CMPS 190
Programming Techniques and Algorithm Development I
FALL 2019
I (Credit, 3 hour) (Lecture, 3 hours). This course is the first of a two-course sequence for Computer Science majors and
minors. This is a rigorous course stressing a disciplined approach to problem solving, algorithm design, logic
development, and testing and debugging of programs. This course will emphasize procedure and data abstraction, the
detailed study of a programming language, and the evolution of computer hardware and software technologies. A current
programming language will be used as a vehicle for expressing algorithms.
Course Information:
Rubric No
CMPS 190
Programming Techniques and Algorithm Development I
Credit Hours
Lectures: Day and Time: 10:00AM 10:50AM MWF
Class Location: N 205 Thurman Hall
Textbook: Tony Gaddis, Starting Out with C++: Early Objects, 9th edition, Pearson, 2016.
ISBN: 9780134400242
Reference Engineering Problem Solving with C++”, Delores M. Etter and Jeanine A. Ingber, 4th Edition,
Prentice Hall, ISBN 10: 0134444299
Instructor(s): Name: Yaser Banadaki, Ph.D.
Office Location: 114E Henry Thurman Jr. Hall, Southern University Baton Rouge
Office Phone: 225-771-3941
Office Hours: MWF 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM or by appointment and contact
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to cover:
1. foundational skills for future computer science courses
2. problem-solving skills and software design tools
3. syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language
4. design and implementation of small scale programming projects
Course Learning Outcomes:
Each graduate by the time of graduation will demonstrate:
1. An ability to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant
disciplines to identify solution (ABET Outcome-1),
2. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing
requirements in the context of the program’s discipline (ABET Outcome-2),
3. An ability to apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based
solution (ABET Outcome-6).
Program Education Objectives:
The Educational Objectives of the Computer Science Program are to produce graduates who:
1. Are thoroughly trained in methods of analysis, including the mathematical and computational skills appropriate
for problem solving (PEO1).
2. Have developed the skills pertinent to the design of computing systems, including the ability to formulate
problems, to think creatively, to synthesize information, to work collaboratively, and to communicate
effectively (PEO2).
Course Educational Strategies:
1. Provide clear lectures and discussions of programming concepts to learn problem-solving skills and software
design tools.
2. Provide students with the opportunity to learn course material through reading and homework assignments to be
ready for future computer science courses.
3. Allow students to demonstrate mastery of the course concepts, e.g. syntax and semantics of the C++
programming language, through submitted exercises such as exams, quizzes, and homework problems.
4. Provide students with the opportunity to learn more about C++ programming languages through the design
and implementation of small scale programming projects for real world problems.
Course Topics:
This course will cover the elementary discrete mathematics for computer science and engineering. It
emphasizes mathematical definitions and proofs as well as applicable methods as follows:
Introduction and Orientation Week 1
Introduction to Computers and Programming Weeks 1 and 2
Introduction to C++ Weeks 3 and 4
Expressions and Interactivity Weeks 5 and 6
Making Decisions Weeks 7 and 8
Looping Weeks 9 and 10
Functions Weeks 11 and 12
Introduction to Classes and Objects Weeks 13 and 14
Grading Distribution
A student’s grade at the end of the semester will be determined by following percentages:
Class Participation 10%
Assignments/Tests/Quiz 30%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the subject through 3 tests/quizzes, 5 assignments, and the final exam.
Grading Scale
Course grades at the end of the semester will be given based upon performance using the standard grading
90 100% A
80 89% B
70 79% C
60 69% D
Below 60% F
Grades may be curved at the end of session at the instructor’s discretion.
Exam policy: Exams will emphasize concepts developed in the course. Exams will be closed book and notes unless stated
otherwise (if formulas, tables, etc. are needed, the instructor will supply them). Students will not be able to leave the classroom
while they are taking an exam. There will be no sharing of any materials (including calculators) during exams. Communicating
to one another is not permitted while taking an exam. If there are questions, they should be directed to the instructor. Students
who communicate to one another will receive a zero for that exam.
Attendance policy and class participation: Students are expected to be present and on time and participate in class from the
beginning throughout the end of the class period. Though attendance is strongly encouraged, merely attending classes does not
guarantee a passing grade. It is every student responsibility to make sure that he/she signs the roll in class when one is provided,
or he/she pays attention during the roll call.
Makeup test or exam: No makeup test or exam will be given except in the case of emergency such as the student being sick,
or he/she is unable to come to class due to some unforeseen event. An official proof MUST be presented to the instructor and
student is required to take the makeup test/exam as soon he/she returns to class in the following class session. Failure to comply
will result in the grade of zero (0) for the test/exam.
Use of electronic devices while in class: Students are not allowed to use the classroom computers or laptop during the lectures
unless authorized by the instructor of this course for the purpose of the course. Please turn off (or place on silence) your cellular
phones before the lecture starts.
Missing or late assignments/quizzes/exams: At the instructor’s discretion, students may be given opportunity for late
submission of an assignment or retake of a quiz or exam upon presentation of a valid excuse.
Academic honesty and plagiarism: Please review the Southern University Baton Rouge Student Handbook for information
regarding the university’s academic conduct policy and what constitutes plagiarism. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism will
NOT be tolerated.
Assignment policy: Students are NOT allowed to share their assignments or to communicate during the tests or exam. No late
assignment will be accepted and no make up for assignments and quizzes.
Change to syllabus: Any aspects of this syllabus may be subject to change. However, any substantive changes affecting
distribution of grades for various components of the course will be accompanied with prior notice given to students via class
announcement and Blackboard announcement or email.
Livetext Access: Each student is required to have access to LiveText. Southern University and A&M College-Baton Rouge
has entered into partnership with LiveText, Inc. to provide online academic resources for student collaboration and learning
outcomes assessment. Therefore, all students enrolled in this course are required to purchase a subscription from LiveText, Inc.
through the Southern University Bookstore. LiveText, Inc. provides students with the electronic tools and services needed to
serve them in their courses and in their career or academic pursuits beyond graduation.
Moodle Access: Southern University and A&M College at Baton Rouge will used Moodle extensively in this course.
Moodle is a learning management system designed to help teachers and students communicate effectively online. The course
syllabus, class materials (e.g., handouts, PowerPoint slides, journal articles, assignments, readings, etc.) will be placed on
Moodle. The student should check Moodle DAILY for all assignments submitted via Moodle. All course communications
will be primarily via SUBR email or Moodle. Students are responsible for regularly checking their emails and Moodle. If
the student has problems with his Moodle account, he/she should contact Ms. Chrisena Williams-Brown in the Division of
Information Technology via email at or via phone at (225) 771-5017.
Academic Dishonesty: The University defines academic dishonesty as premeditated and un-premeditated fraudulent
behavior. Premeditated fraud is defined as conscious, pre-planned, deliberate cheating with materials prepared in advance.
Unpremeditated fraud is defined as cheating without the benefit of materials prepared in advance. See the Southern
University and A & M College Catalog for a more detailed definition of academic dishonesty. In addition, administrative
regulations governing the conduct of students enrolled at the University are contained in the Code of Student Conduct. A
copy of the Code of Student Conduct may be obtained from the Office for Student Affairs.
ADA Compliance: Students with documented disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are
encouraged to contact the Disability Services Coordinator in the Office of Disability services, 234 A.C. Blanks Hall, 225-771-
3950 (Voice/TTD), 225-771-5652 (Fax), as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely
fashion. Students who need accommodations must be registered with the Office of Disability Services. Students are responsible
for informing the instructor of any instructional accommodations and/or special learning needs at the beginning of the semester.
All discussions will remain confidential.