1. Start/Finish: Santa Fe Public Library, South Side Branch, 6599
Jaguar Dr.
2. Descend to Jaguar Dr. from east side of Library via soft-surface
trail and steps, head left on Jaguar Dr. (For more accessible
route, use Country Club Rd. to get to Jaguar Dr., and turn left.)
3. Turn right at marked crosswalk onto Arroyo de los Chamisos
Urban Trail.
4. Stay left at all intersections with other trails.
5. Arrive at SWAN Park – the “Southwest Activity Node.” Enjoy the
park, then start your way back up the trail.
6. On return, after passing the Fire Station #8 on your left, take next
left onto soft-surface trail. (For more accessible route, continue
on paved Arroyo de los Chamisos Urban Trail to Jaguar Dr., then
head left to return to South Side Library)
7. From soft-surface trail, take a right onto sidewalk along Jaguar Dr.
8. Take a left at Country Club Rd. to return to South Side Library.
Vámonos / South Side Library to SWAN Park
A pleasant walk along Tierra Contenta’s Arroyo de los Chamisos Urban Trail, with return along Jaguar Dr.
A round trip of 2 ½ miles of easy hiking, mostly on paved trails and sidewalk.
Country Club Rd.