Please be advised that under Title 28, United States
Code, Section 1875:
A. No employer may discharge, threaten to discharge,
intimidate, or coerce any permanent employee by
reason of the employee’s jury service, or the
attendance or scheduled attendance in connection
with the service, in any court of the United States.
B. An employer who violates the provisions of this
Is liable for damages for any loss of wages or
other benefits suffered by an employee by
reason of the violation.
May be enjoined from a further violation and
ordered to provide other appropriate relief,
including but not limited to the reinstatement
of any employee discharged by reason of jury
Is subject to a civil penalty of up to $5,000 for
each violation, and may be ordered to perform
community service.
Juror Payment
Jurors are paid $50.00 per day plus the current federal
government mileage allowance & tolls. All U.S.
government employees, except postal employees, will
continue to receive their salary in lieu of an attendance
If you live more than 60 miles from the courthouse, a
subsistence allowance will be paid to you if it becomes
necessary for you to spend the night. Authorization for
hotel accommodations must be obtained in advance
from the Jury Specialist.
Attendance Obligations
Title 28, United States Code, Section 1866(g)
provides, “Any person summoned for jury service
who fails to appear as directed shall be ordered by
the district court to appear forthwith and show cause
for his/her failure to comply with the summons.
Any person who fails to comply with the summons
may be fined not more than $1,000, imprisoned not
more than 3 days, ordered to perform community
service, or any combination thereof.”
Notice Regarding Identity Theft
If you are contacted by anyone claiming to be a
United States District Court employee, do not
disclose any personal information over the
telephone. If you have questions regarding a phone
call you received, please call the Jury Specialist at
(850) 521-3705.
The personal information you provide on your juror
questionnaire and during the jury selection process
will be used during the jury selection process only.
The information will not become part of the public
Appropriate business casual is required: slacks,
khakis, polos, dress shirts, skirts, or suit and tie.
Please note: T-shirts, flip flops, shorts, cut-offs, or
jeans, is not allowed.
U.S. District Court
Northern District of Florida
Arnow Building
100 North Palafox Street
Pensacola, FL 32501
(850) 521-3705 Jury
(866) 560-4756 Automated System
(850) 521-3677 Fax
E-mail: jury[email protected]
The following counties that serve the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of
Florida - Pensacola Division: Escambia, Santa
Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton.
Complete online at
How Will I Know When to Report?
Begin calling the toll-free telephone number (1-866-
560-4756, press 1) the Friday before the first date
indicated on the upper middle section of your summons
after 4:30 PM. Please DO NOT report for jury duty
until instructed to do so by the toll-free message.
Please follow the reporting instructions for the duration
of your term. Listen carefully to the recorded jury
message. You will be given a specific time and day to
report for jury selection. The message may also direct
you to call the 866# again the day before your
scheduled appearance to confirm that the trial will go
forward as scheduled. The 866# is accessible
throughout the United States. If you experience
difficulty getting through to the 866#, please go to
eJUROR on our website to access your current status
and reporting instructions at:
What If I’ve Moved Out Of The Area I Am
Being Summoned To?
Complete the jury information form, list your new
address (including your county of residence) on the
Juror Information Form and return it. This information
may also be completed online at:
What Can I Expect To Happen When I
Report For Jury Selection?
When you arrive, you will first be checked in by the
jury staff. A brief orientation will be provided,
followed by the viewing of an informational video.
Afterward, you will proceed to the courtroom for jury
Jury selection typically lasts one to three hours. If you
are selected as a juror, please expect to remain until
5:00 PM, as the trial may begin immediately after jury
selection. Otherwise, you will be released for the day
upon completion of the jury selection process.
Generally, the Court will be in session from 8:30 AM to
5:00 PM.
How Do I Request An
Excuse/Postpone/Partial Excuse?
The Court realizes that from time to time jurors may
need to request an excuse for part of the period covered
by a jury summons. The Court will make every effort
to accommodate your request for a partial excuse.
Please make all requests in writing by mail, fax or email
to be excused within 5 days of receipt of the summons,
or as early as possible. Once you have been instructed
to report for jury service, you may not be excused
unless there is an emergency or extenuating
circumstance. If you know the dates you need to be
excused, you should include them in a letter and return
it along with the Juror Information Form.
You may also request a partial excuse by sending an e-
mail to jury
, or through the
court’s eJUROR website www
Full-Time College Students: You may request an
excuse or deferment if you will be taking college
classes full-time during the period covered by the jury
summons. A parent may complete the form on your
What Should I Bring With Me?
Driver’s license or another form of photo
A sweater or light jacket
Lunch (if you don’t want to purchase it)
Jury summons
Questionnaire with barcode, if you did not mail
Please DO NOT bring your cellular phone, Kindle,
iPhone, pager, tablet, BlackBerry, PDA, or laptop
computer. These items are not permitted in the
courtroom or jury room and will be taken from you
upon entry into the courthouse.
How Do I Get To The Courthouse?
Directions to the courthouse and parking can be
found on our website under Jurors Courthouse
Information at www
The court cannot assist you with parking tickets if
you choose another place to park.
How Long Will My Term As A Juror Last?
You will be “on call” for a one month period,
beginning on the 1st Monday of the month and
ending on the last day of the month in which you were
summoned. The most likely dates you will be required
to report for jury selection are printed on your
summons. If you are selected for a jury, you will be
told at that time when the trial will take place and how
long it will last. We will give you as much advance
notice of your actual reporting date as possible, but we
may not know until shortly before the scheduled
reporting date. Cases are sometimes added to or
removed from the schedule, and emergencies cause
changes in the schedule, so it is impossible to know in
advance when you will be required to serve.
The court has a one-day or one-trial term of jury
service. This means that a juror appears for only one
day of jury selection and, if chosen, for only one trial.
Once you appear, you are released from being “on call”
for the rest of the month. If you are serving on a trial
that lasts beyond the end of the month, you will be
required to serve until the trial ends. Most trials last 3-5
days, but trials can last several weeks depending on the
How Do I Submit
My Juror Information Online?
If you have received a Federal Jury Summons, you can
submit your answers using our online eJUROR system.
If your juror information is completed online, you do
not need to mail in your Jury Information Form.
This website will allow you to:
Check your Current Status for reporting
Request an Excuse/Partial Excuse
Update your contact information and address
Check your reporting instructions
Update personal information
To log on to eJUROR, you’ll need your nine-digit
participant number. This number is located to the right
of your name and address on the summons (e.g.