Guidance Notes for
DBS Enhanced Disclosure Applicant
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Proof of Identy
You need to provide three original identy documents to support your DBS applicaon.
Where available please provide ID documents to confirm your:
Driving Licence number
Passport number
Naonal Insurance number
Naonal Insurance number can be evidenced on P45/P60 or financial documents eg tax return. Document must confirm
current address.
Alternavely, please refer to the Evidence of ID sheet for alternave forms of ID which can be accepted. By
subming your applicaon using Route 2 ID documents, you are consenng to GBG carrying out the external ID
validaon service.
Please complete x60, x61 and x62 as detailed below:
All other quesons within Secons x, y and z are for Registered Body use only.
Have you?
Used a black pen
Used capital leers
Amended any mistakes by striking through and rewring - correcon fluid must not be used
Completed all mandatory secons highlighted in yellow
Provided a history of all names used, including middle names, maiden name and all name changes
Provided a full 5-year address history
Signed and dated secon e
Compleng the Applicaon Form
On 1 December 2012 the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) merged to
form the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS). GB Group plc (GBG) is an umbrella body carrying out DBS checks on behalf
of the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).
Please complete secons a, b, c, e and x60 – 62 only.
Follow the instrucons on the front of the Applicaon Form to complete a, b, c, and e
To speed up processing GBG request that you also complete secon x60, x61 and x62
If you answer YES to a mandatory queson (marked in yellow box) you MUST complete the
further secons as detailed
Use a Connuaon sheet if required for name and address history. A full five year address history is
required with no gaps.
ID Verificaon
Post Office ID Checking Service
You can have your documents verified face-to-face at the Post Office. A fee will be charged at the Post Office for this
The Post Office does not need to see your DBS Applicaon Form.
Take the following original ID documents together with a clear and legible photocopy of each document into the Post
Office, together with the Post Office ID checking service form (P6582) provided.
Driving Licence
ID confirming Naonal Insurance number (P60), or Ulity Bill (must confirm current address)
The Post Office counter staff will check each document against the original, date and sign each photocopy and stamp with
the words ‘this copy is a true likeness of the original’ on each document.
They will give you back all your documents and provide you with a receipt.
If you cannot supply the above documentaon please refer to the full list of approved ID documents in the Evidence of ID
Please note: to use the Post Office ID checking service, at least one document must be provided from the Group 1 or
Group 2a list of documents only. Please also note that due to Crown copyright, birth/adopon/marriage cerficates
cannot be used for this service.
To find out more and locate a Post Office near you that provides this service, visit:
and select the Document Cerficaon Service from the list of products
and services.
If you have any queries regarding ID verificaon opons please contact the helpline on 0845 251 5000
Calls cost 3p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge
*Post Office fee for document cerficaon service is subject to change.
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Returning your applicaon to GBG
You must now send your completed DBS Applicaon Form, together with the appropriate ID documents to GBG using the
self-adhesive label provided.
Before sealing the envelope please check that you have included:
Other than ID Checking Service fee detailed above, no further payment is required.
What happens next?
GBG checks the form for accuracy, completes the remaining secons and, where necessary, further validates your identy
using the external ID validaon service, records the details of the applicaon and submits the applicaon to DBS for
further processing.
The DBS will issue your Disclosure Cerficate to your home address. Where DVSA require further informaon to make
their suitability decision they will contact you direct.
For further informaon visit
Our helpline is open from 8.30am5.30pm, Monday to Friday. A 24-hour messaging service is available outside of
these hours.
Post Office ID Checking Service
Your completed form
Post Office Identy Checking Service form
Post Office cerfied copies of ID
Connuaon sheets (if used)
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Current valid passport
Biometric Residence Permit (UK)
Current driving licence photocard - (full or provisional), UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and EEA
Birth cerficate - issued within 12 months of birth, UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands - including those issued
by UK authories overseas, for example embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces
Route 3Route 2Route 1a
Evidence of ID
Route 1
ID Requirements
One Group 1 document
Two documents from
any group
ONE Primary
TWO documents from
any other group
One Group 2a
Two documents from
any group.
GBG will also perform
an external ID
Birth Cerficate (UK,
Isle of Man and
Channel Islands)
One Group 2a
Three documents
from any group
EEA naonals who have been resident in the UK for five years or less cannot use Route 3. If they
cannot validate their identy via Route 1 or 2, finger prints may be required.
Non-EEA naonals applying for paid work must use Route 1a. If they cannot meet these requirements,
they cannot submit a DBS check. This is because their right to work in the UK cannot be established.
Non-EEA naonals applying for volunteer work cannot use Route 2 or 3. If they cannot
establish their identy via Route 1, fingerprints may be required
Full details of the ID requirements can be found on the DBS website, at
Group 1 Documents
Adopon cerficate. UK and Channel Islands.
Current driving licence photocard - (full or provisional). All countries outside the EEA
(excluding Isle of Man and Channel Islands).
Current driving licence (full or provisional) - paper version (if issued before 1998). UK, Isle of Man,
Channel Islands and EEA.
Group 2a Documents
Birth cerficate - issued aer me of birth. UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands.
Marriage/civil partnership cerficate. UK and Channel Islands.
Immigraon document, visa or work permit. Issued by a country outside the EEA. Valid only for roles whereby
the applicant is living and working outside of the UK. Visa/permit must relate to the non EEA country in
which the role is based.
HM Forces ID card, UK
Firearms licence, UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
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To meet the DBS ID verificaon requirements, you are required to provide ID documents for verificaon. Where possible,
this should be via the Route 1 criteria below. Where an applicant cannot meet Route 1 requirements, Route 2 should be
followed. If Route 2 cannot be followed, Route 3 should be followed. Fingerprints may be required for applicants unable
to sasfy the three routes specified.
At least one document must confirm the applicant’s name, DOB and address.
Only accept valid and original documentaon, no photocopies or printouts from the internet should be accepted.
Non-EEA naonals doing paid work must have their identy validated by Route 1A only
Issued in last 3 months
Bank or building society statement.
UK and Channel Islands or EEA.
Bank or building society statement.
Countries outside the EEA. Branch
must be in the country where the
applicant lives and works
Bank or building society account
opening. (UK)
Credit card statement. UK or EEA
Ulity Bill - mobile phone bill not
acceptable (UK)
Benefit Statement e.g. Pension (UK)
Document from Government
Agency/Local Authority giving
entlement (UK and Channel
Islands) e.g. from Department for
Work and Pensions.
Group 2b Documents
Issued in last 12 months No age limit
Mortgage statement. UK or EEA
Financial Statement, e.g. pension,
endowment, (UK)
P45/60 Statement
(UK and Channel Islands)
Council Tax Statement
(UK and Channel Islands)
Leer of sponsorship from future
employer provider (non UK/non EEA
only) – for applicants residing
outside the UK at the me of
applicaon. Must sll be valid.
EEA Naonal ID card
Cards carrying the PASS
accreditaon logo (UK, Isle of Man
and Channel Islands) .Must sll be
Leer from Head Teacher or College
Principal (16/19 year olds in full
me educaon at the me of
applicaon). Should only be used in
exceponal circumstances where
other ID cannot be obtained.
Irish Passport Card. Cannot be used
with an Irish Passport. Must sll be
Current Biometric Immigraon Document issued by the
Home Office indicang that the person named is
allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK.
Current Biometric Immigraon Document issued by the
Home Office which indicates that the named person
can currently stay in the UK and is allowed to do the
work in queson.
Passport endorsed to show that the holder is exempt
from immigraon control, is allowed to stay
indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK,
or has no me limit on their stay in the UK.
Passport endorsed to show that the holder is allowed
to stay in the UK and is currently allowed to do the
type of work in queson.
A Cerficate of Applicaon issued by the Home Office
to a family member of a EEA naonal or Switzerland
stang that the holder is permied to take
employment which is less than 6 months old together
with a Posive Verificaon Noce from the Home
Office Employer Checking Service.
An Applicaon Registraon Card issued by the Home
Office stang that the holder is permied to take the
employment in queson, together with a Posive
Verificaon Noce from the Home Office Employer
Checking Service.
Primary Documents
Current Residence Card (including an Accession
Residence Card or a Derivave Residence Card) issued
by the Home Office to a non-European Economic Area
naonal who is a family member of a naonal of a
European Economic Area country or Switzerland or
who has a derivave right of residence.
Current Immigraon Status Document containing a
photograph issued by the Home Office to the holder
with a valid endorsement indicang that the named
person may stay in the UK, and is allowed to do the
type of work in queson, together with an official
document giving the person’s permanent Naonal
Insurance number and their name issued by a
Government agency or a previous employer.
Current Immigraon Status Document issued by the
Home Office to the holder with an endorsement
indicang that the named person is allowed to stay
indefinitely in the UK or has no me limit on their stay
in the UK, together with an official document giving the
person’s permanent Naonal Insurance number and
their name issued by a Government agency or a
previous employer.
Permanent Residence Card issued by the Home Office
to the family member of a naonal of an EEA country
or Switzerland.
Posive Verificaon Noce issued by the Home Office
indicang the named person may stay in the UK and is
permied to do the work in queson.
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GBG, 1 Wilford Business Park, Ruddington Lane, Nongham, NG11 7EP
helpline: 0845 251 5000 email: dv[email protected] web:
Calls cost 3p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge