California School Employees
Associaon No. 477
Rio Hondo Community
College District
Collecve Bargaining Agreement
CSEA 2023-2026
ARTICLE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ARTICLE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ARTICLE 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ARTICLE 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
ARTICLE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
ARTICLE 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14
ARTICLE 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
ARTICLE 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-21
ARTICLE 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23
ARTICLE 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25
ARTICLE 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27
ARTICLE 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-37
ARTICLE 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39
ARTICLE 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41
ARTICLE 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43
ARTICLE 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-47
ARTICLE 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-51
ARTICLE 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
ARTICLE 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-54
ARTICLE 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
ARTICLE 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
SIGNATURE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . 57
APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-61
APPENDIX A-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-66
APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-70
APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-78
APPENDIX E . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
1.1 This is an Agreement, effective July 1, 2023, made and entered into between Rio Hondo
Community College District, 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California, hereinafter
referred to as the "District," and the California School Employees Association, and its Rio
Hondo College Chapter No. 477, 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California, hereinafter
referred to as "CSEA." Reference to the "parties" shall include both the District and CSEA.
1.2 The following Agreement between the District and CSEA is hereby set forth to meet the
requirements of Government Code 3540 et seq. More specifically, this document sets forth
the wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment as provided
in said act in exchange for services.
2.1 The District hereby acknowledges that CSEA is the exclusive bargaining representative for
all classified employees holding those positions listed in Appendix A attached hereto and
incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement and no others. Therefore, the District
agrees that none of its supervisors, managers, or agents shall enter into discussions with
individual unit members which would modify said members' terms and conditions of
employment as set forth in Government Code Section 3540 et seq. However, nothing in this
section shall preclude the District from meeting with CSEA to discuss modifications to
individual bargaining unit member working conditions.
2.2 If, subsequent to this Agreement, the District creates any new classified classification, it shall
notify CSEA of its action, describing the class created, number of positions, and indicate
whether the new class is a part of the bargaining unit or excluded therefrom. CSEA may,
within twenty (20) working days of its notification, contest any assignment made by the
District to exclude or include classifications or positions from or into the bargaining unit. If
CSEA contests the assignment, the parties will meet towards the goal of achieving
agreement. Any agreement or dispute arising from the assignment of a classification to the
unit shall be submitted to the Public Employment Relations Board in accordance with
Division 2, Chapter 3, Article 6, of the rules and regulations of said Board.
2.3 The CSEA recognizes the Board of Trustees as the duly elected representatives of the
People and agrees to negotiate exclusively with the Board's representatives in conformance
with the Government Code and further agrees that it, its members and agents shall not
negotiate with any member of the Board of Trustees and/or members of the staff not so
designated by the Board.
2.4 Disputes pertaining to this Article are not subject to the Grievance Procedures included in
this Agreement.
3.1 Any unit member who is a member of CSEA, or who has applied for membership, may sign
and deliver to an authorized CSEA representative/designee an assignment authorizing
deduction of unified membership dues, initiation fees, and general assessments of CSEA.
3.2 CSEA shall provide the District with a list certified by an authorized CSEA representative
identifying all dues paying members from whose salary or wages the dues deduction is to
be made and notify the District of any change to the certified list. CSEA agrees to furnish
any additional information needed by the District to fulfill the provisions of this Article.
3.3 Based on the certified list provided to the District by CSEA, the District shall deduct dues
from the wages of all CSEA dues paying unit members identified on the most recent certified
list of dues paying unit members received from CSEA. The District shall, without charge,
transmit to CSEA the sums deducted under this Article.
3.4 A unit member who requests to revoke their membership through the District shall be directed
to the Chapter President and Labor Relations Representative for CSEA.
3.5 CSEA may specify a change in the amount of the dues to be collected. Any change to the
amount of dues to be collected must be submitted to the District in writing by an authorized
CSEA representative.
3.6 CSEA agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless the District from attorney's fees, costs,
charges, fees, awards and damages arising out of any matter, claim, or legal action
commenced against the District due to compliance by the District with its obligations under
this Article. The District agrees that in consideration of the CSEA’s obligation hereunder the
District will notify CSEA in writing of any matter within thirty (30) days of service thereof upon
the District. The District and CSEA shall both fully cooperate with each other on any matter,
claim, or legal action commenced against the District. CSEA may, at its discretion, determine
whether to defend, settle in whole or in part, or appeal the matter, claim, or legal action. In
the event CSEA makes a determination to settle or not to appeal, its liability under this section
shall be limited to costs, fees, charges, awards, judgments and/or settlements to that date.
If the District continues to participate in the matter, it shall be at its own expense for further
monetary obligations.
4.1 CSEA Rights: CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any
other portion of the Agreement:
4.1.1 The right of access at reasonable times by a reasonable number of authorized
CSEA representatives to areas in which employees work provided the said access
does not interfere with employee performance of duties.
4.1.2 CSEA may use bulletin boards designated for their use by the Superintendent or
their designee. Prior to posting, a copy of the communication shall be furnished to
the Superintendent or their designated representative. All items to be posted by
CSEA shall bear the date of posting and the name and authorization of CSEA and
shall be removed by CSEA when applicability ceases.
4.1.3 Communications authorized by CSEA for general distribution through the District
mail service shall bear the date of the communication and the name of CSEA as
being responsible for the writing and distribution of the communication. A copy of
any communication for general distribution proposed to be sent through college
means of distribution shall be furnished to the Superintendent or their designated
4.1.4 The right, when not otherwise in use, under the Civic Center Act to use institutional
buildings, facilities, and standard office equipment in accordance with Board policy
at reasonable times, for the purpose of conducting chapter business and related
matters. Such use will be at no cost unless special services are required as
determined by the immediate supervisor.
4.1.5 New Employee Orientation (See Appendix C-9). District Notice to CSEA of New Hires: The District shall provide the
CSEA President (or their designee) and CSEA Labor Relations
Representative notice of any newly hired employee, within ten (10)
business days of the transmittal date of hire, via electronic mail.
The notice shall include full legal name, date of hire, classification,
and work location. Employee Information:
New Hire Contact Information: On the last workday of each
month, the District shall provide to CSEA, via a mutually agreeable
electronic service, the name, job title, department/division, work
location, work, home, and personal cellular telephone numbers,
personal email addresses, hire date, CalPERS status, and
employee identification number of the new hires if the information
is on file and an employee has not objected. This information shall
be provided to CSEA regardless of whether the newly hired
employee was previously employed by the District.
Provide CSEA with Periodic Update of Unit Member Contact
Information: The District shall provide CSEA, via a mutually
agreeable electronic service, all bargaining unit member names,
job title, department, work location, work, home, and personal
cellular telephone numbers, personal email addresses, hire date,
CalPERS status, and employee identification number on the last
working day of September, January, and May. The District, on
these dates, will also provide the CSEA president (or designee)
with a corresponding list including all bargaining unit member
names, job title, department, date of hire, pay range, and months
worked per year.
The home address, home telephone number(s), personal cellular
telephone number(s), personal email address and birth date shall
not be deemed to be public records, nor open to public inspection
as specified under Government Code 6254.3 (a). The District shall
not actively work towards encouraging an employee to opt out of
providing such information. New Employee Orientation
Provide CSEA With Access to New Employee Orientations:
The District shall provide CSEA access to its new employee
orientations. CSEA shall receive not less than ten (10) business
days notice in advance of an orientation, except that a shorter
notice may be provided in a specific instance where there is an
urgent need critical to the District’s operations that was not
reasonably foreseeable. The District will schedule a quarterly
orientation session for all unit members newly employed in that
quarter. This section shall not preclude CSEA’s right of access
under 4.1.1.
i. Quarterly Orientations: The District and CSEA shall
collaboratively develop a quarterly orientation, wherein a CSEA
representative will be allotted sufficient release time to make a
presentation at the new employee orientation. Said release time
shall not be counted against total release time contained
elsewhere in the collective bargaining agreement. The CSEA
Labor Relations Representative may also attend the orientation
ii. The orientation session shall be held on District property during
the workday of the employee(s), who shall be on paid time.
iii. Individual Orientations: The District shall provide thirty (30)
minutes of paid release time for one (1) CSEA representative
and for any newly hired employee(s), exclusive of travel, for the
purposes of providing orientations at the employees’ work
location(s), subject to the following conditions:
a. Only newly hired employees who did not attend an in-person
orientation within the first thirty (30) days of employment with
the District shall be eligible for such release time;
b. CSEA will provide the district with five (5) working days’
notice in advance of such individual orientations;
c. These individual orientations will take place at the
employee’s work site/location unless mutually agreed by the
employee and CSEA to take place elsewhere on District
New Hire Information Packet: The District shall include the CSEA
membership application and a link for an electronic application
during the onboarding process.
This Article shall not restrict the right of access to newly hired
employees during the onboarding process as granted by law.
4.1.6 The right to receive, upon request, copies of public material in the possession of
or produced by the District necessary for CSEA to reasonably fulfill its role as the
exclusive bargaining representative.
4.1.7 The President of CSEA Chapter #477 or the President's designated representative
shall be granted five (5) days release time with pay to attend the CSEA Annual
Conference. In addition, two (2) other representatives of CSEA, designated in
writing by the Chapter President, shall also be granted five (5) days of release time
with pay to attend said conference, provided that this additional release does not
create an adverse impact on the workload of a department of the District. If CSEA
wishes to send one (1) additional representative to the Conference, the
additional member will utilize CSEA Chapter #477’s release time as outlined in
Article 7.8.1.
4.1.8 Distribution of Contract: Within approximately ninety (90) days after execution of
this contract, the District shall print or duplicate and provide CSEA members,
without charge, a copy of the Agreement upon request. Within ten (10) days after
the execution of this final contract, the District shall place the entire Agreement
online. Any employee who becomes a member of the bargaining unit after
execution of this Agreement shall be provided with a copy of this Agreement by
the District without charge at the time of employment. Five (5) copies of this
Agreement will also be sent to the CSEA Field Office upon ratification.
4.1.9 Statewide Survey: The District agrees to participate in the statewide CSEA
classified employee compensation survey. CSEA agrees to provide the District
with a copy in a timely manner.
4.1.10 Any unit member scheduled to work after 5:00 pm who will be honored at the
annual CSEA Decade Dinner shall receive release time (up to three hours)
between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm to attend the dinner.
5.1 "Job Series" is defined as the job family of related classifications as set forth in Appendix A-
5.2 "Classification" is defined as positions that are assigned the same title, job description,
minimum qualifications, and salary range. Appendix A-1 of this Agreement sets forth the
classifications within each class (job series).
5.3 "Permanent employee" is a regular employee who has satisfactorily completed the
prescribed probationary period of six (6) months or 130 days of paid service, whichever
is longer.
5.4 "Short-term employee" is a person hired on an hourly basis for a specific temporary project
of limited duration upon the completion of which, the service required will no longer be
needed on a continuing basis.
5.5 "Substitute employee" is a person hired to perform the duties of a position in the temporary
absence of the employee who is regularly assigned to that position. However, if the district
is then engaged in a procedure to hire a permanent employee to fill a vacancy in any
classified position, the governing board may fill the vacancy through the employment, for
not more than 60 calendar days, of one or more substitute employees.
5.6 Whenever work day or working days is used or can reasonably be inferred by the context of
the language, it shall mean Monday through Friday excepting holidays.
5.7 Domestic partner as defined in Division 2.5 (commencing with Section 297) of the Family
Code, with Sections 1261 and 1374.58 of the Health and Safety Code, and Section 10121.7
of the Insurance Code.
5.8 “Designated Person”: As further defined by the California Family Rights Act (“CFRA”); any
individual related by blood or whose association with the employee is the equivalent of a
family relationship. To be identified at the time the employee requests use of applicable
sick leave. An employee may only identify one Designated Person per 12-month period.
6.1 Salary increases shall be applicable to all employees who were active within the duration of
this agreement.
6.1.1 The salary schedule will be changed to reflect the following:
a. Retroactive to July 1, 2023, the salary schedule shall be increased by
the funded Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) designated for
Community Colleges in the State Final Budget for the fiscal year of
2023-2024, currently identified as 8.22%.
i. Retroactive to June 30, 2023, the District and CSEA
will implement the Salary, Range, and Title alignment
recommendations of the “Proposed Alignment Costs
document produced following the Classification and
Compensation Analysis as referred to in Section 6.18
below. The cost for this implementation is estimated by
the parties to be $355,625.60, pending employee
appeals. The parties will continue to negotiate the
implementation and effects of this study. Upon
conclusion of those negotiations, the parties will
incorporate the agreed changes into the CBA.
ii. The District will subtract this cost of implementation
(including any adjustments made following the
conclusion of the employee appeals procedure) from
$600,000. The remainder will be directed to the hiring
and/or filling of additional or vacant Classified
position(s) in the fiscal year of 2024-2025.
b. Commencing July 1, 2024, the salary schedule shall be increased by
funded Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) designated for community
colleges in the State Final Budget for the fiscal year of 2024-2025.
c. Salaries for the July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 contract year shall be
negotiated by the parties. The parties shall begin the sunshine process
to meet and negotiate over such salary adjustments no later than March
2025. In no circumstance will the District and CSEA agree to a salary
adjustment that is less than what is agreed upon by other District
bargaining units.
d. The following stipends/increments, referenced in CBA Article 6,
Wages, shall be increased in accordance with the percentages and
timelines applied to the Salary Schedule, as outlined in the above
a. 6.4 Evening Increment
b. 6.6 Bilingual Increment
c. 6.16 Pesticide/Hazardous Materials Stipend
6.2 Promotion: A promotion occurs when an employee moves into another position at a higher
class. Any employee in the bargaining unit receiving a promotion under the provisions of this
Agreement shall be placed on the step of the new range that is closest to a five percent (5%)
increase as a result of that promotion. The effective date of the promotion shall be the new
anniversary date for determining eligibility for performance salary adjustments pursuant to
the provisions of performance salary adjustments (Section 6.13) Employees shall be
required to serve the standard probationary period in any promoted position. A permanent
employee who does not pass probation in the promoted position shall be returned to their
former classification at the pay range of that classification. The original anniversary date for
evaluations shall also be restored.
6.3 Pay for Temporary Work in Higher Classification: When an employee is temporarily
assigned by the District to a higher classification in which the employee meets only some of
the job specifications, the employee shall be compensated at additional five percent (5%)
above base salary for any such work performed if required to work five (5) working days in a
fifteen (15) day working period. When an employee is temporarily assigned by the District
to a higher classification in which the employee meets all of the job specifications, the
employee shall be placed on the appropriate step of the range of the higher classification so
as to result in at least an additional five percent (5%) above base salary for any such work
performed if required to work five (5) working days in a fifteen (15) day working period.
6.4 Evening Increment:
6.4.1 Additional compensation in the amount of $175.00 per month shall be granted to
any regular full-time employee whose regular work assignment: (1) begins at
12:00 noon or later and ends at 8:00 p.m. or later or, (2) begins between 4:00 a.m.
and 5:30 a.m. during 50% or more of the working days of the year.
6.4.2 Additional compensation in the amount of $196.00 month shall be granted to any
regular full-time employee whose regular work assignment: (1) begins between
8:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.
6.4.3 The evening increment shall be prorated for the eligible employee working less
than 100% time.
6.5 Longevity Increment:
6.5.1 Members of the bargaining unit who complete ten (10 years) of full-time service
during the term of this Agreement shall receive $143.00 per month additional
salary beginning with the first full payroll period following the anniversary date.
6.5.2 Members of the bargaining unit who complete fifteen (15) years of full-time service
during the term of this Agreement shall receive $143.00 per month additional
salary in addition to the $143.00 per month for the ten-year longevity increment
beginning with the first full payroll period following the anniversary date.
6.5.3 Members of the bargaining unit who complete twenty (20) years of full-time service
during the term of this Agreement shall receive $143.00 per month additional
salary in addition to $143.00 per month for ten-year longevity increment and the
$143.00 per month for 15-year longevity increment beginning with the first full
payroll period following the anniversary date.
6.5.4 Members of the bargaining unit who complete twenty-five (25) years of full-time
service during the term of this Agreement shall receive $143.00 per month
additional salary in addition to $143.00 per month for ten-year longevity increment,
the $143.00 per month for 15-year longevity increment, and the $143.00 per month
for 20-year longevity increment beginning with the first full payroll period following
the anniversary date.
6.5.5 Effective July 1, 1995, unit members who have completed thirty (30) years of full-
time service during the term of this Agreement shall receive $143.00 per month
additional salary, in addition to the $143.00 per month for the ten-year longevity
increment, the $143.00 per month for the 15 year longevity increment, the $143.00
per month for the 20 year longevity increment, and the $143.00 per month for the
25 year longevity increment beginning with the first full payroll period following the
anniversary date.
6.5.6 Effective July 1, 2000, unit members who have completed thirty-five (35) years
of full-time service during the term of this Agreement shall receive $143.00 per
month additional salary in addition to $143.00 per month for ten-year longevity
increment and the $143.00 per month for fifteen-year longevity increment and
the $143.00 per month for twenty-year longevity increment and the $143.00 per
month for twenty-five-year longevity increment and the $143.00 per month for
thirty-year longevity increment beginning with the first full payroll period
following the anniversary date.
6.5.7 Longevity Increments shall be prorated for the eligible employee working less
than 100% time.
6.5.8 During the term of this Agreement, the same percentage as the salary increase
shall be applied to the rounded whole dollar at the same time the salary is adjusted
each year.
6.6 Bilingual Increment: The District shall identify up to twenty-one (21) bargaining unit members
to receive a $120.00 per month bilingual stipend, provided said employees are required by
management to utilize specified bilingual skills on a regular basis in the performance of
District duties, and also provided said employees have satisfactorily passed a District
proficiency exam in the required language
6.6.1 Annually, during the first working week of January, and whenever the list has been
revised the District shall update the list of employees receiving the bilingual
increment. Such list shall be distributed campus-wide.
6.6.2 The District and CSEA will meet and negotiate during the 2023/2024 year with the
intention of formalizing the current bilingual stipend identification process.
6.7 Overtime: Employees in the bargaining unit, unless specifically exempted by the Board of
Trustees, shall be paid not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) their salary schedule rate of
pay for all overtime hours worked in one classification. Bargaining unit members performing
two or more kinds of work for which different hourly rates have been established shall be
paid not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) times the bona fide rate for the same work when
performed during non-overtime hours. Pursuant to Education Code Section 88203, if an
employee is required to work on a holiday specified in said section, he/she shall be paid
compensation for such work, in addition to the regular pay received for the holiday, at the
rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate of pay.
6.8 Compensatory Time Off:
6.8.1 An employee in the bargaining unit may request to earn compensatory time off at
the rate of one and one-half times in lieu of cash compensation for overtime
worked. Such request shall be made to the immediate supervisor at the time the
overtime is assigned. Requests for compensatory time off that are granted shall
be at the appropriate rate of overtime.
6.8.2 Compensatory time shall be taken at a time mutually acceptable to the employee
and the District within twelve (12) months of the date on which it was earned. No
employee may accumulate more than sixty (60) hours of overtime for purposes of
compensatory time off at any one time without prior approval of the District.
6.9 Minimum Call-In Time: Any employee called in to work on a day when the employee is not
scheduled to work shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours pay at the appropriate rate of
pay under this agreement.
6.10 Call-Back Time: Any employee called back to work after completion of their regular
assignment shall be compensated for at least three (3) hours of work at the overtime rate if
the call-back resulted in overtime, irrespective of whether actual time spent by employee on
call-back work was less than three (3) hours.
6.11 Hours Worked: For the purpose of computing the number of hours worked for overtime, all
time during which an employee is in paid status shall be construed as hours worked.
6.12 Salary on Appointment: A newly hired employee shall be compensated at Step 1 of the
salary range to which their class is allocated. If exceptional recruitment difficulties are
encountered, or exceptional qualifications of a candidate for employment indicate that a
higher hiring rate would be in the college's best interest, appointment at a higher step in the
salary range may be authorized by the Superintendent/President or designee. All permanent
employees in the affected class who are being paid at a step lower than that prescribed for
a new appointee may have their salaries raised to that being prescribed for the new
appointee. The Superintendent/President will decide each case based in part on a
consideration of the experience and education of affected employees and needs of the
6.13 Performance Salary Adjustments:
6.13.1 Advancement within a salary range shall not be automatic but shall be based upon
job performance and the increased service value of an employee. Salary
adjustments shall be granted upon approval of the department head and/or Vice
President of Human Resources.
6.13.2 Employees shall be eligible to move up one step on the salary schedule shown in
Appendix B upon completion of one calendar year of employment effective on the
first of the month following the completion of the year of service. Subsequent
movement shall occur after completion of each additional calendar year until the
maximum step in the salary range for the employee's classification is reached.
6.13.3 If a performance increase is not recommended, the applicable employee's
supervisor will reevaluate that employee during the 180 calendar day period after
the denial of the step increase. If, after 180 calendar days, a performance increase
is recommended, the increase would take effect the first day of the month after
such recommendation reaches the Office of Human Resources. A performance
increase under the above circumstances is not retroactive. The action does not,
however, change the employee's eligibility date for future performance increase
6.13.4 The granting of an official leave of absence without pay, other than ordered military
leave, of one month or longer shall cause the employee's performance salary
review date to be extended by the total number of calendar days he/she was on
6.14 Classification Salary Adjustments:
6.14.1 Reclassification is defined as changing the classification and salary range of an
incumbent employee from one existing classification and salary range to another
existing classification and salary range.
6.14.2 Reclassification requests shall be submitted to the Vice President of Human
Resources no later than January 31
. The Vice President of Human Resources
shall send the employee confirmation of receipt of the reclassification request and
provide an update regarding progress on the request by May 1
. The Vice
President of Human Resources, or designee shall have the ability to bring the
matter to resolution, either by agreeing with the request, denying it, or directing a
change in the duties which have given rise to the reclassification request (after
consultation with the various supervisory personnel involved and CSEA). The Vice
President of Human Resources shall render a decision no later than September
, and the reclassification, if granted, shall be made retroactively effective to July
. Additionally, if the reclass is granted and the employee has not already been
receiving out-of-class pay, the employee shall receive 5% out-of-class pay for the
period of February 1
to June 30
. If the Vice President of Human Resources finds that an employee merits
a new non-existent classification, he/she will create a new job
description/classification and forward it to CSEA as per Article 6.15.
6.14.3 An employee who wishes to appeal the Vice President of Human Resources'
denial decision must submit the appeal form within 10 working days of receipt of
the denial to the Vice President of Human Resources. The Director shall then
convene a committee comprised of two representatives in the bargaining unit
selected by CSEA, two representatives selected by the District and chaired by a
designee of the District through a District established procedure. The committee
shall review the employee’s request and the reasons for denial. The employee
shall have the right, at their option, to appear before the committee as part of the
appeals process.
6.14.4 The committee's decision on said appeals shall be final and any recommendation
for reclassification shall be sent to the Board of Trustees for consideration. If the
employee’s request for reclassification is denied by the committee, the employee
may not submit another request for reclassification for two years from the date of
original submission. (Ex. Employee submitted reclass request January 2006.
Employee may not submit another request until January 2008).
6.14.5 For classifications adjusted subsequent to the date of signing of this Agreement,
employees upon being reclassified to a higher classification shall have step
placement determined by the following. For reclassifications involving a one-range
change, step placement in said higher range shall be the same as the step
placement prior to reclassification. For reclassifications involving two or more
ranges, step placement in said higher range shall be the step that represents the
first higher dollar amount above the salary schedule step dollar amount held prior
to the reclassification exclusive of any special increments which results in at least
a five percent (5%) increase. Employees reclassified pursuant to the provisions
shall be eligible for a performance review twelve (12) months from the date of their
last performance review if the reclassification results in less than or equal to a five
percent (5%) increase. If the reclassification results in an increase greater than five
percent (5%), the next review shall be due twelve (12) months from the date of
6.14.6 Employees appointed to a lower classification as a result of a classification review
would be "Y" rated, i.e., retain the salary currently paid until such time as the salary
schedule would be adjusted upward sufficiently to provide no reduction in salary
to the employee. No change in the date for review of performance shall occur.
6.15 New Classifications: In the creation of a new classified classification to the bargaining unit,
the District shall prepare and submit to CSEA a description and the salary range of any
classified classification determined to be within the unit. CSEA may within fifteen (15)
calendar days of said notification object in writing to the proposed action; and, if it objects,
the parties will meet toward the goal of achieving agreement on salary only.
6.15.1 If the Committee described in Section 6.14 above recommends the establishment
of a newly created classification, or if CSEA submits a proposal to create a new
classification, said recommendation and/or proposal shall only be dealt with at the
time that general wage bargaining between the parties is underway.
6.16 Pesticide/Hazardous Materials Stipend: A unit member certified in the use of pesticides, or
hazardous materials shall receive: a salary stipend of $145.00/month; up to $100.00/year
reimbursement of required renewal, licensing and training costs related to use of said
pesticides, or hazardous materials. The stipend and reimbursements described herein shall
be extended to not more than five (5) unit members per year.
6.17 Electrician’s Stipend: Employees in the classification of Electrician who are certified in the
use of RSK-CS01W Remote Switching Units shall be provided with a stipend of $250/month.
6.18 Classification and Compensation Survey: The parties agree to begin the process of
selection of a class/compensation consultant no later than April 1, 2022, reaching mutual
agreement by September 1, 2022. The consultant will begin to conduct a classification
and compensation survey starting no later than October 1, 2022. The cash back
increases to the salary schedule will have been completed prior to any compensation
comparisons. The results of the classification and compensation survey will be returned
to both parties no later than March 1, 2023. After the classification and compensation
survey has been conducted, the parties will negotiate, using the recommendations of the
consultant, to assure that, during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, no more than $600,000 in
ongoing cost (inclusive only of costs related to Salary and PERS retirement
contributions) is applied to implement the findings of the classification and compensation
survey. The effective date of negotiated adjustments to the schedule will be June 30,
2023. The results of this classification and compensation survey shall remain accessible
to CSEA and the District, and may be referred to in future negotiations. The amount
expended on salary increases for specific classifications requires agreement between
CSEA and the District. CSEA agrees that it will assist in updating job descriptions as part
of the reclassification process prior to the implementation of any increases in salary. Job
descriptions should reflect current responsibilities and allow for future technological
changes that maintain the same or similar job functions.
7.1 Workweek:
7.1.1 All full-time classified employees shall be assigned to a forty (40) hour workweek
with starting times and quitting times established by the District. Except that full-
time classified employees hired after June 1, 2002 and current full-time Classified
employees who voluntarily change their work hours, will be subject to the
provisions of Section 7.1.2 below. That is, the District may change the work
schedules for such employee(s) after giving prior written notice to the
employee(s). For purposes of this Section, an employee will be considered to
have voluntarily changed work hours only if the employee has signed a declaration
setting forth the change in hours and acknowledging that the change will make
that employee subject to Section 7.1.2. A copy of this signed declaration shall be
sent to CSEA.
7.1.2 Classified employees working less than eight (8) hours/day or twelve (12)
months/year shall be assigned a work schedule, including starting and quitting
times, established by the District. The work schedules contemplated herein shall
not be changed by the District without ten (10) working days’ written notice to the
employee, When initiating such schedule changes on a permanent basis, the
District shall, when possible, seek to meet the operational needs of the District by
subjecting incumbent employees in the same title and classification within the
same department to such changes in ascending order of seniority.
7.1.3 Employees who work a 4/10-work schedule have the option of adjusting their
workweek to a 5/8-work schedule for a week that includes a District holiday or
during which the employee is on jury duty. For a week with a holiday, the
employee’s other option is to continue to work the 4/10-work schedule and
charge eight (8) hours to holiday and charge two (2) hours to vacation, CTO,
unpaid time, or work the additional two (2) hours during the remainder of the
week. If an employee wants to opt to the 5/8-work schedule, the employee shall
give his or her supervisor reasonable advanced notice.
7.2 Adjustment of Assigned Time: Any employee in the bargaining unit who worked an average
of thirty (30) minutes or more per day in excess of their regular part-time assignment for a
period of twenty (20) consecutive working days or more shall have their regular assignment
adjusted upward to reflect the longer hours effective with the next pay period.
7.3 Meal Periods: All full-time employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to an
unpaid, duty free, uninterrupted meal period after the employee has been on duty for
approximately four (4) hours as determined by the District. The length of time for such lunch
periods shall be for a period of no longer than one (1) hour nor less than one-half (1/2) hour
as determined by the District.
7.4 Rest Periods: Each employee is granted the privilege of a fifteen (15) minute break in the
first four (4) hours of their scheduled day and a fifteen (15) minute break in the second four
(4) hours of their scheduled day. Each employee may elect not to take the break in which
case such time is not cumulative and may not be used in any other way.
7.4.1 Each employee working a 4/10 work week is granted a twenty (20) minute break
within the first five (5) hours of his or her scheduled day and a twenty (20) minute
break within the second five (5) hours of his or her scheduled day. In place of two
(2) twenty (20) minute breaks the employee my take three (3) ten (10) minute
breaks each day.
7.5 Overtime - Mandatory: Overtime shall become mandatory only after all reasonable efforts
have been made by the District to obtain voluntary overtime service from qualified
7.6 Overtime - Equal Distribution: Except for unusual circumstances, overtime shall be
distributed and rotated as equitably as is practical among the bargaining unit employees
within each department.
7.7 Overtime: Overtime will be paid to all bargaining unit members according to the following
7.7.1 All overtime worked must have the prior approval of the supervisor.
7.7.2 Overtime, except as provided in Section 6.7, is defined to include any time worked
in excess of eight (8) hours in any one day or on any one shift and in excess of
forty (40) hours in any calendar week spanning five (5) consecutive days. The
parties agree that it is not their intent to adversely affect any existing employee
work schedules that have been mutually agreed to; by mutual agreement, the
parties may reopen negotiations to discuss possible implementation of 4/10 or
9/80 future work assignments.
7.7.3 All hours worked beyond the workweek of five (5) consecutive days shall be
compensated at the overtime rate commencing on the sixth day of work for
employees working more than four (4) hours per day. Employees working less
than four (4) hours per day shall be compensated at the overtime rate commencing
on the seventh day of work.
7.7.4 All overtime hours as defined in this section shall be compensated at the rate of
one and one-half (1-1/2) times the salary schedule rate of pay except as noted
7.7.5 Except as provided in Section 10.7 of this Agreement, all hours worked by an
employee on any holiday designated by this Agreement shall be compensated at
the overtime rate of pay in addition to regular pay received for that day.
7.8 Release Time:
7.8.1 CSEA's representatives shall be provided with a composite pool of 20 days paid
release time for each fiscal year for CSEA business.
7.8.2 Such time shall be documented on a prescribed form and reduced/rounded off to
quarter hour increments, (i.e., a meeting of a grievance committee of three people
lasts 2 hours and 15 minutes: 3 x 2 x 1/4 = 6.75 hours used, deducted from the
20 days/160 hours).
7.8.3 CSEA may request and purchase additional release time, as appropriate, if
additional release time is needed for investigating/processing grievances, and
subject to the prior approval of the District.
7.8.4 It is understood that the time necessary to meet and confer with management
representatives or to attend meetings at the request of the President or their
designee for purposes unrelated to grievance investigation/processing shall not be
deducted from this time.
7.8.5 Classified employee representatives appointed to any mandatory District
committees shall be released from duty, in order to participate in such committee
meetings, during their regular working hours. Time spent by bargaining unit
members in these meetings shall not be deducted from the CSEA’s release time
or the employee’s accrued leave banks.
7.9 In the past, part-time employees worked in 10-month, 10-½ month or 11-month blocks and
had the balance of the year off. Since the advent of the year round schedule, these part-
time employees have been worked year round. To maintain their part-time status, they
have taken unpaid days off throughout the year to total the correct number of unpaid days
off. These unpaid days off are referred to as “A” days.
The District and CSEA shall each appoint two members of the bargaining team to form a
committee called the “A-Days Committee”. The A-Days Committee shall schedule
meetings during work hours to review positions currently designated with A Days to make
recommendations regarding whether and which positions should be increased to a longer
work-year or a year-round position. The recommendations of the A-Days Committee shall
be reviewed by the Superintendent/President, who may reject or accept any or all of the
recommendations. Any recommendations accepted by the Superintendent/President are
subject to final approval by the Board of Trustees.
Beginning July 1, 2024, the District and CSEA will reconvene the A-Days committee, and
will schedule two (2) meetings during regular working hours per Academic Year until June
30, 2026.
The District agrees to upgrade the work year for the following positions:
a. Four (4) Child Development Center Teachers in the CDC program shall be increased
from 11.5 months to 12 months.
b. One (1) DSPS Support Services Aide shall be increased from 11 months to 11.5
c. One (1) Special Education Aide Physically Disabled shall be increased from 11
months to 11.5 months.
d. One (1) Senior Instructional Assistant Business Lab Specialist shall be increased from
11 months to 11.5 months.
7.10 Transitions to Remote Working Conditions in Event of District Declared Emergency:
a. In the event that there is an emergency closure of any facility, department,
building, or portion of the campus, or if a declaration of State of Emergency is
issued by a County, State, Federal, or other governing authority, resulting in the
inability of unit members to perform their duties at a District work location, and
the District desires that these impacted employees continue working remotely;
i. Unit members shall not be subject to a loss of compensation if the
employee is unable to perform work on-site, and, for any reason, remote
work cannot be performed.
ii. Should the unit member be directed to work remotely or at an alternative
campus location after reporting to their primary work location, they shall
be given adequate time to safely commute to their remote or alternative
campus work location, as agreed upon with their manager, prior to
resuming their duties. Such commuting time is considered part of the unit
members’ working hours and shall not be drawn from the employees’ meal
or rest periods as established by this agreement. The District shall
reimburse mileage up to 30 miles for employees required to commute to
alternative campus locations other than their home and agreed upon with
their manager as required by law and Board Policy.
iii. The District shall provide all necessary materials to employees who are
directed to work remotely in a District declared emergency, including, but
not limited to, computers, internet accessibility devices, mobile phones,
office supplies, etc. for employees who have not opted-in for remote work.
iv. The District shall not assign remote work, in short-notice, emergency
scenarios as outlined above, to employees who do not have the necessary
materials to render such duties remotely, as outlined in Section iii above.
If the District desires that these employees continue to perform their duties
in such a scenario, the District will provide space at suitable alternative
campus locations, and will direct employees to report to those alternative
campus locations in accordance with the mileage requirements outlined
in Section ii.
8.1 Contribution to Health and Welfare Plans:
8.1.1 The District contribution for an eligible unit member’s medical insurance benefits
shall be increased each year to that dollar amount necessary to pay for family
coverage at the more expensive rate between the Kaiser and Blue Shield HMO
programs offered through CalPERS. For purposes of this Article, the definition of
“dependent” shall include domestic partners as defined above in Section 5.7.
8.1.2 The District shall provide eligible unit members with the Delta Dental Program with
an annual maximum of $2,000.00, and effective 7/1/97, shall include family
orthodontia at the 70% level with a lifetime maximum of $2,000.00 per family
8.1.3 The District shall provide eligible unit members with $50,000.00 term life insurance
coverage at no cost to the employee. If approved by the carrier, a unit member
may voluntarily elect an earlier effective date of said life insurance coverage at
their own expense.
8.1.4 The District shall provide eligible unit members with the Vision Service Plan, and
effective 7/1/97, shall include 12 months for exams and lenses, and 24 months for
8.1.5 Unit members shall be given access to the Employee Assistance Program, which
combines effective health promotion and employee assistance so that employees
can learn how to take better care of themselves through health assessments,
education, and professional help in solving personal and work-related problems.
8.1.6 All eligible employees shall be required to enroll in a District-approved health
benefit plan, except for employees who submit verification and an I.D. card
certifying health coverage from another carrier. For employees who submit
verification of coverage from another carrier, the District agrees to contribute
$2,500.00 per employee per year for approved health and welfare plans and
approved tax sheltered annuities or cash.
8.1.7 Effective 1994-95 and beginning with the August 10, 1994 paycheck, a twelve (12)
month deduction process shall be used for fringe benefit payments.
8.1.8 Employees may enroll eligible dependents in dental and vision insurance offered
by the College within 30 days of a qualifying event or during open enrollment
periods. The ratification of this Agreement shall be deemed aqualifying event.
8.1.9 An Internal Revenue Code Section 125 account shall be available for unit
members to utilize on a voluntary basis. The District shall make arrangements for
a third party administrator to assist in the accounting and management of this
program. The District shall pay the administrative fee for the program.
8.2 Duration: Medical insurance coverage offered through PERS shall continue for one month
following the end of the month in which termination occurs. All other fringe benefit coverages
described herein shall conclude at the end of the month in which termination occurs.
8.3 Eligibility: All employees in the bargaining unit who work an average of twenty (20) hours or
more per week and a minimum of 195 working days between July 1 and June 30, including
holidays, sick leave, vacation, and other paid leaves of absence, irrespective of the number
of hours worked per day, shall be eligible for the District contribution to Health and Welfare
benefits prorated.
8.4 Retired Employees: All full-time employees (50% and more) who retire plus one dependent
(a spouse/domestic partner, or a child depending if the child has been enrolled in the District
health benefit program as a dependent of the employee for at least five years prior to
retirement) are eligible to continue enrollment in a current medical plan of the District with
the following provisions:
8.4.1 The employee and dependent are enrolled in a District plan at the time the
employee retires from the District.
8.4.2 The employee has retired from the District in accordance with the rules and
regulations then in effect with the retirement system (such as PERS) of which they
are a member.
8.4.3 The employee is 57 years of age and older and has rendered fifteen (15) years of
service with the District.
8.4.4 These benefits are available only in the event that such coverage is not being
offered by a subsequent employer.
8.4.5 The District shall contribute the maximum of the amount needed for the highest
cost HMO for employee-only if the retiree does not have a dependent enrolled in
the plan, or employee-plus-one if the employee enrolls a dependent in the plan.
8.4.6 The benefits for retirees who have been part-time employees at the time of
retirement shall be prorated in the same ratio as their part-time employment was
at the time of retirement to full-time service.
8.4.7 The retiree and dependent who are under age 65 will remain on the District plan
until eligible for a Medicare Plan, at which time they shall enroll in a supplement to
Medicare Plan with their current carrier and shall assume responsibility for
submitting a copy of their Notice of Medicare Entitlement letter or a copy of their
federal Medicare card to CalPERS. If the retiree fails to enroll in Medicare by the
time of eligibility, the District will drop its contribution toward the retiree benefits to
the CalPERS required minimum contribution. The retiree will be required to pay
the District the health benefit premium costs above the CalPERS minimum. The
District shall resume its normal contribution level as provided herein when the
retiree is enrolled in Medicare.
8.5 The health and welfare benefits provided by the District as described in this Article shall be
maintained for the duration of the Agreement.
8.6 In order to address all benefits for medical plan cycle beginning January 1, 2004, CSEA shall
participate on a Health and Welfare Benefits Committee to research and analyze health and
welfare costs and plan structures. The Committee shall consist of equal numbers of
representatives from CSEA and the District, and other employee groups if possible. The
intent is to include all groups on the Committee.
9.1 Professional Growth: Educational Reimbursement
9.1.1 The District shall provide funds in the amount not to exceed $15,000 annually for
the purpose of educational reimbursement which results in professional growth
and development of permanent employees on a first- come, first-serve basis.
During the term of this agreement, any unused said funds allocated annually shall
be carried over to the following year and be available for classified employee staff
development activities. On or before July 1
of each year, CSEA shall be provided
a statement of the remaining balance of the $15,000 allocated for the preceding
school year. The monies remaining are only available for the following school year
and shall not accumulate from year to year.
9.1.2 A maximum of $1,800 per year may be granted to a qualifying employee to be
used as reimbursement for verified costs of tuition, books, supplies, licenses,
certifications, and other related expenses, or costs for work/job related trainings
and seminars.
9.1.3 Priority consideration shall be given using the following criteria: Related to the current and/or projected duties of employment.
9.1.4 Second consideration shall be given using the following criteria: General and basic education courses, i.e., English, Math, Introduction to
Sociology, General Psychology, Introduction to Philosophy, American
Government, and other First Aid courses, or a language other than
English if appropriate to the work assignment. Any other elective courses taken at Rio Hondo College and not related
to the employee's work assignment or described in Section
above may be considered cultural enrichment.
9.1.5 To qualify for educational reimbursement, the educational program shall be: Approved by the District prior to enrollment after review and recommen-
dation of an advisory committee composed of two representatives
selected by CSEA and two representatives selected by the District who
shall meet with the Vice President of Human Resources. Completed satisfactorily and so verified.
9.1.6 All employees in the bargaining unit shall be eligible for the maximum District
contribution of $1,800 on a pro rata basis. The proration shall be a fraction of the
average hours worked per week as it relates to forty (40) hours per week.
9.1.7 Kinds of Credit Allowed: Course work must be taken at an accredited community college, college,
or university, or adult education program. All courses must receive a minimum of "C" grade to receive credit. If
letter grades are not given for a course, a letter of satisfactory
completion, signed by the instructor, is required. Work/job related trainings and/or seminars shall qualify an employee for
the professional growth reimbursement provided such
trainings/seminars are approved by an employee’s supervisor and the
employee submits a certificate of completion.
9.1.8 It is the responsibility of the classified employee to apply for professional growth
and development credit and to verify completion of course work with an official
transcript or the instructor's signature prior to June 30 of each year with the Human
Resources Department.
9.2 Staff Development: Of the annual funds that the District receives for staff development
pursuant to AB 1725, twenty percent (20%) will be available for approved purposes
associated with classified employee staff development.
10.1 Scheduled Holidays: The District agrees to provide full-time employees in the bargaining
unit working five (5) days per week the following holidays for the term of this Agreement:
2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026
Independence day
July 4, 2023 July 4, 2024 July 4, 2025
Labor Day
September 4, 2023 September 2, 2024 September 1, 2025
Veterans Day
November 10, 2023 November 11, 2024 November 11, 2025
Thanksgiving Day
November 23, 2023 November 28, 2024 November 27, 2025
Thanksgiving Holiday November 24, 2023 November 29, 2024 November 28, 2025
Winter Holiday
December 25, 2023 December 24, 2024 December 24, 2025
Winter Holiday
December 26, 2023 December 25, 2024 December 25, 2025
In Lieu of Admission Day
December 27, 2023* December 26, 2024* December 26, 2025*
Winter Holiday
December 28, 2023** December 27, 2024** December 29, 2025**
Winter Holiday
December 29, 2023 December 30, 2024** December 30, 2025**
Winter Holiday
December 31, 2024 December 31, 2025
New Years Day
January 1, 2024 January 1, 2025 January 1, 2026
January 15, 2024 January 20, 2025 January 19, 2026
Lincoln BD
February 16, 2024 February 14, 2025 February 13, 2026
February 19, 2024 February 17, 2025 February 16, 2026
March 25, 2024 March 24, 2025 March 30, 2026
March 26, 2024 March 25, 2025 March 31, 2026
March 27, 2024 March 26, 2025 April 1, 2026
March 28, 2024 March 27, 2025 April 2, 2026
March 29, 2024 March 28, 2025 April 3, 2026
May 27, 2024 May 26, 2025 May 25, 2026
June 19, 2024 June 19, 2025 June 19, 2026
* Holiday in lieu of Admission Day
** Charged to vacation, unpaid leave, or CTO
10.2 The District will invite CSEA to review the calendar guidelines issued by the Chancellors
Office. The purpose of such collaboration shall be to negotiate the holiday observances for
said year.
10.3 Flex Calendar:
10.3.1 It is the general intent of the parties to maintain under the flex calendar the same
number of annual work days, days of service prior to/following the academic year
as has been followed in the traditional calendar format.
10.3.2 Current employees shall not be deprived of any existing benefits as a result of the
transition to the flex calendar.
10.3.3 Notwithstanding any other provisions of the agreement(s) between the parties, if
there has been an adverse impact on District enrollment/growth during the flex
calendar period, the District retains the right to return to the traditional calendar at
the end of the agreement.
10.4 During the annual winter recess periods of the term of this Agreement, all employees may
be required by the District to be absent from duty for up to three (3) days with said absences
charged to vacation, unpaid leave, or compensatory time off for overtime worked.
10.5 Part-time employees in the bargaining unit whose normal work assignment includes a
holiday shall be paid for the day at their normal rate.
10.6 Every day declared by the President or Governor of this State as a public fast, mourning,
thanksgiving, or holiday, or any declared holiday by the Governing Board of the District
requiring the closing of the school district under the Education Code shall be a paid holiday
for all employees in the bargaining unit. Except as otherwise provided in this Article an
employee must be employed and in paid status on the day before or the day following the
holiday in order to qualify for the paid holiday.
10.7 Those employees whose normal work week excludes the scheduled holiday are eligible for
that holiday. The employee and their supervisor may mutually agree on a day convenient to
both that the employee may take in lieu of the scheduled holiday. This time should be
reflected as a holiday on the employee's time sheet.
10.8 Employees in the bargaining unit who are not normally assigned duty during the holiday
period from December 25 to January 1 shall be paid for those holidays that are listed in
Section 10.1 provided that they were employed and in a paid status during any portion of the
working day of their normal assignment immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday
10.9 All hours required to be worked by an employee on any holiday designated by this
Agreement shall be compensated at the overtime rate of pay in addition to regular pay
received for that day. However, if an employee's regular work schedule does not allow them
to take a designated holiday, or if they volunteer to work on a holiday because of District
needs, the employee shall be entitled to a day in lieu of the regular holiday. The in-lieu holiday
shall be scheduled with the mutual agreement between the employee and the District.
11.1 Vacation Accrual: All full-time regular employees will accrue eight (8) hours vacation for
each month worked. Part-time regular employees will accrue vacation time on a pro-rata
basis. An employee must be in paid status fifty percent (50%) of the working days of a month
in order to receive credit for the month.
The following shall be the schedule of vacation accrual:
Service Vacation Earnings* Computations**
Year 1 thru 5 8 hrs. per month 8x12 = 96 hrs. = 12 days
Commencing with the 6th yr. 10 hrs. per month 10x12 = 120 hrs. = 15 days
Commencing with the 9th yr. 11 hrs. per month 11x12 = 132 hrs. = 16.5 days
Commencing with the 10th yr.
12 hrs. per month 12x12 = 144 hrs. = 18 days
Commencing with the 11th yr.
12.66 hrs. per month 12.66x12 =152 hrs. = 19 days
Commencing with the 16th yr.
13.33 hrs. per month 13.33x12 =160 hrs. = 20 days
* Based on full-time (100%) employment
** Examples show earnings of a 12-month employee only
11.2 Vacation Maximum Accrual Limit: Vacation may not be accumulated for more than two (2)
years. The District shall provide unit members, via direct email, on a monthly basis, with
a reminder that the balance of their accrued leaves and current vacation maximum is
available in the District’s electronic leaves management system.
11.3 Vacation Use:
11.3.1 It is the responsibility of the employee to request vacation in order to comply
with the appropriate accrual. Vacation time must be taken during the fiscal year
in which it is earned or the year immediately following the fiscal year in which it
was earned.
11.3.2 Vacation can be taken at anytime throughout the year (July 1 through June 30)
except for the first two weeks of Fall and Spring semester and the first week of
summer session.
11.3.3 The employee shall receive advance notice of approval or denial from the
employee’s immediate supervisor by making a request through the Districts
electronic leaves management system. When more than one employee in a
specific work area has requested vacation leave for the same time period, such
request shall be approved on a first come first serve basis.
11.3.4. If, for any reason, the employee is denied vacation and is not permitted by the
District to take any part of the employee’s accrued vacation by the end of the
fiscal year, the amount denied will be paid to the employee in cash at the
conclusion of that fiscal year. The employee must request the cash out by no
later than June 15 and provide written confirmation to Human Resources of at
least two (2) examples of the District’s vacation use denial in the current fiscal
year from the District’s electronic leaves management system.
11.3.5. If a permanent bargaining unit employee's vacation becomes due during a period
when the employee is on leave due to illness or injury, the employee may request
that their vacation date be changed and the District may grant such request in
accordance with vacation dates available at that time within the year the vacation
time was earned or the following year.
11.3.6 In the event of the termination or resignation of an employee, vacation allowances
accumulated under this policy will be paid in a lump sum with the last regular salary
11.4 Probationary Employees: An employee who resigns or is terminated previous to six (6)
months employment is not entitled to vacation allowance. Probationary employees must
work the full six (6) months before taking a vacation with pay. The sole exception is for a
probationary employee who has been in paid status for at least three months. Such
probationary employees may elect to have vacation hours advanced for the sole purpose of
remaining in paid status during the Winter Holiday Break. Any vacation hours taken but not
earned and vested shall be deducted from the final pay upon termination or resignation of
the employee.
12.1 Bereavement Leave: An employee shall be entitled to leave of absence with pay not to
exceed three (3) days for bereavement leave, five (5) days if out-of-state travel is required,
or five (5) days if 400 miles is actually traveled one way on account of death of a member of
the immediate family. Members of the immediate family means the mother, father, step-
parent, foster parent, grandmother, grandfather of the employee or the spouse of the
employee, and the spouse, foster child, son, step-son, son-in-law, daughter, step-daughter,
daughter-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, or sister-in-law of the employee, grandchild,
legal guardian, domestic partner or any relative living in the immediate household of the
employee. In addition, a unit member will be permitted two (2) hours of bereavement leave
for attending the funeral of a RHCCD colleague with whom he/she worked closely.
Employees who wish to utilize bereavement leave for a qualifying event NOT requiring
travel as outlined above shall be entitled to two (2) additional unpaid days of
bereavement leave, subject to the limitations and requirements outlined in Assembly Bill
1949, which include the following:
a. Qualifying family members for this additional leave include spouse, child,
parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, domestic partner, or parent-in-law.
b. This leave need not be taken consecutively but shall be taken by the
employee within three (3) months of the date of death of the qualifying family
c. The employee must be employed by the District for at least thirty (30) days
prior to the date of requested leave.
d. Employees may elect to utilize accrued vacation, illness, personal necessity,
or other available forms of leave to remain in paid status during the period of
bereavement leave.
e. The District may, at its discretion, require documentation to verify an
employee’s use of this leave. This documentation, if requested by the District,
must be provided by the employee within thirty (30) days of the first day of the
leave taken under this section.
f. All other provisions of law shall remain in effect, but these provisions shall not
apply to the Districts’ existing bereavement policy and practices as
established in the section above.
12.2 Jury Duty:
12.2.1 An employee may be absent from duty without loss of salary in order to serve as
a trial juror. If an employee is released from said service prior to 12:30 p.m. on any
given day of jury duty absence, they shall return to District service for the
remainder, if any, of their daily work shift. An official court form signed by the court
clerk verifying the days and hours of duty rendered must be submitted by the
employee. The District reserves the right to request a postponement of jury duty
to another time more convenient to the operation of the District.
12.2.2 Employees shall receive the difference between their wages and the jury fees
during the time the employee is on jury duty. Any employee in the bargaining unit
whose assigned shift commences at 8 p.m. or after and is required to serve as trial
juror more than one-half of the day may be relieved for the entire shift, but in no
case shall be required to work more than one-half of the assigned shift.
12.2.3 The District may grant a paid leave of absence to a unit member for a judicial or
official appearance as a witness when subpoenaed other than as a litigant or in
support of litigant. The unit member shall request such leave through their
immediate supervisor as soon as the need to be absent is known to permit time to
secure a substitute. Even if the District does not grant paid leave, the employee
shall not be prevented from or disciplined for appearing as a witness when
subpoenaed. This witness release time provision shall be terminated on the last
day of this Agreement unless the parties agree otherwise in writing.
12.3 Military Leave: Military leave shall be granted to any employee who volunteers or is
conscripted for duty with the armed forces of the United States. Such leave shall be granted
in accordance with provisions of law. Such absence shall not affect in any way the
classification of the employee provided they have been an employee of the District for a
period of not less than one (1) year. Immediately prior to the date upon which the leave of
absence begins, compensation shall be in accordance with the provisions of Division 2, Part
1, Chapter 7, of the Military Veterans Code.
12.4 Sick Leave: After serving six (6) months of employment, all employees employed forty (40)
hours a week for a full fiscal year of service are entitled to 96 hours of sick leave of absence
with full pay for illness or injury exclusive of all the days they are not required to render service
to the District. A new employee of the District shall not be eligible to take more than 48 hours
or the proportionate amount to which they may be entitled under this section until the first
day of the calendar month after completion of six (6) months of active service with the District.
All employees employed forty (40) hours a week for a full fiscal year of service are entitled
to 96 hours sick leave starting July 1 of each year. If the employee does not take the full
amount of leave allowed in any year, the amount not taken shall be accumulated from year
to year. Sick leave accrual is prorated for employees working less than full time.
12.4.1 An employee employed forty (40) hours a week who is employed for less than a
full fiscal year is entitled to that proportion of ninety-six (96) hours leave of absence
for illness or injury as the number of months they are employed bears to twelve
12.4.2 An employee employed less than forty (40) hours a week shall be entitled for a
fiscal year's service to that proportion of ninety-six (96) hours leave of absence for
illness or injury as the number of hours per week they are employed bears to forty
12.4.3 An employee shall be in paid status at least fifty percent (50%) of a month to
receive sick leave credit for the full month.
12.4.4 Pay for any day of such absence shall be the same as the pay which would have
been received had the employee served during that day.
12.4.5 Sick leave may be used for illness only and in no case may sick leave be used for
extending vacations or time off for personal business.
12.4.6 After an illness of ten (10) or more days, an employee must present a clearance
from a physician certifying to their illness and to their ability to resume work. The
District may, at its discretion, require a certification form from a physician certifying
as to the illness regardless of the number of days of illness.
12.4.7 If, after using all accumulated sick leave, vacation, and compensatory time off a
permanent employee continues their absence due to illness or injury beyond the
ten initial consecutive day period as above, a permanent employee is entitled to
extended sick leave benefits in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the employee's
salary. This benefit shall be available during the period of absence for an additional
period of up to a maximum of 100 days.
In addition, once the ten-day period as above has been satisfied, or the permanent
employee exhausts their sick leave and vacation accrual, whichever occurs last,
the employee may request that the District advance them no more than the hourly
equivalent of five days of sick leave and five days of vacation. No more than one
such advance shall be granted in any twelve-month period.
When the 100-day leave occurs at a time when the full 100 days will overlap into
the next fiscal year, the employee shall be entitled to only that amount remaining
at the end of the fiscal year in which the injury or illness occurred. Accordingly, the
100-day period shall continue into the new fiscal year and, if the employee is
unable to return to work at the end of the 100-day period, the employee shall be
deemed to have exhausted their extended sick leave. This rule applies if the
employee is unable to return to work; if the employee does return to work, the
employee shall be eligible for that fiscal year for the balance of 100 days minus
the number of days used during that fiscal year.
12.4.8 Any new classified employee who previously accrued sick leave in the service of
a qualified school district or County Superintendent of Schools shall be credited
with cumulative sick leave from their previous position when (1) they left the
previous position within one (1) year prior to employment with the District, (2) they
served at least one (1) calendar year in their previous position, and (3) termination
of the previous employment was for reasons other than action initiated by the
employer for cause.
12.4.9 Employees must call their supervisors as soon as possible to give notification of
any absence from duty. In the event of sudden illness or accident en route to work,
employees are expected to report their absence as soon as is practicably possible.
Employees who notify the District of the expected duration of their illness shall not
be required to notify the District daily of their absence unless the absence exceeds
the previously stated duration.
12.5 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave:
12.5.1 Employees shall be eligible for industrial accident and illness leave in accordance
with the following:
12.5.2 The accident or illness must have arisen out of and in the course of the
employment of the employee and must be accepted as a bona fide injury or illness
arising out of and in the course of employment by the carrier or administrating
agent for workers' compensation coverage.
12.5.3 Except as provided for in section 12.5.6 below, allowable leave for each industrial
accident or illness shall be for the number of days of temporary disability.
12.5.4 Leave under these rules and regulations shall commence on the first day of
12.5.5 The benefits provided by these rules and regulations shall be applicable to all
employees immediately upon becoming an employee of the given District.
12.5.6 Allowable leave shall not exceed sixty (60) working days in any one fiscal year for
the same accident. The sixty (60) days shall include follow-up doctors
appointments and therapy treatment for not longer than 3 months after the unit
member has been released to return to work but is to continue treatment.
Employees are encouraged to schedule doctor’s appointments during non-work
12.5.7 Allowable leave shall not be accumulated from year to year.
12.5.8 Payment for wages lost on any day shall not, when added to an award granted the
employee under the Workers' Compensation laws of this State, exceed the normal
wage for the day.
12.5.9 Industrial accident leave shall be reduced by one (1) day for each authorized
absence regardless of the compensation award made under Workers'
12.5.10 When an industrial accident or illness occurs at the time when the full sixty (60)
days will overlap into the next fiscal year, the employee shall be entitled to only
that amount remaining at the end of the fiscal year in which the illness or injury
occurred for the same illness or injury.
12.5.11 Industrial accident or illness leave of absence is to be used in lieu of entitlement to
other leaves. When entitlement to industrial accident or illness leave has been
exhausted, entitlement to other sick leave will then be used; but, if an employee is
receiving Workers' Compensation, they shall be entitled to only that portion of their
accumulated available sick leave, accumulated compensated time off, vacation or
other available leave which, when added to the Workers' Compensation award,
provide for a full day's wage or salary. When applicable, the following formula shall
be used: Divide the disability check, endorsed to the District, by the employee's
daily salary rate.
12.5.12 Periods of leave of absence, paid or unpaid, shall not be considered to be a break
in service of the employee.
12.5.13 During all paid leaves of absence, whether industrial accident leave as provided in
this section, sick leave, vacation, compensated time off or other available leave
provided by law or the action of the Governing Board, the employee shall endorse
to the District wage loss benefit checks received under the Workers'
Compensation laws of this State. The District, in turn, shall issue the employee
appropriate warrants for payment of wages or salary and shall deduct normal
retirement and other authorized contributions. Reduction of entitlement to leave
shall be made only in accordance with this section.
12.5.14 Any employee receiving benefits as a result of this section shall, during periods of
injury or illness, remain within the State of California unless the Governing Board
authorizes travel outside the State.
12.5.15 An employee who has been placed on a reemployment list, who has been
medically released for return to duty and who fails to accept an appropriate
assignment, shall be dismissed.
12.6 Personal Necessity Leave:
12.6.1 An amount not to exceed seven (7) days of accrued sick leave of absence in one
fiscal year may be used by the employee upon prior approval in cases of personal
necessity. Personal necessity leave shall be limited to circumstances that are
serious in nature and that the employee cannot reasonably be expected to
disregard and that necessitates immediate attention and cannot be taken care of
after work hours or weekends. The employee shall submit a request three (3)
working days prior to requesting a leave in a manner prescribed by the District.
The employee shall not be required to secure advance permission for any leave
taken for any of the following reasons:
12.6.2 Serious illness or death of a member of their immediate family as defined in
Bereavement Leave.
12.6.3 Accident involving their person or property or the person or property of a member
of their immediate family as defined in Bereavement Leave. The employee must,
in such instances where advance permission has not been secured, submit a
completed notification form in a manner prescribed by the District. (See Appendix
E – Personal Necessity Certification Form).
12.6.4 In no case shall personal necessity leave be used for vacation, personal business,
recreational activities, or concerted and/or CSEA activities.
12.7 Family Care and Medical Leave: It is the intent of this provision to be consistent with
Government Code section 12945.2, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), and the
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), with the exception of the provision granting
such leave to part-time employees in 12.7.1, and it shall be interpreted so that there will be
no violation of those statutes.
12.7.1 An employee who, in the 12 months prior to the leave request, has worked (1) at
least 1,250 hours if regularly employed 30-40 hours per week; (2) at least 800
hours if employed 21-29 hours per week; or (3) at least 600 hours if employed 15-
20 hours per week, and who is eligible for other leave benefits of this Agreement
shall be granted, upon written request, an unpaid family care and medical leave
up to a total twelve (12) weeks in any twelve (12) month period, pursuant to the
provisions contained herein.
For purpose of this section, the term, family care and medical leave means either: (a)
leave for reason of the birth of a child of the employee, the placement of a child with an
employee in connection with the adoption of the child or foster care of a child by the
employee, or the serious illness of a child of the employee; (b) leave to care for a child,
parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, designated person, domestic partner, or
spouse who has a serious health condition; (c) leave because of serious health condition
that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the position of that employee,
except for leave taken for disability on account of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical
conditions; or, (d) a qualifying military exigency related to the covered active duty or call
to covered active duty of an employee’s spouse, domestic partner, child (of any age),
or parent who is a member of the United States Armed Forces.
12.7.2 An unpaid family care and medical leave shall be treated as any other unpaid
leave. During an unpaid family care and medical leave an employee shall retain
employee status with the District, and such leave shall not constitute a break in
service. An employee returning from an unpaid family care and medical leave
shall have no less seniority than when the leave commenced.
12.7.3 If an employee’s need for an unpaid family care and medical leave is foreseeable,
the employee shall provide the District with reasonable advance notice. For
unplanned absences, the employee shall provide the District with reasonable
advance notice of the need for such leave. If the employee’s need for such leave
is foreseeable due to a planned medical treatment or supervision, the employee
shall make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment or supervision to avoid
disruption to the operations of the District.
12.7.4 An employee’s request for an unpaid family care and medical leave for the purpose
of caring for a child, spouse or parent who has a serious health condition shall be
supported by a written certification issued by the attending physician of the
individual family member requiring care. This written certification must include the
date on which the serious health condition commenced, the probable duration of
the condition, an estimate of the amount of time the said physician believes the
employee needs to care for the individual requiring care, and a statement that the
serious health condition warrants the participation of a family member to provide
care during a period of the treatment or supervision of the individual requiring care.
If additional leave is requested by the employee upon the expiration of the time
estimated by said physician, the employee must request such additional leave
again supported by a written recertification consistent with the requirements for an
initial certification. For a leave based on the employee’s own serious health condition, the
written certification must include a statement that the employee is unable
to perform the functions of their position. If additional leave is required upon the expiration of the time estimated
by the health care provider, the employee must request such additional
leave again supported by a written certification consistent with the
requirements for an initial certification.
12.7.5 Definitions: For purposes of this section and consistent with current law, the term
"child" means a biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal
ward, child of a domestic partner or a child of an employee standing
in loco parentis of any age. For purposes of this section and consistent with current law, the term
"parent" means biological, foster, in-law, or adoptive parent, a
stepparent or a legal guardian or other person who stood in loco parentis
to the employee during childhood.
12.7.6 If an employee applies for a family care and medical leave, the employee can elect,
or the District may require, the substitution of paid vacation or other paid leaves to
which the employee is entitled. If such paid leave is substituted, the employee is
required to comply with the contractual requirements for use of such paid leave.
12.7.7 An employee granted a leave under this provision shall have the right to reinstate
to their former position (if it still exists) with equivalent benefits, pay, and other
working conditions provided by this Agreement; if the former position no longer
exists, they shall be placed in an equivalent position, with the equivalent salary,
benefits, and working conditions provided for herein.
12.7.8 An employee taking unpaid family care and medical leave pursuant to this section
shall continue to be entitled to participate at District cost in District health insurance
benefits to the same extent and under the same conditions as apply to other active
employees receiving said benefits. Said employee shall pay the cost of all health
and welfare benefits during any unpaid family care and medical leave, pursuant to
the procedures established by the District. The District may recover the premium
that it paid as required by this subdivision for maintaining coverage for the
employee under the group health plan if the following condition occurs. The employee’s failure to return from leave is for a reason other than the
continuation, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition that
entitles the employee to family care and medical leave or other
circumstances beyond the control of the employee.
12.7.9 Family care and medical leave may be taken in one (1) or more periods. Leave
may be taken in increments of at least one (1) day for recurring medical treatment
certified by a health care provider.
12.7.10 This section shall not be construed to entitle the employee to receive disability
benefits under Part 1 (commencing with Section 3200) of Division 4 of Labor Code
(Workers Compensation).
12.8 Unpaid Leave:
12.8.1 At the discretion of the District, an employee may be granted unpaid leave of
12.8.2 The employee seeking an unpaid leave of absence shall submit a request,
including the reasons and the duration of the length of the requested leave.
12.8.3 For unpaid leaves of five (5) working days or less, the employee shall submit the
request described herein to their immediate supervisor. The decision of the
immediate supervisor for approval or denial of these requests shall be final.
12.8.4 For personal absences in excess of five (5) work days, the employee shall submit
the request described herein to their immediate supervisor and such request shall
be subject to Board of Trustees approval.
12.8.5 Upon return from an unpaid leave of absence, the employee shall be reinstated to
a position in a classification comparable to the one held prior to the leave of
12.8.6 If the unpaid leave was granted for personal health reasons, the employee shall
be required to submit, prior to return to active duty, a medical statement from a
licensed physician indicating an ability to assume assigned duties without
restrictions or detriment to the employee's physical or emotional well-being.
12.8.7 If the unpaid leave of absence extends beyond twenty (20) workdays, the District
contributions toward premiums for health and welfare insurance shall cease during
the leave.
12.8.8 An absence not qualifying under the leave provisions of this Article shall constitute
an unauthorized leave which shall be unpaid and may constitute grounds for
appropriate disciplinary action.
12.8.9 Upon request, the District may provide a unit member who is a natural or adopting
parent an unpaid leave of absence for the purpose of rearing their infant. The
duration of such leave shall not exceed one calendar year. A unit member shall
submit such request to the District at least four weeks prior to the anticipated date
on which the leave is to commence.
12.9 Catastrophic Leave:
12.9.1 The parties agree to establish a catastrophic leave program to permit employees
to donate eligible leave credits to an employee when that employee or a member
of their family suffers from a catastrophic illness or injury. A catastrophic illness or
injury means an illness or injury that is expected to incapacitate the employee over
an extended period of time, or that incapacitates a member of the employee’s
family which incapacity requires the employee to take time off from work for an
extended period of time to care for that family member, and taking extended time
off work creates a financial hardship for the employee because they have
exhausted all of their sick leave and other paid time off. Eligible leave credits
means sick leave, vacation leave and/or compensatory time off leave accrued to
the donating employee.
12.9.2 Eligible leave credits may be donated to an employee for catastrophic illness or
injury if all of the following requirements are met:
1. The employee who is, or whose family member is, suffering from a catastrophic
illness or injury requests that eligible leave credits be donated and provides
verification of catastrophic injury or illness satisfactory to the Catastrophic
Leave Committee.
2. The Catastrophic Leave Committee determines that the employee is unable to
work due to the employee’s or their family member’s catastrophic illness or
3. The employee has exhausted all accrued paid leave credits.
4. The Catastrophic Leave Committee consists of two CSEA members, one of
whom is employed in the Human Resources Department.
12.9.3 If the transfer of eligible leave credits is approved by the Catastrophic Leave
Committee, any employee may, upon written notice to the Committee, donate
eligible leave credits at a minimum of eight hours, and in hour increments
12.9.4 The maximum amount of time for which donated leave credits may be used, is
twelve consecutive months.
12.9.5 Transfer of eligible leave credits shall be irrevocable. Unused donated leave
credits shall be banked and used for the purpose set forth in this Section.
12.9.6 An employee who receives paid leave pursuant to this Section shall use any leave
credits that he or she continues to accrue on a monthly basis prior to using
donated paid leave.
12.10 Parental Leave: After an employee exhausts all sick leave including all accumulated leave
and continues to be absent from their duties on account of parental leave, the employee may
utilize extended sick leave for leave for up to 12 weeks as set out in Education Code
§88196.1. The employee shall be compensated at no less than 50 percent of the employee’s
regular salary for the remaining portion of the 12-workweek period of parental leave. An
employee shall not be provided more than one 12-week period per parental leave per year,
but may take the balance of the 12-week period in the subsequent year.
12.10.1 The 12-week period shall be reduced by any period of sick leave including
accumulated leave, previously taken during a period of parental leave.
12.10.2 For the purposes of this section only, parental leave includes leave for the
reason of the birth of a child of the employee, or the placement of a child with
an employee in connection with the adoption or foster care of the child by the
12.10.3 Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of section 12945.2 of the Government Code, an
employee is not required to have 1,250 hours of service during the previous 12-
month period in order to take parental leave.
12.10.4 Time taken shall be scheduled with Human Resources and must be taken in
two-week intervals. This clause shall sunset on June 30, 2020, unless, the
District and CSEA mutually agree to the contrary in subsequent negotiations.
12.11 Quarantine: A unit member shall receive full salary during the periods of their quarantine by
a duly constituted governmental authority in accordance with College Policy.
12.12 Cesar Chavez Day Celebrations: Employees may be granted up to 30 minutes of release
time on Cesar Chavez Day to attend an event commemorating or celebrating Cesar Chavez
13.1 When a new position is created or an existing position becomes vacant, and the District's
decision is to fill same, announcements regarding the position shall be distributed/circulated
to all institutional departments and to CSEA at least five (5) working days prior to that
position's application deadline. If, however, an employee has a “Request for Voluntary
Transfer” form on file in the Office of Human Resources, he/she will be considered for a
transfer prior to the announcement of the vacancy. The procedure to request for voluntary
transfer shall be as follows:
13.1.1 The employee interested in a lateral transfer shall complete a “Request for
Voluntary Transfer form. The request for transfer shall be in a position in the
same classification or in a classification in the same salary range (she/he must
meet the minimum qualifications for the latter). Legacy Protection and Changes in Classification due to the 2023
Classification and Compensation Analysis
Employees who were affected by the implementation of the
Classification and Compensation Survey (referenced in Section
6.17 of this contract), shall be permitted to submit and/or re-submit
any previously submitted transfer requests, in order to reflect the
employee’s new Classification and Salary Range. For all
employees subject to such changes in classification, the minimum
qualification requirements of Article 13, Section 13.1.1 shall also be
waived with respect only to incumbent employees subject to
changes in title who seek lateral transfers within their newly held
13.1.2 The employee shall indicate on the form the classification(s) and
department(s)/division(s) she/he will accept a transfer to.
13.1.3 The District may increase the percentage of employment of a position within
a classification, which is less than one hundred percent (100%). Unit members within the same classification in a department shall be
considered for the increase in percentage of employment as
determined by their immediate supervisor pursuant to the transfer
process set forth in Article 13 if they have a transfer request on file.
13.1.4 When a vacancy in the requested classification becomes available, the employee
shall be notified of the vacancy and the deadline date to submit an application
form. If the employee is interested in the vacancy, she/he shall complete an
application form and submit it to the Office of Human Resources prior to the
deadline date. Human Resources will schedule an interview with the applicant,
immediate supervisor of the vacant position, and their next level administrator.
13.1.5 Transfer decisions shall be based upon job criteria, needs of the
Department/Division/District, applicant’s job knowledge, skills, qualifications,
experience, satisfactory job performance and internal reference checks.
13.1.6 Following the scheduled interview and with the approval of the Vice President of
Human Resources or designee, an offer of appointment may be made to the
successful transferring employee. Notice to the unsuccessful employees will
follow. If the supervisor decides not to select any of the transfer applicants, the
position will be advertised and the District will accept applications from both
internal and external individuals through the regular recruitment and selection
13.1.7 If the supervisor selects a transferee, arrangements will be worked out with
the current and future supervisor on the effective date of the transfer.
13.1.8 The process continues (Section 13.1.3) until there are no employee(s) interested
or selected for a vacancy. At that time, the vacancy will be advertised and the
District will accept applications from both internal and external individuals through
the regular recruitment and selection process.
13.2 Any employee on leave who has a request on file and who is eligible for a transfer shall be
mailed a copy of the notice by first class mail at their resident address on file with the Human
Resources office.
13.3 An employee being assigned at the District's option to another department, but within his/her
classification or within the same range shall have the right to a prior conference with the Vice
President of Human Resources to discuss the reason for the reassignment. CSEA shall be
notified approximately at the same time as the employee being assigned to another
department. Under normal circumstances, said conference with the employee and notice to
the CSEA shall occur not later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the intended transfer
being initiated by the District.
13.3.1 Transfers shall not adversely affect the unit member’s range and step placement
on the Classified Salary Schedule, their anniversary date or accumulated benefits.
Unit members that are transferred to another class, within the same range, will
start accruing seniority in their new classification beginning on the date of the
14.1 The District and employees in the bargaining unit shall conform to and comply with all health,
safety, and sanitation requirements imposed by State or Federal law or regulations adopted
under State or Federal law which are applicable to the District.
14.2 Safety Committee: Two members of the bargaining unit shall be recommended by CSEA to
be appointed by the District to the District Safety Committee. The bargaining unit members
of the committee shall be allowed release time to attend committee meetings.
14.3 Employee Obligations: In the course of performing their normally assigned work, employees
will be alert to observe unsafe practices, equipment, and conditions, as well as environmental
conditions in their immediate area which represent health hazards and will report such
conditions to their immediate supervisors and, at the employee’s discretion, CSEA. No
employee shall make modification on safety devices on power machinery or other equipment
and shall use utmost care in handling of machinery, tools, and equipment. Employees shall
report all accidents immediately to their supervisors. Reports shall be submitted on forms
provided by the District. All injuries should be reported immediately. In cases of injuries
requiring medical attention, report forms provided by the District should be submitted within
twenty-four (24) hours. The District Safety Committee shall review and make
recommendations to the District as to the health, safety, and sanitary nature of working
14.4 Non-Discrimination: No employee shall be in any way discriminated against as a result of
reporting any condition believed to be in violation of health, safety, and sanitation
requirements imposed by State or Federal law or regulations.
14.5 Safety Equipment: Should the employment duties of an employee in the bargaining unit in
the judgment of the District reasonably require use of any equipment or gear to insure the
safety of the employee or others, the District agrees to furnish such equipment or gear.
14.6 Notification to CSEA: In the event of a campus emergency, or a major malfunction to District
facilities (ex. HVAC ventilation, major plumbing or hazardous emission) which poses a threat
to the health or safety of CSEA members, the District shall provide notice of such malfunction
or emergency to the CSEA Chapter President or designee. It is understood that the District,
not CSEA, is responsible for sending out any official announcement to classified employees
regarding the incident. This provision shall not be interpreted to prevent CSEA from
communicating about the incident with job stewards and the CSEA Executive Board.
14.7. Unit members will be provided with annual training regarding heat illness prevention.
14.8 District Use of Video and/or Audio Recording Equipment
1. Beginning in 2013 it is anticipated that video and/or audio recording equipment will
be installed on the exteriors, high traffic interior areas, and hallways at the District for
the purpose of deterring and recording criminal activity.
2. Footage will only be reviewed by the Director of Facilities or their designee, until the
Chief of Police and Campus Safety is hired, at which point they or their designee shall
be the sole reviewer of such footage (all designees, as referred to in this section, shall
be approved by the Superintendent/President) when there is an incident of criminal
activity. The sole purpose of viewing these tapes is to determine the source of/or
preventing criminal activity. More specifically, they will be viewed from the date on which
there is a reasonable suspicion of alleged criminal activity; retroactive to the date the
action reasonably may have occurred (usually the period of review is not more than 72
3. The District shall provide prior notice to CSEA of the number and location of video
and/or audio recording equipment to be used.
4. When the District has installed video and/or audio recording equipment, signs will be
posted to notify students and staff that video/audio recording may occur at exterior
locations and hallways.
5. No video and/or audio recording equipment will be installed where there is a
reasonable expectation of privacy, in accordance with applicable law, such as
bathrooms or locker rooms. Video and/or audio recording equipment will also not be
installed in employee break rooms or private offices (including cubicles).
6. The District will not use video footage/audio recording(s) to determine promotions
and transfers, to discipline CSEA bargaining unit employees, and/or evaluate employee
work performance, except in the sole circumstances when the footage/recordings
reviewed prove that a CSEA employee engaged in an act of criminal activity.
15.1 One official personnel file of each unit member shall be maintained at the District Human
Resources office. No adverse action shall be taken against a unit member based upon
written material which is not contained within the official personnel file unless otherwise
required by law. Except in situations contemplated under Education Code Sections 88043
or 88016, an opportunity shall be provided for informal resolution to unit member situations
that may result in the placement of the derogatory statement in a unit member’s personnel
file. Prior to placing item(s) in the official personnel file, the District shall make a reasonable
effort to verify the accuracy of the material(s).
15.1.1 All data used in the evaluation material shall be accurate and verified by the
evaluator. Hearsay shall not be included in the evaluation material.
15.2 Information of a derogatory nature shall be signed by the charging party and shall not be
entered or filed until the employee has been given notice and an opportunity to review and
comment on the information within ten (10) working days of such notice. The employee is
entitled to release time from duties within a reasonable time to review the derogatory
material. If desired, the employee may attach their own comments to the derogatory
statement but shall in any event acknowledge by signature and date that said material has
been reviewed.
15.3 An employee may examine or review any material in their personnel file with the exception
of ratings, reports, or records which (1) were obtained prior to employment of the person
involved, (2) were prepared by identifiable examination committee members, or (3) were
obtained in connection with a promotional examination.
15.4 Access to the personnel file of an employee shall be limited to those individuals permitted
such access in accordance with law. The District shall keep a log of persons who have
examined an official personnel file, as well as the dates such examinations were made,
except routine clerical transactions. The log shall be maintained in the unit member's official
personnel file.
15.5 New employees will be evaluated at the end of the third (3rd) month of employment and
again at the end of the fifth (5th) month. Subsequent evaluations of all employees will be
made annually or more frequently as needed to document performance. The written
evaluation shall be accomplished by the supervisor and will be discussed with the
employee and signed by the employee and the supervisor. A copy of each evaluation will
be placed in the employee's file in the Office of Human Resources, and a copy will be sent
to each employee concerned.
15.5.1 The District and CSEA shall form a committee of equal representation to review
existing evaluation procedures and to make revisions and recommendations, if
any, to the two bargaining teams for possible negotiations. This committee shall
convene during the 2023-2024 academic year to review changes to the
employee evaluation procedure in order to comply with the Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Integration Plan as adopted by the California
Community Colleges Board of Governors in September 2019.
15.5.2 The District is committed to providing DEIA training. Employees may complete
up to three (3) modules of DEIA training as provided by the California
Community College Vision Resource Center. Such training will be made
available during employees’ regular working hours, to be mutually scheduled
with the employee’s supervisor.
15.6 Each evaluation shall reflect the combined judgment and review of both the immediate
supervisor and the administrative officer immediately associated with the employee
being rated. Any evaluation of less than “Fully Satisfactory” shall include
recommendations for correction; at an employee's request, a reevaluation shall be made
within sixty (60) days of said request. Any employee who has reason to question any
aspect of their performance rating has the right to request a review of their evaluation by
the Vice President of Human Resources or supervisor/manager at the next highest level.
15.7 After advancing to the top of the employee’s salary range, if the employee's last two (2)
annual evaluations are satisfactory or better, and that quality of service continues, the
employee shall be evaluated every two years.
15.8 The Grievance Procedure shall not be used as a means for resolving disputes over the
judgment and recommendations related thereto of the evaluators.
16.1 Definitions:
16.1.1 A grievance is a formal allegation raised at Step One filed within ten (10) working
days of the alleged violation by the affected employee CSEA that the District has
violated this Agreement.
16.1.2 A “grievant is a unit member or CSEA filing a grievance.
16.1.3 The “immediate supervisor” is the first-level manager having line authority over the
grievant or impacted employee(s), and who has the authority to adjust the
16.2 General Provisions
16.2.1 Time limits provided in each level shall begin at the expiration of the previous time
limit or the day following receipt of written decision by the parties in interest.
16.2.2 Grievance meetings shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable by the
District and the grievant at times that shall not adversely affect the normal duties
of any personnel except that the grievant shall be allowed release time to attend
grievance procedures.
16.2.3 Each party shall comply with the time limits contained in the Grievance Procedure;
however, with the written consent of both parties to the grievance, the time
limitation for any level may be extended. Any grievance, not advanced to the next
level within the time limits established for that level, shall be deemed resolved with
the decision rendered at the previous level.
16.2.4 All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall be closed to all persons other
than the participants.
16.2.5 All procedural documents dealing with the processing of the grievance will be filed
in a separate grievance file and will not be kept in the personnel file of any
participants. Forms necessary for the grievance process will be prepared by the
District and will be given appropriate distribution to facilitate the grievance
16.2.6 No reprisals for lawful acts of any kind shall be taken by the District or CSEA
against the grievant, any member of CSEA, or any other participant in the
grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
16.2.7 Employees have the right to present grievances to their supervisors and have such
grievances resolved without intervention of CSEA. A decision in any case may or
may not constitute a precedent for any other grievance.
16.2.8 Employees shall have the right to CSEA representation beginning with Step Two
of the grievance procedure.
16.3 Procedure:
16.3.1 Step One: The grievant may present the grievance directly to the immediate
supervisor within ten (10) working days of the alleged violation. The grievance
shall be discussed orally. If, after ten (10) working days of the date the grievant
raised the allegation with the immediate supervisor and the grievance is not
satisfactorily adjusted informally, the grievant may proceed to Step Two.
16.3.2 Step Two: Within ten (10) working days after the deadline for the immediate
supervisor to resolve the grievance informally at Step One, the grievant may
present the grievance to the immediate supervisor in writing on forms provided by
the District. The formal written grievance shall include a clear, concise statement
of the grievance, the circumstance involved, specific provisions of this Agreement
allegedly violated, and the specific remedy sought. Within five (5) working days
after the submission of the grievance a meeting shall be held at a time mutually
acceptable to both parties at which the grievant and the immediate supervisor and
the Vice President of Human Resources or designee shall be present to review
the grievance. Within five (5) working days of the mutual meeting, the immediate
supervisor shall submit a written response to the aggrieved party. In the CSEA
files a grievance, CSEA and the District may mutually agree in writing to begin the
grievance at Step Two.
16.3.3 Step Three: If the grievant is not satisfied with the immediate supervisor’s written
response at Step Two, the grievant may file an appeal by submitting the grievance
in writing to the appropriate vice president or designee within ten (10) working days
of receiving the immediate supervisor’s written response. Within five (5) working
days of receiving the grievant’s appeal a meeting shall be held at a time mutually
acceptable to both parties at which the grievant and the vice president and the
Vice President of Human Resources or designee shall be present to review the
grievance. The grievant shall be notified in writing of the response in Step Three
within ten (10) working days after the meeting.
16.3.4 Step Four: Arbitration: A grievance which is not settled at Step Three, which the
grievant desires to contest further, will be submitted to advisory
arbitration as provided herein, but only if the grievant gives written notice
to the District of their desire to arbitrate the grievance with ten (10) work
days after the termination of Step Three. It is expressly understood that
the only matters which are subject to advisory arbitration are grievances
as defined above which were processed and handled within the
limitations and procedures of this Article. Processing and discussing the
merits of an alleged grievance by the District prior to Step Three will not
constitute a waiver by the District of a defense that the dispute is not
grievable. However, District failure to raise the issue of whether a
dispute is grievable at Step One will constitute a waiver of that issue at
subsequent levels of this procedure. Selection of Arbitrator
46 As soon as possible, in any event not later than five (5) work
days after the District receives the written notice of the
CSEA's approval to arbitrate, the parties will agree upon an
arbitrator. If no agreement is reached within five (5) days,
an arbitrator will be selected from a list of arbitrators
provided by the California State Conciliation and Mediation
Services, by alternately striking names until one remains. The party which strikes the first name will be determined by
lot. If the arbitrator selected indicates that they will not be
available for a hearing within a reasonable time not
exceeding forty-five (45) calendar days, the parties will
proceed to select another arbitrator from the list. Motions to Dismiss: If the District claims that a grievance should be
dismissed because, for example, it falls outside the scope of the
procedure, or was filed in violation of the time limits provided for herein,
or that the dispute has become moot, such a claim will, at the option of
the District, be heard in a one (1) day session and promptly ruled upon
by the arbitrator prior to any formal proceedings and a hearing on the
merits of the grievance by a separate arbitrator. A suitable stay/continu-
ance between such an arbitrability ruling and any further proceedings
which may be necessary will be granted to the parties. CSEA and the
District may also, at their option, and without prejudice, jointly decide to
have such a claim heard along with the merits of the case by the same
arbitrator. Wherein, there is no mutual agreement to keep the same
arbitrator the parties shall select a new arbitrator per Article Limitations Upon Arbitrator: The arbitrator will have no power to alter,
amend, change, add to, or subtract from any of the terms of this
Agreement but will determine only whether or not there has been a
violation, misapplication, or misinterpretation of this Agreement in the
respect alleged in the grievance. The decision of the arbitrator will be
based solely upon the evidence and arguments presented by the
respective parties in the presence of each other, and upon arguments
presented in briefs. This Agreement constitutes a contract between the parties
which will be interpreted and applied by the parties and by
the arbitrator in the same manner as any other contract
under the laws of the State of California. The function and
purpose of the arbitrator is to determine disputed
interpretation of terms actually found in the Agreement or to
determine disputed facts upon which the application of the
Agreement depends. The arbitrator will, therefore, not have
authority, nor will it be within the arbitrator's function, to
decide any issue not submitted or to so interpret or apply
the Agreement as to change that which can fairly be said to
have been the intent of the parties as determined by
generally accepted rules of contract construction. Past
practice of the parties in interpreting or applying terms of this
Agreement may be considered relevant evidence. The
arbitrator will not render any decision or award, or fail to
render any decision or award, merely because it is the
arbitrator's opinion that such decision or award is fair or
equitable. No decision rendered by the arbitrator will be retroactive
beyond the beginning of the fiscal year prior to the ten-day
period specified in Step One of the grievance procedure.
The arbitrator will have no power to render an award on any
grievance occurring before or after the term of this
Agreement. The arbitrator may hear and determine only one grievance
at a time unless CSEA and the District expressly agree
otherwise. However, both parties will in good faith endeavor
to handle in an expeditious and convenient manner cases
which involve the same or similar facts and issues. Arbitrator's Decision and Board Review: The decision of the arbitrator
within the limits herein prescribed will be in the form of a
recommendation to the Board of Trustees. If neither party files a request
to the Board to undertake review of the advisory decision within ten (10)
work days of its issuance, or if the Board declines such a request, then
the decision will be deemed adopted by the Board and becomes final
and binding on all parties. If a timely request for review is filed with the
Board and accepted, the Board will then undertake review of the entire
hearing record and briefs. The Board may also, if it deems it appropriate,
permit oral arguments by representatives of the parties, but only in the
presence of one another. Within thirty (30) work days after receiving the
record, the Board will render a decision on the matter, which decision
will be final and binding on all parties. If the Board does not render such
a decision within the time specified, then it will be deemed to have
adopted the decision recommended by the arbitrator.
In a case where the arbitrator's award sustains the grievant, but the
Board subsequently fails to accept such recommendation and instead
modifies or reverses the arbitrator's decision, and the grievant later files
a judicial action against the District for breach of the Agreement, the
District will not assert as a defense that the grievant's utilization of the
grievance and arbitration procedure was the only proper remedy for
resolution of the grievance. In all other cases, the grievance and
arbitration procedure is to be the CSEA's and an employee's sole and
final remedy for any claimed breach of this Agreement. Expenses: All fees and expenses of the arbitrator will be shared equally
by the parties and each party will bear the expenses of the presentation
of its own case.
17.1 Layoff and Reemployment:
17.1.1 Reason for Layoff:
Layoff shall occur for lack of work or lack of funds. Whenever an employee is laid
off, the order of layoff within the class shall be determined by length of service.
The employee who has been employed the shortest time in the class plus higher
classes within the same job series (per Appendix A-1) shall be laid off first.
17.1.2 Length of service shall mean all hours in a paid status, exclusive of overtime.
17.2 Notice of Layoff:
17.2.1 Any layoffs shall take place with written notice as established by law. Any
notice of layoff shall specify 1) the reason for layoff, 2) the identity by name
and classification of the employee designated for layoff, 3) information on the
employees’ displacement rights, if any, 4) reemployment rights, and 5) any
other information required by law.
17.2.2 During the terms of the current agreement, any existing classified employee
bargaining unit positions that may be eliminated due to lack of work or lack of funds
shall not be assigned on a permanent basis to employees outside the bargaining
17.3 Order of Layoff:
17.3.1 Any layoff shall be affected within a class.
17.3.2 No regular employee shall be laid off from any position while employees are
serving in a substitute, temporary, or "short-term" basis in the same class unless
a regular employee declines said position.
17.3.3 A "regular employee" is defined as an employee working in a recognized
bargaining unit position, working in excess of 180 days, with assigned days and
hours of employment, receiving the appropriate wages for their assigned
classification, and as one who is subject to the terms and conditions of this
agreement, including the right to permanent status after completion of the
probationary period as set forth in the current agreement.
17.3.4 Any employee designated limited-term, substitute, temporary, "part-time, as
needed" or holding a position with a classification not included within the
recognized unit, shall not be considered a "regular employee."
17.4 Bumping Rights:
An employee laid off from their present class may bump into the next lowest class in which
the employee has previously served and has greater seniority, or into an equal class in which
the employee has previously served and has greater seniority in that equal class by virtue of
service in said class. The employee may continue to bump into lower classes in which the
employee has previously served or into lower classes in the same job family for which they
are qualified in order to avoid layoff.
17.5 Equal Seniority:
If two or more employees subject to layoff have equal class seniority, the layoff determination
shall be made by lot.
17.6 Reemployment Rights:
17.6.1 Laid-off employees are eligible for reemployment in the class from which laid off
for a thirty-nine (39) month period and shall be reemployed in the reverse order of
layoff. Their reemployment shall take precedence over other employment in the
classifications affected by said layoffs.
17.6.2 During the terms of this agreement, employees who have been laid off and are on
a reemployment list shall have priority employment status over outside candidates
for any substitute or short-term assignments which occur within a class they have
previously held.
17.7 Voluntary Demotion or Voluntary Reduction in Hours:
Employees who take voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assigned time in lieu of
layoff shall, in addition to the thirty-nine (39) months, be granted an additional twenty-four
(24) months of reemployment rights.
17.8 Notification of Reemployment:
An employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified
in writing by certified mail by the District or in writing by hand delivery with a signed receipt
of delivery.
17.9 Employee Notification to the District:
An employee shall notify the District in writing of their intent to accept or refuse employment
within five (5) working days following receipt of the reemployment notice. Failure by the
employee to tender the written notice to the District within five (5) days, as provided for
herein, shall be deemed a refusal of employment by said employee. The laid-off employee
may decline three (3) offers of employment before relinquishing their position on the list. If
an employee on a reemployment list refuses the third offer of employment, no additional
offers will be made, and the employee shall be considered unavailable for work and have
waived any and all reemployment rights.
17.10 Reemployment: Employees who accept a position lower than their highest former class shall
retain their original thirty-nine (39) months rights to the higher position.
17.11 Redistribution of Workload: The parties recognize that the reassignment of tasks and/or
adjusted work assignments of employees in classifications affected by layoffs or reductions
in assigned time will be a gradual process. Therefore, CSEA may designate representatives
and the District shall meet with them to discuss and deliberate regarding the redistribution of
these workloads. Said meetings shall take place within ninety (90) days of the notice of lay-
17.12 Layoff as used herein shall refer to separation from service or reduction in assigned time.
17.13 The District and CSEA agree that alleged violations of the procedures and requirements
described in Items 1 through 11, above, shall be reviewable only under existing
administrative hearing or legal procedures in lieu of the provisions of Article 16 of the
17.14 Other Matters Related to Layoff:
17.14.1 The District further agrees to provide CSEA with an opportunity to confer on
seniority dates and implementation procedures related to said layoffs prior to the
effective date of said layoffs.
17.14.2 Extended Benefits:
Pursuant to Article VIII (Health and Welfare Benefits), an employee who has
elected medical coverage and who was employed for the full school year, and who
is laid off as of June 30th, shall have medical coverage continued through the
subsequent September 30th.
Pursuant to Article 8 (Health and Welfare Benefits), an employee who has elected
medical coverage and who is laid off prior to June 30th, and has not been
employed for the full school year, shall have medical coverage continued for one
(1) month following the month in which the employee is laid off, subject to carrier
17.14.3 If an employee is reduced in days/weeks/months per year, they shall not be
required to take vacation during said period of reduction in less than one (1) week
17.14.4 If an employee is reduced in month(s), the reduced time designated by the District
shall not be taken in less than four (4) consecutive week increment(s), unless the
employee elects to take lesser increments of time that are acceptable to the
17.14.5 If a unit member has been employed for three (3) full years or more and is reduced
below the qualifying amount of time for fringe benefits pursuant to Section 8.2, they
shall have the fringe benefit contribution for 90 days after layoff that they would
have received if the reduction had not taken place.
17.14.6 Use of Personal Necessity Leave: During the thirty-day period following notice of
layoff, an employee subject to layoff may utilize up to five (5) days of available
personal necessity leave for bona fide job interviews with other prospective
17.14.7 Waiver: In consideration of the provisions of this Article, which shall be followed in
the event of layoff, the District and CSEA each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waive
the right, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain
collectively with respect to any subject or matter related to layoff actions and
effects related thereto during the terms of the current agreement, even though
such subject or matter may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation
of either or both the parties at the time they negotiated the current agreement. The
District and CSEA agree that, during the term of this contract through June 30,
2026, any layoff effects related to the results of the 2023
classification/compensation benefits study that may alter an employee’s bumping
rights under this Article are the exception to this waiver.
18.1 Volunteers: Community, parent, faculty and student volunteers may be permitted to
perform school/campus beautification projects on campus on three (3) non-student days (i.e.
holidays, weekends or intercession periods) per year, subject to the following conditions:
18.1.1 Said volunteers or sponsoring support group shall submit a written request for a
school beautification project, including the following information: date; brief
description of the projects that are intended to spruce the school appearance;
number of volunteers expected to participate; school/district supplies and/or
equipment that may be necessary; and any other pertinent information.
18.1.2 The Director of Facilities Services and the President of CSEA, Chapter 477, shall
meet to consult about the request and its relationship to bargaining unit members.
They shall submit their recommendations for approval or denial to the Cabinet
level administrator designated to make a final decision on said requests.
18.1.3 The District shall notify the prospective volunteers of its decision on the request for
a school beautification day, and any conditions related thereto; a copy of said
decision/conditions shall be sent to the CSEA President.
18.1.4 Approval of requests shall not: involve work activities that are part of the Districts
regular schedule or maintenance activities; reduce a unit members regularly
assigned time; or result in a layoff of unit members.
18.1.5 If a volunteer request is approved, the District shall assign a CSEA unit member
to work on that date in order to coordinate the approved activity.
19.1 Savings Clause: If during the life of this Agreement there exists any applicable law or
applicable rule, regulation or order issued by governmental authority other than the District
which shall render invalid or restrain compliance with the enforcement of any provision of the
Agreement, such provision shall be immediately suspended and be of no effect hereunder
so long as such law, rule, regulation, or order shall remain in effect. Such invalidation of a
part or portion of this Agreement shall not invalidate any remaining portions which shall
continue in full force and effect.
19.2 Replacement for Severed Provision: In the event of suspension or invalidation of any article,
section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement, the parties agree, upon
the request of either party, within thirty (30) days after such determination, to meet and
negotiate and to endeavor to reach agreement on a replacement for such article, subsection,
sentence, clause, or phrase.
19.3 Effect of Agreement:
19.3.1 It is understood and agreed that the specific provisions contained in this
Agreement shall prevail over District policies, practices, and procedures and over
State laws as to the extent permitted by State law, and that in the absence of
specific provisions in this Agreement, such practices and procedures may be
exercised at the discretion of the District.
19.3.2 During the term of this Agreement, CSEA expressly waives and relinquishes the
right to meet and negotiate and agrees that the District shall not be obligated to
meet and negotiate with respect to any subject or matter whether referred to or
covered in this Agreement or not, even though such subject or matters may not
have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either the District or CSEA at
the time they met and negotiated on and executed this Agreement, and even
though such subjects or matters were proposed and later withdrawn, except as
provided above.
19.3.3 It is agreed that the CSEA and District will support this Agreement for its term and
will not appear before any public bodies to seek change or improvement in any
matter subject to the meet and negotiation process except by mutual agreement
of the District and CSEA.
19.4 Concerted Activities:
19.4.1 It is agreed and understood that there will be no strike, work stoppage, slow-down,
or other interference with the operations of the District by CSEA, or by any of
CSEA's officers, agents, or members during the term of this Agreement, including
compliance with the request of other labor organizations to engage in such
19.4.2 CSEA recognizes the duty and obligation of its representatives to comply with the
provisions of this Agreement and to make every effort toward inducing all
employees to do so. In the event of a strike, work stoppage, slow-down, or other
interference with the operations of the District by employees who are represented
by it, CSEA agrees in good faith to take all necessary steps to cause those
employees to cease such action.
19.4.3 Any unit member engaging in any strike, slow-down or other work stoppage during
the term of this Agreement may be subjected to discipline or termination consistent
with applicable law.
19.4.4 The District shall take reasonable steps within its control to provide for the safety
of unit members and their property during periods of any labor dispute which
affects District's employees or property.
19.4.5 The District agrees that it shall not engage in a lockout of unit members during the
term of this Agreement. The term "lockout" is intended to cover a situation where
the employer refuses to permit unit members to work in an effort to obtain
bargaining concessions from CSEA.
19.4.6 It is understood that in the event that this section is violated by a unit member or
by the CSEA, the District will be entitled to withdraw any rights, privileges, services,
wages or benefits provided in this Agreement for said violators, and, also, that the
CSEA will be liable for damages caused by said violation as determined by a Court
of Competent Jurisdiction.
20.1 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from July 1, 2023 until June 30,
20.2 Upon termination of this Agreement, it is specifically agreed that the District shall not
have any financial obligation toward unit members over and above the exact dollar
amount of said benefits accrued or payable on the date of termination of this Agreement.
21.1 Successor Agreement: CSEA shall make a good faith effort to submit a request to
negotiate and its initial proposals for a successor Agreement to the Board no later than
January 31, 2026. If CSEA submits a request to negotiate and its proposals in a timely
manner, then negotiations shall begin no later than March 2026.
Signed and entered into this November 9, 2023.
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Appendix A
41 Accessibility and Compliance Specialist
18 Account Clerk I
22 Account Clerk II
24 Account Clerk III
24 Account Clerk III/Billing
43 Accountant
48 Accountant II
31 Accounting Technician II
31 Accounting Technician II-Special Projects
34 Accounting Technician III
27 Accounting Technician/Budget Control
27 Accounting Technician/Cash Receipts
27 Accounting Technician/Disbursements
32 Administrative Secretary - Classified
23 Admissions and Records Assistant
32 Admissions and Records Assistant Coordinator
43 Admissions and Records Coordinator
46 Admissions and Records Senior Coordinator
35 Admissions and Records Specialist-Analyst
32 Amnesty Specialist
30 Apprenticeship and IBID Program Assistant
38 Assistant Accountant
25 Assistant Buyer
29 Assistant Range Master
39 Athletic Trainer
32 Audio Visual Multimedia Repair Technician
30 Buyer
35 CAD/GIS Computer Specialist
31 Career Development Center Specialist
32 Carpenter
19 Child Development Center Assistant Teacher
21 Child Development Center Teacher
1 Children’s Center Aide
38 Children's Development Center Coordinator
15 Clerk Typist I
19 Clerk Typist II
19 Clerk Typist II-FLEX
19 Clerk Typist II-Teacher Preparation
21 Clerk Typist III
21 Clerk Typist III-Childrens Center
39 Computer Equipment Repair Technician
35 Computer Operations Technician
50 Coordinator of Grant Development
30 Coordinator, Parking Services/Dispatcher
27 Counseling Assistant
31 Curriculum / Articulation Specialist
24 Custodial Leadperson
20 Custodian
27 DSPS Support Services Aide
30 Educational Advisor, Student Support Services, Outreach &
30 Educational Advisor, STEM
30 Educational Advisor, Upward Bound/Student Support Services
33 Electrician
33 Electronic/Business Machines Repair Technician
26 EOPS Evaluator
27 EOPS Specialist
31 EOPS/CARE Specialist
27 EOPS/CARE Tutor Technician
26 Evaluations Technician
28 Facilities Secretary
23 Financial Aid Assistant
37 Financial Aid Coordinator
31 Financial Aid Technician
29 Fire Academy Training and Operations Specialist
13 Food Services Worker
32 Foster / Kinship Care Education (FKCE) & Independent Living Program
25 General Maintenance Worker
27 Grants Specialist
32 Graphic Artist
32 Graphic Designer and Social Media Specialist
24 Grounds Equipment Operator
22 Grounds Maintenance Worker
33 Heating/Air Conditioning & Plumbing Journeyperson
23 Human Resources Assistant I
25 Human Resources Assistant II
30 Human Resources Technician
33 HVAC Mechanic
38 Information Specialist
27 Instructional Assistant
21 Instructional Assistant-Administration of Justice
27 Instructional Assistant-Business Skills
27 Instructional Assistant-Communications; Apprenticeship; Non-credit,
Citizenship & ESL
21 Instructional Assistant-ESL Foreign Languages Lab
27 Instructional Assistant-Fabrication / Welding
23 Instructional Assistant-Fitness Center
27 Instructional Assistant-Health Science Skill Center
21 Instructional Assistant Learning Assistance Center
27 Instructional Assistant Math Science Center
32 Instructional Assistant On-Line Education
32 Instructional Assistant Virtual College
46 Instructional Designer
25 Instructional Division Secretary
39 Instructional High Tech Access Computer Lab Technician
32 Instructional Lab Technician-Biology
32 Instructional Lab Technician-Chemistry
32 Instructional Lab Technician-El Paisano
32 Instructional Lab Technician-Multidiscipline
26 International Students Specialist
35 Internet Web Designer
35 Interpreter Coordinator
32 Irrigation Specialist & Grounds Lead
32 Job Developer
35 Lead Equipment Mechanic
35 Lead Testing Technician
19 Library/Media Clerk
22 Library/Media Technician
27 Library/Online Systems Technician
33 Locksmith
27 Marketing & Communications Specialist
35 Micro Computer Coordinator
35 Micro Computer Programmer
48 Network Specialist
27 Newswriter
32 Painter
15 Paraprofessional Tutor
26 Parking Services Facilitator
27 Payroll Technician
23 P. E. and Athletic Equipment Attendant
23 Photocopier Machine Operator
26 Photographer
27 Planning Projects Specialist
29 Police Academy Training and Operations Specialist
44 Program Assistant
38 Programmer
42 Programmer Analyst
2 Registration Clerk
43 Research Analyst
48 Research Analyst II
22 Research Data Technician
35 Research Specialist
36 Rio Hondo Range Master
43 Scheduling and Educational Planning Analyst
Range Classification
27 Scheduling Technician
27 Scheduling Technician Continuing Education
22 Secretary
51 Senior Accountant
36 Senior Admissions and Records Assistant
22 Senior Custodian
29 Senior Custodial Lead
25 Senior Financial Aid Assistant
19 Senior Food Services Worker
23 Senior Grounds Maintenance Worker
30 Senior Instructional Assistant
32 Senior Instructional Assistant Business Lab Specialist
30 Senior Instructional Assistant-Business Skills
30 Senior Instructional Assistant-Health Science Skill Center
32 Senior Instructional Assistant-Interpreter/Translator for Deaf
30 Senior Instructional Assistant-Learning Assistance Center
30 Senior Instructional Assistant-Math Resource Center
46 Senior Payroll Systems Coordinator
28 Senior Photocopier Machine Operator
25 Senior P.E. and Athletic Equipment Attendant
25 Senior Secretary
25 Senior Switchboard Operator/Mailroom Clerk
51 Senior Systems Analyst
51 Senior Systems Programmer/Analyst
27 Senior Tool Room Attendant
27 Special Education Aide-Physically Disabled
25 Sprinkler Maintenance and Repair Person
27 Student Activities Assistant
22 Student Services Assistant
30 Student Services Program Assistant
15 Student Services Representative
18 Switchboard Operator/Mail Room Clerk I
19 Switchboard Operator/Mail Room Clerk II
50 Systems Analyst
42 Technology Systems Trainer
30 Testing Technician
33 Theatre Production Coordinator
30 Theatre Technician
21 Tool Room Attendant
34 Trans Coordinator/Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic
23 Utility Leadperson
21 Utility Worker
33 Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic
26 Warehouse Storekeeper
42 Web Developer
31 Welder
Appendix A-1
Senior Accountant 51
Accountant II 48
Accountant 43
Accounting Technician II 31
Accounting Technician II -Special Projects 31
Accounting Technician III 34
Accounting Technician/Budget Control 27
Accounting Technician/Cash Receipts 27
Accounting Technician/Disbursements 27
Account Clerk III 24
Account Clerk III-Billing 24
Account Clerk II 22
Account Clerk I 18
Assistant Accountant 38
Rio Hondo Range Master 36
Assistant Range Master 29
Fire Academy Training & Operations Specialist 29
Police Academy Training & Operations Specialist 29
Children's Development Center Coordinator 38
Child Development Center Teacher 21
Child Development Center Assistant Teacher 19
Senior Food Services Worker 19
Food Services Worker 13
Children’s Center Aide 1
Senior Systems Analyst 51
Senior Systems Programmer/Analyst 51
Systems Analyst 50
Network Specialist 48
Programmer Analyst 42
Technology Systems Trainer 42
Web Developer 42
Computer Equipment Repair Technician 39
Information Specialist 38
Programmer 38
Micro Computer Coordinator 35
Computer Operations Technician 35
Micro Computer Programmer 35
Internet Web Designer 35
Audio Visual Multimedia Repair Technician 32
Instructional Designer 46
Accessibility and Compliance Specialist 41
Instructional High Tech Access Computer Lab Technician 39
Instructional Assistant On-Line Education 32
Instructional Laboratory Technician-Biology 32
Instructional Laboratory Technician-Chemistry 32
Instructional Laboratory Technician-El Paisano 32
Instructional Laboratory Technician-Multidiscipline 32
Senior Instructional Assistant Business Lab Specialist 32
Senior Instructional Assistant-Interpreter/ Translator for Deaf 32
Senior Instructional Assistant 30
Senior Instructional Assistant-Business Skills Ctr 30
Senior Instructional Assistant-Health Science Skill Center 30
Senior Instructional Assistant-LAC 30
Senior Instructional Assistant-Math Science Ctr 30
Instructional Assistant 27
Instructional Assistant-Business Skills 27
Instructional Assistant-Communications; Apprenticeship; 27
Non-Credit Citizenship, & ESL
Instructional Assistant-Health Science Skill Ctr 27
Instructional Assistant-Math Science Center 27
Instructional Assistant- Fabrication / Welding 27
Special Education Aide-Physically Disabled 27
DSPS Support Services Aide 27
Instructional Assistant-Fitness Center 23
Instructional Assistant-Administration of Justice 21
Instructional Assistant-ESL Foreign Languages Lab 21
Instructional Assistant-LAC 21
Athletic Trainer 39
Theatre Production Coordinator 33
Testing Technician 30
Theatre Technician 30
Senior Tool Room Attendant 27
Senior Physical Education & Athletic Equipment 25
Physical Education & Athletic Equipment Attendant 23
Tool Room Attendant 21
Library/Online Systems Technician 27
Library/Media Technician 22
Library/Media Clerk 19
Lead Equipment Mechanic 35
Trans Coordinator/Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic 34
Electrician 33
Electronic/Business Machines Repair Technician 33
HVAC Mechanic 33
Heating/Air Conditioning & Plumbing Journeyperson 33
Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic 33
Locksmith 33
Carpenter 32
Painter 32
Welder 31
General Maintenance Worker 25
Coordinator of Grant Development 50
Research Analyst II 48
Program Assistant 44
Admissions and Records Senior Coordinator 46
Scheduling and Educational Planning Analyst 43
Admissions and Records Coordinator 43
Research Analyst 43
Financial Aid Coordinator 37
Senior Admissions and Records Assistant 36
Admissions and Records Specialist-Analyst 35
Interpreter Coordinator 35
Research Specialist 35
Lead Testing Technician 35
Senior Payroll Systems Coordinator 46
Administrative Secretary - Classified 32
Admissions and Records Assistant Coordinator 32
Foster/Kinship Care Education (FKCE) & Independent Living 32
Program Specialist
Graphic Artist 32
Graphic Designer and Social Media Specialist 32
Job Developer 32
Curriculum / Articulation Specialist 31
Career Development Center Specialist 31
EOPS/CARE Specialist 31
Financial Aid Technician 31
Apprenticeship and IBID Program Assistant 30
Buyer 30
Educational Advisor, Student Support Services, Outreach & 30
Educational Advisor, STEM 30
Educational Advisor, Upward Bound/Student Support Services 30
Human Resources Technician 30
Coordinator, Parking Services/Dispatcher 30
Student Services Program Assistant 30
Facilities Secretary 28
Counseling Assistant 27
EOPS/CARE Tutor Technician 27
Grants Specialist 27
Newswriter 27
Payroll Technician 27
Planning Projects Specialist 27
Marketing & Communication Specialist 27
Scheduling Technician 27
Scheduling Technician Continuing Education 27
Student Activities Assistant 27
EOPS Evaluator 26
Evaluations Technician 26
International Students Specialist 26
Parking Services Facilitator 26
Photographer 26
Warehouse Storekeeper 26
Assistant Buyer 25
Instructional Division Secretary 25
Human Resources Assistant II 25
Senior Financial Aid Assistant 25
Senior Secretary 25
Senior Switchboard Operator/Mail Room Clerk 25
Admissions and Records Assistant 23
Financial Aid Assistant 23
Human Resources Assistant I 23
EOPS Specialist 27
Research Data Technician 22
Secretary - Classified 22
Student Services Assistant 22
Clerk Typist III 21
Clerk Typist III-Childrens Center 21
Clerk Typist II 19
Clerk Typist II-FLEX 19
Clerk Typist II-Teacher Preparation 19
Switchboard Operator/Mail Room Clerk II 19
Switchboard Operator/Mail Room Clerk I 18
Clerk Typist I 15
Paraprofessional Tutor 15
Student Services Representative 15
Registration Clerk 2
Senior Photocopier Machine Operator 28
Photocopier Machine Operator 23
Irrigation Specialist & Grounds Lead 32
Sprinkler Maintenance & Repair Person 25
Grounds Equipment Operator 24
Custodial Leadperson 24
Senior Grounds Maintenance Worker 23
Utility Leadperson 23
Grounds Maintenance Worker 22
Senior Custodial Lead 29
Senior Custodian 22
Utility Worker 21
Custodian 20
Amnesty Specialist 32
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2023
Cola Increase: 8.22%
Schedule D
18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.66 19.65
3,170.12 3,170.12 3,170.12 3,170.12 3,235.14 3,405.09
38,041 38,041 38,041 38,041 38,822 40,861
18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 19.13 20.11
3,170.12 3,170.12 3,170.12 3,170.12 3,315.16 3,485.01
38,041 38,041 38,041 38,041 39,782 41,819
18.29 18.29 18.29 18.66 19.65 20.62
3,170.12 3,170.12 3,170.12 3,235.14 3,405.09 3,573.36
38,041 38,041 38,041 38,822 40,861 42,880
18.29 18.29 18.29 19.13 20.11 21.13
3,170.12 3,170.12 3,170.12 3,315.16 3,485.01 3,661.82
38,041 38,041 38,041 39,782 41,819 43,942
18.29 18.29 18.66 19.65 20.62 21.66
3,170.12 3,170.12 3,235.14 3,405.09 3,573.36 3,753.34
38,041 38,041 38,822 40,861 42,880 45,040
18.29 18.29 19.13 20.11 21.13 22.20
3,170.12 3,170.12 3,315.16 3,485.01 3,661.82 3,847.49
38,041 38,041 39,782 41,819 43,942 46,170
18.29 18.66 19.65 20.62 21.66 22.75
3,170.12 3,235.14 3,405.09 3,573.36 3,753.34 3,944.51
38,041 38,822 40,861 42,880 45,040 47,334
18.29 19.13 20.11 21.13 22.20 23.33
3,170.12 3,315.16 3,485.01 3,661.82 3,847.49 4,043.00
38,041 39,782 41,819 43,942 46,170 48,516
18.66 19.65 20.62 21.66 22.75 23.92
3,235.14 3,405.09 3,573.36 3,753.34 3,944.51 4,145.70
38,822 40,861 42,880 45,040 47,334 49,749
19.13 20.11 21.13 22.20 23.33 24.52
3,315.16 3,485.01 3,661.82 3,847.49 4,043.00 4,249.91
39,782 41,819 43,942 46,170 48,516 50,999
19.65 20.62 21.66 22.75 23.92 25.13
3,405.09 3,573.36 3,753.34 3,944.51 4,145.70 4,355.56
40,861 42,880 45,040 47,334 49,749 52,267
20.11 21.13 22.20 23.33 24.52 25.74
3,485.01 3,661.82 3,847.49 4,043.00 4,249.91 4,461.12
41,819 43,942 46,170 48,516 50,999 53,533
20.62 21.66 22.75 23.92 25.13 26.44
3,573.36 3,753.34 3,944.51 4,145.70 4,355.56 4,581.04
42,880 45,040 47,334 49,749 52,267 54,973
21.13 22.20 23.33 24.52 25.74 27.03
3,661.82 3,847.49 4,043.00 4,249.91 4,461.12 4,686.61
43,942 46,170 48,516 50,999 53,533 56,240
21.66 22.75 23.92 25.13 26.44 27.70
3,753.34 3,944.51 4,145.70 4,355.56 4,581.04 4,802.30
45,040 47,334 49,749 52,267 54,973 57,627
22.20 23.33 24.52 25.74 27.03 28.43
3,847.49 4,043.00 4,249.91 4,461.12 4,686.61 4,926.43
46,170 48,516 50,999 53,533 56,240 59,117
22.75 23.92 25.13 26.44 27.70 29.11
3,944.51 4,145.70 4,355.56 4,581.04 4,802.30 5,044.77
47,334 49,749 52,267 54,973 57,627 60,537
23.33 24.52 25.74 27.03 28.43 29.89
4,043.00 4,249.91 4,461.12 4,686.61 4,926.43 5,180.32
48,516 50,999 53,533 56,240 59,117 62,164
23.92 25.13 26.44 27.70 29.11 30.59
4,145.70 4,355.56 4,581.04 4,802.30 5,044.77 5,303.08
49,749 52,267 54,973 57,627 60,537 63,637
24.52 25.74 27.03 28.43 29.89 31.34
4,249.91 4,461.12 4,686.61 4,926.43 5,180.32 5,432.94
50,999 53,533 56,240 59,117 62,164 65,195
25.13 26.44 27.70 29.11 30.59 32.13
4,355.56 4,581.04 4,802.30 5,044.77 5,303.08 5,568.57
52,267 54,973 57,627 60,537 63,637 66,823
25.74 27.03 28.43 29.89 31.34 32.98
4,461.12 4,686.61 4,926.43 5,180.32 5,432.94 5,715.61
53,533 56,240 59,117 62,164 65,195 68,588
26.44 27.70 29.11 30.59 32.13 33.75
4,581.04 4,802.30 5,044.77 5,303.08 5,568.57 5,851.06
54,973 57,627 60,537 63,637 66,823 70,213
27.03 28.43 29.89 31.34 32.98 34.62
4,686.61 4,926.43 5,180.32 5,432.94 5,715.61 6,000.85
56,240 59,117 62,164 65,195 68,588 72,011
27.70 29.11 30.59 32.13 33.75 35.50
4,802.30 5,044.77 5,303.08 5,568.57 5,851.06 6,150.84
57,627 60,537 63,637 66,823 70,213 73,810
28.43 29.89 31.34 32.98 34.62 36.36
4,926.43 5,180.32 5,432.94 5,715.61 6,000.85 6,302.11
59,117 62,164 65,195 68,588 72,011 75,625
29.11 30.59 32.13 33.75 35.50 37.28
5,044.77 5,303.08 5,568.57 5,851.06 6,150.84 6,463.41
60,537 63,637 66,823 70,213 73,810 77,561
29.89 31.34 32.98 34.62 36.36 38.19
5,180.32 5,432.94 5,715.61 6,000.85 6,302.11 6,620.19
62,164 65,195 68,588 72,011 75,625 79,442
30.59 32.13 33.75 35.50 37.28 39.19
5,303.08 5,568.57 5,851.06 6,150.84 6,463.41 6,791.60
63,637 66,823 70,213 73,810 77,561 81,499
31.34 32.98 34.62 36.36 38.19 40.15
5,432.94 5,715.61 5,999.57 6,302.11 6,620.19 6,958.41
65,195 68,588 71,994 75,625 79,442 83,500
32.13 33.75 35.50 37.28 39.19 41.16
5,568.57 5,851.06 6,150.84 6,463.41 6,791.60 7,134.05
66,823 70,213 73,810 77,561 81,499 85,609
32.98 34.62 36.36 38.19 40.15 42.20
5,715.61 6,000.85 6,302.11 6,620.19 6,958.41 7,312.45
68,588 72,011 75,625 79,442 83,500 87,749
33.75 35.50 37.28 39.19 41.16 43.23
5,851.06 6,150.84 6,463.41 6,791.60 7,134.05 7,493.60
70,213 73,810 77,561 81,499 85,609 89,923
34.62 36.36 38.19 40.15 42.20 44.33
6,000.85 6,302.11 6,620.19 6,958.41 7,312.45 7,683.49
72,011 75,625 79,442 83,500 87,749 92,202
35.50 37.28 39.19 41.16 43.23 45.41
6,150.84 6,463.41 6,791.60 7,134.05 7,493.60 7,870.25
73,810 77,561 81,499 85,609 89,923 94,443
36.36 38.19 40.15 42.20 44.33 46.55
6,302.11 6,620.19 6,958.41 7,312.45 7,683.49 8,067.41
75,625 79,442 83,500 87,749 92,202 96,809
37.28 39.19 41.16 43.23 45.41 47.71
6,463.41 6,791.60 7,134.05 7,493.60 7,870.25 8,269.99
77,561 81,499 85,609 89,923 94,443 99,240
38.19 40.15 42.20 44.33 46.55 48.93
6,620.19 6,958.41 7,312.45 7,683.49 8,067.41 8,479.85
79,442 83,500 87,749 92,202 96,809 101,758
39.19 41.16 43.23 45.41 47.71 50.16
6,791.60 7,134.05 7,493.60 7,870.25 8,269.99 8,695.29
81,499 85,609 89,923 94,443 99,240 104,344
40.15 42.20 44.33 46.55 48.93 51.35
6,958.41 7,312.45 7,683.49 8,067.41 8,479.85 8,902.20
83,500 87,749 92,202 96,809 101,758 106,826
41.16 43.23 45.41 47.71 50.16 52.69
7,134.05 7,493.60 7,870.25 8,269.99 8,695.29 9,132.00
85,609 89,923 94,443 99,240 104,344 109,584
42.20 44.33 46.55 48.93 51.35 53.95
7,312.45 7,683.49 8,067.41 8,479.85 8,902.20 9,350.32
87,749 92,202 96,809 101,758 106,826 112,204
43.23 45.41 47.71 50.16 52.69 55.32
7,493.60 7,870.25 8,269.99 8,695.29 9,132.00 9,588.57
89,923 94,443 99,240 104,344 109,584 115,063
44.33 46.55 48.93 51.35 53.95 56.64
7,683.49 8,067.41 8,479.85 8,902.20 9,350.32 9,816.99
92,202 96,809 101,758 106,826 112,204 117,804
45.41 47.71 50.16 52.69 55.32 58.09
7,870.25 8,269.99 8,695.29 9,132.00 9,588.57 10,068.13
94,443 99,240 104,344 109,584 115,063 120,818
46.55 48.93 51.35 53.95 56.64 59.52
8,067.41 8,479.85 8,902.20 9,350.32 9,816.99 10,316.50
96,809 101,758 106,826 112,204 117,804 123,798
47.71 50.16 52.69 55.32 58.09 61.00
8,269.99 8,695.29 9,132.00 9,588.57 10,068.13 10,573.33
99,240 104,344 109,584 115,063 120,818 126,880
48.93 51.35 53.95 56.64 59.52 62.45
8,479.85 8,902.20 9,350.32 9,816.99 10,316.50 10,824.38
101,758 106,826 112,204 117,804 123,798 129,892
50.16 52.69 55.32 58.09 61.00 64.02
8,695.29 9,132.00 9,588.57 10,068.13 10,573.33 11,097.14
104,344 109,584 115,063 120,818 126,880 133,166
51.35 53.95 56.64 59.52 62.45 65.59
8,902.20 9,350.32 9,816.99 10,316.50 10,824.38 11,369.50
106,826 112,204 117,804 123,798 129,892 136,434
52.69 55.32 58.09 61.00 64.02 67.22
9,132.00 9,588.57 10,068.13 10,573.33 11,097.14 11,652.18
109,584 115,063 120,818 126,880 133,166 139,826
Revised: 11/9/23
Classified Employees
Personal Necessity Leave Certification Form
TO: Vice President of Human Resources
DATE: __________________________
FROM: __________________________
Please Print
SUBJECT: Approval of Personal Necessity
An amount not to exceed seven (7) days of accrued sick leave of absence in one fiscal year may be used
by the employee upon prior approval in cases of personal necessity. Personal necessity leave shall be
limited to circumstances that are serious in nature and that the employee cannot reasonably be expected
to disregard and that necessitates immediate attention and cannot be taken care of after work hours or
weekends. The employee shall submit a request three (3) working days prior to requesting a leave in a
manner prescribed by the District. The employee shall not be required to secure advance permission for
any leave taken for any of the following reasons:
Serious illness or death of a member of his/her immediate family as defined in Bereavement
Accident involving his/her person or property or the person or property of a member of his/her
immediate family as defined in Bereavement Leave. The employee must, in such instances where
advance permission has not been secured, submit a completed notification form in a manner
prescribed by the District.
In no case shall personal necessity leave be used for vacation, personal business, recreational
activities, or concerted and/or CSEA activities.
I certify that my absence due to personal necessity from _________________to ________________ was
in conformance with the above.
I understand that per Article 12, Section 12.6, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement I am entitled to use
(7) seven days of personal illness and injury leave allotment during each year for personal necessity.
Signature ________________________________
To: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
From: Vice President, Human Resources
__________ Approved ___________ Not Approved
Vice President’s Signature ________________________________________________
Please note: This form must be attached to the employee’s timesheet