Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 55;
Moving to Business Analytics: Re-Designing a
Traditional Systems Analysis and Design Course
James J. Pomykalski
Sigmund Weis School of Business
Susquehanna University
Selinsgrove, PA 17870, USA
Many traditional Information Systems (IS) programs are either redesigning current courses to
incorporate business/data analytics or expanding curricular offerings to include business /data analytics;
our IS program chose the former route to meet the demand (from employers) for business/data
analytics. In that transition, a traditional systems analysis and design (SA&D) course was redesigned
to focus on the procedures and skills needed to perform business/data analytics; this required changes
to the focal topical areas. In 2017-18, curricular changes transitioned a traditionally focused database
systems analysis and design course to incorporate business/data analytic skills. This paper focuses on
the course redesign and the new business/data analytic topics, activities, and technologies; we highlight
the important shifts created to the topical areas of this course. The paper emphasizes the rationale and
student outcomes generated.
Keywords: Data/Business Analytics, Pedagogy, Systems Analysis and Design, Structured Data, SQL
Over the past decade, Information Systems (IS)
programs have been adjusting to meet the
growing demand by industry to produce business
analytics/data science professionals (Mills,
Chudoba, & Olson, 2016). This has required a
change/addition of courses that meet the need for
the skills of these professionals (Radovilsky,
Hegde, Acharya, & Uma, 2018). In addition,
“there are a growing number of degree programs,
specializations, and certificates in data science
and data analytics at both the graduate and
undergraduate levels” (Davenport & Patil, 2012;
Dumbill, 2013; Aasheim, Williams, Rutner, &
Gardiner, 2015).
Our undergraduate program decided to revamp
the IS curriculum to address the change in skills.
The first change occurred in existing courses in
the business foundation. Our business foundation
is unique, we did not have a traditional three
credit hour Introduction to IS course, but instead
all students complete three IS-related courses.
The first course in this sequence was a formal
Systems Analysis and Design course. This course
culminated in students designing a simple
database in Access.
The sophomore level Systems Analysis and
Design (SA&D) course was re-focused and re-
titled Data Collection and Modeling; this paper
focuses on the changes made this SA&D course.
When designing this course change certain areas
of the SA&D process were preserved due their
importance in capturing the structured data used
in business analytics; namely requirements
analysis and data modeling; we discuss each area
in a later section of the paper. In addition, new
areasdata literacy, data curation/metadata,
data quality and cleansing and SQLwere added.
This paper is structured in the following manner.
In the next section, we describe the primary
learning objectives of this newly designed course;
including the areas of SA&D that remain due to
their importance in the data/business analytics
process. In section three, the importance of
focusing on data literacy is examined. Section
four continues the data literacy discussion with
the introduction of the two major models that
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 56;
form the basis for this newly developed course;
the data life cycle model of Chisholm (2015) and
the CRISP-DM model for data analytic problem
solving (Chapman, Clinton, Kerber, Khabaza,
Reinartz, Shearer & Wirth, 2000). In section five,
we address the primary pedagogical approach
used to introduce the skills-based modules of the
course. In section six, we describe the major
topics explored throughout the course. These
topics include project management, data curation
and the use of metadata, data cleansing, data
modeling and data structuring, data analysis
using the CRISP-DM model, and data retrieval
using basic SQL commands. In the seventh
section, we examine the major project that is
undertaken (in teams) by the students to gain
hands-on experience. In the final section, we
state some concluding remarks by discussing the
impact and major outcomes of the course for the
students. In addition, we address some future
work that needs to be undertaken.
The newly designed Data Collection and Modeling
course required a complete reworking of the
course learning objectives. For this redesign
effort the work of L. Dee Fink (2013) was utilized.
Fink’s taxonomy of significant learning includes
six critical areas to consider when designing a
course for significant learning impact. These
areas are: foundational knowledge, application,
integration, human dimension, caring, and
learning how to learn. Fink believes that a course
that addresses each of these categories will
create a lasting change in the learner that will be
important to the learner’s life. In particular, we,
when designing this course, envisioned that
change to be one of understanding the
importance of leveraging data to solve business
A primary goal of the course is to begin to
introduce students to the basic skills necessary to
become a data literate member of a data-driven
society. The concept of data literacy is not new
and not limited to data analytics. The primary
definition of data literacy used for the course is
given by Wolff et al. (2016). Data literacy is “the
ability to ask and answer real-world questions
from large and small data sets through an inquiry
process, with consideration of ethical use of data”
(Wolff, Gooch, Cavero Montaner, Rashid, &
Kortuem, 2016, p. 23). Students need to have
at least a basic understanding of the concept of
data, and they need to be able to understand and
engage with data fitting their role and start
talking the language of data” (Goodhardt,
Lambers, & Madlener, 2018, p. 1).
The new course learning objectives are:
1. Identify the data literacy skills necessary
for your given profession.
2. Utilize Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio,
Microsoft Access and basic SQL
commands to answer business questions
using data from a project domain.
3. Develop a multi-part report that
describes how your data activities
addressed the selected business
4. Employ and advance your written
communication skills in conveying
technical information.
5. Demonstrate and advance your
teamwork skills in working through a
data-intensive project.
In order to achieve the first learning objective, we
strive to produce students that at least meet the
minimum data literacy requirements of their
chosen major field. This includes acquiring the
basic foundational knowledge necessary to
function productively in their first employment
opportunity. The second learning objective deals
with the application (skills) that the student will
obtain through the course. This learning
objective deals primarily with Fink’s (2013) areas
of providing foundational knowledge, the
application of that knowledge and the ability to
learn how to learn especially in dealing with new
skill development. These areas were chosen
based on the work of authors who had addressed
the specific skills necessary for today’s data
scientist. (Dumbill, 2013; Goodhardt, et al.,
2018; Mills, et al., 2016; Radovilsky, et al.,
2018). The third learning objective deals with the
team project assigned in the course. This project
work will encompass the integration of the
knowledge and skills through application, human
dimension in understanding how to function as a
productive team member, caring, about the work
and the people on your team and learning how to
learn category through the work of the project.
The final two learning objectives are included to
fulfill of both the University’s Central Curriculum
and the business school’s AACSB learning
objectives. These objectives are most concerned
with integration of knowledge and the human
dimension in terms of both written
communication and teamwork skills.
In addition to these learning objectives, we
identified a set of conceptual and constructive
take-aways for each student; these take-aways
are shown in Appendix 2. These take-aways
highlight more specific skills learned in the
course. The learning objectives were developed
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 57;
using the current literature on analytics skills
(Dumbill, 2013; Mills, et al., 2016; Radovilsky, et
al., 2018) and in consultation with recent alumni
in the business analytics and related fields. The
skills were deemed appropriate for a first course
in business analytics, taught to all business
students, in the business foundation of the
In 1992, Peter Drucker, in an article in the Wall
Street Journal (Drucker, 2005)), explained that
data usersexecutive or professionalneed to be
data-literate and decide what data to use, what
to use it for and how to apply the data to solve
problems. For organizations to prosper in a data
rich environment, every organization, in every
industry, should adopt a data-literate culture”
(Smith, n.d.).
The development of data literacy requires
individuals to acquire skills in two areas. First,
individuals must be able to understand and
appropriately use tools and technologies for data
analysis and decision-making. Second,
individuals need to learn to think critically and
analyze data to choose the correct data and the
suitable analytical and presentation methods for
the situation(Smith, n.d.).
This course module begins with two separate
readings on data literacy to familiarize the
students with the need for data literacy and a
data culture, to provide a basic understanding of
data literacy, and to show how data literacy is
germane to the various majors with the business
curriculum. The essence of this discussion is
summarized by the figure in Appendix 1 which is
taken from Goodhardt et al. (2018).
To further enhance data literacy skills
assignments are used so -students practice using
toolsMicrosoft Project to create and update a
project plan, Excel for data cleaning, Microsoft
Access to structure data, and SQL to create
queriesthat allow students to fulfill the
technology component of data literacy.
To improve the critical thinking and data analysis
skills of the students, individual assignments in
data cleaning, database development, and SQL
statement development, and project assignments
problem statement development, selection and
matching of potential data sets for analysis, data
cleaning, database development, and SQL
statement creation.
Another aspect of data literacy that is covered in
this module is the life cycle and use of data.
Students are introduced to the two models which
are described in more detail in the next section.
Through data life cycle (Chisholm, 2015), the
students are presented with a model of how data
is typically handled within the business
environment; the model describes seven stages
within the life cycle of data. The CRISP-DM model
(Chapman, et al., 2000) is also introduced
although to lesser extent. The model illustrates
the application of data within a problem-solving
process. The concurrent examination of these
models exhibits the important business processes
undertaken within overlapping intervals of these
models; as stated earlier the discussion on the
overlap of the models is a work in progress.
One final discussion area in this module is the
development of a data strategy as proposed by
DalleMule and Davenport (2017). The article
reveals the two intertwined sides of a data
strategy: data offense and data defense. Data
offense, which is the primary focus of their project
work, deals with how an enterprise uses data to
“support business objectives such as increasing
revenue, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
Data defense activities ensure compliance with
regulations and minimizing downside risk. Data
defense shows the ethical implications that are
addressed in data literacy (Wolff, et al., 2016)
and includes discussion of data governance
Data literacy, the data life cycle model, the
CRISP-DM model and data strategy are topics
that will be revisited throughout the course as
they set the foundation for the student’s
understanding of how data “should be” viewed
and handled within and enterprise.
The primary assessment vehicle for the
understanding of data literacy is a short reflective
paper (two to four pages). The students are
asked to identify the activities and topics that
were covered in the course that contribute to
building their data literacy skills foundation. The
students are asked to put themselves, in their
chosen major, along the scale shown in Appendix
1 and discuss the level of proficiency and their
projected data role. The reflective assignment is
used as the final individual learning assessment
to gauge each student’s depth of knowledge
attained through the course and work on the
team project.
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 58;
When examining data and data-driven decision-
making it is often helpful to examine existing
models that describe these processes. In
particular the examination of the data life cycles
within an organization and the data-driven
decision-making process.
In examining the data life cycle, one particular
model that is most useful is the data life cycle
(DLC) model proposed by Chisholm (2015).
Chisholm proposed a seven-stage model of the
data life cycle: capture, maintenance, synthesis,
usage, publication, archival, and purging. The
data life cycle does not necessarily define all the
specific processes involved in handling data, it
does provide “high-level”, i.e., strategic,
understanding of the activities within that stage
regarding enterprise data; the stages are shown
in Figure 1 and discussed in more detail in
Chisholm (2015) and Pomykalski (2020).
Figure 1: Stages in the Data Life Cycle
On the other hand, the analytics problem-
solving process is best described by CRISP-
DM model which was developed through a
partnership led by DaimlerChrysler. The
CRoss-Industry Standard Process for Data
Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology,
developed in 1996, is “based on the
practical, real-word experience of how
people conduct data-mining projects”
(Chapman, et al., 2000, p. 3). The CRISP-
DM methodology (see Figure 2) consists of
six stages: business understanding, data
understanding, data preparation, modeling,
evaluation, and deployment.
These two models, blended together, form the
basis of the course. The primary objective of
which is to introduce students to the use of data
to solve business questions. While a preliminary
understanding of the integration of these models
has been developed the formal description of the
integration is considered future work.
Figure 2: Stages in CRISP-DM
As described in the previous sections, the course
covers several topical areas relevant for
understanding and sufficiently comprehending
the business/data analytics field. In the sections
below, we describe the topical areas and justify
their inclusion in the course.
Before examining the course topics, a brief
discussion of the pedagogical approach taken to
enhance the learning of the students is essential.
For the major, skill-based modules within the
course (project management, data cleansing,
data modeling, data structuring and data
retrieval), the course is designed to follow a
similar pattern in the student learning experience.
Each module is designed and introduced using a
similar pattern:
1. The module is introduced through a
reading(s) with an in-class lecture and
discussion to clarify the topic;
2. Students are then engaged in a low-
stakes, in-class assignment as practice
(discussion of the frequent, low-stakes
(FLS) assignments is given below);
3. Students are then given an individual
assignmentwith a more complex
problem as a graded element; finally
4. Students then perform the same
assignment, within the context of their
team project.
For the skill-based modules, the method of FLS
graded assignments is used (Warnock, 2012).
This is done, as stated by Warnock (2012) as a
means for student to build confidence that they
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 59;
are performing the task correctly and as a means
to communicate and clarify any misunderstands
or missteps apparent in the assignments. This is
important because after the low-stakes
assignments, the individual and team-based
assignments carry larger weight in the overall
grading of the course.
Within the current course there are two topical
areas that are largely addressed as general topic
areas (data literacy and data curation/metadata)
and five skill-based areas. The five skill-based
areas all follow the pedagogical approach outlined
in the section four. While data curation/metadata
can be viewed as a skill-based area, the
pedagogical approach is focused more on the
work done as a project team and not individually.
Project management
Project management has been deemed as an
important skill for all students within the business
foundation and was made part of the original
SA&D course; it has carried over into the business
analytics curriculum. Knowledge of project
management is vital for students to manage the
significant number of course projects that they
have each semester within their business
foundation courses and for their work in their
Within this module, students gain basic
knowledge through readings, chapters from
Heagney (2016) and FSL assignment in
developing both a work breakdown structure and
the Gantt chart for short case study. In addition,
the students create a work breakdown structure
for their team project, based on the overall
project description, and create a Gantt chart in
Microsoft Project that must be updated
throughout the semester; this is done to track the
project deliverables.
This learning module and work on the project
allows each student to not only understand the
vocabulary and basic activities performed in the
management of project work, but gain
understanding as to how their individual
contribution to that work enhances not only their
individual learning but their team development.
Data curation and metadata
Data curation is a data management activity that
plays an important role in the data life cycle. Data
curation is “the work of organizing and managing
a collection of datasets to meet the needs and
interests of a specific groups of people (Wells,
2019, p. np). Data curation is performed prior to
the start of the data analysis process; it is the
identification and structuring of the data pertinent
to the data analysis process. The primary
purpose, according to Wells (2019), of data
curation is to make datasets easy to find,
understand and access. Data curation activities
are performed primarily by problem domain
experts and those ensuring metadata quality.
Metadata, or “data about data”, is vital in the use
of data driven solutions in enterprises. Metadata
contains information that not only describes the
data, but includes the type, length, and previous
use information; this is captured in many modern
data catalogs (Villanova University, 2019). Data
curation and metadata development are
important in the metadata management process.
The students develop knowledge of the
importance of metadata to the business problem-
solving process primarily in the team project by
examining data dictionaries to find pertinent data
fields. They must differentiate between
descriptive, structural, and administrative
metadata and apply the three types of metadata
to their project work by reading and utilizing a
data dictionary that is provided (Villanova
University, 2019).
Data quality/data cleaning
In the case of business analytics, or the study of
data and what information can be gained from the
data, the 80/20 rule becomes: 80% of the time
spent by a data scientist is on gathering,
cleansing, and storing the data, while 20% of the
time is spent on analyzing the data (Snyder,
2019, p. 23). While gathering and storing are
explicit parts of the data life cycle process, Snyder
(2019) points out that data cleansing has often
been granted a “lower status” in the data quality
activities within business analytics. However,
given the importance of data quality in the
business analytics process it should have a more
prominent role in the overall data life cycle.
In this course we dedicate an entire module to
data quality and data cleansing. Through a
reading and a class discussion the importance of
high-quality data for decision-making is stressed.
The students are then introduced to a number of
basic Excel techniques that can be used in the
data cleansing process with any size data sets.
Excel is used, in this course and subsequent
business foundation courses, as part of a business
school wide plan to incrementally build the
student’s knowledge and proficiency with using
Excel as a tool in solving business problems.
Again, a low-stakes in-class assignment is used
to assess their initial understanding.
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 60;
A data cleansing activity highlights the work in
this module and the students are expected to
repeat the data cleansing process within their
data analytics project; see section seven. The
data cleansing activitya specific tutorial in
Monk, Brady, and Mendelssohn (2017)focuses
on finding missing data, inconsistent data (based
on data type), duplicate records, formatting
issues, incorrect entries based on spelling
mistakes, and simple logic errors. The students
create an error log which utilizes a different type
of entry for each particular error type. A class
discussion that focuses on the remedies for each
type of error follows the work on the class
activity. An individual assignment with a larger
dataset is given to determine their skill
development in Excel and understanding of the
data cleansing process; a key output is the
development of the well documented error log.
Data modeling
Within a data analytics project, the data model is
most critical model for the understanding of the
structured data necessary for solving the
business problem. Data modeling is a “technique
for organizing and documenting a system’s data.
A method for the representation of organizational
data” (Whitten & Bentley, 2008, p. 270).
The primary model that is used to capture the
entities and the business relationships between
the entities is an entity-relationship diagram
(ERD). The entity-relationship diagram is “a data
model utilizing several notations to depict data in
terms of the entities and relationships described
by that data” (Whitten & Bentley, 2008, p. 271).
The students use traditional SA&D readings to
understand and develop an ERD through the in
class exercise. Coverage of all the elements of
the ERDentities, attributes, relationships and
cardinalityare addressed. The individual
assignment used is a carryover from the SA&D
course in which the students develop both the
model and a business memo to describe the
major elements of the ERD (Pomykalski, 2006).
The students, within the context of their project
also design and develop a data model specific to
the data selected to address the chosen business
problems and create a new memo, using the
same structure, to discuss the ERD development
Data structuring/analysis
Having the ability to structure data in a simple
database application is important to all students
regardless of the particular business discipline. In
this course, Microsoft Access is used to structure
the project data.
The students are introduced to Microsoft Access
though a set of in-class and individual
assignments taken from the Monk, et al. (2017).
These assignments give the students the basic
skills necessary to create relational database
tables, forms, queries and reports. The students
learn to move Excel data into tables, and then
perform basic data analysis functions.
One of the fundamental Excel skills introduced in
this module is the use of Excel pivot tables as a
means for further exploration and analysis of the
data. This again is covered through tutorial in
Monk, et al. (2017). The basic skills developed in
this module also followed the prescribed
methodology laid in section five.
The CRISP-DM model is also examined in this
module of the course. The students examine the
particular activities that occur in the later stages
of the model dealing with data preparation,
modeling, and evaluation.
Data retrievalSQL
The final learning module of the course is focused
on the development of an understanding of basic
SQL commands. This is the first introduction to
SQL commands that students receive, and it was
implemented in this course due to feedback from
alumni that were obtaining first jobs in a variety
of different majors. The knowledge of SQL to find
and extract data for their new teams was seen as
an enhancement to the role they could fill directly
after graduation.
This three-week module includes introduction to
a basic SELECT statements and the ability to
perform many simple extraction and
summarization functions. In particular, the
module covers the initial half of the Forta (2013)
text on SQL. In particular, we introduce
commands for: data retrieval, sorting, filtering,
manipulation, summarizing, grouping and table
joins. This module does not cover the
development of a database structure using SQL.
Again, this skills-based module follows the same
pedagogical structure described in section five,
however, since each new function needs to
practice, a series of in-class assignments, each
with newly understood functions, are provided in
a low-stakes assignment format.
One of the primary learning assessments in the
course is the work done through the team project.
The team project is a full semester project which
has multiple intermediary deliverables that help
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 61;
comprise the overall grade for this component.
Teams of three to four students work through the
various activities that mimic the skill-based
modules in the course. The project idea and the
necessary business questions and data are taken
from the Teradata Analytics challenge. Each of
the two projects that are currently available have
been used without significant overlap due to the
richness of the business questions and the vast
amount of data that is available to the students.
The project, the description of which is given as
Appendix 3, includes a number of activities for the
project team to undertake.
The students begin the project by creating an
overall project management plan for the
undertaking of the project. The first activity is to
review and select two business questions, these
are provided as part of the Teradata Analytics
Challenge; the students are encouraged to review
the data that is associated with the particular
business questions. An in-class review and
discussion of the data sets (along with the
corresponding data dictionary) is undertaken.
The first project deliverable includes (1) a written
description of the selection of the business
questions and their significance, (2) a work
breakdown structure including the rationale for
many of the project management decisions, and
(3) a Gantt chart that schedules each of the
particular activities on a semester long timeline.
In part two of the project, the students turn their
attention to closer examination of the data sets
that they have chosen for their particular
business questions. The students are asked to
explore and cleanse the data sets. They must
provide a detailed account of the activities that
they undertook in the examination and data
cleansing work. The final stage for this work is to
structure the selected data fields into different
data sheets within Excel to facilitate the import of
the data to a Microsoft Access database structure.
In part three, the students are asked to model the
data and create an ERD that shows the data in
clear logical, well organized structure. The
students must define the data entities, attributes,
relationships, and cardinality. The deliverable for
this stage is the memo and ERD model for their
project data similar to the deliverable for the
individual assignment (Pomykalski, 2006).
The final activity that is undertaken within the
project is the development of the SQL queries
needed to examine the data and answer the
business questions. The final deliverablethe
final written reportincorporates the discussion
on the development of the SQL queries as well as
summarizing all of the work undertaken in the
The project gives the students the experience of
providing a final client driven report that
summarizes all of their activities over the course
of the semester. The students also gain
experience creating intermediate, progress
reports that can be provided to the client and the
project team as a means for documenting the
work. The students are allowed to utilize the
previous (corrected) reports to create the final
project deliverable.
The transition of a traditional IS curriculum to a
business analytics curriculum requires a
substantial amount of rework and new thinking as
to the topics and pedagogies used. However, not
all of the traditional IS concepts need to be
removed. As we have shown, both project
management and data modeling have been
revised to focus on the data aspects of the
analytics process.
In this paper, we examined and described this
transitional workwe continue to tinker with
many areasand this new structure seems to
serve the students well. We have had a number
of students go into both internships and
employment opportunities with these new skills
and that feedback from these students has been
Analytics is a field that continues to evolve and
therefore the evolution of this course and
subsequent courses in the business foundation
will require close scrutiny and monitoring in the
coming years. The integration of the data life
cycle and the CRISP-DM models are future
projects so that students can investigate the
complexities of the business/data analytics
We are pleased with the progress we have made
thus far and we believe that these courses will
better serve our students are they undertake new
employment opportunities as both interns and
permanent employees.
The author would like to acknowledge the
contributions of the other faculty, both current
and recently retired, in the development of this
course redesign and the establishment of a
recently created major in business data analytics.
As new faculty have recently joined our ranks we
look forward to their contributions to the
continual development of this course and expect
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 62;
to be able to provide updates of these
development efforts in the near future. In
addition, we appreciate the comments and
feedback of the reviewers.
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©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 64;
APPENDIX 1: Relation between Data Literacy Levels of Proficiency and Data Roles
(Goodhardt, Lambers, & Madlener, 2018)
Basic understanding of the
concepts of data, analytics and
use cases; one who “gets it” but
cannot explain it to others
Ability to speak, write and engage
in data and
analytics programs
and use cases
Competent of designing, developing
applying data and analytics
Fluent in all three elements of
language across
most business domains within
industry vertical
Fluency across all three
elements of the
language across multiple business
domains, industries and
APPENDIX 2: Course Take-Aways
Conceptual Take-Aways
Constructive Take-Aways
Develop a data literacy mindset
Use Microsoft Project to manage a data analysis
Examine data through a forma data life cycle
Compile a large dataset, clean and structure the
Relate the roles and responsibilities involved in
data management
Develop/enhance your Microsoft Excel skills
Load data into a Microsoft Access database
Write SQL queries to produce answers to
business questions
Produce a formal written report explaining the
results of your queries in addressing the
business problems.
Data Believer
Data User
Data Leader
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©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 65;
APPENDIX 3: Course Project Description
Analytics Project
Objective: The goal of this project is to create a data analysis report. To be able to do
this, you will chose two business questions, identify, organize, clean and normalize data
relevant to the business questions, load the data into a database, develop SQL queries,
create charts, and detail your analysis in a written report. You will choose your own teams
of 2-3 people.
Project: The general description of this project is given at:
The business questions for this project reside in a file on Blackboard; under the Analytics
Project folder. There are five major categories of questions listed: Client Services,
Volunteer Programs, Development, Employer Partnerships and Opportunities, and
Serving Spouses Program. Your team is to pick a category and within that category, they
will select at least two questions to investigate further.
The General Task (From Teradata Challenge submission template):
1. State and describe your understanding of the business question(s) you are
2. Choose the datasets provided by the Hiring Heroes USA organization from
Teradata that are most appropriate to address your business question(s). Similar
to an SQL query:
a. Identify the field names and values that you need to address each business
b. Identify the data sets that have related fields to those that you need to
address the question.
c. Clean the datasets to make them consistent in form and format.
3. Provide an Entity Relationship diagram of your relevant data.
4. Design SQL queries to address each question from the cleaned and structured
5. If you cannot run your queries, describe what you expect to get (estimate your
The Specific Deliverables
I. Team Sign-Up: This is the simplest of the deliverables for this project. Each
person enrolled in the course must get into a team with one or two other people
currently enrolled in the course; preferably in the same section. Once the team
members have agreed to become a team, one member of the team must send
me an EMail that lists the members of the team.
Due Date: Friday, September 20, 2019
II. Plan: There are two deliverables associated with this stage.
Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 19 (6)
ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 66;
a. A document describing the selection of the category and the two business
questions your team will address and your rationale for your choices. You
should clearly state the questions and then describe, in your own words,
your understanding of those questions.
b. A Microsoft Project file containing the work breakdown structure of tasks,
precedence of tasks, who completed each lowest-level task (resource) and
duration (time) to complete each task. In addition, you need to provide a
document that describes your decision making process in completing this
project management task.
Tentative Due Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2019
III. Microsoft Excel File(s): The data with each worksheet cleaned and
normalized as a table suitable for importing to Microsoft Access. There will be
two deliverables associated with this activity.
a. Your team will produce a progress report, which will outline the selection
of the data sets, field names and values that you have identified, and the
activities you have undertaken, to date, on the files and the work that still
needs to be completed.
Tentative Due Date of Friday, October 18, 2019.
b. Upon completion of the work with the data files your team will create a
document which describes all of the activities you performed on the data
sets to put the data into a consistent form and format.
Tentative Due Date of Monday, November 4, 2019.
IV. Microsoft Visio ERD: There will be two deliverables associated with this
a. Your team will produce a business memo that explains the entities,
attributes, including primary keys, relationships and cardinality depicted in
your ERD. Make sure that the relations are normalized to at least Third
Normal Form (resolve all many-to-many relationships with associative
b. Create an entity relationship diagram using Visio. For full credit, make sure
cardinalities are valid and display with crow’s feet for the “many” side.
Tentative Due Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
V. Microsoft Word Report: Report summarizing what was done that includes:
a. The questions being addressed and your current understanding of these
b. A corrected, updated version of your Microsoft Excel file activity report.
c. A report that describes the SQL queries that your team created, the
rationale for each of those queries and the results (or expected results) from
those queries. You are to include a discussion on how your team expected
the queries to address the particular business questions.
Tentative Due Date: Monday, December 9, 2019
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ISSN: 1545-679X December 2021
©2021 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 67;
VI. Individual Files: Send both as attachments to an e-mail.
a. Microsoft Excel Peer Evaluation: Download the file from Blackboard. Be
aware, awarding all members all 4s for all criteria will be worth 0 points.
b. Microsoft Word Reflection: The personal statement should include a half-
page (in length) to one page document reflecting on the experience of doing
this project (what parts of the project were your responsibility, what you
learned, what parts of the project would you improve, …).
Tentative Due Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019
I. Team Sign-Up
II. Plan (MS Project File)
III. Cleaned and normalized Data [MS Excel
File(s)]Including both reports
IV. ERD (MS Visio File)
V. Analysis Report with Charts/Graphs (MS
Word File)
VI. Individual files (to be e-mailed)
1 Personal Statement (MS Word)
2 Peer Evaluation (MS Excel)
Please note: that while each team member will likely receive the same score for the
team based portion of this project, individuals grades for the team component are
adjustable (mostly downward) based on an individual’s contribution to the team
deliverables. The impetus for this point deduction will come from discussions with team
members and the two evaluation documents shown above.