Weekend Masses
St. Patrick St. Mary
Sunday: 8:00 am Saturday: 5:00 pm
9:30 am Sunday: 11:30 am
11:00 am (Latin) Weekday Masses: see inside
Confessions: By Appointment Only. Please call the parish office
St. Patrick’s weekdays by appointment only.
St. Mary’s Church 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM on Saturdays by appointment only.
Social distancing and proper PPE required.
Music Ministries
St. Patrick’s / St. Mary’s Mission St. Mary’s Mission
David Gangl (guitar & cantor) Sara Papini (piano & cantor)
289-716-8699 647-335-5775
Youth Ministry
Zephania Gangl - Youth Minister
905-830-2644 or zgang[email protected]
Youth grades 7-12 Life Teen Leading Teens closer to Christ!
Celebrated at both St. Patrick Parish and St. Mary Mission. Baptism
registration forms are available at the parish office. Both parents are
required to be registered parishioners for 2 months prior to Baptism and
must attend 1 Baptism Catechism Class. Baptism certificates (original
or copy) are required from parents.
The engaged couple should contact their parish priest at least one year
in advance of the intended date of the wedding. The date will not be
confirmed until after the initial interview. One of the two must be a
registered parishioner of St. Patrick’s or St. Mary’s Church for at least
one year before the initial interview.
Marriage Preparation Course
St. Francis Retreat Centre 519-941-1747 Catholic Family Services 416-222-0048
The Paulist Centre 416-534-2326 Queen of Apostles Centre 905-278-5229
Our Lady of Grace Church (Angus) 705-424-1551
Marriage Counselling
Retrouvaille 416-281-6007 Marriage Encounter 905-278-5229
Catholic Family Services 416-222-0048
Cemeteries - Please contact Parish Office
St. Patrick’s Cemetery - 905-859-5522 - St. Mary’s Cemetery
In your kindness, please remember St. Patrick & St. Mary R. C. Church
Letters of Recommendation
For those being asked to act as Godparents for Baptism, Sponsors for
Confirmation, etc., letters of recommendation are only issued to active
parishioners who have been registered for at least 2 years at
St. Mary’s or St. Patrick’s Parish.
Parish Organizations
Finance Council: Financial Trustees
Allan McGuire, Vince Isgro, Luigi Carinci
CWL: St. Mary’s — Linda Freire 905-859-4958
St. Patrick’s — Josephine Dipietrantonio 416-788-3947
K of C: St. Mary’s — Robert Laurendi 905-859-8306
St. Patrick’s — John Pallotto 416-525-9450
Children’s Liturgy: St. Mary’s - Marisa Di Passa 416-887-2297
St. Patrick’s - Rose Pallotto 416-605-6843
Gruppo di Padre Pio: Carmela Iozzo 905-859-0732
Gruppo di St. Antonio: Emily Bifolchi 905-859-0281
St. Vincent de Paul Society: (call parish office) 905-859-5522
St. Mary’s Tree of Life: Sale of Memorial Leaves
Santino Ferri 905-859-7789
St. Mary’s & St. Patrick’s Hall Rental: Please contact Parish Office
New Parishioners
If you wish to be a registered member of St. Mary’s or St. Patrick’s
Parish, please contact the parish office for a registration form. The form
can be forwarded by email and returned via email to the parish office.
Once registered, a box of Collection Envelopes will be assigned to you,
which can be picked up at the parish office (by appointment).
(Income tax receipts of $100.00 minimum are issued for your financial
contributions). Pre-Authorized Giving Plan is also available.
(Please click here for link). Call the office to ask us about it!
First Friday (Sept. - June)
St. Patrick’s Parish: 9:00 am (Holy Mass followed by Holy Hour)
St. Mary’s Mission: 7:00 pm (Holy Mass followed by Holy Hour)
Visiting the Ailing & Homebound
Parishioners that wish to be visited by our Pastor on the 1st Friday of the
month for sacraments, please contact the parish office.
Mass Intentions
Mass intentions and memorial masses are requested through the parish
office. Mass cards are available upon request.
Catholic Schools
St. Patrick’s CES.-Schomberg 905-939-7753 (Mr. Tata)- Inter. Ms. Hill
St. Maximilian Kolbe C.H.S. - Aurora 905-727-5652 (Mr. Parente)
St. Mary’s C.E.S., Nobleton 905-859-3336 (Ms. D’Andrea)
Cardinal Carter C.H.S. - Aurora 905-727-2455 (Ms. Fraser)
Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
Is the best Roman Catholic T.V. and media network available through
your cable provider or online @ www.saltandlighttv.org
Papal Blessings For special celebrations, please click here:
www.vatican.va or www.elemosineria.va/papal-blessing-parchments/
P.O. Box 3991 Church St.
Schomberg, ON, L0G 1T0
Pastor: Rev. Ignacio Pinedo
Mission Established 1855
190 MacTaggart Dr.
Nobleton, ON, L0G 1N0
Parish Office
Tel: (905) 859 5522 Fax: (905) 859 5410
New Parish Office Email: [email protected]
Blessing of the Church
October 2, 2010 A.D.
100th Anniversary
2015 A.D.
New Websites: St. Patrick’s Parish: stpatrickssc.archtoronto.org
St. Mary’s Mission: stmarysno.archtoronto.org
Wed. Jan. 5 9:00 am Parishioners (pro Populo)
Thurs. Jan. 6 9:00 am Parishioners (pro Populo)
Fri. Jan. 7 9:00 am First Friday - Month of January
†Domenico & Antonietta Lancia
req M & G Lancia
Sun. Jan. 9 8:00 am †Tom, Hilda & Michael O'Hara
req Paul & Mary Kavanagh
9:30 am (Livestream)
Parishioners (pro Populo)
Roses for Our Lady of Guadalupe
at St. Mary’s Mission
Thank you to the following for donating
to the weekly devotion,
Roses for Our Lady of Guadalupe
for the week of January 1 7
In Memory of Katarina Cassar Anonymous
Sanctuary Light Offering at St. Patrick’s Parish
and St. Mary’s Mission
Thank you to the following for their offering
towards the Sanctuary Light at St. Patrick’s Church
for the week of January 1 7
In memory of Robert Campbell - Pauline Campbell
Sacrament of Confirmation
Zoom Parent Meeting
Grade 7+ Students
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 @ 7:30 pm
Dear Parents/guardians of students in grade 7 (or older), we
will be hosting an on-line parent information meeting
regarding the registration dates and the preparation program
for those students who wish to receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation in 2022. A letter with more details will be sent
out to parents through our parish schools shortly.
If your child(ren) are in a private/public school or if you are
not a registered parishioner of St. Patrick’s Parish or
St. Mary’s Mission, please contact the parish office.
Fri. Jan. 7 7:00 pm First Friday - Month of January
Katarina Cassar req Gangl Family
Sat. Jan. 8 5:00 pm †Giuseppe Isgro
req Franca & Shawn Bunnell & Family
Sun. Jan. 9 11:30 am Edward Paul Godler
req Godler Family
S O L E M N I T I E S O F M A R Y , T H E H O L Y M O T H E R O F G O D & E P I P H A N Y O F T H E L O R D
Friday, December 31 & Monday, Jan. 3, 2022
Normal office hours resume on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022
New Years Parish Office Closure
Friday, January 7
Sunday, February 13, 2022 2:30 p.m.
St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica
As part of Marriage Sunday 2022 celebrations,
Bishop Robert Kasun, will preside at a special Mass to
honour married couples celebrating milestone anniversaries
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th or 60+ in 2022
Due to social distancing, cathedral attendance is limited to
pre-registered couples celebrating milestone wedding anni-
versaries and a max. of one (1) guest per celebrant couple.
Given the limited attendance at the cathedral, we encourage
milestone celebrants to register early. Those who are not
able to register may join the celebration via livestream Mass:
www.stmichaelscathedral.com/live. The broadcast will begin
at 2:15 p.m. To register, visit www.archtoronto.org/marriage
Chancery Loan for Land Cost $ 394,455 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Less payment-Family of Faith Funds - $ 288
$ 394,167 (Dec. 31, 2020)
Update of St. Mary’s Archdiocesan Loan
$ 666,874.00 Mortgage/Debt (as of January 31, 2021)
- $ 20,000.00 Paid to Principal (as of November 30, 2021)
$ 646,874.00 Mortgage/Debt (as of November 30, 2021)
***Interest Paid To Date $ 348,715.00*** (Loan at 4%)
Please note, the next St Mary’s Mortgage
Fund collection is Jan. 8/9, 2022
Bills to be Paid!!
St. Mary’s- Mortgage Interest Payment (due Jan., 2022)$ 6,700
Diocesan Assess. (up to June, 2021) Balance due $ 24,215
St. Patrick’s-Diocesan Assess. (up to June, 2021) due $ 22,098
Weekend of December 25/26, 2021 Collections
St. Mary’s Mission Sunday Offering
St. Mary’s Mortgage Fund Offering
St. Patrick’s Parish Sunday Offering
Click on the Icon for various giving options!
$ 4,545,00
$ 4,709.00
($ 537.00)
$ 8,717.00
$ 2,905.00
$ 1,360.00
$ 5,191.00
($ 4,021.00)
$ 2,530.00
Thank you for your continued financial support!
St. Mary Knights of Columbus
Council #12454 - Nobleton, Ontario
Come and join us in strengthening our Catholic Community,
in faith, charity and fraternity.”
Grand Knight: Robert Laurendi 905-859-8306
Deputy Grand Knight: David Sardone 905-859-8173
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Being a Visible Witness
As we continue along in this wondrous season of Christmas, we
are invited to reflect on the Epiphany of the Lord this Sunday.
The word epiphany means “to make manifest” or “to make
known.” So on this feast day we are celebrating how God made
himself known to all the nations, which is symbolized through the
visit of the foreign Magi. As stewards, we are called to help the
Church in her efforts to continue to make Christ known to the
ends of the earth.
The way of stewardship is essentially a call to evangelization.
The greatest gift we can share with others is not money or food,
but the knowledge and love of Christ. Pope Francis says that
“we cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes, in our communi-
ties, when so many people are waiting for the Gospel!” We must
go out of our comfort zone to bring others to Jesus.
One way we can evangelize others is by simply living as visible
Catholic disciples in our world. In today’s secular culture, any act
of religiosity is seen as a radical witness of our faith.
For example, whenever we are eating in public, we can begin
with the sign of the cross and our grace before meals. Moreover,
St. John Paul II said that we should not be “ashamed to recite
the Rosary alone, while you walk along the streets to school, to
the university or to work, or as you commute by public trans-
port.” Let us strive to be a sign of our faith to the world.
Stewardship Reflection
1st Reading: Isaiah 60.1-6
2nd Reading:
Ephesians 3.2-3a, 5-6
Gospel: Matthew 2.1-12
The Visit of the Wise Men
On entering the house, they saw the child with
Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him hom-
age. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts
of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” God asks us to give our lives.
What treasures have been given to you to share with others in
Christ’s name? If God is calling you to be a priest, religious or
deacon Contact Fr. Matt McCarthy, Vocations Director Email:
vocations@archtoronto.org or
at: 416-968-0997 or visit: www.vocationstoronto.ca
For information on discernment click here
D E C E M B E R 3 1 - J A N U A R Y 2
Gifts of Securities-Donating Securities to Your
Parish or Archdiocese of Toronto Charities
A donation of securities is one of the easiest and smart-
est ways to donate in Canada. When you donate
securities to the Archdiocese of Toronto, you put stock
in knowing that you are creating the greatest impact on
the Church and those we serve. Consider making a gift
of securities to your parish or any one of our archdioce-
san charities.
With a gift of securities, you can receive an immediate
donation receipt for the fair market value of the security.
In addition, there is no capital gains tax applied to any
benefit received from the sale of these securities. Listed
securities include, stocks, bonds and mutual funds. The
Archdiocese does not charge fees or commissions of
any kind. There is only a $150 brokerage fee charged by
our broker. You are strongly encouraged to seek profes-
sional advice from a private financial professional before
deciding upon any charitable gift using personal assets.
To donate listed securities, you can obtain our form, the
letter of direction, by visiting the following link: https://
bit.ly/GiftofSecurities or email: tribute@archtoronto.org.
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Catholic Women’s League of Canada
St. Mary’s of Nobleton
Spirituality Sisterhood
Service Social Justice
Put your faith into action!
Linda Freire President 905-859-4958
Andrzej Dziura
2694 10th Sideroad, Beeton, ON
Tel: (905)729-0009 Fax: (905)729-4964
Cell: (416)881-2914
Email: yav[email protected]a
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Rosa D’Amario
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Joseph Gulizia
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Egan Funeral Home
203 Queen Street South
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Phone: (905) 857-2213
Assisting families who have suffered a loss.
Highway 9 Farmer’s Market
John & Joe
3890 Hwy 9, RR# 1
(west of hwy 400)
King, L0G 1J0
Phone: 905-775-8605
Tel: (905) 859-3848
5815 King Road
Nobleton, ON
Anna Maria Lapadula
905-859-0167 / 647-331-0167
Mattress & Pillow Covers
1 Mary, Mother of God
2 Saint Basil the Great
3 Most Holy Name of Jesus
4 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
5 Saint John Neumann
6 Saint André Bessette
7 Saint Raymond of
8 Saint Angela of Foligno
9 Saint Adrian of Canterbury
10 Saint Gregory of Nyssa
11 Blessed William Carter
12 Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys
13 Saint Hilary of Poitiers
14 Saint Gregory Nazianzen
15 Saint Paul the Hermit
16 Saint Berard and
17 Saint Anthony of Egypt
18 Saint Charles of Sezze
19 Saint Fabian
20 Saint Sebastian
21 Saint Agnes
22 Saint Vincent of Zaragossa
23 Saint Marianne Cope
24 Saint Francis de Sales
25 Conversion of Saint Paul
26 Saints Timothy and Titus
27 Saint Angela Merici
28 Saint Thomas Aquinas
29 Servant of God Brother Juniper
30 Blessed Mary Angela
31 Saint John Bosco
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut and place in offertory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
PLEASE JOIN US fill out below or call the following numbers:
Name ________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________
Email _______________________________________________________
Catholic Women’s League
St Patrick (416) 788-3947
St Mary (905) 859-4958
Knights of Columbus
St Patrick (416) 525-9450
St Mary (905) 859-8306
(Click on the Saint name to link to read their story)
Prayer to Mary, Mother of the Church
and Mother of our faith -
Pope Francis
other, help our faith!
Open our ears to hear God’s word
and to recognize His voice and call.
Awaken in us a desire to follow in His footsteps, to go
forth from our own land and to receive His promise.
Help us to be touched by His love,
that we may touch Him in faith.
Help us to entrust ourselves fully to Him and to believe
in His love, especially at times of trial, beneath the
shadow of the cross, when our faith is called to mature.
Sow in our faith the joy of the Risen One.
Remind us that those who believe are never alone.
Teach us to see all things with the eyes of Jesus,
that He may be light for our path.
And may this light of faith always increase in us,
until the dawn of that undying day which is
Christ himself, your Son, our Lord!
Seating will be on a first come, first serve basis.
Please note, there will be no 5:00 PM Vigil Mass
on Saturday, January 1, 2022.
Consecration to Jesus
through Mary
A 33-day Online Course
Starting January 10th, 2022
Method of Prayer & Meditation According to
St. Louis de Montfort
Through this 33-day program you are giving Our Lady all of
yourself - heart, mind, and soul. Follow the meditations and
daily prayers at your own pace in the peace of your home or
anywhere, anytime. Register to participate in the preparation
course offered to you free of charge by the Heralds of the
Gospel. or go to https:/heralds.thinkific.com/.
Please note, the Holy Rosary Group on Zoom will resume in
Feb. 2022. More details to follow.
Thank you to St. Patrick’s Knights of
Columbus for their donation of $1,100 to
St. Patrick’s Parish from the MacGregor
Meats and Seafood Christmas Fundraiser.
We thank all those who made purchases to
support this parish fundraising initiative.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank
our parishioners for their donations
towards the poinsettias to decorate our
churches as well as the Highway 9
Farmer’s Market and Bradford
Greenhouses for their support.
John Pallotto
(416) 525-9450
Catholic Women’s League of Canada
St. Patrick’s of Schomberg
Spirituality Sisterhood
Service Social Justice
Put your faith into action!
Josephine Dipietrantonio
President 416-788-3947
Knights of Columbus
St. Patrick’s of Schomberg
Engaged in Service
Become a Knight!
17250 Highway 27, Schomberg
(905) 939-7372