Course Code: UCHMD 01
Credits: 3
Learning Objectives:
To study functional food additives and food adulteration
To study soaps and detergents, manufacturing process and environmental hazards
To study chemical composition of cosmetics and perfumes
To study the chemical nature of glasses, ceramics and plastics in daily use
Leaning Outcomes:
Learn about food adulteration, food additives and artificial sweeteners,
saccharin, cyclomate and aspartate in the food industries
Understand the chemistry of soaps and detergents and their action
Know about the ingredients in commonly used cosmetics and perfumes
Gain knowledge about glasses and ceramics and their properties
Learn the nature of the plastics used in everyday life and natural substitution for
Unit I: Food additives
(12 Hours)
Functional food additives and its importance, food adulteration, detection of food
adulterations, food safety laws and fssai regulations. Food colours-permitted and non-
permitted Flavours natural and synthetic, artificial sweeteners, toxic effect of additives.
Unit II: Soaps and Detergents
(12 Hours)
Soaps and Detergents saponification, classification, cleansing action of soap,
manufacturing process, additives, fillers, flavours, bleaching agents and enzymes used in
commercial detergents, environmental hazards.
Unit III: Cosmetics and perfumes
(12 Hours)
Cosmetics and perfumes classification, ingredients and regulations, bathing oils, face
creams, talcom powder, skin products, hair dyes, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioners,
nail polish, deodorants, antiperspirants, oral hygiene products, toxic effect of cosmetics.
Unit IV: Glasses and ceramics
(12 Hours)
Glasses and ceramics classification, manufacturing process, composition and
properties of glasses,
soda glass, borosilicate glass, coloured glass, photosensitive glass, armoured glass, safety
glass, Important clays and fledspar, plasticity of clay, ceramic and its types,
pottery, glazing,
Unit V: Plastics in daily use
(12 Hours)
Plastics in daily use. Polymerization process (brief). Thermosetting and thermoplastic
polymers. Use of PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, ABS, and others. Recycling of
plastics. Biodegradable plastics. Environmental Hazards of plastics. Paper news print,
writing paper, paper boards, cardboards. Organic materials, wood, cotton, Jute, coir
International Universal recycling codes and symbols for identification.
Reference Books:
1. Food The Chemistry of its components, T.P. Coultate,. Royal Society of
Chemistry London, 2001.
2. Engineering Chemistry, Shashi Chowla, DanpatRai & Co., 2017.
3. Industrial Chemistry, B.K. Sharma, Krishna Prakashan Publishers, 2012.
4. Understanding Chemistry, CNR Rao, Universities Press, 1999.
5. Engineering Chemistry, Jain and Jain, Darpat Rai Publication, 17
Ed., 2015.
6. Chemistry of cosmetics, Kumari R, Prestige publications, 2018.