© 2023 Cato Institute
Rule of Law and the Death Penalty
G R A D E L E V E L : 1 1 TH 12TH G R A D E S
T I M E E S T I M A T E : D A Y O N E , 5 5 M I N U T E S , A N D O P T I O N A L
D A Y T W O , 5 5 M I N U T E S
Lesson Overview
In this first lesson, students will have an opportunity to analyze and evaluate the
constitutionality of capital punishment. Students will work together to analyze key points
of different Supreme Court cases and apply their analysis to evaluate to what extent the
Constitution merits capital punishment. In the optional day two lesson activities, students
will have an opportunity to extend their learning to understanding international policies
about capital punishment internationally. This lesson is designed for high school students
and is an excellent way to introduce concepts relating to government, world history, and
United States history.
Due to the sensitive and challenging nature of this topic, it is important to establish class
norms and provide a framework for civil discourse in advance of engaging your class in the
lesson discussion. Take time prior to the lesson to create a class contract and establish
class norms that you and your students agree upon. You may display the norms where it is
visible to all students and reference them during the lesson to ensure that everyone is
adhering to the agreed-upon norms. In our Civil Discourse Primer, you will find helpful tips
for implementing these strategies.
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Lesson Day One
Define and interpret the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments
Identify and explain how the Supreme Court’s interpretation of these amendments in
reference to capital punishment has changed over time
Analyze and evaluate the constitutional merits of maintaining capital punishment
Due process
Capital punishment
Highlighters and a pen/pencil
Copies of the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment excerpts either printed or
displayed digitally
Amendment graphic organizer
Printed copy of the Death Penalty Information Center’s Constitutionality of the Death
Penalty article and graphic organizer
Printed copy of the Death Penalty Information Center’s Arbitrariness article
Printed copy of Heritage Foundation’s Do Wrongful Convictions Add Weight to the
Argument for Abolishing the Death Penalty article
Prework (~10 minutes):
Have learners watch a video on the Supreme Court from Cato and answer the
following question: What is the Supreme Court’s role in establishing or changing legal
precedent based on its interpretation of the Constitution?
Warm up (~10 minutes):
Display or provide copies of the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment excerpts
below for your class to read along with. Have learners annotate the key vocabulary you
identify together as a class.
Fifth Amendment: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise
infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury. . . nor shall be
compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law…”
Eighth Amendment: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
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Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1: “Nor shall any State deprive any person of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Section 1
Ask learners to use the graphic organizer to independently interpret the protections in
their own words. Afterward, prompt students to do a pair share with the following
guiding questions to discuss. Remind students to apply their contextual knowledge of
United States history to answer.
Why did the First Federal Congress view the protections outlined in the Fifth and
Eighth Amendments as important enough to be codified into the Constitution?
Why did the First Federal Congress specify in the Bill of Rights a protection against
“cruel and unusual punishments?”
What is the significance of the additional clause of “nor shall any State” in the
Fourteenth Amendment and how does it differ from the the Fifth Amendment for
due process?
Upon completion, invite learners to share their reflections. Remind students that while
the Fifth Amendment focuses on setting a federal statute, the Fourteenth Amendment
was created during the Reconstruction period and focuses on ensuring that the states
are also accountable for enforcing due process to all citizens.
Lesson Activities
Activity Part One (~15 minutes)
Share with students that they will apply their understanding of the three amendments
they interpreted to analyzing the way the Supreme Court has interpreted them in ruling
on the constitutionality of the death penalty.
Step One: Split students into groups of three for the article analysis.
Step Two: Share the graphic organizer with students and pass out the Death Penalty
Information Center’s Constitutionality of the Death Penalty.
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Step Three: Have students use the jigsaw method for reading the article by each
taking one of the sections of the article outlined in the graphic organizer. Remind
students to use the following three strategies:
i. Define key words and add them to the graphic organizer.
ii. Paraphrase the main points in the synthesis section.
iii. Identify significant connections and use this information for analyzing responses to
the questions.
Key Supreme Court
Cases and Terms
Challenging the Death
Suspending the Death
Reinstating the Death
How has the Supreme Court’s
interpretation and application of the Fifth,
Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments
changed over time?
What precedent has been set in regard to
state versus federal sovereignty for
capital punishment decisions?
Activity Part Two (~30 minutes)
The First Federal Congress was concerned about the use of the death penalty in an
arbitrary or disproportionate manner. The cases you studied in the previous activity
outline how the Supreme Court sought to address capital punishment and this concern
of the penalty being used in an arbitrary manner. Share with students that they will
apply their understanding of these court cases and the Constitution to analyze the
present arguments around constitutional merits for continuing to use the death penalty
in sentencing.
Step One: Have students examine in the same groups of three, the Arbitrariness
article from the Death Penalty Information Center and the Heritage Center article
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Do Wrongful Convictions Add Weight to the Argument for Abolishing the Death
Penalty? Use the jigsaw method to have students break up the articles. Ask students
to consider the following guiding question as they read the articles. Have students do
Cornell notes or annotate the articles using color coding to identify the argument
How do each of the articles outline the risk of using capital punishment as a penalty in
an arbitrary or disproportionate manner?
Step Two: When students finish reading their articles, have them, as a group, apply
their understanding of the various perspectives to analyze the risk of using capital
punishment as a penalty in an arbitrary or disproportionate manner. Upon
completion, ask students to share their responses as a class.
Step Three: Share with students that they will now have an opportunity to engage in
a Socratic seminar and apply their analysis to evaluate the following question:
To what extent does the Constitution merit capital punishment?
Have students consider their understanding of court cases, various perspectives, and
the amendments they studied. Remind students that the goal is to focus on having a
discussion, not a debate, and to use the civil discourse discussion framework. As
students engage in the seminar, ensure that they focus on the four key components
of a successful Socratic seminar: the text they have used, the prompt, the facilitator
of the seminar, and their classmates. Further tips on seating arrangements may be
found in the Civil Discourse Primer.
Extension Activity
Students may develop their critical thinking and argumentative writing skills in crafting
an argumentative essay supporting their answer to the following question:
To what extent does the Constitution merit capital punishment?
Instruct students to practice using the ACE strategy for building their argument, citations,
and evidence. For AP students, this is a great opportunity to practice extended essay
writing skills in advance of their test.
Optional Day Two: Human Progress and International Focus
Identify factors that contributed to a decline in capital punishment globally
Compare and contrast capital punishment in the United States to other countries
Explain how capital punishment internationally has led to new political, economic, or
social changes
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Capital punishment
Heroes of Progress video about Cesare Beccaria
Human Progress article Capital Punishment Has Declined Dramatically but Further
Progress Will Be Tough
Human Progress graphs U.S. Execution rate and International Number of Executions
Rank List
Pens or pencils
Warm Up (~5 minutes)
Invite students to take out their amendment organizer from the previous day’s lesson.
Share that they are going to watch a Heroes of Progress video about Cesare Beccaria
who is considered the father of criminal justice. Ask students to consider their
interpretations of the language in the amendments as they watch the video to identify
any influences from Beccaria.
Once students are done watching the video have them talk with a partner about the
following questions:
What factors contributed to Beccaria’s beliefs about criminal justice? Consider the
social, political, religious, economic, and geographical factors of the time.
How does Beccaria define cruel and unusual punishment?
In what ways did Beccaria influence criminal justice reform internationally?
How is his influence reflected in the amendments you studied?
Upon completion, invite learners to share their reflections.
Lesson Activities
Activity One (15 minutes)
Share with students that they will apply their understanding of Beccaria’s influence to
trace the decline of capital punishment globally.
Step One: Group students into pairs to read the Human Progress article Capital
Punishment Has Declined Dramatically but Further Progress Will Be Tough. Remind
students to circle key words they may not know and underline important events,
places, and people.
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Step Two: Ask students to answer the following questions.
i. Identify one factor that accounts for the decline in capital punishment globally.
ii. Identify one factor that presents a challenge to abolition of the death penalty.
iii. Explain to what extent the Enlightenment shifted views on capital punishment
Step Three: After answering the questions have students share their answers as a
class. Ask students what they think Beccaria would say about the status of capital
punishment today and share their assumptions.
Activity Two (20 minutes): Graph Analysis
Step One: Ask students to brainstorm where the United States stands in relation to
other countries, do they believe that the United States has a higher or lower
execution rate than other democracies? Have students share out their estimation.
Step Two: Share with students that they will now compare the United States’
execution rates to that of the international community. In pairs, have students open
the following graphs on their computers (you may also do this as a whole class or
print and skip the interactive component if computer availability is limited).
U.S. Execution rate
International Number of Executions Rank List
Step Three: Begin with the U.S. Execution rate graph and have students use the
interactive feature to scroll through by year. Ask students to identify two factors that
contributed to the decline in the U.S. execution rate. Remind students to recall their
studies from the previous day’s lesson to help support their answers.
Step Four: Have students move to the International Number of Executions Rank List
and direct them to use the interactive tool on the rank list to identify, year over year,
the changes in executions. Ask students to discuss the following questions:
i. After interpreting the graph, did the ranking of the United States surprise you?
ii. Examine the types of governments of the countries in the top 10 from 20042017.
How many are democracies?
iii. Compare the execution rates of the top 10 countries. What is one factor that may
account for the discrepancy of United States remaining in the top 10 on the list
with a large gap in the number of executions compared the other countries?
iv. Choose one other country in the top 10 to compare to the United States. Use the
calculator table to compare the executions and research the other country’s
governing document to identify its policy on capital punishment. Identify if it has a
governing document that addresses this; explain what the document says; and
then compare the policy to the United States Constitution.
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Activity Three (15 minutes)
Prompt students with the following questions to discuss in pairs and then have them
engage in a Socratic seminar to share their answers as a class. Remind students to use
their knowledge from the articles they have read and the graph analysis they have
Explain one way in which capital punishment in some of the world’s countries has led
to new political, economic, or social changes.
To what extent do policies from other countries influence your thinking on capital
punishment from the previous lesson?
Ask students to use the Human Progress International Number of Executions Rank List to
compare two countries with different types of governments, other than the ones they
chose in the lesson. Have students investigate what the governing documents of those
countries say about capital punishment. Encourage students to consider if there are
protections available for due process. Have students write a short essay analyzing the
differences or create a slideshow in Google Slides to display their findings.