Annotating Agreement and Disagreement in Threaded Discussion
Jacob Andreas, Sara Rosenthal, Kathy McKeown
Columbia University
[email protected], {sara,kathy}
We introduce a new corpus of sentence-level agreement and disagreement annotations over LiveJournal and Wikipedia threads. This is
the first agreement corpus to offer full-document annotations for threaded discussions. We provide a methodology for coding responses
as well as an implemented tool with an interface that facilitates annotation of a specific response while viewing the full context of the
thread. Both the results of an annotator questionnaire and high inter-annotator agreement statistics indicate that the annotations collected
are of high quality.
Keywords: annotation, agreement, online discussion
1. Introduction
The identification of agreement and disagreement among
participants in a discussion has been widely studied. The
problem, however, suffers from a paucity of data. In or-
der to develop systems that can recognize when a dialog
participant agrees or disagrees with a previous speaker, cor-
pora that contain gold standard annotations identifying who
agrees (or disagrees) with whom are needed. At present,
only a small number of corpora covering a limited range of
discussion formats exist. As is usually the case, it is diffi-
cult to extend systems trained on these corpora to new tasks
or differently-formatted data, particularly when discussions
in the target data have a fundamentally different structure
from that of the available training data.
In particular, almost all existing corpora cover linear dis-
cussions, typically transcriptions of meetings, in which the
sentences or utterances in the discussion proceed in a sin-
gle chain with a definite order. Such corpora, while good
for modeling discussions that take place in real time, are
ill-suited to learning patterns found in conversations taking
place on Internet message boards or blogs. In online fo-
rums, discussions are typically structured as threads, tree-
shaped structures in which multiple posts can share the
same parent. In fact, it is often the case that a single post
may elicit many comments, which can either respond to
the initial poster or to one of the comments on the post.
While there is a definite underlying temporal ordering (the
sequence in which posts were created), the most important
feature is a set of explicit edges between posts which ex-
plain who is responding to whom.
In this paper, we introduce a corpus of agreement and
disagreement annotations on two different online sources:
Wikipedia discussion forums, and LiveJournal weblogs.
This corpus, which we believe to be the first of its kind,
provides a source of agreement and disagreement data both
for a new source (the Internet) and a new document struc-
ture (threaded discussion).
We present the annotation guidelines that were used to cre-
ate this corpus, and statistics about the annotations that
were collected. We also discuss the process by which the
corpus was created, highlighting the annotation tool we cre-
ated for this task and the results of questionnaires that were
presented to the annotators.
2. Related Work
Various corpora and annotation tools for more restricted
agreement/disagreement annotation tasks exist. DAMSL
(Allen and Core, 1997) is a dialog act annotation scheme
and tool used to annotate various kinds of communica-
tion, including agreement, for speech transcripts. The ICSI
meeting corpus (Janin et al., 2003; Shriberg et al., 2004)
has similarly been annotated (Galley, 2007) for agreement
and other dialog acts. As discussed, these linear transcripts
do not generalize well to threaded documents. Perhaps the
most similar work to ours is that of Abbott et al (2011); they
identify disagreement in political blogs on hquote,responsei
pairs using only lexical features. In contrast, our annotation
tool explores several forms of agreement and disagreement
and asks the annotator to take into account the context of
the phrases by providing the entire document (which was
an optional feature in their annotation). In other related
work, Bender et al (2011) annotate Wikipedia discussion
forums for positive and negative alignment moves which
express agreement and disagreement respectively between
the source and target. Their annotation includes praise,
doubt, and sarcasm in addition to explicit agreement and
disagreement. They did not have an annotation tool, but
simply had the annotators annotate the documents directly.
Our annotation tool could be easily modified for their ap-
This project is directly motivated by the lack of adequate
data for training an agreement module in a larger project
aimed at identifying influential participants and subgroup
formation in online message boards; we expect that agree-
ment classifiers trained on this data will be useful for a
wide variety of higher-level discourse analysis tasks like
ours. There is already a great deal of work on the prob-
lem of labeling individual utterances in a (linear) meeting
transcript; we note in particular the work of (Galley et al.,
2004), which focused on identifying adjacency pairs, and
a similar paper by (Hillard et al., 2003), which studied the
same task using a reduced feature set. More recent work
on agreement/disagreement detection includes (Hahn et al.,
2006; Germesin and Wilson, 2009; Wang et al., 2011). We
hope that this corpus will enable a generalization of (Galley
et al., 2004)’s work to other document structures.
There seems to be a much better list at the National Cancer Institute than the one we’ve got. It ties much better to
the actual publication (the same 11 sections, in the same order). I’d like to replace that section in this article. Any
Not a problem. Perhaps we can also insert the relative incidence as published in this month’s wiki Blood journal
I’ve made the update. I’ve included template links to a source that supports looking up information by
ICD-O code.
Can Arcadian tell me why he/she included the leukemia classification to this lymphoma page? It is not even
listed in the Wikipedia leukemia page! I vote for dividing the WHO classification into 4 parts in 4 distinct pages:
leukemia, lymphoma, histocytic and mastocytic neoplasms. Let me know what you think before I delete them.
Emmanuelm, aren’t you the person who added those other categories on 6 July 2005?
Arcadian, I added only the lymphoma portion of the WHO classification. You added the leukemias on
Dec 29th. Would you mind moving the leukemia portion to the leukemia page
Oh, and please note that I would be very comfortable with a “cross-coverage” of lymphocytic leukemias in
both pages. My comment is really about myeloid, histiocytic and mast cell neoplasms who share no real
relationship with lymphomas.
To simplify the discussion, I have restored that section to your version. You may make any further edits,
and I will have no objection.
Table 1: Examples of agreement and disagreement in a Wikipedia discussion forum. Direct Response: c
, c
I want this jacket. Because 100% silk is so practical, especially in a household with cats. but it’s so, I
don’t know – raggedy looking! That’s awesome!
That jacket is gorgeous. Impractical, way too expensive for the look, and pretty much gorgeous.
I knoooooow, and you’re not helping. :)
Monday! WHEE! It is a bit raggedy looking. I think it’s because of the ties.
Wow, that jacket looks really nice... I wish I could afford it!
Table 2: Examples of a agreement in a LiveJournal weblog. Direct Response: c
, c
, Direct Paraphrase: c
, Indirect Paraphrase: c
3. Annotation Guidelines
A thread consists of a set of posts organized in a tree. We
use standard terminology to refer to the structure of this
tree (so every post has a single “parent” to which it replies,
and all nodes descend from a single “root”). Each post
is marked with a timestamp and an author, a string (its
Agreement annotation is performed on pairs of sentences
{s, t}, where each sentence is a substring of the body of a
post. s is referred to as the “antecedent sentence”, and t as
the “reaction sentence. The antecedent sentence and reac-
tion sentence occur in different posts written by different
authors. Annotations are implicitly directed from reaction
to antecedent; the reaction is always the sentence from the
post with the later timestamp. Annotations between pairs
of posts with the same author are forbidden. Each pair is
also annotated with a type.
Each sentence pair can be of either type agreement or dis-
agreement. Two sentences are in agreement when they pro-
vide evidence that their authors believe the same fact or
opinion, and in disagreement otherwise.
Mode indicates the manner in which agreement or disagree-
ment is expressed. Broadly, a pair of posts are in a “direct”
relationship if one is an ancestor of the other, and indirect
otherwise; they are in a “response” relationship if one ex-
plicitly acknowledges a claim made in the other, and “para-
phrase” otherwise. More specifically:
Direct response: The reaction author explicitly states
that they are in agreement or disagreement, e.g. by
saying “I agree” or “No, that’s not true. An agree-
ment/disagreement is only a direct response if it is a di-
rect reply to its closest ancestor, i.e. its parent. For ex-
ample, in Table 2, the reaction sentence “I knooooow.
in c
is a direct response to the antecedent sentence
“That jacket is gorgeous. in c
. In Table 1, the reac-
tion sentence “Arcadian, I added only the lymphoma
portion of the WHO classification. in c
is a direct
disagreement to the sentence “Emmanuelm, arent you
the person who added those other categories on 6 July
2005?” in c
Direct paraphrase: The reaction author restates a claim
made in an ancestor post. An agreement/disagreement
is only a direct paraphrase if it is a direct rewording
of its closest ancestor, i.e. its parent. For example, in
Table 2, the sentence “It is a bit raggedy looking. in
is a direct paraphrase of the sentence “but it’s so, I
don’t know – raggedy looking!” of its parent, c
Indirect response: The reaction is a direct response to a
claim, but the post does not descend from the source.
This often occurs when the author pressed the “reply”
User Controls
Post Controls
Saved Posts
Post (reply)
Post (reply)
Figure 1: Schematic of the annotation tool: The left side
shows the controls used for navigation and the right dis-
plays the current thread.
button on a post other than the one they were attempt-
ing to respond to (this would be the case if, for exam-
ple, c
descended from c
instead of c
above). Or,
perhaps it is intended to answer more than one previ-
ous post. The reaction of an indirect response should
be the single sentence written closest in time to its an-
Indirect paraphrase: The reaction restates a claim made
in a post that is earlier in time, but not an ancestor of
the post. The reaction of an indirect paraphrase an-
notation be the single sentence written closest in time
to its antecedent. For example, in Table 2, c
is an
indirect paraphrase of c
4. The Annotation Process
In recent years there has been an increasingly popular trend
to use Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to label data. Studies
have shown (Snow et al., 2008) that Mechanical Turk users
are able to produce high quality data that is comparable
to expert annotators for simple labeling tasks that can be
completed in a few seconds such as affective text analy-
sis and word sense disambiguation. However, others have
shown (Callison-Burch and Dredze, 2010) that the anno-
tations are considerably less reliable for tasks requiring a
substantial amount of reading or involving complicated an-
notation schemes. Our annotation task was difficult for sev-
eral reasons; observation of the entire thread was neces-
sary to annotate each edge and the annotations themselves
were fairly involved. Therefore, we decided to rely on two
trained annotators rather than a large number of untrained
Both annotators were undergraduates, and neither had any
previous experience with NLP annotation tasks. They were
trained to use the web-based annotation tool described in
the following section for approximately one hour; they then
annotated the remainder of the corpus on their own.
4.1. The Annotation Tool
The web-based annotation tool (Fig. 1 and 2) is used to pro-
vide a simple and easy way to annotate threads. The inter-
face consists of two parts; the left hand-side which contains
Field Value
Document ID 5
Annotator John Doe
Antecedent ID 13
Reaction ID 11
Antecedent “It does seem heavily censored”
Reaction Agreed.”, “This this article seems
heavily censored.
Type agreement
Mode direct paraphrase
Table 3: Sample annotator output
controls to navigate through threads and add agreements,
and the right-hand side which displays the current thread.
The document is displayed using its thread structure indi-
cated by both indentation and boxes nesting children under
their parents as shown in Figure 1. To clearly differentiate
between possible sentences, each sentence is displayed on
its own line.
Annotators begin by selecting the individual sentences from
the antecedent and reaction which provide evidence of
agreement or disagreement, and then mark type and mode
using the post controls on the left-hand side. (While the re-
sponse/paraphrase annotation must be encoded by hand, the
direct/indirect distinction is inferred automatically from the
document structure.) Each post pair that is added appears
as a saved post on the left-hand side of the tool directly be-
low the post controls. Saved posts can be removed if they
were mistakenly added. Figure 2 shows the annotation tool
in use.
The system automatically prevents users from annotating
the forbidden cases mentioned in Section 3., such as the an-
tecedent and reaction sentences being written by the same
author. It also automatically determines the antecedent and
reaction of the annotation based on the timestamps of the
two posts involved.
The annotation tool outputs a CSV file (Table 3) encoding
the annotator ID, the document ID and the post structure as
a JSON array with entries for each annotated arc.
5. User Studies
After completing their portion of the task, annotators were
asked to fill out a brief questionnaire describing their ex-
perience (Fig. 3). They reported that the annotation tool
was “easy to use” and “effective”, that the annotation task
was “interesting”, and that there were “no real challenges”
in annotating. They reported that between the two genres,
the LiveJournal entries were both conceptually easier to an-
notate and required less time, primarily because the posts
were shorter in length. Annotators reported that LiveJour-
nal entries required an average 2 to 10 minutes to anno-
tate, while Wikipedia discussions required 10 to 20 min-
utes. Annotators were divided in their opinions on whether
agreements or disagreements, and direct or indirect were
easier to identify indicating that it is a matter of personal
These responses have given us confidence that the annota-
tion tool succeeded in its purpose (of simplifying the data
Figure 2: Screenshot of the annotation tool in use.
1. Did you find the tool easy to use?
2. What challenges did you encounter when using the tool?
3. Were the LiveJournal or Wikipedia discussions easier to
4. Were the LiveJournal or Wikipedia discussions faster to
5. Did you have any previous experience with annotation?
6. What was the learning curve associated with the task?
7. On average, how long did it take you to complete a single
LiveJournal discussion? A Wikipedia discussion?
8. Was it easier to find agreements or disagreements?
9. Was it easier to find direct or indirect agree-
10. What is your general opinion about the task?
11. Is there anything else that you would like to let us know
about with regard to this annotation task?
Figure 3: Annotator questionnaire
collection process for this corpus), and that it will be easy
to further expand the corpus if we require additional data.
6. Corpus
Documents in the corpus came from two sources:
Wikipedia and LiveJournal. Wikipedia is, a free,
collaboratively-edited encyclopedia which records conver-
sations among editors about page content, and LiveJour-
nal is, a journaling website which allows threaded discus-
sion about each posting. In order to ensure that the cor-
pus contains documents in which substantial conversation
takes place, both of these sources were initially filtered for
Indirect Direct Tot.
agreement 143 236 379
disagreement 14 66 80
total 157 302 459
agreement 30 111 141
disagreement 38 172 210
total 68 283 351
Table 4: The number or direct and indirect responses in the
threads where
# of posts
# of participants
> 1.5
At the time of publication, one annotator had labeled
92 documents and the other 109. In total, 118 unique
documents were labeled; the 83 documents annotated in
common were used to determine an inter-annotator agree-
ment statistic. Restricted just to the three-class agree-
ment/disagreement/none labeling task on all edges, their
annotations had Cohen’s κ = 0.73, indicating sub-
stantial agreement. Considering the more granular five-
class labeling task that distinguishes between agreement-
response, agreement-paraphrase, disagreement-response
and disagreement-paraphrase, we have κ = 0.66, also indi-
cating substantial agreement. Table 4 shows the breakdown
of direct vs. indirect responses in the corpus.
In general, we observed that a greater percentage of
the posts in LiveJournal entries participated in agree-
ment/disagreement relations while Wikipedia articles
tended to have a higher disagreement / agreement ratio.
7. Conclusion
We have introduced a new corpus of agreement and dis-
agreement annotations over threaded online discussions.
In addition to the resulting corpus, we have also pro-
vided a methodology for labeling online discussions which
makes use of thread structure and distinguishes whether
agreement/disagreement was directly stated or conveyed by
means of a paraphrase of the original post. The corpus was
collected using an easy-to-use annotation tool by a pair of
trained annotators. Inter-annotator agreement showed sub-
stantial agreement for both the three-class and five-class la-
beling tasks, with Kappa of .67 and above. The annotation
process is ongoing, and we plan to release the complete
corpus at a later time.
8. Acknowledgements
This research was funded by the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Re-
search Projects Activity (IARPA), through the U.S. Army
Research Lab. All statements of fact, opinion or conclu-
sions contained herein are those of the authors and should
not be construed as representing the official views or poli-
cies of IARPA, the ODNI or the U.S. Government.
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