Crown Copyright 2017
Call Off
General Terms and Conditions
Crown Copyright 2017
GLD Template Version Control
Guidance Note to CCS: do not amend or otherwise interfere with the table below. This shows the
version of the template document, before any amendments are made to it for the purpose of your
specific procurement. Delete only before publication.
Version Number
Release date
v 1.0
New ICT Solutions Call Off Agreement
v 1.1
Updates to version 1.0
Updates to version 1.1, including changes for the Public
Contracts Regulations 2015
Updates to v.1.2
Updates to v1.3 (including alignment of various
definitions across the template suite and changes to
Schedule 18 (Dispute Resolution)
Updates to v1.3 separating optional clauses into Special
Terms Document
As developed by GLD with extra comments from CCS.
Procurement Specific Version Control
Guidance Note to CCS: use the version control table below to track progress of any
reviews/amendments to the template document during the review process for the purpose of your
specific procurement and in your exchanges with GLD. Delete before publication.
Version Number
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Guidance Note to CCS: delete this Guidance Note and all the above before publication.
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A. PRELIMINARIES ............................................................................................................... 7
1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION ...................................................................... 7
2. DUE DILIGENCE ..................................................................................................... 8
3. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES .................................................................. 9
4. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y3: CALL OFF GUARANTEE] .................................................... 11
B. DURATION OF CALL OFF AGREEMENT ........................................................................... 11
5. CALL OFF AGREEMENT PERIOD ............................................................................ 11
C. CALL OFF AGREEMENT PERFORMANCE .......................................................................... 11
6. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y4: IMPLEMENTATION PLAN] ................................................ 11
7. GOODS AND/OR SERVICES .................................................................................. 11
8. SERVICES ............................................................................................................ 13
9. GOODS ............................................................................................................... 15
10. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y7: INSTALLATION WORKS] ................................................... 18
11. STANDARDS AND QUALITY .................................................................................. 18
12. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y13: TESTING] ....................................................................... 18
13. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y14: SERVICE LEVELS AND SERVICE CREDITS] ......................... 18
14. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y16: CRITICAL SERVICE LEVEL FAILURE].................................. 18
16. DISRUPTION ....................................................................................................... 19
17. SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION OF CUSTOMER CAUSE ................................................... 19
18. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ............................................................................. 19
D. CALL OFF AGREEMENT GOVERNANCE ............................................................................ 20
19. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y18: PERFORMANCE MONITORING] ...................................... 20
20. REPRESENTATIVES .............................................................................................. 20
21. RECORDS, AUDIT ACCESS AND OPEN BOOK DATA ................................................ 21
22. CHANGE.............................................................................................................. 23
E. PAYMENT, TAXATION AND VALUE FOR MONEY PROVISIONS ......................................... 25
23. CALL OFF AGREEMENT CHARGES AND PAYMENT ................................................. 25
24. PROMOTING TAX COMPLIANCE ........................................................................... 27
25. BENCHMARKING ................................................................................................. 27
F. SUPPLIER PERSONNEL AND SUPPLY CHAIN MATTERS ..................................................... 28
26. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y20: KEY PERSONNEL] ........................................................... 28
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27. SUPPLIER PERSONNEL ......................................................................................... 28
28. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y22: STAFF TRANSFER] .......................................................... 29
29. SUPPLY CHAIN RIGHTS AND PROTECTION ............................................................ 29
G. PROPERTY MATTERS ..................................................................................................... 34
30. CUSTOMER PREMISES ......................................................................................... 34
31. CUSTOMER PROPERTY ........................................................................................ 35
32. SUPPLIER EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................ 36
MAINTENANCE OF THE ICT ENVIRONMENT ................................................................... 37
H. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND INFORMATION .............................................................. 37
33. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ........................................................................ 37
34. SECURITY AND PROTECTION OF INFORMATION ................................................... 43
35. PUBLICITY AND BRANDING .................................................................................. 52
I. LIABILITY AND INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 52
36. LIABILITY ............................................................................................................ 52
37. INSURANCE ......................................................................................................... 55
J. REMEDIES AND RELIEF .................................................................................................. 56
38. CUSTOMER REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT ................................................................... 56
39. SUPPLIER RELIEF DUE TO CUSTOMER CAUSE ........................................................ 58
40. FORCE MAJEURE ................................................................................................. 59
K. TERMINATION AND EXIT MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 61
41. CUSTOMER TERMINATION RIGHTS ...................................................................... 61
42. SUPPLIER TERMINATION RIGHTS ......................................................................... 63
43. TERMINATION BY EITHER PARTY ......................................................................... 64
45. CONSEQUENCES OF EXPIRY OR TERMINATION ..................................................... 65
L. MISCELLANEOUS AND GOVERNING LAW ....................................................................... 66
46. COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................... 66
47. ASSIGNMENT AND NOVATION ............................................................................ 67
48. WAIVER AND CUMULATIVE REMEDIES ................................................................ 68
49. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES ........................................................................... 68
50. PREVENTION OF FRAUD AND BRIBERY ................................................................. 68
51. SEVERANCE ......................................................................................................... 70
52. FURTHER ASSURANCES ....................................................................................... 70
53. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ........................................................................................... 70
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54. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS .......................................................................................... 71
55. NOTICES ............................................................................................................. 71
56. DISPUTE RESOLUTION ......................................................................................... 72
57. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION .................................................................. 73
58. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y27/Y29] .............................................................................. 73
60. [OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y28: MOD SITE ACCESS] ........................................................ 73
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A. Where recital A has been selected in the Call Off Order Form, the Customer has
followed the call off procedure set out in paragraph 1.2 of Framework Schedule 5 (Call
off Procedure) and has awarded this Call Off Agreement to the Supplier by way of direct
B. Where recitals B to E have been selected in the Call Off Order Form, the Customer has
followed the call off procedure set out in paragraph 1.3 of Framework Schedule 5 (Call
Off Procedure) and has awarded this Call Off Agreement to the Supplier by way of
further competition.
C. The Customer issued its Statement of Requirements for the provision of the Goods
and/or Services on the date specified at paragraph 10.1 of the Call Off Order Form.
D. In response to the Statement of Requirements the Supplier submitted a Call Off Tender
to the Customer on the date specified at paragraph 10.1 of the Call Off Order form
through which it provided to the Customer its solution for providing the Goods and/or
E. On the basis of the Call Off Tender, the Customer selected the Supplier to provide the
Goods and/or Services to the Customer in accordance with the terms of this Call Off
Agreement .
1.1 In this Call Off Agreement , unless the context otherwise requires, capitalised
expressions shall have the meanings set out in Call Off Schedule 1 (Definitions) or the
relevant Call Off Schedule in which that capitalised expression appears.
1.2 If a capitalised expression does not have an interpretation in Call Off Schedule 1
(Definitions) or relevant Call Off Schedule, it shall have the meaning given to it in the
Framework Agreement. If no meaning is given to it in the Framework Agreement, it
shall, in the first instance, be interpreted in accordance with the common interpretation
within the relevant market sector/industry where appropriate. Otherwise, it shall be
interpreted in accordance with the dictionary meaning.
1.3 In this Call Off Agreement , unless the context otherwise requires:
1.3.1 the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
1.3.2 reference to a gender includes the other gender and the neuter;
1.3.3 references to a person include an individual, company, body corporate,
corporation, unincorporated association, firm, partnership or other legal entity
or Crown Body;
1.3.4 a reference to any Law includes a reference to that Law as amended,
extended, consolidated or re-enacted from time to time;
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1.3.5 the words "including", "other", "in particular", "for example" and similar
words shall not limit the generality of the preceding words and shall be
construed as if they were immediately followed by the words "without
1.3.6 references to writing include typing, printing, lithography, photography,
display on a screen, electronic and facsimile transmission and other modes of
representing or reproducing words in a visible form, and expressions referring
to writing shall be construed accordingly;
1.3.7 references to representationsshall be construed as references to present
facts, to warranties as references to present and future facts and to
undertakings as references to obligations under this Call Off Agreement ;
1.3.8 references to Clauses and Call Off Schedules are, unless otherwise
provided, references to the clauses and schedules of this Call Off Agreement
and references in any Call Off Schedule to parts, paragraphs, annexes and
tables are, unless otherwise provided, references to the parts, paragraphs,
annexes and tables of the Call Off Schedule in which these references appear;
1.3.9 the headings in this Call Off Agreement are for ease of reference only and shall
not affect the interpretation or construction of this Call Off Agreement .
1.4 Subject to Clauses 1.5 and 1.6 (Definitions and Interpretation), in the event of and only
to the extent of any conflict between the Call Off Order Form, the Call Off Terms and the
provisions of the Framework Agreement, the conflict shall be resolved in accordance
with the order of precedence outlined on the Franework Agreement Incorporation
1.5 Any permitted changes by the Customer to the Template Call Off Terms and the
Template Call Off Order Form under Clause 5 (Call Off Procedure) of the Framework
Agreement and Framework Schedule 5 (Call Off Procedure) prior to them becoming the
Call Off Terms and the Call Off Order Form which comprise this Call Off Agreement shall
prevail over the Framework Agreement.
1.6 Where Call Off Schedule 15 (Call Off Tender) or Framework Schedule 21 (Tender)
contain provisions which are more favourable to the Customer in relation to (the rest of)
this Call Off Agreement, such provisions of the Call Off Tender or the Tender shall
prevail. The Customer shall in its absolute and sole discretion determine whether any
provision in the Call Off Tender or Tender is more favourable to it in this context.
2.1 The Supplier acknowledges that:
2.1.1 the Customer has delivered or made available to the Supplier all of the
information and documents that the Supplier considers necessary or relevant
for the performance of its obligations under this Call Off Agreement ;
2.1.2 it has made its own enquiries to satisfy itself as to the accuracy and adequacy
of the Due Diligence Information;
2.1.3 it has raised all relevant due diligence questions with the Customer before the
Call Off Commencement Date;
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2.1.4 it has undertaken all necessary due diligence and has entered into this Call Off
Agreement in reliance on its own due diligence alone; and
2.1.5 it shall not be excused from the performance of any of its obligations under
this Call Off Agreement on the grounds of, nor shall the Supplier be entitled to
recover any additional costs or charges, arising as a result of any:
(a) misinterpretation of the requirements of the Customer in the Call Off
Order Form or elsewhere in this Call Off Agreement ;
(b) failure by the Supplier to satisfy itself as to the accuracy and/or
adequacy of the Due Diligence Information; and/or
(c) failure by the Supplier to undertake its own due diligence.
(d) Optional Clause: Y1
2.1.6 Optional Clause Y1
2.1.7 Optional Clause Y1
3.1 Each Party represents and warranties that:
3.1.1 it has full capacity and authority to enter into and to perform this Call Off
Agreement ;
3.1.2 this Call Off Agreement is executed by its duly authorised representative;
3.1.3 there are no actions, suits or proceedings or regulatory investigations before
any court or administrative body or arbitration tribunal pending or, to its
knowledge, threatened against it (or, in the case of the Supplier, any of its
Affiliates) that might affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Call
Off Agreement ; and
3.1.4 its obligations under this Call Off Agreement constitute its legal, valid and
binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms
subject to applicable (as the case may be for each Party) bankruptcy,
reorganisation, insolvency, moratorium or similar Laws affecting creditors’
rights generally and subject, as to enforceability, to equitable principles of
general application (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in a
proceeding in equity or Law).
3.2 The Supplier represents and warrants that:
3.2.1 it is validly incorporated, organised and subsisting in accordance with the Laws
of its place of incorporation;
3.2.2 it has all necessary consents (including, where its procedures so require, the
consent of its Parent Company) and regulatory approvals to enter into this Call
Off Agreement ;
3.2.3 its execution, delivery and performance of its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement does not and will not constitute a breach of any Law or obligation
applicable to it and does not and will not cause or result in a Default under any
agreement by which it is bound;
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3.2.4 as at the Call Off Commencement Date, all written statements and
representations in any written submissions made by the Supplier as part of the
procurement process, its Tender, Call Off Tender and any other documents
submitted remain true and accurate except to the extent that such statements
and representations have been superseded or varied by this Call Off
Agreement ;
3.2.5 if the Call Off Agreement Charges payable under this Call Off Agreement
exceed or are likely to exceed five (5) million pounds, as at the Call Off
Commencement Date it has notified the Customer in writing of any Occasions
of Tax Non-Compliance or any litigation that it is involved in connection with
any Occasions of Tax Non Compliance;
3.2.6 it has and shall continue to have all necessary rights in and to the Licensed
Software, the Third Party IPR, the Supplier Background IPRs and any other
materials made available by the Supplier (and/or any Sub-Contractor) to the
Customer which are necessary for the performance of the Supplier’s
obligations under this Call Off Agreement including the receipt of the Goods
and/or Services by the Customer;
3.2.7 it shall take all steps, in accordance with Good Industry Practice, to prevent
the introduction, creation or propagation of any disruptive elements (including
any virus, worms and/or Trojans, spyware or other malware) into systems,
data, software or the Customer’s Confidential Information (held in electronic
form) owned by or under the control of, or used by, the Customer;
3.2.8 it is not subject to any contractual obligation, compliance with which is likely
to have a material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under
this Call Off Agreement ;
3.2.9 it is not affected by an Insolvency Event and no proceedings or other steps
have been taken and not discharged (nor, to the best of its knowledge, are
threatened) for the winding up of the Supplier or for its dissolution or for the
appointment of a receiver, administrative receiver, liquidator, manager,
administrator or similar officer in relation to any of the Supplier’s assets or
revenue; and
3.2.10 for the Call Off Agreement Period and for a period of twelve (12) months after
the termination or expiry of this Call Off Agreement, the Supplier shall not
employ or offer employment to any staff of the Customer which have been
associated with the provision of the Goods and/or Services without Approval
or the prior written consent of the Customer which shall not be unreasonably
3.2.11 Optional Clause Y2
3.3 Each of the representations and warranties set out in Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 shall be
construed as a separate representation and warranty and shall not be limited or
restricted by reference to, or inference from, the terms of any other representation,
warranty or any undertaking in this Call Off Agreement.
3.4 If at any time a Party becomes aware that a representation or warranty given by it
under Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 has been breached, is untrue or is misleading, it shall
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immediately notify the other Party of the relevant occurrence in sufficient detail to
enable the other Party to make an accurate assessment of the situation.
3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the fact that any provision within this Call Off Agreement is
expressed as a warranty shall not preclude any right of termination the Customer may
have in respect of breach of that provision by the Supplier which constitutes a material
5.1 This Call Off Agreement shall take effect on the Call Off Commencement Date and the
term of this Call Off Agreement shall be the Call Off Agreement Period.
5.2 Where the Customer has specified a Call Off Extension Period in the Call Off Order Form,
the Customer may extend this Call Off Agreement for the Call Off Extension Period by
providing written notice to the Supplier before the end of the Initial Call Off Period. The
minimum period for the written notice shall be as specified in the Call Off Order Form.
7.1 Provision of the Goods and/or Services
7.1.1 The Supplier acknowledges and agrees that the Customer relies on the skill
and judgment of the Supplier in the provision of the Goods and/or Services
and the performance of its obligations under this Call Off Agreement.
7.1.2 The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and/or Services:
(a) comply in all respects with the description of the Goods and/or
Services in Call Off Schedule 2 (Goods and/or Services) or elsewhere
in this Call Off Agreement ; and
(b) are supplied in accordance with the provisions of this Call Off
Agreement (including the Call Off Tender) and the Tender.
7.1.3 The Supplier shall perform its obligations under this Call Off Agreement in
accordance with:
(a) all applicable Law;
(b) Good Industry Practice;
(c) the Standards;
(d) the Security Policy;
(e) the ICT Policy (if so required by the Customer); and
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(f) the Supplier's own established procedures and practices to the
extent the same do not conflict with the requirements of Clauses
7.1.3(a) to 7.1.3(e).
(g) Optional Clause Y5.
7.1.4 The Supplier shall:
(a) at all times allocate sufficient resources with the appropriate
technical expertise to supply the Deliverables and to provide the
Goods and/or Services in accordance with this Call Off Agreement ;
(b) subject to Clause 22.1 (Variation Procedure), obtain, and maintain
throughout the duration of this Call Off Agreement , all the consents,
approvals, licences and permissions (statutory, regulatory
contractual or otherwise) it may require and which are necessary for
the provision of the Goods and/or Services;
(c) ensure that any products /or services recommended or otherwise
specified by the Supplier for use by the Customer in conjunction with
the Deliverables and/or the Goods and/or the Services shall enable
the Deliverables and/or the Goods and/or Services to meet the
requirements of the Customer;
(d) ensure that the Supplier Assets will be free of all encumbrances
(except as agreed in writing with the Customer);
(e) ensure that the Goods and/or Services are fully compatible with any
Customer Property or Customer Assets described in Call Off Schedule
4 (Implementation Plan and Customer Responsibilities)(or elsewhere
in this Call Off Agreement ) or otherwise used by the Supplier in
connection with this Call Off Agreement ;
(f) minimise any disruption to the Sites and/or the Customer's
operations when providing the Goods and/or Services;
(g) ensure that any Documentation and training provided by the
Supplier to the Customer are comprehensive, accurate and prepared
in accordance with Good Industry Practice;
(h) co-operate with the Other Suppliers and provide reasonable
information (including any Documentation), advice and assistance in
connection with the Goods and/or Services to any Other Supplier
(including, if necessary, enabling such Other Supplier to create and
maintain technical or organisational interfaces with the Services)
and, on the Call Off Expiry Date for any reason, to enable the timely
transition of the supply of the Goods and/or Services (or any of
them) to the Customer and/or to any Replacement Supplier;
(i) assign to the Customer, or if it is unable to do so, shall (to the extent
it is legally able to do so) hold on trust for the sole benefit of the
Customer, all warranties and indemnities provided by third parties or
any Sub-Contractor in respect of any Deliverables and/or the Goods
and/or Services. Where any such warranties are held on trust, the
Supplier shall enforce such warranties in accordance with any
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reasonable directions that the Customer may notify from time to
time to the Supplier;
(j) provide the Customer with such assistance as the Customer may
reasonably require during the Call Off Agreement Period in respect of
the supply of the Goods and/or Services;
(k) deliver the Goods and/or Services in a proportionate and efficient
(l) ensure that neither it, nor any of its Affiliates, embarrasses
the Customer or otherwise brings the Customer into disrepute by
engaging in any act or omission which is reasonably likely to diminish
the trust that the public places in the Customer, regardless of
whether or not such act or omission is related to the Supplier’s
obligations under this Call Off Agreement ; and
(m) gather, collate and provide such information and co-operation as the
Customer may reasonably request for the purposes of ascertaining
the Supplier’s compliance with its obligations under this Call Off
(n) Optional Clause Y2
(o) Optional Clause Y2
(p) Optional Clause Y2
(q) Optional Clause Y2
(r) Optional Clause Y2
7.1.5 An obligation on the Supplier to do, or to refrain from doing, any act or thing
shall include an obligation upon the Supplier to procure that all Sub-
Contractors and Supplier Personnel also do, or refrain from doing, such act or
8.1 General application
8.1.1 This Clause 8 shall apply if any Services have been included in Annex 1 of Call
Off Schedule 2 (Goods and/or Services).
8.2 Time of Delivery of the Services
8.2.1 The Supplier shall provide the Services on the date(s) specified in the Call Off
Order Form (or elsewhere in this Call Off Agreement) and the Milestone Dates
(if any).
8.3 Location and Manner of Delivery of the Services
8.3.1 Except where otherwise provided in this Call Off Agreement, the Supplier shall
provide the Services to the Customer through the Supplier Personnel at the
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8.3.2 The Customer may inspect and examine the manner in which the Supplier
provides the Services at the Sites and, if the Sites are not the Customer
Premises, the Customer may carry out such inspection and examination during
normal business hours and on reasonable notice.
8.4 Undelivered Services
8.4.1 In the event that any of the Services are not Delivered in accordance with
Clauses 7.1 (Provision of the Goods and/or Services), 8.2 (Time of Delivery of
the Services) and 8.3 (Location and Manner of Delivery of the Services)
("Undelivered Services"), the Customer, without prejudice to any other rights
and remedies of the Customer howsoever arising, shall be entitled to withhold
payment of the applicable Call Off Agreement Charges for the Services that
were not so Delivered until such time as the Undelivered Services are
8.4.2 The Customer may, at its discretion and without prejudice to any other rights
and remedies of the Customer howsoever arising, deem the failure to comply
with Clauses 7.1, (Provision of the Goods and/or Services), 8.2 (Time of
Delivery of the Services) and 8.3 (Location and Manner of Delivery of the
Services) and meet the relevant Milestone Date (if any) to be a material
8.5 Obligation to Remedy of Default in the Supply of the Services
8.5.1 Subject to Clauses 33.9.2 and 33.9.3 (IPR Indemnity) and without prejudice to
any other rights and remedies of the Customer howsoever arising (including
under Clauses 8.4.2 (Undelivered Services) and 38 (Customer Remedies for
Default)), the Supplier shall, where practicable:
(a) remedy any breach of its obligations in Clauses 7 and 8 within three
(3) Working Days of becoming aware of the relevant Default or being
notified of the Default by the Customer or within such other time
period as may be agreed with the Customer (taking into account the
nature of the breach that has occurred); and
(b) meet all the costs of, and incidental to, the performance of such
remedial work.
8.6 Continuing Obligation to Provide the Services
8.6.1 The Supplier shall continue to perform all of its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement and shall not suspend the provision of the Services,
(a) any withholding or deduction by the Customer of any sum due to the
Supplier pursuant to the exercise of a right of the Customer to such
withholding or deduction under this Call Off Agreement ;
(b) the existence of an unresolved Dispute; and/or
(c) any failure by the Customer to pay any Call Off Agreement Charges,
unless the Supplier is entitled to terminate this Call Off Agreement under
Clause 42.1 (Termination on Customer Cause for Failure to Pay) for failure by
the Customer to pay undisputed Call Off Agreement Charges.
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8.7 [Optional Clause Y6: Especially Written Software Warranty]
9.1 General application
9.1.1 This Clause 9 shall apply if any Goods have been included in Annex 2 of Call Off
Schedule 2 (Goods and/or Services).
9.2 Time of Delivery of the Goods
9.2.1 The Supplier shall provide the Goods on the date(s) specified in the Call Off
Order Form (or elsewhere in this Call off Agreement) and the Milestone Dates
(if any).
9.2.2 Subject to Clause 9.2.3 (Time of Delivery of the Goods), where the Goods are
delivered by the Supplier, the point of delivery shall be when the Goods are
removed from the transporting vehicle and transferred at the Sites. Where the
Goods are collected by the Customer, the point of delivery shall be when the
Goods are loaded on the Customer's vehicle.
9.2.3 Where the Customer has specified any Installation Works in the Call Off Order
Form, Delivery shall include installation of the Goods by the Supplier Personnel
at the Sites (or at such place as the Customer may reasonably direct) in
accordance with Clause 10 (Installation Works) and the Call Off Order Form.
9.3 Location and Manner of Delivery of the Goods
9.3.1 Except where otherwise provided in this Call Off Agreement, the Supplier shall
deliver the Goods to the Customer through the Supplier Personnel at the Sites.
9.3.2 If requested by the Customer prior to Delivery, the Supplier shall provide the
Customer with a sample or samples of Goods for evaluation and Approval, at
the Supplier’s cost and expense.
9.3.3 The Goods shall be marked, stored, handled and delivered in a proper manner
and in accordance the Customer’s instructions as set out in the Call Off Order
Form (or elsewhere in this Call Off Agreement ), Good Industry Practice, any
applicable Standards and any Law. In particular, the Goods shall be marked
with the Order number and the net, gross and tare weights, the name of the
contents shall be clearly marked on each container and all containers of
hazardous Goods (and all documents relating thereto) shall bear prominent
and adequate warnings.
9.3.4 On dispatch of any consignment of the Goods the Supplier shall send the
Customer an advice note specifying the means of transport, the place and date
of dispatch, the number of packages, their weight and volume together with
the all other relevant documentation and information required to be provided
under any Laws.
9.3.5 The Customer may inspect and examine the manner in which the Supplier
supplies the Goods at the Sites and, if the Sites are not the Customer Premises,
the Customer may carry out such inspection and examination during normal
business hours and on reasonable notice.
9.4 Undelivered Goods
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9.4.1 In the event that not all of the Goods are Delivered in accordance with Clauses
7.1 (Provision of the Goods and/or Services), 9.2 (Time of Delivery of the
Goods) and 9.3 (Location and Manner of Delivery of the Goods) ("Undelivered
Goods"), the Customer, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of
the Customer howsoever arising, shall be entitled to withhold payment of the
applicable Call Off Agreement Charges for the Goods that were not so
Delivered until such time as the Undelivered Goods are Delivered.
9.4.2 The Customer, at its discretion and without prejudice to any other rights and
remedies of the Customer howsoever arising deem the failure to comply with
Clauses 7.1 (Provision of the Goods and/or Services), 9.2 (Time of Delivery of
the Goods) and 9.3 (Location and Manner of Delivery of the Goods) and meet
the relevant Milestone Date (if any) to be a material Default.
9.5 Over-Delivered Goods
9.5.1 The Customer shall be under no obligation to accept or pay for any Goods
delivered in excess of the quantity specified in the Call Off Order Form (or
elsewhere in this Call Off Agreement ) (Over-Delivered Goods”).
9.5.2 If the Customer elects not to accept such Over-Delivered Goods it may,
without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the Customer
howsoever arising, give notice in writing to the Supplier to remove them
within five (5) Working Days and to refund to the Customer any expenses
incurred by the Customer as a result of such Over-Delivered Goods (including
but not limited to the costs of moving and storing the Over-Delivered Goods).
9.5.3 If the Supplier fails to comply with the Customer’s notice under Clause 9.5.2,
the Customer may dispose of such Over-Delivered Goods and charge the
Supplier for the costs of such disposal. The risk in any Over-Delivered Goods
shall remain with the Supplier.
9.6 Delivery of the Goods by Instalments
9.6.1 Unless expressly agreed to the contrary, the Customer shall not be obliged to
accept delivery of the Goods by instalments. If, however, the Customer does
specify or agree to delivery by instalments, delivery of any instalment later
than the date specified or agreed for its Delivery shall, without prejudice to
any other rights or remedies of the Customer howsoever arising, entitle the
Customer to terminate the whole or any unfulfilled part of this Call Off
Agreement for material Default without further liability to the Customer.
9.7 Risk and Ownership in Relation to the Goods
9.7.1 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Customer howsoever
(a) risk in the Goods shall pass to the Customer at the time of Delivery;
(b) ownership of to the Goods shall pass to the Customer on the earlier
of Delivery of the Goods or payment by the Customer of the Call Off
Agreement Charges;
9.8 Responsibility for Damage to or Loss of the Goods
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9.8.1 Without prejudice to the Supplier’s other obligations to provide the Goods in
accordance with this Call Off Agreement , the Supplier accepts responsibility
for all damage to or loss of the Goods if the:
(a) same is notified in writing to the Supplier within three (3) Working
Days of receipt and inspection of the Goods by the Customer; and
(b) Goods have been handled by the Customer in accordance with the
Supplier's instructions.
9.8.2 Where the Supplier accepts responsibility under Clause 9.8.1, it shall, at its
sole option, replace or repair the Goods (or part thereof) within such time as is
reasonable having regard to the circumstances and as agreed with the
9.9 Warranty of the Goods
9.9.1 The Supplier hereby guarantees the Goods for the Warranty Period against
faulty materials and workmanship.
9.9.2 If the Customer shall within such Warranty Period or within twenty five (25)
Working Days thereafter give notice in writing to the Supplier of any defect in
any of the Goods as may have arisen during such Warranty Period under
proper and normal use, the Supplier shall (without prejudice to any other
rights and remedies of the Customer howsoever arising) promptly remedy
such faults or defects (whether by repair or replacement as the Customer shall
elect) free of charge.
9.10 Obligation to Remedy Default in the Supply of the Goods
9.10.1 Subject to Clauses 33.9.2 and 33.9.3 (IPR Indemnity) and without prejudice to
any other rights and remedies of the Customer howsoever arising (including
under Clauses 9.4.2 (Undelivered Goods) and 38 (Customer Remedies for
Default)), the Supplier shall, where practicable:
(a) remedy any breach of its obligations in this Clause 9 within three (3)
Working Days of becoming aware of the relevant Default or being
notified of the Default by the Customer or within such other time
period as may be agreed with the Customer (taking into account the
nature of the breach that has occurred); and
(b) meet all the costs of, and incidental to, the performance of such
remedial work.
9.11 Continuing Obligation to Provide the Goods
9.11.1 The Supplier shall continue to perform all of its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement and shall not suspend the provision of the Goods, notwithstanding:
(a) any withholding or deduction by the Customer of any sum due to the
Supplier pursuant to the exercise of a right of the Customer to such
withholding or deduction under this Call Off Agreement ;
(b) the existence of an unresolved Dispute; and/or
(c) any failure by the Customer to pay any Call Off Agreement Charges,
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unless the Supplier is entitled to terminate this Call Off Agreement under
Clause 42.1 (Termination on Customer Cause for Failure to Pay) for failure to
pay undisputed Call Off Agreement Charges.
11.1 The Supplier shall at all times during the Call Off Agreement Period comply with the
Standards and maintain, where applicable, accreditation with the relevant Standards'
authorisation body.
11.2 Throughout the Call Off Agreement Period, the Parties shall notify each other of any
new or emergent standards which could affect the Supplier’s provision, or the receipt by
the Customer, of the Goods and/or Services. The adoption of any such new or emergent
standard, or changes to existing Standards (including any specified in the Call Off Order
Form), shall be agreed in accordance with the Variation Procedure.
11.3 Where a new or emergent standard is to be developed or introduced by the Customer,
the Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that the potential impact on the Supplier’s
provision, or the Customer’s receipt of the Goods and/or Services is explained to the
Customer (within a reasonable timeframe), prior to the implementation of the new or
emergent Standard.
11.4 Where Standards referenced conflict with each other or with best professional or
industry practice adopted after the Call Off Commencement Date, then the later
Standard or best practice shall be adopted by the Supplier. Any such alteration to any
Standard or Standards shall require Approval (and the written consent of the Customer
where the relevant Standard or Standards is/are included in Framework Schedule 2
(Goods and/or Services and Key Performance Indicators) and shall be implemented
within an agreed timescale.
11.5 Where a standard, policy or document is referred to by reference to a hyperlink, then if
the hyperlink is changed or no longer provides access to the relevant standard, policy or
document, the Supplier shall notify the Customer and the Parties shall agree the impact
of such change.
11.6 Optional Clause Y12
11.7 Optional Clause Y12
11.8 Optional Clause Y12
11.9 Optional Clause Y12
Associated Optional Schedule: Call Off Schedule 5 (Testing)
Associated Optional Schedule: Call Off Schedule 6 (Service Levels, Service Credits and Performance
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Associated Optional Schedule: Call Off Schedule 8 (Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery)
16.1 The Supplier shall take reasonable care to ensure that in the performance of its
obligations under this Call Off Agreement it does not disrupt the operations of the
Customer, its employees or any other contractor employed by the Customer.
16.2 The Supplier shall immediately inform the Customer of any actual or potential industrial
action, whether such action be by the Supplier Personnel or others, which affects or
might affect the Supplier's ability at any time to perform its obligations under this Call
Off Agreement.
16.3 In the event of industrial action by the Supplier Personnel, the Supplier shall seek
Approval to its proposals for the continuance of the supply of the Goods and/or Services
in accordance with its obligations under this Call Off Agreement.
16.4 If the Supplier's proposals referred to in Clause 16.3 are considered insufficient or
unacceptable by the Customer acting reasonably then the Customer may terminate this
Call Off Agreement for material Default.
16.5 If the Supplier is temporarily unable to fulfil the requirements of this Call Off Agreement
owing to disruption of normal business solely due to a Customer Cause, then subject to
Clause 17 (Supplier Notification of Customer Cause), an appropriate allowance by way of
an extension of time will be Approved by the Customer. In addition, the Customer will
reimburse any additional expense reasonably incurred by the Supplier as a direct result
of such disruption.
17.1 Without prejudice to any other obligations of the Supplier in this Call Off Agreement to
notify the Customer in respect of a specific Customer Cause (including the notice
requirements under Clause 42.1.1 (Termination on Customer Cause for Failure to Pay)),
the Supplier shall:
17.1.1 notify the Customer as soon as reasonably practicable ((and in any event
within two (2) Working Days of the Supplier becoming aware)) that a Customer
Cause has occurred or is reasonably likely to occur, giving details of:
(a) the Customer Cause and its effect, or likely effect, on the Supplier’s
ability to meet its obligations under this Call Off Agreement ; and
(b) any steps which the Customer can take to eliminate or mitigate the
consequences and impact of such Customer Cause; and
(c) use all reasonable endeavours to eliminate or mitigate the
consequences and impact of a Customer Cause, including any Losses
that the Supplier may incur and the duration and consequences of
any Delay or anticipated Delay.
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18.1 The Supplier shall have an ongoing obligation throughout the Call Off Agreement Period
to identify new or potential improvements to the provision of the Goods and/or
Services in accordance with this Clause 18 with a view to reducing the Customer’s costs
(including the Call Off Agreement Charges) and/or improving the quality and efficiency
of the Goods and/or Services and their supply to the Customer. As part of this obligation
the Supplier shall identify and report to the Customer once every twelve (12) months:
18.1.1 the emergence of new and evolving relevant technologies which could
improve the Sites and/or the provision of the Goods and/or Services, and
those technological advances potentially available to the Supplier and the
Customer which the Parties may wish to adopt;
18.1.2 new or potential improvements to the provision of the Goods and/or Services
including the quality, responsiveness, procedures, benchmarking methods,
likely performance mechanisms and customer support goods and/or services
in relation to the Goods and/or Services;
18.1.3 changes in business processes and ways of working that would enable the
Goods and/or Services to be provided at lower costs and/or at greater benefits
to the Customer; and/or
18.1.4 changes to the Sites, business processes and ways of working that would
enable reductions in the total energy consumed annually in the provision of
the Goods and/or Services.
18.2 The Supplier shall ensure that the information that it provides to the Customer shall be
sufficient for the Customer to decide whether any improvement should be
implemented. The Supplier shall provide any further information that the Customer
18.3 If the Customer wishes to incorporate any improvement identified by the Supplier, the
Customer shall request a Variation in accordance with the Variation Procedure and the
Supplier shall implement such Variation at no additional cost to the Customer.
20.1 Each Party shall have a representative for the duration of this Call Off Agreement who
shall have the authority to act on behalf of their respective Party on the matters set out
in, or in connection with, this Call Off Agreement.
20.2 The initial Supplier Representative shall be the person named as such in the Call Off
Order Form. Any change to the Supplier Representative shall be agreed in accordance
with Clause 27 (Supplier Personnel).
20.3 If the initial Customer Representative is not specified in the Call Off Order Form, the
Customer shall notify the Supplier of the identity of the initial Customer Representative
within five (5) Working Days of the Call Off Commencement Date. The Customer may,
by written notice to the Supplier, revoke or amend the authority of the Customer
Representative or appoint a new Customer Representative.
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21.1 The Supplier shall keep and maintain for seven (7) years after the Call Off Expiry Date (or
as long a period as may be agreed between the Parties), full and accurate records and
accounts of the operation of this Call Off Agreement including the Goods and/or
Services provided under it, any Sub-Contracts and the amounts paid by the Customer.
21.2 The Supplier shall:
21.2.1 keep the records and accounts referred to in Clause 21.1 in accordance with
Good Industry Practice and Law; and
21.2.2 afford any Auditor access to the records and accounts referred to in Clause
21.1 at the Supplier’s premises and/or provide records and accounts (including
copies of the Supplier's published accounts) or copies of the same, as may be
required by any of the Auditors from time to time during the Call Off
Agreement Period and the period specified in Clause 21.1, in order that the
Auditor(s) may carry out an inspection to assess compliance by the Supplier
and/or its Sub-Contractors of any of the Supplier’s obligations under this Call
Off Agreement including in order to:
(a) verify the accuracy of the Call Off Agreement Charges and any other
amounts payable by the Customer under this Call Off Agreement
(and proposed or actual variations to them in accordance with this
Call Off Agreement );
(b) verify the costs of the Supplier (including the costs of all Sub-
Contractors and any third party suppliers) in connection with the
provision of the Goods and/or Services;
(c) verify the Open Book Data;
(d) verify the Supplier’s and each Sub-Contractor’s compliance with the
applicable Law;
(e) identify or investigate an actual or suspected Prohibited Act,
impropriety or accounting mistakes or any breach or threatened
breach of security and in these circumstances the Customer shall
have no obligation to inform the Supplier of the purpose or objective
of its investigations;
(f) identify or investigate any circumstances which may impact upon the
financial stability of the Supplier, the Framework Guarantor and/or
the Call Off Guarantor and/or any Sub-Contractors or their ability to
perform the Goods and/or Services;
(g) obtain such information as is necessary to fulfil the Customer’s
obligations to supply information for parliamentary, ministerial,
judicial or administrative purposes including the supply of
information to the Comptroller and Auditor General;
(h) review any books of account and the internal contract management
accounts kept by the Supplier in connection with this Call Off
Agreement ;
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(i) carry out the Customer’s internal and statutory audits and to
prepare, examine and/or certify the Customer's annual and interim
reports and accounts;
(j) enable the National Audit Office to carry out an examination
pursuant to Section 6(1) of the National Audit Act 1983 of the
economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which the Customer has
used its resources;
(k) review any Performance Monitoring Reports provided under Part B
of Call Off Schedule 6 (Service Levels, Service Credits and
Performance Monitoring) and/or other records relating to the
Supplier’s performance of the provision of the Goods and/or Services
and to verify that these reflect the Supplier’s own internal reports
and records;
(l) verify the accuracy and completeness of any information delivered or
required by this Call Off Agreement ;
(m) review the Supplier’s quality management systems;
(n) review the Supplier’s compliance with the Standards;
(o) inspect the Customer Assets, including the Customer's IPRs,
equipment and facilities, for the purposes of ensuring that the
Customer Assets are secure and that any register of assets is up to
date; and/or
(p) review the integrity, confidentiality and security of the Customer
(q) inspect the ICT Environment (or any part of it) and the wider service
delivery environment (or any part of it);
(r) review any records created during the design and development of
the Supplier System and pre-operational environment such as
information relating to Testing;
(s) Optional Clause Y19
(t) Optional Clause Y19
(u) Optional Clause Y19
21.3 The Customer shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the conduct of each audit
does not unreasonably disrupt the Supplier or delay the provision of the Goods and/or
Services save insofar as the Supplier accepts and acknowledges that control over the
conduct of audits carried out by the Auditor(s) is outside of the control of the Customer.
21.4 Subject to the Supplier’s rights in respect of Confidential Information, the Supplier shall
on demand provide the Auditor(s) with all reasonable co-operation and assistance in:
21.4.1 all reasonable information requested by the Customer within the scope of the
21.4.2 reasonable access to sites controlled by the Supplier and to any Supplier
Equipment used in the provision of the Goods and/or Services; and
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21.4.3 access to the Supplier Personnel.
21.5 The Parties agree that they shall bear their own respective costs and expenses incurred
in respect of compliance with their obligations under this Clause 21, unless the audit
reveals a Default by the Supplier in which case the Supplier shall reimburse the
Customer for the Customer's reasonable costs incurred in relation to the audit.
22.1 Variation Procedure
22.1.1 Subject to the provisions of this Clause 22 and Call Off Schedule 3 (Call Off
Agreement Charges, Payment and Invoicing), either Party may request a
variation to this Call Off Agreement provided that such variation does not
amount to a material change of this Call Off Agreement within the meaning of
the Regulations and the Law. Such a change once implemented is hereinafter
called a "Variation".
22.1.2 A Party may request a Variation by completing, signing and sending the
Variation Form to the other Party giving sufficient information for the
receiving Party to assess the extent of the proposed Variation and any
additional cost that may be incurred.
22.1.3 Where the Customer has so specified on receipt of a Variation Form from the
Supplier, the Supplier shall carry out an impact assessment of the Variation on
the Goods and/or Services (the “Impact Assessment”). The Impact Assessment
shall be completed in good faith and shall include:
(a) details of the impact of the proposed Variation on the Goods and/or
Services and the Supplier's ability to meet its other obligations under
this Call Off Agreement ;
(b) details of the cost of implementing the proposed Variation;
(c) details of the ongoing costs required by the proposed Variation when
implemented, including any increase or decrease in the Call Off
Agreement Charges, any alteration in the resources and/or
expenditure required by either Party and any alteration to the
working practices of either Party;
(d) a timetable for the implementation, together with any proposals for
the testing of the Variation; and
(e) such other information as the Customer may reasonably request in
(or in response to) the Variation request.
22.1.4 The Parties may agree to adjust the time limits specified in the Variation Form
to allow for the preparation of the Impact Assessment.
22.1.5 Subject to 22.1.4, the receiving Party shall respond to the request within the
time limits specified in the Variation Form. Such time limits shall be reasonable
and ultimately at the discretion of the Customer having regard to the nature of
the Goods and/or Services and the proposed Variation.
22.1.6 In the event that:
(a) the Supplier is unable to agree to or provide the Variation; and/or
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(b) the Parties are unable to agree a change to the Call Off Agreement
Charges that may be included in a request of a Variation or response
to it as a consequence thereof,
the Customer may:
(i) agree to continue to perform its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement without the Variation; or
(ii) terminate this Call Off Agreement with immediate effect,
except where the Supplier has already fulfilled part or all of the
provision of the Goods and/or Services in accordance with this
Call Off Agreement or where the Supplier can show evidence
of substantial work being carried out to provide the Goods
and/or Services under this Call Off Agreement , and in such a
case the Parties shall attempt to agree upon a resolution to
the matter. Where a resolution cannot be reached, the matter
shall be dealt with under the Dispute Resolution Procedure.
22.1.7 If the Parties agree the Variation, the Supplier shall implement such Variation
and be bound by the same provisions so far as is applicable, as though such
Variation was stated in this Call Off Agreement .
22.2 Legislative Change
22.2.1 The Supplier shall neither be relieved of its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement nor be entitled to an increase in the Call Off Agreement Charges as
the result of a:
(a) General Change in Law;
(b) Specific Change in Law where the effect of that Specific Change in
Law on the Goods and/or Services is reasonably foreseeable at the
Call Off Commencement Date.
22.2.2 If a Specific Change in Law occurs or will occur during the Call Off Agreement
Period (other than as referred to in Clause 22.2.1(b)), the Supplier shall:
(a) notify the Customer as soon as reasonably practicable of the likely
effects of that change including:
(i) whether any Variation is required to the provision of the
Goods and/or Services, the Call Off Agreement Charges or this
Call Off Agreement ; and
(ii) whether any relief from compliance with the Supplier's
obligations is required, including any obligation to Achieve a
Milestone and/or to meet the Service Level Performance
Measures; and
(b) provide to the Customer with evidence:
(i) that the Supplier has minimised any increase in costs or
maximised any reduction in costs, including in respect of the
costs of its Sub-Contractors;
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(ii) as to how the Specific Change in Law has affected the cost of
providing the Goods and/or Services; and
(iii) demonstrating that any expenditure that has been avoided, for
example which would have been required under the provisions
of Clause 18 (Continuous Improvement), has been taken into
account in amending the Call Off Agreement Charges.
22.2.3 Any change in the Call Off Agreement Charges or relief from the Supplier's
obligations resulting from a Specific Change in Law (other than as referred to
in Clause 22.2.1(b)) shall be implemented in accordance with the Variation
23.1 Call Off Agreement Charges
23.1.1 In consideration of the Supplier carrying out its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement , including the provision of the Goods and/or Services, the
Customer shall pay the undisputed Call Off Agreement Charges in accordance
with the pricing and payment profile and the invoicing procedure in Call Off
Schedule 3 (Call Off Agreement Charges, Payment and Invoicing).
23.1.2 Except as otherwise provided, each Party shall bear its own costs and expenses
incurred in respect of compliance with its obligations under Clauses 12
(Testing), 21 (Records, Audit Access and Open Book Data), 34.5 (Transparency
and Freedom of Information) and 34.6 (Protection of Personal Data).
23.1.3 If the Customer fails to pay any undisputed Call Off Agreement Charges
properly invoiced under this Call Off Agreement, the Supplier shall have the
right to charge interest on the overdue amount at the applicable rate under
the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, accruing on a daily
basis from the due date up to the date of actual payment, whether before or
after judgment.
23.1.4 If at any time during this Call Off Agreement Period the Supplier reduces its
Framework Prices for any Goods and/or Services which are provided under the
Framework Agreement (whether or not such Goods and/or Services are
offered in a catalogue, if any, which is provided under the Framework
Agreement) in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement, the
Supplier shall immediately reduce the Call Off Agreement Charges for such
Goods and/or Services under this Call Off Agreement by the same amount.
23.2 VAT
23.2.1 The Call Off Agreement Charges are stated exclusive of VAT, which shall be
added at the prevailing rate as applicable and paid by the Customer following
delivery of a Valid Invoice.
23.2.2 The Supplier shall indemnify the Customer on a continuing basis against any
liability, including any interest, penalties or costs incurred, which is levied,
demanded or assessed on the Customer at any time (whether before or after
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the making of a demand pursuant to the indemnity hereunder) in respect of
the Supplier's failure to account for or to pay any VAT relating to payments
made to the Supplier under this Call Off Agreement. Any amounts due under
Clause 23.2 (VAT) shall be paid in cleared funds by the Supplier to the
Customer not less than five (5) Working Days before the date upon which the
tax or other liability is payable by the Customer.
23.3 Retention and Set Off
23.3.1 The Customer may retain or set off any amount owed to it by the Supplier
against any amount due to the Supplier under this Call Off Agreement or under
any other agreement between the Supplier and the Customer.
23.3.2 If the Customer wishes to exercise its right pursuant to Clause 23.3.1 it shall
give notice to the Supplier within thirty (30) days of receipt of the relevant
invoice, setting out the Customer’s reasons for retaining or setting off the
relevant Call Off Agreement Charges.
23.3.3 The Supplier shall make any payments due to the Customer without any
deduction whether by way of set-off, counterclaim, discount, abatement or
otherwise unless the Supplier has obtained a sealed court order requiring an
amount equal to such deduction to be paid by the Customer to the Supplier.
23.4 Foreign Currency
23.4.1 Any requirement of Law to account for the Goods and/or Services in any
currency other than Sterling, (or to prepare for such accounting) instead of
and/or in addition to Sterling, shall be implemented by the Supplier free of
charge to the Customer.
23.4.2 The Customer shall provide all reasonable assistance to facilitate compliance
with Clause 23.4.1 by the Supplier.
23.5 Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions
23.5.1 Where the Supplier or any Supplier Personnel are liable to be taxed in the UK
or to pay national insurance contributions in respect of consideration received
under this Call Off Agreement , the Supplier shall:
(a) at all times comply with the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act
2003 and all other statutes and regulations relating to income tax,
and the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 and all
other statutes and regulations relating to national insurance
contributions, in respect of that consideration; and
(b) indemnify the Customer against any income tax, national insurance
and social security contributions and any other liability, deduction,
contribution, assessment or claim arising from or made (whether
before or after the making of a demand pursuant to the indemnity
hereunder) in connection with the provision of the Goods and/or
Services by the Supplier or any Supplier Personnel.
23.5.2 In the event that any one of the Supplier Personnel is a Worker as defined in
Call Off Schedule 1 (Definitions) who receives consideration relating to the
Goods and/or Services, then, in addition to its obligations under Clause 23.5.1,
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the Supplier shall ensure that its contract with the Worker contains the
following requirements:
(a) that the Customer may, at any time during the Call Off Agreement
Period, request that the Worker provides information which
demonstrates how the Worker complies with the requirements of
Clause 23.5.1, or why those requirements do not apply to it. In such
case, the Customer may specify the information which the Worker
must provide and the period within which that information must be
(b) that the Worker’s contract may be terminated at the Customer’s
request if:
(i) the Worker fails to provide the information requested by the
Customer within the time specified by the Customer under
Clause 23.5.2(a); and/or
(ii) the Worker provides information which the Customer
considers is inadequate to demonstrate how the Worker
complies with Clause 23.5.1 or confirms that the Worker is not
complying with those requirements; and
(c) that the Customer may supply any information it receives from the
Worker to HMRC for the purpose of the collection and management
of revenue for which they are responsible.
24.1 This Clause 24 shall apply if the Call Off Agreement Charges payable under this Call Off
Agreement exceed or are likely to exceed five (5) million pounds during the Call Off
Agreement Period.
24.2 If, at any point during the Call Off Agreement Period, an Occasion of Tax Non-
Compliance occurs, the Supplier shall:
24.2.1 notify the Customer in writing of such fact within five (5) Working Days of its
occurrence; and
24.2.2 promptly provide to the Customer:
(a) details of the steps that the Supplier is taking to address the
Occasion of Tax Non-Compliance and to prevent the same from
recurring, together with any mitigating factors that it considers
relevant; and
(b) such other information in relation to the Occasion of Tax Non-
Compliance as the Customer may reasonably require.
24.3 In the event that the Supplier fails to comply with this Clause 24 and/or does not
provide details of proposed mitigating factors which in the reasonable opinion of the
Customer are acceptable, then the Customer reserves the right to terminate this Call Off
Agreement for material Default.
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25.1 Notwithstanding the Supplier’s obligations under Clause 18 (Continuous Improvement),
the Customer shall be entitled to regularly benchmark the Call Off Agreement Charges
and level of performance by the Supplier of the supply of the Goods and/or Services,
against other suppliers providing goods and/or services substantially the same as the
Goods and/or Services during the Call Off Agreement Period.
25.2 The Customer, acting reasonably, shall be entitled to use any model to determine the
achievement of value for money and to carry out the benchmarking evaluation referred
to in Clause 25.1 above.
25.3 The Customer shall be entitled to disclose the results of any benchmarking of the Call
Off Agreement Charges and provision of the Goods and/or Services to the Authority and
any Contracting Authority (subject to the Contracting Authority entering into reasonable
confidentiality undertakings).
25.4 The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavours and act in good faith to supply
information required by the Customer in order to undertake the benchmarking and such
information requirements shall be at the discretion of the Customer.
25.5 Where, as a consequence of any benchmarking carried out by the Customer, the
Customer decides improvements to the Goods and/or Services should be implemented
such improvements shall be implemented by way of the Variation Procedure at no
additional cost to the Customer.
25.6 The benefit of any work carried out by the Supplier at any time during the Call Off
Agreement Period to update, improve or provide the Goods and/or Services, facilitate
their delivery to any other Contracting Authority and/or any alterations or variations to
the Charges or the provision of the Goods and/or Services, which are identified in the
Continuous Improvement Plan produced by the Supplier and/or as a consequence of
any benchmarking carried out by the Authority pursuant to Framework Schedule 12
(Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking), shall be implemented by the Supplier in
accordance with the Variation Procedure and at no additional cost to the Customer.
27.1 Supplier Personnel
27.1.1 The Supplier shall:
(a) provide a list of the names of all Supplier Personnel requiring
admission to Customer Premises, specifying the capacity in which
they require admission and giving such other particulars as the
Customer may reasonably require;
(b) ensure that all Supplier Personnel:
(i) are appropriately qualified, trained and experienced to provide
the Goods and/or Services with all reasonable skill, care and
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(ii) are vetted in accordance with Good Industry Practice and,
where applicable, the Security Policy and the Standards;
(iii) obey all lawful instructions and reasonable directions of the
Customer (including, if so required by the Customer, the ICT
Policy) and provide the Goods and/or Services to the
reasonable satisfaction of the Customer; and
(iv) comply with all reasonable requirements of the Customer
concerning conduct at the Customer Premises, including the
security requirements set out in Call Off Schedule 7 (Security);
(c) subject to Call Off Schedule 10 (Staff Transfer), retain overall control
of the Supplier Personnel at all times so that the Supplier Personnel
shall not be deemed to be employees, agents or contractors of the
(d) be liable at all times for all acts or omissions of Supplier Personnel, so
that any act or omission of a member of any Supplier Personnel
which results in a Default under this Call Off Agreement shall be a
Default by the Supplier;
(e) use all reasonable endeavours to minimise the number of changes in
Supplier Personnel;
(f) replace (temporarily or permanently, as appropriate) any Supplier
Personnel as soon as practicable if any Supplier Personnel have been
removed or are unavailable for any reason whatsoever;
(g) bear the programme familiarisation and other costs associated with
any replacement of any Supplier Personnel; and
(h) procure that the Supplier Personnel shall vacate the Customer
Premises immediately upon the Call Off Expiry Date.
27.1.2 If the Customer reasonably believes that any of the Supplier Personnel are
unsuitable to undertake work in respect of this Call Off Agreement , it may:
(a) refuse admission to the relevant person(s) to the Customer Premises;
(b) direct the Supplier to end the involvement in the provision of the
Goods and/or Services of the relevant person(s).
27.1.3 The decision of the Customer as to whether any person is to be refused access
to the Customer Premises shall be final and conclusive.
Associated Optional Schedule: Call Off Schedule 10 (Staff Transfer)
29.1 Appointment of Sub-Contractors
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29.1.1 The Supplier shall exercise due skill and care in the selection of any Sub-
Contractors to ensure that the Supplier is able to:
(a) manage any Sub-Contractors in accordance with Good Industry
(b) comply with its obligations under this Call Off Agreement in the
Delivery of the Goods and/or Services; and
(c) assign, novate or otherwise transfer to the Customer or any
Replacement Supplier any of its rights and/or obligations under each
Sub-Contract that relates exclusively to this Call Off Agreement.
29.1.2 Prior to sub-contacting any of its obligations under this Call Off Agreement ,
the Supplier shall notify the Customer and provide the Customer with:
(a) the proposed Sub-Contractor’s name, registered office and company
registration number;
(b) the scope of any Goods and/or Services to be provided by the
proposed Sub-Contractor; and
(c) where the proposed Sub-Contractor is an Affiliate of the Supplier,
evidence that demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Customer that the proposed Sub-Contract has been agreed on
"arm’s-length" terms.
29.1.3 If requested by the Customer within ten (10) Working Days of receipt of the
Supplier’s notice issued pursuant to Clause 29.1.2, the Supplier shall also
(a) a copy of the proposed Sub-Contract; and
(b) any further information reasonably requested by the Customer.
29.1.4 The Customer may, within ten (10) Working Days of receipt of the Supplier’s
notice issued pursuant to Clause 29.1.2 (or, if later, receipt of any further
information requested pursuant to Clause 29.1.3), object to the appointment
of the relevant Sub-Contractor if they consider that:
(a) the appointment of a proposed Sub-Contractor may prejudice the
provision of the Goods and/or Services or may be contrary to the
interests respectively of the Customer under this Call Off Agreement
(b) the proposed Sub-Contractor is unreliable and/or has not provided
reliable goods and or reasonable services to its other customers;
(c) the proposed Sub-Contractor employs unfit persons,
in which case, the Supplier shall not proceed with the proposed
29.1.5 If:
(a) the Customer has not notified the Supplier that it objects to the
proposed Sub-Contractor’s appointment by the later of ten (10)
Working Days of receipt of:
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(i) the Supplier’s notice issued pursuant to Clause 29.1.2; and
(ii) any further information requested by the Customer pursuant
to Clause 29.1.3; and
(b) the proposed Sub-Contract is not a Key Sub-Contract which shall
require the written consent of the Authority and the Customer in
accordance with Clause 29.2 (Appointment of Key Sub-Contractors).
the Supplier may proceed with the proposed appointment.
29.2 Appointment of Key Sub-Contractors
29.2.1 The Authority and the Customer have consented to the engagement of the Key
Sub-Contractors listed in Framework Schedule 7 (Key Sub-Contractors).
29.2.2 Where the Supplier wishes to enter into a new Key Sub-Contract or replace a
Key Sub-Contractor, it must obtain the prior written consent of the Authority
and the Customer (the decision to consent or otherwise not to be
unreasonably withheld or delayed). The Authority and/or the Customer may
reasonably withhold its consent to the appointment of a Key Sub-Contractor if
any of them considers that:
(a) the appointment of a proposed Key Sub-Contractor may prejudice
the provision of the Goods and/or Services or may be contrary to its
(b) the proposed Key Sub-Contractor is unreliable and/or has not
provided reliable goods and/or reasonable services to its other
customers; and/or
(c) the proposed Key Sub-Contractor employs unfit persons.
29.2.3 Except where the Authority and the Customer have given their prior written
consent under Clause 29.2.1, the Supplier shall ensure that each Key Sub-
Contract shall include:
(a) provisions which will enable the Supplier to discharge its obligations
under this Call Off Agreement ;
(b) a right under CRTPA for the Customer to enforce any provisions
under the Key Sub-Contract which confer a benefit upon the
(c) a provision enabling the Customer to enforce the Key Sub-Contract
as if it were the Supplier;
(d) a provision enabling the Supplier to assign, novate or otherwise
transfer any of its rights and/or obligations under the Key Sub-
Contract to the Customer or any Replacement Supplier;
(e) obligations no less onerous on the Key Sub-Contractor than those
imposed on the Supplier under this Call Off Agreement in respect of:
(i) data protection requirements set out in Clauses 34.1 (Security
Requirements), 34.2 (Protection of Customer Data) and 34.6
(Protection of Personal Data);
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(ii) FOIA requirements set out in Clause 34.5 (Transparency and
Freedom of Information);
(iii) the obligation not to embarrass the Customer or otherwise
bring the Customer into disrepute set out in Clause 7.1.4(l)
(Provision of Goods and/or Services);
(iv) the keeping of records in respect of the goods and/or services
being provided under the Key Sub-Contract, including the
maintenance of Open Book Data;
(v) the conduct of audits set out in Clause 21 (Records, Audit
Access & Open Book Data);
(f) provisions enabling the Supplier to terminate the Key Sub-Contract
on notice on terms no more onerous on the Supplier than those
imposed on the Customer under Clauses 41 (Customer Termination
Rights), 43 (Termination by Either Party) and 45 (Consequences of
Expiry or Termination) of this Call Off Agreement ;
(g) a provision restricting the ability of the Key Sub-Contractor to Sub-
Contract all or any part of the provision of the Goods and/or Services
provided to the Supplier under the Sub-Contract without first seeking
the written consent of the Customer;
(h) a provision, where a provision in Call Off Schedule 10 (Staff Transfer)
imposes an obligation on the Supplier to provide an indemnity,
undertaking or warranty, requiring the Key Sub-Contractor to provide
such indemnity, undertaking or warranty to the Customer, Former
Supplier or the Replacement Supplier as the case may be.
29.3 Supply Chain Protection
29.3.1 The Supplier shall ensure that all Sub-Contracts contain a provision:
(a) requiring the Supplier to pay any undisputed sums which are due
from it to the Sub-Contractor within a specified period not exceeding
thirty (30) days from the receipt of a Valid Invoice;
(b) requiring that any invoices submitted by a Sub-Contractor shall be
considered and verified by the Supplier in a timely fashion and that
undue delay in doing so shall not be sufficient justification for failing
to regard an invoice as valid and undisputed;
(c) conferring a right to the Customer to publish the Supplier’s
compliance with its obligation to pay undisputed invoices to the Sub-
Contractor within the specified payment period;
(d) giving the Supplier a right to terminate the Sub-Contract if the Sub-
Contractor fails to comply in the performance of the Sub-Contract
with legal obligations in the fields of environmental, social or labour
law; and
(e) requiring the Sub-Contractor to include in any Sub-Contract which it
in turn awards suitable provisions to impose, as between the parties
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to that Sub-Contract, requirements to the same effect as those
required by this Clause 29.3.1.
29.3.2 The Supplier shall:
(a) pay any undisputed sums which are due from it to a Sub-Contractor
within thirty (30) days from the receipt of a Valid Invoice;
(b) include within the Performance Monitoring Reports required under
Part B of Call Off Schedule 6 (Service Levels, Service Credits and
Performance Monitoring) a summary of its compliance with this
Clause 29.3.2 (a), such data to be certified each quarter by a director
of the Supplier as being accurate and not misleading.
29.3.3 Any invoices submitted by a Sub-Contractor to the Supplier shall be considered
and verified by the Supplier in a timely fashion. Undue delay in doing so shall
not be sufficient justification for the Supplier failing to regard an invoice as
valid and undisputed.
29.3.4 Notwithstanding any provision of Clauses 34.4 (Confidentiality) and 35
(Publicity and Branding) if the Supplier notifies the Customer that the Supplier
has failed to pay an undisputed Sub-Contractor’s invoice within thirty (30) days
of receipt, or the Customer otherwise discovers the same, the Customer shall
be entitled to publish the details of the late or non-payment (including on
government websites and in the press).
29.4 Termination of Sub-Contracts
29.4.1 The Customer may require the Supplier to terminate:
(a) a Sub-Contract where:
(i) the acts or omissions of the relevant Sub-Contractor have
caused or materially contributed to the Customer's right of
termination pursuant to any of the termination events in
Clause 41 (Customer Termination Rights) except Clause 41.7
(Termination Without Cause); and/or
(ii) the relevant Sub-Contractor or its Affiliates embarrassed the
Customer or otherwise brought the Customer into disrepute
by engaging in any act or omission which is reasonably likely to
diminish the trust that the public places in the Customer,
regardless of whether or not such act or omission is related to
the Sub-Contractor’s obligations in relation to the Goods
and/or Services or otherwise; and/or
(b) a Key Sub-Contract where there is a Change of Control of the
relevant Key Sub-Contractor, unless:
(i) the Customer has given its prior written consent to the
particular Change of Control, which subsequently takes place
as proposed; or
(ii) the Customer has not served its notice of objection within six
(6) months of the later of the date the Change of Control took
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place or the date on which the Customer was given notice of
the Change of Control.
29.5 Competitive Terms
29.5.1 If the Customer is able to obtain from any Sub-Contractor or any other third
party more favourable commercial terms with respect to the supply of any
materials, equipment, software, goods or services used by the Supplier or the
Supplier Personnel in the supply of the Goods and/or Services, then the
Customer may:
(a) require the Supplier to replace its existing commercial terms with its
Sub-Contractor with the more favourable commercial terms
obtained by the Customer in respect of the relevant item; or
(b) subject to Clause 29.4 (Termination of Sub-Contracts), enter into a
direct agreement with that Sub-Contractor or third party in respect
of the relevant item.
29.5.2 If the Customer exercises the option pursuant to Clause 29.5.1, then the Call
Off Agreement Charges shall be reduced by an amount that is agreed in
accordance with the Variation Procedure.
29.5.3 The Customer's right to enter into a direct agreement for the supply of the
relevant items is subject to:
(a) the Customer making the relevant item available to the Supplier
where this is necessary for the Supplier to provide the Goods and/or
Services; and
(b) any reduction in the Call Off Agreement Charges taking into account
any unavoidable costs payable by the Supplier in respect of the
substituted item, including in respect of any licence fees or early
termination charges.
29.6 Retention of Legal Obligations
29.6.1 Notwithstanding the Supplier's right to Sub-Contract pursuant to Clause 29
(Supply Chain Rights and Protection), the Supplier shall remain responsible for
all acts and omissions of its Sub-Contractors and the acts and omissions of
those employed or engaged by the Sub-Contractors as if they were its own.
30.1 Licence to occupy Customer Premises
30.1.1 Any Customer Premises shall be made available to the Supplier on a non-
exclusive licence basis free of charge and shall be used by the Supplier solely
for the purpose of performing its obligations under this Call Off Agreement.
The Supplier shall have the use of such Customer Premises as licensee and
shall vacate the same immediately upon completion, termination, expiry or
abandonment of this Call Off Agreement and in accordance with Call Off
Schedule 9 (Exit Management).
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30.1.2 The Supplier shall limit access to the Customer Premises to such Supplier
Personnel as is necessary to enable it to perform its obligations under this Call
Off Agreement and the Supplier shall co-operate (and ensure that the Supplier
Personnel co-operate) with such other persons working concurrently on such
Customer Premises as the Customer may reasonably request.
30.1.3 Save in relation to such actions identified by the Supplier in accordance with
Clause 2 (Due Diligence) and set out in the Call Off Order Form (or elsewhere
in this Call Off Agreement), should the Supplier require modifications to the
Customer Premises, such modifications shall be subject to Approval and shall
be carried out by the Customer at the Supplier's expense. The Customer shall
undertake any modification work which it approves pursuant to this Clause
30.1.3 without undue delay. Ownership of such modifications shall rest with
the Customer.
30.1.4 The Supplier shall observe and comply with such rules and regulations as may
be in force at any time for the use of such Customer Premises and conduct of
personnel at the Customer Premises as determined by the Customer, and the
Supplier shall pay for the full cost of making good any damage caused by the
Supplier Personnel other than fair wear and tear. For the avoidance of doubt,
damage includes without limitation damage to the fabric of the buildings,
plant, fixed equipment or fittings therein.
30.1.5 The Parties agree that there is no intention on the part of the Customer to
create a tenancy of any nature whatsoever in favour of the Supplier or the
Supplier Personnel and that no such tenancy has or shall come into being and,
notwithstanding any rights granted pursuant to this Call Off Agreement, the
Customer retains the right at any time to use any Customer Premises in any
manner it sees fit.
30.2 Security of Customer Premises
30.2.1 The Customer shall be responsible for maintaining the security of the
Customer Premises in accordance with the Security Policy. The Supplier shall
comply with the Security Policy and any other reasonable security
requirements of the Customer while on the Customer Premises.
30.2.2 The Customer shall afford the Supplier upon Approval (the decision to Approve
or not will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) an opportunity to inspect
its physical security arrangements.
31.1 Where the Customer issues Customer Property free of charge to the Supplier such
Customer Property shall be and remain the property of the Customer and the Supplier
irrevocably licences the Customer and its agents to enter upon any premises of the
Supplier during normal business hours on reasonable notice to recover any such
Customer Property.
31.2 The Supplier shall not in any circumstances have a lien or any other interest on the
Customer Property and at all times the Supplier shall possess the Customer Property as
fiduciary agent and bailee of the Customer.
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31.3 The Supplier shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the title of the Customer to
the Customer Property and the exclusion of any such lien or other interest are brought
to the notice of all Sub-Contractors and other appropriate persons and shall, at the
Customer's request, store the Customer Property separately and securely and ensure
that it is clearly identifiable as belonging to the Customer.
31.4 The Customer Property shall be deemed to be in good condition when received by or on
behalf of the Supplier unless the Supplier notifies the Customer otherwise within five (5)
Working Days of receipt.
31.5 The Supplier shall maintain the Customer Property in good order and condition
(excluding fair wear and tear) and shall use the Customer Property solely in connection
with this Call Off Agreement and for no other purpose without Approval.
31.6 The Supplier shall ensure the security of all the Customer Property whilst in its
possession, either on the Sites or elsewhere during the supply of the Goods and/or
Services, in accordance with the Customer's Security Policy and the Customer’s
reasonable security requirements from time to time.
31.7 The Supplier shall be liable for all loss of, or damage to the Customer Property,
(excluding fair wear and tear), unless such loss or damage was solely caused by a
Customer Cause. The Supplier shall inform the Customer immediately of becoming
aware of any defects appearing in or losses or damage occurring to the Customer
32.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Call Off Order Form (or elsewhere in this Call Off
Agreement), the Supplier shall provide all the Supplier Equipment necessary for the
provision of the Goods and/or Services.
32.2 The Supplier shall not deliver any Supplier Equipment nor begin any work on the
Customer Premises without obtaining Approval.
32.3 The Supplier shall be solely responsible for the cost of carriage of the Supplier
Equipment to the Sites and/or any Customer Premises, including its off-loading, removal
of all packaging and all other associated costs. Likewise on the Call Off Expiry Date the
Supplier shall be responsible for the removal of all relevant Supplier Equipment from the
Sites and/or any Customer Premises, including the cost of packing, carriage and making
good the Sites and/or the Customer Premises following removal.
32.4 All the Supplier's property, including Supplier Equipment, shall remain at the sole risk
and responsibility of the Supplier, except that the Customer shall be liable for loss of or
damage to any of the Supplier's property located on Customer Premises which is due to
the negligent act or omission of the Customer.
32.5 Subject to any express provision of the BCDR Plan to the contrary, the loss or
destruction for any reason of any Supplier Equipment shall not relieve the Supplier of its
obligation to supply the Goods and/or Services in accordance with this Call Off
Agreement, including the Service Level Performance Measures.
32.6 The Supplier shall maintain all Supplier Equipment within the Sites and/or the Customer
Premises in a safe, serviceable and clean condition.
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32.7 The Supplier shall, at the Customer's written request, at its own expense and as soon as
reasonably practicable:
32.7.1 remove from the Customer Premises any Supplier Equipment or any
component part of Supplier Equipment which in the reasonable opinion of the
Customer is either hazardous, noxious or not in accordance with this Call Off
Agreement ; and
32.7.2 replace such Supplier Equipment or component part of Supplier Equipment
with a suitable substitute item of Supplier Equipment.
32.8 For the purposes of this Clause 32.8, ‘X’ shall be the number of Service Failures, and ‘Y’
shall be the period in months, as respectively specified for ‘X’ and ‘Y’ in the Call Off
Order Form. If this Clause 32.8 has been specified to apply in the Call Off Order Form,
and there are no values specified for ‘X’ and/or ‘Y’, in default, ‘X’ shall be two (2) and ‘Y’
shall be twelve (12). Where a failure of Supplier Equipment or any component part of
Supplier Equipment causes X or more Service Failures in any Y Month period, the
Supplier shall notify the Customer in writing and shall, at the Customer’s request (acting
reasonably), replace such Supplier Equipment or component part thereof at its own cost
with a new item of Supplier Equipment or component part thereof (of the same
specification or having the same capability as the Supplier Equipment being replaced).
33.1 Allocation of title to IPR
33.1.1 Save as expressly granted elsewhere under this Call Off Agreement :
(a) the Customer shall not acquire any right, title or interest in or to the
Intellectual Property Rights of the Supplier or its licensors, namely:
(i) the Supplier Background IPR; and
(ii) the Third Party IPR.
(b) the Supplier shall not acquire any right, title or interest in or to the
Intellectual Property Rights of the Customer or its licensors, including
(i) Customer Background IPR;
(ii) Customer Data; and
(iii) Project Specific IPRs.
33.1.2 Where either Party acquires, by operation of Law, title to Intellectual
Property Rights that is inconsistent with the allocation of title set out in
Clause 33.1, it shall assign in writing such Intellectual Property Rights as it has
acquired to the other Party on the request of the other Party (whenever
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33.1.3 Neither Party shall have any right to use any of the other Party's names,
logos or trade marks on any of its products or services without the other
Party's prior written consent.
33.1.4 Unless the Customer otherwise agrees in advance in writing (and subject to
Clause 33.10.3):
(a) Project Specific IPR Items shall be created in a format, or able to be
converted into a format, which is:
(i) suitable for publication by the Customer as Open Source; and
(ii) based on Open Standards (where applicable);
(b) where the Project Specific IPR Items are written in a format that
requires conversion before publication as Open Source or before
complying with Open Standards, the Supplier shall also provide the
converted format to the Customer.
33.2 Assignments granted by the Supplier: Project Specific IPR
33.2.1 The Supplier hereby assigns to the Customer with full guarantee (or shall
procure from the first owner the assignment to the Customer), title to and all
rights and interest in the Project Specific IPRs. The assignment under this
Clause 33.2.1 shall take effect as a present assignment of future rights that will
take effect immediately on the coming into existence of the relevant Project
Specific IPRs.
33.2.2 The Supplier shall promptly execute all such assignments as are required to
ensure that any rights in the Project Specific IPRs are properly transferred to
the Customer.
33.2.3 To the extent that it is necessary to enable the Customer to obtain the full
benefits of ownership of the Project Specific IPRs, the Supplier hereby grants
to the Customer and shall procure that any relevant third party licensor shall
grant to the Customer a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, assignable,
royalty-free licence to use, sub-license and/or commercially exploit any
Supplier Background IPRs or Third Party IPRs that are embedded in or which
are an integral part of the Project Specific IPR Items.
33.3 Licences granted by the Supplier: Supplier Background IPR
33.3.1 The Supplier hereby grants to the Customer a perpetual, royalty-free and
non-exclusive licence to use the Supplier Background IPR for any purpose
relating to the Goods and/or Services (or substantially equivalent goods
and/or services) or for any purpose relating to the exercise of the Customer’s
(or, if the Customer is a Central Government Body, any other Central
Government Body’s) business or function.
33.3.2 At any time during the Call Off Agreement Period or following the Call Off
Expiry Date, the Supplier may terminate a licence granted in respect of the
Supplier Background IPR under Clause 33.3.1 by giving thirty (30) days’ notice
in writing (or such other period as agreed by the Parties) if there is a
Customer Cause which constitutes a material breach of the terms of
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33.3.1(a) which, if the breach is capable of remedy, is not remedied within
twenty (20) Working Days after the Supplier gives the Customer written
notice specifying the breach and requiring its remedy.
33.3.3 In the event the licence of the Supplier Background IPR is terminated
pursuant to Clause 33.3.2, the Customer shall:
(a) immediately cease all use of the Supplier Background IPR;
(b) at the discretion of the Supplier, return or destroy documents and
other tangible materials that contain any of the Supplier Background
IPR, provided that if the Supplier has not made an election within six
(6) months of the termination of the licence, the Customer may
destroy the documents and other tangible materials that contain any
of the Supplier Background IPR; and
(c) ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that any Supplier
Background IPR that is held in electronic, digital or other machine-
readable form ceases to be readily accessible (other than by the
information technology staff of the Customer) from any computer,
word processor, voicemail system or any other device containing
such Supplier Background IPR.
33.4 Customer’s right to sub-license
33.4.1 The Customer may sub-license:
(a) the rights granted under Clause 33.3 (Licence granted by the
Supplier: Supplier Background IPR) to a third party (including for the
avoidance of doubt, any Replacement Supplier) provided that:
(i) the sub-licence is on terms no broader than those granted to
the Customer; and
(ii) the sub-licence only authorises the third party to use the rights
licensed in Clause 33.3.1 (Licence granted by the Supplier:
Supplier Background IPR) for purposes relating to the Goods
and/or Services (or substantially equivalent goods and/or
services) or for any purpose relating to the exercise of the
Customer’s (or, if the Customer is a Central Government Body,
any other Central Government Body’s) business or function;
(b) the rights granted under Clause 33.3.1(a) (Licence granted by the
Supplier: Supplier Background IPR) to any Approved Sub-Licensee to
the extent necessary to use and/or obtain the benefit of the Project
Specific IPR provided that the sub-licence is on terms no broader
than those granted to the Customer.
33.5 Customer’s right to assign/novate licences
33.5.1 The Customer may assign, novate or otherwise transfer its rights and
obligations under the licences granted pursuant to Clause 33.2.1(a) (Licence
granted by the Supplier: Supplier Background IPR) to:
(a) a Central Government Body; or
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(b) to any body (including any private sector body) which performs or
carries on any of the functions and/or activities that previously had
been performed and/or carried on by the Customer.
33.5.2 Where the Customer is a Central Government Body, any change in the legal
status of the Customer which means that it ceases to be a Central
Government Body shall not affect the validity of any licence granted in
Clause 33.2.1(a) (Licences granted by the Supplier: Supplier Background IPR).
If the Customer ceases to be a Central Government Body, the successor body
to the Customer shall still be entitled to the benefit of the licences granted in
Clause 33.2.1(a) (Licence granted by the Supplier: Supplier Background IPR).
33.5.3 If a licence granted in Clause 33.2 (Licence granted by the Supplier: Supplier
Background IPR) is novated under Clauses 33.5.2 or there is a change of the
Customer’s status pursuant to Clause 33.5.3 (both such bodies being referred
to as the “Transferee”), the rights acquired by the Transferee shall not
extend beyond those previously enjoyed by the Customer.
33.6 Third Party IPR
33.6.1 The Supplier shall procure that the owners or the authorised licensors of any
Third Party IPR grant a direct licence to the Customer on terms at least
equivalent to those set out in Clause 33.3 (Licence granted by the Supplier:
Supplier Background IPR) and Clause 33.5.2 (Customer’s right to
assign/novate licences). If the Supplier cannot obtain for the Customer a
licence in accordance with the licence terms set out in Clause 33.2.1(a)
(Licences granted by the Supplier: Supplier Background IPR) and
Clause 33.5.2 (Customer’s right to assign/novate licences) in respect of any
such Third Party IPR, the Supplier shall:
(a) notify the Customer in writing giving details of what licence terms
can be obtained from the relevant third party and whether there are
alternative providers which the Supplier could seek to use; and
(b) only use such Third Party IPR if the Customer Approves the terms of
the licence from the relevant third party.
33.6.2 Should the Supplier become aware at any time, including after termination,
that the Project Specific IPRs contain any Intellectual Property Rights for
which the Customer does not have a licence, then the Supplier must notify
the Customer within 10 days of what those rights are and which parts of the
Project Specific IPRs they are found in.
33.6.3 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Customer, if the
Supplier becomes aware at any time, including after termination, that any
Intellectual Property Rights for which the Customer does not have a licence
in accordance with Clause 33.2.3 subsist in the Project Specific IPR Items,
then the Supplier must notify the Customer within 10 days of what those
rights are and which parts of the Project Specific IPR Items they are found in.
33.7 Licence granted by the Customer
33.7.1 The Customer hereby grants to the Supplier a royalty-free, non-exclusive,
non-transferable licence during the Call Off Agreement Period to use the
Customer Background IPR, the Project Specific IPRs and the Customer Data
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solely to the extent necessary for providing the Goods and/or Services in
accordance with this Call Off Agreement , including (but not limited to) the
right to grant sub-licences to Sub-Contractors provided that:
(a) any relevant Sub-Contractor has entered into a confidentiality
undertaking with the Supplier on the same terms as set out in Clause
34.4 (Confidentiality); and
(b) the Supplier shall not without Approval use the licensed materials for
any other purpose or for the benefit of any person other than the
33.8 Termination of licenses
33.8.1 Subject to Clause 33.3 (Licence granted by the Supplier: Supplier Background
IPR), all licences granted pursuant to Clause 33 (Intellectual Property Rights)
(other than those granted pursuant to Clause 33.6.2 (Third Party IPR) and
33.6.2 (Licence granted by the Customer)) shall survive the Call Off Expiry
33.8.2 The Supplier shall, if requested by the Customer in accordance with Call Off
Schedule 9 (Exit Management), grant (or procure the grant) to the
Replacement Supplier of a licence to use any Supplier Background IPR and/or
Third Party IPR on terms equivalent to those set out in Clause 33.2.1(a)
(Licence granted by the Supplier: Supplier Background IPR) subject to the
Replacement Supplier entering into reasonable confidentiality undertakings
with the Supplier.
33.8.3 The licence granted pursuant to Clause 33.7 (Licence granted by the
Customer ) and any sub-licence granted by the Supplier in accordance with
Clause 33.7.1 (Licence granted by the Customer) shall terminate
automatically on the Call Off Expiry Date and the Supplier shall:
(a) immediately cease all use of the Customer Background IPR and the
Customer Data (as the case may be);
(b) at the discretion of the Customer, return or destroy documents and
other tangible materials that contain any of the Customer
Background IPR and the Customer Data, provided that if the
Customer has not made an election within six months of the
termination of the licence, the Supplier may destroy the documents
and other tangible materials that contain any of the Customer
Background IPR and the Customer Data (as the case may be); and
(c) ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that any Customer
Background IPR and Customer Data that are held in electronic, digital
or other machine-readable form ceases to be readily accessible from
any computer, word processor, voicemail system or any other device
of the Supplier containing such Customer Background IPR and/or
Customer Data.
33.9 IPR Indemnity
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33.9.1 The Supplier shall, during and after the Call Off Agreement Period, on written
demand, indemnify the Customer against all Losses incurred by, awarded
against, or agreed to be paid by the Customer (whether before or after the
making of the demand pursuant to the indemnity hereunder) arising from an
IPR Claim.
33.9.2 If an IPR Claim is made, or the Supplier anticipates that an IPR Claim might be
made, the Supplier may, at its own expense and sole option, either:
(a) procure for the Customer the right to continue using the relevant
item which is subject to the IPR Claim; or
(b) replace or modify the relevant item with non-infringing substitutes
provided that:
(i) the performance and functionality of the replaced or modified
item is at least equivalent to the performance and
functionality of the original item;
(ii) the replaced or modified item does not have an adverse effect
on any other Goods and/or Services;
(iii) there is no additional cost to the Customer; and
(iv) the terms and conditions of this Call Off Agreement shall apply
to the replaced or modified Goods and/or Services.
33.9.3 If the Supplier elects to procure a licence in accordance with Clause 33.9.2(a)
or to modify or replace an item pursuant to Clause 33.9.2(b), but this has not
avoided or resolved the IPR Claim, then:
(a) the Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement by written
notice with immediate effect; and
(b) without prejudice to the indemnity set out in Clause 33.9.1, the
Supplier shall be liable for all reasonable and unavoidable costs of
the substitute goods and/or services including the additional costs of
procuring, implementing and maintaining the substitute items.
33.10 Open Source Publication
33.10.1 Subject to Clause 33.10.3, the Supplier agrees that the Customer may at its
sole discretion publish as Open Source all or part of the Project Specific IPR
Items after the Operational Services Commencement Date (such date to be
notified by the Customer to the Supplier).
33.10.2 Subject to Clause 33.10.3, the Supplier hereby warrants that the Project
Specific IPR Items:
(a) are suitable for release as Open Source and that the Supplier has
used reasonable endeavours when developing the same to ensure
that publication by the Customer will not enable a third party to use
the published Project Specific IPRs or Project Specific IPR Items in any
way, which could reasonably be foreseen to compromise the
Crown Copyright 2017
operation, running or security of the Project Specific IPRs or the
Customer System;
(b) have been developed by the Supplier using reasonable endeavours
to ensure that publication by the Customer of the same shall not
cause any harm or damage to any party using the published Project
Specific IPRs;
(c) do not contain any material which would bring the Customer into
disrepute upon publication as Open Source;
(d) do not contain any IPRs which have not been licensed to the
Customer under licence terms which permit the publication of the
Project Specific IPR Items as Open Source by the Customer;
(e) will be supplied in a format suitable for publication as Open Source
(“the Open Source Publication Material”) no later than the date
notified to the Supplier under Clause 33.10.1; and
(f) do not contain any Malicious Software.
33.10.3 The Supplier hereby acknowledges and agrees that any Supplier Background
IPRs which it includes in the Open Source Publication Material supplied to
the Customer pursuant to Clause 33.10.2(e) and which have not been
Approved for exclusion under Clause 33.10.4 will become Open Source and
will hereby be licensed to the Customer under the Open Source licence terms
adopted by the Customer and treated as such following publication by the
33.10.4 Where the Customer has Approved a request by the Supplier under Clause
33.1.4, for any part of the Project Specific IPRs to be excluded from the
requirement to be in an Open Source format due to the intention to embed or
integrate Supplier Background IPRs and/or Third Party IPRs (and where the
Parties agree that such IPRs are not intended to be published as Open Source),
the Supplier shall:
(a) as soon as reasonably practicable, provide written details of the
nature of the IPRs and items or Deliverables based on IPRs which are
to be excluded from Open Source publication; and
(b) include in the written details provided under Clause 33.10.4(a)
information about the impact that inclusion of such IPRs and items or
Deliverables based on such IPRs will have on any other Project
Specific IPRs Items and the Customer’s ability to publish such other
items or Deliverables as Open Source.
34.1 Security Requirements
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34.1.1 The Supplier shall comply with the Security Policy and the requirements of Call
Off Schedule 7 (Security) including the Security Management Plan (if any) and
shall ensure that the Security Management Plan produced by the Supplier fully
complies with the Security Policy.
34.1.2 The Customer shall notify the Supplier of any changes or proposed changes to
the Security Policy.
34.1.3 If the Supplier believes that a change or proposed change to the Security
Policy will have a material and unavoidable cost implication to the provision of
the Goods and/or Services it may propose a Variation to the Customer. In
doing so, the Supplier must support its request by providing evidence of the
cause of any increased costs and the steps that it has taken to mitigate those
costs. Any change to the Call Off Agreement Charges shall then be subject to
the Variation Procedure.
34.1.4 Until and/or unless a change to the Call Off Agreement Charges is agreed by
the Customer pursuant to the Variation Procedure the Supplier shall continue
to provide the Goods and/or Services in accordance with its existing
34.2 (OPTIONAL CLAUSE Y25: Malicious Software)
34.3 Protection of Customer Data
34.3.1 The Supplier shall not delete or remove any proprietary notices contained
within or relating to the Customer Data.
34.3.2 The Supplier shall not store, copy, disclose, or use the Customer Data except
as necessary for the performance by the Supplier of its obligations under this
Call Off Agreement or as otherwise Approved by the Customer.
34.3.3 To the extent that the Customer Data is held and/or Processed by the Supplier,
the Supplier shall supply that Customer Data to the Customer as requested by
the Customer and in the format (if any) specified by the Customer in the Call
Off Order Form and, in any event, as specified by the Customer from time to
time in writing.
34.3.4 The Supplier shall take responsibility for preserving the integrity of Customer
Data and preventing the corruption or loss of Customer Data.
34.3.5 The Supplier shall perform secure back-ups of all Customer Data and shall
ensure that up-to-date back-ups are stored off-site at an Approved location in
accordance with any BCDR Plan or otherwise. The Supplier shall ensure that
such back-ups are available to the Customer (or to such other person as the
Customer may direct) at all times upon request and are delivered to the
Customer at no less than six (6) Monthly intervals (or such other intervals as
may be agreed in writing between the Parties).
34.3.6 The Supplier shall ensure that any system on which the Supplier holds any
Customer Data, including back-up data, is a secure system that complies with
the Security Policy and the Security Management Plan (if any).
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34.3.7 If at any time the Supplier suspects or has reason to believe that the Customer
Data is corrupted, lost or sufficiently degraded in any way for any reason, then
the Supplier shall notify the Customer immediately and inform the Customer
of the remedial action the Supplier proposes to take.
34.3.8 If the Customer Data is corrupted, lost or sufficiently degraded as a result of a
Default so as to be unusable, the Supplier may:
(a) require the Supplier (at the Supplier's expense) to restore or procure
the restoration of Customer Data to the extent and in accordance
with the requirements specified in Call Off Schedule 8 (Business
Continuity and Disaster Recovery) or as otherwise required by the
Customer, and the Supplier shall do so as soon as practicable but not
later than five (5) Working Days from the date of receipt of the
Customer’s notice; and/or
(b) itself restore or procure the restoration of Customer Data, and shall
be repaid by the Supplier any reasonable expenses incurred in doing
so to the extent and in accordance with the requirements specified in
Call Off Schedule 8 (Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery) or as
otherwise required by the Customer.
34.4 Confidentiality
34.4.1 For the purposes of Clause 34.4 the term “Disclosing Party” shall mean a Party
which discloses or makes available directly or indirectly its Confidential
Information and “Recipient” shall mean the Party which receives or obtains
directly or indirectly Confidential Information.
34.4.2 Except to the extent set out in Clause 34.4 or where disclosure is expressly
permitted elsewhere in this Call Off Agreement , the Recipient shall:
(a) treat the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information as confidential
and keep it in secure custody (which is appropriate depending upon
the form in which such materials are stored and the nature of the
Confidential Information contained in those materials); and
(b) not disclose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information to any
other person except as expressly set out in this Call Off Agreement or
without obtaining the owner's prior written consent;
(c) not use or exploit the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information in
any way except for the purposes anticipated under this Call Off
Agreement ; and
(d) immediately notify the Disclosing Party if it suspects or becomes
aware of any unauthorised access, copying, use or disclosure in any
form of any of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information.
34.4.3 The Recipient shall be entitled to disclose the Confidential Information of the
Disclosing Party where:
(a) the Recipient is required to disclose the Confidential Information by
Law, provided that Clause 34.5 (Transparency and Freedom of
Information) shall apply to disclosures required under the FOIA or
the EIRs;
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(b) the need for such disclosure arises out of or in connection with:
(i) any legal challenge or potential legal challenge against the
Customer arising out of or in connection with this Call Off
Agreement ;
(ii) the examination and certification of the Customer's accounts
(provided that the disclosure is made on a confidential basis)
or for any examination pursuant to Section 6(1) of the National
Audit Act 1983 of the economy, efficiency and effectiveness
with which the Customer is making use of any Goods and/or
Services provided under this Call Off Agreement ; or
(iii) the conduct of a Central Government Body review in respect
of this Call Off Agreement ; or
(c) the Recipient has reasonable grounds to believe that the Disclosing
Party is involved in activity that may constitute a criminal offence
under the Bribery Act 2010 and the disclosure is being made to the
Serious Fraud Office;
(d) such information was in the possession of the Disclosing Party
without obligation of confidentiality prior to its disclosure by the
information owner;
(e) such information was obtained from a third party without obligation
of confidentiality;
(f) such information was already in the public domain at the time of
disclosure otherwise than by a breach of this Contract or breach of a
duty of confidentiality; and
(g) the information is independently developed without access to the
Disclosing Party's Confidential Information.
34.4.4 If the Recipient is required by Law to make a disclosure of Confidential
Information, the Recipient shall as soon as reasonably practicable and to the
extent permitted by Law notify the Disclosing Party of the full circumstances of
the required disclosure including the relevant Law and/or regulatory body
requiring such disclosure and the Confidential Information to which such
disclosure would apply.
34.4.5 Subject to Clause 34.4.2, the Supplier may only disclose the Confidential
Information of the Customer on a confidential basis to:
(a) Supplier Personnel who are directly involved in the provision of the
Goods and/or Services and need to know the Confidential
Information to enable performance of the Supplier’s obligations
under this Call Off Agreement ; and
(b) its professional advisers for the purposes of obtaining advice in
relation to this Call Off Agreement .
34.4.6 Where the Supplier discloses Confidential Information of the Customer
pursuant to Clause 34.4.5, it shall remain responsible at all times for
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compliance with the confidentiality obligations set out in this Call Off
Agreement by the persons to whom disclosure has been made.
34.4.7 The Customer may disclose the Confidential Information of the Supplier:
(a) to any Central Government Body on the basis that the information
may only be further disclosed to Central Government Bodies;
(b) to the British Parliament and any committees of the British
Parliament or if required by any British Parliamentary reporting
(c) to the extent that the Customer (acting reasonably) deems disclosure
necessary or appropriate in the course of carrying out its public
(d) on a confidential basis to a professional adviser, consultant, supplier
or other person engaged by any of the entities described in
Clause 34.4.7(a) (including any benchmarking organisation) for any
purpose relating to or connected with this Call Off Agreement ;
(e) on a confidential basis for the purpose of the exercise of its rights
under this Call Off Agreement ; or
(f) to a proposed transferee, assignee or novatee of, or successor in title
to the Customer,
and for the purposes of the foregoing, references to disclosure on a
confidential basis shall mean disclosure subject to a confidentiality
agreement or arrangement containing terms no less stringent than those
placed on the Customer under Clause 34.4.
34.4.8 Nothing in Clause 34.4 shall prevent a Recipient from using any techniques,
ideas or Know-How gained during the performance of this Call Off Agreement
in the course of its normal business to the extent that this use does not result
in a disclosure of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information or an
infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.
34.4.9 In the event that the Supplier fails to comply with Clauses 34.4.2 to 34.4.5, the
Customer reserves the right to terminate this Call Off Agreement for material
34.5 Transparency and Freedom of Information
34.5.1 The Parties acknowledge that
(a) the Transparency Reports; and
(b) the content of this Call Off Agreement , including any changes to this
Call Off Agreement agreed from time to time, except for
(i) any information which is exempt from disclosure in
accordance with the provisions of the FOIA, which shall be
determined by the Customer; and
(ii) Commercially Sensitive Information;
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(together the “Transparency Information”) are not Confidential Information.
34.5.2 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Call Off Agreement, the Supplier
hereby gives its consent for the Customer to publish to the general public the
Transparency Information in its entirety (but with any information which is
exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the FOIA
redacted). The Customer shall, prior to publication, consult with the Supplier
on the manner and format of publication and to inform its decision regarding
any redactions but shall have the final decision in its absolute discretion.
34.5.3 The Supplier shall assist and co-operate with the Customer to enable the
Customer to publish the Transparency Information, including the preparation
of the Transparency Reports in accordance with Call Off Schedule 13
(Transparency Reports).
34.5.4 If the Customer believes that publication of any element of the Transparency
Information would be contrary to the public interest, the Customer shall be
entitled to exclude such information from publication. The Customer
acknowledges that it would expect the public interest by default to be best
served by publication of the Transparency Information in its entirety.
Accordingly, the Customer acknowledges that it will only exclude
Transparency Information from publication in exceptional circumstances and
agrees that where it decides to exclude information from publication it will
provide a clear explanation to the Supplier.
34.5.5 The Customer shall publish the Transparency Information in a format that
assists the general public in understanding the relevance and completeness
of the information being published to ensure the public obtain a fair view on
how the Call Off Agreement is being performed, having regard to the context
of the wider commercial relationship with the Supplier.
34.5.6 The Supplier agrees that any Information it holds that is not included in the
Transparency Reports but is reasonably relevant to or that arises from the
provision of the Services shall be provided to the Customer on request unless
the cost of doing so would exceed the appropriate limit prescribed under
section 12 of the FOIA. The Customer may disclose such information under
the FOIA and the EIRs and may (except for Commercially Sensitive
Information, Confidential Information (subject to Clause 34.4.7(c) and Open
Book Data) publish such Information. The Supplier shall provide to the
Customer within 5 working days (or such other period as the Customer may
reasonably specify) any such Information requested by the Customer.
34.5.7 The Supplier acknowledges that the Customer is subject to the requirements
of the FOIA and the EIRs. The Supplier shall:
(a) provide all necessary assistance and cooperation as reasonably
requested by the Customer to enable the Customer to comply with
its Information disclosure obligations under the FOIA and EIRs;
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(b) transfer to the Customer all Requests for Information relating to this
Call Off Agreement that it receives as soon as practicable and in any
event within two (2) Working Days of receipt;
(c) provide the Customer with a copy of all Information held on behalf of
the Customer requested in the Request for Information which is in its
possession or control in the form that the Customer requires within
five (5) Working Days (or such other period as the Customer may
reasonably specify) of the Customer's request for such Information;
(d) not respond directly to a Request for Information addressed to the
Customer unless authorised in writing to do so by the Customer.
34.5.8 The Supplier acknowledges that the Customer may be required under the FOIA
and EIRs to disclose Information (including Commercially Sensitive
Information) without consulting or obtaining consent from the Supplier. The
Customer shall take reasonable steps to notify the Supplier of a Request for
Information (in accordance with the Secretary of State’s Section 45 Code of
Practice on the Discharge of the Functions of Public Authorities under Part 1 of
the FOIA) to the extent that it is permissible and reasonably practical for it to
do so but (notwithstanding any other provision in this Call Off Agreement ) the
Customer shall be responsible for determining in its absolute discretion
whether any Commercially Sensitive Information and/or any other information
is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the FOIA and EIRs.
34.6 Protection of Personal Data
34.6.1 Where any Personal Data are Processed in connection with the exercise of the
Parties’ rights and obligations under this Call Off Agreement, the Parties
acknowledge that the Customer is the Data Controller and that the Supplier is
the Data Processor.
34.6.2 The Supplier shall:
(a) Process the Personal Data only in accordance with instructions from
the Customer to perform its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement ;
(b) ensure that at all times it has in place appropriate technical and
organisational measures to guard against unauthorised or unlawful
Processing of the Personal Data and/or accidental loss, destruction,
or damage to the Personal Data, including the measures as are set
out in Clauses 34.1 (Security Requirements) and 34.3 (Protection of
Customer Data);
(c) not disclose or transfer the Personal Data to any third party or
Supplier Personnel unless necessary for the provision of the Goods
and/or Services and, for any disclosure or transfer of Personal Data
to any third party, obtain the prior written consent of the Customer
(save where such disclosure or transfer is specifically authorised
under this Call Off Agreement )
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(d) take reasonable steps to ensure the reliability and integrity of any
Supplier Personnel who have access to the Personal Data and ensure
that the Supplier Personnel:
(i) are aware of and comply with the Supplier’s duties under
Clause 34.6.2 and Clauses 34.1 (Security Requirements),
34.3(Protection of Customer Data) and 34.4 (Confidentiality);
(ii) are informed of the confidential nature of the Personal Data
and do not publish, disclose or divulge any of the Personal
Data to any third party unless directed in writing to do so by
the Customer or as otherwise permitted by this Call Off
Agreement ; and
(iii) have undergone adequate training in the use, care, protection
and handling of personal data (as defined in the DPA);
(e) notify the Customer within five (5) Working Days if it receives:
(i) from a Data Subject (or third party on their behalf) a Data
Subject Access Request (or purported Data Subject Access
Request) a request to rectify, block or erase any Personal Data
or any other request, complaint or communication relating to
the Customer's obligations under the DPA;
(ii) any communication from the Information Commissioner or
any other regulatory authority in connection with Personal
Data; or
(iii) a request from any third party for disclosure of Personal Data
where compliance with such request is required or purported
to be required by Law;
(f) provide the Customer with full cooperation and assistance (within
the timescales reasonably required by the Customer) in relation to
any complaint, communication or request made (as referred to at
Clause 34.6.2(e)), including by promptly providing:
(i) the Customer with full details and copies of the complaint,
communication or request;
(ii) where applicable, such assistance as is reasonably requested
by the Customer to enable the Customer to comply with the
Data Subject Access Request within the relevant timescales set
out in the DPA; and
(iii) the Customer, on request by the Customer, with any Personal
Data it holds in relation to a Data Subject; and
(g) if requested by the Customer, provide a written description of the
measures that has taken and technical and organisational security
measures in place, for the purpose of compliance with its obligations
pursuant to this Clause 34.6.2 and provide to the Customer copies of
all documentation relevant to such compliance including, protocols,
procedures, guidance, training and manuals.
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34.6.3 The Supplier shall not Process or otherwise transfer any Personal Data in or to
any country outside the European Economic Area or any country which is not
determined to be adequate by the European Commission pursuant to Article
25(6) of Directive 95/46/EC (together Restricted Countries”). If, after the Call
Off Commencement Date, the Supplier or any Sub-Contractor wishes to
Process and/or transfer any Personal Data in or to any outside the European
Economic Area, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) the Supplier shall propose a Variation to the Customer which, if it is
agreed by the Customer, shall be dealt with in accordance with the
Variation Procedure and Clauses 34.6.3(b) to 34.6.3(c);
(b) the Supplier shall set out in its proposal to the Customer for a
Variation details of the following:
(i) the Personal Data which will be transferred to and/or
Processed in or to any Restricted Countries;
(ii) the Restricted Countries to which the Personal Data will be
transferred and/or Processed; and
(iii) any Sub-Contractors or other third parties who will be
Processing and/or receiving Personal Data in Restricted
(iv) how the Supplier will ensure an adequate level of protection
and adequate safeguards in respect of the Personal Data that
will be Processed in and/or transferred to Restricted Countries
so as to ensure the Customer’s compliance with the DPA;
(c) in providing and evaluating the Variation, the Parties shall ensure
that they have regard to and comply with then-current Customer,
Central Government Bodies and Information Commissioner Office
policies, procedures, guidance and codes of practice on, and any
approvals processes in connection with, the Processing in and/or
transfers of Personal Data to any Restricted Countries; and
(d) the Supplier shall comply with such other instructions and shall carry
out such other actions as the Customer may notify in writing,
(i) incorporating standard and/or model clauses (which are
approved by the European Commission as offering adequate
safeguards under the DPA) into this Call Off Agreement or a
separate data processing agreement between the Parties; and
(ii) procuring that any Sub-Contractor or other third party who
will be Processing and/or receiving or accessing the Personal
Data in any Restricted Countries either enters into:
(A) a direct data processing agreement with the
Customer on such terms as may be required by the
Customer; or
(B) a data processing agreement with the Supplier on
terms which are equivalent to those agreed between
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the Customer and the Sub-Contractor relating to the
relevant Personal Data transfer, and
(iii) in each case which the Supplier acknowledges may include the
incorporation of model contract provisions (which are
approved by the European Commission as offering adequate
safeguards under the DPA) and technical and organisation
measures which the Customer deems necessary for the
purpose of protecting Personal Data.
34.6.4 The Supplier shall use its reasonable endeavours to assist the Customer to
comply with any obligations under the DPA and shall not perform its
obligations under this Call Off Agreement in such a way as to cause the
Customer to breach any of the Customer’s obligations under the DPA to the
extent the Supplier is aware, or ought reasonably to have been aware, that the
same would be a breach of such obligations.
35.1 The Supplier shall not:
35.1.1 make any press announcements or publicise this Call Off Agreement in any
way; or
35.1.2 use the Customer's name or brand in any promotion or marketing or
announcement of orders,
35.1.3 without Approval (the decision of the Customer to Approve or not shall not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed).
35.2 Each Party acknowledges to the other that nothing in this Call Off Agreement either
expressly or by implication constitutes an endorsement of any products or services of
the other Party (including the Goods and/or Services, Equipment, the Supplier System
and the Customer System) and each Party agrees not to conduct itself in such a way as
to imply or express any such approval or endorsement.
36.1 Unlimited Liability
36.1.1 Neither Party excludes or limits it liability for:
(a) death or personal injury caused by its negligence, or that of its
employees, agents or Sub-Contractors (as applicable);
(b) bribery or Fraud by it or its employees;
(c) breach of any obligation as to title implied by section 12 of the Sale
of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services
Act 1982; or
(d) any liability to the extent it cannot be excluded or limited by Law.
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36.1.2 The Supplier does not exclude or limit its liability in respect of the indemnity in
Clause 33.9 (IPR Indemnity) and in each case whether before or after the
making of a demand pursuant to the indemnity therein.
36.2 Financial Limits
36.2.1 Subject to Clause 36.1 (Unlimited Liability), the Supplier’s total aggregate
(a) in respect of all:
(i) Service Credits; and
(ii) Compensation for Critical Service Level Failure;
incurred in any rolling period of 12 Months shall be subject in
aggregate to the Service Credit Cap;
(b) in respect of all other Losses incurred by the Customer under or in
connection with this Call Off Agreement as a result of Defaults by the
Supplier shall in no event exceed:
(i) in relation to any Defaults occurring from the Call Off
Commencement Date to the end of the first Call Off
Agreement Year, the higher of ten million pounds
10,000,000) or a sum equal to one hundred and fifty per
cent (150%) of the Estimated Year 1 Call Off Agreement
(ii) in relation to any Defaults occurring in each subsequent Call
Off Agreement Year that commences during the remainder of
the Call Off Agreement Period, the higher of ten million
pounds 10,000,000) in each such Call Off Agreement Year or
a sum equal to one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the
Call Off Agreement Charges payable to the Supplier under this
Call Off Agreement in the previous Call Off Agreement Year;
(iii) in relation to any Defaults occurring in each Call Off
Agreement Year that commences after the end of the Call Off
Agreement Period, the higher of ten million pounds
10,000,000) in each such Call Off Agreement Year or a sum
equal to one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the Call Off
Agreement Charges payable to the Supplier under this Call Off
Agreement in the last Call Off Agreement Year commencing
during the Call Off Agreement Period;
unless the Customer has specified different financial limits in the
Call Off Order Form.
36.2.2 Subject to Clauses 36.1 (Unlimited Liability) and 36.2 (Financial Limits) and
without prejudice to its obligation to pay the undisputed Call Off Agreement
Charges as and when they fall due for payment, the Customer's total
aggregate liability in respect of all Losses as a result of Customer Causes shall
be limited to:
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(a) in relation to any Customer Causes occurring from the Call Off
Commencement Date to the end of the first Call Off Agreement Year,
a sum equal to the Estimated Year 1 Call Off Agreement Charges;
(b) in relation to any Customer Causes occurring in each subsequent Call
Off Agreement Year that commences during the remainder of the
Call Off Agreement Period, a sum equal to the Call Off Agreement
Charges payable to the Supplier under this Call Off Agreement in the
previous Call Off Agreement Year; and
(c) in relation to any Customer Causes occurring in each Call Off
Agreement Year that commences after the end of the Call Off
Agreement Period, a sum equal to the Call Off Agreement Charges
payable to the Supplier under this Call Off Agreement in the last Call
Off Agreement Year commencing during the Call Off Agreement
36.3 Non-recoverable Losses
36.3.1 Subject to Clause 36.1 (Unlimited Liability) neither Party shall be liable to the
other Party for any:
(a) indirect, special or consequential Loss;
(b) loss of profits, turnover, savings, business opportunities or damage
to goodwill (in each case whether direct or indirect).
36.4 Recoverable Losses
36.4.1 Subject to Clause 36.2 (Financial Limits), and notwithstanding Clause 36.3
(Non-recoverable Losses), the Supplier acknowledges that the Customer may,
amongst other things, recover from the Supplier the following Losses incurred
by the Customer to the extent that they arise as a result of a Default by the
(a) any additional operational and/or administrative costs and expenses
incurred by the Customer, including costs relating to time spent by or
on behalf of the Customer in dealing with the consequences of the
(b) any wasted expenditure or charges;
(c) the additional cost of procuring Replacement Goods and/or Services
for the remainder of the Call Off Agreement Period and/or
replacement Deliverables, which shall include any incremental costs
associated with such Replacement Goods and/or Services and/or
replacement Deliverables above those which would have been
payable under this Call Off Agreement ;
(d) any compensation or interest paid to a third party by the Customer;
(e) any fine, penalty or costs incurred by the Customer pursuant to Law.
36.5 Miscellaneous
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36.5.1 Each Party shall use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate any loss or damage
suffered arising out of or in connection with this Call Off Agreement.
36.5.2 Any Deductions shall not be taken into consideration when calculating the
Supplier’s liability under Clause 36.2 (Financial Limits).
36.5.3 Subject to any rights of the Customer under this Call Off Agreement (including
in respect of an IPR Claim), any claims by a third party where an indemnity is
sought by that third party from a Party to this Call Off Agreement shall be dealt
with in accordance with the provisions of Framework Schedule 20 (Conduct of
37.1 This Clause 37 will only apply where specified in the Call Off Order Form or elsewhere in
this Call Off Agreement.
37.2 Notwithstanding any benefit to the Customer of the policy or policies of insurance
referred to in Clause 31 (Insurance) of the Framework Agreement, the Supplier shall
effect and maintain such further policy or policies of insurance or extensions to such
existing policy or policies of insurance procured under the Framework Agreement in
respect of all risks which may be incurred by the Supplier arising out of its performance
of its obligations under this Call Off Agreement.
37.3 Without limitation to the generality of Clause 37.2 the Supplier shall ensure that it
maintains the policy or policies of insurance as stipulated in the Call Off Order Form.
37.4 The Supplier shall effect and maintain the policy or policies of insurance referred to in
Clause 37 for six (6) years after the Call Off Expiry Date.
37.5 The Supplier shall give the Customer, on request, copies of all insurance policies
referred to in Clause 37 or a broker's verification of insurance to demonstrate that the
appropriate cover is in place, together with receipts or other evidence of payment of
the latest premiums due under those policies.
37.6 If, for whatever reason, the Supplier fails to give effect to and maintain the insurance
policies required under Clause 37 the Customer may make alternative arrangements to
protect its interests and may recover the premium and other costs of such
arrangements as a debt due from the Supplier.
37.7 The provisions of any insurance or the amount of cover shall not relieve the Supplier of
any liability under this Call Off Agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the Supplier to
determine the amount of insurance cover that will be adequate to enable the Supplier
to satisfy any liability in relation to the performance of its obligations under this Call Off
37.8 The Supplier shall ensure that nothing is done which would entitle the relevant insurer
to cancel, rescind or suspend any insurance or cover, or to treat any insurance, cover or
claim as voided in whole or part. The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavours to
notify the Customer (subject to third party confidentiality obligations) as soon as
practicable when it becomes aware of any relevant fact, circumstance or matter which
has caused, or is reasonably likely to provide grounds to, the relevant insurer to give
notice to cancel, rescind, suspend or void any insurance, or any cover or claim under any
insurance in whole or in part.
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38.1 Remedies
38.1.1 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Customer howsoever
arising (including under Call Off Schedule 6 (Service Levels, Service Credits and
Performance Monitoring)) and subject to the exclusive financial remedy
provisions in Clauses 13.6 (Service Levels and Service Credits) and 6.4.1(b)
(Delay Payments), if the Supplier commits any Default of this Call Off
Agreement then the Customer may (whether or not any part of the Goods
and/or Services have been Delivered) do any of the following:
(a) at the Customer's option, give the Supplier the opportunity (at the
Supplier's expense) to remedy the Default together with any damage
resulting from such Default (where such Default is capable of
remedy) or to supply Replacement Goods and/or Services and carry
out any other necessary work to ensure that the terms of this Call Off
Agreement are fulfilled, in accordance with the Customer's
(b) carry out, at the Supplier's expense, any work necessary to make the
provision of the Goods and/or Services comply with this Call Off
Agreement ;
(c) if the Default is a material Default that is capable of remedy (and for
these purposes a material Default may be a single material Default or
a number of Defaults or repeated Defaults - whether of the same or
different obligations and regardless of whether such Defaults are
remedied - which taken together constitute a material Default):
(i) instruct the Supplier to comply with the Rectification Plan
(ii) suspend this Call Off Agreement (whereupon the relevant
provisions of Clause 44 (Partial Termination, Suspension and
Partial Suspension) shall apply) and step-in to itself supply or
procure a third party to supply (in whole or in part) the Goods
and/or Services;
(iii) without terminating or suspending the whole of this Call Off
Agreement , terminate or suspend this Call Off Agreement in
respect of part of the provision of the Goods and/or Services
only (whereupon the relevant provisions of Clause 44 (Partial
Termination, Suspension and Partial Suspension) shall apply)
and step-in to itself supply or procure a third party to supply
(in whole or in part) such part of the Good and/or Services;
38.1.2 Where the Customer exercises any of its step-in rights under Clauses
38.1.1(c)(ii) or 38.1.1(c)(iii), the Customer shall have the right to charge the
Supplier for and the Supplier shall on demand pay any costs reasonably
incurred by the Customer (including any reasonable administration costs) in
respect of the supply of any part of the Goods and/or Services by the
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Customer or a third party and provided that the Customer uses its reasonable
endeavours to mitigate any additional expenditure in obtaining Replacement
Goods and/or Replacement Goods and/or Services.
38.2 Rectification Plan Process
38.2.1 Where the Customer has instructed the Supplier to comply with the
Rectification Plan Process pursuant to Clause 38.1.1(c)(i):
(a) the Supplier shall submit a draft Rectification Plan to the Customer
for it to review as soon as possible and in any event within 10 (ten)
Working Days (or such other period as may be agreed between the
Parties) from the date of Customer’s instructions. The Supplier shall
submit a draft Rectification Plan even if the Supplier disputes that it
is responsible for the Default giving rise to the Customer’s request
for a draft Rectification Plan.
(b) the draft Rectification Plan shall set out:
(i) full details of the Default that has occurred, including a root
cause analysis;
(ii) the actual or anticipated effect of the Default; and
(iii) the steps which the Supplier proposes to take to rectify the
Default (if applicable) and to prevent such Default from
recurring, including timescales for such steps and for the
rectification of the Default (where applicable).
38.2.2 The Supplier shall promptly provide to the Customer any further
documentation that the Customer requires to assess the Supplier’s root cause
analysis. If the Parties do not agree on the root cause set out in the draft
Rectification Plan, either Party may refer the matter to be determined by an
expert in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Call Off Schedule 11 (Dispute
Resolution Procedure).
38.2.3 The Customer may reject the draft Rectification Plan by notice to the Supplier
if, acting reasonably, it considers that the draft Rectification Plan is
inadequate, for example because the draft Rectification Plan:
(a) is insufficiently detailed to be capable of proper evaluation;
(b) will take too long to complete;
(c) will not prevent reoccurrence of the Default; and/or
(d) will rectify the Default but in a manner which is unacceptable to the
38.2.4 The Customer shall notify the Supplier whether it consents to the draft
Rectification Plan as soon as reasonably practicable. If the Customer rejects
the draft Rectification Plan, the Customer shall give reasons for its decision
and the Supplier shall take the reasons into account in the preparation of a
revised Rectification Plan. The Supplier shall submit the revised draft of the
Rectification Plan to the Customer for review within five (5) Working Days (or
such other period as agreed between the Parties) of the Customer’s notice
rejecting the first draft.
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38.2.5 If the Customer consents to the Rectification Plan, the Supplier shall
immediately start work on the actions set out in the Rectification Plan.
39.1 If the Supplier has failed to:
39.1.1 Achieve a Milestone by its Milestone Date;
39.1.2 provide the Goods and/or Services in accordance with the Service Levels;
39.1.3 comply with its obligations under this Call Off Agreement ,
(each a “Supplier Non-Performance”),
and can demonstrate that the Supplier Non-Performance would not have occurred but
for a Customer Cause, then (subject to the Supplier fulfilling its obligations in Clause 17
(Supplier Notification of Customer Cause)):
(a) the Supplier shall not be treated as being in breach of this Call Off
Agreement to the extent the Supplier can demonstrate that the
Supplier Non-Performance was caused by the Customer Cause;
(b) the Customer shall not be entitled to exercise any rights that may
arise as a result of that Supplier Non-Performance to terminate this
Call Off Agreement pursuant to Clause 41 (Customer Termination
Rights) except Clause 41.7 (Termination Without Cause);
(c) where the Supplier Non-Performance constitutes the failure to
Achieve a Milestone by its Milestone Date:
(i) the Milestone Date shall be postponed by a period equal to
the period of Delay that the Supplier can demonstrate was
caused by the Customer Cause;
(ii) if the Customer, acting reasonably, considers it appropriate,
the Implementation Plan shall be amended to reflect any
consequential revisions required to subsequent Milestone
Dates resulting from the Customer Cause;
(iii) if failure to Achieve a Milestone attracts a Delay Payment, the
Supplier shall have no liability to pay any such Delay Payment
associated with the Milestone to the extent that the Supplier
can demonstrate that such failure was caused by the Customer
Cause; and/or
(d) where the Supplier Non-Performance constitutes a Service Level
(i) the Supplier shall not be liable to accrue Service Credits;
(ii) the Customer shall not be entitled to any Compensation for
Critical Service Level Failure pursuant to Clause 14 (Critical
Service Level Failure); and
(iii) the Supplier shall be entitled to invoice for the Call Off
Agreement Charges for the provision of the relevant Goods
and/or Services affected by the Customer Cause,
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in each case, to the extent that the Supplier can demonstrate that
the Service Level Failure was caused by the Customer Cause.
39.2 In order to claim any of the rights and/or relief referred to in Clause 39.1, the Supplier
39.2.1 comply with its obligations under Clause 17 (Notification of Customer Cause);
39.2.2 within ten (10) Working Days of becoming aware that a Customer Cause has
caused, or is likely to cause, a Supplier Non-Performance, give the Customer
notice (a “Relief Notice”) setting out details of:
(a) the Supplier Non-Performance;
(b) the Customer Cause and its effect on the Supplier’s ability to meet its
obligations under this Call Off Agreement ; and
(c) the relief claimed by the Supplier.
39.3 Following the receipt of a Relief Notice, the Customer shall as soon as reasonably
practicable consider the nature of the Supplier Non-Performance and the alleged
Customer Cause and whether it agrees with the Supplier’s assessment set out in the
Relief Notice as to the effect of the relevant Customer Cause and its entitlement to
relief, consulting with the Supplier where necessary.
39.4 Without prejudice to Clauses 8.6 (Continuing obligation to provide the Goods and/or
Services) and 9.11 (Continuing obligation to provide the Goods), if a Dispute arises as to:
39.4.1 whether a Supplier Non-Performance would not have occurred but for a
Customer Cause; and/or
39.4.2 the nature and/or extent of the relief claimed by the Supplier,
either Party may refer the Dispute to the Dispute Resolution Procedure. Pending the
resolution of the Dispute, both Parties shall continue to resolve the causes of, and
mitigate the effects of, the Supplier Non-Performance.
39.5 Any Variation that is required to the Implementation Plan or to the Call Off Agreement
Charges pursuant to Clause 39 shall be implemented in accordance with the Variation
40.1 Subject to the remainder of Clause 40 (and, in relation to the Supplier, subject to its
compliance with any obligations in Clause 15 (Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery)), a Party may claim relief under Clause 40 from liability for failure to meet its
obligations under this Call Off Agreement for as long as and only to the extent that the
performance of those obligations is directly affected by a Force Majeure Event. Any
failure or delay by the Supplier in performing its obligations under this Call Off
Agreement which results from a failure or delay by an agent, Sub-Contractor or supplier
shall be regarded as due to a Force Majeure Event only if that agent, Sub-Contractor or
supplier is itself impeded by a Force Majeure Event from complying with an obligation
to the Supplier.
40.2 The Affected Party shall as soon as reasonably practicable issue a Force Majeure Notice,
which shall include details of the Force Majeure Event, its effect on the obligations of
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the Affected Party and any action the Affected Party proposes to take to mitigate its
40.3 If the Supplier is the Affected Party, it shall not be entitled to claim relief under
Clause 40 to the extent that consequences of the relevant Force Majeure Event:
40.3.1 are capable of being mitigated by any of the provision of any Goods and/or
Services, including any BCDR Goods and/or Services, but the Supplier has failed
to do so; and/or
40.3.2 should have been foreseen and prevented or avoided by a prudent provider of
goods and/or services similar to the Goods and/or Services, operating to the
standards required by this Call Off Agreement.
40.4 Subject to Clause 40.5, as soon as practicable after the Affected Party issues the Force
Majeure Notice, and at regular intervals thereafter, the Parties shall consult in good
faith and use reasonable endeavours to agree any steps to be taken and an appropriate
timetable in which those steps should be taken, to enable continued provision of the
Goods and/or Services affected by the Force Majeure Event.
40.5 The Parties shall at all times following the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event and
during its subsistence use their respective reasonable endeavours to prevent and
mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event. Where the Supplier is the Affected
Party, it shall take all steps in accordance with Good Industry Practice to overcome or
minimise the consequences of the Force Majeure Event.
40.6 Where, as a result of a Force Majeure Event:
40.6.1 an Affected Party fails to perform its obligations in accordance with this Call
Off Agreement , then during the continuance of the Force Majeure Event:
(a) the other Party shall not be entitled to exercise any rights to
terminate this Call Off Agreement in whole or in part as a result of
such failure unless the provision of the Goods and/or Services is
materially impacted by a Force Majeure Event which endures for a
continuous period of more than ninety (90) days; and
(b) the Supplier shall not be liable for any Default and the Customer shall
not be liable for any Customer Cause arising as a result of such
40.6.2 the Supplier fails to perform its obligations in accordance with this Call Off
Agreement :
(a) the Customer shall not be entitled:
(i) during the continuance of the Force Majeure Event to exercise
its step-in rights under Clause 38.1.1(b) and
38.1.1(c) (Customer Remedies for Default) as a result of such
(ii) to receive Delay Payments pursuant to Clause 6.4 (Delay
Payments) to the extent that the Achievement of any
Milestone is affected by the Force Majeure Event; and
(iii) to receive Service Credits or withhold and retain any of the Call
Off Agreement Charges as Compensation for Critical Service
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Level Failure pursuant to Clause 14 (Critical Service Level
Failure) to the extent that a Service Level Failure or Critical
Service Level Failure has been caused by the Force Majeure
Event; and
(b) the Supplier shall be entitled to receive payment of the Call Off
Agreement Charges (or a proportional payment of them) only to the
extent that the Goods and/or Services (or part of the Goods and/or
Services) continue to be provided in accordance with the terms of
this Call Off Agreement during the occurrence of the Force Majeure
40.7 The Affected Party shall notify the other Party as soon as practicable after the Force
Majeure Event ceases or no longer causes the Affected Party to be unable to comply
with its obligations under this Call Off Agreement.
40.8 Relief from liability for the Affected Party under Clause 40 shall end as soon as the Force
Majeure Event no longer causes the Affected Party to be unable to comply with its
obligations under this Call Off Agreement and shall not be dependent on the serving of
notice under Clause 40.7.
41.1 Termination in Relation to Call Off Guarantee
41.1.1 Where this Call Off Agreement is conditional upon the Supplier procuring a Call
Off Guarantee pursuant to Clause 4 (Call Off Guarantee), the Customer may
terminate this Call Off Agreement by issuing a Termination Notice to the
Supplier where:
(a) the Call Off Guarantor withdraws the Call Off Guarantee for any
reason whatsoever;
(b) the Call Off Guarantor is in breach or anticipatory breach of the Call
Off Guarantee;
(c) an Insolvency Event occurs in respect of the Call Off Guarantor; or
(d) the Call Off Guarantee becomes invalid or unenforceable for any
reason whatsoever,
and in each case the Call Off Guarantee (as applicable) is not replaced by an
alternative guarantee agreement acceptable to the Customer; or
(e) the Supplier fails to provide the documentation required by Clause
4.1 by the date so specified by the Customer.
41.2 Termination on Material Default
41.2.1 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement for material Default by
issuing a Termination Notice to the Supplier where:
(a) the Supplier commits a Critical Service Level Failure;
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(b) the representation and warranty given by the Supplier pursuant to
Clause 3.2.5 (Representations and Warranties) is materially untrue
or misleading, and the Supplier fails to provide details of proposed
mitigating factors which in the reasonable opinion of the Customer
are acceptable;
(c) as a result of any Defaults, the Customer incurs Losses in any
Contract Year which exceed 80% (unless stated differently in the Call
Off Order Form) of the value of the Supplier’s aggregate annual
liability limit for that Contract Year as set out in Clauses 36.2.1(a) and
36.2.1(b) (Liability);
(d) the Customer expressly reserves the right to terminate this Call Off
Agreement for material Default, including pursuant to any of the
following Clauses: 6.2.3 (Implementation Plan), 8.4.2 (Goods and/or
Services), 9.4.2 and 9.6.1 (Goods), 10.3 (Installation Works), 14.1
(Critical Service Level Failure), 16.4 (Disruption), 21.5 (Records, Audit
Access and Open Book Data), 24.3(Promoting Tax Compliance),
34.4.9 (Confidentiality), 50.6.2 (Prevention of Fraud and Bribery),
Paragraph 1.2.4 of the Annex to Part A and Paragraph 1.2.4 of the
Annex to Part B of Call Off Schedule 10 (Staff Transfer);
(e) the Supplier commits any material Default of this Call Off Agreement
which is not, in the reasonable opinion of the Customer, capable of
remedy; and/or
(f) the Supplier commits a Default, including a material Default, which in
the opinion of the Customer is remediable but has not remedied
such Default to the satisfaction of the Customer in accordance with
the Rectification Plan Process.
41.2.2 For the purpose of Clause 41.2.1, a material Default may be a single material
Default or a number of Defaults or repeated Defaults (whether of the same or
different obligations and regardless of whether such Defaults are remedied)
which taken together constitute a material Default.
41.3 Termination in Relation to Financial Standing
41.3.1 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement by issuing a Termination
Notice to the Supplier where in the reasonable opinion of the Customer there
is a material detrimental change in the financial standing and/or the credit
rating of the Supplier which:
(a) adversely impacts on the Supplier's ability to supply the Goods
and/or Services under this Call Off Agreement ; or
(b) could reasonably be expected to have an adverse impact on the
Suppliers ability to supply the Goods and/or Services under this Call
Off Agreement.
41.4 Termination on Insolvency
41.4.1 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement by issuing a Termination
Notice to the Supplier where an Insolvency Event affecting the Supplier occurs.
41.5 Termination on Change of Control
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41.5.1 The Supplier shall notify the Customer immediately in writing and as soon as
the Supplier is aware (or ought reasonably to be aware) that it is anticipating,
undergoing, undergoes or has undergone a Change of Control and provided
such notification does not contravene any Law.
41.5.2 The Supplier shall ensure that any notification made pursuant to Clause 41.5.1
shall set out full details of the Change of Control including the circumstances
suggesting and/or explaining the Change of Control.
41.5.3 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement under Clause 41.5 by
issuing a Termination Notice to the Supplier within six (6) Months of:
(a) being notified in writing that a Change of Control is anticipated or in
contemplation or has occurred; or
(b) where no notification has been made, the date that the Customer
becomes aware that a Change of Control is anticipated or is in
contemplation or has occurred,
but shall not be permitted to terminate where an Approval was granted prior
to the Change of Control.
41.6 Termination for breach of Regulations
41.6.1 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement by issuing a Termination
Notice to the Supplier on the occurrence of any of the statutory provisos
contained in Regulation 73 (1) (a) to (c).
41.7 Termination Without Cause
41.7.1 The Customer shall have the right to terminate this Call Off Agreement at any
time by issuing a Termination Notice to the Supplier giving at least thirty (30)
Working Days written notice (unless stated differently in the Call Off Order
41.8 Termination in Relation to Framework Agreement
41.8.1 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement by issuing a Termination
Notice to the Supplier if the Framework Agreement is terminated for any
reason whatsoever.
41.9 Termination In Relation to Benchmarking
41.9.1 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement by issuing a Termination
Notice to the Supplier if the Supplier refuses or fails to comply with its
obligations as set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Framework Schedule 12
(Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking).
41.10 Termination in Relation to Variation
41.10.1 The Customer may terminate this Call Off Agreement by issuing a Termination
Notice to the Supplier for failure of the Parties to agree or the Supplier to
implement a Variation in accordance with the Variation Procedure.
42.1 Termination on Customer Cause for Failure to Pay
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42.1.1 The Supplier may, by issuing a Termination Notice to the Customer, terminate
this Call Off Agreement if the Customer fails to pay an undisputed sum due to
the Supplier under this Call Off Agreement which in aggregate exceeds an
amount equal to one month’s average Call Off Agreement Charges (unless a
different amount has been specified in the Call Off Order Form), for the
purposes of this Clause 42.1.1 (the “Undisputed Sums Limit”), and the said
undisputed sum due remains outstanding for forty (40) Working Days (the
“Undisputed Sums Time Period”) after the receipt by the Customer of a
written notice of non-payment from the Supplier specifying:
(a) the Customer’s failure to pay; and
(b) the correct overdue and undisputed sum; and
(c) the reasons why the undisputed sum is due; and
(d) the requirement on the Customer to remedy the failure to pay; and
this Call Off Agreement shall then terminate on the date specified in the
Termination Notice (which shall not be less than twenty (20) Working Days
from the date of the issue of the Termination Notice), save that such right of
termination shall not apply where the failure to pay is due to the Customer
exercising its rights under this Call Off Agreement including Clause 23.3
(Retention and Set off).
42.1.2 The Supplier shall not suspend the supply of the Goods and/or Services for
failure of the Customer to pay undisputed sums of money (whether in whole
or in part).
43.1 Termination for continuing Force Majeure Event
43.1.1 Either Party may, by issuing a Termination Notice to the other Party, terminate
this Call Off Agreement in accordance with Clause 40.6.1(a) (Force Majeure).
44.1 Where the Customer has the right to terminate this Call Off Agreement, the Customer
shall be entitled to terminate or suspend all or part of this Call Off Agreement provided
always that, if the Customer elects to terminate or suspend this Call Off Agreement in
part, the parts of this Call Off Agreement not terminated or suspended can, in the
Customer’s reasonable opinion, operate effectively to deliver the intended purpose of
the surviving parts of this Call Off Agreement.
44.2 Any suspension of this Call Off Agreement under Clause 44.1 shall be for such period as
the Customer may specify and without prejudice to any right of termination which has
already accrued, or subsequently accrues, to the Customer.
44.3 The Parties shall seek to agree the effect of any Variation necessitated by a partial
termination, suspension or partial suspension in accordance with the Variation
Procedure, including the effect that the partial termination, suspension or partial
suspension may have on the provision of any other Goods and/or Services and the Call
Off Agreement Charges, provided that the Supplier shall not be entitled to:
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44.3.1 an increase in the Call Off Agreement Charges in respect of the provision of
the Goods and/or Services that have not been terminated if the partial
termination arises due to the exercise of any of the Customer’s termination
rights under Clause 41 (Customer Termination Rights) except Clause 41.7
(Termination Without Cause); and
44.3.2 reject the Variation.
45.1 Consequences of termination under Clauses 41.1 (Termination in Relation to
Guarantee), 41.2 (Termination on Material Default), 41.3 (Termination in Relation to
Financial Standing), 41.8 (Termination in Relation to Framework Agreement), 41.9
(Termination in Relation to Benchmarking) and 41.10 (Termination in Relation to
45.1.1 Where the Customer:
(a) terminates (in whole or in part) this Call Off Agreement under any of
the Clauses referred to in Clause 45.1; and
(b) then makes other arrangements for the supply of the Goods and/or
the Customer may recover from the Supplier the cost reasonably incurred of
making those other arrangements and any additional expenditure incurred
by the Customer throughout the remainder of the Call Off Agreement Period
provided that Customer shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate such
additional expenditure. No further payments shall be payable by the
Customer to the Supplier until the Customer has established the final cost of
making those other arrangements.
45.2 Consequences of termination under Clauses 41.7 (Termination without Cause) and 42.1
(Termination on Customer Cause for Failure to Pay)
45.2.1 Where:
(a) the Customer terminates (in whole or in part) this Call Off Agreement
under Clause 41.7 (Termination without Cause); or
(b) the Supplier terminates this Call Off Agreement pursuant to Clause
42.1 (Termination on Customer Cause for Failure to Pay),
the Customer shall indemnify the Supplier against any reasonable and
proven Losses which would otherwise represent an unavoidable loss by the
Supplier by reason of the termination of this Call Off Agreement, provided
that the Supplier takes all reasonable steps to mitigate such Losses. The
Supplier shall submit a fully itemised and costed list of such Losses, with
supporting evidence including such further evidence as the Customer may
require, reasonably and actually incurred by the Supplier as a result of
termination under Clause 41.7 (Termination without Cause).
45.2.2 The Customer shall not be liable under Clause 45.2.1 to pay any sum which:
(a) was claimable under insurance held by the Supplier, and the Supplier
has failed to make a claim on its insurance, or has failed to make a
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claim in accordance with the procedural requirements of the
insurance policy; or
(b) when added to any sums paid or due to the Supplier under this Call
Off Agreement , exceeds the total sum that would have been payable
to the Supplier if this Call Off Agreement had not been terminated.
45.3 Consequences of termination under Clause 43.1 (Termination for Continuing Force
Majeure Event)
45.3.1 The costs of termination incurred by the Parties shall lie where they fall if
either Party terminates or partially terminates this Call Off Agreement for a
continuing Force Majeure Event pursuant to Clause 43.1 (Termination for
Continuing Force Majeure Event).
45.4 Consequences of Termination for Any Reason
45.4.1 Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Call Off Agreement :
(a) termination or expiry of this Call Off Agreement shall be without
prejudice to any rights, remedies or obligations accrued under this
Call Off Agreement prior to termination or expiration and nothing in
this Call Off Agreement shall prejudice the right of either Party to
recover any amount outstanding at the time of such termination or
expiry; and
(b) termination of this Call Off Agreement shall not affect the continuing
rights, remedies or obligations of the Customer or the Supplier under
Clauses 21 (Records, Audit Access & Open Book Data),
33 (Intellectual Property Rights), 34.4 (Confidentiality),
34.5 (Transparency and Freedom of Information) 34.6 (Protection of
Personal Data), 36 (Liability), 45 (Consequences of Expiry or
Termination), 51 (Severance), 53 (Entire Agreement), 54 (Third Party
Rights) 56 (Dispute Resolution) and 57 (Governing Law and
Jurisdiction), and the provisions of Call Off Schedule 1 (Definitions),
Call Off Schedule 3 (Call Off Agreement Charges, Payment and
Invoicing), Call Off Schedule 9 (Exit Management), Call Off Schedule
10 (Staff Transfer), Call Off Schedule 11 (Dispute Resolution
Procedure) and, without limitation to the foregoing, any other
provision of this Call Off Agreement which expressly or by implication
is to be performed or observed notwithstanding termination or
expiry shall survive the Call Off Expiry Date.
Associated Optional Schedule: Call Off Schedule 9 (Exit Management)
46.1 Health and Safety
46.1.1 The Supplier shall perform its obligations under this Call Off Agreement
(including those in relation to the Goods and/or Services) in accordance with:
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(a) all applicable Law regarding health and safety; and
(b) the Customer’s health and safety policy (as provided to the Supplier
from time to time) whilst at the Customer Premises.
46.1.2 Each Party shall promptly notify the other of as soon as possible of any health
and safety incidents or material health and safety hazards at the Customer
Premises of which it becomes aware and which relate to or arise in connection
with the performance of this Call Off Agreement
46.1.3 While on the Customer Premises, the Supplier shall comply with any health
and safety measures implemented by the Customer in respect of Supplier
Personnel and other persons working there and any instructions from the
Customer on any necessary associated safety measures.
46.2 Equality and Diversity
46.2.1 The Supplier shall:
(a) perform its obligations under this Call Off Agreement (including
those in relation to provision of the Goods and/or Services) in
accordance with:
(i) all applicable equality Law (whether in relation to race, sex,
gender reassignment, religion or belief, disability, sexual
orientation, pregnancy, maternity, age or otherwise); and
(ii) any other requirements and instructions which the Customer
reasonably imposes in connection with any equality
obligations imposed on the Customer at any time under
applicable equality Law;
(b) take all necessary steps, and inform the Customer of the steps taken,
to prevent unlawful discrimination designated as such by any court
or tribunal, or the Equality and Human Rights Commission or (any
successor organisation).
46.3 Official Secrets Act and Finance Act
46.3.1 The Supplier shall comply with the provisions of:
(a) the Official Secrets Acts 1911 to 1989; and
(b) section 182 of the Finance Act 1989.
46.4 Environmental Requirements
46.4.1 The Supplier shall, when working on the Sites, perform its obligations under
this Call Off Agreement in accordance with the Environmental Policy of the
46.4.2 The Customer shall provide a copy of its written Environmental Policy (if any)
to the Supplier upon the Supplier’s written request.
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47.1 The Supplier shall not assign, novate, Sub-Contract or otherwise dispose of or create any
trust in relation to any or all of its rights, obligations or liabilities under this Call Off
Agreement or any part of it without Approval.
47.2 The Customer may assign, novate or otherwise dispose of any or all of its rights,
liabilities and obligations under this Call Off Agreement or any part thereof to:
47.2.1 any other Contracting Authority; or
47.2.2 any other body established by the Crown or under statute in order
substantially to perform any of the functions that had previously been
performed by the Customer; or
47.2.3 any private sector body which substantially performs the functions of the
and the Supplier shall, at the Customer’s request, enter into a novation agreement in such
form as the Customer shall reasonably specify in order to enable the Customer to exercise its
rights pursuant to this Clause 47.2.
47.3 A change in the legal status of the Customer shall not, subject to Clause 47.4 affect the
validity of this Call Off Agreement and this Call Off Agreement shall be binding on any
successor body to the Customer.
47.4 If the Customer assigns, novates or otherwise disposes of any of its rights, obligations or
liabilities under this Call Off Agreement to a private sector body in accordance with
Clause 47.2.3 (the Transfereein the rest of this Clause 47.4) the right of termination
of the Customer in Clause 41.4 (Termination on Insolvency) shall be available to the
Supplier in the event of insolvency of the Transferee (as if the references to Supplier in
Clause 41.4 (Termination on Insolvency) and to Supplier or Framework Guarantor or Call
Off Guarantor in the definition of Insolvency Event were references to the Transferee).
48.1 The rights and remedies under this Call Off Agreement may be waived only by notice in
accordance with Clause 55 (Notices) and in a manner that expressly states that a waiver
is intended. A failure or delay by a Party in ascertaining or exercising a right or remedy
provided under this Call Off Agreement or by Law shall not constitute a waiver of that
right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that right or
48.2 Unless otherwise provided in this Call Off Agreement , rights and remedies under this
Call Off Agreement are cumulative and do not exclude any rights or remedies provided
by Law, in equity or otherwise.
49.1 Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Call Off Agreement, nothing in this Call
Off Agreement, nor any actions taken by the Parties pursuant to this Call Off Agreement,
shall create a partnership, joint venture or relationship of employer and employee or
principal and agent between the Parties, or authorise either Party to make
representations or enter into any commitments for or on behalf of any other Party.
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50.1 The Supplier represents and warrants that neither it, nor to the best of its knowledge
any Supplier Personnel, have at any time prior to the Call Off Commencement Date:
50.1.1 committed a Prohibited Act or been formally notified that it is subject to an
investigation or prosecution which relates to an alleged Prohibited Act; and/or
50.1.2 been listed by any government department or agency as being debarred,
suspended, proposed for suspension or debarment, or otherwise ineligible for
participation in government procurement programmes or contracts on the
grounds of a Prohibited Act.
50.2 The Supplier shall not during the Call Off Agreement Period:
50.2.1 commit a Prohibited Act; and/or
50.2.2 do or suffer anything to be done which would cause the Customer or any of
the Customer’s employees, consultants, contractors, sub-contractors or agents
to contravene any of the Relevant Requirements or otherwise incur any
liability in relation to the Relevant Requirements.
50.3 The Supplier shall during the Call Off Agreement Period:
50.3.1 establish, maintain and enforce, and require that its Sub-Contractors establish,
maintain and enforce, policies and procedures which are adequate to ensure
compliance with the Relevant Requirements and prevent the occurrence of a
Prohibited Act;
50.3.2 keep appropriate records of its compliance with its obligations under
Clause 50.3.1 and make such records available to the Customer on request;
50.3.3 if so required by the Customer, within twenty (20) Working Days of the Call Off
Commencement Date, and annually thereafter, certify to the Customer in
writing that the Supplier and all persons associated with it or its Sub-
Contractors or other persons who are supplying the Goods and/or Services in
connection with this Call Off Agreement are compliant with the Relevant
Requirements. The Supplier shall provide such supporting evidence of
compliance as the Customer may reasonably request; and
50.3.4 have, maintain and where appropriate enforce an anti-bribery policy (which
shall be disclosed to the Customer on request) to prevent it and any Supplier
Personnel or any person acting on the Supplier's behalf from committing a
Prohibited Act.
50.4 The Supplier shall immediately notify the Customer in writing if it becomes aware of any
breach of Clause 50.1, or has reason to believe that it has or any of the Supplier
Personnel have:
50.4.1 been subject to an investigation or prosecution which relates to an alleged
Prohibited Act;
50.4.2 been listed by any government department or agency as being debarred,
suspended, proposed for suspension or debarment, or otherwise ineligible for
participation in government procurement programmes or contracts on the
grounds of a Prohibited Act; and/or
50.4.3 received a request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage of
any kind in connection with the performance of this Call Off Agreement or
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otherwise suspects that any person or Party directly or indirectly connected
with this Call Off Agreement has committed or attempted to commit a
Prohibited Act.
50.5 If the Supplier makes a notification to the Customer pursuant to Clause 50.4, the
Supplier shall respond promptly to the Customer's enquiries, co-operate with any
investigation, and allow the Customer to audit any books, records and/or any other
relevant documentation in accordance with Clause 21 (Records, Audit Access and Open
Book Data).
50.6 If the Supplier breaches Clause 50.3, the Customer may by notice:
50.6.1 require the Supplier to remove from performance of this Call Off Agreement
any Supplier Personnel whose acts or omissions have caused the Supplier’s
breach; or
50.6.2 immediately terminate this Call Off Agreement for material Default.
50.7 Any notice served by the Customer under Clause 50.4 shall specify the nature of the
Prohibited Act, the identity of the Party who the Customer believes has committed the
Prohibited Act and the action that the Customer has elected to take (including, where
relevant, the date on which this Call Off Agreement shall terminate).
51.1 If any provision of this Call Off Agreement (or part of any provision) is held to be void or
otherwise unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision (or part)
shall to the extent necessary to ensure that the remaining provisions of this Call Off
Agreement are not void or unenforceable be deemed to be deleted and the validity
and/or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Call Off Agreement shall not be
51.2 In the event that any deemed deletion under Clause 51.1 is so fundamental as to
prevent the accomplishment of the purpose of this Call Off Agreement or materially
alters the balance of risks and rewards in this Call Off Agreement , either Party may give
notice to the other Party requiring the Parties to commence good faith negotiations to
amend this Call Off Agreement so that, as amended, it is valid and enforceable,
preserves the balance of risks and rewards in this Call Off Agreement and, to the extent
that is reasonably practicable, achieves the Parties' original commercial intention.
51.3 If the Parties are unable to resolve the Dispute arising under Clause 51 within twenty
(20) Working Days of the date of the notice given pursuant to Clause 51.2, this Call Off
Agreement shall automatically terminate with immediate effect. The costs of
termination incurred by the Parties shall lie where they fall if this Call Off Agreement is
terminated pursuant to Clause 51.
52.1 Each Party undertakes at the request of the other, and at the cost of the requesting
Party to do all acts and execute all documents which may be necessary to give effect to
the meaning of this Call Off Agreement.
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53.1 This Call Off Agreement and the documents referred to in it constitute the entire
agreement between the Parties in respect of the matter and supersede and extinguish
all prior negotiations, course of dealings or agreements made between the Parties in
relation to its subject matter, whether written or oral.
53.2 Neither Party has been given, nor entered into this Call Off Agreement in reliance on,
any warranty, statement, promise or representation other than those expressly set out
in this Call Off Agreement .
53.3 Nothing in Clause 53 shall exclude any liability in respect of misrepresentations made
54.1 The provisions of paragraphs 2.1 and 2.6 of Part A, paragraphs 2.1, 2.6, 3.1 and 3.3 of
Part B, paragraphs 2.1 and 2.3 of Part C and paragraphs and 1.4, 2.3 and 2.8 of Part D of
Call Off Schedule 10 (Staff Transfer) and the provisions of paragraph 9.9 of Call Off
Schedule 9 (Exit Management) (together Third Party Provisions”) confer benefits on
persons named in such provisions other than the Parties (each such person a Third
Party Beneficiary”) and are intended to be enforceable by Third Parties Beneficiaries by
virtue of the CRTPA.
54.2 Subject to Clause 54.1, a person who is not a Party to this Call Off Agreement has no
right under the CTRPA to enforce any term of this Call Off Agreement but this does not
affect any right or remedy of any person which exists or is available otherwise than
pursuant to that Act.
54.3 No Third Party Beneficiary may enforce, or take any step to enforce, any Third Party
Provision without the prior written consent of the Customer, which may, if given, be
given on and subject to such terms as the Customer may determine.
54.4 Any amendments or modifications to this Call Off Agreement may be made, and any
rights created under Clause 54.1 may be altered or extinguished, by the Parties without
the consent of any Third Party Beneficiary.
55.1 Except as otherwise expressly provided within this Call Off Agreement, any notices sent
under this Call Off Agreement must be in writing. For the purpose of Clause 55, an e-
mail is accepted as being "in writing".
55.2 Subject to Clause 55.3, the following table sets out the method by which notices may be
served under this Call Off Agreement and the respective deemed time and proof of
Manner of delivery
Deemed time of delivery
Proof of Service
Email (Subject to
Clauses 55.3 and 55.4)
9.00am on the first
Working Day after sending
Dispatched as a pdf
attachment to an e-mail to
the correct e-mail address
without any error message
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Personal delivery
On delivery, provided
delivery is between
9.00am and 5.00pm on a
Working Day. Otherwise,
delivery will occur at
9.00am on the next
Working Day
Properly addressed and
delivered as evidenced by
signature of a delivery receipt
Royal Mail Signed For™
Class or other
prepaid, next Working
Day service providing
proof of delivery
At the time recorded by
the delivery service,
provided that delivery is
between 9.00am and
5.00pm on a Working Day.
Otherwise, delivery will
occur at 9.00am on the
same Working Day (if
delivery before 9.00am) or
on the next Working Day
(if after 5.00pm)
Properly addressed prepaid
and delivered as evidenced
by signature of a delivery
55.3 The following notices may only be served as an attachment to an email if the original
notice is then sent to the recipient by personal delivery or Royal Mail Signed For™ 1
Class or other prepaid in the manner set out in the table in Clause 55.2:
55.3.1 any Termination Notice (Clause 41 (Customer Termination Rights)),
55.3.2 any notice in respect of:
(a) partial termination, suspension or partial suspension (Clause 44
(Partial Termination, Suspension and Partial Suspension)),
(b) waiver (Clause 48 (Waiver and Cumulative Remedies))
(c) Default or Customer Cause; and
55.3.3 any Dispute Notice.
55.4 Failure to send any original notice by personal delivery or recorded delivery in
accordance with Clause 55.3 shall invalidate the service of the related e-mail
transmission. The deemed time of delivery of such notice shall be the deemed time of
delivery of the original notice sent by personal delivery or Royal Mail Signed For™ 1st
Class delivery (as set out in the table in Clause 55.2) or, if earlier, the time of response or
acknowledgement by the other Party to the email attaching the notice.
55.5 Clause 55 does not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in any
legal action or, where applicable, any arbitration or other method of dispute resolution
(other than the service of a Dispute Notice under the Dispute Resolution Procedure).
55.6 For the purposes of Clause 55, the address and email address of each Party shall be as
specified in the Call Off Order Form.
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56.1 The Parties shall resolve Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Call Off
Agreement in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure.
56.2 The Supplier shall continue to provide the Goods and/or Services in accordance with the
terms of this Call Off Agreement until a Dispute has been resolved.
57.1 This Call Off Agreement and any issues, Disputes or claims (whether contractual or non-
contractual) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
57.2 Subject to Clause 56 (Dispute Resolution) and Call Off Schedule 12 (Dispute Resolution
Procedure) (including the Customer’s right to refer the Dispute to arbitration), the
Parties agree that the courts of England and Wales (unless stated differently in the Call
Off Order Form) shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any Dispute or claim (whether
contractual or non-contractual) that arises out of or in connection with this Call Off
Agreement or its subject matter or formation.