The Artful Dodger: Answering the Wrong Question the Right Way
Todd Rogers Michael I. Norton
ideas42, Cambridge, MA, and Analyst Institute, Harvard Business School
Washington, DC
What happens when speakers try to “dodge” a question they would rather not answer by answering a
different question? In 4 studies, we show that listeners can fail to detect dodges when speakers answer
similarbut objectively incorrectquestions (the “artful dodge”), a detection failure that goes hand- in-
hand with a failure to rate dodgers more negatively. We propose that dodges go undetected because
listeners’ attention is not usually directed toward a goal of dodge detection (i.e., Is this person answering
the question?) but rather toward a goal of social evaluation (i.e., Do I like this person?). Listeners were
not blind to all dodge attempts, however. Dodge detection increased when listeners’ attention was diverted
from social goals toward determining the relevance of the speaker’s answers (Study 1), when speakers
answered a question egregiously dissimilar to the one asked (Study 2), and when listeners’ attention was
directed to the question asked by keeping it visible during speakers’ answers (Study 4). We also examined
the interpersonal consequences of dodge attempts: When listeners were guided to detect dodges, they
rated speakers more negatively (Study 2), and listeners rated speakers who answered a similar question
in a fluent manner more positively than speakers who answered the actual question but disfluently (Study
3). These results add to the literatures on both Gricean conversational norms and goal-directed attention.
We discuss the practical implications of our findings in the contexts of interpersonal communication and
public debates.
Keywords: Gricean norms, conversational implicature, goal-directed attention, inattentional blindness
Cite as: Rogers, T., & Norton, M. I. (2011). The Artful Dodger: Answering the Wrong Question the
Right Way.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17
(2), 139-147.
Don’t answer the question you were asked. Answer the question you
wish you were asked.
- Robert McNamara, describing the lessons he learned during his time
as Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War (Morris, Williams, &
Ahlberg, 2004)
As this opening quote demonstrates, many in public life seek to
master the artful dodge, frequently attempting to wriggle out from
answering questions they would rather avoid. Although perhaps
most grating when performed by politicians, question dodging
occurs in a wide array of other contexts: corporate executives
avoiding reporters’ requests for their expectations for the next fiscal
quarter, employees sidestepping their bossesquestions as to why
they are late for the third straight day, or spouses evading their
partners’ inquiries as to their whereabouts the previous evening.
Under what conditions does a dodge go undetected, allowing
speakers to escape unscathed? In the studies that follow, we show
that dodges can go undetected when a speaker responds to a question
by offering an answer to a similar question rather than the actual
question askedprovided that the listener’s attention is not
This article was published Online First April 25, 2011.
Todd Rogers, ideas42, Cambridge, MA, and Analyst Institute,
Washington, DC; Michael I. Norton, Department of Marketing, Harvard
Business School.
We thank Max Bazerman, Bill Simpson, Carey Morewedge, and Debby
Kermer for helpful feedback on this article. We also thank Greg Barron,
Natasia de Silva, and Adi Sundaram for help with materials development.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Todd
Rogers, 1870 North Scott St #649, Arlington, VA 22209. E-mail:
directed to explicitly assess whether the speaker answered the
question asked. As an illustration, consider a politician who is
asked about the illegal drug problem in America and instead
provides an answer about the need for universal health care: We
suggest that he has engaged in a successful dodge if listeners have
forgotten the question he was asked at the end of his answer.
Successful (and unsuccessful) question dodging can also have
interpersonal consequences; we also explore whether listeners rate
the speaker as positively after a successful dodge as they would
have had he/she been asked the question answered. Indeed, we
propose that in some cases, speakers are evaluated more highly
when they answer a similar question fluently than when they
answer the correct question disfluently.
How is it possible that listeners could fail to notice such
question dodging? We suggest that dodgers mask their deception
by exploiting implicit norms that direct listeners’ attention away
from detecting whether a particular answer truly addresses the
specific question asked. The title of our article is taken from the
Dickens character, the Artful Dodger, who was skillful at
distracting the attention of his victims wit
h conversation as he
picked their pockets (Dickens, 1838/1994); by assuming that
friendly conversation implied a lack of guile, his victims made
themselves vulnerable to his thievery. Indeed, Grice’s (1989)
theory of conversational implicature posits that listeners make
assumptions about the good faith cooperation of speakers. His
“Cooperative Principle” has four constituent maxims:
Communication will (a) contain the appropriate quantity of
information; (b) be of truthful quality; (c) be delivered in an
appropriate manner; and, most crucial to the present investigation,
(d) will be relevant to the topic at hand. Deceptive communication,
in this view, is communication that violates any of these maxims
(see also Burgoon, Buller, Guerrero,
rnal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
2011, Vol. 12, No. 2, 139-147 Public copy created by the Student Social Support R&D Lab
Afifi, & Feldman, 1996; McCornack, 1992). In support of this
theory, previous research has demonstrated that speakers prompted
to generate deceptive communication do in fact construct messages
that violate these maxims, listeners rate deceptive communication
as violating these maxims to a greater degree than truthful
communication, and listeners rate communication that violates these
maxims as more deceptive and less honest (Buller & Bur- goon,
1996; McCornack, Levine, Torres, Solowczuk, & Campbell, 1992;
Yeung, Levine, & Nishiyama, 1999).
Whereas previous research has focused on how speakers violate
Gricean norms when producing deceptive communications, we
focus on a different implication of those norms. Because listeners
assume that speakers generally abide by such norms, speakers may
be given the benefit of the doubt when they adhere closely enough
to conversational norms (Burgoon, Blair, & Strom, 2008; Clark &
Clark, 1977; O’Sullivan, 2003). Furthermore, whereas previous
research has demonstrated that egregious violations of
conversational norms are likely to be detected, we suggest that the
same norms allow speakers to push the boundaries of
communication: When speakers answer a question that is similar
enough to the question asked, listeners may fail to notice that the
answer offered is, in fact, irrelevant. In line with previous research,
however, we do suggest that when speakers stray too far
answering questions that are egregiously dissimilarlisteners are
likely to notice.
Why might listeners be susceptible to dodging? We suggest that
the competing goals of listeners coupled with the limited nature of
their attentional capacity contribute to the failure to detect dodges.
First, a large body of research has documented the limited capacity
of attention, such that orienting toward one stimulus degrades
attention toward others (Cherry, 1953; Miller, 1956; Posner, 1980);
for example, attending to the goal of counting basketball passes
made by a group of people can cause viewers to fail to notice a man
in a gorilla suit walking through the game (Simons & Chabris,
1999). Although attending to whether a speaker has actually
answered a question is clearly an important goal for listeners, it
competes with other, often more automatic, goals. In particular,
research has suggested that when people encounter someone new,
they automatically pursue the social goal of evaluating that person:
Do I like this person? Do I trust this person? (Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick,
2008). Indeed, social interactions can cause people to fail to notice
even jarringly incongruous statements, as when people acquiesce to
requests (“May I cut in line to make a copy . . .”) accompanied by
substantively irrelevant “reasons” (“. . . because I need to make a
copy?”; Langer, Blank, & Chanowitz, 1978).
Given attentional limitations, we suggest that the automaticity of
listeners’ social goal of forming an impression of speakers makes
them vulnerable to failing to notice when a speaker dodges a
question asked by answering a similar question instead. In short, we
suggest that when listeners hear a speaker answer a question, their
assumption that the speaker will follow norms of cooperative
communication makes them vulnerable to failing to notice that the
speaker is not answering the question asked, and is instead pro-
viding an answer to an altogether different question.
Recall the previously described example: A politician’s
messaging consultants have advised him to talk about health care in
an upcoming debate, regardless of the actual questions asked.
Should the politician be asked about health care, his prepared
answer about health care will, of course, be a relevant and correct
response. However, should the question be about the illegal drug
problem, we suggest that the answer about health care is similar
enough that listeners would fail to detect the dodge. Should the
question be about the War on Terror, however, that answer would
be too dissimilar from the question asked, prompting listeners to
detect that the speaker attempted to dodge the question asked. Thus,
the similarity between the question asked and the question answered
is one crucial determinant of dodge detection. But also, as outlined
above, answering a similar question should only go unnoticed when
listenersattention is not directed toward dodge detection. We
predicted that focusing attention on whether the politician answers
the question asked should increase detection of dodge attempts.
Thus, the attentional goal of the listener was our second proposed
key factor in determining dodge detection.
Overview of Experiments
We tested the role of these two factors in four experiments,
investigating when dodge attempts will be noticed by listeners,
while also exploring the consequences of dodging on listeners’
interpersonal perceptions of speakers. In Study 1, participants
watched a debate in which a speaker answered the correct question
or answered a similar question. We also varied the listeners’ goals
(social evaluation vs. dodge detection) to examine the impact of
s on dodge detection. In Study 2, participants listened to a
debate in which a speaker answered the correct question, answered
a similar question, or answered a dissimilar question. We assessed
the impact of similarity on dodge detection, as well as the impact of
successful and unsuccessful question dodges on listeners’ social
evaluation of the speaker. In Study 3, we included a condition in
which the speaker answered the correct question but in a disfluent
manner, exploring whether answering a similar question well might
be perceived more positively than answering the correct question
poorly. Finally, in Study 4, we explored a practical intervention to
increase the likelihood of dodge detectionmaking the question
asked more salientthat shifts listeners’ attention toward dodge
detection goals.
Study 1: Goals, Attention, and Successful Dodges
In Study 1, we explored how social goals contribute to listeners’
failure to detect question dodging. Participants watched an excerpt of
a debate in which a speaker answered the correct question (the
question he was asked) or a similar question (a topically related
question), and they were later asked to identify what question the
speaker had been asked. We expected that participants who viewed a
speaker answering a similar question would frequently fail to realize
that the speaker did not answer the question he had been asked. Most
important for our account, we predicted that the goal that participants
brought to viewing the debate would impact their likelihood of dodge
detection. Some participants were directed to attend to how they
socially evaluated the speaker (social goal), some were directed to
attend to whether the speaker answered the question he was asked
(detection goal), and others were given no specific guidance (no
goal). We expected that the social-goal and no-goal conditions would
result in the same low rates of dodge detection, suggesting that
participants’ default goal under the no- goal condition was, in fact,
social evaluation.
We also expected, however, that diverting attention from the default
social goal toward whether the speaker answered the question asked
would increase dodge detection, suggesting that limited attention is
one of the causes of listeners’ failure to detect dodges. We had two
specific hypotheses. First,
Hypothesis 1: Overall, recall of the question asked will be
lower when speakers answer a similar question relative to
when speakers answer the correct question.
Reflecting the role of attention, our second hypothesis was that
the following:
Hypothesis 2: Listeners directed to attend to whether the
speaker answered the question asked will exhibit increased
dodge detection compared with listeners directed to attend to
either a social goal or no specific goal.
Participants. Listeners (N = 333, 70% women, M
= 47.1
years, SD = 23.2) completed the study online. They were recruited
using an online survey company that compensated participants with
an online currency worth less than $8.
Procedure. In this study, each participant watched a 4-min clip
of a mock political debate designed to simulate an actual televised
debate (Norton & Goethals, 2004). Participants were randomly
assigned to one condition of a 3 (goal: none, social, dodge detection)
× 2 (dodge: correct, similar) between-subjects design.
Participants given no goal were told to pay attention because they
would be asked questions about the clips afterward. Participants
given a social goal were instructed to attend closely to how they felt
about the speakers and whether or not they liked the speakers; they
were told that they would later be asked about their feelings.
Participants given a detection goal were instructed to attend to
whether or not the speakers were answering the questions they were
asked; they were told they would later be asked about the questions
the speakers were asked.
All clips began with a question about education for the first
speaker, to which the speaker provided an answer about education.
The second speaker was then asked to give his opinion about
universal health care or asked to give his opinion about illegal drug
use in America. The second speaker’s response was always the
same, an answer about universal health care (see the Appendix).
Thus, participants either heard the second speaker answer the
correct question or a similar (but incorrect) question.
After listening to the entire clip, listeners completed two
multiple-choice questions recalling the question asked of each
speaker. The answer choices were education, health care, the drug
problem, or the War on Terror.
Pretest. To establish that the answer to the similar question was
indeed recognized as being incorrect, we asked a different group of
participants (n = 48) to read the second speaker’s answer and select
which question best fit that answer, given the same four-option
multiple-choice question. Fully 94% of listeners identified health
care as the question that the second speaker answered, χ
(2) = 78.88,
p < .001. Removed from the difficulty of following a live exchange,
these participants experienced little uncertainty as to which question
fit the answer they had just read, suggesting that listeners who
recalled incorrectly in the results below from the live exchanges
were truly forgetting the question the speaker was asked.
Dodge detection. Before addressing the first two hypotheses, we
first define what constitutes a successful dodge. Success in question
dodging entails listeners being less likely to recall the question
asked of a speaker when the speaker answers a different question
than when the speaker answers the actual question. In the example
discussed above, a successful dodge occurs when the speaker
responds to a question about illegal drug use with an answer about
health care, and listeners fail to identify that the actual question was
about illegal drug use. A dodge is detected, on the other hand, when
listeners recall the actual question asked despite the speaker’s
efforts to dodge it by answering a similar question. We measured
dodge detection by assessing whether listeners selected the correct
multiple-choice response regarding which question the second
speaker was asked. Given that there were only four options, this left
listeners with a 25% chance of randomly selecting the correct
response. Consistent with recent research (Levine, 2001), we
conceptualized dodge detection as occurring on a binary scale
(accurately detected or not) as opposed to on a continuous scale.
First, Hypothesis 1 predicted that, overall, recall of the question
asked would be lower when speakers answered similar questions
compared with when speakers answered the correct question. As
expected, listeners who heard the speaker answer a correct question
were more accurate at recalling the question asked of the second
speaker (85%, n = 177) than were listeners who heard the speaker
answer a similar question (45%, n = 156), χ
(1) = 60.7, p < .001, ϕ
= .43, suggesting that answering a similar question impaired
listeners’ ability to remember the actual question the speaker was
asked. Indeed, although 55% of all listeners offered an incorrect
response when the speaker had been asked about illegal drug use,
40% of all listeners offered the specific incorrect response that the
speaker had been asked about health care reflecting that the
speaker’s strategy of answering a question about illegal drugs with
an answer about health care had convinced many listeners that he
had actually been asked the question he chose to answer.
Whereas Hypothesis 1 predicted an overall effect of question
dodging, Hypothesis 2 made a prediction about the impact of
specific goals on dodge detection. Hypothesis 2 predicted that
dodge detection would be greater among participants who were
asked whether the speaker answered the question asked compared
with those who were given the social goal or no goal.
Listeners in the no-goalcorrect condition were more accurate at
recalling the question asked of the second speaker (88%, n = 51)
than those in the no-goalsimilar condition (39%, n = 52), χ
(1) =
27.4, p < .001, ϕ = .52. As expected, results for participants given a
social goal were strikingly similar: Listeners in the social-goal
correct condition were more accurate (78%, n = 59) than those in
the social-goalsimilar condition (25%, n 49), χ
(1) = 30.8, p <
.001, ϕ = .53. Confirming Hypothesis 2, there was no significant
difference in dodge detection among participants in the no-goal and
social-goal conditions when the second speaker answered a similar
question, χ
(1) = 2.3, p = .10.
Hypothesis 2 also predicted that when compared with participants
with no goal or a social goal, participants with a detection goal would
exhibit increased dodge detection when the speaker answered a
similar question. As can be seen clearly in Figure 1, the incidence of
dodge detection in the similar condition when participants were given
a detection goal was significantly higher than detection in both the
no-goalsimilar condition (69% vs. 39%), χ
(1) = 10.1, p = .001, ϕ =
.31, and the social-goalsimilar condition (69% vs. 25%), χ
(1) =
20.7, p < .001, ϕ = .45.
Study 2: (Dis)similarity and Dodge Detection
Study 1 explored our first key factor contributing to dodge
detectionthe goal of the listenerdemonstrating that under de-
fault social goal conditions, answering a similar question can result
in successful question dodging. Although Study 1 began to examine
the role of our second key contributorsimilarityin Study 2, we
extended the range of similarity, examining how answering a
dissimilar question can increase dodge detection. Of the three
conditions in Study 2, two were the same as in Study 1: a condition
in which the speaker answers the correct question and a condition
in which the speaker answers a similar question. We also included
a new condition in which the speaker answers an egregiously
dissimilar question: In this new condition, the speaker was asked
about the War on Terror, but he offered the same answer about
universal health care. Thus, we varied whether the speaker
answered the correct question (about health care), a similar question
(about the illegal drug use problem), or a dissimilar question (about
the War on Terror). In Study 2, we used audio excerpts from a mock
debate between two speakers, using the same text as in Study 1. We
hypothesized the following:
Hypothesis 3: Dodge detection will be greater when speakers
answer questions that are highly dissimilar to the actual
question asked than when speakers answer questions that are
similar to the actual question asked.
In addition, Study 2 explored not just the extent to which listeners
detected dodge attempts but the interpersonal ramifications of
detecting such dodges. The objective of artful dodgers, of course, is
to avoid answering the actual question and to ensure that listeners
fail to notice. We predicted that when listeners do notice
that speakers have violated the Gricean norm of relevance, the
speaker would suffer interpersonal costs. Hypothesis 3 predicted
that listeners would be more likely to detect dodges when the
speaker answered a dissimilar question than when the speaker
answered a similar question, we predicted the following:
Hypothesis 4: Listeners who hear a speaker dodge a question
by answering a dissimilar question will evaluate the speaker
more negatively than listeners who hear a speaker dodge a
question by answering a similar question.
Participants. Listeners (N = 243, 57% women, M
= 43.0
years, SD = 12.7) completed the study in a computer lab as part of
a larger set of studies in exchange for $20.
Procedure. Listeners heard an audio excerpt from a mock debate
that began with a question about education for the first speaker, to
which the speaker provided an answer about education. Listeners
were then randomly assigned to one of three conditions in which the
question asked of the second speaker was varied; as in Study 1, the
second speaker always responded by answering a question about
universal health care. Some listeners heard the speaker asked a
question about health care (correct condition), some heard the
speaker asked about the illegal drug problem (similar condition),
and others heard him asked a question about the War on Terror
(dissimilar condition), before hearing his answer about health care.
After listening to the entire excerpt, listeners evaluated both
speakers on four interpersonal dimensions: how much they trusted
him, how much they liked him, how honest he was, and how capable
Figure 1. The impact of similarity and goals on recall of correct question
(Study 1). Error bars signify one standard error of the mean.
he was, all on 6-point scales (1 = not at all to 6 = very much). We
created a composite index of these items (Cronbach’s α = .95).
Finally, respondents answered the four-option multiple-choice
questions about which question each speaker had been asked, as
in Study 1.
Pretest. To confirm that the question about the illegal drug
problem was more similar to the health care question than the
question about the War on Terror, a separate sample of
participants (n = 48) rated how similar both the illegal drug
problem and the War on Terror were to health care on 7-point
scales. As expected, the illegal drug problem was rated as more
similar to health care (M = 4.90, SD = 1.56) than the War on
Terror (M = 2.98, SD = 1.62), t(47) = 6.14, p < .01, d = 1.20.
Dodge detection. Accuracy in recalling the question asked of
the second speaker varied across conditions, χ
(2) = 15.13, p <
.01, ϕ = .25. However, listeners who heard the speaker answer the
correct question (82%, n = 82) and those who heard him answer a
dissimilar question about the War on Terror (70%, n = 74) were
not significantly different in their ability to recall the actual
question, χ
(1) = 2.81, p = .09. Thus, speakers’ attempts to answer
a dissimilar question prompted listeners to notice that dodge;
rather than believing that the speaker had actually been asked a
question related to the answer he offered (about health care),
participants remembered that he had been asked about the War on
In contrast, as in Study 1, listeners who heard the speaker answer
a similar question were significantly worse at recalling the actual
question asked: Just 54% did so, lower than both other conditions,
s(1) > 4.45, ps < .04, ϕs > .16 (see Table 1). Whereas 46% of all
listeners offered an incorrect response, 26% of all listeners offered
the specific incorrect response that the speaker had been asked
about health care, demonstrating that his answer about health care
had led them to believe that he had been asked about health care.
Replicating Hypothesis 1, answering a similar question resulted in
a successful dodge; consistent with Hypothesis 3, dodging the
question by answering a dissimilar question resulted in recall on par
with when the speaker answered the correct question.
Interpersonal evaluations. Ratings of the second speaker on our
composite measure of interpersonal evaluation were impacted by
our manipulation, F(2, 240) = 7.05, p < .005. Supporting
Hypothesis 4, listeners who heard the speaker answer a dissimilar
question rated him more negatively (M = 2.75, SD = 1.39) than
those who heard the speaker answer the correct question (M = 3.46,
SD = 1.22) or a similar question (M = 3.28, SD = 1.06), ts > 2.75,
ps < .01, ds > 1.0 (see Table 1). It is important to note that
evaluations of the speaker who answered the correct question and
those of the speaker who answered a similar question did not differ,
t(167) = 1.02, p > .31, suggesting that dodging by answering a
similar question can be as effective, in interpersonal terms, as
actually answering the correct question. Ratings of the first speaker
were not impacted by our manipulations, F(2, 242) = 0.96, p = .38.
Was the success of the second speaker’s dodge related to
listeners’ interpersonal ratings of him? When the speaker
answered a dissimilar question, listeners’ ratings were highly and
negatively correlated with whether they recalled the actual
question (and thus noticed the speaker’s unsuccessful dodge
attempt), r(74) = -.49, p < .001; a less-than-artful dodge thus had
serious consequences for the would-be dodger. In contrast, no
such relationships emerged when the speaker answered the
correct question, r(82) = .11, p .> 31, or answered a similar
question r(87) = .08, p > .46. These findings suggest that there are
interpersonal costs of unsuccessful dodge attempts, whereas
artful dodging can effectively sidestep those costs.
Study 3: Answer the Correct Question Poorly,
or Dodge?
The previous studies demonstrated that speakers can get away
with dodging a question without being detected and without social
cost by answering a similar question. In everyday life, people often
attempt to dodge questions when they are not prepared with a good
answer to the question askedas in the example of politicians
stammering through poorly phrased answers to questions for which
they are not prepared. Indeed, another of Grice’s (1989)
conversational norms suggests that listeners expect speakers to offer
answers in an appropriate mannerone aspect of which is that it
not be delivered in an inappropriate style. In Study 2, we compared
the efficacy of dodging a question by answering a similar question
to bumbling through an answer to the correct question. We expected
that providing a well-delivered answer to a similar question would
result in lower recall of the question asked than answering the
correct question, replicating Hypothesis 1. Moreover, we expected
that interpersonal evaluations of speakers who successfully dodged
questions by answering a similar question would not be
significantly different from evaluations of speakers who answered
the correct question, replicating Hypothesis 4. Study 3 tested an
additional hypothesis:
Hypothesis 5: Listeners who hear a speaker answer the correct
question in a disfluent manner will evaluate the speaker more
negatively than listeners who hear a speaker offer a fluent
answer to a similar question.
Whereas 32% of all listeners offered an incorrect response in the
similar condition, 24% of all listeners offered the specific incorrect
response that the speaker had been asked about health care.
Interpersonal evaluations. Evaluations of the second speaker
were impacted by our manipulations, F(2, 272) = 5.26, p < .01.
Replicating Hypothesis 4, evaluations of the speaker did not differ
whether the speaker provided a good answer to the correct question
(M = 3.31, SD = 1.13) or to a similar question (M = 3.24, SD =
1.28), t(188) = 0.45, p > .65. Evaluations of the speaker who
answered the correct question but did so poorly, however, were
significantly lower than both other conditions (M = 2.78, SD =
1.12), ts > 2.51, ps < .02, ds > 0.38. Thus, supporting Hypothesis 5,
speakers who made an effort to answer the correct questionbut
who did so poorlywere rated less positively than those who made
no effort to answer the correct question, instead answering a similar
question well (see Table 2). Ratings of the first speaker did not vary
by condition, F(2, 272) = 1.81, p > .16.
Participants. Listeners (N = 275, 56% women, M
= 39.2
years, SD = 15.5) completed the study online. They were recruited
using an online survey company that compensated participants with
an online currency worth less than $8.
Procedure. In this study, listeners were assigned to watch one of
three video clips of a mock political debate. The first two conditions
used same videos as in Study 1: one in which the second speaker
offered an answer to the correct question (which was about health
care) and another in which the second speaker offere
d an answer to
a similar question (which was about the illegal drug problem). We
created a third condition in which the second speaker offered an
answer to the correct question (which was about health care) using
the identical text as the other conditions but while fumbling through
his answer, adding pauses, “um”s, and “uh”s throughout.
Listeners evaluated both speakers on the same four interpersonal
dimensions as in Study 2; we again created a composite index
(Cronbach’s α = .93).
Finally, listeners answered the four-option multiple-choice
question about what question both speakers had been asked, as in
the previous studies.
Dodge detection. Listeners’ ability to identify the question asked
of the second speaker was again impacted by our manipulation, χ
= 8.50, p< .02, ϕ
= .19. As in study 1, listeners were generally able
to identify that the question asked of the second speaker was about
health care when he answered the correct question, whether he
answered it well (84%, n = 87) or poorly (84%, n = 73; see Table 2).
Recall in both conditions was significantly higher than when he
answered a similar question, where just 67% (n = 83) recalled the
actual question asked, χ
s(1) > 5.36, ps < .03, ϕs > .18, again
replicating Hypothesis 1.
Study 4: A Practical Intervention for Increasing
Dodge Detection
Studies 1 through 3 documented some of the underlying causes
and social consequences of dodge detection. In Study 4, we tested
an intervention that could be used in situations where dodges occur
to increase dodge detection: posting the text of the question asked
of the speakers on the screen during their answers. Indeed, this
strategy has recently been employed by the TV media during some
political debates. This intervention also provides a naturalistic
example of one of our earlier manipulations; in Study 1, participants
provided with a detection goalthose whose attention had been
diverted from a social evaluation goal toward evaluating the content
of the speaker’s answershowed improved dodge detection. We
expected that posting the text on the screen would serve a similar
attentional function, shifting their focus from merely evaluating the
speaker on social dimensions to reminding listeners to evaluate the
relevance of the answer offered, thereby increasing dodge detection.
To the extent that participants watching a speaker dodge a question
are uncertain as to whether the speaker is in fact dodging, posting
the question on the screendrawing attention to the dodge
attemptshould reduce that uncertainty, leading to accurate
detection of dodging.
In conditions in which the text of the question did not remain on
the screen, we expected to again replicate Hypothesis 1: Listeners
who heard the speaker answer a correct question would be more
accurate at recalling the actual question asked than listeners who
heard the speaker answer a similar question. We also tested one final
hypothesis in Study 4
Hypothesis 6: Listeners who see the text of the question posted
on the screen during the speakers’ answers will exhibit greater
dodge detection than listeners who do not see the text of the
question posted on the screen.
Participants. Listeners (N = 288, 68% women, M
= 47.0
years, SD = 11.3) completed the study online. They were recruited
using an online survey company that compensated participants with
an online currency worth $8.
Procedure. In this study, listeners watched the same video clips used
in Study 1. As in Study 1, all clips began with a question about
education for the first speaker, which this speaker answered.
Listeners were then randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a
2 (dodge: correct, similar) × 2 (text on screen: absent, present)
between-subjects design. As before, listeners either watched the
second speaker answer the correct question (about health care) or a
similar question (about the illegal drug problem). As in the other
studies, the second speaker’s response was identical across all
condition, always about health care. In addition, some listeners
watched the videos with the text of the questions present on the
screen during the responses, and others watched with the text absent.
Following the video, participants were redirected to a new screen
that did not have either images from the debate or text; as in Study
1, listeners were asked to recall the questions the speakers had been
asked using the same four-option multiple-choice questions.
Hypothesis 6 predicted that posting the questions asked of the
speakers on the screen while they delivered their answers would
increase dodge detection. This was confirmed: Listeners who heard
the second speaker answer a different question than the one he was
asked were much more likely to recall the actual question asked when
the text was posted on the screen (88%, n = 72) as opposed to when
it was not (39%, n = 71), χ
(1) = 35.7, p < .001, ϕ = 50 (see Figure
2). When the questions were absent from the screen, listeners were
again more likely to identify the second speaker’s actual question
when he answered the correct question (85%, n = 68) than when he
answered a similar question (39%), χ
(1) = 31.0, p < .001, ϕ = .47,
replicating Hypothesis 1. Consistent with the above studies, whereas
61% of all listeners who heard the speaker answer the similar question
failed to correctly recall the question asked of the second speaker,
44% of all listeners in those conditions believed he was asked about
health care. When the text was posted on the screen, however,
respondents who watched the second speaker answer a similar
question were able to recall the actual question (88%) as well as those
who watched him answer the correct question (95%, n = 77), χ
= 2.4, p = .10.
As predicted, posting the text of the question on the screenand
therefore diverting attention toward dodge detectionsignificantly
decreased the second speaker’s ability to successfully dodge
General Discussion
We might expect that when people dodge a question by answering
a different question, listeners would both notice the dodge and
rate the dodger negatively. To the contrary, we found that
listeners engaged in a default goal of socially evaluating speakers
did not rate speakers poorly when they dodged a question by
answering a similar questiona lack of disapproval that went
hand-in-hand with their failure to detect that the speaker had
dodged. We proposed, and offered evidence in support of, two
key factors in dodge detection: the attentional goal of the listener
and the similarity of the answer offered to the actual question
asked. We demonstrated the role of goals by showing that when
listeners were given a direct goal to attend to the relevance of
speakers’ answers to the questions they were asked (Study 1), or
their attention was drawn to the speaker’s answers by posting the
text of the question on the screen (Study 4), dodge detection
increased. We documented the role of similarity by showing that,
although answering a similar question often went undetected
(Studies 1, 2, 3, and 4), answering a question that was egregiously
dissimilar increased dodge detection (Study 2). Finally, we
explored the interpersonal consequences of successful and
Figure 2. The impact of posting question text on recall of correct question
(Study 4). Error bars signify one standard error of the mean.
unsuccessful dodges: Listeners rated speakers who answered a
similar question as positively as those who answered the correct
question, but they rated those who answered a dissimilar question
and those who answered the correct question in a disfluent manner
more negatively (Studies 2 and 3).
We focused on two factors that
contribute to the failure to detect dodges, but future research should
explore other factors that con- tribute to and moderate the
First, the current studies examined question dodging from the
perspective of outside observers viewers of a televised political
debate. In the examples with which we opened the article, however,
we noted that question dodging often occurs in more directly
interpersonal contexts: between romantic partners or between
employers and employees. Future research should explore the
extent to which direct interpersonal contact moderates the
frequency of dodge detection. One view would suggest that the
more interpersonal, the more likely dodges would be detected: An
employer is likely more motivated and engaged in obtaining the
truth from an employee than a TV viewer causally watching a
debate. At the same time, as reviewed in the introduction,
interpersonal interactions require a great deal of attention and can
lead people to fail to notice even glaringly obvious information
(Langer et al., 1978; Simons & Chabris, 1999). As a result, further
research is needed to explore the impact of variation in the
interpersonal nature of interactions on dodge detection.
Second, individual differences—in both attention and
motivationare likely to influence dodge detection. Given the
important role of attention in the failure to detect dodges, it is
possible that individual differences in working memory may
moderate listeners’ susceptibility to dodging (Kane & Engle, 2003).
In addition, the inherent motivation of listeners to detect dodges is
likely to play a role. For example, we might expect individuals who
are more politically engaged to be more likely to detect politicians’
efforts to dodge. Although our studies were not designed to test this
question, in Study 1, we did assess whether participants had voted
in the 2008 presidential election, a proxy for political engagement.
It is interesting that a logistic regression revealed no evidence of an
interaction between voting and dodge detection, Wald(1) = 0.20, p
> .65; voters and nonvoters were equally likely to fail to detect
dodges. Still, we expect that a finer grained approach to political
engagementfor example, measuring people’s partisan affiliation
and commitmentwould impact detection.
Third, we have proposed and offered evidence for a goal-directed
attentional mechanism underlying dodge detection, but there are
likely other processes that contribute to the failure to notice dodges.
In particular, the role of reconstructive memory processes warrants
further attention. A large body of research has demonstrated that
memories for past events can be strongly influenced by suggestions
that such events occurred; people have been shown to misremember
events ranging from meeting Bugs Bunny at Disney World to
becoming sick after eating particular foods as a child (Bernstein &
Loftus, 2009; Loftus, 1997). Our results suggest that people are
unable to remember an initial question when a speaker answers a
similar question; future research should explore the extent to which
speakers’ efforts to dodge actually change listeners’ memory of the
initial question, such that they might actually create a vivid memory
of the questioner asking the wrong question.
Our findings offer new insight into the impact of Gricean norms in
communication. Whereas much of the previous research in this area
has explored whether and how deceptive communication violates
these norms (e.g., Burgoon et al., 1996; McCornack, 1992), we
explored how listeners’ assumptions about the relevance of
speakers’ answers set the stage for speakers to choose not to answer
the actual question they were asked without negative consequences.
Our results are consistent with an interpretation that listeners adopt
a default goal of evaluating speakers on social dimensions, and that
this default goal leaves listeners susceptible to dodges although
further research is needed to confirm this causal pathway. At the
same time, however, we showed that when dodges are detected
as when speakers answer questions that are too dissimilarlisteners
rate them more negatively for their attempt to dodge.
From a practical standpoint, we identified several strategies for
counteracting these limitations. The results of Study 4, for example,
suggest that a practice occasionally used by TV networks during
political debates may increase dodge detection among listeners.
Indeed, recall of the question when the speaker attempted to dodge
by answering a similar question more than doubled, from 39%
without the text to 88% with the text. This is not only statistically
significant but practically significant. Given concerns that voters
are uninformed or misinformed and the many calls for increased
education of votersfrom politicians and pundits alikethese
results suggest that very simple interventions can dramatically
increase the extent to which voters are focused on the substance of
politicians’ answers rather than their personal style (Shenkman,
2007; for discussion of the consequences for public policy of
uninformed and misinformed voters, see Caplan, 2007). At the same
time, however, we expect that not all question summaries are
created equally. The question summaries posted during political
debates are often overly vague (i.e., “the economy”), a vagueness
that ironically might facilitate question dodging when the question
answered is similar to that vague summary but different from the
question actually asked.
In many situations, such interventions are unlikely to be feasible.
It would undoubtedly be awkward to hold up a sign indicating the
specific question you expected an acquaintance to be answering, for
example. This is especially unfortunate because the low rates of
recall in our experiments are, if anything, overestimates of people’s
ability to detect dodges. After all, we presented listeners with a
forced-choice four-option questiongiving them a 25% chance at
simply guessing the right answer. Obviously, this forced-choice
prompting does not arise naturally in the world. Accordingly,
increasing dodge detection in everyday interactions may be no easy
task. At the same time, however, we note that although we have
focused on the negative aspects of failing to detect dodges, constant
monitoring of potential dodges may be undesirable during many
interactions. For example, successful dodging may prevent needless
social friction in low-consequence interactions, as when someone
asks coworkers for their opinion on a new outfit. In addition, dodge
detection goals may be particularly harmful when people engage in
creative, wide-ranging conversations. Such exchanges are typified
by people making connections that are objectively irrelevant to the
immediate question at hand (De Bono, 1968). Still, our results
suggest that in many cases, dodges cause sought-after and relevant
information to go unspoken, with little awareness and few
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Communication Reports, 12(1), 111
Q1: What do you see as the major factors that need to be
addressed regarding the American education system?
A1: I’m glad you asked me about this. When I think about
America’s future there are so many important pressing needs, and
education is the root of America’s future. When every child in
America receives a good education, our country will advance even
further to lead the world technologically and productively. The first
two factors that need to be addressed are getting the kids to stay in
school through motivation and positive role models and ensuring that
the time spent in school is not wasted and the curricula in schools are
advanced. Too many children are not being motivated to achieve.
Instead, they are motivated only to do the minimum. We need to
motivate our kids. Teachers should act as mentors and friends, giving
students a sense of self-worth and accomplishment. Parents need to
encourage their kids to do the best they can and instill values and hard
work and achievement in them. Parents and teachers can act as
positive role models, but so can other adults that children have access
to, people like actors and even politicians. If we demonstrate that
working hard pays off, children will be more motivated to stay in
school. In terms of the curricula, schools across the country are
teaching entirely different things. A child should be able to get the
same education across the country. Furthermore, an education should
be practical. Students should learn the skills necessary to go on to
college or to get a job. We need to make sure that classrooms are
productive places and teachers cover material so that our students
have the most knowledge possible when they graduate from high
school and enter the world.
Q2: What are your main concerns about the way in which
Americans receive health care?
Q3: What are your main concerns about the rising drug problem in
Q4: (Study 2 only) What are your main concerns regarding the
War on Terror?
A2: I am glad you asked me about this. There are so many
challenges facing America today. Many of our problems have
arisen because too many Americans cannot afford the care that they
need. Costs are always increasing and if you do not have insurance,
certain necessary procedures can be out of the question. Even if the
government were to distribute aid, it would be difficult to determine
to whom and how much. As the costs of care rise, it becomes more
and more difficult for the government to pay for this care for so
many people. Individual costs go up and insurance costs go up.
While most employers provide insurance, increased costs will have
negative effects on this provision as well, which will undoubtedly
lower the number of insured Americans. It seems to me that the
primary problem is the cost of health care and we need to address
the problem by developing new technologies and processes to lower
the costs. Once we have lowered the costs, we can begin to address
the larger issues of distribution of aid and revamping the systems
that are already in place. However, before we lower the costs, my
main concern is that Americans are not receiving the health care
that they all need because they are not financially able