Process Costing
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p. 935 p. 938 p. 944 p. 949
Work Comprehensive p. 949
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After studying this chapter, you should be
able to:
1 Understand who uses process cost
2 Explain the similarities and differences
between job order cost and process
cost systems.
3 Explain the flow of costs in a process
cost system.
4 Make the journal entries to assign
manufacturing costs in a process cost
5 Compute equivalent units.
6 Explain the four steps necessary to
prepare a production cost report.
7 Prepare a production cost report.
8 Explain just-in-time (JIT) processing.
9 Explain activity-based
costing (ABC).
The Navigator
Feature Story
The Navigator
Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc. (www.benjerry.com) is one of the “hottest”
and “coolest” U.S. companies. Based in Waterbury, Vermont, the ice cream
company that started out of a garage in 1978 is now a public company.
Making ice cream is a process—a movement of product from a mixing
department to a prepping department to a pint department. The mixing
department is where the ice cream is created. In the prep area the produc-
tion process adds extras such as cherries and walnuts to make plain ice
cream into “Cherry Garcia,” Ben & Jerry’s most popular flavor, or fudge-
covered waffle cone pieces and a swirl of caramel for “Stephen Colbert’s
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Americone Dream,” one of
B & J’s newest flavors. The pint
department is where the ice
cream is actually put into con-
tainers. As the product is
processed from one department
to the next, the appropriate
materials, labor, and overhead
are added to it.
“The incoming ingredients from the shipping and receiving departments are
stored in certain locations, either in a freezer or dry warehouse,” says
Beecher Eurich, staff accountant. “As ingredients get added, so do the
costs associated with them.” How much ice cream is produced? Running
plants around the clock, the company produces 18 million gallons a year.
With the company’s process costing system, Eurich can tell you how much a
certain batch of ice cream costs to make—its materials, labor, and overhead
in each of the production departments. She generates reports for the pro-
duction department heads, but makes sure not to overdo it. “You can get
bogged down in numbers,” says Eurich. “If you’re generating a report that
no one can use, then that’s a waste of time.”
It’s more likely, though, Ben & Jerry’s production people want to know how
efficient they are. Why? Many own stock in the company.
The Navigator
Inside Chapter 21…
Choosing a Cost Driver (p. 935)
Keeping Score for the Xbox (p. 940)
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Preview of Chapter 21
Equivalent Units
Weighted-average method
Production cost report
Nature of Process
Cost Systems
Similarities and differences
Process cost flow
manufacturing costs
Comprehensive Example
of Process Costing
Physical units
Equivalent units of
Unit production costs
Cost reconciliation
Production cost report
Costing systems—Final
Just-in-time processing
Activity-based costing
The Navigator
Process Costing
Filling Packaging
Illustration 21-1
Manufacturing processes
Uses of Process Cost Systems
Companies use process cost systems to apply costs to similar products that
are mass-produced in a continuous fashion.
Ben & Jerry’s uses a process
cost system: Production of the ice cream, once it begins, continues until the
ice cream emerges, and the processing is the same for the entire run—with pre-
cisely the same amount of materials, labor, and overhead. Each finished pint of ice
cream is indistinguishable from another.
A company such as
USX uses process costing in the manufacturing of steel.
Kellogg and General Mills use process costing for cereal production; ExxonMobil
uses process costing for its oil refining; Sherwin Williams uses process costing for its
paint products.At a bottling company like
Coca-Cola, the manufacturing process be-
gins with the blending of ingredients. Next, automated machinery moves the bottles
into position and fills them.The production process then caps, packages, and forwards
the bottles to the finished goods warehouse. Illustration 21-1 shows this process.
Understand who uses process
cost systems.
The cost accounting system used by companies such as Ben & Jerry’s is process cost accounting. In con-
trast to job order cost accounting, which focuses on the individual job, process cost accounting focuses
on the
processes involved in mass-producing products that are identical or very similar in nature. The primary
objective of the chapter is to explain and illustrate process costing.
The content and organization of this chapter are as follows.
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For Coca-Cola, as well as the other companies just mentioned, once the production
begins, it continues until the finished product emerges, and each unit of finished
product is like every other unit.
In comparison, in a job order cost system companies assign costs to a specific
job. Examples are the construction of a customized home, the making of a motion
picture, or the manufacturing of a specialized machine. Illustration 21-2 provides
examples of companies that primarily use either a process cost system or a job
order cost system.
The Nature of Process Cost Systems 931
Process Cost System
Product Product
Job Order Cost System
Soft drinks
Young & Rubicam,
Royal Dutch Shell
Walt Disney,
Warner Brothers
Motion pictures
Advanced Micro Devices
Computer chips
Center Ice Consultants,
Ice Rink Events
Ice rinks
Dow Chemical,
Kaiser Permanente,
Mayo Clinic
Patient health
Illustration 21-2
Process cost and job order
cost companies and
Frequently, when we think of service companies, we think of specific, non-
routine tasks, such as rebuilding an automobile engine, providing consulting
services on a business acquisition, or working on a major lawsuit. However,
many service companies specialize in performing repetitive, routine aspects of a
particular business. For example, auto-care vendors such as
Jiffy Lube focus on
the routine aspects of car care.
H&R Block focuses on the routine aspects of ba-
sic tax practice, and many large law firms focus on routine legal services, such as
uncomplicated divorces. Service companies that provide specific, nonroutine
services will probably benefit from using a job order cost system.Those that per-
form routine, repetitive services will probably be better off with a process cost
Similarities and Differences Between Job Order
Cost and Process Cost Systems
In a job order cost system, companies assign costs to each job. In a process
cost system, companies track costs through a series of connected manufac-
turing processes or departments, rather than by individual jobs. Thus, com-
panies use process cost systems when they produce a large volume of uni-
form or relatively homogeneous products. Illustration 21-3 shows the basic
flow of costs in these two systems.
Illustration 21-3 (next page) highlights the basic similarities and differences be-
tween these two systems.
Explain the similarities and
differences between job order
cost and process cost systems.
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Job order cost and process cost systems are similar in three ways:
1. The manufacturing cost elements. Both costing systems track three manufactur-
ing cost elements—direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.
2. The accumulation of the costs of materials, labor, and overhead. Both costing
systems debit raw materials to Raw Materials Inventory; factory labor to
Factory Labor; and manufacturing overhead costs to Manufacturing Overhead.
3. The flow of costs. As noted above, both systems accumulate all manufacturing
costs by debits to Raw Materials Inventory, Factory Labor, and Manufacturing
Overhead. Both systems then assign these costs to the same accounts—Work in
Process, Finished Goods Inventory, and Cost of Goods Sold. The methods of
assigning costs, however, differ significantly. These differences are explained
and illustrated later in the chapter.
The differences between a job order cost and a process cost system are as follows.
1. The number of work in process accounts used. A job order cost system uses
only one Work in Process account. A process cost system uses multiple work in
process accounts.
2. Documents used to track costs. A job order cost system charges costs to indi-
vidual jobs and summarizes them in a job cost sheet. A process cost system
summarizes costs in a production cost report for each department.
3. The point at which costs are totaled. A job order cost system totals costs when
the job is completed. A process cost system totals costs at the end of a period
of time.
4. Unit cost computations. In a job order cost system, the unit cost is the total cost
per job divided by the units produced. In a process cost system, the unit cost is
total manufacturing costs for the period divided by the units produced during
the period.
Illustration 21-4 summarizes the major differences between a job order cost and a
process cost system.
Chapter 21 Process Costing
Finished Goods
Cost of Goods
Job Order Cost Flow
Direct Materials
Direct Labor
Work in Process
Job No. 101
Job No. 102
Job No. 103
Finished Goods
Cost of Goods
Process Cost Flow
Direct Materials
Direct Labor
Work in
Department A
Work in
Department B
Illustration 21-3
Job order cost and process
cost flow
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Process Cost Flow
Illustration 21-5 shows the flow of costs in the process cost system for Tyler
Company. Tyler Company manufactures automatic can openers that it sells
to retail outlets. Manufacturing consists of two processes: machining and
assembly. The Machining Department shapes, hones, and drills the raw
materials.The Assembly Department assembles and packages the parts.
The Nature of Process Cost Systems 933
• Multiple work in process
• Each period
• Production cost reports
• Total manufacturing costs ÷
Units produced during the
Process Cost System
• One work in process
• Job cost sheets
• Each job
• Cost of each job ÷
Units produced for the job
Job Order Cost SystemFeatures
Work in process
Documents used
Determination of total
manufacturing costs
Illustration 21-4
Job order versus process
cost systems
Explain the flow of costs in a
process cost system.
Illustration 21-5
Flow of costs in process cost
Raw Materials
Factory Labor
Work in Process
Machining Department
out to
Finished Goods
Cost of
Cost of Goods
Work in Process
Assembly Department
Cost of
As the flow of costs indicates, the company can add materials, labor, and man-
ufacturing overhead in both the Machining and Assembly departments. When it
finishes its work, the Machining Department transfers the partially completed
units to the Assembly Department. The Assembly Department finishes the goods
and then transfers them to the finished goods inventory. Upon sale, Tyler removes
the goods from the finished goods inventory. Within each department, a similar set
of activities is performed on each unit processed.
Assigning Manufacturing Costs—Journal Entries
As indicated, the accumulation of the costs of materials, labor, and manu-
facturing overhead is the same in a process cost system as in a job order
cost system. That is, both systems follow these procedures:
Companies debit all raw materials to Raw Materials Inventory at the
time of purchase.
They debit all factory labor to Factory Labor as the labor costs are incurred.
They debit overhead costs to Manufacturing Overhead as these costs are incurred.
However, the assignment of the three manufacturing cost elements to Work in Process
in a process cost system is different from a job order cost system. Here we’ll look at how
companies assign these manufacturing cost elements in a process cost system.
Make the journal entries to
assign manufacturing costs in a
process cost system.
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All raw materials issued for production are a materials cost to the producing de-
partment.A process cost system may use materials requisition slips, but it generally
requires fewer requisitions than in a job order cost system, because the materials
are used for processes rather than for specific jobs and therefore typically are for
larger quantities.
At the beginning of the first process, a company usually adds most of the ma-
terials needed for production. However, other materials may be added at various
points. For example, in the manufacture of
Hershey candy bars, the chocolate and
other ingredients are added at the beginning of the first process, and the wrappers
and cartons are added at the end of the packaging process. Tyler Company adds
materials at the beginning of each process. Tyler makes the following entry to
record the materials used:
Chapter 21 Process Costing
Work in Process—Machining XXXX
Work in Process—Assembly XXXX
Factory Labor XXXX
(To assign factory labor to production)
The objective in assigning overhead in a process cost system is to allocate the over-
head costs to the production departments on an objective and equitable basis.That
basis is the activity that “drives” or causes the costs. A primary driver of overhead
costs in continuous manufacturing operations is machine time used, not direct la-
bor. Thus, companies widely use machine hours in allocating manufacturing over-
head costs.Tyler’s entry to allocate overhead to the two processes is:
Work in Process—Machining XXXX
Work in Process—Assembly XXXX
Manufacturing Overhead XXXX
(To assign overhead to production)
Factory Labor
Work in Process—Machining XXXX
Work in Process—Assembly XXXX
Raw Materials Inventory XXXX
(To record materials used)
Ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s adds materials in three departments: milk and
flavoring in the mixing department; extras such as cherries and walnuts in the
prepping department; and cardboard containers in the pinting (packaging)
In a process cost system, as in a job order cost system, companies may use time
tickets to determine the cost of labor assignable to production departments. Since
they assign labor costs to a process rather than a job, they can obtain from the pay-
roll register or departmental payroll summaries the labor cost chargeable to a
Labor costs for the Machining Department will include the wages of employ-
ees who shape, hone, and drill the raw materials. The entry to assign these costs for
Tyler Company is:
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At the end of the month,Tyler needs an entry to record the cost of the goods trans-
ferred out of the department. In this case, the transfer is to the Assembly
Department, and Tyler makes the following entry.
The Nature of Process Cost Systems 935
Work in Process—Assembly XXXXX
Work in Process—Machining XXXXX
(To record transfer of units to the Assembly
When the Assembly Department completes the units, it transfers them to the finished
goods warehouse. The entry for this transfer is as follows.
Finished Goods Inventory XXXXX
Work in Process—Assembly XXXXX
(To record transfer of units to finished goods)
Cost of Goods Sold XXXXX
Finished Goods Inventory XXXXX
(To record cost of units sold)
When Tyler sells the finished goods, it records the cost of goods sold as follows.
Choosing a Cost Driver
In one of its automated cost centers, Caterpillar feeds work into the cost center,
where robotic machines process it and transfer the finished job to the next cost center without
human intervention. One person tends all of the machines and spends more time maintaining
machines than operating them. In such cases, overhead rates based on direct labor hours may
be misleading. Surprisingly, some companies continue to assign manufacturing overhead on
the basis of direct labor despite the fact that there is no cause-and-effect relationship between
labor and overhead.
What is the result if a company uses the wrong “cost driver” to assign manufacturing
Ruth Company manufactures ZEBO through two processes: blending and
bottling. In June, raw materials used were Blending $18,000 and Bottling $4,000.
Factory labor costs were Blending $12,000 and Bottling $5,000. Manufacturing
overhead costs were Blending $6,000 and Bottling $2,500. The company transfers
units completed at a cost of $19,000 in the Blending Department to the Bottling
Department. The Bottling Department transfers units completed at a cost of
$11,000 to Finished Goods. Journalize the assignment of these costs to the two
processes and the transfer of units as appropriate.
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936 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Suppose you have a work-study job in the office of your college’s pres-
ident, and she asks you to compute the cost of instruction per full-time
equivalent student at your college. The college’s vice president for
finance provides the following information.
Total cost of instruction $9,000,000
Student population:
Full-time students 900
Part-time students 1,000
Part-time students take 60% of the classes of a full-time student during the year.To
compute the number of full-time equivalent students per year, you would make the
following computation.
Illustration 21-6
Information for full-time
student example
Equivalent Units
Full-time Equivalent
Students of Part-time Students Students
900 (60% 1,000) 1,500
Illustration 21-7
Full-time equivalent unit
The cost of instruction per full-time equivalent student is therefore the total cost of
instruction ($9,000,000) divided by the number of full-time equivalent students
(1,500), which is $6,000 ($9,000,000 1,500).
Compute equivalent units.
The entries are:
Work in Process—Blending 18,000
Work in Process—Bottling 4,000
Raw Materials Inventory 22,000
(To record materials used)
Work in Process—Blending 12,000
Work in Process—Bottling 5,000
Factory Labor 17,000
(To assign factory labor to production)
Work in Process—Blending 6,000
Work in Process—Bottling 2,500
Manufacturing Overhead 8,500
(To assign overhead to production)
Work in Process—Bottling 19,000
Work in Process—Blending 19,000
(To record transfer of units to the Bottling
Finished Goods Inventory 11,000
Work in Process—Bottling 11,000
(To record transfer of units to finished goods)
action plan
In process cost accounting,
keep separate work in
process accounts for each
When the costs are
assigned to production,
debit the separate work in
process accounts.
Transfer cost of completed
units to the next process or
to Finished Goods.
Related exercise material: BE21-1, BE21-2, BE21-3, E21-2, E21-4, and DO IT! 21-1.
The Navigator
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A process cost system uses the same idea, called equivalent units of production.
Equivalent units of production measure the work done during the period, ex-
pressed in fully completed units. Companies use this measure to determine the cost
per unit of completed product.
Weighted-Average Method
The formula to compute equivalent units of production is as follows.
Equivalent Units 937
Equivalent Units of
Units Completed and
Ending Work in
Equivalent Units of
Transferred Out
Illustration 21-8
Equivalent units of
production formula
To better understand this concept of equivalent units, consider the following
two separate examples.
Example 1: In a specific period the entire output of Sullivan Company’s
Blending Department consists of ending work in process of 4,000 units which are
60% complete as to materials, labor, and overhead. The equivalent units of pro-
duction for the Blending Department are therefore 2,400 units (4,000 60%).
Example 2: The output of Kori Company’s Packaging Department during the
period consists of 10,000 units completed and transferred out, and 5,000 units
in ending work in process which are 70% completed. The equivalent units of
production are therefore 13,500 [10,000 (5,000 70%)].
This method of computing equivalent units is referred to as the
. It considers the degree of completion (weighting) of the units completed
and transferred out and the ending work in process. Use the weighted-average
method to compute equivalent units in the homework.
Refinements on the Weighted-Average Method
Kellogg Company has produced Eggo
Waffles since 1970. Three departments pro-
duce these waffles: Mixing, Baking, and Freezing/Packaging.The Mixing Department
combines dry ingredients, including flour, salt, and baking powder, with liquid ingre-
dients, including eggs and vegetable oil, to make waffle batter. Illustration 21-9
provides information related to the Mixing Department at the end of June.
Percentage Complete
Physical Units Materials Conversion Costs
Work in process, June 1 100,000 100% 70%
Started into production 800,000
Total units 900,000
Units transferred out 700,000
Work in process, June 30 200,000 100% 60%
Total units 900,000
Illustration 21-9
Information for Mixing
Illustration 21-9 indicates that the beginning work in process is 100% complete
as to materials cost and 70% complete as to conversion costs.
Conversion costs are
the sum of labor costs and overhead costs. In other words, Kellogg adds both the dry
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and liquid ingredients (materials) at the beginning of the waffle-making process.
The conversion costs (labor and overhead) related to the mixing of these ingredients
are incurred uniformly and are 70% complete. The ending work in process is 100%
complete as to materials cost and 60% complete as to conversion costs.
We then use the Mixing Department information to determine equivalent
units. In computing equivalent units, the beginning work in process is not part of
the equivalent-units-of-production formula. The units transferred out to the
Baking Department are fully complete as to both materials and conversion costs.
The ending work in process is fully complete as to materials, but only 60% com-
plete as to conversion costs. We therefore need to make two equivalent unit
computations: one for materials, and the other for conversion costs. Illustration 21-10
shows these computations.
Chapter 21 Process Costing
Equivalent Units
Materials Costs
Units transferred out 700,000 700,000
Work in process, June 30
200,000 100% 200,000
200,000 60% 120,000
Total equivalent units 900,000 820,000
Illustration 21-10
Computation of equivalent
units—Mixing Department
We can refine the earlier formula used to compute equivalent units of produc-
tion (Illustration 21-8) (page 937) to show the computations for materials and for
conversion costs, as follows.
Units Completed and Equivalent Units of Equivalent Units of
Transferred Out— Ending Work in Production—
Materials Process—Materials Materials
Units Completed and
Equivalent Units of
Equivalent Units of
Transferred Out—
Ending Work in
Conversion Costs
Conversion Costs
Illustration 21-11
Refined equivalent units of
production formula
The fabricating department has the following production and cost data for the
current month.
Beginning Units Ending
Work in Process Transferred Out Work in Process
–0– 15,000 10,000
Materials are entered at the beginning of the process.The ending work in process
units are 30% complete as to conversion costs. Compute the equivalent units of
production for (a) materials and (b) conversion costs.
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Equivalent Units 939
(a) Since materials are entered at the beginning of the process, the equivalent
units of ending work in process are 10,000. Thus, 15,000 units + 10,000 units
= 25,000 equivalent units of production for materials.
(b) Since ending work in process is only 30% complete as to conversion costs,
the equivalent units of ending work in process are 3,000 (30% 10,000 units).
Thus, 15,000 units + 3,000 units = 18,000 equivalent units of production for
conversion costs.
action plan
To measure the work done
during the period, expressed
in fully completed units,
compute equivalent units of
Use the appropriate
formula: Units com-
pleted and transferred
out Equivalent units
of ending work in process
Equivalent units of
Related exercise material: BE21-5, BE21-10, E21-5, E21-6, E21-7, E21-8, E21-9, E21-10, E21-11,
E21-13, and
DO IT! 21-2.
The Navigator
Production Cost Report
As mentioned earlier, companies prepare a production cost report for each de-
partment. A
production cost report is the key document that management uses to
understand the activities in a department; it shows the production quantity and
cost data related to that department. For example, in producing Eggo
Kellogg Company uses three production cost reports: Mixing, Baking, and
Freezing/Packaging. Illustration 21-12 shows the flow of costs to make an Eggo
Waffle and the related production cost reports for each department.
Explain the four steps necessary
to prepare a production cost
In order to complete a production cost report, the company must perform four
steps, which as a whole, make up the process costing system.
1. Compute the physical unit flow.
2. Compute the equivalent units of production.
3. Compute unit production costs.
4. Prepare a cost reconciliation schedule.
The next section explores these steps in an extended example.
Production Cost Report Production Cost ReportProduction Cost Report
Raw Materials
Factory Labor
Manufacturing Overhead
Illustration 21-12
Flow of costs in making
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940 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Work in process, June 1 100,000
Direct materials: 100% complete
Conversion costs: 70% complete
Units started into production during June 800,000
Units completed and transferred out to Baking Department 700,000
Work in process, June 30 200,000
Direct materials: 100% complete
Conversion costs: 60% complete
Work in process, June 1
Direct materials: 100% complete $ 50,000
Conversion costs: 70% complete 35,000
Cost of work in process, June 1 $ 85,000
Costs incurred during production in June
Direct materials $400,000
Conversion costs 170,000
Costs incurred in June $570,000
Illustration 21-13
Unit and cost data—Mixing
Keeping Score for the Xbox
When you are as big and as profitable as Microsoft, you get to a point where contin-
ued rapid growth is very difficult. For example, many believe it is unlikely that Microsoft will
see much growth in software sales. As a result, the company is looking for new markets, such
as the video game market with its Xbox player.
Profitability in the video-game hardware market has been elusive. Microsoft has struggled
to control the costs of both manufacturing and distribution. One analyst predicted that
Microsoft’s “snowballing” costs in the next period could exceed budget by $2.4 billion.
Microsoft’s Chief Financial Officer blamed the high costs on unexpectedly high volumes, say-
ing, “We pushed market volumes very high in the Xbox business. As a result of that we
incurred some costs in the supply chain.” Given these issues and, despite its incredible suc-
cess as a software company, some observers question whether Microsoft will be able to make
the changes that are required to become a successful hardware manufacturer.
Source: Rober A. Guth, “Microsoft Net Rises 16%, but Costs Damp Results,” Wall Street Journal Online, April 28, 2006.
In what ways has cost accounting probably become more critical for Microsoft in recent
Illustration 21-13 shows assumed data for the Mixing Department at Kellogg
for the month of June. We will use this information to complete a pro-
duction cost report for the Mixing Department.
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Comprehensive Example of Process Costing 941
Compute the Physical Unit Flow (Step 1)
Physical units are the actual units to be accounted for during a period, irrespec-
tive of any work performed. To keep track of these units, add the units started
(or transferred) into production during the period to the units in process at the
beginning of the period. This amount is referred to as the
total units to be
accounted for
The total units then are accounted for by the output of the period. The output
consists of units transferred out during the period and any units in process at the
end of the period. This amount is referred to as the
total units accounted for.
Illustration 21-14 shows the flow of physical units for Kellogg’s Mixing Department
for the month of June.
Physical Units
Units to be accounted for
Work in process, June 1 100,000
Started (transferred) into production 800,000
Total units
Units accounted for
Completed and transferred out 700,000
Work in process, June 30 200,000
Total units
Illustration 21-14
Physical unit flow—Mixing
The records indicate that the Mixing Department must account for 900,000 units. Of
this sum, 700,000 units were transferred to the Baking Department and 200,000 units
were still in process.
Compute Equivalent Units of Production
(Step 2)
Once the physical flow of the units is established, Kellogg must measure the Mixing
Department’s productivity in terms of equivalent units of production. The Mixing
Department adds materials at the beginning of the process, and incurs conversion
costs uniformly during the process. Thus, we need two computations of equivalent
units: one for materials and one for conversion costs.The equivalent unit computa-
tion is as follows.
Equivalent Units
Materials Conversion Costs
Units transferred out 700,000 700,000
Work in process, June 30
200,000 100% 200,000
200,000 60% 120,000
Total equivalent units
900,000 820,000
Illustration 21-15
Computation of equivalent
units—Mixing Department
Remember that we
ignore the beginning
work in process in this
Materials are not always
added at the beginning
of the process. For exam-
ple, materials are some-
times added uniformly
during the process.
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942 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Compute Unit Production Costs (Step 3)
Armed with the knowledge of the equivalent units of production, we can now com-
pute the unit production costs.
Unit production costs are costs expressed in terms
of equivalent units of production. When equivalent units of production are differ-
ent for materials and conversion costs, we compute three unit costs: (1) materials,
(2) conversion, and (3) total manufacturing.
The computation of total materials cost related to Eggo
Waffles is as follows.
Work in process, June 1
Direct materials cost $ 50,000
Costs added to production during June
Direct materials cost 400,000
Total materials cost
Total Materials
Equivalent Units
Unit Materials
Cost of Materials Cost
$450,000 900,000 $0.50
Work in process, June 1
Conversion costs $ 35,000
Costs added to production during June
Conversion costs 170,000
Total conversion costs
Total Conversion
Equivalent Units of
Unit Conversion
Costs Conversion Costs Cost
$205,000 820,000 $0.25
The computation of unit materials cost is as follows.
Illustration 21-18 shows the computation of total conversion costs.
The computation of unit conversion cost is as follows.
Total manufacturing cost per unit is therefore computed as shown in Illus-
tration 21-20 on the next page.
Illustration 21-16
Total materials cost
Illustration 21-17
Unit materials cost
Illustration 21-18
Total conversion costs
Illustration 21-19
Unit conversion cost
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Prepare a Cost Reconciliation Schedule (Step 4)
We are now ready to determine the cost of goods transferred out of the Mixing
Department to the Baking Department and the costs in ending work in process.
Kellogg charged total costs of $655,000 to the Mixing Department in June, calcu-
lated as follows.
Comprehensive Example of Process Costing 943
Unit Materials
Unit Conversion
Total Manufacturing
Cost Cost Cost per Unit
$0.50 $0.25 $0.75
Illustration 21-20
Total manufacturing cost
per unit
Costs to be accounted for
Work in process, June 1 $ 85,000
Started into production 570,000
Total costs
Illustration 21-21
Costs charged to Mixing
Cost Reconciliation Schedule
Costs accounted for
Transferred out (700,000 $0.75) $ 525,000
Work in process, June 30
Materials (200,000 $0.50) $100,000
Conversion costs (120,000 $0.25) 30,000 130,000
Total costs
Illustration 21-22
Cost reconciliation
The company then prepares a cost reconciliation schedule to assign these costs to
(a) units transferred out to the Baking Department and (b) ending work in process.
Kellogg uses the total manufacturing cost per unit, $0.75, in costing the units
completed and transferred to the Baking Department. In contrast, the unit cost
of materials and the unit cost of conversion are needed in costing units in process.
cost reconciliation schedule shows that the total costs accounted for
(Illustration 21-22) equal the total costs to be accounted for (see Illustration 21-21).
Preparing the Production Cost Report
At this point, Kellogg is ready to prepare the production cost report for
the Mixing Department.As indicated earlier, this report is an internal doc-
ument for management that shows production quantity and cost data for
a production department.
There are four steps in preparing a production cost report. They are:
(1) Prepare a physical unit schedule.
(2) Compute equivalent units.
(3) Compute unit costs.
(4) Prepare a cost reconciliation schedule.
Prepare a production cost report.
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944 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Production cost reports provide a basis for evaluating the productivity of a de-
partment. In addition, managers can use the cost data to assess whether unit costs
and total costs are reasonable. By comparing the quantity and cost data with pre-
determined goals, top management can also judge whether current performance is
meeting planned objectives.
Illustration 21-23
Production cost report
Illustration 21-23 shows the production cost report for the Mixing Department.
The report identifies the four steps.
(200,000 60%)
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Comprehensive Example of Process Costing 945
Costing Systems—Final Comments
Companies often use a combination of a process cost and a job order cost system.
operations costing, this hybrid system is similar to process costing in its
assumption that standardized methods are used to manufacture the product.At the
same time, the product may have some customized, individual features that require
the use of a job order cost system.
Consider, for example, the automobile manufacturer
Ford Motor Company.
Each vehicle at a given plant goes through the same assembly line, but Ford uses
different materials (such as seat coverings, paint, and tinted glass) for different
vehicles. Similarly,
Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries
go through numerous
standardized processes—mixing, filling, baking, frosting, and packaging.The pastry
dough, though, comes in different flavors—plain, chocolate, and graham—and fill-
ings include Smucker’s
real fruit, chocolate fudge, vanilla creme, brown sugar cin-
namon, and S’mores.
A cost-benefit tradeoff occurs as a company decides which costing system to
use. A job order system, for example, provides detailed information related to the
cost of the product. Because each job has its own distinguishing characteristics, the
system can provide an accurate cost per job. This information is useful in control-
ling costs and pricing products. However, the cost of implementing a job order cost
system is often expensive because of the accounting costs involved.
On the other hand, for a company like
Intel, which makes computer chips, is
there a benefit in knowing whether the cost of the one hundredth chip produced is
different from the one thousandth chip produced? Probably not. An average cost
of the product will suffice for control and pricing purposes.
In summary, when deciding to use one of these systems, or a combination
system, a company must weigh the costs of implementing the system against the
benefits from the additional information provided.
(a) 0 (work in process, March 1) 12,800 (started into production) 12,800 units
(b) Equivalent units of production:
Materials Conversion
Units transferred out 12,000 12,000
Work in process, March 31 800 200 (800 25%)
Total 12,800 12,200
(c) Cost reconciliation schedule:
Costs accounted for
Transferred out (12,000 $15) $180,000
Work in process, March 31
Materials (800 $6) $4,800
Conversion costs (200 $9) 1,800 6,600
Total costs $186,600
Related exercise material: BE21-4, BE21-5, BE21-6, BE21-7, BE21-8, BE21-9, BE21-10, E21-5, E21-6,
E21-8, E21-9, E21-10, E21-11, E21-12, E21-14, and
DO IT! 21-3.
The Navigator
action plan
To find units to be
accounted for, add the units
started into production
during the month to the
units in process at the
beginning of the month.
Realize that equivalent
units of production for
materials will differ from
equivalent units of produc-
tion for conversion costs.
The units in ending work in
process are 100% complete
as to materials but only
25% complete as to
conversion costs.
Assign the total manufac-
turing cost of $15 per unit
to the 12,000 units
transferred out.
Assign the materials cost
and conversion costs based
on equivalent units of pro-
duction to units in process.
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946 Chapter 21 Process Costing
As indicated in Chapter 19, two contemporary developments in managerial ac-
counting are just-in-time processing and activity-based costing. We explain these
innovations in the following sections.
Just-In-Time Processing
Traditionally, continuous process manufacturing has been based on a just-
in-case philosophy: Companies hold inventories of raw materials just in
case some items are of poor quality or a key supplier is shut down by a
strike. They manufacture and store subassembly parts just in case these
parts are needed later in the manufacturing process. Companies complete
and store finished goods just in case they receive unexpected and rush customer
orders. This philosophy often results in a “push approach”: Raw materials and
subassembly parts are pushed through each process. Traditional processing often
results in the buildup of extensive manufacturing inventories.
Primarily in response to foreign competition, many U.S. firms have switched
just-in-time (JIT) processing. JIT manufacturing is dedicated to having the
right amount of materials, parts, or products just as they are needed. JIT first hit
the United States in the early 1980s when automobile companies adopted it to
compete with foreign automakers. Many companies, including
Dell, Caterpillar,
Harley-Davidson now successfully use JIT. Under JIT processing, compa-
nies receive raw materials just in time for use in production, they complete sub-
assembly parts just in time for use in finished goods, and they complete finished
goods just in time to be sold. Illustration 21-24 shows the sequence of activities in
just-in-time processing.
Explain just-in-time (JIT)
Sales Order Received
Goods Shipped to Customer
Goods Manufactured
“100 pairs
of sneakers...
got it.”
“Send rubber &
shoe laces directly
to the factory”
Illustration 21-24
Just-in-time processing
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Contemporary Developments 947
A primary objective of JIT is to eliminate all manufacturing inventories.
Inventories have an adverse effect on net income because they tie up funds and
storage space that could be put to more productive uses. JIT strives to eliminate
inventories by using a “pull approach” in manufacturing. This approach begins
with the customer placing an order with the company, which starts the process of
pulling the product through the manufacturing process. A computer at the final
work station sends a signal to the preceding work station. This signal indicates the
exact materials (parts and subassemblies) needed to complete the production of a
specified product for a specified time period, such as an eight-hour shift. The next
preceding process, in turn, sends its signal to other processes back up the line. The
goal is a smooth continuous flow in the manufacturing process and no buildup of
inventories at any point.
There are three important elements in JIT processing:
1. Dependable suppliers. Suppliers must be willing to deliver on short notice ex-
act quantities of raw materials according to precise quality specifications (even
including multiple deliveries within the same day). Suppliers must also be will-
ing to deliver the raw materials at specified work stations rather than at a cen-
tral receiving department. This type of purchasing requires constant and direct
communication. Such communication is facilitated by an online computer link-
age between the company and its suppliers.
2. A multiskilled workforce. Under JIT, machines are often strategically grouped
around work cells or work stations. Much of the work is automated.As a result,
one worker may have the responsibility to operate and maintain several differ-
ent types of machines.
3. A total quality control system. The company must establish total quality con-
trol throughout the manufacturing operations. Total quality control means no
defects. Since the pull approach signals only required quantities, any defects at
any work station will shut down operations at subsequent work stations. Total
quality control requires continuous monitoring by both employees and super-
visors at each work station.
The major benefits of JIT processing are:
1. Significant reduction or elimination of manufacturing inventories.
2. Enhanced product quality.
3. Reduction or elimination of rework costs and inventory storage costs.
4. Production cost savings from the improved flow of goods through the processes.
The effects in many cases have been dramatic. For example, after using JIT for
two years, a major division of
Hewlett-Packard found that work in process inven-
tories (in dollars) were down 82%, scrap/rework costs were down 30%, space uti-
lization improved by 40%, and labor efficiency improved 50%.As indicated, JIT not
only reduces inventory but also enables a manufacturer to produce a better prod-
uct faster and with less waste.
One of the major accounting benefits of JIT is the elimination of raw materials
and work in process inventory accounts. In place of these accounts is one account,
Raw and In-Process Inventory. All materials and conversion costs are charged to
this account. The reduction (or elimination) of in-process inventories results in a
simplified computation of equivalent units of production.
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948 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Activity-Based Costing
Activity-based costing focuses on the activities performed in producing a
product. An ABC system is similar to conventional costing systems in
accounting for direct materials and direct labor, but it differs in regard to
manufacturing overhead.
A conventional cost system uses a single unit-level basis to allocate overhead
costs to products. The basis may be direct labor or machine hours used to manu-
facture the product.The assumption in this approach is that as volume of units pro-
duced increases, so does the cost of overhead. However, in recent years the amount
of direct labor used in many industries has greatly decreased, and total overhead
costs resulting from depreciation on expensive equipment and machinery, utilities,
repairs, and maintenance have significantly increased.
In ABC costing, the cost of a product is equal to the sum of the costs of all
activities performed to manufacture it. ABC recognizes that to have accurate and
meaningful cost data, more than one basis of allocating activity costs to products is
In selecting the allocation basis, ABC seeks to identify the cost drivers that
measure the activities performed on the product. A
cost driver may be any factor
or activity that has a direct cause–effect relationship with the resources consumed.
Examples of activities and possible cost drivers are as follows.
Two important assumptions must be met in order to obtain accurate product
costs under ABC:
1. All overhead costs related to the activity must be driven by the cost driver used
to assign costs to products.
2. All overhead costs related to the activity should respond proportionally to
changes in the activity level of the cost driver.
For example, if there is little or no correlation between changes in the cost
driver and consumption of the overhead cost, inaccurate product costs are
inevitable. An example of the use of ABC is illustrated in the appendix at the
end of this chapter.
Activity-based costing may be used with either a job order or a process cost ac-
counting system. The primary benefit of ABC is more accurate and meaningful
product costing. Also, improved cost data about an activity can lead to reduced
costs for the activity. In sum, ABC makes managers realize that it is activities, and
not products, that determine the profitability of a company—a realization that
should lead to better management decisions.
Explain activity-based costing
Activity Cost Driver
Ordering raw materials Ordering hours; number of orders
Receiving raw materials Receiving hours; number of shipments
Materials handling Number of requisitions; weight of
materials; handling hours
Production scheduling Number of orders
Machine setups Setup hours; number of setups
Machining (fabricating, assembling, etc.) Machine hours
Quality control inspections Number of inspections
Factory supervision Number of employees
Illustration 21-25
Activities and cost drivers
in ABC
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Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false.
1. Continuous process manufacturing often results in a reduction of inventory.
2. Companies that use just-in-time processing complete and store finished goods
all the time to meet rush orders from customers.
3. A major benefit of just-in-time processing is production cost savings from the
improved flow of goods through the processes.
4. An ABC system is similar to traditional costing systems in accounting for
manufacturing costs but differs in regard to period costs.
5. The primary benefit of ABC is more accurate and meaningful costs.
6. In recent years, the amount of direct labor used in many industries has greatly
increased and total overhead costs have significantly decreased.
action plan
JIT manufacturing is
dedicated to having the
right amounts of materials,
parts, or products just as
they are needed.
ABC focuses on the
activities performed in
producing a product. It rec-
ognizes that to have accu-
rate and meaningful cost
data, more than one basis
of allocating costs to
products is needed.
1. False. 2. False. 3. True. 4. False. 5. True. 6. False.
Related exercise material: BE21-11 and
DO IT! 21-4.
The Navigator
Comprehensive Do It! 949
Essence Company manufactures a high-end after-shave lotion, called Eternity, in 10-ounce
plastic bottles. Because the market for after-shave lotion is highly competitive, the com-
pany is very concerned about keeping its costs under control. Eternity is manufactured
through three processes: mixing, filling, and corking. Materials are added at the beginning
of each of the processes, and labor and overhead are incurred uniformly throughout
each process. The company uses a weighted-average method to cost its product. A
partially completed production cost report for the month of May for the Mixing
Department is shown below.
Mixing Department
Production Cost Report
For the Month Ended May 31, 2010
Equivalent Units
Physical Conversion
QUANTITIES Units Materials Costs
Units to be accounted for
Work in process, May 1 1,000
Started into production 2,000
Total units 3,000
Units accounted for
Transferred out 2,200 ? ?
Work in process, May 31 800 ? ?
Total units 3,000 ? ?
Step 2Step 1
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950 Chapter 21 Process Costing
COSTS Materials Costs Total
Unit costs
Costs in May (a) ? ? ?
Equivalent units (b) ? ?
Unit costs [(a) (b)] ? ? ?
Costs to be accounted for
Work in process, May 1 $ 56,300
Started into production 119,320
Total costs $175,620
Costs accounted for
Transferred out ?
Work in process, May 31
Materials ?
Conversion costs ? ?
Total costs ?
Additional information:
Work in process, May 1, 1000 units
Materials cost, 1,000 units (100% complete) $49,100
Conversion costs, 1,000 units (70% complete) 7,200 $56,300
Materials cost for May, 2,000 units $100,000
Conversion costs for May $19,320
Work in process, May 31, 800 units, 100% complete as to materials and 50%
complete as to conversion costs.
(a) Prepare a production cost report for the Mixing Department for the month of May.
(b) Prepare the journal entry to record the transfer of goods from the Mixing Department to
the Filling Department.
(c) Explain why Essence Company is using a process cost system to account for its costs.
Step 4
Step 3
Solution to Comprehensive
(a) A completed production cost report for the Mixing Department is shown below.
Computations to support the amounts reported follow the report.
Mixing Department
Production Cost Report
For the Month Ended May 31, 2010
Equivalent Units
Physical Conversion
QUANTITIES Units Materials Costs
Units to be accounted for
Work in process, May 1 1,000
Started into production 2,000
Total units 3,000
Step 2Step 1
action plan
Compute the physical unit
flow—that is, the total units
to be accounted for.
Compute the equivalent
units of production.
Compute the unit produc-
tion costs, expressed in
terms of equivalent units of
Prepare a cost reconcilia-
tion schedule, which shows
that the total costs
accounted for equal the to-
tal costs to be accounted for.
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Summary of Study Objectives 951
Equivalent Units
Physical Conversion
QUANTITIES Units Materials Costs
Units accounted for
Transferred out 2,200 2,200 2,200
Work in process, May 31 800 800 400 (800 50%)
Total units 3,000 3,000 2,600
Unit costs Materials Costs Total
Costs in May (a) $149,100 $26,520 $175,620
Equivalent units (b) 3,000 2,600
Unit costs [(a) (b)] $49.70 $10.20 $59.90
Costs to be accounted for
Work in process, May 1 $ 56,300
Started into production 119,320
Total costs $175,620
Costs accounted for
Transferred out (2,200 $59.90) $131,780
Work in process, May 31
Materials (800 $49.70) $39,760
Conversion costs (400 $10.20) 4,080 43,840
Total costs $175,620
Additional computations to support production cost report data:
Materials cost—$49,100 $100,000
Conversion costs—$7,200 $19,320 ($119,320 $100,000)
(b) Work in Process—Filling 131,780
Work in Process—Mixing 131,780
(c) Companies use process cost systems to apply costs to similar products that are mass-
produced in a continuous fashion. Essence Company uses a process cost system be-
cause production of the after-shave lotion, once it begins, continues until the after-
shave lotion emerges. The processing is the same for the entire run—with
precisely the same amount of materials, labor, and overhead. Each bottle of Eternity
after-shave lotion is indistinguishable from another.
Step 4
Step 3
The Navigator
1 Understand who uses process cost systems. Companies
that mass-produce similar products in a continuous fashion
use process cost systems. Once production begins, it con-
tinues until the finished product emerges. Each unit of fin-
ished product is indistinguishable from every other unit.
2 Explain the similarities and differences between job
order cost and process cost systems. Job order cost
systems are similar to process cost systems in three ways:
(1) Both systems track the same cost elements—direct
materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.
(2) Both accumulate costs in the same accounts—Raw
Materials Inventory, Factory Labor, and Manufacturing
Overhead. (3) Both assign accumulated costs to the same
accounts—Work in Process, Finished Goods Inventory, and
Cost of Goods Sold. However, the method of assigning
costs differs significantly.
There are four main differences between the two cost sys-
tems: (1) A process cost system uses separate accounts for
each department or manufacturing process, rather than only
one work in process account used in a job order cost system.
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952 Chapter 21 Process Costing
(2) A process cost system summarizes costs in a production
cost report for each department. A job cost system charges
costs to individual jobs and summarizes them in a job cost
sheet. (3) Costs are totaled at the end of a time period in a
process cost system, but at the completion of a job in a job
cost system. (4) A process cost system calculates unit cost as:
Total manufacturing costs for the period Units produced
during the period. A job cost system calculates unit cost as:
Total cost per job Units produced.
3 Explain the flow of costs in a process cost system. A
process cost system assigns manufacturing costs for raw
materials, labor, and overhead to work in process accounts
for various departments or manufacturing processes. It
transfers the costs of units completed from one department
to another as those units move through the manufacturing
process. The system transfers the costs of completed work
to Finished Goods Inventory. Finally, when inventory is
sold, the system transfers costs to Cost of Goods Sold.
4 Make the journal entries to assign manufacturing
costs in a process cost system. Entries to assign the
costs of raw materials, labor, and overhead consist of a
credit to Raw Materials Inventory, Factory Labor, and
Manufacturing Overhead, and a debit to Work in Process
for each department. Entries to record the cost of goods
transferred to another department are a credit to Work in
Process for the department whose work is finished and a
debit to the department to which the goods are transferred.
The entry to record units completed and transferred to the
warehouse is a credit for the department whose work is fin-
ished and a debit to Finished Goods Inventory. The entry
to record the sale of goods is a credit to Finished Goods
Inventory and a debit to Cost of Goods Sold.
5 Compute equivalent units. Equivalent units of produc-
tion measure work done during a period, expressed in fully
completed units. Companies use this measure to determine
the cost per unit of completed product. Equivalent units
are the sum of units completed and transferred out plus
equivalent units of ending work in process.
6 Explain the four steps necessary to prepare a production
cost report. The four steps to complete a production cost re-
port are: (1) Compute the physical unit flow—that is, the total
units to be accounted for. (2) Compute the equivalent units of
production. (3) Compute the unit production costs, expressed
in terms of equivalent units of production. (4) Prepare a cost
reconciliation schedule, which shows that the total costs ac-
counted for equal the total costs to be accounted for.
7 Prepare a production cost report. The production cost
report contains both quantity and cost data for a produc-
tion department. There are four sections in the report: (1)
number of physical units, (2) equivalent units determina-
tion, (3) unit costs, and (4) cost reconciliation schedule.
8 Explain just-in-time (JIT) processing. JIT is a manufactur-
ing technique dedicated to producing the right products at the
right time as needed. One of the principal accounting effects is
that a Raw and In-Process Inventory account replaces both
the raw materials and work in process inventory accounts.
9 Explain activity-based costing (ABC). ABC is a method
of product costing that focuses on the activities performed
to produce products. It assigns the cost of the activities to
products by using cost drivers that measure the activities
performed. The primary objective of ABC is accurate and
meaningful product costs.
The Navigator
Activity-based costing A cost accounting system that
focuses on the activities performed in manufacturing a spe-
cific product. (p. 948).
Conversion costs The sum of labor costs and overhead
costs. (p. 937).
Cost driver Any factor or activity that has a direct
cause–effect relationship with the resources consumed.
(p. 948).
Cost reconciliation schedule A schedule that shows that
the total costs accounted for equal the total costs to be
accounted for. (p. 943).
Equivalent units of production A measure of the work
done during the period, expressed in fully completed units.
(p. 937).
Just-in-time processing A processing system dedicated to
producing the right products (or parts) as they are needed.
(p. 946).
Operations costing A combination of a process cost and a
job order cost system, in which products are manufactured
primarily by standardized methods, with some customiza-
tion. (p. 945).
Physical units Actual units to be accounted for during a
period, irrespective of any work performed. (p. 941).
Process cost systems An accounting system used to apply
costs to similar products that are mass-produced in a con-
tinuous fashion. (p. 930).
Production cost report An internal report for manage-
ment that shows both production quantity and cost data for
a production department. (p. 939).
Total units (costs) accounted for The sum of the units
(costs) transferred out during the period plus the units
(costs) in process at the end of the period. (pp. 941, 943).
Total units (costs) to be accounted for The sum of the
units (costs) started (or transferred) into production during
the period plus the units (costs) in process at the beginning
of the period. (pp. 941, 943).
Unit production costs Costs expressed in terms of equiva-
lent units of production. (p. 942).
Weighted-average method Method used to compute
equivalent units of production which considers the degree
of completion (weighting) of the units completed and
transferred out and the ending work in process. (p. 937).
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APPENDIX Example of Traditional Costing
versus Activity-Based Costing
Appendix Example of Traditional Costing versus Activity-Based Costing 953
Manufacturing Costs The Boot The Club
Direct materials $40 $30
Direct labor 12 12
Overhead 30* 30*
Total unit cost
$82 $72
*Predetermined overhead rate Direct labor hours ($30 1 hr $30)
Illustration 21A-1
Units costs—traditional
Production and Cost Data
In this appendix we present an example that compares activity-based
costing to traditional costing.Assume that Atlas Company produces two
products, The Boot and The Club. The Boot is a high-volume item total-
ing 25,000 units annually. The Club is a low-volume item totaling only
5,000 units per year. Each product requires one hour of direct labor for completion.
Therefore, total annual direct labor hours are 30,000 (25,000 5,000). Expected
annual manufacturing overhead costs are $900,000. The predetermined overhead
rate is $30 ($900,000 30,000) per direct labor hour.
The direct materials cost per unit is $40 for The Boot and $30 for The Club.The
direct labor cost is $12 per unit for each product.
Unit Costs Under Traditional Costing
Illustration 21A-1 shows the unit cost for each product under traditional costing.
Apply activity-based costing to
specific company data.
Unit Costs Under ABC
Let’s now calculate unit costs under ABC, in order to compare activity-based cost-
ing with a traditional costing system. The first step is to determine overhead rates
under ABC.
Analysis reveals that Atlas Company’s expected annual overhead costs of $900,000
relate to three activities—machine setups, machining, and inspections. Illustration
21A-2 shows the cost driver and overhead rate for each activity.
Total Total Activity
Expected Expected Based
Overhead Use of Overhead
Activity Cost Driver Cost Driver Rate
Machine setups Number of setups $300,000 1,500
$200 per setup
Machining Machine hours 500,000 50,000
$10 per machine hour
Inspections Number of 100,000 2,000
$50 per inspection
Illustration 21A-2
Computing overhead
In assigning costs, it is necessary to know the expected number of cost drivers for each
product. Because of its low volume, The Club requires more setups and inspections
than The Boot. The expected number of cost drivers for each product is as follows.
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954 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Illustration 21A-3
Expected number of cost
Illustration 21A-4
Assignment of overhead
costs to products
Illustration 21A-5
Comparison of unit product
Using these data,Atlas can assign the expected annual overhead cost to each prod-
uct as follows.
Cost Driver The Boot The Club Usage
Number of machine setups 500 1,000 1,500
Machine hours 30,000 20,000 50,000
Number of inspections 500 1,500 2,000
The Boot The Club
Activity Number Cost Number Cost Cost
Machine setups ($200) 500 $100,000 1,000 $200,000 $300,000
Machining ($10) 30,000 300,000 20,000 200,000 500,000
Inspections ($50) 500 25,000 1,500 75,000 100,000
Total assigned costs (a) $425,000 $475,000 $900,000
Units produced (b) 25,000 5,000
Overhead cost per unit [(a) (b)]
$17 $95
These data show that under ABC, overhead costs are shifted from the high-
volume product (The Boot) to the low-volume product (The Club). This shift
results in more accurate costing for two reasons:
1. Low-volume products often require more special handling, such as more ma-
chine setups and inspections, than high-volume products. This is true for Atlas
Company. Thus, the low-volume product frequently is responsible for more
overhead costs per unit than a high-volume product.
2. Assigning overhead using ABC will usually increase the cost per unit for low-
volume products as compared to a traditional overhead allocation. Therefore,
traditional cost drivers such as direct labor hours are usually not appropriate
for assigning overhead costs to low-volume products.
Comparing Unit Costs
A comparison of unit manufacturing costs under traditional costing and ABC
shows the following significant differences.
The Boot The Club
Traditional Traditional
Manufacturing Costs Costing ABC Costing ABC
Direct materials $40 $40 $30 $ 30
Direct labor 12 12 12 12
Overhead 30 17 30 95
Total cost per unit
$82 $69 $72 $137
Overstated Understated
$13 $65
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Summary of Study Objective for Appendix 955
The comparison shows that unit costs under traditional costing have been signifi-
cantly distorted. The cost of The Boot has been overstated $13 per unit
($82$69). The cost of The Club has been understated $65 per unit ($137$72).
The differences are attributable to how Atlas Company assigns manufacturing
overhead. A likely consequence of the differences is that Atlas has been over-
pricing The Boot and possibly losing market share to competitors. It also has
been sacrificing profitability by underpricing The Club.
As illustrated in the above case, ABC involves the following steps.
1. Identify the major activities that pertain to the manufacture of specific products.
2. Accumulate manufacturing overhead costs by activities.
3. Identify the cost driver(s) that accurately measure(s) each activity’s contribu-
tion to the finished product.
4. Assign manufacturing overhead costs for each activity to products, using the
cost driver(s).
Benefits and Limitations of Activity-Based Costing
We have already seen that a primary benefit of ABC is more accurate product cost-
ing. In addition, ABC offers the following other benefits:
1. Enhanced control over overhead costs. Under ABC, companies can trace many
overhead costs directly to activities—allowing some indirect costs to be identi-
fied as direct costs. Thus, managers have become more aware of their responsi-
bility to control the activities that generate the costs.
2. Better management decisions. More accurate product costing should contribute
to setting selling prices that can help achieve desired product profitability lev-
els. In addition, more accurate cost data could be helpful in deciding whether
to make or buy a component, and sometimes even whether to discontinue or
expand a product.
The principal disadvantages of ABC generally focus on two factors. First, the
expense of obtaining the cost data required by the system is relatively high.ABC
requires data that are not normally generated within a company. Examples of
such data are the number of setups, inspections, orders placed, and orders re-
ceived. In addition, many computations are involved in assigning overhead costs
to individual products.
Second, ABC does not eliminate arbitrary assignments of overhead. For exam-
ple, plant-wide overhead costs such as depreciation, insurance, and property taxes
on the factory building should be allocated to the activity centers in determining
the cost of a product. With ABC, these allocations may be more difficult to do ac-
curately because of the increased number of activity centers. As a result, accuracy
of product costs could be adversely affected.
10. Apply activity-based costing to specific company data.
In applying ABC, it is necessary to compute the overhead
rate for each activity by dividing total expected overhead by
the total expected usage of the cost driver. The overhead
cost for each activity is then assigned to products on the
basis of each product’s use of the cost driver.
*Note: All asterisked Questions, Exercises, and Problems relate to material contained in the appendix to the chapter.
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956 Chapter 21 Process Costing
(SO 1)
(SO 2)
(SO 3)
(SO 4)
(SO 4)
(SO 5)
(SO 5)
(SO 6)
(SO 7)
(SO 8)
Answers are at the end of the chapter.
1. Which of the following items is not characteristic of a
process cost system?
a. Once production begins, it continues until the finished
product emerges.
b. The products produced are heterogeneous in nature.
c. The focus is on continually producing homogeneous
d. When the finished product emerges, all units have pre-
cisely the same amount of materials, labor, and overhead.
2. Indicate which of the following statements is not correct.
a. Both a job order and a process cost system track the
same three manufacturing cost elements—direct mate-
rials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.
b. A job order cost system uses only one work in process
account, whereas a process cost system uses multiple
work in process accounts.
c. Manufacturing costs are accumulated the same way in
a job order and in a process cost system.
d. Manufacturing costs are assigned the same way in a job
order and in a process cost system.
3. In a process cost system, costs are assigned only:
a. to one work in process account.
b. to work in process and finished goods inventory.
c. to work in process, finished goods, and cost of goods
d. to work in process accounts.
4. In making the journal entry to assign raw materials costs,
a company:
a. debits Finished Goods Inventory.
b. often debits two or more work in process accounts.
c. generally credits two or more work in process accounts.
d. credits Finished Goods Inventory.
5. In a process cost system, manufacturing overhead:
a. is assigned to finished goods at the end of each ac-
counting period.
b. is assigned to a work in process account for each job as
the job is completed.
c. is assigned to a work in process account for each pro-
duction department on the basis of a predetermined
overhead rate.
d. is assigned to a work in process account for each pro-
duction department as overhead costs are incurred.
6. Conversion costs are the sum of:
a. fixed and variable overhead costs.
b. labor costs and overhead costs.
c. direct material costs and overhead costs.
d. direct labor and indirect labor costs.
7. The Mixing Department’s output during the period con-
sists of 20,000 units completed and transferred out, and
5,000 units in ending work in process 60% complete as to
materials and conversion costs. Beginning inventory is
1,000 units, 40% complete as to materials and conversion
costs. The equivalent units of production are:
a. 22,600. c. 24,000.
b. 23,000. d. 25,000.
8. In RYZ Company, there are zero units in beginning work
in process, 7,000 units started into production, and 500
units in ending work in process 20% completed.The phys-
ical units to be accounted for are:
a. 7,000. c. 7,600.
b. 7,360. d. 7,340.
9. Stock Company has 2,000 units in beginning work in
process, 20% complete as to conversion costs, 23,000 units
transferred out to finished goods, and 3,000 units in ending
work in process 33
% complete as to conversion costs.
The beginning and ending inventory is fully complete as to
materials costs. Equivalent units for materials and conver-
sion costs are, respectively:
a. 22,000, 24,000.
b. 24,000, 26,000.
c. 26,000, 24,000.
d. 26,000, 26,000.
10. Fortner Company has no beginning work in process; 9,000
units are transferred out and 3,000 units in ending work in
process are one-third finished as to conversion costs and
fully complete as to materials cost. If total materials cost is
$60,000, the unit materials cost is:
a. $5.00.
b. $5.45 rounded.
c. $6.00.
d. No correct answer is given.
11. Largo Company has unit costs of $10 for materials and
$30 for conversion costs. If there are 2,500 units in end-
ing work in process, 40% complete as to conversion
costs, and fully complete as to materials cost, the total
cost assignable to the ending work in process inven-
tory is:
a. $45,000. c. $75,000.
b. $55,000. d. $100,000.
12. A production cost report
a. is an external report.
b. shows costs charged to a department and costs ac-
counted for.
c. shows equivalent units of production but not physical
d. contains six sections.
13. In a production cost report, units to be accounted for are
calculated as:
a. Units started into production Units in ending work
in process.
b. Units started into production Units in beginning
work in process.
c. Units transferred out Units in beginning work in
d. Units started into production Units in beginning
work in process.
14. Just-in-time processing (JIT):
a. strives to eliminate inventories.
b. uses a pull approach in manufacturing.
c. Neither of the above.
d. Both (a) and (b).
(SO 6)
(SO 6)
(SO 6)
(SO 7)
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15. The sequence of activities in just-in-time processing begins
when the manufacturer:
a. orders raw materials from a supplier.
b. issues raw materials to work in process inventory.
c. receives a sales order from a customer.
d. calculates its predetermined overhead rates.
16. Activity-based costing:
a. assumes that the cost of a product is equal to the sum of
the costs of all activities performed to manufacture it.
b. has become more widespread as overhead costs have
been decreasing relative to materials and labor costs.
c. is similar to a conventional cost accounting system in
accounting for direct labor and manufacturing overhead
but differs in regard to direct materials.
d. uses a single unit-level basis to allocate overhead costs
to products.
17. Activity-based costing (ABC):
a. can be used only in a process cost system.
b. focuses on units of production.
c. focuses on activities performed to produce a product.
d. uses only a single basis of allocation.
*18. The overhead rate for Machine Setups is $100 per setup.
Products A and B have 80 and 60 setups, respectively. The
overhead assigned to each product is:
a. Product A $8,000, Product B $8,000.
b. Product A $8,000, Product B $6,000.
c. Product A $6,000, Product B $6,000.
d. Product A $6,000, Product B $8,000.
Go to the book’s companion website,
for additional Self-Study Questions.
Questions 957
The Navigator
(SO 8)
(SO 9)
(SO 9)
(SO 10)
1. Identify which costing system—job order or process cost—
the following companies would primarily use: (a)
, (b) Ford Motor Company, (c) Kinko’s Print Shop,
and (d)
Warner Bros. Motion Pictures.
2. Contrast the primary focus of job order cost accounting
and of process cost accounting.
3. What are the similarities between a job order and a
process cost system?
4. Your roommate is confused about the features of process
cost accounting. Identify and explain the distinctive fea-
tures for your roommate.
5. Mel Storrer believes there are no significant differences in
the flow of costs between job order cost accounting and
process cost accounting. Is Storrer correct? Explain.
6. (a) What source documents are used in assigning (1) materi-
als and (2) labor to production in a process cost system?
(b) What criterion and basis are commonly used in allo-
cating overhead to processes?
7. At Ace Company, overhead is assigned to production de-
partments at the rate of $5 per machine hour. In July, ma-
chine hours were 3,000 in the Machining Department and
2,400 in the Assembly Department. Prepare the entry to
assign overhead to production.
8. Gary Weiss is uncertain about the steps used to prepare a
production cost report. State the procedures that are re-
quired in the sequence in which they are performed.
9. Rich Mordica is confused about computing physical units.
Explain to Rich how physical units to be accounted for
and physical units accounted for are determined.
10. What is meant by the term “equivalent units of production”?
11. How are equivalent units of production computed?
12. Mason Company had zero units of beginning work in
process. During the period, 9,000 units were completed,
and there were 600 units of ending work in process. What
were the units started into production?
13. Mendle Co. had zero units of beginning work in process.
During the period 12,000 units were completed, and there
were 800 units of ending work in process one-fifth com-
plete as to conversion cost and 100% complete as to ma-
terials cost. What were the equivalent units of production
for (a) materials and (b) conversion costs?
14. Reyes Co. started 3,000 units in the period. Its beginning
inventory is 500 units one-fourth complete as to conver-
sion costs and 100% complete as to materials cost. Its
ending inventory is 200 units one-fifth complete as to con-
version cost and 100% complete as to materials costs.
How many units were transferred out this period?
15. Kiner Company transfers out 14,000 units and has 2,000
units of ending work in process that are 25% complete.
Materials are entered at the beginning of the process and
there is no beginning work in process. Assuming unit ma-
terials costs of $3 and unit conversion costs of $6, what are
the costs to be assigned to units (a) transferred out and (b)
in ending work in process?
16. (a) Eve Adams believes the production cost report is an ex-
ternal report for stockholders. Is Eve correct? Explain.
(b) Identify the sections in a production cost report.
17. What purposes are served by a production cost report?
18. At Frank Company, there are 800 units of ending work in
process that are 100% complete as to materials and 40%
complete as to conversion costs. If the unit cost of materi-
als is $4 and the costs assigned to the 800 units is $6,000,
what is the per-unit conversion cost?
19. What is the difference between operations costing and a
process costing system?
20. How does a company decide whether to use a job order or
a process cost system?
21. (a) Describe the philosophy and approach of just-in-time
(b) Identify the major elements of JIT processing.
22. (a) What are the principal differences between activity-
based costing (ABC) and traditional product costing?
(b) What assumptions must be met for ABC costing to be
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958 Chapter 21 Process Costing
23. Dipak Co. identifies the following activities that pertain to
manufacturing overhead: Materials Handling, Machine
Setups, Factory Machine Maintenance, Factory Supervision,
and Quality Control. For each activity identify an appropri-
ate cost driver.
Journalize entries for
accumulating costs.
(SO 4)
Journalize the assignment of
materials and labor costs.
(SO 4)
Journalize the assignment of
overhead costs.
(SO 4)
Compute physical units of
(SO 6)
Compute equivalent units of
(SO 5)
Compute unit costs of
(SO 6)
Assign costs to units
transferred out and in process.
(SO 6)
Compute unit costs.
(SO 6)
Prepare cost reconciliation
(SO 6)
Compute equivalent units of
(SO 5)
*24. (a) Identify the steps that pertain to activity-based
(b) What are the advantages of ABC costing?
BE21-1 Sanchez Manufacturing purchases $45,000 of raw materials on account, and it incurs
$50,000 of factory labor costs. Journalize the two transactions on March 31 assuming the labor
costs are not paid until April.
BE21-2 Data for Sanchez Manufacturing are given in BE21-1. Supporting records show that
(a) the Assembly Department used $24,000 of raw materials and $30,000 of the factory labor, and
(b) the Finishing Department used the remainder. Journalize the assignment of the costs to the
processing departments on March 31.
BE21-3 Factory labor data for Sanchez Manufacturing are given in BE21-2. Manufacturing
overhead is assigned to departments on the basis of 200% of labor costs. Journalize the assign-
ment of overhead to the Assembly and Finishing Departments.
BE21-4 Bowyer Manufacturing Company has the following production data for selected
Compute the physical units for each month.
BE21-5 Using the data in BE21-4, compute equivalent units of production for materials and
conversion costs, assuming materials are entered at the beginning of the process.
BE21-6 In Montego Company, total material costs are $32,000, and total conversion costs are
$54,000. Equivalent units of production are materials 10,000 and conversion costs 12,000.
Compute the unit costs for materials, conversion costs, and total manufacturing costs.
BE21-7 Hindi Company has the following production data for April: units transferred out 40,000,
and ending work in process 5,000 units that are 100% complete for materials and 40% complete for
conversion costs. If unit materials cost is $4 and unit conversion cost is $9, determine the costs to be
assigned to the units transferred out and the units in ending work in process.
BE21-8 Production costs chargeable to the Finishing Department in June in Castilla Company
are materials $15,000, labor $29,500, overhead $18,000. Equivalent units of production are mate-
rials 20,000 and conversion costs 19,000. Compute the unit costs for materials and conversion
BE21-9 Data for Castilla Company are given in BE21-8. Production records indicate that
18,000 units were transferred out, and 2,000 units in ending work in process were 50% complete
as to conversion cost and 100% complete as to materials. Prepare a cost reconciliation schedule.
BE21-10 The Smelting Department of Massaro Manufacturing Company has the following
production and cost data for November.
Production: Beginning work in process 2,000 units that are 100% complete as to materials and
20% complete as to conversion costs; units transferred out 8,000 units; and ending work in process
5,000 units that are 100% complete as to materials and 40% complete as to conversion costs.
Compute the equivalent units of production for (a) materials and (b) conversion costs for the
month of November.
Work in Process
Beginning Units % Complete as to
Month Work in Process Transferred Out Units Conversion Cost
January –0– 30,000 10,000 40%
March –0– 40,000 8,000 75
July –0– 40,000 16,000 25
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Do It! Review 959
Compute overhead rates for
(SO 10)
BE21-11 Ernie Els has formulated the following list of statements about contemporary de-
velopments in managerial accounting.
1. Just-in-time processing results in a push approach; that is, raw materials are pushed through
each process.
2. A primary objective of just-in-time processing is to eliminate all manufacturing inventories.
3. A major disadvantage of just-in-time processing is lower product quality.
4. A primary benefit of activity-based costing is more accurate and meaningful product costing.
5. A major advantage of activity-based costing is that it uses a single unit-level basis, such as di-
rect labor or machine hours, to allocate overhead.
Identify each statement as true or false. If false, indicate how to correct the statement to make
it true.
*BE21-12 Bristol Company identifies three activities in its manufacturing process: machine
setups, machining, and inspections. Estimated annual overhead cost for each activity is $120,000,
$300,000, and $70,000, respectively. The cost driver for each activity and the expected annual us-
age are: number of setups 1,000, machine hours 25,000, and number of inspections 2,000.
Compute the overhead rate for each activity.
Understand contemporary
(SO 8, 9)
21-1 Boaz Company manufactures CH-21 through two processes: Mixing and Packaging.
In July, the following costs were incurred.
Mixing Packaging
Raw Materials used $10,000 $24,000
Factory Labor costs 8,000 36,000
Manufacturing Overhead costs 12,000 54,000
Units completed at a cost of $21,000 in the Mixing Department are transferred to the Packaging
Department. Units completed at a cost of $102,000 in the Packaging Department are transferred
to Finished Goods. Journalize the assignment of these costs to the two processes and the transfer
of units as appropriate.
21-2 The assembly department has the following production and cost data for the cur-
rent month.
Beginning Units Ending
Work in Process Transferred Out Work in Process
–0– 20,000 16,000
Materials are entered at the beginning of the process. The ending work in process units are 70%
complete as to conversion costs. Compute the equivalent units of production for (a) materials
and (b) conversion costs.
21-3 In March, Lasso Manufacturing had the following unit production costs: materials
$10 and conversion costs $8. On March 1, it had zero work in process. During March, Lasso trans-
ferred out 22,000 units. As of March 31, 2,000 units that were 40% complete as to conversion
costs and 100% complete as to materials were in ending work in process.
(a) Compute the total units to be accounted for.
(b) Compute the equivalent units of production.
(c) Prepare a cost reconciliation schedule, including the costs of materials transferred out and
the costs of materials in process.
21-4 Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false.
1. Just-in-time processing is also known as just-in-case processing.
2. Companies that use just-in-time processing complete finished goods just in time to be sold.
3. A major benefit of just-in-time processing is enhanced product quality.
4. An ABC system is similar to conventional costing systems in accounting for period costs but
differs in regard to manufacturing costs.
Assign and journalize
manufacturing costs.
(SO 4)
Compute equivalent units.
(SO 5)
Prepare cost reconciliation
(SO 6, 7)
Answer questions about JIT
and ABC.
(SO 8, 9)
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960 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Work in Process—Painting
5/1 Balance 3,590 5/31 Transferred out ?
5/31 Materials 5,160
5/31 Labor 2,740
5/31 Overhead 1,650
5/31 Balance ?
Understand process cost
(SO 1, 2)
Journalize transactions.
(SO 4)
Answer questions on costs and
(SO 3, 5, 6)
Cooking Canning
Beginning work in process $ –0– $ 4,000
Materials 21,000 6,000
Labor 8,500 7,000
Overhead 29,500 25,800
Costs transferred in 53,000
5. The primary benefit of ABC is significant reduction or elimination of manufacturing inventories.
6. In recent years, the amount of direct labor used in many industries has greatly decreased and
total overhead costs have significantly increased.
E21-1 Doc Gibbs has prepared the following list of statements about process cost accounting.
1. Process cost systems are used to apply costs to similar products that are mass-produced in a
continuous fashion.
2. A process cost system is used when each finished unit is indistinguishable from another.
3. Companies that produce soft drinks, motion pictures, and computer chips would all use
process cost accounting.
4. In a process cost system, costs are tracked by individual jobs.
5. Job order costing and process costing track different manufacturing cost elements.
6. Both job order costing and process costing account for direct materials, direct labor, and
manufacturing overhead.
7. Costs flow through the accounts in the same basic way for both job order costing and process
8. In a process cost system, only one work in process account is used.
9. In a process cost system, costs are summarized in a job cost sheet.
10. In a process cost system, the unit cost is total manufacturing costs for the period divided by
the units produced during the period.
Identify each statement as true or false. If false, indicate how to correct the statement.
E21-2 Fernando Company manufactures pizza sauce through two production departments:
Cooking and Canning.In each process, materials and conversion costs are incurred evenly through-
out the process. For the month of April, the work in process accounts show the following debits.
Journalize the April transactions.
E21-3 The ledger of Molindo Company has the following work in process account.
Production records show that there were 400 units in the beginning inventory, 30% complete,
1,100 units started, and 1,200 units transferred out. The beginning work in process had materials
cost of $2,040 and conversion costs of $1,550. The units in ending inventory were 40% complete.
Materials are entered at the beginning of the painting process.
(a) How many units are in process at May 31?
(b) What is the unit materials cost for May?
(c) What is the unit conversion cost for May?
(d) What is the total cost of units transferred out in May?
(e) What is the cost of the May 31 inventory?
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Exercises 961
Beginning Ending
Work in Process Work in Process
Conversion Units Conversion
Month Units Cost% Transferred Out Units Cost%
January –0– 7,000 2,000 60
March –0– 12,000 3,000 30
May –0– 16,000 5,000 80
July –0– 10,000 1,500 40
E21-4 Douglas Manufacturing Company has two production departments: Cutting and
Assembly. July 1 inventories are Raw Materials $4,200, Work in Process—Cutting $2,900, Work
in Process—Assembly $10,600, and Finished Goods $31,000. During July, the following transac-
tions occurred.
1. Purchased $62,500 of raw materials on account.
2. Incurred $56,000 of factory labor. (Credit Wages Payable.)
3. Incurred $70,000 of manufacturing overhead; $40,000 was paid and the remainder is unpaid.
4. Requisitioned materials for Cutting $15,700 and Assembly $8,900.
5. Used factory labor for Cutting $29,000 and Assembly $27,000.
6. Applied overhead at the rate of $15 per machine hour. Machine hours were Cutting 1,680 and
Assembly 1,720.
7. Transferred goods costing $67,600 from the Cutting Department to the Assembly Department.
8. Transferred goods costing $134,900 from Assembly to Finished Goods.
9. Sold goods costing $150,000 for $200,000 on account.
Journalize the transactions. (Omit explanations.)
E21-5 In Ramirez Company, materials are entered at the beginning of each process. Work in
process inventories, with the percentage of work done on conversion costs, and production data
for its Sterilizing Department in selected months during 2010 are as follows.
Production Costs
1. Transferred out 9,000 units. Beginning work in process $ 0
2. Started 3,000 units that are 60% Materials 45,000
complete as to conversion Labor 16,200
costs and 100% complete as Manufacturing overhead 18,900
to materials at July 31.
Compute physical units and
equivalent units of production.
(SO 5, 6)
Determine equivalent units,
unit costs, and assignment of
(SO 5, 6)
(a) Compute the physical units for January and May.
(b) Compute the equivalent units of production for (1) materials and (2) conversion costs for
each month.
E21-6 The Cutting Department of Groneman Manufacturing has the following production
and cost data for July.
Materials are entered at the beginning of the process. Conversion costs are incurred uniformly
during the process.
(a) Determine the equivalent units of production for (1) materials and (2) conversion costs.
(b) Compute unit costs and prepare a cost reconciliation schedule.
E21-7 The Sanding Department of Ortiz Furniture Company has the following production
and manufacturing cost data for March 2010, the first month of operation.
Production: 12,000 units finished and transferred out; 3,000 units started that are 100% com-
plete as to materials and 20% complete as to conversion costs.
Manufacturing costs: Materials $33,000; labor $27,000; overhead $36,000.
Journalize transactions for two
(SO 4)
Prepare a production cost
(SO 5, 6, 7)
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Prepare a production cost report.
E21-8 The Blending Department of Hancock Company has the following cost and production
data for the month of April.
Chapter 21 Process Costing
Work in process, April 1
Direct materials: 100% complete $100,000
Conversion costs: 20% complete 70,000
Cost of work in process, April 1 $170,000
Costs incurred during production in April
Direct materials $ 800,000
Conversion costs 362,000
Costs incurred in April $1,162,000
Determine equivalent units,
unit costs, and assignment of
(SO 5, 6)
Determine equivalent units,
unit costs, and assignment of
(SO 5, 6)
Determine equivalent units,
unit costs, and assignment of
(SO 5, 6)
Units transferred out totaled 14,000. Ending work in process was 1,000 units that are 100%
complete as to materials and 40% complete as to conversion costs.
(a) Compute the equivalent units of production for (1) materials and (2) conversion costs for the
month of April.
(b) Compute the unit costs for the month.
(c) Determine the costs to be assigned to the units transferred out and in ending work in process.
E21-9 Podsednik Company has gathered the following information.
Units in beginning work in process –0–
Units started into production 36,000
Units in ending work in process 6,000
Percent complete for conversion costs in
ending work in process 40%
Costs incurred:
Direct materials $72,000
Direct labor $81,000
Overhead $97,200
(a) Compute equivalent units of production for materials and for conversion costs.
(b) Determine the unit costs of production.
(c) Show the assignment of costs to units transferred out and in process.
E21-10 Pink Martini Company has gathered the following information.
Units in beginning work in process 20,000
Units started into production 72,000
Units in ending work in process 24,000
Percent complete for conversion costs in
ending work in process 60%
Costs incurred (includes beginning work in process):
Direct materials $101,200
Direct labor $164,800
Overhead $123,600
(a) Compute equivalent units of production for materials and for conversion costs.
(b) Determine the unit costs of production.
(c) Show the assignment of costs to units transferred out and in process.
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Exercises 963
Compute equivalent units, unit
costs, and costs assigned.
(SO 5, 6)
Explain the production cost
(SO 7)
Prepare a production cost
(SO 5, 6, 7)
Manufacturing Costs Production Data
Beginning work in process Beginning work in process 15,000 units
Materials $18,000 1/10 complete
Conversion costs 14,175 $32,175 Units transferred out 49,000
Materials 180,000 Units started 60,000
Labor 32,780 Ending work in process 26,000 units
Overhead 61,445 1/5 complete
E21-11 The Polishing Department of Estaban Manufacturing Company has the following
production and manufacturing cost data for September. Materials are entered at the beginning
of the process.
Production: Beginning inventory 1,600 units that are 100% complete as to materials and 30%
complete as to conversion costs; units started during the period are 18,400; ending inventory
of 5,000 units 10% complete as to conversion costs.
Manufacturing costs: Beginning inventory costs, comprised of $20,000 of materials and
$43,180 of conversion costs; materials costs added in Polishing during the month, $177,200; la-
bor and overhead applied in Polishing during the month, $102,680 and $257,140, respectively.
(a) Compute the equivalent units of production for materials and conversion costs for the month
of September.
(b) Compute the unit costs for materials and conversion costs for the month.
(c) Determine the costs to be assigned to the units transferred out and in process.
E21-12 Stan Maley has recently been promoted to production manager, and so he has just
started to receive various managerial reports. One of the reports he has received is the produc-
tion cost report that you prepared. It showed that his department had 2,000 equivalent units in
ending inventory. His department has had a history of not keeping enough inventory on hand to
meet demand. He has come to you, very angry, and wants to know why you credited him with
only 2,000 units when he knows he had at least twice that many on hand.
Explain to him why his production cost report showed only 2,000 equivalent units in
ending inventory. Write an informal memo. Be kind and explain very clearly why he is mistaken.
E21-13 The Welding Department of Batista Manufacturing Company has the following pro-
duction and manufacturing cost data for February 2010.All materials are added at the beginning
of the process.
Activity Cost Driver Total Cost
1. Materials handling Number of requisitions $30,000
2. Machine setups Number of setups 27,000
3. Quality inspections Number of inspections 24,000
Cost Driver Instruments Gauges Total
Number of requisitions 400 600 1,000
Number of setups 150 300 450
Number of inspections 200 400 600
The cost driver volume for each product was as follows.
Compute overhead rates and
assign overhead using ABC.
(SO 10)
Prepare a production cost report for the Welding Department for the month of February.
*E21-14 Carmeli Instrument Inc. manufactures two products: missile range instruments and
space pressure gauges. During January, 50 range instruments and 300 pressure gauges were pro-
duced, and overhead costs of $81,000 were incurred. An analysis of overhead costs reveals the
following activities.
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964 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Compute product cost using
traditional costing and ABC.
(SO 10)
Production Data June
Beginning work in process units –0–
Units started into production 20,000
Ending work in process units 2,000
Percent complete—ending inventory 60%
Cost Data
Materials $198,000
Labor 50,400
Overhead 112,800
Total $361,200
(a) Determine the overhead rate for each activity.
(b) Assign the manufacturing overhead costs for January to the two products using activity-
based costing.
(c) Write a memo to the president of Carmeli Instrument, explaining the benefits of
activity-based costing.
*E21-15 Oakenfeld Company manufactures a number of specialized machine parts. Part
Bunkka-22 uses $35 of direct materials and $15 of direct labor per unit.
Oakenfeld’s estimated manufacturing overhead is as follows:
Materials handling $100,000
Machining 200,000
Factory supervision 150,000
Total $450,000
Overhead is applied based on direct labor costs, which were estimated at $200,000.
Oakenfeld is considering adopting activity-based costing.The cost drivers are estimated at:
Activity Cost driver Expected use
Materials handling Weight of materials 50,000 pounds
Machining Machine hours 20,000 hours
Factory supervision Direct labor hours 12,000 hours
(a) Compute the cost of 1,000 units of Bunkka-22 using the current traditional costing system.
(b) Compute the cost of 1,000 units of Bunkka-22 using the proposed activity-based costing sys-
tem. Assume the 1,000 units use 2,500 pounds of materials, 500 machine hours, and 1,000
direct labor hours.
Visit the book’s companion website at www.wiley.com/college/weygandt, and choose
the Student Companion site, to access Exercise Set B.
P21-1A Kasten Company manufactures bowling balls through two processes: Molding and
Packaging. In the Molding Department, the urethane, rubber, plastics, and other materials are
molded into bowling balls. In the Packaging Department, the balls are placed in cartons and sent
to the finished goods warehouse. All materials are entered at the beginning of each process.
Labor and manufacturing overhead are incurred uniformly throughout each process. Production
and cost data for the Molding Department during June 2010 are presented below.
Complete four steps necessary
to prepare a production cost
(SO 5, 6, 7)
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(a) Prepare a schedule showing physical units of production.
(b) Determine the equivalent units of production for materials and conversion costs.
(c) Compute the unit costs of production.
(d) Determine the costs to be assigned to the units transferred and in process for June.
(e) Prepare a production cost report for the Molding Department for the month of June.
P21-2A Ortega Industries Inc. manufactures in separate processes furniture for homes. In
each process, materials are entered at the beginning, and conversion costs are incurred uniformly.
Production and cost data for the first process in making two products in two different manufac-
turing plants are as follows.
Problems: Set A 965
Cutting Department
Plant 1 Plant 2
Production Data—July T12-Tables C10-Chairs
Work in process units, July 1 –0– –0–
Units started into production 20,000 16,000
Work in process units, July 31 3,000 500
Work in process percent complete 60 80
Cost Data—July
Work in process, July 1 $ –0– $ –0–
Materials 380,000 288,000
Labor 234,400 125,900
Overhead 104,000 96,700
Total $718,400 $510,600
(a) For each plant:
(1) Compute the physical units of production.
(2) Compute equivalent units of production for materials and for conversion costs.
(3) Determine the unit costs of production.
(4) Show the assignment of costs to units transferred out and in process.
(b) Prepare the production cost report for Plant 1 for July 2010.
P21-3A Fiedel Company manufactures its product, Vitadrink, through two manufacturing
processes: Mixing and Packaging. All materials are entered at the beginning of each process. On
October 1, 2010, inventories consisted of Raw Materials $26,000, Work in Process—Mixing $0,
Work in Process—Packaging $250,000, and Finished Goods $289,000. The beginning inventory
for Packaging consisted of 10,000 units that were 50% complete as to conversion costs and fully
complete as to materials. During October, 50,000 units were started into production in the
Mixing Department and the following transactions were completed.
1. Purchased $300,000 of raw materials on account.
2. Issued raw materials for production: Mixing $210,000 and Packaging $45,000.
3. Incurred labor costs of $248,900.
4. Used factory labor: Mixing $182,500 and Packaging $66,400.
5. Incurred $790,000 of manufacturing overhead on account.
6. Applied manufacturing overhead on the basis of $22 per machine hour. Machine hours were
28,000 in Mixing and 6,000 in Packaging.
7. Transferred 45,000 units from Mixing to Packaging at a cost of $979,000.
8. Transferred 53,000 units from Packaging to Finished Goods at a cost of $1,315,000.
9. Sold goods costing $1,604,000 for $2,500,000 on account.
Journalize the October transactions.
Complete four steps necessary
to prepare a production cost
(SO 5, 6, 7)
Journalize transactions.
(SO 3, 4)
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966 Chapter 21 Process Costing
(a) Calculate the following.
(1) The equivalent units of production for materials and conversion.
(2) The unit costs of production for materials and conversion costs.
(3) The assignment of costs to units transferred out and in process at the end of the ac-
counting period.
(b) Prepare a production cost report for the month of July for the basketballs.
P21-6A Luther Processing Company uses a weighted-average process costing system and
manufactures a single product—a premium rug shampoo and cleaner. The manufacturing ac-
tivity for the month of October has just been completed. A partially completed production
cost report for the month of October for the mixing and cooking department is shown on
page 967.
(a) Prepare a schedule that shows how the equivalent units were computed so that you can com-
plete the “Quantities: Units accounted for” equivalent units section shown in the production
cost report, and compute October unit costs.
(b) Complete the “Cost Reconciliation Schedule” part of the production cost report on
page 967.
Production Data—Basketballs Units Complete
Work in process units, July 1 500 60%
Units started into production 1,000
Work in process units, July 31 600 30%
Cost Data—Basketballs
Work in process, July 1
Materials $750
Conversion costs 600 $1,350
Direct materials 2,400
Direct labor 1,580
Manufacturing overhead 1,060
P21-4A Cavalier Company has several processing departments. Costs charged to the
Assembly Department for November 2010 totaled $2,229,000 as follows.
Work in process, November 1
Materials $69,000
Conversion costs 48,150 $ 117,150
Materials added 1,548,000
Labor 225,920
Overhead 337,930
Production records show that 35,000 units were in beginning work in process 30% complete as to
conversion costs, 700,000 units were started into production, and 25,000 units were in ending
work in process 40% complete as to conversion costs. Materials are entered at the beginning of
each process.
(a) Determine the equivalent units of production and the unit production costs for the Assembly
(b) Determine the assignment of costs to goods transferred out and in process.
(c) Prepare a production cost report for the Assembly Department.
P21-5A Chen Company manufactures basketballs. Materials are added at the beginning of
the production process and conversion costs are incurred uniformly. Production and cost data for
the month of July 2010 are as follows.
Assign costs and prepare pro-
duction cost report.
(SO 5, 6, 7)
Determine equivalent units and
unit costs and assign costs.
(SO 5, 6, 7)
Compute equivalent units and
complete production cost
(SO 5, 7)
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Problems: Set A 967
Mixing and Cooking Department
Production Cost Report
For the Month Ended October 31
Equivalent Units
Physical Conversion
QUANTITIES Units Materials Costs
Units to be accounted for
Work in process, October 1 20,000
Started into production 160,000
Total units 180,000
Units accounted for
Transferred out 130,000 ? ?
Work in process, October 31
(60% materials, 40%
conversion costs) 50,000 ? ?
Total units 180,000 ? ?
Unit costs Materials Costs Total
Costs in October $240,000 $105,000 $345,000
Equivalent units ? ?
Unit costs $ ? $? $?
Costs to be accounted for
Work in process, October 1 $ 30,000
Started into production 315,000
Total costs $345,000
Costs accounted for
Transferred out $ ?
Work in process, October 31
Materials ?
Conversion costs ? ?
Total costs ?
*P21-7A Darby Electronics manufactures two large-screen television models: the Royale
which sells for $1,500, and a new model, the Majestic, which sells for $1,200. The production cost
per unit for each model in 2010 was as follows.
Royale Majestic
Direct materials $ 700 $420
Direct labor ($20 per hour) 100 80
Manufacturing overhead ($40 per DLH) 200 160
Total per unit cost $1,000 $660
In 2010, Darby manufactured 30,000 units of the Royale and 10,000 units of the Majestic. The
overhead rate of $40 per direct labor hour was determined by dividing total expected manufac-
turing overhead of $7,600,000 by the total direct labor hours (190,000) for the two models.
The gross profit on the model was: Royale $500 ($1,500 $1,000) and Majestic $540
($1,200 $660). Because of this difference, management is considering phasing out the Royale
model and increasing the production of the Majestic model.
Assign overhead to products
using ABC.
(SO 10)
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968 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Before finalizing its decision, management asks the controller, Marie Stumfall, to prepare an
analysis using activity-based costing. Marie accumulates the following information about over-
head for the year ended December 31, 2010.
Total Driver Overhead
Activity Cost Driver Cost Volume Rate
Purchase orders Number of orders $1,200,000 30,000 $40
Machine setups Number of setups 900,000 15,000 60
Machining Machine hours 4,800,000 160,000 30
Quality control Number of inspections 700,000 35,000 20
Cost Driver Royale Majestic Total
Purchase orders 16,000 14,000 30,000
Machine setups 5,000 10,000 15,000
Machine hours 100,000 60,000 160,000
Inspections 10,000 25,000 35,000
The cost driver volume for each product was:
(a) Assign the total 2010 manufacturing overhead costs to the two products using activity-based
costing (ABC).
(b) What was the cost per unit and gross profit of each model using ABC costing?
(c) Are management’s future plans for the two models sound?
(a) Compute the physical units of production.
(b) Determine the equivalent units of production for materials and conversion costs.
(c) Compute the unit costs of production.
(d) Determine the costs to be assigned to the units transferred out and in process.
(e) Prepare a production cost report for the Molding Department for the month of January.
P21-2B Slocum Corporation manufactures in separate processes refrigerators and freezers for
homes. In each process, materials are entered at the beginning and conversion costs are incurred
uniformly. Production and cost data for the first process in making two products in two different
manufacturing plants are as follows.
Production Data January
Beginning work in process units –0–
Units started into production 42,500
Ending work in process units 2,500
Percent complete—ending inventory 40%
Cost Data
Materials $510,000
Labor 96,000
Overhead 150,000
Total $756,000
P21-1B Walters Corporation manufactures water skis through two processes: Molding and
Packaging. In the Molding Department fiberglass is heated and shaped into the form of a ski. In
the Packaging Department, the skis are placed in cartons and sent to the finished goods ware-
house. Materials are entered at the beginning of both processes. Labor and manufacturing over-
head are incurred uniformly throughout each process. Production and cost data for the Molding
Department for January 2010 are presented below.
Complete four steps necessary
to prepare a production cost
(SO 5, 6, 7)
Complete four steps necessary
to prepare a production cost
(SO 5, 6, 7)
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Problems: Set B 969
Stamping Department
Plant A Plant B
Production Data—June R12 Refrigerators F24 Freezers
Work in process units, June 1 –0– –0–
Units started into production 21,000 20,000
Work in process units, June 30 4,000 2,500
Work in process percent complete 75 60
Cost Data—June
Work in process, June 1 $ –0– $ –0–
Materials 840,000 720,000
Labor 220,000 221,000
Overhead 420,000 292,000
Total $1,480,000 $1,233,000
(a) For each plant:
(1) Compute the physical units of production.
(2) Compute equivalent units of production for materials and for conversion costs.
(3) Determine the unit costs of production.
(4) Show the assignment of costs to units transferred out and in process.
(b) Prepare the production cost report for Plant A for June 2010.
P21-3B Buehler Company manufactures a nutrient, Everlife, through two manufacturing
processes: Blending and Packaging. All materials are entered at the beginning of each process.
On August 1, 2010, inventories consisted of Raw Materials $5,000, Work in Process—Blending
$0,Work in Process—Packaging $3,945, and Finished Goods $7,500.The beginning inventory for
Packaging consisted of 500 units, two-fifths complete as to conversion costs and fully complete as
to materials. During August, 9,000 units were started into production in Blending, and the fol-
lowing transactions were completed.
1. Purchased $25,000 of raw materials on account.
2. Issued raw materials for production: Blending $18,930 and Packaging $9,140.
3. Incurred labor costs of $23,770.
4. Used factory labor: Blending $13,320 and Packaging $10,450.
5. Incurred $41,500 of manufacturing overhead on account.
6. Applied manufacturing overhead at the rate of $25 per machine hour. Machine hours were
Blending 900 and Packaging 300.
7. Transferred 8,200 units from Blending to Packaging at a cost of $44,940.
8. Transferred 8,600 units from Packaging to Finished Goods at a cost of $67,490.
9. Sold goods costing $62,000 for $90,000 on account.
Journalize the August transactions.
P21-4B McNair Company has several processing departments. Costs charged to the Assembly
Department for October 2010 totaled $1,249,500 as follows.
Journalize transactions.
(SO 3, 4)
Assign costs and prepare pro-
duction cost report.
(SO 5, 6, 7)
Work in process, October 1
Materials $29,000
Conversion costs 16,500 $ 45,500
Materials added 1,006,000
Labor 90,000
Overhead 108,000
Production records show that 25,000 units were in beginning work in process 40% complete as to
conversion cost, 425,000 units were started into production, and 35,000 units were in ending work in
process 40% complete as to conversion costs. Materials are entered at the beginning of each process.
(a) Determine the equivalent units of production and the unit production costs for the Assembly
(b) Determine the assignment of costs to goods transferred out and in process.
(c) Prepare a production cost report for the Assembly Department.
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970 Chapter 21 Process Costing
P21-5B Marte Company manufactures bicycles and tricycles. For both products, materials are
added at the beginning of the production process, and conversion costs are incurred uniformly.
Production and cost data for the month of May are as follows.
Production Data—Bicycles Units Complete
Work in process units, May 1 500 80%
Units started in production 1,500
Work in process units, May 31 800 25%
Cost Data—Bicycles
Work in process, May 1
Materials $15,000
Conversion costs 18,000 $ 33,000
Direct materials 50,000
Direct labor 18,320
Manufacturing overhead 33,680
(a) Calculate the following.
(1) The equivalent units of production for materials and conversion.
(2) The unit costs of production for materials and conversion costs.
(3) The assignment of costs to units transferred out and in process at the end of the ac-
counting period.
(b) Prepare a production cost report for the month of May for the bicycles.
P21-6B Guthrie Cleaner Company uses a weighted-average process costing system and man-
ufactures a single product—an all-purpose liquid cleaner. The manufacturing activity for the
month of March has just been completed. A partially completed production cost report for the
month of March for the mixing and blending department is shown below.
Determine equivalent units and
unit costs and assign costs.
(SO 5, 7)
Compute equivalent units and
complete production cost
(SO 5, 6, 7)
Mixing and Blending Department
Production Cost Report
For the Month Ended March 31
Equivalent Units
Physical Conversion
QUANTITIES Units Materials Costs
Units to be accounted for
Work in process, March 1 10,000
Started into production 100,000
Total units 110,000
Units accounted for
Transferred out 95,000 ? ?
Work in process, March 31
(60% materials, 20%
conversion costs) 15,000 ? ?
Total units 110,000 ? ?
Unit costs Materials Costs Total
Costs in March $156,000 $98,000 $254,000
Equivalent units ? ?
Unit costs $ ? $? $?
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Decision Making Across the Organization
BYP21-1 Sunshine Beach Company manufactures suntan lotion, called Surtan, in 11-ounce
plastic bottles. Surtan is sold in a competitive market. As a result, management is very cost-
conscious. Surtan is manufactured through two processes: mixing and filling. Materials are entered
at the beginning of each process and labor and manufacturing overhead occur uniformly
throughout each process. Unit costs are based on the cost per gallon of Surtan using the weighted-
average costing approach.
On June 30, 2010, Jill Ritzman, the chief accountant for the past 20 years, opted to take
early retirement. Her replacement, Sid Benili, had extensive accounting experience with motels
in the area but only limited contact with manufacturing accounting. During July, Sid correctly
accumulated the following production quantity and cost data for the Mixing Department.
Production quantities: Work in process, July 1, 8,000 gallons 75% complete; started into pro-
duction 91,000 gallons; work in process, July 31, 5,000 gallons 20% complete. Materials are added
at the beginning of the process.
Broadening Your Perspective 971
Costs accounted for
Transferred out $ ?
Work in process, March 31
Materials ?
Conversion costs ? ?
Total costs ?
Costs to be accounted for
Work in process, March 1 $ 8,700
Started into production 245,300
Total costs $254,000
(a) Prepare a schedule that shows how the equivalent units were computed so that you can com-
plete the “Quantities: Units accounted for” equivalent units section shown in the production
cost report above, and compute March unit costs.
(b) Complete the “Cost Reconciliation Schedule” part of the production cost report above.
Visit the book’s companion website at www.wiley.com/college/weygandt, and choose the Student
Companion site, to access Problem Set C.
(Note: This is a continuation of the Waterways Problem from Chapters 19 and 20.)
WCP21 Because most of the parts for its irrigation systems are standard, Waterways handles the
majority of its manufacturing as a process cost system.There are multiple process departments.Three
of these departments are the Molding, Cutting, and Welding departments. All items eventually end
up in the Packaging department which prepares items for sale in kits or individually. This problem
asks you to help Waterways calculate equivalent units and prepare a production cost report.
Go to the book’s companion website,
to find the remainder of this problem.
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972 Chapter 21 Process Costing
Production costs: Beginning work in process $88,000, comprised of $21,000 of materials costs
and $67,000 of conversion costs; incurred in July: materials $573,000, conversion costs $769,000.
Sid then prepared a production cost report on the basis of physical units started into pro-
duction. His report showed a production cost of $15.71 per gallon of Surtan. The management
of Sunshine Beach was surprised at the high unit cost. The president comes to you, as Jill’s top
assistant, to review Sid’s report and prepare a correct report if necessary.
With the class divided into groups, answer the following questions.
(a) Show how Sid arrived at the unit cost of $15.71 per gallon of Surtan.
(b) What error(s) did Sid make in preparing his production cost report?
(c) Prepare a correct production cost report for July.
Managerial Analysis
BYP21-2 Guion Furniture Company manufactures living room furniture through two de-
partments: Framing and Upholstering. Materials are entered at the beginning of each process.
For May, the following cost data are obtained from the two work in process accounts.
Answer the following questions.
(a) If 3,000 sofas were started into production on May 1 and 2,500 sofas were transferred to
Upholstering, what was the unit cost of materials for May in the Framing Department?
(b) Using the data in (a) above, what was the per unit conversion cost of the sofas transferred to
(c) Continuing the assumptions in (a) above, what is the percentage of completion of the units in
process at May 31 in the Framing Department?
Exploring the Web
BYP21-3 Search the Internet and find the websites of two manufacturers that you think are
likely to use process costing. Are there any specifics included in their websites that confirm the
use of process costing for each of these companies?
Communication Activity
BYP21-4 Carol Gorden was a good friend of yours in high school and is from your home
town. While you chose to major in accounting when you both went away to college, she ma-
jored in marketing and management. You have recently been promoted to accounting manager
for the Snack Foods Division of Koonce Enterprises, and your friend was promoted to regional
sales manager for the same division of Koonce. Carol recently telephoned you. She explained
that she was familiar with job cost sheets, which had been used by the Special Projects division
where she had formerly worked. She was, however, very uncomfortable with the production cost
reports prepared by your division. She faxed you a list of her particular questions:
1. Since Koonce occasionally prepares snack foods for special orders in the Snack Foods
Division, why don’t we track costs of the orders separately?
2. What is an equivalent unit?
3. Why am I getting four production cost reports? Isn’t there one Work in Process account?
Prepare a memo to Carol. Answer her questions, and include any additional information you
think would be helpful. You may write informally, but do use proper grammar and punctuation.
Framing Upholstering
Work in process, May 1 $ –0– $ ?
Materials 420,000 ?
Conversion costs 280,000 330,000
Costs transferred in –0– 600,000
Costs transferred out 600,000 ?
Work in process, May 31 100,000 ?
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Broadening Your Perspective 973
Ethics Case
BYP21-5 R. B. Patrick Company manufactures a high-tech component that passes through
two production processing departments, Molding and Assembly. Department managers are par-
tially compensated on the basis of units of products completed and transferred out relative to
units of product put into production. This was intended as encouragement to be efficient and
to minimize waste.
Sue Wooten is the department head in the Molding Department, and Fred Barando is her
quality control inspector. During the month of June, Sue had three new employees who were
not yet technically skilled. As a result, many of the units produced in June had minor molding
defects. In order to maintain the department’s normal high rate of completion, Sue told Fred
to pass through inspection and on to the Assembly Department all units that had defects non-
detectable to the human eye. “Company and industry tolerances on this product are too high
anyway,says Sue. “Less than 2% of the units we produce are subjected in the market to the
stress tolerance we’ve designed into them.The odds of those 2% being any of this month’s units
are even less. Anyway, we’re saving the company money.
(a) Who are the potential stakeholders involved in this situation?
(b) What alternatives does Fred have in this situation? What might the company do to prevent
this situation from occurring?
”All About You” Activity
BYP21-6 Many of you ultimately will work in service environments, such as medical facili-
ties. Many service organizations have adopted activity-based management systems, which in-
corporate activity-based costing concepts throughout the organization.
East Valley Hospital is a primary medical health-care facility and trauma center that serves 11
small, rural Midwestern communities within a 40-mile radius. The hospital offers all the medical/
surgical services of a typical small hospital. It has a staff of 18 full-time doctors and 20 part-time
visiting specialists. East Valley has a payroll of 150 employees, consisting of nurses, technicians,
therapists, dieticians, managers, directors, administrators, secretaries, data processors, and janitors.
(a) Using your existing knowledge (however limited, moderate, or in-depth) of a hospital’s op-
erations, identify as many activities as you can that would serve as the basis for implementing
an activity-based costing system.
(b) For each of the activities listed in (a), identify a cost driver that would serve as a valid meas-
ure of the resources consumed in the activity.
Answers to Insight and Accounting Across the
Organization Questions
p. 935 Choosing a Cost Driver
Q: What is the result if a company uses the wrong “cost driver” to assign manufacturing overhead?
A: Incorrect application of manufacturing overhead will result in some products receiving too
much overhead and others receiving too little.
p. 940 Keeping Score for the Xbox
Q: In what ways has cost accounting probably become more critical for Microsoft in recent years?
A: In the past Microsoft enjoyed very high profit margins on its software sales. As a consequence,
it could afford to be less cost-conscious than most companies. In addition, in producing soft-
ware, manufacturing costs represented a very small part of its total product cost. But the video-
game hardware market is very competitive. In order to achieve its profitability goals, Microsoft
will have to manufacture its product efficiently in order to meet its cost targets to ensure adequate
margins. The information provided by process cost accounting will be critical to its efforts.
Answers to Self-Study Questions
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. b 13. d
14. d 15. c 16. a 17. c 18. b
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