of the Build America,
Buy America (BABA) Act, 41 USC 8301 note, and all applicable rules and notices,
as may be amended, if applicable to the Village/City/County’s infrastructure
project. Pursuant to HUD’s Notice, “Public Interest Phased Implementation Waiver
for FY 2022 and 2023 of Build America, Buy America Provisions as Applied to
Recipients of HUD Federal Financial Assistance” (88 FR 17001), any funds
obligated by HUD on or after the applicable listed effective dates, are subject to
BABA requirements, unless excepted by a waiver.
The Village/City/County shall include this BABA clause in any procurement
bid/contract documents to ensure BABA compliance by subgrantees, developers
and/or contractors.
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17. Section 3 Compliance in the Provision of Training, Employment and
Business Opportunities
a. The work to be performed under this contract is on a project assisted under a
program providing direct federal financial assistance from the Department of
Housing and Urban Development and is subject to the requirements of Section
3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C.
1701u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for
training and employment arising in connection with Section 3 projects are
provided to Section 3 workers (as defined in 24 CFR Part 75) within the
metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county) in which the project is located
and contracts for work awarded in connection with Section 3 projects are
provided to business concerns that provide economic opportunities to Section
3 workers residing in the metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county) in
which the project is located.
b. The parties to this contract will comply with the provisions of said Section 3.
The parties to this contract certify and agree that they are under no contractual
or other disability which would prevent them from complying with these
c. The Consultant will send to each labor organization or representative or
workers with which he/she has collective bargaining agreement or other
contract or understanding, if any, a notice advising the said labor organization
or workers' representative of his/her commitments under this Section 3 clause
and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to
employees and applicants for employment or training.
d. The Consultant will include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract for work
in connection with the project and will, at the direction of the applicant for, or
receipt of federal financial assistance, take appropriate action pursuant to the
subcontract upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of regulations
issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 24 CFR Part 75.
The Consultant will not subcontract with any subcontractor where it has notice
or knowledge that the latter has been found in violation of regulations under 24
CFR Part 75 and will not let any subcontract unless the subcontractor has first
provided it with a preliminary statement of ability to comply with the
requirements of these regulations.
e. Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, the regulations set forth in 24 CFR
Part 75, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department issued hereunder
prior to the execution of the contract, shall be a condition of the federal financial
assistance provided to the project, binding upon the applicant or recipient for
such assistance, its successors and assigns. Failure to fulfill these
requirements shall subject the applicant or recipient, its consultants and
subcontractors, its successors and assigns to those sanctions specified by the
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grant or loan agreement or contract through which federal assistance is
provided, and to such sanctions as are specified by 24 CFR Part 75.
18. Age Discrimination Act of 1975, As Amended (42 U.S.C. 6101 et. seq.)
No person will be excluded from participation, denied program benefits or
subjected to discrimination on the basis of age under any program or activity
receiving federal funding assistance.
19. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, As Amended (29 U.S.C. 794)
No otherwise qualified individual will, solely by reason of his or her handicap, be
excluded from participation (including employment), denied program benefits or
subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal
assistance funds.
20. Executive Order 11246, As Amended
This Order applies to all federally assisted construction contracts/subcontracts
(that exceed $10,000) and non-construction/service contracts and subcontracts
(that exceed $50,000). The Subrecipient and subcontractors, if any, will not
discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race,
color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. The
Grantee and subcontractors, if any, will take affirmative action to ensure that
applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment,
without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
or national origin.
21. Conflict of Interest 2 CFR §200.318
No officer, employee or agent of the Grantee who will participate in the selection,
the award, or the administration of this grant may obtain a personal or financial
interest or benefit from the activity or have an interest in any contract, subcontract
or agreement with respect thereto, or the proceeds thereunder either for
themselves or those with whom they have family or business ties, during their
tenure or for one year thereafter. It is further required that this stipulation be
included in all subcontracts to this contract. Upon written request, exceptions may
be granted upon a case-by-case basis when it is determined that such an
exception will serve to further the purposes of the Act and the effective and efficient
administration of the recipient's program or project. These exceptions are granted
by the Department.
22. Audits and Inspections
The Village/City/County, the Department, the State Auditor and HUD or their
delegates shall have the right to review and monitor the financial and other
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components of the work and services provided and undertaken as part of the
CDBG project and this contract, by whatever legal and reasonable means are
deemed expedient by the Village/City/County, DED, the State Auditor and HUD.
23. Hold Harmless
The Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Village/City/County, its
appointed and elected officers and employees, from and against all loss and
expense, including attorney's fees and costs by reason of any and all claims and
demands upon the Village/City/County, its elected or appointed officers and
employees from damages sustained by any person or persons, arising out of or in
consequence of the Consultant's and its agents' negligent performance of work
associated with this agreement. The Consultant shall not be liable for property
and bodily injury as may result from the negligence of any construction contractor
or construction subcontractor.
24. Governing Law
This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska, without
regard to that body of law controlling conflicts of law. Any legal proceeding arising
out of, or relating to this Agreement, shall be instituted in any court of general
jurisdiction in the State of Nebraska.
This agreement contains all terms and conditions agreed to by the
Village/City/County and the Consultant. The attachments to this agreement are
identified as follows:
SCOPE OF WORK and FEES for ____________________, NEBRASKA for
_______________________ consisting of _____ pages.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE for ____________________, NEBRASKA for
____________________________ consisting of _____ pages.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village/City/County and the Consultant have executed this
contract agreement as of the date and year last written below.
Printed Name:_____________________________
CONSULTANT (______Insert Business Name__________)
Printed Name:_____________________________
APPROVED as to legal form:
Village/City/County Attorney (_____Insert Business Name if not staff___)
Printed Name:_____________________________