Preparing Manuscripts for Publication
in Psychology Journals:
A Guide for New Authors
American Psychological Association
Washington, DC
Copyright © 2010 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.
Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this
publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a
database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
A previous version of this paper was authored by Robert C. Calfee and Richard R.
Valencia. The paper was revised extensively to reflect guidelines contained in the sixth
edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Published by
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
The Journal Publication Process......................................................................................... 2
Submitting a Manuscript for Publication........................................................................ 2
The Peer Review Process................................................................................................ 3
“Quick Read”.................................................................................................................. 3
Actions Taken on a Manuscript...................................................................................... 4
Characteristics of a Strong Manuscript............................................................................... 6
Substantive Aspects........................................................................................................ 6
Title and abstract......................................................................................................... 7
Introduction................................................................................................................. 7
Method........................................................................................................................ 7
Results and discussion. ............................................................................................... 8
Tables and figures....................................................................................................... 9
Ethical Considerations.................................................................................................... 9
Style ................................................................................................................................ 9
Converting One’s Dissertation Into a Journal Article....................................................... 11
Deciding to Submit the Manuscript.............................................................................. 11
Adapting a Dissertation for Publication........................................................................ 11
Brevity and focus...................................................................................................... 11
Evaluation of analyses. ............................................................................................. 12
Interpretation of results............................................................................................. 12
Writing style.............................................................................................................. 12
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 14
References......................................................................................................................... 15
Manuscript Preparation Guide
This guide provides an overview of the process of preparing and submitting a scholarly
manuscript for publication in a psychology journal. Drawing on the experiences of
authors of scholarly writings, peer reviewers, and journal editors, we seek to demystify
the publication process and to offer advice designed to improve a manuscript’s prospects
of publication. To exemplify the process, we describe specific publication procedures for
journals of the American Psychological Association.
As anyone planning to submit a manuscript for publication is well aware, the
process of conceptualizing testable research questions, reviewing the literature,
conducting experiments, performing analyses, interpreting results, and, finally, writing a
paper that effectively describes the study and communicates the findings involves large
investments of time and energy. When one also considers the pressure to publish in
academic settings; the high rejection rates of prestigious journals, APA journals being
among these; and the waiting period for a publication decision, the stress that can
accompany the process becomes readily understandable.
Yet, the rewards of discovery and contribution to the literature of psychological
science are substantial. In the research and writing process, scholars are likely to meet
exciting challenges in developing their intellectual and creative potential. Through
publication, authors have a unique opportunity to build on previous discoveries and add
to the lore of science.
We therefore encourage new authors to take heart, recognizing that, like any
worthwhile endeavor, developing skills in conducting research and writing scholarly
manuscripts is a learning process. Those embarking on this journey need not feel alone
but rather are encouraged to seek mentors and colleagues to help guide them in the genre
of psychological science. It is in this spirit that the current guide was written.
We cover three areas of journal publication. First, we present an overview of the
process, focusing on manuscript submission and peer review, affording readers a behind-
the-scenes view of the ways in which a new manuscript might be approached by an editor
or a reviewer. This is followed by a more detailed discussion of some characteristics of a
strong manuscript, which are drawn alongside shortcomings that may detract from a
manuscript’s publication potential. Finally, because a new scholar’s initial manuscript
submission is often developed from the dissertation, we offer some suggestions for
converting a dissertation into a journal article.
Manuscript Preparation Guide
The Journal Publication Process
In this section, we provide an overview of journal publication from an editorial
perspective. We consider the front end of the process, beginning with submission of a
manuscript for journal publication and proceeding to consideration of the peer review
Submitting a Manuscript for Publication
The selection of the journal to which one’s manuscript will be submitted is an important
one. A manuscript of more specific, local interest may be better suited to a more
specialized journal, whereas one with broad interest across subdisciplines may reach a
wider audience in a journal with a more generalist approach, such as Psychological
Bulletin or the American Psychologist.
A key criterion in publication decisions is the manuscript’s fit for the particular
journal and the readership of that journal. Colleagues and mentors in one’s field are likely
to be well versed in the types of manuscripts published by various journals in the field
and can serve as additional resources in making the selection.
One may also wish to consider the quality and reputation of the journal. Both the
journal’s impact factor (a measure of how frequently its articles are cited in other
journals) and its rejection rate provide indices of its quality. For APA journals, impact
factors are listed in the current Periodicals Catalog of the Journals Program of the
American Psychological Association (www.apa.org), and rejection rates are published
annually in the archival (August) issue of the American Psychologist. As ethical
guidelines prohibit submission of a manuscript elsewhere while it is under consideration
for a particular journal, timeliness considerations may also guide one’s choice.
Manuscripts for APA journals are to be submitted according to the “APA Journals
Manuscript Instructions for All Authors” on the APA website as well as the specific
Instructions to Authors for the journal of interest, which are published in the individual
journals and also posted on the APA website. An online manuscript portal, the Journals
Back Office (www.jbo.com), facilitates the process of submission, allowing authors to
upload their manuscripts in a few steps through a common online entry point.
General guidelines for preparing the manuscript for submission are summarized in
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.; APA, 2010,
pp. 228–231). Authors may also find the document “Checklist for Manuscript
Submission” on the APA website helpful for preparing manuscripts for APA journals.
On receipt, the journal editor may give the manuscript a preliminary read to
ensure that it generally adheres to APA Style, that the content is within the purview of the
journal, and that the type of article (e.g., empirical study, theoretical review) is
appropriate for the journal. If a manuscript is clearly inappropriate, the editor informs the
author. Otherwise, the author can expect the manuscript to undergo peer review. The
review process can vary in length, but authors can anticipate a response regarding the
publication decision within 2–3 months.
Manuscript Preparation Guide
The Peer Review Process
Fundamental to progress in science is its nature as shared knowledge and understanding
about the world. In the words of Hengl and Gould (2006), “the core goal of any scientific
work is to make discoveries and explain them” (p. 3). Much of this communication
occurs through the exchange of ideas and findings in scholarly publications. Essential to
this constructive, communicative process is that scientists understand and work within the
social conventions of their respective disciplines (Committee on Science, Engineering,
and Public Policy; National Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Engineering; &
Institute of Medicine, 1995).
A key convention in the publication of research is the peer review process, in
which the quality and potential contribution of each manuscript is evaluated by one’s
peers in the scientific community. Like other scientific journals, APA journals routinely
utilize a peer review process to guide manuscript selection and publication decisions.
Toward the goal of impartiality, the majority of APA journals follow an established
masked review policy, in which authors’ and reviewers’ identities are concealed from
each other.
APA journal reviewers are scholars selected by the action editor (typically, the
journal editor or associate editor) to review a manuscript on the basis of their expertise in
particular content areas of their field. To enhance objectivity, two to three peer reviewers
typically are selected to evaluate a manuscript. In addition to technical expertise, criteria
for selection of reviewers may include familiarity with a particular controversy or
attention to a balance of perspectives (APA, 2010, p. 226). Whereas the journal editor
holds final responsibility for a manuscript, the editor usually weights reviewers’ inputs
Authors can expect their manuscripts to be reviewed fairly, in a skilled,
conscientious manner. Reviewers are held to demanding standards: They must (a) present
a clear decision regarding publication, considering the quality of the manuscript, its
scientific contribution, and its appropriateness for the particular journal; (b) support the
recommendation with a detailed, comprehensive analysis of the quality and coherence of
the study’s conceptual basis, methods, results, and interpretations; and (c) offer specific,
constructive suggestions to authors.
“Quick Read”
After reviews are in hand but before considering the reviews in detail, the decision editor
(either the editor or associate editor) scans the paper to gain an independent view of the
work. This “quick read” provides a foundation for the more thorough reading that
follows—it by no means determines the final decision. On the other hand, it probably
parallels how authors can expect many reviewers (and readers) to approach their papers.
First, the editor scans the paper from beginning to end for obvious flaws in the
research substance and writing style. If problems show on the surface, a deeper reading is
likely to uncover other matters needing attention. The quick-read process is relatively
simple. In the initial examination of your manuscript, the editor or associate editor will
follow these general guidelines:
Manuscript Preparation Guide
Read the abstract. The editor thinks about the following questions: What is
the sense of the research question, methodology, findings, and interpretations?
Major problems in the abstract often reflect internal flaws. The major goal in
reading the abstract is to understand the research question. Is it clearly
defined, relevant, and supported by the methodology? APA publication policy
emphasizes conclusion-oriented abstracts: What did the research find, and
what do the findings mean?
Examine the full manuscript. If it is more than 35 typed, double-spaced pages
(including references, tables, and figures), this could pose a problem for some
journals. How long are the introduction and the Discussion section relative to
other sections of the paper?
Scan the paper’s headings. Are they well organized? Does a clear structure
emerge? If not, the author has not achieved coherence.
Scan the references. Are they in APA Style? If not, the author is not using
APA publication format.
Scan the tables and figures. Do they portray the information clearly? Can they
stand alone without captions? Are they well constructed and in APA Style? A
“no” to any of these questions suggests problems in the author’s presentation
of findings. If the text contains a large number of statistics, could they be
more appropriately put into tables or figures?
Finish the quick read by reading a page or two from each section of the
paper. How often does the red pen jump into the mental fingers? Do problems
result from sloppiness or something deeper? Are there long paragraphs (more
than a page) and sentences (more than three lines)? Does the author
communicate skillfully? Writing problems can signal more serious
The quick read leads to an initial impression of the care with which a manuscript
has been prepared. Weaknesses do not necessarily speak to the quality of the research,
but they do reflect barriers to understanding the work and give a sense of the paper’s
quality and suitability for publication. Authors preparing their own papers should ask
themselves questions like those listed above.
Actions Taken on a Manuscript
After completing a quick read, the decision editor scrutinizes the manuscript and the
reviews. The following categories constitute the editorial actions that may be taken on a
Manuscript Preparation Guide
Rejection. The flaws that lead to this decision generally center on substantive
or methodological issues. A manuscript is usually rejected because (a) it is
outside the area of coverage of the journal; (b) it contains serious flaws of
design, methodology, analysis, or interpretation; or (c) it is judged to make
only a limited novel contribution to the field. Below, we further discuss
problems that may increase the probability of rejection.
Rejection with invitation to revise and resubmit. In some cases, manuscripts
may have publication potential but are not yet ready for final publication. The
study as presented may not merit acceptance as is but may warrant
consideration after substantive revision (e.g., reorganizing the conceptual
structure, conducting additional experiments, or modifying analyses). The
action editor will give the author an invitation to revise and resubmit for
another round of reviews (usually with the same reviewers). An action editor
cannot guarantee acceptance of a revised manuscript, but authors who respond
flexibly and attend closely to suggested revisions enhance their chances for an
acceptance. Authors are advised to include a detailed cover letter outlining
their responses to the revisions.
Acceptance. In very few cases, a manuscript may be accepted for publication
on first reading, with only minor revisions required. More typically,
acceptances follow the successful revision of a manuscript previously rejected
with invitation to revise and resubmit. Once a manuscript is accepted, it enters
the production phase of publication. At this point, no further changes can be
made by the author other than those suggested by the copyeditor.
New scholars who wish to learn more about the editorial and peer review process
as it operates with APA journals are referred to “The Publication Process” (Chapter 8 of
the Publication Manual; APA, 2010; see also Eichorn & VandenBos, 1985).
Manuscript Preparation Guide
Characteristics of a Strong Manuscript
Before describing the characteristics of a good manuscript, we turn briefly to problems
associated with a poor one. Bartol (1983, cited in Eichorn & VandenBos, 1985) identified
chief problems as the following:
inadequate review of the literature,
inappropriate citations,
unclear introduction,
ambiguous research questions,
inadequately described sample,
insufficient methodology,
incompletely described measures,
unclear statistical analysis,
inappropriate statistical techniques,
poor conceptualization of discussion,
discussion that goes beyond the data,
poor writing style, and
excessive length.
Sternberg (1988) gave a list of misconceptions about research manuscripts, which may
help new authors avoid common pitfalls.
Beyond the more serious shortcomings highlighted above, Kupfersmid and
Wonderly (1994) have drawn attention to the problems of the lack of relevancy and
scientific contribution of a number of articles that are, in fact, published in professional
journals. Clearly, creating a strong empirical or review manuscript that contributes to
scientific knowledge requires thought and planning at each stage of the research and
writing process.
Below we highlight features of substance and style that pertain to the quality of
the manuscript and have bearing on its evaluation in the editorial review process.
Throughout we refer to relevant sections of the Publication Manual (APA, 2010). The
manual picks up where this guide leaves off, providing authors with a rich source of
information on both substantive concerns and APA Style, which is well established as the
gold standard in editorial style for a wide range of disciplines in addition to psychology.
Substantive Aspects
Central to the quality of an empirical research paper or literature rev
iew is its substantive
core—that is, the research questions that are posed; the ways in which they are
conceptualized; and the methodological soundness with which they are studied, assessed,
and interpreted. From this perspective, we consider, in turn, various sections of the
manuscript and refer the interested reader to more extensive description of the qualities of
Manuscript Preparation Guide
a strong research paper in the Publication Manual (APA, 2010; see also Bem, 2004;
Hengl & Gould, 2006; Kupfersmid & Wonderly, 1994; Sternberg, 1988).
Title and abstract. The title and the abstract are key elements that inform the
reader of the contents of the manuscript and, as a rule, are the parts of the manuscript that
gain the widest exposure. Haggan (2003) observed a trend toward increasing
informativeness of titles and referred to them as “texts in miniature,” which in this fast-
paced world of information overload “must add to the reader’s mental representation of
the world” (p. 312). Given the title’s prominence, we encourage authors to exercise
thought and creativity in selecting a title that will capture the reader’s attention and
clearly inform the reader of the contents within.
Similarly, the abstract is read by far more readers than is the average article. The
abstract serves important purposes in summarizing the hypotheses, design, and findings
of the study and in representing the article in indexing databases. Readers frequently
decide whether to delve further into an article on the basis of the abstract. Thus, a well-
written abstract that conveys the research questions and findings succinctly can entice
readers to learn more. It is not an understatement to say that “a well-prepared abstract can
be the most important single paragraph in an article” (APA, 2010, p. 26).
Some journals use structured abstracts, in which participants, methods, results,
and conclusions are set off in separate sections. Regardless of whether these elements are
formally set off, authors should include these aspects of the study and seek to provide the
information accurately and coherently and in a nonevaluative manner.
Introduction. A strong introduction engages the reader in the problem of interest
and provides a context for the study at hand. In introducing the research concern, the
writer should provide a clear rationale for why the problem deserves new research,
placing the study in the context of current knowledge and prior theoretical and empirical
work on the topic. Responsible scholarship stipulates that the writer properly credit the
work of others. Whereas it is impractical to exhaustively describe all prior research, the
most current and relevant studies should be cited. Swales and Feak (2004) identified four
cornerstones of the introduction in a research paper, advising authors
to establish current knowledge of the field;
to summarize previous research, providing the wider context and background
and the importance of the current study;
to set the stage for the present research, indicating gaps in knowledge and
presenting the research question; and
to introduce present research, stating its purpose and outlining its design.
Within this framework, the writer states the hypotheses of the current study and their
correspondence to the research design (APA, 2010, pp. 27–28).
Method. In both quantitative and qualitative research, the use of appropriate
methods of participant sampling, study design, measures, and statistical analysis critically
influences the study’s methodological soundness. Calfee and Valencia (2007) suggested
that good methodology can be described by the two “Cs”—clean and clear.
Manuscript Preparation Guide
The soundness of the study hinges on clean methodology, that is, use of
appropriate, valid, and unflawed methods of sampling and use of instruments,
procedures, and analysis. In a clean study, Calfee and Valencia (2007) noted that the
researcher ensures that
sample variables are free of confounding influences (e.g., education is
controlled for),
recruitment and sampling techniques are appropriate,
measures are reliable and valid for assessing the variables of interest, and
the statistical procedures are appropriate and sufficiently sophisticated to
examine the data and are carried out appropriately.
The ideal Method section is written in a clear manner, such that another
researcher could duplicate the study. Toward this end, the writer should provide a
thorough description of methods of recruitment, participant characteristics, measures and
apparatus, and procedures. Recruitment methods and effects of attrition should be
articulated. The writer should take care to thoroughly describe the sample with regard to
demographic characteristics, including notation of any characteristics that may have
bearing on the results (e.g., socioeconomic status). This information assists the reader in
understanding the characterization of the current sample and the degree to which results
may be generalizable. Measures should be appropriately referenced, including notation of
their reliability and validity, and any adaptations to their customary use should be noted.
In a clear study, the author explicates the research design and plan for analysis, noting
whether conditions were manipulated or naturalistic, whether groups were randomly
assigned, and whether the design explored variables within or between participants
(APA, 2010).
Results and discussion. The Results section should include a summary of the
collected data and analyses, which follows from the analytic plan. All results should be
described, including unexpected findings. Authors should include both descriptive
statistics and tests of significance. The Publication Manual provides information on tests
of significance, including null hypothesis testing, effect sizes, confidence intervals,
inferential statistics, and supplementary analyses.
In the Discussion section, the writer evaluates and interprets the findings. This
section should begin with a statement of support or nonsupport for the original
hypotheses in light of the findings. If the hypotheses were not supported, the author
considers post hoc explanations. In interpreting the results, authors consider sources of
bias and other threats to internal validity, imprecision of measures, overall number of
tests or overlap among tests, effect sizes, and other weaknesses of the study (APA, 2010,
p. 35).
Limitations and a discussion of the importance of the findings should conclude
the discussion. Providing a link to future research, the author may offer recommendations
for further study. More specific recommendations are more useful. As Skelton (1994)
observed, researchers too often end their papers with a recommendation that is “too
imprecise to be operationalized, or too grand to be implemented by a decision at much
lower than a ministerial level” (p. 459).
Manuscript Preparation Guide
Tables and figures. Tables and figures are particularly valuable for conveying
large amounts of information and for showing relationships among data. The expanding
development of advanced tools for graphic display provides authors with greater
flexibility and capability for illustrating their results. Such tools can convey information
in visually engaging ways that facilitate the reader’s understanding of comparisons and
evaluations of change over time. Authors should avoid duplicate reporting of data but
instead should decide on the most comprehensible ways of presenting the information,
whether it is through text or through tabular or graphic form.
Good tables and figures should be structured according to APA Style and be clear
and self-explanatory so that, with their captions, they can stand apart from the text. In
addition to Chapter 5 of the Publication Manual on displaying results, the interested
writer may wish to consult the APA publication, Displaying Your Findings (Nicol &
Pexman, 2010), as well as the article on this topic published in the American Psychologist
(Smith, Best, Stubbs, Archibald, & Roberson-Nay, 2002).
Ethical Considerations
In planning for and conducting a study, researchers should consult the “Ethical Principles
of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” (APA, 2002) as well as the ethical guidelines of
the institution where the research was conducted. The APA Ethics Code requires that
researchers ensure approval by relevant institutional review boards and obtain informed
consent from all participants. Fulfillment of these requirements should be noted in the
Method section. Researchers should take care to exercise proper conduct in administering
measures and carrying out experiments with participants. When applicable, participants
should be thoroughly debriefed, and such procedures should be indicated in the
Style in scholarly m
anuscripts can refer to various aspects of the writing technique. Here,
we highlight editorial style and writing style. Authors preparing a manuscript for
submission will want to attend closely to APA editorial style, the mechanics of
convention laid out in the Publication Manual—the decisive resource for capitalization,
italics, abbreviations, heading structure, and so forth. The Publication Manual also
includes guidance on avoiding bias in language, which is particularly important in
demonstrating sensitivity to such concerns as participants’ mental illness and cultural
A strong manuscript will demonstrate the author’s command of writing style in
the academic genre of a research article. Tardy and Swales (2008) characterized writing
genres in the following way:
Written texts are known to have culturally preferred shapes that structure their
overall organization and influence their internal patterning. These shaping forces,
Manuscript Preparation Guide
at both general and local levels, are neither incidental nor accidental; rather, they
exist to provide orientations for both readers and writers. (p. 565)
Learning the language of the genre will contribute to the production of a
technically sound, well-written manuscript. In the case of an empirical research article,
perhaps the most apparent feature is its standard structure, which follows some variation
on the format of Introduction–Method–Results–Discussion. Beyond this organizational
frame, however, there are a number of major and more subtle features that characterize
the empirical research article.
A good research article hinges on its coherence and organization. These aspects of
the article are influenced by the ways in which the study evolves from the data. Whereas
a typical psychology research article will follow a standard framework of ordered
sections, as noted above, a coherent article is not usually written in the order of these
sections but instead develops from the data analyses. As expressed by Bem (2004) in his
chapter on the empirical research article,
There are two possible articles you can write: (a) the article you planned to write
when you designed your study or (b) the article that makes the most sense now
that you have seen the results. They are rarely the same, and the correct answer is
(b). (p. 186)
Although the research paper should be guided outward from the hypotheses and
resulting data, the paper should be guided by ideas and one’s point of view. As stated by
Sternberg (1988), “Facts are presented in service of ideas: to help elucidate, support, or
refute these ideas. They provide a test against which the validity of ideas can be
measured” (p. 4). Along these lines, an organizing principle of strong research papers is
to convey central features first, followed by more peripheral or less important aspects
(Bem, 2004).
Whereas selectivity in presentation is important, it is crucial to present facts
objectively, both those that refute and those that support one’s position. “Scientists
demand that scientific reporting be scrupulously honest. Without such honesty, scientific
communication would collapse” (Sternberg, 1988, p. 5).
Additional suggestions for writing accurate, clear, and concise research articles
are provided in Chapter 3 of the Publication Manual, which discusses continuity and
transitions, tone, precision, word choice, and grammatical principles. Another source of
useful information is the APA Style website (www.apastyle.org).
Manuscript Preparation Guide
Converting One’s Dissertation Into a Journal Article
Beginning scholars will often choose to develop a journal article from a doctoral
dissertation (or master’s thesis) as an initial submission for publication. In this section,
we first provide some considerations regarding the status of the dissertation with regard
to its potential for publication. We then offer suggestions for converting the dissertation
into a publishable manuscript. Often this involves reducing a document of over 100 pages
to perhaps one third its original length. In particular, we highlight the following features
most likely to distinguish the two types of documents: brevity, extent of literature review,
data analyses, writing style, and interpretation of results.
Deciding to Submit the Manuscript
First, the writer will want to consider whether the study merits publication in a journal
article—specifically whether the findings tell a compelling story or answer important
questions and whether the research makes a novel contribution to the literature. If the
study is deemed worthy of publication, consideration should be given to such issues as
whether all of the original research questions should be included in the present study and
whether the results warrant additional experiments that could assist in answering the
research questions more fully.
The author may also want to consider such factors as whether the current sample
size provides sufficient power to merit publication and whether additional analyses might
clarify ambiguous findings. Consultation with colleagues can help the author evaluate the
status of the manuscript and its potential for publication as well as the selection of an
appropriate journal to which to submit one’s manuscript.
Adapting a Dissertation for Publication
Once a decision is made to convert a dissertation into an article, the author will want to
focus attention on adapting the manuscript to an empirical article (or literature review)
for publication. By attending to brevity and focus, relevant data analyses, appropriate
interpretation of results, and writing style, authors can enhance the fit of a manuscript for
journal publication. Editors and reviewers readily recognize an article that has been
hastily converted from a dissertation. Whereas most reviewers are generous with their
time and knowledge in guiding a new colleague through the publication maze, greater
effort on the part of the author to make these adjustments at the front end is likely to
increase the manuscript’s potential for serious consideration.
Brevity and focus. Throughout a manuscript to be considered for journal
publication, brevity is an important consideration, particularly in the Introduction and
Discussion sections. In a dissertation, the writer’s task is to demonstrate breadth of
knowledge on a topic as well as the skills to fully explore the research problem under
consideration. In contrast, an empirical article must maintain a clear focus. The abstract
Manuscript Preparation Guide
may need to be condensed to meet the length requirements of the journal. Whereas
Dissertation Abstracts International accepts abstracts of up to 350 words, journal abstract
requirements are likely to be more limited. For most APA journals, the maximum length
is 250 words.
One of the major challenges in the dissertation’s transformation is that of paring
the more comprehensive literature review characteristic of a dissertation to a more
succinct one suitable for the introduction of a journal article. The writer’s task is one of
selectivity, in which he or she takes care to preserve the relevant substance while
omitting extraneous material. The writer will want to edit the text to material relating to
the more immediate context of the research questions.
Selection of sources is similarly important. Given the rapidly expanding literature,
it is generally impractical to exhaustively review prior research in a journal article. The
author should nonetheless take care to reference the most relevant and current studies and
avoid omitting key studies pertinent to the research problem. Citation of reviews and
meta-analyses can guide the interested reader to the broader literature while providing an
economical way of referencing prior studies. Depending on the timing of rewriting, the
author should review the most recent literature to avoid overlooking relevant studies that
may have been published since the writing of the dissertation.
Evaluation of analyses. The researcher should be selective in choosing analyses
for inclusion in the journal article. An unbiased approach is important to avoid omitting
study data. However, reporting every analysis that may have been run for the dissertation
often is not feasible, appropriate, or useful in the limited space of a journal article.
Instead, analyses that directly address the research questions should be retained and more
supplemental analyses excluded. Prior to submitting the manuscript, the researcher may
also wish to consider whether the existing data would be better explained by additional or
more sophisticated analyses. Sternberg (1988) noted that the Results section should be
organized so that the most important results are listed first, followed by results of
secondary or post hoc analyses.
Interpretation of results. In writing the Discussion, researchers should focus on
interpreting the results in light of the research questions. In particular, Calfee and
Valencia (2007) advised new authors to be aware of tendencies to overinterpret their data.
Taking into account sample size and composition, effect size, limitations of
measurement, and other specific considerations of the study is important to avoid
extrapolating beyond the data.
A strong Discussion section notes areas of consensus with and divergence from
previous work. New authors should make particular efforts to attend to connections with
existing literature. Such attunement strengthens the communicative function of the
research article within the framework of the broader scientific literature.
Writing style. New scholars are advised to familiarize themselves with the
details of APA Style. In addition to the general considerations on style noted above, two
points are worth highlighting here. First, a manuscript that closely follows APA Style
guidelines is likely to make a more seamless presentation, with fewer features to distract
the reviewer from the content of the paper. Second, in some cases, there are differences
Manuscript Preparation Guide
between formatting requirements specific to one’s university or dissertation publishing
services and journal style requirements. Areas of difference can involve tables and
figures, organization of sections, and reference lists. For example, theses and
dissertations may include bibliographies, which list additional sources beyond those
included in the reference list. In such cases, the reference list will need to be edited to
include only those references cited in the submitted manuscript.
Manuscript Preparation Guide
Although conducting research and writing publishable articles invokes challenges that
involve considerable investments of time and energy, intellectual rigor, and fortitude, we
encourage new scholars and researchers to take the progressive steps of developing their
manuscripts for submission to psychology journals. Bringing to fruition the hard work of
one’s research and sharing one’s findings with the scientific community can bring
personal rewards. Beyond such rewards, it is through the continued communication of
theoretical developments, carefully planned and executed research, and discovery that the
field of psychological science and application can advance.
Manuscript Preparation Guide
American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical principles of psychologists and
code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57, 1060–1073. doi:10.1037//0003-
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Bartol, K. M. (1983). Manuscript faults and review board recommendations: Lethal and
nonlethal errors. In American Psychological Association, Committee on Women in
Psychology and Women’s Programs Office, Understanding the manuscript review
process: Increasing the participation of women (pp. 29–45). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
Bem, D. J. (2004). Writing the empirical journal article. In J. M. Darley, M. P. Zanna, &
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