Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
Student Consumer Information
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Student Financial Aid 4
Basic Financial Aid Information 4
Rights and Responsibilities of Students Receiving Federal Financial Aid As a student, you have the right to
know: 4
Responsibilities It is your responsibility as a student, if you are applying for Federal Student Aid, to: 5
Names and Organizations Which Accredit and Authorize the School to Operate 5
Institutional Programs, Faculty, and the Physical Facilities 5
Cost of Attendance 5
Refund Policies for Non-Completers 5
TWC Refund Policy 6
Cancellation Policy 6
Refund Policy 6
Refund Policy Relating to Return to Title IV Funds • R2T4 8
Student Withdrawal Process 9
Official Withdrawal: 10
Unofficial Withdrawal: 10
Types of Federal Financial Aid Programs Grants 10
Federal Pell Grant 10
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) 10
Employment 11
Federal Work Study 11
Loans 11
Subsidized Federal Direct Loans 11
Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan 11
Consolidation 11
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loan 11
State and Local Aid, School Aid and other Private Aid Programs 12
The Criteria Used to Select Financial Aid Recipients 12
Applying for Federal Student Financial Aid 12
Applying for AESCA, Local and State Financial Aid 12
The Type and Amount of Assistance in your Financial Aid Package Criteria for Selection 13
How Financial Need is Determined 13
Amount of Financial Need 13
You have the right to ask that your financial aid package be reconsidered if you believe it to be in error or if
you, or your family’s , financial circumstances have changed. 13
How and When Federal Financial Aid Funds will be Paid Federal Aid 13
State Aid 14
Institutional Aid (Scholarships/Grants) 14
Diversity of Pell Recipients 14
Borrower Confirmation for Loans 14
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Master Promissory Note (MPN) 14
Parent PLUS Master Promissory Note (PLUS MPN) 15
Statement Regarding Credit Balances 15
Terms and Conditions of Federal Work Study Employment 15
Terms and Conditions Under Which the Student Receives Student Loans 15
Direct Loans (DL) 16
Perkins Loan 16
Financial Loan Management 16
The Student Loan Entrance Counseling 16
The Student Loan Exit Counseling 17
Loan Deferments for Borrowers 18
Loan Deferments for Certain Individuals 18
National Student Loan Data System 18
Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Notification 18
Consumer Information from the Department of Education 19
Satisfactory Academic Progress 19
Services for Disabled Students 19
Costs of Attending AESCA 19
Programs of Study Offered at the Institution 19
General Educational Development (GED) Information 19
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
School Facilities Associated with Academic Programs 20
Campus Faculty and Other Instructional Personnel 20
Academic Improvement Plans 20
Copyright Infringement (Peer to Peer File Sharing) 20
Fire Safety Plan 20
Vaccination Policy 20
Student Right to Know Act 20
Constitution and Citizenship Day (September 17th) 21
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act 21
Student Records Access and Release 21
US Voter Registration 23
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information 23
Your Role in the Drug-Free Workplace Program 24
Crime and Punishment Alcohol and Drug Offenses 24
Campus Security/Clery Act 24
Prevention of Financial Aid/Scholarship Fraud 25
Statement of Non-Discrimination 25
Appendix A: Placement, Retention and Completion Rates 26
Placement Rates 26
Retention Rate 26
Completion Rate 26
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
The following is a compilation of valuable information concerning institutional information and financial
assistance. This document contains information concerning the following topics:
Student Financial Aid
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
National Voter Registration Act
Ombudsman Notification
National Student Loan Data System
Campus Crime, Drug Awareness, and Campus Security Statement
Constitution Day September 17
Please note that each section contains information and an overview description of the process. Questions should
be addressed to the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts’ Director of Financial Aid or Campus President.
Student Financial Aid
Basic Financial Aid Information
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts (AESCA) recognizes that some individuals and their families are unable
to meet the entire cost of education and may need assistance with federal and private student aid as well as
assistance with the application process. The Director of Financial Aid (DFA) is the designated official at AESCA
for consumer information. If a student or parent has a question, they should not hesitate to contact the Student
Finance Office.
Rights and Responsibilities of Students Receiving Federal Financial Aid As a student, you have the right to
The names and organizations which accredit and authorize the school to operate.
About the programs, the faculty, and the physical facilities at the school.
The cost of attending the school.
The school’s policy on refunds for students who drop prior to completion of a program.
About the financial assistance available from federal, state, local, private, and institutional financial aid
The procedures and deadlines for submitting applications for each available financial aid program.
The criteria used to select financial aid recipients.
How financial need is determined.
The amount of financial need that has been or will be met.
The type and amount of assistance in your financial aid package. You have the right to ask that your financial
aid package be reconsidered if you believe it to be in error or if you, or your family’s financial circumstances
have changed.
How and when the federal financial aid funds will be paid to your account.
The school’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and how the policy affects your eligibility for financial
The special facilities and services available to disabled students.
The interest rate on any loans available through the school, the amount you must repay, the length of
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
time you have to repay, when you must begin repayments, and any condition and deferment provisions
that apply.
Responsibilities It is your responsibility as a student, if you are applying for Federal Student Aid, to:
Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) accurately and submit it on time.
Errors can delay, and in some cases prevent you from receiving aid.
If you have previously completed a 2020-21 FAFSA for the award year and coded 037276•00, we will
receive a copy of your information.
Provide all supporting documentation, corrections, and/or new information as requested by the
Student Finance Office.
Notify the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts of any information that has changed since you
applied, such as income information, family members, contact information, etc.
Accept/Decline any disbursements of loan funds.
Read and understand all forms you are asked to sign
Names and Organizations Which Accredit and Authorize the School to Operate
AESCA Austin is approved and regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)
http://texasworkforce.org, authorized for its degree programs by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board www.thecb.state.tx.us/, and accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE)
www.council.org. Contact information for each of these entities is available via their website or the school
catalog. AESCA posts the school’s accreditation approvals in the administrative offices and will make available
upon request a copy of the school’s accreditation, licensure, or approval. To request a copy, students should
submit a request in writing to the Campus President.
Institutional Programs, Faculty, and the Physical Facilities
Program, faculty, and physical facility information for AESCA is listed in detail in our school catalog. Our
catalog is available to all potential and enrolled students upon request at any time. Additionally, the school
catalog can be downloaded from our website at http://www.escoffier.edu
AESCA has the right, at its discretion, to make reasonable changes in program content, materials, schedules,
sequences of courses in programs, or location in the interest of improving the student's education, or where
deemed necessary due to industry changes, academic scheduling, or professional requirements.
Cost of Attendance
Program cost information is located on our website at http://www.escoffier.edu.
Program cost information is
also itemized on the program enrollment agreements.
Refund Policies for Non-Completers
AESCA follows the Texas Workforce Commission and the federal Return to Title IV refund policy. Both policies
are detailed in the AESCA school catalog. The calculation concerning federal financial aid is separate and
distinct from the institutional refund policy. As a result of the federal calculation required by federal regulation,
you may owe additional funds to the institution to cover tuition and charges previously paid by unearned
federal financial aid prior to your withdrawal.
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
If you plan to withdraw from school, please contact the Student Finance and Business Offices to determine the
amount of funds, if any, which must be returned to the federal student aid programs on your behalf.
TWC Refund Policy
The cancellation and refund policies of all schools must comply with the minimum cancellation and refund
provisions of the Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 132 and the Career Schools and Colleges Rules, Texas
Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 807. Below is sample refund policy language for programs at residence
schools that do not take attendance, based on these requirements (does not apply to seminars for seminars,
see PS•023S). Schools may use another refund policy that results in a cancellation period or refund that
exceeds the minimum. If a school chooses to do this, it must still calculate and provide documentation for the
calculation of refunds demonstrating compliance with the minimum policy standards outlined in this form and
using the statutory method, shown in the Sample Refund Calculation Worksheet (PS-1040R-NA) and print this
statement with the school’s cancellation and refund policy: “In all cases, refunds will meet or exceed the
requirements of TEC, §§132.061 and 0611 and TAC Chapter 807, Subchapter N.” Therefore, schools are
strongly encouraged to use this sample language in their Cancellation and Refund Policy for residence
Cancellation Policy
A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 72 hours (until midnight
of the third day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) after the enrollment contract is signed or
within the student’s first three scheduled class days (does not apply to Seminars).
Refund Policy
1. Refund computations will be based on scheduled course time of classes through the last documented day
of an academically related activity. Leaves of absence, suspensions and school holidays will not be counted
as part of the scheduled classes.
2. The effective date of determination for refund purposes will be the earliest of the following:
(a) the date of termination if the student is terminated by the school
(b) the date of receipt of written notice from the student; or
(c) the first of the following dates when the student’s participation in an academically related activity
cannot be documented: at the end of the first week of each academic term, at the end of the first
month of each academic term, at the midpoint of each academic term, and at the end of each academic
3. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of entrance, and if after expiration of the 72-hour cancellation
privilege the student does not enter school, not more than $50 in nonrefundable administrative fees shall
be retained by the school for the entire residence program or synchronous distance education course.
4. If a student enters a residence or synchronous distance education program and withdraws or is otherwise
terminated, the school or college may retain not more than $50 in nonrefundable administrative fees for
the entire program. The minimum refund of the remaining tuition and fees will be the pro rata portion of
tuition, fees, and other charges that the number of hours remaining in the portion of the course or program
for which the student has been charged after the effective date of termination bears to the total number
of hours in the portion of the course or program for which the student has been charged, except that a
student may not collect a refund if the student has completed 75 percent or more of the total number of
hours in the portion of the program for which the student has been charged on the effective date of
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
termination. More simply, the refund is based on the precise number of clock hours the student has paid
for, but not yet used, at the point of termination, up to the 75% completion mark, after which no refund is
due. Form PS•1040R•NA provides the precise calculation.
5. Refunds for items of extra expense to the student, such as books, tools, or other supplies should be handled
separately from refund of tuition and other academic fees. The student will not be required to purchase
instructional supplies, books, and tools until such time as these materials are required. Once these materials
are purchased, no refund will be made. For full refunds, the school can withhold costs for these types of
items from the refund as long as they were necessary for the portion of the program attended and
separately stated in the enrollment agreement. Any such items not required for the portion of the program
attended must be included in the refund.
6. A student who withdraws for a reason unrelated to the student’s academic status after the 75 percent
completion mark and requests a grade at the time of withdrawal shall be given a grade of “incomplete” and
permitted to reenroll in the course or program during the 12•month period following the date the student
withdrew without payment of additional tuition for that portion of the course or program.
7. A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases:
(a) an enrollee is not accepted by the school
(b) if the course of instruction is discontinued by the school and this prevents the student from completing
the course; or
(c) if the student's enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising,
promotional materials of the school, or representations by the owner or representatives of the school.
A full or partial refund may also be due in other circumstances of program deficiencies or violations of
requirements for career schools and colleges.
8. Refund Policy for Students Called to Active Military Service
A student of the school or college who withdraws from the school or college as a result of the student being
called to active duty in a military service of the United States or the Texas National Guard may elect one of
the following options for each program in which the student is enrolled:
(a) if tuition and fees are collected in advance of the withdrawal, a pro rata refund of any tuition, fees,
or other charges paid by the student for the program and a cancellation of any unpaid tuition, fees,
or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the program the student does not complete
following withdrawal;
(b) a grade of incomplete with the designation "withdrawn-military" for the courses in the program,
other than courses for which the student has previously received a grade on the student's transcript,
and the right to re-enroll in the program, or a substantially equivalent program if that program is no
longer available, not later than the first anniversary of the date the student is discharged from active
military duty without payment of additional tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than
any previously unpaid balance of the original tuition, fees, and charges for books for the program; or
(c) the assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in the program, but only if the
instructor or instructors of the program determine that the student has:
(1) satisfactorily completed at least 90 percent of the required coursework for the program; and
(2) demonstrated sufficient mastery of the program material to receive credit for completing the
9. The payment of refunds will be totally completed such that the refund instrument has been negotiated or
credited into the proper account(s) within 60 days after the effective date of termination.
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
Individuals may receive and review information that TWC collects about the individual by emailing to open.records@twc.state.tx.us or
writing to TWC Open Records, 101 E. 15th St., Rm. 266, Austin, TX 78778•0001.
Refund Policy Relating to Return to Title IV Funds • R2T4
Federal law specifies how AESCA must determine the amount of Title IV Program (financial aid)
assistance the student has earned when the student withdraws or is terminated. The Title IV Programs
covered by this law are: Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant,
Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal Direct PLUS loans.
A specific formula is used to determine the amount of Title IV Program assistance earned when a
student withdraws or is terminated during a period of enrollment. (An example is provided below.) If
less assistance was received than earned, you may be able to receive those additional funds. If you
received more assistance than earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or you.
AESCA is required to determine the amount of Title IV funds that must be refunded based upon the
percentage of the payment period completed prior to withdrawing. Title IV funds must be returned to
the program based upon a tuition refund or if the student received an overpayment based upon costs
not incurred but for which Title IV was received. These refunds must be made within forty-five (45) of
the determination of the date AESCA determines the student withdrew or 14 days after the students
last day of attendance. Title IV funds are returned in the following order:
1. Unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans (other than PLUS loans).
2. Subsidized Direct Stafford loans.
3. Federal Perkins loans.
4. Federal PLUS loans.
5. Direct PLUS loans.
6. Federal Pell Grants for which a return of funds is required.
7. Academic Competitiveness Grants for which a return of funds is required.
8. National Smart Grants for which a return of funds is required.
9. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) for which a return of funds
is required.
10. Federal Teach Grants for which a Return is required.
If a student does not receive all the funds earned, they may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement.
If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, AESCA must get the student’s permission
before disbursement. The student may choose to decline some or all the loan funds, to avoid incurring
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
additional debt. AESCA may automatically use all of a portion of your post-withdrawal disbursement
of grant funds for tuition and fees. AESCA needs the students permission to use the post-withdrawal
grant disbursement for all other School charges. If the student does not grant their permission, the
funds will be offered to the student, and the student will be responsible for unpaid debt to the school.
Some Title IV funds that are scheduled cannot be disbursed after a student withdraws. A first-time,
first-year undergraduate student who has not completed 30 days of a Program before withdrawal, will
not receive any loan funds that they would have received had they remained enrolled past the 30th
AESCA must return a portion of excess Title IV Program funds received equal to the lesser of:
o The student’s institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of funds, or
o The entire amount of excess funds.
If AESCA is not required to return all of the excess funds, the student is required to return the
remaining funds.
Any loan funds that are required to be returned must be paid in accordance with the terms of the
promissory note.
Any amount of unearned grant funds that must be returned are called an overpayment. The maximum
amount of a grant overpayment that the student must repay is half of the grant funds received or were
scheduled to receive. The student must make arrangements with AESCA or the Department of
Education to return the unearned grant funds.
The requirements for Title IV Program funds are separate from the above outlined AESCA refund
policies. Therefore, the student may still owe funds to AESCA to cover unpaid institutional charges.
AESCA may also charge for any Title IV Program funds that the school was required to return.
The student may contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center with any questions at 1-800-4-
FEDAID (1-800-433-3243). Information is also available on Student Aid on the Web at
Student Withdrawal Process
Students deciding to withdraw from AESCA must notify the Registrar in writing as outlined below. Failure to
officially withdraw from AESCA may result in academic or financial difficulties for students. The student is
responsible for all financial consequences resulting from failure to complete the withdrawal process. To
withdraw from school, the student must:
Obtain and complete the withdrawal slip from the Registrar’s Office
Return the completed withdrawal slip to the Registrar’s office, and retain a copy
If the student cannot withdraw in person, s/he must notify the Registrar’s office verbally by
calling the AESCA Registrar at 512-451-5743, or, by email to registraraustin@escoffier.edu.
o The notification must include name, date, reason for withdrawal, and signature
o Additional information may be needed
NOTE: Withdrawal from school may not relieve the student from certain financial obligations. Students who
withdraw are strongly encouraged to meet with both the Student Finance and Business Office to
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
understand their rights and responsibilities.
Official Withdrawal:
As AESCA takes daily attendance, The Withdrawal Date and Date of Determination is the date the
student begins the withdrawal process or otherwise provides official notification to Auguste
Escoffier School of Culinary Arts of the intent to withdraw.
The student is strongly encouraged to contact the Registrar’s office in person to officially withdraw.
AESCA will make every effort to assist students with resolution of issues in order to continue their
Once a student has officially notified the Registrar’s office of their intent to withdraw, they should
meet with the Student Finance and Business Office. The Student Finance Department can answer
any questions regarding student loan repayment responsibilities, secure the Exit Interview and the
Business Office can answer any questions regarding financial obligations to AESCA.
Unofficial Withdrawal:
Students will be automatically withdrawn from any Program after missing ten (10) consecutive class
days in any attendance period. Any student who does not report to class for ten (10) consecutive
class days will be considered “withdrawn” and the Withdrawal Date will be the next business day
following the tenth consecutive class day absence.
The Withdrawal Date for a student that does not return from an approved leave of absence is the
Last Day of Attendance (LDA).
For Return to Title IV (R2T4) purposes, the Date of Determination is:
o Fourteen days from the LDA for unofficially withdrawn students
o The scheduled date of return for a student that does not return from an approved leave of
absence as scheduled, or the date the Campus was notified the student will not return to
classes, whichever is earlier.
NOTE: AESCA is required to withdraw students from the school within the guidelines indicated above, or
Types of Federal Financial Aid Programs Grants
Federal Pell Grant
The Pell grant is grant assistance which does not have to be repaid. Pell is awarded to students who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the U.S. Department of Education standards. Annually, the
U.S. Department of education determines student eligibility for this grant. For the 2021-22 award year, the
minimum grant is $650 and the maximum grant is $6,495.
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
The FSEOG program is a program that provides grant assistance which does not have to be repaid. FSEOG is
awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional financial need as determined by the U.S. Department of
Education standards. Students with the lowest “Expected Family Contribution” (EFC) are awarded FSEOG
before students with higher EFCs.
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
Federal Work Study
Federal Work Study offers students the opportunity to assist themselves with a portion of expenses by
working part-time on or off campus, for at least minimum wage. Federal Work Study funds are limited and
so the number of assignments that are available are limited as well. Priority is given to students with the
greatest financial need who are qualified for the job assignments available. Please see the Student Finance
Office for availability of funds and participation.
Subsidized Federal Direct Loans
Direct Subsidized Loans are awarded based on financial need. The Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts will
determine eligibility for the Direct Subsidized Loan program based on the results from your FAFSA. The
maximum annual loan amount for the first academic year is $3,500, less origination and other fees (if
applicable). Awards will change upon eligibility and program. The federal government pays the interest for you
during in school (at least half-time attendance), in grace, and deferment periods. Interest does not accrue until
the student enters repayment six (6) months after leaving school or dropping below a half-time enrollment
status. The minimum repayment amount is $50 per month; however, Direct Subsidized Loans provide many
flexible repayment plans as outlined in the loan counseling materials located in the Student Finance Office.
Payments are based on the repayment plan selected by the student. See the charts below for interest rate
information. For additional information, www.studentaid.gov
Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan
If you do not qualify for a full or partial Direct Subsidized Loan based on your financial need, you may qualify
for a Direct Unsubsidized Loan. This loan is not based on need; however, the federal government does not pay
the interest on the Direct Unsubsidized Loan(s) while you are in school or have loans in a deferred status.
Student loan borrowers are eligible for all interest that accrues on the loan while enrolled, during your grace
period, and any deferment periods. You may elect to make interest payments while in school to avoid the
capitalization of interest and lower the overall repayment debt. Loan repayment begins six (6) months after
leaving school or dropping below a half-time enrollment status. Independent students can borrow up to $9,500
(Subsidized and Unsubsidized combined) for the first academic year. Dependent students can borrow up to
$5,500 (Subsidized and Unsubsidized combined) for the first academic year. The minimum repayment amount
is $50 per month; however, Direct Subsidized Loans provide many flexible repayment plans as outlined in the
loan counseling materials located in the Student Finance Office. Payments are based on the repayment plan
selected by the student. See the charts below for interest rate information.
Borrowers with other outstanding loans may be eligible to consolidate eligible loans into one consolidated
payment. Refer to your Loan Entrance counseling brochure and information for additional details.
Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loan
The Direct PLUS loan is available to parents who wish to apply for additional assistance for their dependent
child’s education. The Direct PLUS loan is made through the federal government. The amount of the PLUS
loan cannot exceed the student’s cost of attendance less other student aid awarded. See the charts below for
interest rate information.
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
2021-22 Direct Loan Interest Rates
Direct Subsidized
Direct Unsubsidized
Direct Unsubsidized
Direct Plus
(Parent and
State and Local Aid, School Aid, and other Private Aid Programs
The school catalog lists institutional grants and awards, as well as other aid programs which may be
available such as State and Local Aid, School Aid, and other Private Aid programs. Students should review
the school catalog and visit the Student Finance Office for up to date and additional information on current
aid programs. The Student Finance Office also maintains a list of scholarship and resource websites. The
AESCA School Catalog is available at www.escoffier.edu
The Criteria Used to Select Financial Aid Recipients
Applying for Federal Student Financial Aid
Each student interested in receiving federal financial assistance must submit the “Free Application for Federal
Student Aid” (FAFSA) or provide a copy of the Student Aid Report (SAR) if the FAFSA was previously completed
within the award year. The Student Finance Office will utilize the results of the FAFSA to estimate and
determine the student’s financial aid eligibility.
A student may be chosen for the verification process of the information submitted on the FAFSA by the
U.S. Department of Education or the school. A student may be selected by the U.S. Department of
Education's Central Processor (CPS) following procedures established by federal regulation. If, during the
application process, the file is selected for "verification" by the U.S. Department of Education, the student
and their family must submit all documents required to validate the information listed on the FAFSA
application. AESCA may also select the information submitted for verification. The Student Finance Office
will inform the student of the requirement for verification. Students should refer to
http://www.studentaid.gov/ website which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education for more
detailed information.
Applying for AESCA, Local and State Financial Aid
Students should visit the Student Finance Office for information and application(s) regarding various
scholarship/grant opportunities available for eligible students. The Student Finance Office also has a list of
resource websites available.
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
The Type and Amount of Assistance in your Financial Aid Package Criteria for Selection
A person must be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program to receive Federal Student Assistance
funds. A regular student is someone who is enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an eligible institution for the
purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate offered by the school.
How Financial Need is Determined
Students must apply for federal aid by completing the current award year FAFSA. The Student Finance Office
will review the results of the FAFSA and determine your "need" and eligibility for various federal programs. The
student may accept or decline all, or a portion, of the aid eligibility.
Amount of Financial Need
The Student Finance Office will attempt to package full eligibility based on the student's need and the academic
year clock hours of the program enrolled. Your right as a student is to accept, decline or reduce any portion of
the aid packaged. Students should always schedule a follow up appointment with the Student Finance Office
for personal review and explanation of awards offered.
You have the right to ask that your financial aid package be reconsidered if you believe it to be in error or if
you, or your family’s, financial circumstances have changed.
Students may request an appeal of any financial aid awarded by contacting the Student Finance Office. Always
contact the Student Finance Office for any questions/clarification on the awarding, packaging, and eligibility
How and When Federal Financial Aid Funds will be Paid Federal Aid
Federal Aid is distributed to students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
and meet the eligibility criteria as further described within the application instructions. Students should
visit www.studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
or the Student Finance Office for an Application.
AESCA awards and disburses aid based on clock hours in the academic year(s) of the program enrolled. See
below for an overview of the nonterm disbursement method. Students should visit the Student Finance
Office for additional details regarding disbursement. Students receiving federal aid are encouraged to visit
the Student Finance Office.
The disbursement of aid is by payment period and varies by the type of assistance and program.
In order to receive federal loan proceeds the student (parent in the case of PLUS loans) must complete and
sign a valid promissory note. Disbursements will be made at the beginning and once at the mid-point of the
academic year as measured in clock hours earned and weeks attended. A second disbursement of loan funds
for the academic year is made after the student has completed half of their academic workload for the
academic year and reached the calendar midpoint. Once tuition and fees charged by the institution have
been met, the student may receive the excess amount of federal student aid that creates a credit on the
account. A first year, first time borrower’s account will not be credited with Direct loans until 30 days after
their first day of class and completed a loan entrance interview.
For those who qualify for aid, a student in the Culinary Diploma Program will receive two (2) disbursements of
aid, credited to the student’s account twice during the academic year one at the beginning and once at the
mid-point of the academic year as measured in credit hours earned and weeks attended.
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
For those who qualify for aid, a student in the Pastry Program a student will receive two (2) disbursements.
Two (2) disbursements credited to the student’s account twice during the academic year one at the beginning
and once at the mid-point of the academic year as measured in clock hours earned and weeks attended.
For those who qualify for aid, a student in the Culinary or Pastry AAS Programs will receive four (4)
disbursements of aid; Two (2) disbursements for the AY1 credited to the student’s account twice during the
academic year one at the beginning and once at the mid-point of the academic year as measured in credit
hours earned and weeks attended. AY 2 consists of two (2) disbursement credited once at the beginning of AY2
as and once at the mid-point of the academic year as measured in credit hours and weeks attended.
State Aid
State Aid is distributed to students who meet the eligibility criteria as described in the specific state aid
program requirements. Students should visit the Student Finance Office for additional information on state aid
programs available to enrolled students of the institution and application.
Institutional Aid (Scholarships/Grants)
Colleges may offer various types of scholarships to students enrolled in specific programs of study, participating
in campus athletics, having met specific academic standards, etc. The number of scholarships recipients varies
from year to year depending on the funding available and the number of eligible applicants. For additional
information on available institutional scholarships students are encouraged to visit/contact the Student
Finance Office at the campus. A list of scholarships/grants available is also listed in the AESCA Catalog.
Students are also encouraged to visit their library or research on the Internet as a source for additional
scholarship programs not administered or awarded by AESCA.
Students will receive an estimated award letter listing their aid eligibility. All students need to read and
understand all forms that you are asked to sign. Contact the Student Finance Office for review of your eligibility
and aid amounts, and for clarification/questions on any forms or awards.
Diversity of Pell Recipients
Federal regulations require school to provide on an annual basis data on the diversity of its Pell recipients by
July 1st. Students should visit the AESCA Student Finance Office for campus specific Pell Diversity information.
Go to http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator
for information on our school.
Borrower Confirmation for Loans
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Master Promissory Note (MPN)
Students have the ability to obtain loan funds not exceeding the established loan limits through the Subsidized
and Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan program without having to sign a new Master Promissory Note for each
academic year.
The Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts awards educational loans based on student eligibility. Students
and Parents (in cases of a PLUS loan) always have the right to reduce or cancel any student loan. For the student
loan process, AESCA uses the "Passive" Confirmation option. Passive confirmation means that AESCA will not
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disburse the loan until the borrower is notified of the proposed loan package and the time given to respond has
elapsed. The borrower only needs to act if he/she wishes to decline the loan or adjust the type or amount of
the loan.
Parent PLUS Master Promissory Note (PLUS MPN)
For Parent PLUS loans made under the multi-year feature of the MPN, confirmation of the loan occurs upon
parent completion of the Plus MPN via studentloans.gov. AESCA will only process the requested amount of an
approved Plus loan. Plus loan borrowers are notified by receipt upon posting of the Plus loan proceeds.
Borrowers have at least fourteen (14) days to cancel or reduce the loan.
Statement Regarding Credit Balances
An “Authorization to Retain” is provided to students by the Student Finance Office soon after enrollment and
during the financial aid process. Students and parents (of a dependent student applying for PLUS loans) need to
review this statement, select the appropriate authorization category, and provide the signed form to the Student
Finance Office. For continuing students who previously signed this statement, the initial authorization will
continue to be valid for subsequent award years or enrollment periods. The authorization categories available
for student/parent selection are as follows:
Based on student’s authorization, the institution will retain any existing credit balance on the account to
be applied to allowable future charges to assist students in managing those funds or to be disbursed at
their request.
In the event that funds are not requested prior to leaving the institution, the institution will return the
credit balance to the lender as prepayment of the student loan.
Terms and Conditions of Federal Work Study Employment
The Federal Work Study (FWS) program provides jobs to undergraduate and graduate students to assist
them in meeting their educational expenses. To qualify for Federal Work Study program funds, the student
must meet the eligibility requirements for Federal Student Aid. The amount of FWS for which a student is
eligible depends upon:
Degree of demonstrated financial need
Availability of FWS funds at the school
Availability of jobs and scheduling which do not conflict with the student’s class schedule
Federal Work Study jobs may be located on or off campus. The school may set the work schedule. The
Director of Financial Aid will take into consideration need, class schedule, health, and academic progress
prior to arranging a job and assigning work hours. The school must inform the student of the terms and
condition of employment that is part of your financial aid package.
Undergraduate students will be paid on an hourly basis. They are paid at least the current federal minimum
wage and at least once a month. AESCA pays twice a month.
If FWS is part of the student’s aid package, they will receive notification via the Job Description and other
notification which lists the amount of the award scheduled for the student.
Terms and Conditions Under Which the Student Receives Student Loans
The Federal Loan programs provide funds to undergraduate and graduate students to assist them in meeting
their educational expenses. To qualify for Federal Loan program funds, the student must meet the eligibility
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requirements for Federal Student Aid as well as the loan program specific terms and conditions specified
Direct Loans (DL)
Student must be enrolled at least half-time during the period of enrollment to retain their eligibility for
the Direct Loan program funds. Students whose enrollment status is below half-time are not eligible for
DL program funds. If eligibility is lost due to being enrolled less than half-time, a student can regain
eligibility if enrolled at least half-time during a subsequent period of enrollment.
All students are required to complete student loan entrance counseling prior to the first disbursement of
the loan. For first time borrowers, the first disbursement of a loan cannot be made earlier than thirty (30)
days after the start of the term or period of enrollment. This 30-day delayed disbursement for first time
borrowers does not apply to Plus loans.
DL Loans are not credit based and so a credit check will not run unless it is a Parent PLUS Loan.
A student borrower who is in default on an FSA loan is not eligible for additional DL loan funds unless
eligibility is regained.
Perkins Loan
AESCA does not participate in the Perkins Loan Program.
Financial Loan Management
Each first-time student borrower is required to attend/complete a loan entrance interview conducted
individually, in a group, or online. The interview will include an explanation of the use of a Master Promissory
Note (MPN), the importance of the repayment obligation, a description of the consequences of default,
sample repayment schedules, information about borrower’s rights and responsibilities, as well as other terms
and conditions.
Upcoming graduates, students who officially withdraw, or students who cease to attend at least halftime will
be required to complete/attend the exit counseling session. Students who leave school without attending an
exit counseling session will receive an exit counseling package mailed by the campus. Exit counseling addresses
topics such as the requirement to repay the loan, repayment plans, updating contact and demographic
information, the consequences of default. Please see The Financial Aid Loan Exit Counseling section for
additional information.
The Student Loan Entrance Counseling
The following information will be included in the Loan Entrance Counseling, which will be presented to a
first-time student borrower prior to the first disbursement of loan funds.
Explanation and use of the Master Promissory Note (MPN)
Effect of accepting the loan on eligibility for other aid
Seriousness and importance of the repayment obligation
Option of the borrower to pay interest on Unsubsidized Stafford and Graduate PLUS loans while in school
Interest accrual process and interest capitalization when a borrower elects not to pay interest or if the
interest is not paid by the US Department of Education
Definition of half-time enrollment
Consequences of not maintaining half-time enrollment
Importance of contacting the appropriate office at the school if the student plans to withdraw before
completing the academic program to allow the school to provide exit counseling to the borrower
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Obligation to repay the loans even if: the borrower does not complete the program or does not complete
the program within the regular time for completion, is unable to find employment, is dissatisfied with the
school/program, or does not receive the services purchased from the school
Consequences of default, including adverse credit reports, federal offset, and other federal delinquent debt
collection procedures and litigation
Sample monthly repayment amounts based on a range of levels of indebtedness or the average cumulative
indebtedness of other loan borrows within the same academic program as the borrower
Information regarding the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and how a borrower can access and
monitor his or her loan records
Name and contact information of the person the student may contact with questions regarding rights and
responsibilities or loan terms and conditions
The Student Loan Exit Counseling
Several topics presented at the entrance counseling session are again presented at the exit counseling. Exit
counseling is required for all graduated, withdrawn, or dismissed students prior to exiting the institution. If
a student leaves school or chooses to postpone their education, the student should meet with a Financial
Aid Administrator to understand the financial impact of this decision and attend loan exit counseling.
Exit counseling includes the following information:
Explanation of all repayment plans available
Comparative analysis of the features of each type of repayment plan, including average projected monthly
payments and the difference in interest and total payments.
Explanation of the terms and conditions to obtain full or partial loan forgiveness or discharge.
Explanation of the terms and conditions the borrower may obtain a deferment or forbearance.
Debt management strategies to assist the student in successful loan repayment.
Information regarding the average anticipated monthly repayment amount based on the student loan
borrower’s actual indebtedness or the average indebtedness of student borrowers in the same academic
program receiving the same types of loans.
A review of the use of the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and the student’s obligation to repay the loan.
Explanation of the student’s responsibility to repay the loan even if the student did not complete the
program, did not complete the program within the regular completion time for that program, is unable to
obtain employment, or is dissatisfied with the education received.
Explanation regarding the consequences of default, including adverse credit reports, federal offset, other
federal delinquent debt collection procedures and litigation.
Effects of loan consolidation, including the effect on total interest and fees to be paid, length of the
repayment term, effect on borrower benefits on underlying loans (grace periods, deferment, loan
forgiveness, and loan discharge), option to prepay or change repayment plans, and how borrower benefits
may differ between lenders.
Explanation of the tax benefits available to the students.
Information concerning the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and how the student can utilize
NSLDS to access his or her records.
Information regarding the availability of the Student Loan Ombudsman’s Office
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In addition, the Student Finance Office is responsible to collect the following information as part of the exit
counseling and provide the information to the Guarantor Agency (GA) within sixty (60) days of receipt:
Social Security Number
Driver’s License Number and State
Expected Permanent Address
Name and address of next-of-kin
Name and address of the student’s employer or expected employer.
This information is reported through NSLDS.
Loan Deferments for Borrowers
Students should visit the Student Finance Office for the terms and conditions under which students receiving
federal education loans may obtain a deferment for repaying student loan debt. In addition, students can visit
www.studentloans.gov for information on federal student loans.
Loan Deferments for Certain Individuals
Loan deferment terms and conditions are further defined for those serving in the Peace Corps; under the
Domestic Volunteer Service Act; and as a volunteer for a tax-exempt organization of demonstrated effectiveness
in the field of community service. These individuals should visit the Student Finance Office for additional
National Student Loan Data System
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED’s) central database for
student aid. Student financial aid information is submitted to the NSLDS. NSLDS receives data from schools,
guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, the Pell Grant program, and other ED programs. NSLDS Student
Access provides centralized, integrated view of Federal Student Aid Loans and grants so that recipients of funds
from these programs can access and inquire about the Federal Student Aid loans and/or Grant data. Once the
data is reported to NSLDS, this site and all information contained within is accessible to Financial Aid
Administrators, Guarantee Agencies, and Students. All users must sign-in and be an authorized user.
Unauthorized use of this site is strictly prohibited. To access the site, visit www.nslds.ed.gov/npas/index.htm
Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Notification
Students should contact the Director of Financial Aid who is always ready to assist with any questions or
concerns regarding financial aid programs. If a situation exists that the Director of Financial Aid cannot resolve,
students should follow procedures in the school catalog.
After all above options are exhausted and the Federal Student Aid Loan issue cannot be resolved, the U.S.
Department of Education’s Office of the Ombudsman for federal financial aid program issues is available. The
ombudsman resolves disputes from a neutral and independent viewpoint. The Office of Student Financial
Assistance Ombudsman will informally research a borrower issue and suggest solutions to resolve. Student
borrowers can contact the Office of the Ombudsman by:
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Via Online Assistance: www.studentaid.gov/feedback-ombudsman/disputes/prepare
Via Toll-Free Telephone: 1.877.557.2575
Via Fax: 1.606.396.4821
Via Mail: U.S. Department of Education, FSA Ombudsman Group, P.O. Box 1843, Monticello, KY 42633
Consumer Information from the Department of Education
The U.S. Department of Education has various websites available to students and financial aid staff which provide
information regarding the regulations, requirements, and application for Federal Student Aid. There is no user
fee for using ED Financial Aid sites.
U.S. Department of Education: www.ed.gov
Applying for Federal Student Aid: www.studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
Information for Students: www.studentaid.gov,
Information for Financial Aid Professionals and Schools: www.ifap.ed.gov/,
Information on Student Loans: www.studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans and
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students should refer to the school catalog or the Registrar for more information regarding the institution's
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. The Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts Satisfactory Academic
Progress Policy is also listed on our website at http://www.escoffier.edu
Services for Disabled Students
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts (AESCA) is committed to full compliance with both the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act regarding equal opportunities for
students with disabilities. Students with known or suspected disabilities are encouraged to reach out to the
Registrar regarding services available for disabled students attending the institution.
Costs of Attending AESCA
Students can access http://www.escoffier.edu,
reference the school catalog, or contact any administrator for
detailed information regarding the costs of attending the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts (tuition and
fees, books and supplies, room and board) & any other applicable costs of the program in which the student is
enrolled or has expressed an interest.
Programs of Study Offered at the Institution
Students should refer to the school catalog for institution specific information regarding programs of study
offered at the institution. AESCA has the right, at its discretion, to make reasonable changes in program
content, materials, schedules, sequences of courses in programs, or location in the interest of improving the
student’s education, or where deemed necessary due to industry changes, academic scheduling, or
professional requirements.
The school is required to make changes in programs or policies when ongoing federal, state, or accrediting
changes affect students currently in attendance.
General Educational Development (GED) Information
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Students who have not earned a High School Diploma may be eligible to take the General Educational
Development (GED) tests to earn the GED credential. Students should visit their states website for additional
information and nearby testing center locations. The AESCA Registrar's office is also available for assisting
students who seek information on GED tests. Students should refer to the school catalog for program specific
admissions requirements as some programs of study may require a H.S. Diploma or GED for admission.
School Facilities Associated with Academic Programs
Students should refer to the school catalog for institution specific information regarding school facilities. The
AESCA school catalog can be accessed at www.escoffier.edu
Campus Faculty and Other Instructional Personnel
Students should refer to the school catalog for a listing of campus faculty and other instructional personnel.
The AESCA school catalog can be accessed at www.escoffier.edu
Academic Improvement Plans
Students should refer to the school catalog and/or enrollment agreement for institution specific
information regarding academic improvement plans.
Copyright Infringement (Peer to Peer File Sharing)
It is the policy of the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts to comply with all copyright laws and not
exceed the bounds of permissible copying under the fair use doctrine. All faculty, staff, and students are
expected to comply with this policy, with state and federal law, and with the terms of application
contracts and license agreement(s) in reproducing copyrighted materials. Civil and/or criminal
charges are associated with the unauthorized use/distribution of copyrighted materials. Additional
information can be found at: http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ01.pdf
Fire Safety Plan
AESCA does not offer campus housing. Campuses which offer on campus housing are required to
disclose the Fire Safety Plans with all residents of such housing. Students should refer to the
institutional fire safety information made available by the Campus Registrar or Campus President.
Vaccination Policy
Specific programs of study may require students to adhere to a Vaccination Policy. Currently,
AESCA students are not required to vaccinate.
Student Right to Know Act
The Student Right-to-Know Act requires institutions participating in Federal Student Aid to provide
addition disclosures to students. The additional disclosures include Graduation, Completion, and
Transfer-Out Rates. In addition, schools that have athletic teams and award athletically related aid
are required to disclose the Graduation, Completion, and Transfer-Out Rates for Student Athletes.
The Student Right-to-Know Disclosures are distributed to students by July 1 of each year to
prospective and enrolled students. Our disclosures are posted on our website,
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Constitution and Citizenship Day (September 17th)
Section 111(b) states "each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall
hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the
students served by the educational institution.'' For purposes of the Department's implementation
of this requirement, "educational institutions'' includes but is not limited to "local educational
agencies'' and "institutions of higher education'' receiving Federal funding from the Department.
Section 111 applies to all educational institutions receiving Federal funding, not only those receiving
Federal funding from the Department. However, the Department's authority only extends to those
educational institutions receiving funding from the Department, and consequently the Department
can only regulate those institutions. Section 111 requires that Constitution Day be held on September
17 of each year, commemorating the September 17, 1787, signing of the Constitution. However,
when September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, Constitution Day shall be held during the
preceding or following week.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
Student Records Access and Release
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts has established a policy regarding students’ rights with
respect to their education records pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
These rights include:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts receives a request for access.
Under FERPA, education records are defined as records that are directly related to the student and
maintained by the institution or a party acting for the institution, excepted as provided under the
FERPA exceptions. Education records can exist in any format, including, but not limited to,
typewritten, hand-written, computer generated, videotape, audiotape, film, and email.
Students may request a review of their education records by submitting a written request to the
Campus President that identifies the records the student wishes to inspect. The review will be allowed
during regular school hours under appropriate supervision, and the Campus President and/or
Registrar will notify the student of the place where records may be inspected. Students may also
obtain copies of their education records for a nominal charge.
2. The right to request that the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts amend any of the student’s
education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the
student’s privacy rights under FERPA. The request for change must be made in writing and delivered to
the Campus President and/or Registrar, must clearly identify the part of the record the student wants
changes and must explain the reason for the requested change. Grades and course evaluations can be
challenged only on the grounds that they are improperly recorded. If the Auguste Escoffier School of
Culinary Arts decides not to amend the record as requested, it will notify the student in writing of the
decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. If the student
requests a hearing, the Campus President will conduct the hearing, giving the student an opportunity to
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present evidence relevant to the disputed issues. The student will be notified of the Campus President’s
decision, which will be the final decision of the school. Copies of student challenges and any written
explanations regarding the contents of the student’s record will be retained as part of the student’s
permanent record.
3. The right to provide written consent before the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts discloses
personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that
FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception permits the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts to disclose education records
without the student’s prior written consent to parents of a student who is a dependent for tax purposes
(as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986).
Another exception permits the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts to disclose education
records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school
officials with legitimate educational interests.
The term school official includes a person employed by the school in an administrative, supervisory,
academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health
staff); a person or company with whom the school has contracted as its agent to provide a service
instead of using school employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a
person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an
official committee, such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks;
officials from other educational institutions, lenders, servicers and agencies that have a legitimate
interest in the student information. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official
needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the
Upon request, the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts may disclose education records without
consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. While FERPA requires
that the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts, with certain exceptions, obtain a student’s prior
written consent before disclosing personally identifiable information from the student’s education
records, FERPA permits the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts to disclose appropriately
designated “directory information” to third parties without prior written student consent unless the
student has advised the school to the contrary in accordance with school procedures. If the student
does not want the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts to disclose some or all directory information
without his or her prior written consent, the student must notify the school in writing within 10 days
after the date of the student’s initial enrollment or by such later date as the school may specify. The
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts has designated the following information as directory
information: student’s name, address(es), telephone number(s), birth date and place, major field of
study (program), dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities, most recent
previous school attended, photograph, and degrees, diplomas, and awards received.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the
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Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and
address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education 400
Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-5901
US Voter Registration
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts encourages all students that are US citizens and of eligible age to vote
in federal and state elections. Students residing in TX while attending school at AESCA can obtain voter
information by visiting the following site: www.votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/
. In addition, voter registration
forms are available on campus or by going to www.webservices.sos.state.tx.us/vrapp/index.asp. Students that
wish to vote in a home state other than TX can find voter information on the following website: www.eac.gov/.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information
Federal regulation requires an institution that participates in any Federal Student Aid program to provide
information to its students, faculty, and employees to prevent drug and alcohol abuse. Students should refer to
the Campus Security and Drug-Free Campus/Workplace report.
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts Austin recognizes the responsibility as an educational institution to
promote a productive and healthy environment. This responsibility demands implementation of programs and
services to facility that effort.
In order to meet these responsibilities, AESCA Austin’s policy is summarized:
1. Requires all students and employees to abide by the terms of this policy as a condition of an initial and
continued enrollment/employment.
2. Recognizes that the illegal use of drugs and alcohol I sin direct violation of local, state, and federal laws as
well as school policies set forth within this policy
3. Strictly prohibits the illegal use, possession, manufactory, dispensing, or distribution of alcohol, drugs, or
controlled substances in the workplace, on its premises, or as a part of any school sponsored activities.
4. Considers a violation of this policy to be a major offense, which may result in requirement for satisfactory
participation in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program, referral for criminal prosecution, and/or
immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment and suspension or
expulsion from the school. A criminal conviction is not required for sanctions to be imposed upon an
employee or student for violations of this policy.
5. Recognizes that violations of applicable local, state, and federal laws may subject a student or employee
to a variety of legal sanctions including but not limited to fines, incarceration, imprisonment and/or
community service requirements. Convictions become a part of an individual's criminal record and may
prohibit certain career and professional opportunities.
6. Requires an employee to notify the Campus President in writing of a criminal conviction for drug or alcohol
related offenses occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days following the conviction.
7. Provides referral assistance for counseling services access to AESCA Austin’s Employee/Student Assistance
Program or the Student Resource Service and will refer employees/students for counseling services
programs that inform students and employees about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Voluntary
participation in or referral to these services is strictly confidential.
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8. AESCA Austin is a “smoke free” campus. “Smoke” is a general term which encompasses the use of all
tobacco products, whether smoked or chewed, as well as the use of vapor-inhaled products. Students and
employees may not use any of these products on school grounds, including in parked cars.
9. Contact the Campus President at 512-451-5743 for referral assistance. AESCA Austin employees may also
contact our health insurance provider for various assistance. Contact information may be obtained from
the Campus President.
10. The Campus President is responsible for notifying federal funding agencies within ten calendar days
whenever an employee is convicted of a drug-related crime that occurred in the workplace.
11. AESCA forbids an employee from performing sensitive safety functions while a prohibited drug(s) is in his
or her system.
12. AESCA could mandate drug testing of employees prior to employment, when there is reasonable cause,
after an accident, on a random basis, and before returning to duty after refusing to take a drug test or after
not passing a drug test. Health risks generally associated with alcohol and drug abuse can result in but are
not limited to a lowered immune system, damage to critical nerve cells, physical dependency, lung damage,
heart problems, liver disease, physical and mental depression, increased infection, irreversible memory
loss, personality changes and thought disorders.
13. AESCA provides for annual distribution of this policy to all staff, faculty, and students.
Your Role in the Drug-Free Workplace Program
Know AESCA Austin’s policy and program.
Follow AESCA Austin’s drug-free policy.
Report to class and/or work fit for duty. Come to the school free of alcohol and other drugs.
Do not abuse alcohol or use illegal drugs in the workplace, on school property, or as part of
any AESCA Austin school sponsored or required activity.
Seek help if you think you have a problem.
Talk to the Campus President if you think a coworker or student may need help or if you see a policy violation.
Crime and Punishment Alcohol and Drug Offenses
Misdemeanors (M) are punishable by imprisonment in county jail for not more than one year and/or a fine
not exceeding $500 unless a different amount is specified for the offense.
Felonies (F) are punishable by imprisonment in the state corrections system for up to two years and/or a fine
not exceeding $1,000 unless a different amount is specified for the offense.
AESCA maintains a standard of conduct that prohibits the unlawful use, possession, or distribution, of drugs
or alcohol by students and employees on school property, or at school activities.
Policy violations are taken seriously and AESCA Austin will impose sanctions on students and employees
(consistent with local, state, and federal law). Disciplinary action(s) for violation of this standard of conduct
could include expulsion from school, termination of employment and referral for prosecution.
Campus Security/Clery Act
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Federal regulation requires an institution to compile an Annual Security Report disclosing the institution’s
security policies and reporting of Crime Statistics. Students should refer to the Campus Crime section of the
campus website at: www.escoffier.edu/consumer-information/
for the latest copy of the AESCA Annual
Security Report.
Prevention of Financial Aid/Scholarship Fraud
Every year, millions of high school graduates seek creative ways to finance the markedly rising costs of a
college education. In the process, they sometimes fall prey to scholarship and financial aid scams. On
November 5, 2000, Congress passed the College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act of 2000 (CSFPA). The CSFPA
enhances protection against fraud in student financial assistance by establishing stricter sentencing
guidelines for criminal financial aid fraud. It also charged the Department, working in conjunction with the
Federal Trade Commission FTC), with implementing national awareness activities, including a scholarship
fraud awareness site on the ED web site
According to the FTC, perpetrators of financial aid fraud often use these telltale lines:
The scholarship is guaranteed or your money back
"You've been selected by a 'national foundation' to receive a scholarship" or "You're a finalist" in a
contest you've never entered.
"You can't get this information anywhere else"
"I just need your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship"
"We'll do all the work"
The scholarship will cost some money
To file a complaint, or for free information, students or parents should call 1.877.FTC.HELP (1.877.382.4357)
or visit: http://ftc.gov/bcp/menus/consumer/education.shtm
Statement of Non-Discrimination
AESCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, or physical
disabilities in the administration of is educational or admissions policies, financial assistance programs, job
placement services, or any other school sponsored program. Admission of applicants is based solely on the
potential of the applicant to succeed in the foodservice industry or benefit from the course of study.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in
programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. All federal agencies that provided grants of
assistance are required to enforce the Title VI regulation.
Know Your Rights Title IX:
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that
prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. All public and private
elementary and secondary schools, school districts, colleges, and universities (hereinafter “schools”) receiving
any Federal funds must comply with Title IX. Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual
harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion.
All students are encouraged and welcome to visit the Administrative Office for any questions, clarification, or
additional information regarding any of the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts' policies & procedures.
Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts- Austin
Student Consumer Information
Reviewed/ Revised June 2022
Appendix A: Placement, Retention and Completion Rates
Placement Rates
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts reports placement rates to the Council on Occupational Education (COE)
and the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). The reported rates are available on the campus website
) and are updated annually.
Retention Rate
Per IPEDS definition, retention rates “examine the percentage of first-time students enrolled in the fall of the prior
year that are still enrolled in the fall of the current year,” measures the percentage of first-time students who
return to the institution to continue their studies the following fall. The retention rate reported for First-Time, Full-
Time students entering in Fall 2019 in the IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey for Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary
Arts in Austin and reported on the College Navigator
website is 66%.
Completion Rate
The completion rate described in these disclosure documents is determined by using U.S. Department of Education
guidance for disclosures and is not the same as used for IPEDS. Graduation rates for each campus can be found on
the IPEDS database, searching for each institution on the following site: https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/use-the-data