Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
Welcome to TUJ 1
Temple University Student Conduct Code 1
TUJ Policies 2
2. Campus Information 4
About the Campus 4
Parking 6
Computer Labs 6
Library 7
Purchasing Course Textbooks 7
3. Temple University Online Resources 10
TUJ IT Orientation 10
A note on how to compose appropriate emails to
faculty and staff at Temple University 11
4. Administrative Services 13
Classification of Students 13
Certifications and Documents 13
Student Records 15
Enrollment Confirmation Letters and Transcripts
Change of Address / Living Address 15
Change of Name in TUJ Documents 15
Leave of Absence (LOA) 16
Withdrawing From the University 16
5. Tuition / Scholarships / Educational Loans17
Tuition and Fees 17
TUJ Scholarships 18
Financial Aid Resources 18
GI Bill and Veterans Benefits 20
Japanese Educational Loans 20
6. Academic Information 21
Academic Calendar 21
Academic Policies and Requirements 21
Academic Advising Center 21
Accessibility Services/Disability Resources and
Services (DRS) 23
Study Abroad Opportunities for TUJ Students 23
7. Student Support Services 24
Office of Student Services and Engagement 24
Teaching & Learning Center 24
Counseling Office 24
Career Development Office 25
Academic Grievances and Other Student
Complaints 25
Making a Business Card with the TUJ Logo 25
8. Student Engagement 26
Student Activities and Events 26
Clubs and Organizations 26
Student Government 26
Emerging Leaders Program 26
Program Board 26
9. In Emergencies 27
On Campus 27
Off Campus 27
Medical / Emergency Helplines 27
Sexual Assault and Other Sexual Misconduct 28
Public Safety and Encounters With Law
Enforcement 28
10. Disaster Prevention 30
Earthquake Preparedness 30
In the Event of an Earthquake 30
TUJ Evacuation Area 31
11. Public Facilities Near TUJ 33
Libraries 33
Parking for Bicycles 33
Musashi University 33
12. TUJ Map & Contact Information 34
TUJ Access Map 34
Floor Guide 35
Department Contact Information 36
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1. Introduction
Welcome to TUJ
Temple University is a large, well-known, highly respected state-related university located in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Founded in 1884, the university is today one of the largest in the United States and one of the
nation’s leading centers of professional education. Temple University is accredited by the Middle States
Association of Colleges and Schools, which accredits colleges and universities in the eastern part of the United
States. This accreditation includes Temple’s campus in Japan and assures that the university maintains high-
quality academic programs internationally.
Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) is the oldest and largest foreign university in Japan. Founded in 1982,
TUJ has developed into an internationally recognized institution offering an extensive range of educational
programs. In addition to its core undergraduate program, TUJ offers graduate programs in law, business, and
education; an English-language preparation program; continuing education courses; and corporate education
courses. TUJ has over 3,000 students across these programs. They come from over 60 countries around the
TUJ is the first educational institution in Japan to be officially recognized as a Foreign University, Japan Campus
by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This status allows TUJ to sponsor
student visas, enabling international students to study at the university on either a short-term basis (one or two
semesters) or a long-term basis (such as to complete a full four-year program).
Temple University Student Conduct Code
Temple University maintains and enforces rules of conduct to help ensure that all students act in a manner that
is consistent with the university’s educational mandate and respectful of all members of the university community.
By registering as a student at Temple University, each student accepts the right of the university to exercise
disciplinary authority. Each student should read and understand the Student Conduct Code
The Conduct Code incorporates by reference other university rules and regulations, including applicable TUJ
policies such as visa regulations and dorm rules. Each student is responsible for reading and understanding the
Conduct Code and other policies that apply to university activities in which they are engaged. The goal is for all
members of the university community to be able to participate in a safe and constructive environment in which
mutual rights are respected, and that provides space for ideas to be tested, views to be challenged, and
established wisdom to be questioned. Any violation of applicable policies or local laws and ordinances is subject
to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in the Conduct Code. TUJ may apply the Conduct Code to conduct that
occurs within 500 meters of TUJ premises, at TUJ-sponsored activities, and to off-campus incidents that
adversely affect the TUJ community and/or the pursuit of its objectives.
TUJ administrative authorities and its general counsel are responsible for administering the Conduct Code and
other rules and regulations. An alleged violation of other rules and regulations, e.g. an allegation of theft, or
disorderly conduct, or violation of TUJ’s alcohol-related policies, may result in a Conduct Code complaint. A
finding of responsibility will result in sanctions, ranging from community service, to fines, suspension, or
expulsion. A disciplinary hold will be placed on the student’s records until the prescribed sanctions have been
The Student Conduct Code also includes academic dishonesty, commonly known as plagiarism and cheating.
All work submitted for coursespapers, examinations, homework exercises, laboratory reports, oral
presentations, etc.is expected to be the individual effort of the student presenting the work. The use of
unauthorized resources, including the work of other students, the products of websites, apps, and software, and
other similar attempts to claim the work of others as the student's own, is considered academic dishonesty. A
student who is found to have committed academic dishonesty can receive a failing grade on the assignment, in
the course, or can be expelled from the University, in the most severe cases.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Services
and Engagement or TUJ’s General Counsel Tom
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TUJ Policies
TUJ has the following explicit Drinking/Drugs Policy and Smoking/Tobacco Policy, which apply to all TUJ
students. Any violation of these policies is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in the Student
Conduct Code.
Drinking and Illegal Substance Policy
Japanese law prohibits persons of any age from possessing, consuming or distributing marijuana, and prohibits
people under the age of 20 from consuming alcohol under any circumstances. Students of any age are prohibited
from carrying alcohol, consuming or being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or illegal substances on TUJ
campuses, at TUJ dorms, or at off-campus activities arranged by TUJ. Students who are not minors may make
moderate use of alcohol if they are an invitee to an official function managed by a TUJ employee where alcohol
is served. Students of any age are prohibited from consuming or being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana
or other illegal substances within 500 meters of the TUJ campus (other than within business establishments
where alcohol is served). Similar prohibitions apply to the illegal use, possession, cultivation, distribution,
manufacture or sale of any drug(s), including unauthorized medications, and being under the influence of such
substances or of solvents, aerosols or propellants. The Conduct Code authorizes TUJ to notify parents/guardians
of alcohol or illegal substance violations involving students who are minors.
Smoking and Tobacco Policy
TUJ is a smoke-free environment and applies the Temple University Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy (policy
no. 04.62.11) to TUJ campuses, as further explained below.
Because TUJ makes available a designated smoking area, we strongly request that all students help us maintain
good relations with our neighbors by respecting Japanese ordinances that ban public smoking in the vicinity of
TUJ, and by refraining from littering. As explained above, TUJ may apply sanctions under the Student Conduct
Code to violations of laws and ordinances that occur within 500 meters of TUJ premises, at TUJ-sponsored
activities and to off-campus incidents that adversely affect the TUJ community and/or the pursuit of TUJ’s
Smoking and the use of tobacco are prohibited on all TUJ premises, both indoors and outdoors, including
the main campus, outside areas (including the open plaza/“hiroba”, outdoor seating and the SWU buildings
adjacent to the TUJ campus), and on public sidewalks or streets within 6 meters of the main entrance to the TUJ
campus. The TUJ campus includes TUJ’s main building and the art studio space that is attached to the New
West Gym Building. The definitions of “smoking” and “tobacco” are provided below.
As a limited exception, TUJ has established a designated smoking area on the rooftop above the main
campus 6th floor that can be accessed by the north staircase. This outdoor and uncovered space is open
and can be used pursuant to terms of use that are posted on the door to the smoking area and on a wall in the
smoking area. (The outdoor plaza that is adjacent to 6th floor offices is not a smoking are
Nearby TUJ:
Smoking is generally prohibited at Showa Women’s University.
Local ordinances ban the smoking of tobacco in public spaces (including streets, sidewalks and parks) in
Setagaya Ward, including the area around the TUJ campus, other than in designated smoking areas. There is a
city-designated smoking area at Sangenjaya Station which is the closest public place to smoke. Such ordinances
presently apply only to literal smoking, defined as the use of cigarettes and similar tobacco products which have
been lit and give off smoke, and not to e-cigarettes/vape/heat-not-burn devices which do not burn tobacco. Similar
rules may apply in the vicinity of TUJ’s Osaka campus.
At TUJ activities:
Smoking at TUJ-arranged events or activities off campus, on TUJ-arranged transportation and at TUJ dorms is
also prohibited, except to the extent expressly permissible under the rules of the respective event venue or dorm
Smoking” includes the burning of any type of pipe, cigar, cigarette, cigarillo, or any other smoking equipment,
whether filled with tobacco or any other material. “Tobacco includes (1) all tobacco-derived or tobacco-containing
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products, including but not limited to cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, cigars and
cigarillos), hookah smoked products, pipes and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff) and
nasal tobacco, and (2) any product that mimics tobacco products (such as electronic cigarettes and vape
devices), contain tobacco flavoring, or deliver nicotine, but excluding products used for smoking cessation (such
as patches, gum or lozenges or other regulatory approved therapies).
Local ordinances ban the smoking of tobacco in public spaces (including streets and sidewalks), other than
designated smoking areas. Such ordinances apply only to smoking, defined as the use of cigarettes and similar
tobacco products which have been lit and give off smoke, and not to e-cigarettes/vape/heat-not-burn devices
which do not burn tobacco.
Sorting Trash
TUJ is required to sort our daily trash and dispose of it in the appropriate trash cans on each floor. There are six
different types of trash. See below.
Non-combustible Plastics
Plastics/plastic bags, lunch boxes from
convenience/deli stores, etc.
Pet bottle labels/caps should be removed from the
First, empty contents into leftover food trash can
Pet Bottles
First, empty contents into kitchen sink
Recyclable Papers / Cardboard
Newspapers, wastepaper, delivery boxes,
magazines, boxes, etc.
Leftover Food
From lunch boxes, tea bags, food in cans, etc.
Anything other than the above
Theft Prevention
Students are encouraged to take their belongings with them whenever they leave study spaces, the Parliament
and Student Lounge, computer labs, the library, etc. TUJ is a safe campus, but to prevent minor thefts you are
encouraged to have your personal belongings with you at all times. TUJ is not responsible in cases of loss.
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No Pets
Except for approved service animals for persons with disabilities, no pets or emotional support animals are
allowed (even temporarily) anywhere on the TUJ campus including the courtyard.
2. Campus Information
About the Campus
The TUJ campus includes TUJ’s main building and the art studio space that is attached to the New West Gym
Building. For more information on study spaces, students are encouraged to visit our website:
Building and Computer Lab Hours
Building Hours During UG Semester
Monday through Friday 07:30 to 23:00.
7:30 to 19:00
Sundays 9:00 to 19:00
National holidays 16:00 to 22:00
Computer Lab Hours During UG Semester
Monday through Friday 08:30 to 22:30
Saturdays 09:00 to 16:30
Closed Sundays and national holidays
Building Hours During UG Semester Breaks
Monday through Friday 07:30 to 20:00
Saturdays 08:00-18:00
Closed Sundays and national holidays
Computer Lab Hours During UG Semester Breaks
Monday through Friday 09:00 to 17:30
Closed Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays
Student Meeting Rooms in the Cafeteria (110A and 110C)
Meeting rooms are free for student use, but must be reserved.
Clean up the room after use.
Group Study Rooms
Group study rooms are located on the 1st, 2nd and 6th floor of the building and are available by reservation.
Drinking Water
There is a filtered water tap available on each floor in the small kitchens located near the elevator. The filtered
water tap is on the right side.
On the first floor, the kitchen is at the end of the hall near the Career Development Office.
Outdoor Area (including grass area)
What you can do:
Walk on the grass
Sit on the grass
Relax on the grass
What you can’t do:
Play ball or other sports on the grass
Play loud music
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Have organized events without approval of OSSE
Have pets on the grass
New West Gym Building
TUJ students have access to the New West Gym Building only for the times TUJ clubs have booked to use the
facilities. The New West Gym includes a pool (see below).
Showa Women’s University (SWU) Campus
Students may access the SWU campus (SWU) by showing their TUJ ID card when either the front gate or south
gate is open. See the map below for points of interest, including the seating area outside the Student & Global
Lounge between #19 and #15 and the Japanese Garden and Pond (#8).
Access to SWU
You must show your TUJ Student ID card to access the SWU campus.
All buildings on the SWU campus are strictly off-limits to TUJ students, except the cafeteria and others listed
Cafeteria (see #14 on the SWU campus map below)
Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 12:00, 13:30 to 15:00* (TUJ students unable to use Cafeteria from 12:00
to 13:30)
Saturdays from 10:00 to 12:00*
* This is the last order time.
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All buildings on the SWU campus are strictly off-limits to TUJ students, except for the following:
Student & Global Lounge (Bldg. 8, first floor)
Sofia Cafeteria
Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 15:00 Saturdays from 10:00 to 12:00
Library (Bldg. 8, 3rd floor)
Koyo Museum
Shop Prelude under Hitomi Hall
Student Support Center
If you are eligible to participate in a class or event that is held in an area not listed above, you may access only
the relevant area.
Do not enter the SWU campus via car, motorcycle, skateboard, kickboard etc. Only walk onto and around the
campus. You should not be on the SWU campus after 20:00 without permission.
Pool Usage
The West Gym Pool is open to students, staff and faculty every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00. Outside this
time, do not enter the West Gym building.
Note the following
Take off your shoes before entering the change rooms.
Remove any makeup and rinse your hair of any special creams/gels, etc.
Remove jewelry and watches.
Use a swimming cap.
Take a shower in the poolside shower area before you enter the pool.
Car, motorcycle or scooter parking is not available for students.
TUJ Bicycle Parking
(Lower row) First 2 hours free, ¥100 for more than 2 hours, less than 10 hours (cash / IC card)
(Upper row) First 4 hours free, ¥100 for more than 4 hours, less than 20 hours (cash /IC card)
- You cannot park motorcycles in the bicycle parking space.
- Don’t park bicycles elsewhere on campus or on the streets around TUJ. Be sure to use TUJ bicycle parking.
In addition, Setagaya Ward, where TUJ is located, prohibits parking bicycles and scooters on public
thoroughfares including sidewalks, except in designated areas. This is because they block pedestrian traffic,
disabled access, and the passage of emergency vehicles. Unattended bicycles and scooters are subject to
immediate impoundment by the ward. Impounded bicycles and scooters are stored at a storage lot for up to one
month. The ward will charge a fee to retrieve an impounded bicycle, scooter, or electric motor scooter.
Computer Labs
TUJ Wireless Network
The campus-wide wireless network is available in TUJ’s main building. Review the instructions on the
Orientation website. If you forget your login information or have any issues with online resources, contact IT
Services for assistance at [email protected]
IT Services Help Desk
The staff at the IT Services Help Desk (Rm 501) assists students with various computer needs. Multi-functional
printers are available for student use in the main computer lab. Also, various computer-related items are available
for borrowing. Students can use their Pasmo or Suica cards to pay for printing or copying.
Windows Computer Labs
Windows computer labs are located in rooms 501, 503 and 506. Students are not allowed to store documents
on the hard drives of these computers, so be sure to bring your own external storage to save your work.
Note that some labs are also used as classrooms. Before attempting to use these labs, check the daily class
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schedules posted outside the rooms to ensure that no class is taking place.
Computer Lab policy
Eating is strictly prohibited in the computer labs. Drinks are allowed if they are in sealable containers. The
computer labs are used as study areas, so keep your voice down and switch your cell phone to silent mode.
Talking on the phone is not allowed. If you need to make a phone call, leave the lab.
Mac Computer Labs
Mac labs are located in rooms 504, 505 and 507. These labs are open to all students as long as there are no
classes taking place. Room 502 is a production studio and is only accessible to students majoring in
Communications Studies.
Gaming PCs
All the computers in 501 are gaming PC’s.
Rm501 is open to all students as long as the building is open. The computers in Rm506 are only for the
eSports team.
Computer Lab Hours (during the Undergraduate Program semester):
Monday through Friday 08:30 to 22:30
Saturdays 09:00 to 16:30
Closed Sundays and national holidays
Tel: 03-5441-9800 (Extension 5010) or 03-5441-9861 (Direct)
Zoom drop-in session: https://temple.zoom.us/my/tujsupport (Available weekdays 09:00 to 17:30)
The resources of TUJ and Temple University are available to all students, faculty, and staff. If you need help
finding resources such as books, textbooks or articles, or if you have a research question, visit the library during
open hours or email our librarians at [email protected].
The TUJ library is located on the second floor and maintains a collection of approximately 55,000 books, reserve
readings for classes, and newspapers and magazines. The library staff can assist with searching the vast array
of electronic resources available in the Library Catalog, which includes access to articles, e-books and streaming
media. Photocopy machines (SUICA, PASMO payment only), free scanners (color and black & white),
computers, and printers are also available in the library.
Library Hours:
Monday through Thursday 09:00-20:00
Fridays 09:00-19:00
Saturdays 11:00-17:00
Closed Sundays and national holidays
For more information, visit the TUJ library homepage: https://www.tuj.ac.jp/library
Access to Showa Women’s University (SWU) Library
Your TUJ ID card will allow entry into the SWU library. It is generally open between 09:00 to 17:00 Monday
through Saturday and closed on Sundays and national holidays. Consult the SWU library website
or check with
the TUJ library staff before visiting.
Purchasing Course Textbooks
Students may purchase textbooks online through Amazon.co.jp
. The book list for the current semester can be
found at http://www.tuj.ac.jp/ug/books/. The list is updated with book order links approximately one month before
the start of each semester. Textbook supplies are often limited with Amazon, so purchase your textbooks early.
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Other Facilities
Student Lockers
Students may rent a locker on campus to use during the semester. To request a locker, visit the Information
Center (Rm 101) to pay the rental fee and register for a locker. The cost of a locker is 2,100 yen/semester and
3,100 yen for two consecutive semesters, and 4,200 yen for three consecutive semesters.
Study Rooms
Study rooms (Rm 210) are common spaces where students can study, do their homework, and read quietly.
Study carrels allow students to focus on their schoolwork with limited distractions.
There are also six separate
meeting rooms available for group work. Reserve a group study room at There are also six separate meeting
rooms available for group work. Reserve a group study room at https://tuj.libcal.com/reserve/groupstudyroom
Cafeterias and Student Lounges
The cafeteria is located on the 1st floor and is open Monday through Friday from 08:30 to 22:00. There are
vending machines for drinks and snacks, a microwave oven, and electric kettles for heating water. The Parliament
Student Lounge on the first floor is open for students to mingle and relax. Take care to clean up and remove your
belongings after using these areas.
TUJ students are permitted to use the Showa Women’s University cafeteria “Sofia” (#14 on the campus map)
weekdays from 13:30 to 14.30.
Sick Room
The sick room (Rm 203) includes a bed to lie down on when you are not feeling well. If you would like to use the
sick room, visit the Information Center (Rm 101).
Prayer Room
The Prayer Room (Rm 605) is a place where students can go for their daily prayers with limited distractions.
There is a no food and no drink policy in the Prayer Room. The Prayer Room is open Monday through Friday
from 08:30 to 22:00.
Weight Room
The Weight Room (Rm 204) is a place where students can work out using the weights and equipment available.
No more than 4 people can use the weight room at the same time. Everyone must book their slot in the weight
room before using. Scan the QR code on the weight room door to book, or go to
Student Activity Studio
The Student Activity Studio (Rm 113) is just a 1 min walk from campus!
The studio will be open for student use as follows during the semester:
8am to 5pm
Student Relax Time whenever there are no scheduled
UG classes. Chill out and relax in the space. No
bookings required.
5pm to 9pm
Student Club Space and Table Tennis. Bookings are
required for use of the space during this time for
student clubs and table tennis. Please contact
[email protected] to book the space.
Closed to Students
Page 9
For further information about the studio, please visit the Facilities page in the TUJPortal.
Lost and Found
Inquire at the Information Center (Rm 101). Students can also check the library on the 2nd floor and the IT Help
Desk on the 5th floor if you lost items at those locations.
Amazon Lockers on SWU Campus
Amazon Locker provides a self-service delivery location to pick up and return your amazon.co.jp packages.
To place an order for delivery to an Amazon Locker:
Place an eligible item in your shopping cart and click the Proceed to Checkout button.
Click Shipping Address. Then scroll to the bottom and select Search for store address.
Enter 154-8533 and click Search.
The SWU locker location address will appear. Check the “I confirm that I have access to this location”
box. Then click “Ship to this Address.”
Complete your order.
Pick Up Your Package at an Amazon Locker
o https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201117870
Community Events (Setagaya Ward Events)
There are many events organized by Setagaya Ward which you can join simply as a guest, or as a volunteer
worker if you are interested in more active involvement in the community. Contact
for more information.
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3. Temple University Online Resources
TUJ IT Orientation
All TUJ students should know how to use the following Temple University web-based systems.
If you do not remember your password and/or username, go to the Account Management site at
and then click the “I cannot log in” link on the right and follow the instructions.
Everyone is required to change passwords every 6 months. When necessary, you will have to reset your expired
If you have any IT-related questions including issues with the following online resources, contact Information
Technology Services (ITS) for assistance at [email protected]
Before accessing TU online resources, review the TUJ IT Orientation website at . Manuals are hosted on
Google Drive, and they are only accessible with your TUmail account. If the link prompts you to enter Gmail
credentials, enter your AccessNet username and password.
Access: https://tuportal.temple.edu/
The TUportal website is your main hub for accessing Temple’s online resources such as Temple email (TUmail),
Self-Service Banner (SSB), and Canvas. Also, you need to use your AccessNet username and password when
you register for classes online.
After accessing the TUportal above, you can then click on theJapan Campustab to access the TUJPortal. The
TUJPortal is your hub for TUJ-specific student information.
Access via TUportal or direct login at https://tumail.temple.edu
TUmail is the official contact for all students enrolled at TUJ. Students are required to use TUmail to contact
Temple faculty and staff. Administration offices, staff and faculty will send notices to student TUmail accounts.
Students are responsible for checking their TUmail regularly.
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Self-Service Banner (SSB)
Access via TUportal
Self-Service Banner (SSB) is students’ main gateway for accessing important student information and functions.
Students can use it to register for courses, drop and withdraw from courses, update addresses, and check
academic history, grade reports, and financial aid application status.
Access via TUportal or direct login at https://canvas.temple.edu
Canvas is an online learning management system used to facilitate online instruction, or complement in person
courses. If you are experiencing Canvas enrollment issues, contact your class instructor. If you are experiencing
Canvas technical difficulties, contact Canvas 24/7 live chat support at 24/7 live chat support at
OneDrive is Microsoft’s online backup and syncing service providing you with 1 TB of storage in the cloud.
Access via TUportal or direct login at https://portal.office.com
Access via searching for “TUmobile” on app stores for iPhone and Android devices. TUmobile provides
convenient access to Temple University Japan information. Note that many features of this app though are
specifically for Main Campus students.
Find your daily class schedule.
Securely view your grades.
Connect to Canvas.
Access the Cherry & White directory.
Access TUmail.
Keep up to date on campus events.
Access Student Facebook page and other student information.
Temple University / Office 365
Access: https://its.temple.edu/office-365
Office 365 provides students, faculty and staff with access to the latest version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
OneNote, and more at no charge. The software can be loaded on up to five PCs and Macs, and up to five
compatible mobile devices.
This offering is only available to currently enrolled students and current employees (faculty and staff) and is
subject to Temple University's participation in this Microsoft program. New students are able to access Office
365 after their arrival at TUJ.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Available in the TU Applications menu on TUportal.
Temple offers Adobe Creative Cloud for current students, faculty and staff at no charge. Creative Cloud
includes the latest versions of Photoshop, Acrobat Pro, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator and more. The
software is available for Windows and Mac computers and mobile devices, and includes access to Adobe
online storage. You have the option to install all the programs included or just specific ones you need.
A note on how to compose appropriate emails to faculty and staff at Temple University
1. Email is the official means of communication at Temple University. Students are required to send all
emails to those who work in the Temple community from their Temple email accounts ONLY. Staff
members who receive emails from non-Temple email accounts will either respond directly to the student’s
Temple email account or write back to the personal email account and request that the email be sent using a
valid Temple account. If you are using an alias, make sure your preferences are set so your alias can receive
replies. If you have concerns about this, contact Information Technology Services at [email protected]
2. Fill in the subject line in all emails. It helps the receiver prioritize their responses and avoid duplication of
effort when the subject line relates to the email topic.
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3. Address the people in your emails appropriately.
Be sure to start all emails with: Dear Mr., Ms., Dr., or Professor __________ rather than diving right into the
subject matter. Additionally, make sure that you sign your emails with your first and last name. If you are writing
an email to Temple faculty or staff, ALWAYS include your TUid number. You might even add it to your
standard email signature to ensure that you don’t forget. (note: your TUid is the 9 digit number on your Student
ID card)
4. You may have had previous communication with the individual you are writing an email to, but this does not
mean that they will remember your individual situation in its entirety. Be sure to provide a thorough but
concise description of what it is that you need. If you use the “reply” make sure the original correspondence
is included at the bottom of your email message.
5. Do not send the same email multiple times. If you do not get a response from someone within 3 business
days, write a follow-up message and ask how long they think it will take to receive a response. During high
email traffic times, many faculty and staff will set up an auto-reply with information about potentially long
response times. Do not send the same email to several different people at once. Instead, utilize the Carbon
Copy (CC:) feature, and only do so if the additional parties are essential to your inquiry again to avoid
duplication of effort.
6. Do not use “text-speak.” These types of emails can be misinterpreted and are unprofessional. Always type
using complete sentences and try to avoid abbreviations. Finally, use spell-check and proofread before sending
an email.
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4. Administrative Services
Classification of Students
There are two types of students in TUJ’s Undergraduate Program.
Japan Admit Students (JA)
Locally admitted students who complete their studies at TUJ over an extended period of time. “JA students”
include Japanese nationals, permanent residents of Japan, international students studying at TUJ on a long-term
TUJ-sponsored visa, etc.
Study Abroad Students (SA)
These students are on short-term study abroad programs admitted through Temple’s Main Campus in
Certifications and Documents
Student Identification Card (Student ID)
you wish to apply for a Student ID card you must apply online via the following link:
Photo Requirements
1. Color: a color (RGB 24 bit true color) photo, no black & white photo is accepted.
2. Background: can only use a white or an off-white background
3. Date: a photo taken within the last 6 months.
4. Quality: a clear-cut, high-resolution photo with no shadows over face or in the background.
5. Format: photos must be a JPEG image with size of at least 120 KB.
6. Others: the photo should present the front view of the applicant, and show the full facial features clearly and
completely. Head should be horizontally and vertically centered.
After we receive your Student ID card application we will create and post your card to the address provided within
3 to 5 business days. Please note that ID cards will only be sent to addresses in Japan.
Students must carry their student ID at all times. Campus facilities such as the library cannot be used, and
issuances of certificates cannot be made, without a valid student ID and semester sticker (see below). If you
need to replace a lost or damaged student ID, request a re-issuance at the Information Center (Rm 101). The
cost of replacement is 1,100 yen and can be paid by credit card or bank transfer. Card payment details can be
found at
Page 14
Sample TUJ Student ID
Left: Front side with semester sticker / Right: Back side with student commuter pass certificate
You can get the semester sticker (after paying tuition and fees) at the Bursar’s Office (Rm 105), and then you
can get the student commuter pass certificate from the Information Center (1F).
Semester Sticker
A semester sticker will be provided to those students in good financial standing with TUJ. The sticker is required
to gain access to services such as the library and computer labs. Present your student ID card to the Bursar’s
Office (Rm 105) and they will check your account and confirm your status. A sticker will be issued if you (a) have
paid your tuition and fees in full for the semester; (b) have sufficient financial aid to cover your tuition and fees
for the semester; or (c) are up to date with your Easy Payment Plan (EPP) payments.
Student Commuter Sticker (commuter pass certificate)
At stations, you can purchase a student commuter pass 通学定期 (“tsuugaku teiki-ken”) to commute from your
home station to the university by public transportation. This pass will give you unlimited use within a fixed
period/route. To purchase a commuter pass at stations, you first need to obtain a current semester sticker at the
Bursar’s Office (Room 105), and then a commuter sticker at the Information Center (1F).
To apply for a commuter sticker, complete the following form before you go to the Information Center (1F).
Student Commuter Pass Form
On the form that appears, fill out your address and your commuting route
(e.g. Yokohama Motomachi Shibuya Sangen-jaya).
Important Notes
a. Your living address in Self-Service Banner (SSB) must match your
commuting address in order for a
commuter sticker to be issued.
b. Your commuter sticker will be deactivated if you take a leave of absence or withdraw from TUJ. Return your
TUJ ID card to the Information Center (1F).
c. Any change of address and route should be reported to
the Information Center (1F).
Your commuter sticker should be revised immediately.
d. Some bus companies do not have student commuter pass discounts. Check directly with your bus company
Transportation Discounts (Long distance)
Students can also receive a student discount 学割 (“gakuwari”) on trips exceeding 101 km one way on JR lines
(20% off the regular base fare). Apply at least 3 business days before you wish to purchase your ticket. First,
through the TUJ website, fill out the online request form
Receiving a Student Discount for Shinkansen / Long
Distance Tickets | Temple University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp). Then go to TUJ’s Information Center (1F) to obtain
a Student Travel Fare Discount Certificate. Then you can purchase student discount tickets at a JR ticket office.
Page 15
Student Records
Educational Records Release (ERR)
Due to the university privacy policy, and as a requirement of Japanese law, TUJ is not able to disclose any
records to your parents, guardians or third parties without your explicit permission. If you wish our offices to be
able to share information with a third party upon request, you need to complete the ERR form available at the
Registrar’s Office (Rm 102).
Information on ERR, along with the online request for the form can be found at
Educational Records Release (ERR) | Temple University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
Enrollment Confirmation Letters and Transcripts
The following certificates and documents are issued at the Registrar’s Office (Rm 102). Note that official
transcripts can only be issued by Temple Main Campus, and must be requested directly through TUcredentials
on TUportal. Note that fees are required for these documents.
a. Enrollment Confirmation Letter
b. Unofficial Transcript Request
c. Unofficial Graduation Confirmation Letter
Ordering and cost information is available on the TUJ website at
Change of Address / Living Address
If your contact information (phone number, address, etc.) changes any time while you are enrolled at TUJ, be
sure to update your information on Self-Service Banner (SSB) via the “Manage my Account” link in the TUPortal.
Additionally, every semester after the end of the add/drop period you will be required to confirm your current
living address (where you reside while attending school) after logging into TUportal. You will be able to choose
from your mailing address, permanent address, or a new address.
Change of Name in TUJ Documents
There are two name types: preferred first name and legal name (first and last).
Students can add their preferred first name by following the process at
To add a preferred first name, students do not need to provide documentation.
The steps to change your legal name are available at:
A legal name change requires documentation.
The preferred name will be used in many university contexts, including the following
Cherry & White directory
Canvas learning management software
Self-Service Banner (e.g., instructor names in the class schedule, and student names on faculty class
rosters and grade rosters)
The above list indicates areas for opportunities where Temple students may use their preferred name. For other
records, however, your legal name will be required to ensure we can verify your credentials when contacted by
outside agencies, as well as to safeguard against identity theft and the production of fraudulent credentials. These
records include financial records, human resources records, library records and educational history records such
as transcripts and diplomas.
Page 16
Note that for Japan administrative purposes, as some government organizations require to see your student ID,
having a student ID that does not match your passport may cause issues with some Japanese government
organizations. TUJ highly encourages you to have a student ID that matches your passport.
Leave of Absence (LOA)
If you are a degree-seeking student currently enrolled full time or part time at TUJ and do not intend to take
courses during the upcoming fall and/or spring semester, you must submit a Leave of Absence (LOA) petition
online through TUportal. Submit this as soon as you have made the decision to take an LOA. The deadline for
the petition is 17:00 on the last day to drop a course for the semester you will be on leave. If you are planning
to leave Japan, be sure to submit the LOA petition before leaving the country.
Check the LOA policy and the online application procedure at
If you are on a TUJ-sponsored visa, follow the policies and procedures as described in the “Important Information
for Visa-sponsored Students” section of the International Student Handbook.
Withdrawing From the University
If you are withdrawing from TUJ, you first need to drop/withdraw from all your courses through Self-Service
Banner and then complete a University Exit Form available at the Registrar’s Office (Rm 102). Details of the
university withdrawal procedure can be found on the TUJ website
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5. Tuition / Scholarships / Educational Loans
Tuition and Fees
Tuition statements are sent to your TUmail address during the course registration period. The statements
provide details of the costs for the credits you have enrolled for, any associated fees, along with information on
methods of payment and payment deadlines. Note that each semester you will receive a number of updated
versions of your statement to reflect any enrollment changes made during the add/drop periods, or to reflect
changes in awarded financial aid amounts, scholarships, etc.
All tuition and fees must be paid by the date specified on the statement. Tuition and fees are generally non-
refundable unless course(s) are dropped in the first two weeks of the semester (add/drop period).
General information on tuition payment can be found at
TUJ Tuition Payment | Undergraduate Program | Temple University, Japan Campus
Tuition Billing and Payment Schedule
A detailed tuition billing and payment schedule for current and future semesters can be found at
Tuition Billing and Payment Schedules | Undergraduate Program | Temple University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
Tuition & Fees Statements
Tuition and fee statements will be sent to your TU email (TUmail) address on the following days
- FIRST VERSION -- In the evening on the first day of classes
- ADD/DROP UPDATE After the add period has ended
- FINAL VERSION (Invoice)After the drop period has ended
Payment Deadlines
The payment deadline for each semester is stated at the top of the invoice which is sent to your Temple
email (TUmail) address. The deadline is typically one week after the final invoice is sent.
Note that if you are arranging for a third party to make payment on your behalf, you will need to forward
the statement to them yourself.
Available Methods of Payment
1. Bank Transfer
Bank account details for payment will appear on each statement you receive.
Include your TUID number when making a bank transfer. Without your TUID number, we may not be
able to correctly allocate your payment to your student record.
Be aware that students are responsible for covering all bank transfer charges. Do not deduct these
amounts from the amount due when making a transfer.
When transferring from overseas, be sure to pay in YEN and add at least 3,000 yen to the total to cover
the estimated Japanese bank handling charges for the TUJ account. Be aware that this 3,000 yen only
covers the Japanese bank fee for our account. You will need to include more to cover any fees charged
by your home bank or any intermediary bank they choose to use.
2. Credit Card
Credit card links for card payment will appear on each statement you receive.
Only Visa and MasterCard are accepted.
If your card payment is unsuccessful, contact your credit card company directly for details.
3. Convera (Formerly Western Union)
A link to the Convera payment website is provided on the statement/invoice sent to students.
Students should contact Convera
directly with any questions about this method of payment.
Easy Payment Plan (EPP)
To assist students with the costs associated with studying, TUJ offers an installment plan called the Easy
Payment Plan (EPP). The plan allows students to make payment in two 50% portions.
Application details are available on the tuition statement itself which is sent to your Temple email (TUmail)
address and on the TUJ website (specific to each semester):
TUJ Tuition Payment | Undergraduate Program | Temple University, Japan Campus
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Late Registration and Withdrawal
There are fees associated with late registration.
If you miss the assigned enrollment period (“Priority Registration”), you will be charged a late registration
fee of 5,500 yen. Refer to the Academic Calendar for the Priority Registration start date and the Tuition
Payment Schedule for the registration deadline.
Students who withdraw from classes after the official add/drop period remain financially responsible for
the tuition and fees charged. However, students may petition their advisor for an Excused Withdrawal
(EW) due to a serious documented extenuating circumstance that prohibits continued enrollment in all
courses for the term and may be eligible for a refund.
U.S. Financial Aid Students and Payment
Financial Aid is first received at Main Campus and is then processed on to TUJ. This process takes time.
The timing of a financial aid refund will depend upon your disbursement date.
It generally takes around two weeks to complete the process from that date.
In order to process a financial aid refund you need to provide the university with details of a local
(Japanese) bank account.
Refunds to banks outside of Japan can be made upon request. Please contact the Bursar’s Office to
request the required form for this type of transfer.
Once your financial aid has been disbursed, use the link on your statement to provide the TUJ Bursar’s
Office with your bank account information.
Disbursed financial aid for each semester should appear on your statement. If it does not appear on the
statement, email the Financial Aid Coordinator in OSSE at [email protected]
to check on the
status of your funds.
Financial Responsibility Agreement
In order to register online, students are required to accept the terms of the financial responsibility agreement.
This agreement appears automatically when students log in to register on Self-Service Banner. The agreement
refers to specific processes followed at Main Campus and does not necessarily match the processes at TUJ.
TUJ Scholarships
TUJ offers a variety of scholarships to qualified undergraduate students. Scholarship recipients receive partial
tuition remission for the relevant semester. Some scholarships are also awarded to students demonstrating both
merit and need.
To be eligible for an Undergraduate Scholarship, students must
a. be currently registered as a full-time student,
b. be a matriculated undergraduate TUJ student, and
c. have completed at least 12 credit hours of academic work at TUJ.
Students in their final semester, on a leave of absence, or registered as part-time students due to financial
reasons may also be considered in exceptional circumstances. For application requirements and details, see
Financial Aid Resources
Federal Financial Aid for U.S. Citizens
The term “U.S. Federal Financial Aid” refers to financial aid provided by the United States government. You must
be a United States citizen or a permanent resident of the U.S. in order to apply for this aid. Listed below is
financial aid (loans and grants) available to students in TUJ’s Undergraduate Program. For detailed descriptions
and application procedures, refer to the Student Financial Services (SFS) website of Temple Main Campus at
sfs.temple.edu Under the “APPLY
” tab, complete financial aid information can be found for Temple University,
Japan Campus. For assistance regarding financial aid, visit TUJ’s financial aid coordinator in the Office of
Student Services and Engagement (Rm 104) or email (
The FAFSA application
period for the 2021-2022 Academic Year began on October 1, 2020, and will continue
through June 30, 2022. FAFSA is typically divided between the fall and spring semesters. Summer awards are
packaged separately. If you use up your academic award eligibility during the fall and spring semesters, you may
Page 19
need to apply for an additional educational loan for the summer semester. To apply, carefully read the information
You are encouraged to submit/renew your FAFSA application
each academic year. Students must complete all
requirements in order for financial aid to be disbursed. If you are having difficulties completing outstanding
requirements, contact the TUJ financial aid coordinator at [email protected]
Types of Financial Aid for Matriculated Students - Dependent
Federal Direct Loans
Federal Pell Grant
The Pennsylvania State Grant (PHEAA)
For other state residents, review the SFS website under “State Grants”
The Federal Direct Parent Loans (PLUS)
For students under 24 years old
Alternative Private Loans
Types of Financial Aid for Matriculated Students - Independent
Federal Direct Loans
Federal Pell Grant
The Pennsylvania State Grant (PHEAA)
For other state residents, review the SFS website under “State Grants”
Alternative Private Loans
Need to apply with a credit-worthy cosigner
Types of Financial Aid for Non-matriculated Students*
Federal Direct Loans
Federal Direct Parent Loans (PLUS)
Alternative Private Loans
*A non-matriculated student whose acceptance status is “permanent non-matriculated” may be eligible for a
Federal Direct Loan if the student is enrolled in a course of study necessary for admission to a degree or
certificate program.
For more information about this classification, visit this website:
Non-matriculated students must complete the Non-matriculated Student Eligibility Form
) and submit it to their contact at the Office of Student Services and Engagement.
*Additional documents may be required for non-matriculated student loans (listed as “requirements” in Self-
Service Banner).
Important Notes
a. The financial aid listed above is what is available to TUJ students (status is “off campus”). It does NOT mean
that all students are eligible or that they will be awarded financial aid.
b. Students must by federal regulations be enrolled at least part time (6 credits) each semester to receive the
Federal Direct Loan and Federal Direct Parent Loans (PLUS). Note that if a student is under TUJ visa-
sponsorship, they must also separately maintain a full-time course schedule each semester (12 credits in
fall/spring, 9 credits in summer).
c. FAFSA applicants must review the Academic Progress Standards requirement at
d. If any requirement(s) are found in a student’s TUportal account, the student must complete all the
requirements in order to receive the disbursement after the semester starts.
e. If you are awarded any outside private scholarship, be sure to send a copy of your award letter to the financial
aid coordinator in the Office of Student Services and Engagement at [email protected]
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
This allows a student to consent to the release of all of the information from their education records to
parents, guardians or other appropriate persons. By selecting FERPA Contacts and providing the
requested information, you are providing the university with your consent to discuss any information from
your education records with the person(s) specified, either in person or via telephone. You will need to log
Page 20
in to TUportal and click on Self-Service Banner and click on the "Student" section and then "FERPA
ERR (Educational Records Release)
It is TUJ’s policy to comply with the confidentiality requirements for personal information established
under Japanese law.
"Education records" are defined to include all records maintained by TUJ about you such as your
enrollment information, contact information, transcripts, financial records, advising records, academic
progress records, disciplinary records, and other personal records. It does not include employment or
medical records.
In order for the university to communicate your information to parents, guardians, or other appropriate
persons, students must give consent to those persons by completing both ERR and FERPA forms.
Proxy Access allows a student to grant others permission to access certain components of their
education records in Self-Service Banner. This is called granting “proxy access” and you refer to the other
person as your “proxy.” By selecting Proxy Access (following the easy instructions to add a proxy), you
are providing the university with your consent to allow the proxy to access components of your education
records in Self-Service Banner. To grant Proxy Access, log in to TUportal, click on Self-Service Banner,
click on the "Student" section and then “Proxy Access.”
To learn more about Proxy Access, refer to the link:
GI Bill and Veterans Benefits
Individuals who are eligible for GI Bill benefits may apply those benefits to TUJ. TUJ is listed under the same
VA approval as Temple University Main Campus in Philadelphia. The general application procedure for VA
benefits at TUJ can be found at
GI Bill and Veterans Benefits | Undergraduate Program | Temple University, Japan
Campus (tuj.ac.jp). To apply for VA benefits for the first time, you need to contact the VA directly.
If you have already provided your GI Bill COE (Certificate of Eligibility) to TUJ, and made your declaration, then
your coverage details will appear on your tuition statement. Note that visa fees, TUJ housing fee, and late
enrollment fees are not covered by the VA. If you have any questions about certification, or have not yet submitted
your COE, visit or contact the TUJ Registrar’s Office (Rm 102) ([email protected]
Note that if you are a new student, your Certificate of Eligibility should have first been submitted to the Office of
Student Services and Engagement before your arrival at TUJ and uploaded to the TUportal app in
Self-Service Banner. For details on the declaration and certification processes, visit
https://veterans.temple.edu/ and contact Main Campus at [email protected]
For general inquiries, you
can also visit the TUJ Registrar’s Office (Rm 102) or contact them at t[email protected]
Japanese Educational Loans
Various Japanese banks and institutions offer educational funding, including scholarships and loans. The
qualifications for applying for these loans and scholarships vary. For more information, visit
Page 21
6. Academic Information
Academic Calendar
TUJ operates on a trimester system of 15-week fall and spring semesters, and a 10-week summer semester. For
a list of holidays and important dates regarding course registration, consult the academic calendar posted on
TUJ’s Undergraduate Program website at
Academic Calendar | Undergraduate Program | Temple University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
Academic Policies and Requirements
Academic Policies
Academic policies containing important information pertaining to your academic career at TUJ are listed on the
website for the Academic Advising Center (AAC) at
Academic Policies | Undergraduate Program | Temple
University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
Academic Requirements
For detailed information regarding academic requirements, including General Education (GenEd) and
major/minor requirements, visit the Academic Information section of TUJ’s Undergraduate Program website at
Academics | Undergraduate Program | Temple University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
Students are responsible for knowing and completing all published prerequisites for a course before enrolling.
Prerequisites are listed on the Course Schedule
. TUJ always holds the right to de-register a student from a
course if the student has not satisfied the published prerequisites.
Online Course Prohibition
Unless approved in advance, all TUJ students are prohibited from participation in online courses offered by
Temple University’s Main Campus. Students seeking an exception must
submit a written petition to the AAC that
demonstrates the course is essential for timely graduation. Online courses not taken at TUJ will not count toward
full-time visa status in a typical academic year.
Students on Academic Warning or Probation
Students on Academic Warning or Probation must see an academic advisor from the AAC in order to register.
Students on Academic Warning may self-register online after they meet with their academic advisor. Students
on Academic Probation are not allowed to adjust their registration by themselves (add, drop, withdrawal). Refer
to the policy on Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal.
Academic Grievance (Grade Appeal)
TUJ Students have the right to a fair adjudication of grievances concerning academic matters. An academic
grievance is a grievance related to the evaluation of academic work in a course. The Academic Grievance
Procedure applies to all complaints from students on academic matters, and can be accessed on the TUJ website
at Academic Grievance https://www.tuj.ac.jp/policies/academic-grievance
Academic Advising Center
The Academic Advising Center (AAC, Rm 102) provides a first point of contact for students to help them achieve
their academic goals at TUJ. Each student will be assigned an academic advisor during orientation. Students
may find their advisor listed in TUportal. This advisor will guide the student through all policies, processes, and
other questions while the student is enrolled at Temple. Common topics include course planning,
add/drop/withdrawal of courses, reduced course load petitions, academic success issues such as studying tips,
and other questions students may have. Advisors provide guidance and suggestions to students about how to
solve problems or what classes to take, as well as review their academic progress. Academic advisors also help
students stay informed of important semester deadlines, academic policies and regulations via TUmail and
Canvas announcements (so be sure to check these).
Students decide which programs to pursue, which courses to take, and which ways to enhance their education
Page 22
beyond the classroom. Academic advisors can help ensure students connect with the appropriate resources and
campus offices. Academic advisors will make sure students have as much information as possible
to make
informed decisions. They will guide students as they move forward on their path by informing them of their options
and requirements. Academic advisors will also help students estimate how long it will take to complete a degree.
Advisors do not select classes for students; they review what the student has chosen and confirm whether
student has selected classes that meet the requirements for their degree.
Students are responsible for knowing deadlines, requirements, and understanding the various academic policies
that impact their program of study. Advisors support students in that role by ensuring that the information needed
is as accurate and accessible as possible.
Academic Advising Appointments
Academic advising appointment requests are accepted via the Microsoft Bookings appointment system found
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]
Students should choose the purpose of the meeting, then choose their assigned advisor from the dropdown list
to see a list of dates and times that are available. (Students can only schedule with their assigned advisor in
Banner. Students who schedule with another advisor will have their appointment canceled and be asked to
reschedule. Please come to Room 102 if there are scheduling issues. The Bookings website will be available
approximately one week prior to the beginning of the semester until the last day of classes. Appointment
Confirmation (or further instructions, if more information is needed) will be sent to the student’s TUmail address.
Appointments are available in Room 102 or online via Zoom. Policy changes may happen at any time and will
be emailed to all students via their TUmail address.
Generally, advising appointments are available between 10:00 and 17:00 Tokyo time, Monday through Friday
(except on public holidays) and typically last 30 minutes. Appointments are not available between semesters..
Drop-in Advising is also available for students with urgent, quick questions.Students may meet with an academic
advisor for general questions, limited to 10 minutes, during the posted drop-in hours found on the Academic
Advising Center Canvas page at
Advising Session Report
After students meet with their
academic advisor, they will receive a meeting summary that highlights the list of
suggested courses, outstanding requirements, all warnings and alerts that the advisor provided, and/or
recommendations, responses to questions, and other information as appropriate. The report will be available
electronically through TUportal. Instructions on how to review the report can be found at:
TUportal > Student Tools > Records > Advising Sessions
Registering for Courses
All newly admitted undergraduate students must take online placement assessments (English and Math) prior to
their arrival on campus in order for them to register for courses during New Student Orientation Week. Students
may be exempted from placement assessments if
they receive auto-placements based on their SAT/ACT/AP
scores or relevant transfer credits. Note that if you intend to major in economics, international business studies,
or computer science, or if you have not decided your major, you must take the math assessment regardless of
receiving an auto-placement.
The Online Placement System is available only through TUportal. It is students’ responsibility to activate their
TUportal Accessnet account immediately and complete the assessments in a timely manner. Failure to complete
the placement assessments prior to New Student Orientation week may prevent students from registering for
certain courses.
It may be possible to be waived from placement assessments if a student has sufficient SAT/ACT/AP scores
and/or relevant transfer courses from another institution. For more detailed information on placement
assessments, consult the Placement Assessment website at
Page 23
For assistance in activating a TUportal account, contact TUJ IT Services at [email protected]
For questions about placement assessments, contact Temple University's Institutional Research & Assessment
Continuing students may be eligible to participate in priority registration and online registration, depending on the
student’s current status and academic standing. For details, consult the Academic Advising website at
Advising | Undergraduate Program | Temple University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
Fly 2 Philly (Transfer to Main Campus), Global Cities 2-3-4 Program
Degree-seeking, full-time students at TUJ who meet certain minimum academic requirements may apply for
transfer to study at Temple Main Campus in Philadelphia or to Temple Rome. Students who are considering
transferring to Temple Main Campus should discuss their academic plans with the change of program coordinator
in the Academic Advising Center. More information can be found on the Study at Main Campus website.
Credit Exchange Program with Other Universities
This program allows TUJ students to take selected courses at Musashi University, Meiji University, and Showa
Women’s University (private Japanese universities in Tokyo) without paying extra tuition. For international
students at TUJ, this is an excellent opportunity to challenge themselves by taking classes offered in Japanese.
For details, consult the Academic Advising website at
Exchange Programs | Undergraduate Program | Temple
University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
Contact Academic Advising with your concerns regarding these other procedures
Transfer credit re-evaluation for GenEd courses
Major/Minor/Certificate declaration
Course withdrawal
Other academic-related applications and petitions
Degree Progress Report/Reduced Course Load Request (for student visa)
Accessibility Services/Disability Resources and Services (DRS)
Temple University is committed to inclusion and diversity. We want to ensure all students have the support they
need to learn. Accessibility Services/Disability Resources and Services (DRS) ensures that students with
particular educational needs can access the full university experience. The Accessibility Services (Rm 603A)
provides support for students with disabilities, learning differences, and medical conditions. Accessibility
Services/DRS assists with academic accommodation needs, such as extended test time, distraction-reduced
test space, or modified attendance policy. For more information on academic accommodations and
Accessibility Services/DRS, contact the TUJ Accessibility Services coordinator at ([email protected])
and/or visit: https://www.tuj.ac.jp/services/drs.
Study Abroad Opportunities for TUJ Students
TUJ offers a variety of study abroad opportunities to qualified candidates, including Temple Main and Rome
campuses, bilateral exchange programs, and external programs in various cities and countries. Students
must complete at least one semester at TUJ with good academic standing in order to apply to study abroad. In
addition, each program has its own eligibility requirements, such as class standing, GPA, and language skills.
Exchange programs allow TUJ students to keep paying regular TUJ tuition while studying at a partner university
overseas, which usually makes it more affordable compared to other study abroad options. Students may use
study abroad credits to fulfill their Temple degree requirements with pre-approvals from AAC. It is a good idea to
discuss your study abroad plans and ideas with both the TUJ study
abroad coordinator and an academic advisor.
Fly to Philly (F2P) program allows TUJ students to study at main campus for 1-3 consecutive semesters by
paying the equivalent of regular TUJ tuition (instead of at the main campus, non-resident/international student
tuition rate). Students may choose to transfer permanently to pursue different majors at main campus, or return
to TUJ to finish their studies.
Page 24
For more information, contact the OSSE study abroad coordinator at [email protected] or visit the
TUJ Study Abroad website.
7. Student Support Services
Office of Student Services and Engagement
The Office of Student Services and Engagement (OSSE) provides support for TUJ’s diverse student population
and assists students with their non-academic needs as they become members of the university community.
The office handles both services for students as well as student events and activities (engagement).
Student Services includes:
Visa sponsorship for international students
Study Abroad opportunities
Coordination for Financial Aid matters
TUJ Housing
New Student Orientation
Student Code of Conduct
Engagement includes:
Student Activities and Events
Clubs and Organizations
Student Government
OSSE is also the primary contact related to Code of Conduct matters.
Many of our services are highlighted in the TUJ portal. Students are encouraged to review the TUJ Portal for
issues related to our services as well as living in Japan matters
If you have any non-academic-related issues, do not hesitate to visit the OSSE (Rm 104) or contact them at
Teaching & Learning Center
The Learning Center (TLC) offers peer tutoring in a range of subjects, including academic writing, mathematics,
and Japanese. Tutoring is available in both synchronous and asynchronous formats; students are eligible to meet
with tutors live or on Zoom, or to submit writing assignments online for annotated feedback.
TLC tutors are trained to provide support with essay drafts, scholarship applications, presentations, math
problems, Japanese coursework, etc. Additionally, tutors can help students develop effective study skills for
success in all of their courses. For more information, visit the TLC website at www.tuj.ac.jp/services/tlc/
Note: The TLC hires tutors every semester. For more information, contact Ryan Rashotte
([email protected]), Director of Learning Support Services.
Counseling Office
The TUJ Counseling Office (Rm 603) helps students increase self-awareness, improve problem-solving skills,
and accomplish personal and academic goals. Services provided by mental health professionals include
individual counseling, support groups, workshops, and seminars (types of services available vary depending on
the semester). Counseling services are confidential and available in both Japanese and English. Appointments
can be made by email ([email protected]
). For more information, visit the Counseling Office website
at Counseling Services | Temple University, Japan Campus (tuj.ac.jp)
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Career Development Office
The Career Development Office (Rm 107) provides students with professional development and job search
assistance including individual career counseling, internship programs, career seminars and workshops, career
fairs, and company information sessions. An extensive range of information and materials including job hunting
handbooks, job postings (full time and part time), useful books, and company brochures are also available. The
Career Development Office also sends out a weekly newsletter through Temple email (TUmail).
To make an appointment to see a career counselor, use Handshake at
The career seminar and event schedule for the current
semester can be seen at https://tuportal6.temple.edu//group/japan/events1
For more information, visit the Career Development Office TUportal page at
Academic Grievances and Other Student Complaints
TUJ Students have the right to a fair adjudication of grievances concerning academic matters. An academic
grievance is a grievance related to the evaluation of academic work in a course. Please see Academic
Grievance” under the previous Academic Policies section for information about academic grievances (grade
Non-academic complaints (for example, related to housing, student financial services, visa services,
and so on)
by undergraduate students should be referred to the Office of Student Services and Engagement at
. Graduate program non-academic issues should be referred to the respective graduate
program director.
In addition to consulting with OSSE, students may directly (1) bring non-academic complaints to the relevant
office, the office manager, that manager's supervisor, and to others (such as the associate dean for enrollment
management, the associate dean of academic affairs in case of complaints about faculty, the chief HR manager,
the general counsel, or the dean), or (2) communicate their concerns to the following general "ombudspersons"
regarding non-academic student complaints:
Erica Adams ( [email protected]
) (Career Development), and
Yukiko Maehara ( [email protected] ) (Admissions Counselling).
Making a Business Card with the TUJ Logo
Many students wish to use a personal business card for networking purposes. To print business cards with the
TUJ logo yourself, follow the procedures described in the instructions below. TUJ does not accept printing
orders and it is the student’s responsibility to get their business cards made.
Note: You must be logged in using your Temple account when accessing the following files.
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8. Student Engagement
Student Engagement is housed within the Office of Student Services and Engagement (OSSE). In addition to
planning activities and events both on and off campus, Student Engagement brings together student
organizations, student volunteers, and the Student Government in making TUJ a better and more involved
community. Student Engagement provides students with the necessary resources to form student groups, plan
activities, and create networks within our diverse university community.
Students are encouraged to participate in university events, activities, and student organizations to enrich their
academic and social experience at TUJ. If you have any questions, contact Student Engagement at
[email protected] or visit the Student Engagement Website
Student Activities and Events
OSSE sponsors a variety of activities each semester, including culture exchange programs, workshops, day
outings, and overnight trips. These activities are designed to promote social relations among members of TUJ’s
diverse community, and advance the university’s mission of strengthening relations among students as they
become good global citizens. A full list of current semester activities and events is available at
the Student
Activities website.
Clubs and Organizations
Student organizations help students identify people with similar interests and promote connections with other
students. For a list of current student organizations or instructions on how to start a new student organization,
visit the Student Clubs and Organizations website.
If you have any questions on forming or joining a TUJ student
organization, contact [email protected]u
Student Government
The TUJ Student Government (SG) is the official representative of the student body at TUJ. The SG is organized,
directed and operated by students with assistance and oversight from Student Engagement. Elections for SG
officers are held each year, and any student in good standing who has been enrolled at TUJ for more than one
semester with an overall GPA of 2.50 is eligible to run for office. For more information, visit the SG office (Rm
110 B in the cafeteria), check the SG Website, or email them at [email protected]
Emerging Leaders Program
The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is a program designed to help new students develop leadership skills,
gain life-long friendships, find opportunities to network, and prepare them for the global marketplace. The
program is designed as a regular class (3 elective credits towards a degree) and takes place only in the Fall
semester. ELP students are expected to organize and lead a major event towards the end of Fall semester as
the main goal of their program. For more information, visit the Emerging Leaders Program website here
Program Board
The TUJ Program Board (TUJPB) is a student committee devoted to organizing large-scale and specialty events,
both on and off campus, for the entire TUJ UG/Bridge/AEP student community. The TUJPB offers students the
opportunity to participate full-scale from proposal to execution, and to gain skills in project planning, budgeting,
event execution, promotion, and PR. You can contact them at [email protected]
and, if you want to know
more about them, visit the TUJ Program Board website here.
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Student Engagement also oversees TUJ LEAD. TUJ LEAD: Leading in Equity, Acceptance, and Diversity,
focuses on supporting efforts to raise cultural awareness, equity, and inclusion of all members of the TUJ
community and for the public, acknowledging differences in beliefs, gender, identity, nationality, race, and
sexual orientation. The group endeavors to develop resources, policies, and initiatives that foster greater
inclusion for all members of the community. For more information or if you would like to volunteer to support
diversity efforts at TUJ, email [email protected] or visit the TUJ LEAD website
9. In Emergencies
On Campus
First Aid Kit
First aid kits are located in the Information Center (Rm 101) and the ITS Help Desk (Rm 501). The Information
Center staff is trained in first aid.
Emergency Contact Information
Information Center (IC)
If you are injured or sick on campus and need an ambulance, contact the Information Center immediately. They
will take the necessary action.
Tel: 03-5441-9800 / 0120-86-1026
Hours: Monday through Friday 08:30 to 19:00
Office of Student Services and Engagement (OSSE)
Tel: 090-2158-0562 (use only when absolutely necessary)
Off Campus
Police Department - Dial 110
If you are involved in a crime or accident or feel that your life may be in danger, call 110 immediately. In the case
of an accident, you must notify the police immediately to obtain a Traffic Accident Certificate 事故証明書 (“jiko
shomeisho”) based on the police report in order to claim or file for insurance. If you lost something or something
was stolen, you should file a report at the nearest police station and get a certificate of lost or stolen property
/盗難届証明書 (“ishitsu” or “tounan-todoke shomeisho”), which may be required to re-issue official documents
such as your residence card or passport. For more information, students can consult the
Foreign Resident
Ambulance/Fire - Dial 119
For situations involving critical health conditions needing immediate medical care, or in case of fire, call 119
(Fire Department). Make sure you tell the operator the nature of your call (ambulance “kyu-kyushya” or fire “kaji”)
and your present location.
Sudden Illness/Injury
Japanese hospitals are open to the general public for limited hours and may not allow emergency admission,
particularly in the evening or on weekends. On Sundays and public holidays and at night, you can receive
treatment for sudden illness or injury at an emergency hospital. However, note that only a minimum number of
doctors required for emergency treatment are on duty, and these hospitals can only provide first-aid treatment.
For information on emergency hospitals in your area, contact the
Tokyo Fire Department Emergency
Consultation Center (Tel: 03-3212-2323).
Medical / Emergency Helplines
AMDA International Medical Information Center
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Tel: 03-6233-9266
Monday through Friday 10:00
to 16:00 (Japanese, Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish, Thai, Tagalog,
Vietnamese, Portuguese)
Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Information Center
Website: www.himawari.metro.tokyo.jp/
Tel: 03-5385-8181
Daily 09:00 to 20:00 (Japanese, Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish, Thai)
Emergency Interpretation Service (for Medical Institutions)
Tel: 03-5285-8185 or 0570-099283
English, Chinese available for 24-hour, 365-day assistance.
Korean, Thai, Spanish, French, available on weekdays, 17:00 to 20:00, and weekends/national holidays 9:00 to
Sexual Assault and Other Sexual Misconduct
TUJ is committed to preventing and addressing sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, stalking, and
sexual exploitation wherever it occurs. To familiarize yourself with university resources and options in the event
you or someone you know experiences sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, stalking, or sexual
exploitation, review the university’s policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct
. A summary of this
policy and how to report incidents is posted on the TUJ website.
If you or a friend experiences sexual assault or other sexual misconduct, seek medical care immediately to
address immediate health concerns and to obtain and preserve evidence of the crime. We also encourage you
to contact the Assistant Dean of Students at TUJ Nicole Despres ([email protected]
), to begin
receiving whatever support you may need. The Office of Student Services and Engagement can provide
support in seeking medical care, contacting Japanese police, class accommodations, housing changes,
counseling, Conduct Code charges, and other options. If you would like to make an anonymous report directly
to the Title IX coordinator at Main Campus you can do that
here; the content of such a report will be shared
with the assistant dean of students at TUJ.
A student alleging sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation or other
sexual harassment may also use the following email to contact an ombudsperson:
. An ombudsperson for student complaints can advise students of
their options, but as noted below, may be obliged to advise others within TUJ and appropriate outside parties
about any specific reports of sexual misconduct.
Counseling services are available free of charge at the TUJ Counseling Office
and may be available at mental
health provider offices in Tokyo and at various other call centers. A summary of counseling and other resources
at TUJ, in Japan, and at Main Campus that are relevant to sexual assault and other sexual misconduct is
available on the TUJ
website . See also “Resources: Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence” on the
Counseling Services website.
Public Safety and Encounters With Law Enforcement
Generally speaking, Tokyo is a very safe city and violent crime is rare. This does not, however, mean your
safety is guaranteed. It is wise to be cautious in all entertainment and nightlife districts throughout Japan. In
Tokyo -- Roppongi, Shinjuku (especially the area of Kabuki-cho), Shibuya, and Ikebukuro are entertainment
districts with higher incidence of crime, particularly theft and drink-spiking. Follow common sense precautions
to avoid putting yourself in bad situations where you could get into trouble. In particular, avoid illegal drugs and
excessive or irresponsible consumption of alcohol, which can impair judgment and compromise health and
One reason Tokyo and other parts of Japan are very safe is because Japanese authorities are much stricter
with illegal activity of any kind; laws are strictly enforced. As a practical matter, police and prosecutors have
tremendous discretion in stopping foreigners to check their ID or to stop and question anyone, regardless of
nationality, if they have reasonable grounds to suspect a person has committed, is about to commit or has
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knowledge of a crime (known as “shokumu shitsumon”/職務質問 or “shokushitsu”), in making arrests, detaining
persons after an arrest has been made, conducting investigations, and determining whether to prosecute.
While foreigners all stand out to one degree or another, students who fit particular profiles may feel that they
are more frequent targets of police scrutiny [as has been noted in the U.S. State Department's Japan 2017
Human Rights Report, news media and court cases].
TUJ does not assume obligations for students’ off-campus behavior or for their interactions with Japanese law
enforcement personnel or the criminal justice system. While we may sympathize with the plight of students who
have been arrested and detained by Japanese authorities, (i) we cannot provide you with legal advice or act on
your behalf in interacting with police or prosecutors, (ii) we do not have authority to act for you in such cases,
and (iii) privacy laws restrict our ability to directly aid you and to disclose your affairs to (or take directions from)
other persons. If you haven’t been arrested but feel you are being unfairly targeted or profiled by police, we
recommend that you ask for the name and rank of the officers, consider recording your encounter, and report it
to a police complaint bureau that can hear your complaint in English (or other foreign language). In Tokyo, this
is the Tokyo Metro Police Department’s Community Safety Consultation Center (for foreigners only): 03-3503-
8484 (weekdays 08:30 to 17:15). TUJ cannot make phone calls or visits to police on your behalf.
Should you be arrested, there is a high likelihood that you may be held without bail (and without
access to a phone or the internet) for several weeks; this may have a severe impact on your semester.
Further, students under TUJ’s visa-sponsorship who are convicted are likely to not be granted further
visas to stay in Japan. Once we are informed or determine that a student is detained, TUJ staff may visit the
student to check on well-being and assist to order the student’s academic affairs such as communicating with
faculty or internship sponsors, and gaining signatures for course withdrawals. TUJ usually cooperates with
police investigations by releasing information after a formal request is received and is reviewed by TUJ’s
general counsel to determine the scope of information that can be released. TUJ’s general counsel can neither
act as the student’s lawyer nor offer legal advice.
The following is a brief summary of our experience with encounters by TUJ students with the Japanese criminal
justice system. Consult the Office of Student Services and Engagement or TUJ’s general counsel if you have
Police Custody & Court Proceedings: Lawyers
1. TUJ may not know a student is in custody unless someone, a teacher/friend/internship etc., alerts us
that the student has been missing. When there is a bilateral agreement between the student’s country
and Japan (e.g. the U.S.), police or prosecutors will contact the student’s embassy; the school is usually
not contacted unless directed by the student to do so (through embassy or lawyer), or unless the police
contact us to gain information for their investigation.
2. If there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, the prosecutor customarily requests
an initial 10-day detention and the court grants it to continue their investigation. This request has to be
made within the first 48 hours after the arrest. At the end of this 10-day period, the prosecutor often
requests -- and is usually granted -- a second 10-day detention period to continue the investigation
further. As a result, there is a high likelihood that an arrested student will remain in custody for 21 or 22
days. Prosecutors will use this period to seek evidence, including evidence of crimes other than the
incident that initiated the arrest.
3. Convictions are typically based on confessions signed by the accused, in addition to other evidence.
Appeals are possible, but rarely successful. Persons in custody are under strong pressure to sign a
confession (which will have been prepared in Japanese), and courts rarely reject a confession or
overturn a conviction on the grounds of misunderstanding or pressure.
4. By the end of the 21- or 22-day detention period, the prosecutor typically decides whether or not to
prosecute. If not, the student will be released. If prosecuted, the detention typically continues, though a
person may be released, subject to the possibility of further investigation.
5. The Japan Federation of Bar Associations has, in collaboration with local bar associations throughout
Japan, established a “Duty Attorney” system under which someone who has been arrested can consult
with a lawyer, simply by requesting at the police station that officers "Please call the duty attorney (“toban
bengoshi”).” If requested, the police or court will make contact with the nearest local bar association
and a lawyer who is acting as the duty lawyer will come to see the detainee. Police may call the duty
lawyer, even if not requested. A duty attorney will interview the detained student at a police holding cell
without the presence of police officers, explain about his/her rights and the future procedures, and may
make contact with family or others at the detained student’s request. The first time a duty attorney is
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consulted, there is no charge.
6. After an initial meeting with a duty lawyer, in most cases a court-appointed lawyer will be made available
as students can claim a lack of sufficient financial resources to afford a private lawyer. The duty lawyer
may be willing to represent you further. If the student or family wishes to hire a private lawyer, the search
for a lawyer should be conducted through their embassy.
7. A vital role typically played by a lawyer is to reach out quickly to see if agreements can be reached with
persons who claim injuries or property damage; if so, such persons may withdraw or decline to provide
statements to the police, in which case prosecutors are more likely to decline to prosecute.
10. Disaster Prevention
Earthquake Preparedness
Earthquakes happen frequently in Japan, and can happen at any time and place. To minimize danger to your
health and well-being, be prepared mentally and materially before they occur. In addition, all international
students are encouraged to register their name, address and passport number at their embassy or consulate as
a preventive measure in the event of an evacuation or disaster. Consult embassy or consulate websites for
Everyday Measures
Determine where the safest place in your house/apartment is.
Store enough drinking water for 2 to 3 days at least.
Prepare a backpack or emergency bag and store it in a place that is easy to access. Example of items to
put in the backpack/emergency bag: (a) flashlight, (b) batteries, (c) drinking water and food, (d) money
(including 10 yen coins for public pay phones), (e) copies of identification materials such as passports,
bankbooks, etc. and other valuables, (f) matches, lighter and candles, (g) a first aid kit (including personal
medication), (h) helmet or other protective headgear, (i) cotton work gloves, socks and underwear, (j) heat-
insulating and waterproof blankets, (k) rope.
Use metal fittings to secure furniture and prevent it from falling over.
Use shatter-prevention film on windows, shelves, etc. where glass is used.
Make a note of emergency contact telephone numbers and the phone number, address and other contact
details of someone who can communicate in your language.
Confirm where your nearest emergency evacuation site is and how to get there. If you are unsure, inquire
at your city/ward office.
International students may wish to review further emergency information on the website
for the Tokyo Fire
In the Event of an Earthquake
On Campus
If a severe earthquake happens while you are on campus, follow these procedures
1. Crouch under a desk or sit down where you are and cover your head and body with your belongings, bags
or clothes so that you can avoid falling glass, whiteboards, light bulbs, etc.
2. Move away from windows or shelves so as not to be injured by broken glass or falling objects.
3. Remain where you are until the earthquake stops.
4. After first ensuring your safety, if you are near the door of the room, open the door if possible.
5. Remain inside the building.
6. If evacuation is necessary, follow the TUJ floor safety officer‘s instructions and evacuate to the designated
evacuation site.
7. Phone or email your parents or family to notify them of the situation. This is also necessary if the problem is
less severe. From afar, family and friends may not know the specific situation in Tokyo and will need to be
assured that you are okay even if there is no actual local threat.
8. TUJ will contact all currently registered students through Temple email (TUmail) to confirm your safety.
Check your email (TUmail) and follow the instructions given.
Off Campus
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In the event of an earthquake, the following steps are recommended
1. Ensure your personal safety and get to the nearest safe place.
2. Switch off all cooking and heating appliances, which may cause a fire. If a fire breaks out, extinguish it
immediately with the nearest fire extinguisher.
3. Open all doors including the front door to ensure an escape route.
4. After an earthquake, there is the danger of aftershocks (yoshin) and tidal waves (tsunami). Try to listen
regularly to the TV and radio to get up-to-date information.
5. Do not rush out of a building. Wait until the earthquake has temporarily stopped, then get your emergency
bag, put on a helmet or other protective covering and make your way to open space.
6. If you are walking along a wide road, move out to the center. If downtown, be careful of falling objects such
as signs, telephone poles, glass from windows, etc. Try not to become separated from neighbors.
7. Inform your country’s embassy or consulate, your dorm manager,
program director, or a university
representative of your safety so that family members can be informed of your situation if they contact the
8. Phone or email your parents or family to notify them of the situation. This is also necessary if the problem is
less severe. From afar, family and friends may not know the specific situation in Tokyo and will need to be
assured that you are okay even if there is no actual local threat.
TUJ Evacuation Area
The evacuation area for TUJ students is the open plaza (“hiroba”) outside the TUJ building (#21) as shown in the
picture above. If you happen to be on the SWU campus, use evacuation area (#23).
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TUJ Evacuation Route
Additional Information
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
JMA provides residents in Japan with earthquake early warnings. Note that these warnings may give just a couple
of seconds advance notice. JMA website: http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/en/menu.html
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has comprehensive information on disaster prevention and earthquakes in
Japan, including an English survival manual. Tokyo Metropolitan Government website:
Disaster Messaging Service
In the event of a disaster, the disaster messaging service enables people to leave voice mail messages
confirming their status, using telephone numbers in the disaster-stricken area as voice mail boxes. To record or
replay messages, dial 171 and follow the instructions given. More information on how to send voice messages
can be found online at http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/saigai_e/voice171/images/manual.pdf
Mobile phone companies also offer disaster messaging services. See information provided by each carrier for
au by KDDI
Registering with Embassy/Consulate
All international students are encouraged to register their name, address and passport number at their embassy
or consulate as a preventive measure in the event of an evacuation or disaster. Consult embassy or consulate
websites for details. For U.S. citizens, enroll in STEP: https://step.state.gov/step/
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11. Public Facilities Near TUJ
Setagaya City Shimouma Library
Access: 5-minute walk from the main entrance of TUJ
Address: 2-32-1 Shimouma Setagaya-ku
Tel: 03-3418-6531
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 09:00 to 19:00
Closed: Mondays
Website: https://libweb.city.setagaya.tokyo.jp/index.shtml
Parking for Bicycles
Sangen-jaya West Parking for Bicycles
Access: 1-minute walk from Sangen-jaya Station
Address: 4-chōme-20 Taishidō, Setagaya-ku, Tōkyō 154-0004
Tel: 03-3440-6191
Hours: Daily 04:30 to 01:00
Note: Bicycles only
Musashi University
Musashi University is a private Japanese university located in Nerima-ku, Tokyo, approximately 40 minutes away
from TUJ. As part of the cooperative agreement between TUJ and Musashi University, TUJ students are able to
use the following facilities at Musashi University with a valid TUJ ID card.
TUJ students and faculty are permitted to use the Musashi University Library. Review the “User’s Guide”
available on the library website at https://www.tuj.ac.jp/library/usage-guide
Training Room
This facility is currently closed due to the COVID-19 situation in Japan.
Contact the Office of Student Services and Engagement for more information.
The training room (4F, Building #10) has weights, treadmills, StairMasters, and other exercise equipment. In
order to use the training room, you must first attend a one-hour training session to go over how to safely use the
equipment and machines. To make an appointment for a training session, visit TUJ’s Office of Student Services
and Engagement (Rm 104) at least two days prior to the day you would like to have your training session. Training
sessions are held Monday through Saturday at 15:00.
Be mindful of the rules, regulations and policies when using these facilities.
Should a TUJ student act negligently towards Musashi University facilities, staff, or students, they may be
subject to the TUJ Student Conduct Code.
Directions to Musashi University:
7-minute walk from Shinegota Station / 5-minute walk from Ekoda Station
1-26-1 Toyotamakami, Nerima-ku,
Tokyo 176-0011
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12. TUJ Map & Contact Information
TUJ Access Map
Address: 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004
Tel: 03-5441-9800; 0120-86-1026 (toll free) / Outside Japan: 81-3-5441-9800
Access: Sangen-jaya (Den-en-toshi Line / Setagaya Line): 5-minute walk from South Gate Exit A.
* Follow the route on the map above when you walk to school ONLY to the Main Entrance -- due to COVID-
19 procedures. We have been asked not to walk on certain streets due to congestion and noise.
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Floor Guide
This Floor Guide can be viewed online at :
TUJ Floor Guide
1st Floor
Information Center (101)
Academic Advising Center (102)
Registrar’s Office (102)
Visa Office
Office of Student Services and
Engagement (104)
Bursar’s Office (105)
Welcome Center (106)
Career Development Office (107)
Art Gallery (109)
Cafeteria (110)
Student Meeting Rooms (A & C)
Student Government Office (B)
Parliament Student Lounge (111)
Art Studio (112, West Gym Building)
2nd Floor
Art Rooms (201, 205, 207)
Sick Room (204)
Weight Room (203)
HyFlex Classroom
Classroom (209)
Study Rooms (210, A-F)
Library Office (211)
Library (212)
3rd Floor
Classrooms (301-314)
4th Floor
Classrooms (401-408, 410, 411)
Faculty Offices (409)
5th Floor
ITS Help Desk/Open Computer Lab
Media Room (502)
PC Lab (503, 506)
Mac Lab (504, 505, 507)
Faculty Offices (508, 509)
6th Floor
Test Center (601)
Information Technology
Services/Facilities and General Affairs
Accessibility Services/Disability
Resources and Services (DRS)
Counseling Services (603 B-D)
Graduate Business, Law, & Graduate
College of Education (Rm 604)
Academic English Program (AEP)
Undergraduate Program Office (604)
Continuing Education (604)
Admissions Counseling (604)
Communications and Marketing
Support (604)
Prayer room (605)
Shared Work Space (606A)
Meeting Rooms (606)
Accounting Office (606A)
Dean’s Office (607)
Enrollment Management (607)
General Counsel (607B)
HyFlex Classroom
HyFlex Classroom
Finance & Accounting (610)
HyFlex Classroom (611)
Smoking Area
Student Activity Studio (at Shotengai)
Rm 113
Page 36
Department Contact Information
Most departments are open Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 17:30
Academic Advising Center (AAC)
Email: aac@tuj.temple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9862
Location: 1st Floor, Rm 102
Accessibility Services/DRS
Email: tujaccessibility@tuj.temple.edu
Tel: +81-3-5441-9800
Location: 6th Floor, Rm 603A
Bursar’s Office
Email: tujbur[email protected]emple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9800
Location: 1st Floor, Rm 105
Career Development Office
Email: caree[email protected]ple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9873
Location: 1st Floor, Rm 107
Community Relations
Email: communityrelation[email protected]
Tel: 03-5441-9801
Counseling Office
Email: tujcounseling@tuj.temple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9889
Location: 6th Floor, Rm 603
Facilities & General Affairs
Email: fac[email protected]emple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9800 Location: 6th Floor, Rm
Information Center (IC)
Email: tuji[email protected]ple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9800 / 0120-86-1026
Location: 1st Floor, Rm 101
ITS Help Desk
Email: tujhel[email protected].edu
Tel: 03-5441-9800
Location: 5th Floor, Rm 501
Email: tujl[email protected]ibanswers.com
Tel: 03-5441-9867
Location: 2nd Floor, Rm 212
Office of Student Services and Engagement
Email: osse@tuj.temple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9800
Location: 1st Floor, Rm 104
Registrar's Office
Email: tujregistrar@tuj.temple.edu
Tel: 03-5441-9800
Location: 1st Floor, Rm 102
The Learning Center (TLC)
Email: tujt[email protected]emple.edu
Updated for Fall 2023
Office of Student Services and Engagement
Temple University, Japan Campus