Accounting and Auditing Update - October 2022
Special purpose
This article aims to:
Summarise the key considerations for nancial
statements prepared for a specic set of users.
An entity usually prepares general purpose
nancial statements as per the general-purpose
framework. A general-purpose framework
is designed to meet the common nancial
information needs of a wide range of users, e.g.:
a. Financials prepared as per applicable Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for tax
ling purposes
b. Financials of a foreign subsidiary prepared
as per Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)/
Accounting Standards (AS) for inclusion in the
annual report.
The general-purpose framework i.e. Ind AS and
AS are used for preparation and presentation
of the nancial statements. The Standards on
Auditing (SA) issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India (ICAI) apply to an audit of
general-purpose nancial statements.
However, under certain circumstances, an entity
would be required to submit nancial statements
as per a special purpose framework or an audited
single nancial statement, specic elements,
accounts, or items of a nancial statement to
a specic category of stakeholders. A special-
purpose nancial statement is a nancial report
that is intended for presentation to specic users,
and it may accompany a complete set of nancial
statements that is intended for general use, or it
may be presented separately. The audits of such
statements are conducted in accordance with
all the SAs. The ICAI has also formulated special
consideration standards which are also required to
be followed by an auditor when undertaking such
Therefore, in addition to the application of all the
SAs (in the 100-700 series), an auditor is also
required to comply with:
SA 800, Special Considerations—Audits of
Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance
with Special Purpose Frameworks which
deals with the audit of nancial statements
prepared in accordance with a special purpose
framework, and
SA 805, Special Considerations—Audits of
Single Financial Statements and Specic
Elements, Accounts or Items of a Financial
Statement which deals with an audit of a
single nancial statement, a specic element,
account or item of a nancial statement to
be prepared in accordance with a general or
special purpose framework.
However, SA 805 does not apply to the report
of a component auditor which is issued as a
result of the work performed on the nancial
information of a component at the request of a
group engagement team for purposes of an audit
of group nancial statements.
As per SA 800, a special purpose framework is
designed to meet the nancial information needs
of specic users, example:
i. Financial statements prepared on cash receipts
and disbursements basis of accounting for cash
ow information that may be requested by the
key supplier
ii. Financial statements prepared as per the
nancial reporting provisions established by
a regulator to meet the requirements of that
iii. Financial statements prepared as per the
nancial reporting provisions of a contract,
such as a bond indenture, a loan agreement, or
a project grant.
It is pertinent to note that, when nancial
statements are prepared based on the needs of
a regulator, it should not be construed that such
nancial statements are special purpose nancial
statements. Special purpose nancial statements
are nancial statements with a special purpose
framework i.e. a nancial reporting framework
designed to meet the nancial information needs
of specic users. Special purpose nancial
statements are not intended to meet the common
information needs of a wide range of users.
Examples of single nancial statement or the
specic element, account or item of a nancial
statement are:
i. An audited cashow statement to be
submitted to potential investors.
ii. Accounts receivable, allowance for doubtful
accounts receivable, inventory, the liability for
accrued benets of a private pension plan, the
recorded value of identied intangible assets,
or the liability for ‘incurred but not reported’
claims in an insurance portfolio, including
related notes.
iii. A schedule of externally managed assets and
income of a private pension plan, including
related notes.
iv. A schedule of net tangible assets, including
related notes.
v. A schedule of disbursements in relation to a
lease property, including explanatory notes.
vi. A schedule of prot participation or employee
bonuses, including explanatory notes.
© 2022 KPMG Assurance and Consulting Services LLP, an Indian Limited Liability Partnership and a member rm of the KPMG global organization of independent member rms afliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
Accounting and Auditing Update - October 2022
Key considerations for the management while preparing financial statements under special circumstances
The nancial statements (both general purpose
nancial statements and special purpose nancial
statements) can either be prepared as per the fair
presentation framework or as per the compliance
A fair presentation framework is a nancial
reporting framework that requires compliance with
the requirements of the framework and:
a. Acknowledges explicitly or implicitly that,
to achieve fair presentation of the nancial
statements, it may be necessary for
management to provide disclosures beyond
those specically required by the framework, or
b. Acknowledges explicitly that it may be
necessary for management to depart from a
requirement of the framework to achieve fair
presentation of the nancial statements. Such
departures are expected to be necessary only in
extremely rare circumstances.
A compliance framework is a nancial reporting
framework that requires compliance with the
requirements of the framework but does not
contain the acknowledgements in (a) or (b) above.
It is the primary responsibility of the management
to prepare nancial statements. In order to do so
following aspects need to be considered:
The management should understand the purpose
for which such nancial statements are being
prepared and its intended users.
Accounting framework
While preparing nancial statements under a
special purpose framework, it is essential to
understand the nancial information needs of
the intended users in order to determine the
acceptability of the appropriate nancial reporting
framework to be applied in the preparation of
the nancial statements. If the special purpose
nancial statements are prepared in accordance
with the applicable accounting standards, then
a proper explanation should be provided for
any material departures from those accounting
standards. The management should ensure that
the appropriate accounting policies are applied
consistently,judgements and estimates are
reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair
view of the state of affairs of the entity.
In case the nancial statements are prepared as
per the nancial reporting provisions laid down
by the regulator or as per the terms of a contract,
the same should be specied in the said nancial
Where the management intends to publish an
audited single nancial statement or an audited
specic element of a nancial statement together
with the entity’s audited complete set of nancial
statements, then the management should ensure
that the presentation of such a single nancial
statement or of the specic element of a nancial
statement is sufciently differentiated from the
complete set of nancial statements.
In certain situations, the laws or regulations may
prescribe the nancial reporting framework to
be used by the management in the preparation
of special purpose nancial statements. In
certain cases the nancial reporting provisions
are prescribed in a contract, then that reporting
framework would be considered acceptable if
the framework exhibits attributes of a normally
acceptable nancial reporting framework.
Adequate disclosures
Ensure that the special purpose nancial
statements contain adequate disclosures to enable
the intended users to understand the information
contained in the nancial statements.
© 2022 KPMG Assurance and Consulting Services LLP, an Indian Limited Liability Partnership and a member rm of the KPMG global organization of independent member rms afliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
Accounting and Auditing Update - October 2022
Key considerations for the auditor
Acceptance and planning
When accepting a special purpose audit, an auditor
should consider the following:
a. Understand the purpose for which the nancial
statements are prepared
b. Understand the intended users
c. Obtain an understanding of the steps taken
by the management to determine that the
applicable nancial reporting framework is
acceptable in the circumstances and the entity’s
selection and application of accounting policies
d. Planning and performing the audit engagement
to obtain sufcient and appropriate audit
e. Should ensure compliance with the applicable
laws and regulations
f. Communication with Those Charged with
Governance (TCWG) regarding signicant
Compliance with SAs
SA 800 and SA 805 also draw reference to SA 200,
Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and
the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with
Standards on Auditing thereby requiring an auditor
to comply with:
a. The relevant ethical requirements, including
those pertaining to independence, relating to
nancial statement audit engagements, and
b. All SAs relevant to the audit unless in certain
circumstances of the audit, the auditor is of
the view that the entire SA is not relevant, or
the requirement is not relevant because it is
conditional, and the condition does not exist.
Forming an opinion and reporting
When forming an opinion and reporting on special
purpose nancial statements or single nancial
statement or on a specic element of a nancial
statement, an auditor should comply with the
requirements in SA 700 (Revised), Forming an
Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements
The report should also contain an explanation of
the management’s responsibility regarding the
selection of the nancial reporting framework and
preparation of such nancial statements. While
auditing and reporting on special purpose nancial
statements or single nancial statements or on
a specic element of a nancial statement, an
auditor must take into consideration the impact
of the following aspects included in the auditor’s
report on the complete nancial statements:
i. Material uncertainty related to going concern
as per SA 570 (Revised), Going Concern,
ii. Key audit matters in accordance with SA 701,
Communicating Key Audit Matters in the
Independent Auditors Report
iii. Other information as per SA 720, The Auditor’s
Responsibilities Relating to Other Information.
When reporting on special purpose nancial
statements under SA 800, the auditors report
should describe the purpose for which the nancial
statements are prepared and the intended users.
or refer to the note in the special purpose nancial
statements that contains information which
states that the nancial statements are prepared
in accordance with a special purpose framework
and may not be suitable for another purpose.
The auditor is required to do so by including an
Emphasis of Matter (EOM) paragraph in the audit
© 2022 KPMG Assurance and Consulting Services LLP, an Indian Limited Liability Partnership and a member rm of the KPMG global organization of independent member rms afliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
Accounting and Auditing Update - October 2022
1. SA 700 (Revised) deals with the form and content of the auditor’s report.
It provides guidance with respect to the auditor’s responsibility to form
an opinion on the nancial statements. SA 700 (Revised) requires an
auditor to evaluate whether the nancial statements are prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable
nancial reporting framework. This evaluation should also be based on
qualitative aspects of the entity’s accounting practices, including indicators
of possible bias in management’s judgements. In order to form an opinion
about whether the nancial statements as a whole are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, the auditor must obtain
reasonable assurance
If an auditor undertakes an engagement under
SA 805 to report on a single nancial statement
or on a specic element of a nancial statement,
then the auditor should not express an opinion on
the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control.
Further, where an auditor has undertaken an
engagement to report on the single nancial
statement or on a specic element of a nancial
statement in conjunction with an engagement
to audit the entity’s complete set of nancial
statements, the auditor should express a separate
opinion for each engagement and must ensure that
the presentation of a single nancial statement or
of the specic element of a nancial statement
sufciently differentiates from a complete set of
nancial statements. If not, the auditor shall not
issue the auditors report containing the opinion
on the single nancial statement or on the specic
element of a nancial statement until the auditor is
satised with the differentiation.
An auditor should not express an unmodied
opinion on a single nancial statement of a
complete set of nancial statements if the auditor
has expressed an adverse opinion or disclaimed
an opinion on the complete set of nancial
statements as a whole, unless the following
conditions are satised:
The auditor is not prohibited by law or
regulation from doing so
The opinion is expressed in an auditor’s report
that is not published together with the auditors
report containing the adverse opinion or
disclaimer of opinion, and
The specic element does not constitute a
major portion of the entity’s complete set of
nancial statements.
Bottom line
Financial statements prepared under a special
purpose framework or special circumstance
are unique engagements that provide specic
and relevant information to a specic group of
users. Therefore, due consideration should be
given by the management and the auditor to the
requirements of such specic users. As the audit
reports of general-purpose nancial statements
and special purpose nancial statements are
governed by two different auditing standards
(SA 700 and SA 800), an auditor is expected
to obtain clarity about the difference between
the two frameworks. Further, auditors should
exercise professional skepticism and should have
professional experience for issuing such audit
reports as it helps maintain stakeholder condence
in the assurance process.
© 2022 KPMG Assurance and Consulting Services LLP, an Indian Limited Liability Partnership and a member rm of the KPMG global organization of independent member rms afliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
Accounting and Auditing Update - October 2022