You have purchased one of the nest pieces of cookware anywhere, and one of the last still handmade in the United
States. Brooklyn Copper Cookwares exclusive and original designs are unlike any other. Tooled to t American range
tops, every piece is spun from heavy-weight pure copper, tted with our custom solid cast-iron hardware and lined
with certied pure, lab-grade tin.
Every piece made by Brooklyn Copper Cookware is designed and made by hand, and 100% renewable. Copper
requires less than half the energy of other cookware metals to mine and smelt, and we capture 100% of our raw
material waste for recycling. Copper cookware not only ages gracefully, its performance actually increases with use.
Our wares will give you not merely years but generations of high performance in all cooking applications.
We suspect you’ll want to know a few details as you settle in for the long relationship you’ve begun here. We’ve
prepared this brochure so you can enjoy your new cookware to its fullest potential.
Tin-lined copper cookware has not changed much since
the Copper Age when humanity rst started using metal
tools. Among the very rst of those were copper cooking
vessels, and today tin-lined copper has renewed relevance
for home and professional cooks. It is by far the least
energy- intensive cookware to manufacture, from the raw
material (either new or recycled) to the nished product.
Copper and tin combined oer many times more thermal
eciency than the next most ecient cooking metals,
with none of the hazards of more recent technologies.
For a thorough analysis of copper versus other common
cooking metals, see our website.
It goes without saying that any labels or tags should be
removed from your BCC before using it.
Your BCC has been carefully cleaned and polished before
leaving our shop. Since were serious about the organic
stu, we never coat any surface with the usual lacquers
or sealants used by many other copper cookware
manufacturers (who have to ship overseas). Still, we
recommend that you wash your new pot with a little soap
and hot water, and dry it with a soft cotton cloth.
When using Brooklyn Copper Cookware or any lined cooking vessel, never heat the pot empty! You could damage the
lining. Make sure your cooking liquid or fats cover the pot bottom before you heat (or, in the case of butter or other
solid fats, as you heat, give it a swirl!).
For dry searing or toasting, we recommend only carbon steel or unlined cast iron pans. That’s another thing: mind that
you don’t boil liquids in your BCC pan to the drying point, and when making fond, caramelize gently on low heat.
For more details, check out the warranty a little further on.
Your BCC wares are perfectly suited to use on all range tops other than directly on ferro-magnetic induction, which
requires an induction plate for use with any cookware other than iron-based. You can also use your BCC wares in any
kind of oven (other than, of course, microwave). We recommend that you not put any pots or pans on the oor of your
oven—cook only on the racks provided for your particular oven.
The iron handle has been warmed and given a light coat of butchers wax, but is otherwise untreated as well. You can
keep it rust-free with a periodic light application of neutral cooking oil or food-grade wax. Make sure to wipe o any
excess, and try to avoid cleaning the handle with detergents. If you do, just touch it up with a little oil (as you would a
carbon steel or cast iron pan) or wax.
Generally you will be able to use signicantly less heat with
your Brooklyn Copper Cookware to achieve desired results.
Copper is so thermally ecient that all the BTUs coming
into the pot go straight through and into the food with
practically no resistance, so dial your heat back to save
energy and money.
Appealing to the same laws of physics, copper sheds heat
as quickly as it takes it on, so when you need to take your
food o the heat, the pot doesn’t retain the energy and
continue to cook your food. You can regulate the heat
penetrating the pot to as ne a degree as your heat source
allows. Always handle a pot in use with dry oven mitts or a
thick cloth.
Tin linings are as naturally close to non-stick as can be
found short of well-seasoned iron or steel. The lining
of your BCC copper pan should only be cleaned with a
sponge, soft brush or wash cloth. If food has stuck to the
lining it will generally let loose with soaking in hot, soapy
water, usually for only a short while. Never use scouring
powders on tin. If you get some really nasty, starchy
stu stuck in there, boil water in the pot, add dish soap
and a shot or two of unscented ammonia and let it soak
overnight (preferably outdoors - ammonia odors can be
Many people like to polish the exterior of their copper
cookware to a high luster using commercial copper
cleaners, which are widely available. We prefer the more
ecological and old-fashioned way of using an acid and
salt. Traditionally, dipping half a lemon in non-iodized
coarse or kosher salt, and then rubbing it all over the
patinated surface and leaving for a few minutes brings
the copper color right up again. Wash immediately with
soap and rinse thoroughly, and don’t let it drip-dry or
your clean surface will have water spots.
A more recent clean” method works, we think, even
better. Make a paste of 2 parts tomato ketchup to one
part salt and rub this onto the copper surface. Let stand
for a few minutes, then use a soft cloth to wipe o,
cleaning and rinsing thereafter as above.
We recommend using wood or natural silicone utensils in Brooklyn
Copper Cookware to avoid scratches to the tin lining. We do not
recommend using either metal or plastic utensils, and you should
never use a knife to cut food in tin-lined copper or any other
Finally, your Brooklyn Copper Cookware is for cooking, not storing,
foods. We advise against storing food in any cooking pot or pan,
especially in a refrigerator. It’s hard on the metal, hard on the ‘fridge
and wastes a lot of energy.
Your Brooklyn Copper Cookware has been made completely by hand—from design drawings to the nal mirror
polish. We even make our own machine tooling so we can control every step of the manufacturing process. We
haven’t updated much from the days when copper cookware was last made in the US (right in Brooklyn, as a matter
of fact); pots are still turned on lathes using multiple hand operations and tin is still applied by the open-ame
hand-wiped ladle method. All items made by Brooklyn Copper Cookware are not only renewable, they are organic
in the strongest possible sense of the term—pure, elemental copper, tin and iron, alloyed with time and care.
No need to worry about your pot imparting anything other than heat to your food. Since every piece of Brooklyn
Copper Cookware is made by hand, you may notice the occasional variation between individual pieces. As Gertrude
Harris observed in her seminal 1971 volume Pots and Pans, etc., “the best copper pieces are easily identied by their
irregularities, such as the wipe marks in the tin lining. These markers of hand-working reveal a pot that is well-
prepared to improve with time and use. Its also worth noting that the bruising that occurs when copper is heated
is natural and the beginning of a patina that increases the already amazing thermal eciency of your Brooklyn
Copper Cookware.
For heavy-duty cleaning, were fans of Wright’s® Copper Cream, which is a safe and very eective combination of
citric acid and ammonium chloride. We also nd Bistro Copper Cleaner (citric acid and ammonium hydroxide) very
eective, and for the toughest jobs Red Bear (high oxalic acid content) is hard to beat. One should always wear pro-
tective gloves when going the way of commercial cleaners, and please be sure to use only cream-based products —
although clay and other ne powders are common in copper cleaners, “abrasive cleaners (such as Bon Ami) will dull
the copper nish and coarsen the surface, making it progressively more dicult to clean completely.
Your cast iron handles generally need very little if any attention in normal use. Your skin oils as well as regular heat-
ing and cooling keep the seasoning regularly refreshed, but in the event detergent or other exposures happen to
form rust spots, treat these by rubbing lightly with 0000 emery paper or steel wool, then touch up with oil or food-
grade wax as above.
Please don’t put your Brooklyn Copper Cookware in the dishwasher. Conventional machine dishwashing detergents
contain caustic sodas and other ingredients that can pit the pure copper, tin and iron surfaces.
Making Brooklyn Copper Cookware is an intimate act, meaning we stay very close to every single piece we produce.
We don’t just check quality periodically; making BCC the “Culinary Cream of the Crop (Consumer Reports) is a matter
of continuous awareness for us, and because every single piece is slightly dierent from all its brethren we judge each
piece through each step of its making. What we have at the end of any day is either a truly great pan, or it doesn’t get to
the end of that day. We don’t hesitate to pull any element at any point, because every step is redoable and every bit is
fully and easily recyclable.
When your Brooklyn Copper Cookware arrives, you hold a product made with dedication and passion by a designer, a
coppersmith, an ironsmith and a tinsmith. Surpassingly little can go wrong while making such a simple tool the way we
make them, but if it does and we somehow didn’t catch it, just let your pot dealer know and we’ll make it 100% right.
Check out the full warranty on our website.
It (almost) goes without saying:
We really appreciate your patronage and support. Thank you for looking us up, and please don’t hesitate to be in
touch about anything you think we can help you with.