Health and Safety Checklist
Getting Ready for Ratings © 2008 Qualistar Colorado, Health & Safety Checklist (LE2, PG 1/5)
Classroom or area: Date checked:
Item In Place Comments
Classroom is free from clutter (tops
of cubbies, cabinets, shelves, halls,
teacher areas).
All teachers can easily view all
areas used by children.
Electrical plugs accessible to
children are covered.
Electrical and drapery cords are out
of children's reach. Electrical cords
are placed away from doorways and
traffic paths.
All teacher handbags are in locked
Flammable and all poisons and
other dangerous items marked
"keep out of reach of children" are
stored in locked cabinets. This
includes medicines, paints,
cleaners, mothballs, etc.
Poisonous plants are not present in
the child care areas.
Appliances and sharp or hazardous
cooking utensils are stored out of
children’s reach.
Knives are in locked storage.
Locks are checked at the beginning
and end of the day.
Soft furnishings are clean and in
good repair.
All other furniture is sturdy and in
good repair.
All large pieces of furniture
and storage shelves are
securely anchored.
Rugs, curtains, pillows,
blankets, and cloth toys are
flame resistant.
Cribs/Cots are placed at least 3 feet
apart, in such a way that walkways
are clear for emergencies.
Infant sleeping arrangements use
firm mattresses and avoid soft
bedding materials, such as
comforters, pillows, fluffy blankets
or stuffed toys.
Classroom or area: Date checked:
Item In Place Comments
All cribs meet current federal
Children do not have access to toys
and toy parts that pose a
swallowing or inhaling hazard.
Toys, materials, and furniture are
safe, durable, and in good condition
(e.g., materials free of sharp edges
and loose pieces, balloons and/or
plastic bags not used, no choking
Toys are not hung across the
cribs .
Teachers know the primary and
secondary evacuation routes and
practice the procedures monthly
with children.
There is a safe and effective
heating and cooling system.
Emergency telephone numbers
(e.g., EMS, Hospital or Emergency
medical clinic, Health Department,
Fire, Police, Poison Control) are
clearly posted near telephone.
A well supplied first-aid kit is
available, accessible to child
care providers, and out of reach
of children.
Emergency lighting is available and
working (i.e.: flashlights).
Fire safety rules and guidelines are
reviewed with children and
Emergency fire drills are conducted
and documented.
The facility has approved, working
fire extinguishers and an
appropriate number of smoke
that are tested regularly.
Walls and ceilings have no
peeling paint and no cracked or
falling plaster.
Hinges and joints are covered to
prevent small fingers from being
pinched or caught.
Getting Ready for Ratings © 2008 Qualistar Colorado, Health & Safety Checklist (LE2 PG 2/5)
Classroom or area: Date checked:
Item In Place Comments
Doorways to unsupervised or unsafe
areas are closed and locked unless
the doors are used for emergency
Teachers can easily monitor all
entrances and exits to keep out
All exits are clearly marked and free
from clutter.
Enough teachers are always present
to exit with children safely and
quickly in an emergency.
Emergency exit doors have easy-
open latches.
All required windows have closed,
permanent screens.
Floor coverings are attached to
the floor or backed with
nonskid materials.
Appropriate licenses (water/sewage,
food/sanitation, fire codes, and
vendor/contractor licenses) are
posted and easily seen.
Classroom or area: Date checked:
Item In Place Comments
Non-perishable food is stored in
labeled, insect-resistant metal or
plastic containers with tight lids.
Food preparation surfaces are clean
and are free of cracks and chips.
Refrigerator temperature is
monitored by a thermometer and is
kept at or below 40 degrees
Medication in need of refrigeration
is refrigerated.
Allergies are posted and
food/beverage substitutions made.
Hot foods are kept at 140 degrees
Fahrenheit or higher until ready to
be eaten.
Getting Ready for Ratings © 2008 Qualistar Colorado, Health & Safety Checklist (LE2, PG 3/5)
Classroom or area: Date checked:
Item In Place Comments
Bleach water is made fresh daily.
Countertops are clean.
Toys that are mouthed are washed
after each use.
Toys are made of nontoxic materials
and are sanitized regularly-sprayed
daily and cleaned weekly.
Non-porous gloves are available for
use when dealing with blood and/or
other bodily fluids.
Diapers are disposed of in a safe and
sanitary manner.
Trash is covered at all times and is
stored away from heaters or other
heat sources.
Trash cans for diapers, tissues, and
other materials that come in contact
with body fluids can be opened with
a step pedal and are lined with a
plastic bag, emptied daily, and
kept clean.
Floor temperature must be at a
minimum of 68 degrees.
Pets are free from disease, are
immunized as appropriate, and are
maintained in a sanitary manner.
Bathroom facilities are clean and in
good repair.
Paper towels and liquid soap are
readily available at the sink.
Classroom carpet/floor areas are
cleaned daily.
Classroom or area: Date checked:
Item In Place Comments
Daily playground checks include:
broken glass, animal waste, trash,
toxic plants or plant debris, damage
by vandals, rocks/sand on pavement,
smoking debris, broken equipment,
chipping paint, puddles of water,
insect hazards, depth of cushioning.
Sand is covered when not in use to
prevent infectious disease and injury
risk when animals and insects get
into it.
Getting Ready for Ratings © 2008 Qualistar Colorado, Health & Safety Checklist (LE2, PG 4/5)
Classroom or area: Date checked:
Item In Place Comments
Children wear helmets when riding
tricycles and bicycles.
Surfaces underneath outdoor play
equipment on which children can
climb are covered with a least 9
inches of impact-absorbing material.
There are no equipment pieces that
could catch clothing. There are no
strings or loose items on children’s
clothing or around children’s necks
that could get caught on play
The outdoor play area is arranged
such that no child can leave the
premises or get into unsafe or
unsupervised areas.
The playground equipment is in good
repair and safe condition (e.g.
adequately secured to the ground,
free of sharp edges and/or splinters,
soft falling surface, moving parts are
There are no openings in any pieces
of active play equipment between 3
1/2 and 9 inches that could cause
head entrapment.
There is a fence that encloses the
play area.
Fence is in good repair.
There are no tripping hazards.
There are no poisonous plants in the
outdoor play areas.
Nobody smokes or has lighted
cigarettes in smoke free zone.
Getting Ready for Ratings © 2008 Qualistar Colorado, Health & Safety Checklist (LE2, PG 5/5)