Abstract: The prospect of genetically modifying humans has loomed over the pub-
lic for decades. Now, science fiction is becoming reality. New technology and ex-
panding research are positioned to make genetic alteration a routine, pre-concep-
tion appointment. For several years, China has been experimenting with germline
editing on non-viable human embryos. In April 2016, the UK also approved a
group of scientists to begin similar research. In the United States, genetic engineer-
ing is a multibillion-dollar industry. Although ethical debates over human genetic
modification have checked the industry, the potential for clinical trials has become
a reality as companies race to dominate the technology. In light of the potential im-
pact of problematic genetic alterations on future generations, the harm inflicted on
victims parallels the Diethylstilbestrol cases of the 1980s, signaling a re-emergence
of market share liability.
Genetically modified humans have been the source of Hollywood, dysto-
pian science-fiction plot lines, yet such advancements are now the reality of
today’s headlines.
On February 9, 2016, former United States Director of Na-
See, e.g., Stephen S. Hall, The First Tinkering with Human Heredity May Happen in the Infertil-
ity Clinic,
315 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 54, 54–61 (2016); John Harris & Marcy Darnovsky, Pro and
Con: Should Gene Editing Be Performed on Human Embryos?, N
[https://perma.cc/9KGV-K2Q4]; Heidi Ledford, Riding the CRISPR Wave, 531 N
ATURE 156, 15659
(2016); Fraser Nelson, The Return of Eugenics, S
PECTATOR (Apr. 2, 2016) https://www.spectator.
co.uk/2016/04/the-return-of-eugenics/ [https://perma.cc/7F2N-53BE]; Alice Park, A New Technique
That Lets Scientists Edit DNA Is Transforming Science—And Raising Difficult Questions, T
IME (Jun.
23, 2016) http://time.com/4379503/crispr-scientists-edit-dna/ [https://perma.cc/B3Q3-7XWJ]; Alice
Park et al., How the Science CRISPR Can Change Your Genes, T
IME (Jun. 23, 2016) http://time.com/
4377130/crispr-genome-editing/ [https://perma.cc/FQL8-D9YE]; Jason Pontin, Editing Human DNA,
TECH. REV. (Apr. 21, 2015), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/536696/editing-human-dna/
[https://perma.cc/7TTE-FNJE]; Sara Reardon, The CRISPR Zoo, 531 N
ATURE 160, 16063 (2016);
Michael Specter, How the DNA Revolution Is Changing Us, N
[https://perma.cc/GJU7-MTL7]; Michael Specter, The Gene Hackers, N
EW YORKER (Nov. 16, 2015),
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/11/16/the-gene-hackerS [https://perma.cc/CYR2-PAD8];
ATTACA (Columbia Pictures 1997) (portraying a world where humans can be genetically modified
pre-birth for physical, mental, and emotional enhancements); Genome Editing: The Age of the Red
ECONOMIST (Aug. 22, 2015), https://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21661799-it-now-easy-
edit-genomes-plants-animals-and-humans-age-red-pen [https://perma.cc/34NW-4CRE]; Human Gene
Editing: A Timeline of CRISPR Cover Stories, C
TR. FOR GENETICS & SOCY (Sept. 20, 2016), https://
[https://perma.cc/K8WG-ZNAP] (collecting headlines with CRISPR cover stories).
320 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
tional Intelligence, James Clapper, categorized genome editing as a “weapo[n]
of mass destruction and proliferation.”
In the Worldwide Threat Assessment of
the US Intelligence Community report, Clapper stated that new technology has
realized the possibility that flawed heritable human genetic alterations may
result from manipulation of the human genome through “deliberate or uninten-
tional misuse.”
The report added a caveat that the complexity of the human
genome still poses a limit on the ability of researchers to manipulate the ge-
nome effectively.
Nonetheless, the technology is available.
The past few years2015 in particularhave seen the emergence of
simple, precise, and affordable DNA altering techniques.
These techniques
include the use of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
(“CRISPR”) and the enzyme, protein-9 nuclease (“Cas9”).
Cas9, scientists can effectively and efficiently alter the human germline.
“Human germline editing” involves targeting DNA in human sperm, eggs, or
embryos that is passed on to future generations through normal reproduction.
The potential benefits of germline editing to human society are enormous.
US INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY 9 (Feb. 9, 2016), https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/
media/doc/Clapper_02-09-16.pdf [https://perma.cc/NH7Q-J42E]; Antonio Regalado, Top U.S. Intelli-
gence Official Calls Gene Editing a WMD Threat, MIT
TECH. REV. (Feb. 9, 2016), https://www.
technologyreview.com/s/600774/top-us-intelligence-official-calls-gene-editing-a-wmd-threat/ [https://
CLAPPER, supra note 2, at 9 (explaining that gene altering technology is rapidly progressing,
and misuse of the technology in humans might lead to spreading heritable diseases or defects).
See id. (noting that researchers will “probably” run into problems wielding this technology
because of genome complexity, but providing little explanation as to why this is so).
See id.; Regalado, supra note 2 (explaining how CRISPR is expected to advance gene treatment
for diseases).
See Fathima Benazir & Gowlikar Abhinayani, CRISPR/Cas9 Technology: A New Boon in Ge-
nome Editing, 7 I
NTL J. PHARMACEUTICAL SCI. & RES. 3336, 3336 (2016) (showcasing other genetic
editing technology as compared to CRISPR-Cas9). For instance, zinc finger nucleases (ZFN”) was the
first genome altering method to use proteins. Id. at 3338. Transcription activator-like effector of nucleas-
es (TALEN”) is a gene editing method that relies on data gathered from repetitive protein repeats and
nucleotide sequences. Id. at 3341. On the other hand, CRISPR-Cas9 editing technology is more simple
and precise than both ZFN and TALEN because rather than using an engineered protein, edits are made
using a small sequence of guide RNA. Id. at 3336; see also Antonio Regalado, Everything You Need to
Know About CRISPR Gene Editings Monster Year, MIT
TECH. REV. (Dec. 1, 2015), https://www.
year/ [https://perma.cc/J3NL-KU8W] (describing the innovative features of CRISPR-Cas9 gene edit-
ing technology).
Benazir & Abhinayani, supra note 6, at 333839 (detailing the use of Cas9 enzymes to alter
gene sequences identified as threats on the CRISPR locus by guide RNA).
See Regalado, supra note 6 (describing the widespread availability of CRISPR-Cas9 and use of
CRISPR-Cas9 to make beagles more muscular and mosquitoes malaria resistant).
See Heidi Ledford, CRISPR Fixes Disease Gene in Viable Human Embryos, 548 NATURE 13,
13–14 (2017) (describing an international research team’s success using CRISPR to reverse a muta-
tion in a human embryo that is the primary cause of death in young athletes–hypertrophic cardiomyo-
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 321
Researchers are hopeful that they can reduceor eliminatethe risk of herit-
able diseases such as Huntington’s disease.
Likewise, researchers want to
introduce beneficial genes to strengthen one’s body and prolong good health.
Nonetheless, CRISPR-Cas9 is not a magic bullet.
According to Dr.
Keith Joung, a renowned pathologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital
and Harvard Medical School, more research is needed to reduce off-target gene
editing before CRISPR-Cas9 can be used in clinical applications.
targets” occur when the splicing enzyme matches the designated sequence to
the wrong gene causing potentially disastrous side-effects.
For instance, an
off-target impact may result in creating a higher likelihood of a future cancer
While scientists remain hopeful that they will be able to more ac-
curately assess the risk of unintended editing through advancing technology,
the effects remain unclear for now.
Off-target gene altering may create unin-
tended and uncertain changes in a gene pool that could last for generations.
One major difficulty with off-target editing is creating a legal scheme that
will compensate victims whose symptoms may not appear for generations.
pathy); David Warmflash, How Will We Use Gene Editing to Treat Human Disease?, GENETIC LIT-
PROJECT (Sept. 12, 2016), https://www.geneticliteracyproject.org/2016/09/12/will-use-gene-
editing-treat-human-disease/ [https://perma.cc/U8SL-L593] (explaining the potential for genetic engi-
neering to fix a persons inherited abnormal gene pair so that a disease never manifests itself).
Warmflash, supra note 10 (explaining how Huntington’s disease could be erased from a child’s
embryo by replacing the abnormal allele sequence).
Eric S. Lander, Brave New Genome, 373 NEW ENG. J. MED. 5, 7 (2015) (researching the possi-
bility of adding a gene to increase ones oxygen count for endurance).
See generally Yanfang Fu et al., High-Frequency Off-Target Mutagenesis Induced by CRISPR-
Cas Nucleases in Human Cells, 31 N
ATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 822 (2013) (studying the unpredictable
nature of CRISPR-Cas9 on human cells that are not targeted for gene modification).
See Sharon Begley, Do CRISPR Enthusiasts Have Their Head in the Sand About the Safety of
Gene Editing?, S
TAT (July 18, 2016), https://www.statnews.com/2016/07/18/crispr-off-target-effects/
[https://perma.cc/9YG5-EB46] (questioning the safety and clinical readiness of CRISPR-Cas9 in light
of research showing that scientists underestimate the frequency of off-target genetic impacts); Fu et
al., supra note 13, at 1 (providing Dr. Joungs credentials at Harvard Medical School and Massachu-
setts General Hospital).
Begley, supra note 14.
See id. (quoting Dr. Joung, from the Massachusetts General Hospital, that off-target impacts
var[y] by ethnic groupand that the unpredictable nature of the off-targets is a problem scientists are
See id. (describing scientist Dr. Bill Lundberg, from the large genome-editing company
CRISPR Therapeutics, as confident that algorithms will display the risk of inaccuracies and improve
single-guide RNA to reduce those risks).
See Lander, supra note 12, at 7 (expressing the inability to “recall” a defective gene from the
human gene pool); Jim Kozubek, How Gene Editing Could Ruin Human Evolution, T
IME (Jan. 9,
2017), http://time.com/4626571/crispr-gene-modification-evolution/ [https://perma.cc/2CRK-KRZ6]
(warning that genetic manipulation of the human germline may simultaneously strip humans of genes
with harmful mutations but that are also essential for human environmental adaptation).
See Sarah Ashley Barnett, Regulating Human Germline Modification in Light of CIRSPR, 51
RICH. L. REV. 553, 56869 (2017) (explaining that scientists are unlikely to fully understand how
322 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
The Diethylstilbestrol (“DES”) drug from the 1980s was a drug prescribed to
pregnant women who, years later, suffered from cervical cancer and passed on
this genetic predisposition and other health issues to their daughters.
cases provide a useful framework for addressing generational products liabil-
They also demonstrate the need to establish a streamlined theory of re-
covery before cases arise.
The potential for market share liability incentivizes
genetic manufacturers to anticipate and limit their liability before entering the
Part I of this Note explores the expanding germline editing field and the po-
tential risks inherent in human genetic modifications.
It also assesses the DES
cases to provide insight on how courts have implemented generational tort prod-
ucts liability in the past.
Part II analyzes the development of market share lia-
bility across the DES cases and how it is analogous to germline engineering lia-
Part III draws from the successes and failures of the DES cases to pro-
pose a market share liability regime for generational germline editing cases.
Human germline editing is a 2018 reality.
In addition to the fierce ethi-
cal debate about whether germline editing is moral or beneficial, society needs
off-target effects will present themselves in humans until clinical trials take place, which poses huge
problems since CRISPR-Cas9 can lead to generations of unintended genetic changes).
DES History, CTRS. FOR DISEASE CONTROL, https://www.cdc.gov/des/consumers/about/
history.html [https://perma.cc/RN6D-A4FN] (recounting the history and legacy of DES).
Naomi Sheiner, Comment, DES and a Proposed Theory of Enterprise Liability, 46 FORDHAM
L. REV. 963, 99596 (1978) (recommending a new theory of tort liability based on market share so
that DES victims could recover despite not knowing which specific defendant caused the harm). In
fact, the California Supreme Court adapted this student’s Comment recommendation to extend liabil-
ity to DES manufacturers on a proportional scheme for recovery. See Sindell v. Abbott Labs., 607
P.2d 924, 937 (Cal. 1980).
See Sheiner, supra note 21, at 1007 (cautioning future courts of the problems modern technolo-
gy may create when a gap in tort law precludes recovery for harmed consumers).
See id. at 1005 (stating that increased liability by virtue of market share liability should result
in 1) companies maintaining better records in order to demonstrate their innocence from an accusation
of wrongdoing, and 2) companies retaining insurance for cases in which innocence cannot be proven).
See infra notes 28–87 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 88–122 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 123–179 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 180–242 and accompanying text.
See Lydia Ramsey, A Revolutionary Gene-Editing Technology Is on Track to Be a $10 Billion
Market by 2025, B
US. INSIDER (Nov. 2, 2017), http://www.businessinsider.com/crispr-set-to-be-a-10-
billion-market-by-2025-citi-2017-11 [https://perma.cc/8MDB-N5JW] (citing Disruptive Innovations
V: Ten More Things to Stop and Think About, C
ITI, (Nov. 2017), https://ir.citi.com/uims9KeGQB
gc0%3D [https://perma.cc/G5T5-H53D] (predicting that CRISPR-Cas9 will grow to a $10 billion
dollar industry, and that CRISPR-based medicine will enter the market in about six years); Human
Gene Editing: A Timeline of CRISPR Cover Stories, supra note 1 (illustrating the nearing possibility
and technological breakthroughs of human germline editing through recent cover stories and articles).
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 323
a liability scheme for unintended gene editing effects.
Courts have dealt with
a similar issue of unpredictable generational liability through tort litigation.
For instance, germline editing’s impact on successive generations resembles
the DES cases involving birth defects from the 1940s and 1970s that are still
being litigated today.
The DES cases impart important lessons for allocating
tort liability moving forward.
This Part describes the history and recent breakthrough behind the new
gene editing technology—CRISPR-Cas9and how market share liability
emerged in response to DES victims.
Section A explains how CRISPR-Cas9
technology is used and regulated, and discusses potential mishaps with the
Section B analyzes the history of DES and the rise of market
share liability in response to harms that do not manifest for decades but last for
A. Human Germline Editing
1. Recent Technology Developments Involving CRISPR-Cas9
Praised as Science’s “2015 Breakthrough of the Year,” CRISPR-Cas9
gives researchers the tools to edit genes in the human germline with remarka-
ble precision.
This breakthrough was the result of scientists studying the in-
See Sarah Karlin, Gene Editing: The Next Frontier in Americas Abortion Wars, POLITICO
(Feb. 16, 2016), http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/gene-editing-abortion-wars-219230 [https://
perma.cc/8BAL-M683] (explaining how the contentious debate on whether to modify genes may unite
both pro-life and pro-choice advocates but for varying policy reasons, and that the technology is sus-
ceptible to “catastrophic errors”).
See Sindell v. Abbott Labs., 607 P.2d 924, 937 (Cal. 1980) (applying market share liability for
recovery from DES injuries); Bichler v. Eli Lilly & Co., 436 N.Y.S.2d 625, 625 (App. Div. 1981)
(using market share liability to award future compensation damages for cancer arising from DES
See Settlement Reached in Eli Lilly Pregnancy Drug Linked to Breast Cancer Case, CBS NEWS
(Jan. 9, 2013), http://www.cbsnews.com/news/settlement-reached-in-eli-lilly-pregnancy-drug-linked-
to-breast-cancer-case/ [https://perma.cc/U2KG-XNGH] (stating there are over fifty-one women with
pending DES cases in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts). Negative health ef-
fects from both germline genetic modification and DES exposure can be passed on to generations of
children. Compare Sindell, 607 P.2d at 936 (bringing suit for DES injuries in children), with Karlin,
supra note 29 (describing the potential for scientists to edit the human germline and tinker with the
human race).
See Sheiner, supra note 21, at 1003 (arguing for courts to consider, for the first time, the appli-
cation of enterprise liability as a means of recovery for DES victims because the latency period of the
drug effectively precluded normal tort recovery); Settlement Reached in Eli Lilly Pregnancy Drug
Linked to Breast Cancer Case, supra note 31 (finding that the numerous pending DES cases and that
proof of DES injury by a specific defendant serve as some of the greatest legal barriers).
See infra notes 36–122 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 36–87 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 88–122 and accompanying text.
Marcia McNutt, Editorial, Breakthrough to Genome Editing, 350 SCI. 1445, 1445 (2015) (de-
claring CRISPR gene editing technology to be the scientific breakthrough of the year poised to revo-
324 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
teractions between bacteria and viruses and using their same natural defenses
to target specific genes.
Bacteria and viruses differ in that bacteria are more
complex and can live on their own, whereas, viruses are much smaller and re-
quire a host cell in order to survive.
Viruses invade bacteria cells by attaching
and inserting its genetic DNA or RNA into it.
If the bacteria does not recog-
nize it as foreign DNA, it will begin reproducing the viral DNA or RNA until it
explodes, thereby, creating more viruses.
“CRISPR” describes sections of
DNA that serve as part of the bacteria’s immune system to protect itself against
viruses that it has previously encountered.
But, if a bacterium is re-infected
with a virus, the CRISPR memory sequences will trigger the bacterium to re-
lease a cutting enzyme that fastens itself to the genes of the virus and removes
the genes from the bacteria’s genome.
lutionize research). Science articles and journals are sponsored by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS), which is comprised of over 262 scientific societies and is the
oldest general science organization. About Science & AAAS, S
CI. (Nov. 17, 2017), http://www.
sciencemag.org/about/about-science-aaas [https://perma.cc/V9BL-V95Z]. As opposed to gene thera-
py”, which also uses CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene editing technology, germline engineering is herita-
ble, thus it passes on the modified genes. Antonio Regalado, Engineering the Perfect Baby, MIT
TECH. REV. (Mar. 5, 2015), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/535661/engineering-the-perfect-
baby/ [https://perma.cc/NA2P-A4QR]. In contrast, gene therapy allows scientists to target defective
cells for repair but the repair is not heritable. See id.; see also Kenneth W. Krause, CRISPR-Cas9 Not
Just Another Scientific Revolution (Special Report), D
OTING SKEPTIC (Feb. 2016), https://thedoting
skeptic.wordpress.com/2016/02/06/crispr-cas9-not-just-another-scientific-revolution/ [https://perma.
cc/W4YY-U78V] (expressing the pros and cons of the rapidly advancing germline editing technolo-
gy). Currently, there is a patent debate on who owns the rights to the recent innovations in CRISPR.
See generally Kristin Beale, The CRISPR Patent Battle: Who Will Be “Cut” Out of Patent Rights to
One of the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of Our Generation?, 2016
1, http://bciptf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/KBeale-CRISPR.pdf [https://perma.cc/TK99-Y63Y]
(analyzing the patent debate over CRISPR-Cas9). The debate is between Jennifer Doudna of the Uni-
versity of California, Berkeley, and Dr. Feng Zhang of the Broad Institute and MIT, who each claim they
developed CRISPR first. See id. at 2.
See Krause, supra note 36 (explaining how CRISPR-Cas9 functions by utilizing the cell’s natural
functions and merely engineers them to cut specific strands identified by the researcher).
Bacteria vs. Virus, DIFFEN (Nov. 18, 2017), http://www.diffen.com/difference/Bacteria_vs_
Virus [https://perma.cc/MX2Z-4BQA].
Id. (explaining that a virus attaches to a cell using its legs and thereafter injects its genetic ma-
terial into the cell to either produce proteins immediately, or to be stored in the RNA or DNA and
triggered at a later time).
Krause, supra note 36. Scientists observed that bacteria retain small segments of virus DNA it has
previously encountered and separates them to form a repetition of clustered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats”. Id.
Antonio Regalado, Can CRISPR Save Ben Dupree?, MIT TECH. REV. (Oct. 17, 2016), https://
www.technologyreview.com/s/602491/can-crispr-save-ben-dupree/ [https://perma.cc/W69C-H6CP].
Sometimes a protein will incorporate an invading viruss DNA into its genetic makeup in the form of
non-coding RNA in order to identify and stop viruses attempting to invade the bacteria. Alex B. Berezow,
Bacteria Have Immune Systems, Too, R
EALCLEAR SCI. (Sept. 6, 2012), http://www.realclearscience.
com/blog/2012/09/bacteria-have-immune-systems-too.html [https://perma.cc/RU4B-JLGP]. Non-
coding RNA allows the bacteria to function as usual without performing the detrimental instructions the
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 325
As opposed to other gene editing methods, like zinc finger nucleases
(“ZFN”) and transcription activator-like effector of nucleases (“TALEN”),
CRISPR-Cas9 is more precise, simple, and affordable.
Both ZFN and
TALEN require more complicated processes using a customized protein rather
than a short RNA sequence.
By contrast, scientists using CRISPR can encode
a single guide RNA with the proper gene sequence for editing.
The Cas9 en-
zyme will read the RNA and make the genetic cuts.
Unlike traditional gene
editing methods, CRISPR-Cas9 increases efficiency by allowing scientists to
alter multiple genome sites at once.
This technology is both readily available
and simple; a scientist can edit a DNA strand for a mere sixty-five dollars.
2. Current Uses and Regulations of Human Germline Editing
In an outpouring of recent experiments, the CRISPR-Cas9 methodology
has enabled scientists to treat muscular dystrophy in mice, counteract drug-
resistance in insects, increase physical strength in dogs, generate virus-resistant
pigs, and modify crops for greater protection.
In April 2015, Chinese re-
virus inserted. Id. If the same viral DNA is inserted into the bacteria, the non-coding RNA serves as an
alarm system to notify the bacteria that a foreign invader has entered and that it must rid itself of the
material immediately. Id. Specifically, the Cas-9 protein is the enzyme from the bacterium Streptococcus
pyogenes used to initiate the cutting technique that scientists have discovered makes the gene editing
process much easier. Benazir & Abhinayani, supra note 6, at 3338.
See Josiah Zayner, DIY CRISPR Kits, Learn Modern Science by Doing, INDIEGOGO (Nov. 18,
2017), https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/diy-crispr-kits-learn-modern-science-by-doing#/ [https://
perma.cc/4A3Y-KHAF] (selling CRISPR kits online for a mere seventy-five dollars, and advertising
that “everyone” can follow the instructions and genetically engineer bacteria). Other gene editing
methods include zinc finger nucleases and transcription activator-like effector of nucleases. Krause,
supra note 36. The CRISPR-Cas9 methods only require three components: the CRISPR RNA and a
trans-activating RNA which signal the Cas9 enzyme to cut the specific sequence. Id.
Benazir & Abhinayani, supra note 6.
Krause, supra note 36. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) both hold
genetic information, but DNA is double stranded while RNA is single stranded, and they have differ-
ent roles in the body. Anne Marie Helmenstine, The Differences Between DNA and RNA,
HOUGHTCO. (Aug. 3, 2017), https://www.thoughtco.com/dna-versus-rna-608191 [https://perma.
cc/DNL8-G4TG]. DNA carry and transfer genetic information throughout the body. Id. RNA codes
directly for amino acids and transfers protein-making information from DNA to ribosomes. Id.
Regalado, supra note 42.
Krause, supra note 36 (explaining the simplicity of CRISPR-Cas9 in that it only requires three
components which can alter multiple sites on the genome from one application).
See Krause, supra note 36 (explaining how a scientist can create a single guide RNA with the
sequence of DNA it wants to splice, order it from a manufacturer for sixty-five dollars, and wait for
mail delivery).
John Travis, Making the Cut, 350 SCI. 1456, 1456–57 (2015) (describing another experiment
where scientists wiped out populations of mosquitos by making them infertile and created malaria-
resistant mosquitos); Fiona MacDonald, 10 Things You Need to Know About the UK Allowing Genetic
Modification of Human Embryos, S
CI. ALERT (Feb. 2, 2016), http://www.sciencealert.com/10-things-
you-need-to-know-about-the-uk-s-decision-to-allow-genetic-modification-of-human-embryos [https://
perma.cc/7PWB-R5DW] (describing a recent regulation by the UK Human Fertilisation and Embry-
ology Authority sanctioning an experiment on germline-editing of human embryos); Regalado, supra
326 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
searchers shocked the world by becoming the first to use CRISPR-Cas9 to edit
human embryos.
In 2017, researchers in the United States also edited human
embryos using CRISPR-Cas9.
The moral dilemma surrounding human genet-
ic editing has remained a heated issue.
About five hundred scientists gathered
in Washington D.C. in 2015 for the International Summit on Human Gene Ed-
The Summit established a worldwide consensus to prohibit human
germline clinical trials using this technology.
While the Summit agreed that
research was “clearly needed and should proceed,” it also concluded that it
would be “irresponsible” to create a genetically engineered human at such an
early stage of research, citing safety and moral concerns.
In contrast to this
2015 worldwide consensus, the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine, in February 2017, expressed its support for editing a child’s
germline under a strict regulatory framework: the circumstances require the
note 6 (highlighting the important nature of genetically edited crops compared to classically genetical-
ly modified crops, like corn, in that Federal Drug Administration (“FDA”) regulations may not apply
since genes from bacteria are not introduced and instead the plants genes are spliced themselves).
See Puping Liang et al., CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Gene Editing in Human Tripronuclear Zy-
gotes, 6 P
ROTEIN & CELL 363, 363 (2015) (detailing a study that replaced the gene for a blood disor-
der (β-thalassaemia) in twenty-eight out of seventy-one non-viable human embryos); Sara Reardon,
Ethics of Embryo Editing Paper Divides Scientists, N
ATURE (Apr. 24, 2015) http://www.nature.
com/news/ethics-of-embryo-editing-paper-divides-scientists-1.17410 [https://perma.cc/8VWE-QDPE]
(commenting on the intense ethical debate surrounding genetically modifying human embryos).
See Hona Ma et al., Correction of a Pathogenic Gene Mutation in Human Embryos, 548 NA-
413, 41415 (2017) (editing MYBPC3 mutations from human embryos using CRISPR-Cas9 in
order to eliminate the gene for myocardial disease, HCM); Steve Connor, First Human Embryos Edit-
ed in U.S., MIT
TECH. REV. (July 26, 2017), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608350/first-
human-embryos-edited-in-us/ [https://perma.cc/4XLW-HMDY] (proclaiming that scientists in Port-
land, Oregon used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit a gene mutation in human embryos that causes a harmful
heart disease).
See generally Michael Gross, Bacterial Scissors to Edit Human Embryos?, 25 CURRENT BIOL-
MAG. R439 (2015) (reviewing the negative public response to recent developments in germline
editing technology). On March 19, the International Society for Stem Cell Research called for “a mor-
atorium on attempts” to edit the genome in clinical applications. Id. at R441. They reasoned that the
technology was too insecure and that current research “lack[s] an adequate understanding of the safety
and potential long-term risks of germline genome modification.” Id. Also, the International Bioethics
Committee of UNESCO has recently amended their report on the Human Genome asking for a mora-
torium on human germline engineering. See About Human Germline Gene Editing, C
& SOCY (July 9, 2015) http://www.geneticsandsociety.org/article.php?id=8711 [https://perma.
Rob Stein, Scientists Debate How Far to Go in Editing Human Genes, NPR (Dec. 3, 2015),
editing-human-genes [https://perma.cc/A675-RF6E].
See id.
Id. see also Open Letter Calls for Prohibition on Reproductive Human Germline Modification,
TR. FOR GENETICS & SOCY (Nov. 2015), http://www.geneticsandsociety.org/article.php?id=8999
[https://perma.cc/YM6B-PGXZ] (publishing an open letter signed by over 100 scientists calling for a
prohibition on human germline modification because “the creation of ‘genetically modified humans’ or
designer babies’” has the potential to “irrevocably alter the nature of the human species and society”).
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 327
procedure to be reviewed and the child to be monitored periodically for gener-
As scientists continue to debate the ethical questions of human genetic
modification, some countries maintain loose regulations on the practice while
at least twenty-five countries have prohibited human germline engineering en-
China has created “guidelines”but not lawsregulating the industry,
and Japan, Mexico, and South Africa, have ambiguous policies about whether
or not human germline editing research is allowed.
In contrast, Canada, Bra-
zil, Germany, and Australia do not allow human germline genetic experimenta-
tion at all.
In 2016, the British Human Fertilization and Embryology Authori-
ty (“HFEA”) granted the first license by a national regulator for scientists to
edit the human germline using human embryos for research.
In the United States, there is no federal ban on germline engineering and
the government only places restrictions on the practice.
In 2015, Congress
passed the United States Federal Omnibus Bill, which prohibits any Federal
Drug Administration (“FDA”) funding to be given to research on human
germline genetic engineering.
The National Institutes of Health (“NIH”)
manages funding of gene transfer research through the Recombinant DNA Ad-
visory Committee (“RAC”).
The RAC’s current stance is that it is too soon
for companies to perform germline gene edits on human embryos.
regulates the industry for all gene modifications performed in clinical trials.
Harald König, The Illusion of Control in Germline-Engineering Policy, 35 NATURE BIOTECH-
502, 503 (describing the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s con-
tingent support for germline engineering); Amy Harmon, Human Gene Editing Receives Science Pan-
el’s Support, N.Y.
TIMES (Feb. 14, 2017), https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/14/health/human-gene-
editing-panel.html [https://perma.cc/S9HD-YJ36] (describing the National Academy of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine’s decision to support, in extenuating circumstances, the need to edit a
child’s germline).
Melanie Senior, UK Funding Agencies Weigh in on Human Germline Editing, 33 NATURE
BIOTECHNOLOGY 1118, 1119 (2015) (analyzing the procedures and regulations that countries have
imposed on human germline engineering).
See König, supra note 56, at 504 (charting the different national and international policies on
germline engineering research and clinical trials).
MacDonald, supra note 49.
König, supra note 56, at 504; see also Heidi Ledford, Where in the World Could the First
CRISPR Baby Be Born?, N
ATURE (Oct. 13, 2015), http://www.nature.com/news/where-in-the-world-
could-the-first-crispr-baby-be-born-1.18542 [https://perma.cc/9VGL-AMB2] (describing United
States policies towards germline engineering).
About Human Germline Gene Editing, supra note 52.
Barnett, supra note 19, at 577.
Id. at 579. The director of the NIH issued a statement that the safety and ethical consequences
of genetically editing human embryos is too uncertain to approve any current clinical trials. Francis S.
Collins, Statement on NIH Funding of Research Using Gene-editing Technologies in Human Embry-
os, N
ATL INSTS. HEALTH (Apr. 28, 2015), https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/
Barnett, supra note 19, at 578.
328 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
Although the FDA would most likely regulate genetically modifying humans
in the U.S., it does not officially ban potential clinical application.
The biotechnology industry for genome editing is expanding rapidly be-
cause of revolutionary technology like CRISPR-Cas9.
In May 2015, Mar-
ketsandMarkets published a report predicting that the genome editing market
will be worth $3.5 billion in just four years.
In Boston, three start-up compa-
nies have partnered with pharmaceutical companies such as Bayer and Novar-
tis and raised an aggregated $1 billion.
In fact, the pharmaceutical giant No-
vartis has funded and contracted with the biotechnology start-up Intellia to de-
velop CRISPR techniques to treat cancer and to research “limited in vivo” ap-
plications of the technology.
A large concern with gene editing is that companies will exploit CRISPR-
Cas9 to perform risky experiments since it is cheap, simple, and yields high
Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, the 2009 Nobel prize winner in chemistry,
echoes the fears of many in the scientific community that “once a technology
is feasible, we may well regulate it, but someone somewhere may start using it
in ways we consider unethical.
With such technology at their fingertips,
Ledford, supra note 61 (explaining that the FDA does not directly state whether or not clinical
applications are banned).
Genome Editing Market Worth $3,514.08 Million by 2019, PR NEWSWIRE (May 7, 2015),
502930301.html [https://perma.cc/TCS2-N9Q2]. Already, start-up company Editas has made an an-
nouncement that it hoped to use CRISPR technology to edit human DNA to treat blindness in 2017.
Antonio Regalado, CRISPR Gene Editing to Be Tested on People by 2017, Says Editas, MIT
REV. (Nov. 5, 2015), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/543181/crispr-gene-editing-to-be-tested-
on-people-by-2017-says-editas/ [https://perma.cc/N75R-GPSB]. While the plans are to perform clini-
cal trials in gene therapy and not germline, they still discuss the rapid development of the industry in
applying CRISPR to modify human DNA. See id.
Genome Editing Market Worth $3,514.08 Million by 2019, supra note 67 (projecting the mar-
ket growth of the genome editing market and listing the following companies as industry leaders:
GenScript USA Inc. (U.S.), Horizon Discovery Group plc (U.K.), Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc.
(U.S.), Lonza Group Ltd. (Switzerland), New England Biolabs, Inc. (U.S.), OriGene Technologies,
Inc. (U.S.), Sangamo Biosciences, Inc. (U.S.), Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (U.S.), Thermo Fisher
Scientific, Inc. (U.S.), and Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (U.S.)).
Regalado, supra note 42.
7 Gene Editing Companies Investors Should Watch, NANALYZE (Apr. 25, 2015), http://www.
nanalyze.com/2015/04/7-gene-editing-companies-investors-should-watch/ [https://perma.cc/8JH2-
See Amy Dockser Marcus & Joe Palazzolo, Breakthrough Gene Technology Attracts Investors
Amid Patent Dispute, W
ALL STREET J. (Sept. 22, 2016), https://www.wsj.com/articles/breakthrough-
gene-technology-attracts-investors-amid-patent-dispute-1474567512?mod=briefly_more_on [https://
perma.cc/2PNW-BKBB] (explaining the messynature of CRISPR-Cas9s patent dispute and how
companies are responding by licensing from both sides, or using the gene editing technology without
a license until the issue is resolved).
Ian Sample, Genetic Engineering of Humans Has Great Potential, Says Nobel Winner, THE
GUARDIAN (May 23, 2016), https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/may/24/genetic-engineering-
humans-great-potential-nobel-winner [https://perma.cc/799L-LT69] (quoting British scientist, Sir
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 329
companies may strive to remain ahead of competitors by racing to patent lucra-
tive applications of CRISPR-Cas9 to the human germline and clinically apply
the technology before it is thoroughly tested.
3. Potential Consequences and Risks of Human Germline Editing
As CRISPR-Cas9 techniques advance, off-target consequences for individ-
uals and subsequent generations are of immense concern.
In a 2013 study on
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (“DMD”), which results from a genetic mutation
on the X chromosome and causes muscle deterioration, Dr. Eric Olson success-
fully treated DMD afflicted mice by editing their genome using CRISPR-Cas9.
Although off-target consequences were rare in that specific experiment, Dr. Ol-
son acknowledged that CRISPR genome editing can unintentionally cause life-
long changes to an organism’s DNA.
Many scientists worry that treating a hu-
man with DMD using CRISPR-Cas9 technology may lead to generations of un-
foreseen and possibly irreparable harmsuch as removing someone’s protective
gene for cancer.
Thus, scientists worry that human manipulation of the genome
may lead to long-term negative impacts on the gene pool itself.
Venki Ramakrishnan, in an interview about his thoughts on the application of human germline genetic
See Genome Editing Market Worth $3,514.08 Million by 2019, supra note 67 (showing the
popularity of the industry by listing the numerous genetic companies trying to take advantage of the
growing market). According to an investment report by MarketsandMarkets, the genome editing in-
dustry is estimated to reach $3,514.08 million by 2019, and expand at a compound annual growth rate
of 13.75%. See id. With such strong incentives to invest in genome editing research, it is only a matter
of time before Pandoras box is opened and clinical trials are performed around the world resulting in
a race to dominate the market. See id. Already, the following companies have invested heavily in
CRISPR-Cas9 therapies without regard to who wins the patent dispute: Bayer invested $335 million
into CRISPR Therapeutics; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals invested $125 million into Intellia Therapeu-
tics; Vertex invested $105 million into CRISPR Therapeutics; Fulcrum Therapeutics invested $55
million into Horizon Discovery Group; Juno Therapeutics invested $47 million into Editas Medicine.
Amy Dockser Marcus & Joe Palazzolo, Crispr-Cas9 and the Companies Getting on Board, W
STREET J. (Sept. 22, 2016), http://blogs.wsj.com/briefly/2016/09/22/crispr-cas9/ [https://perma.
See Patrick Skerrett, Experts Debate: Are We Playing with Fire When We Edit Human Genes?,
TAT (Nov. 17, 2015), https://www.statnews.com/2015/11/17/gene-editing-embryo-crispr/ [https://
perma.cc/R4LC-KBW8] (compiling comments from renowned scholars on the ethical and safety
concerns of genetically modifying human embryos).
Chengzu Long et al., Prevention of Muscular Dystrophy in Mice by CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated
Editing of Germline DNA, 345 S
CI. 1184, 1184 (2014) (analyzing the impact of using CRISPR-Cas9
to edit out harmful DMD genes on the germline of DMD afflicted mice).
Regalado, supra note 42 (describing the DMD study and Dr. Olson’s thoughts on its success).
See Kozubek, supra note 18 (explaining the potential evolutionary consequences of diluting the
gene pool with mutations); Skerrett, supra note 74 (noting that the secondary effects of removing a
harmful gene may be removal of a protective gene for cancer).
See Kozubek, supra note 18; Skerrett, supra note 74 (noting that excision of a particular gene
may result in removal of both harmful and beneficial genetic characteristics). Nevertheless, Cornell
scientist, Philipp Messer, predicts that natural mutations will disrupt the ability of target genes to cut the
330 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
In the first reported human germline genetic modification, Chinese re-
searchers replaced the gene for a blood disorder called β-thalassaemia in twen-
ty-eight out of seventy-one non-viable embryos.
In the process, they caused
unwanted alterations in other parts of the genome.
In subsequent research,
Chinese researchers attempted to insert a mutated gene into the germline to
create HIV resistance and were successful in a mere four out of twenty-six
non-viable embryos and again, caused unwanted mutations.
Notably, even if scientists can precisely edit the targeted gene, unintended
causal reactions may still ensue.
This is because genes that increase the risk
for some diseases may actually decrease the risk for others.
For instance, if a
genetic company targets someone’s CCR5 gene, which increases the risk for
contracting West Nile, removal of the gene will also rid her of an important
protection from HIV.
Likewise, altering someone’s MC1R gene in order to
produce vibrant red hair can also increase her risk of melanoma.
In one study,
geneticists who modified a mouse’s gene in order to protect against tumors
DNA, and thus create a limitation to spreading modified genes. See Tina Hesman Saey, Seeing the Up-
side in Gene Drives Fatal Flaw, A
CCESS SCI. (July 15, 2016), https://www.accessscience.com/
content/seeing-the-upside-in-gene-drives-fatal-flaw/SN1607261 [https://perma.cc/3NHZ-VTGA]. If
predicted correctly, the mutations would be slowly passed with a fifty percent acceptance rate meaning
after one hundred generations, the mutation would be present in fifty percent of the population. See id.
See Liang et al., supra note 50, at 363 (noting the unwanted changes in gene sequencing and
increased genetic mutations).
See id.; Akshat Rathi, Chinese Researches Have Genetically Modified Human Embryos—Yet
Again, Q
UARTZ (Apr. 9, 2016), http://qz.com/658537/chinese-researchers-have-genetically-modified-
human-embryos-yet-again/ [https://perma.cc/AH2X-MM7S] (describing the Chinese research using
CRISPR-Cas9 and the unsuccessful trials that produced unplanned and unwanted genetic mutations).
Rathi, supra note 80 (assessing the impact of trying to alter the germline to create HIV re-
sistance). Notably, recent developments in CRISPR germline editing technology, called “base edit-
ing,” allow for a single edit to change a letter in a DNA strand, as opposed to CRISPR-Cas9 which
works to deactivate an entire gene or allow gene insertion. See James Gallagher, DNA Surgery on
Embryos Removes Disease, BBC
NEWS (Sept. 28, 2017), http://www.bbc.com/news/health-41386849
[https://perma.cc/PAB8-XQF9] (describing the new advancements to CRISPR technology using “base
editing”). Because base editing is so narrow, it may decrease off-target impacts for diseases caused by
a single mutation. See id. A team of researchers in China has recently demonstrated that base editing
leads to less off-target impacts than CRISPR-Cas9 when they cured the genetic defect of a blood dis-
order by changing the genetic code from a G to an A. See id.
See Emily Mullin, CRISPR 2.0 Is Here, and It’s Way More Precise, MIT TECH. REV. (Oct. 25,
2017), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/609203/crispr-20-is-here-and-its-way-more-precise/
[https://perma.cc/VRJ8-CY62] (describing the recent advancements in CRISPR to use “base editing,”
which results in increased targeted genetic changes with less risk of unwanted mutations). But see
Lander, supra note 12, at 6 (commenting on the significant genetic advancements CRISPR has to
offer and cautioning that the technology is still not ready for human germline trials).
Lander, supra note 12, at 6.
See id. at 67 (explaining how these protective variantsthat increase the risk for one disease
and protect against another are also present for type 1 diabetes and Crohns disease). Another disease
that looks especially appealing to the germline editing community is Alzheimers; however, the tar-
geted gene has also been known to improve working memory in young adults. See id.
Id. at 7.
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 331
also had the unintended effect of causing the mouse to age prematurely, com-
plete with osteoporosis, decreased life-span, and organ deterioration.
Even if
perfectly executed, human disruption of genes may have unintended and poor-
lyif at alltraceable consequences for generations.
B. Product Liability Issues and DES Cases for Comparison
1. DES’s Generational Impacts
Diethylstilbestrol, commonly known as “DES,” was hailed as a miracle
drug that shielded pregnant women from miscarriages, premature labor, and
other pregnancy complications.
DES was manufactured in 1938 by research-
ers who synthesized estrogen into pill-form so that it could be taken orally.
1939, Chicago physiologists discovered that giving DES to pregnant rats and
mice caused damage to a developing fetus and produced miscarriages.
spite these findings, pharmaceutical companies successfully persuaded the
FDA to allow them to continue to prescribe DES to pregnant women.
The drug was routinely prescribed from 1940 to 1971, until researchers de-
tected a strong correlation between DES and cervical and vaginal cancer.
At this
point, the damage could not be undone since about 510 million children were
exposed while in utero.
As revealed in later studies, young daughters of women
who took DES while pregnant had cancer risks forty times higher than non-
exposed daughters.
These risks increased as the daughters aged.
Research on
Stuart D. Tyner et al., P53 Mutant Mice That Display Early Ageing-Associated Phenotypes,
415 N
ATURE 45, 45 (2002) (researching the impact of inserting a gene into a mouse to protect against
See Lander, supra note 12, at 7 (cautioning that even a flawless gene alteration to protect
against cancer may have unexpected negative impacts like early aging).
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Cancer, NATL CANCER INST. (Oct. 5, 2011), https://www.cancer.
gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/des-fact-sheet [https://perma.cc/T87J-22DA] (ana-
lyzing the compiled data on women who took DES and their children from a variety of studies).
DES History, supra note 20 (describing the history and negative health impacts of DES on
pregnant women). Doctors and researchers believed that the added estrogen would prevent miscar-
riages. Id. DES proved to be profitable in that it could be synthesized from coal tar and was more than
twice as powerful as naturally occurring estrogen and could be taken orally. Bichler v. Eli Lilly & Co.,
436 N.Y.S.2d 625, 628 (App. Div. 1981).
Bichler, 436 N.Y.S.2d at 629.
See id. at 62829.
See Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Cancer, supra note 88 (outlining the history of DES and not-
ing that doctors in Europe continued to prescribe the drug for seven years after the FDA issued warn-
ings to physicians about the devastating effects).
See DES History, supra note 20.
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Cancer, supra note 88.
Id. (finding that the risks of cancer for women who took DES and their daughters increase once
in their forties). See generally Janneke Verloop et al., Cancer Risk in DES Daughters, 21 C
CAUSES & CONTROL 999 (2010) (studying how the risk of certain cancers, like vaginal and melano-
ma, increase with age in a study of 12,091 DES exposed Dutch women). Exposed daughters experi-
332 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
potential DES side effects has continued as scientists and doctors strive to identi-
fy and treat DES exposed victims from diseases that escalate or appear with
With generations of negative health effects and increased risks for diseases
over time, plaintiffs have struggled to find a legal remedy for their harm.
2. Tort Liability Challenges and Innovations
Because of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the DES disaster,
including latent health effects and the vast number of unidentifiable defend-
ants, DES victims argued for a novel theory of tort liability.
As the Supreme
Court of California, in Sindell v. Abbott Laboratories in 1980 explained, one of
the greatest predicaments was whom to hold responsible since finding the spe-
cific DES manufacturer for a prescription taken decades earlier was nearly im-
Drug manufacturers often did not have direct interaction with con-
sumers, so most plaintiffs could not retrace or remember what a specific pill,
taken years ago, looked like.
The Sindell court noted that consumer harm
from DES exposure often did not show up for at least a generation, and manu-
facturers did not prescribe its drugs, let alone maintain records of who received
its drug.
Therefore, under traditional tort law, a DES plaintiff could not re-
enced a 1.7% greater risk for breast cancer at ages forty or older, and a 35.4% greater risk for preterm
delivery. Robert N. Hoover et al., Adverse Health Outcomes in Women Exposed in Utero to Diethyl-
stilbestrol, 365 N
EW ENG. J. MED. 1304, 1306 (2011) (assessing future DES impacts on women ex-
posed in utero).
See Role of DES Cohort Studies, CTRS. FOR DISEASE CONTROL, https://www.cdc.gov/des/
consumers/research/understanding_cohort.html [https://perma.cc/5X7U-7A2C] (explaining that DES
daughters typically do not need to worry about infertility, ectopic pregnancy, or other endocrinal diffi-
culties until after their thirties). In fact, Cohort studies compiled by the Center for Disease Control, still
monitor about 15,000 exposed individuals since many cancers are not visible until later in life. See id.
(listing the following ongoing Cohort Studies: Diethylstilbestrol Adenosis Project; DES Mothers
Study; Mayo Clinic Sons Study; Connecticut Mothers Study; Dieckmann Cohort; British Research
Medical Council Study; British Randomized Trial; Registry for Research on Hormonal Transplacental
See Zafft v. Eli Lilly & Co., 676 S.W.2d 241, 242, 247 (Mo. 1984) (dismissing plaintiffs suit
when they could not identify the specific manufacturer who supplied the DES); Victor E. Schwartz &
Liberty Mahshigian, Failure to Identify the Defendant in Tort Law: Towards a Legislative Solution,
73 C
ALIF. L. REV. 941, 94243 (1985) (analyzing potential tort and legislative solutions to the prob-
lem of assigning liability for harm caused by a generic drug when the defendant is unidentifiable).
See Sindell v. Abbott Labs., 607 P.2d 924, 93738 (Cal. 1980) (applying a novel concept of
market share liability in order to compensate women and children suffering from the disastrous health
effects of DES exposure); Sheiner, supra note 21, at 96667 (declaring that by 1977, hundreds of DES
plaintiffs sought recovery from DES manufacturers).
See Sindell, 607 P.2d at 925.
See id. at 930.
See id.
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 333
cover unless she could identify the specific manufacturer of the pill she ingest-
ed years ago.
In response to these DES cases, tort law evolved to allow plaintiffs to re-
cover despite a pills generic formula and the inability to find specific defend-
Without a change or compromise in tort law, recovery proved “insur-
mountable” to plaintiffs whose cancer arrived years later.
This new tort theo-
ry assigned liability via a company’s DES market share.
The Sindell court
was the first to adopt the market share liability theory and held that plaintiffs
could recover against pharmaceutical companies according to their participa-
tion in the market.
The principle emanated from the “alternative liability”
theory as expressed in the 1948 Supreme Court of California case, Summers v.
Summers held that a plaintiff, whose eye was injured by one of two
negligent hunters, could hold them jointly and severally liable despite not
knowing which one was ultimately responsible.
This theory relied on a fair-
ness rationale: both hunters were wrongdoers, so the burden should shift from
the plaintiff to the defendants to prove otherwise.
See Gorman v. Abbott Labs., 599 A.2d 1364, 1364 (R.I. 1991) (holding that tort liability re-
quires an identifiable defendant who caused the injury); Schwartz & Mahshigian, supra note 97 (ex-
plaining the identification problem in tort law for harm caused by a generic drug).
See Sheiner, supra note 21, at 994, 996 (responding to the problem of defendant identification
in DES cases with a new concept of tort liability based on market share). This novel theory of tort
liability was proposed in a student comment and adopted for the first time in Sindell. See Sindell, 607
P.2d at 92443.
See Bichler, 436 N.Y.S.2d at 632 (reasoning that courts must adapt the law as fairness de-
mands when traditional evidentiary requirements of tort law may be insurmountable); Abel v. Eli
Lilly & Co., 343 N.W.2d 164, 173 (Mich. 1984) (applying a modified version of alternative liability
theory tailored specifically to DES plaintiffs given the unique hurdles surrounding proof of causation).
The court clarified that the policy of alternative liability is not just being applied, but that it is forming
a “new DES-unique version of alternative liability.Abel, 343 N.W.2d at 173. Several courts have
adopted their own version of market share liability and expanded upon the doctrine as they believed
justice required. See generally Andrew B. Nace, Note, Market Share Liability: A Current Assessment
of a Decade-Old Doctrine, 44 V
AND. L. REV. 395 (1991) (comparing and contrasting various courts
applications of market share liability).
See Sindell, 607 P.2d at 938 (applying market share liability for the first time); Bichler, 436
N.Y.S.2d at 625 (applying market share liability and awarding future damages for childrens increased
risks of cancer).
Sindell, 607 P.2d at 937; Nace, supra note 104, at 396 (noting that the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia “created” the theory of market share liability).
See Sindell, 607 P.2d at 928, 936 (building on notions of tort law that allow for recovery be-
cause fairness and common acts of negligence and justice permit it); Summers v. Tice, 199 P.2d 1, 4
(Cal. 1948) (finding that when two defendants are culpable for causing the plaintiffs injury, the bur-
den shifts to the defendants to prove they were not the party responsible).
See Summers, 199 P.2d at 1, 5.
See id. at 4.
334 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
3. Successes and Failures in Providing Remedies to DES Victims
One of the problems with compensating DES victims is the inability to
predict with certainty what damages are sufficient to cover present and future
health complications.
The effects of DES correlate with a victim’s age in
that breast and vaginal cancer risks increase dramatically as the victim gets
Accounting for such risks when filing a lawsuit can be difficult.
Particularly, once a plaintiff is on notice, she risks losing her claim through the
statute of limitations unless a state has instituted revival statutes which allow
DES claims to be brought once effects are experienced, and not just once she
knows she was exposed to DES.
On the other hand, with little information
except health impacts, a court may find it necessary to restrict standing to a
specific generation.
In Enright v. Eli Lilly and Company in 1988, the Court
of Appeals of New York did not recognize a handicapped grandchild’s claim
against DES manufacturers since the evidence was too obscure and attenuated
to have a jury trial.
Courts have been sympathetic to plaintiffs concerns about developing
cancer and have awarded damages for future harm.
In 1995, the New York
state trial court in In re New York County DES Litigation affirmed a jury ver-
dict awarding damages ranging from $2,500$58,000 for future health compli-
cations for multiple DES plaintiffs.
Notably, the court recognized that future
damages served as valid compensation for the plaintiffs’ “unique, far-ranging
and severe physical and psychological injuries.”
As DES exposed children begin to experience latent health effects, there
remain numerous pending DES cases across the country.
Nonetheless, many
See supra notes 92–96 (explaining the increased risks of diseases associated with DES as one
See Hoover et al., supra note 95, at 1306 (identifying DES health risks).
See Enright v. Eli Lilly & Co., 570 N.E.2d 198, 22830 (N.Y. 1991), rev’g, 553 N.Y.S.2d 494
(App. Div. 1990) (explaining the difficulty of connecting negative health impacts from cancer and
other diseases to DES exposure).
See id. at 229–30 (recognizing the constitutionality of New Yorks revival statute that allows
DES claims stemming from latent effects or injuries that appear years later, but limiting recovery to
three generations of victims).
See id. at 228 (insisting that after three generations of victims, the connection between the
alleged harm and DES becomes too attenuated).
See Enright v. Eli Lilly & Co., 533 N.Y.S.2d 224, 228 (Sup. Ct. 1988) (explaining that the
passage of time and generations obscure such evidence to the extent that a third generation lawsuit
could only stand on sympathy and conjecture).
See In re New York County DES Litig., 211 A.D.2d 500, 500 (N.Y. App. Div. 1995) (affirm-
ing the jury verdict awarding damages for likelihood of disease).
See id.
See id.
Settlement Reached in Eli Lilly Pregnancy Drug Linked to Breast Cancer Case, supra note 31
(discussing the current litigation of DES injuries in Massachusetts federal court and acknowledging
there are thousands of similar lawsuits that have been filed across the nation, but many have settled).
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 335
of these cases are beginning to settle without much information released to the
Recently, four sisters diagnosed with breast cancer, allegedly caused
by their mothers use of DES while pregnant, settled with the pharmaceutical
company Eli Lilly and Company.
Although market share liability may be
inadequate to fully compensate individuals who fear suffering from painful
diseases or who actually suffer from said diseases, this recent settlement indi-
cates that recovery is possible and ongoing.
Beyond the lucrative profits and health benefits resulting from gene alter-
cation lies the potential for generations of health defects.
In turn, multi-
generational health defects raise serious liability questions.
Market share
liability acts as an alternative theory of tort law appropriate for situations in
which the harm from a defective product does not appear for decades or even
Under traditional tort law, plaintiffs suffering from a genera-
See id. One of the problems with settling, as opposed to receiving a verdict at trial, is that the
public does not know the extent of recovery by a victim. See Lilly in a DES Settlement, N.Y.
(May 19, 1992), http://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/19/business/lilly-in-a-des-settlement.html [https://
perma.cc/DV35-NEMG] (discussing the 1992 DES settlements outside of the courtroom and noting
that they were sealed). For instance, Eli Lilly and Company, one of the largest DES manufacturers,
has settled repeatedly with DES victims after they file suit. See id. In 1992, Eli Lilly and Company
settled 250 cases in just seventeen months. Settlement offers were sealed, but one claimant reportedly
received $1 million from the company. See id.
See Settlement Reached in Eli Lilly Pregnancy Drug Linked to Breast Cancer Case, supra
note 31 (describing how four sisters brought suit against Eli Lilly after suffering from miscarriages,
fertility problems, and breast cancer, and later reached a private settlement with Eli Lilly).
See id. (explaining that similar claims have been instigated in Boston specifically, and around
the country, with fifty-one women having lawsuits currently pending in U.S. District Court in Massa-
See James Gallagher, “Designer Babies” Debate Should Start, Scientists Say, BBC NEWS
(Jan. 19, 2015), http://www.bbc.com/news/health-30742774 [https://perma.cc/W2CA-QTL9] (quoting
various scientists, ethicists, and regulators that the time for public debate on human germline engi-
neering has arrived).
See generally Alicia R. Ouellette, Insult to Injury: A Disability-Sensitive Response to Smo-
lensky’s Call for Parental Tort Liability for Preimplantation Genetic Interventions, 60
397 (2008) (analyzing various legal avenues harmed genetically modified children may pursue, such
as for moral harm and physical disability, and whether parents who consent to the modification can
serve as defendants).
See DAN B. DOBBS ET AL., DOBBS LAW OF TORTS § 194 (2d ed. 2017) (explaining that alter-
native tort liability allows courts to use statistical causation when justice requires and to impose re-
sponsibility for harm when a specific defendant is undeterminable). Market share liability imposes
damages on manufacturers based on their percentage of market share with the understanding that their
product harmed approximately the same percentage of plaintiffs. See id. For the averaging to maintain
the appearance of fairness, the potential number of plaintiffs should be a substantial number so that
there is a likelihood a manufacturer on trial contributed to the specific harm. See id. This is usually the
case when thousands of people are impacted and the repercussions are passed down to offspring. See
336 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
tional harm are unlikely to recover since they must prove that the defendant’s
productsuch as DES, asbestos, a vaccine, or genetic alterationcaused their
individual harm.
Courts are often split on whether or not to recognize the doctrine of mar-
ket share liability, thus making its application beyond a narrow category of
“fungible products” uncertain.
If a harmful product is interchangeable, then
a court is more comfortable allowing proportional recovery among plaintiffs
since the manufacturers are, in theory, equally culpable for its distribution.
Sindell narrowed the scope of the new market share liability theory by suggest-
ing that any future claims must involve products that are 1) interchangeable, 2)
have equivalent risks across company lines, and 3) are controlled in the market
through concerted efforts on behalf of the industry.
Thus, courts have largely
restricted use of this doctrine to classic DES-type cases and treated its use as
an exception to normal tort doctrine.
This Part analyzes the limitations of extending market share liability be-
yond the DES context.
Section A discusses one of the biggest barriers to
market share liability, fungibility of the product.
Section B considers diffi-
culties in tracing a product’s harm when the harm is passed down from genera-
tion to generation.
Finally, Section C examines the problem of compensating
See Gorman v. Abbott Labs., 599 A.2d 1364, 1364 (R.I. 1991) (dismissing the DES plaintiffs
cause of action by holding that tort liability requires the identification of the specific defendant re-
sponsible for the injury”); Bostic v. Georgia-Pacific Corp. 439 S.W.3d 332, 346 (Tex. 2014) (requir-
ing the plaintiff to show that his asbestos exposure was a substantial factor” in developing mesotheli-
See Sindell v. Abbott Labs., 607 P.2d 924, 932–33 (Cal. 1980) (declaring DES to be fungi-
ble,” meaning various manufacturers sold an interchangeable drug). Compare Sindell, 607 P.2d at 937
(incorporating market share liability into the state’s tort law), Conley v. Boyle Drug Co., 570 So. 2d
275, 287 (Fla. 1990) (same), Smith v. Cutter Biological, Inc., 823 P.2d 717, 729 (Haw. 1991) (same),
Hymowitz v. Eli Lilly & Co., 539 N.E.2d 1069, 1078 (N.Y. 1989) (same), Martin v. Abbott Labs.,
689 P.2d 368, 382 (Wash. 1984) (same), and Collins v. Eli Lilly & Co., 342 N.W.2d 37, 50 (Wis.
1984) (same), with Smith v. Eli Lilly & Co., 560 N.E.2d 324, 345 (Ill. 1990) (refusing to recognize
market share liability), Mulcahy v. Eli Lilly & Co., 386 N.W.2d 67, 75 (Iowa 1986) (same), Zafft v.
Eli Lilly & Co., 676 S.W.2d 241, 246 (Mo. 1984) (same), Sutowski v. Eli Lilly & Co., 696 N.E.2d
187, 193 (Ohio 1998) (same), and Gorman, 599 A.2d at 1364 (same).
See Allen Rostron, Beyond Market Share Liability: A Theory of Proportional Share Liability
for Nonfungible Products, 52 UCLA L. R
EV. 151, 165 (2004) (explaining the policy reasons for hold-
ing defendants liable who introduce harmful products into the public).
See Sindell, 607 P.2d at 93137; Rostron, supra note 128, at 163–68 (synthesizing the three
factors laid out in Sindell for a court to analyze before applying market share liability).
See Rostron, supra note 128, at 163–73 (noting that courts have restricted the “fungibility
requirement since the term itself is vague and ambiguous, and therefore exercise considerable control
over the application of market share liability).
See infra notes 135–179 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 135–153 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 154–163 and accompanying text.
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 337
victims when injuries are not present for decades and are passed on to subse-
quent generations.
A. Fungible Product by Design
In order for liability to be spread among companies based on market par-
ticipation, the distributed product must be interchangeable between compa-
In 1980, the California Supreme Court, in Sindell v. Abbott Laborato-
ries, first applied market share liability when hundreds of manufacturers pro-
duced DES using the same generic formula and then marketed their product to
pregnant women.
The court found that each manufacturer contributed
roughly the same percentage of harm to plaintiffs based on market contribu-
The relevant inquiry, in determining whether market share liability is ap-
propriate, is whether a company’s product presents a similar enough risk of
harm to consumers or the public such that their liability can be based on the
percentage of their market involvement.
For instance, in a 2005 consolidated
multi-district lawsuit, the United States District Court for the Southern District
of New York in In re Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (“MTBE”) Products Liability
Litigation extended the use of market share liability to allow “innocent water
users” to recover from petroleum distributors that delivered gasoline contain-
See infra notes 164–179 and accompanying text.
See DOBBS, supra note 125, § 194. For market share liability to be fairly administered, a com-
pany must be connected to the harm alleged by the plaintiff. See id. Even if not directly connected, a
company can still be culpable for distributing a product that resulted in harm to consumers. See id. In
the DES cases, the pills were manufactured using the same generic formula, which promoted a fair-
ness rationale for holding each of the manufacturers culpable for how many drugs they had on the
market. See id. In addition to the DES context, the court in Wheeler v. Raybestos-Manhattan found
asbestos concentrations in brake pads to be uniform enough across the industry to hold manufacturers
liable based on market contribution. See Wheeler v. Raybestos-Manhattan, 8 Cal. App. 4th 1152, 1156
(1992). Before holding genetic companies uniformly responsible for future injuries based on market
participation, courts will need to find that genetic companies use the same process for performing the
germline modification to target the same genetic disease. See id.
See Sindell, 607 P.2d at 935–36 (justifying market share liability as the means for compensat-
ing plaintiffs by a culpable industry rather than allowing manufacturers to escape liability merely
because they could not be directly identified). The court in Sindell measured market share liability
based on the likelihood that any of the defendants supplied the product which allegedly injured the
plaintiff by the percentage which the DES sold by each of them for the purpose of preventing miscar-
riage bears to the entire production of the drug sold by all for that purpose.See id. at 937. The court
noted that plaintiffs could not single out one particular defendant from hundreds of DES manufactur-
ers because they created and sold DES using an identical formula.See id. at 936.
See id. at 937. Specifically, the court noted that if the defendants, Eli Lilly and Company and
five or six other companies, contributed 90% of the DES that was on the market, then there would be
a 10% chance that the responsible defendant would not be held accountable. See id.
See DOBBS, supra note 125, § 194 (describing that for an industry to be accountable, the harm
of each manufacturers product must be equivalent in order to assign liability based on production).
338 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
ing the carcinogenic chemical MTBE.
The court was compelled by evidence
that defendants understood the risks of immense groundwater contamination
from mixing gasoline with MTBE and that any contamination could not be
traced to a single source.
As a result of active concealment by the defendants
and MTBE being fungible, the court allowed plaintiffs to recover damages un-
der the theory of market share liability.
Nonetheless, market share liability has been reserved almost exclusively
to the DES context because most products are not generic across an industry.
For example, in 1995 in Bly v. Tri-Continental Industries, Inc., the United
States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit referred to market share liability
as a “last resort” largely limited to DES cases where each manufacturers
product is “identical.”
As a result, the plaintiff could not show fungibility
since the product at issue, benzene gasoline, was manufactured using different
formulas across the industry.
Thus, the harm that each manufacturer contrib-
uted could not be considered equal per product on the market because the vary-
ing concentrations of harmful benzene changed the severity of harm of the
product, making some companies more or less culpable than others.
ly, allergy-causing latex gloves and harmful lead paint are not recognized as
fungible products since manufacturers assemble them with different quantities
of the harmful products.
Courts are hesitant to expand market share liability
when manufacturers use different quantities of a harmful substance in their
products, and/or the injury could be attributed to another product altogether.
See In re Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Prods. Liab. Litig., 379 F. Supp. 2d 348, 37677 (S.D.N.Y.
2005) (applying market share liability to manufacturers of carcinogenic gasoline).
See id. at 365.
See id. at 37677.
See Bly v. Tri-Continental Indus., 663 A.2d 1232, 1244 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (finding that gasoline
produced with different formulas was not fungible since the harmful product, benzene, varied in quanti-
ties across the industry); City of St. Louis v. Benjamin Moore & Co., 226 S.W.3d 110, 116 (Mo. 2007)
(refusing to apply market share liability to lead paint manufacturers when the plaintiff could not identify
the specific offender); Goldman v. Johns-Manville Sales Corp., 514 N.E.2d 691, 697 (Ohio 1987) (hold-
ing that market share liability was inapplicable to asbestos-ridden duct tape since the duct tape varied by
15% to 100% asbestos based on weight).
See Bly, 663 A.2d at 124344 (finding that plaintiffs did not demonstrate that there were similar
enough products such that gasoline exposure constituted one of the extraordinary circumstancesmarket
share liability covered).
See id. at 1244.
See id.
Kennedy v. Baxter Healthcare Corp., 50 Cal. Rptr. 2d 736, 73940, 744 (Ct. App. 1996) (find-
ing that plaintiffs could not recover under market share liability theory for harm resulting from latex
gloves containing allergy-causing proteins because manufacturers vary their protein concentrations);
Skipworth v. Lead Indus. Assn, 690 A.2d 169, 173 (Pa. 1997) (refusing to extend market share liabil-
ity to the paint industry since paint containing lead varied in concentration among manufacturers).
See Goldman, 514 N.E.2d at 697 (finding market share liability inapplicable to asbestos-
ridden duct tape since the harmful asbestos concentrations varied significantly by brand type); Case v.
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 339
In the 1987 Supreme Court of Oklahoma’s ruling in Case v. Fibreboard Cor-
poration, the court found that asbestos would rarelyif at allbe a fungible
product like DES.
It found that “asbestos” generally referred to products
with varying concentrations of harmful minerals and the risk of exposure often
correlated with the type of asbestos product.
Moreover, courts’ applications of market share liability have important
For instance, in Sindell, the court applied market share liability
with an important caveat: if a manufacturer proved it could not have sold the
DES to the specific plaintiff, then it was excused from liability.
ly, in 1989 the New York Court of Appeals, in Hymowitz v. Eli Lilly and Com-
pany, ruled that it would apply a national market share liability theory based
on the “overall-risk produced” to the public and not specific causation to an
individual plaintiff.
Therefore, under that approach, even companies who
could prove they definitely did not cause the plaintiffs injury were still liable
based on their national market share so long as they were culpable for the
overall harm.
Fibreboard Corp., 743 P.2d 1062, 1066 (Okla. 1987) (emphasizing the diverse risk factors associated
with asbestos products based on type and composition).
See Case, 743 P.2d at 1065–66 (contrasting asbestos products and the varying risks in compo-
sition and types of products with DES pills, which were generically administered to pregnant women).
Of note to the court, “asbestos” is the name of a family of minerals and can be a combination of more
than thirty different minerals. See id. at 1065.
See id. at 1065; Nace, supra note 104, at 41415 (explaining that most courts have not applied
market share liability in the asbestos context because of the difficulty in attributing the specific harm
to a product). People are exposed to countless asbestos products in the workplace or at home resulting
in a product identification problem similar, yet different, than DES in that it is not merely one harmful
product. See id.
See Nace, supra note 104, at 396. States have adopted varying market share liability doctrines
depending on important notions of fairness and how liability should be determined. See id. at 406. In
Sindell, the court allowed companies to escape liability if they could prove they did not injure the
specific plaintiff with their product so that only manufacturers with some probability of contributing
to the specific injury and a substantial share in the sales could be held accountable. See Sindell, 607
P.2d at 937. Ambiguity in whether market share would be a percentage of the plaintiffs harm or a
percentage of the national market share resulting in less than a full recovery led to some varying inter-
pretations of Sindell. See Note, Market Share Liability: An Answer to the DES Causation Problem, 94
ARV. L. REV. 668, 67273 (1981) (analyzing court applications and interpretations of market share
liability). In Martin v. Abbott Laboratories, the court applied a theory of market share recovery that
the California Supreme Court later adopted in Brown v. Superior Court that assessed liability based on
a manufacturers harm to a particular plaintiff. See Brown v. Superior Court, 751 P.2d 470, 485 (Cal.
1988); Martin, 689 P.2d at 382. By contrast, the court in Hymowitz v. Eli Lilly & Co. departed from
this structure by focusing on the culpability of each defendant to the public and assigning liability
based on the risk of harm each contributed. See 539 N.E.2d at 1078.
See Sindell, 607 P.2d at 937 (refusing to extend market share liability to a defendant if she
proved her product could not have caused the plaintiff’s injuries).
Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1078.
See id. (“Nevertheless, because liability here is based on the over-all risk produced, and not cau-
sation in a single case, there should be no exculpation of a defendant who, although a member of the
market producing DES for pregnancy use, appears not to have caused a particular plaintiff’s injury.”).
340 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
B. Tracing Causation Across Broken Family Lines
While market share liability helps plaintiffs recover when a specific man-
ufacturer of the DES itself cannot be identified, proving that the product actu-
ally caused the injury is one of the greatest hurdles to compensation.
In re-
viewing studies on DES’s impact on mothers and their children’s increased
risk of cancer, some courts have found in favor of the plaintiffs so long as they
prove DES exposure.
Unfortunately, many plaintiffs impacted by DES can-
not recover because the causal connection is often too speculative to prove that
DES itself led to the negative health effects generations later as opposed to
other genetic risks, exposures, or activities.
Products that increase someone’s risk for contracting a common disease
or cancer in and of themselves are extremely difficult to associate with a par-
ticular defendant since the defendant can easily cast doubt on whether their
product was a “substantial factor” in causing the mainstream disease.
instance, a woman’s risk of breast cancer doubles from 2% to 4% if her mother
consumed DES while pregnant; however, countless other factors also increase
a woman’s probability of getting breast cancer.
In fact, the Center for Dis-
ease Control (“CDC”) has listed over fifteen risk factors that make a woman
more likely to develop breast cancer such as drinking alcohol and aging.
2008, in Borg-Warner Corporation v. Flores, the Supreme Court of Texas
The court sought to avoid a “windfall” scenario where manufacturers could escape liability because
they stayed in a local market or made their product “more identifiable,” yet remained equally culpable to
the public as a whole. See id.
See Clayton v. Eli Lilly & Co., 421 F. Supp. 2d 77, 81 (D.D.C. 2006) (explaining how the jury
must weigh the credibility of a witnesss memory for whether she can accurately remember the color
and markings of a DES pill she took decades ago while pregnant); Enright v. Eli Lilly & Co., 533
N.Y.S.2d 224, 228 (Sup. Ct. 1988) (stating that the passage of time and generations obscure such
evidence to the extent that a third-generation lawsuitcould only stand on sympathy and conjec-
See e.g. Sindell, 607 P.2d at 937; Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1072, 1078.
See Enright, 533 N.Y.S.2d at 228 (commenting on the serious hurdles, namely time and gen-
erational harm, that plaintiffs face in obtaining recovery).
See Borg-Warner Corp. v. Flores, 232 S.W.3d 765, 765 (Tex. 2007) (holding that the jury
legally could not have found a defendants asbestos product was a substantial factorin contributing
to the plaintiffs injury). See generally Brent M. Rosenthal, Toxic Torts and Mass Torts, 62 SMU
REV. 1483 (analyzing the evidentiary hurdles to toxic and mass tort litigation in Texas).
See Bonnie Rochman, DES Daughters: Banned Pregnancy Drug Linked to Infertility, Prema-
turity, and Cancer, T
IME (Oct. 6, 2011), http://healthland.time.com/2011/10/06/des-daughters-now-
banned-drug-linked-to-infertility-prematurity-and-cancer/ [https://perma.cc/3K5H-62Q9] (describing
the increased risks for many mainstream health issues faced by daughters whose mothers consumed
DES while pregnant); What Are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer?, C
(Sept. 27, 2017), https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/risk_factors.htm [https://perma.cc/
V4N8-3J3F] (describing sixteen factors that can increase a woman’s chance of getting breast cancer).
What Are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer?, supra note 158 (listing the following factors:
taking birth control, drinking alcohol, having a family history of breast cancer, getting older, genetic
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 341
found that as a matter of law the jury did not have sufficient evidence to find
that a plaintiffs lung cancer was caused by inhaling asbestos dust at work
when grinding asbestos-ridden brakes for more than three decades.
court highlighted that the plaintiff smoked, there existed over one hundred dif-
ferent causes for lung disease, and there was little evidence showing how much
asbestos the plaintiff had been exposed to when grinding brake pads.
larly, in Case v. Fibreboard Corporation, the plaintiff also could not prove a spe-
cific asbestos product caused the injuries.
The court noted that the asbestos-
injuries could have come from any one of the three thousand asbestos products a
typical person encounters at work or at home.
C. Compensating a Broken Family Line: Collection
and Liquidity Problems
Compensating victims who suffer detrimental effects from a product that
increases the risk of developing a severe, latent health problem proves chal-
lenging, especially when the risk of harm continues to be passed down from
generation to generation.
Courts will have to estimate not only the claim-
ant’s present harm and future medical bills, but also that of potential children
who may suffer from the harm.
DES exposure increases cancer risks, which
are passed on through daughters, leading to a litany of negative health reper-
cussions still in existence today.
Due to varying court interpretations of market share liability, many vic-
tims could not recover if the manufacturer went out of business or proved it
Borg-Warner, 232 S.W.3d at 77374 (concluding that the plaintiffs lung disease could have
been caused by many factors and it is not sufficient proof of causation to just state that plaintiff dealt with
asbestos at work).
Id. at 766, 768, 774.
See Case, 743 P.2d at 1065–66 (refusing to apply market share liability for alleged asbestos
injuries when the plaintiff could not identify the particular wrongdoer).
Id. at 1065.
See Wood v. Eli Lilly & Co., 38 F.3d 510, 51314 (10th Cir. 1994) (denying a grandchild
damages for a premature birth allegedly caused by their grandmother consuming DES while preg-
nant); Victor E. Schwartz & Cary Silverman, The Rise of Empty SuitLitigation, 80 B
599, 602 (2015) (describing the recent increase in litigants seeking to recover for no injuryclaims in
which the products harm has not yet manifested itself, but there are emotional and medical check-up
See In re New York County DES Litig., 211 A.D.2d 500, 500 (N.Y. App. Div. 1995) (affirm-
ing the jury verdict for likelihood of disease damages). The court in In re New York County DES Liti-
gation held that reasonable compensationcould include future damages for an increased risk of
disease and medical appointments. See id. In Bichler v. Eli Lilly & Co., the Supreme Court of New
York affirmed a $492,842.39 jury award to a DES plaintiff, which included damages for her chil-
dren’s future cancer costs. See 436 N.Y.S.2d 625, 625 (App. Div. 1981).
See Rochman, supra note 158 (listing the various negative health effects from DES on subse-
quent generations and recapping a study that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine).
342 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
could not have sold DES to that particular plaintiff.
In Brown v. Superior
Court, the California Supreme Court in 1988 noted that it would not assign
liability to DES manufacturers that proved they did not and could not have
caused the injuries of the claimant.
By comparison, another interpretation of
market share liability was used in Hymowitz.
There, the court reasoned that
manufacturers were culpable to the public as a whole.
Thus, under that in-
terpretation, even if a manufacturer definitively proved it was not responsible
in a specific case, victims could still recover based on its contribution to the
national market.
Although allowing for recovery is the first step, a critical concern is how
manufacturers will compensate generations of victims for harm.
like people, can become judgment-proof.
Many manufacturers subject to
latent tort liability will run out of money before not only the symptoms mani-
fest, but before the victims in subsequent generations receive compensation.
As illustrated through asbestos reorganizations in the 1980s, companies at-
tempted to use Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 to shed
overhanging tort liability.
See Nace, supra note 104, at 396 (outlining the various market share liability theories across
states). In California, courts assess manufacturer market share liability based on their stake in the
relevant market but offer a complete defense if they can show there was no possible way they supplied
DES to the specific plaintiff in the case. See id. at 403–05; Brown, 751 P.2d at 485–87 (resolving an
ambiguity in the application of market share liability by determining that defendant manufacturers
will only be held severally liable).
See Brown, 751 P.2d at 485.
See Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1078 (assigning liability based on the risk of harm each manu-
facturer defendant contributed to the public).
See id. This is because each manufacturer was at fault for having released a dangerous product
into the public although the exact ramifications were unknown. See id.
See id. Because each manufacturer released a harmful product into the public, each was culpa-
ble based on their percentage of the market and should be held accountable on an industry-scale. See
See Collins, 342 N.W.2d at 48 (explaining that many DES companies have left the market,
while others have entered, and there were uncertain records concerning the overall national production
of DES).
336 (4th ed. 2016) (describing the institutional problem with mass tort compensation when companies
declare bankruptcy and future tort victims are unable to collect damages).
See id. (analyzing the problem of compensation in mass tort cases for victims who incur medi-
cal expenses at a later time after all possible distributions have already happened).
See 11 U.S.C. § 1102 (2012). Chapter 11 essentially lets companies write down their tort debt
and, perhaps more importantly, fix it at a known quantity. See id. One of Chapter 11s unforeseen conse-
quences is the attempt by companies to use Chapter 11 bankruptcy to skirt massive tort liability by reor-
ganizing. See Note, The Manville Bankruptcy: Treating Mass Tort Claims in Chapter 11 Proceedings, 96
HARV. L. REV. 1121, 1122 (1983) (predicting the future of Chapter 11 proceedings in mass tort claims).
Because there were many potential debtors, since the effects of asbestos exposure had yet to materialize,
asbestos companies, like Manville, tried to limit their future liabilities by having experts and not juries
determine the scope of each tort claimants recovery. See id. at 1132.
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 343
In order to maintain company liability for DES, to allow for more directly
harmed plaintiffs to recover, and to meet evidentiary concerns, New York
courts applied a policy compromise in favor of limiting liability to the third
generation at the expense of other victims.
The Court of Appeals of New
York in 1991, in Enright v. Eli Lilly and Company, reduced the liability of DES
defendants to “manageable limits.”
Thus, it limited recovery only to first
generation DES victims and not to daughters and granddaughters despite suf-
fering from “malformations or immaturity of the uterus, cervical abnormalities,
misshapen Fallopian tubes, and abnormal cell and tissue growth.”
even if liability is established, court awarded recovery may not be enough in
light of courts’ self-designated restrictions on limiting pay outs.
Genetic modification may feel like it is part of the scientific future, but
tests are already being done on non-viable human embryos and the industry is
heavily invested in the new CRISPR technology.
Market share liability of-
fers a solution for victims to recover when tortfeasors cannot be readily identi-
fied because of time or drug uniformity.
As genetic editing becomes the new
generic vaccine or commonly prescribed medication, states should adopt a
See Enright v. Eli Lilly & Co., 570 N.E.2d 198, 20304 (N.Y. 1991) (finding that the passage
of time and uncertain impact of DES exposure on subsequent generations requires a stopping point in
litigation). The court wanted to avoid measures of over deterrence and instead recognize a manufac-
turer’s breach of duty towards those directly impacted by the defective drugs. See id. at 204.
See id. at 203 (predicting that “manageable limits” requires limiting litigation to the third gen-
eration). Although the court in Enright did not list the factors for why it believed manageable limits
should be in place, it cited to the New York Court of Appeals case, Tobin v. Grossman, which listed
the following factors to be considered when limiting a defendant’s liability: “foreseeability of the
injury, proliferation of claims, fraudulent claims, inconsistency of the zone of danger rule, unlimited
liability, unduly burdensome liability, and the difficulty of circumscribing the area of liability.” Id.
(citing Tobin v. Grossman, 249 N.E.2d 419, 422 (N.Y. 1969)).
See Enright, 570 N.E.2d at 200.
See id.
See Ewen Callaway, Embryo-Editing Research Gather Momentum, 532 NATURE 289, 28990
(2016) (explaining that germline engineering is expected to become more commonplace, especially in
countries like Sweden, China, and the United Kingdom which already approve such research); Led-
ford, supra note 10 (commenting on the 2017 germline engineering performed in the United States to
rid an embryo of a heart-disease causing mutation); Marcus & Palazzolo, supra note 73 (explaining
that millions of dollars are being invested in CRISPR-Cas9 without regard to who wins the patent
debate on the technology).
See DOBBS, supra note 125, § 194 (explaining market share liability as an alternative form of
tort liability for when the defendant cannot be found). Additionally, companies will be incentivized to
maintain better records and retain adequate insurance for such claims. See Sheiner, supra note 21. As
a result, specific defendants should be more identifiable, resulting in regular awarding of tort damag-
es. See id.
344 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
form of market share liability so that genetic companies can predict their long-
term legal and liability costs before entering the market.
This Part argues that market share liability should be adopted in the ge-
netic modification context.
Section A discusses the likelihood of being able
to identify a specific genetic company as the source of harm, and argues that as
the process becomes streamlined, similar DES defendant identification prob-
lems will occur.
Section B examines germline engineering using CRISPR-
Cas9 as a fungible product comparable to DES pills and vaccines.
Section C
assesses the complications of company identification when a defective
germline procedure may not show itself for decades or generations down the
Finally, Section D advocates for market share liability as a means of
compensating generations of victims and serving as a pre-market cost for com-
panies entering this risky industry.
A. Courts Should Adopt Market Share Liability for Harm
Arising from Genetic Alteration
Unlike DES manufacturers selling pharmaceutical drugs, one of the big-
gest differences in human genetic alteration is that businesses are in never-
before-chartered territory.
Any germline engineering transactions for the
first decade or so are likely to be highly contentious and heavily monitored by
journals, medical records and news reports.
Evidently, market share liability
See Emily H. Damron, Comment, Reviving the Market for Liability Theories: The Commin-
gled ProductTheory of Market Share Liability Enters the Judicial Lexicon, 111
505, 520 (2006) (listing the reasons why defendant manufacturers are in the best position to sustain
the costs of consumer injuries). A corporation that can predict its litigation costs can prepare by main-
taining adequate insurance, aggregating profits and resources, increasing the price for products to
spread costs, and investing in safety. See id.
See infra notes 188–242 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 188–199 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 200–211 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 212–222 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 223–242 and accompanying text.
Compare König, supra note 56, at 504 (displaying a chart showing that currently no country,
not even China, publicly permits germline engineering for clinical trialsin other words, to allow
germline editing in viable human embryos with the intention of bringing them to term), and Skerrett,
supra note 74 (describing scientific, ethical, and health concerns from genetic research experts in this
new and expanding field), with Medicine and Pregnancy, F
OOD & DRUG ADMIN (May 19, 2017),
[https://perma.cc/LB58-HDPJ] (recommending online sources and tips for women who want to take
medication during their pregnancy).
See König, supra note 56, at 504 (describing one of the National Academies of Sciences, En-
gineering, and Medicine’s conditions for supporting a clinical trial of a genetically engineered human
embryo as requiring “multigenerational follow-up” to understand the long-term impacts); Liang et al.,
supra note 50, at 363 (researching CRISPR germline modification on non-viable human embryos for
the first time by Chinese researchers in 2015); Adam Pasick & Akshat Rathi, Chinese Researchers
Have Genetically Modified a Human EmbryoAnd Many Scientists Think They’ve Gone Too Far,
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 345
may deviate in genetic engineering cases from generic pharmaceutical or as-
bestos cases because of the likelihood that plaintiffs will be able to identify the
proper defendants.
If defendants are readily identifiable, then market share
liabilityas it is currently understoodwould not apply.
The very reason
for establishing market share liability was to address the problem of an uniden-
tifiable defendant, and assign a percentage of liability to a market participant
because of its tortious market involvement.
On the other hand, if human germline engineering becomes a routine pro-
cedure for families, as predicted, then defendants may not be readily identifia-
Market share liability would be invaluable to victims of a defective genet-
ic procedure whose harm manifests decades later in their children or childrens
Presently, prenatal genetic screening is offered to parents who would
like an assessment of their child’s genetic condition.
For little to no cost with
insurance coverage, parents can learn of potential chromosomal malformations
QUARTZ (Apr. 23, 2015), https://qz.com/389494/chinese-researchers-are-the-first-to-genetically-
modify-a-human-embryo-and-many-scientists-think-theyve-gone-too-far/ [https://perma.cc/53JC-
GR46] (describing the “bombshell” that Chinese researchers dropped by genetically modifying human
embryos for the first time in 2015).
See Celotex Corp. v. Copeland, 471 So. 2d 533, 533 (Fla. 1985) (refusing to apply market
share liability in an asbestos case where the plaintiff could readily identify the manufacturers of the
asbestos products he encountered); Hymowitz v. Eli Lilly & Co., 539 N.E.2d 1069, 1072 (N.Y. 1989)
(holding that the court will apply market share liability expressly because identifying the DES manu-
facturer who sold the plaintiff’s drug was “generally impossible”). Also, the pool of genetically altered
victims must be large enough for the averaging of market share liability to be fair across companies. See
OBBS, supra note 125, § 194 (identifying the potential unfairness for assigning liability to a few
potential plaintiffs based on market share liability since averaging over a larger number of consumers
increases a manufacturers likelihood of directly contributing to the harm).
See DOBBS, supra note 125, § 194 (describing how market share liability arose because plain-
tiffs could not know for certain who caused their injuries, but defendant companies were equally cul-
pable for contributing the harmful product to the public to be held accountable).
See id.
See Begley, supra note 14 (commenting on the enthusiasm of over 150 scientists at the Ameri-
can Society of Hematology conference at the implications of using CRISPR-Cas9 to eradicate blood
disorders such as HIV/AIDS and leukemia); Harmon, supra note 56 (This opens the door to adver-
tisements from fertility clinics of giving your child the best start in life with a gene-editing packet….”
quoting Marcy Darnovsky, the executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, about her
thoughts on germline editing); Ramsey, supra note 28 (quoting CITI biotech analyst, Yigal
Nochomovitz’s prediction that “the first CRISPR-based medicine could reach the market in ~6 years
or less”). DES manufacturers often did not have direct contact with consumers nor maintain records
about who received their drugs from prescribers. See Sindell v. Abbott Labs., 607 P.2d 924, 930 (Cal.
See Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1072 (recognizing the predicament of DES victims when the
destruction of pharmaceutical records made finding the specific defendant who manufactured the DES
pill they consumed decades earlier unlikely).
See Cari Nierneberg, Prenatal Genetic Screening Tests: Benefits & Risks, LIVE SCI. (Dec. 18,
2014), http://www.livescience.com/45949-prenatal-genetic-testing.html [https://perma.cc/J45Z-K28H]
(explaining that genetic testing can determine or predict a childs risk for a genetic disorder and can be
conducted after the first ten weeks of pregnancy).
346 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
such as sickle cell anemia or Down syndrome.
Presently, the worldwide pre-
natal testing market is expected to increase, between 2016 and 2022, at a rate of
With an expected $7.2 billion dollar market by 2022, the temptation
to use genetic scissors to eradicate chromosomal deformities prior to conception
are likely to mainstream germline modification at a rapid rate.
As a result of
widespread popularity and high demand, germline modifications are likely to
become so streamlined and generic that they may be used with such frequency
analogous to the prescription of drugs like DES.
B. Genetic Modification as a Fungible Product
To function like a fungible product, genetic companies would need to tar-
get the same genetic disease using the same modification process.
proves a more complicated inquiry than the DES cases since CRISPR-Cas9 is
a process, not a product like DES pills, and the altered gene may have reper-
cussions distinct to an individual’s genetic make-up.
Nonetheless, a court
Id.; see also What Is the Cost of Genetic Testing, and How Long Does It Take to Get the Re-
sults?, G
ENETICS HOME REFERENCE (Nov. 14, 2017), https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/testing/cost
results [https://perma.cc/T68C-Z363] (stating that genetic testing can cost between $100 to greater
than $2000 depending on the test, and that newborn screening usually ranges from $15 to $60 depend-
ing on the state and insurance coverage).
Global $7.2 Billion Prenatal Testing Market Analysis & Forecast Report 20162022, NASDAQ
GLOBE NEWSWIRE (Oct. 20, 2016), https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2016/10/20/881253/
0/en/Global-7-2-Billion-Prenatal-Testing-Market-Analysis-Forecast-Report-2016-2022.html [https://
perma.cc/5XVS-GW6H] (citing Research and Marketsrecent report on the prenatal genetic testing
industry). This growth in prenatal testing is due to a combination of factors such as affordable testing,
more known treatments for genetic disorders, and increasing cases of genetic disorders in the U.S.,
U.K, Japan, and India. See id.
See id. Many countries like the United States and Japan do not have enforceable regulations on
germline modifications. See Ledford, supra note 61. With little to no regulations and the popularity of
in vitro fertilization and genetic testing, the potential for human germline clinical trials does not ap-
pear far away. See id. (predicting that Japan will be the first to apply human germline modification
because of the popularity of in vitro fertilization).
See Carolyn Gregoire, How New Genetic Technologies Are Reshaping Pregnancy and Parent-
ing, H
UFFINGTON POST (Feb. 20, 2017), http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/genetic-testing-
babies_us_58a5c4bae4b037d17d25664d [https://perma.cc/2ZRA-GF4V] (describing the significant
impact genetic testing has on parents and commenting that although “designer babies may not be here
yet” the field of genetics is expanding rapidly). In the United States, one out of every thirty-three
babies is born with a genetic defect. Facts About Birth Defects, C
11, 2016), https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/birthdefects/facts.html [https://perma.cc/Q6SE-EK6T].
See Rostron, supra note 128, at 16368 (explaining that fungible products are those that are
“interchangeable” and create a similar risk of harm). For example, if a product from Company B is
considered “fungible” to a harmful product from Company A, then Company B’s product will also be
considered harmful and pose that same risk to consumers. See id.
See Begley, supra note 14 (quoting Dr. Joung, from Massachusetts General Hospital, that off-
target impacts “var[y] by ethnic group” and are unpredictable with today’s technology); see also Ce-
lotex, 471 So. 2d at 53738 (refusing to apply market share liability to an asbestos-related harm in part
because of the different methods for manufacturing asbestos products, unlike DES, which was pro-
duced “pursuant to one formula).
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 347
may analogize the same formula used to manufacture DES, to companies using
the same gene modification process—CRISPR-Cas9to insert or remove a
specific gene.
Moreover, prescribed DES pills often varied by concentration,
which shows that courts allowed for some variance.
Unlike asbestos products, where market share liability has not been ac-
cepted, germline modification differs in that CRISPR-Cas9 is likely to be
streamlined among the industries.
Instead of thousands of products contain-
ing different variations of a drug or chemical, germline modification is likely
to be the same for individuals who have a specific genetic abnormality that is
fixed using CRISPR-Cas9.
For instance, renowned Harvard scientist, David
Sinclair, exclaimed that scientists can use CRISPR to excise a defective gene
that causes Huntington’s diseasea fatal brain diseasefrom the germline
“before we generate your child.”
Thus, the fungible product would be a de-
fective Huntington’s disease germline modification.
See Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1072 (discussing the similar formula and use of DES pills pre-
scribed to pregnant women); Beale, supra note 36, at 4 (identifying CRISPR-Cas9 technology as the
most widely used gene-editing technologyto date).
See Rostron, supra note 128, at 166 (describing how market share liability still applied to DES
manufacturers even though the concentrations of some pills were greater than others). In George v.
Parke-Davis, the Supreme Court of Washington grappled with how to spread liability among DES
manufacturers when the plaintiffs DES dosage was a set quantity. See 733 P.2d 507, 51213 (Wash.
1987). The court reasoned that it should only hold manufacturers liable that could have caused the
harm. See id. at 513.
See Case v. Fibreboard Corp., 743 P.2d 1062, 106566 (Okla. 1987) (refusing to apply market
share liability in an asbestos case because the lung disease could have come from any one of the 3000
asbestos products a typical person encounters); McNutt, supra note 36, at 1445 (praising CRISPR gene
editing technology as the 2015 breakthrough of the year that will lead to unprecedented advancements);
Antonio Regalado, U.S. Panel Endorses Designer Babies to Avoid Serious Disease, MIT
(Feb. 14, 2017), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603633/us-panel-endorses-designer-babies-to-
avoid-serious-disease/ [https://perma.cc/M426-RSTN] (comparing CRISPR editing technology’s future
application to that of vaccines and how inserting a protective gene like ApoE can protect people from
developing Alzheimer’s).
Compare Case, 743 P.2d at 106566 (declaring that there are too many products with varying
concentrations of asbestos that could be the cause for lung disease decades later), with Regalado, su-
pra note 36 (explaining that CRISPR-Cas9 allows scientists to fix a heritable disease, like Hunting-
tons disease, by altering the gene defect in the germline). In addition to CRISPR-Cas9, a recent
CRISPR advancement called “base editing” allows for even more specific editing that changes only a
single letter. See Gallagher, supra note 81. Scientists predict this will decrease the likelihood of unin-
tentional edits in the germline since this base edit will prevent diseases caused by a single mutation.
See id.
Regalado, supra note 36 (quoting David Sinclair, a scientist and age specialist, that gene edit-
ing can eradicate diseases before symptoms develop).
See id.; Rostron, supra note 128, at 16368 (summarizing what generally constitutes a fungi-
ble productas interchangeable, having equivalent risks across the industry, and controlled by the indus-
348 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
Market share liability requires that the harm be attributable to any one of
the products provided by the industry.
For this reason, California courts have
extended market share liability to defective vaccine formulas, but not to negli-
gent administration of vaccines.
A CRISPR-Cas9 germline modification pro-
cedure to treat a specific disease may be similar enough to a defective vaccine
for courts to apply market share liability.
Whether or not harm will result from
flawed CRISPR-Cas9 applications and/or faulty genetic testing, or from the dis-
ease alteration procedure itself, will ultimately determine if CRISPR-Cas9 is a
fungible product.
C. Tracing the Cause of Genetic Defects Across Generations
Off-target impacts of a specific genetic alteration may be obvious and
consistent across victims, similar in nature to defective vaccines.
In fact,
proving that a genetic alteration caused cancer or a physical deformity may be
easier than connecting a DES pill to cancer.
Because an individual’s altered
genetic make-up is passed on to subsequent generations, a victim generations
See Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1072 (emphasizing the identical nature of the DES products
produced by hundreds of manufacturers).
Compare Sheffield v. Eli Lilly & Co., 144 Cal.App.3d 583, 594 (1983) (refusing to extend
market share liability to vaccine products that are not the result of a uniformly defective product, but a
deviant defective vaccine), with Morris v. Parke, Davis & Co., 667 F. Supp. 1332, 1342 (C.D. Cal.
1987) (extending market share liability to a vaccine after the plaintiff proved the vaccine itself was
See Morris, 667 F. Supp. at 134243 (allowing market share liability for production of a de-
fective vaccine); Regalado, supra note 36 (predicting germline engineering using CRISPR-Cas9 will
be as important to this century as vaccines were to the last”); Regalado, supra note 204 (analogizing
the future application of gene editing to prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s to the present understanding
and application of vaccines).
See Begley, supra note 14 (noting that although many scientists are worried about the unpre-
dictable effect of gene modification on diverse populations, others are optimistic that advancing gene
technology will allow for more accurate risk assessment of off-target impacts). Given the unpredicta-
ble nature of genetic modification, the consequences for mass-consumers of these services are un-
known and difficult to predict. See id.
See 42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 34 (2012) (creating a system to deal with the negative health
impacts from known defective vaccines in order to streamline victim recovery). Congress passed the
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 to facilitate victim remedies from vaccine injury
claims because specific vaccine injuries manifested themselves similarly in the victims. See The Na-
tional Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, N
ATL VACCINE INFO. CTR. (Nov. 18, 2017), http://
www.nvic.org/injury-compensation/origihanlaw.aspx [https://perma.cc/A7QQ-KABF]. Victims only
need to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that they (1) took the vaccine listed on the Vaccine
Injury Table and (2) suffered one of the injuries listed on the table known to have been caused by that
particular vaccine. See 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-14.
See David Baltimore et al., A Prudent Path Forward for Genomic Engineering and Germline
Gene Modification, 348 S
CI. 36, 36 (2015) (detailing the groundbreaking combination of DNA se-
quencing and genome engineering, hailed as precision medicine”); Gallagher, supra note 81 (hailing
the advancements in CRISPR technology which allow scientists to edit a single gene’s letter).
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 349
down the line would have a copy of the manipulated gene.
Expert testimony
could probably point to the manipulated gene and statistical harm across simi-
larly altered people to prove causation.
Whereas DES plaintiffs are often
forced to rely on circumstantial evidence that a woman in their family took
DES while pregnant, which resulted in a mutated gene passed on to subsequent
generations that increased the risk for certain diseases, here the genetic altera-
tion can serve as proof of heritability.
For instance, children who underwent
genetic engineering to rid their germline of a defective gene that caused sickle-
cell anemia would continue to pass on that modified gene to subsequent gener-
Still, echoing the concerns of scientists everywhere, some off-target im-
pacts from germline modification may be unique to each individual’s genome
making it hard for plaintiffs to connect the side effects to a defective proce-
Additionally, an individual’s specific genome may interact differently
with the modified gene than in the majority of other users resulting in negative
health effects despite a perfectly executed modification process.
companies are likely to argue, like DES manufacturers, that their connection to
a negative health defect is too attenuated to prove liability.
Without statisti-
See Barnett, supra note 19, at 55556 (noting that changing a human germline is in fact chang-
ing someones genetic makeup, thus affecting “every cell in the body).
See Role of DES Cohort Studies, supra note 96 (showing the role of DES studies in identifying
and tracking health repercussions from DES over generations and calculating a womans risk for de-
veloping certain cancers).
See Enright v. Eli Lilly & Co., 533 N.Y.S.2d 224, 228 (Sup. Ct. 1988) (noting the weak testi-
mony of women who are asked to identify a drug from decades past and show it was the cause of their
daughters premature birth); Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer Syndromes, N
(Apr. 11, 2013), https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/genetics/genetic-testing-fact-
sheet [https://perma.cc/7NX5-QCT5] (explaining that genetic testing enables scientists to assess
someone’s genetic makeup for abnormalities and identify specific cancer-causing genes).
See Regalado, supra note 36 (contrasting germline engineering where the modified gene is
heritable since it is altered in the egg cell, with that of gene therapy, which helps relieve the symptoms
of a person already suffering from the disease, but the benefits are not passed on to future genera-
See Begley, supra note 14 (explaining the unpredictable nature of off-target impacts from
germline modification depending on an array of factors like ethnicity); Fu et al., supra note 13, at 822
(noting the high frequency of off-target mutations using CRISPR-Cas9 on human cells); Lander, su-
pra note 12, at 7 (cautioning that a gene alteration to protect against cancer might interact with other
genes and result in unpredictable consequences like early aging). Algorithms that were created to
estimate the risk of off-target effects from CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing have proven to be inaccurate in
practice. See Begley, supra note 14. Dr. Joung, a gene editing researcher at Massachusetts General
Hospital, commented that these algorithms “miss a fair number” of off-target impacts and “they really
aren’t very good at predicting where there will be off-target effects.” See id.
See Lander, supra note 12, at 7 (cautioning that genetic modifications may have unintended
negative health effects when interacting with other protective genes).
See Skerrett, supra note 74 (expressing the uncertainty and inability of scientists to predict the
consequences of germline editing on the human genome); Settlement Reached in Eli Lilly Pregnancy
Drug Linked to Breast Cancer Case, supra note 31 (reporting that the defendant told the jury there
was no proof that DES caused breast cancer in the daughters of women who took it, but the plaintiff
350 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
cal support of similarly altered people experiencing similarly harmful side-
effects, a plaintiff is unlikely to prove causation.
Hopefully, algorithms that
predict off-target effects and gene modification impact will become more pre-
cise, but consumers are probably willing to risk negative side-effects to avoid
passing on a deadly disease, such as Huntington’s disease or sickle cell ane-
mia, to their children.
D. Market Compensation for Genetic Defects
Compensating victims for a defective gene alteration proves challenging
because of the potential harm to generations of plaintiffs who inherit the defec-
tive gene sequence.
Courts will have to estimate not only the claimant’s pre-
sent harms and future medical bills, but also that of potential children suffering
from the genetic harm.
Until genetic modification of the germline undergoes
clinical trials, the scale of possible harm remains speculative.
Given the unique field of genetic alteration, gene companies are in the
best position to sustain liability without compromising consumer compensa-
tion for defective products.
CRISPR-Cas9 is hailed as a multi-million dollar
industry in which companies are investing and expanding rapidly.
pointed to a 2011 study by the National Cancer Institute that found an increased risk for breast can-
See E.E. Hatch et al., Prenatal Diethylstilbestrol Exposure and Risk of Obesity in Adult Wom-
en, 6 J.
DEVELOPMENTAL ORIGINS HEALTH AND DISEASE 201, 201–07 (2015) (describing that in
addition to dysfunctional reproductive organs, cancer, dangerous pregnancies, infertility, and early
menopause, taking DES while pregnant may also contribute to ones increased risk of obesity).
See Fu et al., supra note 13, at 826 (studying the ability to predict off-target mutations, and
offering suggestions for increasing accurate predictions); Regalado, supra note 67 (explaining how
there are thousands of genetic diseases like Huntingtons disease without cures that CRISPR has the
potential to fix).
See Barnett, supra note 19, at 56869 (cautioning researchers from prematurely engaging in
clinical trials because editing the human germline means those genes will be passed on to subsequent
generations); Begley, supra note 14 (emphasizing the potential devastating health effects from a ge-
netic alteration that goes wrong such as triggering a cancer-causing gene).
See In re New York County DES Litig., 211 A.D.2d 500, 500 (N.Y. App. Div. 1995) (affirm-
ing the jury verdict allowing damages for likelihood of disease). The court in In re New York County
DES Litigation found that jury damages awarded for severe and long-lasting diseases, as well as the
increased risk for new diseases, will be accepted if they do not materially deviate” from a “reasona-
ble compensation.See id.
See Open Letter Calls for Prohibition on Reproductive Human Germline Modification, supra
note 55 (calling for a moratorium on any clinical applications of germline genetic engineering until
further research clarifies its impact on the human gene pool); see also Skerrett, supra note 74 (sug-
gesting that the unintended effects of human genetic manipulation will be little different than when peo-
ple choose sex partners or encounter radiation or chemicals).
See Damron, supra note 182, at 520 (explaining why defendant manufacturers are in the best
position to compensate plaintiffs for their injuries: insurance, profit and resource aggregation, in-
creased product price to spread costs, and investment in safety).
See Genome Editing Market Worth $3,514.08 Million by 2019, supra note 67 (finding the
following companies to be leading the market: GenScript USA Inc. (U.S.), Horizon Discovery Group
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 351
market share liability based on the culpability of the company to the public
ensures that newer companies will continue to compensate victims for harm
caused by older companies that eventually go out of business.
Under market
share liability, a company, as a market participant, will effectively assume the
bankrupt company’s tort debts regardless of whether it did so as a formal or
legal matter.
Simply by virtue of competing in the same market, new and
growing companies will keep tort collection alive.
In such a risk-intensive
and ethically charged industry, older genetic engineering companies will serve
to grow the market and create demand for new companies to enter.
Accordingly, successive companies paying for generational liability
stemming from older companies may be a necessary pre-market cost to enter
the genetic engineering business.
Without an entrance cost, subsequent
companies would be free-riding off companies who spearheaded a new indus-
try and generated public trust in a hotly debated and ethically disputed field.
plc (U.K.), Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Lonza Group Ltd. (Switzerland), New England
Biolabs, Inc. (U.S.), OriGene Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Sangamo Biosciences, Inc. (U.S.), Sigma-
Aldrich Corporation (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (U.S.), and Transposagen Biopharmaceuti-
cals, Inc. (U.S.)). A 2015 in depth report predicted the genome editing market will be worth $3.5 bil-
lion in four years. See id.
See Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1078 (requiring compensation from company defendants based
on the risk of harm each manufacturer defendant contributed to the public); R
OE & TUNG, supra note
173, at 336 (describing the potential insolvency of companies in mass tort compensation cases that
results in future tort victims not being compensated).
See Hymowitz, 539 N.E.2d at 1078; DOBBS, supra note 125, at § 194 (describing market share
liability as expressed in Hymowitz to mean that entrants who contributed to the tortious conduct even
if definitively not the particular offenders to the plaintiff individually, are still liable based on their
percent share in the national market).
See DOBBS, supra note 125, § 194 (requiring the market industry as a whole, including new
applicants, to be liable because they all have contributed to the public harm, should lead to more con-
sistent recoveries by future tort victims whose latent health effects occur after a company who con-
tributed to the harm has gone bankrupt).
See Barnett, supra note 19, at 569 (recounting the charged ethical debates about whether ge-
netically modified humans will result in disastrous gene pool complications or will provide unbelieva-
ble opportunities for genetic cures); Dorothy J. Glancy, Autonomous and Automated and Connected
CarsOh My! First Generation Cars in the Legal Ecosystem, 16
MINN. J.L. SCI. & TECH. 619, 657
58 (2015) (analyzing potentially novel civil claims that first generationself-driving car manufactur-
ers must account for when creating this new market for consumers and other companies to enter).
See Collins v. Eli Lilly & Co., 342 N.W.2d 37, 48 (Wis. 1984) (explaining that the DES mar-
ket was fluidin that companies entered and exited frequently). Before entering a market, business
owners must understand the start-up costs both concrete, like capital expenditures for purchasing
products, and estimations, like expenses for advertising, training, and insurance. See Caron Beesley,
How to Estimate the Cost of Starting a Business from Scratch, S
MALL BUS. ASSN (Sept. 27, 2016),
https://www.sba.gov/blogs/how-estimate-cost-starting-business-scratch [https://perma.cc/23SN-Y534]
(providing advice to entrepreneurs about how to estimate the costs of starting a business). Importantly,
these costs should be calculated based on the industry and requires a fact-intensive analysis. See id.
See Rathi, supra note 80 (noting the distinct change in public reaction between the first and
second Chinese research experiments on the human germline from that which shockedthe public, to
that of an annoyed shrug).
352 Boston College Law Review [Vol. 59:319
Moreover, rather than allow a bankrupt genetic company to discharge its debts
to the detriment of a family who continues to suffer generations of health de-
fects, tort law can ensure that subsequent participants pay for that harm.
growing pains of this high-risk, high-reward industry will last for generations,
so pre-market costs ensure fairness to those who paved the way for others to
As noted earlier, the harm from a defective germline modification may be
consistent across victims leading to streamlined recovery or the off-target im-
pacts may be uniquely assessed according to each individual.
Regardless of
the impact, the repercussions of a faulty procedure can be passed to subsequent
generations resulting in massive medical costs.
Unlike the Court of Appeals
of New Yorks 1991 decision in Enright v. Eli Lilly and Company, which justi-
fied limiting the liability of DES defendants to the third generation so that com-
panies could stay in business, genetic companies are likely to stay in the lucra-
tive business and be able compensate for multiple generations of recovery.
Lastly, gene companies should actively embrace market share liability.
First, embracing a broad concept of alternative liability, such as market share
See ROE & TUNG, supra note 173, at 336 (explaining the problem with mass tort compensation
in that future tort victims are poorly compensated, if at all, when companies declare bankruptcy).
See Barnett, supra note 19, at 568, 571 (noting that even if CRISPR-Cas9 is performed flaw-
lessly, there may still be off-target effects in other parts of the genome, so researchers may not know
the impact of a genetic alteration until after human testing).
See supra notes 212–222 and accompanying text (acknowledging the current uncertainty in
the long-term effects on humans from germline editing technology).
See supra notes 90–96 and accompanying text (describing the increased risks of cancer for
subsequent generations of DES daughters); Skerrett, supra note 74 (explaining that removing or edit-
ing a gene may have unintended effects like also removing a protective gene for cancer); Arlene
Weintraub, Even Insured Patients Are Overwhelmed By the Cost of Care, F
ORBES (Aug. 10, 2017),
by-the-cost-of-cancer-care/#1544f2f351c4 [https://perma.cc/KL7L-WUT3] (commenting on the rising
costs of cancer treatments in the U.S. and estimating that a new treatment for leukemia provided by
Novartis will cost $200,000 or more per patient).
See Enright, 570 N.E.2d at 204 (seeking to prevent companies from leaving the industry and
not creating beneficial products because of incurring too much liability, and instead recognizing a
manufacturer’s breach of duty towards those more directly impacted by the defective drugs); Genome
Editing Market Worth $3,514.08 Million by 2019, supra note 67 (estimating the genome market to be
worth $3.5 billion by 2019). In the August 2017 study in the United States, researchers successfully
repaired a mutation in a human embryo that if brought to term, would result in a child with none of the
unwanted mutations. See Pam Belluck, In Breakthrough, Scientists Edit a Dangerous Mutation from
Genes in Human Embryos, N.Y.
TIMES (Aug. 2, 2017), https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/02/science/
gene-editing-human-embryos.html [https://perma.cc/3YD8-V5PK] (analyzing the recent research
advancements in decreasing off-target impacts and how this will affect future applications). Moreover,
the disease would not be passed on to any descendants. See id. This technology provides huge benefits
to families with one of the 10,000 specified heritable mutations, who can then make the choice to
eliminate this disease from their family line by electing to undergo the procedure. See id.
See Jim Gorzelany, Volvo Will Accept Liability for Its Self-Driving Cars, FORBES (Oct. 9,
2015), http://www.forbes.com/sites/jimgorzelany/2015/10/09/volvo-will-accept-liability-for-its-self-
driving-cars/#3c4e06973d80 [https://perma.cc/M9NY-8KVL] (describing the recent announcement by
2018] The Price Tag on Designer Babies: Market Share Liability 353
liability, may alleviate public policy concerns that fuel the regulatory road-
blocks preventing the commercialization of gene-editing technology.
assuring injured consumers that future recovery is possible, genetic companies
can pre-empt many concerns about liability and fears of leaving potential vic-
tims empty-handed.
Second, even catastrophic exposure to liability can be
priced into the technology as a cost of doing businessso long as the risk is
accurately known in advance.
When the stories of science fiction touch today’s reality, the legal and
health ramifications call for preparation. The exceptional implications of ge-
netically engineering children to be born without predispositions to genetic
diseases prove too beneficial not to be questioned. As companiesand na-
tionsbegin to tap into these new markets and sell germline engineering like
they would a prescription drug or vaccine, tort liability must adapt to the unu-
sual circumstances. Entire family lines are at stake from a defective germline
procedure. In order to ensure continued compensation and to incentivize con-
servative entrance into the field, courts and legislatures should adopt the DES-
created market share liability in the context of genetic alteration. Market share
liability is an incomparable method to spread costs for the generational harm
an invaluable industry may inflict onto the public.
Volvo to be held strictly liable for any accidents with their self-driving vehicles). Genetic companies
can learn from another industry entering the unchartered territory of widespread tort liability: manufac-
turers of self-driving cars. See id. Companies that want to commercialize self-driving cars face hurdles
from regulators worried about liability to the public. See id. As a result, they have taken matters into their
own hands and pressured regulators into licensing their cars by taking responsibility for accidents. See id.
Currently the U.S. does not have federal laws or regulations on researchers modifying the human
germline. See Barnett, supra note 19, at 57778. In fact, while the FDA has the authority to regulate
human subjects,gametes and embryos involved in human germline modification do not meet that
identification. See id. at 578. Once the embryos are inserted into a human, then the FDA can regulate
and prevent clinical trials. Id. By taking responsibility for defective procedures in an industry based on
market share liability, genetic companies may be able to further federal support for clinical trials.
Gorzelany, supra.
See Barnett, supra note 19, at 580 (stating that regulators and legislatures will most likely leap
into action before any clinical tests of human germline editing are actually performed in the U.S.).
See id. at 569, 580 (recounting the fiery ethical dilemmas facing society in whether genetically
modified humans will have consequences for the genome that humanity will regret forever or will
provide unbelievable opportunity for genetic cures).
See Jonathan Salem Baskin, What Will Self-Driving Cars Mean for Insurance?, FORBES (Apr.
18, 2016), http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathansalembaskin/2016/04/18/what-will-self-driving-cars-
mean-for-insurance/#5b152b7db7a5 [https://perma.cc/89RY-A6LN] (answering the question of how
self-driving cars will impact insurance carriers). As one insurance director stated, the purpose of
insurance is to let people go on with their lives, knowing that theyll get help if something cata-
strophic happens.See id. A genetically defective family line from a faulty procedure would certainly
qualify as a catastrophic event, and company insurance to cover off-target injuries, just as most states
require minimum auto insurance for drivers, can lead to greater assurance of victim compensation. See id.