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176//'.:$ (+"
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17,?' (8% $()/' $ $",
171:  $90 '.+9' "1
172C'./ !>+9 %$ (0 $"2
17.'$%  %.'/($.'#"2
177('0/0 )!+( '+"
17"0/0  0')!+$ "3
17"+0 90 '.+9' "6
17""0 !'.+''/+$ (+"6
17",.' .+ +8' ($D.)'.'/?''.:00++ "7
2'$0 $ 'A'+%/ .'/"7
20' '/$9  0 $"7
2"9 (/&#%0'!+' "7
2,9 (/&#%+' %./"7
215  $9 (/"7
22'$9 (/"7
28% $#( ($ ' ,
23+ +'$0 ,
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3211+'.+ $7
3212 '. !7
321).8' '!0!7
3213$('+.+$'/$0.'+ '+ $7"
3216$()$ ''.'..+'$ H(/7"
3217/+0$'&'($&'/$0.''!0 $7"
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321'.$&#' &'/ %' ('.$(+$71
321, ! /(+9+07
3212$$ )'+=/$+($73
322$)($0 $0+076
322"$)($0 $0+'.76
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3221'$$0+0 0)($+'.77
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'$$80  % '$"
36:9!'+&'$$80  % '$'$9/+ ($ 5$ +"
36+=#./80 +9!'+&'$$80  % '$"
36,($ $) %$ '.$50$0)+'!'9'.H(0 $"3
37 ' ($ ($ '). !'+ $"3
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22 '8). !/$ )( ').+($/$$.()($$$+'7
2 !(/$%./)!/(+'!7
23 !%./)!+( $&().+I+$'/'8+$73
23:/ 00$$(//'!+($)($$$73
23,$'. !%./$'/$ )5 %$'=8$ !76
231 '8). !$(0')'/0 76
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26'. $ $.'/77
26'. $ $8'8 '8).$'. !"
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26,'./)!'#$77&+,,&1&> &77"
261'./)!'#$77&+,,&1&> &77"
262'./)!'#$77&+,,&1&> &77"
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263'./)!'#$77&+,,&1&> &77"
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6,".+''/>+ '+ """
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61+9! !)!' %$ ' """
62.+''/+$ (+'+ "",
6: '"",
66($.'8 '/0$ 'J'$0'5:00$$  ' '$(J
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3++( $$(0/')'//$+%' ""2
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3,+/8$ $+%' '++( $""2
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32:..+'//$ (/$""
33%  .""
32"8%  ./$+.'0+0  /+'$/)+'$""3
321.'+.8/$+.'0.9!+$ $ '.$ ' ""3
322$$ $ /$+.'0/""6
3204'(/(. :9!'+$+  ')8' /F'8%  /$+.'0+ '
323/ %@9$$F/8>+ /$+.'0($/$+.'0' ""7
326 %8% $ ')/8/""7
327 $ $ 5/'..!'$+ '/8%  /$+.'0""7
6%  .""7
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6,%  .",
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62,'5$'/$+'.'$$$$0 $"11
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622.+''+ "11
62+0 $ +$'/+9' $"11
623:$+//+9' $'/$ +$"11
626$.'!8 %L'8 % / ' $"12
6:00( !$/'.98$$# %9.0 '.%!$+'.$').$+ 
68$.'9/8$D'.'+ "12
6,$ ').$%0 8(%0+/("13
61$ +$&+/$&5+$+9' $//$  %) ($'$8(
62D(%0  +.(/"17
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".'+/' 9'.($"2
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3:9$  0 $"2,
60 '$($+/' $+/'$?+0 !# %!$ 0"2,
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+$ ('."21
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,+$ ('."21
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2+$ ('."21
+$ ('."21
3+$ ('."21
6+$ ('."21
7+$ ('."21
§60-1. Definition of property.
The ownership of a thing is the right of one or more persons to
possess and use it to the exclusion of others. In this Chapter the
thing of which there may be ownership is called property.
R.L.1910, § 6586.
§60-2. Ownership, what subject to.
There may be ownership of all inanimate things which are capable
of appropriation, or of manual delivery; of all domestic animals; of
all obligations; of such products of labor or skill, as the
composition of an author, the good will of a business, trade marks
and signs, and of rights created or granted by statute.
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"
R.L.1910, § 6587.
§60-3. Wild animals may be owned, when.
Animals, wild by nature, are the subjects of ownership while
living only when on the land of the person claiming them, or when
tamed, or taken and held in possession, or disabled and immediately
R.L.1910, § 6588.
§60-4. Property classified.
Property is either:
1. Real or immovable; or
2. Personal or movable.
R.L.1910, § 6589.
§60-5. Real property defined.
Real or immovable property consists of:
1. Land.
2. That which is affixed to land.
3. That which is incidental or appurtenant to land.
4. That which is immovable by law.
R.L.1910, § 6590.
§60-6. Land defined.
A. Land is the solid material of the earth, whatever may be the
ingredients of which it is composed, whether soil, rock or other
substance, and includes any pore space.
B. 1. As used in this section, “pore space” means any
interstitial space not occupied by soil or rock, within the solid
material of the earth, and any cavity, hole, hollow or void space
within the solid material of the earth.
2. As used in this section, pore space is real property and,
until title to the pore space or rights, interests or estates in the
pore space are separately transferred, pore space is property of the
person or persons holding title to the land surface above it.
3. Notwithstanding the ownership of the pore space, nothing in
this section shall alter or be construed to alter the ownership of,
or rights associated with the oil or gas, as those terms are defined
in Section 86.1 of Title 52 of the Oklahoma Statutes, that may be
within the pore space.
R.L.1910, § 6591. Amended by Laws 2011, c. 264, § 6.
§60-7. Fixtures defined.
A thing is deemed to be affixed to land when it is attached to it
by roots, as in the case of trees, vines or shrubs, or embedded in
it, as in the case of walls, or permanently resting upon it, as in
the case of buildings, or permanently attached to what is thus
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8,
permanent, as by means of cement, plaster, nails, bolts or screws.
R.L. 1910 Sec. 6592.
R.L.1910, § 6592.
§60-8. Appurtenances defined.
A thing is deemed to be incidental or appurtenant to land when it
is by right used with the land for its benefit, as in the case of a
way or watercourse, or of a passage for light, air or heat, from or
across the land of another. Sluice boxes, flumes, hose, pipes,
railway tracks, cars, blacksmith shops, mills, and all other
machinery or tools used in working or developing a mine, are to be
deemed affixed to the mine. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6593.
R.L.1910, § 6593.
§60-9. Personal property defined.
Every kind of property that is not real is personal. R.L. 1910
Sec. 6594.
R.L.1910, § 6594.
§60-21. Real property, what law governs.
Real property within this state is governed by the law of this
state, except where the title is in the United States.
R.L.1910, § 6595.
§60-22. Classification as to duration.
Estates in real property, in respect to the duration of their
enjoyment, are either:
1. Estates of inheritance, or perpetual estates.
2. Estates for life.
3. Estates for years; or,
4. Estates at will.
R.L.1910, § 6596.
§60-23. Estate in fee defined.
Every estate of inheritance is a fee, and every such estate, when
not defeasible or conditional, is a fee simple or an absolute fee.
R.L.1910, § 6597.
§60-24. Estates tail abolished.
Estates tail are abolished; and every estate which would be at
common law adjudged to be a fee tail is a fee simple, and if no valid
remainder is limited thereon, is a fee simple absolute.
R.L.1910, § 6598.
§60-25. Limitation of remainder in tail.
Where a remainder in fee is limited upon any estate, which would
by the common law be adjudged a fee tail, such remainder is valid as
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a contingent limitation upon a fee, and vests in possession on the
death of the first taker, without issue living at the time of his
R.L.1910, § 6599.
§60-26. Certain estates defined.
Estates of inheritance and for life are called estates of
freehold; estates for years are chattels real; and estates at will
are chattel interests, but are not liable as such to sale on
R.L.1910, § 6600.
§60-27. Estate pour autre vie.
An estate during the life of a third person, whether limited to
heirs or otherwise, is a freehold.
R.L.1910, § 6601.
§60-28. Particular estate not necessary to remainder.
A future estate may be limited by the act of the party to
commence in possession at a future day, either without the
intervention of a precedent estate, or on the termination, by lapse
of time, or otherwise, of a precedent estate, created at the same
R.L.1910, § 6602.
§60-29. Reversion defined.
The reversion is the residue of an estate left, by operation of
law, in the grantor, or his successors, or in the successors of a
testator, commencing in possession on the determination of a
particular estate granted or devised.
R.L.1910, § 6603.
§60-30. Remainder defined.
When a future estate, other than a reversion, is dependent on a
precedent estate, it may be called a remainder, and may be created
and transferred by that name.
R.L.1910, § 6604.
§60-31. Suspension of alienation.
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 
B. The provisions of this section apply solely to real property
not held in trust.
Added by Laws 1910, § 6605. Amended by Laws 1977, c. 5, § 1; Laws
2015, c. 164, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2015.
§60-32. Suspension of ownership limited.
B. The provisions of this section apply solely to real property
not held in trust.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 266, § 2. Amended by Laws 2015, c. 164, § 2,
eff. Nov. 1, 2015.
§60-33. Repealed by Laws 2015, c. 164, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2015.
§60-34. Contingent remainder in fee, on prior remainder.
A contingent remainder in fee may be created on a prior
remainder in fee, to take effect in the event that the persons to
whom the first remainder is limited die under the age of twenty-one
(21) years, or upon any other contingency by which the estate of such
persons may be determined before they attain majority.
R.L.1910, § 6608.
§60-35. Future estates.
Subject to the rules of this chapter, a freehold estate, as well
as an estate for years, may be created to commence at a future day;
an estate for life may be created in a term of years, and a remainder
limited thereon; a remainder of a freehold or an estate for years,
either contingent or vested, may be created, expectant on the
determination of a term of years; and a fee may be limited on a fee,
upon a contingency, which if it should occur, must happen within the
period prescribed herein.
R.L.1910, § 6609.
§60-36. Certain limitations of estates void.
Successive estates for life cannot be limited, except to persons
in being at the creation thereof, and all life estates subsequent to
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8
those of persons in being are void; and upon the death of those
persons, the remainder, if valid in its creation, takes effect in the
same manner as if no other life estate had been created.
R.L.1910, § 6610.
§60-36.1. Death of life tenant - Prima facie evidence.
In the event of the death of a life tenant leaving an estate
subject to probate, a certified copy of Letters Testamentary or of
Administration shall constitute prima facie evidence of the life
tenant's death.
Added by Laws 1992, c. 395, § 14, eff. Sept. 1, 1992.
§60-37. Remainder on successive lives must be in fee.
No remainder can be created upon successive estates for life,
provided for in the preceding section, unless such remainder is in
fee; nor can a remainder be created upon such estate in a term for
years unless it is for the whole residue of such term.
R.L.1910, § 6611.
§60-38. Contingent remainder on term of years.
A contingent remainder cannot be created on a term of years,
unless the nature of the contingency on which it is limited is such
that the remainder must vest an interest during the continuance or at
the termination of lives in being at the creation of such remainder.
R.L.1910, § 6612.
§60-39. Estate for life limited as remainder.
No estate for life can be limited as a remainder on a term of
years, except to a person in being at the creation of such estate.
R.L.1910, § 6613.
§60-40. Conditional limitations.
A remainder may be limited on a contingency which, in case it
should happen, will operate to abridge or determine the precedent
estate; and every such remainder is to be deemed a conditional
R.L.1910, § 6614.
§60-41. Remainder in fee to heirs after life estate.
When a remainder is limited to the heirs, or heirs of the body,
of a person to whom a life estate in the same property is given, the
persons who, on the termination of the life estate, are the
successors or heirs of the body of the owner for life, are entitled
to take by virtue of the remainder so limited to them, and not as
mere successors of the owner for life.
R.L.1910, § 6615.
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§60-42. Remainder not contingent.
When a remainder on an estate for life or for years is not
limited on a contingency defeating or avoiding such precedent estate,
it is to be deemed intended to take effect only on the death of the
first taker, or the expiration, by lapse of time, of such term of
R.L.1910, § 6616.
§60-43. Future estate after unexecuted power.
A general or special power of appointment does not prevent the
vesting of a future estate, limited to take effect in case such power
is not executed.
R.L.1910, § 6617.
§60-44. Termination of estate at will.
A tenancy or other estate at will, however created, may be
terminated by the landlord's giving notice to the tenant, in the
manner prescribed by the next section, to remove from the premises
within a period specified in the notice, of not less than one (1)
month except as provided in the chapter on "Landlord and Tenant."
R.L.1910, § 6618.
§60-45. Notice of termination.
The notice prescribed by the last section must be in writing, and
must be served by delivering the same to the tenant, or to some
person of discretion residing on the premises; or if neither can,
with reasonable diligence, be found, the notice may be served by
affixing it on a conspicuous part of the premises, where it may be
conveniently read.
R.L.1910, § 6619.
§60-46. Action after notice.
After the notice prescribed by the two preceding sections has
been served in the manner therein directed, and the period specified
by such notice has expired, but not before, the landlord may reenter
or proceed according to law to recover possession.
R.L.1910, § 6620.
§60-47. Reentry, notice of.
Whenever the right of reentry is given to a grantor or lessor in
any grant or lease, or otherwise, such reentry may be made at any
time after the right has accrued upon three (3) days' previous
written notice of intention to reenter, served in the mode prescribed
by Section 6619.
R.L.1910, § 6621.
§60-48. Possession, action for.
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An action for the possession of real property leased or granted,
with a right of reentry, may be maintained at any time after the
right to reenter has accrued, without the notice prescribed in the
preceding section.
R.L.1910, § 6622.
§60-49. Easements attached to land.
The following land burdens or servitudes upon land, may be
attached to other land as incidents or appurtenances, and are then
called easements:
1. The right of pasture;
2. The right of fishing;
3. The right of taking game;
4. The right-of-way;
5. The right of taking water, wood, minerals, and other things;
6. The right of transacting business upon land;
7. The right of conducting lawful sports upon land;
8. The right of receiving air, light, or heat from or over, or
discharging the same upon or over land;
9. The right of receiving water from or discharging the same
upon land;
10. The right of flooding land;
11. The right of having water flow without diminution or
disturbance of any kind;
12. The right of using a wall as a party wall;
13. The right of receiving more than natural support from
adjacent land or things affixed thereto;
14. The right of having the whole of a division fence maintained
by a coterminous owner;
15. The right of having public conveyances stopped, or of
stopping the same on land;
16. The right of a seat in church;
17. The right of burial; and
18. The right to impose limitations or affirmative obligations
relating to conservation pursuant to the Uniform Conservation
Easement Act.
R.L.1910, § 6623. Amended by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 9, eff. Nov. 1,
§60-49.1. Short title.
Sections 1 through 8 of this act shall be known and may be cited
as the "Uniform Conservation Easement Act".
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.2. Definitions.
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As used in this act:
1. "Conservation easement" means a nonpossessory interest of a
holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative
obligations the purposes of which include, but are not limited to,
retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space values of real
property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest,
recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural resources,
maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the
historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of
real property; and
2. "Holder" means:
a. a governmental body empowered to hold an interest in
real property under the laws of this state or the
United States, or
b. a charitable corporation, charitable association, or
charitable trust, the purposes or powers of which
include retaining or protecting the natural, scenic, or
open-space values of real property, assuring the
availability of real property for agricultural, forest,
recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural
resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water
quality, or preserving the historical, architectural,
archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.3. Creation, conveyance, acceptance, and duration.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this act, a conservation
easement may be created, conveyed, recorded, assigned, released,
modified, terminated, or otherwise altered or affected in the same
manner as other easements, provided however, nothing herein shall
authorize any entity or individual to obtain a conservation easement
by condemnation.
B. No right or duty in favor of or against a holder arises under
a conservation easement before its acceptance by the holder and a
recordation of the acceptance.
C. Except as provided in subsection B of Section 4 of this act,
the term of a conservation easement shall be the term stated in the
instrument creating it.
D. An interest in real property in existence at the time a
conservation easement is created is not impaired by it unless the
owner of the interest is a party to the conservation easement or
consents to it.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.4. Judicial Actions.
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A. An action affecting a conservation easement may be brought
1. An owner of an interest in the real property burdened by the
2. A holder of the easement; or
3. A person authorized by other law.
B. The Uniform Conservation Easement Act does not affect the
power of a court to modify or terminate a conservation easement in
accordance with the principles of law and equity.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.5. Validity.
A conservation easement is valid even though:
1. It is not appurtenant to an interest in real property;
2. It can be or has been assigned to another holder;
3. It is not of a character that has been recognized
traditionally at common law;
4. It imposes a negative burden;
5. It imposes affirmative obligations upon the owner of an
interest in the burdened property or upon the holder;
6. The benefit does not touch or concern real property; or
7. There is no privity of estate or of contract.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.6. Applicability.
A. The Uniform Conservation Easement Act applies to any interest
created after November 1, 1999, which complies with the Uniform
Conservation Easement Act, whether designated as a conservation
easement or as a covenant, equitable servitude, restriction,
easement, or otherwise.
B. The Uniform Conservation Easement Act applies to any interest
created before November 1, 1999, if it would have been enforceable
had it been created after November 1, 1999, unless retroactive
application contravenes the constitution or laws of this state or the
United States.
C. The Uniform Conservation Easement Act does not invalidate any
interest, whether designated as a conservation or preservation
easement or as a covenant, equitable servitude, restriction,
easement, or otherwise, that is enforceable under other laws of this
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.7. Uniformity of application and construction.
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This act shall be applied and construed to effectuate its general
purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the subject of this
act among states enacting it.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.8. Additional Construction.
Unless the grantor of a conservation easement elects otherwise at
the time of and in the same manner as the grant of the easement:
1. Nothing in this act shall be construed to impair the rights
of a party with respect to the acquisition of rights-of-way,
easements, or other property rights, whether through voluntary
conveyance or eminent domain, upon or under which facilities, plant,
system, or other improvements including, but not limited to, a
pipeline for transmission, gathering, or transportation of
hydrocarbons are to be constructed; and
2. The holder of a conservation easement must subordinate,
without construction restrictions or other obligations, the
conservation easement upon the request of any party owning any of the
above rights-of-way, easements, or other property rights whether
acquired prior or subsequent to the conservation easement.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 384, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-49.11. Short title.
A. Sections 1 through 13 of this act shall be known and may be
cited as the “Uniform Environmental Covenants Act”.
B. The provisions of the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act
apply to real property in Oklahoma that otherwise qualifies under the
provisions of the act.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.12. Definitions.
In the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act:
1. “Activity and use limitations” means restrictions or
obligations created under this act with respect to real property;
2. “Agency” means the Department of Environmental Quality or any
other state or federal agency that determines or approves the
environmental response project pursuant to which the environmental
covenant is created;
3. “Common interest community” means a condominium, cooperative,
or other real property with respect to which a person, by virtue of
the person’s ownership of a parcel of real property, is obligated to
pay property taxes or insurance premiums, or for maintenance, or
improvement of other real property described in a recorded covenant
that creates the common interest community;
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4. “Environmental covenant” means a servitude arising under an
environmental response project that imposes activity and use
5. “Environmental response project” means a plan or work
performed for environmental remediation of real property and
a. under a federal or state program governing
environmental remediation of real property, including
remedial actions provided for in the Oklahoma
Environmental Quality Code,
b. incident to closure of a solid or hazardous waste
management unit, if the closure is conducted with
approval of an agency, or
c. under a state voluntary cleanup program authorized in
the Oklahoma Brownfields Voluntary Redevelopment Act;
6. “Holder” means the grantee of an environmental covenant as
specified in subsection A of Section 3 of this act;
7. “Person” means an individual, corporation, business trust,
estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association,
joint venture, public corporation, government, governmental
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or
commercial entity;
8. “Record”, used as a noun, means information that is inscribed
on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other
medium and is retrievable in perceivable form; and
9. “State” means a state of the United States, the District of
Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any
territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.13. Nature of rights - Subordination of interests.
A. Any person, including a person that owns an interest in the
real property, the agency, or a municipality or other unit of local
government, may be a holder. An environmental covenant may identify
more than one holder. The interest of a holder is an interest in
real property.
B. A right of an agency under the Uniform Environmental
Covenants Act or under an environmental covenant, other than a right
as a holder, is not an interest in real property.
C. An agency is bound by any obligation it assumes in an
environmental covenant, but an agency does not assume obligations
merely by signing an environmental covenant. Any other person that
signs an environmental covenant is bound by the obligations the
person assumes in the covenant, but signing the covenant does not
change obligations, rights, or protections granted or imposed under
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8",
law other than the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act except as
provided in the covenant.
D. The following rules apply to interests in real property in
existence at the time an environmental covenant is created or
1. An interest that has priority under other law is not affected
by an environmental covenant unless the person that owns the interest
subordinates that interest to the covenant;
2. The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act does not require a
person that owns a prior interest to subordinate that interest to an
environmental covenant or to agree to be bound by the covenant;
3. A subordination agreement may be contained in an
environmental covenant covering real property or in a separate
record. If the environmental covenant covers commonly owned property
in a common interest community, the record may be signed by any
person authorized by the governing board of the owners’ association;
4. An agreement by a person to subordinate a prior interest to
an environmental covenant affects the priority of that person’s
interest but does not by itself impose any affirmative obligation on
the person with respect to the environmental covenant.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 3, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.14. Contents of environmental covenant.
A. An environmental covenant must:
1. State that the instrument is an environmental covenant
executed pursuant to the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act;
2. Contain a legally sufficient description of the real property
subject to the covenant;
3. Describe the activity and use limitations on the real
4. Identify every holder;
5. Be signed by the agency, every holder, and every owner of the
fee simple of the real property subject to the covenant; and
6. Identify the name and location of any administrative record
for the environmental response project reflected in the environmental
B. In addition to the information required by subsection A of
this section, an environmental covenant may contain other
information, restrictions, and requirements agreed to by the persons
who signed it, including any:
1. Requirements for notice following transfer of a specified
interest in, or concerning proposed changes in use of, applications
for building permits for, or proposals for any site work affecting
the contamination on, the property subject to the covenant;
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2. Requirements for periodic reporting describing compliance
with the covenant;
3. Rights of access to the property granted in connection with
implementation or enforcement of the covenant;
4. Brief narrative description of the contamination and remedy,
including the contaminants of concern, the pathways of exposure,
limits on exposure, and the location and extent of the contamination;
5. Limitation on amendment or termination of the covenant in
addition to those contained in Sections 9 and 10 of this act; and
6. Rights of the holder in addition to its right to enforce the
covenant pursuant to Section 11 of this act.
C. In addition to other conditions for its approval of an
environmental covenant, the agency may require those persons
specified by the agency who have interests in the real property to
sign the covenant.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 4, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.15. Validity - Effective on other instruments.
A. An environmental covenant that complies with the Uniform
Environmental Covenants Act runs with the land.
B. An environmental covenant that is otherwise effective is
valid and enforceable even if:
1. It is not appurtenant to an interest in real property;
2. It can be or has been assigned to a person other than the
original holder;
3. It is not of a character that has been recognized
traditionally at common law;
4. It imposes a negative burden;
5. It imposes an affirmative obligation on a person having an
interest in real property or on the holder;
6. The benefit or burden does not touch or concern real
7. There is no privity of estate or contract;
8. The holder dies, ceases to exist, resigns, or is replaced; or
9. The owner of an interest subject to the environmental
covenant and the holder are the same person.
C. An instrument that creates restrictions or obligations with
respect to real property that would qualify as activity and use
limitations except for the fact that the instrument was recorded
before January 1, 2007, is not invalid or unenforceable because of
any of the limitations on enforcement of interests described in
subsection B of this section or because it was identified as an
easement, servitude, deed restriction, or other interest. The
Uniform Environmental Covenants Act does not apply in any other
respect to such an instrument.
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D. The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act does not invalidate
or render unenforceable any interest, whether designated as an
environmental covenant or other interest, that is otherwise
enforceable under the law of this state.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 5, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.16. Relationship to other land-use law.
The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act does not authorize a use
of real property that is otherwise prohibited by zoning, by law other
than the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act regulating use of real
property, or by a recorded instrument that has priority over the
environmental covenant. An environmental covenant may prohibit or
restrict uses of real property which are authorized by zoning or by
law other than the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 6, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.17. Notice.
A. A copy of an environmental covenant shall be provided by the
persons and in the manner required by the agency to:
1. Each person that signed the covenant;
2. Each person holding a recorded interest in the real property
subject to the covenant;
3. Each person in possession of the real property subject to the
4. Each municipality or other unit of local government in which
real property subject to the covenant is located; and
5. Any other person the agency requires.
B. The validity of a covenant is not affected by failure to
provide a copy of the covenant as required under this section.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 7, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.18. Recording.
A. An environmental covenant and any amendment or termination of
the covenant must be recorded in every county in which any portion of
the real property subject to the covenant is located. For purposes
of indexing, a holder shall be treated as a grantee.
B. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C of Section 9 of
this act, an environmental covenant is subject to the laws of this
state governing recording and priority of interests in real property.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 8, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.19. Duration - Amendment by court action.
A. An environmental covenant is perpetual unless it is:
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1. By its terms limited to a specific duration or terminated by
the occurrence of a specific event;
2. Terminated by consent pursuant to Section 10 of this act;
3. Terminated pursuant to subsection B of this section;
4. Terminated by foreclosure of an interest that has priority
over the environmental covenant; or
5. Terminated or modified in an eminent domain proceeding, but
only if:
a. the agency that signed the covenant is a party to the
b. all persons identified in subsections A and B of
Section 10 of this act are given notice of the pendency
of the proceeding, and
c. the court determines, after hearing, that the
termination or modification will not adversely affect
human health or the environment.
B. If the agency that signed an environmental covenant has
determined that the intended benefits of the covenant can no longer
be realized, a court, under the doctrine of changed circumstances, in
an action in which all persons identified in subsections A and B of
Section 10 of this act have been given notice, may terminate the
covenant or reduce its burden on the real property subject to the
covenant. The agency’s determination or its failure to make a
determination upon request is subject to review pursuant to the
Administrative Procedures Act.
C. Except as otherwise provided in subsections A and B of this
section, an environmental covenant may not be extinguished, limited,
or impaired through issuance of a tax deed, foreclosure of a tax
lien, or application of the doctrine of adverse possession,
prescription, abandonment, waiver, lack of enforcement, or
acquiescence, or a similar doctrine.
D. An environmental covenant may not be extinguished, limited,
or impaired by application of the provisions of Sections 71 through
85 of Title 16 of the Oklahoma Statutes or the Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 9, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.20. Amendment or termination by consent.
A. An environmental covenant may be amended or terminated by
consent only if the amendment or termination is signed by:
1. The agency;
2. The current owner of the fee simple of the real property
subject to the covenant;
3. Each person that originally signed the covenant, unless the
person waived in a signed record the right to consent or a court
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finds that the person no longer exists or cannot be located or
identified with the exercise of reasonable diligence; and
4. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 2 of subsection D
of this section, the holder.
B. If an interest in real property is subject to an
environmental covenant, the interest is not affected by an amendment
of the covenant unless the current owner of the interest consents to
the amendment or has waived in a signed record the right to consent
to amendments.
C. Except for an assignment undertaken pursuant to a
governmental reorganization, assignment of an environmental covenant
to a new holder is an amendment.
D. Except as otherwise provided in an environmental covenant:
1. A holder may not assign its interest without consent of the
other parties; and
2. A holder may be removed and replaced by agreement of the
other parties specified in subsection A of this section.
E. A court of competent jurisdiction may fill a vacancy in the
position of holder.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 10, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.21. Enforcement of environmental covenant.
A. A civil action for injunctive or other equitable relief for
violation of an environmental covenant may be maintained by:
1. A party to the covenant;
2. The agency or, if it is not the agency, the Department of
Environmental Quality;
3. Any person to whom the covenant expressly grants power to
4. A person whose interest in the real property or whose
collateral or liability may be affected by the alleged violation of
the covenant; or
5. A municipality or other unit of local government in which the
real property subject to the covenant is located.
B. The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act does not limit the
regulatory authority of the Department of Environmental Quality or
other agency under law other than the Uniform Environmental Covenants
Act with respect to an environmental response project including the
authority of the Department of Environmental Quality provided in
Sections 2-7-123 and 2-15-107 of Title 27A of the Oklahoma Statutes.
C. A person is not responsible for or subject to liability for
environmental remediation solely because it has the right to enforce
an environmental covenant.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 11, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.22. Uniformity of application and construction.
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In applying and construing the Uniform Environmental Covenants
Act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of
the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 12, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-49.23. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National
Commerce Act.
The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act modifies, limits, or
supersedes the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National
Commerce Act (15 U.S.C., Section 7001 et seq.) but does not modify,
limit, or supersede Section 101 of that act (15 U.S.C., Section
7001(a)) or authorize electronic delivery of any of the notices
described in Section 103 of that act (15 U.S.C., Section 7003(b)).
Added by Laws 2006, c. 182, § 13, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
§60-50. Easements not attached to land.
The following land burdens or servitudes upon land may be granted
and held, though not attached to land:
1. The right to pasture, and of fishing and taking game.
2. The right of seat in church.
3. The right of burial.
4. The right of taking rents and tolls.
5. The right-of-way.
6. The right of taking water, wood, minerals, or other things.
R.L.1910, § 6624.
§60-51. Dominant and servient tenements.
The land to which an easement is attached is called the dominant
tenement; the land upon which a burden or servitude is laid is called
the servient tenement. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6625.
R.L.1910, § 6625.
§60-52. Servitude, who may create.
A servitude can be created only by one who has a vested estate in
the servient tenement. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6626.
R.L.1910, § 6626.
§60-53. Servitude, who cannot hold.
A servitude thereon cannot be held by the owner of the servient
R.L. 1910, § 6627.
§60-54. Extent of servitude.
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The extent of a servitude is determined by the terms of the
grant, or the nature of the enjoyment by which it was acquired. R.L.
1910 Sec. 6628.
R.L.1910, § 6628.
§60-55. Partition of servitude.
In case of partition of the dominant tenement, the burden must be
apportioned according to the division of the dominant tenement, but
not in such a way as to increase the burden upon the servient
tenement. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6629.
R.L.1910, § 6629.
§60-56. Rights of owner of future estate.
The owner of a future estate in a dominant tenement, may use
easements attached thereto, for the purpose of viewing waste,
demanding rent, or removing an obstruction to the enjoyment of such
easements, although such tenement if occupied by a tenant. R.L. 1910
Sec. 6630.
R.L.1910, § 6630.
§60-57. Action to enforce easement.
The owner of any estate in a dominant tenement, or the occupant
of such tenement, may maintain an action for the enforcement of an
easement attached thereto. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6631.
R.L.1910, § 6631.
§60-58. Action for possession of servient tenement.
The owner in fee of a servient tenement may maintain an action
for the possession of the land, against any one unlawfully possessed
thereof, though a servitude exists thereon in favor of the public.
R.L. 1910 Sec. 6632.
R.L.1910, § 6632.
§60-59. Servitude extinguished, how.
A servitude is extinguished:
1. By the vesting of the right to the servitude and the right to
the servient tenement in the same person.
2. By the destruction of the servient tenement.
3. By the performance of any act upon either tenement, by the
owner of the servitude, or with his assent which is incompatible with
its nature or exercise; or,
4. When the servitude was acquired by enjoyment, by disuse
thereof by the owner of the servitude for the period prescribed for
acquiring title by enjoyment. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6633.
R.L.1910, § 6633.
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§60-59.1. Abstracting easement with mortgage or bond indenture -
If a mortgage or bond indenture describes or makes reference to a
recorded easement, the abstractor shall identify the mortgage or bond
indenture in the abstract of title, state that the land described in
the abstract of title is subject to the mortgage or bond indenture,
and give the date of the mortgage or bond indenture, the book and
page of its recording and the book and page of the recording of the
easement described in said mortgage. The abstractor shall not
otherwise summarize, abstract or copy the mortgage or bond indenture
in full unless authorized in writing by the owner, purchaser or
lessee of the land.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 109, § 1, emerg. eff. April 6, 1982.
§60-59.2. Abstracting or copying mortgage or bond indenture without
authorization - Damages.
If any abstractor fails to obtain written authorization by the
owner, purchaser or lessee of the land and subsequently summarizes,
abstracts or copies the mortgage or bond indenture in full, he shall
be liable for damages.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 109, § 2, emerg. eff. April 6, 1982.
§60-59.3. Application of act.
The provisions of this act shall be prospective in nature and
shall not apply to any documents recorded prior to the effective date
of this act.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 109, § 3, emerg. eff. April 6, 1982.
§60-60. Ownership of water - Use of running water.
A. The owner of the land owns water standing thereon, or flowing
over or under its surface but not forming a definite stream. The use
of groundwater shall be governed by the Oklahoma Groundwater Law.
Water running in a definite stream, formed by nature over or under
the surface, may be used by the owner of the land riparian to the
stream for domestic uses as defined in Section 105.1 of Title 82 of
the Oklahoma Statutes, but he may not prevent the natural flow of the
stream, or of the natural spring from which it commences its definite
course, nor pursue nor pollute the same, as such water then becomes
public water and is subject to appropriation for the benefit and
welfare of the people of the state, as provided by law; Provided
however, that nothing contained herein shall prevent the owner of
land from damming up or otherwise using the bed of a stream on his
land for the collection or storage of waters in an amount not to
exceed that which he owns, by virtue of the first sentence of this
section so long as he provides for the continued natural flow of the
stream in an amount equal to that which entered his land less the
uses allowed for domestic uses and for valid appropriations made
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pursuant to Title 82 of the Oklahoma Statutes; provided further, that
nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the powers of
the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to grant permission to build or
alter structures on a stream pursuant to Title 82 of the Oklahoma
Statutes to provide for the storage of additional water the use of
which the landowner has or acquires by virtue of this act.
B. All rights to the use of water in a definite stream in this
state are governed by this section and other laws in Title 82 of the
Oklahoma Statutes, which laws are exclusive and supersede the common
Amended by Laws 1988, c. 203, § 1, emerg. eff. June 10, 1988.
§60-61. Life lease rent.
Rent due upon a lease for life may be recovered in the same
manner as upon a lease for years. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6635.
R.L.1910, § 6635.
§60-62. Life lease rent, recovery after death.
Rent dependent on the life of a person may be recovered after as
well as before his death. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6636.
R.L.1910, § 6636.
§60-63. Action for injury to inheritance.
A person having an estate in fee, in remainder, or reversion, may
maintain an action for any injury done to the inheritance,
notwithstanding an intervening estate for life or years, and
although, after its commission, his estate is transferred, and he has
no interest in the property at the commencement of the action. R.L.
1910 Sec. 6637.
R.L.1910, § 6637.
§60-64. Fee title covers what.
The owner of land in fee has the right to the surface and to
everything permanently situated beneath or above it. R.L. 1910 Sec.
R.L.1910, § 6638.
§60-66. Lateral and subjacent support, right to.
Each coterminous owner is entitled to the lateral and subjacent
support which his land receives from the adjoining land, subject to
the right of the owner of the adjoining land to make proper and usual
excavations on the same for purposes of construction, on using
ordinary care and skill, and taking reasonable precautions to sustain
the land of the other, and giving previous reasonable notice to the
other of his intention to make such excavations. R.L. 1910 Sec.
R.L.1910, § 6641.
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§60-67. Trees on land, ownership of.
Trees whose trunks stand wholly upon the land of one owner,
belong exclusively to him, although their roots grow into the land of
another. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6642.
R.L.1910, § 6642.
§60-68. Trees on line, ownership of.
Trees whose trunks stand partly on the land of two or more
coterminous owners belong to them in common. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6643.
R.L.1910, § 6643.
§60-69. Duties of life tenant.
The owner of a life estate must keep the buildings and fences in
repair from ordinary waste, and must pay the taxes and other annual
charges, and a just proportion of extraordinary assessments
benefiting the whole inheritance. R.L. 1910 Sec. 6644.
R.L.1910, § 6644.
§60-70. Boundaries and fences.
Coterminous owners are mutually bound equally to maintain:
1. The boundaries and monuments between them.
2. The fences between them, unless one of them chooses to let
his land lie open as a public common, in which case, if he afterwards
encloses it, he must refund to the other a just proportion of the
value, at that time, of any division fence made by the latter. R.L.
1910 Sec. 6645.
R.L.1910, § 6645.
§60-71. Appointment of trustee where there are contingent
In any case where, by will or deed or other instrument, title to
real estate is in a tenant for life or other person having the right
to the use thereof and income therefrom, with the remainder interest
left to one or more contingent remaindermen, so that it is impossible
to determine until the death of the life tenant or the future
happening of some other determining event, what interest, if any, the
various contingent remaindermen will take; the district court, upon
the application of the life tenant, shall have jurisdiction and
authority to appoint a trustee under proper bond, over said real
estate, for the purpose of leasing the same for oil and gas
developing purposes.
Added by Laws 1939, p. 355, § 1, emerg. eff. May 10, 1939.
§60-72. Trustee may make oil and gas leases and other mining leases.
Said trustee shall have the power and authority to make valid oil
and gas leases and other mining leases, upon said lands, for a term
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not to exceed ten (10) years, and as long thereafter as oil, gas or
other minerals may be produced in paying quantities, said leases to
be executed and approved under the same procedure now followed in
leasing lands for oil and gas purposes in guardianships and estates,
the bonus and rentals therefrom to be paid to the life tenant or
other person entitled thereto.
Added by Laws 1939, p. 355, § 2, emerg. eff. May 10, 1939.
§60-73. Trustee's authority to invest income from royalties -
Payments to life tenant or other person.
Under proper court order the trustee shall be authorized to
invest income from royalties pursuant to the provisions of the
Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act, unless otherwise provided by
law, which investments shall remain intact until the ultimate taker
is determined and shall then be paid over to the ultimate taker and
the trust closed. Income from investments shall be paid to the life
tenant or other person entitled thereto.
Added by Laws 1939, p. 355, § 3, emerg. eff. May 10, 1939. Amended
by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 19, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-74. Joint tenancy and tenancy by entirety.
A joint interest is one owned by several persons in either real
or personal property in equal shares, being a joint title created by
a single instrument, will or transfer when expressly declared in the
instrument, will or transfer to be a joint tenancy, or as between
husband and wife a tenancy by entirety or joint tenancy as the
grantor may elect, or when granting or devising to executors or
trustees as joint tenants. A tenancy by entirety can only be created
between husband and wife.
Such joint tenancy or tenancy by entirety may be created by
transfer to persons as joint tenants or tenants by entirety from an
owner or a joint owner to himself and one or more persons, or from
tenants in common to themselves, or by coparceners in voluntary
partition, and such estates may be created by or for persons who have
elected to become bound under any community property act now in
existence or which may hereafter be enacted. An adjudication of
incompetency shall not operate to terminate such an estate.
Where a deed, transfer or conveyance grants an estate in joint
tenancy or tenancy by entirety in the granting clause thereof, the
granting clause shall control over the habendum clause containing
language inconsistent to the granting clause.
In the event of the death of a joint tenant or tenant by
entirety, leaving estate subject to probate, a certified copy of
letters testamentary or of administration shall constitute prima
facie evidence of such death.
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The provisions of this act shall apply to all estates in joint
tenancy or tenancy by entirety in either real or personal property
heretofore or hereafter created.
Nothing herein contained shall prevent execution, levy and sale
of the interest of the judgment debtor in such estates and such sale
shall constitute a severance.
Added by Laws 1945, p. 213, § 1, emerg. eff. May 7, 1945.
§60-74.1. Partial invalidity.
The provisions of this act shall be severable and if any section,
subsection, sentence or clause of this act is for any reason held to
be invalid such holding shall not affect the validity fo the
remaining portions thereof.
Added by Laws 1945, p. 213, § 2, emerg. eff. May 7, 1945.
§60-75. Reformation of interests violating rule against perpetuities
- Intent.
Any interest in real or personal property that would violate the
rule against perpetuities shall be reformed, or construed within the
limits of the rule, to give effect to the general intent of the
creator of that interest whenever that general intent can be
ascertained. This provision shall be liberally construed and applied
to validate such interest to the fullest extent consistent with such
ascertained intent.
Added by Laws 1971, c. 139, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
§60-76. Construction in accordance with cy pres doctrine.
To effectuate the provisions hereof, all courts of this state
are, within their otherwise jurisdictional limits, hereby granted the
power to reform or construe interests in real or personal property,
as provided in Section 1 hereof, in accordance with the doctrine of
cy pres.
Added by Laws 1971, c. 139, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
§60-77. Reformation of offending instruments.
If an instrument violates the rule against perpetuities, but can
be reformed or construed in accordance with the provisions of this
act, is shall not be declared totally invalid. Rather, the
provisions thereof that do not offend the rule shall be enforced, and
only the provisions thereof that do violate, or might violate, the
rule shall be subject to reformation or construction under the
doctrine of cy pres within the terms of this act.
Added by Laws 1971, c. 139, § 3, eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
§60-78. Applicability to certain inter vivos instruments, wills and
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This act shall apply to inter vivos instruments and wills taking
effect after the act becomes effective, and to appointments made
after the act becomes effective, including appointments by inter
vivos instruments or wills under powers created before the act
becomes effective. The act shall apply to both legal and equitable
Added by Laws 1971, c. 139, § 4, eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
§60-121. Alien may not hold land - Ownership of personalty.
No alien or any person who is not a citizen of the United States
shall acquire title to or own land in the State of Oklahoma, except
as hereinafter provided, but he shall have and enjoy in the State of
Oklahoma such rights as to personal property as are, or shall be
accorded a citizen of the United States under the laws of the nation
to which such alien belongs, or by the treaties of such nation with
the United States, except as the same may be affected by the
provisions of this act or the Constitution of this state.
R.L.1910, § 6646.
§60-122. Exceptions.
This article shall not apply to lands now owned in this state by
aliens so long as they are held by the present owners, nor to any
alien who is or shall take up bona fide residence in this state: and
any alien who is or shall become a bona fide resident of the State of
Oklahoma shall have the right to acquire and hold lands in this state
upon the same terms as citizens of the State of Oklahoma during the
continuance of such bona fide residence of such alien in this state:
Provided, that if any such resident alien shall cease to be a bona
fide inhabitant of this state, such alien shall have five (5) years
from the time he ceased to be such bona fide resident in which to
alienate such lands.
R.L.1910, § 6647.
§60-123. Five-year limitation in certain cases.
All nonresident aliens who may hereinafter acquire real estate in
Oklahoma by devise, descent or by purchase, where such purchase is
made under any legal proceeding foreclosing liens in favor of such
alien, may hold the same for five (5) years from the date of so
acquiring such title.
R.L.1910, § 6648.
§60-124. Escheat to state, unless conveyance made.
Any alien who shall hereafter hold lands in the State of Oklahoma
in contravention of the provisions of this article, may nevertheless
convey the fee simple title thereof at any time before the
institution of escheat proceedings as hereinafter provided: Provided,
however, that if any such conveyance shall be made by such alien
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either to an alien or a citizen of the United States in trust, and
for the purpose and with the intention of evading the provisions of
this article, or the provisions of the Constitution of this state,
such conveyance shall be null and void, and any such lands so
conveyed shall be forfeited and escheated to the state absolutely.
R.L.1910, § 6649.
§60-125. Procedure to enforce escheat.
It shall be the duty of the Attorney General or the district
attorney of the county where the land is situate, when he shall be
informed or have reason to believe that any lands in the state are
being held contrary to the provisions of this act, or the provisions
of the Constitution of this state, to institute suit in behalf of the
State of Oklahoma in the district court of the county in which said
lands are situate, praying for the escheat of the same in behalf of
the state, and proceed therein as in cases provided by law for
escheats of lands or property where such property has no known owner:
Provided, that before any such suit is instituted, the Attorney
General, or district attorney aforesaid, as the case may be, shall
give thirty (30) days' notice by registered letter of his intention
to sue, directed to the owner of the lands, at his last-known post
office address or to the persons who last rendered the same for
taxes, or to any known agents of the owner; proof of having mailed
such registered letter shall be deemed and held prima facie evidence
of the giving of such notice.
R.L.1910, § 6650.
§60-126. Procedure - Minors and incompetents as defendants.
In case the lands, at the time escheat proceedings are about to
be commenced, are owned by minors, or by persons of unsound mind,
such notice shall be addressed to the guardian of the said minors, or
persons of unsound mind, and if there is no such guardian, the
Attorney General of the state, or district attorney shall make
application in the name of the state to the court and procure the
appointment of a guardian ad litem to represent such minor, or person
of unsound mind in such proceedings; thereafter the district attorney
shall direct the clerk of such court to ascertain the residence or
postoffice address of the next of kin of such minor, or person of
unsound mind, and to transmit to such next of kin a copy of the
petition or application to escheat such lands, and such minor or
person of unsound mind shall have ninety (90) days after the mailing
of such notice to appear and defend the action.
R.L.1910, § 6651.
§60-127. Trial and judgment.
If it shall be determined upon the trial of any such escheat
proceedings that lands are held contrary to the provisions of this
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article, or the Constitution of this state, the court trying said
cause shall render judgment condemning such lands, and order the same
to be sold under the order of court, at such time, terms, and
conditions as to the court may seem best; the proceeds of such sale
after deducting the cost of the proceeding, shall be paid to the
clerk of the court rendering the judgment where the same shall remain
for one (1) year from the date of such payment, subject to the order
of the alien owner of such lands, his heirs and legal
representatives, and if not claimed within the period of one (1)
year, such clerk shall pay the same into the treasury of the state
for the benefit of the available school fund of the State: Provided,
that when any money shall have been paid to the State Treasurer as
hereinabove provided, an alien or his heirs may procure the same to
be returned by applying for and procuring an order from the court
condemning the property showing that such judgment escheating said
property was procured by fraud, or mistake, or that there was
material irregularity in the proceedings; this application, however,
must be made within two (2) years from the date such monies were
turned over into the State Treasury; and in no event shall the state
be liable or called on to refund any further sum than the actual cash
transmitted and delivered to such Treasurer: Provided, further, that
the defendant in such escheat proceedings may at any time before
final judgment suggest and prove to the court, that he has conformed
to, or complied with the law, under and by which they will be
entitled to hold such estate; which, it being admitted or proved,
said suit shall be dismissed on payment by defendant of the costs and
reasonable attorney's fees, to be fixed by the court.
R.L.1910, § 6652.
§60-131. Trusts of real property.
Uses and trusts, in relation to real property, are those only
which are specified in this article.
R.L.1910, § 6653.
§60-132. Former uses confirmed.
Every estate which is now held as a use, executed under any
former statute of this state, is confirmed as a legal estate.
R.L.1910, § 6654.
§60-136. Requisites of a trust.
No trust in relation to real property is valid, unless created or
1. By a written instrument, subscribed by the grantor or by his
agent thereto authorized by writing.
2. By the instrument under which the trustee claims the estate
affected; or,
3. By operation of law.
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R.L.1910, § 6659.
§60-137. Trust presumed, when.
When a transfer of real property is made to one person, and the
consideration therefor is paid by or for another, a trust is presumed
to result in favor of the person by or for whom such payment is made.
R.L.1910, § 6660.
§60-140. Surplus liable to creditors.
Where a trust is created to receive the rents and profits of real
property, and no valid direction for accumulation is given, the
surplus of such rents and profits, beyond the sum that may be
necessary for the education and support of the person for whose
benefit the trust is created, is liable to the claims of the
creditors of such person, in the same manner as personal property
which cannot be reached by execution.
R.L.1910, § 6664.
§60-143. Realty passes subject to power.
In every case where a trust is valid as a power in trust, the
real property to which the trust relates, remains in or passes by
succession to the persons otherwise entitled, subject to the
execution of the trust as a power in trust.
R.L.1910, § 6667.
§60-156. Deeds and conveyances - Works not giving notice of
existence of trust - Recorded written evidence.
A. The appearance of the words "trustee" or "as trustee" or
"agent" following the names of the grantee in any deed of conveyance
of land or other property, or an interest therein, heretofore or
hereafter executed, without other language showing a trust, shall not
be deemed to give notice to or put on inquiry any person dealing with
said property that a trust exists, or that there are other
beneficiaries of said conveyance except the grantee named therein,
and such conveyance shall vest the title to such property in such
grantee and a conveyance by such grantee, whether followed by the
words "trustee" or "as trustee" or "agent" or not, shall vest title
in his grantee free from any claims of all persons or corporations.
B. Subsection A of this section shall not apply if other written
evidence is recorded, whether before or after the grantor's death,
which establishes that an express trust does exist with respect to
property which the grantor has conveyed by deed to his grantee
followed by the words "trustee" or "as trustee" provided such other
written evidence is recorded prior to conveyance of such property by
such grantee.
Amended by Laws 1988, c. 319, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1988.
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§60-157. Mortgages - Words not giving notice of existence of trust.
The appearance of the words "trustee" or "as trustee" or "agent"
following the name of the mortgagee in any mortgage on real estate or
personal property heretofore or hereafter executed, without other
language showing a trust, shall not be deemed to give notice to or
put on inquiry any person dealing with said property or mortgage that
a trust exists, or that there are other beneficiaries of said
mortgage except the mortgagee named therein, and such mortgage shall
vest full rights and ownership to such mortgage and lien created
thereby in such mortgagee, and an assignment or release of said
mortgage by such mortgagee, whether followed by the words "trustee"
or "as trustee" or "agent" or not, shall vest full and complete title
and ownership in said mortgage in the assignee, or shall constitute a
full and complete release of said mortgage, free from any claims of
all persons or corporations. This act shall not apply to any suits
now pending.
Laws 1953, p. 65, § 2.
§60-161. Property in which trustee may invest - Judgment and care
Unless otherwise authorized, directed or restricted by order of
court or by the will, trust agreement, or other document which is the
source of the trust, the trustee may invest trust funds in any
property, real, personal or mixed, in which an individual may invest
the individual's own funds. In making investments, the trustee shall
comply with the provisions of the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor
Act. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to
authorize a trustee to buy or sell property and investments from or
to the trustee personally or to commingle trust funds with the
individual funds of the trustee.
Added by Laws 1949, p. 412, § 1. Amended by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 20,
eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-162. Repealed by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 27, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-163. Retention of property originally received.
A trustee may retain in trust any property originally received
into the trust and any substitution therefor without liability for
such retention.
Laws 1949, p. 413, § 3.
§60-164. Trust as furtherance of public function.
The uses and purposes of the said Oklahoma Ordinance Works
Authority Trust are hereby declared to be in furtherance of a public
function and purpose and vital to the public welfare of the people of
Oklahoma, and all actions heretofore taken by said authority are
hereby in all respects approved and ratified.
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Added by Laws 1961, p. 730, § 1.
§60-165. Acquisition of property.
It is hereby declared to be the intention and desire of the State
of Oklahoma that the Oklahoma Ordinance Works Authority, as an agency
of the State of Oklahoma, continue its negotiations with the General
Services Administration and complete the acquisition of said property
for the use and benefit of the State of Oklahoma and its people.
Added by Laws 1961, p. 730, § 2.
§60-166. Appropriation.
It is hereby directed that the State Contingency and Emergency
Fund Board allocate and pay over to the Oklahoma Ordinance Works
Authority Trust the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in aid of
such acquisition, to be expended by said Oklahoma Ordinance Works
Authority Trust for expenses necessarily incurred in the acquisition
and operation of said property.
Laws 1961, p. 730, § 3.
§60-171. Trusts authorized - Powers of trustee.
Express trusts may be created in real or personal property or
both, with power in the trustee, or a majority of the trustees, if
there be more than one, to receive title to, hold, buy, sell,
exchange, transfer and convey real and personal property for the use
of such trust; to take, receive, invest or disburse the receipts,
earnings, rents, profits or returns from the trust estate; to carry
on and conduct any lawful business designated in the instrument of
trust, generally to do any lawful act in relation to the trust
property which any individual owning the same absolutely might do and
to comply with the provisions of the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent
Investor Act.
Added by Laws 1919, c. 16, p. 30, § 1. Amended by Laws 1988, c. 117,
§ 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1988; Laws 1989, c. 223, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1989;
Laws 1995, c. 351, § 21, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-172. Express trust, how created - Duration - Specification of
duration - Extension of term.
No such express trust shall be valid unless created first, by a
written instrument subscribed by the grantor or grantors duly
acknowledged, as conveyances of real estate are acknowledged, and
recorded in the office of the county clerk of each county wherein is
situated any real estate conveyed to such trustee, as well as in the
county where the principal property is located or business conducted;
or, second, by a will duly executed, as required by the law of the
state. Such express trusts shall be limited in the duration thereof
either to a definite period of not to exceed twenty-one (21) years,
or to the period of the life or lives of the beneficiary or
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beneficiaries thereof in being at the time of the creation of the
trust. The instrument creating the trust shall specify the period of
duration thereof within the limitations herein provided. When such
express trust has originally been created for a definite term of
years by a writing other than a will, the time of the existence of
such express trust may be extended for a period of not exceeding
twenty-one (21) years at any one time, by a written instrument
subscribed by all beneficiaries of such express trust, duly
acknowledged as are conveyances of real estate, and recorded in the
office of the county clerk of the county where is located the
principal office of said trust, and in each county where is situated
any real estate owned by such express trust. Provided the provisions
of this section shall be applicable and limited to business trusts
and shall have no application to personal trusts.
Added by Laws 1919, c. 16, p. 30, § 2, emerg. eff. March 22, 1919.
Amended by Laws 1947, p. 364, § 1, emerg. eff. May 16, 1947; Laws
1949, p. 412, § 1.
§60-173. Succession of trustees.
Instruments creating express trusts may provide for succession to
any trustee, in case of the death, resignation, removal, or
incapacity of such trustee. In case of any such succession, the
title to the trust property shall at once vest in the succeeding
Laws 1919, c. 16, p. 30, § 3.
§60-174. Liability of trustees and beneficiaries.
Liability to third persons for any act, omission, or obligation
of a trustee or trustees of an express trust when acting in such
capacity, shall extend to the whole of the trust estate held by such
trustee or trustees, or so much thereof as may be necessary to
discharge such liability, but no personal liability shall attach to
the trustee or the beneficiaries of such trust for any such act,
omission or liability.
Laws 1919, c. 16, p. 30, § 4.
§60-174.1. Private foundations - Governing instrument deemed to
contain certain provisions - Amendment without judicial proceedings.
A. Notwithstanding any provision of Oklahoma law or in the
governing instrument to the contrary, except as provided in
subsection C hereof, the governing instrument of each trust which is
a private foundation as described in Section 509 of the Federal
Internal Revenue Code of 1954, including each nonexempt charitable
trust described in Section 4947(a)(1) of the Code which is treated as
a private foundation, and the governing instrument of each nonexempt
split-interest trust as described in Section 4947(a)(2) of the Code,
but only to the extent that Section 508(e) of the Code is applicable
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to such nonexempt split-interest trust under Section 4947(a)(2) of
the Code, shall be deemed to contain the following provisions: "The
trust shall make distributions at such time and in such manner as not
to subject the trust to tax under Section 4942 of the Federal
Internal Revenue Code; the trust shall not engage in any act of self-
dealing which would subject it to tax under Section 4941 of the Code;
the trust shall not retain any excess business holdings which would
subject it to tax under Section 4943 of the Code; the trust shall not
make any investments which would subject it to tax under Section 4944
of the Code; and the trust shall not make any taxable expenditures
which would subject it to tax under Section 4945 of the Code." With
respect to any such trust created prior to January 1, 1970, this
subsection A shall apply only for its taxable years beginning on or
after January 1, 1972.
B. The trustee of any trust described in subsection A hereof,
with the consent of the trustor, if then living and competent to give
consent, may, without judicial proceedings, amend the governing
instrument to expressly include the provisions required by Section
508(e) of the Code by executing a written amendment to the trust and
filing a duplicate original of such amendment with the Secretary of
State of the State of Oklahoma.
C. The trustee of any trust described in subsection A hereof,
with the consent of the trustor, if then living and competent to give
consent, may, without judicial proceedings, amend such trust to
expressly exclude the application of subsection A by executing a
written amendment to the trust and filing a duplicate original of
such amendment with the Secretary of State of the State of Oklahoma,
and, upon the filing of such amendment, subsection A shall not apply
to such trust.
D. All references in this section to the "Code" are to the
Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and all references in this
section to specific sections of this Code include corresponding
provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws.
Laws 1971, c. 303, § 1, emerg. eff. June 17, 1971.
§60-174.2. Articles of incorporation deemed to contain certain
provisions - Amendment.
A. Notwithstanding any provisions of Oklahoma law or in the
articles of incorporation to the contrary, except as provided in
subsection B hereof, the articles of incorporation of each
corporation which is a private foundation as described in Section 509
of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954 shall be deemed to
contain the following provisions: "The corporation shall make
distributions at such time and in such manner as not to subject it to
tax under Section 4942 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code; the
corporation shall not engage in any act of self-dealing which would
subject it to tax under Section 4941 of the Code; the corporation
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shall not retain any excess business holdings which would subject it
to tax under Section 4943 of the Code; the corporation shall not make
any investments which would subject it to tax under Section 4944 of
the Code; and the corporation shall not make any taxable expenditures
which would subject it to tax under Section 4945 of the Code." With
respect to any such corporation organized prior to January 1, 1970,
this subsection A shall apply only for its taxable years beginning on
or after January 1, 1972.
B. The articles of incorporation of any corporation described in
subsection A hereof may be amended to expressly exclude the
application of subsection A, and, in the event of such amendment,
subsection A shall not apply to such corporation.
C. All references in this section to the "Code" are to the
Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and all references in this
section to specific sections of the Code include corresponding
provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws.
Laws 1971, c. 303, § 2, emerg. eff. June 17, 1971.
§60-175. Trust for benefit of spouse revoked upon death of maker -
Annulment or divorce - Exemptions.
A. If, after making an express trust, the trustor is divorced,
all provisions in such express trust in favor of the trustor's former
spouse, which are to take effect upon the death of the trustor, are
thereby revoked. Annulment of the trustor's marriage shall have the
same effect as a divorce. In the event of either divorce or
annulment, the trustor's former spouse shall be treated for all
purposes under the express trust, as having predeceased the trustor.
For purposes of this section, "express trust" shall include a "Totten
Trust" as described in Section 902 of Title 6 of the Oklahoma
Statutes and shall not include a "business trust".
B. Subsection A of this section shall not apply:
1. If the decree of divorce or annulment is vacated;
2. If the trustor had remarried said former spouse and was
married to said spouse at the time of the trustor's death;
3. If the decree of divorce or annulment contains a provision
expressing an intention contrary to subsection A of this section;
4. If the trustor makes the express trust subsequent to the
divorce or annulment;
5. To the extent, if any, the express trust contains a provision
expressing an intention contrary to subsection A of this section; or
6. If prior to the death of the trustor and subsequent to the
divorce or annulment, the trustor executes an amendment to said
express trust which is not revoked or held invalid.
C. This section shall apply to any express trust, the trustor of
which dies on or after November 1, 1987.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 201, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1987.
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§60-175.1. Citation of act.
This act may be cited as the Oklahoma Trust Act.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 250, § 1.
§60-175.2. Purposes of trust.
A trust in relation to real and personal property, or either of
them, may be created for any purpose or purposes for which a contract
may be made.
Laws 1941, p. 250, § 2.
§60-175.3. Definitions of terms used.
As used in this act unless the context or subject matter
otherwise requires:
A. "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a partnership,
an association, a joint stock company, a business trust, an
unincorporated organization, or two or more persons having a joint or
common interest.
B. "Trustor" means the maker, creator, donor, settlor, grantor,
of a trust and the testator or testatrix of a will containing trust
C. "Trustee" includes trustees, a corporate trustee and the
judicially ordered successor of the corporate trustee in the event of
assumption by a financial institution of fiduciary accounts for all
trusts of the corporate trustee in existence on the date of the
assumption, including testamentary trusts which come into existence
after the date of assumption, as well as a natural person and a
successor or substitute trustee. Provided, a successor in interest
shall include a judicially ordered successor in the event of an
assumption by a financial institution of fiduciary accounts for all
trusts in existence on the date of the assumption, together with
those testamentary trusts which come into existence after the date of
D. "Relative" means a spouse, ancestor, descendant, brother, or
sister, by blood or adoption.
E. "Affiliate" means any person directly or indirectly
controlling or controlled by another person, or any person under
direct or indirect common control with another person. It includes,
but is not limited to, any person with whom a trustee has an express
or implied agreement regarding the purchase of trust investments by
each from the other, directly or indirectly, except a broker or stock
exchange. It does not include a bank, trust company or affiliate of
a bank or trust company which is providing services to an investment
company or trust as investment advisor, sponsor, distributor,
custodian, transfer agent, administrator, registrar or otherwise.
F. "Trust" means an express trust only, and does not include so
called "business trusts".
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G. "Principal" means any real or personal property which has
been so set aside or limited by the owner thereof, or a person
thereto, legally empowered that it and any substitutions for it are
eventually to be conveyed, delivered, or paid to a person, while the
return therefrom, or use thereof, or any part of such return or use
is in the meantime to be taken or received by or held for
accumulation for the same or another person.
H. "Income" means the return derived from principal.
I. "Tenant" means the person to whom income is presently or
currently payable, or for whom it is accumulated or who is entitled
to the beneficial use of the principal presently and for a time prior
to its distribution.
J. "Remainderman" means the person ultimately entitled to the
principal, whether named or designated by the terms of the
transaction by which the principal was established or determined by
operation of law.
K. "Beneficiary" means any person entitled to receive from a
trust any benefit of whatsoever kind or character.
L. "Trustee's compensation," as used in this act, means the
normal, recurring fee of the trustee for services in the management
and administration of the trust estate, irrespective of the manner of
computation of such fee. "Trustee's commission," as used in this
act, means the fee of the trustee for services rendered, other than
in the normal management and administration of the trust estate, and
includes extraordinary services, remuneration of the trustee for
acceptance, distribution, termination, and all other fees of similar
nature, as distinguished from regularly recurring compensation for
management and supervision of the trust estate by the trustee.
M. "Trustee advisor" means a person appointed by the terms of
the trust instrument to act as an advisor to the trustee with regard
to all or some of the matters relating to the property of the trust.
Unless otherwise provided by the terms of the trust instrument, if a
trustee advisor is appointed, the property and management of the
trust and the exercise of all powers and discretionary acts
exercisable by the trustee remain vested in the trustee as fully and
effectively as if an advisor were not appointed, the trustee is not
required to follow the advice of the trustee advisor, and the trustee
advisor is not liable as or considered to be a trustee of the trust
or a fiduciary when acting as an advisor to the trust.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 250, § 3. Amended by Laws 1988, c. 319, § 5,
eff. Nov. 1, 1988; Laws 1990, c. 260, § 34, operative July 1, 1990;
Laws 2012, c. 135, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§60-175.4. Legal estate of person in possession and entitled to
rents and profits.
Every person who, by virtue of any transfer or devise, is
entitled to the actual possession of real property, and the receipts
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of the rents and profits thereof, is deemed to have a legal estate
therein, of the same quality and duration, and subject to the same
conditions as his beneficial interest.
Laws 1941, p. 251, § 4.
§60-175.5. Trustee's title, when not divested by preceding section.
The last preceding section does not divest the estate of any
trustee in a trust heretofore existing, where the title of such
trustee is not merely nominal, but is connected with some power of
actual disposition or management in relation to the real property,
which is the subject of the trust.
Laws 1941, p. 251, § 5.
§60-175.6. Manner of creating trust - Beneficiary as cotrustee.
A trust may be created by:
A. A declaration by the owner of property that he holds it as
trustee for another person, or for himself and another person or
persons; or
B. A transfer inter vivos by the owner of property to another
person as trustee for the transferor or for a third person; or
C. A transfer by will by the owner of property to another person
as trustee for a third person; or
D. An appointment by one person having a power of appointment to
another person as trustee for the donee of the power or for a third
person; or
E. A promise by one person to another person whose rights
thereunder are to be held in trust for a third person; or
F. A beneficiary may be a cotrustee and the legal and equitable
title to the trust estate shall not merge by reason thereof.
Provided, however, that no trust in relation to real property shall
be valid, unless created or declared:
1. By a written instrument subscribed by the trustor or by his
agent thereto authorized by writing;
2. By the instrument under which the trustee claims the estate
Laws 1941, p. 251, § 6.
§60-175.6a. Acquiring and holding real property in name of express
trust - Transfer - Memorandum - Presumption for conveyance by
Any estate in real property may be acquired and held in the name
of an express private trust which is a legal entity. Where real
property is so acquired, any conveyance, assignment or other transfer
shall be made in the name of such trust by the trustee or trustees of
said trust. When real property is transferred or acquired in the
name of the trust after the effective date of this act, the trustee
shall file a memorandum of trust with the county clerk in which the
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real property is located. The memorandum of trust shall include the
date of creation and the name of the trustee or trustees of the
Any person or persons making such conveyances and executing
instruments while purporting to be the trustee or trustees of such
trusts shall be presumed to be acting in the capacity indicated and
within the scope of their authority in any action to set aside such
conveyance brought against a bona fide purchaser for value.
Added by Laws 1989, c. 223, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1989.
§60-175.6b. Time limit for challenges to validity of prior
Any conveyance made and filed of record prior to the effective
date of this act placing real property or any interest therein in a
trust naming the trust itself as the grantee shall be valid for all
purposes unless any person claiming adversely to such trust or to its
successors shall file an affidavit setting forth the basis of such in
the office of the county clerk of the county or counties wherein said
property is located within one (1) year from the effective date of
this act.
Added by Laws 1989, c. 223, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1989.
§60-175.7. Rights of transferee of trust property for value and
without notice.
If the trustee in breach of trust transfers trust property to, or
creates a legal interest in the subject matter of the trust in, a
person who takes for value and without notice of breach of the trust,
actual or constructive under the recording act, and who is not
knowingly taking part in an illegal transaction, the latter holds the
interest so transferred or created free of the trust and is under no
liability to the beneficiary.
Laws 1941, p. 251, § 7.
§60-175.8. Transferor of money or property not responsible for
application by trustee.
A person who, with or without knowledge of the trust, in good
faith pays or transfers to a trustee any money or other property
which the trustee as such is authorized to receive, is not
responsible for the proper application thereof by the trustee; and
any right or title acquired from the trustee in consideration of such
payment or transfer is not invalid in consequence of a misapplication
by the trustee.
Laws 1941, p. 251, § 8.
§60-175.9. Trustee lending funds to self, affiliate, etc.
Except as provided in Section 10, no corporate trustee shall lend
trust funds to itself or an affiliate, or to any director, officer,
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or employee of itself or of an affiliate; nor shall any noncorporate
trustee lend trust funds to himself, or to his relative, employer,
employee, partner, or other business associate.
Laws 1941, p. 252, § 9.
§60-175.10. Deposits by corporate trustee with itself - Security.
A corporate trustee may deposit with itself trust funds in
checking and savings accounts, savings certificates, certificates of
deposit, and any other type of demand or time deposit, provided it
maintains under control of its trust department, if it has a trust
department separate from its banking department, as security for such
deposit a separate fund consisting of securities legal for trust
investments which have at all times during the deposit a total market
value exceeding the amount of the deposit. No such security shall be
required to the extent said deposit is guaranteed by or under state
or federal law.
The separate fund of securities shall be marked as such.
Withdrawals from or additions to it may be made from time to time, as
long as the required value is maintained. The income of such
securities shall belong to the corporate trustee.
Laws 1941, p. 252, § 10; Laws 1981, c. 143, § 1.
§60-175.11. Trustee buying from, or selling to, self, affiliate,
No trustee shall directly or indirectly buy or sell any property
for the trust from or to itself or an affiliate; or from or to a
director, officer, or employee of such trustee or of an affiliate; or
from or to himself, a relative, employer, partner, or other business
associate; provided a national banking association or a state bank
and trust company performing trust functions, where acting as
executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee, may sell stock of
itself to one or more of its officers, stockholders, or directors
upon a court of competent jurisdiction finding that such sale will be
for the best interest of the trust estate and making an order for
such sale.
Laws 1941, p. 252, § 11.
§60-175.11a. Trust powers.
A national banking association, a credit union, a state-chartered
corporation, including a state-chartered bank or trust company, or a
state or federal savings and loan association that has the right to
exercise trust powers and that is serving as trustee, may:
1. Employ an affiliate or division within a financial
institution to provide brokerage, investment, administrative,
custodial, or other account services for the trust and charge the
trust for the services; and
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2. Receive compensation, directly or indirectly, for the
services performed by the affiliate or division within the financial
institution, whether in the form of shared commissions, fees, or
otherwise, provided that any amount charged by the affiliate or
division for the services is disclosed and does not exceed the
customary or prevailing amount that is charged by the affiliate or
division, or a comparable entity, for comparable services rendered to
a person other than the trust.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 325, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2006.
§60-175.12. Trustee selling to self as trustee of another trust.
No trustee shall as trustee of one trust sell property to himself
as trustee of another trust, except bonds, notes, and obligations
fully guaranteed as to both principal and interest, by the United
States of America, which may be so sold at the current market price.
Laws 1941, p. 252, § 12.
§60-175.13. Trustee purchasing stock, bond or securities of self,
affiliate, etc.
No corporate trustee shall purchase for a trust, shares of its
own stock, or its bonds, or other securities, or the stock, bonds or
other securites of an affiliate.
This section shall not prohibit the exercise of stock rights
issued in connection with shares of the trustee bank or its
affiliates owned in a fiduciary capacity, nor payments for the
rounding out of fractional shares received in connection with the
stock dividends issued by the trustee bank or its affiliates;
provided that,
(1) in the election of directors, shares of its own stock held by
a bank as sole trustee, whether registered in its own name as such
trustee or in the name of its nominee, shall not be voted by the
registered owner unless under the terms of the trust the manner in
which such shares shall be voted may be determined by a donor or
beneficiary of the trust and unless such donor or beneficiary
actually directs how such shares shall be voted,
(2) shares of its own stock held by a bank and one or more
persons as trustees may be voted by such other person or persons, as
trustees, in the same manner as if he or they were the sole trustee.
No noncorporate trustee shall purchase for a trust the stock, bonds,
or other securities of a corporation with which he is connected as
director, owner, manager, or in executive capacity.
Laws 1941, p. 252, § 13; Laws 1968, c. 15, § 3, emerg. eff. Feb. 19,
§60-175.14. Trustee voting corporate stock.
A trustee owning corporate stock may vote it by proxy, with or
without power of substitution, but shall be liable for any loss
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resulting to the beneficiaries from a failure to use reasonable care
in deciding how to vote the stock and in voting it.
Laws 1941, p. 252, § 14.
§60-175.15. Trustee owning stock in name of nominee - Exemption.
A trustee owning stock may hold it in the name of a nominee,
without mention of the trust in the stock certificate or stock
registration book; provided that:
A. The trust records and all reports or accounts rendered by the
trustee, clearly show the ownership of the stock by the trustee, and
the facts regarding its holdings;
B. The nominee deposits with the trustee a signed statement
showing the trust ownership, endorses the stock certificate in blank,
and does not have possession of the stock certificate or access
thereto except under the immediate supervision of the trustee. The
trustee shall be personally liable for any loss to the trust
resulting from any wrongful or negligent act of such nominee in
connection with stock so held; and
C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a bank,
trust company or national banking association.
Laws 1941, p. 252, § 15; Laws 1975, c. 123, § 2, emerg. eff. May 13,
§60-175.16. Powers of trustee attached to office.
Unless it is otherwise provided by the trust instrument, or an
amendment thereof, or by court order, all powers of a trustee shall
be attached to the office and shall not be personal.
Laws 1941, p. 253, § 16.
§60-175.17. Cotrustees - Powers and liabilities.
Unless it is otherwise provided by the trust instrument, or an
amendment thereof, or by court order:
A. Any power vested in three or more trustees may be exercised
by a majority of the trustees; but no trustee who has not joined in
exercising a power shall be liable to the beneficiaries or to others
for the consequences of the exercise, nor shall a dissenting trustee
be liable for the consequences of an act in which the trustee joins
at the direction of the majority trustees, if the trustee expressed
his dissent in writing to any of the cotrustees at or before the time
of the joinder.
B. Where two or more trustees are appointed by will or a
voluntary trust to execute a trust and one or more of them die, the
survivor may execute the trust and may exercise the discretionary
powers given to the trustees jointly, unless the terms of the will or
agreement express a contrary opinion.
C. Any cotrustee may give a power of attorney to another trustee
or authorize a cotrustee to perform any act in the administration of
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the trust, but the trustee giving a power of attorney or authorizing
an act to be performed by the cotrustee shall have the same liability
and responsibility as if the trustee had performed the act done
pursuant to the authorization.
D. Nothing in this section shall excuse a cotrustee from
liability for inactivity in the administration of the trust, nor for
failure to attempt to prevent a breach of trust.
E. Where two or more trustees, none of whom is the settlor, have
the power as trustees to make discretionary distributions of either
principal or income to or for the benefit of one of them, the trustee
beneficiary may only make such discretionary distributions which
provide for the health, education, or maintenance of the trustee
beneficiary or to support the trustee beneficiary in an accustomed
manner of living. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to
any trust created under a document executed on or before the
effective date of this act unless:
1. The trust is revocable or amendable and the settlor revokes
or amends the trust at any time to provide otherwise; or
2. The trust is irrevocable and all parties in interest elect
affirmatively not to be subject to this subsection. Such election
must be made on or before the later of three (3) years after the
effective date of this act, or three (3) years after the date on
which the trust becomes irrevocable.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 253, § 17. Amended by Laws 2001, c. 374, § 1,
eff. Nov. 1, 2001.
§60-175.18. Action on trustee contract - Personal liability of
trustee - Trustee as general or limited partner.
Whenever a trustee shall make a contract which is within his
powers as trustee, or a predecessor trustee shall have made such a
contract, and a cause of action arises thereon:
1. The party in whose favor the cause of action has accrued may
sue the trustee in his representative capacity, and any judgment
rendered in such action in favor of the plaintiff shall be
collectible by execution out of the trust property. In such an
action the plaintiff need not prove that the trustee could have
secured reimbursement from the trust fund if he had paid the
plaintiff's claim.
2. No judgment shall be rendered in favor of the plaintiff in
such action unless he proves that within thirty (30) days after the
beginning of such action, or within such other time as the court may
fix, and more than thirty (30) days prior to obtaining the judgment,
he notified each of the beneficiaries known to the trustee who then
had a present or contingent interest, or in the case of a charitable
trust the Attorney General and any corporation which is a beneficiary
or agency in the performance of such charitable trust, of the
existence and nature of the action. Such notice shall be given by
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mailing copies thereof in postpaid envelopes addressed to the parties
to be notified at their last-known addresses. The trustee shall
furnish the plaintiff a list of the parties to be notified, and their
addresses, within ten (10) days after written demand therefor, and
notification of the persons on such list shall constitute compliance
with the duty placed on the plaintiff by this section. Any
beneficiary, or in the case of charitable trusts, the Attorney
General and any corporation which is a beneficiary or agency in the
performance of such charitable trust, may intervene in such action
and contest the right of the plaintiff to recover. If any
beneficiary is a minor or has been adjudged incompetent, the court
shall appoint a guardian ad litem, whose duty it shall be to defend
such action.
3. The plaintiff may also hold the trustee who made the contract
personally liable on such contract, if the contract does not exclude
such personal liability. The addition of the word "trustee" or the
words "as trustee" after the signature of a trustee to a contract
shall be deemed prima facie evidence of an intent to exclude the
trustee from personal liability.
4. If a decedent was a partner in a general partnership and the
articles of partnership so provide, on the death of a partner, his or
her trustee shall be entitled to the place of the deceased partner in
the partnership. Likewise, any other trustee contracting to enter
into a general partnership in its capacity as trustee shall have its
liability limited to the trust assets contributed to the partnership
and the other assets of that trust under the control and management
of the contract. A trustee so entering the partnership shall be
liable to third persons only to the extent of the decedent's capital
in the partnership and the funds of the trust under the control and
management of the trustee. This paragraph does not exonerate a
trustee from liability for negligence.
5. Unless otherwise authorized, directed or restricted by order
of court or by the instrument creating the trust, a trustee may
contract to enter into a limited partnership pursuant to the Limited
Partnership Act and may contribute to the partnership the assets
designated by the instrument creating the trust. The trustee shall
be liable only to the extent of the assets contributed by the trustee
pursuant to the instrument creating the trust, notwithstanding the
occurrence of any act or event which would otherwise have the effect
of changing the limited partnership into a general partnership. This
paragraph does not exonerate a trustee from liability for negligence.
Laws 1941, p. 253, § 18; Laws 1981, c. 196, § 2.
§60-175.19. Torts of trustee - Exoneration or reimbursement.
A trustee who has incurred personal liability for a tort
committed in the administration of the trust is entitled to
exoneration therefor from the trust property;
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A. If he has not discharged the claim, or to be reimbursed
therefor out of trust funds if he has paid the claim; if
1. The tort was a common incident of the kind of business
activity in which the trustee was properly engaged for the trust; or
2. Although the tort was not a common incident of such activity, if
neither the trustee nor any officer or employee of the trustee was
guilty of actionable negligence in incurring the liability.
B. If a trustee commits a tort which increases the value of the
trust property, he shall be entitled to exoneration or reimbursement
with respect thereto to the extent of such increase in value, even
though he would not otherwise be entitled to exoneration or
Where the trust instrument reserves to the trustor or vests in an
advisory or investment committee or any other person, including a
cotrustee, authority to direct the making or retention of
investments, the excluded trustee or trustees shall not be liable as
a trustee for any loss resulting from the making or retention of any
investment pursuant to such mandatory direction, except to the extent
the excluded trustee is negligent in carrying out the execution of
the directed investment or other directed action, and nothing herein
shall relieve any trustee having custody of any asset from liability
for exercising due diligence in the safekeeping thereof.
Laws 1941, p. 254, § 19; Laws 1968, c. 15, § 4, emerg. eff. Feb. 19,
§60-175.20. Actions for trustee's torts - Personal liability of
Where a trustee or his predecessor has incurred personal
liability for a tort committed in the course of his administration:
A. The trustee in his representative capacity may be sued and
collection had from the trust property, if the court shall determine
in such action:
1. That the tort was a common incident of the kind of business
activity in which the trustee or his predecessor was properly engaged
for the trust; or
2. That although the tort was not a common incident of such
activity neither the trustee nor his predecessor, nor any officer or
employee of the trustee or his predecessor, was guilty of actionable
negligence in incurring the liability; or
3. That although the tort did not fall within Classes 1 or 2
above, it increased the value of the trust property. If the tort is
within Classes 1 or 2 above, collection may be had of the full amount
of damage proved; and if the tort is within Class 3 above, collection
may be had only to the extent of the permanent increase in the value
of the trust property.
B. In an action against the trustee in his representative
capacity under this section the plaintiff need not prove that the
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trustee could have secured reimbursement from the trust fund if he
had paid the plaintiff's claim.
C. No judgment shall be rendered in favor of the plaintiff in
such action unless he proves that within thirty (30) days after the
beginning of the action, or within such other period as the court may
fix, and more than thirty (30) days prior to obtaining the judgment,
he notified each of the beneficiaries known to the trustee who then
had a present or contingent interest of the existence and nature of
the action. Such notice shall be given by mailing copies thereof in
postpaid envelopes addressed to such beneficiaries at their last
known addresses. The trustee shall furnish the plaintiff a list of
such beneficiaries and their addresses, within ten (10) days after
written demand therefor, and notification of the persons on such list
shall constitute compliance with the duty placed on the plaintiff by
this action. Any beneficiary may intervene in such action and
contest the right of the plaintiff to recover. If any beneficiary is
a minor or has been adjudged incompetent, the court shall appoint a
guardian ad litem, whose duty it shall be to defend such action.
D. The trustee may also be held personally liable for any tort
committed by him, or his agents or employees in the course of their
employments, subject to the rights of exoneration or reimbursement
provided in Section 19 of this act.
Laws 1941, p. 254, § 20.
§60-175.21. Duties, restrictions or liabilities of trustee - Trustor
may relieve trustee or add others.
The trustor of any trust affected by this act may, by provisions
in the instrument creating the trust, or by an amendment of the trust
if the trustor reserved the power to amend the trust, relieve his
trustee from any or all of the duties, restrictions, and liabilities
which would otherwise be imposed upon him by this act; or alter or
deny to his trustee any or all of the privileges and powers conferred
upon the trustee by this act; or add duties, restrictions,
liabilities, privileges, or powers to those imposed or granted by
this act; but no act of the trustor shall relieve a corporate trustee
from the duties, restrictions, and liabilities imposed upon it by
Sections 9, 10, and 11 of this act.
Laws 1941, p. 255, § 21.
§60-175.22. Repealed by Laws 1999, c. 419, § 4, emerg. eff. June 10,
§60-175.23. Jurisdiction of district court regarding trusts - Venue
- Parties - Applicable statutes.
A. The district court shall have original jurisdiction to
construe the provisions of any trust instrument; to determine the law
applicable thereto; the powers, duties, and liability of trustee; the
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existence or nonexistence of facts affecting the administration of
the trust estate; to require accounting by trustees; to surcharge
trustee; and in its discretion to supervise the administration of
trusts; and all actions hereunder are declared to be proceedings in
B. The venue of such actions shall be in the county where the
trustees or any cotrustee resides. Upon obtaining jurisdiction the
same shall not be divested by the removal of the trustee from the
county where the action is commenced.
C. Actions hereunder may be brought by a trustee, beneficiary,
or any person affected by the administration of the trust estate. If
the action is predicated upon any act or obligation of any
beneficiary, the beneficiary shall be a necessary party to the
proceedings. The only necessary parties to such actions shall be
those persons designated as beneficiaries by name or class in the
instrument creating the trust and who have a vested interest in the
trust which is the subject of the action, those persons currently
serving as trustees of the trust, and any persons who may be actually
receiving distributions from the trust estate at the time the action
is filed. Contingent beneficiaries designated by name or class shall
not be necessary parties.
D. The provisions of the statutes governing civil procedure,
commencement of action, process, process by publication, appointment
of guardians ad litem, supersedeas and appeal, shall govern all
actions and proceedings brought under provisions of this act.
E. A court of competent jurisdiction may, for cause shown and
upon notice to the beneficiaries, relieve a trustee from any or all
of the duties and restrictions which would otherwise be placed upon
the trustee by this act, or wholly or partly excuse a trustee who has
acted honestly and reasonably from liability for violations of the
provisions of this act.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 255, § 23. Amended by Laws 1993, c. 345, §
14, eff. Sept. 1, 1993; Laws 1995, c. 351, § 22, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.24. Powers of trustees - Enumeration - Others not excluded -
Bond of trustee.
A. In the absence of contrary or limiting provisions in the
trust agreement or a subsequent order or decree of a court of
competent jurisdiction, the trustee of an express trust is
1. To exchange, reexchange, subdivide, develop, improve,
dedicate to public use, make or vacate public plats, adjust
boundaries, or partition real property, and to adjust differences in
valuation by giving or receiving money or money's worth. Easements
may be dedicated to public use without consideration if deemed by the
trustee to be for the best interest of the trust;
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2. To grant options and to sell real or personal property at
public auction or at private sale for cash, or upon credit secured by
lien upon the property sold or upon such property or a part thereof
or other property;
3. To grant or take leases of real property and of all rights
and privileges above or below the surface of real property for any
term or terms, including exploration for and removal of oil, gas, and
other minerals, with or without options of purchase, and with or
without covenants as to erection of buildings or as to renewals
thereof, though the term of the lease or renewals thereof, or of such
options extend beyond the term of the trust;
4. To raze existing party walls or buildings or erect new party
walls or buildings alone or jointly with owners of adjacent property.
To make ordinary repairs and in addition thereto such extraordinary
alterations in buildings or other structures which are necessary to
make the property productive. To effect and keep in force, fire,
rent, title, liability, casualty, or other insurance of any nature,
in any form and in any amount;
5. To compromise, contest, arbitrate, or settle any and all
claims of or against the trust estate or the trustee as such. To
abandon property deemed by the trustee burdensome or valueless;
6. To pay calls, assessments, and any other sums chargeable or
accruing against, or on account of shares of stock or other
securities in the hands of the trustee where such payment may be
legally enforceable against the trustee or any property of the trust,
or the trustee deems payment expedient and for the best interest of
the trust. To sell or exercise stock subscription or conversion
rights, participate in foreclosures, reorganizations, consolidations,
mergers, liquidations, pooling agreements and voting trusts; to
assent to corporate sales, leases, and encumbrances, and in general,
except as limited by the particular trust agreement, have and
exercise all powers of an absolute owner in respect of such
securities. In the exercise of the foregoing powers the trustee
shall be authorized, where he deems such course expedient, to deposit
stocks, bonds, or other securities with any protective or other
committee formed by or at the instance of persons holding similar
securities, under such terms and conditions respecting the deposit
thereof as the trustee may approve. Any stock or other securities
obtained by conversion, reorganization, consolidation, merger,
liquidation, or the exercise of subscription rights shall be free,
unless the trust agreement provides otherwise, from any restrictions
on sale or otherwise contained in the trust agreement relative to the
securities originally held;
7. To make such investment directly or in the form of securities
of, or other interests in, any open-end or closed-end management type
investment company or investment trust registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C.A. Section 80a-1 et seq.;
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provided, that the portfolio of such investment company or investment
trust is limited to United States Government obligations and to
repurchase agreements fully collateralized by such United States
Government obligations, and provided further, that any such
investment company or investment trust shall take delivery of such
collateral, either directly or through an authorized custodian;
8. To borrow money or create an indebtedness or obligation
including any bond indebtedness or obligation, except as limited by
the provisions of the Oklahoma Trust Act; and generally to execute
any deed or other instrument and to do all things in relation to such
trust necessary or desirable for carrying out any of the above powers
or incident to the purposes of such trust; and
9. To employ attorneys, accountants, agents, and brokers
reasonably necessary in the administration of the trust estate;
permit real estate held in trust to be occupied by a surviving spouse
or minor child of the trustor and, where reasonably necessary for the
maintenance of the surviving wife or minor child, invest trust funds
in real property to be used for a home by such beneficiary; make any
contracts pertaining to oil, gas, or other natural resources as are
customary in the community where the real property held in trust is
situated; in the trustee's discretion pay funeral expenses of any
beneficiary actually receiving benefits from the trust estate at the
time of the death of the beneficiary.
B. The following rules of administration shall be applicable to
all express trusts but such rules shall not be exclusive of those
otherwise imposed by law unless contrary to these rules:
1. Where a trustee is authorized to sell or dispose of land,
such authority shall include the right to sell or dispose of part
thereof, whether the division is horizontal, vertical, or made in any
other way, or undivided interests therein;
2. Where a trustee is authorized by the trust agreement creating
the trust or by law to pay or apply capital money subject to the
trust for any purpose or in any manner, the trustee shall have and
shall be deemed always to have had power to raise the money required
by selling, converting, calling in, or mortgaging or otherwise
encumbering all or any part of the trust property for the time being
in possession;
3. A trustee shall have a lien and may be reimbursed with
interest for, or pay or discharge out of the trust property, either
principal or income or both, all advances made for the benefit or
protection of the trust or its property and all expenses, losses, and
liabilities, not resulting from the negligence of the trustee,
incurred in or about the execution or protection of the trust or
because of the trustee holding or ownership of any property subject
thereto; and
4. When the happening of any event, including marriage, divorce,
attainment of a certain age, performance of educational requirements,
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death, or any other event, affects distribution of income or
principal of trust estates, the trustees shall not be liable for
mistakes of fact prior to the actual knowledge or written notice of
such fact.
C. The powers, duties, and responsibilities stated in the
Oklahoma Trust Act or the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act shall
not be deemed to exclude other implied powers, duties, or
responsibilities not inconsistent herewith.
D. The trustee shall pay all taxes and assessments levied or
assessed against the trust estate or the trustee by governmental
taxing or assessing agencies.
E. No trustee shall be required to give bond unless the
instrument creating the trust, or a court of competent jurisdiction
in its discretion upon the application of an interested party
requires a bond to be given.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 255, § 24. Amended by Laws 1949, p. 413, § 1;
Laws 1986, c. 106, § 2, emerg. eff. April 5, 1986; Laws 1994, c. 306,
§ 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1994; Laws 1995, c. 351, § 23, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.25. Alienation of interest of beneficiary - Rights and
remedies of creditors - Spendthrift trusts - Trustor's interest
alienable and subject to claims of creditors.
A. Any instrument creating a trust may provide by specific words
that the interest of any beneficiary in the income of the trust shall
not be subject to voluntary or involuntary alienation by such
beneficiary. Subject to the following provisions of this section, a
direction to this effect shall be valid and enforceable.
B. Notwithstanding a provision in the terms of a trust
restraining the alienation of the interest of a beneficiary, such
interest shall be entitled to be reached in the satisfaction of
claims to the following extent:
1. All income due or to accrue in the future to the beneficiary
shall be subject to enforceable claims under the laws of this state
a. support of a husband, wife, or child of the
b. necessary services rendered or necessary supplies
furnished to the beneficiary, or
c. a judgment based on any such claim under subparagraph a
or b; and
2. In all cases not mentioned in paragraph 1 of this subsection,
all income due or to accrue in the future to the beneficiary in
excess of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) per calendar year
shall be subject to garnishment by creditors of the beneficiary and
shall be fully alienable by the beneficiary.
C. Where two or more creditors undertake to reach the interest
of any beneficiary of a trust, pursuant to the provisions of this
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '827
section, they shall be subject to priority of payment in the order of
the service of a notice of garnishment on the trustee. The pendency
of any attachment or garnishment shall not prevent the filing of a
further attachment or garnishment by the same or any other creditor.
D. Where the beneficiary of any spendthrift trust is also the
beneficiary under any other spendthrift trust created or administered
either within or without this state, the aggregate income payable
under all such trusts to the beneficiary shall be considered together
for the purpose of determining the rights of creditors and assignees
under this section.
E. The right of any beneficiary of a trust to receive the
principal of the trust or any part of it, presently or in the future,
shall not be alienable and shall not be subject to the claims of his
F. Where the interest of the beneficiary of a trust is subject
to the exercise of discretion by the trustee or by another, the
provisions of this act as to the rights of creditors and assignees
shall apply with respect to any sums which the trustee or such other
person determines shall be paid to or for the beneficiary.
G. A trust in which the interest of the beneficiary is subject
to restraints on alienation as provided in this act may be called a
"spendthrift trust" and a direction in any instrument creating a
trust that the interest of any beneficiary shall be held on or
subject to a spendthrift trust shall be sufficient to restrain the
alienation of such interest to the extent provided in this act.
H. Nothing in this act shall authorize a person to create a
spendthrift trust or other inalienable interest for his own benefit.
The interest of the trustor as a beneficiary of any trust shall be
freely alienable and subject to the claims of his creditors.
I. The provisions of this section may be enforced only by an
action in a court of competent jurisdiction and the obligor
beneficiary shall be a party defendant in such action. The trustee
shall not be required to recognize any of the obligations provided
for in this section or to withhold any income from the beneficiary
until said trustee has been served with summons or garnishment
summons. Such action shall be governed by the rules of civil
procedure under the laws of this state.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 257, § 25. Amended by Laws 1994, c. 306, § 2,
eff. Sept. 1, 1994.
§60-175.26. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.27. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.28. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.29. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8
§60-175.30. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.31. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.32. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.33. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.34. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.35. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.36. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 33, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.37. Death of trustee - Appointment of successor.
Upon the death of a sole or surviving trustee of an express trust
and in the absence of the trust providing for a practical method of
appointment, the power to appoint a trustee shall vest in the court
having jurisdiction thereof, and on petition of any person interested
such court shall appoint a successor in whom the trust shall vest.
Laws 1941, p. 262, § 37.
§60-175.38. Resignation of trustee.
Upon petition of any trustee of an express trust, a court having
jurisdiction may accept his resignation, and discharge him from the
trust upon such terms as the rights of the persons interested in the
execution of the trust may require.
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 38.
§60-175.39. Removal of trustee - Filling vacancies.
Trustees having violated or attempted to violate any express
trust, or becoming incompetent or insolvent, or of whose solvency or
that of their sureties there is reasonable doubt, or for other cause,
in the discretion of the court having jurisdiction, may, on petition
of any person interested, after hearing, be removed by such court and
denied compensation in whole or in part; and any beneficiary,
cotrustee, or successor may treat the violation as a breach of trust;
and all vacancies in express trusteeships may be filled by such
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 39.
§60-175.40. Rights, duties, etc. of trustees appointed by court.
Trustees appointed by the district courts of Oklahoma shall be
vested with all the rights, powers, trusts, privileges, discretion
and title to properties conferred upon the trustee by the trust
instrument, and by statute, unless otherwise provided by the court in
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the order of appointment; and shall be charged with all the duties,
responsibilities and liabilities enjoined by said trust instrument
and by statute.
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 40.
§60-175.41. Revocation of trust by trustor.
Every trust shall be revocable by the trustor, unless expressly
made irrevocable by the terms of the instrument creating the same.
Provided, that any trust may be revoked by the trustor upon the
written consent of all living persons having vested or contingent
interest therein. The term "contingent interest," as used in this
section, shall include an interest which a beneficiary may take by
purchase, and exclude any interest which a beneficiary may take by
descent. Provided further that this section shall not apply to a
spendthrift trust unless same is created by the trustor for his own
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 41.
§60-175.42. Designation of person to whom property shall belong on
failure or termination of trust - Transfer subject to trust.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the last section, the
trustor of a trust may, in its creation, prescribe to whom the real
or personal property to which the trust relates shall belong, in the
event of the failure or termination of the trust, and may transfer or
devise such property, subject to the execution of the trust.
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 42.
§60-175.43. Legal estate of grantee or devisee of property subject
to trust.
The grantee or devisee of real or personal property subject to a
trust acquires a legal estate in the property, against all persons
except the trustees and those lawfully claiming under them.
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 43.
§60-175.44. Estates remaining in trustor.
Where an express trust is created in relation to real or personal
property, every estate not embraced in the trust, and not otherwise
disposed of, is left in the trustor of the trust or his successors.
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 44.
§60-175.45. Grant deemed absolute as to purchasers or encumbrances
for value - Notice of restrictions - Intent of Legislature.
(a) Where an express trust is created in relation to real
property; any grant, deed, conveyance, lease, easement, encumbrance,
assignment, or release by the trustee with respect to such real
property or interest therein shall be deemed authorized and binding
upon the trust in favor of purchasers or encumbrances for value
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"
without either (i) actual notice of restrictions or limitations
established by the trust upon the trustee, or (ii) the constructive
notice as provided in subsection (b) hereof.
(b) If the instrument establishing the trust is recorded in the
county where the real property is located, said purchasers or
encumbrances for value shall be charged with constructive notice of
the restrictions and limitations contained in such instrument.
(c) It is the intent of the Legislature that trusts are private
instruments and it shall not be necessary to record the instrument
establishing a trust unless the trustor desires to put the public on
notice of restrictions or limitations upon the powers of the trustee,
in which case the same must be recorded.
Laws 1941, p. 263, § 45; Laws 1979, c. 157, § 1.
§60-175.47. Suspension of absolute power of alienation - Period of
( )
 
 
B. The provisions of this section shall not apply when property
is given, granted, bequeathed, or devised to:
1. A charitable use;
2. Literary, educational, scientific, religious, or charitable
corporations for their sole use and benefit;
3. Any cemetery corporation, society or association;
4. The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
as provided in Section 2-111 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes;
5. Gifts absolute, limited, or in trust, for the advancement of
medical science to an incorporated state society of physicians and
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C. Except as provided in this section, the common law rule
against perpetuities shall not apply to a trust subject to the trust
laws of this state.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 264, § 47. Amended by Laws 2003, c. 217, § 6,
eff. Nov. 1, 2003; Laws 2015, c. 164, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2015.
§60-175.48. Compensation or commissions of trustee.
A trustee acting in a fiduciary capacity, as herein authorized,
is entitled to receive such compensation or commission as provided
for in the trust agreement or other contract. If the amount of such
compensation or commission is not regulated by or stipulated in the
trust agreement, the trustee may charge and deduct a reasonable
compensation or commission for the services rendered and the
responsibilities assumed. Where the trustee is acting under
appointment by a court, such compensation or commission shall be
paid, irrespective of the provisions in the trust instrument, as
allowed or approved by that court.
Laws 1941, p. 264, § 48.
§60-175.49. Trust ceases when purpose ceases.
When the purpose for which an express trust was created ceases,
the estate of the trustee also ceases.
Laws 1941, p. 265, § 49.
§60-175.50. Repeals as reinstating common law rules.
The repeal of any section of the statutory law of this state by
this act, which section abrogated or restated the common-law rule,
shall operate to reinstate and reestablish the common-law rule
applicable thereto, except as the subject matter thereof may be
changed by the provisions of this act.
Laws 1941, p. 265, § 50.
§60-175.51. Tax statutes to supersede act.
For the purposes of assessments and collection of taxes by the
State of Oklahoma and its political subdivisions, the statutes of the
State of Oklahoma relating to and governing taxation shall supersede
the provisions of this act.
Laws 1941, p. 265, § 51.
§60-175.53. Agreements, wills and trust relations to which statute
The terms of this act shall apply in the construction of, and
operation under,
A. All agreements containing trust provisions entered into
subsequent to the effective date hereof;
B. All wills made by testators who shall die subsequent to the
effective date hereof; and
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C. All other wills and trust agreements and trust relations in
so far as such terms do not impair the obligation of contract or
deprive persons of property without due process of law under the
Constitution of the State of Oklahoma or the United States of
Laws 1941, p. 265, § 54.
§60-175.54. Situs in jurisdiction where trustee not qualified to act
- Powers of trustee.
A trustee, whether an individual or a corporation, shall have the
power to appoint a natural or corporate trustee to act with respect
to the portion of the trust estate that has situs in a jurisdiction
in which the trustee is not qualified to act and shall have the power
to remove each such appointee at any time with or without cause.
Each such appointee shall: (1) have all of the powers granted in this
act or under the trust instrument to the trustee with respect to the
management of the trust estate, (2) transfer to the trustee as soon
as practicable all gross receipts derived from the portion of the
trust estate that remains under his control, and (3) be liable to the
trustee for any wrongful act or mismanagement of the trust estate in
the same manner that the trustee is liable to the beneficiaries.
Laws 1971, c. 201, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
§60-175.55. Investment of trust assets by bank, trust company or
affiliate of bank or trust company.
A. A bank, trust company, or affiliate of a bank or trust
company which serves as a fiduciary, trustee, custodian, managing
agent, personal representative, or otherwise may invest and reinvest
assets that it maintains in its trust department or trust company in
the securities of any open-end or closed-end management investment
company or investment trust registered under the Investment Company
Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C., Section 80a-1 through 80a-64, as amended.
B. Any investment or reinvestment made pursuant to subsection A
of this section shall comply with the provisions of the Oklahoma
Uniform Prudent Investor Act.
C. A bank, trust company or an affiliate of a bank or trust
company which is providing services to an investment company or
investment trust as investment adviser, sponsor, distributor,
custodian, transfer agent, administrator, registrar, or otherwise and
who is receiving reasonable remuneration for such services, may make
investments and reinvestments pursuant to subsections A and B of this
section in said investment company or investment trust.
D. Any bank, trust company or affiliate of a bank or trust
company which makes investments or reinvestments pursuant to
subsection C of this section:
1. Shall not be required to reduce or waive its fees or charges
for services provided in connection with the investment and
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management of funds it holds as fiduciary, trustee, custodian,
managing agent, personal representative, or otherwise because such
funds are invested, reinvested, or retained in an investment company
or investment trust so long as the total compensation paid, including
any fees or charges payable by the investment company or investment
trust in connection with the investment of such funds, is reasonable;
2. May receive fees in accordance with Rule 12b-1 of the
Investment Company Act of 1940, or similar fees, from the investment
company or investment trust in the same amount that would be paid by
such investment company or investment trust to any other party,
without reducing or waiving other fees it receives for serving as a
fiduciary, trustee, custodian, managing agent, personal
representative or otherwise. Any fees received by a bank, trust
company, or affiliate of a bank or trust company pursuant to this
paragraph shall be disclosed to the customer of such bank, trust
company, or affiliate of the bank or trust company.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 260, § 35, operative July 1, 1990. Amended by
Laws 1995, c. 351, § 26, eff. Nov. 1, 1995; Laws 1997, c. 58, § 1,
eff. Nov. 1, 1997.
§60-175.56. Death of beneficiary before distribution - Distribution
to beneficiary's lineal descendants.
When the declaration or agreement of an express trust provides
for any of the property held in trust to be distributed to a
beneficiary related by blood to the grantor or to a grantor of the
trust, and the beneficiary is living at the time the trust is created
but dies before the time for distribution of the trust leaving one or
more lineal descendants who are living at the time for distribution
of the trust, and no provision is made in the trust declaration or
agreement for disposition of the property in the event that the
beneficiary is not living at the time for distribution of the trust,
the beneficiary's lineal descendants take the share of the trust
property so given to the beneficiary in the trust declaration or
agreement, by right of representation, in the same manner as the
beneficiary would have done had he been living at the time for
distribution of the trust.
Added by Laws 1993, c. 345, § 15, eff. Sept. 1, 1993.
§60-175.57. Breach of trust – Remedies - Liability.
A. A violation by a trustee of a duty the trustee owes a
beneficiary is a breach of trust.
B. To remedy a breach of trust that has occurred or may occur,
the court may:
1. Compel the trustee to perform the trustee’s duties;
2. Enjoin the trustee from committing a breach of trust;
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3. Compel the trustee to redress a breach of trust by payment of
money or otherwise;
4. Order a trustee to account;
5. Appoint a receiver or temporary trustee to take possession of
the trust property and administer the trust;
6. Suspend or remove the trustee;
7. Reduce or deny compensation to the trustee;
8. Subject to subsection I of this section, void an act of the
trustee, impose an equitable lien or a constructive trust on trust
property, or trace trust property wrongfully disposed of and recover
the property or its proceeds; or
9. Grant any other appropriate remedy.
C. A beneficiary may charge a trustee who commits a breach of
trust with the amount required to restore the value of the trust
property and trust distributions to what they would have been had the
breach not occurred, or, if greater, the profit that the trustee made
by reason of the breach.
D. In a judicial proceeding involving a trust, the court may in
its discretion, as justice and equity may require, award costs and
expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, to any party, to be
paid by another party or from the trust which is the subject of the
E. 1. Unless previously barred by adjudication, consent, or
other limitation, a claim against a trustee for breach of trust is
barred as to a beneficiary who has received from the trustee a report
or other statement adequately disclosing the existence of the claim
a. a judicial proceeding to assert the claim is commenced
within two (2) years after receipt of the report or
statement or, if no report or statement is received,
within two (2) years after the termination of the trust
relationship between the beneficiary and that
particular trustee, and
b. the report or other statement informs the beneficiary
of this time limitation.
A report or statement adequately discloses the existence of a
claim if it provides sufficient information so that the beneficiary
knows of the claim or reasonably should have inquired into its
existence. A claim this barred does not include an action to recover
for fraud or misrepresentation related to the report or other
2. For the purpose of paragraph 1 of this subsection, a
beneficiary is deemed to have received a report or other statement:
a. in the case of an adult, if it is received by the adult
personally, or if the adult lacks capacity, if it is
received by the adult’s conservator, guardian, or agent
with authority, or
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b. in the case of a minor, if it is received by the
minor’s guardian or conservator or, if the minor does
not have a guardian or conservator, if it is received
by a parent of the minor who does not have a conflict
of interest.
3. Except as otherwise provided by the terms of a trust, while
the trust is revocable and the settlor has capacity to revoke, the
rights of the beneficiaries are held by, and the duties of the
trustee are owed exclusively to the settlor; the rights to be held by
and owed to the beneficiaries arise only upon the settlor’s death or
incapacity. The trustee may follow a written direction of the
settlor, even if contrary to the terms of the trust. The holder of a
presently exercisable power of withdrawal or a testamentary general
power of appointment has the rights of a settlor of a revocable trust
under this section to the extent of the property subject to the
F. 1. A term of the trust relieving a trustee of liability for
breach of trust is unenforceable to the extent that it:
a. relieves a trustee of liability for breach of trust
committed in bad faith or with reckless indifference to
the purposes of the trust or the interest of the
beneficiaries, or
b. was inserted as the result of an abuse by the trustee
of a fiduciary or confidential relationship to the
2. An exculpatory term drafted by or on behalf of the trustee is
presumed to have been inserted as a result of an abuse of a fiduciary
or confidential relationship unless the trustee proves that the
exculpatory term is fair under the circumstances and that its
existence and contents were adequately communicated to the settlor.
G. A beneficiary may not hold a trustee liable for a breach of
trust if the beneficiary, while having capacity, consented to the
conduct constituting the breach, released the trustee from liability
for the breach, or ratified the transaction constituting the breach,
1. The beneficiary at the time of the consent, release, or
ratification did not know of the beneficiary’s rights and of the
material facts that the trustee knew, or with the exercise of
reasonable inquiry, the beneficiary should have known, and that the
trustee did not reasonably believe that the beneficiary knew; or
2. The consent, release, or ratification of the beneficiary was
induced by improper conduct of the trustee.
H. 1. Except as otherwise agreed, a trustee is not personally
liable on a contract properly entered into in the trustee’s fiduciary
capacity in the course of administration of the trust if the trustee
in the contract discloses the fiduciary capacity.
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2. A trustee is personally liable for obligations arising from
ownership or control of trust property, or for torts committed in the
course of administering a trust, only if the trustee is personally at
fault, whether negligently or intentionally.
3. A trustee who does not join in exercising a power held by
three or more trustees is not liable to third persons for the
consequences of the exercise of the power. A dissenting trustee who
joins in an action at the direction of the majority cotrustees is not
liable to third persons for the action if the dissenting trustee
expressed the dissent in writing to any other cotrustee at or before
the time the action was taken.
4. A claim based on a contract entered into by a trustee in the
trustee’s fiduciary capacity, on an obligation arising from ownership
or control of trust property, or on a tort committed in the course of
administering a trust, may be asserted against the trust in a
judicial proceeding against the trustee in the trustee’s fiduciary
capacity, whether or not the trustee is personally liable on the
I. 1. A person who in good faith assists a trustee or who in
good faith and for value deals with a trustee without knowledge that
the trustee is exceeding or improperly exercising the trustee’s
powers is protected from liability as if the trustee properly
exercised the power.
2. Dealing in good faith with another person with knowledge that
the other person is a trustee does not place a third person on notice
to inquire into the extent of the trustee's powers or the propriety
of their exercise.
3. A person who in good faith deals with another person with
knowledge that the other person is a trustee is not solely on that
account placed on notice to inquire into the extent of the trustee’s
powers or the propriety of their exercise or to see to the proper
application of assets of the trust paid or delivered to a trustee.
4. A person who in good faith assists a former trustee or who
for value and in good faith deals with a former trustee without
knowledge that the person is no longer a trustee is protected from
liability as if the former trustee were still a trustee.
5. The protection provided by this section to persons assisting
or dealing with a trustee is secondary to that provided under
comparable provisions of other laws relating to commercial
transactions or to the transfer of securities by fiduciaries.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 419, § 1, emerg. eff. June 10, 1999.
§60-175.60. Short title.
Short Title.
Sections 1 through 13 of this act shall be known and may be cited
as the "Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act".
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
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§60-175.61. Prudent investor rule.
Prudent Investor Rule.
A. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B of this section,
a trustee who invests and manages trust assets owes a duty to the
beneficiaries of the trust to comply with the prudent investor rule
set forth in the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act.
B. The prudent investor rule, a default rule, may be expanded,
restricted, eliminated, or otherwise altered by the provisions of a
trust. A trustee is not liable to a beneficiary to the extent that
the trustee acted in reasonable reliance on the provisions of the
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.62. Standard of care - Portfolio strategy - Risk and return
Standard of Care; Portfolio Strategy; Risk and Return Objectives.
A. A trustee shall invest and manage trust assets as a prudent
investor would, by considering the purposes, terms, distribution
requirements, and other circumstances of the trust. In satisfying
this standard, the trustee shall exercise reasonable care, skill, and
B. A trustee's investment and management decisions respecting
individual assets must be evaluated not in isolation, but in the
context of the trust portfolio as a whole and as a part of an overall
investment strategy having risk and return objectives reasonably
suited to the trust.
C. Among circumstances that a trustee shall consider in
investing and managing trust assets are those of the following as are
relevant to the trust or its beneficiaries:
1. General economic conditions;
2. The possible effect of inflation or deflation;
3. The expected tax consequences of investment decisions or
4. The role that each investment or course of action plays
within the overall trust portfolio, which may include financial
assets, interests in closely held enterprises, tangible and
intangible personal property, and real property;
5. The expected total return from income and the appreciation of
6. Other resources of the beneficiaries;
7. Needs for liquidity, regularity of income, and preservation
or appreciation of capital; and
8. An asset's special relationship or special value, if any, to
the purposes of the trust or to one or more of the beneficiaries.
D. A trustee shall make a reasonable effort to verify facts
relevant to the investment and management of trust assets.
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E. A trustee may invest in any kind of property or type of
investment consistent with the standards of the Oklahoma Uniform
Prudent Investor Act.
F. A trustee who has special skills or expertise, or is named
trustee in reliance upon the trustee's representation that the
trustee has special skills or expertise, has a duty to use those
special skills or expertise.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.63. Diversification.
A trustee shall diversify the investments of the trust unless the
trustee reasonably determines that, because of special circumstances,
the purposes of the trust are better served without diversifying.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.64. Duties at inception of trusteeship.
Duties at Inception of Trusteeship.
Within a reasonable time after accepting a trusteeship or
receiving trust assets, a trustee shall review the trust assets and
make and implement decisions concerning the retention and disposition
of assets, in order to bring the trust portfolio into compliance with
the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other
circumstances of the trust and with the requirements of the Oklahoma
Uniform Prudent Investor Act.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.65. Loyalty.
A trustee shall invest and manage the trust assets solely in the
interest of the beneficiaries.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351,.§ 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.66. Impartiality.
If a trust has two or more beneficiaries, the trustee shall act
impartially in investing and managing the trust assets, taking into
account any differing interests of the beneficiaries.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.67. Investment costs.
Investment Costs.
In investing and managing trust assets, a trustee may only incur
costs that are appropriate and reasonable in relation to the assets,
the purposes of the trust, and the skills of the trustee.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
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§60-175.68. Reviewing compliance.
Reviewing Compliance.
Compliance with the prudent investor rule is determined in light
of the facts and circumstances existing at the time of a trustee's
decision or action and not by hindsight.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.69. Delegation of investment and management functions.
Delegation of Investment and Management Functions.
A. A trustee may delegate investment and management functions
that a prudent trustee of comparable skills could properly delegate
under the circumstances. The trustee shall exercise reasonable care,
skill, and caution in:
1. Selecting an agent;
2. Establishing the scope and terms of the delegation,
consistent with the purposes and terms of the trust; and
3. Periodically reviewing the agent's actions in order to
monitor the agent's performance and compliance with the terms of the
B. In performing a delegated function, an agent owes a duty to
the trust to exercise reasonable care to comply with the terms of the
C. A trustee who complies with the requirements of subsection A
of this section is not liable to the beneficiaries or to the trust
for the decisions or actions of the agent to whom the function was
D. By accepting the delegation of a trust function from the
trustee of a trust that is subject to the laws of this state, an
agent submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.70. Language invoking standard of the Oklahoma Uniform
Prudent Investor Act.
Language Invoking Standard of the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent
Investor Act.
The following terms or comparable language in the provisions of a
trust, unless otherwise limited or modified, authorizes any
investment or strategy permitted under the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent
Investor Act: "Investments permissible by law for investment of
trust funds", "legal investments", "authorized investments", "using
the judgment and care under the circumstances then prevailing that
persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the
management of their own affairs, not in regard to speculation but in
regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the
probable income as well as the probable safety of their capital",
"prudent man rule", "prudent trustee rule", "prudent person rule",
and "prudent investor rule".
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Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 11, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.71. Application to existing trusts.
Application to Existing Trusts.
The Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act applies to trusts
existing on and created after its effective date. As applied to
trusts existing on its effective date, this act governs only
decisions or actions occurring after that date.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.72. Uniformity of application and construction.
Uniformity of Application and Construction.
The Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act shall be applied and
construed to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law
with respect to the subject of this act among the states enacting it.
Added by Laws 1995, c. 351, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.
§60-175.81. Oklahoma Discretionary and Special Needs Trust Act.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Oklahoma
Discretionary and Special Needs Trust Act”.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.82. Definitions.
As used in the Oklahoma Discretionary and Special Needs Trust
1. “Beneficial interest” means a distribution interest or a
remainder interest, and excludes a power of appointment or a power
reserved by the settlor;
2. "Beneficiary" means a person who has a present or future
beneficial interest in a trust, vested or contingent. However, the
holder of a power of appointment shall not be considered a
3. “Child” means any person for whom an order or judgment for
child support has been entered in this state or another state;
4. “Current distribution interest” means a distribution interest
where on the date of qualification the beneficiary is an eligible
distributee or permissible distributee of trust income or principal;
5. “Discretionary interest” means any interest for which a
trustee has discretion to make or withhold a distribution. A
discretionary interest includes permissive language such as “may make
distributions” or it may include mandatory language that is
inconsistent with the intent of the settlor to create a discretionary
trust, such as “The trustee shall make distributions in the sole and
absolute discretion of the trustee”;
6. “Distribution interest” means a beneficiary’s equitable
interest to enforce the distribution terms of the trust subject to
the judicial review standard. A distribution interest is classified
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as a mandatory interest, a support interest, a discretionary
interest, or a combination of any such interests. A distribution
interest includes both current distribution interests and future
distribution interests;
7. “Exception creditor” means a child of a beneficiary who has a
judgment or court order against the beneficiary for support;
8. “Future distribution interest” means all distribution
interests other than a current distribution interest;
9. “Mandatory interest” means a distribution interest for which
the trustee has no discretion in determining whether the distribution
shall be made, or the amount or timing of the distribution;
10. “Power of appointment” means an inter vivos or testamentary
power to direct the disposition of trust property, other than a
distribution decision by a trustee to a beneficiary. Powers of
appointment are held by donees, not the settlor. A power of
appointment includes any right or power granted by statute to any
person other than the settlor;
11. “Remainder interest” means an interest for which a trust
beneficiary will receive the property outright in the future;
12. “Reserved power” means a power held by the settlor;
13. “Special Needs Trust” means a trust created for the partial
or exclusive benefit of a disabled or incapacitated person, in order
to allow the disabled or incapacitated beneficiary to avoid loss of
eligibility for government benefit programs, including, but not
limited to, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security
Disability Income or other state or federal benefit programs; and
14. “Support interest” means any interest which is not a
mandatory interest or a discretionary interest. A support interest
shall include mandatory language such as “shall make distributions”
and be coupled with a standard capable of judicial interpretation,
such as an “ascertainable standard” as defined in Internal Revenue
Code (IRC) Section 2041.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.83. Applicable provisions for trusts created or modified
after November 1, 2010.
The following provisions apply to all trusts created or modified
from and after November 1, 2010, regardless of whether a spendthrift
provision is included in a trust:
1. A distribution interest shall not be judicially sold. A
distribution interest in a trust includes, but is not limited to, a
current distribution interest, future distribution interest or income
2. A remainder interest, power of appointment or a reserved
power in a trust shall not be judicially sold;
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3. Except as to a settlor who is also a trustee of a revocable
trust, trust property is not subject to personal obligations of the
trustee, even if the trustee becomes insolvent or bankrupt;
4. A beneficiary of a trust has an equitable interest in the
trust to bring an action against the trustee to enforce the terms of
the trust subject to the judicial review standard set forth in
paragraph 4 of Section 9 of this act; and
5. Subject to the provisions of the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer
Act, the Oklahoma Discretionary and Special Needs Trust Act provides
for the sole and exclusive remedies that are available to a creditor
or other nonbeneficiary claiming an interest in the trust.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.84. Applicable provisions for trusts created pursuant to
Oklahoma Discretionary and Special Needs Trust Act.
The following provisions apply to all trusts created pursuant to
the Oklahoma Discretionary and Special Needs Trust Act:
1. A creditor shall not attach, exercise, or otherwise reach an
interest of a beneficiary or any other person who holds an
unconditional or conditional removal or replacement power over a
trustee. Further, this power is personal to the beneficiary and may
not be exercised by the creditors of the beneficiary, nor may a court
direct any person to exercise this power;
2. A creditor shall not reach an interest of a beneficiary nor
otherwise compel a distribution because the beneficiary is then
serving as a trustee or a cotrustee;
3. If a party challenges a settlor or the influence of a
beneficiary over a trust, the following factors, alone or in
combination, shall not be considered dominion and control over a
a. a beneficiary serving as a trustee or a cotrustee as
described in paragraph 2 of this section,
b. the settlor or a beneficiary holds an unrestricted
power to remove or replace a trustee,
c. the settlor or a beneficiary, as provided in the
applicable trust instrument, is:
(1) a trust administrator,
(2) a trust protector,
(3) a special trustee, or
(4) a general partner of a partnership, a manager of a
limited liability company, an officer of a
corporation, or any other managerial function of
any other type of entity, and part or all of the
trust property consists of an interest in said
d. a person related by blood or adoption to a settlor or a
beneficiary is appointed as trustee, or
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e. an accountant of a settlor or a beneficiary, attorney,
financial advisor, business associate, or a friend is
appointed as trustee; and
4. The settlor or any beneficiary shall not be deemed to be the
alter ego of a trustee. The following factors, alone or in
combination, shall not be sufficient evidence for a court to conclude
that the settlor controls a trustee or is the alter ego of a trustee:
a. any combination of the factors listed in paragraph 3 of
this section,
b. occasional occurrences in which the settlor or a
beneficiary may have signed checks, made disbursements
or executed other documents related to the trust as a
trustee, when in fact the settlor or a beneficiary was
not a trustee,
c. making requests for distributions on behalf of
beneficiaries, or
d. making requests to the trustee to hold, purchase, or
sell any trust property.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.85. Spendthrift provision.
A. A spendthrift provision is valid if it restrains either the
voluntary or involuntary transfer of a beneficiary’s interest. If
the applicable trust instrument so provides, a spendthrift provision
may permit the voluntary transfer of an interest of a beneficiary
even if the transfer is subject to the approval by the trustee if the
trustee is not also the transferring beneficiary. The trustee may
honor a transfer even if the transfer violates a spendthrift
provision. The trustee shall not be liable to either the beneficiary
or the assignee whether or not the trustee honors the transfer.
B. If a trust provides that the interest of a beneficiary is
held subject to a spendthrift provision, or words of similar import,
it shall restrain both the voluntary or involuntary transfer of the
interest of the beneficiary.
C. Except for an exception creditor of a support interest under
paragraph 4 of Section 8 of this act, if a trust contains a
spendthrift provision, a creditor or assignee of the beneficiary may
not reach an interest in a trust or a distribution by the trustee
until such distribution is received by the beneficiary.
D. A creditor shall wait until a distribution is received by a
beneficiary before attachment; provided, however, an exception
creditor may attach current and future distributions at the trust
E. A spendthrift provision applies to both current distribution
interests, future distribution interests, and remainder interests.
F. A power of appointment in any trust is personal in nature and
cannot be attached or forced to be exercised by a creditor or a court
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regardless of the presence of a spendthrift provision. A power of
appointment is not a property interest.
G. A reserved power is not protected by a spendthrift provision.
If a reserved power does not constitute a power of withdrawal for the
settlor to withdraw income or principal, the holder of a reserved
power may exercise the power in the sole and absolute discretion of
the holder unencumbered by any court.
H. A spendthrift provision is a material provision of a trust.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.86. Distribution interest - Mandatory, support, and
discretionary interests.
A. A distribution interest in a trust shall be classified as a
mandatory interest, a support interest or a discretionary interest.
B. A beneficiary may concurrently hold a mandatory interest,
support interest or discretionary interest. To the extent a trust
contains a combination of a discretionary interest, a support
interest or a mandatory interest, the trust shall be a mandatory
interest only to the extent of the mandatory language and a support
interest only to the extent of the support language. The remaining
trust property shall be held as a discretionary interest.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.87. Creditor attachment of mandatory distributions.
A. If a trust created on or after November 1, 2010, contains a
spendthrift provision, a creditor shall not attach present and future
mandatory distributions from the trust. A creditor shall wait until
a distribution is received by a beneficiary before attachment.
However, an exception creditor may attach present and future
mandatory distributions for child support.
B. If a trust does not contain a spendthrift provision, a
creditor may attach present and future mandatory distributions from
the trust at the trust level.
C. A beneficiary holding a mandatory distribution interest may
enforce the interest. A court may review the distribution discretion
of a trustee if the trustee acts beyond the bounds of reasonableness.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.88. Applicable trust provisions for beneficiaries holding
support interests.
The following provisions apply only to trusts with one or more
beneficiaries holding support interests:
1. The fact that a court would have exercised the distribution
power under a support interest differently than the trustee is not
sufficient reason for interfering with the exercise of the
distribution power by the trustee. However, a court may review the
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distribution discretion of a trustee if the trustee acts beyond the
bounds of reasonableness;
2. A support interest relies on spendthrift provisions for
protection of a beneficial interest as well as the additional
protection provided by protective or restrictive distribution
language under Section 10 of this act;
3. The only exception creditor under the Oklahoma Discretionary
and Special Needs Trust Act is a child of a beneficiary who has a
judgment or court order against the beneficiary for support;
4. As provided by the Oklahoma Discretionary and Special Needs
Trust Act, the sole and exclusive remedy of an exception creditor is
the attachment of the beneficiary’s support interest at the trust
level. The court may limit the amount subject to attachment as
appropriate under the circumstances to provide for the needs of the
beneficiary and the family of the beneficiary; and
5. A beneficiary holding a support interest has an enforceable
right to a distribution pursuant to a court review. This does not
raise the interest of the beneficiary to the level of a property
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.89. Applicable trust provisions for beneficiaries holding
discretionary interests.
The following provisions apply only to trusts with one or more
beneficiaries holding discretionary interests:
1. A discretionary interest is neither a property interest nor
an enforceable right to a distribution; it is a mere expectancy;
provided, however, a beneficiary holding a discretionary interest has
an equitable interest to bring an action against the trustee within
the judicial review standard of paragraph 4 of this section. No
creditor, regardless of whether the Oklahoma Discretionary and
Special Needs Trust Act provides for any exception creditors, shall
attach, require the trustee to exercise the trustee’s discretion to
make a distribution, or cause a court to judicially sell a
discretionary interest;
2. Regardless of whether a beneficiary has any outstanding
creditor, a trustee may directly pay any expense on behalf of the
beneficiary and may exhaust the income and principal of the trust for
the benefit of the beneficiary. A trustee shall not be liable to any
creditor or beneficiary for paying the expenses of a beneficiary;
3. A creditor, including an exception creditor, of a beneficiary
has no greater rights in a discretionary interest than a beneficiary,
and shall not compel a distribution that is subject to the discretion
of the trustee, nor may a court order a distribution;
4. A court may review a distribution discretion of a trustee
only if it is proved by clear and convincing evidence that the
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a. acts dishonestly,
b. acts with an improper motive, or
c. fails to act.
The sole factor not to make a distribution does not constitute a
failure to act. There is no standard of reasonableness under the
above review standard;
5. In addition to any limitations of rights of creditors, if the
trust contains a spendthrift provision, a current interest in a
discretionary trust also receives the benefits of any spendthrift
protection; and
6. Absent express language to the contrary, in the event that
the distribution language permits unequal distributions between
beneficiaries or distributions to the exclusion of other
beneficiaries, the trustee may distribute all of the accumulated,
accrued, or undistributed income and principal to one beneficiary in
the discretion of the trustee.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.90. Attachment of present or future distributions -
Restrictions limiting distribution powers.
A. A trustee may only make distributions for the purposes
designated by the settlor. A creditor, including an exception
creditor, has no greater rights than a beneficiary. In this respect,
a creditor, including an exception creditor, cannot attach present or
future distributions if the claim of the creditor does not come
within the distribution standard.
B. A restriction limiting the distribution powers of a trustee
as to a trustee, which distribution might result in the loss of a
beneficiary’s eligibility for participation in a federal or state
benefits program, including, but not limited to, Medicaid,
Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Income, or
other state or federal benefits program is valid, and no creditor,
including an exception creditor, may attach present or future
distributions from such a trust. All other restrictions curtailing
the distribution power of a trustee are void as to exception
creditors, if any exception creditors are provided by the Oklahoma
Discretionary and Special Needs Trust Act.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.91. Validity of trust provisions.
A. A provision which provides that a current distribution
interest shall either become a discretionary interest or shall
terminate upon the attachment by a creditor, including an exception
creditor, is valid.
B. A provision that provides a remainder interest shall
terminate or change into a dynasty interest upon attachment by a
creditor, including an exception creditor, is valid.
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Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 11, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.92. Existence of a spendthrift provision - Amount the
creditor or assignee may reach.
Subject to the provisions of the Family Wealth Preservation Trust
1. Whether or not the terms of a trust contain a spendthrift
provision, the following rules apply:
a. during the lifetime of the settlor, the property of a
revocable trust is subject to the claims of the
creditors of the settlor, and
b. a spendthrift provision is ineffective with respect to
the settlor of a revocable trust while the trust is
revocable; and
2. A creditor or assignee of the settlor may reach the maximum
amount that can be distributed to or for the benefit of the settlor.
If a trust has more than one settlor, the amount the creditor or
assignee of a particular settlor may reach may not exceed the
interest of the settlor in the portion of the trust attributable to
the contribution of that settlor.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 280, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-175.101. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Oklahoma Uniform
Principal and Income Act".
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.102. Definitions.
As used in this act:
1. "Accounting period" means a calendar year unless another
twelve-month period is selected by a fiduciary. The term includes a
portion of a calendar year or other twelve-month period that begins
when an income interest begins or ends when an income interest ends;
2. "Beneficiary" includes, in the case of a decedent's estate,
an heir, legatee, and devisee and, in the case of a trust, an income
beneficiary and a remainder beneficiary;
3. "Fiduciary" means a personal representative or a trustee.
The term includes an executor, administrator, successor personal
representative, special administrator, and a person performing
substantially the same function;
4. "Income" means money or property that a fiduciary receives as
current return from a principal asset. The term includes a portion
of receipts from a sale, exchange, or liquidation of a principal
asset, to the extent provided in Article 4 of this act;
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5. "Income beneficiary" means a person to whom net income of a
trust is or may be payable;
6. "Income interest" means the right of an income beneficiary to
receive all or part of net income, whether the terms of the trust
require it to be distributed or authorize it to be distributed in the
trustee's discretion;
7. "Mandatory income interest" means the right of an income
beneficiary to receive net income that the terms of the trust require
the fiduciary to distribute;
8. "Net income" means the total receipts allocated to income
during an accounting period minus the disbursements made from income
during the period, plus or minus transfers under this act to or from
income during the period;
9. "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust,
estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association,
joint venture, government; governmental subdivision, agency, or
instrumentality; public corporation; or any other legal or commercial
10. "Principal" means property held in trust for distribution to
a remainder beneficiary when the trust terminates;
11. "Remainder beneficiary" means a person entitled to receive
principal when an income interest ends;
12. "Terms of a trust" means the manifestation of the intent of
a settlor or decedent with respect to the trust, expressed in a
manner that admits of its proof in a judicial proceeding, whether by
written or spoken words or by conduct; and
13. "Trustee" includes an original, additional, or successor
trustee, whether or not appointed or confirmed by a court.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.103. Fiduciary duties - General principles.
A. In allocating receipts and disbursements to or between
principal and income, and with respect to any matter within the scope
of Articles 2 and 3 of this act, a fiduciary:
1. Shall administer a trust or estate in accordance with the
terms of the trust or the will, even if there is a different
provision in this act;
2. May administer a trust or estate by the exercise of a
discretionary power of administration given to the fiduciary by the
terms of the trust or the will, even if the exercise of the power
produces a result different from a result required or permitted by
this act;
3. Shall administer a trust or estate in accordance with this
act if the terms of the trust or the will do not contain a different
provision or do not give the fiduciary a discretionary power of
administration; and
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4. Shall add a receipt or charge a disbursement to principal to
the extent that the terms of the trust and this act do not provide a
rule for allocating the receipt or disbursement to or between
principal and income.
B. In exercising the power to adjust under subsection A of
Section 4 of this act or a discretionary power of administration
regarding a matter within the scope of this act, whether granted by
the terms of a trust, a will, or this act, a fiduciary shall
administer a trust or estate impartially, based on what is fair and
reasonable to all of the beneficiaries, except to the extent that the
terms of the trust or the will clearly manifest an intention that the
fiduciary shall or may favor one or more of the beneficiaries. A
determination in accordance with this act is presumed to be fair and
reasonable to all of the beneficiaries.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.104. Trustee's power to adjust.
A. A trustee may adjust between principal and income to the
extent the trustee considers necessary if the trustee invests and
manages trust assets as a prudent investor, the terms of the trust
describe the amount that may or must be distributed to a beneficiary
by referring to the trust's income, and the trustee determines, after
applying the rules in subsection A of Section 175.103 of Title 60 of
the Oklahoma Statutes, that the trustee is unable to comply with
subsection B of Section 175.103 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
B. In deciding whether and to what extent to exercise the power
conferred by subsection A of this section, a trustee shall consider
all factors relevant to the trust and its beneficiaries, including
the following factors to the extent they are relevant:
1. The nature, purpose, and expected duration of the trust;
2. The intent of the settlor;
3. The identity and circumstances of the beneficiaries;
4. The needs for liquidity, regularity of income, and
preservation and appreciation of capital;
5. The assets held in the trust; the extent to which they
consist of financial assets, interests in closely held enterprises,
tangible and intangible personal property, or real property; the
extent to which an asset is used by a beneficiary; and whether an
asset was purchased by the trustee or received from the settlor;
6. The net amount allocated to income under the other sections
of this act and the increase or decrease in the value of the
principal assets, which the trustee may estimate as to assets for
which market values are not readily available;
7. Whether and to what extent the terms of the trust give the
trustee the power to invade principal or accumulate income or
prohibit the trustee from invading principal or accumulating income,
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and the extent to which the trustee has exercised a power from time
to time to invade principal or accumulate income;
8. The actual and anticipated effect of economic conditions on
principal and income and effects of inflation and deflation; and
9. The anticipated tax consequences of an adjustment.
C. A trustee may not make an adjustment:
1. That diminishes the income interest in a trust that requires
all of the income to be paid at least annually to a spouse and for
which an estate tax or gift tax marital deduction would be allowed,
in whole or in part, if the trustee did not have the power to make
the adjustment;
2. That reduces the actuarial value of the income interest in a
trust to which a person transfers property with the intent to qualify
for a gift tax exclusion;
3. That changes the amount payable to a beneficiary as a fixed
annuity or a fixed fraction of the value of the trust assets;
4. From any amount that is permanently set aside for charitable
purposes under a will or the terms of a trust unless both income and
principal are so set aside;
5. If possessing or exercising the power to make an adjustment
causes an individual to be treated as the owner of all or part of the
trust for income tax purposes, and the individual would not be
treated as the owner if the trustee did not possess the power to make
an adjustment;
6. If possessing or exercising the power to make an adjustment
causes all or part of the trust assets to be included for estate tax
purposes in the estate of an individual who has the power to remove a
trustee or appoint a trustee, or both, and the assets would not be
included in the estate of the individual if the trustee did not
possess the power to make an adjustment;
7. If the trustee is a beneficiary of the trust (except where
the trustee is a charitable, religious or educational organization
recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and as a beneficiary will hold the beneficial interest
as an institutional endowment fund as that term is defined in the
Oklahoma Uniform Management of Institutional Endowment Funds Act
solely for the benefit of one or more other charitable, religious or
educational organizations recognized as tax exempt under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code); or
8. If the trustee is not a beneficiary, but the adjustment would
benefit the trustee directly or indirectly.
D. If paragraph 5, 6, 7, or 8 of subsection C of this section
applies to a trustee and there is more than one trustee, a cotrustee
to whom the provision does not apply may make the adjustment unless
the exercise of the power by the remaining trustee or trustees is not
permitted by the terms of the trust.
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E. A trustee may release the entire power conferred by
subsection A of this section or may release only the power to adjust
from income to principal or the power to adjust from principal to
income if the trustee is uncertain about whether possessing or
exercising the power will cause a result described in paragraphs 1
through 6 or 8 of subsection C of this section or if the trustee
determines that possessing or exercising the power will or may
deprive the trust of a tax benefit or impose a tax burden not
described in subsection C of this section. The release may be
permanent or for a specified period, including a period measured by
the life of an individual.
F. Terms of a trust that limit the power of a trustee to make an
adjustment between principal and income do not affect the application
of this section unless it is clear from the terms of the trust that
the terms are intended to deny the trustee the power of adjustment
conferred by subsection A of this section.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1998. Amended by Laws
1998, c. 422, § 36, eff. Nov. 1, 1998; Laws 1999, c. 91, § 1, eff.
Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-175.201. Determination and distribution of net income.
After a decedent dies, in the case of an estate, or after an
income interest in a trust ends, the following rules apply:
1. A fiduciary of an estate or of a terminating income interest
shall determine the amount of net income and net principal receipts
received from property specifically given to a beneficiary under the
rules in Articles 3 through 5 of this act which apply to trustees and
the rules in paragraph 5 of this section. The fiduciary shall
distribute the net income and net principal receipts to the
beneficiary who is to receive the specific property;
2. A fiduciary shall determine the remaining net income of a
decedent's estate or a terminating income interest under the rules in
Articles 3 through 5 of this act which apply to trustees and by:
a. including in net income all income from property used
to discharge liabilities,
b. paying from income or principal, in the fiduciary's
discretion, fees of attorneys, accountants, and
fiduciaries; court costs and other expenses of
administration; and interest on death taxes, but the
fiduciary may pay those expenses from income of
property passing to a trust for which the fiduciary
claims an estate tax marital or charitable deduction
only to the extent that the payment of those expenses
from income will not cause the reduction or loss of the
deduction, and
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c. paying from principal all other disbursements made or
incurred in connection with the settlement of a
decedent's estate or the winding up of a terminating
income interest, including debts, funeral expenses,
disposition of remains, family allowances, and death
taxes and related penalties that are apportioned to the
estate or terminating income interest by the will, the
terms of the trust, or applicable law;
3. A fiduciary shall distribute to a beneficiary who receives a
pecuniary amount outright the interest or any other amount provided
by the will, the terms of the trust, or applicable law from net
income determined under paragraph 2 of this section or from principal
to the extent that net income is insufficient. If a beneficiary is
to receive a pecuniary amount outright from a trust after an income
interest ends and no interest or other amount is provided for by the
terms of the trust or applicable law, the fiduciary shall distribute
the interest or other amount to which the beneficiary would be
entitled under applicable law if the pecuniary amount were required
to be paid under a will;
4. A fiduciary shall distribute the net income remaining after
distributions required by paragraph 3 of this section in the manner
described in Section 6 of this act to all other beneficiaries,
including a beneficiary who receives a pecuniary amount in trust,
even if the beneficiary holds an unqualified power to withdraw assets
from the trust or other presently exercisable general power of
appointment over the trust;
5. A fiduciary may not reduce principal or income receipts from
property described in paragraph 1 of this section because of a
payment described in Section 25 or 26 of this act to the extent that
the will, the terms of the trust, or applicable law requires the
fiduciary to make the payment from assets other than the property or
to the extent that the fiduciary recovers or expects to recover the
payment from a third party. The net income and principal receipts
from the property are determined by including all of the amounts the
fiduciary receives or pays with respect to the property, whether
those amounts accrued or became due before, on, or after the date of
a decedent's death or an income interest's terminating event, and by
making a reasonable provision for amounts that the fiduciary believes
the estate or terminating income interest may become obligated to pay
after the property is distributed.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.202. Distribution to residuary and remainder beneficiaries.
A. Each beneficiary described in paragraph 4 of Section 175.201
of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes is entitled to receive a portion
of the net income equal to the beneficiary's fractional interest in
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undistributed principal assets, using values as of the distribution
date. If a fiduciary makes more than one distribution of assets to
beneficiaries to whom this section applies, each beneficiary,
including one who does not receive part of the distribution, is
entitled, as of each distribution date, to the net income the
fiduciary has received after the date of death or terminating event
or earlier distribution date but has not distributed as of the
current distribution date.
B. In determining a beneficiary's share of net income, the
following rules apply:
1. The beneficiary is entitled to receive a portion of the net
income equal to the beneficiary's fractional interest in the
undistributed principal assets immediately before the distribution
date, including assets that later may be sold to meet principal
2. The beneficiary's fractional interest in the undistributed
principal assets must be calculated without regard to property
specifically given to a beneficiary and property required to pay
pecuniary amounts not in trust;
3. The beneficiary's fractional interest in the undistributed
principal assets must be calculated on the basis of the aggregate
value of those assets as of the distribution date without reducing
the value by any unpaid principal obligation; and
4. The distribution date for purposes of this section may be the
date as of which the fiduciary calculates the value of the assets if
that date is reasonably near the date on which assets are actually
C. If a fiduciary does not distribute all of the collected but
undistributed net income to each person as of a distribution date,
the fiduciary shall maintain appropriate records showing the interest
of each beneficiary in that net income.
D. A fiduciary may apply the rules in this section, to the
extent that the fiduciary considers it appropriate, to net gain or
loss realized after the date of death or terminating event or earlier
distribution date from the disposition of a principal asset if this
section applies to the income from the asset.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1998. Amended by Laws
1998, c. 422, § 37, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.301. When right to income begins and ends.
A. An income beneficiary is entitled to net income from the date
on which the income interest begins. An income interest begins on
the date specified in the terms of the trust or, if no date is
specified, on the date an asset becomes subject to a trust or
successive income interest.
B. An asset becomes subject to a trust:
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1. On the date it is transferred to the trust in the case of an
asset that is transferred to a trust during the transferor's life;
2. On the date of a testator's death in the case of an asset
that becomes subject to a trust by reason of a will, even if there is
an intervening period of administration of the testator's estate; or
3. On the date of an individual's death in the case of an asset
that is transferred to a fiduciary by a third party because of the
individual's death.
C. An asset becomes subject to a successive income interest on
the day after the preceding income interest ends, as determined under
subsection D of this section, even if there is an intervening period
of administration to wind up the preceding income interest.
D. An income interest ends on the day before an income
beneficiary dies or another terminating event occurs, or on the last
day of a period during which there is no beneficiary to whom a
trustee may distribute income.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.302. Apportionment of receipts and disbursements when
decedent dies or income interest begins.
A. A trustee shall allocate an income receipt or disbursement
other than one to which paragraph 1 of Section 5 of this act applies
to principal if its due date occurs before a decedent dies in the
case of an estate or before an income interest begins in the case of
a trust or successive income interest.
B. A trustee shall allocate an income receipt or disbursement to
income if its due date occurs on or after the date on which a
decedent dies or an income interest begins and it is a periodic due
date. An income receipt or disbursement must be treated as accruing
from day to day if its due date is not periodic or it has no due
date. The portion of the receipt or disbursement accruing before the
date on which a decedent dies or an income interest begins must be
allocated to principal and the balance must be allocated to income.
C. An item of income or an obligation is due on the date the
payer is required to make a payment. If a payment date is not
stated, there is no due date for the purposes of this act.
Distributions to shareholders or other owners from an entity to which
Section 10 of this act applies are deemed to be due on the date fixed
by the entity for determining who is entitled to receive the
distribution or, if no date is fixed, on the declaration date for the
distribution. A due date is periodic for receipts or disbursements
that must be paid at regular intervals under a lease or an obligation
to pay interest or if an entity customarily makes distributions at
regular intervals.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
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§60-175.303. Apportionment when income interest ends.
A. In this section, "undistributed income" means net income
received before the date on which an income interest ends. The term
does not include an item of income or expense that is due or accrued
or net income that has been added or is required to be added to
principal under the terms of the trust.
B. When a mandatory income interest ends, the trustee shall pay
to a mandatory income beneficiary who survives that date, or the
estate of a deceased mandatory income beneficiary whose death causes
the interest to end, the beneficiary's share of the undistributed
income that is not disposed of under the terms of the trust unless
the beneficiary has an unqualified power to revoke more than five
percent (5%) of the trust immediately before the income interest
ends. In the latter case, the undistributed income from the portion
of the trust that may be revoked must be added to principal.
C. When a trustee's obligation to pay a fixed annuity or a fixed
fraction of the value of the trust's assets ends, the trustee shall
prorate the final payment if and to the extent required by applicable
law to accomplish a purpose of the trust or its settlor relating to
income, gift, estate, or other tax requirements.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.401. Character of receipts.
A. In this section, "entity" means a corporation, partnership,
limited liability company, regulated investment company, real estate
investment trust, common trust fund, or any other organization in
which a trustee has an interest other than a trust or estate to which
Section 11 of this act applies, a business or activity to which
Section 12 of this act applies, or an asset-backed security to which
Section 24 of this act applies.
B. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a trustee shall
allocate to income money received from an entity.
C. A trustee shall allocate the following receipts from an
entity to principal:
1. Property other than money;
2. Money received in one distribution or a series of related
distributions in exchange for part or all of a trust's interest in
the entity;
3. Money received in total or partial liquidation of the entity;
4. Money received from an entity that is a regulated investment
company or a real estate investment trust if the money distributed is
a capital gain dividend for federal income tax purposes.
D. Money is received in partial liquidation:
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1. To the extent that the entity, at or near the time of a
distribution, indicates that it is a distribution in partial
liquidation; or
2. If the total amount of money and property received in a
distribution or series of related distributions is greater than
twenty percent (20%) of the entity's gross assets, as shown by the
entity's year-end financial statements immediately preceding the
initial receipt.
E. Money is not received in partial liquidation, nor may it be
taken into account under paragraph 2 of subsection D of this section,
to the extent that it does not exceed the amount of income tax that a
trustee or beneficiary must pay on taxable income of the entity that
distributes the money.
F. A trustee may rely upon a statement made by an entity about
the source or character of a distribution if the statement is made at
or near the time of distribution by the entity's board of directors
or other person or group of persons authorized to exercise powers to
pay money or transfer property comparable to those of a corporation's
board of directors.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.402. Distribution from trust or estate.
A trustee shall allocate to income an amount received as a
distribution of income from a trust or an estate in which the trust
has an interest other than a purchased interest, and shall allocate
to principal an amount received as a distribution of principal from
such a trust or estate. If a trustee purchases an interest in a
trust that is an investment entity, or a decedent or donor transfers
an interest in such a trust to a trustee, Section 10 or 24 of this
act applies to a receipt from the trust.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 11, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.403. Business and other activities conducted by trustee.
A. If a trustee who conducts a business or other activity
determines that it is in the best interest of all the beneficiaries
to account separately for the business or activity instead of
accounting for it as part of the trust's general accounting records,
the trustee may maintain separate accounting records for its
transactions, whether or not its assets are segregated from other
trust assets.
B. A trustee who accounts separately for a business or other
activity may determine the extent to which its net cash receipts must
be retained for working capital, the acquisition or replacement of
fixed assets, and other reasonably foreseeable needs of the business
or activity, and the extent to which the remaining net cash receipts
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are accounted for as principal or income in the trust's general
accounting records. If a trustee sells assets of the business or
other activity, other than in the ordinary course of the business or
activity, the trustee shall account for the net amount received as
principal in the trust's general accounting records to the extent the
trustee determines that the amount received is no longer required in
the conduct of the business.
C. Activities for which a trustee may maintain separate
accounting records include:
1. Retail, manufacturing, service, and other traditional
business activities;
2. Farming;
3. Raising and selling livestock and other animals;
4. Management of rental properties;
5. Extraction of minerals and other natural resources;
6. Timber operations; and
7. Activities to which Section 23 of this act applies.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.404. Principal receipts.
A trustee shall allocate to principal:
1. To the extent not allocated to income under this act, assets
received from a transferor during the transferor's lifetime, a
decedent's estate, a trust with a terminating income interest, or a
payer under a contract naming the trust or its trustee as
2. Money or other property received from the sale, exchange,
liquidation, or change in form of a principal asset, including
realized profit, subject to this article;
3. Amounts recovered from third parties to reimburse the trust
because of disbursements described in paragraph 7 of subsection A of
Section 26 of this act or for other reasons to the extent not based
on the loss of income;
4. Proceeds of property taken by eminent domain, but a separate
award made for the loss of income with respect to an accounting
period during which a current income beneficiary had a mandatory
income interest is income;
5. Net income received in an accounting period during which
there is no beneficiary to whom a trustee may or must distribute
income; and
6. Other receipts as provided in Part 3 of this article.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.405. Rental property.
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To the extent that a trustee accounts for receipts from rental
property pursuant to this section, the trustee shall allocate to
income an amount received as rent of real or personal property,
including an amount received for cancellation or renewal of a lease.
An amount received as a refundable deposit, including a security
deposit or a deposit that is to be applied as rent for future
periods, must be added to principal and held subject to the terms of
the lease and is not available for distribution to a beneficiary
until the trustee's contractual obligations have been satisfied with
respect to that amount.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.406. Obligation to pay money.
A. An amount received as interest, whether determined at a
fixed, variable, or floating rate, on an obligation to pay money to
the trustee, including an amount received as consideration for
prepaying principal, must be allocated to income without any
provision for amortization of premium.
B. A trustee shall allocate to principal an amount received from
the sale, redemption, or other disposition of an obligation to pay
money to the trustee more than one year after it is purchased or
acquired by the trustee, including an obligation the purchase price
or value of which when it is acquired is less than its value at
maturity. If the obligation matures within one (1) year after it is
purchased or acquired by the trustee, an amount received in excess of
its purchase price or its value when acquired by the trust must be
allocated to income.
C. This section does not apply to obligations to which Section
18, 19, 20, 21, 23, or 24 of this act applies.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 15, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.407. Insurance policies and similar contracts.
A. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B of this section,
a trustee shall allocate to principal the proceeds of a life
insurance policy or other contract in which the trust or its trustee
is named as beneficiary, including a contract that insures the trust
or its trustee against loss for damage to, destruction of, or loss of
title to a trust asset. The trustee shall allocate dividends on an
insurance policy to income if the premiums on the policy are paid
from income, and to principal if the premiums are paid from
B. A trustee shall allocate to income proceeds of a contract
that insures the trustee against loss of occupancy or other use by an
income beneficiary, loss of income, or, subject to Section 12 of this
act, loss of profits from a business.
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C. This section does not apply to a contract to which Section 18
of this act applies.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 16, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.408. Insubstantial allocations not required.
If a trustee determines that an allocation between principal and
income required by Section 18, 19, 20, 21, or 24 of this act is
insubstantial, the trustee may allocate the entire amount to
principal unless one of the circumstances described in subsection C
of Section 4 of this act applies to the allocation. This power may
be exercised by a cotrustee in the circumstances described in
subsection D of Section 4 of this act and may be released for the
reasons and in the manner described in subsection E of Section 4 of
this act. An allocation is presumed to be insubstantial if:
1. The amount of the allocation would increase or decrease net
income in an accounting period, as determined before the allocation,
by less than ten percent (10%); or
2. The value of the asset producing the receipt for which the
allocation would be made is less than ten percent (10%) of the total
value of the trust's assets at the beginning of the accounting
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 17, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.409. Deferred compensation, annuities, and similar payments.
A. In this section:
1. “Payment” means a payment that a trustee may receive over a
fixed number of years or during the life of one or more individuals
because of services rendered or property transferred to the payer in
exchange for future payments. The term includes a payment made in
money or property from the payer's general assets or from a separate
fund created by the payer. For purposes of subsections D, E, F, and
G of this section, the term also includes any payment from any
separate fund, regardless of the reason for the payment; and
2. “Separate fund” includes a private or commercial annuity, an
individual retirement account, and a pension, profit-sharing, stock-
bonus, or stock-ownership plan.
B. To the extent that a payment is characterized as interest or
a dividend or a payment made in lieu of interest or a dividend, a
trustee shall allocate it to income. The trustee shall allocate to
principal the balance of the payment and any other payment received
in the same accounting period that is not characterized as interest,
a dividend, or an equivalent payment.
C. If no part of a payment is characterized as interest, a
dividend, or an equivalent payment, and all or part of the payment is
required to be made, a trustee shall allocate to income ten percent
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(10%) of the part that is required to be made during the accounting
period and the balance to principal. If no part of a payment is
required to be made or the payment received is the entire amount to
which the trustee is entitled, the trustee shall allocate the entire
payment to principal. For purposes of this subsection, a payment is
not "required to be made" to the extent that it is made because the
trustee exercises a right of withdrawal.
D. Except as otherwise provided in subsection E of this section,
subsections F and G of this section apply, and subsections B and C of
this section do not apply in determining the allocation of a payment
made from a separate fund to:
1. A trust to which an election to qualify for a marital
deduction under Section 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended, has been made; or
2. A trust that qualifies for the marital deduction under
Section 2056(b)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
E. Subsections D, F, and G of this section do not apply if and
to the extent that the series of payments would, without the
application of subsection D of this section, qualify for the marital
deduction under Section 2056(b)(7)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended.
F. A trustee shall determine the internal income of each
separate fund for the accounting period as if the separate fund were
a trust subject to the Oklahoma Uniform Principal and Income Act.
Upon request of the surviving spouse, the trustee shall demand that
the person administering the separate fund distribute the internal
income to the trust. The trustee shall allocate a payment from the
separate fund to income to the extent of the internal income of the
separate fund and distribute that amount to the surviving spouse.
The trustee shall allocate the balance of the payment to principal.
Upon request of the surviving spouse, the trustee shall allocate
principal to income to the extent the internal income of the separate
fund exceeds payments made from the separate fund to the trust during
the accounting period.
G. If a trustee cannot determine the internal income of a
separate fund but can determine the value of the separate fund, the
internal income of the separate fund shall be an amount of not less
than three percent (3%) or more than four percent (4%) of the fund’s
value, as determined annually by the trustee in a manner that
fulfills the trustee's duty of impartiality between the income and
remainder beneficiaries, according to the most recent statement of
value preceding the beginning of the accounting period. If the
trustee can determine neither the internal income of the separate
fund nor the fund’s value, the internal income of the fund is deemed
to equal the product of the interest rate and the present value of
the expected future payments, as determined under Section 7520 of the
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Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the month preceding
the accounting period for which the computation is made.
H. This section does not apply to a payment to which Section
175.410 of this title applies.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 18, eff. Nov. 1, 1998. Amended by Laws
2009, c. 90, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2009.
§60-175.410. Liquidating asset.
A. In this section, "liquidating asset" means an asset whose
value will diminish or terminate because the asset is expected to
produce receipts for a period of limited duration. The term includes
a leasehold, patent, copyright, royalty right, and right to receive
payments during a period of more than one (1) year under an
arrangement that does not provide for the payment of interest on the
unpaid balance. The term does not include a payment subject to
Section 18 of this act, resources subject to Section 20 of this act,
timber subject to Section 21 of this act, an activity subject to
Section 23 of this act, an asset subject to Section 24 of this act,
or any asset for which the trustee establishes a reserve for
depreciation under Section 27 of this act.
B. A trustee shall allocate to income ten percent (10%) of the
receipts from a liquidating asset and the balance to principal.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 19, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.411. Minerals, water, and other natural resources.
A. To the extent that a trustee accounts for receipts from an
interest in minerals or other natural resources pursuant to this
section, the trustee shall allocate them as follows:
1. If received as a bonus, delay rental or annual rent on a
lease, a receipt of less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) must
be allocated to income and a receipt of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) or more must be allocated fifteen percent (15%) to
principal and eighty-five percent (85%) to income;
2. If received from a production payment, a receipt must be
allocated to income if and to the extent that the agreement creating
the production payment provides a factor for interest or its
equivalent. The balance must be allocated to principal;
3. If received as a royalty, shut-in-well payment, or take-or-
pay payment, a receipt must be allocated fifteen percent (15%) to
principal and eighty-five percent (85%) to income;
4. If an amount is received from a working interest or any other
interest not provided for in paragraph 1, 2, or 3 of this subsection,
a receipt must be allocated fifteen percent (15%) to principal and
eighty-five percent (85%) to income.
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B. An amount received on account of an interest in water that is
renewable must be allocated to income. If the water is not
renewable, ninety percent (90%) of the amount must be allocated to
principal and the balance to income.
C. This act applies whether or not a decedent or donor was
extracting minerals, water, or other natural resources before the
interest became subject to the trust.
D. If a trust exists on the effective date of this act, the
trustee may allocate receipts from an interest in minerals, water, or
other natural resources as provided in this act or in the manner used
by the trustee before the effective date of this act. For every
trust created after the effective date of this act, the trustee shall
allocate receipts from an interest in minerals, water, or other
natural resources as provided in this act. If and to the extent that
the terms of a trust expressly provide for a different allocation of
receipts or grants the trustee discretionary authority to determine
the amount of the allocation, this act shall not apply to those
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 20, eff. Nov. 1, 1998. Amended by Laws
1999, c. 419, § 2, emerg. eff. June 10, 1999.
§60-175.412. Timber.
A. To the extent that a trustee accounts for receipts from the
sale of timber and related products pursuant to this section, the
trustee shall allocate the net receipts:
1. To income to the extent that the amount of timber removed
from the land does not exceed the estimated rate of growth of the
timber during the accounting periods in which a beneficiary has a
mandatory income interest;
2. To principal to the extent that the amount of timber removed
from the land exceeds the estimated rate of growth of the timber or
the net receipts are from the sale of standing timber;
3. To or between income and principal if the net receipts are
from the lease of timberland or from a contract to cut timber from
land owned by a trust, by determining the amount of timber removed
from the land under the lease or contract and applying the rules in
paragraphs 1 and 2 of this subsection; or
4. To principal to the extent that advance payments, bonuses,
and other payments are not allocated pursuant to paragraph 1, 2, or 3
of this subsection.
B. In determining net receipts to be allocated pursuant to
subsection A of this section, a trustee may deduct and transfer to
principal a reasonable amount for depletion.
C. This act applies whether or not a decedent or transferor was
harvesting timber from the property before it became subject to the
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D. If a trust exists on the effective date of this act, the
trustee may allocate receipts from an interest in timber as provided
in this act or in the manner used by the trustee before the effective
date of this act. For every trust created after the effective date
of this act, the trustee shall allocate receipts from an interest in
timber as provided in this act. If and to the extent that the terms
of a trust expressly provide for a different allocation of receipts
or grants the trustee discretionary authority to determine the amount
of the allocation, this act shall not apply to those receipts.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 21, eff. Nov. 1, 1998. Amended by Laws
1999, c. 419, § 3, emerg. eff. June 10, 1999.
§60-175.413. Property not productive of income.
A. If a marital deduction is allowed for all or part of a trust
whose assets consist substantially of property that does not provide
the spouse with sufficient income from or use of the trust assets,
and if the amounts that the trustee transfers from principal to
income under Section 175.104 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes and
distributes to the spouse from principal pursuant to the terms of the
trust are insufficient to provide the spouse with the beneficial
enjoyment required to obtain the marital deduction, the spouse may
require the trustee to make property productive of income, convert
property within a reasonable time, or exercise the power conferred by
subsection A of Section 175.104 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
The trustee may decide which action or combination of actions to
B. In cases not governed by subsection A of this section,
proceeds from the sale or other disposition of an asset are principal
without regard to the amount of income the asset produces during any
accounting period.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 22, eff. Nov. 1, 1998. Amended by Laws
1998, c. 422, § 38, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.414. Derivatives and options.
A. In this section, "derivative" means a contract or financial
instrument or a combination of contracts and financial instruments
which gives a trust the right or obligation to participate in some or
all changes in the price of a tangible or intangible asset or group
of assets, or changes in a rate, an index of prices or rates, or
other market indicator for an asset or a group of assets.
B. To the extent that a trustee accounts for transactions in
derivatives pursuant to this section, the trustee shall allocate to
principal receipts from and disbursements made in connection with
those transactions.
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C. If a trustee grants an option to buy property from the trust,
whether or not the trust owns the property when the option is
granted, grants an option that permits another person to sell
property to the trust, or acquires an option to buy property for the
trust or an option to sell an asset owned by the trust, and the
trustee or other owner of the asset is required to deliver the asset
if the option is exercised, an amount received for granting the
option must be allocated to principal. An amount paid to acquire the
option must be paid from principal. A gain or loss realized upon the
exercise of an option, including an option granted to a settlor of
the trust for services rendered, must be allocated to principal.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 23, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.415. Asset-backed securities.
A. In this section, "asset-backed security" means an asset whose
value is based upon the right it gives the owner to receive
distributions from the proceeds of financial assets that provide
collateral for the security. The term includes an asset that gives
the owner the right to receive from the collateral financial assets
only the interest or other current return or only the proceeds other
than interest or current return. The term does not include an asset
to which Section 10 or 18 of this act applies.
B. If a trust receives a payment from interest or other current
return and from other proceeds of the collateral financial assets,
the trustee shall allocate to income the portion of the payment which
the payer identifies as being from interest or other current return
and shall allocate the balance of the payment to principal.
C. If a trust receives one or more payments in exchange for the
trust's entire interest in an asset-backed security in one accounting
period, the trustee shall allocate the payments to principal. If a
payment is one of a series of payments that will result in the
liquidation of the trust's interest in the security over more than
one accounting period, the trustee shall allocate ten percent (10%)
of the payment to income and the balance to principal.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 24, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.501. Disbursements from income.
A trustee shall make the following disbursements from income to
the extent that they are not disbursements to which subparagraph b or
c of paragraph 2 of Section 5 of this act applies:
1. One-half of the regular compensation of the trustee and of
any person providing investment advisory or custodial services to the
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2. One-half of all expenses for accountings, judicial
proceedings, or other matters that involve both the income and
remainder interests;
3. All of the other ordinary expenses incurred in connection
with the administration, management, or preservation of trust
property and the distribution of income, including interest, ordinary
repairs, regularly recurring taxes assessed against principal, and
expenses of a proceeding or other matter that concerns primarily the
income interest; and
4. Recurring premiums on insurance covering the loss of a
principal asset or the loss of income from or use of the asset.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 25, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.502. Disbursements from principal.
A. A trustee shall make the following disbursements from
1. The remaining one-half of the disbursements described in
paragraph 1 and 2 of Section 25 of this act;
2. All of the trustee's compensation calculated on principal as
a fee for acceptance, distribution, or termination, and disbursements
made to prepare property for sale;
3. Payments on the principal of a trust debt;
4. Expenses of a proceeding that concerns primarily principal,
including a proceeding to construe the trust or to protect the trust
or its property;
5. Premiums paid on a policy of insurance not described in
paragraph 4 of Section 25 of this act of which the trust is the owner
and beneficiary;
6. Estate, inheritance, and other transfer taxes, including
penalties, apportioned to the trust; and
7. Disbursements related to environmental matters, including
reclamation, assessing environmental conditions, remedying and
removing environmental contamination, monitoring remedial activities
and the release of substances, preventing future releases of
substances, collecting amounts from persons liable or potentially
liable for the costs of those activities, penalties imposed under
environmental laws or regulations and other payments made to comply
with those laws or regulations, statutory or common law claims by
third parties, and defending claims based on environmental matters.
B. If a principal asset is encumbered with an obligation that
requires income from that asset to be paid directly to the creditor,
the trustee shall transfer from principal to income an amount equal
to the income paid to the creditor in reduction of the principal
balance of the obligation.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 26, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
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§60-175.503. Transfers from income to principal for depreciation.
A. In this section, "depreciation" means a reduction in value
due to wear, tear, decay, corrosion, or gradual obsolescence of a
fixed asset having a useful life of more than one (1) year.
B. A trustee may transfer to principal a reasonable amount of
the net cash receipts from a principal asset that is subject to
depreciation, but may not transfer any amount for depreciation:
1. Of that portion of real property used or available for use by
a beneficiary as a residence or of tangible personal property held or
made available for the personal use or enjoyment of a beneficiary;
2. During the administration of a decedent's estate; or
3. Under this section if the trustee is accounting under Section
12 of this act for the business or activity in which the asset is
C. An amount transferred to principal need not be held as a
separate fund.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 27, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.504. Transfers from income to reimburse principal.
A. If a trustee makes or expects to make a principal
disbursement described in this section, the trustee may transfer an
appropriate amount from income to principal in one or more accounting
periods to reimburse principal or to provide a reserve for future
principal disbursements.
B. Principal disbursements to which subsection A of this section
applies include the following, but only to the extent that the
trustee has not been and does not expect to be reimbursed by a third
1. An amount chargeable to income but paid from principal
because it is unusually large, including extraordinary repairs;
2. A capital improvement to a principal asset, whether in the
form of changes to an existing asset or the construction of a new
asset, including special assessments;
3. Disbursements made to prepare property for rental, including
tenant allowances, leasehold improvements, and broker's commissions;
4. Periodic payments on an obligation secured by a principal
asset to the extent that the amount transferred from income to
principal for depreciation is less than the periodic payments; and
5. Disbursements described in paragraph 7 of subsection A of
Section 26 of this act.
C. If the asset whose ownership gives rise to the disbursements
becomes subject to a successive income interest after an income
interest ends, a trustee may continue to transfer amounts from income
to principal as provided in subsection A of this section.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 28, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
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§60-175.505. Income taxes.
A. A tax required to be paid by a trustee based on receipts
allocated to income must be paid from income.
B. A tax required to be paid by a trustee based on receipts
allocated to principal must be paid from principal, even if the tax
is called an income tax by the taxing authority.
C. A tax required to be paid by a trustee on the trust's share
of an entity's taxable income must be paid:
1. From income to the extent that receipts from the entity are
allocated only to income;
2. From principal to the extent that receipts from the entity
are allocated only to principal;
3. Proportionately from principal and income to the extent that
receipts from the entity are allocated to both income and principal;
4. From principal to the extent that the tax exceeds the total
receipts from the entity.
D. After applying subsections A through C of this section, the
trustee shall adjust income or principal receipts to the extent that
the trust’s taxes are reduced because the trust receives a deduction
for payments made to a beneficiary.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 29, eff. Nov. 1, 1998. Amended by Laws
2009, c. 90, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2009.
§60-175.506. Adjustments between principal and income because of
A. A fiduciary may make adjustments between principal and income
to offset the shifting of economic interests or tax benefits between
income beneficiaries and remainder beneficiaries which arise from:
1. Elections and decisions, other than those described in
subsection B of this section, that the fiduciary makes from time to
time regarding tax matters;
2. An income tax or any other tax that is imposed upon the
fiduciary or a beneficiary as a result of a transaction involving or
a distribution from the estate or trust; or
3. The ownership by an estate or trust of an interest in an
entity whose taxable income, whether or not distributed, is
includable in the taxable income of the estate, trust, or a
B. If the amount of an estate tax marital deduction or
charitable contribution deduction is reduced because a fiduciary
deducts an amount paid from principal for income tax purposes instead
of deducting it for estate tax purposes, and as a result estate taxes
paid from principal are increased and income taxes paid by an estate,
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8
trust, or beneficiary are decreased, each estate, trust, or
beneficiary that benefits from the decrease in income tax shall
reimburse the principal from which the increase in estate tax is
paid. The total reimbursement must equal the increase in the estate
tax to the extent that the principal used to pay the increase would
have qualified for a marital deduction or charitable contribution
deduction but for the payment. The proportionate share of the
reimbursement for each estate, trust, or beneficiary whose income
taxes are reduced must be the same as its proportionate share of the
total decrease in income tax. An estate or trust shall reimburse
principal from income.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 30, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.601. Uniformity of application and construction.
In applying and construing this Uniform Act, consideration must
be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to
its subject matter among states that enact it.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 31, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.602. Application of act to existing trusts and estates.
This act applies to every trust or decedent's estate existing on
the effective date of this act except as otherwise expressly provided
in the will or terms of the trust or in this act.
Added by Laws 1998, c. 115, § 32, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-175.603. Application of Section 175.409 of Title 60 to trusts -
Particular dates.
Section 175.409 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes applies to a
trust described in subsection D of Section 175.409 of Title 60 of the
Oklahoma Statutes on and after the following dates:
1. If the trust is not funded as of November 1, 2009, the date
of the decedent’s death;
2. If the trust is initially funded in the calendar year
beginning January 1, 2009, the date of the decedent’s death; or
3. If the trust is not described in paragraph 1 or 2 of this
section, January 1, 2009.
Added by Laws 2009, c. 90, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2009.
§60-176. Trusts for benefit of state, county or municipality -
Approval - Expenditures - Conveyance of title to real property used
for airport - Bylaws - Amendments - Indebtedness - Bonds - Contracts
- Eminent domain - Exemptions.
A. Express trusts may be created to issue obligations, enter
into financing arrangements including, but not limited to, lease-
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8
leaseback, sale-leaseback, interest rate swaps and other similar
transactions and to provide funds for the furtherance and
accomplishment of any authorized and proper public function or
purpose of the state or of any county or municipality or any and all
combinations thereof, in real or personal property, or either or
both, or in any estate or interest in either or both, with the state,
or any county or municipality or any and all combinations thereof, as
the beneficiary thereof by:
1. The express approval of the Legislature and the Governor if
the State of Oklahoma is the beneficiary;
2. The express approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of
the governing body of the beneficiary if a county is a beneficiary;
3. The express approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of
the governing body of the beneficiary if a municipality is a
beneficiary; or
4. The express approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of
the governing body of each beneficiary in the event a trust has more
than one beneficiary; provided, that no funds of a beneficiary
derived from sources other than the trust property, or the operation
thereof, shall be charged with or expended for the execution of the
trust, except by express action of the legislative authority of the
beneficiary prior to the charging or expending of the funds. The
officers or any other governmental agencies or authorities having the
custody, management, or control of any property, real or personal or
mixed, of the beneficiary of the trust, or of a proposed trust, which
property shall be needful for the execution of the trust purposes,
are authorized and empowered to lease the property for those
purposes, after the acceptance of the beneficial interest therein by
the beneficiary as hereinafter provided.
B. Any trust created pursuant to the provisions of this section,
in whole or in part, may engage in activities outside of the
geographic boundaries of its beneficiary, so long as the activity
provides a benefit to a large class of the public within the
beneficiary's geographic area or lessens the burdens of government of
the beneficiary and which does not solely provide a benefit by
generating administrative fees.
C. A municipality may convey title to real property which is
used for an airport to the trustees of an industrial development
authority trust whose beneficiary is the municipality. The
industrial development authority trust must already have the custody,
management, or control of the real property. The conveyance must be
approved by a majority of the governing body of the municipality. A
conveyance pursuant to this section may be made only for the sole
purpose of allowing the authority to sell the property for fair
market value when the property is to be used for industrial
development purposes. Conveyances made pursuant to this subsection
shall be made subject to any existing reversionary interest or other
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"
restrictions burdening the property and subject to any reversionary
interest or other restriction considered prudent by the municipality.
D. The trustees of a public trust having the State of Oklahoma
as beneficiary shall make and adopt bylaws for the due and orderly
administration and regulation of the affairs of the public trust.
All bylaws of a public trust having the State of Oklahoma as
beneficiary shall be submitted in writing to the Governor of the
State of Oklahoma. The Governor must approve the proposed bylaws
before they take effect.
E. No public trust in which the State of Oklahoma is the
beneficiary may be amended without a two-thirds (2/3) vote of
approval of the trustees of the trust; provided, that any amendment
is subject to the approval of the Governor of the State of Oklahoma.
Any amendments shall be sent to the Governor within fifteen (15) days
of their adoption.
F. No trust in which a county or municipality is the beneficiary
shall hereafter create an indebtedness or obligation until the
indebtedness or obligation has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the governing body of the beneficiary. In the event a trust
has more than one beneficiary, as authorized by this section, the
trust shall not incur an indebtedness or obligation until the
indebtedness or obligation has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the governing body of two-thirds (2/3) of the beneficiaries
of the trust. Provided, however, a municipality with a governing
body consisting of fewer than seven (7) members shall be required to
approve the creation of an indebtedness or obligation under this
subsection by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of the governing body.
G. All bonds described in subsection F of this section, after
December 1, 1976, except bonds sold to the federal government or any
agency thereof or to any agency of the State of Oklahoma, shall be
awarded to the lowest and best bidder based upon open competitive
public offering, advertised at least once a week for two (2)
successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county
where the principal office of the trust is located prior to the date
on which bids are received and opened; provided, competitive bidding
may be waived on bond issues with the approval of three-fourths (3/4)
of the trustees, and a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the governing body
of the beneficiary, unless the beneficiary is a county in which case
a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the governing body shall be
required, or three-fourths (3/4) vote of the governing bodies of each
of the beneficiaries of the trust, unless one of the beneficiaries is
a county in which case a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the
governing body of such county shall be required. No bonds shall be
sold for less than par value, except upon approval of three-fourths
(3/4) of the trustees, unless the beneficiary is a county in which
case a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the governing body
shall be required. In no event shall bonds be sold for less than
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8,
sixty-five percent (65%) of par value; provided, however, in no event
shall the original purchaser from the issuer of any bonds issued by
any public trust for any purpose receive directly or indirectly any
fees, compensation, or other remuneration in excess of four percent
(4%) of the price paid for the bonds by the purchaser of the bonds
from the original purchaser; and further provided, that the average
coupon rate thereon shall in no event exceed fourteen percent (14%)
per annum. No public trust shall sell bonds for less than ninety-six
percent (96%) of par value until the public trust has received from
the underwriter or financial advisor or, in the absence of an
underwriter or financial advisor, the initial purchaser of the bonds,
an estimated alternative financing structure or structures showing
the estimated total interest and principal cost of each alternative.
At least one alternative financing structure shall include bonds sold
to the public at par. Any estimates shall be considered a public
record of the public trust. Bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness issued by any public trust shall be eligible for
purchase by any state banking association or corporation subject to
such limitations as to investment quality as may be imposed by
regulations, rules or rulings of the State Banking Commissioner.
H. Public trusts created pursuant to this section shall file
annually, with their respective beneficiaries, copies of financial
documents and reports sufficient to demonstrate the fiscal activity
of such trust, including, but not limited to, budgets, financial
reports, bond indentures, and audits. Amendments to the adopted
budget shall be approved by the trustees of the public trust and
recorded as such in the official minutes of such trust.
I. Contracts for construction, labor, equipment, material or
repairs in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) shall be
awarded by public trusts to the lowest and best competitive bidder,
pursuant to public invitation to bid, which shall be published in the
manner provided in subsection G of this section; the advertisements
shall appear in the county where the work, or the major part of it,
is to be done, or the equipment or materials are to be delivered, or
the services are to be rendered; provided, however, should the
trustee or the trustees find that an immediate emergency exists,
which findings shall be entered in the journal of the trust
proceedings, by reason of which an immediate outlay of trust funds in
an amount exceeding Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) is
necessary in order to avoid loss of life, substantial damage to
property, or damage to the public peace or safety, then the contracts
may be made and entered into without public notice or competitive
bids; provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply
to contracts of industrial and cultural trusts. Notwithstanding the
provisions of this subsection, equipment or materials may be
purchased by a public trust directly from any contract duly awarded
by this state or any state agency under The Oklahoma Central
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '81
Purchasing Act, or from any contract duly awarded by a governmental
entity which is the beneficiary of the public trust. Furthermore,
any construction contract issued under this section may provide for a
local bid preference of not more than five percent (5%) of the bid
price if the public trust governing body determines that there is an
economic benefit to the local area or economy. Provided, however,
the local bidder or contractor must agree to perform the contract for
the same price and terms as the bid proposed by the nonlocal bidder
or contractor. Any bid preference granted hereunder must be in
accordance with an established policy adopted by the governing body
of the trust to clearly demonstrate the economic benefit to the local
area or economy. Provided, further, no local bid preference shall be
granted unless the local bidding entity is the second lowest
qualified bid on the contract. The bid specifications shall clearly
state that the bid is subject to a local bidder preference law. For
purposes of this section, "local bid" means the bidding person is
authorized to transact business in this state and maintains a bona
fide establishment for transacting such business within this state.
This provision does not apply to any construction contract for which
federal funds are available for expenditure when its provisions may
be in conflict with federal law or regulation.
J. Any public trust created pursuant to the provisions of this
section shall have the power to acquire lands by use of eminent
domain in the same manner and according to the procedures provided
for in Sections 51 through 65 of Title 66 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
Any exercise of the power of eminent domain by a public trust
pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be limited to the
furtherance of public purpose projects involving revenue-producing
utility projects of which the public trust retains ownership;
provided, for public trusts in which the State of Oklahoma is the
beneficiary the exercise of the power of eminent domain may also be
used for public purpose projects involving air transportation.
Revenue-producing utility projects shall be limited to projects for
the transportation, delivery, treatment, or furnishing of water for
domestic purposes or for power, including, but not limited to, the
construction of lakes, pipelines, and water treatment plants or for
projects for rail transportation. Any public trust formed pursuant
to this section which has a county as its beneficiary shall have the
power to acquire, by use of eminent domain, any lands located either
inside the county, or contiguous to the county pursuant to the
limitations imposed pursuant to this section.
K. Provisions of this section shall not apply to entities
created under Sections 1324.1 through 1324.26 of Title 82 of the
Oklahoma Statutes.
L. Any trust created under Section 176 et seq. of this title, in
whole or in part, to operate, administer or oversee any county jail
facility shall consist of not less than five members and include a
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county commissioner and the county sheriff, or their designee, and
one member appointed by each of the county commissioners. The
appointed members shall not be elected officials.
Added by Laws 1951, p. 166, § 1. Amended by Laws 1953, p. 277, § 1,
emerg. eff. May 7, 1953; Laws 1970, c. 319, § 1; Laws 1976, c. 222, §
1, eff. Dec. 1, 1976; Laws 1980, c. 12, § 1, emerg. eff. March 18,
1980; Laws 1987, c. 144, § 1, emerg. eff. June 24, 1987; Laws 1988,
c. 111, § 1, emerg. eff. April 4, 1988; Laws 1988, 3rd Ex. Sess., c.
2, § 1, emerg. eff. Sept. 9, 1988; Laws 1990, c. 269, § 1, emerg.
eff. May 25, 1990; Laws 1991, 1st Ex. Sess., c. 1, § 3, emerg. eff.
Jan. 18, 1991; Laws 1991, c. 124, § 32, eff. July 1, 1991; Laws 1991,
c. 335, § 18, emerg. eff. June 15, 1991; Laws 1992, c. 371, § 5, eff.
July 1, 1992; Laws 1996, c. 148, § 1; Laws 1996, c. 288, § 4, eff.
July 1, 1996; Laws 1998, c. 173, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1998; Laws 1999,
c. 149, § 1, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2002, c. 39, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2002; Laws 2003, c. 184, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2003; Laws 2004, c. 5, §
48, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004; Laws 2010, c. 98, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2010; Laws 2016, c. 233, § 3; Laws 2017, c. 42, § 22; Laws 2019, c.
405, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2019.
NOTE: Laws 1991, c. 94, § 1 repealed by Laws 1991, c. 335, § 37,
emerg. eff. June 15, 1991. Laws 1996, c. 133, § 1 repealed by Laws
1996, c. 288, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 1996. Laws 2002, c. 33, § 1 repealed
by Laws 2003, c. 3, § 55, emerg. eff. March 19, 2003. Laws 2003, c.
3, § 54 repealed by Laws 2004, c. 5, § 49, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004.
Laws 2016, c. 12, § 1 repealed by Laws 2017, c. 42, § 23. Laws 2016,
c. 142, § 1 repealed by Laws 2017, c. 42, § 24.
§60-176.1. Presumptions and conditions - Relationship of trust and
A. Except as provided in subsection F of this section and if the
conditions set out in subsection B of this section are satisfied in
compliance with Section 176 et seq. of this title, a public trust
duly created in accordance with the provisions of Section 176 et seq.
of this title shall be presumed for all purposes of Oklahoma law to:
1. Exist for the public benefit;
2. Exist as a legal entity separate and distinct from the
settlor and from the governmental entity that is its beneficiary; and
3. Act on behalf and in the furtherance of a public function or
functions for which it is created even though facilities financed by
the public trust or in which the public trust has an ownership
interest may be operated by private persons or entities pursuant to
B. The conditions to be satisfied as required in subsection A of
this section are as follows:
1. The trustees of the public trust are appointed by the
governing body of the beneficiary or beneficiaries or as otherwise
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provided by law. This paragraph shall not apply to public trusts in
existence as of July 1, 1992;
2. The public trust delivers to the governing body of the
beneficiaries, or in the case of the state as beneficiary, to the
State Auditor and Inspector, annual audits as provided in Section
180.1 of this title;
3. With respect to city or county beneficiary public trusts, the
function or enterprise in which the public trust is engaged is or
could be authorized by state law to be performed by the beneficiary;
4. With respect to city or county beneficiary public trusts, all
indebtedness incurred by the public trust is approved by the
governing body of the beneficiary as provided in subsection E of
Section 176 of this title.
C. The existence of a contract for the operation or management
of the facility financed by the public trust is hereby declared to be
in furtherance of the public purpose of the public trust and shall
not affect the validity of such public trust.
D. Except where the provisions of the trust indenture or of
Section 176 et seq. of this title, or of any other law written
specifically to govern the affairs of public trusts, expressly
requires otherwise, the affairs of the public trust shall be separate
and independent from the affairs of the beneficiary in all matters or
activities authorized by the written instrument creating such public
trust including, but not limited to, the public trust's budget,
expenditures, revenues and general operation and management of its
facilities or functions; provided, that either the public trust or
the beneficiary may make payment of money to the other unless
prohibited by the written instrument creating such public trust or by
existing state law.
E. For all purposes of Oklahoma law, the existence and validity
of any public trust shall be determined and established solely by the
provisions of the written instrument creating such public trust, and
by the provisions of Section 176 et seq. of this title and of any
other law written specifically to create a public trust. Actions
taken or omitted by the trustees of a public trust shall not affect
the existence or validity of the entity as a public trust but shall
be subject to subsequent review or ratification by said trustees or
to correction by the district court in a proper proceeding.
F. Nothing in this section shall affect coverage of any entity
under The Governmental Tort Claims Act.
Added by Laws 1992, c. 371, § 6, eff. July 1, 1992. Amended by Laws
1998, c. 173, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1998; Laws 2003, c. 432, § 10, emerg.
eff. June 7, 2003.
§60-176v3. Trusts for benefit of state, county or municipality -
Approval - Expenditures - Conveyance of title to real property used
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '83
for airport - Bylaws - Amendments - Indebtedness - Bonds - Contracts
- Eminent domain - Exemptions.
A. Express trusts may be created to issue obligations, enter
into financing arrangements including, but not limited to, lease-
leaseback, sale-leaseback, interest rate swaps and other similar
transactions and to provide funds for the furtherance and
accomplishment of any authorized and proper public function or
purpose of the state or of any county or municipality or any and all
combinations thereof, in real or personal property, or either or
both, or in any estate or interest in either or both, with the state,
or any county or municipality or any and all combinations thereof, as
the beneficiary thereof by:
1. The express approval of the Legislature and the Governor if
the State of Oklahoma is the beneficiary;
2. The express approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of
the governing body of the beneficiary if a county is a beneficiary;
3. The express approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of
the governing body of the beneficiary if a municipality is a
beneficiary; or
4. The express approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of
the governing body of each beneficiary in the event a trust has more
than one beneficiary; provided that no funds of a beneficiary derived
from sources other than the trust property, or the operation thereof,
shall be charged with or expended for the execution of the trust,
except by express action of the legislative authority of the
beneficiary prior to the charging or expending of the funds. The
officers or any other governmental agencies or authorities having the
custody, management or control of any property, real or personal or
mixed, of the beneficiary of the trust, or of a proposed trust, which
property shall be needful for the execution of the trust purposes,
are authorized and empowered to lease the property for those
purposes, after the acceptance of the beneficial interest therein by
the beneficiary as hereinafter provided.
B. A municipality may convey title to real property which is
used for an airport to the trustees of an industrial development
authority trust whose beneficiary is the municipality. The
industrial development authority trust must already have the custody,
management or control of the real property. The conveyance must be
approved by a majority of the governing body of the municipality. A
conveyance pursuant to this section may be made only for the sole
purpose of allowing the authority to sell the property for fair
market value when the property is to be used for industrial
development purposes. Conveyances made pursuant to this subsection
shall be made subject to any existing reversionary interest or other
restrictions burdening the property and subject to any reversionary
interest or other restriction considered prudent by the municipality.
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C. The trustees of a public trust having the State of Oklahoma
as beneficiary shall make and adopt bylaws for the due and orderly
administration and regulation of the affairs of the public trust.
All bylaws of a public trust having the State of Oklahoma as
beneficiary shall be submitted in writing to the Governor of the
State of Oklahoma. The Governor must approve the proposed bylaws
before they take effect.
D. No public trust in which the State of Oklahoma is the
beneficiary may be amended without a two-thirds (2/3) vote of
approval of the trustees of the trust; provided that any amendment is
subject to the approval of the Governor of the State of Oklahoma.
Any amendments shall be sent to the Governor within fifteen (15) days
of their adoption.
E. No trust in which a county or municipality is the beneficiary
shall hereafter create an indebtedness or obligation until the
indebtedness or obligation has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the governing body of the beneficiary. In the event a trust
has more than one beneficiary, as authorized by this section, the
trust shall not incur an indebtedness or obligation until the
indebtedness or obligation has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the governing body of two-thirds (2/3) of the beneficiaries
of the trust.
F. All bonds described in subsection E of this section, after
December 1, 1976, except bonds sold to the federal government or any
agency thereof or to any agency of the State of Oklahoma, shall be
awarded to the lowest and best bidder based upon open competitive
public offering, advertised at least once a week for two (2)
successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county
where the principal office of the trust is located prior to the date
on which bids are received and opened; provided, competitive bidding
may be waived on bond issues with the approval of three-fourths (3/4)
of the trustees, and a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the governing body
of the beneficiary, unless the beneficiary is a county in which case
a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the governing body shall be
required, or three-fourths (3/4) vote of the governing bodies of each
of the beneficiaries of the trust, unless one of the beneficiaries is
a county in which case a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the
governing body of such county shall be required. No bonds shall be
sold for less than par value, except upon approval of three-fourths
(3/4) of the trustees, unless the beneficiary is a county in which
case a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the governing body
shall be required. In no event shall bonds be sold for less than
sixty-five percent (65%) of par value; provided, however, in no event
shall the original purchaser from the issuer of any bonds issued by
any public trust for any purpose receive directly or indirectly any
fees, compensation or other remuneration in excess of four percent
(4%) of the price paid for the bonds by the purchaser of the bonds
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '87
from the original purchaser; and further provided that the average
coupon rate thereon shall in no event exceed fourteen percent (14%)
per annum. No public trust shall sell bonds for less than ninety-six
percent (96%) of par value until the public trust has received from
the underwriter or financial advisor or, in the absence of an
underwriter or financial advisor, the initial purchaser of the bonds,
an estimated alternative financing structure or structures showing
the estimated total interest and principal cost of each alternative.
At least one alternative financing structure shall include bonds sold
to the public at par. Any estimates shall be considered a public
record of the public trust. Bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness issued by any public trust shall be eligible for
purchase by any state banking association or corporation subject to
such limitations as to investment quality as may be imposed by
regulations, rules or rulings of the State Banking Commissioner.
G. Public trusts created pursuant to this section shall file
annually, with their respective beneficiaries, copies of financial
documents and reports sufficient to demonstrate the fiscal activity
of such trust, including, but not limited to, budgets, financial
reports, bond indentures, and audits. Amendments to the adopted
budget shall be approved by the trustees of the public trust and
recorded as such in the official minutes of such trust.
H. Contracts for construction, labor, equipment, material or
repairs in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) shall be
awarded by public trusts to the lowest and best competitive bidder,
pursuant to public invitation to bid, which shall be published in the
manner provided in the preceding section hereof; the advertisements
shall appear in the county where the work, or the major part of it,
is to be done, or the equipment or materials are to be delivered, or
the services are to be rendered; provided, however, should the
trustee or the trustees find that an immediate emergency exists,
which findings shall be entered in the journal of the trust
proceedings, by reason of which an immediate outlay of trust funds in
an amount exceeding Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) is
necessary in order to avoid loss of life, substantial damage to
property, or damage to the public peace or safety, then the contracts
may be made and entered into without public notice or competitive
bids; provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply
to contracts of industrial and cultural trusts. Notwithstanding the
provisions of this subsection, equipment or materials may be
purchased by a public trust directly from any contract duly awarded
by this state or any state agency under the Oklahoma Central
Purchasing Act, or from any contract duly awarded by a governmental
entity which is the beneficiary of the public trust.
I. Any public trust created pursuant to the provisions of this
section shall have the power to acquire lands by use of eminent
domain in the same manner and according to the procedures provided
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for in Sections 51 through 65 of Title 66 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
Any exercise of the power of eminent domain by a public trust
pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be limited to the
furtherance of public purpose projects involving revenue-producing
utility projects of which the public trust retains ownership;
provided, for public trusts in which the State of Oklahoma is the
beneficiary the exercise of the power of eminent domain may also be
used for public purpose projects involving air transportation.
Revenue-producing utility projects shall be limited to projects for
the transportation, delivery, treatment or furnishing of water for
domestic purposes or for power including, but not limited to, the
construction of lakes, pipelines, and water treatment plants or for
projects for rail transportation. Any public trust formed pursuant
to this section which has a county as its beneficiary shall have the
power to acquire, by use of eminent domain, any lands located either
inside the county, or contiguous to the county pursuant to the
limitations imposed pursuant to this section.
J. Provisions of this section shall not apply to entities
created under Sections 1324.1 through 1324.26 of Title 82 of the
Oklahoma Statutes.
K. Any trust created under this act, in whole or in part, to
operate, administer or oversee any county jail facility shall consist
of not less than five members and include a county commissioner and
the county sheriff, or their designee, and one member appointed by
each of the county commissioners. The appointed members shall not be
elected officials.
Added by Laws 1951, p. 166, § 1. Amended by Laws 1953, p. 277, § 1,
emerg. eff. May 7, 1953; Laws 1970, c. 319, § 1; Laws 1976, c. 222, §
1, eff. Dec. 1, 1976; Laws 1980, c. 12, § 1, emerg. eff. March 18,
1980; Laws 1987, c. 144, § 1, emerg. eff. June 24, 1987; Laws 1988,
c. 111, § 1, emerg. eff. April 4, 1988; Laws 1988, 3rd Ex. Sess., c.
2, § 1, emerg. eff. Sept. 9, 1988; Laws 1990, c. 269, § 1, emerg.
eff. May 25, 1990; Laws 1991, 1st Ex. Sess., c. 1, § 3, emerg. eff.
Jan. 18, 1991; Laws 1991, c. 124, § 32, eff. July 1, 1991; Laws 1991,
c. 335, § 18, emerg. eff. June 15, 1991; Laws 1992, c. 371, § 5, eff.
July 1, 1992; Laws 1996, c. 148, § 1; Laws 1996, c. 288, § 4, eff.
July 1, 1996; Laws 1998, c. 173, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1998; Laws 1999,
c. 149, § 1, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2002, c. 39, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2002; Laws 2003, c. 184, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2003; Laws 2004, c. 5, §
48, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004; Laws 2010, c. 98, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2010; Laws 2016, c. 12, § 1.
NOTE: Laws 1991, c. 94, § 1 repealed by Laws 1991, c. 335, § 37,
emerg. eff. June 15, 1991. Laws 1996, c. 133, § 1 repealed by Laws
1996, c. 288, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 1996. Laws 2002, c. 33, § 1 repealed
by Laws 2003, c. 3, § 55, emerg. eff. March 19, 2003. Laws 2003, c.
3, § 54 repealed by Laws 2004, c. 5, § 49, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004.
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§60-177. Reformation of offending instruments.
Such trusts may be created by written instruments or by will. In
the case of written instruments, the same shall be subscribed by the
grantor or grantors and duly acknowledged as conveyances of real
estate are acknowledged, and before the same shall become effective
the beneficial interest therein shall be accepted by the Governor, if
the state is the beneficiary, or by the governing body of any other
beneficiary named therein, which power and authority of acceptance
hereby is conferred upon the Governor and upon the governing bodies
of the counties or municipalities. Provided, every trust made
hereunder, if the state is the beneficiary, shall, prior to and as a
condition precedent to its entry into force, be submitted to the
Attorney General who shall determine whether the trust is in proper
form and compatible with the laws of this state. The Attorney General
shall approve any trusts submitted to him which he determines to be
in proper form and compatible with the laws of this state. If
approved, the said instrument or will, together with the written
acceptance of the beneficial interest and approval of the Attorney
General endorsed thereon, shall be recorded in the office of the
county clerk of each county wherein is situated any real estate, or
any interest therein, belonging to said trust, as well as in the
county wherein is located the trust property or wherein are conducted
its principal operations. In the case of any trust of which the
State of Oklahoma is the beneficiary, a certified copy of such
instrument or will and the instrument of acceptance shall be filed
with the Secretary of State. Upon the acceptance of the beneficial
interest by the beneficiary and approval by the Attorney General as
hereinabove provided, the same shall be and constitute a binding
contract between the State of Oklahoma and the grantor or grantors,
or the executor of the estate of the testator, for the acceptance of
the beneficial interest in the trust property by the designated
beneficiary and the application of the proceeds of the trust property
and its operation for the purposes, and in accordance with the
stipulations of the trust instrument or will. Such trusts shall have
duration for the term of duration of the beneficiary, or such shorter
length of time as shall be specified in the instrument or will
creating said trust.
Laws 1951, p. 167, § 2; Laws 1953, p. 278, § 2; Laws 1970, c. 319, §
2; Laws 1973, c. 201, § 1; Laws 1976, c. 222, § 2, eff. Dec. 1, 1976.
§60-177.1. Limitation upon engaging in activity other than expressly
That no public trust shall engage in any activity or transaction
that is not expressly authorized in the instruments or articles
prescribing its creation except by express consent of the
governmental agency or governmental entity that created said public
trust. However, a public trust with a county as the beneficiary and
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created for purposes of providing affordable housing may engage in
the activity related to the conveyance of real property to nonprofit
organizations for the purpose of affordable housing as may be
provided by law.
Laws 1970, c. 71, § 1, emerg. eff. March 17, 1970. Amended by Laws
2007, c. 343, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-177.2. Issuance of bonds or other evidence of indebtedness -
Oklahoma Commission on School and County Funds Management - Powers
and duties.
A. No public trust, school district or county shall issue any
bonds, notes, certificates of participation, certificates of
indebtedness or any other evidence of indebtedness, excluding
nonpayable warrants and agreements with a depository bank to honor
payment of checks when there are insufficient funds, for the purpose
of short-term cash management by any school district or county unless
such school district or county shall have been approved for
participation by the Oklahoma Commission on School and County Funds
As used in this section, "short-term cash management" means any
borrowing or any method employed by a school district or county to
obtain funds in advance of the receipt of tax revenue, and shall
include, but not be limited to, the issuance of certificates of
indebtedness, certificates of participation, tax-anticipation notes,
bonds, notes, or any other evidence of indebtedness. It shall not
include debt issued pursuant to a vote of the electors of the school
district or county pursuant to the Constitution.
B. The Oklahoma Commission on School and County Funds
Management, shall consist of the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction, the Director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and
Technology Education, and the State Bond Advisor. The Commission
1. Receive requests of school districts and counties for
authorization to participate in a short-term cash management program
where the proceeds will be used to facilitate cash-flow management.
The requests must be received by the Commission on or before April 1
in order for the school district or county to be considered for
participation during the next fiscal year, unless such date is
extended by the Commission;
2. Within five (5) business days of receiving a request, forward
the request to the appropriate certifying authority. If the request
and accompanying material meet the requirements of this act, the
certifying authority must return the request and accompanying
information to the Commission with a written review and comment
within sixty (60) days of receipt of the request from the Commission.
The certifying authority for school districts shall be the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction and for technology center school
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districts, shall be the Director of the Oklahoma Department of Career
and Technology Education and for counties, shall be the State Board
of Equalization;
3. Approve or reject each request for participation, and forward
notice of the decision of the Commission to the requesting school
district or county and to the Office of the Governor. The Commission
shall approve or reject a request within thirty (30) days following
the date it receives the request and accompanying information with a
written review and comment from a certifying authority;
4. Certify the need for funds generated by the proposed short-
term cash management based on the financial projections of the school
district or county, including the projected cash-flow shortfall,
estimated income, and anticipated surplus balances on June 30 of the
current fiscal year in the general and building funds of the school
district or county. Accumulative cash-flow shortfall projections
must be determined using the method specified by Section 148 of the
Internal Revenue Code;
5. Establish reasonable limits for fees, commissions and other
compensation paid to any person or firm involved with the proposed
short-term cash management program;
6. Establish participation limitations for a school district or
a county using the method specified in Section 148 of the Internal
Revenue Code. No school district or county shall participate in a
short-term cash management program in an amount which exceeds the
determination of need pursuant to the accumulative cash-flow
projections as specified in paragraph 4 of this subsection or forty
percent (40%) of the approved annual budget of the school district or
county, whichever is less;
7. Establish limitations which prohibit school districts and
counties which are participating in a short-term cash management
program from issuing nonpayable warrants if proceeds are available
from the short-term cash management program;
8. Submit an annual report, by December 15 of each year, to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President Pro Tempore of
the Senate, the Governor, the State Auditor and Inspector and the
Attorney General, detailing the participation of each school district
and county for the prior fiscal year in the short-term cash
management programs authorized by this act; and
9. Prescribe methods and procedures by which school districts or
counties may request authorization to participate in short-term cash
management programs.
C. School districts and counties desiring to participate in a
short-term cash management program as provided in subsection A of
this section shall file a request with the Commission on such forms
as the Commission shall prescribe. Such request shall be accompanied
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1. A resolution adopted by the board of education of the school
district or by the county commissioners of a county. Such resolution
shall state that the school district or county intends to and has
need to participate in a short-term cash management program and that
the board of education or county commission has authorized the
submission of such request;
2. A letter signed by the underwriter of the short-term cash
management program that specifies the name and address of all persons
and firms receiving compensation, directly or indirectly, involved
with the proposed short-term cash management program. All persons
and firms designated shall not be paid out of school or county funds.
For purposes of this paragraph, school or county funds shall not
include the proceeds from certificates of indebtedness or
certificates of participation generated from a short-term cash
management program;
3. A verification from the Administrator of the Oklahoma
Department of Securities that all persons receiving compensation,
directly or indirectly, for providing advice to the school districts
or counties concerning participation in the program or for endorsing
participation in the program are appropriately registered with the
Oklahoma Department of Securities as investment advisers or
investment adviser representatives, as applicable, and that all
persons receiving compensation, directly or indirectly, for the
placement of the certificates of participation or like securities
with investors are registered as broker-dealers or agents, as
4. The estimated income and expenditures of the school district
or county for the year for which the school district or county wishes
to participate in a short-term cash management program. The
appropriate certifying authority shall develop and provide an income
and expenditure disclosure form for use by a school district or
county which desires to participate in a short-term cash management
program which follows the applicable portions of the information
return required by Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code. The
information supplied in the disclosure form must reflect the ability
of the school district or county to pay off an amount equal to the
district's or county's liability on the program from the income from
the fiscal year of participation, prior to approval for participation
by the Commission. If the Commission determines that a question
exists concerning any information submitted pursuant to this
subsection, the Commission may request any additional information
from the school district or county that it deems necessary;
5. A copy of the most recent information return for a short-term
cash management program filed with the Internal Revenue Service
pursuant to Section 149(e) of the Internal Revenue Code;
6. An affidavit by all persons, firms, corporations or business
enterprises of any kind which provide services for compensation on
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any financing to implement a short-term cash management program,
which shall be signed under oath on a form approved by the Commission
and which shall state that such persons, firms, corporations or
business enterprises have not given any money or other thing of
value, other than a bona fide campaign contribution, to any public
official or to any public employee of a school district or county
participating in such a cash management program. Any such person,
firm, corporation or business enterprise shall also file a disclosure
statement on a form approved by the Commission, which shall disclose
all campaign contributions of any kind made to any public official of
a school district or county participating in such a short-term cash
management program and shall also disclose the identity of any
officer, director, agent or employee of such person, firm,
corporation or business enterprise who is an officer or employee of a
school or county participating in a short-term cash management
program, or who is related to such officers or employees within the
third degree of affinity or consanguinity;
7. A notarized sworn affidavit executed by each member of a
board of education of a school district, the superintendent of
schools and the treasurer of the school district or by each county
commissioner of a county and the county treasurer, which states that
the person or any member of the immediate family of the person has no
direct or indirect financial interest in the short-term cash
management program being requested. The affidavit shall be on a form
prescribed by the Commission;
8. A summary report detailing all expenses incurred by a school
district or county in participating in a short-term cash management
program. The report shall be on a form prescribed by the Commission;
9. Any application and other materials including any other
necessary financial information, as may be required by the
D. If the information required to be submitted pursuant to this
section meets all requirements established by the Commission and the
Commission has approved such information and participation, and the
participation is otherwise in accordance with law, the Oklahoma
Commission on School and County Funds Management shall authorize the
participation of the school district or county in the short-term cash
management program. The Commission shall notify the school district
or county in writing, whether the requirements of this section have
been satisfied and approved.
E. School districts and counties participating in a short-term
cash management program authorized by this section shall report to
the Commission the probable income and expenses of anticipated
investment income. The report shall not include probable income or
expenses related to participation in a short-term cash management
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F. The ability of a school district or county to issue general
obligation bonds shall not be modified by this act.
G. The Office of the Attorney General shall provide legal
assistance to the Oklahoma Commission on School and County Funds
Added by Laws 1985, c. 322, § 44, emerg. eff. July 30, 1985. Amended
by Laws 1986, c. 259, § 46, operative July 1, 1986; Laws 1987, c.
204, § 122, operative July 1, 1987; Laws 1987, c. 236, § 111, emerg.
eff. July 20, 1987; Laws 1989, c. 374, § 1, emerg. eff. June 6, 1989;
Laws 1991, c. 212, § 1, eff. Aug. 1, 1991; Laws 2000, c. 266, § 1,
eff. Sept. 1, 2000; Laws 2001, c. 33, § 50, eff. July 1, 2001; Laws
2004, c. 361, § 1, eff. July 1, 2004.
§60-177.3. Authorization of participation in short-term cash
management program without Commission approval - Receipt of payment
or compensation for endorsement of short-term cash management program
by person not properly designated or registered - Violations and
A. Any officer of a school district or county who authorizes the
participation of the school district or county to participate in a
short-term cash management program without the approval of the
Oklahoma Commission on School and County Funds Management or who
fraudulently submits any false or misleading information to the
Commission pursuant to Section 177.2 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma
Statutes, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisoned in the county jail for not to
exceed one (1) year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and shall
forfeit and be removed from office pursuant to Section 1181 et seq.
of Title 22 of the Oklahoma Statutes or Section 91 et seq. of Title
51 of the Oklahoma Statutes. In addition, any professional license
issued to an officer by a state agency or instrumentality who has
been convicted of a misdemeanor pursuant to this section shall be
B. Any person who receives any payment or compensation,
indirectly or directly, for the endorsement of any short-term cash
management program and who has not been properly designated or
registered, if registration is required, pursuant to subsection C of
Section 177.2 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished according to
the penalties prescribed in subsection A of this section.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 212, § 2, eff. Aug. 1, 1991.
§60-177.4. Endorsement of short-term cash management program by
corporation, partnership and other entity deriving income from public
funds - Revocation or forfeiture of certificate.
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Corporations, partnerships and other entities which derive income
from public funds shall be prohibited from endorsing any short-term
cash management program, as defined by Section 177.2 of Title 60 of
the Oklahoma Statutes, and receiving any compensation for the
endorsement thereof. Any corporation or partnership which violates
the provisions of this section may have the certificate of
incorporation or certificate of partnership of the entity revoked or
forfeited pursuant to law. The provisions of this section shall not
prohibit a corporation, partnership or other entity which renders
professional services to a school district or county pursuant to a
short-term cash management program from receiving compensation for
the services.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 212, § 3, eff. Aug. 1, 1991.
§60-177.5. Rebate of reserve funds resulting from any advance
funding or cash management program.
All reserve funds currently or hereafter held by any public trust
or entity, which funds result from any advance funding or cash
management program, must be rebated, with all accrued interest
thereon, on a pro rata basis of actual participation to the program
participants of the advance funding or cash management program from
which the reserve was created unless, within three (3) years of the
date of the reserve fund's initial creation, such reserve funds are
used by the public trust or entity to fund a similar advance funding
or cash management program.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 341, § 1, eff. July 1, 1991.
§60-178. Trustees - Appointment of succession, powers, duties, term,
removal and compensation - Applicability to public trusts created and
existing prior to July 1, 1988.
A. The instrument or will creating such trust may provide for
the appointment, succession, powers, duties, term, manner of removal
and compensation of the trustee or trustees subject to the provisions
of subsections C and E of this section, and in all such respects the
terms of said instrument or will shall be controlling. Trustees, who
are public officers, shall serve without compensation, but may be
reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their
duties as trustees. If the said instrument or will makes no
provisions in regard to any of the foregoing, then the general laws
of the state shall control as to such omission or omissions. Every
person hereafter becoming a trustee of a public trust first shall
take the oath of office required of an elected public officer and
every officer and employee who handles funds of a public trust shall
furnish a good and sufficient fidelity bond in an amount and with
surety as may be specified and approved by the persons constituting a
majority of each of the governing bodies of the beneficiaries of the
trust, such bond to be in a surety company authorized to transact
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surety business in the State of Oklahoma but in no event shall any
bond be required of a trustee. The cost of said bond shall be paid
from funds of the trust authority. The oaths of office shall be
administered by any person authorized to administer oaths in the
State of Oklahoma, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State in
trusts wherein the State of Oklahoma is the beneficiary; in the
office of the county clerk in a trust wherein any county is
beneficiary; and in the office of the clerk of the municipality in a
trust wherein any municipality is the beneficiary.
B. Unless otherwise specified in another state law authorizing
the creation of a state-beneficiary public trust, any public trust
that hereafter names the State of Oklahoma as the beneficiary shall
have five (5) trustees appointed by the Governor of the State of
Oklahoma with the advice and consent of the Senate. The terms of the
trustees shall be as follows: of the trustees first appointed, one
member shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year; one member
shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years; one member shall be
appointed for a term of three (3) years; one member shall be
appointed for a term of four (4) years; and one member shall be
appointed for a term of five (5) years. At the expiration of the
term of each member and of each succeeding member, the Governor shall
appoint a successor who shall serve for a term of five (5) years.
Whenever a vacancy on such trust shall occur by death, resignation or
otherwise, the Governor shall fill the same by appointment and the
appointee shall hold office during the unexpired term. Each member
shall hold office until his successor has been appointed and
C. Any instrument or will creating a trust which is not within
the scope of subsection B of this section shall provide for the
appointment of a minimum of three trustees, their succession, powers,
duties, term, manner of removal and compensation subject to the
provisions of subsection E of this section, and in all such respects
the terms of said instrument or will shall be controlling. If the
instrument or will makes no provision in regard to any of the
foregoing, then the general laws of the state shall control as to the
D. Meetings of trustees of all public trusts shall be open to
the public to the same extent as is required by law for other public
boards and commissions. Such meetings shall also be open to the
press and any such equipment deemed necessary by the press to record
or report the activities of the meetings. In such trusts wherein the
State of Oklahoma is the beneficiary, a written notice of trustees'
meetings shall be filed with the office of the Secretary of State at
least three (3) days prior to the meeting date. Records of the trust
and minutes of the trust meetings of any public trust shall be
written and kept in a place, the location of which shall be recorded
in the office of the county clerk of each county, wherein the trust
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instrument shall be recorded. Such records and minutes shall be
available for inspection by any person during regular business hours.
Every trust created under Sections 176 et seq. of this title shall
file a monthly report of all expenditures of bond proceeds with the
governing body of each beneficiary and with the Governor, the Speaker
of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the
Senate in the case of a public trust having the State of Oklahoma as
E. Trustees of any public trust may be removed from office for
cause, including incompetency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in
office, by a district court having jurisdiction. In the case of
persons appointed by the Governor, such persons shall be appointed
for terms not in excess of five (5) years, and shall be subject to
removal for cause. In the event of removal of a trustee under this
subsection, a successor trustee shall be appointed as provided in the
trust instrument. Provided, however, in the event a trustee is so
removed who is also a member of the governing board of a municipal
beneficiary, the successor trustee shall be appointed by the judge of
the court wherein the removal occurred; said successor trustee shall
serve only until the removed trustee ceases to serve as a member of
the governing board of the municipal beneficiary and his successor on
said board has qualified.
F. The provisions of this section shall be inapplicable to any
public trust created and existing prior to July 1, 1988, if the
instrument or will creating such public trust shall have been held to
be a valid and binding agreement in an opinion of the Supreme Court
of the State of Oklahoma; and nothing in this section shall impair or
be deemed to impair the trust indenture or existing or future
obligations of such public trust.
Added by Laws 1951, p. 167, § 3. Amended by Laws 1970, c. 319, § 3;
Laws 1976, c. 222, § 3, eff. Dec. 1, 1976; Laws 1981, c. 272, § 12,
eff. July 1, 1981; Laws 1988, c. 319, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1988; Laws
1998, c. 173, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1998; Laws 2010, c. 388, § 3, emerg.
eff. June 7, 2010.
§60-178.2. Official statement, prospectus or offering document -
Filing - Penalty.
At least five (5) business days prior to the delivery of and
payment for bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness by any
public trust, except as hereafter excluded, there shall be filed with
the Secretary of State a preliminary copy of the official statement,
prospectus or other offering document pertaining to the issuance;
prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) business days following said
delivery of and payment therefor, there shall be filed with the
Secretary of State and the Oklahoma Securities Commission a copy, in
final form, of said official statement, prospectus or other offering
document. Any person responsible for the preparation of the official
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statement, prospectus or other offering document in preliminary
and/or final form who violates this section shall, upon conviction,
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of
not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) nor more than Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), or a jail sentence not less than six
(6) months nor more than one (1) year, or both.
Laws 1976, c. 222, § 5, eff. Dec. 1, 1976.
§60-178.3. Validity of outstanding indebtedness.
Nothing in this act shall affect the validity of outstanding
indebtedness of any public trust heretofore created nor shall the
validity of any document pertaining to such outstanding indebtedness
or written instrument creating such public trust be affected.
Laws 1976, c. 222, § 6, eff. Dec. 1, 1976.
§60-178.4. Trust purpose - Exceptions.
A. Trusts created under the provisions of Sections 176 through
180.55 of this title or any amendments or extensions thereof shall
not include any trust purpose, function nor activity primarily used
in the distribution centers for intoxicating beverages and low-point
beer as defined in Title 37 of the Oklahoma Statutes; nor shall it
include a residential enterprise or function except as provided in
Section 178.6 of this title. For the purposes of this section,
"primarily used" shall mean more than fifty percent (50%) of the
B. Nothing in this section shall preclude the financing,
construction, ownership or leasing of a warehouse as a permissible
trust purpose, function or activity, so long as such warehouse is not
primarily used for housing, storage or distribution of intoxicating
beverages or low-point beer.
Added by Laws 1976, c. 222, § 11, eff. Dec. 1, 1976. Amended by Laws
1985, c. 10, § 1, emerg. eff. March 28, 1985; Laws 1990, c. 72, § 1,
emerg. eff. April 16, 1990; Laws 1995, c. 274, § 50, eff. Nov. 1,
1995; Laws 2003, c. 386, § 4, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2010, c. 195, §
1, emerg. eff. May 4, 2010; Laws 2018, c. 274, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
§60-178.5. Ad valorem taxation.
Those assets of any trust, now being used or engaged in any
activity or function prohibited by Sections 9, 10 and 11 of this act,
and which would be subject to ad valorem taxation if not held by
public trust, shall be subject to ad valorem assessment and taxation,
and no trust created hereafter shall circumvent the prohibition
Laws 1976, c. 222, § 12, eff. Dec. 1, 1976.
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§60-178.6. Public trusts - Exemption from provisions - Housing
The provisions of Sections 652 and 653 of Title 62 of the
Oklahoma Statutes and Sections 178.4 and 178.5 of this title shall
not affect: public trusts operating, financing or refinancing
facilities for the aged or disabled persons by nonprofit, religious
or benevolent organizations; public trusts operating, financing or
refinancing county, municipal or nonprofit hospitals; public trusts
operating college or educational dormitories or student housing
facilities; trusts formed for the purpose of constructing buildings
for local units of the Department of Human Services under the
provisions of Section 189a of Title 56 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
public trusts carrying out redevelopment, rehabilitation and
conservation activities in accordance with an approved urban renewal
plan, provided property owned by said trust shall not be exempt from
ad valorem taxation for a period exceeding five (5) years; trusts
created under the provisions of Sections 15-141 through 15-147 of
Title 2 of the Oklahoma Statutes or other trusts created for the same
purpose. Section 176 et seq. of this title shall not prevent public
trusts from administering or financing a housing program pursuant to
a contract with an agency of the United States Government or the
State of Oklahoma, or prevent public trusts from financing or
refinancing housing projects, provided said projects:
1. Involve only property that is subject to ad valorem taxation;
2. Involve financing or refinancing the construction,
acquisition and/or improvement and rehabilitation of existing housing
projects not subject to ad valorem taxation immediately before any
such financing or refinancing,
and in either case are located within the geographic boundaries of
the beneficiary or beneficiaries of the public trust.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (b) of division (2) of
subparagraph a of paragraph 8 of Section 2887 of Title 68 of the
Oklahoma Statutes, housing projects which were exempt from ad valorem
taxation immediately before such financing or refinancing shall not
become subject to ad valorem taxation because they are financed or
refinanced by a public trust under this provision.
A public trust with a city or cities, a county or counties, or
the state as the beneficiary or beneficiaries thereof may issue its
evidences of indebtedness for the purpose of financing housing
projects or housing programs within the geographic boundaries of its
beneficiary or beneficiaries as same represent an authorized and
proper public function for public trusts.
Added by Laws 1976, c. 222, § 13, eff. Dec. 1, 1976. Amended by Laws
1980, c. 12, § 2, emerg. eff. March 18, 1980; Laws 2000, c. 361, § 1,
emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2002, c. 33, § 2, emerg. eff. April
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10, 2002; Laws 2002, c. 476, § 1, emerg. eff. June 6, 2002; Laws
2010, c. 304, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§60-178.7. Payments in lieu of taxes to be made by lessees of
certain public trust property.
All public trusts hereafter issuing revenue bonds, notes or other
evidences of indebtedness for industrial development purposes,
including but not limited to rail transportation projects, shall
require the lessee of each industrial project owned by the public
trust, excluding nonprofit health care facilities, to pay an annual
sum in lieu of ad valorem taxes for each year following the tenth
anniversary date of the issuance of such revenue bonds, notes or
other evidences of indebtedness. The lease or other agreement
between the public trust and the lessee shall provide that the amount
of the annual in lieu of payments shall be equal to the amount which
such lessee would be obligated to pay were it the title owner of such
industrial project during such annual period according to the
assessment and valuation methods and procedures then provided by law.
Prior to the tenth anniversary date of the issuance of such revenue
bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, the public trust
shall elect, pursuant to a written notice of election filed with the
county assessor and the county treasurer of the county in which the
project property is located, either (a) to cause said annual in lieu
of payments to be paid directly to said county and collected and
distributed by said county treasurer in the manner then provided by
law for ad valorem tax payments, or (b) to cause said annual in lieu
of payments to be paid to said public trust and distributed as
received by it to the local units of government in the impact area of
the project supplying services and facilities to the industrial
project and its employees in the proportions that the public trust
shall determine to be equitable under the circumstances, with total
distribution to all impacted school districts of not less than the
percentage that would have been received in ad valorem taxes, by the
school districts in the county where the facility is located, if
imposed, and with said distribution based upon enrollment figures
provided annually, in writing, within thirty (30) days after
enrollment, to the trust. If said enrollment figures are not
submitted in writing within said time period, then said school
district is permanently barred after said thirty (30) days from
receiving in lieu of payments for that annual distribution period.
The term "industrial project" as used in this section shall include
an expansion of an existing industrial facility; provided, however,
no such arrangement shall operate to remove any property from the tax
rolls except unimproved land then owned by the lessee to be acquired
by the trust or additional unimproved land to be acquired by the
trust to provide such improvements. The term "lessee" as used in
this section shall include any individual, association, partnership,
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8",
corporation or other entity engaged in any trade or business for
profit and not otherwise exempt from ad valorem taxation under the
laws of the state and shall include any purchaser or obligor under an
installment sale agreement or other underlying financing agreement.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any project
financed, or formally committed to be financed, by any public trust
prior to the effective date hereof. Provided, further, that nothing
contained in this section shall prevent any public trust from
requiring in lieu of payments to be made by a lessee to the trust for
public use, prior to the tenth anniversary date of the issuance of
bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness hereafter issued for
industrial development purposes.
Added by Laws 1977, c. 235, § 1, eff. Dec. 1, 1977. Amended by Laws
1998, c. 173, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§60-178.8. Conflict of interest - Transactions exempt -
Applicability to public trusts created and existing prior to July 1,
A. Except with regard to residents of a facility for aged
persons operated by a public trust, who are trustees of the public
trust operating the facility and who comprise less than a majority of
the trustees, a conflict of interest shall be deemed to exist in any
contractual relationship in which a trustee of a public trust, or any
for-profit firm or corporation in which such trustee or any member of
his or her immediate family is an officer, partner, principal
stockholder, shall directly or indirectly buy or sell goods or
services to, or otherwise contract with such trust. Upon a showing
thereof, such trustee shall be subject to removal and such contract
shall be deemed unenforceable as against such trust unless the
records of such trust shall reflect that such trustee fully and
publicly disclosed all such interest or interests, and unless such
contractual relationship shall have been secured by competitive
bidding following a public invitation to bid.
The following types of transactions are exempt from the
aforementioned provisions of this section:
1. The making of any loan or advance of any funds to, or the
purchase of any obligations issued by such public trust, in
connection with the performance of any of its authorized purposes;
2. Any legal advertising required by law or indenture or
determined necessary by the trustees of such public trust;
3. The performance by any bank, trust company or similar entity
or any services as a depository; or
4. The sale of any public utility services to such public trust,
in which the price of said services is regulated by law.
It shall be the duty of each public trust to compile a list of
all conflicts of interest for which its trustees have made
disclosure. It shall also be the duty of each trust to compile a
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list of all dealings between its trustees and the trust which involve
the exempted transactions listed above. Such lists shall be compiled
semiannually for periods ending June 30 and December 31 of each year.
Such lists shall be compiled on forms prescribed by the Oklahoma Tax
Commission and shall be matters of public record. Copies of such
lists shall be filed with the Secretary of State by September 1 and
March 1 of each year.
B. The provisions of this section shall be inapplicable to any
public trust created and existing prior to July 1, 1988, if all bonds
issued by such public trust are required to be issued under and
pursuant to a single bond indenture by amendment or supplement
thereto and if the instrument or will creating such public trust and
the bond indenture under which such trust must issue all bonds shall
have been held to be valid and binding agreements in an opinion of
the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma; and nothing in this
section shall impair or be deemed to impair the trust indenture, the
bond indenture, or existing or future obligations of such public
Laws 1977, c. 235, § 2, eff. Dec. 1, 1977; Laws 1988, c. 319, § 7,
eff. Nov. 1, 1988; Laws 1992, c. 371, § 7, eff. July 1, 1992.
§60-178.9. Real and/or personal property - Acquiring and holding in
public trust - Conveyance, assignment or other transfer.
Any estate in real and/or personal property may be acquired and
held in the name of a public trust. Where so acquired, any
conveyance, assignment or other transfer shall be made in the name of
such trust by the president or chairman of said trust, whichever the
case may be, notwithstanding the number of trustees of such trust,
attested by the secretary or assistant secretary of such trust, with
the seal of the trust affixed thereto.
Laws 1981, c. 30, § 1.
§60-178.10. Conveyance, assignment or other transfer as evidence of
trust existence.
Any conveyance, assignment or other transfer executed in the name
of such trust pursuant to Section 1 of this act and bearing a
signature which purports to be the signature of the president or
chairman of said trust, shall be deemed prima facie evidence that
such trust exists and the conveyance, assignment or other transfer is
the act of the trust and the trustees thereof, that it was duly
executed and signed by the president or chairman of said trust who
were trustees of the trust and that such instrument conforms in all
respects to the requirements of the instrument creating such trust;
and such conveyance, assignment or other transfer shall be admissible
in evidence without further proof of execution.
Laws 1981, c. 30, § 2.
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§60-178.11. Acknowledgment of conveyance, assignment or other
Every conveyance, assignment, or other transfer of any estate in
real property, executed by a trust, must be acknowledged by the
president or chair of the trust subscribing the name of the trust
thereto, which acknowledgment shall be in substantially a form as
provided for in the Uniform Law on Notarial Acts or in substantially
the following form:
State of Oklahoma, )
) ss:
__________ County )
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (Date)
by (Name), President or Chair of (Name of Trust), a public trust, on
behalf of the trust.
(Signature of person taking acknowledgment)
(Title or Rank)
(Serial number, if any)
Added by Laws 1981, c. 30, § 3. Amended by Laws 1999, c. 104, § 4,
emerg. eff. April 19, 1999.
§60-178.13. Trusts for benefit of hospitals - Exemptions from
beneficiary approval requirements.
Any indebtedness issued by a public trust having as its principal
purpose, and which is primarily engaged in, the ownership and
operation of a hospital or related institution, as defined in Section
1-701 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and the beneficiary of
which is a county or municipality shall not be subject to the
beneficiary approval requirements of Section 176 of Title 60 of the
Oklahoma Statutes, if the indebtedness does not exceed five percent
(5%) of the greater of:
1. The then existing total indebtedness of such trust; or
2. The value of all assets of such trust.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 306, § 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1994.
§60-179. Status of trustee - Liability for acts.
The trustee, or trustees, under such an instrument or will shall
be an agency of the state and the regularly constituted authority of
the beneficiary for the performance of the functions for which the
trust shall have been created. No trustee or beneficiary shall be
charged personally with any liability whatsoever by reason of any act
or omission committed or suffered in the performance of such trust or
in the operation of the trust property; but any act, liability for
any omission or obligation of a trustee or trustees, in the execution
of such trust, or in the operation of the trust property, shall
extend to the whole of the trust estate, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to discharge such liability or obligation, and not
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Laws 1951, p. 167, § 4.
§60-180. Termination of trust - Contracts not impaired.
(a) Any such trust may be terminated by agreement of the
trustee, or, if there be more than one, then all of the trustees and
the governing body of the beneficiary, with the approval of the
Governor of the State of Oklahoma; provided, that such trust shall
not be terminated while there exists outstanding any contractual
obligations chargeable against the trust property, which, by reason
of such termination, might become an obligation of the beneficiary of
such trust.
(b) Nothing in this act shall operate to impair existing
obligations of contracts or existing trust indentures of any trust
created prior to the effective date of this amendment; but to the
extent that such existing obligations of contracts are not impaired
by the provisions hereof, all of said provisions shall be applicable;
provided further, that nothing in this act shall operate to impair or
alter the trust indenture of the Oklahoma Ordinance Works Authority
or contracts executed prior to the effective date of this act.
Laws 1951, p. 167, § 5; Laws 1970, c. 319, § 4.
§60-180.1. Annual audits.
A. The trustees of every trust created for the benefit and
furtherance of any public function with the State of Oklahoma or any
county or municipality as the beneficiary or beneficiaries thereof
must cause an audit to be made of the financial statements of the
trust, such audit to be ordered within thirty (30) days of the close
of each fiscal year of the trust. The audit shall be filed in
accordance with the requirements set forth for financial statement
audits in Section 212A of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
B. The trustees of a trust which has more than Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50,000.00) in revenues or assets, and for whom an annual
financial statement audit is not required by another law, regulation,
or contract, shall cause to be conducted, by an independent licensed
public accountant or a certified public accountant, an annual audit
of the trust's financial statements in accordance with auditing
standards generally accepted in the United States and Government
Auditing Standards as issued by the Comptroller General of the United
States or an agreed-upon-procedures engagement over certain financial
information and compliance requirements to be performed in accordance
with the applicable attestation standards of The American Institute
of Certified Public Accountants. The specific procedures to be
performed are:
1. Prepare a schedule of revenues, expenditures/expenses and
changes in fund balances/net assets for each fund and determine
compliance with any applicable trust or other prohibitions for
creating fund balance deficits;
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2. Agree material bank account balances to bank statements, and
trace significant reconciling items to subsequent clearance;
3. Compare uninsured deposits to fair value of pledged
4. Compare use of material-restricted revenues and resources to
their restrictions;
5. Determine compliance with requirements for separate funds;
6. Determine compliance with reserve account and debt service
coverage requirements of bond indentures.
Such engagement shall be ordered within thirty (30) days of the
close of each fiscal year of the trust. Copies of the annual audit
or agreed-upon-procedures report shall be filed with the State
Auditor and Inspector within six (6) months after the close of the
fiscal year and with the trustees and governing body of the
C. Public trusts which have less than Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00) in revenue and less than Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00) in assets, and for whom an annual financial statement
audit is not required by another law, regulation, or contract and any
public trust which did not have financial activity exceeding Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) since its last audit may apply to the
State Auditor and Inspector for a waiver of the requirements of
subsections A and B of this section.
Added by Laws 1963, c. 76, § 1, emerg. eff. May 21, 1963. Amended by
Laws 1976, c. 222, § 7, eff. Dec. 1, 1976; Laws 1996, c. 290, § 5,
eff. July 1, 1996; Laws 2005, c. 459, § 6, eff. July 1, 2005; Laws
2006, c. 325, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2006; Laws 2007, c. 1, § 45, emerg.
eff. Feb. 22, 2007; Laws 2017, c. 83, § 1.
NOTE: Laws 2006, c. 314, § 6 repealed by Laws 2007, c. 1, § 46,
emerg. eff. Feb. 22, 2007.
§60-180.2. Filing of copies of audit or agreed-upon-procedures
report - Failure to file – Filing of copy of instrument or will
creating public trust.
(a) The audits herein required shall include the opinion of a
certified public accountant or a licensed public accountant
notwithstanding any lesser requirement by any instrument under which
the trust may have covenanted for an audit to be made or furnished.
One copy of the annual audit or agreed-upon-procedures report shall
be filed with the State Auditor and Inspector, and, in the case of a
trust wherein the state is the beneficiary, one copy with the
Governor of the State of Oklahoma and one copy with each beneficiary
of the trust, not later than six (6) months following the close of
each fiscal year of the trust.
(b) Within thirty (30) days after the effective date hereof,
each trust mentioned in Section 180.1 of this title shall certify to
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the State Auditor and Inspector the date of the close of its fiscal
(c) In the event that copy of such audit or agreed-upon-
procedures report as herein required shall not be filed with the
State Auditor and Inspector within the time herein provided, the
State Auditor and Inspector hereby is authorized to employ, at the
cost and expense of the trust, a certified public accountant or
licensed public accountant to make the audit or perform the agreed-
upon-procedures report herein required.
(d) Prior to the delivery of and payment for any bonds, notes or
other evidences of indebtedness by a public trust, there shall be
filed with the Secretary of State an executed original or certified
copy of the written instrument or will creating such public trust and
a notice of said filing with the Secretary of State shall be
delivered to the State Auditor and Inspector and, in the case of a
trust wherein the state is the beneficiary, to the Attorney General.
Added by Laws 1963, c. 76, § 2, emerg. eff. May 21, 1963. Amended by
Laws 1970, c. 240, § 1, emerg. eff. April 22, 1970; Laws 1976, c.
222, § 8, eff. Dec. 1, 1976; Laws 1979, c. 30, § 94, emerg. eff.
April 6, 1979; Laws 1987, c. 110, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1987; Laws 2005,
c. 459, § 7, eff. July 1, 2005.
§60-180.3. Expense of audits and agreed-upon-procedures engagements.
The necessary expense of the audits and agreed-upon-procedures
engagements, including the cost of typing, printing, and binding,
shall be paid from funds of the trust.
Added by Laws 1963, c. 76, § 3, emerg. eff. May 21, 1963. Amended by
Laws 2005, c. 459, § 8, eff. July 1, 2005.
§60-180.4. Regulation of certain public trusts operating a water
supply system.
A. The Corporation Commission shall have general supervision
over trusts created for the benefit and furtherance of a public
function pursuant to Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Sections 176
et seq., where:
1. The trust has multiple beneficiaries; and
2. A water supply system is operated by the trust or a person or
entity to which such function has been delegated; and
3. The water supply system is operated in a county having a
population in excess of five hundred thousand (500,000) persons
according to the most recent Federal Decennial Census; and
4. The beneficiaries do not regulate the rates, charges and
practices of the water supply system.
B. The Corporation Commission shall also have general
supervision over any person or entity to whom the function of
operating a water supply system has been delegated by such a trust.
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C. The Corporation Commission shall have the power to fix and
establish rates and to prescribe rules, requirements and regulations
affecting their services, operation, and the management and conduct
of the business of persons and entities subject to this section and
shall inquire into the management of the business thereof, and the
method in which same is conducted. It shall have full visitorial and
inquisitorial power to examine such operations, and keep informed as
to their general conditions, their capitalization, rates, plants,
equipment, apparatus, and other property owned, leased, controlled or
operated, the value of same, the management, conduct, operation,
practices and services, not only with respect to the adequacy,
security and accommodation afforded by their service, but also with
respect to their compliance with the Constitution and laws of this
state, and with the orders of the Commission.
Laws 1972, c. 63, § 1, emerg. eff. March 27, 1972.
§60-180.51. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 227, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-180.52. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 227, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-180.53. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 227, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-180.54. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 227, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-180.55. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 227, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-180.56. Pari-mutuel horse racing facility - terms and condition
for participation by public trust.
A. No public trust as authorized by Section 176 of Title 60 of
the Oklahoma Statutes shall be a party to any agreement for land,
financing or operation of a pari-mutuel horse racing facility in the
State of Oklahoma unless such agreement includes the following terms
and conditions:
1. Said agreement shall indemnify and hold harmless the public
trust from any financial obligation related to land, financing or
operation by organizational license;
2. Said agreement shall include provisions for the payment of ad
valorem property taxes on any improvements and structures on trust
land which would otherwise be subject to ad valorem property taxation
if constructed on privately owned land;
3. Such agreement shall prohibit the use of public trust
financing for construction of any facilities on all land in the
agreement; and
4. Said agreement shall require that title to any improvements
must revert to said public trust at the termination of such lease or
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B. Nothing in this section shall prohibit horse racing at county
fairs as provided by law.
Added by Laws 1985, c. 196, § 12, operative July 1, 1985.
§60-181. Unlimited marital deduction - Construction of trust.
Any trust of a trustor dying after December 31, 1981, which
contains a marital deduction formula expressly providing that the
spouse of the trustor is to receive the maximum amount of property
qualifying for the marital deduction allowable by federal law shall
be construed as referring to the unlimited marital deduction provided
by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, Public Law 97-34. This
provision shall apply retrospectively to trusts of trustors dying
after December 31, 1981.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 368, § 2, emerg. eff. July 14, 1982. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 123, § 1, emerg. eff. May 17, 1983.
§60-199. Validity of a trust for the care of domestic or pet
A. A trust for the care of designated domestic or pet animals is
valid. Unless the trust instrument provides for an earlier
termination, the trust terminates when no living animal is covered by
the trust.
B. The instrument creating the trust shall be liberally
construed to bring the transfer within the scope of trusts governed
by this section, to presume against the mere precatory or honorary
nature of the disposition, and to carry out the general intent of the
transferor. Extrinsic evidence is admissible in determining the
intent of the transferor.
C. If a trustee is not designated or no designated or successor
trustee is willing or able to serve, a court shall name a trustee.
Unless otherwise permitted by the trust, the trustee and the enforcer
as provided in subsection D of this section shall not be the same
person. The trustee shall be entitled to reasonable trustee fees and
expenses for the administration, unless otherwise provided in the
trust instrument. The trustee of a trust created in accordance with
this section shall ensure that care is provided for the benefit of
the animal in accordance with the terms of the trust or, in absence
of any terms, shall ensure that care is provided that is reasonable
under the circumstances. The trustee may employ agents or
contractors to provide any care and pay for the care from the assets
of the trust. The trustee shall also ensure that the property of a
trust authorized by this section is applied only to its intended use.
D. A trust authorized by this section may be enforced by a
person appointed in the trust instrument, the caretaker of the
designated animal or animals, and the remainder beneficiary, or, if
none, by an individual appointed by a court upon application to it by
an individual.
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E. Accountings otherwise required by law shall be provided to
those persons qualified as an enforcer as provided for in subsection
D of this section. However, if the value of the assets in the trust
does not exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), no filing,
report, registration, periodic accounting, separate maintenance of
funds, appointment, or fee shall be required by reason of the
existence of the fiduciary relationship of the trustee, unless
ordered by the court or required by the trust instrument.
F. Each trust created pursuant to this section shall identify a
remainder beneficiary. If none is named, the trustee shall transfer
any unexpended trust property upon termination of the trust to the
transferor, if then living, or if not living, to the transferor’s
successors in interest.
G. For purposes of Section 175.47 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma
Statutes, the beneficiary or beneficiaries in being at the creation
of the trust shall include the caretaker of the designated animal or
animals and the remainder beneficiaries.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 224, § 1.
§60-299.1. Common law.
The common law of powers is hereby declared to be the law in this
state, except as modified by statute.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 1.
§60-299.2. Creation.
A donor may create a power of appointment only by an instrument
executed with the same formalities as one which would pass title to
the property covered by the power.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 2.
§60-299.3. Donees - Exercising power of appointment.
A donee may exercise a power of appointment only by an instrument
executed with sufficient formalities to pass title to the property
covered by the power. When a power of appointment is exercisable
only by will, a donee may not exercise it by deed. When a power of
appointment is exercisable by deed, a donee may exercise it by will.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 3.
§60-299.4. Insufficient instruments - Additional formalities.
A power of appointment authorized to be exercised by an
instrument which would not be sufficient to transfer title to the
property covered by the power shall not be void, but its execution
shall conform to the provisions of this act. When the power of
appointment directs that formalities in addition to those prescribed
in this act be observed in the execution of the power, the direction
may be disregarded.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 4.
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§60-299.5. Persons who may exercise.
Any donee, except a minor, who would be capable of conveying the
property covered by the power may exercise a power of appointment.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 5.
§60-299.6. Two or more persons vested with a power of appointment.
When a power of appointment is vested in two or more persons, all
such persons shall unite in its exercise. However, if one or more of
such persons die, become legally incapable of exercising the power or
renounce such power, the power may be exercised by the others.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 6.
§60-299.7. Consent of donor - Writing - Recording.
When the consent of the donor, or of any other person, is
required by the donor for the exercise of a power of appointment,
this consent shall be in writing. To entitle the instrument
exercising the power to be recorded, the signature of any person
consenting shall be acknowledged. If the consent is given in a
separate instrument, that instrument shall be attached to the
instrument exercising the power. If any person whose consent is
required dies or becomes legally incapable of consenting, the donee
may exercise the power with the consent of the other person whose
consent is required. If there is no such person, the donee may
exercise the power in the manner provided by Section 3 of this act,
unless the donor has manifested a contrary intent in the instrument
creating the power.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 7.
§60-299.8. Appointment of all the property to one or more of the
objects to the exclusion of the others.
Unless a contrary intent is manifested in the instrument creating
the power, the donee may appoint all of the property to one or more
of the objects to the exclusion of the others. A direction to
appoint "to", "among" or "between" two or more objects shall not be a
sufficient manifestation of a contrary intent. However, when the
donee is prevented from excluding any object by the instrument
creating the power, each object shall receive an equal share, unless
the instrument creating the power manifests an intent that some other
division may be made.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 8.
§60-299.9. Donee authorized to appoint himself - Creditors - Claims
- Fraudulent conveyances.
When a donee is authorized to appoint to himself all or part of
the property covered by any power of appointment, a creditor of the
donee may subject to his claim all property which the donee could
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then appoint to himself only to the extent that other property
available for the payment of his claim is insufficient for such
payment. When a donee has exercised such a general power by deed,
the law relating to fraudulent conveyances shall apply as if the
property transferred to the appointee had been owned by the donee.
When a donee has exercised such a power by will in favor of either a
taker without value or a creditor, a creditor of the donee or of his
estate may subject such property to the payment of his claim only to
the extent that other property available for the payment of the claim
is insufficient for such payment.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 9.
§60-299.10. Transfer by deed or will - Property conveyed.
When the donee of a power of appointment makes a deed or a will
purporting to transfer all of his property, the property covered by
the power shall be included in such transfer unless it is shown that
the donee did not so intend.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 10.
§60-299.11. Conveyances and devises.
A deed either creating or exercising a power of appointment over
real property is a conveyance. A will appointing real property is a
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 11.
§60-299.12. Suspension of right of alienation - Computation of time.
The period during which the absolute right of alienation may be
suspended by any instrument in execution of a power shall be computed
from the time of the creation of the power and not from the date of
the instrument. However, in the case of a general power presently
exercisable, the period shall be computed from the date of the
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 12.
§60-299.13. Advancements to descendents.
Every estate or interest given to a descendent of the donee by
the exercise of a power is an advancement to such descendent to the
same extent that a gift of property owned by the donee would be an
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 13.
§60-299.14. Assignment for the benefit of creditors.
Under a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, a power
of appointment in the assignor by which he is authorized to appoint
the property to himself passes to the assignee.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 14.
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§60-299.15. Power of revocation - Reservation - Effect.
When the grantor in a conveyance reserves to himself, for his own
benefit, an absolute power of revocation, the grantor shall still be
the absolute owner of the estate conveyed, so far as the rights of
creditors and purchasers are concerned.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 15.
§60-299.16. Absolute power of disposition in grantee or beneficiary.
When an absolute power of disposition is given to a grantee or a
beneficiary under a will of real or personal property and no
reversion, remainder or gift in default of the property undisposed of
by the grantee or a beneficiary under a will is expressed in the
instrument creating the power, the grantee or a beneficiary under a
will shall be the absolute owner of the property.
Laws 1977, c. 210, § 16.
§60-300.1. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.2. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.3. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.4. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.5. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.6. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.7. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.8. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.9. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.10. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.11. Short title.
SHORT TITLE. Sections 1 through 10 of this act shall be known
and may be cited as the “Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional
Funds Act.”
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.12. Definitions.
DEFINITIONS. In the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional
Funds Act:
(1) “Charitable purpose” means the relief of poverty, the
advancement of education or religion, the promotion of health, the
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promotion of a governmental purpose, or any other purpose the
achievement of which is beneficial to the community.
(2) “Endowment fund” means an institutional fund or part thereof
that, under the terms of a gift instrument, is not wholly expendable
by the institution on a current basis. The term does not include
assets that an institution designates as an endowment fund for its
own use.
(3) “Gift instrument” means a record or records, including an
institutional solicitation, under which property is granted to,
transferred to, or held by an institution as an institutional fund.
(4) “Institution” means:
(A) a person, other than an individual, organized and
operated exclusively for charitable purposes;
(B) a government or governmental subdivision, agency, or
instrumentality, to the extent that it holds funds
exclusively for a charitable purpose; or
(C) a trust that has both charitable and noncharitable
interests, after all noncharitable interests have
(5) “Institutional fund” means a fund held by an institution
exclusively for charitable purposes. The term does not include:
(A) program-related assets;
(B) a fund held for an institution by a trustee that is not
an institution; or
(C) a fund in which a beneficiary that is not an
institution has an interest, other than an interest
that could arise upon violation or failure of the
purposes of the fund.
(6) “Person” means an individual, corporation, business trust,
estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association,
joint venture, public corporation, government or governmental
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or
commercial entity.
(7) “Program-related asset” means an asset held by an
institution primarily to accomplish a charitable purpose of the
institution and not primarily for investment.
(8) “Record” means information that is inscribed on a tangible
medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is
retrievable in perceivable form.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.13. Standard of conduct in managing and investing
institutional fund.
(a) Subject to the intent of a donor expressed in a gift
instrument, an institution, in managing and investing an
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institutional fund, shall consider the charitable purposes of the
institution and the purposes of the institutional fund.
(b) In addition to complying with the duty of loyalty imposed by
law other than the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds
Act, each person responsible for managing and investing an
institutional fund shall manage and invest the fund in good faith and
with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would
exercise under similar circumstances.
(c) In managing and investing an institutional fund, an
(1) may incur only costs that are appropriate and reasonable in
relation to the assets, the purposes of the institution, and the
skills available to the institution; and
(2) shall make a reasonable effort to verify facts relevant to
the management and investment of the fund.
(d) An institution may pool two or more institutional funds for
purposes of management and investment.
(e) Except as otherwise provided by a gift instrument, the
following rules apply:
(1) In managing and investing an institutional fund, the
following factors, if relevant, must be considered:
(A) general economic conditions;
(B) the possible effect of inflation or deflation;
(C) the expected tax consequences, if any, of investment
decisions or strategies;
(D) the role that each investment or course of action plays
within the overall investment portfolio of the fund;
(E) the expected total return from income and the
appreciation of investments;
(F) other resources of the institution;
(G) the needs of the institution and the fund to make
distributions and to preserve capital; and
(H) an asset’s special relationship or special value, if
any, to the charitable purposes of the institution.
(2) Management and investment decisions about an individual
asset must be made not in isolation but rather in the context of the
institutional fund’s portfolio of investments as a whole and as a
part of an overall investment strategy having risk and return
objectives reasonably suited to the fund and to the institution.
(3) Except as otherwise provided by law other than the Uniform
Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, an institution may
invest in any kind of property or type of investment consistent with
this section.
(4) An institution shall diversify the investments of an
institutional fund unless the institution reasonably determines that,
because of special circumstances, the purposes of the fund are better
served without diversification.
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(5) Within a reasonable time after receiving property, an
institution shall make and carry out decisions concerning the
retention or disposition of the property or to rebalance a portfolio,
in order to bring the institutional fund into compliance with the
purposes, terms, and distribution requirements of the institution as
necessary to meet other circumstances of the institution and the
requirements of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds
(6) A person that has special skills or expertise, or is
selected in reliance upon the person’s representation that the person
has special skills or expertise, has a duty to use those skills or
that expertise in managing and investing institutional funds.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.14. Appropriation for expenditure or accumulation of
endowment fund – Rules of construction.
(a) Subject to the intent of a donor expressed in the gift
instrument, an institution may appropriate for expenditure or
accumulate so much of an endowment fund as the institution determines
is prudent for the uses, benefits, purposes, and duration for which
the endowment fund is established. Unless stated otherwise in the
gift instrument, the assets in an endowment fund are donor-restricted
assets until appropriated for expenditure by the institution. In
making a determination to appropriate or accumulate, the institution
shall act in good faith, with the care that an ordinarily prudent
person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances,
and shall consider, if relevant, the following factors:
(1) the duration and preservation of the endowment fund;
(2) the purposes of the institution and the endowment fund;
(3) general economic conditions;
(4) the possible effect of inflation or deflation;
(5) the expected total return from income and the appreciation
of investments;
(6) other resources of the institution; and
(7) the investment policy of the institution.
(b) To limit the authority to appropriate for expenditure or
accumulate under subsection (a), a gift instrument must specifically
state the limitation.
(c) Terms in a gift instrument designating a gift as an
endowment, or a direction or authorization in the gift instrument to
use only “income”, “interest”, “dividends”, or “rents, issues, or
profits”, or “to preserve the principal intact”, or words of similar
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(1) create an endowment fund of permanent duration unless other
language in the gift instrument limits the duration or purpose of the
fund; and
(2) do not otherwise limit the authority to appropriate for
expenditure or accumulate under subsection (a) of this section.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.15. Delegation of management and investment functions.
(a) Subject to any specific limitation set forth in a gift
instrument or in law other than the Uniform Prudent Management of
Institutional Funds Act, an institution may delegate to an external
agent the management and investment of an institutional fund to the
extent that an institution could prudently delegate under the
circumstances. An institution shall act in good faith, with the care
that an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise
under similar circumstances, in:
(1) Selecting an agent;
(2) Establishing the scope and terms of the delegation,
consistent with the purposes of the institution and the institutional
fund; and
(3) Periodically reviewing the agent’s actions in order to
monitor the agent’s performance and compliance with the scope and
terms of the delegation.
(b) In performing a delegated function, an agent owes a duty to
the institution to exercise reasonable care to comply with the scope
and terms of the delegation.
(c) An institution that complies with subsection (a) of this
section is not liable for the decisions or actions of an agent to
which the function was delegated.
(d) By accepting delegation of a management or investment
function from an institution that is subject to the laws of this
state, an agent submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of this
state in all proceedings arising from or related to the delegation or
the performance of the delegated function.
(e) An institution may delegate management and investment
functions to its committees, officers, or employees as authorized by
law of this state other than the Uniform Prudent Management of
Institutional Funds Act.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.16. Release or modification of restrictions on management,
investment, or purpose.
(a) If the donor consents in a record, an institution may
release or modify, in whole or in part, a restriction contained in a
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gift instrument on the management, investment, or purpose of an
institutional fund. A release or modification may not allow a fund
to be used for a purpose other than a charitable purpose of the
(b) The court, upon application of an institution, may modify a
restriction contained in a gift instrument regarding the management
or investment of an institutional fund if the restriction has become
impracticable or wasteful, if it impairs the management or investment
of the fund, or if, because of circumstances not anticipated by the
donor, a modification of a restriction will further the purposes of
the fund. The institution shall notify the Attorney General of the
application, and the Attorney General must be given an opportunity to
be heard. To the extent practicable, any modification must be made
in accordance with the donor’s probable intention.
(c) If a particular charitable purpose or a restriction
contained in a gift instrument on the use of an institutional fund
becomes unlawful, impracticable, impossible to achieve, or wasteful,
the court, upon application of an institution, may modify the purpose
of the fund or the restriction on the use of the fund in a manner
consistent with the charitable purposes expressed in the gift
instrument. The institution shall notify the Attorney General of the
application, and the Attorney General must be given an opportunity to
be heard.
(d) If an institution determines that a restriction contained in
a gift instrument on the management, investment, or purpose of an
institutional fund is unlawful, impracticable, impossible to achieve,
or wasteful, the institution, sixty (60) days after notification to
the Attorney General, may release or modify the restriction, in whole
or part, if:
(1) The institutional fund subject to the restriction has a
total value of less than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00);
(2) More than twenty (20) years have elapsed since the fund was
established; and
(3) The institution uses the property in a manner consistent
with the charitable purposes expressed in the gift instrument.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.17. Reviewing compliance.
REVIEWING COMPLIANCE. Compliance with the Uniform Prudent
Management of Institutional Funds Act is determined in light of the
facts and circumstances existing at the time a decision is made or
action is taken, and not by hindsight.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.18. Application to existing institutional funds.
Management of Institutional Funds Act applies to institutional funds
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existing on or established after November 1, 2007. As applied to
institutional funds existing on November 1, 2007, the Uniform Prudent
Management of Institutional Funds Act governs only decisions made or
actions taken on or after that date.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.19. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National
Commerce Act.
ACT. The Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act
modifies, limits, and supersedes the Electronic Signatures in Global
and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 7001 et seq., but does
not modify, limit, or supersede Section 101 of that act, 15 U.S.C.
Section 7001(a), or authorize electronic delivery of any of the
notices described in Section 103 of that act, 15 U.S.C. Section
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-300.20. Uniformity of application and construction.
construing the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act,
consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the
law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
Added by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-301.1. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Oklahoma
Charitable Fiduciary Act".
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 2, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.2. Legislative findings and purpose.
A. The Legislature finds that:
1. Charitable, religious, and educational and eleemosynary
organizations perform essential and needed services in the state;
2. Clarification is needed regarding the capability of
charitable, religious, educational, and eleemosynary organizations to
act as a fiduciary in obtaining and administering present and future
gifts benefitting the charitable, religious, educational, and
eleemosynary purposes of such organizations and their affiliates; and
3. Clarification is needed regarding the fiduciary powers of
charitable, religious, educational, and eleemosynary organizations in
the administration of trusts which provide for present or future
gifts benefitting the charitable, religious, educational, and
eleemosynary purposes of such organizations.
B. The purpose of this act is to authorize charitable,
religious, educational, and eleemosynary organizations to act as a
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fiduciary and to clarify the powers of such organizations when acting
in a permitted fiduciary capacity.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 3, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.3. Definitions.
As used in the Oklahoma Charitable Fiduciary Act:
1. "Charitable organization" means an incorporated or
unincorporated organization:
a. domiciled in the State of Oklahoma,
b. recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code as being organized and operated
exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, or
other eleemosynary purposes,
c. which has been in existence for at least five (5) years
if the organization administers charitable trusts which
benefit private individuals,
d. having a governing board of which a majority of its
members are persons who are qualified by education or
experience to provide direction of the charitable
organization in the administration of its charitable
e. having a governing board of which at least forty
percent (40%) of its members are residents of the State
of Oklahoma, provided that upon proper application the
Attorney General may waive this requirement, and
f. which has filed the comprehensive annual audit required
by Section 301.9 of this title;
2. "Charitable trust" means:
a. a trust which qualifies as a charitable remainder
unitrust under the Internal Revenue Code,
b. a trust which qualifies as a charitable remainder
annuity trust under the Internal Revenue Code,
c. a trust which is described as a charitable lead trust
in the Internal Revenue Code,
d. a fund which qualifies as a pooled income fund under
the Internal Revenue Code,
e. an endowment fund as that term is defined in the
Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act,
f. a trust providing for the welfare, maintenance,
support, and education of minor issue of a decedent who
has made a gift in the document creating the trust for
the benefit of the minor issue to the charitable
organization administering the trust or one or more of
its affiliated charitable organizations at the
decedent's death and the total of all gifts made to the
charitable organization administering the trust or one
or more of its affiliated charitable organizations at
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the decedent's death is as large as the largest
distribution made to another person who is not a
charitable organization, but in no event shall the
total of all gifts made to the charitable organization
administering the trust or one or more of its
affiliated charitable organizations be less than
twenty-five percent (25%) of the property which is
available for distribution, or
g. any other irrevocable or revocable trust in which:
(1) one or more gifts of either trust income or
principal, whether outright or in trust, are
irrevocably made to or for the benefit of a
charitable organization,
(2) if the irrevocable gift is of income or principal
which is distributed before the termination of the
trust, the total of all such irrevocable gifts of
income or principal made to the charitable
organization administering the trust or one or
more of its affiliated charitable organizations is
as large as the largest distribution to another
beneficiary entitled to receive distributions of
income or principal from the trust before the
termination of the trust who is not the charitable
organization administering the trust or an
affiliated charitable organization, but in no
event shall the total of all such irrevocable
gifts of income or principal made to the
charitable organization administering the trust or
one or more of its affiliated charitable
organizations before the termination of the trust
be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the
income or principal available for distribution
from the trust,
(3) if the irrevocable gift is of the remainder of the
trust which is distributed upon the termination of
the trust, the total of all irrevocable gifts of
the remainder of the trust made to the charitable
organization administering the trust or one or
more of its affiliated charitable organizations is
as large as the largest distribution made to
another remainderman who is not the charitable
organization administering the trust or an
affiliated charitable organization, but in no
event shall the total of all irrevocable gifts of
the remainder of the trust made to the charitable
organization administering the trust or one or
more of its affiliated charitable organizations be
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less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the
remainder of the trust which is available for
distribution at the termination of the trust, and
(4) if distributions of income from the trust are made
to beneficiaries who are not charitable
organizations, such distributions are in an amount
specified by the donor in the governing
instrument, or, if not in an amount specified by
the donor in the governing instrument, are in an
amount not less than five percent (5%) of the
value of the principal of the trust determined
annually, reduced by distributions of current
income from the trust to charitable organizations,
if any; and
3. "Affiliated charitable organization" means another charitable
organization which directly or indirectly controls or is under direct
or indirect common control with the charitable organization acting in
a fiduciary capacity.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 4, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997. Amended
by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 11, eff. Nov 1, 2007.
§60-301.4. Fiduciary capacities.
Charitable organizations shall be permitted to act in the
following fiduciary capacities within this state:
1. To act as trustee under charitable trusts created by will,
inter vivos declaration of trust or trust agreement, corporate
resolution, or order, judgment or decree of any of the courts of
record of this state or of any state or of the United States;
2. To accept and execute all charitable trusts and perform such
duties of every description as may be committed to them under such
trust by any person or persons, any corporation, or any order,
judgment or decree of any of the courts of record of this state or of
any state or of the United States provided that such duties are not
inconsistent with the charitable, religious, educational, or other
eleemosynary purposes of the charitable organization;
3. To take, accept and hold by gift, grant, assignment,
transfer, devise or bequest of any person or persons, any
corporation, or any order, judgment or decree of any of the courts of
record of this state or of any state or of the United States any real
or personal property as a charitable trust;
4. To execute and perform any and all charitable trusts upon the
terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions which may be
declared, imposed, established or agreed upon in and by the person or
persons, corporation, or order, judgment, decree, gift, grant,
assignment, transfer, devise or bequest establishing such trust;
5. To act as attorney-in-fact for any person establishing a
charitable trust; and
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6. To act as personal representative in the probate of the will
of any decedent, whether such decedent was a resident of this state
or not, and whether the probate of the will of such decedent is by
original or ancillary proceeding, where the will makes a present or
future gift to or confers a present or future benefit on the
charitable organization serving as personal representative or one or
more of its affiliated charitable organizations and the total of all
gifts made to the charitable organization serving as personal
representative or one or more of its affiliated charitable
organizations in the will is as large as the largest distribution
made to another person who is not a charitable organization, but in
no event shall the total of all gifts made to the charitable
organization serving as personal representative or one or more of its
affiliated charitable organizations in the will be less than twenty-
five percent (25%) of the estate which is available for distribution.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 5, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.5. Charitable organizations authorized to exercise certain
powers as trustees.
In addition to the powers conferred on fiduciaries by the
Oklahoma Trust Act, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional
Funds Act, and the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act, all
charitable organizations acting as trustees of charitable trusts
shall expressly be permitted to exercise the following powers:
1. To limit the investment of property received in trust to
investments in real or personal property; securities including bonds,
stocks, all kinds of negotiable and nonnegotiable paper; and other
investment instruments, which are consistent with the charitable,
religious, educational, or other eleemosynary purposes of the
charitable organization;
2. To make distributions from an institutional endowment fund as
that term is defined in the Uniform Prudent Management of
Institutional Funds Act in a manner that will provide a consistent
source of funds to charitable organizations benefited by such
charitable trusts;
3. For assets held in an institutional endowment fund as that
term is defined in the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional
Funds Act, to invest in loans of money upon adequate collateral
security to affiliated charitable organizations provided that the
charitable organization serving in a fiduciary capacity conforms to
the standard for care set forth in the document creating the trust
or, in the absence of a standard of care in the document creating the
trust, to the standard of care for fiduciaries as set forth in the
Oklahoma Trust Code, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional
Funds Act, and the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act, and
provided further that the loan furthers the charitable, religious,
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educational and other eleemosynary purposes of the affiliated
charitable organization;
4. To recover costs and expenses to include a reasonable charge
for administrative overhead incurred in administering charitable
trusts to include costs incurred for investment counselors, advisors
and agents; and
5. To delegate the investment of assets of charitable trusts and
the administration of charitable trusts to state banks in Oklahoma
having trust powers, national banking associations having trust
powers, and trust companies having trust powers.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 6, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997. Amended
by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-301.6. Fidelity bonds.
A. Governing board must require fidelity bonds. The governing
board of a charitable organization serving as trustee of a charitable
trust shall require good and sufficient fidelity bonds on all
officers and employees who are involved in the funding and
administration of a charitable trust, whether or not they are paid a
salary or other compensation. The fidelity bonds shall indemnify the
charitable trusts administered by a charitable organization for loss
sustained to a charitable trust as the result of dishonest,
fraudulent, or criminal conduct by the officers and employees of the
charitable organization, whether acting independently or in collusion
with any person or persons.
B. Form and premiums of fidelity bonds. The governing board of
a charitable organization serving as trustee of a charitable trust
shall determine the amount and form of its fidelity bonds. The
premiums for its fidelity bonds shall be paid by the charitable
organization and the cost of premiums may be included in the
administrative overhead of the charitable organization.
C. Annual review of fidelity bonds. At least once each calendar
year the governing board of a charitable organization serving as
trustee of a charitable trust shall evaluate all known elements and
factors constituting its risk of loss due to dishonest, fraudulent,
or criminal conduct by its officers and employees and determine if
the amount and form of its fidelity bonds are sufficient. The
governing board shall then require fidelity bonds in such amounts and
form as are sufficient to protect its charitable trusts from such
risk or hazard. The action of the governing board in determining the
amount and form of its fidelity bonds shall be recorded in the
minutes of the governing board.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 7, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.7. Powers of charitable organizations acting as trustees of
charitable trusts - Common charitable trust funds investments -
Reporting - Recovery of costs - Accounting to court.
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A. Definitions. For purposes of this section:
1. "Common charitable trust fund" means a fund composed of
assets from two or more charitable trusts and other charitable assets
which are pooled for investment;
2. "Other charitable assets" means assets owned by an affiliated
charitable organization or assets contributed to the charitable
organization administering the common charitable trust fund in
exchange for the issuance of charitable gift annuity contracts; and
3. "Affiliated charitable organization" means another charitable
organization which directly or indirectly controls or is under direct
or indirect common control with the charitable organization
administering a common charitable trust fund.
B. Powers. Any charitable organization acting as a trustee of
charitable trusts in this state may:
1. Establish one or more common charitable trust funds for the
exclusive purpose of furnishing investments to itself as fiduciary,
to itself and others as cofiduciaries, or to affiliated charitable
2. Invest funds which it holds for investment in such common
charitable trust funds, unless:
a. the investment is prohibited by the instrument,
judgment, decree, or order creating the fiduciary
b. consent to investment in the common charitable trust
fund is intentionally withheld in writing by a
cofiduciary, or
c. a cofiduciary that is not a charitable organization has
the right to direct the management of the common
charitable trust fund; and
3. Employ and delegate to investment advisors, investment
counselors, state banks in Oklahoma having trust powers, national
banking associations having trust powers, and trust companies having
trust powers the discretion to make specific investment decisions
provided that the charitable organization shall at all times maintain
ultimate control of the management of the common charitable trust
C. Common charitable trust fund investments.
1. A charitable organization administering a common charitable
trust fund shall not commingle its administrative and operating funds
with its common charitable trust funds but may place its endowment
and funds its governing board has designated as endowment in its
common charitable trust funds.
2. Each charitable trust and each other charitable asset shall
be deemed to own a proportionate share of each asset of the common
charitable trust fund.
3. In determining whether the investment in the common
charitable trust fund by the charitable trust is a proper investment
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for assets held by a fiduciary, the charitable organization acting as
fiduciary may consider the common charitable trust fund as a whole
and shall not be prohibited from making the investment if any one or
more of the assets of the common charitable trust fund are nonincome
producing or might not otherwise be considered proper investments for
a fiduciary account.
4. The charitable organization administering a common charitable
trust fund may limit investments in its common charitable trust funds
to investments which are compatible with or further the charitable,
religious, educational, or other eleemosynary purposes of the
charitable organization administering the common charitable trust
5. The charitable organization administering a common charitable
trust fund consisting solely of assets held in an endowment fund, as
that term is defined in the Uniform Prudent Management of
Institutional Funds Act, may invest such assets in loans upon
adequate collateral security to an affiliated charitable organization
provided that the charitable organization administering the common
charitable trust fund conforms to the standard for care set forth in
the documents creating the trusts or, in the absence of a standard of
care in the documents creating the trusts, to the standard of care
for fiduciaries as set forth in the Oklahoma Trust Code, the Uniform
Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, and the Oklahoma
Uniform Prudent Investor Act, and provided further that the loan
furthers the charitable, religious, educational and other
eleemosynary purposes of the affiliated charitable organization.
6. In selecting investments and when making investment decisions
pursuant to this subsection, the charitable organization shall be
bound by the provisions of the Oklahoma Charitable Fiduciary Act, the
Oklahoma Trust Act, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional
Funds Act, and the Oklahoma Uniform Prudent Investor Act, unless
otherwise provided by law.
7. Nothing in this subsection shall diminish the standard of
care of a fiduciary of charitable trust funds or institutional
endowment funds.
D. Reporting.
1. The charitable organization administering a common charitable
trust fund shall keep records which shall at all times show all
necessary and proper matters related to the administration of the
common charitable trust fund to include the proportionate interest in
the common charitable trust fund of each trust or investment account
of an affiliated charitable organization.
2. Within one hundred twenty (120) days following the end of the
common charitable trust fund's fiscal year, the charitable
organization administering a common charitable trust fund shall make
a report of the condition of the common charitable trust fund. This
report shall include, as of the date of the report, a list of the
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investments comprising the common charitable trust fund and the value
placed on each investment on such list by the charitable
organization. The report shall also include a statement of income
and disbursements since the last report and appropriate comments as
to any investment in default as to payment of principal or interest.
The reasonable expenses of preparing the report may be charged to the
common charitable trust fund.
3. The charitable organization shall send a copy of the latest
report required by this subsection annually to each person to whom a
regular periodic accounting of the trusts or other charitable assets
participating in the common charitable trust fund ordinarily would be
rendered, or shall advise each such person annually that the report
is available and that a copy will be furnished without charge upon
E. Recovery of costs. The charitable organization administering
a common charitable trust fund may recover its costs of
administration of the common charitable trust fund to include a
reasonable charge for administrative overhead and the fees and costs
of investment advisors, counselors and agents.
F. Accounting to court. Unless ordered by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the charitable organization administering common
charitable trust funds is not required to render an accounting to the
court with regard to such funds. The charitable organization
administering a common charitable trust fund may, by application to
the district court, secure approval of such an accounting after such
notice, and on such conditions as the court may establish.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 8, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997. Amended
by Laws 2007, c. 91, § 13, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§60-301.8. Private inurement prohibited.
No private inurement.
1. Employees, officers, and members of the governing board of
the charitable organization administering a charitable trust or the
common charitable trust fund shall not receive commissions, bonuses,
or other remuneration based on the solicitation of charitable trusts
or investment of assets in the common charitable trust fund.
2. Employees, officers, and members of the governing board of
the charitable organization administering a charitable trust or the
common charitable trust fund shall not receive loans, gifts, or other
pecuniary benefits from a charitable trust or the common charitable
trust fund except that employees and officers of the charitable
organization may receive reasonable compensation for their employment
as a part of the administrative overhead of the charitable
organization administering a charitable trust or the common
charitable trust fund.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 9, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
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§60-301.9. Annual audit.
Each year a charitable organization administering charitable
trusts shall have prepared a comprehensive annual audit conforming to
generally accepted accounting principles which is certified by an
independent certified public accounting firm. A copy of this annual
audit shall be delivered to the Oklahoma Banking Department within
ninety (90) days of receipt of the final audit report by the
charitable organization. The Oklahoma Banking Department shall serve
only as a depository of the annual audits received by it but the
audit reports shall be made available for inspection by the public.
Nothing in this provision shall be construed either to authorize the
Oklahoma Banking Department to exercise regulatory authority over
charitable organizations exercising the powers and rights granted by
this act or to create any duty on the Oklahoma Banking Department to
enforce any provision of this act, including the obligation of a
charitable organization to submit an annual audit.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 10, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.10. Inapplicability of Oklahoma Open Records Act and
Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.
Nothing herein shall be construed to subject a charitable
organization to the Oklahoma Open Records Act or the Oklahoma Open
Meeting Act, provided however that the annual audit reports which are
in the possession of the Oklahoma Banking Department because of
having been delivered by charitable organizations pursuant to Section
10 of this act shall be deemed a "record" as defined in the Oklahoma
Open Records Act.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 11, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.11. Applicability of act.
Subject to Section 14 of this act, the provisions of this act
shall apply to charitable trusts and fiduciary relationships of
charitable organizations in existence at the time this act takes
effect or thereafter established and to resolve the uncertainties
surrounding the administration of charitable trusts by charitable
organizations and the exercise of the fiduciary powers set forth in
this act. Nothing in this act shall govern, control, or restrict the
activities of a charitable organization when acting in a nonfiduciary
capacity on behalf of any third party.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 12, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.12. Applicability of other laws.
The provisions of Section 161 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma
Statutes and of the Oklahoma Trust Act, Sections 175.1 to 175.56,
inclusive, of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes which are in conflict
with this act are not applicable to charitable trusts. Provided
however, with the exception of such provisions that are in conflict,
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charitable organizations shall be subject to all other provisions of
law, now existing and hereafter adopted or adjudicated, which affect
fiduciary responsibilities.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 13, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-301.13. Charitable organizations administering trusts that are
not charitable trusts.
Charitable organizations administering trusts that are not
charitable trusts as defined in this act as of ninety (90) days after
the effective date of this act or September 1, 1997, whichever date
is the first to occur, shall be permitted to continue administering
those trusts until these trusts terminate.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 99, § 14, emerg. eff. April 15, 1997.
§60-311. Law governing personalty.
If there is no law to the contrary in the place where personal
property is situated, it is deemed to follow the person of its owner,
and is governed by the law of his domicile.
R.L.1910, § 6738.
§60-312. Thing in action.
A thing in action is a right to recover money or other personal
property, by judicial proceedings.
R.L.1910, § 6739.
§60-313. Thing in action may be transferred.
A thing in action, arising out of the violation of a right of
property, or out of an obligation, may be transferred by the owner.
Upon the death of the owner, it passes to his personal
representatives, except where, in the case provided by law, it passes
to his devisees or successors in office.
R.L.1910, § 6740.
§60-314. Trademarks.
One who produces or deals in a particular thing or conducts a
particular business, may appropriate to his exclusive use, as a
trademark, any form, symbol or name which has not been so
appropriated by another, to designate the origin or ownership
thereof; but he cannot exclusively appropriate any designation, or
part of a designation, which relates only to the name, quality, or
the description of the thing or business, or the place where the
thing is produced, or the business is carried on.
R.L.1910, § 6741.
§60-315. Goodwill.
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The goodwill of a business is the expectation of continued public
patronage, but it does not include a right to use the name of any
person from whom it was acquired.
R.L.1910, § 6742.
§60-316. Good-will as property.
The good-will of a business is property, transferable like any
R.L.1910, § 6743.
§60-317. Title deeds.
Instruments essential to the title of real property, and which
are not kept in a public office as a record pursuant to law, belong
to the person in whom, for the time being, such title may be vested,
and pass with the title.
R.L.1910, § 6744.
§60-319. Oil and gas well equipment - Lease, loan or option to
purchase - Filing instrument in county clerk's office.
Any instrument in writing leasing or lending or giving option to
purchase any personal property, used in the digging, drilling,
completing or equipping of an oil and gas well shall be void as
against innocent purchasers or creditors of the lessee or bailee,
unless the original instrument, or a true copy thereof, shall have
been filed prior to the time the rights of any innocent purchaser or
the creditors of the lessee or bailee accrue or come into being, in
the office of the county clerk of the county in which the lessee or
bailee keeps or uses such personal property.
Laws 1941, p. 265, § 1.
§60-320. Filing and indexing.
The said instrument shall be filed and indexed by the county
clerk in the same manner in which chattel mortgages are now filed and
Laws 1941 P. 266, Sec. 2.
§60-321. Verbal lease or loan void as against innocent purchasers or
Any verbal leasing or lending of personal property used in the
digging, drilling, completing or equipping an oil and gas well shall
be void as against innocent purchasers or creditors of the lessee or
Laws 1941, p. 266, § 3.
§60-326. Perpetuities and restraints on alienation.
No retirement, pension or profit sharing plan, qualified for tax
exemption purposes under present or future Acts of Congress, or any
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trusts, insurance and annuity contracts constituting a part thereof,
shall be construed as violating the rule or law against perpetuities,
or any rule or law against restraints on alienation; provided the
power of alienation or the vesting of the interest of any person in
such plan, trust or contract shall not be suspended for a longer
period than the duration of the lives of the designated beneficiaries
of such particular interest, in being at the time of designation,
plus twenty-one (21) years.
Laws 1953, p. 344, § 1.
§60-327. Provisions against alienation or encumbrance.
Any such plan, trust or contract may provide against the
alienation or encumbrance of the interest of any person therein and
further provide that no interest therein shall be subject to
garnishment, attachment, execution or the claims of creditors of the
persons having an interest therein.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 344, § 2, emerg. eff. June 6, 1953.
§60-328. Power to alienate or encumber - Exemption from process and
Any person having an interest in any such plan, trust or
contract, or in any property or any right subject to any such plan,
trust or contract, containing the provisions set forth in the next
preceding section of this act, or provisions of substantially the
same force and effect, shall have no right to alienate or encumber
such right or interest in any manner contrary thereto, and the
interest of any such person in any such plan, trust or contract, or
in any property or any right subject to any such plan, trust or
contract, shall be exempt from garnishment, attachment, execution or
the claims of creditors.
Laws 1953 P. 344, Sec. 3.
§60-331. Property acquired, how.
Property is acquired by:
1. Occupancy.
2. Accession.
3. Transfer.
4. Will; or,
5. Succession.
R.L.1910, § 6746.
§60-332. Title by occupancy.
Occupancy for any period confers a title sufficient against all
except the state, and those who have title by prescription,
accession, transfer, will or succession.
R.L.1910, § 6747.
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§60-333. Prescription, title by.
Occupancy for the period prescribed by civil procedure, or any
law of this state as sufficient to bar an action for the recovery of
the property, confers a title thereto, denominated a title by
prescription, which is sufficient against all.
R.L.1910, § 6748.
§60-334. Fixture may not be moved - Exceptions.
When a person affixes his property to the land of another without
an agreement permitting him to remove it, the thing affixed belongs
to the owner of the land, unless he chooses to require or permit the
former to remove it: Provided, that a tenant may remove from the
demised premises at any time during the continuance of his term any
thing affixed thereto for purpose of trade, manufacture, ornament or
domestic use, if the removal can be effected without injury to the
premises, unless the thing has, by the manner in which it is affixed,
become an integral part of the premises.
R.L.1910, § 6749.
§60-335. Riparian accretions.
Where from natural causes land forms by imperceptible degrees
upon the bank of a river or stream, navigable or not navigable,
either by accumulation of material or by the recession of the stream,
such land belongs to the owner of the bank, subject to any existing
right of way over the bank.
R.L.1910, § 6750.
§60-336. Removals in mass may be reclaimed.
If a river or stream carries away, by sudden violence, a
considerable and distinguishable part of a bank, and bears it to the
opposite bank, or to another part of the same bank, the owner of the
part carried away may reclaim it within a year after the owner of the
land to which it has been united takes possession thereof.
R.L.1910, § 6751.
§60-337. Islands in navigable streams.
Islands and accumulations of land formed in the beds of streams
which are navigable, belong to the State, if there is no title or
prescription to the contrary.
R.L.1910, § 6752.
§60-338. Islands in other streams.
An island or accumulation of land, formed in a stream which is
not navigable, belongs to the owner of the shore on that side where
the island or accumulation is formed, or if not formed on one side
only, to the owners of the shore on the two sides, divided by an
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imaginary line drawn through the middle of the river. R.L. 1910 Sec.
R.L.1910, § 6753.
§60-339. Island formed by a new channel.
If a stream, in forming itself a new arm, divides itself and
surrounds land belonging to the owner of the shore, and thereby forms
an island, the island belongs to such owner.
R.L.1910, § 6754.
§60-340. Ownership of ancient bed.
If a stream forms a new course, abandoning its ancient bed, the
owners of the land newly occupied take, by way of indemnity, the
ancient bed abandoned, each in proportion to the land of which he has
been deprived.
R.L.1910, § 6755.
§60-341. Things inseparably united.
When things belonging to different owners have been united so as
to form a single thing, and cannot be separated without injury, the
whole belongs to the owner of the thing which forms the principal
part, who must, however, reimburse the value of the residue to the
other owner, or surrender the whole to him.
R.L.1910, § 6756.
§60-342. Principal part defined.
That part is to be deemed the principal to which the other has
been united only for the use, ornament or completion of the former,
unless the latter is the more valuable and has been united without
the knowledge of its owner, who may in the latter case require it to
be separated and returned to him, although some injury should result
to the thing to which it has been united.
R.L.1910, § 6757.
§60-343. Principal part, how determined.
If neither part can be considered the principal, within the rules
prescribed by the last section, the more valuable, or if the values
are nearly equal, the more considerable in bulk, is to be deemed the
principal part.
R.L.1910, § 6758.
§60-344. Work and material combined.
If one makes a thing from materials belonging to another, the
latter may claim the thing on reimbursing the value of the
workmanship, unless the value of the workmanship exceeds the value of
the materials, in which case the thing belongs to the maker, on
reimbursing the value of the materials.
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R.L.1910, § 6759.
§60-345. Blended materials.
Where one has made use of materials which in part belong to him
and in part to another, in order to form a thing of a new
description, without having destroyed any of the materials, but in
such a way that they cannot be separated without inconvenience, the
thing formed is common to both proprietors in proportion, as respects
the one, of the materials belonging to him, and as respects the
other, of the materials belonging to him and the price of his
R.L.1910, § 6760.
§60-346. Admixtures of materials of different owners.
When a thing has been formed by the admixture of several
materials of different owners, and neither can be considered the
principal substance, an owner, without whose consent the admixture
was made, may require a separation, if the materials can be separated
without inconvenience. If they cannot be thus separated, the owners
acquire the thing in common, in proportion to the quantity, quality
and value of their materials; but if the materials of one were far
superior to those of the others, both in quantity and value, he may
claim the thing on reimbursing to the others the value of their
R.L.1910, § 6761.
§60-347. Use without owner's consent.
The foregoing sections of this article are not applicable to
cases in which one willfully uses the materials of another without
his consent; but, in such cases, the product belongs to the owner of
the material, if its identity can be traced.
R.L.1910, § 6762.
§60-348. Right of owner.
In all cases where one, whose material has been used without his
knowledge, in order to form a product of a different description, can
claim an interest in such product, he has an option to demand either
restitution of his material in kind, in the same quantity, weight,
measure and quality or the value thereof; or where he is entitled to
the product, the value thereof in place of the product.
R.L.1910, § 6763.
§60-349. Damages.
One who wrongfully employs materials belonging to another is
liable to him in damages, as well as under the foregoing provisions
of this article.
R.L.1910, § 6764.
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§60-350. Definitions - Legislative findings - Recorded transfer
A. As used in this section:
1. “Association” means a nonprofit mandatory membership
organization comprised of owners of homes, condominiums,
cooperatives, manufactured homes, or any interest in real property,
created pursuant to a declaration, covenant, or other applicable law;
2. “Transfer” means the sale, gift, grant, conveyance,
assignment, inheritance, or other transfer of an interest in real
property located in this state;
3. “Transfer fee” means a fee or charge imposed by a transfer
fee covenant, but shall not include any tax, assessment, fee or
charge imposed by a governmental authority pursuant to applicable
laws, ordinances, or regulations; and
4. “Transfer fee covenant” means a provision in a document,
whether recorded or not and however denominated, which purports to
run with the land or bind current owners, purchasers or successors in
title to specified real property located in this state, and which
obligates a transferee or transferor of all or part of the property
or any interest thereon to pay a fee or charge to a third person or
entity upon transfer of an interest in all or part of the property,
or in consideration for permitting any such transfer. The term
“transfer fee covenant” shall not include:
a. any provision of a purchase contract, option, mortgage,
security agreement, real property listing agreement, or
other agreement that obligates one party to the
agreement to pay the other party as full or partial
consideration for the agreement or for a waiver of
rights under the agreement if the amount to be paid is:
(1) a loan assumption fee or similar fee charged by a
lender that holds a mortgage on the property, and
(2) a fee or commission paid to a licensed real estate
broker for brokerage services rendered in
connection with the transfer of the property for
which the fee or commission is paid,
b. any provision in a deed, memorandum or other document
recorded for the purpose of providing record notice of
an agreement prescribed in subparagraph a of paragraph
4 of subsection A of this section,
c. any rent, reimbursement, charge, fee or other amount
payable by a lessee to a lessor under a lease,
including any fee payable to the lessor for consenting
to an assignment, sublease, encumbrance or transfer of
the lease,
d. any consideration payable to the holder of an option to
purchase an interest in the real property or to the
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holder of a right of first refusal or first offer to
purchase an interest in real property and paid for
waiving, releasing or not exercising the option or
right on transfer of the property to another person,
provided that the payment is on a one-time basis upon
the next transfer, and once paid shall not bind
successors in title to the property,
e. any fee, charge, assessment, dues, contribution or
other amount relating to the purchase or transfer of a
club membership related to the real property owner by
the transferor,
f. any provision of a document requiring payment of a fee
or charge to an association comprised of owners of
properties described therein to be used exclusively for
purposes authorized in the document, as long as no
portion of the fee is required to be passed through to
a third party or entity designated or identifiable by
description in the document or another document
referenced therein, and
g. any fee that is charged as a typical real estate
closing cost, including but not limited to escrow fees,
settlement fees, abstracting fees, legal fees or title
insurance premiums.
B. The Legislature makes the following findings:
1. The public policy of this state favors the transferability of
interest in real property free from unreasonable restraints on
alienation and covenants or servitudes that do not touch and concern
the property; and
2. A transfer fee covenant violates this public policy by
impairing the marketability of title to the affected real property
and constitutes an unreasonable restraint on alienation, regardless
of the duration of the covenant or the amount of the transfer fee set
forth in the covenant.
C. A transfer fee recorded, filed or entered into in this state
on or after the effective date of this section does not run with the
title to real property and is not binding on or enforceable at law or
in equity against any owner, subsequent owner, purchaser or mortgagee
of any interest in real property as an equitable servitude, personal
obligation or otherwise. Any private transfer fee obligation that is
recorded, filed or entered into in this state on or after the
effective date of this section is void and unenforceable.
D. Nothing in this section shall imply that a transfer fee
covenant recorded prior to the effective date of this section is
valid or enforceable.
Added by Laws 2011, c. 282, § 1.
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§60-361. Absentees, who are - Authority to appoint conservator -
Notice of hearing - Production of official statement.
A person hereinafter referred to as an "absentee" is one missing
from his usual place of residence and his address is unknown by his
family or those who, in the ordinary course of events, would be
expected to know his whereabouts and has been continuously absent and
unheard of for a period of six (6) months or longer, and is presumed
missing and incapable or unable to manage his affairs or property or
by permission, assignment or direction of any department or official
of the United States in connection with any activity pertaining to or
connected with the prosecution of any war in which the United States
is then engaged, who has been reported or listed for a period not
less than three (3) months by the Department of Defense or other
department of the United States as missing, or missing in action, or
interned in a neutral country, or beleaguered, besieged, or captured
by an enemy. The judge of the district court of the county of such
absentee's last-known legal domicile upon petition alleging the
foregoing facts and showing the necessity for providing care of the
property of such absentee made, verified and filed by any person who
would be entitled to administer upon the absentee's estate if he were
dead, after causing notice to be given as hereinafter provided, may,
upon good cause being shown, after finding the facts to be as
aforesaid, appoint a conservator to take charge of the absentee's
estate under the supervision and subject to the further orders of the
court, provided, however, that before any such conservator may be
appointed notice of the hearing upon the petition shall be given as
is provided by law for hearings upon petition for appointment of
administrators, and in addition thereto, notice thereof shall be
given to said absentee by publication for two (2) consecutive weeks
in a legal newspaper in the county where said proceedings are
pending, the last publication of said notice to be at least fifteen
(15) days before the hearing on said petition. Provided, further,
when the status of absentee is given by the Department of Defense or
other department of the United States a conservator may be appointed
only if there is produced at the hearing an official statement signed
by a proper official of the United States Government that there has
been no change in the status of the absentee from the date of the
first report, which statement shall be dated not more than fifteen
(15) days before said hearing or any date to which the same may be
continued by order of the court.
Laws 1945, p. 189, § 1; Laws 1945, p. 214, § 1; Laws 1971, c. 233, §
1, eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
§60-362. Discretion of court - Bond of appointee.
The court shall have full discretionary authority to appoint any
suitable person as such conservator and may require such conservator
to execute a surety bond to the State of Oklahoma, to be approved by
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the judge of said court, and in such sum as he shall order,
conditioned that the conservator will faithfully execute the duties
of his trust according to law.
Laws 1945, p. 189, § 2.
§60-363. Powers and authority of conservator.
The conservator shall have the same powers and authority as the
guardian of the property of an infant or incompetent person as now
provided by the laws of this state, except that said conservator
shall have no power to sell or petition to sell any portion of the
absentee's real property until after the lapse of six (6) months from
the time of the original appointment of a conservator for such
estate, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the conservator
from letting or leasing the absentee's real estate in the same manner
that a guardian could lease land of his ward.
Laws 1945, p. 189, § 3; Laws 1945, p. 214, § 2.
§60-364. Oath of office.
Before entering upon the duties of his office the conservator
shall take and subscribe an oath, before some officer authorized to
administer oaths, that he will perform, according to law, the duties
of conservator which oath shall be attached to and filed with the
order appointing him.
Laws 1945, p. 189, § 4.
§60-365. Reports and accounts - Fees for services.
The conservator shall make and file reports and accounts as often
as may be required by the judge of said court and said court may
allow fees for services rendered by such conservator in the manner
and on the basis as provided by the laws of this state for the
allowance of fees to guardians of minors and incompetents.
Laws 1945, p. 190, § 5.
§60-366. Removal of conservator.
When a conservator appointed by the court becomes insane or
otherwise incapable of discharging his trust, or unsuitable therefor,
or has wasted or mismanaged the estate, or failed for thirty (30)
days to render an account or report, the court may upon such notice
to the conservator as the court may require, remove him and compel
him to surrender the estate to the person found to be lawfully
entitled thereto.
Laws 1945, p. 190, § 6.
§60-367. Termination of conservatorship.
At any time upon petition signed by the absentee, or on petition
of an attorney-in-fact acting under an adequate power of attorney
granted by the absentee, the court shall direct the termination of
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the conservatorship and the transfer of all property held thereunder
to the absentee or to the designated attorney-in-fact. Likewise, if
at any time subsequent to the appointment of a conservator it shall
appear that the absentee has died and an executor or administrator
has been appointed for his estate, the court shall direct the
termination of the conservatorship and the transfer of all property
of the deceased absentee held thereunder to such executor or
Laws 1945, p. 190, § 7.
§60-381. Capacity to take property by gift.
The legal capacity of the State of Oklahoma, and of each county,
city, town and school district in the state, to take title or any
interest therein including, but not limited to, right-of-way or
right-of-way easements in the case of a county, legal, equitable, or
both, to any property, real, personal or mixed, by gift, testamentary
or otherwise, as well as by purchase, is hereby specifically approved
and affirmed.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 288, § 1, emerg. eff. March 30, 1953. Amended
by Laws 2001, c. 231, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2001.
§60-382. Tax exemption.
No gift, testamentary or otherwise, of any property, real or
personal or both, or any interest therein including, but not limited
to, right-of-way or right-of-way easements in the case of a county,
to the State of Oklahoma, or to any county, city, town, or school
district in the state, or to any combination thereof, if accepted
upon behalf of the state, county, city, town, or school district, by
the officer, proper governing board or commission thereof, nor the
transfer of title thereto in accordance with such gift, or the will
or other instrument by which such gift is made, nor the privilege of
making or receiving such a gift, nor any income or profits derived by
such state, county, city, town or school district from any such
property or its use or disposition thereof, shall be subject to any
form of tax.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 289, § 2, emerg. eff. March 30, 1953. Amended
by Laws 2001, c. 231, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2001.
§60-383. Authority to accept gift to state - Delivery of property
and muniments of title.
A. Except to the extent that such authority is otherwise
specifically vested in some other state officer, board, commission,
or agency and except as provided in subsections B and C of this
section, the Governor of the State of Oklahoma is hereby authorized
to accept, upon behalf of this state, any gift, testamentary or
otherwise, of any property presented to this state or to any state
institution, department, or agency.
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B. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of
the House of Representatives are hereby authorized to accept, upon
behalf of this state, any gift, testamentary or otherwise, of any
property presented to the Legislature or either house thereof.
C. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is hereby authorized
to accept, upon behalf of this state, any gift, testamentary or
otherwise, of any property presented to the judiciary of this state.
D. Except as otherwise provided in Sections 391 through 396 of
this title, and except for gifts of cash or the equivalent of cash,
delivery of such property, possession thereof, and any muniments of
title thereto shall be made to and receipted for by the Director of
the Office of Management and Enterprise Services. Gifts of cash or
the equivalent of cash shall be made to and receipted for by the
Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 289, § 3, emerg. eff. March 30, 1953. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 35, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1984, c. 166, §
1, operative July 1, 1984; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 296; Laws 2013, c.
307, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-384. Allotment of property to state institution, department or
Any property involved in a gift, testamentary or otherwise, given
to the State of Oklahoma or some state officer, board, commission, or
agency for the use or benefit of a specified state institution,
department, or agency, whether one or more, when accepted by the
Governor, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Speaker of the House
of Representatives or Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and
delivered to the Office of Management and Enterprise Services as
provided for in Section 383 of this title, shall be allotted by the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services to such state
institution, department, or agency, in accordance, as nearly as
possible, with the terms of the gift.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 289, § 4, emerg. eff. March 30, 1953. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 36, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1984, c. 166, §
2, operative July 1, 1984; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 297; Laws 2013, c.
307, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-385. Allotment of property - Gift for particular purpose.
Any property involved in any gift, testamentary or otherwise,
given to the State of Oklahoma for a particular purpose or purposes,
as distinguished from public purposes generally, when accepted by the
Governor and delivered to the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services, as provided for in Section 383 of this title, shall be
allotted by said Office of Management and Enterprise Services to the
state institution, department, or agency, or the state institutions,
departments, or agencies, if any, which, under the applicable
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statutes, are charged with the performance of the specific purpose or
purposes to which such gift is limited or dedicated.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 289, § 5, emerg. eff. March 30, 1953. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 37, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
§60-386. Allotment of property given without designation of
particular purpose - New allotment.
Except as may be otherwise provided in Sections 391 through 396
of this title, any real property involved in any gift, testamentary
or otherwise, given to this state for public purposes generally or
without designation of any particular purpose to which the same is to
be devoted, when accepted by the Governor and delivered to the Office
of Management and Enterprise Services, as provided for in Section 383
of this title, and which may be occupied and used advantageously, as
determined by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services, by a
particular state institution, department, or agency in performing its
assigned duties or functions, and any tangible personal property
involved in any gift, testamentary or otherwise, given to this state
for public purposes generally or without designation of any
particular purpose to which the same is to be devoted, when accepted
by the Governor and delivered to the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services, as provided for in Section 383 of this title,
which is determined to be, by the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services, especially suited to the special needs of a particular
state institution, department, or agency, or may be used
advantageously by a particular state institution, department, or
agency in performing its assigned duties or functions, shall be
allotted by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to such
state institution, department, or agency. Any such real property
which is not occupied and used, or the occupancy and use of which is
terminated by the state institution, department, or agency to which
it has been so allotted and which may be occupied and used
advantageously, as determined by the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services, by some other particular state institution,
department, or agency in performing its assigned duties or functions,
and any such tangible personal property which is not used, or the use
of which is terminated, by the state institution, department, or
agency to which it has been so allotted and which is determined to
be, by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services, especially
suited to the special needs of a particular state institution,
department, or agency, or may be used advantageously by some other
particular state institution, department, or agency in performing its
assigned duties or functions, shall be allotted by the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services to such other state institution,
department, or agency.
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Added by Laws 1953, p. 289, § 6, emerg. eff. March 30, 1963. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 38, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
§60-387. Sale of real property not suitable for particular
institutions - Personal property - Lease until sale.
Except as may be otherwise provided in Sections 391 through 396
of this title, any real property involved in any gift, testamentary
or otherwise, given to this state for public purposes generally or
without designation of any particular purpose to which the same shall
be devoted, when accepted by the Governor and delivered to the Office
of Management and Enterprise Services, as provided for in Section 383
of this title, which may not be occupied and used advantageously, as
determined by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services, by
any particular state institution, department, or agency as
contemplated by Section 386 of this title, and any tangible personal
property involved in any gift, testamentary or otherwise, given to
this state for public purposes generally or without designation of
any particular purpose to which the same shall be devoted, when
accepted by the Governor and delivered to the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services, as provided for in Section 383 of this
title, which is determined to be, by the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services, not especially suited to the special needs of
any particular state institution, department, or agency, or may not
be used advantageously by any particular state institution,
department, or agency in performing its assigned duties or functions,
as contemplated by Section 386 of this title, shall be sold by the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services as required by law. If,
in the judgment of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services,
any such real property which is or becomes subject to sale may not be
sold immediately to advantage, it may be leased or otherwise rented,
until such time as, in the opinion of said Office, it may be sold to
Added by Laws 1953, p. 290, § 7, emerg. eff. March 30, 1953. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 39, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1997, c. 292, §
4, eff. July 1, 1997; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 300.
§60-388. Sale of stocks, bonds, choses in action and intangible
personal property.
Except as may be otherwise provided in Sections 391 through 396
of this title, any stocks, bonds, choses in action, or other
intangible personal property, except cash or the equivalent thereof,
involved in a gift, testamentary or otherwise, given to this state
for public purposes generally and without designation of any
particular purpose to which the same shall be devoted, when accepted
by the Governor and delivered to the Office of Public Affairs, as
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provided for in Section 383 of this title, shall be converted, by the
Office of Public Affairs, into cash as soon as may be practicable.
Amended by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 40, eff. July 1, 1983.
§60-389. Money included in gift - Income and proceeds of sales -
Deposit to credit of General Revenue Fund.
Except as may be otherwise provided in Sections 391 through 396
of this title, any cash or the equivalent thereof involved in any
gift, testamentary or otherwise, given to this state for public
purposes generally or without designation to any particular purpose
to which the same shall be devoted, when accepted by the Governor and
delivered to the Office of Management and Enterprise Services, as
provided for in Section 383 of this title, together with all income,
interest, rentals, or otherwise, from any property delivered to the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services pursuant to the
provisions of Section 383 and Sections 386 through 388 of this title,
and all cash derived from sales, or other conversions into cash, of
such other property as provided for in Sections 386 through 388 of
this title, shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of
the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year in which it is received.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 290, § 9, emerg. eff. March 30, 1953. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 41, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1984, c. 166, §
3, operative July 1, 1984; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 301.
§60-390. Acceptance by counties, cities, towns and school districts
- Delivery - Receipts.
The board of county commissioners of each county of the state, as
to such county, and the governing board of each city, town and school
district of the state, as to each such governmental subdivision, is
hereby authorized in its discretion to accept, upon behalf of such
county, city, town or school district, any gift, testamentary or
otherwise, whether unconditional or conditional, of any property,
whether real or personal or both, to such county, city, town, or
school district, or any institution, department or agency thereof;
and, in such instances, the property, or, in the case of real
property or intangible personal property, the muniments of title
thereto, shall be delivered to, and any necessary receipts therefor
shall be executed by, such board.
Laws 1953, p. 291, § 10.
§60-391. Gift to state, county and city or town - Tenancy in common.
Any gift, testamentary or otherwise, of any property whatsoever
to the State of Oklahoma and a county within such state and a city or
town within such county (all of which, including the state, are
hereinafter referred to as "governmental units"), shall be construed
as a gift of such property to the named governmental units as tenants
in common; and, unless other proportions are distinctly specified in
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the instrument by which such gift is made, shall be construed as
conveying an undivided one-third (1/3) interest to each of such
governmental units.
Laws 1953, p. 291, § 11.
§60-392. Gift to state, county and city or town deemed to be
intended for public improvements.
Any unconditional gift, testamentary or otherwise, of any
property whatsoever to the State of Oklahoma and a county therein and
a city or town within such county, without designation of any
particular purpose or purposes to which such property is to be
devoted, shall be construed as being intended for public improvements
within such town or city and county, including but not limited to the
construction of public improvements, the purchase of lands upon which
to construct public improvements (or, in the case of public highways,
the purchase of necessary rights-of-way therefor), and repairs and
additions to existing public improvements, within such town or city
and county. The use of such property for such public improvement
purposes, as hereinafter provided for, is hereby declared to be a
coordinate and joint public purpose of such governmental units.
Laws 1953, p. 291, § 12.
§60-393. Delivery directly to trustees.
Any property involved in any unconditional gift, testamentary or
otherwise, to the State of Oklahoma and a county therein and a city
or town within such county, without designation of any particular
purpose or purposes to which such property is to be devoted, when
accepted upon behalf of the State of Oklahoma by the Governor, as
provided for in Section 3 hereof, and, upon behalf of the county by
the board of county commissioners of such county, as provided for in
Section 10 hereof, and, upon behalf of such city or town by the
governing board thereof, as provided for in Section 10 hereof; or, in
the case of real property or intangible personal property, the
muniments of title thereto, shall be delivered directly to the
trustees hereinafter provided for.
Laws 1953, p. 291, § 13.
§60-394. Trustees, who are - Bond - Designation of trust estate -
Trust fund - Approval of sales - Reports.
When any unconditional gift, testamentary or otherwise, of any
property to the State of Oklahoma and a county therein and a city or
town within such county shall have been accepted, upon behalf of all
such governmental units, as provided for in Sections 3, 10 and 13
hereof, the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma, and the county
treasurer of such county, and the presiding officer of the governing
board of such city or town, at the time of the first distribution
under such gift, if testamentary, or at the time of such acceptance
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of such gift, if other than a testamentary gift, shall be cotrustees
and the official representatives and agents of their respective
governmental units for all property or monies involved in, and
derived from, such gift, for the use and benefit of such governmental
units, for the purposes specified in Section 12 hereof; and as such,
shall be authorized to execute and deliver any receipts required in
connection therewith.
They shall continue as such trustees until the trust estate,
resulting hereunder, shall have been fully administered, irrespective
of their continuance in such public offices; provided, that in event
of the death, resignation, disqualification or incapacity of any
trustee before such trust estate shall have been fully administered,
the person then holding the public office corresponding to that held
by such deceased or resigned trustee at the time he became trustee
hereunder, or, in event such death, disqualification, resignation or
incapacity occurs while such trustee still holds such public office,
the person elected or appointed to fill the vacancy in such public
office, or the temporary or other successor thereto shall become and
be his successor as such trustee.
Each such trustee shall furnish a bond in a sum equal to the
value of such trust estate at the time he becomes such trustee, but
not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), with some surety
company authorized to do business within the State of Oklahoma, as
surety thereon, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his
duties as such trustee and truly accounting for all monies and
property coming into the custody and control of such cotrustees. Such
bond shall run in the name of the State of Oklahoma and such county
and city or town, and shall be filed in the office of the Secretary
of State of the State of Oklahoma, and the premiums thereon shall be
payable from such trust estate. The trust estate shall be designated
as "The (name of donor here) Public Improvements Trust Estate".
All cash, or the equivalent thereof, belonging to such trust
estate and received by the trustees shall, upon receipt, be deposited
in a special depository account in the State Treasury to be
designated as "The (name of donor here) Public Improvements Trust
Fund", and shall be subject to withdrawal or disbursement therefrom
upon, but only upon, check or voucher signed by all three of the
cotrustees, for the purposes provided for herein, and each such check
or voucher shall state thereon the specific purpose for which the
withdrawal or disbursement is made.
Before selling, exchanging, or making any other disposition of
any tangible property or intangible property (other than cash or the
equivalent thereof) belonging to such a trust estate, and before
investing any cash or the equivalent thereof belonging to such a
trust estate in securities or other property (as distinguished from
expending the same for public improvement purposes as authorized
herein), the cotrustees shall, by written application, obtain the
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '83
written approval of the district judge of the county involved as one
of the donees of the gift in question. Such cotrustees shall also
file with the district judge of such county verified annual reports,
containing a detailed statement of all assets and liabilities of the
trust estate, and a report of the acts and doings of the trustees
during the period covered by such reports. No notice shall be
required in connection with any such application or report, and no
fees shall be charged for the filing of any such application, report,
or order of approval, or in connection with the entry, recording, or
certification of any such order of approval.
Laws 1953, p. 291, § 14.
§60-395. Powers of cotrustees.
The cotrustees of a trust estate resulting hereunder are hereby
authorized and empowered to manage such trust estate and all money
and property belonging thereto; to rent or to lease any of the real
property for the purpose of exploring for and extracting any
minerals, including oil and gas, as well as for other purposes; and
to sell or otherwise convert any of the property into cash; in such
manner, for such price, and upon such terms and conditions as they
deem to be for the best interest of the trust estate; and, for such
purposes, to execute and deliver such written instruments as may be
Such cotrustees are also authorized and empowered to use any
money and property of the trust estate for the construction of public
improvements in the town or city, or in the county, designated in
such gift, for the purpose of sites and rights-of-way for public
improvements in such town or city, or in such county, and for repairs
and additions to existing public improvements within such city or
town, or within such county; and, where necessary to the use of funds
from other sources for the construction of public improvements upon
any real property in such county belonging to such trust estate, may,
in their discretion, convey the title to such real property to any
one of the governmental units having a beneficial interest in such
trust estate, for such public improvement purposes, without further
Such cotrustees shall be the exclusive judges of the public
improvements to be made or aided from such trust estate. They are
also authorized to enter into any contracts, including construction
contracts, which they deem to be proper in the performance of their
duties hereunder, and to employ and fix the compensation for such
help and assistance, professional or otherwise, as they deem
necessary to carry out the policies determined by them hereunder, and
to pay the same from the trust fund account provided for herein. Such
cotrustees may be sued, and, in their discretion, may sue, in any
matters relating to such trust estate or growing out of the
administration thereof, and may employ attorneys in connection with
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any such matters, but shall not personally be civilly liable for
damages or attorneys' fees except upon criminal or culpable
misconduct. Any official act or action by such cotrustees shall
require the joinder of all three trustees.
Laws 1953, p. 292, § 15.
§60-396. Duties additional to other duties - Compensation.
The duties hereby imposed upon any such trustees shall be in
addition to the duties otherwise imposed by law upon each of them as
a public officer, and, in all instances where the value of the
property involved in such a gift shall equal or exceed Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00), each of such trustees shall be
entitled to receive from such trust estate the sum of Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.00) per month while acting as such trustee, including
the time he remains as such public official.
Laws 1953, p. 293, § 16.
§60-501. Citation.
This act shall be known as the "Unit Ownership Estate Act."
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 1.
§60-502. Creation of unit ownership estate - Recording.
A unit ownership estate may be created by an owner or the co-
owners of a building by an express declaration of their intention to
submit such property to the provisions of the act, which declaration
shall be recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county in
which the property is situated.
Added by Laws 1963, c. 288, § 2. Amended by Laws 1973, c. 8, § 1,
emerg. eff. March 12, 1973.
§60-503. Definitions.
Unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different
meaning is intended, as used herein:
(a) "Declaration" means the instrument, duly recorded, by which
the property is submitted to the provisions of this act, as
hereinafter provided, and such declaration as may be amended from
time to time;
(b) "Unit" means an enclosed space consisting of one or more
rooms occupying all or part of a floor or floors in a building of one
or more floors or stories regardless of whether it be designed for
residence, for office, for the operation of any industry or business,
or for any other type of independent use, provided it has a direct
exit to a thoroughfare or to a given common space leading to a
thoroughfare; if so provided in the declaration, a unit may include
some portion of the land constituting a part of the condominium
property and improvements thereon not a part of the common elements.
A unit may include a series of buildings, not connected or part of
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same structure if such is the intent of the owners of the unit
estate. This act, and any deed, declaration or plan for a
condominium project shall be liberally construed to facilitate the
establishment and operation of the project and provisions of any of
the same shall be presumed to be independent and severable;
(c) "Unit designation" means the number, letter or combination
thereof designating the unit in the declaration;
(d) "Building" means one or more buildings or structures
comprising a part of the property;
(e) "Unit owner" means a person owning a unit within the
(f) "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership,
association, trust or other legal entity, or any combination thereof;
(g) "Unit ownership estate" means the ownership of single units
in a multi-unit building together with an undivided interest in the
common elements;
(h) "Common elements" means and includes the general common
elements and limited common elements. The term common elements does
not include unconstructed units unless otherwise specified in the
declaration or by the consent of the owners pursuant to the Unit
Ownership Estate Act;
(i) Unless otherwise provided in the declaration or by consent of
all the unit owners, "general common elements" means and includes:
(1) The land, whether leased or in fee simple, on which the
building stands and such other land and improvements thereon as may
be specifically included in the declaration, except any portion
thereof included in a unit;
(2) The foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports, main
walls, roofs, halls, corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways, fire
escapes, and entrances and exits of the building;
(3) The basements, yards, gardens, parking areas and storage
(4) The premises for the lodging of janitors or persons in
charge of the property as hereinafter defined;
(5) Installations of central services such as power, light, gas,
hot and cold water, heating refrigeration, air conditioning and
(6) The elevators, tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors,
ducts and in general, all apparatus and installations existing for
common use;
(7) Such community and commercial facilities as may be provided
for in the declaration; and
(8) All other elements of the property necessary or convenient
to its existence, maintenance and safety, or normally in common use;
(j) "Limited common elements" means and includes those common
elements which are agreed upon by all the unit owners to be reserved
for the use of a certain number of units to the exclusion of the
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other units, such as special corridors, stairways and elevators,
sanitary services common to the units of a particular floor, and the
(k) "Common expenses" means and includes:
(1) Expenses of administration, maintenance, repair or
replacement of the common elements;
(2) Expenses agreed upon as common by all the unit owners;
(3) Expenses declared common by provisions of the act, or by the
declaration or the bylaws;
(4) Expenses incident to limited common elements which shall be
borne as provided by the declaration or the bylaws;
(l) "Common profits" means the balance of all income, rents,
profits and revenues from the common elements and facilities
remaining after the deduction of the common expenses;
(m) "Council of unit owners" means all the unit owners;
(n) "Majority of unit owners," means the owners of more than
fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate interest in the general common
elements as established by the declaration. Any specified percentage
of unit owners means such percentage in the aggregate of such
undivided ownership;
(o) "Recordation" means to file of record in the office of the
county clerk in the county where the land is situated, in the manner
provided by law for recordation of instruments affecting real estate;
(p) "Property" means and includes the land, whether leasehold or
in fee simple, the building, all improvements and structures thereon,
and all easements, rights and appurtenances belonging thereto;
(q) "Declarant" means the owner or co-owners referred to in
Section 502 of this title who originally submitted the property to
the provisions of the Unit Ownership Estate Act by the filing of a
declaration as provided in Section 502 of this title, and their
successors who have been granted and have assumed the duties,
obligations and privileges and rights reserved to the original
declarant under the terms of the declaration;
(r) "Unconstructed unit" or "unconstructed building" means a
unit or building as the case may be, which is owned by the declarant
and shown on the plan attached to the declaration pursuant to Section
516 of this title, the construction of which has not been completed
by the declarant at the time of recordation of the declaration. For
purposes of this chapter a building is completed upon the completion
of any unit in the building and a unit is completed when its
construction is finished to the point that it is ready for occupancy.
Amended by Laws 1985, c. 137, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1985.
§60-504. Status and title created.
A unit ownership estate as created and defined in this act shall
vest in the holder, exclusive ownership and possession; shall
constitute an estate in real property which may be conveyed,
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encumbered, inherited, devised, or otherwise dealt with consistent
with the laws of this state; and shall, for all purposes, be deemed
in law to be an estate entirely independent of the other unit
ownership estates in the building of which it forms a part. The
individual title and interest of such estate shall be recorded in the
manner provided by law for recording instruments affecting title to
real property. Such estate may be held and owned by more than one
person, as defined herein, in any manner recognized under the laws of
this state.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 4.
§60-505. Undivided interest in common elements - Ratio.
A. Each unit owner shall be entitled to an undivided interest in
the common elements in the ratio expressed in the declaration. Such
ratio shall be in the approximate relation that the estimated fair
value upon completion of the unit determined at the date of the
declaration bears to the aggregate estimated fair value upon
completion of all the units having an interest in such common
B. The ratio of the undivided interest of each unit owner in the
common elements as expressed in the declaration shall have a
permanent character and shall not be altered except as specifically
provided in the declaration pursuant to paragraph (i) of Section 514
of this title, or with the unanimous consent of all unit owners
having an interest, expressed in an amended declaration duly
C. The undivided interest in the common elements and limited
common elements set aside to the unit, shall not be separated from
the unit to which same appertains and shall be deemed conveyed or
encumbered with the unit even though such interest is not expressly
mentioned or described in the conveyance or other instrument. The
common elements and limited common elements shall not be conveyed
separately from the unit.
Amended by Laws 1985, c. 137, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1985; Laws 1989, c.
273, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1989.
§60-506. Common elements to remain undivided - Partition actions
The common elements, both general and limited, shall remain
undivided and no unit owner shall bring any action for partition or
division of any part thereof, except as specifically permitted in
this Act. Any covenant to the contrary shall be null and void.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 6.
§60-507. Use of common elements.
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Each unit owner may use the common elements in accordance with
the purpose for which they are intended, without hindering or
encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other unit owners.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 7.
§60-508. Strict compliance with rules and bylaws by unit owners.
Each unit owner shall comply strictly with the bylaws and with
the administrative rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as
either of the same may be lawfully amended from time to time, and
with the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in the
declaration or in the deed to his unit. Failure to comply with any
of the same shall be grounds for an action to recover sums due, for
damages or injunctive relief or both, maintainable by the manager or
board of managers on behalf of the council of unit owners or, in a
proper case, by an aggrieved unit owner.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 8.
§60-509. Maintenance and repair of common elements - Additions or
The necessary work of maintenance and repair of the common
elements and the making of any additions or improvements thereto,
shall be carried out only as provided in the bylaws.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 9.
§60-510. Work jeopardizing soundness or safety of property
prohibited without unanimous consent.
No unit owner shall do any work which would jeopardize the
soundness or safety of the property or impair any easement or
hereditament without in every such case the unanimous consent of all
the other unit owners affected being first obtained.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 10.
§60-511. Liens against unit estates - Discharge.
(a) While the property remains subject to this act, no lien shall
arise or be effective against the property as a whole, but only
against each unit ownership estate and such lien shall attach in the
same manner and under the same conditions in every respect as liens
or encumbrances may arise or be created upon or against any other
separate parcel of real property subject to individual ownership;
provided, however, that no labor performed or materials furnished
with the consent or at the request of a unit owner or his agent, his
contractor, or subcontractor, shall constitute the basis for a
mechanic's or materialmen's lien against the unit ownership estate or
any other property of any other unit owner who has not expressly
consented to or requested the same, except that for the purposes of
this act such express consent shall be presumed to have been given by
the unit owner in case of emergency repairs thereto. Labor performed
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or materials furnished for the common elements, if duly authorized by
the council of unit owners or its duly authorized agent in accordance
with this act, the declaration or bylaws shall be deemed to be
performed or furnished with the express consent of each unit owner
and shall constitute the basis for a mechanic's or materialmen's lien
as now provided by law against each of the unit ownership estates in
the property but shall be subject to the provisions of subparagraph
(b) hereunder.
(b) When a lien against two or more unit owners is asserted, each
unit owner may discharge his unit ownership estate from such lien by
payment to the lienor of the fractional or proportional amount which
is attributable to his unit ownership estate. Such individual
obligation shall be computed by reference to the percentage of
interest set forth in the declaration. Upon such payment or
satisfaction of the lien claim, the unit ownership estate shall be
free and clear of the lien claim but such release of the unit owner
shall not prevent the lienor from proceeding to establish and enforce
his rights against any other unit owner who has not so discharged his
obligation to the lienor.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 11.
§60-512. Expense of administration and repair of common elements -
Pro rata share - Exemptions.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section the
unit owners are bound to contribute pro rata, in the percentages
computed according to Section 505 of this title, toward the expenses
of administration and of maintenance and repair of the general commom
elements and, in proper cases, of the limited common elements, of the
building and toward any other expense lawfully agreed upon.
(b) A declarant, by specific reservation, in the declaration as
permitted by paragraph (j) of Section 514 of this title may:
1. Exempt unconstructed units within unconstructed buildings
owned by declarant from payment of its pro rata share of the expenses
described in subsection (a) of this section; and
2. Reserve the right to contribute less than its pro rata share
of such expenses for unconstructed units within a completed building.
Such expenses shall not be less than twenty percent (20%) of such pro
rata share. The cost of administration and of maintenance, repair
and insurance of any such unconstructed building and any such
unconstructed unit shall be borne solely by the declarant until such
time as such unconstructed unit and/or building has been completed.
Upon such completion of a unit or building, the declarant's
obligation for payment of the expenses described in this section
shall be governed by subsection (a) of this section.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, no
unit owner may exempt himself from contributing toward such expense
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by waiver of the use or enjoyment of the common elements or by
abandonment of the unit belonging to him.
Amended by Laws 1985, c. 137, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1985.
§60-513. Common profits - Distribution.
The common profits of the property shall be distributed among the
unit owners in the percentages computed according to Section 5 of
this Act.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 13.
§60-514. Declaration creating estate - Contents.
The declaration creating and establishing unit ownership estates
as provided in Section ;-2 502 of this ;-act title, shall be recorded
and shall contain the following particulars:
(a) Description of the land,
(b) Description of the building, stating the number of stories
and basements, the number of units, and the principal materials of
which it is constructed,
(c) The unit designation of each unit, and a statement of its
location, approximate area, number of rooms, and immediate common
area to which it has access, and any other data necessary for its
proper identification,
(d) Description of the general common elements and the
proportionate interest of each unit owner therein,
(e) Description of the limited common elements, if any, stating
which units shall share the same and in what proportion,
(f) The name of a person to receive service of process in the
cases hereinafter provided together with the residence or place of
business of such person which shall be within the county in which the
property is located,
(g) The method which the declaration may be amended, consistent
with the provisions of this act,
(h) Any other details or restrictions in connection with the
property which the person executing the declaration may deem
desirable to set forth;-.,
(i) The declarant by a specific provision in the declaration may
reserve the right to annex additional property to the property which
was submitted to the Unit Ownership Estate Act under the original
declaration. If such right is reserved, the declaration shall also
(1) The legal description of the property capable of being
annexed, and the total number of units that may be added by one or
more such annexations;
(2) The time limit within which the annexation shall take
place from the recordation date of the original declaration;
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(3) A requirement that all improvements intended for the
property of each annexation shall be substantially complete prior to
each such annexation;
(4) The formula for determining the undivided interest of
each unit owner in the total common elements after each such
annexation, which formula may not be changed without the unanimous
consent of all the unit owners, and which formula shall be reasonably
expected to result in a ratio of the approximate relation of the
value of each unit after each annexation as it bears to the aggregate
fair value of all units after each such annexation;
(5) A description of the annexation document to be executed
and recorded by the declarant which shall not require the consent of
the unit owners. The annexation document shall state the undivided
interest of each unit owner in the common elements for each unit
which is a part of the total property after such annexation.
However, such undivided interest may be later changed in accordance
with the act by a later annexation;
(6) A requirement that the improvements on the property to
be annexed will be consistent with the improvements of the property
originally submitted to the declaration in terms of quality and
construction; and (j) The specific formula for determining the
amount of contribution to be made by the declarant for unconstructed
units and/or unconstructed buildings if such contribution is less
than the pro rata contribution of the expenses described in
subsection (a) of Section 512 of this title.
Amended by Laws 1985, c. 137, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1985.
§60-515. Deeds conveying estates - Recording - Contents.
A. Deeds conveying unit ownership estates shall be recorded and
shall contain the following particulars:
1. The unit designation, whether contained in the original
declaration, or in an amended, restated or supplementary declaration,
which shall be identified by date, book and page of recording; and
2. Any further details which grantor and grantee may deem
B. Deeds executed in compliance with this section shall be
sufficient to identify the interest conveyed or encumbered and shall
be entitled to be recorded in the office of the county clerk, in the
same manner as other documents relating to real property are
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 15.
§60-515.1. Instruments and liens - Effectiveness.
Any deed, mortgage or other instrument purporting to convey,
mortgage or encumber a unit ownership estate, or an interest in a
unit ownership estate, is effective only as to any unit in the unit
ownership estate in which the maker of such instrument owns an
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interest of record at the time such conveyance or encumbrance is
received for filing by the county clerk, provided, a purchase money
mortgage shall be deemed to create a valid lien upon such of the
units described in the mortgage as are also described in the
concurrent conveyances to the mortgagor. Such instrument shall not
impair or otherwise encumber title to any interest in the unit
ownership estate not owned of record by the maker thereof at the time
of such conveyance or encumbrance.
Added by Laws 1989, c. 273, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1989.
§60-516. Plans attached to declarations.
There shall be attached to the declaration, at the time it is
filed for record, a full and exact copy of the plans of the building,
which copy of plans shall be entered of record along with the
declaration. Said plans shall show graphically all particulars of the
building, including but not limited to, the dimensions, area and
location of each unit therein and the dimensions, area and location
of common elements affording access to each unit. Other common
elements, both limited and general, shall be shown graphically
insofar as possible and shall be described in detail in words and
figures. Said plans shall be certified to by an engineer or
architect, whichever is appropriate to the project, who is authorized
and licensed to practice his profession in this State.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 16.
§60-517. Removal of property from provisions of act.
The unit owners, by unanimous action, may remove a property from
the provisions of this act by an instrument to that effect, duly
recorded, provided that the holders of all liens affecting any of the
units consent thereto or agree, in either case by instruments duly
recorded, that their liens be transferred to an undivided interest in
the property.
Upon removal of the property from the provisions of this act, the
property shall be deemed to be owned in common by the unit owners.
The undivided interest in the property owned in common which shall
appertain to each unit owner shall be the percentage of undivided
interest previously owned by such owner in the common elements and
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 17.
§60-518. Resubmission of property to provisions of act.
The removal provided for in the preceding section shall in no way
bar the subsequent resubmission of the property to the provisions of
this act.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 18.
§60-519. Administration of property to be governed by bylaws.
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A. The administration of every property shall be governed by
bylaws, a true copy of which shall be annexed to the declaration and
to the first deed of each unit. The bylaws may be detached from the
deed prior to recording if the bylaws are filed of record and
described on said deed by reference to book and page, or if the
grantee shall certify on the first deed that the bylaws were so
annexed and detached prior to recording.
B. Any first deed to a unit prior to the effective date of this
act without a copy of the bylaws attached, shall be deemed to have
complied with the provisions of this section.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 19.
§60-520. Necessary contents of bylaws.
The bylaws must necessarily provide for at least the following:
(a) Form of administration, indicating whether in charge of an
administrator or a board of administration, or otherwise, and
specifying the powers, manner of removal and, where proper, the
compensation therefor.
(b) Method calling or summoning the unit owners to assemble; that
a majority of unit owners, as defined in Section 3(n) of this act, is
required to adopt decisions; who is to preside over the meeting and
who will keep the minute book wherein the resolutions shall be
(c) Care, upkeep and surveillance of the building and its general
or limited common elements and services.
(d) Manner of collecting from the unit owners for the payment of
the common expenses,
(e) Designation and dismissal of the personnel necessary for the
maintenance, upkeep and repair of the common elements,
(f) Such restrictions on and requirements respecting the use and
maintenance of the units and the use of the common elements, not set
forth in or appended to the declaration, as are designed to prevent
unreasonable interference with the use of their respective units and
of the common elements by the several unit owners,
(g) That seventy-five percent (75%) of the unit owners, computed
on the basis set forth in Section 3(n) of this act, may at any time
modify or amend the bylaws, but each one of the particulars set forth
in this Section shall always be embodied in the bylaws. Such
modification or amendment shall not become operative unless set forth
in an amended declaration and duly recorded.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 20.
§60-521. Maintenance and examination of books and receipts of
The administrator, or the board of administration, or other form
of administration specified in the bylaws, shall keep a book with a
detailed account, in chronological order, of the receipts and
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expenditures affecting the common elements specifying and itemizing
the maintenance and repair expenses of the common elements and any
other expenses incurred. Both said book and the vouchers accrediting
the entries made thereupon shall be available for examination by all
the unit owners at convenient hours on working days that shall be set
and announced for general knowledge.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 21.
§60-522. Homestead exemptions applicable.
The laws relating to homestead exemption from taxes by a
political subdivision of this state and the laws relative to
homestead exemption from attachment, execution, or other forced sale
shall be applicable to a unit ownership estate with the same force
and effect as they are now or shall hereafter be applicable to other
estate in real property; and the benefit of homestead exemption shall
extend to the holder of a unit ownership estate in all those cases
where the owner of a single family dwelling would qualify therefor.
The title holder in a unit ownership estate shall be entitled, if
otherwise qualified, to a homestead exemption from ad valorem tax, if
the land upon which the building is located is held in fee simple.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 22.
§60-523. Assessment of taxes, special assessments and other charges
- Liability.
Each unit, together with its proportionate interest in the common
elements, shall constitute a separate and distinct unit for the
purpose of assessment of taxes, special assessments, and other
charges which may be lawfully assessed against owners of real
property, and each holder of a unit ownership estate shall be liable
solely for the amount of taxes against his individual estate and
shall not be affected by the consequences resulting from the tax
delinquency of other unit holders.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 23.
§60-524. Liens for unpaid share of common expenses - Priorities -
(a) All sums assessed by the council of unit owners for the share
of the common expenses chargeable to any unit which sums remain
unpaid shall constitute a lien on such unit prior to all other liens
except the following:
1. Assessments, liens, and charges for taxes past due and unpaid
on the unit,
2. Judgments entered in a court of record prior to the date of
common expense assessment,
3. Mortgage instruments of encumbrance duly recorded prior to
the date of such assessment,
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4. Mechanic's and materialmen's liens arising from labor
performed or materials furnished upon a unit prior to the date of
such assessment, and
5. Mechanic's and materialmen's liens for labor performed or
material furnished upon the common elements to the extent (sic) of
the proportionate part chargeable to the unit owners which constitute
a part of an assessable charge for common expenses satisfaction of
which shall discharge the assessment to the extent of the payment
(b) The assessment lien may be foreclosed by suit instituted by
the council of unit owners or a duly authorized agent thereof in like
manner as an action for foreclosure of a mortgage upon real property.
In any such foreclosure proceedings, the unit owner shall be required
to pay a reasonable rental for the use of his unit, if so provided in
the bylaws and the plaintiff in such foreclosure shall be entitled to
the appointment of a receiver to collect the same. The council of
unit owners, or their authorized agent, shall have power, unless
prohibited by the declaration, to bid in at the foreclosure sale and
to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage and convey the unit ownership
estate acquired at the foreclosure sale. Suit to recover money
judgment for unpaid common expenses shall be maintainable without
foreclosing or waiving the lien securing the same.
(c) Upon sale or conveyance of a unit encumbered by an assessment
lien, such lien shall be paid first, out of the sale proceeds or by
the grantee, subject only as aforesaid.
(d) Where the holder of a first mortgage of record or other
purchaser obtains title to the unit ownership estate as a result of
foreclosure of the first mortgage, such acquirer of title shall not
be liable for the share of the common expenses or assessments by the
council of unit owners chargeable to such unit which became due prior
to acquisition of title to such unit by such acquirer. Such unpaid
share of common expenses or assessments shall be deemed to be common
expenses collectible from all the unit owners, including such
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 24.
§60-525. Joint and several liability of grantor and grantee for
unpaid common expenses.
The grantee of a unit shall be jointly and severally liable with
the grantor for all unpaid assessments against the latter for his
proportionate share of the common expenses up to the time of the
grant or conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's right to
recover from the grantor therefor. However, any such grantee shall
be entitled to a statement from the manager or Board of managers, as
the case may be, setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments
against the grantor and such grantee shall not be liable for, nor
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shall the unit conveyed be subject to a lien for any unpaid
assessments in excess of the amount therein set forth.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 25.
§60-526. Insurance.
The unit owners may, upon resolution of a majority, insure the
property against risks, without prejudice to the right of each unit
owner to insure his unit on his own account and for his own benefit.
The premiums for such insurance on the property shall be deemed
common expenses except with respect to the units exempted by the
declarant pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 512 of this title in
which event the insurance premiums on such units shall be paid by the
declarant as provided in subsection (b) of Section 512 of this title.
The declarant and the council of unit owners may agree by separate
contract to insure the unconstructed buildings and/or units under the
same master policy of insurance as the council of unit owners may
have obtained for the property, as their respective interests may
appear, in which event the portion of the premiums charged for
insuring said unconstructed buildings and/or unconstructed units
shall be borne by the declarant.
Amended by Laws 1985, c. 137, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 1985.
§60-527. Damage or destruction of building - Repair or restoration-
Deficiency assessments - Distribution of funds.
Except as hereinafter provided, damage to or destruction of the
building shall be promptly repaired and restored by the manager or
board of managers, using the proceeds of insurance, if any, on the
building for that purpose, and the unit owners shall be liable for
assessment for any deficiency except in the case of an unconstructed
building which may be insured under a master policy of insurance as
described in Section 526 of this title, in which event the declarant
shall be liable for any deficiency relating to such unconstructed
building. If there is substantially total destruction of the
property, or if seventy-five percent (75%) of the unit owners
computed on the basis set forth in Section 503 of this title duly
resolve not to proceed with repair or restoration, then and in that
event the property or so much thereof as shall remain, shall be
subject to partition at the suit of any unit owner, in which event
the net proceeds of sale, together with the net proceeds of insurance
policies, if any, shall be considered as one fund except for the
declarant in respect to uncompleted units on which declarant is not
making the pro rata contribution described in subsection (a) of
Section 512 of this title, said fund shall be divided among all the
unit owners in proportion to their respective undivided ownership of
the common elements, after first paying off, out of the respective
shares of unit owners, to the extent sufficient for that purpose, all
liens on the unit of each unit owner. With respect to uncompleted
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units or uncompleted buildings for which the declarant is not making
pro rata contributions pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 512 of
this title, the declarant shall not receive its portion of said fund
according to its respective undivided ownership in the common
elements but shall receive net proceeds of sale according to the
formula described in paragraph (j) of Section 514 of this title and
such proceeds of insurance, if any, attributable to said uncompleted
buildings and/or uncompleted units under a master policy of insurance
as permitted in Section 526 of this title. The manager, or board of
managers, as the case may be, and their agents and employees shall
have an easement to enter units to make repairs to common elements or
when the repairs reasonably appear to be necessary for public safety
or to prevent damage to property other than the unit.
Amended by Laws 1985, c. 137, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1985.
§60-528. Obsolete property.
Ninety percent (90%) of the unit owners computed on the basis set
forth in Section 503 of this title may agree that the property is
obsolete in whole or in part and whether or not the same shall be
renewed and restored or the property sold and the proceeds of sale
distributed. If such percent of the unit owners agree to renew and
restore the property, then the expense thereof shall be payable by
all the unit owners as common expenses. If, however, such percent of
the unit owners agree that the property be sold, then the property
shall be subject to partition at the suit of any unit owner, in which
event the net proceeds of sale shall be divided among all the unit
owners in proportion to their respective undivided ownership of the
common elements, after first paying off out of the respective shares
of the unit owners, all liens on the unit of each unit owner except a
declarant not making pro rata contributions pursuant to subsection
(b) of Section 512 of this title shall receive a reduced share of the
proceeds in accordance with the same formula described in paragraph
(j) of Section 514 of this title.
Amended by Laws 1985, c. 137, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 1985.
§60-529. Actions relating to common elements.
Actions may be brought on behalf of two or more of the unit
owners, as their respective interests may appear, by the manager or
board of managers, with respect to any cause of action relating to
the common elements or more than one unit. Service of process on two
or more unit owners in any action relating to the common elements or
more than one unit may be made on the person designated in the
declaration to receive service of process.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 29.
§60-530. Persons subject to act.
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(a) All unit owners, tenants of such owners, employees of owners
and tenants, or any other persons that may in any manner use property
or any part thereof submitted to the provisions of this act, shall be
subject to this act and to the declaration and bylaws of the council
of unit owners adopted pursuant to the provisions of this act.
Laws 1963, c. 288, § 30.
§60-601. "Charity" defined.
As used in this act, the term "charity" means any gift, to be
applied consistently with law, for the benefit of an indefinite
number of persons, through the provision of facilities or aid in any
way to education or educational activities or the advancement and
diffusion of science and learning, to religion or religious
activities, to the relief or comfort of the poor, the sick, or the
afflicted, to the public welfare in any form, to the support or aid
of the government or of any program or activity of the government,
state, local, or national, or to any other form of activity directed
toward the improvement and happiness of man or society.
Added by Laws 1965, c. 87, § 1, emerg. eff. May 5, 1965.
§60-602. Cy pres doctrine.
If a trust for charity is or becomes illegal or impossible or
impracticable of fulfillment, or if a devise or bequest for charity,
at the time it was intended to become effective, is illegal or
impossible or impracticable of fulfillment and if the settlor or the
testator manifested a general intention to devote the property to
charity, any court of this state possessing general equitable
jurisdiction, on the application of any trustee or of any interested
party or of the Attorney General, may order an administration of the
trust, devise, or bequest as nearly as possible to fulfill the
general charitable intention of the settlor or testator.
Laws 1965, c. 87, § 2, emerg. eff. May 5, 1965.
§60-651. Definitions.
As used in the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, unless the context
otherwise requires:
1. "Apparent owner" means the person whose name appears on the
records of the holder as the person entitled to property held,
issued, or owing by the holder;
2. "Attorney General" means the chief legal officer of this
3. "Banking organization" means any bank, trust company, savings
bank, safe deposit company, private banker, or any organization
defined by other law as a bank or banking organization;
4. "Business association" means a non-public corporation, joint-
stock company, investment company, business trust, partnership, or
association for business purposes of two or more individuals whether
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or not for profit, including a banking organization, financial
organization, insurance company, or utility;
5. "Domicile" means the state of incorporation of a corporation
and the state of the principal place of business of an unincorporated
6. "Financial organization" means a savings and loan
association, building and loan association, or credit union;
7. "Holder" means a person, wherever organized or domiciled, who
a. in possession of property belonging to another,
b. a trustee, or
c. indebted to another on an obligation;
8. "Insurance company" means an association, corporation,
fraternal or mutual benefit organization, whether or not for profit,
which is engaged in providing insurance coverage, including
accidental, burial, casualty, credit life, contract performance,
dental, fidelity, fire, health, hospitalization, illness, life
(including endowments and annuities), malpractice, marine, mortgage,
surety, and wage protection insurance;
9. "Intangible property" includes:
a. money, checks, drafts, deposits, interest, dividends,
and income,
b. credit balances, customer overpayments, security
deposits, refunds, credit memos, unpaid wages, unused
airline tickets, and unidentified remittances,
c. stocks and other intangible ownership interests in
business associations,
d. monies deposited to redeem stocks, bonds, coupons, and
other securities, or to make distributions,
e. amounts due and payable under the terms of insurance
policies, and
f. amounts distributable from a trust or custodial fund
established under a plan to provide health, welfare,
pension, vacation, severance, retirement, death, stock
purchase, profit sharing, employee savings,
supplemental unemployment insurance, education or
similar benefits;
10. "Last-known address" means a description of the location of
the apparent owner sufficient for the purpose of the delivery of
11. "Memorandum" shall include a mark, symbol or statement
indicating knowledge of or interest in funds on deposit;
12. "Mineral proceeds" includes:
a. all obligations to pay mineral proceeds resulting from
the production and sale of minerals, including net
revenue interest, royalties, overriding royalties,
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production payments, and payments under joint operating
agreements, and
b. all obligations for the acquisition and retention of a
mineral lease, including bonuses, delay rentals, shut-
in royalties, and minimum royalties;
13. "Museum" means an institution which is located in this state
and operated by a nonprofit corporation or a public agency primarily
for educational, scientific, historic preservation or aesthetic
purposes, and which owns, borrows, cares for, exhibits, studies
archives or catalogues property. "Museum" includes, but is not
limited to, historical societies, historical sites or landmarks,
parks, monuments and libraries;
14. "Owner" means a depositor in the case of a deposit, a
beneficiary in case of a trust other than a deposit in trust, a
creditor, claimant, or payee in the case of other intangible
property, or a person having a legal or equitable interest in
property subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act or the
person's legal representative. Where more than one person is an
owner, the property shall not be presumed abandoned unless it has
remained unclaimed by all of its owners for the periods hereinafter
15. "Person" means an individual, business association, state or
other government, governmental subdivision or agency, public
corporation, public authority, estate, trust, two or more persons
having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial
16. "State" means any state, district, commonwealth, territory,
insular possession, or other area subject to the legislative
authority of the United States;
17. "State Treasurer" or "Treasurer" means the duly elected and
acting State Treasurer of Oklahoma;
18. "Tax Commission" or "Commission" means the Oklahoma Tax
Commission; and
19. "Utility" means a person who owns or operates for public use
any plant, equipment, property, franchise, or license for the
transmission of communications, or the production, storage,
transmission, sale, delivery, or furnishing of electricity, water,
steam, or gas.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 1, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967. Amended
by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1992, c. 404, §
1, emerg. eff. June 11, 1992; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 2, eff. July 1,
1999; Laws 2012, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§60-651.1. Sum payable on traveler's check, money order or other
similar written instrument - Presumption of abandonment.
(a) Subject to subsection (d) of this section and except as
hereinafter provided, any sum payable on a travelers check that has
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been outstanding for more than fifteen (15) years after its issuance
is presumed abandoned unless the owner, within fifteen (15) years,
has communicated in writing with the issuer concerning it or
otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced by a memorandum or other
record on file prepared by an employee of the issuer. No travelers
check shall be presumed to be abandoned if the holder has sent a
statement or other business communication concerning the travelers
check to the owner by first-class mail and the statement or other
business communication has not been returned for inability to make
delivery to the addressee. The fifteen-year abandonment period shall
begin to run when any statement or other business communication to
the owner has been returned as undeliverable, or on the last date
that the owner has communicated with the holder in any of the ways
specified in this subsection, whichever is later. For purposes of
this section, the issuer shall be the entity responsible for the
payment of the travelers check.
(b) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, any sum payable
on a money order or similar written instrument, other than a third-
party bank check, that has been outstanding for more than seven (7)
years after its issuance is presumed abandoned unless the owner,
within seven (7) years, has communicated in writing with the issuer
concerning it or otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced by a
memorandum or other record on file prepared by an employee of the
(c) A holder may not deduct from the amount of a travelers check
or money order any charge imposed by reason of the failure to present
the instrument for payment unless there is a valid and enforceable
written contract between the issuer and the owner of the instrument
pursuant to which the issuer may impose a charge and the issuer
regularly imposes such charges and does not regularly reverse or
otherwise cancel them.
(d) No sum payable on a travelers check, money order, or similar
written instrument, other than a third-party check, described in
subsections (a) and (b) of this section may be subjected to the
custody of this state as unclaimed property unless:
(1) the records of the issuer show that the travelers
check, money order, or similar written instrument was
purchased in this state;
(2) the issuer has its principal place of business in this
state and the records of the issuer do not show the
state in which the travelers check, money order, or
similar written instrument was purchased; or
(3) the issuer has its principal place of business in this
state, the records of the issuer show the state in
which the travelers check, money order, or similar
written instrument was purchased and the laws of the
state of purchase either do not provide for the escheat
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or custodial taking of the property or its escheat or
unclaimed property law is not applicable to the
(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, subsection
(d) of this section applies to sums payable on travelers checks,
money orders, and similar written instruments presumed abandoned on
or after February 1, 1965, except to the extent that those sums have
been paid over to a state prior to January 1, 1974.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 2, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-651.2. Sum payable on check, certified check, cashier's check,
draft, or similar instrument - Presumption of abandonment - Burden of
proof - Affirmative defenses.
A. Any sum payable on a check, certified check, cashier's check,
draft, or similar instrument, except those subject to Section 651.1
of this title, on which a banking or financial organization is
directly liable, which has been outstanding for more than five (5)
years after it was payable or after its issuance if payable on
demand, is presumed abandoned, unless the owner, within five (5)
years, has communicated in writing with the banking or financial
organization concerning it or otherwise indicated an interest as
evidenced by a memorandum or other record, on file, prepared by an
employee thereof.
B. A record of the issuance of a check, draft, or similar
instrument shall be prima facie evidence of an obligation.
C. The burden of proof upon the State Treasurer in claiming
property from a holder, who is also the issuer, shall be satisfied by
demonstrating the issuance of the instrument and the passage of the
requisite period of abandonment as provided in subsection A of this
D. The holder may assert affirmative defenses of:
1. Payment;
2. Satisfaction;
3. Discharge; and
4. Want of consideration.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by Laws
2010, c. 241, § 1, emerg. eff. May 10, 2010.
§60-652. Property held by banking or financial organizations.
A. Any demand, savings, or matured time deposit with a banking
or financial organization, and any funds paid toward the purchase of
a share, funds paid toward a mutual investment certificate, or funds
paid toward any other interest in a banking or financial organization
is presumed abandoned, unless the owner, within five (5) years has:
1. In the case of a deposit, increased or decreased its amount
or presented the passbook or other similar evidence of the deposit
for the crediting of interest;
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2. Communicated in writing with the banking or financial
organization concerning the property;
3. Otherwise indicated an interest in the property as evidenced
by a memorandum or other record on file prepared by an employee of
the banking or financial organization;
4. Owned other property to which the provisions of paragraph 1,
2 or 3 of this subsection apply and if the banking or financial
organization communicates in writing with the owner with regard to
the property that would otherwise be presumed abandoned under this
subsection at the address to which communications regarding the other
property are regularly sent; or
5. Had another relationship with the banking or financial
organization concerning which the owner has:
a. communicated in writing with the banking or financial
organization, or
b. otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced by a
memorandum or other record on file prepared by an
employee of the banking or financial organization and
if the banking or financial organization communicates
in writing with the owner with regard to the property
that would otherwise be abandoned under this subsection
at the address to which communications regarding the
other relationship regularly are sent.
If a banking or financial organization has sent a statement or
other business communication concerning such property to the owner by
first-class mail and the statement or other business communication
has not been returned for inability to make delivery to the
addressee, the property shall not be presumed to be abandoned. The
five-year abandonment period shall begin to run when any statement or
other business communication to the owner has been returned as
undeliverable, or on the last date that the owner has communicated
with the banking or financial organization in any of the ways
specified in paragraphs 1 through 5 of this subsection, whichever is
the later.
B. For purposes of subsection A of this section, “property”
includes interest and dividends.
C. A holder may not impose with respect to property described in
subsection A of this section any charge due to dormancy or inactivity
or cease payment of interest unless:
1. Reasonable notice that the holder may impose the charge or
cease payment of interest is given to the owner of the property,
a. at the time the account is opened,
b. through a schedule of charges sent to the owner of the
property, or
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c. through a statement in the rules, regulations, or
bylaws of the holder that the holder may impose the
charge or cease payment of interest; and
2. The holder regularly imposes such charges or ceases payment
of interest. If the holder regularly reverses or otherwise cancels
such charges or retroactively credits interest for a reason other
than an error or omission by the holder, then in proportion to the
extent that it does so with respect to other deposits, the holder
shall likewise reverse or otherwise cancel charges or retroactively
credit interest with respect to property that is reported to the
State Treasurer as unclaimed under the Uniform Unclaimed Property
D. Automatically renewable time deposits shall be subject to
this section, except that automatically renewable time deposits shall
be presumed abandoned fifteen (15) years following the expiration of
the initial time period of the time deposit unless, during that
period the owner has:
1. Increased or decreased the amount of the deposit;
2. Communicated in writing with the banking or financial
organization concerning the property;
3. Otherwise indicated an interest in the property as evidenced
by a memorandum or other record on file prepared by an employee of
the banking or financial organization; or
4. Had another relationship with the banking or financial
organization concerning which the owner has:
a. communicated in writing with the banking or financial
organization, or
b. otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced by a
memorandum or other record on file prepared by an
employee of the banking or financial organization and
if the banking or financial organization communicates
in writing with the owner with regard to the property
that would otherwise be presumed abandoned under this
section at the address to which communications
regarding the other relationship are regularly sent.
Upon presumed abandonment of the automatically renewable time
deposit, the holder shall report the presumed abandonment to the
State Treasurer and may, at the holder's option, either retain the
property or pay or deliver it to the State Treasurer.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 2, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967. Amended
by Laws 1980, c. 304, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1980; Laws 1982, c. 278, § 1,
eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1991, c. 331, § 4, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws
1999, c. 10, § 3, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2008, c. 108, § 1, emerg.
eff. May 2, 2008.
§60-653. Funds held or owing under life or endowment insurance
policy or annuity contract.
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '867
(a) Funds held or owing under any life or endowment insurance
policy or annuity contract that has matured or terminated are
presumed abandoned if unclaimed for more than five (5) years after
the funds became due and payable as established from the records of
the insurance company holding or owing the funds, but property
described in paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this section is
presumed abandoned if unclaimed for more than two (2) years.
(b) If a person other than the insured or annuitant is entitled
to the funds and an address of the person is not known to the company
or it is not definite and certain from the records who is entitled to
the funds, it is presumed that the last-known address of the person
entitled to the funds is the same as the last-known address of the
insured or annuitant according to the records of the company.
(c) For purposes of this act, a life or endowment insurance
policy or annuity contract not matured by actual proof of death of
the insured according to the records of the company is matured and
the proceeds due and payable if:
(1) the company knows that the insured or annuitant has
died; or
(2) (A) the insured has attained, or would have attained
if he were living, the limiting age under the
mortality table on which the reserve is based;
(B) the policy was in force at the time the insured
attained, or would have attained, the limiting age
specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph;
(C) neither the insured nor any person appearing to
have an interest in the policy within the
preceding two (2) years, according to the records
of the company, has assigned, readjusted, or paid
premiums on the policy, subjected the policy to
loan, or corresponded in writing with the company
concerning the policy, or otherwise indicated an
interest as evidenced by a memorandum or other
record on file prepared by an employee of the
(d) For purposes of this act, the application of an automatic
premium loan provision or other nonforfeiture provisions contained in
an insurance policy does not prevent a policy from being matured or
terminated under subsection (a) of this section if the insured has
died or the insured or the beneficiary of the policy otherwise has
become entitled to the proceeds thereof before the depletion of the
cash surrender value of a policy by the application of those
(e) If the laws of this state or the terms of the life insurance
policy require the company to give notice to the insured or the owner
that an automatic premium loan provision or other nonforfeiture
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '87
provision has been exercised and the notice, given to an insured or
owner whose last-known address according to the records of the
company is in this state, is undeliverable, the company shall make a
reasonable search to ascertain the policyholder's correct address to
which the notice must be mailed.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the company
learns of the death of the insured or annuitant and the beneficiary
has not communicated with the insurer within four (4) months after
the death, the company shall take reasonable steps to pay the
proceeds to the beneficiary.
(g) Every change of beneficiary form issued by an insurance
company under any life or endowment insurance policy or annuity
contract to an insured or owner who is a resident of the state shall
include, but not be limited to:
(1) the name of each beneficiary, or if a class of
beneficiaries is named, the name of each current
beneficiary in the class;
(2) the address of each beneficiary;
(3) the relationship of each beneficiary to the insured;
(h) With respect to any funds held or owing under any life or
endowment insurance policy or annuity contract presumed abandoned
pursuant to this section or property distributable in the course of a
demutualization or reorganization of an insurance company pursuant to
Section 653.1 of this title, the insurance company holding or owing
such funds shall provide any information reasonably requested by the
State Treasurer, if such information is reasonably available, to
assist the State Treasurer in its consideration of a claim pursuant
to Section 675 of this title.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 3. Amended by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 2,
eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1991, c. 331, § 5, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws
2006, c. 233, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2006.
§60-653.1. Abandoned property - Demutualization or related
reorganization of insurance company.
Property distributable in the course of a demutualization or
related reorganization of an insurance company shall be deemed
abandoned as follows:
1. Any funds, two (2) years after the date of the
demutualization or reorganization, if there is no memorandum or other
record on file with the holder or its agent evidencing the owner’s
communication with the holder or its agent within two (2) years
following the date of the demutualization or reorganization, and:
a. a check is mailed to the last-known address of the
owner by the holder or its agent and the funds remain
unclaimed by the owner,
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '87
b. a check is mailed to the last-known address of the
owner by the holder or its agent and returned by the
post office as undeliverable, or
c. a check is not mailed to the owner because the last-
known address on the books and records of the holder is
known to be invalid;
2. Any stock or equity interest, two (2) years after the date of
the demutualization or reorganization, if there is no memorandum or
other record on file with the holder or its agent evidencing the
owner’s communication with the holder or its agent within two (2)
years following the date of the demutualization or reorganization,
and instruments or statements reflecting the distribution are:
a. mailed to the last-known address of the owner by the
holder or its agent and returned by the post office as
undeliverable, or
b. not mailed to the owner because the last-known address
on the books and records of the holder is known to be
3. Property distributable in the course of demutualization or
related reorganization not subject to paragraphs 1 or 2 of this
section within two (2) years of the distribution shall remain
reportable under other sections of this chapter;
4. A report of property presumed abandoned pursuant to this
section must be filed in accordance with Section 661 of Title 60 of
the Oklahoma Statutes. The initial report for property distributable
in the course of demutualization, rehabilitation, or related
reorganization of an insurance company shall be filed on or before
November 1, 2004, with respect to conditions in effect on December
31, 2003, and all property shall be determined to be reportable under
this section as if this section were in effect on the date of the
demutualization, rehabilitation, or related reorganization of an
insurance company.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 318, § 1, eff. July 1, 2004.
§60-654. Deposit held by utility.
A deposit, including any interest thereon, made by a subscriber
with a utility to secure payment or any sum paid in advance for
utility services to be furnished, less any lawful deductions, that
remains unclaimed by the owner for more than one (1) year after
termination of the services for which the deposit or advance payment
was made is presumed abandoned.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 4. Amended by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 3,
eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1991, c. 331, § 6, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-654.1. Sum business association ordered to refund by court or
administrative agency.
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Except to the extent otherwise ordered by the court or
administrative agency, any sum that a business association has been
ordered to refund by a court or administrative agency which has
remained unclaimed by the owner for more than one (1) year after it
became payable in accordance with the final determination or order
providing for the refund, whether or not the final determination or
order requires any person entitled to a refund to make a claim for
it, is presumed abandoned.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 7, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-655. Stock or other equity interest in business association -
Unmatured or matured debt.
A. 1. Stock or other equity interest in a business association
is presumed unclaimed three (3) years after the earliest of:
a. The date of the most recent dividend, stock split, or
other distribution unclaimed by the apparent owner, or
b. The date a statement of account or other notification
or communication was returned as undeliverable.
This subsection applies to both the underlying stock, share, or other
intangible ownership interest of an owner, and to the stock, share,
or other intangible ownership interest in dividend and nondividend
paying business associations whether or not the interest is
represented by a certificate.
2. Except as otherwise provided in Section 657 of this title,
unmatured or unredeemed debt, other than a bearer bond or an original
issue discount bond, is presumed unclaimed three (3) years after the
date of the most recent interest payment unclaimed by the owner.
3. Except as otherwise provided in Section 657 of this title,
matured or redeemed debt is presumed unclaimed three (3) years after
the date of maturity or redemption.
4. At the time property is presumed unclaimed under paragraph 1
or 2 of this subsection, any other property right accrued or accruing
to the owner as a result of the property interest and not previously
presumed unclaimed is also presumed unclaimed.
5. A stock or other intangible ownership interest enrolled in a
plan that provides for the automatic reinvestment of dividends,
distributions, or other sums payable as a result of the interest
shall not be presumed to be abandoned if the holder has sent a
statement or other business communication concerning such property to
the owner by first-class mail and the statement or other business
communication has not been returned for inability to make delivery to
the addressee.
B. 1. The running of any three-year period pursuant to
subsection A of this section ceases if the person:
a. communicates in writing with the association or its
agent regarding the interest or a dividend,
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '87,
distribution, or other sum payable as a result of the
b. otherwise communicates with the association regarding
the interest or a dividend, distribution, or other sum
payable as a result of the interest, as evidenced by a
memorandum or other record on file with the association
or its agent, or
c. presents an instrument issued to pay interest or a
dividend or other cash distribution. If any future
dividend, distribution, or other sum payable to the
owner as a result of the interest is subsequently not
claimed by the owner, a new period in which the
property is presumed unclaimed commences and relates
back only to the time a subsequent dividend,
distribution, or other sum became due and payable.
C. Any dividend, profit, distribution, interest, redemption,
payment on principal, or other sum held or owing by a business
association for or to its shareholder, certificate holder, member,
bondholder, or other security holder, who has not claimed it, or
corresponded in writing with the business association concerning it,
within three (3) years after the date prescribed for payment or
delivery, is presumed unclaimed.
D. The Uniform Unclaimed Property Act shall not apply to
patronage dividends, capital credits, customer deposits or non-
negotiated payment checks held or owing by cooperative electric power
or telephone associations organized under the Rural Electric
Cooperative Act and the Telephone Cooperative Corporations Act, rural
water, sewer, gas and solid waste management districts organized
under the Rural Water, Sewer, Gas and Solid Waste Management
Districts Act, or agricultural cooperative marketing or supply
associations organized under the Cooperative Marketing Association
Act; when such associations are domiciled in Oklahoma.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 5, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967. Amended
by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 4, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1985, c. 146, § 1,
emerg. eff. June 10, 1985; Laws 1990, c. 102, § 3, operative July 1,
1990; Laws 1991, c. 331, § 8, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, §
4, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2005, c. 124, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.
§60-655.1. Intangible property distributable in course of
dissolution of business corporation.
Intangible property distributable in the course of a dissolution
of a business association which remains unclaimed by the owner for
more than one (1) year after the date specified for final
distribution is presumed abandoned.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 9, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-656. Property or funds held by fiduciary.
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A. Intangible property and any income or increment derived
therefrom held in a fiduciary capacity for the benefit of another
person is presumed abandoned unless the owner, within seven (7) years
after it has become payable or distributable, has increased or
decreased the principal, accepted payment of principal or income,
communicated concerning the property, or otherwise indicated an
interest as evidenced by a memorandum on file with the fiduciary.
B. Holders of presumed abandoned intangible property shall
annually report and remit all proceeds accrued to date, including the
current balance held by the holder. When and if any part of the
proceeds has been held for the statutory abandonment period or
longer, the holder must report and remit all interest, additions, and
increments accrued to the account of the owner. Any additional
amounts accruing to an owner of the same intangible property presumed
abandoned previously reported will be reported and remitted on an
annual basis, including the additional amounts from the “as of date”
of the previous report year through the “as of date” of the current
report year.
In no event shall mineral interest proceeds be required to be
reported or remitted sooner than six (6) months after the date of
first sale from the applicable well.
C. Funds in an individual retirement account or a retirement
plan for self-employed individuals or similar account or plan
established under the Internal Revenue laws of the United States are
not payable or distributable within the meaning of subsection A of
this section unless, under the terms of the account or plan,
distribution of all or part of the funds would then be mandatory.
D. For the purpose of this section, a person who holds property
as an agent for a business association is deemed to hold the property
in a fiduciary capacity for that business association alone, unless
the agreement between the person and the business association
provides otherwise.
E. For the purposes of this act, a person who is deemed to hold
property in a fiduciary capacity for a business association alone is
the holder of the property only insofar as the interest of the
business association in the property is concerned, and the business
association is the holder of the property insofar as the interest of
any other person in the property is concerned.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 6, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967. Amended
by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 5, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1991, c. 331, §
10, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 4, eff. July 1, 2003;
Laws 2004, c. 318, § 2, eff. July 1, 2004.
§60-657. Property held by courts, public officers and agencies.
Intangible property held for the owner by a court, state or other
government, governmental subdivision or agency, public corporation,
or public authority which remains unclaimed by the owner for more
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '872
than one (1) year after becoming payable or distributable is presumed
Laws 1967, c. 107, § 7, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967; Laws 1991, c.
331, § 11, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-657.1. Credit memo issued in ordinary course of business.
(a) A credit memo issued in the ordinary course of an issuer's
business which has a value of more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and
remains unclaimed by the owner for more than five (5) years after
becoming payable or distributable is presumed abandoned.
(b) With regard to a credit memo, the amount presumed abandoned
is the amount credited to the recipient of the memo. In applying the
Fifty Dollar ($50.00) limitation, individual credit memos to the same
owner shall not be aggregated.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 12, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-657.2. Unpaid wages owing in ordinary course of business.
Unpaid wages, including wages represented by unpresented payroll
checks, owing in the ordinary course of the holder's business which
remain unclaimed by the owner for more than one (1) year after
becoming payable are presumed abandoned.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 13, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-657.3. Personal property held in safe deposit box or other
safekeeping repository.
All tangible and intangible personal property held in a safe
deposit box or other safekeeping repository in this state in the
ordinary course of the holder's business and proceeds resulting from
the sale of the property permitted by other law, which remain
unclaimed by the owner for more than five (5) years after the lease
or rental period on the box or other repository has expired, are
presumed abandoned.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 14, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-657.4. Intangible property - Presumption of abandonment.
A. All intangible property, including but not limited to
securities, principal, interest, dividends or other earnings thereon,
less any lawful charges, held by a business association, federal,
state or local government or governmental subdivision, agency or
entity, or any other person or entity, regardless of where the holder
may be found, if the owner has not claimed such property or
corresponded in writing with the holder concerning the property
within three (3) years after the date prescribed for payment or
delivery by the issuer, unless the holder is a state that has taken
custody pursuant to its own unclaimed property laws, in which case no
additional period of holding beyond that of such state is necessary
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '87
hereunder, is presumed abandoned and subject to the custody of this
state as unclaimed property if:
1. The last-known address of the owner is unknown; and
2. The person or entity originating or issuing the intangible
property is in this state or any political subdivision of this state,
or is incorporated, organized, created or otherwise located in this
B. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not
apply to property which is or may be presumed abandoned and subject
to the custody of this state pursuant to any other provision of law
containing a dormancy period different than that prescribed in
subsection A of this section.
C. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall apply to
all property held at the time of the effective date of this act, or
at any time thereafter, regardless of when such property became or
becomes presumptively abandoned.
Added by Laws 1992, c. 295, § 27, eff. July 1, 1992. Amended by Laws
2000, c. 136, § 4, eff. July 1, 2000.
§60-658. Miscellaneous personal property held for another.
A. Except as otherwise provided in the Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act, all intangible personal property, including income or
increment derived from the property, less any lawful charges, that is
held, issued, or owing in the ordinary course of a holder’s business
and has remained unclaimed by the owner for more than five (5) years
after becoming payable or distributable is presumed abandoned.
B. Holders of presumed abandoned intangible property shall
report annually and remit all proceeds accrued to date, including the
current balance held by the holder. When and if any part of the
proceeds has been held for the statutory abandonment period or
longer, the holder must report and remit all interest, additions, and
increments accrued to the account of the owner. Any additional
amounts accruing to an owner of the same intangible property presumed
abandoned previously reported will be reported and remitted on an
annual basis, including additional amounts from the “as of date” of
the previous report year through the “as of date” of the current
report year.
C. In no event shall mineral interest proceeds be required to be
reported or remitted sooner than six (6) months after the date of
first sale from the applicable well.
D. Property is payable or distributable for the purposes of this
act notwithstanding the owner’s failure to demand the property or to
present an instrument or document required to receive payment of the
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 8, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967. Amended
by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 6, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1991, c. 331, §
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15, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 5, eff. July 1, 2003;
Laws 2004, c. 318, § 3, eff. July 1, 2004.
§60-658.1. Mineral interests in land.
Any mineral interest in land in Oklahoma shall be subject to sale
under the provisions of Sections 271.1 through 277 of Title 84 of the
Oklahoma Statutes if it generates an intangible property interest
which is presumed abandoned for a period of fifteen (15) years under
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act or under similar laws of another
All holders of intangible property interests generated by a
mineral interest in land in Oklahoma shall report to the State
Treasurer, in addition to the reporting otherwise required by law,
the names and the last-known addresses of owners of record of the
unclaimed mineral interest, the legal description of the land
affected, and the extent of the property rights in the mineral
interest. Only one report with respect to each owner and mineral
interest is necessary; subsequent reports must include complete
information with respect to all new owners and new unclaimed mineral
The State Treasurer shall send a copy of the report required by
this section to the Attorney General and the district attorney of the
county in which the land is located. Except to a claimant of the
unclaimed mineral interest, or as necessary to effectuate a judicial
sale as set forth in Section 271.1 of Title 84 of the Oklahoma
Statutes, the legal description of the mineral interest and the
extent of the property rights in the mineral interest shall be deemed
confidential and not released to the general public by the State
Treasurer, Attorney General or district attorney. The State
Treasurer shall send a report reflecting only the names and last-
known addresses of owners of record of the unclaimed mineral interest
to the county clerk of the county in which the land is located, and
the clerk shall maintain the list for public viewing. The clerk
shall also report to the board of county commissioners that the
report has been received, and note the receipt in the minutes of the
meeting, so the public can be informed.
The State Treasurer is authorized to develop procedures for the
implementation of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
Added by Laws 1978, c. 229, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1979. Amended by Laws
1988, c. 146, § 2, operative July 1, 1988; Laws 1991, c. 331, § 16,
eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 5, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws
2005, c. 421, § 1, emerg. eff. June 6, 2005.
§60-658.1A. Mineral interests generating intangible personal
Mineral interests which have generated intangible personal
property may be presumed by the district court to be abandoned and
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subject to the provisions that apply to mineral interests covered by
Section 658.1 of this title and Sections 271 through 277 of Title 84
of the Oklahoma Statutes if the court determines that the mineral
interests should have been reported to the State Treasurer but were
not so reported as required by the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
Added by Laws 1985, c. 85, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1985. Amended by Laws
1991, c. 331, § 17, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 6, eff.
July 1, 1999.
§60-658.2. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-658.3. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-658.4. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-658.5. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-658.6. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-658.7. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-658.8. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-659. Additional conditions leading to presumption of
Unless otherwise provided in the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act
or by other statute of this state, intangible personal property is
subject to the custody of this state as unclaimed property if the
conditions raising a presumption of abandonment under Sections 651.1
and 651.2 through 658.1A of this title are satisfied, and:
1. The last-known address, as shown on the records of the
holder, of the apparent owner is in this state;
2. The records of the holder do not reflect the identity of the
person entitled to the property and it is established that the last-
known address of the person entitled to the property is in this
3. The records of the holder do not reflect the last-known
address of the apparent owner, and it is established that:
a. the last-known address of the person entitled to the
property is in this state, or
b. the holder is a domiciliary or a government or
governmental subdivision or agency of this state and
has not previously paid or delivered the property to
the state of the last-known address of the apparent
owner or other person entitled to the property;
4. The last-known address, as shown on the records of the
holder, of the apparent owner is in a state that does not provide by
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '877
law for the escheat or custodial taking of the property or its
escheat or unclaimed property law is not applicable to the property,
and the holder is a domiciliary, government, or governmental
subdivision or agency, including a municipality, of this state;
5. The last-known address, as shown on the records of the
holder, of the apparent owner is in a foreign nation and the holder
is a domiciliary or a government or governmental subdivision or
agency of this state; or
6. The transaction out of which the property arose occurred in
this state, and
a. (1) the last-known address of the apparent owner or
other person entitled to the property is unknown,
(2) the last-known address of the apparent owner or
other person entitled to the property is in a
state that does not provide by law for the escheat
or custodial taking of the property or its escheat
or unclaimed property law is not applicable to the
property, and
b. the holder is a domiciliary of a state that does not
provide by law for the escheat or custodial taking of
the property or its escheat or unclaimed property law
is not applicable to the property.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 9, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967. Amended
by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 18, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 2000, c. 136, §
5, eff. July 1, 2000.
§60-659.1. Repealed by Laws 2001, c. 133, § 13, emerg. eff. April
24, 2001.
§60-660. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-661. Report of abandoned property.
A. A person holding property, tangible or intangible, presumed
abandoned and subject to custody as unclaimed property under the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act shall report to the State Treasurer
concerning the property as provided in this section.
B. The report must be verified and must include:
1. The name, if known, and last-known address, if any, of each
person appearing from the records of the holder to be the owner of
property of the value of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or more presumed
abandoned under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act and items of value
under Fifty Dollars ($50.00), reported in the aggregate, except
property which is one of a recurring number of continuous payments,
including, but not limited to, royalties, annuities, dividends,
distributions and other sums presumed abandoned pursuant to
subsection D of Section 655 of this title, which shall be reported in
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"
the same manner as property with a value of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or
2. In the case of unclaimed funds of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or
more held or owing under any life or endowment insurance policy or
annuity contract, the full name and last-known address of the insured
or annuitant and of the beneficiary according to the records of the
insurance company holding or owing the funds;
3. In the case of the contents of a safe deposit box or other
safekeeping repository or of other tangible personal property, a
description of the property and the place where it is held, which may
be inspected by the State Treasurer, and any amounts, including
offsets for drilling costs and rent, owing to the holder;
4. The description of the property, including type and
identifying number if any, and the amount appearing from the records
to be due;
5. The date when the property became payable, demandable or
returnable, and the date of the last transaction with the owner with
respect to the property;
6. In the case of a cashier's check, if known, the names and
last-known addresses of the payee(s), the payor(s) and the
purchaser(s); and
7. Any other information reasonably required by the Treasurer.
C. If the person holding property presumed abandoned and subject
to custody as unclaimed property is a successor to other persons who
previously held the property for the apparent owner or if the name of
the holder has changed while holding the property, the holder shall
file with the report all known names and addresses of each previous
holder of the property.
D. The report must be filed before November 1 of each year for
property reportable as of the preceding July 1, but the report of any
life insurance company must be filed before May 1 of each year for
property reportable as of the preceding March 1. The State Treasurer
may postpone the reporting date upon written request by any person
required to file a report.
E. Not more than one hundred twenty (120) days before filing the
report required by this section, the holder in possession of property
presumed abandoned and subject to custody as unclaimed property under
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act shall send written notice to the
apparent owner at the owner's last-known address informing the owner
that the holder is in possession of property subject to the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act if:
1. The holder has in the records of the holder an address for
the apparent owner which the holder's records do not disclose to be
2. The claim of the apparent owner is not barred by the statute
of limitations; and
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"
3. The property has a value of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or more,
or the property has a value of less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and
is one of a recurring number of continuous payments, including, but
not limited to, royalties, annuities, dividends, distributions and
other recurring sums presumed abandoned pursuant to subsection D of
Section 655 of this title. The holder is not required to send
written notice to the owner if the holder has previously attempted to
communicate with the owner, or otherwise exercised due diligence to
ascertain the whereabouts of the owner. The mailing of notice by
first-class mail to the last-known address of the owner by the holder
shall constitute compliance with this subsection and, if done, no
further act on the part of the holder shall be necessary.
F. Reports filed by a holder shall remain confidential except
for that information required to be subject to public inspection
pursuant to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
G. The Treasurer may require a holder reporting fifteen or more
items of property pursuant to this section to file the report online.
The Treasurer shall promulgate rules necessary to carry out
provisions for online filing.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 11, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1988, c.
281, § 9, operative July 1, 1988; Laws 1991, c. 331, § 20, eff. Sept.
1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 7, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2001, c. 133,
§ 7, emerg. eff. April 24, 2001; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 6, eff. July 1,
2003; Laws 2006, c. 233, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2006; Laws 2008, c. 108, §
2, emerg. eff. May 2, 2008; Laws 2009, c. 433, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2009; Laws 2010, c. 241, § 2, emerg. eff. May 10, 2010; Laws 2013, c.
307, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§60-662. Notice and publication of lists of abandoned property.
A. The State Treasurer shall cause at least two notices to be
published during the year following the report required by Section
661 of this title in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the
county in this state in which is located the last-known address of
any person to be named in the notice. Different legal newspapers of
general circulation may be used for each notice. If no address is
listed or if the address is outside this state, the notice must be
published in the county within this state which is the principal
place of business of the holder of the abandoned property, or in an
Oklahoma newspaper which the State Treasurer believes most likely to
be seen by the owner of the property or by heirs of the owner.
B. The published notice must be entitled "Notice of Names of
Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned Property", and contain:
1. The names in alphabetical order and last-known address, if
any, of persons listed in the report and entitled to notice within
the county as specified in subsection A of this section;
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8""
2. A statement that information concerning the property and the
name and last-known address of the holder may be obtained by any
person possessing an interest in the property by addressing an
inquiry to the State Treasurer; and
3. A statement that the property is in the custody of the State
Treasurer and all claims must be directed to the State Treasurer.
C. The State Treasurer is not required to publish in the notice
any items of less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) unless the State
Treasurer considers their publication to be in the public interest.
D. The State Treasurer shall provide electronic access to the
new names and last-known addresses of all persons reported to the
State Treasurer as owners of unclaimed property on an Internet web
site. The State Treasurer shall take reasonable steps to publicize
the existence of this web site and shall publish an advertisement no
less than once each calendar quarter in a legal newspaper of general
circulation in each county of this state.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 12, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 8, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1991, c.
331, § 21, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 8, eff. July 1,
1999; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 7, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2005, c. 124, §
2, eff. Nov. 1, 2005; Laws 2008, c. 108, § 3, emerg. eff. May 2,
2008; Laws 2009, c. 433, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2009.
§60-663. Payment or delivery of abandoned property.
A. A person who is required to file a report under Section 661
of this title shall at the same time pay or deliver to the State
Treasurer all abandoned property required to be reported after first
deducting therefrom expenses incurred in the mailing of notices
required by subsection E of Section 661 of this title and any offsets
as provided by law. Any funds or property subject to aggregate
reporting shall be delivered at the same time as the report.
B. A holder may file a written explanation of an error in the
presumption of abandonment of any previously reported and paid or
delivered property. If the property has not been claimed by the
owner and the State Treasurer is satisfied an error has been made, a
refund of the payment or delivery of the property shall be made to
the holder.
C. The holder of an ownership interest under Section 655 of this
title shall deliver a duplicate certificate or other evidence of
ownership if the holder does not issue certificates of ownership to
the State Treasurer. Upon delivery of a duplicate certificate to the
State Treasurer, the holder and any transfer agent, registrar, or
other person acting for or on behalf of a holder in executing or
delivering the duplicate certificate is relieved of liability as
provided in Section 664 of this title to every person, including any
person acquiring the original certificate or the duplicate of the
certificate issued to the State Treasurer, for losses or damages
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8",
resulting to any person by the issuance and delivery to the State
Treasurer of the duplicate certificate.
D. Property removed from a safe deposit box or other safekeeping
depository is received by the State Treasurer subject to the right of
the holder to be reimbursed for the cost of the opening and to any
valid lien or contract providing for the holder to be reimbursed for
unpaid rent or storage charges. The State Treasurer shall reimburse
the holder out of the proceeds remaining after deducting the expenses
incurred by the State Treasurer in selling the property. The
liability of the State Treasurer for this reimbursement to the holder
shall be limited to the proceeds of the sale remaining after
deducting the expenses incurred by the State Treasurer.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 13, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 22, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 9, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 8, eff. July 1,
2003; Laws 2004, c. 318, § 4, eff. July 1, 2004; Laws 2005, c. 124, §
3, eff. Nov. 1, 2005; Laws 2008, c. 108, § 4, emerg. eff. May 2,
§60-664. Relief from liability by payment or delivery.
A. Upon the payment or delivery of abandoned property to the
State Treasurer, the state assumes custody and responsibility for the
safekeeping of the property. A person who pays or delivers property
to the State Treasurer in good faith is relieved of all liability to
the extent of the value of the property paid or delivered for any
claim then existing or which thereafter may arise or be made in
respect to the property.
B. A holder who has paid money to the State Treasurer pursuant
to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act may make payment to any person
appearing to the holder to be entitled to payment; and upon filing
proof of such payment and proof that the payee was entitled thereto,
the State Treasurer shall promptly reimburse the holder for the
payment without imposing a fee or other charge. If reimbursement is
sought for a payment made on a negotiable instrument, including a
travelers check or money order, the holder shall be reimbursed under
this subsection upon filing proof that the instrument was presented
and that payment was made to a person who appeared to the holder to
be entitled to payment. The holder shall be reimbursed for payment
made under this subsection even if the holder paid a person whose
claim was barred under subsection A of Section 666 of this title.
C. A holder who has delivered property, including, but not
limited to, a certificate of an ownership interest in a business
association, other than money to the State Treasurer pursuant to the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act may reclaim the property if still in
the possession of the Treasurer, without paying any fee or other
charge, upon filing proof that the owner has claimed the property
from the holder.
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"1
D. The State Treasurer may accept the holder's affidavit as
sufficient proof of the facts that entitle the holder to recover
money and property under this section.
E. If the holder pays or delivers property to the State
Treasurer in good faith and thereafter another person claims the
property from the holder or another state claims the money or
property under its laws relating to escheat or abandoned or unclaimed
property, the State Treasurer, upon written notice of the claim,
shall defend the holder against the claim and, to the extent of the
property's value, shall indemnify the holder against liability on the
claim. Neither the holder nor the State Treasurer shall be liable
for more than the value of the property, determined as of the time of
its payment or delivery to the State Treasurer, if the holder paid or
delivered the property to the State Treasurer in good faith.
F. For the purposes of this section, "good faith" means that:
1. Payment or delivery was made in a reasonable attempt to
comply with the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act;
2. The person delivering the property was not a fiduciary then
in breach of trust in respect to the property and had a reasonable
basis for believing, based on the facts then known, that the property
was abandoned for the purposes of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act;
3. There is no showing that the records under which the delivery
was made did not meet reasonable commercial standards of practice in
the industry; and
4. The reporting and delivery of property was made in compliance
with Sections 661 and 663 of this title and any applicable
administrative rules.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 14, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 23, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 10, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2010, c. 241, § 3, emerg. eff. May
10, 2010.
§60-665. Dividends, interest, or other increments realized or
accruing after payment or delivery.
Whenever property other than money is paid or delivered to the
State Treasurer under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, the owner
is entitled to receive from the State Treasurer dividends, interest,
or other increments realized or accruing on the property at or before
liquidation or conversion thereof into money.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 15, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 24, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 11, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-666. Periods of limitation - Effect - Application.
A. The expiration after September 1, 1991, of any period of time
specified by contract, statute, or court order, during which a claim
for money or property can be made or during which an action or
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"2
proceeding may be commenced or enforced to obtain payment of a claim
for money or to recover property, does not prevent the money or
property from being presumed abandoned property or affect any duty to
file a report or to pay or deliver abandoned property to the State
Treasurer as required by the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
B. No action or proceeding may be commenced by the State
Treasurer with respect to any duty of a holder under the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act more than four (4) years after the holder
files the report pursuant to Section 661 of this title or ten (10)
years after the duty arose, whichever is earlier.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B of this
section or any other provision of law, the expiration of any period
of time specified by law during which an action or proceeding may be
commenced or enforced to obtain payment of a claim for money or
recovery of property shall not serve as a defense in any action or
proceeding brought by or on behalf of the State Treasurer against any
federal, state or local government or governmental subdivision,
agency, entity, officer or appointee thereof, for the payment or
delivery of any abandoned property to the State Treasurer pursuant to
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act or to enforce or collect any
penalty provided by the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
D. The provisions of subsection C of this section shall apply to
all abandoned property held by any federal, state or local government
or governmental subdivision, agency, entity, officer or appointee
thereof, at the time of enactment, or at any time thereafter,
regardless of when such property became or becomes presumptively
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 16, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 25, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 12, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-667. Sale of abandoned property from safe deposit boxes -
A. Except as provided in subsections B and C of this section,
when the State Treasurer determines it to be economically feasible,
the Treasurer shall sell abandoned property from safe deposit boxes
to the highest bidder at public sale in whatever city in the state
affords in the judgment of the State Treasurer the most favorable
market for the property involved. The State Treasurer may decline
the highest bid and reoffer the property for sale if in the judgment
of the State Treasurer the bid is insufficient. If in the judgment
of the State Treasurer the probable cost of sale exceeds the value of
the property, it need not be offered for sale. Any sale held under
this section must be preceded by a single publication of notice, at
least three (3) weeks in advance of sale in a legal newspaper of
general circulation in the county where the property is to be sold,
the county of residence of the holder and the county of the last-
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"
known address of the owner. If no address is listed or if the
address is outside this state, the notice shall be published in an
Oklahoma newspaper which the State Treasurer believes is most likely
to be seen by the owner of the property or by heirs of the owner.
B. Securities listed on an established stock exchange must be
sold at prices prevailing at the time of sale on the exchange. Other
securities may be sold over the counter at prices prevailing at the
time of sale or by another method the State Treasurer considers
advisable. The liquidation of securities shall be exempt from the
procedures set forth in subsection A of this section.
C. Unless the State Treasurer considers it to be in the best
interest of the state to do otherwise, all securities, other than
those presumed abandoned under Section 655 of this title, delivered
to the State Treasurer must be held for at least one (1) year before
the State Treasurer may sell them.
D. The purchaser at any sale conducted by the State Treasurer
pursuant to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act takes the property,
free of all claims of the owner or prior holder thereof and of all
persons claiming through or under them. The State Treasurer shall
execute all documents necessary to complete the transfer of
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 17, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 26, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1998, c.
385, § 13, eff. July 1, 1998; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 13, eff. July 1,
1999; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 9, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2004, c. 318, §
5, eff. July 1, 2004; Laws 2005, c. 124, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2005; Laws
2011, c. 261, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2011; Laws 2019, c. 150, § 1, eff.
July 1, 2019.
§60-668. Unclaimed Property Fund - Deposits - Deductions.
A. There is hereby created in the State Treasury the "Unclaimed
Property Fund", the principal of which shall constitute a trust fund
for persons claiming any interest in any property delivered to the
state under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act and may be invested as
hereinafter provided and shall not be expended except as provided in
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. All funds received under the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, including the proceeds from the sale
of abandoned property under Section 667 of this title, shall
forthwith be deposited by the State Treasurer in the Unclaimed
Property Fund, herein created, except that the State Treasurer may
before making any deposit to the fund deduct:
1. All costs in connection with the sale of abandoned property;
2. All costs of mailing and publication in connection with any
abandoned property including the cost of custody services for
unclaimed securities;
3. Reasonable service charges not to exceed four percent (4%) of
the monies accruing to the state under the Uniform Unclaimed Property
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"3
Act, which may be used to defray the administrative costs, including
costs necessary to retain legal counsel to ensure compliance with the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, or to acquire computer hardware and
software to be used exclusively to help administer the unclaimed
property program;
4. An amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the funds
accruing to the state pursuant to a contract with the State Treasurer
providing information leading to the delivery of unclaimed property
held by a holder to the State Treasurer to be deposited in the
Unclaimed Property Clearinghouse Fund; and
5. An amount not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the
value of the funds in an action to enforce the Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act, which is to be used solely to pay attorney fees to any
person who was authorized by the State Treasurer to bring the action.
B. Before making a deposit to the Unclaimed Property Fund, the
State Treasurer shall record the name and last-known address of each
person appearing from the holders' reports to be entitled to the
abandoned property and of the name and last-known address of each
insured person or annuitant, and with respect to each policy or
contract listed in the report of a life insurance corporation, its
number, the name of the corporation, and the amount due. The record
shall be available for public inspection at all reasonable business
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 18, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1990, c. 102, § 1, operative July 1, 1990; Laws 1999,
c. 10, § 14, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 1999, c. 292, § 1, eff. July 1,
1999; Laws 2002, c. 95, § 1, eff. July 1, 2002; Laws 2003, c. 224, §
10, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2004, c. 318, § 6, eff. July 1, 2004;
Laws 2009, c. 433, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2009; Laws 2019, c. 150, § 2,
eff. July 1, 2019.
§60-668.1. Unclaimed Property Clearinghouse Fund.
A. There is hereby created in the State Treasury a revolving
fund for the State Treasurer to be designated the "Unclaimed Property
Clearinghouse Fund". The fund shall be a continuing fund, not
subject to fiscal year limitations, and shall consist of monies
deposited to the fund pursuant to Section 668 of this title. All
monies accruing to the credit of the fund are appropriated to the
State Treasurer. The State Treasurer may budget and expend monies
from the fund for the purpose of making payment for the mailing,
publication and sale costs associated with abandoned property, and to
persons, firms, or corporations who are regularly engaged in the
business of notifying states about property which may be subject to
the provisions of unclaimed property statutes of those states. The
State Treasurer may enter into contracts with these persons, firms or
corporations performing these services, which services may include
the examination of any party subject to examination under the Uniform
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"6
Unclaimed Property Act. The State Treasurer may delegate all
necessary authority to act in the State Treasurer's behalf to such
persons, firms or corporations to enforce the provisions of the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
B. The State Treasurer shall be authorized to expend monies from
the Unclaimed Property Clearinghouse Fund in payment of a reasonable
fee not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the delivered funds to a
person, firm, or corporation contracting with the State Treasurer
providing information leading to the delivery of unclaimed property
held by a holder to the State Treasurer. Such payment shall not be
made until the funds have been deposited with the State Treasurer.
C. The State Treasurer is authorized to purchase services,
including legal services, in order to locate and effect the delivery
of property and related owner information to assist the State
Treasurer in the Treasurer's duties related to the administration of
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. The purchase of such services,
other than legal services, shall be chosen by a solicitation of
proposals on a competitive basis, but shall be exempt from the
provisions of The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 102, § 2, operative July 1, 1990. Amended by
Laws 1999, c. 10, § 15, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2001, c. 133, § 8,
emerg. eff. April 24, 2001; Laws 2004, c. 318, § 7, eff. July 1,
2004; Laws 2009, c. 433, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2009; Laws 2019, c. 150, §
3, eff. July 1, 2019.
§60-668.2. Petty cash fund for administration of unclaimed property
There is hereby created a petty cash fund for the State Treasurer
to be used exclusively for administrative costs of the unclaimed
property program. The amount of the petty cash fund shall not exceed
Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). The Office of Management and
Enterprise Services shall prescribe all forms, systems and procedures
for administering the petty cash fund.
Added by Laws 2019, c. 150, § 4, eff. July 1, 2019.
§60-669. Control and management of monies in Unclaimed Property
The State Treasurer is hereby vested with authority and the
responsibility for the control and management of all monies in the
Unclaimed Property Fund as provided for in the Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act. It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to take
such steps as may be necessary to preserve the principal of monies
accruing to the Unclaimed Property Fund as a trust for persons
claiming any interest in any property delivered to the state pursuant
to the provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 19, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1984, c. 107, § 1, emerg. eff. April 9, 1984; Laws
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1991, c. 331, § 27, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 16, eff.
July 1, 1999.
§60-670. Determination of amount of reserve - Payment of excesses.
The State Treasurer shall determine, from time to time, what
amount of unclaimed property in custody should be retained as a
reserve in order to ensure that all claims presented by persons
legally establishing a right to any unclaimed property shall be paid
promptly. In making such determination, the State Treasurer shall
take into account the following:
1. The actual experience of other states having unclaimed
property laws, as to the amount of claims presented and established
as compared to the total amount of property taken into state custody;
2. Such actuarial or other experience or statistics as may be
available to show the frequency of the discovery of missing persons
or their unknown heirs;
3. Any other discoverable and relevant data having a tendency to
establish the amount of reserve necessary for the purpose stated in
this section.
The State Treasurer, after having found and determined the
reserve necessary as stated in this section, shall pay all amounts in
custody in excess of the necessary reserve into the State Treasury to
the credit of the General Revenue Fund.
When monies are deposited to the credit of the General Revenue
Fund, all rights of any owner of unclaimed property to resort against
the money so paid into the General Revenue Fund shall terminate, but
the right of any person legally establishing a claim to any property
right which has been taken into the custody of the State Treasurer
shall be preserved and the value thereof shall be paid from such
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 20, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1968, c. 75, § 1, emerg. eff. March 25, 1968; Laws
1984, c. 107, § 2, emerg. eff. April 9, 1984; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 17,
eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-671. Insufficiency of reserve.
If, at any time, the reserve as provided for in the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act is insufficient to pay in full established
claims, the State Treasurer immediately shall:
1. Redetermine, on the basis of past experience, the percentage
necessary to be maintained in the reserve; and
2. Cease to make any payments to the General Revenue Fund until:
a. all validly established claims as provided for in the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act have been paid, and
b. there is accumulated in the reserve the sum required to
be kept therein under the redetermination, whereupon
the State Treasurer shall resume payments to the
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General Revenue Fund in accordance with the terms of
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 21, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1984, c. 107, § 3, emerg. eff. April 9, 1984; Laws
1991, c. 331, § 28, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 18, eff.
July 1, 1999.
§60-672. Investment of reserve fund.
The State Treasurer shall have the care, custody, and management
of the reserve fund, and may invest it, at the best realizable rate,
in accordance with the investment policies of the State Treasurer and
the provisions of state law governing the investment of public funds
of the State of Oklahoma. The income from such investments shall be
paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the General Revenue
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 22, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1984, c. 107, § 4, emerg. eff. April 9, 1984; Laws
1999, c. 10, § 19, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2008, c. 108, § 5, emerg.
eff. May 2, 2008.
§60-673. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-674. Claim for abandoned property.
A. A person, excluding another state, claiming an interest in
any property delivered to the State Treasurer may file a claim on a
form prescribed by the State Treasurer and verified by the claimant.
The date of filing of a claim shall be the date it is received by the
State Treasurer with all supporting documentation from the claimant.
Any information submitted by a claimant which is required to be
submitted to the State Treasurer to establish a claim may be kept
confidential by the State Treasurer if it contains personal financial
information of the claimant, personal identifying information such as
the address, date of birth, telephone number or email address of the
claimant, Social Security numbers, birth certificates or similar
documents related to the parentage of an individual, or any other
document which is confidential by statute if in the custody of
another public agency or person.
B. The State Treasurer shall consider each claim within ninety
(90) days after it is filed and give written notice to the claimant
if the claim is denied in whole or in part. The notice may be given
by mailing it to the last address, if any, stated in the claim as the
address to which notices are to be sent. If no address for notices
is stated in the claim, the notice may be mailed to the last address,
if any, of the claimant as stated in the claim. No notice of denial
need be given if the claim fails to state either the address to which
notices are to be sent or the address of the claimant.
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C. If a claim is allowed, the State Treasurer shall pay over or
deliver to the claimant the property or the amount the State
Treasurer actually received or the net proceeds if it has been sold
by the State Treasurer, together with any additional amount required
by Section 665 of this title, but no person shall have any claim
under this section against the state, the holder, any transfer agent,
registrar or other person acting for or on behalf of the state or a
holder, for any appreciation or depreciation in the value of the
property or any earnings that might otherwise accrue, after sale of
the property by the State Treasurer.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 24, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1988, c. 281, § 10, operative July 1, 1988; Laws
1991, c. 331, § 29, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 20, eff.
July 1, 1999; Laws 2000, c. 136, § 6, eff. July 1, 2000; Laws 2001,
c. 133, § 9, emerg. eff. April 24, 2001; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 11,
eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2011, c. 261, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011; Laws
2019, c. 150, § 5, eff. July 1, 2019.
§60-674.1. Limitation on service fees for recovery of funds or
property - Mineral proceeds as payment for services prohibited.
A. No person who:
1. informs a potential claimant of any unclaimed funds or other
property, tangible or intangible, held pursuant to the Uniform
Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act that such claimant may be
entitled to claim such unclaimed property; or
2. files a claim for any funds or other property, tangible or
intangible, on behalf of a claimant of such funds or property,
shall contract for or receive from the claimant, for services, an
amount that exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the value of the
funds or property recovered.
If the funds or property involved are mineral proceeds, the
amount for services shall not include a portion of the underlying
minerals or any production payment, overriding royalty, or similar
B. The provisions of this section shall apply to contracts
executed on or after July 1, 1990.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 301, § 1, emerg. eff. May 1, 1990.
§60-674.2. Property delivered to the State Treasurer.
If any person claims an interest in any property delivered to the
State Treasurer in which the owner of the property is determined to
be deceased, the State Treasurer shall not pay over or deliver to the
claimant property as provided in Section 651 et seq. of this title,
unless the claimant provides the following items:
1. A certified copy of letters of administration or letters
testamentary from the probate of the estate of the decedent naming
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the claimant as the personal representative of the estate of the
2. A certified copy of the decree of distribution from the
probate of the estate of the decedent determining the claimant to be
entitled to receive such property through the estate of the decedent;
3. If the owner of the property executed an inter vivos trust
which provided for the disposition of the property of the owner, a
properly verified copy of the trust instrument which shows the
claimant is the trustee or beneficiary of the trust or otherwise
entitled to the property reported;
4. If the property is derived from real property located in
Oklahoma, a certified copy of a final decree quieting title of the
decedent's real property, determining the claimant to be the
successor in interest of decedent's ownership interest;
5. If the value of the property is Five Thousand Dollars
($5,000.00) or more, a certified copy of the death certificate of the
owner of the property;
6. If the value of the property is Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) or less, a signed affidavit executed by the claimant
stating that the claimant is entitled to receive such property, the
reason the claimant is entitled to receive such property, that there
has been no probate of the estate of the deceased owner, that no
probate is contemplated and that claimant will indemnify the state
for any loss, including attorney fees, should another claimant assert
a prior right to the property.
The State Treasurer may require other reasonable documentation,
in addition to the above items, to determine the validity of the
Added by Laws 1994, c. 304, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1994. Amended by Laws
1996, c. 334, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1996; Laws 1999, c. 84, § 1, eff.
Nov. 1, 1999; Laws 1999, c. 426, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1999; Laws 2001,
c. 133, § 10, emerg. eff. April 24, 2001; Laws 2003, c. 224, § 12,
eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2010, c. 241, § 4, emerg. eff. May 10, 2010;
Laws 2012, c. 131, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
NOTE: Laws 1999, c. 10, § 21 repealed by Laws 1999, c. 426, § 4,
eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
§60-675. Determination of claims - Payment.
A. The State Treasurer shall consider any claim filed under the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act and may hold a hearing and receive
evidence concerning it. The procedure to be followed hereunder shall
be as prescribed by the Administrative Procedures Act. If a hearing
is held, the State Treasurer shall prepare a finding and decision in
writing on each claim filed, stating the substance of any evidence
heard by the State Treasurer and the reasons for the State
Treasurer’s decision. The decision shall be a public record.
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B. Upon approval by the State Treasurer, the claim shall be paid
forthwith from the Unclaimed Property Fund. The claim shall be paid
without deduction for costs of notices or sale or for service
C. The State Treasurer shall not pay monies to rightful owners,
or their heirs, devisees, and assigns, exceeding the reimbursement
amount the Treasurer shall receive from the Mineral Owner’s Fund
attributable to such payments to rightful owners, or their heirs,
devisees, and assigns.
D. Claims against the Mineral Owner’s Fund shall be subject to
the same statutory requirements and administrative rules as
applicable to claims under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 25, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 30, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 22, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2009, c. 433, § 5, eff. Nov. 1,
2009; Laws 2010, c. 241, § 5, emerg. eff. May 10, 2010.
§60-676. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 95, § 6, eff. July 1, 2002.
§60-677. Declining receipt of property - Delivery of property before
presumed abandoned - Sale of securities.
A. The State Treasurer may decline to receive any property
reported under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act which the State
Treasurer considers to have a value less than the expense of giving
notice and of sale. The State Treasurer may promulgate rules
pursuant to this subsection.
B. A holder, with the written consent of the State Treasurer and
upon conditions and terms prescribed by the State Treasurer, may
report and deliver property before the property is presumed
abandoned. If a property holder reports and delivers property to the
State Treasurer before it is presumed abandoned under the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act and it is in the best interest of the property
owner for the property to be treated as abandoned, the Treasurer
shall treat the property as abandoned.
C. The State Treasurer may decline to accept weapons abandoned
in safe deposit boxes which become property subject to the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act. Such property shall be deposited with a
local sheriff or municipal police department.
D. If a claimant under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act makes
a verifiable and proper claim, but fails to properly transfer
securities into the claimant's name within ninety (90) days of claim
approval by the State Treasurer, the State Treasurer may, upon notice
to claimant, sell and convert such securities to cash for the benefit
of the claimant.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 27, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 32, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 24, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2004, c. 318, § 8, eff. July 1,
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2004; Laws 2005, c. 124, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2005; Laws 2012, c. 131, §
3, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§60-677.1. Destruction of property having insubstantial commercial
If the State Treasurer determines after investigation that any
property delivered under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act has
insubstantial commercial value, the State Treasurer may destroy or
otherwise dispose of the property at any time. No action or
proceeding may be maintained against the state or any officer or
against the holder for or on account of any action taken by the State
Treasurer pursuant to this section.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 33, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by
Laws 1999, c. 10, § 25, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2006, c. 233, § 3,
eff. Nov. 1, 2006.
§60-678. Report may be required - Failure to report property -
Examination of records.
A. The State Treasurer may require any person who has not filed
a report to file a verified report stating whether or not the person
is holding any unclaimed property reportable or deliverable under the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. If the State Treasurer has reason to
believe that any person has failed to report property in accordance
with the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, the State Treasurer may make
a demand by certified mail, return receipt requested, that such
report be made and filed with the State Treasurer. The report of
abandoned property or any other report required shall be made and
filed with the State Treasurer within sixty (60) days after receipt
of the demand.
B. The State Treasurer may at reasonable times and upon
reasonable notice examine the records of any person if the State
Treasurer has reason to believe that such person has failed to report
property that should have been reported pursuant to the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act. The State Treasurer may contract with any
other person or entity to conduct the examination on behalf of the
State Treasurer. The State Treasurer may keep confidential documents
and working papers obtained or compiled by the State Treasurer or the
State Treasurer's agents or designated representatives in the course
of conducting an examination, except for information required to be
subject to public inspection pursuant to the Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act.
C. If a person is treated under Section 656 of this title as the
holder of the property only insofar as the interest of the business
association in the property is concerned, the State Treasurer,
pursuant to subsection B of this section, may examine the records of
the person if the State Treasurer has given the notice required by
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subsection B of this section to both the person and the business
association at least ninety (90) days before the examination.
D. If a holder fails after September 1, 1991, to maintain the
records required by Section 679.1 of this title and the records of
the holder available for the periods subject to the Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act are insufficient to permit the preparation of a report,
the State Treasurer may require the holder to report and pay the
amount that is reasonably estimated from any available records.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 28, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 34, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 26, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2008, c. 108, § 6, emerg. eff. May
2, 2008; Laws 2019, c. 150, § 6, eff. July 1, 2019.
§60-679. Proceeding to compel delivery - Costs of examinations or
A. The State Treasurer may bring an action in a court of
appropriate jurisdiction to enforce the Uniform Unclaimed Property
B. The actual cost of any examination or investigation incurred
by the State Treasurer in administering any provision of the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act may be borne by the holder examined or
investigated, provided that in no case may the charges exceed the
value of the property found to be reportable and deliverable as a
result of the examination, and either:
1. A written demand for a report shall have been made and not
forthcoming in time specified in Section 678 of this title;
2. A report has not been received, and the examination or
investigation by the State Treasurer establishes that the holder
willfully or without reasonable cause has failed to report property
reportable under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act and property
reportable thereunder is discovered by such examination or
investigation; or
3. A report has been received and the examination or
investigation by the State Treasurer establishes that the holder
willfully or without reasonable cause has failed to report additional
property reportable under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
C. The cost of examination made pursuant to subsection C of
Section 678 of this title may be imposed only against the business
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 29, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 35, eff. Sept. 1, 199; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 27, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-679.1. Records of names and addresses of owners and instruments.
A. Every holder required to file a report under Section 661 of
this title, as to any property for which it has obtained the last-
known address of the owner, shall maintain a record of the name and
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last-known address of the owner for ten (10) years after the property
is reported, except to the extent that a shorter time period is
provided in subsection B of this section or by rule of the State
Treasurer or the holder's regulatory agency or commission.
B. Any business association that sells in this state its
travelers checks, money orders, or other similar written instruments,
other than third-party bank checks on which the business association
is directly liable, or that provides such instruments to others for
sale in this state, shall maintain a record of the instruments while
they remain outstanding, indicating the state and date of issue for
three (3) years after the date the property is reportable.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 36, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by
Laws 1999, c. 10, § 28, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-680. Interest - Penalties - Waiver or remittance.
A. A person who fails to pay or deliver property within the time
prescribed by the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act may be required to
pay interest at the annual rate of ten percent (10%) on the property
or value thereof from the date the property should have been paid or
B. In addition to the penalty imposed in subsection A of this
section, a person who willfully fails to render any report or deliver
property or perform any other duties required under the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act may be required to pay a civil penalty of One
Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each day the report is withheld or the
duty is not performed, but not more than Five Thousand Dollars
C. A person who willfully fails to pay or deliver property to
the State Treasurer as required under the Uniform Unclaimed Property
Act may be required to pay a civil penalty equal to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the value of the property that should have been paid
or delivered.
D. A person who willfully refuses after written demand by the
State Treasurer to pay or deliver property to the State Treasurer as
required under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act is guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction may be punished by a fine of not less
than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000.00), or imprisonment for not more than six (6)
months, or both.
E. The interest or penalty or any portion thereof, as imposed by
subsection A, B or C of this section, may be waived or remitted by
the State Treasurer if the person’s failure to pay abandoned funds or
deliver property is satisfactorily explained to the State Treasurer
or if such failure has resulted from a mistake by the person of
either the law or the facts subjecting that person to pay abandoned
funds or deliver property subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Property
Act, or inability to pay such interest or penalty resulting from
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insolvency. The State Treasurer shall promulgate rules in accordance
with the Administrative Procedures Act requiring the identification
and recording of those circumstances under which interest or penalty,
as imposed by subsection A, B, or C of this section, may be waived.
The State Treasurer may also authorize amnesty programs to promote
voluntary compliance with the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, and may
participate and cooperate with other state administrators of
abandoned or unclaimed property programs in nationwide amnesty
programs. For purposes of this section, amnesty programs are
programs in which potential holders of unclaimed property are granted
waivers of interest and civil penalties if they voluntarily begin to
comply with the reporting requirements of the state’s unclaimed
property laws.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 30, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1982, c. 278, § 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1989, c.
244, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1989; Laws 1991, c. 331, § 37, eff. Sept. 1,
1991; Laws 1999, c. 10, § 29, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2000, c. 136, §
7, eff. July 1, 2000; Laws 2004, c. 318, § 9, eff. July 1, 2004.
§60-681. Promulgation of rules – Continuation of rules in effect.
The State Treasurer may promulgate necessary rules to carry out
the provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. Promulgation
of any rules shall be in accordance with the Administrative
Procedures Act. Any administrative rules of the Oklahoma Tax
Commission which are in effect on the date the responsibilities of
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act are transferred to the State
Treasurer pursuant to the provisions of subsection D of Section 1 of
this act. All powers and duties of the Oklahoma Tax Commission or
references to the Oklahoma Tax Commission within such rules shall be
deemed to be powers and duties of the State Treasurer or references
to the State Treasurer.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 31, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 38, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 30, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-682. Effect of foreign laws.
This act does not apply to any property held, due and owing in a
foreign country and arising out of a foreign transaction.
Laws 1967, c. 107, § 32, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967; Laws 1991, c.
331, § 39, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-683. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-683.1. Exchange of information with other states - Reports –
Continuation of agreements - Joint enforcement of act.
A. The State Treasurer may enter into agreements with other
states to exchange information needed to enable this or another state
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to audit or otherwise determine unclaimed personal property that it
or another state may be entitled to subject to a claim of custody.
The State Treasurer by rule may require the reporting of information
needed to enable compliance with agreements made under this section
and prescribe the form. Any agreements entered into by the Oklahoma
Tax Commission which are in effect on the date the responsibilities
of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act are transferred to the State
Treasurer shall be effective agreements of the State Treasurer until
such time as the State Treasurer chooses to amend, repeal or modify
them. All powers and duties of the Oklahoma Tax Commission or
references to the Oklahoma Tax Commission within such rules shall be
deemed to be powers and duties of the State Treasurer or references
to the State Treasurer.
B. To avoid conflicts between the procedures in effect in this
state and the procedures in other jurisdictions that enact the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, the State Treasurer, so far as it is
consistent with the purposes, policies, and provisions of the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act, before promulgating, amending, or repealing
rules, shall advise and consult with administrators in other
jurisdictions that enact substantially the Uniform Unclaimed Property
Act and take into consideration the rules of administrators in other
jurisdictions that enact the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
C. The State Treasurer may join with other states to seek
enforcement of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act against any person
who is or may be holding property reportable under the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act.
D. At the request of another state, the Attorney General of this
state may bring an action in the name of the other state in any court
of competent jurisdiction to enforce the unclaimed property laws of
the other state against a holder in this state of property subject to
escheat or a claim of abandonment by the other state, if the other
state has agreed to pay expenses incurred by the Attorney General in
bringing the action.
E. The State Treasurer may request that the Attorney General of
another state or any other person bring an action to enforce the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act in the other state. This state shall
pay all expenses including attorney fees in an action under this
subsection. The State Treasurer may agree to pay the person bringing
the action attorney fees based in whole or in part on a percentage of
the value of property recovered in the action. Any expenses paid
pursuant to this subsection may not be deducted from the amount that
is subject to a claim by the owner under the Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 40, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by
Laws 1999, c. 10, § 31, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-683.2. Application and effect of act.
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(a) This act does not relieve a holder of a duty that arose
before the effective date of this act to report, pay, or deliver
property. A holder who did not comply with the law in effect before
the effective date of this act is subject to the applicable
enforcement and penalty provisions that then existed and they are
continued in effect for the purpose of this subsection, subject to
subsection (b) of Section 666 of this title.
(b) The initial report filed under this act for property that
was not required to be reported before the effective date of this act
but which is subject to this act must include all items of property
that would have been presumed abandoned during the ten-year period
preceding the effective date of this act as if this act had been in
effect during that period.
(c) Museums shall not be subject to the provisions of the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, but a museum may avail itself of the
provisions of this act by complying with the requirements of this
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 41, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by
Laws 1992, c. 404, § 2, emerg. eff. June 11, 1992.
§60-684. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 64, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-684.1. Recovery of property by another state.
A. At any time after personal property has been paid or
delivered to the State Treasurer under the Uniform Unclaimed Property
Act, another state may recover the property if:
1. The property was subjected to custody by this state because
the records of the holder did not reflect the last-known address of
the apparent owner when the property was presumed abandoned under the
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, and the other state establishes that
the last-known address of the apparent owner or other person entitled
to the property was in that state and under the laws of that state
the property escheated to or was subject to a claim of abandonment by
that state;
2. The last-known address of the apparent owner or other person
entitled to the property, as reflected by the records of the holder,
is in the other state and under the laws of that state the property
has escheated to or become subject to a claim of abandonment by that
3. The records of the holder were erroneous in that they did not
accurately reflect the actual owner of the property and the last-
known address of the actual owner is in the other state and under the
laws of that state the property escheated to or was subject to a
claim of abandonment by that state;
4. The property was subjected to custody by this state under
subsection (f) of Section 659 of this title and under the laws of the
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state of domicile of the holder the property has escheated to or
become subject to a claim of abandonment by that state; or
5. The property is the sum payable on a travelers check, money
order, or other similar instrument that was subjected to custody by
this state under Section 651.2 of this title, and the instrument was
purchased in the other state, and under the laws of that state the
property escheated to or became subject to a claim of abandonment by
that state.
B. The claim of another state to recover escheated or abandoned
property must be presented in a form prescribed by the State
Treasurer, which shall decide the claim within ninety (90) days after
it is presented. The State Treasurer shall allow the claim if the
State Treasurer determines that the other state is entitled to the
abandoned property under subsection A of this section.
C. The State Treasurer shall require a state, before recovering
property under this section, to agree to indemnify this state and its
officers and employees against liability on a claim for the property.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 42, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by
Laws 1999, c. 10, § 32, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-685.1. Application and construction of act.
The Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (1981) shall be applied and
construed so as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the
law with respect to unclaimed property among states enacting it.
Added by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 43, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
§60-686. Citation.
Section 651 et seq. of this title may be cited as the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 107, § 36, emerg. eff. April 24, 1967.
Amended by Laws 1991, c. 331, § 44, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1999, c.
10, § 33, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-688. Duties relating to administration – Transfer from Tax
Commission to State Treasurer – Transfer of administrative rules.
A. Effective July 1, 1999, all duties relating to administration
of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act shall be transferred from the
Oklahoma Tax Commission to the State Treasurer. Funds sufficient to
administer the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act shall be appropriated
to the State Treasurer for fiscal year 2000. All funds related to
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act shall be transferred to the
control of the State Treasurer on July 1, 1999. Provided, fiscal
year 2000 shall be a transitional year in which the State Treasurer
shall gradually assume complete administration and management over
the program and staff currently carrying out the administration of
the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. The State Treasurer and the Tax
Commission shall enter into a contract whereby funds shall be paid to
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the Tax Commission by the State Treasurer throughout fiscal year 2000
in exchange for the Tax Commission’s agreement to continue to operate
the program. During this transition year, the employees assigned to
the Unclaimed Property Division shall continue to be employees of the
Tax Commission without loss of classified status. Effective July 1,
2000, the Unclaimed Property Division shall be administered by the
Office of the State Treasurer. Prior to July 1, 2000, the State
Treasurer shall identify initial staffing needs for the Unclaimed
Property Division. The State Treasurer shall give due consideration
for employment to any employee of the Tax Commission who desires to
remain employed in the Unclaimed Property Division after July 1,
2000. The State Treasurer shall have complete discretion in
selecting staff to perform those duties effective July 1, 2000.
Employees of the Tax Commission who are selected and employed by the
State Treasurer to perform duties associated with the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act, or other duties, shall not retain their
classified status. The Tax Commission shall make every effort to
retain any classified employee in the Unclaimed Property Division in
other comparable classified positions at the Tax Commission if the
employee is not offered employment with the State Treasurer.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A of this
section, nothing shall preclude the State Treasurer from entering
into cooperative arrangements with other state agencies, including
the Tax Commission, to provide services relating to the
administration of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act after July 1,
C. The Tax Commission shall not use any information or evidence
obtained in the course of examination of records of any person
pursuant to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act for purposes of
investigation or enforcement of any state tax law.
D. Effective July 1, 1999, all administrative rules promulgated
by the Tax Commission pursuant to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act
shall be transferred to and become a part of the administrative rules
of the State Treasurer. The Office of Administrative Rules in the
Secretary of State’s office shall provide adequate notice in the
Oklahoma Register of the transfer of rules, and shall place the
transferred rules under the Administrative Code section of the State
Treasurer. From and after July 1, 1999, any amendment, repeal or
addition to the transferred rules shall be under the jurisdiction of
the State Treasurer.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 10, § 1, eff. July 1, 1999.
§60-701. Accounts presumed abandoned - Escheat.
All Postal Savings System accounts created by the deposits of
persons whose last-known addresses are in this state which have not
been claimed by the persons entitled thereto before May 1, 1971, are
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presumed to have been abandoned by their owners and are declared to
escheat and become the property of this state.
Laws 1971, c. 41, § 1, emerg. eff. March 25, 1971.
§60-702. Request for account cards.
The Attorney General shall request from the Bureau of Accounts of
the United States Treasury Department records providing the following
information: the names of depositors at the post offices of this
state whose accounts are unclaimed, their last addresses as shown by
the records of the Post Office Department, and the balance in each
account. He shall agree to return to the Bureau of Accounts promptly
all account cards showing last addresses in another state.
Laws 1971, c. 41, § 2, emerg. eff. March 25, 1971.
§60-703. Proceedings to escheat accounts.
The Attorney General may bring proceedings in the district court
of Oklahoma County to escheat unclaimed Postal Savings System
accounts held by the United States Treasury Department. A single
proceeding may be used to escheat as many accounts as may be
available for escheat at one time.
Laws 1971, c. 41, § 3, emerg. eff. March 25, 1971.
§60-704. Notice to depositors.
The Attorney General shall notify depositors whose accounts are
to be escheated as follows:
1. A letter advising that a Postal Savings System account in the
name of the addressee is about to be escheated and setting forth the
procedure by which a deposit may be claimed shall be mailed by first
class mail to the named depositor at the last address shown on the
account records for each account to be escheated having an unpaid
principal balance of more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00).
2. A general notice of intention to escheat Postal Savings
System accounts shall be published once in each of three (3)
successive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the
county in this state in which is located the last address shown on
the account records for each account to be escheated having an unpaid
principal balance of more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). 3. A
special notice of intention to escheat the unclaimed Postal Savings
System accounts originally deposited in each post office must be
published once in each of three (3) successive weeks in a legal
newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the post
office is located. This notice must list the names of the owners of
each unclaimed account to be escheated having a principal balance of
Three Dollars ($3.00) or more.
Laws 1971, c. 41, § 4, emerg. eff. March 25, 1971.
§60-705. Collection and deposit of funds.
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The Attorney General shall present a copy of each final judgment
of escheat to the United States Treasury Department for payment of
the principal due and the interest computed under regulations of the
United States Treasury Department. The payment received shall be
deposited in the General Revenue Fund in the State Treasury.
Added by Laws 1971, c. 41, § 5, emerg. eff. March 25, 1971.
§60-706. Indemnification.
This state shall indemnify the United States for any losses
suffered as a result of the escheat of unclaimed Postal Savings
System accounts. The burden of the indemnification falls upon the
fund into which the proceeds of the escheated accounts have been
Laws 1971, c. 41, § 6, emerg. eff. March 25, 1971.
§60-707. Short title.
This act may be cited as the Escheat of Postal Savings System
Accounts Act.
Laws 1971, c. 41, § 7, emerg. eff. March 25, 1971.
§60-751. Definitions.
As used in this act, unless otherwise clearly required by the
1. "Beneficiary" means and includes any person entitled, but for
his disclaimer, to take an interest, as grantee; as donee; under any
assignment or instrument of conveyance or transfer; by succession to
a disclaimed interest, other than by will, intestate succession or
through the exercise or nonexercise of a testamentary power of
appointment; as beneficiary of an inter vivos trust or insurance
contract; pursuant to the exercise or nonexercise of a
nontestamentary power of appointment; as donee of a power of
appointment created by a nontestamentary instrument; or otherwise
under any nontestamentary instrument;
2. "Interest" means and includes the whole of any property, real
or personal, legal or equitable, or any fractional part, share or
particular portion or specific assets thereof or any estate in any
such property including but not limited to a joint tenancy interest
in any such property, or power to appoint, consume, apply or expend
property or any other right, power, privilege or immunity relating
thereto; and
3. "Disclaimer" means a written instrument which declines,
refuses, releases or disclaims an interest which would otherwise be
succeeded to by a beneficiary, which instrument defines the nature
and extent of the interest disclaimed thereby and which must be
signed, witnessed and acknowledged by the disclaimant in the manner
provided for deeds of real estate.
Amended by Laws 1988, c. 319, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 1988.
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§60-752. Right to file disclaimer - Minor incompetent or deceased
A beneficiary may disclaim any interest in whole or in part, or
with reference to specific parts, shares, portions or assets thereof,
by filing a disclaimer in the manner hereinafter provided. A
guardian, executor, administrator or other personal representative of
the estate of a minor, incompetent or deceased beneficiary, if he
deems it in the best interests of those interested in the estate of
such beneficiary and of those who take the beneficiary's interest by
virtue of the disclaimer and not detrimental to the best interests of
the beneficiary, with or without an order of the probate court, may
execute and file a disclaimer on behalf of the beneficiary within the
time and in the manner in which the beneficiary himself could
disclaim if he were living, of legal age and competent. A
beneficiary likewise may execute and file a disclaimer by agent or
attorney so empowered.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 159, § 2.
§60-753. Time for filing disclaimer.
Such disclaimer shall be filed at any time after the creation of
the interest, but in all events within nine (9) months after the
effective date of the nontestamentary instrument creating the
interest, or, if the disclaimant is not then finally ascertained as a
beneficiary or his interest has not then become indefeasibly fixed
both in quality and in quantity, such disclaimer shall be filed not
later than nine (9) months after the event which would cause him so
to become finally ascertained and his interest to become indefeasibly
fixed both in quality and quantity. With respect to a disclaimer, an
interest which is a joint tenancy interest in property shall not be
considered to be indefeasibly fixed both in quality and quantity
until the death of all but one of the persons owning such joint
tenancy interest.
Amended by Laws 1988, c. 319, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 1988.
§60-754. Place of filing disclaimer - Delivery of copies - Interest
in real estate.
The disclaimer defined in Section 751 of this title shall be
effective upon being filed on the miscellaneous docket in the office
of the county clerk of any county of the State of Oklahoma in which
the district court would have jurisdiction and venue of the matter.
A copy of the disclaimer shall be delivered or mailed to the trustee
of any trust in which the interest disclaimed exists or to any other
person who has legal title to, or possession of, the property in
which the interest disclaimed exists, and no such trustee or person
shall be liable for any otherwise proper distribution or other
disposition made without actual notice of the disclaimer. If an
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interest in or relating to real estate is disclaimed, the original of
the disclaimer, or a copy of the disclaimer certified as true and
complete by the custodian wherein the disclaimer has been filed,
shall also be filed with the county clerk in the county or counties
where the real estate is situated and shall constitute notice to all
persons only from and after the time of the filing.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 159, § 4. Amended by Laws 2001, c. 67, § 1,
eff. Nov. 1, 2001.
§60-755. Disposition of interest disclaimed.
Unless otherwise provided in the nontestamentary instrument
creating the interest with reference to the possibility of a
disclaimer by the beneficiary, the interest disclaimed shall be
distributed or otherwise be disposed of in the same manner as if the
disclaimant had died immediately preceding the death or other event
which causes him to become finally ascertained as a beneficiary and
his interest to become indefeasibly fixed both in quality and
quantity and, in any case, the disclaimer shall relate for all
purposes to that date, whether filed before or after such death or
other event. However, one disclaiming an interest in a nonresiduary
gift under a trust instrument or otherwise shall not be excluded,
unless his disclaimer so provides, from sharing in a gift of the
residue even though, through lapse, such residue includes the assets
disclaimed. If the disclaimer pertains to a joint tenancy interest
in property, the interest disclaimed shall be distributed or
otherwise be disposed of in the same manner as if the disclaimant had
died immediately preceding the death of the other person having a
joint tenancy interest in the same property whose death most closely
preceded the effective date of the disclaimer or, if no person having
a joint tenancy interest has died, then as if the disclaimant never
owned the joint tenancy interest which was disclaimed.
Amended by Laws 1988, c. 319, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 1988.
§60-756. Uniform Fraudulent Conveyances Act not abrogated - Bar on
right to disclaim in certain cases.
Nothing included in this act shall be deemed to amend, repeal or
abrogate in any manner Title 24 O. S. 1971, Sections 101 through 111,
inclusive. Any voluntary assignment or transfer of, or contract to
assign or transfer, an interest in real or personal property, or
written waiver of the right to disclaim the succession to an interest
in real or personal property, by any beneficiary, or any sale or
other disposition of an interest in real or personal property
pursuant to judicial process, made before he has disclaimed, as
herein provided, bars the right otherwise hereby conferred on such
beneficiary to disclaim as to such interest.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 159, § 6.
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§60-757. Spendthrift provisions - Binding effect of disclaimer -
Spouse of disclaimant.
The right to disclaim granted by this act shall exist
irrespective of any limitation imposed on the interest of the
disclaimant in the nature of an express or implied spendthrift
provision or similar restriction. A disclaimer, when filed as
provided in this act, or a written waiver of the right to disclaim,
shall be binding upon the disclaimant or beneficiary so waiving and
all parties thereafter claiming by, through or under him, except that
a beneficiary so waiving may thereafter transfer, assign or release
his interest if such is not prohibited by an express or implied
spendthrift provision. If an interest in real estate is disclaimed
and the disclaimer is duly filed in accordance with the provisions of
Section 4 of this act, the spouse of the disclaimant, if such spouse
has consented to the disclaimer in writing, shall thereupon be
automatically debarred from any claim, right or interest in such real
estate to which such spouse, except for such disclaimer, would have
been entitled.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 159, § 7.
§60-758. Other rights not abridged.
This act shall not abridge the right of any person, apart from
this act, under any existing or future statute or rule of law, to
disclaim any interest or to assign, convey, release, renounce or
otherwise dispose of any interest.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 159, § 8.
§60-759. Interests not fixed or finally ascertained - Right to
Any interest which exists on the effective date of this act but
which has not then become indefeasibly fixed both in quality and
quantity, or the taker of which has not then become finally
ascertained, may be thereafter disclaimed in the manner provided
Added by Laws 1973, c. 159, § 9.
§60-801. Short title.
This act shall be known as the Oklahoma Airspace Act.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-802. Airspace defined - Provisions pertaining to aviation not
For purposes of this act, airspace is defined as that space which
extends from the surface of the earth upward and which is either
occupied or subject to being occupied for the reasonable enjoyment
and use of the land surface and any structures thereon by the surface
owner or owners, his or their heirs, successors or assigns. The
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airspace owned by a surface owner or owners is that which lies within
the vertical upward extension of his or their surface boundaries.
Airspace as defined herein shall in no way be deemed to contravene,
supersede, amend, modify or alter the existing powers, requirements,
limitations or other provisions of statutory or common law pertaining
to aviation, air transportation, air commerce, or air operations.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-803. Airspace as real property.
Airspace as defined herein is real property, and until title
thereto or rights, interests or estates therein are separately
transferred, airspace is the property of the person or persons
holding title to the land surface beneath it, subject to the
limitations relating to wind or solar energy agreements provided in
Section 1 of this act.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 3, eff. Oct. 1, 1973. Amended by Laws
2010, c. 334, § 2, eff. July 1, 2010.
§60-804. Airspace subject to same statutes, rules of law and common
law as other real property.
A. It is the purpose of this act that airspace shall be subject
to being acquired, held, enjoyed, possessed, alienated, granted,
sold, conveyed, exchanged, transferred, partitioned, assigned,
demised, leased, released, charged, mortgaged, encumbered, assessed,
devised, condemned, vacated, zoned, platted, divided, subdivided, and
otherwise utilized and manipulated in the same manner, upon the same
conditions and for the same uses and purposes as other real property;
and airspace shall be subject to the same statutes, rules of law, and
common law as other real property.
B. All of the rights, privileges, immunities, incidents, powers,
remedies, burdens, servitudes, duties, liabilities, limitations and
restrictions which apply to titles, estates, rights and interests in
other real property shall apply to airspace.
C. No power set forth herein, however, shall alter, amend,
supersede, hinder, contravene, prevent or affect the exercise of the
rights, privileges and immunities otherwise granted by statutory or
common law to individuals, partnerships, corporations, business
associations or governmental bodies engaged in aviation, air
transportation, air commerce, air operations, or to public service
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 4, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-805. Titles, estates, rights and interests as pertaining to
Subject to the limitations relating to wind or solar energy
agreements provided in Section 1 of this act, all forms of titles,
estates, rights and interests which may presently exist or which may
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hereafter be created by law or equity or under statutes pertaining to
real property may be legally created, transferred and conveyed in
airspace, whether or not such airspace is contiguous to the surface
of the earth; and the same shall constitute titles, estates, rights
and interests in real property under and subject to the laws
pertaining thereto.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 5, eff. Oct. 1, 1973. Amended by Laws
2010, c. 334, § 3, eff. July 1, 2010.
§60-806. State, governmental units, individuals, corporations, etc.
as possessing same powers and duties with respect to airspace as to
other property.
A. The state and all of its departments, commissions, agencies,
instrumentalities, divisions, subdivisions and authorities, including
all counties, municipal corporations and governmental units of any
kind, shall have the same powers, rights and duties with respect to
airspace as are possessed with respect to other real property.
B. All private individuals, partnerships, corporations,
foundations, trustees, fiduciaries, and all other private persons
whatever their legal status, shall have the same powers, rights and
duties with respect to airspace as are possessed with respect to
other real property.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 6, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-807. Division of airspace.
Airspace may be divided or apportioned horizontally and
vertically, and in any geometric shape or design, in the exercise of
any of the powers, rights or duties by public bodies or private
persons under this act.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 7, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-808. Right, title, and interest to pass at death of owner.
The right, title, interest and estate of a decedent in and to
airspace shall pass at his death by testamentary disposition, or in
the event of intestacy, shall pass in the same manner as provided by
the laws of this state for the descent of other real property.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 8, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-809. Taxation.
All titles, estates, rights and interests in airspace are subject
to taxation to the same extent and in the same manner as other real
property is taxed; and for the purpose of taxation, titles, estates,
rights and interests in airspace held by persons other than by the
owner or owners of the land surface shall be taxed separately from
the land surface and from other separately owned airspace, and the
owner or owners of the land surface shall not be taxed for airspace
which is not owned, nor to the extent that his or their rights
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therein have been diminished. Nothing contained in this section
shall be construed to authorize taxation of unimproved or undeveloped
airspace either by adding to the assessed valuation of the surface or
by taxation on said unimproved or undeveloped airspace itself. This
act shall not apply to aviation, air or space travel.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 9, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-810. Powers of state over highways, streets, bridges, etc. not
extended so as to cause violations.
The powers granted under this act shall in no way extend the
power of state and local authorities having jurisdiction over
highways, roads, streets, alleys, bridges or rights-of-way to the
point that (a) federal regulations pertaining to federal aid rights-
of-way are violated, (b) constitutional limits on the power of such
authorities are exceeded, or (c) the right of the public to full and
unobstructed use of highways, roads, streets, alleys, bridges and
rights-of-way is impaired.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 10, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-811. Joint development use plans.
A. The state and any of its political subdivisions, port
authorities and turnpike authorities may join, cooperate and contract
with other agencies or instrumentalities of federal, state or local
governments, or with private persons, corporations, partnerships,
business associations, fiduciaries or personal representatives in and
for the acquisition, condemnation, purchase, lease, sale, assignment,
mortgage or use of title, rights, interests and estates in airspace.
This power shall include, but shall not be limited to, the joint
development and multiple use of rights-of-way and adjoining property
or airspace. In furtherance of such functions, the aforementioned
entities and authorities shall have the following powers:
1. To do all things necessary to develop and effectuate a joint
development and multiple use plan for an area which is to be
developed, including the coordination of such plan and cooperation
with all other affected agencies of federal, state or local
governments; to collect and distribute informational material
pertaining thereto; to cooperate and coordinate activities and
functions with interested or affected private persons, corporations,
partnerships, business associations, fiduciaries, personal
representatives or groups; to employ consultants, planners and
professional or advisory personnel or services; to contract with
federal, state, regional or local authorities or agencies, or with
private persons, corporations, partnerships, business associations or
other such organizations or associations for the preparation of
transportation and land use studies; and to contract for services,
labor, supplies, equipment or other items with governmental
authorities or private persons, corporations, partnerships, business
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associations, fiduciaries, personal representatives or other persons
as may be necessary to effectuate the joint development and multiple
use plan;
2. To apply for, accept, receive, spend and account for such
funds, grants, loans, gifts and services from federal, state,
regional or local governments or their instrumentalities or from
private persons or from other sources as may be needed to develop and
effectuate the joint development and multiple use plan; and to
provide and agree to such reasonable conditions and requirements as
may be necessary in connection therewith; and
3. To perform such other acts and enter into such contracts or
execute such other legal documents as may be necessary or appropriate
to develop, effectuate or execute the joint development and multiple
use plan.
B. The state and any of its political subdivisions, port
authorities and turnpike authorities may join with any other federal,
state, regional or local governmental authority in the condemnation
through exercise of the power of eminent domain of land or airspace
in excess of that necessary for the highway, road or street right-of-
way, whenever such excess condemnation is necessary and appropriate
to effectuate a joint development and multiple use plan.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 11, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-812. Sale of unneeded airspace or real property.
Any governmental authority, agency or instrumentality which holds
right, title, interest or estate in airspace or in other real
property which is not needed for a public purpose or for public use
may sell, convey or transfer the right, title, interest or estate
owned by it, or any lesser right, title, interest or estate, to such
persons as the laws of this state permit at public or private sale
for not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the appraised value
thereof, as established by two or more disinterested, qualified
appraisers. Along with transfers of unneeded airspace or real
property, or right, title, interest or estate therein, the transferor
may also grant or transfer easements or other rights and interests in
retained airspace and real property which may be required to provide
access to or support of structures erected in the transferred
airspace or property.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 12, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-813. Governmental authority holding only easements for use as
In situations in which a governmental authority or agency holds
only an easement for use as a right-of-way over land on which is
constructed a highway, street, road, alley or bridge:
1. The governmental authority or agency shall possess for and on
behalf of the public the right to use such easement for highway,
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street, road, alley or bridge purposes with full, free and
unobstructed passage over such improvement as well as the right to
construct, maintain, repair, alter and remove such improvement,
subject to all other laws pertaining thereto; and
2. In addition thereto, the governmental authority and agency
shall possess for and on behalf of the public the right to make full
use of the airspace over, under or upon said right-of-way, provided
that the residual right, title, interest and estate of the owner or
owners of the fee in and to the land on which said improvement exists
shall not in any way be encumbered, limited or additionally burdened
without just compensation being paid to such owner or owners and with
the determination of such just compensation to be made in the manner
provided by law for additional takings under the power of eminent
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 13, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-814. Right of eminent domain.
This act shall not alter, amend, repeal, modify or affect the
laws of this state providing for the exercise of the power of eminent
domain by public or quasi-public agencies, authorities and
instrumentalities or by private persons, except as may be
specifically provided herein and except that the power of eminent
domain may be exercised to condemn and acquire airspace in the same
manner as provided by law for the acquisition of other real property
or for rights or interests in same. The procedure and rules provided
by law for condemnation of real property by public or quasi-public
agencies, authorities and instrumentalities and by private persons
shall apply to the condemnation of airspace. Whenever more than one
procedure for condemnation is provided by law and whenever there is
doubt as to which procedure applies in a particular condemnation
proceeding, the condemnation procedure applicable to the State
Highway Commission or agency shall be followed.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 14, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-815. Laws pertaining to powers, privileges, immunities, duties
and liabilities of agencies not affected.
Except as specifically provided herein, this act shall not alter,
amend, repeal, modify or affect the laws of this state which pertain
to the powers, privileges, immunities, duties and liabilities of
authorities, agencies, instrumentalities or other such divisions or
departments of state and local governments, or to improvement
districts or to private persons.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 199, § 15, eff. Oct. 1, 1973.
§60-820.1. Airspace Severance Restriction Act.
A. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Airspace
Severance Restriction Act”.
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B. It is the intent of this act to restrict the permanent
severing of the airspace over any real property located in this state
for the purpose of developing and operating commercial wind or solar
energy conversion systems. Leasing arrangements for development of
wind or solar energy conversion systems may be made only with the
legally authorized owner of the surface estate pursuant to the
provisions and restrictions provided by this act or otherwise
provided by law. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any
property owner utilizing wind or solar energy conversion systems for
domestic use only.
C. For the purposes of this act a “wind or solar energy
agreement” means a lease agreement, whether or not stated in the form
of a restriction, covenant, or condition, in any deed, wind or solar
easement, wind or solar option or lease securing land for the study
or production of wind or solar-generated energy, or any other
instrument executed by or on behalf of any owner of land or airspace
for the purpose of allowing another party to study the potential for,
or to develop, a wind or solar energy conversion system on the land
or in the airspace. A wind or solar energy agreement shall in no way
be deemed to contravene, supersede, amend, modify or alter the
existing powers, requirements, limitations or other provisions of
statutory or common law pertaining to aviation, air transportation,
air commerce or air operations.
D. A wind or solar energy agreement shall run with the land
benefitted and burdened and shall terminate upon the conditions
stated in the wind or solar agreement.
E. An instrument entered into subsequent to July 1, 2010, that
creates a land right or an option to secure a land right in real
property or the vertical space above real property for a solar energy
system, for a wind or solar energy conversion system, or for wind
measurement equipment, shall be created in writing, and the
instrument, or related memorandum of easement, or an abstract, shall
be filed, duly recorded, and indexed in the office of the county
clerk in the county in which the real property subject to the
instrument is located. The instrument, but not the related
memorandum of easement or abstract, shall include but not be limited
1. The names of the parties;
2. A legal description of the real property involved;
3. The nature of the interest created;
4. The consideration paid for the transfer;
5. A description of the improvements the developer intends to
make on the real property, including, but not limited to, roads,
transmission lines, substations, wind turbines and meteorological
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6. A description of any decommissioning security as defined in
subsection B of this section, or other requirements related to
decommissioning; and
7. The terms or conditions, if any, under which the interest may
be revised or terminated.
F. No interest in any resource located on a tract of land and
solely associated with the production or potential production of wind
or solar-generated energy on the tract of land may be severed from
the surface estate except that such rights may be leased for a
definite term pursuant to the provisions of this act.
G. The provisions of this act shall not affect any agreements or
contracts entered into pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma
Airspace Act, Section 801 et seq. of this title.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 334, § 1, eff. July 1, 2010. Amended by Laws
2011, c. 50, § 1, emerg. eff. April 13, 2011.
§60-831. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Residential
Property Condition Disclosure Act".
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 1, eff. July 1, 1995.
§60-832. Definitions.
As used in this act:
1. "Offer to purchase" means an offer to purchase property made
by a purchaser pursuant to a written contract;
2. "Seller" means one or more persons who are attempting to
transfer a possessory interest in property and who are either:
a. represented by a real estate licensee; or
b. not represented by a real estate licensee but receive a
written request from the purchaser to deliver or cause
to be delivered a disclaimer statement or disclosure
statement as such terms are defined in paragraphs 11
and 12 of this section;
3. "Purchaser" means one or more persons who are attempting to
acquire a possessory interest in property;
4. "Real estate licensee" means a person licensed under the
Oklahoma Real Estate License Code;
5. "Transfer" means a sale or conveyance, exchange or option to
purchase by written instrument of a possessory interest in property
for consideration;
6. "Person" means an individual, corporation, limited liability
company, partnership, association, trust or other legal entity or any
combination thereof;
7. "Contract" means a real estate purchase contract for the
sale, conveyance or exchange of property, option to purchase
property, or a lease with an option to purchase property;
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8. "Property" means residential real property improved with not
less than one nor more than two dwelling units;
9. "Defect" means a condition, malfunction or problem that would
have a materially adverse effect on the monetary value of the
property, or that would impair the health or safety of future
occupants of the property;
10. "Disclosure" means a written declaration required by this
act based on actual knowledge of the seller regarding certain
physical conditions of the property. A disclosure for purposes of
this act is not a warranty, implied or express, of any kind;
11. "Disclaimer statement" means the statement described in
paragraph 1 of subsection A of Section 3 of this act; and
12. "Disclosure statement" means the statement described in
paragraph 2 of subsection A of Section 3 of this act.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 2, eff. July 1, 1995.
§60-833. Disclaimer and disclosure statements.
A. A seller of property located in this state shall deliver, or
cause to be delivered, to the purchaser of such property one of the
1. A written property disclaimer statement on a form established
by rule by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission which states that the
a. has never occupied the property and makes no
disclosures concerning the condition of the property,
b. has no actual knowledge of any defect; or
2. A written property condition disclosure statement on a form
established by rule by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission which
shall include the information set forth in subsection B of this
B. 1. The disclosure statement shall include an identification
of items and improvements which are included in the sale of the
property and whether such items or improvements are in normal working
order. The disclosures required shall also include a statement of
whether the seller has actual knowledge of defects or information in
relation to the following:
a. water and sewer systems, including the source of
household water, water treatment systems, sprinkler
systems, occurrence of water in the heating and air
conditioning ducts, water seepage or leakage, drainage
or grading problems and flood zone status,
b. structural systems, including the roof, walls, floors,
foundation and any basement,
c. plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning
d. infestation or damage of wood-destroying organisms,
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e. major fire or tornado damage,
f. land use matters,
g. existence of hazardous or regulated materials and other
conditions having an environmental impact,
h. existence of prior manufacturing of methamphetamine,
i. any other defects known to the seller, and
j. other matters the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission deems
2. The disclosure statement shall include the following notices
to the purchaser in bold and conspicuous type:
a. "The information and statements contained in this
disclosure statement are declarations and
representations of the seller and are not the
representations of the real estate licensee.",
b. "The information contained in this disclosure statement
is not intended to be a part of any contract between
the purchaser and the seller.", and
c. "The declarations and information contained in this
disclosure statement are not warranties, express or
implied of any kind, and are not a substitute for any
inspections or warranties the purchaser may wish to
C. Either the disclaimer statement or the disclosure statement
required by this section must be completed, signed and dated by the
seller. The date of completion on either statement may not be more
than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date of receipt of
the statement by the purchaser.
D. The Oklahoma Real Estate Commission shall develop by rule the
forms for the residential property condition disclaimer and the
residential property condition disclosure statement. After
development of the initial forms, the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission
may amend by rule the forms as is necessary and appropriate.
Such forms shall be made available upon request irrespective of
whether the person requesting a disclaimer or disclosure form is
represented by a real estate licensee.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 3, eff. July 1, 1995. Amended by Laws
2003, c. 52, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2003.
§60-834. Delivery of statements.
A. A seller should deliver either the disclaimer statement or
disclosure statement to the purchaser as soon as practicable, but in
any event it shall be delivered before acceptance of an offer to
B. If the disclaimer statement or disclosure statement is
delivered to the purchaser after an offer to purchase has been made,
the offer to purchase shall be accepted only after the purchaser has
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acknowledged receipt of the disclaimer statement or disclosure
statement and confirmed the offer to purchase.
C. If the seller becomes aware of a defect after delivery to the
purchaser of either a disclaimer statement or a disclosure statement,
then the seller shall promptly deliver to the purchaser either a
disclosure statement or an amended disclosure statement which
discloses the newly discovered defect. The disclosure statement or
any amendment shall be in writing and shall be signed and dated by
the seller. However, if the required document is delivered to the
purchaser after an offer to purchase has been made, the offer to
purchase shall be accepted only after the purchaser has acknowledged
receipt of the required document and confirmed the offer to purchase.
D. The purchaser shall acknowledge in writing receipt of the
disclaimer statement or the disclosure statement and any amendment to
the disclosure statement. The purchaser shall sign and date any
acknowledgment. Such acknowledgment should accompany the offer to
purchase the property. If the purchaser confirms the offer to
purchase, such confirmation shall be in writing, shall be signed and
dated by the purchaser and shall be promptly delivered to the seller.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 4, eff. July 1, 1995.
§60-835. Limitation of seller's liability.
A. The seller shall not be liable for a defect or other
condition in the property if the existence of the defect or other
condition in the property was disclosed in the disclosure statement
or any amendment delivered to the purchaser before acceptance of the
offer to purchase.
B. The seller shall not be liable for any erroneous, inaccurate
or omitted information supplied to the purchaser as a disclosure
required by this act if:
1. The error, inaccuracy or omission results from an
approximation of information by the seller, provided:
a. accurate information was unknown to the seller at the
time the disclosure was made,
b. the approximation was clearly identified as such and
was reasonable and based on the best information
available to the seller, and
c. the approximation was not used to circumvent the
disclosure requirements of this act;
2. The error, inaccuracy or omission was not within the actual
knowledge of the seller; or
3. The disclosure was based on information provided by public
agencies and the seller reasonably believed the information to be
C. The delivery by a public agency of any information required
to be disclosed by the seller of the property shall satisfy the
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requirements of this act as to the disclosures to which the
information being furnished is applicable.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 5, eff. July 1, 1995.
§60-836. Duties of real estate licensee.
A. A real estate licensee representing or assisting a seller has
the duty to obtain from the seller a disclaimer statement or a
disclosure statement and any amendment required by the Residential
Property Condition Disclosure Act and to make such statement
available to potential purchasers prior to acceptance of an offer to
B. A real estate licensee representing or assisting a purchaser
has the duty to obtain and make available to the purchaser a
disclaimer statement or a disclosure statement and any amendment
required by the Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act prior
to the acceptance of an offer to purchase.
C. A real estate licensee has the duty to disclose to the
purchaser any defects in the property actually known to the licensee
which are not included in the disclosure statement or any amendment.
D. A real estate licensee who has complied with the requirements
of subsections A, B and C of this section, as applicable, shall have
no further duties to the seller or the purchaser regarding any
disclosures required under the Residential Property Condition
Disclosure Act.
A real estate licensee who has not complied with the requirements
of subsections A, B and C of this section shall be subject to
disciplinary action by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission as set
forth in paragraph 6 of Section 858-208 of Title 59 of the Oklahoma
E. A real estate licensee has no duty to the seller or the
purchaser to conduct an independent inspection of the property and
has no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of
any statement made by the seller in the disclaimer statement or the
disclosure statement and any amendment.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 6, eff. July 1, 1995. Amended by Laws
2007, c. 42, § 6, eff. Jan. 1, 2008.
§60-837. Remedies.
A. The purchaser may recover in a civil action only in the event
of any of the following:
1. The failure of the seller to provide to the purchaser a
disclaimer statement or a disclosure statement and any amendment
prior to acceptance of an offer to purchase;
2. The failure of the seller to disclose in the disclosure
statement or any amendment provided to the purchaser a defect which
was actually known to the seller prior to acceptance of an offer to
purchase; or
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3. The failure of the real estate licensee to disclose to the
purchaser any defects in the property actually known to the real
estate licensee prior to acceptance of an offer to purchase and which
were not included in the disclosure statement or any amendment
provided to the purchaser.
B. The sole and exclusive civil remedy at common law or
otherwise for a failure under subsection A of this section by the
seller or the real estate licensee shall be an action for actual
damages, including the cost of repairing the defect, suffered by the
purchaser as a result of a defect existing in the property as of the
date of acceptance by the seller of an offer to purchase and shall
not include the remedy of exemplary damages.
C. Any action brought under this act shall be commenced within
two (2) years after the date of transfer of real property subject to
this act.
D. In any civil action brought under this act, the prevailing
party shall be allowed court costs and a reasonable attorney fee to
be set by the court and to be collected as costs.
E. A transfer of a possessory interest in property subject to
this act may not be invalidated solely because of the failure of any
person to comply with this act.
F. This act applies to, regulates and determines rights, duties,
obligations and remedies at common law or otherwise of the seller,
the real estate licensee and the purchaser with respect to disclosure
of defects in property and supplants and abrogates all common law
liability, rights, duties, obligations and remedies therefore.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 7, eff. July 1, 1995. Amended by Laws
2003, c. 52, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2003.
§60-838. Exemptions from application of act.
A. This act does not apply to:
1. Transfers pursuant to court order, including, but not limited
to, transfers pursuant to a writ of execution, transfers by eminent
domain and transfers pursuant to an order for partition;
2. Transfers to a mortgagee by a mortgagor or successor in
interest who is in default, transfers by any foreclosure sale after
default in an obligation secured by a mortgage, transfers by a
mortgagee's sale under a power of sale after default in an obligation
secured by any instrument containing a power of sale, or transfers by
a mortgagee who has acquired the real property at a sale conducted
pursuant to a power of sale or a sale pursuant to a decree of
foreclosure or has acquired the real property by deed in lieu of
3. Transfers by a fiduciary who is not an owner occupant of the
subject property in the course of the administration of a decedent's
estate, guardianship, conservatorship or trust;
4. Transfers from one co-owner to one or more other co-owners;
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5. Transfers made to a spouse, or to the person or persons in
the lineal line of consanguinity of one or more of the owners;
6. Transfers between spouses resulting from a decree of
dissolution of marriage or a decree of legal separation or from a
property settlement agreement incidental to such a decree;
7. Transfers made pursuant to mergers and from a subsidiary to a
parent or the reverse;
8. Transfers or exchanges to or from any governmental entity; or
9. Transfers of a newly constructed, previously unoccupied
B. Nothing in this act shall be construed to alter or change the
requirements of Section 858-513 of Title 59 of the Oklahoma Statutes,
regarding psychologically impacted real estate.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 8, eff. July 1, 1995.
§60-839. Notices and acknowledgments.
Any notices or acknowledgments required under this act need not
be sworn to, verified or acknowledged.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 198, § 9, eff. July 1, 1995.
§60-851. Nature of developments.
The term "real estate development" shall include developments:
1. Which consist or will consist of separately owned lots,
parcels or areas with either or both of the following features:
a. One or more additional contiguous or noncontiguous
lots, parcels or areas owned in common by the owners of
the separately owned lots, parcels or areas.
b. Mutual, common or reciprocal interests in or
restrictions upon, all or portions of such separately
owned lots, parcels or areas, or both.
2. The estate in a separately or commonly owned lot, parcel or
area may be an estate of inheritance, estate in fee, an estate for
life, or an estate for years.
Either common ownership of the additional contiguous or
noncontiguous lots, parcels or areas referred to in subparagraph a.
of paragraph 1. above, or the enjoyment of the mutual, common or
reciprocal interests in, or restrictions upon the separately owned
lots, parcels or areas pursuant to subparagraph b. of paragraph 1.
above, or both, may be through ownership of shares of stock or
membership in an owners association or otherwise.
Added by Laws 1975, c. 292, § 1, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§60-852. Owners association.
A. An "owners association" may be formed by the owner or owners
of real estate development for the purpose of:
1. providing management, maintenance, preservation and control
of commonly owned areas or any portion of or interest in them, and/or
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2. enforcing all mutual, common or reciprocal interests in or
restrictions upon all or portions of such separately owned lots,
parcels, or areas, or both.
B. An owners association shall be formed by the execution of an
instrument signed and acknowledged by all owners of the real property
included. Such instrument shall set forth in detail the nature of the
obligations of the members and shall be filed of record in the office
of the county clerk of the county wherein the real property is
located. The instrument shall include a description of said real
C. The owners association shall have the power to enforce any
obligation in connection with membership in the owners association by
means of a levy or assessment which may become a lien upon the
separately or commonly owned lots, parcels or areas of defaulting
owners or members, which said lien may be foreclosed in any manner
provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages or deeds of trust,
with or without a power of sale. In an action brought to enforce any
lien authorized pursuant to the provisions of this section, the
prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's
fees to be fixed by the court, which shall be taxed as costs in the
action. No lien may be placed or mortgage foreclosed unless the
homeowner was informed in writing upon joining the owners association
of the existence and content of the owners association restrictions
and rules, and of the potential for financial liability to the
individual owner by joining said owners association.
Amended by Laws 1986, c. 48, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1986.
§60-853. Taxes and special assessments.
Each separately owned lot, parcel or area together with its
proportionate interest in the common element, shall constitute a
separate and distinct unit; for the purpose of assessment of taxes,
special assessments, and other charges which may be lawfully assessed
against owners of real property, and each holder of such shall be
liable solely for the amount of taxes against his individual estate
and shall not be affected by the consequences resulting from the tax
delinquency of other unit holders.
Added by Laws 1975, c. 292, § 3, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§60-854. Membership - Covenants and restrictions.
Membership of said owners association shall consist of recorded
owners of separately owned lots in the real estate development.
Membership is transferred upon legal transfer of title to the
separately owned lots. The owners association may also enforce the
covenant and restrictions of the real estate development when
specified by the covenants and restrictions.
Laws 1975, c. 292, § 4, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
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§60-855. Application of act.
The powers granted the owners association under this act shall
apply only to owners associations created subsequent to the effective
date of this act.
Added by Laws 1975, c. 292, § 5, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§60-856. Enforcement of restrictions and covenants.
Any person owning property in a real estate development shall be
entitled to bring action against any other person owning property in
such development to enforce any of the restrictions or covenants of
the real estate development which are specified by the covenants or
restrictions. In any action to enforce any restriction or covenant
pursuant to the provisions of this section, the prevailing party
shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees to be fixed
by the court, which shall be taxed as costs in the action.
Added by Laws 1986, c. 48, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1986.
§60-857. Copies of recorded covenants and restrictions.
A copy or a certified copy of all the recorded covenants and
restrictions of a real estate development shall be provided by the
title company closing the sale to the buyer of property in the real
estate development as a part of the closing of the real estate sale.
The buyer may be charged no more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)
for the copy, and the copy shall either be provided prior to or at
the time of closing either by mail to the buyer's last-known address,
hand-delivered or electronically delivered.
Added by Laws 1999, c.384, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 1999. Amended by Laws
2018, c. 274, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2018.
§60-858. Displaying the flag of the United States.
An owners association, condominium association, cooperative
association or residential real estate management association shall
not adopt or enforce any policy or enter into any agreement that
would restrict or prevent a member of the association from displaying
the flag of the United States at a reasonable height, not to exceed
twenty (20) feet, on residential property within the association with
respect to which such member has a separate ownership interest or a
right to exclusive possession or use.
Added by Laws 2017, c. 172, § 2, emerg. eff. May 2, 2017.
§60-860. Community Residential Living for Persons with Developmental
or Physical Disabilities Act.
Sections 860 through 867 of this title shall be known and may be
cited as the "Community Residential Living for Persons with
Developmental or Physical Disabilities Act".
Added by Laws 1987, c. 169, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1996, c. 354, § 41, eff. Nov. 1, 1996.
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§60-861. Legislative findings - Goal of act.
A. The Legislature makes the following findings with regard to
the rights of persons with developmental or physical disabilities:
1. Persons with developmental or physical disabilities have a
right to appropriate treatment, services, and habilitation for such
2. The treatment, services, and habilitation for a person with
developmental or physical disabilities should be designed to maximize
the developmental potential of the person and should be provided for
in the setting that is least restrictive of the person's personal
liberty; and
3. All programs for persons with developmental or physical
disabilities should meet standards which are designed to ensure:
a. the most favorable possible outcome for those served,
b. in the case of residential programs for persons with
developmental or physical disabilities, that care is
appropriate to the needs of the persons being served by
such programs,
c. that the persons admitted to facilities of such
programs are persons whose needs can be met through
services provided by such facilities, and
d. that the facilities subject to such programs provide
for the humane care of the residents of the facilities
and protect their rights.
B. The Legislature declares that it is the goal of the Community
Residential Living for Persons with Developmental or Physical
Disabilities Act to improve the quality of life of all persons with
developmental or physical disabilities and to integrate persons with
developmental or physical disabilities into the mainstream of society
by ensuring them the availability of community residential
opportunities in the residential areas of this state. In order to
implement this goal, the Community Residential Living for Persons
with Developmental or Physical Disabilities Act shall be liberally
construed toward that end.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 169, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1996, c. 354, § 42, eff. Nov. 1, 1996.
§60-862. Definitions.
As used in the Community Residential Living for Persons with
Developmental or Physical Disabilities Act:
1. "Commission" means the Commission for Human Services;
2. "Developmental disability" means a severe, chronic disability
of a person which:
a. is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or
combination of mental and physical impairments,
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b. is manifested before the person attains twenty-two (22)
years of age,
c. is likely to continue indefinitely,
d. results in substantial functional limitations in three
or more of the following areas of major life activity:
(1) self-care,
(2) receptive and expressive language,
(3) learning,
(4) mobility,
(5) self-direction,
(6) capacity for independent living, and
(7) economic self-sufficiency, and
e. reflects the person's need for a combination and
sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic
care, treatment, or other services which are of
lifelong or extended duration and are individually
planned and coordinated;
3. "Physical disability" means a condition which causes the
restricted use of extremities by an individual or which limits other
bodily functions of an individual and which requires the specialized
training, habilitation or rehabilitation services provided by a group
4. "Director" means the Director of the Department of Human
5. "Group home" means a community-based residential facility
located in a single-family zoning area that admits not more than six
persons with developmental or physical disabilities who require
specialized living arrangements, and that provides for such persons a
home that is subject to the care and supervision of a responsible
adult and which is licensed by or which has a contract with the
Department of Human Services;
6. "Permitted use" means a use by right which is authorized in
all residential zoning districts; and
7. "Political subdivision" means a municipality or county,
whichever holds primary jurisdiction.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 169, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1989, c. 330, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1989; Laws 1996, c. 354, § 43, eff.
Nov. 1, 1996.
§60-863. Establishment of group home - Procedure.
A. 1. a. A group home is a residential use of property for the
purposes of zoning and shall be treated as a permitted
use in all residential zones or districts, including
all single-family residential zones or districts of all
political subdivisions of this state. No political
subdivision may require that a group home, its owner,
or operator obtain a conditional use permit, special
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use permit, special exception, or variance different
from those required for other dwellings of similar
density in the same zone; provided, however, prior to
the establishment of a group home in any residential
area within a political subdivision, the owner of such
home shall file with the political subdivision an
application for the establishment of such group home in
such residential area. The political subdivision shall
provide for notice to be given to all affected real
property owners. The notice shall contain a legal
description of the property and the street address or
approximate location of the group home.
b. For the purposes of this section, the term "affected
real property owners" shall mean all owners of real
property which is located within three hundred (300)
feet of the exterior boundary of the property on which
the group home is to be located. The political
subdivision may deny the application if the owner of
the group home fails to obtain a license from the
Department of Human Services or if the group home fails
to comply with the spacing requirements of subsection B
of this section.
2. After the initial approval process, the political subdivision
shall have the right to require a rezoning application, special
exception, or variance filing and a public hearing, if such
procedures are normally required for any other similar use in the
zoning district.
B. 1. Any rules promulgated by the State Board of Health for
purposes of implementing the Community Residential Living for Persons
with Developmental or Physical Disabilities Act shall remain in
effect until such rules are superseded by rules promulgated by the
Commission for Human Services, pursuant to this section. At such
time, rules promulgated by the State Board of Health shall terminate.
2. For the purposes of safeguarding the health and safety of
persons with developmental or physical disabilities and avoiding an
over-concentration of group homes, either along or in conjunction
with similar community-based residences, within one hundred eighty
(180) days of the effective date of the Community Residential Living
for Persons with Developmental or Physical Disabilities Act, the
Commission for Human Services shall promulgate rules which shall
encompass the following matters:
a. limitations on the number of new group homes to be
permitted on blocks, block faces, and other appropriate
geographic areas, to one thousand two hundred (1,200)
feet between group homes, or similar community
residential facilities serving persons in drug,
alcohol, juvenile, child, parole, and other programs of
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treatment, care, supervision, or rehabilitation in a
community setting; provided, however, this provision
shall not apply to group homes located outside of the
corporate limits of a municipality,
b. assurance that adequate arrangements are made for the
residents of group homes to receive such care and
habilitation as is necessary and appropriate to their
needs and to further their progress towards independent
c. protection of the health and safety of the residents of
group homes. Compliance with these rules shall not
relieve the operator of any group home of the
obligation to comply with the requirements or standards
of a political subdivision pertaining to building,
housing, health, fire, safety, and motor vehicle
parking space that generally apply to single-family
residences in the zoning district. No requirements for
business licenses, gross receipt taxes, environmental
impact studies, or clearances may be imposed on such
homes if such fees, taxes, or clearances are not
imposed on all structures in the zoning district
housing a like number of persons. A group home shall
not be excluded from a single family zone as a result
of requirements promulgated by the Commission,
d. procedures by which a resident of a residential zoning
district or the governing body of a political
subdivision in which a group home is, or is to be,
located may petition the Department of Human Services
to deny an application for a license to operate a group
home on the grounds that the operation of such a home
would be in violation of the limits established
pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph a of
paragraph 2 of subsection B of this section, and
e. fees for licenses or renewal of licenses required by
this section.
C. In order to facilitate the implementation of subparagraph a
of paragraph 2 of subsection B of this section, the Department shall
maintain a list of the location, capacity, and current occupancy of
all group homes. The Department shall ensure that this list shall
not contain the names or other identifiable information about any
residents of such home and that copies of this list shall be
available upon request to any resident of this state and any state
agency or political subdivision.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 169, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1989, c. 330, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1989; Laws 1996, c. 354, § 44, eff.
Nov. 1, 1996; Laws 2003, c. 22, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2003.
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§60-864. Restrictions, conditions, exceptions or covenants in deeds
not to prohibit use as group home.
Any restriction, reservation, condition, exception, or covenant
in any subdivision plan, deed, plat, or other instrument of or
pertaining to the transfer, sale, lease, or use of property shall not
specifically prohibit the residential use of such property by a group
home, provided the provisions of this section shall not otherwise
prohibit any restriction, reservation, condition, exception or
covenant in any such instrument effecting the occupancy, structure
and use of such property.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 169, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1996, c. 354, § 45, eff. Nov. 1, 1996.
§60-865. Group home not to include.
As used in the Community Residential Living for Persons with
Developmental or Physical Disabilities Act, a group home does not
include any of the following:
1. A hospital or home for persons with mental illness;
2. An establishment commonly described as an alcohol or
substance abuse rehabilitation center; or
3. A residential facility for persons released from or assigned
to correctional institutions.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 169, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1996, c. 354, § 46, eff. Nov. 1, 1996.
§60-866. Size limitation - Ordinances.
A political subdivision, by ordinance, may provide that a group
home may consist of not more than eight persons with developmental or
physical disabilities.
Added by Laws 1989, c. 330, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1989. Amended by Laws
1996, c. 354, § 47, eff. Nov. 1, 1996.
§60-867. Size limitation - Exemptions.
Group homes which were licensed by the State Department of Health
prior to November 1, 1989, shall not be subject to the group home
size limitation of six persons and are not required to meet such
limitation as a condition of renewal of the license of the group home
by the Department of Human Services or as a condition of renewal of
the contract with the Department, as long as the group home remains
in the same physical facility and otherwise complies with the
provisions of the license, and rules pertaining thereto.
Added by Laws 1989, c. 330, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1989. Amended by Laws
1996, c. 354, § 48, eff. Nov. 1, 1996.
§60-1001. Adoption and description of official system of
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A. The systems of plane coordinates which have been established
by the National Ocean Service/National Geodetic Survey, formerly the
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, or its successors for
defining and stating the geographic positions or locations of points
on the surface of the earth within the State of Oklahoma are
hereafter to be known and designated as the Oklahoma Coordinate
System of 1927 and the Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983.
For the purpose of the use of these systems, the state is divided
into a North Zone and a South Zone.
B. 1. The area now included in the following counties shall
constitute the North Zone: Adair, Alfalfa, Beaver, Blaine, Canadian,
Cherokee, Cimarron, Craig, Creek, Custer, Delaware, Dewey, Ellis,
Garfield, Grant, Harper, Kay, Kingfisher, Lincoln, Logan, Major,
Mayes, Muskogee, Noble, Nowata, Okfuskee, Oklahoma, Okmulgee, Osage,
Ottawa, Pawnee, Payne, Roger Mills, Rogers, Sequoyah, Texas, Tulsa,
Wagoner, Washington, Woods and Woodward.
2. The area now included in the following counties shall
constitute the South Zone: Atoka, Beckham, Bryan, Caddo, Carter,
Choctaw, Cleveland, Coal, Comanche, Cotton, Garvin, Grady, Greer,
Harmon, Haskell, Hughes, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnston, Kiowa,
Latimer, Leflore, Love, McClain, McCurtain, McIntosh, Marshall,
Murray, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Seminole,
Stephens, Tillman and Washita.
C. 1. As established for use in the North Zone, the Oklahoma
Coordinate System of 1927 or the Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983
shall be named; and in any land description in which it is used, it
shall be designated the "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1927 North
Zone" or the "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983 North Zone".
2. As established for use in the South Zone, the Oklahoma
Coordinate System of 1927 or the Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983
shall be named; and in any land description in which it is used, it
shall be designated the "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1927 South
Zone" or the "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983 South Zone".
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1002. Plane coordinate values.
The plane coordinate values for a point on the earth's surface,
used to express the geographic position or location of such point in
the appropriate zone of this system, shall consist of two (2)
distances expressed in U.S. Survey Feet and decimals of a foot when
using the Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1927 and expressed in meters
and decimals of a meter when using the Oklahoma Coordinate System of
1983. One of these distances, to be known as the "x-coordinate"
(also known as "easting"), shall give the position in an east-and-
west direction; the other, to be known as the "y-coordinate" (also
known as "northing"), shall give the position in a north-and-south
direction. These coordinates shall be made to depend upon and
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conform to plane rectangular coordinate values for the monumented
points of the North American Horizontal Geodetic Control Network as
published by the National Ocean Service/National Geodetic Survey, or
its successors, and whose plane coordinates have been computed on the
systems defined in this act. Any such station may be used for
establishing a survey connection to either Oklahoma Coordinate
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1003. Plane coordinates as supplement to Oklahoma base lines and
For purposes of describing the location of any survey station or
land boundary corner in the State of Oklahoma, a plane coordinate may
be used to supplement but not to change the position of a land
boundary corner or land description as created by the Oklahoma base
lines and meridians.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1004. Tract of land in more than one coordinate zone.
When any tract of land to be defined by a single description
extends from one into the other of the above coordinate zones, the
positions of all points on its boundaries may be referred to either
of the two zones, the zone which is used being specifically named in
the description.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1005. Definitions.
A. For purposes of more precisely defining the Oklahoma
Coordinate System of 1927, the following definition by the United
States Coast and Geodetic Survey (now National Ocean Service/National
Geodetic Survey) is adopted:
1. The "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1927 North Zone", is a
Lambert conformal conic projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866,
having parallels at north latitudes 35 degrees 34 minutes and 36
degrees 46 minutes along which parallels the scale shall be exact.
The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 98
degrees 00 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 35 degrees 00
minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x =
2,000,000 feet and y = 0 feet.
2. The "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1927 South Zone", is a
Lambert conformal conic projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866,
having parallels at north latitudes 33 degrees 56 minutes and 35
degrees 14 minutes along which parallels the scale shall be exact.
The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 98
degrees 00 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 33 degrees 20
minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x =
2,000,000 feet and y = 0 feet.
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B. For purposes of more precisely defining the Oklahoma
Coordinate System of 1983, the following definition by the National
Ocean Service/National Geodetic Survey is adopted:
1. The "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983 North Zone" is a
Lambert conformal conic projection of the North American Datum of
1983, having parallels at north latitudes 35 degrees 34 minutes and
36 degrees 46 minutes along which parallels the scale shall be exact.
The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 98
degrees 00 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 35 degrees 00
minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x =
600,000 meters and y = 0 meters.
2. The "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983 South Zone" is a
Lambert conformal conic projection of the North American Datum of
1983, having standard parallels at north latitudes 33 degrees 56
minutes and 35 degrees 14 minutes along which parallels the scale
shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of
the meridian 98 degrees 00 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel
33 degrees 20 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the
coordinates: x = 600,000 meters and y = 0 meters.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1006. Limitations on recording coordinates.
No coordinates based on either Oklahoma coordinate system,
purporting to define the position of a point on a land boundary,
shall be presented to be recorded in any public land records or deed
records unless such point is within one (1) mile of a monumented
horizontal control station established in conformity with the
standards of accuracy and specifications of first- or second-order
geodetic surveying as prepared and published by the Federal Geodetic
Control Committee (FGCC) of the United States Department of Commerce.
Standards and specifications of the FGCC or its successor in the
force on date of said survey shall apply. Publishing existing
control stations, or the acceptance with intent to publish the newly
established stations, by the National Ocean Service/National Geodetic
Survey will constitute evidence of adherence to the FGCC
specifications. Above limitations may be modified by the State Board
of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors to meet
local conditions.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1007. Conversion of feet to meters.
For the Oklahoma Coordinate System, the unit used to convert feet
to meters shall be the United States survey foot 39.37/12 feet for
each meter.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
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§60-1008. Limitations on use of coordinates - Prior recordations -
Nonconformity with System.
A. The use of the "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1927 North
Zone", or the term "Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1927 South Zone" or
"Oklahoma Coordinate System of 1983 North Zone" or "Oklahoma
Coordinate System of 1983 South Zone" on any map, report of survey,
or other document shall be limited to coordinates based on the
Oklahoma Coordinate System as defined in this act.
B. Any legal description prepared prior to November 1, 1990, or
any continual use of legal descriptions prepared pursuant to the
provisions of this act which have been recorded or filed in official
records within the State of Oklahoma, shall not be affected by this
C. Nonconformity with the Oklahoma Coordinate System established
by this act shall not invalidate any deed, map, plat, survey,
description or other document which is otherwise proper.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1009. Indian Base and Meridian - Effect of act.
Nothing in this act shall invalidate or affect surveys done by
the land tie method or surveys referring to the Indian Base and
Added by Laws 1990, c. 138, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 1990.
§60-1101. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1102. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1103. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1104. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1105. Unconstitutional.
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NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1106. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1107. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1108. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
§60-1109. Unconstitutional.
NOTE: This section was held unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme
Court in the case of Weddington v. Henry, 202 P.3d 143, 2008 OK 102
=.'%0' ' ( $ . ! '8"2"