Polyphenol supplementation
boosts aerobic endurance in
athletes: systematic review
Gexin Cao
, Jing Zuo
, Baile Wu
and Ying Wu
Department of Exercise Physiology, School of Sports Science, Beijing Sports University, Beijing, China,
Laboratory of Sports Stress and Adaptation of General Administration of Sport, Beijing Sports University,
Beijing, China,
Department of Anatomy Laboratory, School of Sports Science, Beijing Sports University,
Beijing, China
In recent years, an increasing trend has been observed in the consumption of
specic polyphenols, such as avonoids and phenolic acids, derived from green
tea, berries, and other similar sources. These compounds are believed to alleviate
oxidative stress and inammation resulting from exercise, potentially enhancing
athletic performance. This systematic review critically examines the role of
polyphenol supplementation in improving aerobic endurance among athletes
and individuals with regular exercise habits. The review involved a thorough
search of major literature databases, including PubMed, Web of Science,
SCOPUS, SPORTDiscus, and Embase, covering re-search up to the year 2023.
Out of 491 initially identied articles, 11 met the strict inclusion criteria for this
review. These studies specically focused on the incorporation of polyphenols or
polyphenol-containing complexes in their experimental design, assessing their
impact on aerobic endurance. The methodology adhered to the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
guidelines, and the risk of bias was evaluated using the Cochrane bias risk
assessment tool. While this review suggests that polyphenol supplementation
might enhance certain aspects of aerobic endurance and promote fat oxidation, it
is important to interpret these ndings with caution, considering the limited
number of studies available.
Systematic Review Registration: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/,
identier CRD42023453321.
polyphenols, athletic performance, aerobic endurance exercise, oxidative stress,
systematic review
1 Introduction
Prolonged periods of high-intensity endurance training and competition can lead to
exercise-induced fatigue in athletes (Sánchez Díaz et al., 2022), a decline in muscle function
(Jun-Qing, 2018), and the initiation of oxidative stress (Morgan et al., 2019; Sánchez Díaz
et al., 2022). Ultimately, these factors may impact athletic performance and activity levels. In
recent years, professional sports teams and amateur enthusiasts have widely embraced
natural plant extracts and phytochemicals to enhance their athletic performance, speed up
post-exercise recovery, and maintain their overall physical health (Striegel et al., 2005; Kim
et al., 2011; Darvishi et al., 2013; Knapik et al., 2016). Polyphenols represent a crucial
category of natural botanical extracts, and there is mounting evidence to suggest their
signicant potential in enhancing athletic performance and aiding recovery (Bai et al., 2022;
Tarak Driss,
Université Paris Nanterre, France
Bruce Rogers,
University of Central Florida, United States
Nejmeddine Ouerghi,
Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia
Ying Wu,
These authors share rst authorship
RECEIVED 11 January 2024
ACCEPTED 25 March 2024
PUBLISHED 08 April 2024
Cao G, Zuo J, Wu B and Wu Y (2024),
Polyphenol supplementation boosts aerobic
endurance in athletes: systematic review.
Front. Physiol. 15:1369174.
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1369174
© 2024 Cao, Zuo, Wu and Wu. This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
The use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not
comply with these terms.
Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org01
TYPE Systematic Review
PUBLISHED 08 April 2024
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2024.1369174
Liu et al., 2022; López-Torres et al., 2022; Sánchez Díaz et al., 2022;
Roberts et al., 2023; Zare et al., 2023).
Polyphenols are micronutrients present in plants and their
derivatives, such as berries, wine, green tea, and chocolate
(Manach et al., 2004). In addition, they serve as secondary
metabolites in plants that are involved in several critical
processes such as growth, pigmentation, pollination, and defense
against pathogens and environmental changes (Duthie et al., 2003).
Due to their multifunctional effects on various physiological
conditions in organisms, including oxidative stress (Ristow,
2014), chronic diseases (Mandel and Youdim, 2004; Lagouge,
2006), and immunity (Somerville et al., 2016), polyphenols have
emerged as a rapidly growing area of research (Manach et al., 2004).
Polyphenols consist of thousands of compounds, mainly identied
by one or more hydroxy groups attached to one or more benzene
rings. According to the number of phenolic rings and the connecting
structural elements, four primary categories can be discerned, as
indicated by reference (Bowtell and Kelly, 2019): phenolic acids,
lignans, stilbenes, and avonoids (Manach et al., 2004). The most
common polyphenolic compounds from different categories and
their main food sources are summarized in Table 1.
In recent years, polyphenols have been frequently associated
with sports and exercise due to their antioxidant properties
(Bojarczuk and Dzitkowska-Zabielska, 2022). The ability of
polyphenols to scavenge free radicals is related to their chemical
structure (Bowtell and Kelly, 2019). Phenolic hydroxyl groups can
provide an electron to free radicals, while the aromatic rings in
polyphenols can stabilize the resulting phenoxyl radicals (Bors et al.,
2001). Polyphenols are metal chelators, which means they can
reduce the formation of free radicals catalyzed by metals (Isabelle
et al., 1994). However, their concentrations in the human body are
relatively low, and plasma phenolic compounds appear to be
unlikely to function as effective direct antioxidants within the
body (Bowtell and Kelly, 2019). There is increasing evidence to
suggest that the antioxidant properties of polyphenols are linked
with the improvement of endogenous antioxidant capacity activated
via the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling
pathway (Somerville et al., 2017; Bowtell and Kelly, 2019; Kitaoka,
2021; Bojarczuk and Dzitkowska-Zabielska, 2022). Nrf2 belongs to
the Cap-N-Collar transcription factor family and has a substantial
function in mitochondrial biogenesis. Nrf2 gene variants associated
with endurance performance were also identied (Stevenson, 2012;
Kitaoka, 2021). Under static/steady-state conditions, Nrf2 is
continuously degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome
pathway mediated by Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1
(Keap1) (Kitaoka, 2021). However, under stress conditions,
Nrf2 translocates into the cell nucleus and binds to the
antioxidant response elements (AREs) of target cell-protective
genes. Studies utilizing Nrf2-decient mice on a C57BL/
6 background suggest the signicance of Nrf2 for antioxidant
enzymes in skeletal muscle (Corey et al., 2012; Narasimhan et al.,
2013; Tryon et al., 2016
; Ahn et al., 2018; Kitaoka et al., 2019). There
is evidence suggesting that long-term consumption of polyphenols
can increase the endogenous antioxidant systems capacity through
the Nrf2 signaling pathway and AREs pathway like the way exercise
adaptation enhances the capacity of the endogenous antioxidant
system (Bowtell and Kelly, 2019).
The addition of polyphenols has the potential to augment the
bodys antioxidant capacity. For instance, male amateur runners,
when consuming grape juice at a dose of 10 mL/kg/day for 2 h before
exercising at 80% VO
intensity until fatigue, showed an increase
in total antioxidant capacity (de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020).
Acute supplementation of 900 mg of cocoa avanols also increased
the total antioxidant capacity in well-trained male cyclists (Decroix
et al., 2017). In addition, endurance exercise can cause oxidative
damage that may restrict the vasodilation capacity of blood vessels
and result in changes to blood rheology ( Tofas et al., 2019). The
ergogenic effects of polyphenols seem to be related to alterations in
vascular function. For instance, previous research has highlighted
the benecial effects of pre-supplementation with pomegranate juice
on brachial artery blood ow and vascular diameter before testing
(Roelofs et al., 2017). Similarly, in a long-term study lasting 4 weeks,
daily supplementation of a total of 571 mg of green tea extract rich in
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) resulted in a certain degree of
increase in VO
, while maximum cardiac output remained
unaffected by EGCG (Roberts et al., 2015). This suggests that the
enhancement in exercise performance could be attributed to an
increase in the blood oxygen difference between arteries and veins.
In the muscles engaged during exercise, there was a signicant
improvement in oxygen transport efciency, greatly enhancing
muscle perfusion capacity (Bowtell and Kelly, 2019). Nitric oxide
(NO) functions as a cellular messenger both intracellularly and
extracellularly, and recent studies suggest that polyphenols regulate
specic cellular mechanisms by promoting endothelial NO
synthesis, which in turn leads to vasodilation and increased
blood ow (Maiorana et al., 2003; Webb et al., 2008). For these
noticeable vascular effects, the most plausible mechanism is likely to
either reducing ROS generation or enhance ROS detoxication
capability through the antioxidant system. As the reaction
between superoxide and NO diminishes the production of
TABLE 1 Food sources of the different polyphenol categories and compounds.
Polyphenol categories Compounds Food source
Phenolic acids Benzoic Gallic acidtea
Lignans Enterodiol Seeds, legumes
Stilbenes Resveratrol Grapes
Flavonoids Epicatechin, Catechins Cocoa, Green tea
Quercetin, Gallotannins and more Apples
Mango and more
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peroxynitrite, the reduction in ROS exposure would enhance the
bioavailability of the effective vasodilator NO. Therefore, in certain
sports disciplines, supplementing with polyphenols to improve
endothelial function and vasodilation, hence enhancing
hemodynamics, could potentially improve athletic performance
(Labonté et al., 2013; Bowtell and Kelly, 2019).
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated in skeletal muscles
during both rest and exercise and serve as ubiquitous cellular signals
within the mitochondria of all mammalian cells (Maraldi, 2013;
Kitaoka, 2021). Under normal circumstances, these ROS are
buffered by the cells internal antioxidant systems to prevent the
accumulation of oxidative damage. Recently, there has been some
debate regarding exercise-induced oxidative stress, stemming from
the dual role of reactive oxygen species in cellular biology (Powers
et al., 2020). On one hand, excessive levels of ROS are associated with
oxidative stress, leading to cell damage, aging, and various diseases
(Kruk et al., 2019). On the other hand, moderate levels of ROS are
essential for regulating important physiological processes, including
stress responses (such as exercise) that promote synthesis and
metabolic adaptations (Radak et al., 2005; Musci et al., 2019).
The concept of hormesis explains how low to moderate levels of
ROS can promote cellular adaptive responses, improving
functionality (Radak et al., 2005). Hormesis refers to a biphasic
dose-response relationship, where low doses of a potentially harmful
factor (like ROS) stimulate benecial adaptive responses, enhancing
cell function and survival, while high doses are detrimental. This
concept suggests that exercise-induced ROS production, below a
certain threshold, is necessary for triggering cellular adaptations
leading to performance enhancement, muscle growth, and increased
metabolic efciency (Calabrese and Baldwin, 1999; Mattson, 2008).
Exercise-induced ROS play a key role in muscle adaptation,
promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant defenses
(Powers et al., 2010). However, identifying the optimal levels of
ROS that promote health rather than harm remains a challenge.
Current understanding calls for a balanced approach, allowing for a
certain degree of ROS production to stimulate benecial synthetic
and metabolic pathways, without causing oxidative damage. This
balance is likely highly individualized, inuenced by factors such as
genetics, lifestyle, and the type and intensity of exercise. During
repetitive muscle contractions, ROS are continuously generated in
an intensity-dependent manner by various enzymatic sources, such
as NADPH oxidase (NOX) (Reid, 2016). NOX is currently the only
known enzyme family with the sole function of ROS production
(Maraldi, 2013), and it plays a crucial role in generating superoxide,
one of the key sources of oxidative stress. Polyphenols can reduce the
formation of peroxynitrite by inhibiting NOX (Maraldi, 2013).
Consequently, this enhances endogenous antioxidant capacity
and preserves the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) (Zare et al.,
2023). Therefore, the ergogenic effects of polyphenols seem to be
supported by vascular and antioxidative mechanisms.
Due to the benets and characteristics of polyphenols
mentioned above, research on polyphenols in the eld of sports
is becoming increasingly popular. Although there is currently a
substantial body of research, most reviews tend to focus on recovery
from exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) (Martin-Rincon
et al., 2020; Carey et al., 2021; Huang et al., 2021; Ortega et al.,
2021; Sánchez Díaz et al., 2022) or the effects of specic types of
polyphenols on exercise (Braakhuis et al., 2020; Corr et al., 2021).
Reviews addressing effects on exercise performance lack
categorization and discussion of effects on different types of
exercise, and effects on endurance or explosive exercise
performance remain unclear (Vafaee et al., 2019; Braakhuis et al.,
DUnienville et al., 2021; Bojarczuk and Dzitkowska-
Zabielska, 2022; Sánchez Díaz et al., 2022). The intake of
exogenous polyphenols may upregulate the endogenous
antioxidant defense system, but the effects of different
supplementation methods and dosages require further discussion.
This review summarizes current research on the effects of
polyphenols or polyphenol compounds on endurance exercise
performance and identies their effects, providing a basis for
their potential application in endurance activities (amateur or
2 Methods
This systematic review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 2020 (PRISMA 2020)
guidelines (Page et al., 2021). The study has been assessed and
registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic
Reviews (PROSPERO) under the registration number
CRD42023453321, as of 30 August 2023.
2.1 Search strategy
The search for relevant studies was conducted in several
databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS),
EBSCO-SPORTDiscus, and Embase. The search covered the
period from the inception of the databases to August 2023. The
search strategy employed both subject headings and Boolean
operators, primarily focusing on two main concepts: polyphenols
and exercise performance. As an example, for the PubMed database,
the search equation was as follows: (Athletic Performance [Mesh]
OR Athletic Performances OR Performance, Athletic OR
Performances, Athletic OR Sports Performance OR Performance,
Sports OR Performances, Sports OR Sports Performances) AND
(Polyphenols [Mesh] or Polyphenol or Provinols).
2.2 Eligibility criteria
The inclusion and exclusion criteria for this systematic review
are well dened according to the PICOS model: Population (P):
healthy athletes and sports enthusiasts Intervention; (I):
Supplementation with polyphenols or polyphenol compounds,
including combinations of several polyphenols, with clear
supplementation doses; Comparison (C): Comparison between
intervention/experimental groups with similar characteristics and
a placebo group; Outcome (O): Studies that include tests of athletic
or sports performance before and after supplementation with
polyphenols or polyphenol compounds, with available test data;
Study (S): Randomized controlled trials with a parallel or crossover
design, published in English. In addition, exclusion criteria were
specied as follows: (i) Studies with confounding factors other than
polyphenols. (ii) Studies with types of exercise programs that were
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not consistent with the focus of the research. (iii) Supplements
containing non-standardized polyphenol compounds or
supplements with unknown polyphenol content. (iv) Studies with
incomplete or missing subject information, experimental protocols,
or procedures. (v) Studies with no data available for extraction. (vi)
Inaccessible full-text articles by legitimate means. (vii) Studies
conducted in specic environments not relevant to the research.
2.3 Study selection
The search for relevant published literature was conducted
jointly by two authors in a standardized manner to assess the
eligibility of the literature. Any disagreements that arose during
the screening process were resolved through discussion and
negotiation. During the screening process, all duplicate articles
and non-clinical trial literature were removed. The screening
process included the examination of titles and abstracts of the
literature, including relevant articles that contributed to the
research. Finally, the literature that met the inclusion criteria was
selected for full-text reading and review.
2.4 Data extraction
After applying the eligibility criteria, the following information
was extracted from each included literature: Bibliographic
information (author(s) and year of publication), study design:
(whether the study design was parallel or crossover, information
on blinding of subjects, sample size), population characteristics (age
of participants, gender distribution, height and weight data, if
available), details of polyphenol supplementation: (types of
polyphenol supplements used, dosage of polyphenol supplements,
timing and method of supplementation). (i) Performance measures:
time to complete the trial, time to fatigue during exercise, power
output, distance covered, speed achieved, maximum aerobic velocity
(MAV), Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), exercise economy,
training intensity. (ii) Metabolic metrics: maximum oxygen
consumption (VO2max), oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon
dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory rate (RR), heart rate
(HR), energy metabolism parameters such as carbohydrate
oxidation (CHOox) and fat oxidation (FATox), blood glucose
concentration (glucose), blood lactate concentration (lactate),
blood lactate concentration at certain points (B [La]). (iii)
Antioxidant Capacity Metrics: high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
levels, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, total antioxidant
capacity (TAC), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels (U/L),
and other relevant markers of antioxidant capacity.
3 Results
3.1 Study selection
A total of 11 trials were included in this systematic review. Of
these 11 trials, seven had male participants and three had mixed-
gender groups. The initial search of Scopus, PubMed, Web of
Science (WOS), SportDiscus, Embase, and Cochrane yielded
491 relevant articles. After removing 104 duplicate articles,
387 remained. After reviewing the titles and abstracts,
300 articles were excluded as they did not meet the inclusion
criteria. A total of 87 studies were reviewed, of which 76 were
subsequently excluded (for reasons outlined in the
owchart, Figure 1).
3.2 Characteristics of the studies
3.2.1 Method
Of the 11 trials included in this review, ve used a parallel design
and six used a crossover design (Table 2). In the selected trials,
participants were randomly assigned to either the placebo group or
the experimental group. In nine of these trials, both researchers and
participants were unaware of the treatment allocation, in one trial
researchers were aware of the intervention allocation, and in one
trial participants were aware that they were receiving the
3.2.2 Participants
A total of 220 participants were included in the study. Of these,
164 were recreational athletes and 56 were professional athletes.
There was only one study with a mixed sample, including female
participants (5 women and eight men), without a gender
comparison analysis. The age range of the studies included in the
review was approximately 1848 years.
3.2.3 Intervention
As previously mentioned, among the eleven studies, nine
compared the placebo group with the experimental group, while
two studies conducted comparisons before and after intervention.
Polyphenol-rich concentrated substances such as grape seed extract
(GSE) (Nho and Kim, 2022), decaffeinated green tea extract (dGTE)
(Roberts et al., 2015), New Zealand blackcurrant (NZBC) (Cook
et al., 2015; Willems et al., 2015), organic olive fruit water
phytocomplex (OliP) (Roberts et al., 2023), Montmorency cherry
powder (MC) (Morgan et al., 2019), carob pods (Gaamouri et al.,
2019), Haskap berries (Howatson et al., 2022), Vinitrox
combination of specic prole polyphenols from grape and
apple) (Deley et al., 2017), Cardiose
(Martinez-Noguera et al.,
2019), grape juice (de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020). These
eleven trials used specic polyphenols and combinations of
polyphenols, and the forms of intake varied, ve trials of
polyphenol supplementation were in capsule form (Cook et al.,
2015; Roberts et al., 2015; Deley et al., 2017; Morgan et al., 2019; Nho
and Kim, 2022), and three trials were in water (Willems et al., 2015;
Gaamouri et al., 2019) or yogurt-soluble form (Howatson et al.,
2022) as the intervention, while other forms of intake included
snacks (de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020) and canned products
(Roberts et al., 2023).
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Sports performance results
Of the eleven studies included in this systematic review, three
measured test completion time (Cook et al., 2015; Morgan et al.,
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2019; Howatson et al., 2022), three assessed exercise to fatigue time
(Deley et al., 2017; de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020; Nho and
Kim, 2022), and three assessed power output-related metrics ( Cook
et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2015; Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019). One
study reported a specic metric, τ (time constant) (Roberts et al.,
2023). Three studies measured distance (Roberts et al., 2015;
Gaamouri et al., 2019; de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020).
Two trials assessed speed (Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019;
Howatson et al., 2022). Two studies measured exercise intensity
(Willems et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2023), two studies provided an
indicator of exercise economy (Cook et al., 2015; Roberts et al.,
2023), and four studies assessed RPE (Roberts et al., 2015; Gaamouri
et al., 2019; Howatson et al., 2022; Roberts et al., 2023). Only one
study used MAV to measure aerobic work capacity ( Gaamouri
et al., 2019).
3.3.2 Metabolic parameters
Of these eleven studies, ten assessed cardiorespiratory function
(Cook et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2015; Deley et al., 2017; Gaamouri
et al., 2019; Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019; Morgan et al., 2019;
Howatson et al., 2022; Nho and Kim, 2022; Roberts et al., 2023), and
ve assessed energy substances and their oxidation (Cook et al.,
2015; Roberts et al., 2015; Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019; de Lima
Tavares Toscano et al., 2020; Roberts et al., 2023). Five assessed
lactate levels (Cook et al., 2015; Willems et al., 2015; Morgan et al.,
2019; Howatson et al., 2022; Roberts et al., 2023). Only one study
evaluated TOI (Morgan et al., 2019).
3.3.3 Antioxidant parameters
Two of the eleven studies assessed antioxidant parameters, one
assessed CAT, SOD, GSH, GSSG, TBARS (Martinez-Noguera et al.,
2019), and one assessed antioxidant activity, lipid peroxidation (de
Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020).
3.4 Risk of bias
The two authors used the Cochrane Collaboration tool from the
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
(version 5. 1. 0) to assess the risk of bias in the included
Selection of studies according to an adapted version of PRISMA 2020 ow diagram.
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TABLE 2 RCT design characteristics for all studies included in this review.
Author Study
Characteristics Kind Dose,
Exercise Physical
performance test
Nho and Kim. (2022)(Nho
and Kim, 2022)
I collegiate basketball
players (n = 12) 20. 2 ± 1
GSE 300 mg per day
for 14 days
two bouts of
cycling exercise at
submaximal exercise of
120% of VO
: time
submaximal exercise
of50%, 80%, 120% of
submaximal exercise
of80%, 120% of
Roberts et al. (2015)(Roberts
et al., 2015)
recreationally active males
(n = 14), 21. 4 ± 0. 3
dGTE 571 mg per day
for 4 weeks
400 mg/dEGCG, 91.
21% total catechins
assessment and
performance stage
submaximal exercise:
distance covered, average
power output, RPE
submaximal exercise:
, RER,
concentration , total
fat acid concentration
Cook et al. (2015)(Cook et al.,
healthy men with a history
of sport participation of
greater than 3 years (n =
14), 38 ± 13
NZBC 300 mg per day
for 7 days
300 mg contains
105 mg anthocyanin
30 min cycling
protocol, 16. 1 km
best effort time-
Submaximal exercise at
, 55% VO
: power,
cycling economy .16.
1 km cycling time-trial:
completion time
Submaximal exercise at
45%VO2max, 55%
, 65% VO
RER, Lactose,
CHOox, FATox16.
1 km cycling time-trial:
HR, cadence
Deley et al. (2017)(Deley et al.,
healthy physically active
males (n = 48), 31. 0 ± 6. 0
2 capsules of
250 mg
evening and
1 hour before
the endurance
At least 300 mg/day two endurance
endurance test: time to
exhaustion, time to reach
maximal perceived
endurance test HR,
Gaamouri et al.
(2019)(Gaamouri et al., 2019 )
taekwondo athletes (n =
23), 21. 9 ± 1. 2
carob pods 40 g per day for
6 weeks
40 g contains208 mg of
total polyphenol, 14.
yo-yo intermittent
recovery test
yo-yo intermittent recovery
test: distance,
yo-yo intermittent
recovery test: HR
Martínez-Noguera et al.
et al., 2019)
healthy male amateur
cyclists (n = 15), 33. 3 ± 7.9
500 mg during
and after a
rectangular test
500 mg Rectangular Test.
Repeated Sprints
The best date of Repeated
sprint test: PeakPower,
Poweraverage, Time to
peakpower, Max speed,
total energy the average
date of Repeated sprint test:
VT1 VO2, VCO2,
(Continued on following page)
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TABLE 2 (Continued) RCT design characteristics for all studies included in this review.
Author Study
Characteristics Kind Dose,
Exercise Physical
performance test
Poweraverage, Time to
peakpowerMax speed,
total energy
Willems et al. (2015)(Willems
et al., 2015)
trained triathletes
with >3 yrs experience (n =
13) (male = 8, female = 5)
38 ± 8
New Zealand
6 g per day for
6 g: 138. 6 mg
Cycling Protocols
incremental cycling
1 mmol/L lactate rise:
intensity, 4 mmol/L
OBLA: intensity
incremental cycling:
Plasma lactate
de Lima Tavares Toscano et al.
(2020)(de Lima Tavares
Toscano et al., 2020)
recreational male runners
(n = 14), 39 ± 9
grape juice 10 mL/kg/day
for 7 days and
2 h before test
Total phenolics: 3,106.
Run to exhaustion
time to exhaustion
fat,cho antioxidant activity
lipid peroxidation
Howatson et al.
(2022)(Howatson et al., 2022)
male recreational runners
(n = 30), 33 ± 7
Haskap berries 6 g per day for
6 days
anthocyanin content
was ~24. 9 mg/g
5 km treadmill
TT, a submaximal
lactate prole
submaximal test: speed,
RPE5 KM time trail:
mean speed, time, RPE
LT at submaximal test -
HR, absolute VO2,
relative VO2
LTP at submaximal test
HR, absolute VO2,
relative VO2
5 KM time trail:
Roberts et al. (2023)(Roberts
et al., 2023)
recreationally active
participants (n = 29) 42 ± 2
OliP 56 mL per day
for 16 days
28 mL contains 315.
9 mg Phenolic Pro le
Submaximal and
Performance Test
demanding aerobic session:
exercise intensity ,
Aerobic session: VO
%of baseline VO
Kcal/d, CHO,
FAT, PRO.onset of
exercise: VO
Aerobic Session
Onset of submaximal
exercise: τ
LT1of submaximal
exercise: VO
of baseline,
LT1 of submaximal
exercise: economy, RPE
LT2 of submaximal
RER, B [La]
LT2 of submaximal
exercise: economy, RPE
Morgan et al. (2019)(Morgan
et al., 2019)
trained male cyclists (n =
8), 19. 7 ± 1. 6
MC 462. 8 mg per
day for 7 days
462. 8mg contains
257 mg anthocyanin
10-min steady-
state cycling at ~
15 km time-trial:
completion time
steady stage exercise:
baseline TOI, RER,
(Continued on following page)
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randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The assessment criteria
included: (i) Sequence generation (selection bias). (ii)
Concealment of allocation (selection bias). (iii) Blinding of
participants and staff (performance bias). (iv) Blinding of
outcome assessors (detection bias). (v) Incomplete outcome data
(attrition bias). (vi) Selective reporting (reporting bias). (vii) Other
biases. Each criterion was rated at three levels: low risk, unclear risk,
and high risk, to assess the risk of bias in each study (Figures 2, 3).
3.5 Synthesis of results
3.5.1 Physical performance test
Table 2 shows that three trials assessed exercise time, and all
reported a signicant reduction in exercise completion time (Cook
et al., 2015; Morgan et al., 2019; Howatson et al., 2022). When
assessing aerobic endurance capacity using the time to fatigue
indicator, three trials showed that the experimental groups had
signicantly longer fatigue times than the placebo groups (Deley
et al., 2017; de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020; Nho and Kim,
2022). Another time-related measure, time to peak power output,
was measured in two trials, with one showing a signicant increase
(Deley et al., 2017), and the other showing no signicant difference
(Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019). Endurance running distance was
assessed in three trials, two of which showed a signicant positive
effect of the intervention compared to placebo (Roberts et al., 2015;
de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020). In addition, one study showed
a signicant improvement compared to the pre-supplementation
baseline (Gaamouri et al., 2019). Of the three trials that assessed
power output indicators, one trial showed signicantly higher results
than the placebo group (Roberts et al., 2015), and one trial showed
no signicant difference (Cook et al., 2015). In the last of the three
trials, there was no signicant difference in peak power compared
with the placebo group in the best date and the average date, despite
signicantly higher mean power in the experimental group of the
best date, not the average date. This study also assessed total energy
produced, with a signicant increase in total energy produced
during the best date of the repeated sprint compared to the
placebo, although the overall average data during the competition
showed no signicant difference (Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019).
Two studies assessed exercise intensity, with one study showing no
signicant difference compared to pre-supplementation (Roberts
et al., 2023), and the other showed a signi cant improvement
compared with the control group (Willems et al., 2015). In the
two studies that evaluated the economy, one study showed no
signicant change compared with the placebo group (Cook et al.,
2015). In another study, improvements were observed at the
demanding aerobic session and the rst lactate turning point
compared with pre-supplementation levels, but there was no
signicant difference at the second lactate turning point (Roberts
et al., 2023). Four studies used RPE as an effective measure of aerobic
endurance capacity. The result of one paper was a signicant
decrease in RPE in the polyphenol supplement group compared
to the control group (Roberts et al., 2015). One study showed no
signicant difference at the rst lactate turning point compared to
pre-supplementation levels, but a signicant decrease at the second
lactate turning point (Roberts et al., 2023). Another study also
showed a signicant increase compared to pre-supplementation
TABLE 2 (Continued) RCT design characteristics for all studies included in this review.
Author Study
Characteristics Kind Dose,
Exercise Physical
performance test
65% VO2peak,15-
km Time Trial on
two occasions
mean SS exercise TOI
, mean VO2,
Lactate 15 km time-
trial: RER, TOI ,
mean VO2, Lactate
- content not specied: no signicant difference; signicantly higher than placebo group; signicantly lower than placebo group; abbreviations: RCT, randomised controlled trials; HR, heart rate; RR, respiratory rate; Vt, tidal volume; VE, minute ventilation;
VO2max, maximal oxygen uptake; VO2, volume of oxygen; VCO2, volume of carbon dioxide; RER, respiratory exchange ratio; FMD, ow-mediated dilatation; CHOtot, total carbohydrate oxidation; FATtot, total fat oxidation; EE, energy expenditure; SBP, systolic
blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; TFA, total fatty acid; CHOox, carbohydrate oxidation; FATox, fat oxidation; τ, time constant; RPE: rate of perceived exertion; B [La], blood lactate concentration; CHO, carbohydrate; PRO, protein; TOI, tissue oxygenation
index; MAV, maximal aerobic velocity; OBLA, onset of blood plasma lactate accumulation; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SV, stroke volume; CO, cardiac output; TPR, total peripheral resistance; CAT, catalase; SOD, superoxide dismutase; GSH, reduced glutathione;
GSSG, glutathione peroxidase; % GSSG/GSH, % glutathione peroxide/reduced glutathione; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances.
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(Gaamouri et al., 2019). In the last of these three studies, there was
no signicant change in RPE during exercise testing compared with
the placebo group (Howatson et al., 2022). Speed is a valuable
indicator of exercise performance. In one study, there was no
signicant difference in subjects speed during submaximal
testing compared to placebo, but there was a signicant
improvement in the 5K time trial (Howatson et al., 2022). In
another study using this speed indicator, the best performance
for maximal speed was signicantly improved compared to the
placebo, but the average data for maximal speed showed no
signicant difference (Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019). One study
used the time constant as an indicator and showed signicant
differences at the beginning of exercise after the intervention
(Roberts et al., 2023). Only one study assessed MAV and showed
a signicant improvement compared with pre-supplementation
(Gaamouri et al., 2019). In trials involving female athletes, no sex
differences were analyzed for any of the physical performance
variables (Deley et al., 2017).
3.5.2 Metabolic parameters
When HR was assessed in eight trials, two of them showed a
signicant decrease compared with the placebo group (Roberts et al.,
2015; Howatson et al., 2022). Of the remaining six trials, one did not
show a signicant difference compared with pre-supplementation
values (Gaamouri et al., 2019). The results of the other trials showed
no signicant change compared with the placebo group (Cook et al.,
2015; Willems et al., 2015; Deley et al., 2017; Martinez-Noguera
et al., 2019; Nho and Kim, 2022). In addition, when VO
assessed in eight trials, one trial showed a signicant increase
compared with the placebo group (Nho and Kim, 2022). In the
remaining ve trials, there was no signicant change in VO
the exercise test compared with placebo (Cook et al., 2015; Roberts
et al., 2015; Deley et al., 2017; Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019; Morgan
et al., 2019). In one study, VO
did not show a signicant difference
compared to pre-supplementation during high-intensity aerobic
exercise, submaximal exercise onset, and the LT2 of submaximal
exercise. However, there was a signicant decrease in VO
LT1 during submaximal exercise (Roberts et al., 2023). Another
study showed a signicant increase in absolute VO
at the LT point
of the submaximal test, a signicant decrease in relative VO
and no
signicant change at the LTP point of the submaximal test. Relative
has no signicant difference during the whole exercise
(Howatson et al., 2022). Of the ve trials that evaluated VCO
Risk of bias graph: Review of authors judgment on each risk of bias item from Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviewers (version 5. 1. 0)
presented as percentages across all included studies.
Risk of bias summary: Review of authors judgment on each risk
of bias item from Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviewers
(version 5. 1. 0).
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four showed no signicant difference compared to placebo (Cook
et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2015; Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019; Nho
and Kim, 2022), and only one trial showed no signicant change in
over the entire study period compared to pre-
supplementation (Roberts et al., 2023). When assessing RER
measurements about VO
and VCO
in ve trials, two trials
showed a signicant decrease compared to the placebo group
(Cook et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2015), while three trials showed
no signi cant change compared to the placebo group (Martinez-
Noguera et al., 2019; Morgan et al., 2019; Nho and Kim, 2022). Of
note, one study showed no signicant difference in RER compared
with pre-supplementation (Roberts et al., 2023). Of the three studies
that evaluated indicators of pulmonary ventilation, two found no
signicant difference in VE compared with the placebo group (Deley
et al., 2017; Nho and Kim, 2022). One study also found no signi cant
difference compared to before supplementation, and this study also
assessed VE/VO
and VE/VCO
and found no signicant
differences (Roberts et al., 2023). Another measure related to
RER was examined in one article, RR, which showed no
signicant difference compared to the control group (Nho and
Kim, 2022). Three trials evaluated systolic and diastolic blood
pressure as effective measures of aerobic performance and
showed no signicant differences compared to placebo (Roberts
et al., 2015; Deley et al., 2017). Another study evaluated three
indicators of cardiovascular function, SV, CO, and MAP except
DPB and SBP, but found no signicant differences compared with
placebo (Willems et al., 2015). Lactate levels were assessed in ve
trials, two of which showed no signicant difference compared with
placebo (Cook et al., 2015; Howatson et al., 2022), and one showed a
signicant decrease compared to placebo (Willems et al., 2015).
However, one of these had a unique nding in that lactate levels
increased signicantly during the steady-state (SS) phase of exercise,
but showed no signicant difference during a 15 km time trial
(Morgan et al., 2019). In the latter study, blood lactate
concentrations at both the rst and second lactate thresholds w
showed no signicant difference than before supplementation
(Roberts et al., 2023). Another marker related to lactate, blood
glucose, was only assessed in one study and showed no
signicant difference compared to the placebo group (Cook et al.,
2015). Energy substrates and their oxidative metabolism related to
aerobic endurance performance were also assessed. Four trials
assessed fat and their oxidation, while ve trials assessed
carbohydrates and their oxidation. Of the four trials that
measured fat-related indices, two trials showed a signicant
increase in fat oxidation compared with the placebo group (Cook
et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2015), one trial showed no signicant
change compared with placebo (de Lima Tavares Toscano et al.,
2020), and another trial showed no signicant difference compared
with before supplementation (Roberts et al., 2023). However, in one
study, despite a signicant increase in fat oxidation compared with
the placebo group, there was no signicant difference in TFA
concentration (Roberts et al., 2015
). In another study, fat
oxidation during high-intensity aerobic exercise did not show a
signicant change compared to pre-supplementation, and similarly,
carbohydrates and proteins did not change signicantly compared
to pre-supplementation, resulting in no signicant difference in
heat-generated (Roberts et al., 2023). With regard to carbohydrates,
one study showed a signicant decrease in carbohydrate oxidation
compared to placebo (Roberts et al., 2015), whereas the other four
studies showed no signicant differences (Cook et al., 2015;
Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019; de Lima Tavares Toscano et al.,
2020; Roberts et al., 2023). Only one trial evaluated TOIs and one
trial evaluated FMD. However, in this study, baseline TOI was
signicantly increased compared to placebo, but there was no
signicant difference during steady-state (SS) exercise or the 15-
km time trial (Morgan et al., 2019). However, there was a signicant
increase in FMD compared to the control group (Nho and
Kim, 2022).
3.5.3 Antioxidant parameters
Of the 11 trials, only two assessed antioxidant capacity or
antioxidant markers. One study evaluated CAT, SOD, GSH,
TBARS, and % GSSG/GSH, but found no signicant differences
compared to the placebo group (Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019). In
another study, assessment of antioxidant capacity before and after
supplementation showed a signicant improvement in antioxidant
activity, but there was no signicant difference in lipid peroxidation
response. This study also assessed TAC and MDA levels in relation
to antioxidant capacity but found no signicant differences
compared with placebo (de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020).
4 Discussion
The systematic review of 11 studies in this article demonstrates
notable enhancements in several indicators of aerobic endurance
exercise performance through polyphenol supplementation. These
improvements encompass mean speed, power output, and distance
covered. Notably, the most discernible enhancements were
witnessed in the time taken to complete the exercise test and the
time to fatigue, both of which exhibited substantial improvements
when compared to the placebo group or the pre-supplementation
status. Furthermore, there was a marked increase in fat oxidation.
However, the results from these 11 trials also suggest limited effects
of polyphenol supplements on cardiovascular function, pulmonary
ventilation, gas exchange, and carbohydrate oxidation. Additionally,
one of the two trials assessing antioxidant status demonstrated a
signicant improvement with polyphenol supplementation (de
Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020).
This review is consistent with the ndings of previous literature
that polyphenol supplementation can improve aerobic endurance
performance (Braakhuis and Hopkins, 2015; Somerville et al., 2017).
Previously, there have been some systematic reviews and meta-
analyses of the effects of polyphenols on exercise performance.
However, they have certain limitations: some of the literature
they included did not specify the polyphenol content of the
intervention, and there is currently no review that categorizes the
exercise protocols studied. Different forms of exercise have very
different emphases. Aerobic endurance is crucial for endurance
sports, whereas anaerobic explosive exercise emphasizes
anaerobic explosiveness and strength-related metrics. This review
focuses primarily on the effects of polyphenols on aerobic endurance
performance in endurance sports.
This systematic review encompassed both professional athletes
and sports enthusiasts (non-athletes). The focus among professional
athletes was primarily on endurance sports, including marathon
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runners, cyclists, and triathletes. Additionally, athletes from sports
such as basketball and taekwondo, which demand signicant aerobic
endurance during their activities, were included. Prolonged or high-
intensity exercise can trigger oxidative and inammatory responses
in the body (He et al., 2016; Metsios et al., 2020; Powers et al., 2020).
Sports like marathons, triathlons, and cycling time trials typically
entail extended periods of competition. Conversely, basketball,
characterized by rapid transitions and tactical demands,
necessitates players to sustain prolonged periods of movement on
the court. Thus, aerobic endurance holds particular signicance in
these sports. However, these prolonged and high-intensity athletic
activities can induce oxidative damage to the body, ultimately
impacting athletic performance. This raises the question of
whether supplementation with polyphenols, a common
exogenous antioxidant, can enhance the aerobic endurance
performance of athletes or amateur sports enthusiasts.
4.1 Benets and mechanisms of polyphenols
on aerobic performance
Blackcurrants are a fruit rich in polyphenolic compounds that
we use every day. In addition to small amounts of avanols and
avonols, they also contain anthocyanins and various glycosides
(Cook et al., 2015). Cyanidin is a type of avonoid with certain anti-
inammatory (Zhu et al., 2013) and antioxidant (De la Cruz et al.,
2013) properties. Besides blackcurrants, several food sources are rich
in cyanidin, main fruits such as grapes, Montmorency cherries, and
others (Bowtell and Kelly, 2019). Several trials included in this
review used cyanidin-rich polyphenolic compounds as
interventions. These included blackcurrant extract capsules (Cook
et al., 2015; Willems et al., 2015), Montmorency cherry capsules
(Morgan et al., 2019), Haskap berries (Howatson et al., 2022), grape
and apple extract capsules (Deley et al., 2017) and grape juice (de
Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020). Previous research consistently
indicates that anthocyanins and polyphenol-rich foods have a
positive impact on oxidative stress, inammation, and muscle
recovery indices (Howatson et al., 2010; Bell et al., 2014; Bell
et al., 2015; Bowtell and Kelly, 2019). However, in previous
reviews or meta-analyses, there has been a relative scarcity of
data or analysis concerning exercise performance (Kimble et al.,
2023). Looking at the combined literature, we nd that
supplementation with these cyanidin-rich polyphenols has shown
improvements in several exercise performance-related indicators. In
de Lima et al. (de Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020), athletes ran for
an average of 59.2 ± 27.8 min and covered an average distance of
12.6 ± 6.3 km after consuming a placebo drink until exhaustion.
However, after ingesting purple grape juice, they exhibited
signicantly better performance, running on average 9.2 min
longer than the placebo group, representing an 18.7%
improvement, and covering an additional 1.9 km compared to
the placebo group. Similarly, in Nho et al. (Nho and Kim, 2022),
the time to exhaustion during exercise was 128.9 ± 53.0 s in the
placebo group and signicantly increased to 134.4 ± 58.4 s in the
green tea extract group. Gaelle Deley et al. found a noteworthy
increase in exercise-to-fatigue time (+9.7% ± 6.0%) in the Vinitrox
group compared to the placebo group in the endurance test (Deley
et al., 2017). In Morgan et al. (Morgan et al., 2019), a randomized
controlled trial showed that time trial (TT) completion time based
on Montmorency cherries (1,506 ± 86 s) was 4.6% ± 2.9% faster than
that based on the placebo (PL) (1,580 ± 102 s), indicating that
polyphenol supplementation could reduce race completion time.
Additionally, Cook et al. (Cook et al., 2015) found that
supplementing with New Zealand blackcurrant, compared with
the placebo group, reduced the 16.1 km running time from
1722 ± 131 s in the control group to 1,678 ± 108 s in the
supplement group, resulting in a 2.4% performance
improvement. Furthermore, Howatson et al. (Howatson et al.,
2022) found that the Haskap group, supplemented with Haskap
berries, improved their 5 KM time trial performance by
approximately 21 s compared to the placebo group, equivalent to
an increase in average running speed of 0.25 km/h, representing a
performance improvement of more than 2%. In 2015, Roberts et al.
(Roberts et al., 2015) recruited 14 men to participate in a
randomized controlled trial by randomly assigning either a
supplement capsule containing dGTE or a placebo for 4 weeks,
followed by a 40-min performance trial at weeks 0, 2, and 4. The use
of dGTE led to a gradual increase in distance covered, from 20.23 ±
0.54 km in week 021.77 ± 0.49 km in week 2, and nally, to 22.43 ±
0.40 km in week 4, showing a signicant increase of 10.9%. Similarly,
a signicant increase in average power output was observed. The
average power output increased by 17.9% from week 0 (162.06 ±
10.08W) to week 2 (191.08 ± 10.85W), and from week 0 to week 4
(198.91 ± 8.61W) increased by 22.7%. This suggests that
supplementation with polyphenols, primarily cyanidin-rich
compounds, benets both recreational and professional athletes
in terms of aerobic endurance performance, despite variations in
supplement form and dosage. The mechanism behind the
improvement in exercise performance with cyanidin
supplementation is related to the improvement in endothelial
function. The mechanism by which supplementing anthocyanins
improves exercise performance is related to the enhancement of
endothelial function. NO is an efcient vasodilator capable of
mediating and regulating vascular function and blood ow
during exercise (Ferguson et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2015). By
increasing the production of endothelium-derived vasodilator
NO, supplementation of anthocyanins can mediate endothelium-
dependent vasodilation induced in the thoracic aorta of rats
(Nakamura et al., 2002). Another non-glycosylated anthocyanin
in blackcurrants, delphinidin, can also increase endothelial NO
production to vasodilate blood vessels by elevating intracellular
concentration in endothelial cells. This increase in NO,
along with a reduction in NO free radical breakdown, contributes
to enhanced peripheral blood ow (Martin et al., 2010).
Recruiting 12 elite athletes, Nho et al. (Nho and Kim, 2022)
conducted a study to compare the effects of GSE and placebo on
endothelial function during 14 days of progressive cycling. Brachial
endothelial function was assessed using Flow-Mediated Dilation
(FMD). The results indicated that GSE led to an increase in brachial
artery diameter induced by FMD (14.4% ± 5.2% vs. 17.6% ± 4.5%).
The study demonstrated that long-term supplementation of GSE
improved endurance performance, possibly attributed to the
vasodilation of active skeletal muscle mediated by enhanced
endothelial functio. (Howatson et al., 2022). Haskap berries
containing cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (C3G) have been shown to
increase mitochondrial biogenesis, improve muscle function, and
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enhance exercise performance in rodents (Matsukawa et al., 2017;
Saclier et al., 2020). In the literature we examined, a study on Haskap
berries supplementation caught our attention. The research involved
30 male recreational runners in a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
independent group design. The participants were randomly assigned
to either the Haskap berries intervention or an isocaloric placebo
control to investigate the impact of Haskap berries on parameters
related to endurance running performance. The study observed
slight changes in heart rate and VO
at submaximum
intensity. Notably, during the VO
test, the Haskap group
showed a 20-s extension in exercise-to-fatigue time, representing
a meaningful improvement in the context of human running
performance (Deley et al., 2017). During intense exercise,
upregulation of antioxidant genes and protein expression
mediated by Nrf2 through C3G helps maintain muscle function.
Therefore, Haskap berries may potentially enhance performance by
modulating endothelial function pathways through C3G mediation
(Xu et al., 2004; Edwards et al., 2015). It is therefore speculated that
the improvement in vascular endothelial function leads to increased
utilization at low intensities. This may explain changes in
associated fatigue times and TT race performance. Future
research should rene this concept more systematically and strive
to comprehensively investigate various aspects of the proposed
mechanism to gain a more enriched understanding of the impact
of dietary anthocyanins on exercise performance. Attempting to
elucidate a singular mechanism through simplied approaches may
not be practical.
4.2 Effects of polyphenols on energy
metabolism during aerobic exercise
In this review, we found that consuming polyphenols may have
an impact on fat metabolism. In Cook et al. (Cook et al., 2015) well-
trained endurance athletes who supplemented with blackcurrant
extract capsules for 1 week showed a signicant difference in the
outcome measure FATox between the experimental group (0. 44 ± 0.
12) and the placebo group (0. 37 ± 0. 15). This suggests that
supplementation with blackcurrant extract capsules may enhance
whole-body fat oxidation during moderate-intensity exercise. The
appearance of lactate may have been inuenced by the effect of
anthocyanins on substrate oxidation, potentially leading to an
increased contribution of fat oxidation at relatively low intensities
(Willems et al., 2015). Tsuda et al. (Tsuda et al., 2005) in 2005 found
that glycoside-treated adipocytes upregulated genes related to fat
metabolism and signaling. Similarly, Benn et al. (Benn et al., 2014)
found that long-term intake of blackcurrant extract increased energy
metabolism-related genes and mRNA levels in C57BL/6J mice.
Therefore, the increase in fat oxidation may result from the
combined effects of multiple pathways including the upregulation
of genes related to fat oxidation, transportation of fatty acids to
mitochondria, enhanced availability of nitric oxide, and increased
peripheral blood ow. Similar ndings were replicated in another
study involving green tea extract. Roberts et al. (Roberts et al., 2015)
enrolled fourteen recreationally active males and randomly
administered either green tea extract or a placebo. The results
revealed a noteworthy increase in the total fat oxidation rate
within the dGTE group, rising from 0.241 ± 0.025 g/min to
0.301 ± 0.009 g/min, marking a substantial increase of 24.9%.
The benets of green tea extract on the human body are
primarily associated with the catechin polyphenols, a signicant
proportion of which is EGCG (Randell et al., 2014), EGCG
upregulates cell signaling not only through antioxidant protective
mechanisms but also via the mediation of PGC1α (Hodgson et al.,
2013), SIRT1 and the mAPK pathway (Vincent et al., 2013; Kim
et al., 2014). Over a longer period (>4 weeks), moderate doses of
EGCG may promote the upregulation of genes associated with fat
metabolism during exercise, thereby enhancing whole-body fat
oxidation. Some studies also suggest that EGCG may improve
glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and adiponectin levels,
further supporting this notion (Potenza et al., 2007; Venables
et al., 2008). In contrast, Martinez et al. (Martinez-Noguera et al.,
2019) in 2019 showed that acute supplementation with hesperidin
increased activation of the intracellular signaling pathway AMPK,
induced changes in PGC1α activity, and promoted the use of fat as
an energy substrate. Increased FATox implies a degree of glycogen
sparing during moderate-intensity exercise. Howatson et al.
(Howatson et al., 2022) found that HR and VO
were lower at a
certain exercise intensity (lactate threshold). As fat oxidation
consumes more oxygen than carbohydrate oxidation, fat may not
be the preferred energy substrate under these circumstances.
Similarly, at moderate intensity (50% VO
), subjects FATox
increased from 0. 241 ± 0. 025 to 0. 301 ± 0. 009 g-min-1 after
supplementation with green tea extract, an improvement of
approximately 24. 9%. However, the magnitude of the increase
was more signicant than in the previous study. The subjects in
this study were recreationally active, so it has been suggested that the
combined effect of exercise training and polyphenol
supplementation may be more appropriate for untrained
individuals (Randell et al., 2014). In the studies considered, grape
seed extract exhibited no signicant impact on the performance of
primary basketball players (Nho and Kim, 2022). However, among
non-endurance sports athletes, supplementation with carob
demonstrated a signicant improvement in maximal aerobic
velocity (MAV) and performance in the yoyo test compared to
baseline for professional taekwondo athletes. Gaamouri et al.
(Gaamouri et al., 2019) recruited 23 taekwondo athletes for their
experiment. Prior to the study intervention, there were no signicant
differences between the groups. After the intervention, the carob
supplement group showed signicant improvements of 92.43% in
distance and 12.18% in MAV, whereas the placebo group only
exhibited improvements of 40.37% and 4.95%, respectively. This
result indicates that polyphenol supplementation can effectively
enhance the athletic performance of professional athletes.
Carbohydrates and fats are the most important substrates for
energy metabolism during exercise. However, the proportion of
energy contribution from these substrates varies with different
exercise durations and intensities. During low to moderate-
intensity exercise (up to 60% of VO
), the absolute value of
fat oxidation increases (Dandanell et al., 2017). As exercise intensity
further increases, the absolute rate of fat oxidation decreases, and
carbohydrates become the primary energy substrate (Dandanell
et al., 2017). In the process of exercise, the ability to oxidize fats
at a high rate is considered an advantage for endurance-trained
athletes. Muscle glycogen stores are relatively small; therefore,
theoretically, any intervention that enhances skeletal muscle fat
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oxidation capacity could lead to glycogen sparing and thereby
enhance endurance (Randell et al., 2014). Endurance exercise
training leads to skeletal muscle adaptations that favor fat
metabolism (Tunstall et al., 2002). Trained individuals exhibit
higher absolute fat oxidation rates compared to untrained
populations (Nordby et al., 2010). However, the increase in fat
oxidation following polyphenol intervention is relatively smaller in
trained individuals compared to untrained ones, explaining the
more signi cant impact of polyphenols on exercise performance
in untrained individuals or those engaged in non-endurance
activities. In recent years, the topic of olive-derived supplements
has gained popularity. In Roberts et al. (Roberts et al., 2023)in 2023,
an olive-derived supplement rich in hydroxytyrosol, an important
polyphenol, may support endogenous antioxidant mechanisms
related to mitochondrial respiratory capacity, such as
upregulation of PGC-1α (Feng et al., 2011; Wood Dos Santos
et al., 2018), This study showed no difference in VO
performance during 75% moderate-intensity exercise, which may
be related to regular aerobic exercise habits. Further research is
needed to rene the types of polyphenols, dosages, and exercise
protocols for different populations.
4.3 Supplementation time and
supplemental dose
This review suggests that prolonged use of specicpolyphenol
supplements may promote whole-body fat oxidation during moderate-
intensity exercise, which may benet aerobic endurance performance in
both professional athletes and sports enthusiasts. This may have
implications for how people utilize energy substrates and plan their
dietary strategies. In terms of supplementation strategies, only three out
of the 11 trials included acute supplementation before exercise. Acute
polyphenol supplementa tion was found to i mprove exercise
performance compared to continuous supplementation, although the
effect was not statistically signicant. In Martinez et al. (Martinez-
Noguera et al., 2019), acute ingestion of 500 mg of 2S-hesperidin
) was administered to investigate its impact on athletic
performance. The best data from repeated sprint trials showed
signicant differences between Cardiose
and placebo in mean
power (+2.27%), maximum speed (+3.23%), and total energy
(+2.64%). While acute polyphenol supplementation improved
performance in repeated sprint tests, the average performance did
not differ signicantly from the placebo group. Similarly, in a
separate study, Deley et al. (Deley et al., 2017) explored the effects
of acute intake of grape and apple polyphenols on endurance exercise
capacity. Volunteers were randomly assigned to either take 500 mg of
polyphenols or a placebo the night before and 1 h before the test. The
mean duration of the maximum endurance test signicantly increased
in the polyphenol group compared to the placebo group (+9.7% ±
6.0%). The maximal perceived exertion was reached later with
polyphenols (+12.8% ± 6.8%). Another study (de Lima Tavares
Toscano et al., 2020) investigated the effects of a single dose of
grape juice on runners physical performance. In a running test up
to exhaustion (80% VO
) after consuming a placebo drink, athletes
ran for an average of 59.2 ± 27.8 min and covered an average of 12.6 ±
6.3 km. During the course after ingestion of purple grape juice, they
demonstrated signicantly enhanced performance, running for an
average of 9.2 min longer, representing an 18.7% improvement, and
a 1.9-km increase in distance compared to the placebo group. Among
the studies on acute supplementation included, this one exhibited the
most substantial improvement in athletic performance. However, in
terms of endurance exercise distance, long-term polyphenol intake
yielded a greater enhancement in athletic performance. Gaamouri et al.
(Gaamouri et al., 2019) designed a 6-week double-blind randomized
parallel fully controlled training study with pre- and post-
measurements. Analysis of aerobic activity for 6 weeks before and
after carob supplementation showed that the total distance covered
increased from 847.2 ± 473.9 m to 1,494.9 ± 619.2 m, representing an
increase of 92.43%. Regarding average power output, there was no
signicant change in average power output in Martinez et al. (Martinez-
Noguera et al., 2019) results which is acute polyphenols
supplementation. On the other hand, Roberts et al. (Roberts et al.,
2015) found in his 2015 study that supplementation of green tea extract
capsules for 4 weeks resulted in a notable increase in average power
output with dGTE by 17.9%, or 29.02 ± 5.53W from week 0 (162.06 ±
10.08W) to week 2 (191.08 ± 10.85W), and by 22.7%, or 36.85 ± 3.20W
from week 0 to week 4 (198.91 ± 8.61W). Metabolic parameters also
showed no signicant differences in these two trials. This may be due to
the small sample size, as only two articles existed. Because the
bioavailability of phenolic compounds in different supplements has
not been well established, the availability of supplements cannot be
determined before starting an exercise program. Caution should be
takenwhencomparingstudiesinvolving different types of polyphenols,
as their bioavailability may vary and subsequent interactions with other
nutrients taken at the same time may inuence the results of the
comparison (Myburgh, 2014).
In this review, the average intake of polyphenols was 229. 04 mg/
day, which is equivalent to about 66 g of dark chocolate, 83 mg of
green tea, and 99 mg of mixed berries (blackcurrants, strawberries,
and blackberries). In these 11 trials, specic individuals and
combinations of polyphenols were used as interventions, and the
forms of intake varied. Five trials used capsules (Cook et al., 2015;
Roberts et al., 2015; Deley et al., 2017; Morgan et al., 2019; Nho and
Kim, 2022), three trials used water-soluble forms (Gaamouri et al.,
2019) or yoghurt (Howatson et al., 2022) as interventions, and there
was also oral consumption through snacks or canned forms (de
Lima Tavares Toscano et al., 2020; Roberts et al., 2023). Of these,
only one study supplemented carob pods in a water-soluble form,
and the participants in this study increased their endurance running
distance by 92. 43%, which was a signicantly greater improvement
compared to other supplementation methods (Gaamouri et al.,
2019). However, this supplementation method was only
mentioned in one study in the literature, making it difcult to
draw qualitative conclusions. Further research is needed to address
the complex issue of the relative effects of different forms of
polyphenol intake on athletic performance. Analysis of the
performance indicators in the 11 studies showed that long-term
polyphenol supplementation can signicantly improve endurance
exercise performance. The most signicant indicator was a 92. 43%
increase in endurance running distance and this trial had the longest
duration of polyphenol supplementation of all 11 trials, lasting
6 weeks (Gaamouri et al., 2019). In contrast, another study found
that acute polyphenol supplementation resulted in an increase in
endurance running distance of approximately 18. 7% (de Lima
Tavares Toscano et al., 2020). This suggests that long-term
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polyphenol supplementation may have a more pronounced effect
than acute supplementation.
It is important to note that existing research suggests that high doses
of antioxidant supplementation appear to have a detrimental effect on
endurance performance (Paulsen et al., 2014). High doses of antioxidant
supplements can shut down those cell signaling pathways sensitive to
redox changes, thereby reducing the synthesis of new musc le
mitochondria and the production of endogenous antioxidants (Kang
et al., 2009; Hawley et al., 2011; Feng et al., 2013). Crucially, the health
benets and performance enhancements brought about by endurance
training seem to be somewhat related to this cellular adaptation (Coffey
and Hawley, 2007; Ristow and Zarse, 2010). The results showed that
supplementation with high doses of antioxidants reduced the increase
in cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV(COX4) induced by endurance
training in the vastus lateralis muscle (Paulsen et al., 2014). While
antioxidant supplementation does not affect the short-term
improvement in endurance performance, it may negate the
benecial long-term adaptive effects of endurance training on cells.
This suggests that individuals who frequently engage in endurance
training should be cautious about using high doses of antioxidants. In
contrast, in this study, long-term supplementation with polyphenols
had more pronounced effects than acute or short-term ones. This may
be related to the dose of polyphenols included in the 11 studies and the
different bioavailability of polyphenols compared to other antioxidants
(Di Lorenzo et al., 2021), necessitating future research to explore
whether high-dose polyphenol supplementation affects those
signaling pathways related to improvements in endurance performance.
4.4 The potential of polyphenols
It should be noted that due to their complex structures and higher
molecular weights, polyphenols are not completely absorbed in the
gastrointestinal tract. Instead, they are primarily biotransformed into
low molecular weight, biologically active phenolic metabolites in the
large intestine through the action of the gut microbiota (Hill et al.,
2014; Ma and Chen, 2020). These low molecular weight metabolites
produce antimicrobial substances, regulate the host immune system,
and inhibit the production of bacterial toxins. They also have a certain
preventive effect on some chronic diseases (Cerdá et al., 2005; Espín
et al., 2013; Markowiak and Śliżewska, 2017). Furthermore,
polyphenols can modify the composition of the gut microbiota,
promoting the growth of benecial microbes, such as lactobacilli
and bidobacteria, which are two major probiotics benecial for
human health (Wang et al., 2022). In interaction, the gut
microbiota also metabolizes polyphenols, producing biologically
active metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids, which further
impact the hostshealth(Wang et al., 2022). The bioactivity of
polyphenols and their metabolites in the body is likely mediated
through these metabolites. These metabolites are generated in the
body, and recent studies have conrmed that these molecules may
have antioxidant and anti-inammatory properties (Di Lorenzo et al.,
2021). The bioavailability of polyphenols in the small intestine is low,
mainly due to their interactions with food matrices, liver-mediated
metabolic processes (both primary and secondary metabolism), and
metabolic processes in the gut and microbiota (Di Lorenzo et al.,
2021). However, the activity demonstrated by these compounds
through their metabolites in the organism suggests that long-term
intake of polyphenols can stabilize and alter the composition of the gut
microbiota, thus promoting more benecial health effects. The
aforementioned supplementation with polyphenols can improve
the utilization rate of fats as an energy substrate, and polyphenols
are also positively correlated with anti-lipogenesis. Polyphenols have
been shown to effectively activate the browning of adipose tissue,
reducing obesity and lipid accumulation by inducing the browning of
beige fat cells (Hu et al., 2020). Daily intake of beverages rich in
catechins can increase the density of brown adipose tissue in healthy
young women, supporting polyphenols role in brown fat genesis
(Nirengi et al., 2016). In mice on a high-energy diet, ferulic acid
accelerated thermogenesis and mitochondrial synthesis in brown
adipose tissue and inguinal white adipose tissue (Han et al., 2018).
Brown adipose tissue consumes energy more efciently, contributing
to weight management and improved body fat distribution, which is
very important for maintaining good athletic performance and
endurance. In recent years, polyphenols have attracted attention
for their neuroprotective effects, showing potential effectiveness in
reversing neurodegenerative pathology and age-related cognitive
decline. Animal studies have shown that blueberries can improve
spatial memory decits in rats, ()-epigallocatechin enhanced the
retention of spatial memory in mice, curcumin could break down
plaques and restore neurites in Alzheimers disease models, and
resveratrol reduced Aβ aggregation in rat hippocampal cells by
activating specic protein kinases (Casadesus et al., 2004; Dasgupta
and Milbrandt, 2007; Garcia-Alloza et al., 2007; Praag et al., 2007).
However, the direct link between polyphenols and improvements in
neural health has not been clearly established.
4.5 Limitations
This review has some limitations that should be considered. Firstly,
a meta-analysis could not be performed due to the heterogeneity in
study design, populations, training status/types, and supplementation
methods. Secondly, some studies used VO
as a recognized
performance indicator, but some subjects may have reached
during testing due to their training habits and routines,
leading to inherent measurement errors that could potentially affect
the data (McArdle et al., 2006). Additionally, we did not classify the
participants, which to some extent affected the comparison of the
impact of polyphenols on exercise performance. Each of the 11 articles
included in this review had varying durations of intervention and small
sample sizes, making it difcult to effectively conduct a qualitative
analysis of polyphenol supplementation. In addition, in the articles by
Martínez et al. (Martinez-Noguera et al., 2019)andWillemsetal.
(Willems et al., 2015) the participants were aware of the allocation
scheme or were made aware of it, which may have biased the results.
Furthermore, in Willemssarticle(Willems et al., 2015), there was a
lack of complete reporting of the performance scores of each
participating subject, which could also introduce bias in the results.
There are several important considerations for future research. Firstly,
more emphasis should be placed on investigating the bioavailability of
polyphenols, as this may help to determine the optimal dosage and
supplementation methods for different types of exercise, and thus have
benecial effects on athletic performance. Secondly, considering
participant categorization and specialization is important. Further
investigations can ascertain the potential applications of
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polyphenols and their energetic effects on various categories of
participants and specialized athletes. In addition, few studies have
included comprehensive dietary controls. As the sources of polyphenol
intake are diverse, efforts should be made to quantify the intake of
polyphenols in participants diets using placebo-controlled designs, as
individuals with low intakes may show more positive responses to
dietary interventions. This will help to better explain the
research ndings.
5 Conclusion
In summary, the results of the 11 studies indicate that avonoid-
rich compounds, providing a total of 208 mg of polyphenols and
14.4 mg of avonoids per 40 g in a water-soluble form,
demonstrated the most noticeable improvement in exercise
performance during a 6-week supplementation period (Gaamouri
et al., 2019). Supplementation with polyphenols or polyphenol
complexes may improve aerobic endurance performance and
promote fat oxidation in the human body. However, there is not
enough research to conrm the effects of polyphenols or polyphenol
complexes on other outcomes (cardiovascular, antioxidant, gender)
to draw denitive conclusions. Further research is needed to clarify
the potential benets of polyphenols or polyphenol complexes on
other indicators (dosage, timing, controversies).
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in
the article/Supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed
to the corresponding author.
Author contributions
GC: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation,
Writingoriginal draft. JZ: Data curation, Investigation,
Writingoriginal draft. BW: Writingreview and editing. YW:
Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration,
Supervision, Writingreview and editing.
The author(s) declare nancial support was received for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work
was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (2023GCZX005).
Conict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conict of interest.
Publishers note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their afliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher.
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