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Bene=ts and Outcomes of Library Collections on Scholarly Bene=ts and Outcomes of Library Collections on Scholarly
Reading in Finland Reading in Finland
Carol Tenopir
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Sanna Talja
University of Tampere
Elina Late
University of Tampere
Lisa Christian
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Tenopir, Carol; Talja, Sanna; Late, Elina; and Christian, Lisa, "Bene=ts and Outcomes of Library Collections
on Scholarly Reading in Finland" (2019).
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Carol Tenopir*, Sanna Talja, Elina Late and Lisa Christian
Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections
on Scholarly Reading in Finland
Received October 23, 2018; accepted February 15, 2019
Abstract: Results of an online survey distributed to
faculty, PhD students, and researchers throughout
Finland in 2016 show that library resources, journal arti-
cles, and books are important parts of scholars research
and work life. The survey was disseminated through
FinELib to heads of libraries, who were then asked to
distribute it to their academic staff, researchers, and PhD
students. The purpose of this study was to examine the
value of readings obtained from library collections. To
help answer this question, participants were asked about
the amount and value of their reading and where they
obtained readings, which allowed comparison of how the
value of the library collection differs from other sources.
The study found that researchers use many ways to iden-
tify and obtain articles, and the library collection is iden-
tified as one important source. Scholars use the librarys
collection mostly to obtain articles for research and those
articles help to inspire new ideas. Overall, this study
demonstrates the importance of access to scholarly pub-
lications for scholars, from the library and elsewhere,
such as open access sites and research sharing platforms.
Keywords: scholarly journals, reading, library collections,
access to information resources
Libraries have long measured their value by numbersthe
size of their collections, the numbers of visitors to their
buildings, those who participate in instructional sessions,
and how often library e-materials are downloaded. These
numbers demonstrate value to a certain degree: i. e. show-
ing implied value by assuming that the act of downloading
an article or visiting a building or taking a library instruction
course demonstrate use and benefits, enabling comparison
over time or with other populations, or demonstrating what
services or collections are most popular. Measuring the
results or outcomes from these activities, however, can pro-
vide a more nuanced view of the value by looking at the
benefits to stakeholders by participating in the activities
enabled by the library.
In the context of collections, it is more difficult to
measure outcomes or benefits of reading rather than mea-
sure the implied value provided by downloads or circula-
tion statistics. Measuring outcomes can show what
happens after seeking, finding, and downloading informa-
tion resources and how reading contributes to academic
work. Capturing outcomes goes beyond mere popularity to
dig deeper into long-lasting impacts or benefits to readers.
One reading may have a profound impact on a research-
ers work, while others may only satisfy curiosity.
Examining the range of outcomes provides a complete
picture of the impact of reading.
This study looks at scholarly work-related reading
patterns and outcomes of that reading among faculty
members, PhD students, and other researchers throughout
the country of Finland. It was patterned after reading
studies conducted over the last four decades, first in the
United States and then in several other countries (Tenopir
and King 2000; Wilson and Tenopir 2008; Tenopir et al.
2009, 2010a, 2010b; Tenopir, Volentine, and King 2012;
Tenopir et al. 2015). A comprehensive look at reading in
Finland has not been conducted before, as previous stu-
dies only looked at reading of e-journal articles and did
not examine reading in print or scholarly readings from
other types of resources such as books. Although the
current study looked at readings and outcomes of reading
from all sources, this article takes a closer look at print
and electronic article and book readings that came from
the library and departmental collections to show how
library article and book collections contribute to the scho-
larly work of research, teaching, and service, while also
compares the characteristics of those readings with read-
ings from other sources. Other articles based on the data
collected for this study will focus on more general reading
patterns of scholarly articles, books, and other materials
from a wide range of sources.
*Corresponding author: Carol Tenopir, School of Information
Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA,
Sanna Talja: E-mail: [email protected], Elina Late:
E-mail: [email protected], Faculty of Information Technology and
Communication, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
Lisa Christian, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
LIBRI 2019; 69(2): 153168
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The overarching research question that this paper
addresses is what is the unique value of readings
obtained from library collections? In order to understand
this question, several specific research questions are
addressed in this paper:
1. What are the characteristics (age, rank, job responsi-
bilities, and subject discipline) of researchers who
utilize library-related collections?
2. In what ways do scholarly article and book readings
contribute to the work of researchers?
3. What is the value, in terms of outcomes or benefits to
readers, of readings from library collections?
4. How does the contribution and value/benefits of
readings from library collections differ from readings
obtained from other sources?
Although this study took place in a single country
(Finland) the methods used and the questionnaire have
been tested many times in other countries, and the meth-
ods have wider applicability. The survey instrument is
included here for adaption and use by others.
Literature Review
The economist Fritz Machlup (1979) provided a philoso-
phical foundation for our methodology in his distinction
between accessing information and understanding or
gaining knowledge from the content. We use the term
reading and use to describe what Machlup considered
knowledge gained from content.
Machlup also recommended the concept of bene-
fits rather than value to go beyond information seek-
ing o r access to explore the benefits of the consumption
and understanding of information to the user. He
defined h ow measuring value (or benefits) in the infor-
mation context is both the same and different from other
ways to look at value. He described two types of value of
information: (1) p urchase or exchange value, that is,
what one is willing to pay for information in money
and/or time, and (2) use value, that is, the favorable
consequences derived from reading and using the infor-
mation (Machlup 1979, 1962). In the library collecti on
context, purchase or exchange value to the reader is
almost always based o n exchange value or time spent
reading. The library bears the direct cost in monetary
terms for access to content.
This is not the first study to look at value (or benefits)
from reading (or understanding) scholarly information.
Beginning in 1977, King and then Tenopir and King
used a variation of the critical incident technique to
examine scholarly journal article reading patterns and
place the resulting data into the context of exchange
and outcomes value (Tenopir and King 2000, 2004;
Tenopir et al. 2015). These studies showed that academics
read articles for many purposes and the reported value
and outcomes of article reading vary significantly by
purpose. For instance, the most common principal pur-
pose for scholarly reading has long been research and
writing and these readings were rated as more valuable
to purpose.
The role of the library in providing access to scho-
larly journal articles has fluctuated over the years, with a
drastically increased role starting in the mid-1990s as
library electronic journals collections replaced printed
personal subscriptions as the main source of article read-
ings. In the dawn of the 2010s, however, open access and
alternative sources of e-articles began to decrease the
library monopoly on e-access. Still, in studies in
Australia, Finland, and the U.S. from 20072010, the
library was the main provider of e-article readings,
accounting for between 50 and 67 % of readings by
faculty members at several universities in these countries
(Wilson and Tenopir 2008; Tenopir, Mays, and Wu 2011;
Tenopir, Volentine, and King 2012).
Although e-books have been a growing part of library
collections for nearly two decades, and, in spite of both
the dramatic switch to ejournals and a robust consumer
market for leisure book reading, library users have been
slower to adopt library e-books than many expected.
Librarians are advised that more outreach and education
about their e-book collections are needed (Ashcroft 2011).
When specifically asked, most scholars in an academic
research library say that scholarly e-book collections
have value to their work, in spite of relatively low rates
of use (Chrzastowski 2011).
E-book use from the library is increasing over time as
collections grow, although inconsistently among different
users (Ahmad and Brogan 2012; Ahmad, Brogan, and
Johnstone 2014). Several recent studies of the attitudes of
faculty and students towards e-books in the academic
setting show a lower than expected uptake, with opinions
varying based on such factors as academic status (under-
graduate students versus graduate students versus
faculty), type of book (textbook versus reference book
versus monograph), and subject discipline (Shin 2011;
Corlett-Rivera and Hackman 2014; Carroll et al. 2016).
According to a recent questionnaire conducted by FinElib
(Mikkonen and Peltonen 2016), availability of e-books was
not experienced as optimal, as simultaneous user rights
were too restricted. Downloading the required reading
154 Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections
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programs had proved technically challenging, while pro-
blems had been encountered in downloading e-books and
in their browsing and navigation functionalities. The
experienced usability problems and lower than expected
uptake also seem to reflect more fundamental differences
in how books and articles are read and used (Aaltonen
et al. 2011; Walters 2013).
The academic library community has demonstrated
growing concern with assessing library value with several
high-profile initiatives over the last decade. These initia-
tives provide comprehensive reviews of the literature on
library assessment. Rather than repeat all of the litera-
ture, we refer readers to these projects.
The LibValue project, sponsored by the Institute of
Museum and Library Services (IMLS), created a bibliogra-
phy of library assessment literature as it examined a variety
of types of value provided by academic library collections
and services and a variety of ways to measure the value.
LibValue tested many types of value, including exchange,
outcomes, social value, economic value, environmental
value, contingent valuation, and return on investment
and many types of collections (articles, books, and digital
special collections) and services (library instruction, facil-
ities). The projects research website may be found at In addition, the Association of
Research Libraries, as part of the LibValue team, hosts a
separate website to house the projects research instru-
ments or toolkit at
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) had long
been interested in assessing the value of all types of
library collections and services. ARL maintains an active
listserv for assessment librarians to share ideas and
research results and sponsors an assessment conference
every other year (contact [email protected] for further
In 2010, the Association of College & Research
Libraries (ACRL) commissioned a comprehensive litera-
ture analysis on the topic of library assessment. This
report describes methods to assess the value of library
instruction, collections, and services to students and
faculty (Oakleaf 2010). Oakleafs work describes strate-
gies for determining academic library value in these mul-
tiple areas (Oakleaf 2010, 2011).
Methodology and Limitations
The study reported here is a nationwide survey of aca-
demics and scholars throughout the country of Finland.
FinELib, the Finnish national consortium based in the
Finnish National Library, distributed the link to an online
questionnaire to heads of libraries throughout Finland in
the autumn of 2016. The librarians, in turn, were asked to
distribute the invitation to participate to their academic
staff, researchers, and PhD students. Some librarians sent
the invitation directly to all in their institutions and
others put the invitation on their library website, while
others chose not to distribute the invitation. In addition,
the researchers sent out an estimated 1,000 invitations
directly to academics. There are an estimated 10,000
academics (EUI 2018) throughout Finland with an
additional ~ 15,000 postgraduate students (OSF 2018),
although we do not know how many of these actually
received the invitation to participate in our study and
hence cannot calculate a response rate. In total, we
received 528 responses; however, to be compliant with
the University of Tennessee IRB approval for research
involving human subjects, respondents were allowed to
skip any question or exit the survey at any time.
Therefore, some questions have fewer than 528 responses
and all analysis was done on the number of respondents
to any one question, rather than on the total number of
respondents to the questionnaire. For this specific study,
the overall total is n = 455 because many respondents
exited the questionnaire before answering many of the
questions analyzed here.
The questionnaire was built in Qualtrics and housed
on the University of Tennessee survey, with analysis done
with SPSS. The questionnaire was available in both
Finnish and English, with 88 % of the respondents choos-
ing to respond to the Finnish version. The Finnish co-
authors on this paper translated the Finnish results into
English for analysis.
The survey i nstrum ent is based on previous sur veys
some modifications made to refle ct place or time. For
example, a question was added to determine wh ether
the last article reading was in English, Finnish, or
Swedish ( or another language). In order to examine
readings in addition to article readings, questions were
asked about a wide variety of other types of readings for
work, including social media (Tenopir, Christian, and
Late 2017).
To enable analysis of the value and outcomes of
readings, we asked four types of questions: (1) demo-
graphics (age, rank, job responsibilities, and subject dis-
cipline); (2) recollection questions about how many
articles and other types of materials were read in the
last month; (3) critical incident questions that focus on
the most recent article reading and then the most recent
other type of reading; and (4) open-ended questions on
Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections 155
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how reading habits have changed and what changes in
publications would be desirable in the future.
Critical incident questions allow a focus on outcomes
by providing an in-depth look at characteristics of read-
ings and how they vary by purpose of reading. The
critical incident of last reading provides a second stage
sample of readings in addition to the first stage sample of
readers. Readers read articles for many reasons and the
value or benefit of each reading to the reader will vary,
sometimes depending on the purpose and sometimes
depending on the quality or usefulness of a particular
reading. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the char-
acteristics and value of this second stage of readings to
get the nuanced view of value.
Note that reading does not mean reading every word
of a document, nor even reading carefully. In the ques-
tionnaire, reading of articles was defined as going
beyond the table of contents, title, and abstract to the
body of the article and reading for books may include
just reading a portion of the book such as skimming or
reading a chapter. For article readings, readers were
asked how thoroughly they read the last article, ranging
from I read all of it with great care to I skimmed it just
to get the idea.
Sources of Readings and Publication Types
This study examines in depth those questions relevant to
the role of the library in providing access to readings and
the benefits and value associated with those readings,
specifically focusing on readings from journal articles
and books. Article readings and book readings that were
said to come from a library or department collection (most
often paid by the library) were compared with article and
book readings that did not come from the library (or that
the reader did not recognize as coming from the library or
departmental collections). Article readings from 222
respondents, or 49.1 % of the total of 454, were said to
come from the library or departmental subscriptions (here-
inafter referred to as library readings). The 50.9 % of article
readings that did not come from the library or departmen-
tal subscriptions included readings from the web, shared
by colleagues, personal subscriptions, etc. as shown in
Figure 1. Of course, some of these readings may come
from a library without the reader realizing the fact. For
example, included in other readings, 5.5 % of the total
readings came from research social networking sites and
readings from the web may include full texts that were
accessible due to authentication and a link resolver acting
on a Google Scholar search.
Journal articles are not, of course, the only source of
scholarly readings. Scholars read from books or book
chapters, conference proceedings or research reports,
newspaper articles, and other types of resources, includ-
ing blogs. Therefore, we also asked respondents to focus
on other types of reading. Asking each respondent a full
range of questions about each type of resource would
have made the questionnaire much too long, resulting
in the decision to just focus on whatever type of material
was read most recently. This decision means that the
numbers for other types vary considerably, from a low
of 17 for other and 27 for blogs to a high of 94 for books
or book chapters. Figure 2 shows the variety of places
scholars use to obtain books or book chapters. The library
is the most frequently used source to obtain book read-
ings (43.6 % of book readings); however, colleagues or
personal purchase are also important sources for books.
In this article, we focus only on articles and books/
book chapters, because they are the traditional resources
offered in library collections and still the most likely to be
obtained from the library. Thus, while every respondent
was asked the critical incident questions about articles,
only those who had read a book or book chapter recently
were asked about book readings. Therefore, unlike article
readings which reflect the entire population equally,
book readings are more skewed to those disciplines or
individuals who read more books (e. g. humanities scho-
lars). Of other types of readings, books or book chapters
accounted for about a fourth of a reported 392 readings of
Source of Journal Article Readings n=452
Personal subscription From the library/department collection
Institutional/subject repository From another person
From the Web Other wa
Figure 1: Source of journal article readings.
156 Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections
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various types of resources. Since the total number of
book/book chapter readings is much lower than the
total number of article readings, the results may be less
robust. If a library wants to specifically focus on the
value of its print or e-book collections, a survey focusing
only on those readings may be in order.
Overall Characteristics of Article and Book
Before examining the value of readings that come from
the library, it is helpful to provide an overall picture of
the reported readings. Overall, 86.3 % (n = 392) of the
article readings reported were from electronic sources.
This percentage was even higher in readings from the
library of the 222 articles that were identified as coming
from the library, 90.5 % were from e-resources. Readers
of articles have almost made the shift from paper journals
to e-sources, but not yet completely. Library purchasing
and nationwide journal licensing preferences for e- over
print both drive and respond to this trend.
However, not all articles obtained from e-sources are
read on the screen, and there is no difference in prefer-
ence for final form of reading from articles obtained from
library or other sources. Printing out an e-article still
occurs in over forty percent of the readings and, when
combined with the small percent that were from print
journals, reading on paper is done for just under half of
all readings (45.7 %, n = 205). Reading on screen, most
often a desktop or laptop, is now more common, but just
slightly so. Readings on a handheld device (mobile
phone, tablet, or other e-reader) account for just a small
percent of article readings (even in a country with near
universal cell phone coverage) (See Tables 1 and 2).
Although a growing number of books from both the
library and elsewhere are available in electronic format,
the nearly complete digital transformation that has hap-
pened for article access has not yet happened for books.
Less than half (43.6 %) of book readings were from
e-books. There is no significant difference in form between
books obtained from the library collections and elsewhere.
Furthermore, over half of the final format of book readings
were printed books (56.4 %, n = 53) with an additional
18.1 % e-books downloaded and printed on paper to read
(Tables 1 and 2). In total, then, approximately three-quar-
ters of book readings were print books (74.5 %), the high-
est for any type of scholarly reading.
Over three-quarters of the article readings (78 %) were
first-time readings, with the remainder being re-readings
(22 %). Readings from the library are slightly more likely to
be re-readings (25.3 % re-readings from the library, as
compared to 18.7 % re-readings from other sources). Only
a quarter of readings from books (26.6 %, n = 25) are re-
readings from the same book, with no significant differ-
ences between readings from the library or other sources.
Exchange Value of Articles and Books
Scholars demonstrate the value of articles to their work
by the time they spend reading. Although the standard
deviation is high, scholars report they spend, on average,
over 42 minutes per article reading, with just a slight
difference between time spent per reading from library-
provided articles and others (Table 3). Extrapolating from
From the
subject repository
From another
From the Web Other way
Source of Different Publication Types (%)
Journal articles n=452 Books/chapters n=94
Conference proceedings/research reports n=91 Newspapers n=65
Other n=142
Figure 2: Source of different publication types.
Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections 157
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the self-reported estimated average in Finland of 20 arti-
cle readings per month and an average of 42.29 minutes
per article reading, scholars spend on average 830
minutes or 14 hours per month reading scholarly articles.
This is a demonstration of exchange value. If library
readings constitute an estimated 49.1 % of the overall
readings and the average time per library article reading
is 43.19 minutes, scholars spend on average an estimated
1,056 minutes or 17.6 hours per month reading articles
that come from the library.
There is a significant difference between the number of
read articles during the last month between those who
obtained their last article from the library and from another
source (t-test 3,380, sig.,001). Those who obtained their
last journal article reading from the library read, on aver-
age, 24.46 articles in the last month, while those who
obtained their last article reading through other means
read only 15.39 articles.
Exchange value of books can be calculated in the
same way as articles, but not surprisingly, the mean
number of minutes reported for book readings is consid-
erably longer than that for articles and readers read from
many fewer books each month. On average, respondents
report five readings per month from books, with an over-
all mean time spent per reading of 81.26 minutes, result-
ing in an average total of 420 minutes or 7 hours spent
Table 1: Final reading format of journal articles and scholarly books/book chapters, % (n) (In what format was the publication when you
read it?).
Print Downloaded and
printed on paper
Previously downloaded/
saved and read on
computer screen
Online computer screen
(desktop or laptop)
On a mobile phone,
e-reader, or tablet
Journal articles (n = ) . () . () . () . () . ()
Scholarly books (n = ) . () . () . () . () . ()
Table 2: Final reading format of article and book readings by the
source of the publication, % (n).
Journal articles
(n = )
From the library . () . ()
Other source . () . ()
Scholarly books
(n = )
From the library . () . ()
Other source . () . ()
Print articles in print journals, downloaded and printed on paper,
previously downloaded/saved and read on computer screen, online
computer screen (desktop or laptop), on a mobile phone, e-reader, or
tablet screen.
Table 4: Time spent reading scholarly books/book chapters per month.
Time spent on reading during
last month (n = )
Number of readings/month (n = ) Hours spent on
Mean Range SD Mean Range SD *
Scholarly books/
book chapters
From the library .  ..  ..
Other source .  ..  ..
Total .  ..  ..
*Number of average readings* average time spend on one book or chapter reading during the last month/60.
Table 3: Time spent reading journal articles per month.
Time spent on reading
(n = )
Number of readings/month n = ) Hours spent on
Mean Range SD Mean Range SD *
Journal articles From the library .  ..  ..
Other source .  ..  ..
Total .  ..  ..
*Number of average readings* average time spent on reading/60.
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reading from books for work-related purposes (Table 4).
In the case of book readings, the time spent per reading
from other sources is significantly higher than the
reported time spent per library-provided book. With an
average of 43.6 % readings from books from the library
each month, times an average estimated time per reading
of 59.72 minutes, the exchange value of library book read-
ing is on average 135 minutes or 2.2 hours per month.
Readings from books that come from personal collec-
tions, colleagues, or a free advance copy are reported to
take much longer than readings from departmental
copies (which are included with library readings).
Caution should be made when interpreting these results,
as the standard deviation for book readings is quite high
and the number of respondents who answered this ques-
tion is relatively low.
Exchange value is somewhat problematic, because one
of the fundamental laws of library science is to save the
time of the reader (Ranganathan 1931). Libraries save the
reader time in finding and obtaining high quality articles,
presumably to allow more time for actually reading or
other high value endeavors. E-collections may also save
readers more time in that they do not need to visit the
physical library in order to use the librarys collections.
This is dramatically illustrated by the relatively small per-
cent of article readings that are done in the physical
library, even when obtained from the library collection
(Table 5).
Even though nearly half of book readings come from the
library collection, no readings are reported to occur in the
physical library. However, library book readings are sig-
nificantly more likely to be read in the office or laboratory
than from home.
Approximately a quarter of readings of
books from sources other than the library occur else-
where, often while traveling.
Use/Outcomes Value of Articles and Books
Scholars read articles for many different reasons and the
purpose of reading may influence the relative value of that
reading. Research, including writing articles, proposals,
and grant applications, is the most common reason for
reading articles, collectively accounting for over three-
quarters of readings in this study (68.1 %) (see Table 6).
Like article readings, book readings are most likely to be
for the purposes of research and writing (61.3 %, n = 57);
library-provided books more likely to be for these purposes
and less likely to be for personal pleasure. But scholarly
readings are also done for a wide variety of reasons,
including current awareness, teaching, making presenta-
tions, etc. Readings obtained from the library are most
likely to be for the purposes of research and writing.
Overall, library article readings average an importance-
to-purpose score of M = 3.6 on a five-point scale (where
1 = not at all important and 5 = absolutely essential), com-
pared to 3.3 for readings from other sources.
readings for research and writing are deemed to be of
higher value to purpose (M = 3.7) and library readings
most often are for this purpose. Library journal collec-
tions, therefore, make an important contribution to high
importance readings supporting the research work of
their scholars. Like article readings, book readings are
Table 5: Where articles and books are read, % (n) (Where were you
when you read this publication?).
Office/lab Home Library Traveling/
(n = )
. () . () . () . () . ()
. () . () . () . () . ()
(n = )
. () . () ()
() . ()
. () . () () . () . ()
1 chi
0.010. 2 Difference is statistically significant t = 3.072, df = 449, sig. 0.002.
Table 6: Principal purpose for article and book/book chapter
and writing
Teaching Current
(n = )
From the
. () . () . () . ()
. () . () . () . ()
(n =  )
From the
. () . () . () . ()
. (
) . () . () . ()
*Difference is statistically significant chi
Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections 159
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rated similarly important overall to the purpose, but read-
ings from the library and from other sources are not
significantly different (library readings rated as a mean
of 3.6 on a five-point scale and readings from elsewhere
rated as 3.4.)
Since simple Lickert scale scores are insufficient in
understanding use or outcomes value, because they fail
to describe how the readings might be applied in work, we
asked respondents to select from a variety of possible
outcomes to describe in what ways did the reading of
the article (or later, book) affect your work? The most
frequently selected outcome for articles was inspired new
ideas. Articles, whatever their source, result in many
positive outcomes (see Table 7). There are some significant
differences between article readings from the library or
obtained through other sources. Article readings from else-
where are significantly more likely to inspire new ideas
0.033) and readings from the library are more likely
to help me justify my work or make critical comments
0.000). Article readings from the library are also
more likely to be cited now or in the future (chi
Book readings have slightly different outcomes than
article readings, with helped justify my work,”“improved
the results, and changed the focus all selected more
often than inspired new ideas. The role of books in the
scholars work life is clearly somewhat different than the
role of articles. Books may be considered the cornerstones
where the development of a particular line of research is
presented in an in-depth manner, and compared to arti-
cles, books may be considered as providing a fuller over-
view of accumulated findings or current research on a
particular topic. As books are more often read for in-
depth argumentation and for providing philosophical
grounds for choosing a particular focus or theoretical
approach, book readings are also more often re-readings
than articles readings (one fourth of book readings were
re-readings). Books from the library are more likely to be
cited than books from other sources (26.8 % of library
books are cited compared to 17.3 % of books from other
sources (chi
Who is More Likely to Read from the Library?
(Demographic Differences)
Demographic questions provide insights into what type of
reader is more likely to read resources obtained from the
library. The following list shows where there are signifi-
cant differences in the amount of article or book reading
from the library versus other resources based on these
reader characteristics: age, rank/position, work responsi-
bilities, and type of research. Due to the much smaller
number of book readings, most of the significant differ-
ences are found within article readings:
Scholars in the age group of 3140 are significantly
more likely to obtain article readings from the library
0.000). Probably due to the small number of
responses, the difference between age and where
they obtain books is not statistically significant,
although scholars over age 50 appear to read more
books from sources other than the library (69 % from
other sources).
PhD-students read significantly more journal articles
from the library (two-thirds of their readings) (chi
0.001) when compared to professors (47.4 %), lecturers
(32.6 %), post-docs (55.6 %), and others (38.9 %).
Scholars who spend more than half of their time on
research activities (designated here as research inten-
sive) obtain a significantly higher percent of (chi
0.021) their journal articles readings from the library
Table 7: Outcomes from reading articles and books, % (n).
Journal articles (n = ) Scholarly books (n = )
From the library Other source From the library Other source
Inspired new ideas * . () . () . () . ()
Helped to justify my work ** . () . () . () . ()
Improved the results . () . () . () . ()
Changed the focus . () . () .
() . ()
Saved time and other resources . () . () . () . ()
Resolved technical problems . () . () . () . ()
Resulted in faster completion . () . () . () . ()
Made me question my work . () . () . (
) . ()
Resulted in collaboration . () . () . () . ()
Wasted my time . () . () . () . ()
** chi
0.000, *chi
160 Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections
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(52.4 %) when compared to teaching intensive scho-
lars (39.6 % of their article readings come from the
Scholars who say that they engage primarily in basic
research are significantly (chi
0.046) more likely to
obtain article readings from the library (54.5 %) than
scholars who engage primarily in applied research
(44.9 % of readings are from the library.)
Conclusions and Discussion
Although our article focuses on the differences between
identified library-provided reading and those obtained by
other means, we acknowledge that this analysis may
underestimate the important of library-connected readings.
That is, the librarys contribution is not limited to those
readings that respondents can absolutely identify as com-
ing from a library or departmental collection. For instance,
readings from institutional repositories (included here
with subject repositories) and the web are often as a
result of library efforts. Libraries expend much effort in
building and making discoverable repositories that include
articles and other materials authored by their communities
and patrons. Library link resolvers and authentication
protocols seamlessly link searches from web search
engines such as Google or Google Scholar to full texts of
articles held by a library subscription, so that to the
affiliated user it may appear that they were able to view
the text from the web without the librarysinvolvement.
By measuring outcomes and benefits of article and
book readings, we can provide a more nuanced view of
value and show how access to scholarly publications
help researchers, teachers, and doctoral students do
their work. When comparing library-provided readings
to those from other sources, this type of analysis also
demonstrates how provision of high-quality information
contributes to work and to the unique value contribution
of library collections.
The methods described here, including the critical
incident technique, can be used to measure the exchange
and use value of any library-provided collection or ser-
vice not just article or book collections. Our main goal
was to examine scholars behavior after obtaining the
reading and how the interaction with the librarys collec-
tions or services impacted the scholars work. The results
are, of course, self-reported and represented the percep-
tions or views of the respondents. However, the exact
numbers are less important than the overall trends and
Scholarly article and book readings contribute to the
work of researchers in several ways. Readings obtained
from the library are most likely to be for the purpose of
research and writing. This trend is consistent with past
studies (Tenopir and King 2004; Tenopir et al. 2015).
Scholars agreed that, overall, readings inspired new
ideas and readings from the library were more likely to
help justify their work or make critical comments.
The study found several values, in terms of outcomes
or benefits to readers, of readings from the library collec-
tion. Library articles readings ranked higher on an impor-
tance of purpose scale with a mean of 3.6 compared to a
mean of 3.3 for reading from other sources. Books from
the library are more likely to be cited than books from
other sources. Article readings are considered to be of
higher value for research and writing purposes and scho-
lars who spend more time on research activities obtain
significantly more articles from the library, indicating
that library journal collections are important to scholars
research work.
Furthermore, the contribution and value/benefits of
reading from the library collections differ from readings
obtained from other sources. Scholars who obtained their
last journal article reading from the library read more
articles in the last month than articles obtained from
other sources (24.26 versus 15.39).
Such human-centered measurement is, however,
labor intensive on the part of the assessment librarian
and the users. Therefore, these techniques are not some-
thing that a library would employ every year or even
every other year with the same population. As part of
an overall assessment strategy measuring outcomes and
benefits to users, these techniques provide a more com-
plete view of overall and lasting value of library
resources. Such an assessment strategy should include
periodic measures of outcomes from reading and benefits
to users, combined with ongoing implied value techni-
ques such as visits, class attendance, and downloads in
addition to the librarys contributions to the universitys
mission, and the benefits of access and services to users.
Although this study looks at researchers in just one
country, we believe results are more widely generalizable
as researchers in Finnish universities come from all over
the world and are widely fluent in multiple languages.
However, there are some unique characteristics of
Finnish access that need to be acknowledged. The nego-
tiation of e-journal site licenses for Finnish libraries is
undertaken by the nationwide FinELib consortium, equiva-
lent to a large regional consortium in larger countries;
therefore, in Finnish universities and research institutes
there is widespread access to e-journals from all major
Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections 161
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scholarly publishers and a growing collection of e-books.
The decision was made at a national level over a decade
ago to focus journal purchasing on electronic resources;
more recently e-books were favored over print books.
Individual libraries, however, can and do make individual
purchases of print materials.
Finally, a cautionary note. The broader context of
access is changing and these changes need to be taken
into account in any study of reading behaviors and the
library contribution. In an age of increasing ways to access
published information, including gold open access obtained
through publishers websites, green open access through
repositories or authors web sites, or sharing through
research sharing platforms, libraries cannot base their
main value on collections anymore. Readers have a growing
number of sources to access and obtain the information
resources that they need. The library does not have a mono-
poly on scholarly information in our increasingly e-con-
nected world. Libraries must concentrate on measuring
other outlets of value. For example, by enabling the reading
of high-quality materials through portals, finding aids,
training, and unique collections, providing a variety of
research data management services, educating users about
open science policies, and offering direct services to help
scholars work more efficiently and effectively, we can pro-
vide a more complete picture of library value in the future.
Appendix A
Proposed Survey of Scholarly Reading (Finland)
Section 1: Demographics
1. Which of the following best describes your academic
Life sciences
Physical sciences
Medical sciences
Computer science
Social sciences
Fine Arts
Other (please specify): ________________________
2. What is your specific discipline?
3. I currently work at:
University of applied sciences
State research institute
Other research institute
Other (please specify): ______________________
4. What is your academic status?
Director/manager of an institute
Assistant Professor
Project manager/program coordinator
Postdoctoral researcher
PhD candidate
Research assistant
Lecturer/university lecturer
Teacher/university teacher
Other (please specify): ______________________
5. What is your age?
6. What percentage of your work time do you spend
doing the following? (The total should equal 100 %.
If the answer is zero, please enter 0 instead of
leaving a blank.)
% Teaching ___________________________________
% Research and Writing ________________________
% Specialist work (chargeable services/research
assignments) ___________ _____ ________ ________
% Administration and service (academic/societal)
% Consulting/advising _________________________
% Other ______________________________________
7. The focus of my research is on:
Basic/academic research
Applied/practice-oriented research
Development/constructive research work
Other (please specify): ______________________
8. In the past two years, how many of the following
have you published? (If the answer is zero, please
0 instead of leaving a blank.)
National peer-reviewed scientific articles ________
International peer-reviewed scientific articles _____
National non-refereed scientific articles __________
International non-refereed scientific articles _______
Chapters in scholarly books ____________________
Scholarly books _______________________________
Conference proceedings ________________________
162 Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections
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Publications intended for the general public ____
Publications intended for professional communities
Public artistic and design activities ______________
Theses _______________________________________
Patents and innovation announcements _________
Audiovisual material, ICT software _______________
Other _________________________________________
9. In the past two years, have you received any awards
or special recognition for your research or other
profession-related contributions?
Section 2: Reading Practices
10. How important do you consider reading the follow-
ing types of publications for your work?
Scale: Absolutely essential, Very important, Important,
Somewhat important, Not at all important, I dont
Scholarly journals
Scholarly article compilations
Scholarly books
Conference proceedings
Research reports
Professional magazines/websites
Newspapers/news sites
Social media (e. g. blogs, Facebook, Twitter)
Other Internet resources
Popular science books
11. From which of the following scholarly fields do you
read literature for your work?
Scale: often, sometimes, never
Life sciences
Physical sciences
Medical sciences
Computer sciences
Social sciences
Fine arts
Other (please specify): ______________________
Section 3: Scholarly Article Reading (print and online)
12. In the past month (30 days), approximately how
many scholarly articles have you read? Articles
can include those found in journal issues, websites,
or separate copies such as preprints, reprints, and
other electronic or paper copies. Reading is defined
as going beyond the table of contents, title, and
abstract to the body of the article. If none, please
enter 0 instead of leaving a blank.)
Number of articles read (including skimmed) in
the past month:
____________________________ (If 0 skip to Q32)
The following questions in this section refer to
RECENTLY, even if you had previously read this arti-
cle. Note that while this last reading may not be
typical, it will help us establish the range of patterns
in reading behavior.
13. What year was the last article you read published/
Within the last year
Within the last 25 years
Within the last 610 years
Within the last 1115 years
More than 15 years ago
14. In what language was the article written?
Other (please specify): ______________________
15. How thoroughly did you read this article?
I read all of it with great care
I read parts of it with great care
I paid attention to the main points
I read only specific sections (e. g. figures,
I skimmed it just to get the idea
16. Had you previously read this article, i. e. is this a re-
17. How long (in minutes) did you spend reading this
last article at this reading?
In minutes: ____________________________________
18. How did you become aware of the last article you
Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections 163
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Found while browsing in a publication or website
(without a specific objective in mind) (skip to Q19)
Found while I (or someone on my behalf) was
searching (e. g. by subject or authors name)
(skip to Q20)
Cited in another publication (skip to Q21)
Another person (e. g. a colleague) told me about
it (skip to Q21)
Do not know/Do not remember (skip to Q21)
Other (please specify): ____________________
______________________________ (skip to Q21)
19. Found while browsing: (after answering, skip to
Personal print subscription
Personal online subscription
Library print subscription
Library online subscription
School, department etc. print subscription
School, department etc. online subscription
Open access journals
Research social networks (e. g. ResearchGate,
Other (please specify): ______________________
20. Found while I (or someone on my behalf) was
Web search engine (e. g. Google or Google Scholar)
Electronic indexing/abstracting service (e. g.
Academic Search Premier, Web of Science)
Print index or abstract
Online journal collection (e. g. JSTOR)
Online current awareness service (e. g. Current
Preprint/e-print service (e. g.
Open access journals
Research social networks (e. g. ResearchGate,
Other (please specify): _____________________
21. After you became aware of this article, from where
did you obtain it?
Personal subscription
Library subscription
School, department etc. subscription
Institutional or subject repository
Free web or open access journal
Preprint copy
Copy of the article from a colleague, author etc.
Interlibrary loan/document delivery service
An authors website
Other website
Research social networking sites (e. g.
Other (please specify): ______________________
22. This source was:
23. In what format was the article when you read it?
Print article in a print journal
Downloaded and printed on paper
Previously downloaded/saved and read on com-
puter screen
Online computer screen (desktop or laptop)
On a mobile phone, e-reader, or tablet screen
Other (please specify): ______________________
24. Where were you when you read this article?
Office or lab
Traveling or commuting
Elsewhere (please specify): __________________
25. For what principal purpose was this article read?
(Choose only the most relevant answer)
Current awareness/keeping up
Writing proposals, reports, articles etc.
Writing funding/grant opportunities
Consulting, advising others
Internal or external presentations (e. g. lecture
or conference paper)
Continuing education for self
Check or verify facts
Other (please specify): ______________________
26. For what other purposes did you read this article?
(Choose all that apply)
Current awareness/keeping up
Writing proposals, reports, articles etc.
Writing funding/grant opportunities
Consulting, advising others
Internal or external presentations (e. g. lecture
or conference paper)
Continuing education for self
Check or verify facts
Other (please specify): _____________________
164 Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections
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27. How important is the article to your work?
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Absolutely essential
28. In what ways did the reading of the article affect
your work? (Choose all that apply)
It improved the result
It narrowed/broadened/changed the focus
It inspired new thinking/ideas
It resulted in collaboration/joint research
It wasted my time
It resulted in faster completion
It resolved technical problems
It made me question my work
It helped to justify my work or make critical
It saved time or other resources
Other (please specify): ______________________
29. Did you cite this article or do you plan to cite it in a
paper or report?
Already did
Will in the future
30. Did you share the article or ideas raised by the
article in social media?
Yes, I shared the article
Yes, I shared the ideas raised by the article
No, but I will in the future
Section 4: Other Publication Reading (print and online)
31. In the past month (30 days) approximately how
many other publications (non-article readings)
did you read for work/research? Include books, con-
ference proceedings, government documents, tech-
nical reports, magazines, trade journals etc. A book
reading may include just reading a portion of the
book, such as skimming or reading a chapter (if
none, please enter 0 instead of leaving a blank.)
Scholarly books ____________________________
Scholarly book chapters _____________________
Article in conference proceedings _____________
Government documents or other technical or
research reports ____________________________
Article in newspapers/news sites _____________
Article in magazine/trade journals ____________
Non-fiction ________________________________
Fiction ____________________________________
Blogs _____________________________________
Other publications __________________________
The following questions in this section refer to
RECENTLY. Note that this last reading may not be
typical, but will help establish the range of patterns
in reading behavior.
32. What type of publication did you most recently
Scholarly book
Scholarly book chapter
Conference proceedings
Government document or other technical or
research report
Newspaper/news site
Magazine/trade journal
Other (please specify): ______________________
33. About how much total time (in minutes) did
you spend reading this publication in the past month?
34. What year was the last publication you read pub-
Within the last year
Within the last 25 years
Within the last 610 years
Within the last 1115 years
More than 15 years ago
35. How thoroughly did you read this publication?
I read all of it with great care
I read parts of it with great care
I paid attention to the main points
I read only specific sections (e. g. figures,
I skimmed it just to get the idea
36. In what language was the publication written?
Other (please specify): ______________________
37. How did you become aware of this last publication
from which you read?
Found while browsing (without a specific objec-
tive in mind)
Found while I (or someone on my behalf) was
searching (e. g. by subject or authors name)
Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections 165
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Cited in another publication
Another person (e. g. a colleague) told me about it
Promotional email or web advertisement
Do not know/Do not remember
Other (please specify): ______________________
38. After you became aware of this publication, from
where did you obtain it?
I bought it for myself
The library or archive collections
Interlibrary loan or document delivery service
School or department collection (e. g. not man-
aged by library)
Institutional or subject repository
A colleague, author, or other person provided it
to me
A free, advanced, or purchased copy from the
Author website
Other (please specify): ______________________
39. In what format was the publication when you read it?
Print (e. g. book, newspaper, etc.)
Downloaded and printed on paper
Online computer screen
Previously downloaded/saved and read on com-
puter screen
On a mobile, e-reader, or tablet screen
Other (please specify): _____________________
40. Had you previously read this publication (i. e. is this
a re-reading)?
41. Where were you when you read this publication?
Office or lab
Traveling or commuting
Elsewhere (please specify): __________________
42. For what principal purpose did you use, or do you
plan to use, the publication you read? (Choose only
the best answer)
Current awareness/keeping up
Writing proposals, reports, articles, etc.
Writing funding/grant opportunities
Consulting, advising others
Internal or external presentations (e. g. lecture
or conference paper)
Continuing education for self
Check or verify facts
Other (please specify): ______________________
43. For what other purposes did you read this publica-
tion? (Choose all that apply)
Current awareness/keeping up
Writing proposals, reports, articles etc.
Writing funding/grant opportunities
Consulting, advising others
Internal or external presentations (e. g. lecture
or conference paper)
Continuing education for self
Check or verify facts
Other (please specify): ______________________
44. How important is the information contained in this
publication to your work?
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Absolutely essential
45. In what ways did the reading of the publication
affect your work? (Choose all that apply)
It improved the result
It narrowed/broadened/changed the focus
It inspired new thinking/ideas
It resulted in collaboration/joint research
It wasted my time
It resulted in faster completion
It resolved technical problems
It made me question my work
It helped to justify my work or make critical
It saved time or other resources
Other (please specify): ______________________
46. Did you cite this publication or do you plan to cite it
in another publication (e. g. article, report, book,
published proceeding)?
Already did
Will in the future
47. Did you share the article or ideas raised by the
publication in social media?
Yes, I shared the publication
Yes, I shared the ideas raised by the publication
166 Carol Tenopir et al.: Benefits and Outcomes of Library Collections
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No, but I will in the future
Section 5: Social Media
Youre almost finished!
48. How important do you consider each of these plat-
forms to your work (e. g. research, teaching, etc.)?
Scale: not at all important, somewhat important,
important, very important, absolutely essential
Email lists or listservs
Blogging (e. g. Wordpress, Blogster)
Microblogging (e. g. Twitter, Tumblr)
Institutional repository
Cloud services (e. g. Dropbox, Google Drive)
Reference management software (e. g. Mendeley,
Research social networks (e. g. ResearchGate,
General social networks (e. g. Facebook,
Collaborative authoring (e. g. Google Docs,
User comments in articles
Image sharing (e. g. Instagram, Flickr)
Audio sharing (e. g. podcasts)
Video sharing (e. g. YouTube, Vimeo)
49. How important do you consider each of these e-pub-
lication features to your work (e. g. research, teaching,
Scale: not at all important, somewhat important,
important, very important, absolutely essential
Mobile phone compatible
Tablet compatible
Ability to share publication or content with
Enhanced navigation (ability to jump to foot-
notes, tables, and graphics and back to the
body of the text)
Note-taking and highlighting capability
Global language support (includes vertical writ-
ing and writing from right-to-right and vice versa)
Video embeddedness component
Audio embeddedness component
Other (please specify): ______________________
50. What other features/characteristics would you like
to see in e-scholarly articles in the future?
_____________ ___ ______ _____ ___ ______ ___ _____ _
_____________ ___ ______ _____ ___ ______ ___ _____ _
_____________ ___ ______ _____ ___ ______ ___ _____ _
_____________ ___ ______ _____ ___ ______ ___ _____ _
51. How has your reading and sharing of scholarly
materials changed in the last few years and how
do you expect it to change in the next year or two?
Youve reached the end of the survey. We appreciate
your participation. Thank you!
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