Life Care Planning: Health Care
Power of AttorneyUpdated 01/2023
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Instructions and Information
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form if you want to select a person, called an “agent”, to make
future health care decisions for you so that if you become too ill or cannot make those decisions for
yourself the person you choose and trust can make medical decisions for you. Be sure you
understand the importance of this document. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor and loved ones if
you have questions about the type of health care you do or do not want.
AUTOPSY CHOICE: If there is no legal reason to require an autopsy, you can decide if you want one
done when you die, or whether you want your agent to choose for you. There is usually a charge for
voluntary autopsies. You can help your family and loved ones by making your preferences on this
topic clear. For additional information on autopsies please review Arizona Revised Statutes §§ 11-
591 and 11-597.
ORGAN DONATION CHOICE (OPTIONAL): You can determine if you want to donate organs or
tissues, and if you do, what organs or tissues you want to donate, for what purposes, and to what
organizations. You also have the option of whole-body donation for research purposes. You can also
choose to have your agent decide. For additional information on Organ Donation, please review
Arizona Revised Statutes §§ Title 36, Chapter 7, Article 3 for the laws that pertain to it.
FUNERAL AND BURIAL CHOICE (OPTIONAL): You can determine, your funeral and burial
choices in this form. You can select if, upon your death, you would like to be buried and where, or if
you would like to be cremated and where your ashes will go, or you can select your agent to make
that choice.
If you fill out this form, make sure you DO NOT SIGN UNTIL your witness or a notary public is
present to watch you sign it.
PLEASE NOTE: At least one adult witness, not to include the proxy if there is one, OR a notary public
must witness you signing this document.
DO NOT have the documents signed by both a witness and a notary, just pick one. If you do not
know a notary or cannot pay for one, a witness is legally accepted.
Witnesses or notary public CANNOT be anyone who is:
(a) under the age of 18
(b) related to you by blood, adoption, or marriage
(c) entitled to any part of your estate
(d) appointed as your agent
(e) involved in providing your health care at the time this form is signed
Office of Arizona Attorney General,
Kris Mayes
Office of Arizona Attorney General,
Life Care Planning: Health Care
Power of AttorneyUpdated 01/2023
Kris Mayes
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Health Care Power of Attorney
My Information (I am the “Principal”):
Name: ______________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________
Address: ____________________________ Phone: _____________________________
____________________________ Email: ______________________________
Selection of my health care power of attorney and alternate:
I choose the following person to act as my agent to make health care decisions for me:
Name: ______________________________ Home Phone: _________________________
Address: ____________________________ Work Phone: _________________________
____________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________
I choose the following person to act as an alternate to make health care decisions for me if my first
agent is unavailable, unwilling, or unable to make decisions for me:
Name: ______________________________ Home Phone: _________________________
Address: ____________________________ Work Phone: __________________________
____________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________
I AUTHORIZE my agent to make health care decisions for me when I cannot make or communicate
my own health care decisions. I want my agent to make all such decisions for me except any
decisions that I have expressly stated in this form that I do not authorize him/her to make. My agent
should explain to me any choices he or she made if I am able to understand. I further authorize my
agent to have access to my “personal protected health care information and medical records”. This
appointment is effective unless it is revoked by me or by a court order.
Health care decisions that I expressly DO NOT AUTHORIZE if I am unable to make decisions
for myself: (Explain or write in "None")
My specific wishes regarding autopsy (additional information on page 1):
*Please note that if not required by law a voluntary autopsy may cost money. Initial your choice.
_____: Upon my death I DO NOT consent to a voluntary autopsy.
_____: Upon my death I DO consent to a voluntary autopsy.
_____: My agent may give or refuse consent for an autopsy.
Life Care Planning: Health Care
Power of AttorneyUpdated 01/2023
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My specific wishes regarding organ donation (additional information on page 1):
If you do not initial this section your agent may make these decisions for you. Initial your choice.
_____: I DO NOT WANT to make an organ or tissue donation, and I DO NOT want this donation
authorized on my behalf by my agent or my family.
_____: I have already signed a written agreement or donor card regarding donation with the following
individual or institution: ________________________________________________________
_____: I DO WANT to make an organ or tissue donation when I die. Here are my directions:
1. What organs/tissues I choose to donate (initial below):
a. _____: Whole body
b. _____: Any needed parts or organs
c. _____: These parts or organs only:
i. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. I am donating organs/tissue for (initial below):
a. _____: Any legally authorized purpose
b. _____: Transplant or therapeutic purposes only
c. _____: Research only
d. _____: Other: _______________________________________________________
3. The organization or person I want my organs/tissue to go to are (initial below):
a. _____: _____________________________________________________________
b. _____: Any that my agent chooses
My specific wishes regarding funeral and burial disposition (additional information on page 1):
_____: Upon my death, I direct my body to be buried. (Instead of cremated)
_____: Upon my death, I direct my body to be buried in: ____________________________________
_____: Upon my death, I direct my body to be cremated.
_____: Upon my death, I direct my body to be cremated with my ashes to be ___________________
_____: My agent will make all funeral and burial decisions.
Office of Arizona Attorney General,
Kris Mayes
Life Care Planning: Health Care
Power of AttorneyUpdated 01/2023
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Do you have a living will?
If you have a Living Will, you must attach the Living Will to this form. A blank Living Will is available
on the Attorney General’s website Initial below.
_____: I have SIGNED AND ATTACHED a completed Living Will to this Health Care Power of Attorney.
_____: I have NOT SIGNED a Living Will.
Do you have a POLST (Portable Medical Order)?
A POLST form is for when you become seriously ill or frail and toward the end of life. A blank POLST
is available on the Attorney General’s website Initial below.
_____: I have SIGNED AND ATTACHED a completed POLST to this Health Care Power of Attorney.
_____: I have NOT SIGNED a POLST.
Do you have a Prehospital Medical Care Directivea type of Do Not Resuscitate form (DNR)?
A blank Prehospital Medical Care Directive or DNR is available on the Attorney General’s website Initial below.
_____: I and my doctor or health care provider HAVE SIGNED a Prehospital Medical Care Directive or
DNR on Paper with ORANGE background in the event that Emergency Medical Technicians
or hospital emergency personnel are called and my heart or breathing has stopped.
_____: I have NOT SIGNED a Prehospital Medical Care Directive or DNR.
You may wish to ask questions of your physician regarding a particular treatment or about the options
in the form. If you do speak with your physician it is a good idea to ask your physician to complete
this affidavit and keep a copy for his/her file.
I, Dr. ___________________________ have reviewed this document and have discussed with
_______________ any questions regarding the probable medical consequences of the treatment
choices provided above. This discussion with the principal occurred on this day ________________.
I have agreed to comply with the provisions of this directive.
Signature of Physician
_____ (Initial) I intend for my agent to be treated as I would be with respect to my rights regarding
the use and disclosure of my individually identifiable health information or other medical
records. This release authority applies to any information governed by the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (aka HIPAA), 42 USC 1320d and 45 CFR 160-164.
Office of Arizona Attorney General,
Kris Mayes
Life Care Planning: Health Care
Power of AttorneyUpdated 01/2023
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Revocability of this Health Care Power of Attorney: I retain the right to revoke all or any portion of
this form or to disqualify any agent designated by me in this document.
My Signature (Principal): _____________________________________ Date: _________________
If you are unable to physically sign this document, your witness/notary may sign and initial for
you. If applicable have your witness/notary sign below.
Witness/Notary Verification: The principal of this document directly indicated to me that this Health
Care Power of Attorney expresses their wishes and that they intend to adopt it at this time.
Witness/Notary Signature: __________________________________________________________
Name Printed: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________
SIGNATURE OF WITNESS (See Page 1 for who CANNOT be a witness)
I was present when this form was signed (or marked). The principal appeared to be of sound mind
and was not forced to sign this form. I affirm that I meet the requirements to be a witness as indicated
on page one of the health care power of attorney form.
Witness Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________
Name Printed: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE OF NOTARY (See Page 1 for who CANNOT be a Notary)
Notary Public (NOTE: If a witness signs your form, you SHOULD NOT have a notary sign):
NOTORIAL JURAT: Pertains to all five pages of this Health Care Power of Attorney
Dated ____________, 20____________.
COUNTY OF ______________)
Principal’s Name
Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) before me this ___________ day of ________, 20 ______
Notary Public Signature: ____________________________________
My Commission Expires: ____________________________________
Office of Arizona Attorney General,
Kris Mayes