Prepared by: NIH Collaboratory Electronic Health Records Core with contributions from
Meredith Nahm Zozus, PhD; Rachel Richesson, PhD, MPH; W. Ed Hammond, PhD; Gregory E.
Simon, MD, MPH
Version: November 2015 1
Acquiring and Using Electronic Health
Record Data
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2
What It Means To Be a Secondary User of Health Record Data ............................................. 2
Gaining Permission to Use Healthcare Data ................................................................................. 4
Fundamental Differences in Context .............................................................................................. 7
Assessing the Availability of Health Record Data....................................................................... 8
Understanding the Available Data .................................................................................................11
Data Meaning .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Ascertaining what the data mean .......................................................................................................................... 12
Data Quality ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Assessing data quality ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Identifying Populations and Outcomes of Interest ..................................................................15
Record Linkage Considerations ......................................................................................................16
Managing EHR Data Obtained for Research ...............................................................................18
Changes Made by the Data Provider ........................................................................................................ 20
Changes Made by the Data Recipient ....................................................................................................... 20
Archiving and Sharing Data After a Study ...................................................................................21
Bibliography ..........................................................................................................................................23
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
Prepared by: NIH Collaboratory Electronic Health Records
Version: November 2015 2
This resource white paper was developed in 2015 to introduce clinical researchers to using
electronic health record (EHR) data for research, which is fundamentally different
from using prospectively collected data, as has historically been done in randomized
controlled clinical trials. Several aspects of EHR data drive these important differences,
including the lack of control over data definitions and data collection processes in
healthcare facilities, procedures for access and permission to use the data, frequent
dependence on record linkage, the need for computable definitions for cohorts and
outcomes of interest, and the intricacies of demonstrating that data are of adequate quality
to support research conclusions. Further, data sharing in the context of secondary use of
EHR data also differs in important ways from sharing prospectively collected data. This
chapter covers these essential aspects of secondary use of EHR data in clinical research.
What It Means To Be a Secondary User of Health Record Data
Data contained in electronic health records (EHRs) are widely viewed as a potential
treasure trove for medical research [1], although for decades researchers have expressed
concerns about the suitability of health record data for such uses [25]. Nonetheless,
clinical studies based on EHR data are on the rise due to the increasing availability of such
resourcesa circumstance due in large part to incentives from the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS) that encourage “meaningful use” of EHRs, as well as emphasis
by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) via the Clinical and Translational Science Award
(CTSA) program on the availability of health system data for research.
Because the medical record has historically been viewed as the “traditional source for
clinical information,” it has “almost been unquestioned as a source of clinical information
for non-clinical purposes” such as research [6]. In addition, while there has not been a clear
statement or directive for the assessment and reporting of data quality as an integral
component of research results, this expectation is now being articulated in funding
solicitations [7], and calls for the inclusion of data quality reports with research results are
being heard [8,9].
A recent review focusing on the suitability of EHR data for use in healthcare quality
measurement concluded that “…issues related to data accuracy, completeness, and
comparability must be addressed before routine EHR-based quality of care measurement
can be done with confidence [10].” Similar remarks in other peer-reviewed literature show
that the selection of appropriate measures of data quality depend on the source of data that
is used [1113]. These same challenges await the use of EHR data for clinical research and
may prove even more significant in this context. For example, in correlative studies using
‘omics’-based assays (such as genomics or proteomics) where related sets of biological
molecules are comprehensively studied in limited numbers of patients, the issues related to
data quality, completeness, and comparability will be paramount.
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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Researchers have sought to use data from health records for clinical studies since the very
early days of clinical recordkeeping [14]. The use of EHR data collected during the course
of clinical care for research purposes is often referred to as a secondary use of healthcare
datathat is, the data were first collected as part of routine patient care and will be
secondarily used for research. Prior to the existence of EHRs, such data had to be manually
abstracted from clinical documentation in order to make secondary use possible. Such
processes were typically laborious, time-consuming, and error-prone [15].
However, the widespread availability of EHRs is now enabling access to health record data
on a much larger scale. A single electronic query can return data from hundreds of
thousands of patients in a matter of minutes, making it possible for researchers to answer
important clinical and scientific questions quickly and efficiently, and at a fraction of the
resource cost that would have been required using older methods. But just as with data
collection for prospective studies, researchers must be able to demonstrate that these data
are of sufficient quality to support the conclusions drawn from them. The methods for
doing this are different for secondary use of existing data than for prospectively collected
Data are always an incomplete representation of the things and events they describe, and
as such may be appropriate for some uses but inadequate for others. For this reason, the
suitability of the available data must be assessed for each potential secondary use. For
example, the purpose and setting of the data collection have many effects, such as the
determination of which data should be collected, the choice of measurement or observation
methods, the meanings assigned to the data values, the amount and kind of contextual
information (metadata) retained, the timing of data collection, and the level of detail
A researcher engaging in secondary use of EHR data typically has no control over the
original collection of the data, which may have occurred years earlier. In addition, the
researcher may be one or more steps removed from the original data as collected in the
healthcare setting. The further removed that the research team is from the original data
collection (date or process), the greater potential there is for misunderstanding,
degradation, and loss of information.
For example, claims data that have been dictated by a clinician in a discharge summary and
subsequently coded with a standard terminology (e.g., International Classification of
Diseases [ICD] or Current Procedural Terminology [CPT]) represent processed data that
are removed from their origin. Such data are at risk for information loss through data
reduction from coding, through disassociation with contextual information, or through the
introduction of error. Thus, while users of secondary data may not have control over the
original data collection, they should understand how and why those data were originally
obtained, as well as any subsequent processing to which they were subjected.
Understanding these aspects of the data will help the researcher determine whether EHR
data are of suitable quality for a particular study.
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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Version: November 2015 4
Gaining Permission to Use Healthcare Data
Most healthcare organizations have procedures in place that define the permissible
internal uses of the data they collect and store. These procedures govern data access for
members of the care team, information exchange for care transitions, data use in quality
improvement (QI) projects, and administrative reporting for organizational management.
For some healthcare facilities, these categories constitute routine data use. Larger facilities
that conduct research, such as academic medical centers or facilities with embedded
researchers, also have procedures in place for secondary use of health system data for
research. Secondary use of such data is governed by federal regulations and by procedures
established by the facility’s institutional review board (IRB), although not all secondary
uses of data require oversight or consent. For example, investigators who are initiating a
research project are often allowed limited access to explore health system data in order to
assess the feasibility of a proposed study and address questions. They might query data to
determine whether there are sufficient numbers of patients with a given condition within
the health system to support a study.
However, the actual use of patient data for research may fall under a different level of
oversight than that which covers such preliminary assessments. In the case of research,
there are additional requirements, such as informed consent on the part of the patient, de-
identified data, or the use of a limited dataset that cannot be re-linked to individual
patients. In the United States, using patient data for research requires IRB approval if the
study is a clinical investigation that supports applications for research or marketing
permits for products regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA; 21 CFR Parts
50 and 56), or more broadly, research involving human subjects conducted, supported, or
otherwise subject to regulation by any federal department or agency (45 CFR part 46 [the
Common Rule]). In addition, the Federalwide Assurance (FWA) for the Protection of
Human Subjects requires that at all institutions that receive federal research funding have
oversight from an IRB. At these institutions, IRB approval is needed to access and use the
data, and departmental or organizational approval may also be required.
Some research studies are conducted by institutions that do not fall into the categories
described above. However, in order to publish research involving human subjects, virtually
all peer-reviewed journals require that the study must have been reviewed and approved
There are a number of steps involved in appropriately using EHR data for research,
including 1) gaining permission to use the data, 2) assessing the availability of data
for a research need, 3) identifying the needed data for the population of interest, 4)
linking data from different sources, 5) assessing the quality of the data, 6) managing
the data for the duration of a given study, and 7) archiving or sharing data after a
study. The rest of this chapter is organized according to these stages of EHR data use.
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
Prepared by: NIH Collaboratory Electronic Health Records
Version: November 2015 5
by an IRB or ethics board [16]. Thus, investigators are advised to locate an appropriate IRB
prior to embarking on research using patient data, even if their institution does not require
Additional contractual agreements and regulatory compliance are required when
investigators want to use data from institutions that they are not directly associated with
(e.g., a university researcher who wants to use data from local community hospitals). The
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that covered entities
and their business associates may release protected health information (PHI) only in
certain controlled situations, including release to healthcare reimbursement departments
or operations, to individual patients, to regulatory authorities, for national priority
purposes, with authorization from the individual, and as a limited dataset. In these
situations, the minimum necessary information may be released.
In the specific case of research, de-identified data sets may be used to share data in many
cases, and, in addition to the regulatory safe harbor,DHHS has developed a guidance
regarding approaches for the 'expert method' to achieve de-identification in accordance
with HIPAA. Identifiable healthcare data may be used if they are released by authorization
from each individual patient or released as part of a limited data set (LDS). A limited data
set has certain identifiers (such as name and street address) removed or masked, but
allows dates and more fine grained geo-location than does de-identified data. It may
include identifiable information, but only as necessary to complete the proposed research.
The recipient of the data must agree to a data use agreement (DUA) in which the purpose of
the research and proposed uses for the data are described. The DUA also requires securing
the data and prohibits re-identification of the information, including linking to other data
from the patients. Thus, use of healthcare data from organizations requires both a
contractual agreement with the organization, as well as HIPAA compliance with respect to
use and disclosure of the data.
Covered entities include health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and healthcare
providers who electronically transmit any health information in connection with
transactions for which the US department of Health and Human Services has
adopted standards.
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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Version: November 2015 6
When approaching a healthcare organization for a DUA, a prospective researcher should be
prepared to provide a detailed, precise statement of what data elements are required, from
what sources, and over what time period. In addition, the investigator must describe how
the data will be used and transferred securely to the investigator, and provide a list of all
personnel who will be permitted to use the information.
The researcher must also agree that they will:
Report any unauthorized use or disclosures
Safeguard the information and describe security measures and how and where data
will be stored and protected
Hold anyone to whom it provides information, e.g., a subcontractor or research
collaborator, to the requirements and restrictions of the DUA
Further, the researcher must agree that they will not:
Further disclose the information, except as permitted by the DUA or as permitted by
Contact or re-identify the individuals, or link the data with other datasets that may
enable such re-identification
Healthcare facilities often lack resources for providing or transmitting the data to external
investigators. Time and resources are required for health IT staff to: 1) collaborate with the
research investigator to translate the data requirements into executable queries that will
retrieve the data from the enterprise databases; 2) validate the retrieval process or the
Safe harbor: A method of de-identifying health information that involves
removing eighteen identifiers from the data before sharing them with an outside
party. The identifiers include name, name, address, social security number, phone
and fax numbers, email addresses, biometric information and other individually
unique information. From 45 CFR 164.514(b)(2); Guidance on the Safe Harbor
Data Use Agreement (DUA): A data use agreement is a contractual document for
the transfer of PHI that describes the purposes for which the data can be used
and prohibits re-identification. From 45 CFR 164.514.
Sample DUA: A template DUA from Harvard Catalyst can be found here [17].
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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data retrieved; 3) provide documentation of how the data were collected, defined, and
managed over time at each facility; 4) work with the investigator to come to agreement on
file transfer specifications and processes; and 5) answer questions about the data after
Investigators may not be able to estimate the effort required for these activities because
they depend on how data are stored and documented; such cost estimation requires
conversations with the stakeholders at the healthcare facility. When compensation is
required for the provision of data, the DUA is often part of a larger contract for such
services. Further, some stakeholders at healthcare facilities may desire intellectual
involvement, the right to review research results, or participation in publication of the
research relying on data from their institution. Specific details surrounding these types of
involvement, restrictions, and rights to review are often included in contracts regarding
data provision. Such contracts are substantially more complex when the research requires
extensive or ongoing involvement of the stakeholders at the healthcare facility.
DUAs are formal agreements and as such typically require legal involvement from both the
providing and receiving organizations. However, many organizations do not provide data
for research use on a regular basis and have no established process for DUA consideration
or approval. Further, organizational processes for obtaining DUAs and associated contracts
are usually not transparent to investigators or others outside the organization. Often, it is
difficult to identify an individual who has the authority to consider a draft DUA and present
it to the appropriate organizational group(s) for review and ultimate approval. Thus, it is
the responsibility of investigators to identify an individual within the healthcare facility
who has both the knowledge of the requirements and sufficient authority within the
organization to convey the desire for the DUA to the appropriate individuals or groups for
consideration. Ideas for initial contacts include an organizational leader with responsibility
for research, the Chief Data Officer, or an institutional privacy officer. The informatics
department and data warehouse managers are often familiar with the process for
developing a DUA and might have examples or template agreements, although the actual
agreement will be signed by a designated individual with appropriate authority at the
institution. Timelines for working out DUAs between stakeholders at healthcare facilities
and external investigators vary greatly; in our experience, intervals range from 6 months to
more than 2 years.
Fundamental Differences in Context
There is a fundamental difference in context between data collected retrospectively from
EHRs and data collected prospectively for a specific study and according to the study
protocol. When data are collected according to a protocol for a research study, the protocol
defines the context of the data, for example, “the second assessment occurs 14 days post
baseline.” The circumstances around data collection, including procedures for taking
samples and making observations and recording data, are defined in the protocol, as are
other contextual items such as patient positioning, timing, anatomical location. The
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
Prepared by: NIH Collaboratory Electronic Health Records
Version: November 2015 8
resulting data fit exactly into a structured data collection form, i.e., a measurement for each
time point taken as prescribed by the protocol. In designing studies, a top-down approach
is usually taken starting with the research question and working down to the required data.
By contrast, data captured in an EHR in routine-care settings are from a different context.
These data are the result of an individual patient's circumstances and reflect standard
procedures at the patient's healthcare facility. In representing the natural course of injury
or disease progression and treatment in a patient, such data do not appear in a structured
manner. Instead, the structure is one imposed at the facility according to their standards
for clinical documentation. These differences suggest that the design process for a clinical
study using EHR data should be bidirectionalfrom the research question down, and from
the available data up.
Assessing the Availability of Health Record Data
The content of clinical documentation in the health record is heavily influenced by local
documentation practices, the care provided, and methods that are used for billing and
reimbursement. Investigators can therefore make few assumptions about what information
will be available in an organization’s health records. Local workflows, information systems,
interests, and procedures can have a substantial impact on data availability and the content
and format of clinical documentation. The situations that an investigator will encounter
will vary with the organizations from which data are sought. The following scenarios
illustrate varying degrees of availability of EHR data.
Scenario 1: Differences in availability of data based on clinics and providers
As part of an initiative to improve the identification and control of chronic hypertension
among residents of Durham County, North Carolina, investigators planned to retrieve data
directly from EHRs [18]. They anticipated that this project would be feasible because
collecting blood pressure in healthcare settings is routine and straightforward, and the
relevant health system (Duke University Health System) served an estimated 80 percent of
the local population. However, initial queries showed that data on blood pressure were
missing from 40% of patient encounters, and further investigation revealed that some
specialty clinics (e.g., ophthalmology; orthopedics) did not routinely collect blood pressure.
Within the primary care clinics, some providers recorded blood pressure measurements in
“free-text” fields rather than the structured data entry fields for systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. Other providers took blood pressure measurements but did not document them.
Thus, blood pressure data were not as widely available as would have been expected, and
the degree of availability varied by clinic and provider.
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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Version: November 2015 9
Scenario 2: Unavailability of historical data due to recent migration to a different information
We were working with a small group of clinics in a larger study that relied upon access to
health record data, and the clinic organization had adopted a new EHR system in the
previous year. Historical data from paper charts were not entered into the new system due
to cost constraints. All existing patients were scheduled as new patients at their first visit
following the adoption of the new EHR, during which they completed the equivalent of a
comprehensive intake form. This information was entered for each patient, and the clinical
information collected during prior encounters was not available. Even when clinics
scanned paper charts as part of the record migration process, the historical information
was unavailable to queries on structured data in the EHR.
Scenario 3: Variations in data availability in onsite versus referral providers of services
In a multicenter study relying on EHR data, some internal medicine clinics had onsite
endoscopy facilities, and others referred patients to external providers. Among the latter
group, some clinics did not incorporate endoscopy results or reports into the EHR, while
some entered the result as a coded diagnosis, and others had the endoscopy report scanned
in as a document or image file (e.g., PDF). Conversely, clinics with onsite facilities had
electronic data available.
Scenario 4: Variations in outpatient, inpatient, and emergency department data
In the MURDOCK longitudinal community registry, EHR data were collected from regional
facilities [19]. The investigators found different degrees of availability for outpatient,
inpatient, and emergency department data within the EHRs, as well as variability in the
amount and type of data available from legacy systems in institutional clinical data
warehouses (Figure). Investigation of data availability at the broad level of encounter type
(outpatient, inpatient, and emergency department) and information system (current,
legacy, and older legacy) was informative across all participating sites. For example, the
number of “years back” for which data were available across all facilities limited the
phenotype algorithms that we could use. The diagrams can be expanded to include
differences in data availability between primary care and specialty clinics, or practice
management systems in small private clinics not yet using EHRs.
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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Version: November 2015 10
Figure. Nine-box diagrams of data availability by facility based on encounter type
(outpatient, inpatient, and emergency department) and information system (current,
legacy, and older health record systems)
Nine-box diagrams display high-level information regarding availability of data by
encounter type, information system, and facility.
Describing the availability of data by facility, encounter type, and types of information
system (current and historical) in use represents an artificially simple model for most
environments, but often provides a useful high-level glimpse of data availability. For
example, health systems may have different information systems for each specialty and
operational function rather than a common EHR system. Further, systems that support
multiple clinics (as in Scenario 1 above) may exhibit variability over time by clinic or even
by individual care provider.
A legacy system refers to an older information system for data collection and
includes paper-based and electronic systems. These systems were primarily used
to store and retrieve data, and were not standardized for interoperability across
A clinical data warehouse is “a data base of clinical data obtained from primary
sources, such as electronic health records, organized for re-use for secondary
purposes” [20].
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
Prepared by: NIH Collaboratory Electronic Health Records
Version: November 2015 11
Understanding data availability in environments with multiple clinics and providers is
considerably more complex than the simplistic approach described above. For example,
warehousing of data from legacy systems rarely incorporates all of the data from the older
system, and some data elements may be present in the data warehouse while others are
not. Understanding data availability for research studies entails up-front, detailed
discussions of the facility’s collection of each required data element over time, as well as
working with the data after it is received to assess variability by clinic, unit, or provider.
Further, data obtained from institutional data warehouses have often undergone
transformation; these transformations must also be understood by secondary data users.
Understanding the Available Data
There are two key aspects a user of secondary data must understand about the data: the
meaning and the quality. Deficiencies in either can severely affect the data’s capacity to
support research conclusions or even render data altogether unusable for a study.
Therefore, investigators and users of secondary data must understand both meaning and
quality of available data prior to using them for research purposes.
Data Meaning
In clinical medicine, a disease, condition, or other concept is often not directly measurable,
and its existence is inferred from other measures. For example, diabetes is variously
defined by one or more elevated lab measures in a certain period of time.
Operationalization is the process of defining a concept that is not directly measurable and
may create a difference in meaning, for example identifying patients with diabetes through
diagnoses, medications, lab values, or some combination thereof. This difference in
meaning could make the data inadequate for the needs of the research study, e.g., too
broadly or narrowly defined, and can occur either through research operationalization
itself or through differences in the healthcare data. There may be a difference between the
concept required by the study and either the research operationalization itself, or the
meaning of the healthcare data that cause a difference in the operationalization and the
desired concept. Some difference may be acceptable as long as it is understood and
described. Further, many aspects of how data are defined and processed in the healthcare
setting can alter or add undesired variability to the meaning of the data. This can make
both the concept and the data used to represent the concept less related, resulting in an
increase in semantic distance. This is also referred to as representational inadequacy [21],
and the potential for increasing the representational inadequacy exists at each step in the
handling of data, from origination to the analysis dataset.
Semantic distance represents the distance between the meanings of two
messages [22].
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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Ascertaining what the data mean
Clinical workflows and local clinical documentation procedures can affect not only the
availability of data, but also the meaning of the data. After investigators have determined
that sufficient data are available at a given facility, the next step is to ascertain whether the
meaning encompassed by those data will meet the needs of a study. Even within a single
site, interpretation of certain treatment and diagnosis codes may differ depending on
clinical practices and the individual care provider. For example, data coded as
psychotherapy versus psychotherapy with medication management may return two different
populations in settings where clinical psychologists have the ability to prescribe
medication versus those where they do not. Most facilities will be able to provide a data
dictionary along with data including data element name, data type, valid values for discrete
data elements, and field length. However, some facilities may not provide definitions for
data elements, the source system/s, the clinical workflow where the data were
documented, formulas, or logic for calculated data elements.
A definition that conveys the meaning of the data element will help a researcher
understand if the values have the same meaning across the institution and over time, and,
in a multicenter study, how comparable they are to data from other sites. Unfortunately,
simple data element descriptions included in information system data dictionaries usually
do not provide this type of "meaning" or information. In a recent project that relied on EHR
data from multiple facilities, the investigators worked with each facility through in-person
and telephone interviews to obtain as much of the information depicted in Table 1 as
possible, with the goal of ensuring correct interpretation and supporting later analysis of
the data.
Table 1. Information gathered to determine the meaning of a data element and assure
correct interpretation in later analysis
Information Examples
Source system/s for each data
Bed side monitor, local lab, or central lab
How close the source system is
to the original point of charting
Lab value from bedside monitor charted at the bedside
Source of the data values Clinician, patient, both, or instrument
Uniformity of the clinical work
flow in which a data element
was collected
Institutional policy for lab value from bedside monitor
to be charted at the bedside
How the capture of the data has
changed over time
Bedside monitors were first used on the unit in 2005,
all prior data are from the facilityu2019s on-site lab
How relevant ICD and CPT
codes are applied within the
Multiple Universal Laboratory Order Codes (LOINC)
codes exist for the same laboratory data element when
the same measurement is performed on different
samples, e.g., plasma versus whole blood, or results are
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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Version: November 2015 13
Table 1. Information gathered to determine the meaning of a data element and assure
correct interpretation in later analysis
Information Examples
reported in different units, or results are obtained
using different analytic methods. These are
differentiated by different LOINC codes in the data.
Consistency of charting the data
element across the facility
Whether some values for a data element are sometimes
skipped or documented in text fields
Whether the data element
contains both data from devices
and manual measurement and if
so how these are differentiated
Bedside monitors were first used on the unit in 2005,
all prior data are from the facility (2019) on site lab
Any cleaning, standardization or
other transformations
performed on the data element
Values flagged as originating from hemolyzed samples
are excluded from the warehouse
As of this writing, few healthcare facilities will have the information in Table 1 on hand.
Obtaining this information will likely require intensive interview sessions with personnel
from the healthcare facility who understand the data systems and the clinical workflow
used to record patient data in medical records.
Data Quality
Another way that data can fall short of meeting study needs is through information loss and
degradation. Information can be lost through data reduction, disassociation from context,
or error. Information is degraded through introduction of errors as data during collection
or processing (for instance, a keystroke or transcription error, or selecting the incorrect
item from a menu). Secondary-use data can be subject to many processing steps both at the
healthcare facility and after receipt by the investigator (i.e., transcription, coding, and data
transformation). Each time data values are accessed in circumstances that allow changes to
be made to the data, the possibility of introducing error, information loss, and/or
degradation is present. These can change not only individual data values, but also the
distributional properties of a dataset, and they can generate spurious outliers or increase
the seeming variability of the dataset.
Assessing data quality
Assessing the quality of the data is a key part of gauging their suitability for a study. Data
quality is a multifaceted concept, and characteristics such as accuracy, completeness,
timeliness, traceability, etc., may be important to a given study. But although many possible
characteristics can be named, we would advise researchers to focus on those
characteristics that are most relevant to supporting research conclusions for a given study.
Acquiring and Using EHR Data
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The two characteristics that we have found to be most important in our previous work are
consistency and completeness.
Consistency can be thought of in two parts: external and internal. External consistency
involves a comparison to an external source of information that is independent and has
some expectation of accuracy, for example, comparison to gold standard or comparison to
relevant data from a different or upstream source. The closer the gold standard is to truth,
the closer the external consistency assessment is to an actual assessment of accuracy.
Internal consistency is a comparison to other available data within the same dataset, i.e.,
from the same patients, across clinical or research sites, or over time. Such internal
consistency checks include programmed logic checks for procedure dates occurring after a
death date, comparisons of weight and height over time, or comparison of coded values
between comparable sites in a multicenter study.
Conceptually, completeness is the presence of necessary data. The four mutually exclusive
elements of a comprehensive assessment of completeness presented below were adapted
from recent theoretical work by Weiskopf et al., [23], and can also be found in the tool
Assessing Data Quality for Health Systems Data Used in Clinical Research [9].
1. Data element completeness refers to whether or not all the necessary variables in
a candidate dataset are present. For example, “Are the right ‘columns’ present?”
Data element completeness is assessed by examining metadata, such as a data
dictionary or list of data elements contained in a dataset and their accompanying
definitions, and comparing this information against the variables required in the
analytic or statistical plan. With adequate data documentation, data element
completeness can be assessed without examining any data values.
2. “Column” data value completeness refers to the percentage of data values present
for each data element. Note, however, that often (as in normalized structures) more
than one data element may be stored in a database column. When data are
normalized in this context, it means that multiple descriptions are allowed within a
data column if they have the same meaning, for example, acute myocardial
infarction means the same thing as heart attack or cardiac arrest [24]. The word
column is used to help the reader visualize the concept because normalized data
structures are often flattened to a 1-column-per-data-element format to generate
and report data qualityrelated statistics. Column data value completeness is
assessed by structuring the dataset in a “1-column-per-data-element” format and
calculating the percentage of non-missing data for each column, with non-missing
defined as “not null and not otherwise coded to a null flavor.” Null flavors (e.g., not
applicable, not done) are defined in the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 21090 [25] and Health Level Seven International (HL7) [26]
data type definition standards.
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3. Ascertainment completeness refers to the percentage of eligible cases present; i.e.,
“Do you have the right ‘rows’ in the dataset?” Ascertainment completeness usually
cannot be verified with absolute certainty because assessment options are typically
based on a comparison to a subset of the data or a similar population. These include
but are not limited to: 1) chart review in a representative sample and 2) comparison
to one or more independent data sources covering the same population or a subset
of that population. Ascertainment completeness is affected by data quality
problems, by phenotype definition and execution, and by factors that bias
membership of a dataset. Other issues commonly evaluated in an ascertainment
assessment include the presence and extent of duplicate records and records for
patients that do not exist (e.g., an error in the medical record number creates a new
case; a patient gives a name other than his or her own), or duplicate events such as a
single procedure being documented more than once. Ascertainment completeness
and phenotype validation significantly overlap in goals and can be accomplished
4. “Row” data value completeness refers to the percentage of cases/patients with
sufficient data values present for a given data use. The presence of data values in
rows is assessed using study-specific algorithms programmed to calculate the
percentage of cases with all data or with study-relevant combinations of missing
and non-missing data (e.g., in the case of body mass index [BMI], the percent missing
of “either weight OR height” might be calculated, because missing either data point
renders the case unusable for calculating BMI).
A comprehensive completeness assessment consists of all four of the components
described above. In terms of effort, column completeness is accomplished through a review
of data elements available in a data source, as described in the understanding the
availability of data section. Evaluating column data value completeness and row data value
completeness are straightforward computational activities. Evaluating ascertainment
completeness, however, can be a resource-intensive task because it may involve activities
such as chart review on a representative sample, or electronic comparisons among several
data sources.
Identifying Populations and Outcomes of Interest
Healthcare facilities are obligated by federal regulations to request only the “minimum
necessary” data elements to answer planned research questions. Thus, investigators must
specify the patients from whom data are required as well as the needed data elements; this
specification is commonly referred to as a phenotype.
Phenotype: “a clinical condition or characteristic that can be ascertained via a
computerized query to an EHR system or clinical data repository using a defined
set of data elements and logical expressions [27].”
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Specifying the needed data is not an easy task for investigators. There are usually multiple
possible definitions for a condition of interest, and an investigator must determine a
definition that can be applied with the required sensitivity and specificity given the
available data. This requires identifying or developing definitions and evaluating them for
use on the intended study.
In addition, investigators may not be familiar with the content, format, and structure of the
EHR data at a given healthcare facility. To look at it another way, specifying the data of
interest is like describing a book that you’ve never read. Investigators without knowledge
of the EHR data content, format, and structure are forced to conceptually describe the
needed data, leaving data analysts at the healthcare facility to apply the conceptual
definition to the available data.
Consider a data request for a hypertension control study: the conceptual definition may
include, “patients for whom three blood pressure measurements within a 1-year period are
greater than 140/90 mm Hg or who have a diagnosis of hypertension, or who are
prescribed a blood pressure lowering agent.” An analyst writing computer code to access
these data will need additional information, including:
Which of 51 ICD-9-CM codes for hypertension should be included?
Should outpatient, inpatient, and emergency department encounters be included?
Should automated blood pressure monitoring data be included?
Should orders, medication reconciliation, and fulfillment data be used?
How far back in time should data be evaluated?
Should rolling year versus calendar year be used?
Should deceased patients be included?
Should perioperative data be included?
Should hypertension in the gestational period be included?
The analyst will need to further apply codes used in the facility data as well as system
variables such as dates and time stamps. Accordingly, after a phenotype definition is
chosen, some further discussion is typically required to fit the definition to the health
system data.
Guidance is available from the NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory on finding,
evaluating, developing, and testing phenotype definitions [27].
Record Linkage Considerations
Some studies use data from multiple records and sources. This requires matching (or
combining) data while ensuring that they refer to the correct patient. Such matching is
commonly called record linkage, or more formally, entity resolution. To perform record
linkage, a study receiving data from multiple healthcare facilities matches data from each
facility to the correct patient. Likewise, patient-reported outcomes (PROs) or home
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monitoring data may also need to be linked to the patients’ EHR. Some studies may use
fully identified data for record linkage while others may use de-identified data, which may
require linkage with other de-identified data, such as Medicaid or Medicare data.
Depending on the data sources required, some studies may use both identified and de-
identified data.
Probabilistic and deterministic methods for fully identified and de-identified record linkage
are well described elsewhere [28]. Fully identified record linkage uses data elements with a
high degree of completeness and uniqueness such as name, address, telephone number,
email address, and Social Security number. De-identified record linkage uses data elements
with high completeness that in combination provide increased uniqueness over that of any
single data element; e.g., procedure date, encounter date, procedure code, encounter
facility, sex, and age. Aside from the differences in data elements used for matching, the
methodology for matching and linking is similar.
When records need to be linked for secondary use of EHR data, there may be extra steps
and special considerations. For example, a study may require quantifying false positives
and false negatives in the process of record linkage, and doing so requires creation of a
truth set and testing against it. When direct measurement is not possible, relative methods
are used. For example, in order to provide only the minimum necessary information, large
healthcare facilities may perform record linkage in-house, and an outside researcher may
have no control over the record-linkage method used.
In addition, facilities are not usually able to provide evaluative measures of false positives
and false negatives. To test for data quality in this situation, we provide record linkage
software configured with an evaluated algorithm (a “black box”) and ask the personnel at
healthcare facilities compare the black-box results with their record linkage data. This
methodology demonstrates how different their results are from our characterized
algorithm. In addition, when the healthcare facility links the data, the matching is reduced
to a simple deterministic match by the study team after the data are received.
De-Identified Data (From 45 CFR §164.514) De-identified data refers to “Health
information that does not identify an individual and … there is no reasonable
basis to believe that the information can be used to identify an individual.”
Identifiers include: name, geographic location and zip codes, dates (birth,
admission, discharge, etc.), telephone numbers, social security numbers, email
addresses, medical record numbers, health plan beneficiary numbers, account
numbers, license numbers, vehicle identifiers, full face photographic images, etc.
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For studies linking prospectively collected data to EHR data such as PROs or home
monitoring data, fields that will be linked are considered and planned for in the data
collection phase so that the matching by the study team is reduced to a simple
deterministic match. Any prospective data collection should provide for record linkage
needs as part of the data collection plan.
Record linkage results can be very sensitive to data quality in terms of those slight
differences in words and phrases known as lexical variation, as well as case differences,
spaces, odd and control characters, unexpected patterns (such as 5-digit versus long zip
codes, or dashes, dots, and parentheses in phone numbers. Thus, data standardization
should be considered along with record linkage and discussed with personnel in facilities
linking their own data.
If a limited dataset is provided for record linkage, a DUA that specifies all intended linkages
will be needed. This document will be reviewed by the providing facility’s IRB to ensure
adherence to the requirements for limited datasets, including the provision that no attempt
be made to re-identify data.
Managing EHR Data Obtained for Research
A federated database is a virtual database that functions as a composite of all the databases
in the system. Use of federated datain which a query is sent to the database rather than
the data being sent to the investigatoris in many cases the preferable option where such
capabilities exist. If this is not possible, the investigator must undertake a significant
amount of work to receive, process, and manage health record data. Either way, the
investigator is responsible for understanding and demonstrating the ability of the data to
support research conclusions (through data quality measurement and impact assessment)
and for assuring reproducibility. Reproducibility is accomplished by demonstrating
traceability from data origination to the analysis dataset. When federated data are used,
traceability information should be obtained from the data holder. If the investigator alters
data, e.g., cleaning, standardizing or other transformations, the investigator must provide
traceability documentation. Such traceability information should enable reproduction of
the analysis dataset from the original raw data. The remainder of this section will cover
data transformations commonly performed on health record data by secondary data users.
Below, we will describe common methods for maintaining traceability.
Simple deterministic match: In a simple deterministic match, two records are
said to match if all or a combination of specified identifiers are identical. For
identified data, social security numbers can serve as unique identifiers. A
combination of other de-identified data elements could also be used.
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The Figure shows common data transformations undertaken in the receipt and processing
of health record data. Some of the steps in the Figure show discrepancy detection and
imply seeking resolution. Such data-cleaning techniques are usually not necessary with
secondary data use, but they may be needed in some studies, and we have included them
for completeness. Throughout data processing, maintaining traceability means
documenting any change to each data value. Opportunities for data changes to secondary
data fall into two categories: changes made by the data provider, and changes made by the
data recipient. Maintaining traceability requires documenting both. Failure to document
changes to data can result in inability to answer questions about the analysis, or worse, can
make research findings essentially not reproducible.
Figure: Transformations commonly performed on health record data by secondary data
Data are received from providing healthcare facilities. There is typically a file content,
format, and data type check to assure that the files conform to agreed specifications and
can be further processed. Any problems are reported to the providing facility. A second
step may include data profiling, comparisons to the last file received, and de-duplication to
catch and report any problems. After files and the contained data are deemed as expected,
Traceability is the ability to verify the origin of and all changes to the data.
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incoming records are linked with existing data or data received from other sources.
Following linking, other data elements not used in linkage are reconciled to confirm the
matches. Any problems are reported and resolutions sought. Following linkage
reconciliation, a change-logging step may occur where new data received are compared to
existing data (previously received from the facility) and any data changes are logged.
Changes to data made at healthcare facilities may be of interest to the study, especially if
reported results change over time due to facility-based data changes. Often deeper data
consistency and completeness checks are performed with exceptions reported and
discussed with the providing facility. After data have been loaded, linked, and checked, data
standardization and enhancement can be undertaken. Finally, if a common data model is
used, data are made available through the common data model.
Changes Made by the Data Provider
File content and format checks do not usually result in the secondary user changing data; if
problems in these areas are detected, they are reported to the data provider and a new file
is sent. It is advisable to maintain a record of all files received and all problems reported
because this history provides documentation of the condition of the data as received. The
secondary data user is responsible for all changes to data after receipt; thus, documenting
the original state of data is important.
When secondary users check data, e.g., through data profiling, business rules, or other
consistency and completeness checks, data discrepancies may be detected. Because the
secondary data user is not the origin of the data, these discrepancies can be used as an
assessment of the data, or in some cases reported back to the provider of the data for
resolution, who is typically best placed to make any needed changes. In such a
circumstance, the provider may send a new data transfer with all of the data or just the
corrections. Records of the reported discrepancies should be kept. Corresponding data
changes made by the data provider will be captured in the change-logging step (Figure 2).
Not all discrepancies will prompt a data change; thus, to prevent replicative reporting of a
discrepancy, the receiving data system should log that a discrepancy has been reported so
it will not be reported to the data provider again.
Changes Made by the Data Recipient
Data standardization is the only process in which the secondary user actually makes
changes to the data. Data standardization can vastly improve the usability of the data
through measures such as:
Common data model is a way of organizing data into a standard structure.
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Coding free-text data with standard controlled terminologies, including ICD coded
diagnoses, Universal Laboratory Order Codes (LOINC) coded labs, and RxNORM
coded medications
Converting local or institutional codes to standard controlled terminology
Adding identifiers such as the National Provider Identifier, which is a unique
identifier for all healthcare providers as part of the National Plan and Provider
Enumeration System (NPPES)
Imputing missing or invalid data
Cleaning up text fields such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers so that the
data exhibit consistent pattern and case.
The best practice in the case of data standardization is for all changes to be recorded; many
secondary users accomplish this by retaining the original data values as received and
creating a second data element to hold the transformed values. In this case, the date of the
transformation is also documented, and both of these become value-level metadata.
Lastly, while most will likely be computed, some transformations, such as medical record
abstraction, coding, or clinical interpretation of diagnostic testing, may be performed
manually. Specifications for manual and computational transformations should be created
and maintained. Such specifications will help describe data handling and may be evaluated
by subsequent researchers for appropriateness. Inter-rater reliability of manual steps
should be measured and confirmed. Programmatic algorithms for transformations should
be tested to confirm that they are working as specified. In reproducibility, the fidelity of the
transformation is as important as documentation that it took place.
Archiving and Sharing Data After a Study
Data are archived for several purposes, including to enable auditing for quality assurance
and regulatory compliance, to ensure the reproducibility of studies performed with the
data, or to answer other questions about the research. Best practices for data archival are
very similar to those that support data sharing, and different regulations specify different
intervals for retaining records. The National Institutes of Health requirements for data
sharing plans (2003) are relatively new. They require that federally funded studies
receiving over $500,000 per year have a data sharing plan describing how data will be
shared, that shared data be available in a usable form for some extended period of time,
and that the least restrictive method for sharing of research data should be used, provided
it maintains scientific integrity and appropriate protection for participants and health
Inter-rater reliability: the degree of agreement among raters or those doing the
manual transformations.
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Key points in the NIH policy and guidance include:
The privacy of participants should be safeguarded.
Data should be made as widely and freely available as possible.
Data should be shared no later than the acceptance for publication of the main study
Initial investigators may benefit from first and continuing use of data, but not from
prolonged exclusive use.
The Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory Data Sharing Policy and Policy
Considerations (2014) document describes additional considerations for sharing data
originating from routine clinical care and used in pragmatic clinical research. Because
individual participant consent may be waived by the IRB in accordance with the federal
regulations (45 CFR part 46) in some pragmatic trials, special considerations apply. For
example, researchers are only allowed to use and store data elements specifically
authorized for research use, either by participant consent or by formal waiver of consent
by the IRB [29]. Further, investigators are only expected to share the specific data elements
on which their analyses are based. The detailed, original data would not need to be
retained by investigators to fulfill data sharing requirements [29]. Precautions to protect
healthcare systems and providers who collaborate with investigators for pragmatic
research are also necessary, such as allowing data sharing through a restricted data enclave
that limits access to researchers [29].
Effective data sharing requires more than just making the data available to others.
Information about the data (metadata) is required for others to understand and
appropriately use shared data. One example of this is provided by the National Institute for
Drug Abuse (NIDA) Clinical Trials Network (CTN), which hosts a web-based data-sharing
hub that facilitates sharing research findings from all clinical trials conducted by the
network ( Although the NIDA CTN data share does not
contain any clinical studies using EHR data, it shows that it's possible to make data and
supporting documentation publicly available while at the same time protecting privacy and
confidentiality of research participants. The following documentation is provided with the
dataset from each trial: 1) the study protocol, 2) reference to study publication of primary
outcome, 3) data sets (SAS and ASCII ), 4) annotated data collection forms, 5) a data
dictionary defining each data element, and 6) study-specific de-identification notes.
Together, this information provides crucial context, such as where the data originated and
how they were collected and analyzed. Each dataset is provided in the data model used for
the trial as well as the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) standard
Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) in both SAS transport file and ASCII format. Further,
the information about the NIDA CTN trials on links to the data share site.
Data sharing does not have to be as public or detailed as in the approaches described
above. Datasets and supporting documentation may be shared as on-line supplemental
material in journals, university websites, or sites maintained by research groups or
investigators. Some data sharing plans merely employ a reference contact in the primary
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