EDU 651 Spring 2006 Shufang Shi, shis@cortland.edu
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Research Topics and Research Questions Used by EDU651 Fall 2005 Class
1. The effects of parent involvement on reading abilities and interests
Does parent involvement affect the reading ability and interests of children
(preschool to second grade?
2. The benefits for Children with Low Socioeconomic Status from Parental Assistance in
Early Literacy
Can Children with low SES benefit from parental assistance in literacy?
What strategies can parent with a low SES do to help their children?
Can parents with low SES do these strategies if they don’t have a lack of money
time, or resources?
If low SES parents can improve their child’s conversation skills and print
awareness, will they be more prepared for school?
3. Technology, Parents, and School Communication
What impact does technology have on parent-school communication?
Does it have a positive impact by improving communication or a negative impact
by blocking communication?
4. Learning styles in the equitable math classroom
5. Teaching Strategies and the multiage Classroom – what difference does it make?
What effect, if any, teaching strategies used in a multi-age setting, as compared to
strategies used in traditional settings, have on student reading achievement?
6. Staff development in Technology
How much training do teachers in three districts get in using technology in their
Are teachers using the information learned from these trainings in their classrooms?
7. Integration of Music with Mathematics
How can music be integrated with mathematics?
Will students have a higher level of achievement in mathematics when music is
Will music make mathematics more enjoyable for students?
8. Writing your way to mathematical understanding
When incorporating writing into the teaching of mathematics for upper
elementary grades (4-6), which is more beneficial to the acquisition of
EDU 651 Spring 2006 Shufang Shi, shis@cortland.edu
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mathematical knowledge: independent journal writing or cooperative learning
activities in which a small group collaborates to explain mathematical reasoning?
9. What are the effects of inclusion on all children in the classroom?
What effects does an inclusive environment have on all the children in the
classroom covering all aspects of learning?
How are children affected academically and socially?
Do parents of both typical children and children with special needs think an
inclusion classroom is appropriate for their child?
Are general education teachers qualified to teach children with special needs?
10. Early literacy at home
Does parent involvement with reading during early childhood positively effect
students reading abilities?
o How effective is reading with young children?
o What will work with children before school starts do for their children?
o Does reading to your child before they enter school make a difference in
their ability to read?
11. Parent involvement: Steps to make it work
How do we create the interest for these busy parents to get involved?
How important is it for parents to be involved in their child’s education,
beginning in preschool?
12. The effects of parental participation on emergent literacy
13. Effectiveness of web-based parent teacher communication
How can parents be kept informed of classroom happenings?
Is there a tie between communication and involvement?
Is the time investment of web communication worthwhile?
14. Schema and Reading Comprehension
How does drawing on schema/prior knowledge help to develop comprehension
o Do students draw on their schema or prior knowledge to help them grasp
o What strategies do teaches use to help their students with their
o Do teachers have their students draw on prior knowledge or schema?
15. Reading comprehension- rural and urban
The purpose of the study is to examine the similarities and differences between rural and
urban reading comprehension scores in families of low socio-economic status and to
focus on what can be done to eliminate illiteracy.
What programs are available to these families?
EDU 651 Spring 2006 Shufang Shi, shis@cortland.edu
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What are the variables at home that cause children to struggle with reading
What programs are available in schools and communities to help improve reading
scores and literacy practices in the home?
16. Examining the correlations of gender and literacy practices, habits, and abilities in
elementary school children.
How does gender affect literacy habits in elementary school age children?
o How does gender affect a student’s reading ability?
o How does gender affect a child’s language arts grade?
o How does gender affect an educator’s language arts curriculum?
17. Guided Reading… what all the buzz about?
How does the use of guided reading in the elementary classroom, affect students
reading abilities?
o What do other students do during guided reading groups?
o What is guided reading?
o How are the guided reading groups determined?
o What materials are needed to conduct guided reading groups?
18. The effects of ability-based reading groups on low level readers
How are low level readers affected by their placement in low reading groups in
terms of their self-esteem, identity, motivation?
19. Initial Literature Circles: Primary & Intermediate Grade Levels
The purpose of the study is to examine the impact that the heterogeneous grouping
method of literature circles has on elementary and intermediate students in school.
What impact does literature circles have on diverse students?
What impact does literature circles have on students’ attitudes towards reading
and overall school success?
What role does literature circles play in motivating students to read?
What literacy skills are strengthened through the use of literature circles?
Are peers relations impacted in any way through the use of literature circles?
20. Academic and Behavioral Transition of Students with Emotional and Behavioral
Disturbances from Residential to Public Schools
What factors influence the transition of students with emotional and behavioral
disturbances (E/BD) from a residential school back to their home school?
What supports and barriers exist in public school for emotionally disturbed
children returning back to their home school after being in a residential school
Acknowledgement: I would like to thank my EDU651 Fall, 2005 Class for their
innovative ideas and their spirits in conducting their action research projects and in
building a wonderful leaning community.
EDU 651 Spring 2006 Shufang Shi, shis@cortland.edu
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Research Topics Used by Students in a Beginning Graduate Course in Education
1. Student Attitudes about the Use of Theater in an English Class
2. The Reading Skill Development of a Deaf First-Grade Child
3. The Status of Latin in Indiana High Schools
4. Discipline Problems at Washington High School as Viewed by a Group of
5. Case Study of a Child with Bipolar Disorder
6. The Status of Music in the Western Yearly Meeting of the Society of
7. The Rehabilitation of a Group of Cocaine Addicts in a Federally Funded
Drug Treatment Center
8. The Social Development of a 6-Year-Old Autistic Child
9. The Effect of Trial Promotion on the Academic Achievement of a Group of
10. The Effects of Parent Visitation on the Reading Performance of a Group of
Fourth-Grade Students
12. The Predictive Value of Entrance Examinations at the Methodist School of
13. The Interests of a 3-Year-Old Boy: A Case Study
14. Survey of Teacher Attitudes Regarding Inclusion of Special Needs Students
15. A Comparison of Regular Classroom and Learning Disabled Children’s
Expressive Language Skills
16. The Effect of Verbal Mediation on the Mathematical Achievement of
Learning Disabled Students
17. The Effect of Teacher Education on Attitudes toward Mainstreaming
18. Effect of Verbalization on Performance and On-Task Behavior of Reading
Disabled Children
19. Prevalence of Behavior Problems of Hearing Siblings of Deaf Children
20. The Influence of Kindergarten Experience on the Subsequent Reading
Achievement of a Group of Third-Grade Pupils
21. A Sociometric Analysis of Behavior Disordered Adolescents Integrated into
Regular High School Classes
22. The Attitudes and Behavior of Freshmen and Seniors Regarding Classroom
Dishonesty at Sheridan High School
23. The Attitudes of a Group of Florida School Superintendents toward
Mandated Minimum Competency Testing
24. Authority Images of a Selected Group of Inner-City Children
25. The Achievement of Twins, Both Identical and Fraternal, in the Lebanon,
Indiana, Metropolitan School District
26. A Follow-up Study of Non-Promoted Students at School #86
27. A History of the Indiana Boys’ School, Plainfield, Indiana
28. A Comparative Analysis of the Self-Concepts of a Group of Gifted and
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Slow-Learning Children
29. The Attitudes of a Group of High School Seniors toward Nuclear Protest
30. The Use of the Distar Reading Program with an Autistic Child
31. The Attitudes of a Group of Graduate Students toward Mandated Smoking
Restrictions in Public Facilities
32. The Influence of Entering Age on the Subsequent Achievement at First-,
Second-, and Third-Grade Levels in Washington Township
33. The Attitudes of a Selected Group of Black and White Parents toward
Busing to Achieve Racial Integration
34. A Study of Socioeconomic Status in the Butler—Tarkington Area, a
Racially Integrated Community
35. A Follow-Up Study of the 1970 Graduates of Grace Lutheran School
36. The Effect of Title IX, Prohibiting Sex Discrimination in Public Schools, on
the Athletic Budgets of Illinois Public Colleges and Universities
Source: Best, J, & Kahn, J. (2006) Research in Education (10
edition). Pearson
A &B. p43-44.