October 2021
Global customer services
Policy and procedures
October 2021
Global customer services
Copyright © Axway 2021.
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October 2021
Global customer services
Policy and procedures
Table of contents
Table of contents ....................................................................................................................... 2
1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. The support organization................................................................................................... 5
3. Customer support offerings ............................................................................................... 6
3.1. Support offering plans & features matrix ........................................................................ 6
3.1.1. Mission Critical Support (MCS) plan ........................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2. Premier plan................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.3. e-Support plan ............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.4. Appliance support ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.5. API support in Axway products ................................................................................................................. 11
3.2. Axway problem response time targets and Service Level Availability................................ 12
3.2.1. Axway response time targets .................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2. SaaS Service Level Availability.................................................................................................................. 12
3.3. Multiple licenses....................................................................................................... 12
3.4. Support term ............................................................................................................ 13
3.5. Reinstatement policy................................................................................................. 13
3.6. Reduction of licenses or support level.......................................................................... 13
3.7. Support extension..................................................................................................... 13
3.8. New generation and version ....................................................................................... 13
4. Customer roles and responsibilities .................................................................................. 14
4.1. Overview.................................................................................................................. 14
4.2. Contacting customer support ..................................................................................... 14
4.2.1. How to contact support ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.2.2. What can you find on the Axway support web? ....................................................................................... 14
4.3. Customer obligations ................................................................................................ 15
4.3.1. Timely responses are a “2-way street”...................................................................................................... 15
4.3.2. Required information to expedite resolution ............................................................................................ 15
4.3.3. Customer contact person .......................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.4. Important disclaimers ................................................................................................................................ 16
4.4. Classification of Issues, Faults & Problems .................................................................. 18
4.5. Submitting support requests ...................................................................................... 20
4.5.1. Submitting support requests via the support website ............................................................................ 20
4.5.2. Submitting support requests via e-mail.................................................................................................... 20
4.5.3. Submitting support requests via phone ................................................................................................... 21
5. Support process, roles and responsibilities ........................................................................ 21
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Policy and procedures
5.1. Resolution process overview ...................................................................................... 21
5.2. Problem diagnosis .................................................................................................... 21
5.3. Progress status reports ............................................................................................. 22
5.4. Problem Resolution................................................................................................... 22
5.5. Case closure ............................................................................................................ 22
5.6. Issue escalation and management visibility.................................................................. 23
5.6.1. Global support directed escalation ........................................................................................................... 23
5.6.2. Customer directed escalation ................................................................................................................... 24
5.7. Security vulnerabilities .............................................................................................. 24
5.8. Axway SaaS operations compliancy and standards ....................................................... 25
October 2021
Global customer services
Policy and procedures
1. Overview
As a world-class solutions provider, Axway offers customers and partners several tailored support options,
all of which provide reliable and timely resolution of technical inquiries.
The Axway support website (https://support.axway.com) provides customers and partners with access
to our knowledge database, product bulletins, product patches, product manuals, documentation updates
enabling direct feedback to support. Besides using the Axway support website to submit support requests,
customers and partners may access Global Support via email or telephone. They can also register in the
Axway Community (https://community.axway.com).
Customers and partners registered for support are entitled to use the services described in this document.
"You" and "your" refers to the individual or entity that has ordered technical support from Axway or an
authorized distributor.
Axway may, at any time and without notice, modify this Support Policy and Procedures to reflect market
conditions and to better serve its customers.
To find out more and read the latest version of this document, please visit our Support website at
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Global customer services
Policy and procedures
2. The support organization
The global organization provides support worldwide via support centers that are strategically and
geographically distributed to provide 24-hour/365-day (24x365) support.
A unique instance of a specific customer or partner issue or request is tracked with a case number. All
cases are logged regionally during local office hours at one of the support centers listed below. The
assigned support engineer is your point of contact until a resolution is found. Our Support engineers
utilize their personal product knowledge and experience as well as Axways internal resources to solve
the problem and direct you to techniques to avoid the problem in the future.
Axway customers consume Axways technology offerings as an on-premise license with associated
maintenance support, or as a comprehensive cloud service with or without additional value-add managed
services, or as a combination of on-premise and cloud services. Axway provides a common support model
for whichever deployment is chosen, which is described in this document. Features and capabilities that
are unique to a cloud/cloud managed services deployment are described in detail in our cloud services
and SLA descriptiondocument.
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Global customer services
Policy and procedures
3. Customer support offerings
3.1. Support offering plans & features matrix
Axway has designed its support operation to meet the varying needs of our clients worldwide, across
industries and across time zones. Each support plan offers unique features and resources tailored for
your business requirements.
As an Axway customer or partner, you have purchased one of the following support plans:
Support plan feature
Mission critical
Supported products
End point products
Method of access
Web only
Hours of operation
Remote access
Included contacts
Number of support
releases and
Emergency bug fixes
(software patches)
24x365 support
website access for
software patches
and technical
information such as
product bulletins and
releases, and
October 2021
Global customer services
Policy and procedures
Support plan feature
Mission critical
Support account
management and managerial
24x365 support regardless of
Annual visit by MCS account
Designated MCS team
Initial assessment service
Monthly executive support
summary report
Regular personalized
conference call
Dedicated support (up to three
days per year)
Dedicated support for
exceptional escalations
Production environment
SecureClient, Activator, Workstation.
In English.
For priority 1 Cases only see 4.4 for details on the priority Levels
“Minor Releasemeans an update of the licensed component that corrects a set of defects and may enhance or evolve existing functionality of the
licensed component, which shall be denoted with a change in number(s) to the right of the second decimal (i.e., n.n.X.). “Major release” means an
update of a licensed component that includes significant new functionalities and major enhancements, which shall be denoted w ith a change in
number(s) to the right of the first decimal (i.e., n.X.n). With the PLC 3.1 the update release replaces the minor release of the PLC 2.3. A new update
introduces feature changes, defect fixes and can also introduce compliance mandated changes such as new pperating System, new security rules or
new software pre-requisites.
Priority 1-3 issues, customer availability and participation required
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Global customer services
Policy and procedures
3.1.1. Mission Critical Support (MCS) plan
Axway’s MCS support service provides an exceptional level of support and is available at an additional
charge; certain terms and conditions apply.
MCS is the most comprehensive level of support available. MCS is designed to provide our worldwide
enterprise customers’ application infrastructures with the highest level of care.
Whether from an Axway support center or located at your premises, Axway's designated MCS teams work
quickly and efficiently to resolve issues and requests and to help take preventive action to avoid future
issues. In a close partnership, the designated MCS team will become intimately familiar with your
environments and associated Axway systems.
Besides providing all the features of the premier plan, the MCS Plan’s level of assistance and advice goes
far beyond the service provided by traditional product support organizations in the industry.
The MCS Plan includes the following:
Direct access to Mission Critical Support account manager
When maintaining your infrastructure, it is critical that your interaction with Axway support be simple and
efficient. As part of your MCS program, you will have direct access to your assigned MCS account
manager, a single point of contact for accessing professional Axway support expertise. Through
scheduled follow-up calls and additional frequent contact, your MCS account manager will develop an
intimate knowledge of your business and your specific Axway enterprise solution implementation so any
issues and concerns that may arise are quickly diagnosed and worked to resolution.
Designated Mission Critical Support team
The MCS team is a select group of senior technical support engineers whose combined skill, knowledge
and experience spans horizontally and vertically across the entire Axway product suite and its
implementation in very complex environments. Working in tandem with your MCS account manager, the
MCS team strives to be extremely familiar with your solution and environment.
Mission critical case resolution objectives
The following case resolution targets are goals that the MCS team is managed to meet for on premise
MCS case resolution/workaround objectives
Priority 1
4 hours for resolution
Priority 2
2 days for resolution
Priority 3
8 days for resolution
Priority 4
15 days for resolution
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Policy and procedures
Restoration is the action taken to return an IT service to the users after repair and recovery from an
Resolution is the action taken to repair the root cause of an incident or problem, or to implement a
Monthly personalized conference call
A monthly meeting with your MCS account manager will review project status and allow you to discuss
current issues and future product direction.
Monthly executive support summary report
Prior to the monthly meeting, your MCS account manager will provide you with an executive summary
report that details issues that have been opened and worked on during the previous month. This report
will also provide further analysis into the resolution and handling of high impact cases.
Identify potential problems/alerts
The MCS team looks beyond the immediate horizon to try to prevent any future issues from impacting
your environment. From time to time, the MCS team sends out information as an alert to potential issues
and to provide assistance and instructions to prevent them from occurring.
Remote access
To further facilitate resolution, the MCS team will, under your supervision, be able to connect remotely to
your environment using a solution validated by both parties or one provided by Axway.
24x365 support, regardless of priority
The MCS team works around the clock to provide resolution 24x365. This includes priority 3 cases if the
customer expresses the desire to receive assistance over the weekend or during off -hours and is ready to
work with MCS team.
Initial assessment service
Prior to commencing the MCS program, Axway will perform a comprehensive on-site system inventory,
an operational assessment including backup and restore procedures and will assist you in documenting
network topology. Axway will consult with you to set parameters for event notification and monitoring
and maintain the assessment in a customer profile. Additionally, Axway will assist you to install relevant
Axway diagnostic tools to ensure faster resolution times for any issues.
Production environment documentation
To ensure that the MCS team and account manager have a good understanding of your system and to
promote efficient issue resolution, key elements of your solution will be documented and this profile will
be constantly updated and available to the MCS team.
Incident management response team (up to 3 days/year)
Over the course of a year there may be high visibility production impacting situations where the added
assurance of a dedicated Axway team of resources is justified and recommended. In these instances, a
team of senior Axway resources will be dedicated to work on the incident either remotely or if necessary
on-site for up to 3 business (Mon-Fri) days.
Product roadmap review
While all Axway product roadmaps are available for review via the community portal, we understand that
as owners of mission critical implementations the importance of staying up to date and aligned with
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Axway product strategy is essential to your operations. That is why, as part of the MCS program, your
critical account manager will facilitate periodic meetings with Axway product management to review the
roadmap and discuss any new features or functionality that may be of interest to you.
3.1.2. Premier plan
The Premier plan is the standard support offering. It is designed for customers and partners whose
business requires the security of knowing that an Axway support engineer is available for assistance
Monday through Friday during business hours, excluding public holidays and 24x7 for any system-down
(priority 1) issues. Business hours (8AM to 5PM for APAC/Americas customers and 9AM to 6PM for EMEA
customers) and holidays are based on the country associated with your support access code.
3.1.3. e-Support plan
The e-Support plan provides you with a web-only access to Axways team of support professionals for
problem-solving assistance and does not set a Service Level Agreement (SLA) threshold for action. In
addition, the e-Support plan provides access to all software updates. Updates are provided with the
frequency, schedule and content determined by Axway at its sole discretion. Subscribers to this service
should take advantage of our online knowledgebase, documentation available 24x365 on the Axway
support website and community portal (https://community.axway.com).
3.1.4. Appliance support
Appliance troubleshooting and problem resolution is generally managed remotely. In the case of hardware
problems, the following manufacturer warranties apply:
Covered by Dell limited hardware warranty
Defects in materials and workmanship in Dell-branded hardware products, including Dell-branded
peripheral products
Not covered by Dell limited hardware warranty
Non Dell-branded products and accessories
Problems that result from external causes such as accident, abuse, misuse, or problems with electrical
Servicing not authorized by Dell
Usage that is not in accordance with product instructions
Failure to follow the product instructions or failure to perform preventive maintenance
Problems caused by using accessories, parts, or components not supplied by Dell
Products with missing or altered service tags or serial numbers
Normal wear and tear
Appliance End of Life (EOL) policy: Beginning with the introduction of Dell appliances on February 1, 2007,
all appliances sold by Axway and running software are assigned an EOL date five years from the date of
original purchase.
Axway applications running on EOL appliances are supported pursuant to the published product life cycle
policy. Axway reserves the right to deprecate support for EOL appliances in future application versions.
HSM cards are covered by Axway for 1 year from date of purchase. Axway will ship up to 1 HSM card within 1 business day if any hardware issue
occurs with this type of card.
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Policy and procedures
Operating System (OS) platform installed (also known as appliance platform) as part of an EOL appliance
is only supported on a best-effort basis without any commitment for OS updates once an appliance
becomes EOL.
Onsite Appliance repair
: For all appliance models, technician will arrive 4 hours after phone
troubleshooting. The arrival can be the next business day if the problem occurs during nights/weekends.
3.1.5. API support in Axway products
Some Axway products have APIs available for integrations or customizations that extend Axway product
functionality to help customers meet business-specific requirements. Axway APIs may provide some or
all of the following documentation:
Detailed documentation and descriptions of API usage and functional capabilities
Sample code and examples of how to call or access the API
Javadoc - Javadoc is a documentation generator from Sun Microsystems for generating API
documentation in HTML format from Java source code. Reference: http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/
Axway offers technical support for product APIs that includes the following:
If an API is not performing as documented, Axway will determine a workaround or fix based on our
standard defect handling policies. To receive support, customers need to isolate API -related bugs and
send snippets of code that reproduce the issue directly to technical support.
Code updates to the APIs will be provided concurrently with product updates and releases. For
example, an API defect may be fixed in the next service pack of the related product.
Axway product API support excludes the following:
Application design, development and maintenance, and any consulting on those applications. Axway
technical support will not troubleshoot, review custom code, API interface code, or provide
suggestions other than referring customers to fee based consulting services provided by Axway
professional services.
Training sessions for developers
Axway offers the following services to aid developers in working with Axway product API’s. Note that the
following services are fee-based.
Developer training sessions for Axway product APIs
Assistance for application development and design, and code reviews, provided by Axway professional
Project management assistance by Axway professional services.
All appliance onsite repair work and arrival timing is based on an Axway-negotiated contract with Dell. Geographical coverage includes major
metropolitan areas worldwide. If site is located outside a metropolitan area, arrival could take one or more business days
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Policy and procedures
3.2. Axway problem response time targets and Service Level Availability
3.2.1. Axway response time targets
Axway defines the term initial response time target” as the maximum time a technically-qualified Axway
engineer has to contact a customer and/or partner either by email or phone after the case is logged. Other
activities that may occur in the initial response include gathering additional information about the
problem, collecting diagnostics, suggesting workarounds, obtaining reproduction data and/or validating
configuration information.
Mission critical
Priority 1
15 minutes
30 minutes
Priority 2
2 hours
4 business hours
Priority 3
1 business day
1 business day
Priority 4
1 business day
5 business day
During the week-end, Platinum/MCS customers can request Axway teams to work on priority 3 cases
(customer staff must be willing to collaborate).
3.2.2. SaaS Service Level Availability
Axway is committed to providing highly available and secure services to support our customers. The
Service Level Availability (SLA) for Axway SaaS is 99.9% calculated by the following formula:
Duration period = total duration of the measurement period less scheduled maintenance time (unit of
measure: minutes).
Outage duration i = business duration of the priority 1 outages iduring the measurement period (unit
of measure: minutes).
The durations of overlapping incident periods are not accumulated and are counted as a single
3.3. Multiple licenses
If you purchase more than one license of the same software and that software is to be supported, you
must purchase the same support level for each license.
If you purchase a support extension (as defined in Section 3.7), you still must maintain support for the
entire license set.
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Policy and procedures
3.4. Support term
Support services shall commence on the effective date of the sales order and shall continue for an initial
period of one year (“initial support term”) except as otherwise set forth in the sales order. Upon expiration
of the initial support term, the support services shall be renewed for one-year periods, with payments
required prior to the start of the new support term, unless either party provides written notice of its intent
not to renew at least 180 days before the end of the then current term. Axway will determine the fees for
support renewal based on Axway’s then current pricing for support. Cloud/cloud managed services terms
are typically 3-year.
3.5. Reinstatement policy
If support services lapse or were not originally purchased with a product, a reinstatement fee will be
assessed in addition to the back-support to be paid. The uncovered period will need to be paid (back-
support) from the last annual support fee you paid and a 50% reinstatement fee will be applied on it. You
will also need to purchase the annual fee for the 12 months starting period.
3.6. Reduction of licenses or support level
Pricing for support services is based upon the level of support services and the volume of product for
which support services are ordered. In the event that support services for a subset of licenses on a single
order is terminated or if the level of support services is reduced, support services for the remaining
licenses on that license order will be priced at Axway's list price for support services in effect at the time
of termination.
Such support price will not exceed the previous support fees paid for both the remaining licenses and the
licenses being terminated or unsupported.
3.7. Support extension
For customers who have deployed Axway software on-premises, Axway provides advanced notice of its
software products reaching their End of Support (EOS) state (see Axway product lifecycle
https://cdn.axway.com/u/Axway_Product_Lifecycle_2.pdf and
Information regarding EOS dates and support extensions is available on the support site and customers
may be informed by their support renewal representative or their sales contact.
Should you need to run a product version that has reached EOS, Axway offers the option to purchase
limited support extensions to ensure that, if you are not able to upgrade/migrate within the allocated time,
you have the opportunity to extend your support coverage. A support extension is offered for a term of
six months; typically no more than two six-month extensions will be offered for a given EOS version.
Your maintenance sales representative will be able to provide you a quotation for a support extension.
3.8. New generation and version
Access to new generations is governed by the terms of the agreement between the customer and Axway.
“New generation release” means the release of a new generation that includes significant changes in
functionality, features, new component integrations or new operating environments and which is denoted
with a change in number to the left side of the first decimal (i.e., X.n.n). With the PLC 3.1 the generation
becomes major release.
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Global customer services
Policy and procedures
4. Customer roles and responsibilities
4.1. Overview
The following section describes important points we encourage customers to consider to help expedite
resolution of their issues. Customers and partners with a valid support contract may contact global
support via telephone, e-mail or the Internet - depending upon the issue’s priority and level of support, one
method may be preferred or even required over another. Global support’s actions typically include issue
investigation, simulation, and reproduction attempts. Based on these investigations global support may
provide technical explanations or instructions for configuration changes, workarounds, and in some
cases software patches.
4.2. Contacting customer support
4.2.1. How to contact support
You can submit your request for support to Axway via the channels listed below. A request number will
be issued to you for future reference. Please refer to this number each time you contact us regarding your
support request.
Submit support requests on the Axway support website via the Internet https://support.axway.com.
We recommend using the website if you need to attach error logs, sample code or other information
related to your request.
Send support requests via e-mail to support@axway.com.
Call us, using the appropriate regional or local phone number provided on the support website (Note:
priority 1 critical issues must be reported by phone)
4.2.2. What can you find on the Axway support web?
Before contacting global support and logging a support request, we recommend you visit our support
website to search our knowledgebase and patch download database for a solution or available patch to
resolve your issue.
As a registered user you have access to the following services on the Axway support website:
Submit/track support requests
Reference/search product knowledgebase
Product bulletins
Access/download updated user manuals
Download software patches
Axway Community (https://community.axway.com)
On the Website, you will find a detailed description of how to sign in as a user, how to log requests, etc.
E-Support customers may only access Axway global support via the Axway support website
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Policy and procedures
4.3. Customer obligations
4.3.1. Timely responses are a “2-way street”
During the course of problem diagnosis and resolution Axway will maintain a high level of sensitivity
responding to customer requests. Conversely, Axway needs customers and/or partners to respond to
requests for technical information in a timely fashion so the Axway global support team can efficiently
provide diagnosis and accelerated resolution. Axway expects the customer and/or partner to have all
appropriate customer and/or partner technical personnel available to further test and diagnose issues.
Axway expects you to provide feedback as to the success or failure of given suggestions or delivered
software patches. You may be requested to participate in conference calls until the issue is resolved.
4.3.2. Required information to expedite resolution
As part of the problem reporting process, you must gather logs and data prior to reporting an issue -
contact Axway global support for latest product-specific, trouble-shooting, data-gathering requirements.
When contacting Axway global support, always be prepared with all the following information:
Support case ID number: If your issue is an open support request, the current request number (in the
subject fieldof the email when communicating on an existing case via email).
Contact name(s) and company name: Your name and the name of your company, as well as the names
of alternative contact persons (your support access code in the subject fieldof the email when
logging a new case via email).
Contact information: E-mail addresses and phone and fax numbers where you can be reached.
Product information: Product license number, version/release of software and patches that have been
installed specific to the installation on which the problem/query is based. In a cloud context, the
concerned cloud service.
Problem description: A detailed description of the problem. This must include the problem(s) you are
experiencing, any changes made prior to this/these problem(s), how long you have been experiencing
this/these problem(s), etc.
Impact: A measure of the effect of an incident, problem or change on business processes. Impact is
often based on how service levels will be affected.
Urgency: A measure of how long it will be until an incident, has a significant impact on the business.
For example, a high-impact incident may have low urgency if the impact will not affect the business
until the end of the financial year.
Configuration Information: Valid and current configuration, product name, version, and build number
information (in a cloud context, the concerned environment if necessary).
Error messages: Precise error messages, log files, description of product behavior and symptoms.
Steps to reproduce: List of steps that produce the problem and relevant test cases.
Description of recent environment or system changes: Descriptions of any recent product or system
changes that occurred prior to noticing the problem.
4.3.3. Customer contact person
You must appoint a representative from your organization to serve as the primary point of contact for
contractual issues with Axway support services. Your contractual contact will be authorized to make
critical decisions for your company with respect to your Axway support relationship.
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Policy and procedures
You must also designate one or more authorized technical contacts
to interact with Axway global
support on technical issues. Support services does not replace training for your staff. Your technical
contacts must have attended the proper training courses for the software on which they require support
assistance and must have obtained a level of competence with the software as reasonably required by
Axway. Some highly complex Axway products require technical contacts to receive an Individual
Certification Number (ICN) given upon successful completion of these courses. The ICN program ensures
that your technical contacts are sufficiently trained and can communicate effectively with Axway global
support toward the resolution of your technical issues.
Your technical contacts are the only people authorized to contact Axway global support. Authorized
technical contacts are established to protect your company, your software and your data ensuring that
only people you authorize can request that we investigate or make modifications to your systems. If an
unauthorized person contacts us, we will redirect him to your authorized technical contacts. However, in
the case of an emergency, we may begin working on a case with an unauthorized support contact on an
exception basis, subject to later verification.
Your contacts must be authorized to provide Axway promptly, upon request, with complete and accurate
information about you and your business as is reasonably required for the performance of the support
services. You may change your designated contacts with written notice to Axway.
4.3.4. Important disclaimers
Order and installation
To avoid being caught without support on an EOL software version customers are highly encouraged to
install new releases promptly or have them professionally installed after Axway’s announcement of their
Backup procedures
As a customer, you agree to keep full backup copies of any associated databases and data, in accordance
with the best computing practices and to follow backup and recovery procedures prior to the installation
of any update.
You must keep local documentation for the handling and operation of the software available.
Certified configurations
Axway tests and certifies software on specific operating system and database versions for every new
update or version that contains new functionality. Since all issues will be diagnosed using certified
updates or versions in our labs, we highly encourage customers install the most recent update of the
software. Information about certified configurations is available at the Axway Website.
Axway is not obligated to support any third party software or hardware. Problems reported to Axway,
which are identified as relating to third party software provided to you through Axway and that Axway
cannot resolve may, in the event Axway has an agreement to receive support from the third party, be
escalated to that third party from whom Axway procured such third party software or hardware. In such
cases, Axway will provide you that support with respect to such third party Software or hardware as Axway
itself is entitled to receive from the third party and to provide to you.
Please refer to your support level and the number of authorized technical contacts
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Compliance with instructions
You must comply with the operational instructions distributed by Axway.
Fault documentation: You must document how the fault/problem occurred and verify that the
faults/problems are reproducible.
Access to facilities and staff
To the extent that participation by or access by Axway to your staff is necessary for the performance of
the support services, you agree that all such staff will be available at all times agreed to by Axway and
the staff. Also, your staff will possess the appropriate skills and experience for the tasks assigned to them.
To the extent that you fail or delay in fulfilling any of your responsibilities as described, Axway may revise
the timetable for delivery of support services. In this event, Axway will notify you of the additional delay
that is likely to occur as a result of your failure or delay.
Customer contact person
In relationship with the management of data privacy regulations and confidential data management (see
paragraph below) customer contractual contact is, by default, our preferred customer contact, but Axway
gives customer the opportunity to define a separate data privacy contact for data privacy related
questions and a security contact for confidential data related contact.
As such, Axway expects these contacts to have the necessary authorization to make decisions regarding
data privacy and security. The data privacy contact shall typically be the customer DPO or belong to its
organization and the security contact shall typically be the CISO or belong to its organization.
Axway expects customer to maintain informed Axway of the accurate name and details of these contacts.
Notice on data privacy
Security of our customers data is a top priority for Axway, and as such, we have developed data protection
policies and procedures in accordance with the various requirements under the US Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation
Even with these data protection practices in place, Axway has adopted a policy of not accepting PHI or
personal data from our customers. Axway has determined that it does not need Protected Health
Information (PHI) or personal data, other than the information needed to render the service, in order to
provide support to its customers.
Therefore, you agree that Axway does not need to access or process personal data on behalf of the
customer in order to fulfill its contractual obligations.
As such, you agree to:
Not entrust any personal data, financial information, health, medical or pharmaceutical data or data
concerning children under 15, or any other so-called sensitive data within the meaning of Regulation
(EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 applicable from 25 May
2018 (hereinafter the "GDPR") and/or,
To encrypt and/or anonymize any personal data that may be sent to Axway under this agreement.
Axway shall, within the scope of this support policy and the commercial relationship with you, process
personal data relating to your employees or managers (including technical and commercial contacts),
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Policy and procedures
which may include in particular but not limited to information such as names, addresses, titles or business
contacts (email address, telephone number). This information will be collected from you. You declare that
you are allowed to transfer this personal data to Axway and that you have complied with the GDPR and
the HIPAA.
As such, Axway, as controller of this personal data, undertakes to process such personal data only to the
extent that it is strictly necessary for communication with you (for the proper performance of support and
maintenance services), customer satisfaction, commercial or marketing activities, and undertakes t o
comply with the applicable legal provisions in this area, including the GDPR, and in particular to implement
all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data against
accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access and
against any other form of unlawful processing.
Furthermore you hereby authorize Axway to transfer your personal data to a third country or international
organization and to any Axway Software Group company or any subcontractor defined in
https://www.axway.com/en/contact-us#tablist1-tab3. Axway ensures that the subcontractor provides
the same guarantees for the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures to
ensure that the processing activity meets the requirements of the GDPR. If the subcontractor does not
fulfill his obligations regarding the protection of personal data, Axway remains fully liable to you for the
performance by the subcontractor of its obligations.
Notice on confidential data
Security of our customers data is a top priority for Axway, and as such, we have developed data protection
policies and procedures in accordance with industry recognized security best practices (ISO 27001,
ISAE32/SSAE16/SOC1, NIST 800-53).
Even with these data protection practices in place, Axway has adopted a policy of not accepting data that
are considered as confidential from our customers. Axway has determined that it does not need to have
access to confidential data in order to provide support to its customers. Should you decide you need to
send a file or application to Axway for support analysis or support testing, you must ensure that the file
or application does not contain any data that is considered as confidential by your organization. You are
required to either delete any confidential data that may reside on the file or application, or substitute
fictitious data that satisfies your security requirements.
In the event that you believe it is necessary for Axway to access these confidential data to perform
support services, you must notify Axway first, and then Axway will work with you to identify an acceptable
approach to accommodate your needs.
4.4. Classification of Issues, Faults & Problems
When submitting a Support request, you must provide Axway with what you believe is the appropriate
classification of the error by indicating the Urgency and the Impact, using the table below as a guide.
Axway will work with you to make a reasonable and conclusive determination of the impact and urgency
of the issue and respond in accordance to the priority of issue.
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Global customer services
Policy and procedures
1 critical
Faults that seriously impair or halt performance in production for the end user.
o System, server or critical application down.
o The user cannot make use of a ‘must-havebusiness-essential function in the
production system.
o The problem cannot be solved by a restart or a bypass or a workaround.
2 high
Serious fault that affect productivity or development:
Production System:
o Problem where production is proceeding, but in a significantly impaired
o The production system is running, but with repeated interruptions.
Development System:
o The problem cannot be solved by a restart or a bypass.
o Halts further development and workaround has not been found.
o Cannot move product into production and workaround has not been found.
3 medium
Medium faults:
Production System:
o Problems which do not have a significant impact on current productivity.
o The production system is running, but with limitations.
o A function in the production system is failing, but there is a bypass available.
Development System:
o A function in the development system is failing, but there is a bypass available.
o Development project can proceed, but in a significantly impaired fashion.
o A workaround has been found but it is not acceptable.
4 low
Minor faults which do not affect the use of the system or no impact
1 high
The restoration/resolution is immediately necessary to prevent severe
business impact.
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2 medium
The resolution is needed as soon as possible because of potentially damaging
service impact.
3 low
The resolution will solve irritating problems or repair missing functionality but
can be scheduled
Priority is a category used to identify the relative importance of an incident, problem or change. Priority
is based on impact and urgency, and is used to identify required times for actions to be taken.
1 high
2 medium
3 low
1 critical
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
2 high
Priority 2
Priority 2
Priority 3
3 medium
Priority 3
Priority 3
Priority 4
4 low
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 4
4.5. Submitting support requests
4.5.1. Submitting support requests via the support website
In order to log requests via the web you must first register on the Axway website. After logging in, you
will have access to the support website where you can log requests.
When submitting a fault/problem through our website, be prepared to provide Axway support with
information that is essential for the resolution process by preparing the information as defined in the
section titled required Information to expedite resolution.”
We advise you to compose your support requests in english as this will facilitate quick transfer of your
request within the support organization.
Priority 1 issues must be reported by phone. This ensures the request has reached support and has
been given the appropriate priority designation.
4.5.2. Submitting support requests via e-mail
Prepare the information as defined in the section titled required information to expedite resolution”
Send your support request to support@axway.com.
A support engineer will contact you with a response to your support request.
If you contact Axway support via e-mail regarding a previously submitted request, please add the
request number in the e-mail subject header. This will help us to identify the support engineer
responsible for your support request.
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Policy and procedures
Priority 1 issues must be reported by phone. This ensures the request has reached support and has
been given the appropriate priority designation.
Please submit only one support request per e-mail.
4.5.3. Submitting support requests via phone
When contacting customer support via phone, please use the telephone number of your regional support
center. Refer to the contact page at the Axway support website
(https://support.axway.com/en/auth/contacts). Please be prepared to provide support with information
that is essential for the resolution process by preparing the information as defined in the section titled
required information to expedite resolution.”
5. Support process, roles and responsibilities
5.1. Resolution process overview
When support receives a case and logs the details, you will be identified through your license number or
support access code. The license register confirms or alerts the support engineer as to whether you have
an up-to-date support contract in place. You will be advised if the call is outside of your contracted hours,
in which case the call will still be logged, but you will be informed that it is outside the prescribed calling
hours of your contract.
Once your support entitlement is verified, the support engineer will determine the classification of the
case and identify the urgency of the situation.
Investigations and data collection then begins. The support engineer may search a knowledge database
and past case histories to identify any prior experience with a similar or identical problem.
After appropriate data has been collected and researched, the support engineer will attempt to resolve
the problem and, if necessary, will escalate the case to various resources based on information gathered.
In case of a product defect with no acceptable workaround, the support engineer will send you a software
update or, if not yet available, a patch for critical issues affecting your production system.
Once support has delivered the solution, walked the customers staff through the solution implementation
and received confirmation of successful resolution, it will close the request.
There is a provision for re-opening an older request if necessary (i.e., the previous solution fails), in which
case the resolution process will be resumed.
5.2. Problem diagnosis
Axway uses the following methods to diagnose your problem/query.
Recreate problems with sample data at an Axway support center.
Request a copy of your configuration to be sent to one of our Axway support centers.
If necessary, Axway will consider sending a billable representative to your site to assist in diagnosing the
If Axway determines that remote services are necessary, you agree to install at your cost the necessary
equipment for fault diagnostics and maintenance service through telecommunications (remote access)
connected to the computer on which the software is used.
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Policy and procedures
5.3. Progress status reports
Support creates and updates a problem report to ensure quality control and, if necessary, appropriate
product bug identification.
At each stage of resolution, you and the support representative will set an agreed time and date for the
next contact between you and the Axway support team; however a default target status frequency is also
determined by the assigned priority of the case as follows:
Case priority
Target status
(no software defect
Target status
(software defect
Priority 1
Priority 2
Every three working
Priority 3
Every three weeks
Priority 4
5.4. Problem Resolution
You may receive the resolution to a problem/query in one of the following formats.
Direct solution: Problem solved.
Workaround: Steps provided that allow the software to perform and the issue is stabilized. The
workaround might be replaced by a permanent solution in a future software update.
Patch: For critical problems, a patch may be made that corrects a specific problem.
Software updates: Several problems may be resolved or corrected in an update.
5.5. Case closure
A support request is typically closed when you confirm that a resolution has been reached or if we do not
hear back from you after three attempts to contact you during a ten day period. We may also close support
requests if we cannot resolve, or choose not to resolve certain issues, with acknowledgement and
agreement from you. The case technical contact will be notified of the closure by email. You can call back
and reopen a case to initiate further work.
Closure due to solution delivered to customer
Within 7 days of solution delivery, you will receive an email courtesy notification of case closure. Axway
understands customers’ need to test and validate solutions in each environment prior to placing into
production and this phase may require a longer period.
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If, during the extended period of customer validation, it appears that the solution provided does not
resolve the issue, you should contact Global support and re-open the case. Global support and
engineering will continue analysis and work towards resolution. If new symptoms occur, a new case will
be opened.
Customer satisfaction surveys
The services we offer and the services we will offer in the future are based largely on feedback from you.
In addition, your satisfaction with our services is the only way we measure our success. As such, we
conduct customer satisfaction surveys that give you the opportunity to let us know how we are doing.
After we close a support request with you, you will receive a short survey via email asking for your
feedback in the following areas:
The time to reach an engineer
The time to resolve your case
Your level of satisfaction with the product
Your level of satisfaction with our support services
5.6. Issue escalation and management visibility
5.6.1. Global support directed escalation
Global support engineers follow the technical processes described in this document to gather information
to help identify and resolve your issue. Engineers consult product development teams to resolve the issue
and escalate, if necessary.
The escalation process allows for wider review of the situation, including technical and management
directives for applying additional resources to the issue, and increased levels of communication between
Axway organizations and with your organization. Escalation brings the issue to the attention of a
supervisor, then management, then executive-level personnel within Axway.
To enable Priority 1 target resolution times and assure appropriate management visibility into priority 1
situations, the following priority 1 management notification progression ladder is built into our case
management systems.
Minutes past
Priority 1 management notification progression ladder
Immediately after case
Initial notification of support center manager, MCS account manager
and Sales Account Manager
1 hour
Sales Account Manager
2 hours
Regional Director of Global Support
4 hours
Regional Director of Global Support notifies SVP Global Support
8 hours
Regional Director Global Support notifies Regional VP of sales
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5.6.2. Customer directed escalation
Our support team always works to ensure that the appropriate resources and level of focus are applied to
your request to ensure a timely resolution. If you are not satisfied with the progress of your support
request, however, we encourage you to request an escalation. By invoking the escalation process,
additional levels of management attention, procedure reinforcement and resource prioritization are
brought to bear on resolving your support request.
You can escalate a support request at any time either by speaking directly with the engineer assigned to
your case or by calling your local Axway support number
and requesting to speak with a global support
5.7. Security vulnerabilities
Axway takes security vulnerabilities extremely seriously. The Axway product security group has
established a strict process that requires any security vulnerabilities reported to Axway global support be
either well documented in our Axway support website or quickly assessed and eventually addressed by
our security and R&D teams. When appropriate, Axway tracks security vulnerabilities that are already
reported and acted upon, and publishes this list on the Axway support website at
https://support.axway.com per product.
Axway encourages customers, partners, internal employees and security companies to contact Axway
global support through the normal case reporting methods whenever a security vulnerability against any
of Axway's products is discovered. Once a case is received, Axway global support will mark the case as a
security related incident and initiate the process that will assure the vulnerability is evaluated against
appropriate criteria.
Before being assessed by Axway's product security group all reported vulnerabilities will be checked
against the published product repository of already addressed vulnerabilities. If the reported vulnerability
is determined to be something that Axway have not received as a submission before, Axway support will
open a security defect against the related product and work with Axway product security group and
respective products' security R&D contacts to define a plan of action. At this point, the reported
vulnerability will have its CVSSv3 score calculated and its priority determined. Axway plans on addressing
security vulnerabilities as follows:
CVSSv3 score
Product team action
7 10
Issue a patch (unless technical complexities require fix
in service pack)
4 6.9
Schedule for next service pack
0 3.9
Prioritize for a future pack
Seehow to contact support” section for contact details
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Policy and procedures
5.8. Axway SaaS operations compliancy and standards
Security policy
Axway maintains a strong security posture to proactively maintain and protect the SaaS cloud services.
The security rules and policies are described in the “Axway Cloud Security Statement".
In addition, Axway continuously monitors and evaluates each of our vendors and partners to assure that
they maintain the quality and certifications required to mitigate potential risks related to the security of
the platform and its physical environment.
Operational security
As a leader in cloud services specializing in governing the flow of data, Axway is dedicated to
safeguarding our customers privacy and security in the cloud. We provide end-to-end protection in highly-
scalable, highly-available environments, because we understand that delivering secure systems is
instrumental in sustaining trust. By devising security policies that are transparent, Axway is able to
provide customers with a greater understanding of how their information is kept safe. With strict
operational controls, customers are assured that personnel have been properly trained and vetted through
rigorous screening and quality checks. Additionally, by layering granular, refined controls, Axway helps
protect organizations from legal liabilities of inappropriate use, access, and viewing
Data privacy policy
Axway will not use the data entrusted by customer in any way except as required to deliver the service
and in accordance with Axway privacy statement.
However, in the course of support, Axway or its partners may need to analyze customer data to validate
syntax. In this context, customer allows Axway and its partners to carry out these analyses. Axway will
not, in any cases, modify the data or content unless expressly requested by customer. At the end of the
subscription term, Axway will return the data belonging to the customer and destroy any copies it may
still have.
Third-party audits, compliance programs, and certifications
SOC 2 and SOC 3
HIPAA - Axway has the necessary controls and safeguards to securely handle protected health
care information (PHI) on behalf of our customers
FIPS 140-2 encryption
ISO 27001
Axway Quality and Security Compliance
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Policy and procedures
Cloud Infrastructure Providers
Amazon Web Services (SaaS & Axway Managed Cloud)
SOC 1 / SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (SAS 70 Type II)
SOC 2, SOC 3
PCI-DSS Level 1
ISO27001/02, ISO 27018
FIPS 1402
Microsoft Azure (Axway Managed Cloud)
SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC3
ISO 27001, ISO 27018