This paper presents preliminary findings and is being distributed to economists
and other interested readers solely to stimulate discussion and elicit comments.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal
Reserve System. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Staff Reports
Determinants of Mortgage Default and
Consumer Credit Use: The Effects of
Foreclosure Laws and Foreclosure Delays
Sewin Chan
Andrew Haughwout
Andrew Hayashi
Wilbert van der Klaauw
Staff Report No. 732
June 2015
Determinants of Mortgage Default and Consumer Credit Use: The Effects of Foreclosure
Laws and Foreclosure Delays
Sewin Chan, Andrew Haughwout, Andrew Hayashi, and Wilbert van der Klaauw
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 732
June 2015
JEL classification: D12, D14, G1, K10
The mortgage default decision is part of a complex household credit management problem. We
examine how factors affecting mortgage default spill over to other credit markets. As home
equity turns negative, homeowners default on mortgages and HELOCs at higher rates, whereas
they prioritize repaying credit cards and auto loans. Larger unused credit card limits intensify the
preservation of credit cards over housing debt. Although mortgage non-recourse statutes increase
default on all types of housing debt, they reduce credit card defaults. Foreclosure delays increase
default rates for both housing and non-housing debts. Our analysis highlights the
interconnectedness of debt repayment decisions.
Key words: mortgage default, state foreclosure laws, consumer finance
Chan: New York University (e-mail: Haughwout: Federal Reserve Bank
of New York (e-mail: Hayashi: University of Virginia (e-mail: Van der Klaauw: Federal Reserve Bank of New York (e-mail:
wilbert.vanderk[email protected]). The authors thank Brandi Coates and Sara Shahanaghi for
exceptional research assistance and the Russell Sage Foundation for their financial support. They
are grateful to Vicki Been, Quinn Curtis, Robert DeYoung, Ingrid Ellen, Rich Hynes, the staff at
New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, and participants at the
annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, the Eastern
Economic Association, and the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association for their
helpful comments and suggestions. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal
Reserve System.
1. Introduction
The massive home equity losses arising from the housing market collapse that began in
2006 and the subsequent wave of foreclosures has been well documented. However, little is
known about how homeowners managed their use of credit during this time. Faced with
declining home values and a challenging labor market, and amid considerable uncertainty about
how long the recession would drag on, how did households apportion their limited financial
resources to repay loans and preserve access to credit? This paper exploits unique panel data
derived from credit reports to provide the first comprehensive evidence at the individual level for
how homeowners manage credit during periods of financial stress.
Historically, homeowners have placed home mortgages at the top of their debt payment
hierarchy. Our empirical approach uses data from 2002 to 2011 to explore how factors affecting
mortgage default may affect that payment hierarchy and spill over onto other credit default
decisions. We focus on four variables to explain defaults on credit cards, auto loans, home equity
lines of credit (HELOCs) and second mortgages or home equity loans (HELOANs): (1) the
homeowner’s combined home equity position, (2) the amount of unused credit limit on credit
cards and HELOCs, (3) whether the primary mortgage provides the lender with recourse to the
borrower’s assets, and (4) the expected time between default and foreclosure completion in the
homeowner’s county. We also control for individual credit score and we capture the local labor
market and macroeconomic environment using CBSA-quarter fixed effects.
We find that homeowners managed their use of housing and non-housing debt in a way
A core based statistical area (CBSA) is the collective term for metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas.
According to the Census, it consists of “counties or equivalent entities associated with at least one core (urbanized
area or urban cluster) of at least 10,000 population, plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and
economic integration with the core as measured through commuting ties with the counties associated with the core.”
that is broadly consistent with a rational, forward-looking, approach to credit default and to
preserving access to credit. Those with higher combined loan-to-value ratios (LTVs) are more
likely to default on HELOCs and HELOANs as well as their primary mortgage. At the same
time, as home equity declines, homeowners have lower probabilities of credit card and auto loan
default. These results suggest strategic decisions by homeowners to preserve access to credit card
borrowing and the use of vehicles as their housing wealth declines. Additional support for this
interpretation comes from our finding of lower rates of credit card default and higher rates of
housing debt default among those with larger unused credit card limits.
We confirm an established empirical finding that having a non-recourse primary
mortgage, i.e., a mortgage for which lenders may not look to other assets of the borrower in the
event of default on an under-collateralized loan, increases the likelihood of primary mortgage
default, especially for underwater homeowners. We further establish a link between the recourse
status of the primary mortgage and defaults on other housing debt: HELOC and HELOAN
default is more likely if a homeowner’s primary mortgage is non-recourse, particularly if home
equity is negative.
Importantly, we find that this mortgage-specific legal institution spills over to non-
housing debt: credit card default rates are 18% lower among underwater homeowners if the
primary mortgage is non-recourse. A forward-looking homeowner who expects to default on her
primary mortgage will also expect to lose access to other borrowing secured by her home,
increasing the incentive to preserve access to credit card borrowing. Moreover, a homeowner
with a non-recourse mortgage has more wealth than an equally underwater homeowner with a
recourse mortgage because her other assets are freed from the claims of the mortgage lender. For
a given income trajectory, greater wealth increases the demand for credit, leading to stronger
incentives to preserve credit card borrowing among non-recourse mortgage borrowers.
Consistent with other literature examining the effect of judicial foreclosures, we find that
expected delays in the foreclosure process are associated with increased rates of primary
mortgage default among underwater homeowners. Defaulting homeowners can continue living in
their homes free of rent payments until the foreclosure process is fully completed and they are
evicted from the property. The longer this period of free rent, the greater the incentive to default
on the mortgage.
The effect of foreclosure delay on non-housing debts could in theory go in either
direction. As we explain further in the body of the paper, the effect could be in the same
direction as the anti-deficiency statutes due to a similar wealth effect and motive for credit
preservation. However, there is an opposing effect from the transitory free rent that could lessen
the demand for credit as future expenses will be higher once foreclosure eviction occurs. We find
that this transitory effect dominates and that foreclosure delays increase credit card defaults;
credit card default rates are 57% higher among underwater homeowners if the expected delay in
the homeowners’ county is at least 9 months, compared to when the delay is up to three months.
Our analysis highlights the interconnectedness of household default decisions on different
credit accounts, revealing that variables conventionally thought to drive primary mortgage
default have large effects on other default decisions as well. In particular, the effects of anti-
deficiency statutes and foreclosure delay, which have previously only been explored in the
context of mortgage default, spill over onto non-mortgage markets.
2. Connections to the Literature
This paper connects two lines of research that have flourished in the wake of the recent
housing market boom and bust. The first explores how households juggle payment priorities and
rebalance their household balance sheets in response to changes in home prices. The second
examines the effects of institutional factors and legal rules on the mortgage default decision. The
richness of our data allow us to make contributions to both sets of questions independently, but
also to bridge the two by examining how factors applicable to mortgage default affect other
consumer finance behavior.
2.1 The Effects of Home Equity on Household Borrowing
Housing represents a large share of the typical household balance sheet and so it is not
surprising that the performance of housing markets and the borrowing behavior of households
are intricately linked; as such, there is a large literature exploring the use of home equity.
study builds most directly on two papers that, like ours, match credit records to data on mortgage
originations to track home equity and payment priorities during the housing boom and bust.
Andersson et al. (2013) study a sample of subprime borrowers from 2001 to 2009 and document
a shift in payment priorities over time towards repaying credit cards rather than mortgages, a
shift that they attribute largely to the increased desirability of strategic default post-2008 as well
as increased mortgage servicing costs and a changing composition of borrowers and mortgage
products. Our work extends Andersson et al. by looking at the spillover effects of mortgage
default on loans other than credit cards, and finds corroborating evidence for strategic default
Recent studies include Mian and Sufi (2011), Mian et al. (2013) , Ramcharan and Crowe (2013), Krainer (2012),
Bhutta (2012), Demyanyk and Koepke (2012), Abdallah and Lastrapes (2012) and Gist et al. (2012).
considerations by focusing on the effects of being underwater or having lower foreclosure costs.
Jagtiani and Lang (2011) explore patterns of default between first and second lien mortgages.
They find that a large share of borrowers who were delinquent on their first mortgage kept their
second-lien mortgage current during the recent recession. Evidence of prioritizing credit card
debt also been reported by Transunion (2012), and Cohen-Cole and Morse (2010) who, like us,
argue that preserving access to credit has been an important motivation for prioritizing credit
cards over mortgages.
Another contribution of this paper is our use of zip code level home price indices to
dynamically estimate each homeowner’s equity position. By contrast, Cohen-Cole and Morse
(2010) use state-level housing price indices and Andersson et al. (2013) measure housing price
changes at the MSA level. As noted by Sinai (2012), there is considerable heterogeneity in the
timing, length and amplitude of the housing boom and bust across metropolitan areas. That said,
our more geographically specific measure of home equity also includes more endogeneity than
would arise when using aggregate housing price changes as home equity depends on loan size as
well as housing price changes. For example, homeowners with larger loans (and thus higher
LTVs) may on average be more creditworthy than other homeowners because their earnings
history supported more borrowing, or they may be less creditworthy because they had
accumulated less of a down payment. We consider these concerns in greater depth when
discussing our results.
2.2 The Effects of Foreclosure Law and Processing on Mortgage Default
The literature generally views mortgage default as the exercise of a put option by the
mortgagor. Whether this option is in-the-money depends on a number of factors, including the
applicable foreclosure laws and the foreclosure processing rate of local courts. The literature has
focused on two such factors: (1) whether a lender has recourse to a mortgagor’s other assets if
the value of the foreclosed property is less than the amount owed on the mortgage and (2) the
amount of time from default (90 days of delinquency) to foreclosure eviction. The former is
limited by the existence of anti-deficiency statutes in some states, and the latter depends on
factors including whether the foreclosure process is subject to oversight by a court (judicial
foreclosure) and the rate at which foreclosures can be processed.
This second factor is
especially important during periods with high rates of foreclosure, when judicial or
administrative resources might be binding constraints on foreclosure processing.
Although early models of default largely ignored the effects of these legal factors, Jones
(1993) provides a framework that incorporates both the value of rent-free housing services
received by homeowners in the period from default until foreclosure completion, as well as the
expected recovery that the mortgagee can obtain from the mortgagor’s other assets. Ambrose et
al. (1997) incorporate foreclosure delay and deficiency judgments into an option pricing model
to explore the effects that they have on the costs and benefits of default and the value of the
implicit put option in a mortgage contract. The benefits of default include eliminating a negative
equity position and living rent-free until eviction. The costs include a potential deficiency
judgment and the costs of relocation. Because a homeowner does not lose her property until the
foreclosure is completed, it is the expected value of the property at that time that matters, so
foreclosure delay has two benefits: a longer period of rent-free living and the reduction in the
present value of any deficiency judgment. Ambrose et al. predict that increases in foreclosure
Demiroglu et al. (2013) report data from Citibank indicating that the average time from delinquency to liquidation
in judicial review states is 20 months compared to 15.7 months in non-judicial review states. Gerardi et al. (2013)
also find that judicial foreclosure and right-to-cure laws extend the foreclosure timeline.
delay lead to increasing rates of default, with larger effects for homeowners with higher LTVs.
They also predict that increasing the likelihood of deficiency judgments reduces the likelihood of
default. These theoretical predictions find some support in the data.
The balance of the empirical evidence suggests that the availability of lender recourse
and foreclosure delay do affect the likelihood of mortgage default. Jones (1993) finds that the
unavailability of recourse doubled or tripled the incidence of default during a period of housing
price declines in Canada. Demiroglu et al. (2014) find that judicial review and the unavailability
of deficiency judgments are associated with higher rates of default for borrowers with negative
home equity. Ghent and Kudlyak (2011) also find that recourse reduces mortgage default for
underwater homeowners, particularly for properties with appraised values in the $500,000 to
$750,000 range. Like these two studies, our identification of the effect of non-recourse status
uses both within-state differences between purchase mortgages, which often are covered by anti-
deficiency statutes, and refinanced mortgages, which typically are not, as well as between-state
variation in legal rules. Unlike these studies, the richness of our data allows us to exploit only
that cross-state variation that exists within CBSAs in a given quarter.
On the other hand, Li and Oswald (2013) examine the effect of abolishing deficiency
judgments in Nevada in 2009 and do not find an effect on mortgage default or foreclosures. They
suggest that evidence of anti-deficiency statuteseffects on default may be due to selection bias,
with lenders lending to riskier borrowers when they can obtain deficiency judgments.
Desai et
al. (2013) also find that judicial foreclosure increases defaults and foreclosure rates but they do
A related literature examines the effect of anti-deficiency statutes and time until foreclosure on mortgage
originations. In theory, the effects are ambiguous since laws that are more favorable to lenders should increase
supply but decrease demand for mortgages. Curtis (2013) finds that lender-friendly foreclosure is associated with an
increase in subprime originations, but has less effect on the origination of prime loans. Pence (2006) finds that
judicial foreclosure requirements result in loans that are 3% to 7% smaller. Li and Oswald (2013) find that lenders
tightened lending standards after deficiency judgments were terminated in Nevada in 2009.
not find effects of anti-deficiency statutes and redemption rights. Although successful recovery
of deficiencies from recourse loans is a rare occurrence (Haughwout et al. 2013), Ghent and
Kudlyak (2011) observe that the threat of such a judgment may drive borrowers to convey deeds
in lieu of foreclosure or to conduct short sales to avoid personal liability, generating real effects
on homeowner behavior precisely because of the incentive effects. In this paper we provide
corroborating evidence that foreclosure delay and the threat of a deficiency judgment affect
mortgage default decisions.
But the primary contribution of our paper is to capture the connections between mortgage
default decisions and other consumer finance choices, and bridge the literature on the
institutional determinants of mortgage default with the literature on the effect of home equity on
household borrowing, We believe that ours is the first study to examine the effect of legal rules
on payment priorities and on default decisions for non-mortgage credit accounts. Because
mortgage default has effects on the rest of a household’s balance sheet, non-recourse statutes and
foreclosure delay should be expected to have effects beyond the mortgage market, and indeed we
find that they do. By incorporating these elements, our analysis paints a rich picture of consumer
credit default decisions in response to financial stress against the backdrop of legal rules and
3. Framing and Methodology
The decision to default on a credit account is embedded in a complex dynamic decision
problem that involves all credit accounts. Factors affecting this decision include current and
expected future demand for credit, the time path and riskiness of income, and the costs and
benefits of prioritizing each credit account over the others. In this section we discuss the basic
economics of these factors in order to frame our empirical analysis.
3.1 Factors Driving Housing Debt Default
A homeowner’s demand for credit will depend on her permanent income, the expected
trajectory and riskiness of that income over the lifecycle, and her preference for inter-temporal
consumption smoothing. In a steady state without uncertainty, a homeowner should generally
repay all debts on time. However, a variety of financial and institutional variables are likely to
increase the probability of mortgage default in an environment with unanticipated housing price
and income variability. For example, larger mortgage payments are more likely to result in
default when a homeowner is faced with a negative income shock. Negative home equity creates
an incentive for mortgage default, if by defaulting the homeowner is relieved of the excess
liability. This incentive will be strongest in jurisdictions where home mortgages are non-
recourse, that is, where a borrower is not personally liable for the excess of the mortgage balance
over the value of the property securing it. The time that lapses from mortgage default until
foreclosure completion also creates an incentive to default as defaulting homeowners can live in
their homes, rent-free, until they are evicted. The length of time from default until foreclosure
depends on the formal procedures that must be followed to complete a foreclosure, as well as on
resource constraints affecting the ability of courts or banks to process those foreclosures.
Defaulting on a primary mortgage has future consequences that a rational borrower will
take into account. A borrower who defaults will lose any future appreciation in the value of the
home if she does not cure her default, and so expectations of future housing price increases
should reduce the likelihood of default. A defaulting borrower will also lose access to the use of
her home as collateral, and so a borrower with limited credit alternatives has greater incentive to
remain current on her primary mortgage. On the other hand, a borrower who intends to default
on her primary mortgage has an incentive to prioritize remaining current on her credit cards over
a HELOC, because although both credit cards and HELOCs are substitute revolving lines of
credit, the HELOC will dry up after the home has been foreclosed upon.
Default on other forms of housing debt, such as HELOCs and HELOANs, should
generally exhibit the same relationship with financial and institutional variables as primary
mortgages since these defaults will also precipitate foreclosure proceedings. A homeowner has
less incentive to remain current on any debt secured by her home the more underwater the
property is, with the effect being greater in non-recourse jurisdictions. Future increases in home
prices should reduce the likelihood of HELOC and HELOAN default, and larger debts should be
associated with the higher probabilities of default. The more valuable the homeowner’s other
sources of credit, the more likely she should be to default on her housing debt.
3.2 Factors Driving Non-Housing Debt Defaults
Decisions to default on housing debt are interconnected with decisions to default on other
credit accounts, and the same factors that drive housing debt default decisions should also affect
defaults on non-housing debt. A homeowner who defaults on her mortgage will reduce her
access to credit in the mortgage and home equity markets. With access to certain lines of credit
curtailed, there will be an increased incentive to preserve access to credit cards and other non-
housing debt. The extent to which other lenders penalize mortgage defaulters in their access to
credit is unknown.
Moreover, for a given mortgage default induced decline in credit score, it is
unclear how other lenders will respond, although it seems likely that they will be more lenient
with existing clients than with potential new clients of similar score. If they react by shutting off
all access to credit, then it would be futile for a mortgage defaulter to try to preserve access to
these alternate credit sources. In this case, we would expect defaults to be positively correlated
and factors affecting mortgage default to affect default on these other loans in similar ways. But,
if other lenders are slow to respond, perhaps because they weight repayment history on their own
accounts more heavily, then there will be an incentive for mortgage defaulters to try to preserve
access to other accounts by making payments promptly. In this case, factors affecting mortgage
default will have the opposite effect on defaults on other loans. Ultimately, how defaulting
households respond will depend on what they believe the other non-mortgage lenders will do,
and the direction of effects is an open empirical question.
If households believe that existing credit cards can be preserved, we would expect higher
LTVs to reduce the probability of credit card default as consumers substitute away from housing
debt to other forms of consumer credit. The unused amount of credit in a credit card account
increases the insurance value of the credit card against future income shocks, and thus we would
expect the extent of an unused credit limit to reduce the likelihood of credit card default.
If the credit preservation motive is important, the effect of mortgage default factors on
non-mortgage default behavior will also be affected by a homeowner’s demand for credit:
greater credit demand will, all else equal, lead these factors to have opposite effects on non-
mortgage default, while lower credit demand will lead these factors to have similar effects on
A mortgage default will certainly reduce the borrower’s credit score but by how much will also depend on other
factors and the exact formula is a trade secret. The only definitive information from Fair Isaac is that the score will
be negatively affected for 7 years.
non-mortgage default. A homeowner who is underwater on a non-recourse mortgage has more
wealth than an otherwise identical homeowner who is equally underwater on a recourse
mortgage. All else equal, this greater wealth will be associated with greater demand for credit
because increases in wealth increase planned consumption in all future periods. Given an
unchanged path for labor income, greater wealth will be associated with less saving or more
borrowing, depending on the homeowner’s borrowing position. Thus, on average, non-recourse
statutes increase the demand for credit via a wealth effect and we would expect borrowers with
negative home equity to have lower credit card default rates if their primary mortgage is non-
recourse than if it is recourse. This wealth effect and non-housing credit preservation motive is
reinforced by the fact that mortgage default will foreclose the availability of HELOCs and
HELOANs to finance consumption.
Likewise, the rent-free housing consumption derived from foreclosure delay is equivalent
to a transitory increase in income, that could generate a wealth and credit preservation effect
similar to that for the non-recourse statute. However, this increase in transitory income from free
rent will also temporarily reduce the demand for credit. To the extent this dampens any credit
preservation motive, a long foreclosure delay would serve to increase credit card defaults, just as
it increases mortgage default. Thus, the direction of effect on foreclosure delay is theoretically
ambiguous and depends on whether this transitory income effect dominates the wealth and credit
preservation effect.
As with housing debt, the relative size of a credit account balance will likely affect the
probability of defaulting on that account, if only because the cost of keeping that account current
is apt to be greater. The amount of outstanding consumer debt as a share of housing debt, or the
required payment on consumer debt relative to mortgage payments, captures the overall non-
mortgage debt burden relative to mortgage debt. For a given individual, the larger the non-
housing debt burden, the greater the potential value of non-housing default, other things equal.
3.3 Empirical Strategy
To explore the effects of housing-related financial and institutional variables on mortgage
default and other consumer credit outcomes, we estimate the following reduced-form
econometric model.
= 
+ 
+ 
+ 
+ (1)
+ 
 × 
is a default indicator for a type of credit account (primary mortgage, HELOC,
HELOAN, credit card or auto loan) for individual in zip code , in county , in CBSA , in
state at time . The first two explanatory variables capture our two legal variables of interest.
is a dummy variable equal to 1 if ’s primary mortgage is non-recourse in the
state in which the property is located. As noted above, non-recourse status varies by state as well
as by whether the mortgage secures a purchase or refinanced loan. 
is a vector of
dummy variables indicating whether the expected time from default to foreclosure completion in
the county at time 1 is from 0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months, or more than 9
months (measurement details are below).
The remaining variables in the equation capture
financial and economic factors. 
is a vector of indicators for the combined LTV of the
Lenders may not have been able to initiate the foreclosure process at default (defined as 90 days past due) because
of resource constraints and so our measure includes delays in both the commencement of foreclosure proceedings
and the time from commencement until completion. Because we cannot observe the date at which the foreclosure
process began, we cannot disentangle the two; however, it is the expected rent free period that is relevant for
borrowers decisions, and the date at which foreclosure proceedings actually begin are of secondary importance.
property. The denominator of LTV is calculated by increasing the purchase price of the home by
the same percentage as the change in HPI for the property’s zip code over the relevant period.
Using perfect foresight as a proxy for individual expectations of housing price appreciation, we
include a variable for the percentage change in the individual’s zip code level HPI over the six
months following .
We also include unused credit card and HELOC limits, and either
outstanding account balances relative to mortgage debt, or the minimum required payments
relative to mortgage payments.
is a collection of control variables for individual at time ,
including the individual’s age, credit score in the previous quarter, and the origination year of the
primary mortgage.
We include CBSA-quarter fixed effects to control for local, time-varying, economic and
institutional shocks that may be correlated with our variables of interest. In particular, we view
these fixed effects as a high-quality control for local labor market effects, which may be
correlated with housing price shocks reflected in our LTV variables.
Our inclusion of these
fixed effects implies that we are identifying the effect of non-recourse statutes using within-
CBSA, cross-state, variation, and within-state variation by purchase versus refinance mortgage
borrowers. It is often difficult to identify the effect of state-level policy variables because other
factors that vary by state can be difficult to control for. We believe our identification strategy
provides a measure of the effect of non-recourse statutes that controls well for other economic
variables, making our estimates an improvement on those that rely primarily on state-level
Classical measurement error introduced by use of zip code level HPI would lead to attenuation bias in our
estimates of the effect of LTV.
While unlikely to be true, we chose perfect foresight as a proxy because it is available by zip code and relatively
transparent. The literature on house price expectations offers no standard method for how they should be empirically
We obtain virtually identical results to those shown below when we include only loans within MSAs and estimate
the models with MSA-quarter fixed effects.
4. Data
We use data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Consumer Credit Panel /
Equifax (CCP) matched with loan-level data from CoreLogic’s LoanPerformance database. The
CCP is a quarterly panel starting in 1999 that tracks the individual Equifax credit records of a
five percent nationally-representative sample of individuals with credit reports and Social
Security numbers. The data include a wide range of credit attributes for each individual,
including the number of credit cards, auto loans, mortgages and HELOC accounts, the balances
of those accounts, and whether those accounts are delinquent or in default. The data also include
information on the individuals’ ages, credit scores, census block, and whether the individuals
have entered into bankruptcy or foreclosure. Lee and van der Klaauw (2010) provide a detailed
description of the CCP.
The CCP data include information about mortgage loans, but not the value of the
properties securing the loans. To identify the amount of home equity, a sample of individuals
were matched with data on individual loans from LoanPerformance, a mortgage database that
covers over 90 percent of all non-prime securitized mortgages in the U.S. The match allows us to
calculate the amount of home equity held by a sample of the CCP borrowers at the origination of
their mortgages.
We restrict our matched sample to those individuals who took out a first lien home
mortgage between 2002 and 2006 and we follow them in our data until either the first quarter of
2011, the mortgage terminates, or the mortgage has been in default for one year, whichever is
The match was performed by CoreLogic using private identifying variables that are not part of the resulting
merged dataset.
earliest. We also exclude individuals who were missing records in the CCP for two or more
consecutive quarters and the small number of individuals who defaulted on their mortgage and
then became current on the same mortgage within a year.
In order to focus our analysis on
owner-occupants rather than investors, we dropped individuals who had more than one primary
mortgage outstanding for more than two consecutive quarters at any time during the sample time
frame. We also restrict our sample to individuals that had credit card debt at some point during
the sample period, and who did not have a student loan or an unidentifiable “other debt as
information on these accounts were known to be problematic. When examining auto loans,
HELOCs and HELOANs, we limit the sample to only those individuals who had such loans
during our sample period.
We estimate each individual’s home equity at dates subsequent to origination using zip
code level HPIs from Zillow. Approximately 7.5 percent of individuals in our sample lived in zip
codes that had no HPI and had to be dropped from our analysis. Our final sample includes
396,924 individual-quarter observations from 49,481 mortgages. The sample is representative of
individuals with credit cards who took out a first lien non-prime securitized mortgage between
2002 and 2006 to purchase a primary residence in a zip code with an HPI.
Data on which states have anti-deficiency (i.e., non-recourse) statutes was taken from
Ghent and Kudlyak (2011). Some states’ anti-deficiency statutes apply only to purchase
mortgages. Our data include both purchase mortgages and refinances, and we code each loan’s
recourse status accordingly.
Whereas Ghent and Kudlyak use the availability of judicial foreclosures as a proxy for
Including this latter group does not qualitatively change our results, regardless of whether we code them as
remaining in default or not.
The number of mortgages originated in each year is 3,502 in 2002, 6,213 in 2003, 11,240 in 2004, 15,785 in 2005,
and 12,741 in 2006.
foreclosure delay, we generate direct estimates of the expected time from default until eviction.
We use the 25
percentile of the foreclosure delay distribution for all foreclosures that were
completed one quarter before the observation quarter in the homeowner’s county.
We chose the
percentile instead of the median to account for possible homeowner risk aversion over the
amount of time they can reasonably expect to live rent free; however, our results below are
qualitatively similar if we use the median. We believe that our direct estimates of the time from
default until foreclosure are preferable to the state-level proxy variables used in other studies
because our measures capture variation over time and within the state. During the Great
Recession, the length of foreclosure delays increased significantly in some areas as a flood of
foreclosures overwhelmed the ability of courts and banks to process them in a timely fashion.
The effect of institutional constraints on foreclosure delay is omitted from studies that look only
at whether states have judicial foreclosure or not.
Table 1 reports summary statistics for our covariates, separately for individual-quarter
observations in which the homeowner was at least 90 days past due on her primary mortgage and
observations in which the homeowner was not. Those in default on their primary mortgage are
much more likely to be in default on their other credit accounts: 54 percentage points more likely
for HELOCS, 50 for HELOANs, 35 for credit cards, and 13 for auto loans. Such homeowners
are also likely to have exhausted a larger share of their credit card and HELOC limits and to live
in zip codes with the fastest-falling housing prices. Although homeowners in mortgage default
are as likely to have a non-recourse mortgage as homeowners not in default, they are more likely
to have higher LTVs, lower credit scores, and live in counties with longer foreclosure delays.
We use a random 20% sample of the entire LoanPerformance database (not just mortgages in our matched
sample) to calculate the time from mortgage default until REO for each loan that entered REO during our sample
period. We then took the 25th percentile of this empirical distribution for all properties that entered REO in each
The age distribution of our defaulting homeowners is roughly the same as for non-defaulting
5. Results
We estimate equation (1) as a linear probability model for a series of dependent variables
that includes default on housing debt (the primary mortgage, HELOCs and HELOANs), and
default on other consumer credit (credit cards and auto loans). We rely on the ability to control
for an assortment of individual characteristics as well as CBSA-quarter fixed effects to identify
the effects of our financial and legal variables of interest. Tables 2 and 3 report the results. For
each dependent variable, the first column reports the coefficient estimates for the entire sample,
while the second through fourth columns report estimates for the observations in which the
homeowner has a combined LTV less than 90%, between 90% and 110%, and above 110%.
5.1 Housing Debt Default
Table 2 shows large and statistically significant effects of combined LTV on the
probability of homeowner default on primary mortgages, HELOCs and HELOANs. Relative to
homeowners with at least 20% equity in their home (the reference group), homeowners that are
underwater by 0-10% (combined LTV of 100-110%) are 3.1 percentage points more likely to
default on their primary mortgage. The same homeowners are 1.7 and 1.1 percentage points
more likely to default on their HELOC and HELOAN respectively, if they have them. The
effects are much stronger as the homeowner slips further underwater. Those who are at least 20%
underwater are 11.9 percentage points more likely to default on their primary mortgage, 4.1
percentage points more likely to default on a HELOC, and 5.3 percentage points more likely to
default on a HELOAN.
The probability of defaulting on any housing debt is generally increasing in the size of
the primary mortgage balance and also in the size of the debt itself (normalized by the size of the
primary mortgage balance) in the case of HELOCs and HELOANs. For all three kinds of
housing debt, the effect of the debt amount on default is largest for the most underwater
homeowners. The positive correlation between debt size and default could reflect homeowners
under financial strain who have extracted home equity to smooth consumption, or it could simply
result from greater debt service burdens.
As expected, future housing price changes have large and statistically significant negative
effects on the probability of defaulting on primary and second mortgages, though we find no
significant effect for HELOCs. A one percentage point increase in area home price appreciation
(or reduction in home price decline) over the subsequent six months is associated with a 15.0
percentage point decrease in the probability of primary mortgage default and a 12.6 percentage
point decrease in the probability of defaulting on a second mortgage. The effects are even
stronger for homeowners who are at least 10% underwater on the value of their home. For such
homeowners, a one percentage point increase in home price appreciation is associated with 16.6
and 19.2 percentage point declines in the probability of primary and second mortgage default,
respectively. We would not expect past changes in housing prices to independently affect the
probability of default if our other control variables, including LTV, adequately capture the
homeowner’s financial position, and indeed, we find no significant effect of past housing price
changes when included as an additional control in these models.
We include as explanatory variables lagged unused credit card and HELOC limits to
account for incentives that homeowners have to remain current on those accounts to preserve
access to credit. The results in Table 2 show that unused credit card limits are positively
associated with primary mortgage, HELOC and HELOAN defaults, especially for underwater
borrowers. This result is consistent with prioritizing credit card debt over housing debt in order
to preserve access to a larger credit line, perhaps in anticipation of mortgage default. If, on the
other hand, large unused credit card limits were generally indicative of a financially healthy
household, we would not expect it to be positively correlated with housing debt default. We also
find a very small positive effect of unused HELOC limits on primary and secondary mortgage
default, though these are not generally significant when we disaggregate the full sample by LTV.
Turning to our legal and institutional variables, we find that whether a primary mortgage
is non-recourse affects not just default on that mortgage, but default for other housing debts,
especially for those who have an LTV of at least 110%. For these homeowners, the effect of a
loan being non-recourse is to increase the probability of mortgage default by 2.6 percentage
points (14%), of HELOC default by 3.2 percentage points (32%), and of default on a second
mortgage by 2.6 percentage points (32%). This result is consistent with the predictions of
Ambrose et al. (1997) and the findings of Ghent and Kudlyak (2011) and Demiroglu et al.
(2014). For homeowners who are at least 10 percent underwater, an expected foreclosure delay
of nine months or more increases the probability of primary mortgage default by 7.4 percentage
points (40%), relative to a delay of less than three months. We do not observe statistically
significant relationships between foreclosure delay and default on HELOCs and HELOANs.
5.2 Credit Card and Auto Loan Default
The interconnectedness of credit default decisions suggests that financial and institutional
variables that have previously been analyzed only for their effects on primary mortgage default
could also affect other consumer credit outcomes. Table 3 displays estimates of equation (1) for
credit card and auto loan default. The results show that as an individual’s home equity position
worsens, she becomes less likely to default on her credit card accounts and auto loans. We
interpret this as evidence that homeowners prioritize remaining current on their non-housing debt
in anticipation of mortgage default and the loss of credit secured by their home. As a homeowner
slips underwater, it becomes optimal to shift payment priorities in a way that preserves access to
credit cards and the consumption value of the homeowner’s vehicle, rather than to remain current
on housing debt.
Although larger primary mortgage loan balances are associated with higher rates of home
default, we find the opposite effect on credit card and auto loan default. Higher primary
mortgage balances are associated with reduced rates of credit card and auto loan default, which
is also consistent with remaining current on credit cards and auto loans in anticipation of
mortgage default. To capture the burden of credit cards, we use the lagged minimum credit card
payment due (estimated as 3 percent of the credit card balance), relative to the lagged primary
mortgage payment, and find that credit card defaults are higher when the required credit card
payment relative to the mortgage payment is large.
This result is similar to that for HELOC
and HELOAN balances in Table 2. We do not observe robust effects of auto loan balances on
auto loan default.
Large unused credit card limits are associated with lower rates of credit card default. We
expect individuals to prioritize credit accounts with higher unused limits because they have
greater value as insurance against negative income shocks. Higher HELOC limits, on the other
We obtain a similar result if we instead use credit card balances relative to the primary mortgage balance.
hand, increase the probability of credit card default for homeowners with at least 10% home
equity; as the value of a HELOC increases, the relative value and incentive to remain current on
a consumer line of credit falls.
We note that our analysis assumes that a homeowner’s credit risk is adequately controlled
for by including credit score and age. It is possible that there is some residual variation in
creditworthiness across homeowners that is captured by some of our other explanatory variables.
For example, higher LTV at origination, larger credit card and HELOC limits, and higher debt
balances may all be correlated with a homeowner having demonstrated to a lender’s satisfaction
that she is a low credit risk. But although this would explain the negative relationships between
these variables and credit card default, this explanation is inconsistent with the positive
correlations we identified between these variables and mortgage, HELOC and HELOAN default.
Conversely, if these variables tend to be associated with increased credit risk, this would explain
our housing debt results but not our credit card results. We have also rerun our models excluding
borrowers whose primary mortgages were refinances as they too may be less risky in unobserved
ways. This reduces the sample size by about half and removes one source of variation in non-
recourse status, so that only within CBSA, cross-state variation in non-recourse remains. We
find that virtually all of our findings are robust to this sample restriction.
Among borrowers who are at least 10% underwater, having a non-recourse mortgage
reduces credit card default by 2.4 percentage points (18%). When the primary mortgage is non-
recourse, a defaulting homeowner can walk away from the mortgaged property with a balance
sheet that is relieved of the excess liability associated with a home that is underwater. Thus, as
discussed earlier, the ability to default on an underwater non-recourse mortgage represents
greater wealth relative to a similar homeowner with a recourse mortgage, and this greater wealth
could result in increased demand for credit. In addition, because anti-deficiency statutes increase
the attractiveness of mortgage default, which will foreclose the availability of HELOCs and
HELOANs to finance consumption, homeowners have more incentive to remain current on their
credit cards to preserve access to any credit.
For homeowners who are at least 10% underwater, there is a positive and statistically
significant effect of foreclosure delay on the probability of credit card default. The longer the
underwater homeowner is able to live in their home rent-free following default, the more likely
she is to default on her credit cards. A delay of over nine months increases the probability of
default by 7.7 percentage points (57%) relative to a delay of only three months or less. This may
initially seem surprising because of the opposite effect of non-recourse mortgages, described
above, even though both make mortgage default more attractive, increase wealth for underwater
borrowers and eliminate future access to HELOCs and HELOANs. As discussed in section 3.2,
homeowners experience what is effectively a transitory positive income shock in the period from
default to foreclosure in the form of free housing. In other words, the wealth effect from
foreclosure delay comes from an upfront reduction in expenditures (the free rent). Thus, during
this period, which may be substantial, there is likely much lessened demand for credit, as future
expenses will be higher because of rent payments. The empirical result that we find suggests that
the transitory income effect dominates the wealth and future credit preservation effects, leading
to increased credit card default. There is weak evidence of a similar effect for auto loan defaults.
While we argued earlier that we prefer our time-varying county-specific measures of
foreclosure delay over the state-level proxy variables used in other studies, we reran our models
using judicial foreclosure indicators. Consistent with our displayed findings, these state level
indicators have a significant and positive effect on credit card defaults that is largest in
magnitude for underwater borrowers.
6. Conclusions
Understandably, much research on the housing market collapse that accompanied the
Great Recession has focused on the causes and consequences of primary mortgage default. But
the decision to default on a primary mortgage is only one part of a complex household
maximization problem, reflecting the current and expected future value of the collateral property,
the consequences of mortgage default on access to credit in the future, and prioritizing certain
credit accounts over others during a period of widespread cash illiquidity and financial stress.
The primary contribution of our paper is to connect the financial and legal determinants of
mortgage default with other consumer finance decisions. We have described how households
juggle payment priorities on their credit accounts in response to the financial and institutional
drivers of primary mortgage default, to paint a more complete picture of what policymakers can
expect during a housing downturn. Our results make clear that mortgage default arises as a
substitute for default on other credit accounts, and penalizing mortgage default, such as by
repealing anti-deficiency statutes, could lead to higher rates of default on credit cards and auto
Our work also highlights the benefits of using individual level data to understand how
homeowners manage credit, and to disentangle the effects of changes in housing prices and the
amount of home equity on household behavior. Within areas with declining home values, there is
important heterogeneity in homeowner behavior that cannot be identified using aggregate
measures. Controlling for changes in neighborhood housing prices and local economic shocks,
we show that those with limited or negative home equity behave differently from other
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