HEREBY DETERMINED that, for the efficient operation of the Court, Local
Court Rule
modified effective November
2017. The new Rule
attached hereto
adopted by the Court. The new Rule shall replace the existing
effective November 17, 2017.
FURTHER ORDERED that the Court shall notify the Clerk of the Ohio
Supreme Court, the Clerk of the Elyria Municipal Court,
the Executive
Secretary of the Lorain County Bar Association of the new Rule.
Date: November 17, 2017
Administrative and Presiding Judge
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The Elyria Municipal Court hereby adopts the attached
amended Local Rules effective August
1,20 1 1. All
previous rules adopted
any judge or judges of the
Elyria Municipal Court prior to the effective date are
hereby repealed.
~dministrative and Presiding Judge
Local Rules
See Appendix A for Criminal Division Fee Schedule
See Appendix B for Civil Division Fee Schedule
See Form at Appendix C
RULE 14 - Court Records - Management and Retention (Eff 10-26-2007)
RULE 15 - Court Records - Electronic Imaging (Eff 10-26-2007)
APPENDIX A – Civil Division Fee Schedule (Eff 11-1-2021)
APPENDIX B – Criminal/Traffic Fee Schedule (Eff 11-1-2021)
APPENDIX C– Request for Permission to Broadcast
APPENDIX D – Application for Trusteeship
APPENDIX E – Service of Process Order 9-8-2008
APPENDIX F – Video/Tape Retention Order 6-30-2011
The Mission of the Elyria Municipal Court is:
To provide opportunities for people and organizations to obtain the
peaceful resolution of public and private disputes in a fair, efficient, and
timely manner.
In furtherance of this mission, the Court hereby adopts the following
rules of the Court regulating the practice and procedures of this Court.
Rule 1: Hours
The offices of t
he Clerk shall be open between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The offices of the Judges shall be
open to the public between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to Noon and 1:30 p.m.
to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The offices of the Clerk and the
offices of the Judges shall be closed on holidays.
The Court shall be in session at such other times as the Judges shall
prescribe to meet special situations.
Rule 2: Records Retention and Destruction
See Appendix F
– See Rules 14 and 15 effective 10-26-2007
Rule 3:
Schedule of Fees and Costs
Court fees and costs in both civil and criminal cases shall be established
by the Judges of Elyria Municipal Court in conformance with the
provisions of the Ohio Revised Code. Those costs shall be published by
the Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court as a Criminal Division Fee Schedule
and Civil Division Fee Schedule and made available to the general
public upon request.
No pleading, motion, demand, or other document related to an action or
proceeding shall be accepted for filing by the Clerk of this Court unless
there first shall be deposited the filing fee required by this Court or, if
indigent, an affidavit of indigence.
See Appendix A for Criminal Division Fee Schedule
See Appendix B for Civil Division Fee Schedule
Rule 4: Violations Bureau
A Traffic Violations Bureau is hereby established pursuant to Ohio
Traffic Rule 13. The Clerk of Court is appointed to be its Violations
Rule 5: Decorum and Conduct
(A) On opening of any Court session, all persons in the courtroom shall
stand. All persons in the courtroom shall conduct themselves with
decorum and in such manner so as not to interfere with or obstruct
judicial activities or proceedings. All persons appearing before the
Court shall, as far as practicable, appear in appropriate attire.
(B) Litigants and/or spectators are not permitted to smoke, eat, chew
gum or drink in the courtroom, nor shall they bring food or drink into the
(C) Litigants and/or spectators shall not read newspapers in the
courtroom. All cell phones and pagers must be turned off.
(D) No person shall behave in an unseemly or disorderly manner, in the
courtroom or in any halls, entryway, or stairways leading thereto, or
otherwise interfere with or obstruct judicial activities or proceedings.
(E) The Court expects that counsel shall call this rule to the attention of
clients and witnesses.
Rule 6: Permission to Broadcast or Record Proceedings
Requests for permission to broadcast, record, photograph or televise in
the courtroom shall be in writing on a form prescribed by this Court to
the Judge to whom the case is assigned as far in advance as reasonably
practical, but in no event later than one-half (1/2) hour prior to the
courtroom session to be broadcast or photographed unless otherwise
permitted by the Judge. Permission shall be granted in accordance with
Rule 12 of Ohio Rules of Superintendence and upon such terms as the
Court may dictate.
See Form at Appendix C
Rule 7: Record of Proceedings
All proceedings, trials and hearings in the Elyria Municipal Court shall
be preserved on video tape or other similar medium, and remain in the
exclusive care and control of the Court. A transcript or video copy may
be obtained by a certified court reporter obtaining permission of the
Court to transcribe or copy the recorded proceedings.
Rule 8: Electronic Filing
The Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court shall accept for filing, electronic
transmissions, including, but not limited to, e-mail and facsimile
transfers, as an alternative method for filing of pleadings, motions and
other papers allowed by law to be filed with the Clerk of Elyria
Municipal Court, subject to the conditions contained herein.
(A) Each electronic transmission shall include all of the following
information in the transmission, except that in the event of a facsimile
transfer all such information shall be included on a separate cover page:
(1) The date of transmission;
(2) The name, telephone number, facsimile number and/or e-mail
address of the originator of the document;
(3) The caption of the case;
(4) The case number, if assigned;
(5) The title of the document to be filed;
(6) The number of pages being transmitted (exclusive of the cover
Papers transmitted without this information shall not be accepted for
(B) Electronic transmissions shall also be subject to the following
(1) Every pleading and motion filed electronically shall be legibly
signed by the originator of the document and otherwise comply
with Civil Rule 11. An “electronic signature” as defined by ORC
§ 1306.01(H) shall be sufficient as a “signature.” Any signature on
electronically transmitted pleadings or papers shall be considered
that of the attorney or party it purports to be for all purposes. See
subsection (B)(6) below.
(2) Every electronic transmission shall be legible and complete
when received.
(3) Every document to be filed shall be transmitted in a format and
manner that can be read or downloaded by the electronic
equipment then in use by the Court.
(4) No electronic filing shall be made of a document which
exceeds 8 ½” X 11” in size.
(5) Every electronic filing shall contain a proof of service when
One person signing a document to be electronically transmitted
on behalf of another without clear disclosure of the agency status
on the face of the document or one person causing another’s
signature to appear on an electronically transmitted document
without the person that is identified as signing taking the principal
step to effect the entry of a signature on the document shall be
regarded as contempt of court.
Papers transmitted in violation of this provision shall not be accepted for
(C) The transmitted document shall be deemed and accepted as though
it were the original. Neither the original nor duplicates shall be sent
thereafter unless ordered. The person filing a document by electronic
transmission shall retain the original document and make it available
upon request to the Court.
(D) All transmissions shall be directed to the Clerk of Elyria Municipal
Court and no other notice to the Clerk or approval by the Judge or
Magistrate shall be required of the transmitter prior to transmission,
provided that the transmission complies with this Local Rule and would
be appropriately filed in the Elyria Municipal Court if personally
delivered or mailed through the United States Postal Service.
(E) Transmissions intended for review, consideration, or signature by a
Judge or Magistrate before filing may be sent to the facsimile or e-mail
of the appropriate Judge or Magistrate, but only after telephone
authorization has been given. Electronic transmissions misdirected to
the Clerk of Courts may be returned or disposed of.
(F) Electronic transmissions received by the office of the Clerk of
Elyria Municipal Court on a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or after
4:30 p.m. on a business day shall be considered filed on the next
business day. The Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court shall also time-
stamp the facsimile copy received or the hard copy of the e-mail, which
shall constitute “acceptance” by the Clerk, that is, that the electronic
transmission appears to comply with this Local Rule and should be
entered accordingly onto the docket.
(G) If possible, service of copies of the document to be filed by
electronic transmission shall also be accomplished by electronic
transmission and notices from the court may also be sent by electronic
(1) Service of a document by electronic transmission may be made
only if the person to be served has consented to receive service of
the document by electronic transmission. Consent is automatically
indicated when the recipient has previously filed or otherwise
transmitted a document electronically in the same action.
Electronic transmission service made after 4:30 p.m. shall be
considered complete on the next business day.
(2) The proof of service for a document served by electronic
transmission shall state the facsimile number and/or e-mail address
of the person to whom the document was transmitted and both the
date and time of transmission.
(3) If a person has consented to service by electronic transmission
and the transmitter receives notice in any manner that the
transmission was incomplete for any reason, the transmitter shall
promptly notify the person by telephone of the problem and service
shall be accomplished as otherwise authorized by law. If
necessary, the transmitter shall file an amended proof of service
and its grounds.
(4) A party who has consented to service by electronic
transmission but who can no longer receive service by electronic
transmission shall promptly notify the Court and all other parties to
the action in writing, setting forth the grounds.
(H) If the Clerk of Courts finds that a document received by electronic
transmission should not be filed for any reason, e.g. illegible,
incomplete, or otherwise in violation of this Local Rule, the Clerk shall
not time-stamp the document, unless directed by the Judge or
Magistrate. The Clerk shall make reasonable efforts to contact the
originator or the facsimile or computer operator at the telephone number
in the transmission to advise that it has been rejected for filing. The
Clerk of Courts shall not be required to return the documents
transmitted, but may dispose of them after telephone, facsimile or e-mail
notice of rejection is attempted on the party. If a document presented for
filing is rejected, the attorney or party who transmitted the document for
filing shall promptly notify all parties served with a copy of the
document that the document was not filed in the case.
(I) If the Judge or Magistrate finds that a electronic transmission that
has been accepted by the Clerk for filing violates this Local Rule, the
Court may strike the filing or may disregard the transmitted document in
rendering a determination, decision, or order with respect to which the
transmitted document would otherwise be relevant.
(J) The transmitting party shall be solely responsible for ensuring that
the document transmitted complies with these Local Rules in every
respect and for monitoring the progress of transmission, receipt, filing
and consideration. An omission or deviation from this Local rule that
results in the transmission not being considered by the Court shall not be
a basis for reconsideration unless the transmitting party demonstrates the
exercise of reasonable diligence in compliance with this Local rule.
(K) The person transmitting the document may request a hearing as to
compliance with this Local Rule if the transmitting document has been
rejected by the Clerk or stricken by court order and, if compliance has
been shown, an appropriate order may be issued to deem the document
timely filed.
(L) Any document electronically filed that requires a filing fee may be
rejected unless the filer has paid the fee prior to transmission by advance
deposit, credit card, or other mechanism approved by the Clerk of Elyria
Municipal Court or has previously or concurrently filed a motion to
waive the prepayment of costs based upon indigency.
(M) These requirements may be waived or modified within the
discretion conferred by law upon the Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court.
Rule 9: Assignment of Cases
(A) Civil Cases
(1) Civil cases shall be assigned by the Clerk to a Judge by
computerized lottery upon the filing of an answer, motion, or a
jury demand in a special proceeding where permitted. For
purposes of this rule, a motion is a written application for an order
or judgment, other than one for default judgment, that may directly
result in dismissal or judgment as to any party or claim, other than
a consent judgment or Civil Rule 41(A) voluntary dismissal.
(2) A civil case shall be assigned by the Clerk to a Judge by
computerized lottery upon an appeal of a Magistrate's pretrial order
or order regulating proceedings pursuant to Civil Rule 53(C)(3)(a).
(3) Questions by the Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court as to
assignment of a civil case to a particular session of the Court or to
the individual assignment system shall be resolved by the
(B) Criminal/Traffic cases--Unless otherwise provided herein, all cases
will be assigned to a Judge by computerized lottery upon a plea of "not
guilty" in misdemeanor cases or initial appearance in felony cases.
Cases involving the same defendant, parties or subject matter may be
directly assigned in the interests of judicial economy.
Revised 11/17/2017
It is the responsibility of the Court to ensure indigent defendants are assigned
competent, reliable counsel for criminal or traffic offenses which carry possible jail time.
The Court’s primarily responsibility is to protect the rights of the accused, indigent
individual. Court-appointed counsel shall be selected and compensated as follows:
(A) Definitions
(1) Appointment” means the selection by a Court or judicial officer of a person
designated pursuant to constitutional or statutory authority, rule of court, or
the inherent authority of the Court to represent, act on behalf or in the
interests of another, or perform any services in a court proceeding for a
person deemed to be indigent or who, in the opinion of the judicial officer, is
incapable of understanding the charge or the nature of the proceeding.
(2) “Appointee” means any person, other than a Court employee, receiving an
appointment by a Court or judicial officer. “Appointee” does not include a
person or entity who is selected by someone other than the Court.
(3) “Equitable distribution” means a system through which appointments are
made in an objectively rational, fair, neutral, and nondiscriminatory manner
and are widely distributed among substantially all persons from the list
maintained by the Court or division of persons pre-qualified for appointment.
(4) “Judicial officer” means a Judge or Magistrate.
(5) “Court-appointed Attorney List means a list of attorneys qualified and
approved by the Court to accept appointments to represent indigent persons
in a criminal/traffic matter pending in the Elyria Municipal Court.
(B) Appointments:
(1) The Judge shall use the Ohio Public Defender’s Indigent Client Eligibility
Guidelines when assessing whether the person satisfies the economic
requirements for Court-appointed counsel.
(2) The Court shall maintain a list of attorneys qualified and approved to take
appointments. The primary responsibility of a Judge in appointing counsel for
an indigent person is to provide competent counsel whose experience and
expertise will provide the indigent client with reliable, competent
(3) The Court, in making appointments, shall take into account all of the
(a) The anticipated complexity of the case in which appointment will be made;
(b) Any educational, mental health, language, or other challenges facing the
party for whom the appointment is made;
(c) The relevant experience of those persons available to accept the
appointment, including proficiency in a foreign language, familiarity with
mental health issues, and scientific or other evidence issues;
(d) The avoidance of conflicts of interest or other situations that may
potentially delay timely completion of the case;
(e) Intangible factors, including the Court or judicial officer’s view of a
potential appointee’s commitment to providing timely, cost-effective,
quality representation to each prospective client.
(f) Whether the defendant has pending cases in this Court or Common Pleas
Court or any other Court in which an attorney from the Court-appointed
attorney list has been appointed.
(4) The Court shall use a rotary system when appointing counsel and will,
whenever possible, attempt to equitably distribute Court-appointments among
the attorneys on the Court-appointed Attorney List.
(5) The Court shall review the distribution of assignments at a minimum every
forty-five (45) days and shall, whenever possible, make or adjust assignments
to cause equitable distribution of assignments.
(6) Attorneys on a list maintained by the Court pre-qualified to serve are not
assured a substantially equal number of appointments. No person is granted
a legal right or claim by virtue of this rule.
(7) At times, there will be an immediate need for appointment of counsel for an
indigent person. In the interest of justice and to facilitate expediency, the
Court may appoint an attorney from the list who happens to be in the
Courthouse at the time the need arises.
(8) In making appointments, the Court shall conform to all applicable ethical and
campaign finance restrictions and requirements of the Ohio Revised Code.
(C) Appointment List, Application
(1) The Court shall maintain felony and misdemeanor lists of attorneys who are
willing to accept appointments for the various classifications of offenses. The
appointed attorney list shall be updated as needed based on current need,
counsel’s credentials and current standing with the Supreme Court.
(2) In order to be appointed to serve as a Court-appointed attorney in Elyria
Municipal Court, the attorney must:
(a) Be a licensed Ohio attorney in good standing.
(b) Maintain professional liability (malpractice) insurance in an amount equal
to the minimum coverage required by the Ohio Rules of Professional
Conduct and supply written verification of his/her coverage. Attorneys on
the list shall supply proof of insurance by January 31
of each calendar
(c) File a written application on a form supplied by the Court with a resume’
(d) Interview with the Judge.
(e) The attorney shall have a working phone with an assistant/or voicemail to
be able to respond to calls from the Court or the client. The attorney shall
keep the Court informed of his/her address and phone number at all times.
(f) Many of the people who qualify for Court-appointed attorneys have no
means of transportation. Attorneys on the list must, therefore, have a
local location to arrange to meet with the client.
(3) Any attorney may be removed from the Appointment List at the discretion of
the Court. Cause for removal would include, but not be limited to:
(a) Habitual tardiness or failure to show for scheduled hearings.
(b) Failure to speak to the client when the client is in the holding cell in the
Courthouse and the attorney is in the building.
(c) Failure to maintain malpractice insurance.
(d) Failure to maintain minimum Continuing Legal Education requirements.
(D) Compensation
(1) Appointed counsel are compensated upon approval of an application for fees
by the Judge. In fixing the amount of compensation, the Court shall be
guided by the resolution of the Lorain County Commissioners in state statute
cases and local enactments in ordinances cases.
(2) Applications will be processed approximately one time per week. To ensure
payment without reduction, the attorney must submit his/her bill at least ten
days before the cutoff date.
(3) The Judge in his/her discretion may order an amount less than the attorney
has requested if the Judge deems the original request excessive in terms of
time spent by the attorney and the complexity of the case.
(4) Attorneys with fee requests in excess of the standard maximum fee (currently
$250.00) shall file a Motion in which the attorney briefly states the
reason/rationale for a fee in excess of the maximum amount of $250.00.
(5) If the attorney fee bill exceeds the maximum amount of $250.00 and no
motion is filed, the Judge will award the attorney the sum of $250.00.
Rule 11: Case Management Plan
The purpose of this rule is to establish, pursuant to Rule 5 of the Rules
of Superintendence, a system to eliminate unnecessary delay and
expense for all parties involved.
(A) Civil Cases
(1) Pleadings:
Pleadings shall be prepared, served and filed in
accordance with the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. In addition, the
following rules apply:
(a) Where service is requested or required by the Clerk,
sufficient copies shall be delivered to the Clerk with the filing
or the Clerk may either decline to process service or require
payment of a reasonable copy fee.
(b) In the event of failure of service, the Clerk shall send notice
to Plaintiff immediately. All cases in which service is
incomplete within six months of filing shall be dismissed by the
(c) Leave to Plead (other than special proceedings):
When a
party is not prepared to move or plead by the answer day, one
extension of thirty (30) days will be granted upon application to
the Court on or before the answer day. For good cause shown,
one additional thirty (30) day leave may be had with the
consent of the opposing party, which alone shall not be deemed
good cause.
(2) Notice of Appearances and Changes in Status:
(a) Each party and each party’s attorney is charged with the
duty to notify the Court of any settlement, change of address or
other change in the status of the parties or subject matter of the
action which may affect the proceedings, such as deaths and
transfers of interests in real or personal property.
(b) An attorney who appears at hearing on behalf of a party
and who has not made an appearance by pleading or written
motion on behalf of the represented party that contains the
attorney’s address, phone number, and registration number,
shall promptly file a journal entry or “notice of appearance”
with such information or shall not have cause to seek an
extension of time or to vacate an order or judgment due to the
failure by the Court or Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court to
notify that counsel of hearings, orders or decisions.
(3) Motions:
(a) General Provisions:
Except as provided herein, all motions
shall be in conformance with applicable Rules of Civil
Procedure, shall include a memorandum containing arguments
or appropriate affidavits, and shall be accompanied by a
proposed order.
(b) Reply Memoranda:
Unless otherwise ordered, the schedule
for filing memoranda in opposition to a motion shall be as
i) seven (7) days for motions regarding parties, pleadings,
discovery, scheduling or otherwise pertaining to the
regulation of proceedings, except for motions that fully
dispose of a claim or a party;
ii) thirty (30) days for motions that may fully dispose of a
claim or a party, including, motions to dismiss or
summary judgment, or for judgment on the pleadings;
iii) reply or additional memoranda may be filed only with
leave and upon a showing of necessity; and
iv) if not set by the Court or required by law, oral arguments
on motions and evidentiary hearings will be permitted
only upon written request and upon a showing of
necessity. Failure by a movant to appear at hearing on a
motion may result in dismissal of the motion.
(c) Default Motions
: Motions for default judgment will be set
for hearing before the Magistrate. Movant is required to attend
said hearing unless, as provided below, supporting documents
and affidavits are submitted in lieu of appearance. Failure of
movant to attend or provide necessary documents may result in
dismissal of the claim for failure to prosecute or a finding of no
When the amount claimed is liquidated, i.e. readily
ascertainable by mathematical calculation, the movant need not
appear at the hearing if the following documents supporting the
amount claimed are submitted prior to the hearing:
i) proposed Journal Entry;
ii) any instrument(s) on which any part of the claim is based,
evidence of written assent to interest other than at the
statutory rate from the date of judgment;
iii) if the claim is based on an account, a statement of account
starting with a zero balance or other provable sum that
contains listed items and a summarization which permits
the calculation of the amount claimed to be due;
iv) an affidavit with specific and nonconclusory averments
by a person with knowledge supporting 1) the amount
claimed, 2) submission of any accompanying documents,
and 3) if written notice has not been given to the party
against whom the application for default judgment is
sought, that the defaulting party has not communicated
with the moving party or counsel since commencement
of proceedings.
(4) Discovery:
Discovery documents shall not be filed with the
Court, except upon order of the Court or for use in conjunction with the
consideration of a Motion or as evidence at trial. If filed in violation of
this rule, discovery documents may be stricken from the record and
discarded without further notice to the filing party.
(5) Bankruptcy:
Upon written notification to the Court of any
pending bankruptcy proceeding, including the case number, affecting
any litigant in this Court, the Court shall file an appropriate Journal
Entry staying all proceedings. Unless a motion to the contrary is filed,
any pending actions will be dismissed without prejudice or any existing
judgment shall be marked as discharged in bankruptcy after one hundred
eighty (180) days.
(6) Satisfactions:
Satisfactions in whole or part of a judgment
may be entered on the docket by the Court after a party in whose favor a
judgment has been rendered files a journal entry or other form of written
communication with the Court indicating satisfaction and after said entry
has been approved by the Judge or Magistrate. Filing a satisfaction
before judgment has been rendered shall be treated as a dismissal.
(7) Voluntary Dismissal:
The Clerk shall enter a voluntary
dismissal when a party has timely filed a request pursuant to Civil Rule
41(A) and such request has been marked as reviewed by a Judge or
Magistrate. Filing of a notice of dismissal after final judgment on the
merits shall be entered by the Clerk as a satisfaction, unless a motion to
vacate the judgment has also been filed.
As required by Civil Rule 5(A), counsel or the pro se plaintiff shall
serve upon opposing counsel or pro se opposing party who has made an
appearance in the action any written notice of voluntary dismissal
pursuant to Civil Rule 41(A). If an opposing party or counsel, due to
lack of notice, incurs "needless cost", relief may be available under ORC
§ 2323.51 upon application.
(8) Pretrial Conference:
Pretrial conferences shall be conducted in
accordance with Rule 16 of the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. In
addition the following rules apply:
(a) Attendance:
Attendance shall be required as to the
following persons, unless excused:
i) all parties in interest unless the claim for relief against
the party is fully covered by insurance;
ii) an insurance company representative in all cases in
which the claim for relief is covered in whole or in part
by insurance;
iii) counsel who shall have full authority to present and
conclude all matters concerned; except that
iv) represented parties may be excused from the initial
pretrial if at least one additional pretrial is anticipated
by counsel, counsel appears, and the parties are
available by phone, and trial counsel shall, without
exception, be required to appear at final pretrial; and
v) one continuance may be had by agreement of the
parties on grounds that further discovery or negotiations
prior to pretrial may result in settlement or render the
pretrial conference more productive.
(b) Sanctions for failure to appear:
Provided that notice has
been given, either by reference to this rule in the notice of
pretrial conference or otherwise, the Judge or Magistrate may:
i) upon failure of plaintiff and counsel to appear in person
at pretrial, dismiss the claim for want of prosecution;
ii) upon failure of defendant and counsel to appear in
person, allow plaintiff to proceed with the case on the
merits ex parte; and
iii) strike, as waived, a jury demand filed by a nonappearing
(c) Pretrial Discovery:
The parties shall make reasonable
efforts to complete documentary discovery by the time of the
first pretrial conference. The court may disallow further
discovery at the pretrial conference or set the case for trial
without additional pretrial conference although further
discovery may be permitted.
(9) Case Management in Forcible Entry & Detainer Hearings:
(a) Summons in a forcible entry and detainer action will be
served by concurrent certified and ordinary mail service in
accordance with ORC § 1923.06, unless some other method of
service is requested. The Ohio Rules of Evidence and
applicable Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply at that hearing.
Should the plaintiff fail to appear, the case will be dismissed.
Should the defendant fail to appear, after being duly served, the
hearing will proceed.
(b) If a jury demand is filed, the case shall be assigned to a
Judge pursuant to Local Rule 9. The hearing on the merits shall
be converted to a pretrial conference and hearing before the
Magistrate on issue of bond/deposit of rent and determination
of any pending motions. Should the plaintiff and counsel fail to
appear, the case may be dismissed. Should the defendant and
counsel fail to appear, the jury demand shall be waived and the
hearing on the merits may proceed.
(c) Failure to pay bond/rent deposit as ordered pursuant to
ORC § 1923.08 constitutes a waiver of the jury demand by that
party and the case will be set for immediate hearing before the
Magistrate on the eviction.
(d) A tenant that abandons or surrenders possession of
premises to the landlord prior to trial, rendering the claim for
restitution moot, will be deemed to have consented to release of
the bond posted to the landlord, except as otherwise ordered by
the Court. Failure by a landlord or tenant to appear at any
hearing set on release of bond may be deemed a waiver of any
claim to the bond by that party.
(e) An action on the second cause shall be set for hearing only
upon the request of the plaintiff.
(10) Case Management in Proceedings in Aid:
(a) When utilizing foreign forms, unless the forms are neatly
and appropriately altered to indicate to the Garnishee the
required mandate and order, they will be returned by the Clerk.
(b) After notice of a garnishment has been given, if a judgment
debtor fails to request a hearing, the Clerk shall pay to the
judgment creditor, without further Order, all funds deposited by
the garnishee, after deduction for any poundage, no sooner than
the eighth day from the date of service if service on the
judgment debtor was obtained by personal, residence or
certified mail; the fifteenth day from date of mailing if service
was completed by regular mail with certificate of mailing; or
the thirty-first day from date of service if given by a third party,
such as an employer.
(c) If a garnishee reports no funds are due, that particular
special proceeding shall be deemed concluded, without further
order of the Court. Any hearing requested shall be deemed
canceled as moot.
(11) Case Management in Trusteeships:
(a) A debtor making application for a trusteeship under ORC §
2329.70 must complete the Application for Appointment of
Trustee in its entirety, under oath. See form at Appendix D.
Upon the filing of the Application, the Judge shall designate the
Clerk of Court to act as Trustee.
(b) The applicant shall furnish a Notice for service upon each
creditor which notice shall show the amount owed said creditor,
the account number and the amount of total indebtedness,
together with addressed, stamped envelopes. The furnished
Notices shall be mailed by the Trustee together with written
notice to the creditor to answer in accordance with ORC §
(c) Any trusteeship that is in arrears for payment for sixty (60)
days shall be dismissed, after notice and hearing.
(d) The attorney representing an applicant for trusteeship shall
be permitted to include a claim for such service and said claim
shall be given prior over all other creditors in an amount not
exceeding two hundred dollars ($200).
(e) ORC §§ 2329.63 through 2329.71 provide for exemptions.
The Trustee is hereby authorized to require proof of disposable
earnings and eligibility for exemption of payment by affidavit
or otherwise and at such times as deemed necessary.
(f) In all other regards, an applicant for a trusteeship must
comply with the provisions of ORC § 2329.70.
(B) Criminal/Traffic Cases
(1) Arraignment and Pleas
(a) Minor Misdemeanor and Unclassified Cases: Upon
entering of a "not guilty" plea on any minor misdemeanor or
unclassified charge for which punishment does not include
possible jail, the cases will be scheduled for trial before the
(b) All Other Misdemeanors: Persons cited, summoned or
arrested and charged with a non-waiverable misdemeanor must
appear in open court (except as otherwise provided herein), and
after receiving an explanation of their rights, enter a plea of
"guilty", "no contest", or "not guilty". If a "not guilty" plea is
entered, the case shall be assigned to a Judge as provided in
Local Rule 9(B), and shall be immediately scheduled for a
pretrial conference.
Pursuant to Criminal Rule 10(B) or Traffic Rule 8(C), the Court
may permit a written "not guilty" plea presented by the
defendant's attorney to be received in the absence of the
defendant. The case will thereafter be assigned to a Judge and
set for pretrial as outlined above.
(2) Pretrial Conference
(a) The prosecuting attorney, the defendant and defendant's
attorney, if any, are required to attend the pretrial conference
wherein the issues will be discussed, the issues narrowed,
discovery given, compromises made and the matter resolved, if
(b) If the case is not resolved at the pretrial conference, the
case shall be set for trial, except that the assigned Judge may,
for good cause, continue the pretrial conference.
(3) Motions
(a) All requests for continuances shall be made prior to the
scheduled hearing time with notice given to the opposing side.
Unless a journal entry granting such request or a rescheduled
date is received, all parties shall be present for the hearing.
(b) All other motions shall be in conformance with applicable
Rules of Criminal Procedure. Motions shall be set for oral
hearing, unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
Rule 12: Arbitration
In accordance with Rule 15 of the Rules of Superintendence for
Municipal and County Courts, the Elyria Municipal Court hereby adopts
the following procedures for compulsory arbitration:
(A) Supervisory Power of Court:
The assigned Judge, or a Judge
designated by the assigned Judge in the assigned Judge’s absence, shall
have full supervisory power with regard to any questions that arise in all
arbitration proceedings and in the application of these rules.
(B) Cases for Submission to Arbitration:
(1) Every civil case, except those involving title to real estate,
equitable relief, or appeal, in which the amount actually in
controversy (exclusive of attorney fees, interest and costs) has
been determined at pretrial by the assigned Judge to be Fifteen
Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) or less may be submitted to
compulsory arbitration pursuant to this rule. The Court shall
determine at pre-trial whether a case is to be manditorily
(2) Without limitation as to amount, counsel in any civil action
which is at issue may stipulate in writing, before or after
pretrial, that it may be submitted for compulsory arbitration in
accordance with this rule. Upon the filing of such stipulation,
together with the pre-trial statements of the parties, the action
shall be submitted to arbitration.
(C) Arbitrators:
(1) Qualifications:
In order to serve as an arbitrator, one must
have been admitted to the practice of law for more than two
(2) years and have consented to act as an arbitrator.
(2) List of Arbitrators:
The list of those consenting to be
arbitrators shall be kept on file by each Judge of Elyria
Municipal Court. Each Judge shall maintain a record of all
appointments. Attorneys subsequently desiring to be added to
or eliminated from the list may so notify each municipal Judge
by letter.
(3) Manner of Appointment of Arbitrators:
The Judge assigned to
a case subject to arbitration shall appoint three attorneys from
the list to act as arbitration board. One of the attorneys so
appointed shall be designated as chairman of the board by the
assigned Judge. Prior to the appointment of the arbitration
board, the parties may agree, in writing, to submit the case to a
single arbitrator, rather than a board.
(4) Disqualification of Arbitrators:
(a) Not more than one member of a law partnership or
association of attorneys shall be appointed to the same
arbitration board, nor shall an attorney be appointed to a
board who is related by blood or marriage to any party to
the case or to any attorney of record in the case or who is
a law partner or an associate of any attorney of record in
the case.
(b) No disclosure shall be made to the arbitrators prior to the
filing of the report and award, of any offers of settlement
made by either party, except by written agreement of the
parties. An arbitrator who has knowledge of settlement
demands or offers shall be disqualified.
(5) Oaths of Arbitrators:
Prior to the arbitration hearing, the
arbitrators shall be assembled and shall be sworn or affirmed
to justly and equitably try all issues properly submitted to
them pursuant to this rule. The oath shall be administered by
the Judge assigned to the case or an authorized representative
of the assigned Judge who is a notary public.
(6) Compensation of Arbitrators:
(a) Each member of an arbitration board who has signed an
award or has filed a minority report shall receive as
compensation for his/her service a fee of Fifty Dollars
($50.00). When more than one case arising out of the
same transaction is heard at the same hearing, it shall be
considered as one case insofar as compensation of the
arbitrators is concerned. In cases requiring a hearing of
unusual duration or involving questions of unusual
complexity, the Judge assigned to the case, on written
application of the members of the arbitration board and
for good cause shown, may allow additional
compensation. The members of an arbitration board
shall not be entitled to receive their fees until after filing
their report and award with the Clerk of Elyria
Municipal Court. Fees paid to arbitrators shall be taxed
as costs.
(b) In the event that a case shall be settled and dismissed or a
request for continuance is granted sooner than two (2)
days prior to the date scheduled for the hearing, the
board members shall not be entitled to the aforesaid fee
and any deposit made in accordance with section (J)
shall be refunded to the party making said deposit. In
the event that a case shall be settled and dismissed or a
continuance is granted within the said two-day period,
the board members shall be entitled to receive said fee.
(c) All compensation for arbitrators shall be paid, upon
certification by the Judge assigned to the case, from
funds deposited with the clerk of Court as provided in
section (J) below. If no such funds are available, then
the assigned Judge shall pay the arbitrator(s) from funds
of the City of Elyria, Ohio, which have been allocated
for the operation of the Elyria Municipal Court.
(D) Communication with Arbitrators:
There shall be no unilateral
communications by counsel or the parties with the arbitrators concerning
the merits of the controversy at any time prior to the filing of the report
and award of the arbitration board.
(E) Arbitration Hearings:
(1) Time and Place of Hearing; Notice:
Hearings shall be held at a
place designated by the Judge assigned to the case, preferably
in the courthouse or other city building. The assigned Judge
shall fix a time and date for the hearing and shall send written
notice of the time, date and place of the hearing to the
members of the arbitration board and to the parties or their
counsel in accordance with Civil Rule 5(B).
(2) Continuances
: All requests for continuation of an arbitration
hearing shall be addressed to the Judge assigned to the case
and shall be by formal motion in compliance with Civil Rule
7(B). Only the assigned Judge may grant a continuance. Any
request for a continuance which is granted within forty-eight
(48) hours of the scheduled arbitration shall result in payment
to the members of the arbitration panel in accordance with
section (J). The assigned Judge shall order funds deposited
with the clerk of Courts disbursed in accordance with section
(J) and the parties shall re-deposit additional fees in
accordance with this rule upon rescheduling of the arbitration
(3) Default in Appearance:
The arbitration hearing may proceed
in the absence of any party or his counsel, who, after due
notice, fails to be present or fails to obtain a continuance. An
award shall not be made solely on the default of a party or his
counsel. The arbitration board shall require the other party to
submit such evidence as they may require for the making of
the award.
(4) Conduct of Arbitration Hearing:
The three members of the
board, unless the parties agree upon a lesser number, shall be
the Judges of the relevancy and materiality of the evidence
offered and conformity to legal rules of evidence shall not be
necessary. All evidence shall be taken in the presence of the
arbitrators and of all the parties, except where any one of the
parties is absent, in default, or has waived his right to be
present. The board may receive the evidence of witnesses by
affidavit or written report and shall give it such weight as they
deem it to be entitled to after consideration of any objections
made to its admission.
(5) Powers of Arbitration Board:
The arbitration board shall have
the general powers of a Court including, but not limited to, the
(a) Subpoenas:
To issue subpoenas for the attendance of
witnesses at the hearing. Counsel shall, upon request
and whenever possible, produce a party or witness at the
hearing without the necessity of a subpoena.
(b) Production of Documents:
To compel the production of
all books, papers and documents which they shall deem
material to the case.
(c) Administering Oaths; Admissibility of Evidence
: To
administer oaths or affirmations of witnesses, to
determine the admissibility of evidence, to permit
testimony to be offered by deposition, and to decide the
law and the facts of the case submitted to them.
(d) Medical Bills; Property Damage Bills or Estimates:
actions involving personal injury and/or damage to
property, the following bills or estimates may be offered
and received in evidence without further proof, for
purposes of proving the value and reasonableness of the
charges for services, labor and material, or items
contained therein, and, where applicable, the necessity
for furnishing the same, on condition that one week’s
written notice has been given to the adverse party,
accompanied by a copy of the bills to be offered in
i) Hospital Bills: Hospital bills on the official
letterhead or billhead of the hospital, when dated
and itemized;
ii) Bills of Doctors and Dentists:
Bills of doctors and
dentists, when dated and containing a statement
showing the date of each visit and the charge
iii) Bills of Nurses, etc.:
Bills of registered nurses,
licensed practical nurses, or physical therapists,
when dated and containing an itemized statement
of the days and hours of service and the charges
iv) Bills for Medicines, etc.:
Bills for medicines, eye
glasses, prosthetic devices, appliances, or similar
v) Property Repair Bills or Estimates:
Property repair
bills or estimates, when identified and itemized
setting forth the charges for labor and material used
in the repair of the property;
vi) Procedure in Case of Estimate:
In the case of an
estimate, the party intending to offer the estimate
shall forward a copy of the estimate, a statement
indicating whether or not the property was
repaired, and, if it was, whether the estimated
repairs were made in full or in part by attaching a
copy of the receipted bill showing the items of
repair made and the amount paid.
(6) Record of Testimony:
The arbitrators shall not be required to
make a transcript of the proceedings before them. If any party
shall desire a transcript, that party shall provide a reporter and
cause a record to be made. The party requesting the same
shall pay the costs thereof, which shall not be considered costs
in the case. Any party desiring a copy of any transcript shall
be provided with it by the reporter upon payment thereof,
based upon the usual charges made for a copy of a deposition
plus one-half of the costs of the reporter at the hearing.
(F) Report and Award:
(1) The report shall be a clear, concise statement of the board’s
findings of fact and conclusions of law on the issues presented
to them.
(2) Within thirty (30) days after the hearing, the arbitration board
shall file a report and award with the Clerk of Elyria
Municipal Court and on the same day shall mail or otherwise
forward copies thereof to the parties or their counsel in
accordance with Civil Rule 5(B). An award may not exceed
$15,000.00 exclusive of interest and costs. The report and
award shall be signed by all of the members of the arbitration
board. In the event that all three members do not agree on the
findings and award, the dissenting member shall write the
word “Dissents” before that member’s signature. A minority
report shall not be required unless the arbitrator elects to
submit the same due to unusual circumstances.
(3) The report and award, unless appealed from as hereinafter
provided, shall be final and shall have the attributes and legal
effect of a verdict. If no appeal is taken within the time and in
the manner specified thereof, the Judge assigned to the case
shall enter judgment in accordance with the majority report.
After entry of such judgment, execution process may be issued
as in the case of other judgments.
(G) Witness Fees:
Witness fees in any case referred to an arbitration
board shall be in the same amount as now or hereafter provided for
witnesses in trials in Elyria Municipal Court and may be ordered taxed
as costs in the case, and the costs in any case shall be paid by the same
party or parties by whom they would have been paid had the case been
tried in Elyria Municipal Court.
(H) Appeals
(1) Right of Appeal:
Any party may appeal from the action of the
arbitration board to the Elyria Municipal Court unless the right
of appeal is waived by all parties and all counsel to the
proceedings in writing prior to the arbitration hearing; said
waiver shall be filed as part of the arbitration record. The
right of appeal shall be subject to the conditions set forth in
this rule, all of which shall be completed within thirty (30)
days after the filing of the report and award with the Clerk of
Elyria Municipal Court.
(2) Notice of Appeal and Costs
(a) The appellant shall pay an appeal fee of Fifty Dollars
($50.00) to the Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court and shall
file with the Clerk a notice of appeal, together with an
affidavit that the appeal is not taken for delay but
because the appellant or affiant believes that an injustice
has been done. Copies of such documents shall be
served upon opposing parties or their counsel in
accordance with Civil Rule 5(B).
(b) The appellant shall, at the time of the filing his appeal,
repay to the City of Elyria by deposit with the Clerk of
Elyria Municipal Court, all ordinary and extraordinary
fees received by the members of the arbitration board in
the case in which the appeal is taken.
(c) A party without funds desiring to appeal an award may
apply, by written motion and affidavit, to the Judge
assigned to the case, averring that by reason of poverty,
the party is unable to make the payments required for an
appeal. Said motion shall be governed by the Civil
Rules of Procedure and the Rules of this Court.
(3) Trial De Novo:
All cases which have been appealed shall be
tried de novo by the Judge assigned to the case.
(4) Testimony of Arbitrators:
In the event of an appeal from the
award of the arbitration board, the arbitrators shall not be
called as witnesses as to what took place before them in their
official capacity as arbitrators upon any hearing de novo.
(I) Exceptions and Reasons Therefore:
(1) Any party may file exceptions to the decision of the arbitration
board within thirty (30) days after the filing of the report and
award with the Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court for either
misconduct or corruption of the arbitration board or of a single
arbitrator. Proof of service shall be endorsed thereon.
(2) Copies of said exceptions shall be mailed to each arbitrator on
the board and to the opposing parties or their counsel within
48 hours after filing of the exceptions.
(3) The exceptions shall be forthwith assigned for oral hearing
before the Judge assigned to the case.
(4) If such exceptions are sustained, the report and award of the
arbitration board shall be vacated and the case either assigned
to a new arbitration board or returned to the active civil
(J) Deposit of Fees Prior to Arbitration:
Each party shall deposit
$75.00, unless there are more than two parties involved in the arbitration
in which case each party shall deposit an equal amount which totals
$150.00 (if indigent, an affidavit), with the office of the Clerk of Elyria
Municipal Court seven (7) days prior to the arbitration. This is a
nonrefundable deposit for the payment of the fees of the arbitrators. In
the case of an award of extraordinary fees to the arbitrators due to an
arbitration of unusual duration or complexity as provided in section
(C)(6)(a), above, the extraordinary fee allowed above the original
$150.00 deposit shall be taxed as costs and the assigned Judge shall
direct by journal entry how the extraordinary fee shall be assessed to the
parties. Failure to make the deposit for the arbitration fee will result in
waiver of jury trial.
Rule 13: Jury Management Plan
This Jury Management Plan is hereby adopted in compliance with Rule
of Superintendence 18(C) to implement an efficient and effective system
of jury use and management for Elyria Municipal Court.
To ensure that the jury pool is representative of the adult population
of the Court's jurisdiction, all persons are eligible to serve on a jury,
except as follows:
(1) Persons less than 18 years of age;
(2) Persons who are not citizens or who are not residents of the
Court's jurisdiction;
(3) Persons who are not able to communicate in the English
language; and
(4) Persons who have been convicted of a felony and have not had
their civil rights restored.
All reasonable efforts shall be made to accommodate prospective
jurors who have special needs.
Procedure for Jury Selection
Jurors in Elyria Municipal Court shall be chosen and summoned as
Poll List
On or before the 1
day of December and the 1
day of June of each
year, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, a certified current poll list
of 250 names of electors who reside within the jurisdiction of the Court
shall be obtained from the Lorain County Board of Elections. This jury
source list shall be compiled by the Board of Elections utilizing the
Board's automation data processing system, randomly selecting such list
by a key number to be fixed by order of this Court. Such list shall be
accompanied by mailing labels and shall be certified to the jury
commissioners of the Court.
Notification of Prospective Jurors
Upon receipt of the certified poll list and mailing labels from the
Board of Elections, the Court shall cause to be mailed to each
prospective juror a notification letter and pre-stamped postcard to be
returned to the Court.
Each judge shall designate a bailiff as a jury commissioner for the
purpose of selecting jury panels. No later than the second Friday in
January and the second Friday in July, the jury commissioners shall
convene and alternatively draw juror names in the presence of the Clerk
of Court, or a named designee, from the responses received of persons
on the jury source list most recently certified by the Board of Elections.
The jury source list shall be reviewed for its representativeness and
inclusiveness of the adult population of the jurisdiction. Should the
Court determine that improvement is needed, appropriate corrective
action shall be taken.
In the event the jury panels drawn are insufficient to meet the needs
for the Court, the jury commissioners shall reconvene as necessary to
select additional jury panels.
If, in the opinion of the Court, the jury source list is not representative
of the adult population of the jurisdiction, additional source lists shall be
utilized as authorized by law.
Further random selection processes shall be utilized to assign
prospective jurors to specific panels and for assignment during voir dire.
Departures from random selection shall be permitted only as follows:
(1) To exclude persons ineligible for service.
(2) To excuse or defer prospective jurors.
(3) To remove prospective jurors for cause or if challenged
(4) To provide all prospective jurors with an opportunity to be called
for jury services and to be assigned to a panel.
(5) If, by challenge or otherwise, there shall not be left upon said
venire a sufficient number of persons to make up the panel, the
Court may order the bailiff to fill the panel from bystanders on
the street.
Prospective jurors shall be summoned only upon the filing of a
written jury demand, if required. A demand for a jury trial shall be
accompanied by an initial filing fee and a minimum deposit as outlined
in Appendix B, or if indigent an affidavit of indigence. Failure to make
the deposit shall be deemed a waiver of the right to trial by jury.
In criminal cases, no deposit shall be required.
Prospective jurors shall be summoned to appear in sufficient numbers
to accommodate trial activity. Panels of thirty persons per trial shall be
summoned for service unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
Persons summoned for jury service shall receive compensation in an
amount established by the Court.
If a trial is settled on the day of trial, all lawful jury costs shall be
assessed against the party who requested the jury.
Any juror wishing to waive his/her fee for service shall be permitted
to do so in writing in the Office of the Clerk of Court. All waived fees
shall be returned to the City or County Treasury, as appropriate.
The term of service for any prospective panel shall not be longer than
two months.
Exemption, Excuse and Deferral
All persons except those who exercise their right to exemption are
subject to service. Eligible persons who are summoned may be excused
from service only if it is determined that their ability to receive and
evaluate information is so impaired that they are unable to perform their
duties as jurors, or that service upon a jury would constitute a significant
hardship to them or members of the public. Persons excused from
service shall be deferred and may be subject to jury service at a later
time. All requests for excuse, exemption, or deferral must be made in
writing. These writings shall be retained by the Court.
The following factors constitute a partial, although not exclusive, list
of excuses for which a person may be excused or deferred from jury
(1) Any person who suffers from a substantial physiological or
psychological impairment.
(2) Any person who has a scheduled vacation or business trip during
potential jury service.
(3) Any person for whom jury service would constitute a substantial
economic hardship.
(4) Any person for whom service on a jury would constitute a
substantial hardship on their family, clients, or members of the
public affected by the prospective juror's occupation.
(5) Any person who has served on a jury within the last year.
(6) Any person for whom it may be readily determined is unfit for
jury service.
(7) Any person for whom it is readily apparent would be unable to
perform their duty as a juror.
(8) Other valid excuse.
No person shall be excused from jury service, except by the Judge or
an individual specifically authorized to excuse jurors. Once a
prospective juror has submitted a request for excuse, the prospective
juror must report for service, unless otherwise notified by the Court.
Jurors shall report for service no later than 8:30 a.m., unless otherwise
directed. Prospective jurors shall be provided with oral and video
orientation upon their initial appearance to explain the jury's role, trial
procedures of the Court, along with other basic and relevant legal
After orientation, voir dire shall commence promptly. All unresolved
trial issues must be brought to the attention of the Court before the
completion of orientation. No motions shall be entertained by the Court
the day of trial, except those which the Court must consider by law or by
rule of procedure.
Voir Dire
Voir Dire examination shall be limited to matters relevant to
determining whether to remove a juror for cause and to determine the
juror's fairness and impartiality.
To reduce the time required for voir dire, juror questionnaires
containing basic background information will be made available for use
of counsel as soon as possible on the day of the trial. Under no
circumstances may counsel or a party retain any juror questionnaire.
The trial judge will conduct a preliminary voir dire examination.
Counsel will then be permitted to question panel members for a
reasonable amount of time.
The judge will ensure that the privacy of prospective jurors is
reasonably protected and that questioning is consistent with the purpose
of the voir dire process.
In criminal cases, the voir dire process will be held on the record. In
civil cases, the voir dire process shall be held on the record unless
waived by the parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, voir dire may be
conducted outside the presence of other jurors to protect juror privacy,
or to avoid juror embarrassment.
From Jury Panel
If the judge determines during the voir dire process that any
individual is unable or unwilling to hear the particular case fairly and
impartially, that individual should be removed from the panel. Further,
ORC 2313.42 and Ohio Criminal Rule of Procedure 24(B) set forth
additional cause challenges. Motion for removal for cause may be made
by counsel, a party if unrepresented, or upon the motion of the Court.
Peremptory Challenges
Peremptory challenges shall be exercised in accordance with ORC
2945.23, Criminal Rule 24 and Civil Rule 47 and all other applicable
statutory authority.
The Court shall provide an adequate and suitable room for jurors to
deliberate, minimizing contact between parties, counsel and the public to
the extent feasible. The entrance shall be clearly marked and the safety
and security of the room shall be ensured.
Prior to deliberation, the Court shall instruct the jury on the law and
appropriate procedures to be followed during the course of deliberations.
A final jury charge shall, whenever possible, be committed to writing,
and shall be provided to the jury for its use during deliberation. All jury
deliberations shall be conducted in the jury room.
If jury deliberations are halted, jurors shall be permitted to be
separated, unless for good cause shown, the Court finds that
sequestration is necessary.
Upon reaching a verdict, all jurors shall return to the courtroom where
the verdict(s) shall be read in open court. Upon the reading of the
verdict, in criminal cases, either party may request that the jury be
of the Jury System
The responsibility for administration of the jury system shall be
vested in administrators acting under the supervision of the Judges of
Elyria Municipal Court in accordance with the procedures concerning
jury selection and service in the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Rules of
Court and the local rules of this Court.
The Court shall collect and analyze information regarding the
performance of this jury management plan to evaluate the
representativeness of the jury pool; the effectiveness of the summoning
procedures; the responsiveness of individual citizens to jury summons;
the efficient use of jurors; the cost effectiveness of this plan; and overall
juror satisfaction.
Rule 14. Court Records – Management and Retention
All court records will be retained according to the record retention schedule set forth in
Rule 26 of the Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence or ORC 1901.41 and may be
disposed of thereafter without notice.
1. All case files may be disposed of immediately after the date of the final entry
provided the file has been audited and electronically imaged as outlined by Local
Rule (15).
2. All reports that must be retained by the Clerk of Court or the Court itself may be
disposed of immediately after they been electronically imaged as outlined by Local
Rule (15).
3. All minor misdemeanor traffic and criminal cases with a completion date greater
than five (5) years may be shredded and disposed of without scanning.
4. All non-misdemeanor cases that must be retained for more than five (5) years per
Sup R 26 may be scanned, then immediately shredded and disposed of.
5. All Civil cases that have been dismissed or satisfied for greater than 15 years can
be shredded and disposed of without scanning.
6. Probation files will follow the same retention schedule as case files and may be
disposed of in accordance with Sup. R. 26
Rule 15. Court Records – Electronic Imaging
All Court Records may be maintained in an electronic format
All cases electronically scanned or imaged by the court will be either in a “Portable
Document Format” (PDF), “Tagged Image File Format” (TIF) or in a format that meets
the requirements set down in Sup. R. 26 and will be retained accordingly.
Elyria Municipal Court
Gary C. Bennett, Judge - Robert C. White, Judge
Eric J. Rothgery, J.D., Clerk
Civil Division Court Fees - Effective 10/1/2022
Entry and Detainer Cases (Evictions)
Court Security Fund 16.00$ Court Security Fund 16.00$
Special Facility Improvement Fund 31.00$ Special Facility Improvement Fund 31.00$
Legal Aid Fee (Civil) 26.00$ Legal Aid Fee (Civil) 26.00$
Legal Aid Fee (Small Claims) 11.00$ Computerization of Clerk's Office 10.00$
Computerization of Clerk's Office 10.00$ Legal Research & Court Computerization 3.00$
Legal Research & Court Computerization 3.00$ Clerk Fee (FED) 45.00$
Special Court Maintenance Fund 2.00$ Special Court Maintenance Fund 2.00$
Clerk Fee (Civil) 25.00$ Special Magistrate Fund 4.00$
Special Magistrate Fund 4.00$
Software Improvement Fund
Software Improvement Fund 8.00$
Special Fund for Recovery Court
Special Fund for Recovery Court 2.00$
Special Electronic Messaging Fund
GPS Monitor Fund 1.00$
GPS Monitor Fund
Special Electronic Messaging Fund 2.00$ Special Probation Fund 1.00$
Special Probation Fund 1.00$
Clerk Fee (Small Claims) 10.00$
Additional Defendant 10.00$ Additional Defendant 10.00$
10.00$ Jury Deposit 350.00$ ***
10.00$ 25.00$
15.00$ All Motions except Default Judgment 30.00$
25.00$ Each Additional Defendant (if served by the court) 10.00$
Motion to Continue 15.00$
10.00$ Motion for Default Judgment 10.00$
30.00$ Notice of Appeal 50.00$
Out of Town Sheriff Service - requires deposit
Objection to Magistrate Decision -
Small Claims and Eviction cases
Objection to Magistrate Decision - All other Civil Cases
10.00$ Pretrial - First -$
40.00$ Pretrial - Second, Third, etc 15.00$
200.00$ Personal Examination + Mileage 25.00$
40.00$ Request for Jury Trial - Jury Demand 15.00$
50.00$ Subpoenas + Mileage 10.00$
10.00$ Transfer Small Claims to Civil Docket 40.00$
1.00$ Transfer of Judgment from another Court 85.00$
25.00$ Transcript 20.00$
10.00$ Third Party Complaint (same as Basic Civil fees) 131.00$
10.00$ Each Additional Defendant 10.00$
2.00$ Trial 15.00$
30.00$ Witness Fees - Half Day 6.00$
10.00$ Witness Fees - Full Day 12.00$
30.00$ Venire - Per Person 2.00$
10.00$ Video Tape Fee, Copy or Viewing 25.00$
210.00$ 3.00$
Execution to Keep Judgment Alive 5.00$ 3.00$
20.00$ n/c
20.00$ 1.00$
every 10 pages after 40 (court records only) 1.00$
A fee of two percent (2%) shall be charged by the clerk upon monies received and disbursed toward the satisfaction of judgments including Trusteeship.
*** Jury Deposit covers the cost for 12 jurors plus two alternates for one full day. Additional jurors or additional days will be assessed
$25.00/juror for a full day and $10.00/juror for a half day.
21-30 pages (court records only)
Execution to Levy on Property
Data on Diskette 12 or more months
Exemplified Copy
Financial Disclosure
Garnishment of Wages 31-40 pages (court records only)
Basic Court Costs/Fees Charged on all ForcibleBasic Court Costs/Fees Charged on Civil Cases
Basic Court Costs/Fees Charged on Small Claim Cases
** Includes $11.00 Clerk Fee and all other Basic Court Costs except Legal Aid
Electronic/Fax Filing
Certified Copy
Certificate to Bureau of Motor Vehicles
- Each Additional Defendant
Docket on Diskette or emailed, one month
Counter Claim
Cancel Jurors, each name
-Each Additional Defendant
Calling Jurors
Electronic/Fax Filing - Copy Fee
Copies 1 - 20 pages (court records only)
Juror - Full Day
Amended Complaint
Alias Summons - Each Defendant
Regular Mail
Juror - Half Day
Regular Mail
Additional Service Requested - Each Defendant
Each Additional Defendant
Personal or Residence Service
Certified Mail
Personal or Residence Service
Bench Warrant - Capias (plus mileage)
Bank Aid
Cross Claim
Certified Mail
Each Additional Defendant
Certificate of Judgment
Certificate of Mailing
Appraiser Fee
Arbitration Fee
Attachment before Judgment
Attachment of Money
Attachment of Property
Revised 09/30/2022 APPENDIX A
Elyria Municipal Court
Gary C. Bennett, Judge - Robert C. White, Judge
Eric J. Rothgery, J.D., Clerk
Criminal/Traffic Division Court Fees – Effective 10/1/2022
94.00$ 123.00$ 133.00$ 104.00$ 94.00$
-$ 20.00$ 20.00$ 10.00$ -$
-$ 9.00$ 9.00$ -$ -$
-$ -$ 10.00$ -$ -$
10.00$ 10.00$ 10.00$ 10.00$ 10.00$
3.00$ 3.00$ 3.00$ 3.00$ 3.00$
16.00$ 16.00$ 16.00$ 16.00$ 16.00$
31.00$ 31.00$ 31.00$ 31.00$ 31.00$
14.00$ 14.00$ 14.00$ 14.00$ 14.00$
2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$
4.00$ 4.00$ 4.00$ 4.00$ 4.00$
8.00$ 8.00$ 8.00$ 8.00$ 8.00$
2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$
2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$
1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$
1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$
5.00$ 15.00$
5.00$ Driving Privileges (Pre-conviction or Post-Conviction) 25.00$
5.00$ 100.00$
25.00$ 25.00$
0.50$ 0.56$
10.00$ 6.00$
1.00$ 12.00$
35.00$ Transcript 25.00$
5.00$ Appeal 125.00$
Ohio Habitual OVI/OMVI Offenders 4510.13 ORC
Habitual OVI/OMVI - Court Reporting 4510.13 ORC
Immobilization Waiver Fee 4503.235 ORC
Hearing on Contempt 15.00$ 25.00$
Hearing on Motion 15.00$ 25.00$
Motions, unless other wise listed 15.00$ 25.00$
50.00$ 150.00$
Pretrial - First -$ 75.00$
Pretrial - Second, Third, etc 15.00$ 150.00$
6.00$ 5.00$
50.00$ 25.00$
n/c Objection to Magistrate Decision 25.00$
2.00$ 15.00$
1.00$ 210.00$ Every 10 pages after 40 (court records only)
Copies 1 - 20 pages (court records only)
21-30 pages (court records only)
Data on Diskette/month
Data Diskette 12 or more months
Warrant - Includes processing Warrant Block if required
31-40 pages (court records only)
Juror - Full Day
Juror - Half Day
Process NRVC License Suspension Order
Release of Prisoner
Probation Tier 3
Summons - Ordinary Mail
Summons - Certified Mail
Sheriff Fee - County Jail
Probation Tier 2
Public Defender ORC 120.36 - Per Case
Certified Copies/Page
Calling Action
PSR Pre-Sentence Report
Process License Forfeiture Order
Probation Tier 1
Change of Plea
Collections Dept - Installment Fee
Commitment - Issue
Witness - Full Day
DDDP Class
All Post Conviction Motions
Special Facility Improvement Project Fund
Clerk Fee
Special Court Maintenance Fund
Calling each Witness/Subpoena
Bailiff Fee for Service - Per Mile
Special Electronic Messaging Fund
Special Fund for Magistrate
Witness - Half Day
Special Probation Fund
Software Improvement Fund
State Reparation Fund (ORC 2743.70)
Alcohol Treatment Drug Enforcement (ORC 2949.094)
Computerization of Clerk's Office
Legal Research & Court Computerization
Special Security Project Fund
Calling Jury
Video Tape Fee, Copy or Viewing
$ 50.00
Basic Court Costs
Jury Trial
GPS Monitor Fund
Special Fund for Recovery Court
Bond Forfeiture
Bond Reinstatement
Vehicle Immobilization Fee (Residence Service)
Bond - Posting
Application for Sealing Court Record Venire - Per Person
Indigent Defense Support Fund (ORC 2949.091)
Revised 09/30/2022 APPENDIX B - 1 of 2
Elyria Municipal Court
Gary C. Bennett, Judge - Robert C. White, Judge
Eric J. Rothgery, J.D., Clerk
WAIVER SCHEDULE - Effective 10/1/2022
Fines Costs Total
Elyria Ordinance 351.04(e) 250.00$ 94.00$ 344.00$
0 - 10 mph
Over the limit
35.00$ 133.00$ 168.00$
In construction zone 70.00$ 133.00$ 203.00$
11 - 20
Over the limit
60.00$ 133.00$ 193.00$
In construction zone 120.00$ 133.00$ 253.00$
21 - 30
Over the limit
80.00$ 133.00$ 213.00$
In construction zone 160.00$ 133.00$ 293.00$
over 30
Over the limit
120.00$ 133.00$ 253.00$
In construction zone 240.00$ 133.00$ 373.00$
Operating Motor Vehicle with Expired
120.00$ 133.00$ 253.00$
Expired or Display of License Plates 120.00$ 133.00$ 253.00$
Seatbelt - Driver 30.00$ 104.00$ 134.00$
Seatbelt - Passenger 20.00$ 104.00$ 124.00$
Child Restraint 50.00$ 104.00$ 154.00$
Approaching Safety Vehicle - ORC 4511.213 240.00$ $133.00 373.00$
All Other Minor Misdemeanors Traffic** 120.00$ 133.00$ 253.00$
All Other Minor Misdemeanors Criminal** 120.00$ 123.00$ 243.00$
All Other Non-Moving Traffic** 120.00$ 104.00$ 224.00$
Possession of Marijuana $120.00 $123.00 243.00$
** Except for the following violation categories which will follow the individual waiver schedules for each:
Gross Overload; PUCO; Parking; ODNR (Wildlife and Watercraft); Lorain County Metro Parks.
Revised 09/30/2022 APPENDIX B - 2 of 2
Judge Robert C. White
Elyria Municipal Court
601Broad Street
Elyria, OH 44035
Judge Gary C. Bennett
Request for Permission to Broadcast, Record or Photograph Proceedings
The undersigned, ______________________________________________, representing
(print your name)
_____________________________________________________, hereby requests permission to
(print name of media outlet or other agency)
broadcast/record/photograph proceedings before the Honorable __________________________
(circle one) (print Judge's name)
relating to case no. _________________________, ____________________________________
(print plaintiff's name)
v. __________________________________________________on ______________________.
(print defendant's name) (date)
Permission granted, subject to compliance
with Rule 12 of Rules of Superintendence
for the Courts of Ohio
(Judge's signature)
Debtor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TRUSTEESHIP NO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Employer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S. S. No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Address of Employer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Phone No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
State of Ohio
County of Lorain
I, the undersigned, desiring to take advantage of the provisions of Section 2329.70 of the Ohio Revised Code, hereby respectfully
apply to this Court for the appointment of a Trustee. Having first been duly sworn, I hereby aver, depose, and state:
(A)I am a resident of Ohio and reside in the jurisdiction of this Court (or am not a resident of Ohio but am employed in the
jurisdiction of this Court);
(B) My personal earnings are now being garnished or I have received an R.C. §2716.02 demand that my personal earnings are about
to be garnished and I have attached to this application proof of the existing garnishment or demand; that the total amount of my
indebtedness is $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
(C) I will pay that portion of my personal earnings not exempt from execution, garnishment, attachment, or proceedings in aid of
execution, and any additional sums as I may voluntarily pay or assign to the Trustee, in accordance with R.C. §2329.70.
(D)My average personal earnings, after deductions for taxes and social security only, for the past (specify number) _ _ _ __ of pay
periods amounted to $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ per _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(specify week, two weeks, half -month, month or other duration);
(E) I agree that payments of $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are to be made each _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, which amount shall be
distributed by the trustee to my creditors, after 2% poundage is deducted for administration of the trusteeship, until all of my
secured and unsecured creditors with liquidated claims have been fully paid and satisfied; and
(F) I have set forth below a full, accurate, and complete statement of the names, addresses, and account numbers of all of my secured
and unsecured creditors with liquidated claims and the amounts due each;
1. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
This page subtotal:
$ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SUBTOTAL FROM PAGE ONE $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
13. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
15. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
16. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
18. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TOTAL $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
State of Ohio )
) ss
County of Lorain )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, being first duly sworn, deposes and says under penalty of perjury
that the facts above set forth are true and correct, to the best of his/her knowledge.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 200_.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Deputy Clerk
the Elyria Municipal Court
the attached local rule
electronic service
process in
the Ohio
Civil Procedure.
immediate need exists
this rule.
the Courts
Ohio, the Clerk
the Elyria Municipal Court
this local rule immediately and serve a copy upon the Supreme Court
the adoption
this rule and the
shall also
the Lorain County Bar
Elyria Municipal Court may
process methods
outlined in Civil Rule 4.1 Process: methods
service, which methods may include
process utilizing advanced postal technology
certified mail. This advanced postal technology does not
4.1, but merely provides
electronic and website technology in the sending
certified mail
show to
whom the mail was delivered, the date
address where delivered, all
the now-existing
All service by virtual service
subject to review
outlined in Civil
process data available through this Clerks' office.
IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED that, for the efficient operation of the court, the Local
Rules of the Elyria Municipal Court be amended to include a subsection to Local Rule 2,
which is entitled, "Records Retention and Destruction" in order to provide a schedule for
the retention and destruction of recordings of court proceedings made on tape recordings,
both reel-to-reel tapes and video tapes.
efficient operation of the court, the tape
recordings described above be retained for a period of five years after the date of the
recording and after that time may be destroyed at the discretion of the court upon court
order signed by every judge serving on the court.
IT IS FURTHER DETERMINED that the procedure described above complies with the
Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that, effective June 30,201
Elyria Municipal Court
Local Rule 2 is amended to include subsection
which shall state: "The court shall
retain tape recordings of court proceedings which are recorded on reel-to-reel tape or
video tape for a period of five years from the date of the recording. After five years from
the date of any tape recording, the court may order the destruc
ma tape recording. A
court order, signed by every judge serving on the court, is re uired f r destruction of any
tape recording."
June 30,201 1
~dministrative and Presiding Judge
HEREBY DETERMINED that, for the efficient operation
the court, it is
necessary to provide adequate maintenance and cleaning
the Elyria Municipal
Courthouse facility for the health and safety
court staff and the public which uses the
facility. In order to provide adequate maintenance and cleaning, it is necessary to raise
the fee for the Special Maintenance Fund $1.00.
THEREFORE, it is ordered that the fee for the Special Maintenance Fund be raised $1.00
effective April
March 22,2012