Diets for African Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus)
Nutritional Management Guidelines, 1999
Linda Pribyl, MS, RD and Sue Crissey, Ph.D.
Zoo Nutrition Services, Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, Illinois
Reviewed by the AZA Nutrition Advisory Group
Cite Reference:
Pribyl, L. and S. Crissey (1999) Diets for African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) management
guidelines. In: African Wild Dog SSP - Husbandry Manual. American Association of Zoos and
Meeting the nutritional needs of African wild dogs is essential if they are to survive and
reproduce in captivity. It is appropriate that animals in captivity are offered the diet that best
matches their nutrient requirements. African wild dogs are one of the least typical canids in that
they are reported to be exclusively carnivorous (Creel, 1995). They are nomadic animals that
rely on communal hunting techniques to secure enough food for all members of the pack
(Fanshawe, 1993). Feeding ecology information, along with published nutrient requirement data
(which includes domestic dog and cat requirements), foods available to zoos, food preferences
and palatability information have been utilized in developing appropriate dietary guidelines.
Feeding Ecology Data
African wild dogs hunt for food daily, usually at dusk and dawn. Free-ranging wild dogs live
and hunt in packs composed of 2-50 animals, with all of the males being related to each other,
and all of the females related, but each family originating from a different pack (Fanshawe,
1993). Wild dogs have a complex social structure that relies on team cooperation for survival.
Pack size, including pups, is extremely variable. All members of the pack help feed the mother
and her pups, which stay in the den for two to three weeks after birth.
Wild dogs are coursing predators that do not select their prey until after the chase has begun.
The dogs are known for their ability to run long distances at speeds of up to 50 km/hr. Prey
usually is selected from species that are most abundant for the hunting area and can include
Thomson’s gazelles, wildebeest, reedbuck, impala, and duiker. Among these prey, wild dogs
tend to chose older or younger animals who are slower and easier to catch. The dogs work as a
team to take the animal down and begin disemboweling it. All members present share the kill,
with the dominant members of the pack obtaining more food. Older or lame dogs that cannot
hunt for themselves are fed by pack members that regurgitate food after returning from a kill
(Kruuk, 1967).
African wild dog packs also work together to defend their kills from other carnivores. Hyenas
and wolves appear to be the most competitive. The scavengers, depending on their number and
pack size, usually have to wait until the dog pack is finished with their meal before beginning
theirs (Fanshawe, 1993). Only on rare occasions do African wild dogs actually scavenge
themselves. It has been reported that in the wild, dogs kill between 1 4 animals per day,
depending on pack size and prey availability (Fuller, 1990). In a study conducted by Fuller et al.
(1990) in southwestern Kenya during July-August, 1989, the biomass (kg whole weight of prey)
of prey ranged between 15.7 kg for 40 gazelles and 64.6 kg for 5 wildebeests.
Published Nutrient Requirement Data
There are no specific nutrient requirement data available for African wild dogs. Nutrient
requirement data are available, however, for domestic dogs and cats (NRC dogs, 1974, 1985, and
NRC cats, 1986). When evaluating the nutrient requirements for African wild dogs, it is
important to examine several factors. Taxonomically, African wild dogs are canids, of which
many are considered omnivores, as is the domestic dog (Legrand-Defretin, 1993). However,
because of the carnivorous nature of the wild dog, the nutritional requirements for domestic cats,
which are considered obligate carnivores, also should be considered. It was originally thought
that dogs and cats have similar nutritional needs, however, it has become apparent that there are
fundamental differences in their nutritional requirements. For example, it is thought that cats
have a distinct need for both vitamin A and taurine (Legrand-Defretin, 1993). These same
distinct requirements have not been proven in domestic dogs. Because the African wild dog is a
canid but appears to consume a strictly carnivorous diet, the nutrient values for the African wild
dog diet presented in this section are based on the range of nutrient requirements for dogs, all
stages, and growing cats as described by the National Research Council, the Waltham Center for
Pet Nutrition and the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. (NRC dogs, 1974,
1985, NRC cats, 1986, Legrand-Defretin, 1993 and AAFCO, 1994).
Food Available to Zoos
Information on the types of food available to zoos feeding African wild dogs in captivity is
important however, the primary concern must be to ensure that the quantity of nutrients
consumed is appropriate for successful maintenance and reproduction of the wild dog. Both the
number and type of prey species available to the captive animal are artificially limited so that the
animal will never have the selection that would be available under free-ranging conditions, nor
will they be able to hunt over long ranges to procure food. Activity will affect consumption
through energy needs. As wild animals must travel and hunt to a significant extent, captive
animals that do not, may have decreased energy demands. An African wild dog in its native
setting will expend significantly more energy hunting and running at top speeds across huge
expanses of land to catch their prey than a captive wild dog that does not hunt for its food.
Additionally, not all food consumed is digested or utilized by the animal (Legrand-Defretin,
1993). Research on the ideal nutrient profile for an African wild dog diet, either in the wild or in
captivity is unavailable. Free-ranging wild dogs’ diets depend on pack size and food availability.
Table 1 (Fuller, 1990) summarizes the few studies that have been conducted on the quantities of
free-ranging prey consumption by African wild dogs. However, there is no nutrient composition
information available for the individual prey items.
Table 1. Mean per capita consumption rate estimates for packs of wild dogs studied in East Africa
Pack Composition: # of days Consumption rate for adults
Study Adults Pups monitored kg prey/dog/day kg prey/kg/dog/day
Schaller (1972) 7-16 5 1.2 0.05
Fuller (1993) 19-29 20 1.7 0.07
Frame & Frame (1981) 8 5 1.8 0.08
Estes & Goddard (1967) 12-21 8 1.6 0.07
Malcolm (1979) 8 ? 4 2.0 0.09
Wright (1960) 2 4 - - 0.15
Malcolm (1979) 8 11 18 3.0 0.15
Estes & Goddard (1967) 6-7 3 3.7 0.16
Kuhme (1965) 8 15 - 4.5 0.20
Schaller (1972) 11 14 20 5.4 0.24
Malcolm (1979 15 11 10 5.9 0.26
SOURCE: Fuller, T.K. & Kat, P.W., Afr. J. Ecol. 28, 1990.
Approximately 60% of whole weight of prey killed.
Assumes mean wild dog weight of 23 kg.
Rate for all pack members.
As Table 1 indicates, free-ranging African wild dogs consume between 1.2 to 5.9 kg prey/adult
dog/day. This does not account for the approximately 1.0 kg of food each adult dog may
regurgitate after a full meal for other members of the pack (Fuller, 1990). The lower food
consumptions were found in areas where food was scarce or there were large numbers of dogs in
a pack. The highest consumption rates were found with large litters and where prey was
abundant. It has been estimated that wild dogs have a stomach capacity of 9 kg of food (Creel,
1995). Findings from this study indicate that intake of wild dogs is similar to that of other pack-
hunting carnivores like wolves and hyenas (Fuller, 1990).
Food Preference
While the food items offered to captive wild dogs may not be the same as those available in the
wild, zoos can do much to provide palatable foods. As discussed earlier, African wild dogs often
prey upon species that are most abundant in the hunting area and not necessarily the most
preferred. There also may be differences in food choice based on physiological condition (for
example a lactating female) and day to day fluctuations in food consumed may vary
In captivity, the food items offered to African wild dogs are limited in type and variety to what is
available commercially. An animal that is offered a variety of succulent food items will not
necessarily select those items needed based on its nutrient content. Instead, animals may select
items based on sugar content, fat content, and even novelty. Thus, it is important to offer foods
that compliment each other nutritionally while providing the foods in a number of different
A survey of African wild dog feeding protocols was conducted in August, 1996 by Brookfield
Zoo for 14 institutions holding a total of 25 dogs. Results from the survey are found in Table 2.
Thirteen of the zoos fed their dogs once a day with two zoo that feed twice a day. All dogs were
fed separately with the exception of two zoos that fed males together and females together. Most
zoos offered similar quantities and type of food. The basic diet was between 1-1.36 kg of a
nutritionally complete, raw meat-based canine diet per animal per day. One zoo offered a
nutritionally complete raw meat-based feline diet with dry dog kibble. Some zoos fed dry dog
kibble in addition to the regular meat-based diet. All zoos surveyed offered either knuckle,
horse, beef, or oxtail bones at least 1-2 times per week in addition to the regular feedings.
Occasionally, most dogs received a variety of whole prey that included fetal calves, chicks,
rabbits, rats, mice, or deer carcasses. One institution fed their 2 animals dry dog kibble, 3-4 hard
boiled eggs and a nutritionally complete raw meat-based carnivore diet. One zoo supplemented
the diet of their 2 dogs with 10 g each of D-Ca-Fos and Vionate daily. Responses from the zoos
indicated that all dogs found these diets acceptable and consumed 100% most of the time.
One zoo experienced problems with loose stools when 3.3 wild dogs arrived from Africa which
were raised on and reportedly doing well consuming 100% dry kibble. The zoo here in the
United States found that all dogs had severe diarrhea on the dry diet alone. After experimenting
with different dry foods, the zoo ultimately switched to a meat-based diet with dry kibble and
found considerable improvements in the dog’s stools (Toddes, pers. comm.)
Table 2. Survey of African Wild Dog Feeding Protocols
African Wild Dog Feeding Protocols
Institution Daily (per dog) Occasionally: Sex/# Age
Dry Kibble Raw Meat
454 g
454g canine
1.14 kg. canine
1X/week: beef leg bone only
1X/week: fetal calves
blood pops (meat + blood)
113 g lite
or HiPro
680 g feline
2X/week: Oxtail bones
5, 5
1.36 kg canine
1X/week: 1 horse knuckle bone
908 g canine
5X/week: 2 beef rib/femur bones
3, 3
908 g canine
1Xweek: beef femur bone
45 g
680 g canine
*fed 2X daily (340 g X 2)
1.13 kg feline
Daily: 3 chicks
12, 12
1.13 kg. canine
rabbits, rats, mice or deer carcass
1X/week: oxtail bone
1.13 kg. canine
1X week: beef bones
1.13 kg canine
M: horse bone, 1 rat, 1 rabbit (instead
of canine)
9, 9.7
1.13-1.36 kg
2X/week: knuckle bone
1.36 kg
227 g canine
whole rat
Daily: 3-4 hard boiled eggs
1.13 kg canine
1X/week: shank bone only (no canine)
3X/week: beef bones
Using NRC and Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition guidelines for both cats and dogs, the AAFCO
Nutrient Profiles for Dog Foods, along with data on feeding ecology and nutrient content of food
items fed at zoos, it is possible to formulate appropriate diets for captive African wild dogs
(NRC dogs, 1974, 1985 and NRC cats, 1986, Legrand-Defretin, 1993 AAFCO, 1994). When
formulating the diets, flexibility is needed to account for animal preferences, weight, exercise,
physical condition, environment, stage of growth, and behavioral considerations as well as food
availability. Thus it is appropriate to set guidelines for nutrient content and food categories
rather than recommending specific food items in set quantities.
Captive African Wild Dog Management Guidelines
Diet Recommendations, 1999
Given the aforementioned data, target nutrient levels can be suggested. These should be
considered target nutrient levels until more specific nutrient levels can be defined. Levels are
expressed in quantity per unit of diet on a dry matter basis. Meeting the highest level should
provide adequately for the needs of a canine carnivore.
NUTRIENT DOGS* (all stages) CATS*(growing) AAFCO**(adult)
Energy (Kcal/g) 3.75 5 3.5
Crude Protein (%) 22 24 18
Fat (%) 5 - 5
Fiber (%) - - -
Linoleic Acid (%) 1 .5 1
Arachidonic Acid (%) - .020 -
Vitamin A (IU/g) 5 3.33 5
Vitamin D (IU/g) .5 .5 .5
Vitamin E (mg/kg) 50 30
Thiamin (mg/kg) 1 5 1
Riboflavin (mg/kg) 2.2 4 2.2
Niacin (mg/kg) 11.4 40 11.4
Pyridoxine (mg/kg) 1 4 1.0
Folacin (mg/kg) .18 .80 .18
Vitamin B12 (mg/kg) .02 .02 .02
Pantothenic Acid (mg/kg) 10 5 10
Choline (mg/kg) 1200 2400 2400
Biotin (mg/kg) .10 .07 -
Vitamin C (mg/kg) - - -
Calcium (%) 1.1 .8 .6
Phosphorous (%) .90 .60 .5
Magnesium (%) .04 .04 .04
Potassium (%) .60 .40 .6
Sodium (%) - .05 .06
Iron (mg/kg) 60 80 80
Zinc (mg/kg) 50 50 120
Copper (mg/kg) 7.3 5 7.3
Manganese (mg/kg) 5 5 5
Selenium (mg/kg) .11 .10 .11
Iodine (mg/kg) 1.54 .35 1.5
*The guidelines are a range using published literature from the National Research Council Requirements
(dogs, 1974, 1985, cats, 1986) and Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition (1993) (Legrand-Defretin) for both
domestic cats and dogs.
- No NRC requirement stated for this nutrient. This does not mean there is no requirement, just that
studies have not been performed.
**Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. These guidelines are adult maintenance
These nutrient values for growing cats and all stages of dogs are either known to be minimum
requirements or values that are adequate for maintenance (Legrand-Defretin, 1993). Because
each animal differs by breed and species, it is difficult to make generalizations about specific
requirements for either cats or dogs. Table 3 compares the range of nutrient requirements for
cats and dogs with the analysis of several diets offered to captive African wild dogs in zoos
around the country.
Table 3. African wild dog diet analysis:
Target Nutrient
100% Meat-
Based Canine
100% Meat-
Based Feline
Feline & Dry
Dog Kibble
100% Dry
Dog Kibble
100% Commercial
Canned Cat Food
Commercial Dry
Cat Food
Energy (Kcal/g) 3.5-5
Crude Protein (%) 18-24 61 50 44 30 40 34
Fat (%) 5 23 32 26 11 20 9
Fiber (%) - 5 4 4 5 4 5
Linoleic Acid (%) .5-1 - - 0.5 2 - 1
Arachidonic Acid (%) .02 - - - - - -
Vitamin A (IU/g) 3.33-5 8 97 76 20 10 11
Vitamin D (IU/g) .5 1 1 1 2 .8 2
Vitamin E (mg/kg) 30-50 57 42 34 12 60 11
Thiamin (mg/kg) 1-5 20 15 13 8 - 6
Riboflavin (mg/kg) 2.2-4 15 16 13 5 - 6
Niacin (mg/kg) 11.4-40 160 194 155 53 - 85
Pyridoxine (mg/kg) 1-4 12 10 10 8 - 6
Folacin (mg/kg) .18-.80 .002 .002 0.41 1.5 - 1.1
Vitamin B12 (mg/kg) .02 .04 .08 0.07 .03 - .02
Pantothenic Acid (mg/kg) 5-10 45 51 40 10 - 23
Choline (mg/kg) 1200-2400 5097 5921 4642 1250 - 2500
Biotin (mg/kg) .07-.10 - - .040 .15 - .09
Vitamin C (mg/kg) - - - - - - -
Calcium (%)
.6-1.1 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.8 .9 1.1
Phosphorous (%)
.5-.90 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.1 .8 .9
Target Nutrient
100% Meat-
Based Canine
100% Meat-
Based Feline
Feline & Dry
Dog Kibble
100% Dry
Dog Kibble
100% Commercial
Canned Cat Food
Commercial Dry
Cat Food
Magnesium (%) .04 .16 .05 .08 .17 .10 .16
Potassium .4-.6 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.7 - .74
Sodium (%) .05-.06 .58 .60 .59 .57 .72 .57
Iron (mg/kg) 60-80 227 221 223 227 - 284
Zinc (mg/kg) 50-120 113 96 99 108 - 102
Copper (mg/kg) 5-7.3 9 5 8 15 - 14
Manganese (mg/kg) 5 85 63 63 63 - 51
Selenium (mg/kg) .10-.11 .23 0.18 0.13 - - -
Iodine (mg/kg .35-1.54 .71 0.58 1.11 2.5 - 1.71
*Based on 86% total diet meat-based feline and 14% dry dog kibble.
Target nutrient levels based on NRC dogs, 1974, 1985, NRC cats, 1986, the Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition, 1993 Guidelines and
AAFCO Nutrient Profiles for Dog Foods.
Diet analysis provided by utilizing Animal Nutritionist software by N-squared Inc., Silverton, OR.
Feeding Frequency
African wild dogs should be fed at least once per day. Of the institutions surveyed for feeding
protocols, all but two fed their dogs once daily. As discussed earlier, in the wild these animals
usually hunt just before the hours of dawn and dusk (Kruuk, 1967). If possible, feeding twice
daily in captivity may more closely resemble their free ranging feeding habits. Two zoos
provided a beef leg bone only one day a week as a “fast day”. In the wild, African wild dogs
hunt daily and fast only if prey is unavailable. Fresh water should be provided at all times. Food
and water dishes should be disinfected daily to prevent bacterial build-up, especially
Food Items
It is possible to achieve the target nutrient levels outlined in Table 3 by offering a diet consisting
of meat based and dry food items. As Table 3 indicates, a daily diet that combines either meat
based canine or feline diet with a dry dog kibble should meet the needs of adult African wild
dogs. Dogs should be fed separately if possible in order to monitor food intake. Vitamin and
mineral supplements do not appear to be necessary as long as high quality diets are fed. If there
is a question about the adequacy of the diet, it should be analyzed chemically for the nutrients in
Quantity of Food
Total amounts of food per day depend on activity and physiological state. Male and female
African wild dogs weigh between 17-36 kg, with not much variation in size between the sexes
(Walker, 1983). For weight maintenance, wild dogs should consume between .9 grams and 1.14
kg of food per day depending on the energy density of the diet. Body mass should be monitored
and weights obtained on a routine schedule. Diets can be adjusted based on weight records.
Overweight dogs may have their total diet decreased in 5% increments if the diet is still adequate
in nutrients. Other options include decreasing calorically dense food items and/or increasing the
lower calorie items.
Pack members may regurgitate food for other members of their group, especially pregnant
bitches. As a result, the diets of the regurgitating animals may need to be increased (see
Gestation and Lactation section). An example of an appropriate diet for a healthy, active
African wild dog is 680 g meat based feline diet with 113 grams of dry dog kibble fed twice
daily with a beef shank bone and a rat fed once per week.
Whole Prey items
While the nutrient content of many large whole prey items is unavailable, analysis of small prey
items such as mice and chickens indicate that these items can provide important nutrients as well
as variety (Douglas et al., 1994). Occasional shank beef bones, rats, chicks and other small prey
can be added to the diet to provide for behavioral enrichment and to promote good dental health.
Measuring Dietary Intake
Ultimately, it is the diet (food items) actually consumed by each animal that will determine its
nutrient status. Thus, the diet offered will allow the animal to consume the nutrients needed. If
it does not consume the diet, or certain portions of the diet, the animal may not be receiving the
nutrients it requires. Because of this, it may be important to periodically assess the diet
Following is an example of the methodology employed in determining diet consumption. Data
on diet offered and consumed should be collected for at least five days. Different keepers should
facilitate collection of data to determine individual food preparation variation. Consumption can
be calculated by determining the quantity (by weight) of food items offered and subtracting the
quantity of food remaining. Food should be portioned out by each keeper according to their
usual procedures. Each item should be weighed on a digital scale before placing it in the food
pan. Orts (leftover food) should be collected by keepers at the end of the feeding time or before
the beginning of the next feeding time. The orts are weighed. Also included in any
measurement of consumption are enrichment food items and should be accounted for in the same
Because of the possibilities of food dehydration, desiccation should be taken into account.
Likewise, addition of water from rain or misting could also be measured. To determine
desiccation, a weighed sample pan should be placed near a cage (where animals are housed) in
an area free from pests. The pan should be left for the same period of time as the diet and
subjected to similar environmental conditions. The percentage water gain or loss should be
determined and a correction factor calculated. This “factor” can then be used to determine the
actual quantity of diet consumed without the conflicting problem of moisture. A computer
analysis (one example: Animal Nutritionist software by N-squared Inc., Silverton, OR) can be
used to calculate nutrient content of the diet offered and consumed. For nutritional advice,
please consult your nutritionist of obtain a name of a professional nutritionist from the AZA
Nutrition Advisory Group.
Gestation and Lactation
The National Research Council (NRC) Nutrient Requirements for Domestic Dogs suggests the
energy requirements of the pregnant bitch are only slightly above maintenance for the first two-
thirds of gestation. Romsos et al. (1981) and Legrand-Defretin and Munday (1993) found in the
last trimester of pregnancy energy requirements may increase as much as 50-60% above
preconception values. Legrand-Defretin and Munday also note that overfeeding early in
pregnancy may lead to the accumulation of unwanted fat and predispose the animal to problems
at whelping. Because African wild dogs are similar to cats with respect to their carnivorous
feeding strategy, it is important to note that pregnant queens require approximately 25% more
energy for gestation than maintenance (Loveridge, 1986).
Requirements for lactation depend on the size of the litter, with large litters increasing
requirements up to three times maintenance in both dogs and cats (Legrand-Defretin 1993, NRC
for cats 1986, NRC for dogs 1985).
Listed below are recommended guidelines. They may be altered to suit the needs of individual
animals or changing situations.
1. First two thirds of gestation (up to approximately day 46 for wild dogs). An increase of 10-
20% should be implemented as necessary.
2. Last trimester of gestation (day 47+). Based on the needs of the individual animal, changes
should take place in 10% or 20% increments at regular intervals over the last trimester to
limit the possibilities of gastrointestinal stress. The diet should be increased a total of 60%
over the maintenance amount. The full 60% increase does not have to be offered if the
animal continually leaves food. During late pregnancy, the rapidly growing fetuses may
push on the female’s stomach making it difficult for her to consume large amounts of food.
Smaller, more frequent meals may be helpful.
3. Lactation. Increases will be based on individual need, including the size of the litter. The
diet should be increased up to three times maintenance (at peak lactation (about 4 weeks
postpartum for dogs) with a large litter). These increases should take place in 10% or 20%
increments at regular intervals again to limit the possibilities of gastrointestinal stress and
reflect the needs at peak lactation.
Repeated regurgitation to feed the pregnant females may affect the condition of others in the
group and thus, it is important to monitor the condition of all adult dogs in the pack.
Hand Rearing Young
Feeding regimes for hand rearing young are available from the studbook keeper and the Infant
Diet/Care Notebook (newest version: 1993). Zoos have hand reared a number of infants
successfully and reintroduced them after weaning to a family group for socialization and to learn
parental care techniques.
Special Considerations
The importance of the inclusion of a nutritionally complete diet cannot be overemphasized and
its consumption is critical to proper dietary management of African wild dogs. The diet should
be reassessed for nutrient content if one nutritionally complete food item is substituted for
another. A drop or increase in food intake must be carefully watched and body weight should be
maintained. Oral medication may be fed to individuals in favorite items.
AAFCO, Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. Nutrient Profiles for Dog Foods:
Pet Food Regulations. In AAFCO Official Publications, Atlanta, GA, 1994.
Creel, S., Marsha Creel, N. Communal hunting and pack size in African wild dogs, Lycaon
pictus. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 50: 1325-1339, 1995.
Douglas, T. C., Pennino, M., Dierenfeld, E.S. Vitamins E and A, and proximate composition of
whole mice and rats used as feed. COMPOSITION OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND
PHYSIOLOGY, 107A: 419-424, 1994.
Fanshawe, J. H., Fitzgibbon, C.D. Factors influencing the hunting success of an African wild
dog pack. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 45: 479-490, 1993.
Fuller, T. K., Kat, P.W. Movements, activity and prey relationships of African wild dogs
(Lycaon pictus) near Aitong, southwestern Kenya. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 28:
330-350, 1990.
Kruuk, H., Turner, M. Comparative notes on predation by lion, leopard, cheetah and wild dog in
the Serengeti area, East Africa. MAMMALIA, 31: 1-27, 1967.
ed. Terrytown, NY, Pergamon Press Ltd., I. Burger, ed. 1993.
Loveridge, G. G. Body weight changes and energy intakes of cats during gestation and lactation.
ANIM. TECH., 37: 7-15, 1986.
National Research Council. NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF DOGS. Washington, D. C.,
National Academy Press, 1974 and 1985.
National Research Council. NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF CATS. Washington, D.C.,
National Academy Press, 1986.
Rosmos, D. H., Palmer, H. J., Muiruri, K. L., Bennink, M. R. Influence of a low carbohydrate
diet on performance of pregnant and lactating dogs. JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 111: 678,
Toddes, B., 1997. Personal Communication, Philadelphia Zoological Garden, 3400 Girard Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA.
ed. Baltimore, MD, John Hopkins University
Press, 1983.