F5 Distributed Cloud
Web Application Firewall
Managed Service
Whether protecting applications on-premises or in the cloud, F5 Distributed Cloud Web
Application Firewall (WAF) managed service delivers market leading Application Security
while augmenting your in-house resources and decreasing operational expenses with a
service that is deployed and maintained by F5 security experts.
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a SaaS delivered
managed service that detects and mitigates general, automated and
application-specific security threats. The managed WAF service protects
organizations’ internet facing web applications and data, and enforces
compliance with industry security standards, such as PCI DSS. The service
is supported 24/7 by highly specialized, F5 application security experts. The
managed WAF service is delivered via our global network with 23 Regional
Edges (RE) in 22 metro markets. The current list of REs and availability is
located at F5 Distributed Cloud Status.
Figure 1: F5 Distributed Cloud Global Network with DDoS mitigation and protection capabilities
Managed Web Application Firewall
Managed security and performance policies across your application
portfolio to decrease the risk of data breaches and improve
customer experiences
A Web Application Firewall (WAF) policy is a set of rules (or “blocking modules”) that will
identify trac to be blocked or permitted to reach an application's origin. F5 application
security experts will work with customers to create and tune specific WAF security policies
deployed to protect one or many applications. The managed WAF service will mitigate the
risk of network layer attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) as well as application attacks
such as SQL Injections, Cross Site Scripting, Cross Site Request Forgery, malicious bot trac
and other threats specifically aimed at the customer’s application.
OWASP Application Security
Protect your applications against
application-layer attacks and
adapt each policy.to current threat
Ease of Deployment
Speed up time to protection by
onboarding applications with
support from F5 Security experts.
SaaS Delivered, Globally
Available, Minimal Business
Leverage the F5 global network
and security experts to maintain
continuous application security
and availability.
Low Cost of Entry and
F5 Distributed Cloud Services -
SaaS and managed services allow
customers to obtain the solution
they need at a competitive price
point to maximize their total cost
of ownership.
Sta Augmentation, WAF
Experts On-Call, Knowledge
Internal customer teams can work
collaboratively with F5 Security
experts who are available 24x7
and have the latest vulnerability
information available from internal
F5 Security Incident Response
teams (F5 SIRT).
High Availability, Dedicated
Proxies, Trac Steering, Health
The F5 global network oers a
99.99% uptime SLA, dedicated
load balancers, trac shaping,
continuous back-end health and
availability monitoring.
DDoS Mitigation Included
Managed WAF services include
DDoS protection.
New York
San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
Hong Kong
San Jose
Spo Paulo
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
The F5 Distributed Cloud WAF managed service will use a combination of techniques and
sources to determine if trac is malicious. Attack Signature Sets maintained by F5 Threat
Labs and F5 security engineers block known threats, as well as defining and enforcing
custom rules based on HTTP Headers, packet payloads or and other request parameters
specific to each customer.
Below is a sample list of our extensive library of functions available for configuration:
IP Deny/Allow Lists
Fast Access Control Lists (ACLs)
User Behavior Analysis (WAF Events/Login Failures/L7 Policy Deny)
WAF Policy Management
Service Policies
IP Reputation
Threat Campaigns
F5 security experts will collaborate with customers to determine which functions will be
configured and provisioned for each application. The managed WAF service provides
mitigation for attacks by virtually patching customer applications without the need for
application source code changes or patches, while additionally providing visibility into both
legitimate and malicious trac.
Managed WAF Service Components
Customers depend on F5 Distributed Cloud Services to provide complete
security management for the application perimeter and to continue
evolving client trust
F5 Distributed Cloud WAF managed services are consumed as a one, two or three year
subscriptions, and there are two primary components calculated to determine the total
subscription cost; number of Load Balancers deployed, and category of managed service
customer would like to obtain (Standard or Enhanced).
DDoS Protection
The F5 Distributed Cloud platform provides comprehensive protection against DDoS attacks
-including automatic mitigation of volumetric attacks and capabilities to defend against layer
3-4 protocol attacks and attacks specifically targeting apps at layer 7. The F5 Distributed
Cloud WAF managed service includes DDoS protection for an unlimited number of attacks.
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
Roles and Responsibilities
F5 Distributed Cloud WAF managed security service includes F5 security experts to build
and maintain WAF Policies. Customers may provide initial input on the application and web
server technologies to assist security experts in policy creation and maintenance. Customers
will need to perform routing configuration changes to direct trac to the F5 Distributed Cloud
Services platform on the F5 Network (Authoritative DNS Record Change Management).
Customer Service Onboarding
The F5 services team will schedule an initial onboarding call with the customer to review
application setup, policy deployment (covering SSL certificate upload), transition from
"monitoring to blocking", and the customer application and infrastructure architecture for the
creation of a WAF policy. The F5 security operations team may coordinate an optional call
when a customer initiates trac routing to the Distributed Cloud platform.
The initial onboarding call is an opportunity for the customer to:
Review steps for successful deployment
Obtain an overview of the F5 Distributed Cloud console
Understand best practices for role based access control and management
Defining and provisioning applications to be protected
Deploying and securing SSL assets and defining security profiles
Perform a review of the WAF technical questionnaire review
Discuss managed service details related to the operation of the WAF
Explain policy elements and capabilities for protection
Collaborate to define desired policy features
Agree on actionable items for learning and blocking phases (WAF best practices)
Successful implementations are the result of a strong relationship between customers and
the F5 services and operations teams. Both teams will guide customers through the process
so that the experience is seamless and maximizes protection capabilities. Policy protection
typically follows the steps outlined below.
The F5 services team creates the WAF policy and waits to attach the policy to the
application based on the application information provided by the customer.
Customer creates application configuration either in the console or via API.
Customer deploys the application to the Distributed Cloud platform via the console
or API.
The services team will finalize the application configuration and ensure everything is
working correctly.
Standard Services
Provides customers assistance with
onboarding and post-deployment
support via incident request with 15
min response.
Enhanced Services
Enhanced visibility into security
risks, cyber-attacks and remediation
activities, prioritized and
personalized consultative technical
engineering support for expeditious
triage and configuration updates.
Provides improved security and
compliance posture to reduce
overall operational risk factors.
Customer teams may obtain
custom reporting to ensure data
is correlated appropriately and
leads to actionable remediation to
prevent WAF threats and improve
identification and fast blocking of
potential WAF vulnerabilities during
policy evolution. Data can also be
provided to Law Enforcement for
further legal action.
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
Customers may schedule an optional conference call with the F5 services team as part of
initial onboarding to review configuration and commit routing changes to the Distributed
Cloud platform.
WAF Policy Learning and Building
WAF security policies will be created by the F5 services team as follows:
using a baseline security template that is pre-configured for known vulnerabilities
related to the particular application framework to be protected
and/or output related to a third-party WAF vulnerability assessment or scan output
and/or an existing policy from other vendors.
Policy deployment and tuning tasks may include some or all the following vulnerability
mitigations and may be implemented upon an agreed order by the F5 services team
and customer.
Configure Allowed HTTP methods
Configure Allowed HTTP Response Codes
Configure Disallow File Types
Configure Attack Signatures
Configure relevant attack signature based on customer's requirement
Tailor architecture-based attack signatures to match customer's environment
Configure Explicit Entities
Configure Session and Logins
(Verify with the customer if they want the module on and inform the customer
before enabling)
Configure Logon pages
Enable Login Page based Session Awareness
Configure Headers
Cookie enforcement
Redirection Domains
Enable additional WAF policy features as agreed upon during the Onboarding Call
Configure Block Response Page
The F5 services team will attach the policy to the load balancer and initiate the learning
phase. F5 engineers will work collaboratively with the customer to tune the policy. Once
a policy is deployed, the customer and the operations team may collaborate to perform
violation reviews and on-going tuning. F5 security experts will advise on best practices for
unique customer scenarios.
Robust attack-signature engine
The Distributed Cloud WAF
signature engine contains more
than 7,000 signatures for CVEs,
plus known vulnerabilities and
techniques identified by F5 Labs.
Threat Campaigns
Delivers protection against
sophisticated, multi-vector attack
campaigns via fully vetted attack
campaign signatures developed by
F5 threat researchers.
Advanced Behavior Engine
Client interactions are analyzed
on how a client compares to
othersthe number of WAF rules
hit, forbidden access attempts, login
failures, error rates, and more.
Powerful Service Policy Engine
Enables micro segmentation and
support for advanced security at the
application layer with development
of allow/deny lists and customer
rule creation based on a variety
of parameters to act on incoming
IP Reputation Service
Easily allow or deny IP addresses
based on threat categories or threat
score backed by F5's database of
known malicious IP addresses.
Reporting and Analytics
With a 360-degree view of
performance and security posture
for all apps including granular status
of application deployments, health,
performance and detailed real-time
information on violations, attack
activity, sources, paths and more.
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
For any issues that arise from mitigation, policy tuning, violation identification through
log data, false positives or negatives, construction and tuning of additional policies, the
customer has the option to contact and work with the F5 operations team using email or
phone communications. The team may also identify issues that require tuning or changes
to parameters in the system. The operations team will initiate contact with a customer via a
service request to ask for participation as required.
WAF Violation Blocking and Enforcement
Once the policy tuning has been completed in the monitoring phase, the F5 services team
will setup a call to transition the policy to blocking mode. Customers may also elect to move
the policy into or out of blocking mode at any time. Most customers will elect to perform a one
phase or aggressive deployment. However, customers who require additional tuning in the
policies may choose a phased implementation that entails several steps to ensure a gradual
and disciplined approach to policy development.
During this call customers will be able to:
Understand the development methodology used during the policy lifecycle
Work on a process with the operations team to remediate violations and attack types
Collaborate in joint reviews of the application security best practices, as required
Review "mission-critical" sections of the web application
Review system defaults, customized features and protection settings
Determine whether policy will be deployed in a phased or aggressive methodology
Establish a tentative maintenance window to start policy enforcement
Policies may continue to be tuned until the customer or the operations team determines that
no further tuning may be required for the initial deployment.
The F5 operations team will keep the customer updated via tracking incidents for each phase
of deployment and any changes in the state of the policy. Customers can also have visibility
into any action taken on the policy by reviewing audit reports. Customers are encouraged to
schedule a maintenance window with the operations team in order to:
Enable Blocking Mode
Monitor for False Negatives and Positives - Adjust policy as required
Policy Maintenance
F5 conducts on-going policy maintenance for all customers.
The F5 operations team will notify the customer of any new observations via a support/
escalation incident request. Customers can also notify the operations team directly to request
assistance with policy tuning. The F5 operations team will investigate issues and determine
the best course of action.
Download the State of Application
Strategy Report for 2023 Here.
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
Attack Signature Maintenance/Emerging Threats
Application protection provided by the F5 Distributed Cloud is delivered through a
combination of toolsets. These tools utilize and leverage application attack pattern signatures,
Bot identification signatures, L7 (application layer) Denial of Service (DoS) patterns, and more.
The F5 operations team continually updates signatures across the platform without customer
intervention. Customers also have the option to collaborate with the F5 operations team
to tune policies. This managed service provides continuous protection oering customers
assurance that their applications are always protected and available.
New threats are constantly being discovered and policies must be updated rapidly to protect
against new and emerging vulnerabilities. The F5 operations and engineering teams work
with the F5 Security Incident Response Team (F5 SIRT) to develop and implement a protection
framework for these types of instances. They can be deployed as a new service policy, by
adding additional countermeasures into the policy, or other mitigation techniques within the
F5 Distributed Cloud platform.
The F5 Distributed Cloud WAF managed service includes access to a service management
console to allow customers the ability to modify and update configurations. It also oers in-
depth operational visibility via enhanced network and security reporting.
The console provides detailed real-time information on WAF Violations (Security Events),
Threat Campaigns, DDoS Attack Activity, Top Attack Sources, Attack Paths and more. Console
users and administrators can create custom dashboards that showcase relevant info based
on user persona/role.
Figure 2: F5 Distributed Cloud
Management Console
The web links will provide a basic
understanding of the Recommended
Practices for WAF applications
and also a video review of several
of the features available in the F5
Distributed Cloud Services.
F5 Distributed Cloud Web
Application Firewall
Configure Multi-Cloud Environments
with F5 Distributed Cloud Simulator
Layer 7 Connectivity with F5
Distributed Cloud
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
The F5 Distributed Cloud Services RESTful API is available for customers to programmatically
complete tasks such as: creating new load balancers, updating denylist IP addresses,
configuring SSL attributes and more. To obtain more information about the API select this link.
Threat Campaigns
Threat campaign signatures are based on current “in-the-wild” attacks that exploit the latest
vulnerabilities and/or new ways to exploit old vulnerabilities. Threat campaign signatures
contain contextual information about the nature and purpose of the attack. F5 Distributed
Cloud allows you to work with the F5 operations team to manage threat campaigns and apply
them selectively to protect your most valued applications.
System Logs Integration
Customers can securely send WAF Violation data in real-time to their internet facing Log
collection systems for further investigation. The F5 Distributed Cloud platform Logging API
enables customers to have a unified view of all their security events whether their apps are in
the cloud, on-prem, or both.
System Status
Real-time status information of F5 Distributed Cloud Service operations is available by
selecting this link. F5 provides at least fifteen calendar days’ notice to customers for routine
maintenance work. However, F5 reserves the right to perform emergency maintenance
at any time. Emergency maintenance notices are made available to customers before any
maintenance work is performed. Service Delivery Responsibilities.
Figure 3: Threat Campaign
Landscape and Current Threats
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
LB Setup, Configuration and Troubleshooting
WAF Policy Assessment and Tuning
L7 DoS Configuration and Tuning
IP Reputation, Threat Campaign Configuration
TLS Cert Upload and Renewal
Autocert Configuration using LetsEncrypt
Troubleshooting TLS Handshake Issues
Troubleshooting Routing and Latency Issues
Standard Service Policy Configuration
WAF Allowlist/Denylist Configuration
Assist with DNS Authoritative Record Changes
User Management on Console
API Token Generation
SSO Configuration
Remote Logging Configuration
Escalation Management
Customer Success Manager
Named Technical Account Manager
RCA Reporting
Project Management
Assisted Service Policy Creation
Solution Designing
Security Policy Reviews
Product Training
Technical Consultation
A WAF is a foundational element of any strong security posture. The F5 Distributed Cloud
WAF managed service will provide protection and defense against malicious actors and allow
organizations to control and monitor the flow of trac prior to arrival at the origin servers.
Customers will realize immediate security gains when rapidly deploying policies to inspect
trac and block malicious requests that could negatively aect business operations.
To learn more, contact your F5 representative, or send us an inquiry
at F5 Sales
Table 1: WAF Managed Service Tiers
The following table, indicates which
managed services are provided
by F5 as part of the subscription
for each specific service tier. The
list represents the most commonly
requested tasks. Customers may
request additional services that
may not be included in this list by
contacting their F5 Account team.
To obtain additional information
about the service components,
navigate to the Service Footnotes
on the next page.
F5 Distributed Cloud Web Application Firewall Managed Service
Services Footnotes
Troubleshooting TLS Handshake Issues
The F5 team will not only upload and configure certificates, but will also assist in
troubleshooting TLS connectivity issues throughout the customer lifecycle.
Troubleshooting Routing and Latency Issues
The F5 team will assist customers is setting up all necessary app endpoints and connections,
and will work with the customers to troubleshoot any routing challenges or latency issues
throughout the customer lifecycle.
Assist with DNS Authoritative Record Changes
The service requires customers delegate their domain to the F5 Distributed Cloud platform,
which enables the platform to manage the domain and be the authoritative domain name
server for a customer’s domain(s). This requires an update to the domain records. If a
customer is using the F5 Distributed Cloud DNS service, this domain record change will be
performed by F5. Customers using a 3rd party DNS provider(s) will need to make the change
themselves and F5 resources can be there to walk them through the process if necessary.
User Management on Console
The F5 team will set up admin accounts for access and visibility into the F5 Distributed Cloud
console. Additional users can be easily added by customers admins directly in the console or
admins can submit a support request to have additional users added by the operations team.
API Token Generation
If customers want to automate or integrate elements of their service and reporting using the
platform API they will need a token to access the API. The F5 team can generate the token on
a customers behalf if necessary.
SSO Configuration
F5 as part of onboarding will perform SSO integration with F5 Distributed Cloud Services. This
can be done for several dierent SSO platforms including Azure AD, Okta, and Google.
Remote Logging
F5 onboarding teams will perform the setup of a global log receiver, enabling tenant logs to
be sent to any number of external log collection systems, including Amazon S3, Datadog,
Splunk, AWS CloudWatch.
Technical Account Manager (TAM)
Assigned F5 Technical Account Manager (TAM) works directly with customers as their trusted
advisor, helping with project management of on-boarding and on-going change management,
scheduling of product training (as needed), and conducting quarterly business reviews.
The TAM will serve as a customer's primary point of contact with F5 throughout their
service lifecycle.
©2023 F5, Inc. All rights reserved. F5, and the F5 logo are trademarks of F5, Inc. in the U.S. and in certain other countries. Other F5 trademarks are identified at f5.com.
Any other products, services, or company names referenced herein may be trademarks of their respective owners with no endorsement or aliation, expressed or implied, claimed by F5, Inc.
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Escalation management
Provided by assigned F5 Technical Account Managers (TAMs) on a customer's behalf, for
critical issues or requests from the customer when resolution is not available via standard
support channels and process based on service SLAs.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Led by Technical Account Manager (TAM), RCA will be done with all P1 incidents, and the
report will include a summary of the incident timeline, time to solve/mitigate, root cause,
lessons learned and remediation actions taken to prevent its occurrence in future.
Project Management
Provided by assigned F5 Technical Account Manager (TAM) as part of the enhanced
Distributed Cloud WAF managed service tier, and includes coordination of initial customer
on-boarding and service configuration, on-going change management, development of best
practices and processes around reporting, eciency and ecacy of app security posture etc.
Business and Roadmap Reviews
Quarterly meeting with assigned F5 Technical Account Managers (TAM) to review service
metrics, including SLAs, support cases, service posture and entitlement details, plus notable
changes to the service.
Security Policy Reviews
With the ever evolving threat landscape it is paramount that Security Policies are
continuously reviewed and updated to deal with new threats. The assigned F5 security
experts will proactively conducts security policy reviews and notify customers of any new
Product Training
Individualized technical training on F5 Distributed Cloud Services. It is scheduled by an
assigned F5 Technical Account Manager (TAM) and trainings are conducted by Distributed
Cloud Services security experts. In addition, these experts are available to provide hands-
on training on any new Distributed Cloud Services features and update customers on the
product roadmap and enhancements as they are released.
Technical consulting
F5 Security experts will be available for ad-hoc or as needed technical review of existing
Distributed Cloud Services configurations and recommend steps to improve the security
posture. Each consulting session will span up to one hour and will involve one FQDN.