Furman University
University Controller
Greenville, South Carolina
University Controller
Furman University
Greenville, SC
Furman University, a top private liberal arts university, seeks nominaons and applicaons for the
posion of University Controller, the principal accounng, tax, and nancial reporng ocer of
the University. The next University Controller will serve as a strategic business partner to the AVP
for Finance, Human Resources, and the VP for Finance and Administraon at a me of strength
and stability at Furman. The University Controller serves as a vital partner across campus and
supports various commiees and working groups at Furman, the Audit Commiee of the Board,
and other external constuents.
About Furman University
Furman University is one of the naon’s premier liberal arts universies, oering degree-granng
programs, professional cercaons, and enrichment programs that meet the needs of the
broader community. The core of the educaonal experience is the residenal undergraduate
program, where about 2,400 students are enrolled. The program is characterized by the
engagement of students in internships, faculty-mentored research, and study away from campus.
The University’s commitment to housing all students on campus for four years underscores a
commitment to a close-knit student body and seamless connecon among their academic, social,
and co-curricular lives that enhance scholarly acvity, personal growth, and leadership
Founded in 1826, Furman is South Carolina’s oldest private university, disnguished by modern,
sophiscated academic buildings that are complemented by comprehensive NCAA Division I
athlecs, recreaonal, and social facilies. The Furman Libraries, the intellectual center of the
campus, provide a collecon of more than one million resources, including books, e-books,
journals, lms, music, images, and electronic databases.
The University’s vision, The Furman Advantage, promises students an individualized four-year
pathway facilitated by a team of mentors and infused with a rich and varied set of high-impact
experiences outside the classroom that include undergraduate research, study away, internships,
community-focused learning, and opportunies to engage across dierences.
Furman recognizes its community of learning is enriched by the wide variety of experience of its
students, faculty, and sta, and has made an instuonal commitment to pursue community
equity and campus diversity. The University’s Strategic Diversity Plan commits to expanding
pracces that culvate an environment that encourages the success of all community members.
Furthermore, Furman arms the view that creang and maintaining inclusive excellence is the
responsibility of everyone in the community. Faculty and sta connually work on developing,
evaluang, and rening iniaves to foster equity and inclusion.
Furman alumni have gone on to become governors, state aorneys general, members of
Congress, and military leaders; they have received appointments by Presidents of both pares to
important execuve and cabinet posions; they have become CEOs of publicly traded companies
and have disnguished themselves as educators, physicians, aorneys, musicians, athletes, and
leaders of nonprot organizaons. Furman alumni are extremely loyal, with more than 70
percent giving in the last capital campaign.
Furman is based in the city of Greenville, which has experienced a cultural and economic
renaissance, making it one of the naon’s best places to live. Its downtown is a major desnaon
for business and tourism and businesses in the greater Greenville area provide a variety of
internships, research, volunteer, and career opportunies for Furman students and graduates.
Within close reach of the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlanc beaches, the area abounds
with recreaonal and outdoor acvies and direct ights by major airlines from Greenville-
Spartanburg Internaonal airport are just 35 minutes from the Furman campus.
Learn more about Furman University on their website.
Campus Leadership
Elizabeth Davis became Furman Universitys 12th President on July 1, 2014. Under her
leadership, the University has instuted The Furman Advantage, a disncve vision for higher
educaon that combines learning with immersive experiences outside the classroom, creang a
personalized pathway that prepares students for lives of purpose, successful careers, and
community benet. The groundbreaking eort was launched in October 2016 with a $47 million
grant from The Duke Endowment.
In September 2018, the Naonal Society of Experienal Educaon recognized President Davis’
eorts to launch The Furman Advantage by selecng her as the recipient of the William M. Burke
Presidenal Award for Excellence in Experienal Educaon. The annual award recognizes a sing
college president who has made “signicant contribuons to experienal educaon.
President Davis is a member of the Council of Presidents, an advisory group of college and
university chief execuves who provide guidance to the Associaon of Governing Boards of
Universies and Colleges on issues of governance in higher educaon. She is also a member of
the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Board of Directors.
Dr. Davis serves on the Board of Directors of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce and is an
honorary member of the Board of Governors of the Commerce Club. She is a member of the
Greenville Rotary Club, American Council on Educaon’s Women’s Network Execuve Commiee,
and the South Carolina Higher Educaon Tuion Grants Commission. She has been recognized by
Greenville Business Magazine as one of Greenville’s50 Most Inuenal People.
Dr. Davis has addressed numerous organizaons in the Upstate since arriving at Furman, and she
has also spoken throughout the U.S. on issues involving higher educaon, university leadership
and nancial management. She has been quoted in naonal media, wrien op-eds for The
Greenville News, University Business, and other publicaons, and done many interviews on radio
and television on higher educaon.
Before coming to Furman, Dr. Davis spent 22 years at Baylor University in Texas, where she most
recently held the posion of Execuve Vice President and Provost. In addion to being a member
of the accounng faculty at Baylor, she also served as Vice Provost for Financial and Academic
Administraon, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Business Programs, and Acng Chair of the
Department of Accounng and Business Law. Before beginning her higher educaon career, she
spent three years at Arthur Andersen & Co. in New Orleans.
Dr. Davis received her Bachelor of Business Administraon degree from Baylor in 1984 and
earned her Ph.D. from Duke University in 1992. She and her husband, Charles, have two children,
Chad, and Claire.
Susan A. Maddux joined Furman University as Vice President for Finance and Administraon in
November 2018. She came to Furman from Presbyterian College, where she had served as vice
president for nance and administraon and chief nancial ocer since 2013.
As Furman’s chief nancial and administrave ocer, Maddux oversees all nancial planning and
execuon, accounng operaons, debt management and the endowment, as well as the
departments of Budget and Resource Management, Facilies and Campus Services, Human
Resources, Informaon Technology Services, and the Police Department.
Before joining Presbyterian College, Maddux spent 19 years in the nance and administraon
oce at Converse College. She inially served the college as controller (1994-2005), and then as
vice president for nance and administraon and chief nancial ocer (2005-2013).
Prior to her career in higher educaon, Maddux worked as a cered public accountant at Ernst
& Young in Spartanburg (1991-1994). She is a graduate of Converse College and received a
masters of professional accountancy from Clemson University.
Maddux served on the board of the Naonal Associaon of College and University Business
Ocers for four years (2019-2023) and served as President on the Southern Associaon of
College and University Business Ocers for two years (2020-2022) and as a board member for
seven years (2016-2023). She serves as a volunteer coach with the Special Olympics and on the
David’s Table advisory board.
Dawn Durham joined Furman University as Associate Vice President for Finance in September
2021. She came to Furman from Presbyterian College, where she served as Controller since
As Furman’s AVP for nance, she assists the Vice President for Finance and Administraon in
developing and implemenng strategic nancial plans for the University. She supervises the
University Controller, Director of Budget and Resource Management, the Financial Systems
Manager, and the Director of Auxiliary Services. She monitors and evaluates all University
business operaons.
Before joining Presbyterian College, Durham spent 8 years at Converse College as the Controller.
Prior to Converse, Durham was the Assistant Business Manager at the Spartanburg Day School for
5 years and a Sta Accountant in a public accounng rm for 4 years.
Durham is a graduate of Converse College with a BA in Accounng and Business Administraon.
She received a Master of Business Administraon with a concentraon in strategic leadership
from Winthrop University. She has also received cercaon from the College Business
Management Instute from the University of Kentucky. For the past three years, Durham has
served on the planning commiee for the Women’s Leadership Forum with SACUBO.
Greenville, South Carolina
An award-winning city of innovaon and development, Greenville is the cultural and
entertainment center for the Upstate including an award-winning downtown, a major performing
arts center, a 17,000-seat arena, a 340,000-square-foot convenon and exhibion center,
naonally recognized museum collecons, and 39 parks, playgrounds, and recreaon centers.
Greenville is located only a few hours from two urban hubs, Charloe, and Atlanta, and has easy
access to east coast beaches and charming mountain towns. Naonally recognized for urban
development, sustainability, a growing economy, and year-round sports and outdoor acvies,
Greenville connues to top lists of desnaons to visit.
The region is host to 460
internaonal rms from
34 dierent countries with
Fortune 500 companies
like BMW, General Electric
and Michelin leading the
way. With several hundred
restaurants, music,
theater and arts venues,
Greenville has gained
recognion in various
naonal publicaons such
as CNN Money, which
ranked Greenville as one
of the “Top 10 Fastest
Growing Cies in the U.S.
Bloomberg named
Greenville the 3rd
Strongest Job Market, and
Forbes named Greenville
the 13th Best City for
Young Professionals. With its convenient Southeast locaon, Greenville's bustling downtown is a
short drive from the Blue Ridge Mountains, beaches, other small towns, and major cies.
The Opportunity
The University Controller is an integral part of Furman Universitys Finance & Administraon
division providing leadership for all the accounng funcons of the University. The University
Controller directs nancial audits, ensures compliance with federal and state regulaons, and
provides strong leadership and management skills, and oversees and supervises a team of seven
in the accounng department. The University Controller formulates and implements policies and
controls to ensure the stewardship of assets and works collaboravely with senior leadership and
campus customers to provide core business services vital to accomplishing the Universitys
mission and goals. The University Controller has ve direct reports including the Bursar, Fiscal
Operaons Specialist, Accounng Manager, Payroll Manager, and a Senior/Grant Accountant.
Directs acvies performed and maintains quality control in the Financial Services
Department which include general ledger accounng, accounts payable, payroll, cash and
treasury management, student billing and collecons, accounts receivable, Perkins Loan
program, cash receipts, xed assets, endowments, annuity funds, loan funds,
construcon project accounng, bond accounng, xed assets, investments, restricted
funds, government grants, stock gis, ACH processing, grant accounng and travel.
Formulates and implements nancial controls, policy and procedures and reporng
systems that provide mely and reliable accounng records and ensure the University
complies with all applicable regulatory requirements.
Provide consultave assistance to administrave and academic units of the University in
the interpretaon of nancial, budget, and internal control issues.
Maintains integrity of accounng records through regular reviews and analyses of
nancial reports. Advises Financial Services sta on appropriate classicaon of nancial
Assigns sta responsibility for regular reconciliaons of account balances with supervisory
review. Reviews and approves reconciliaons prepared by accounng managers.
Reviews and approves submission of all required tax returns and tax forms required by
Internal Revenue Service and South Carolina Department of Revenue.
Maintains accounng records for Furman University Foundaon. Provides nancial
reports to the Foundaon Board.
Implements changes to endowment investments as approved by the Investment
Commiee of the Board of Trustees. Moves funds between managers as necessary to
achieve allocaons set by Commiee.
Establishes and maintains banking relaonships. Monitors cash ow to provide
informaon on daily cash posion and use of resources.
Negoates terms of agreements for nancial services that are outsourced (if any).
Maintains relaonships with providers and ensures that Furman receives good service.
Supervises the University’s Bursar and provides guidance to the Enrollment Service
Works with the Associate Vice President for Human Resources to ensure that the
University’s rerement accounts are accurately administered.
Plans annual audits with independent audit rm. Schedules dates for preliminary work
and eldwork. Assigns items on client assistance list to sta and review audit les before
subming them to auditors. Sends leers and forms for asset conrmaons.
Communicates with auditors throughout audit process.
Supervises the preparaon of the annual consolidated nancial statements for Furman
University. Ensures that reporng complies with generally accepted accounng principles
for private colleges. Resolves all audit issues on the statements with auditors.
Reviews annual NCAA report and coordinates required audit.
Coordinates audits of federal programs (A-133 audit) and South Carolina Tuion Grants
Solicits input from administrators and writes management responses to annual
management leer comments.
Serves as primary sta support and presents to the Audit Commiee of Board of
Trustees. Develops meeng agendas, prepares resoluons, and records minutes of
Maintains records as required by internal and external retenon requirements. Regularly
review records storage to minimize unnecessary retenon.
Responds to requests for nancial informaon for required government reports (E-Z
Audit, Capital Expenditure Survey, IPEDS, etc.), surveys and studies in which Furman
wishes to parcipate (NACUBO endowment study, etc.), and internal requests for history
or analysis.
Manages the budget for the Financial Services Department. Assesses stang,
equipment, training and other needs and prepares annual budget request for
departmental funding.
Completes performance review process with supervisor/employees to understand job
performance expectaons and how they t into the department and university goals.
Pursues professional development and remains acvely involved in professional acvies
that are relave to the posion to keep pace with demands for services and informaon.
Acvely parcipates in development of team roles to eecvely accomplish departmental
goals. This can involve but is not limited to recruing, training, and evaluang
Develop and administer plans, policies, and procedures for compliance and industry best
Parcipate on campus and community commiees that serve to benet the mission of
the University.
Candidate Prole
Qualied applicants will have a bachelors degree (masters degree preferred) in accounng with
progressively responsible management and leadership experience that includes accounng,
management, supervision, and oversight of complex accounng systems. A CPA (Cered Public
Accountant) cercaon is required for the posion. Higher educaon industry knowledge and
knowledge of the principles and techniques in higher educaon, nonprot, and/or governmental
nancial management pracces and standards is a plus. Strong candidates will oer audit
leadership experience and prociency using Workday.
In addion, the ideal candidate will have the following professional and personal qualies, skills,
and characteriscs:
Movated by Finding the Best Outcomes for Everyone
A reputaon for integrity and the highest ethical standards; sound judgment, enthusiasm for the
mission; creavity in solving problems; collegial style and keen desire to be an integral part of the
Furman community. Knowledgeable about, and open to, business pracces that support the
University in a higher quality and more cost-eecve manner.
Leads with Empathy and Models Excellence
Demonstrated experience at leading, developing, and building a high-performing, diverse team
of professionals, with an emphasis on promong teamwork, supporng professional
development, and fostering a posive environment where people feel encouraged to speak up,
innovate, learn from mistakes, and make posive changes. Demonstrated ability to establish a
culture and expectaon of excellence in terms of both what and how work is accomplished,
connuous improvement, and strong customer service to the university and to external pares
who interact with the oce.
Builds Trust among Constuents
Demonstrated ability and interest to be a trusted leader, ambassador, and catalyst for change in a
fast-paced, dynamic, and decentralized environment, respecng all constuent groups using
current and proven best pracces for eecve nancial operaons. Proven experience in
establishing and maintaining strong professional relaonships. Outstanding interpersonal skills
and demonstrated success in networking and cross-funconal collaboraon.
Communicates Eecvely and Transparently
Able to communicate eecvely with mulple constuents including senior management and the
board of trustees. A sophiscated understanding of how best to communicate policy and
procedures across the University. Ability to present complex nancial issues and ideas eecvely
orally and in wring with well-arculated analyses, reports, and issues appropriate for varied
audiences including senior administraon, department ocers/lead administrators, and the
Plans and Inuences Decision Making
Provides proacve leadership, ancipang trends and external inuences, aware of implicaon of
decisions, mindful of future opportunies and obstacles. Able to create compeve and
breakthrough strategies and plans. Experience advancing ideas from plan to results with
processes that ensure input and feedback from campus constuents using superb listening and
inuencing skills. Connuously seeks ways to improve organizaonal capability, data informed
decision support and a connuous improvement culture, while building the relaonships and
resources for successful implementaon of new ideas and processes.
Beth Schaefer, Holly Jackson, and Lisa Solinsky of Koya Partners/Diversied Search Group have
been exclusively retained for this search. To express your interest in this role please submit your
materials on our Talent Portal. All inquiries and discussions will be considered strictly
Koya Partners is commied to providing reasonable accommodaon to individuals living with
disabilies. If you are a qualied individual living with a disability and need assistance expressing
interest online, please email NonprotSearchO[email protected]. If you are selected for an
interview, you will receive addional informaon regarding how to request accommodaon for
the interview process.
Furman University is an equal opportunity employer strongly commied to diversity within its
community and does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race,
creed, color, age, sex, sexual orientaon, disability, veteran status, naonal origin, or any other
characterisc protected by applicable law.
Furman has both a Diversity Vision and a Diversity Statement, here:
About Koya Partners
Koya Partners, a part of Diversied Search Group, is a leading execuve search and strategic
advising rm dedicated to connecng exceponally talented people with mission-driven clients.
Our founding philosophy—The Right Person in the Right Place Can Change the Worldguides
our work as we partner with nonprots & NGOs, instuons of higher educaon, responsible
businesses, and social enterprises in local communies and around the world.
For more informaon about Koya Partners, visit www.koyapartners.com.