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FIU Biomedical Waste Plan
The purpose of this Biomedical Waste Plan is to provide guidance and describe requirements for the proper management
of biomedical waste generated by FIU sites. Guidelines for the management of biomedical waste are found in Chapter
64E-16, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and in section 381.0098, Florida Statutes.
This Biomedical Waste Plan covers all FIU site that generate and/or store biomedical waste.
The F.A.C. 64E-16.002(2) defines biomedical waste as any solid or liquid waste which may present a threat of infection to
humans, including non-liquid tissue, body parts, blood, blood products, and body fluids from humans and other primates;
laboratory and veterinary wastes which contain human disease-causing agents, and discarded sharps.
It is the responsibility of the waste generator to properly handle, contain, and dispose of biomedical waste in compliance
with the requirements of F.A.C. 64E-16 and the guidelines provided in the plan. EH&S is responsible for providing oversight
and ensuring the disposal of biomedical is done in accordance the regulatory requirements, and that proper documents
and permits are maintained
All biomedical waste generating facilities are inspected and required to obtain a permit from the Miami Dade County
Health Department on an annual basis. Because FIU is a state-owned and operated facility, FIU is exempt from paying the
annual permit fee. Permits are issued in October and expire in September of the following year. The EH&S Biosafety Office
is responsible for obtaining and managing the permit information for all FIU sites generating biomedical waste.
The Department of Health conducts unannounced annual inspections. EH&S is required to be notified when DOH is on the
premises to conduct inspections. Please contact the Biosafety Office at (305) 348-0489 for more information.
Any person who generates, transfers, treats, stores, transports or disposes of biomedical waste in violation of Chapter
64E-16, F.A.C.; or who interferes with, hinders, or opposes any employee of the Department of Health in the discharge of
his duties, or who impersonates an employee of DOH, is chargeable with a misdemeanor of the second degree. Violation
of any provision of Chapter 64E-016, F.A.C., may result in denial, suspension or revocation of the university’s biomedical
waste permits or an administrative fine of up to $2500 per day for each violation of this chapter or other enforcement
action authorized by law.
Biomedical waste is generated at four Florida International University sites:
Modesto Maidique Campus
11200 SW 8th Street
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Miami, FL 33199
Biscayne Bay Campus
3000 NE 151st Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33181
The Engineering Center
10555 West Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33174
Center for Translational Sciences
11350 SW Village Parkway,
Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
The points of origin that generate biomedical waste are as follows:
Modesto Maidique (MMC)
Owa Ehan; Academic Health Centers 1-4; Chemistry and Physics;
College of Arts, Sciences & Education; Student Health Center; FIU
Health Mobile Unit; Deuxieme Maison; Recreation and Wellness
Center; FIU Stadium
Biscayne Bay (BBC)
Student Health Services; Academic Two; Marine Science Building
Engineering Center (EC)
Operations and Utility; Engineering Center
Center for Translational Sciences (CTS)
Center for Translational Sciences Building
The collection schedule for FIU campuses and satellite locations ranges from once a month to every week. The pick-up
schedule can be customized to the needs of the generating area as long as the pick-up is within the 30-day requirement
as mandated by FAC 64E-16. Collection of generated waste is scheduled through the EH&S Biosafety Office.
The following minimum containment practices apply:
Place medical waste into impermeable red plastic bags, sealed, and placed into cardboard boxes supplied by the
medical waste transporter.
Place sharps in sharps containers at the point of origin, sealed, and placed into the designated cardboard boxes.
Label red bags and outer cardboard boxes with the generator’s name and address.
Identify the outer cardboard box with the international biohazard symbol.
Label biomedical waste bags and sharps containers with the generator’s name, building, and room number.
o Bags and sharps containers placed into larger bags prior to transport are not required to be labeled with
the generator’s information. The outer bag shall be labeled with the generator’s information.
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o Labels provided by the transporter for bags and sharps containers that are generator-specific satisfy the
labeling requirements.
Outer containers should be labeled with the transporter’s name, address, registration number, and 24-hour
telephone number.
NOTE: Secondary containment for biomedical waste should also be labeled with the biohazard symbol and the
type of waste.
Store sealed red bags, sharps containers, and outer containers in areas that are restricted through the use of
locks, signs, or location.
o FIU waste generating facilities cannot store biomedical waste for more than 30 days. The 30-day period
commences when the first non-sharps item of biomedical waste is placed into a red beg or sharp
container, or when a sharps container containing only sharps is sealed. Biomedical waste remains at the
generating facility until removed by the transporter.
Restrict access to indoor storage areas
o Locate away from pedestrian traffic and maintain in a sanitary condition.
o The areas should be constructed of smooth, easily cleanable materials that are impervious to liquids.
In addition to the above criteria, mark outdoor storage areas (containers) with the international biohazard symbol
and secure against vandalism and unauthorized entry. The biohazard symbol on an outdoor container should be
a minimum of six inches in diameter.
Biomedical waste should not be transferred from the generating facility to other buildings on campus. However, if transfer
is unavoidable, generators must adhere to the following requirements:
Transfer of biomedical waste within the generating facility should be conducted safely and with appropriate care.
Minimum protective equipment for handling biomedical waste is disposable latex gloves.
Place bags of waste and sharps containers in a leak-proof secondary container with a secure lid (i.e., latchable,
secured with tape, etc.) for transport. The secondary container must be labeled with a biohazard symbol and an
emergency contact name and phone number.
Use the shortest available route, and move the materials with the aid of a cart. Do not use public elevators if at
all possible and avoid traveling with the waste through common public areas.
Do not touch door handles, elevator buttons or other common contact surfaces with gloved hands. (Use the one-
gloved hand technique, or get assistance from other staff for opening doors, etc.)
Autoclave Use
In accordance FAC 64E-16, all biohazardous waste must be inactivated before it is disposed of by waste disposal services.
This can only be achieved if the waste is exposed to the right temperature for the right amount of time, and if the autoclave
is working correctly.
Responsibility for validating autoclave performance lies with those who use the autoclave for treating biohazardous waste.
EH&S recommends that a designated individual be identified among the lab staff who will be responsible for the validation
of the autoclave and the training of personnel who use the autoclave.
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For more information on Autoclave Use and Safety, please refer to the FIU Biomedical Waste webpage:
Chemical Treatment of Biohazardous Liquids
Disinfectants, such as household bleach, may be used for treatment of biohazardous liquids. Add the bleach to the
container so that the bleach makes 10% of the final volume. Allow a contact time of at least 30 minutes. Carefully discharge
the mixture to the sanitary sewer by way of the lab sink, then thoroughly rinse down the sink with water. Remember to
wear splash goggles, gloves, and a lab coat for handling of bleach and bleach-treated liquids.
NOTE: Diluted bleach solutions may go down the drain in most cases. However, many chemicals used for disinfection
cannot be discarded down the train. Contact EH&S Environmental Compliance at (305)348-2622 to determine if sink
disposal of disinfectants other than diluted bleach solutions is acceptable.
Autoclave Treatment of Biohazardous Liquids
Biohazardous liquids may also be autoclaved for treatment. The collection container should be closed, placed in a
secondary container, and transported by cart to the autoclave facilities. Treat by autoclave using the liquid cycle.
(Remember to loosen or remove the closure on the container before placing in autoclave.) Wait for the treated liquid to
cool prior to discharging to the sanitary sewer by way of the lab sink.
Note: Only personnel who have received training regarding the operation of the autoclave should use this device.
Autoclave treatment should not be used if the liquid is mixed with chemical or radioactive materials.
Solid Biomedical Waste
Infectious, potentially infectious, or rDNA waste:
a) human pathogens
b) animal pathogens
c) plant pathogens
d) recombinant DNA
e) human and primate blood, blood products and other potentially infectious material (OPIM)
f) any material containing or contaminated with any of the above (test tubes, needles and needle/syringe
combinations*, syringes, tubing, culture dishes, flasks, gloves, other PPE, etc.)
This category includes waste that is NOT contaminated with any of the biological wastes listed above. Sterile or
unopened biomedical materials that require disposal are also considered biological waste.
test tubes
petri dishes
razor blades*
Tissue culture flasks
culture dishes
Serological pipettes
Pasteur pipettes**
Micropipette tips
broken glass and plastic ware **
Needle/syringe combinations *
* Must be placed in FDOH-approved sharps container
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**Must be placed in approved broken glass container for disposal
Mixed radioactive/biological waste
o Manage biohazardous waste mixed with radioactive waste in a manner that does not violate the provisions of
Chapter 64E-5, F.A.C.
o The radioactive component takes precedence over the Biohazardous component, and must be managed as
such until the radioactive component has decayed in storage. Please check with the Radiation Safety Office
(348-0489) regarding the disposal and storage of radioactive waste.
Mixed chemical/biological waste
o Manage biomedical waste mixed with hazardous waste, as defined in Chapter 62-730, F.A.C., Hazardous
Waste, as hazardous waste.
o Autoclaving is not recommended because of flammable or reactive compounds and potential explosion
hazards. Please check with the Environmental Compliance Office (348-2622) for guidance regarding particular
Animal carcasses and materials
o Freeze animal carcasses prior to removal and packaging. Dispose of animal carcasses and other animal
materials and tissue by requesting a pick-up through EH&S.
o Do not dispose of any animal bodies or material as regular trash.
o Contain animal carcasses and other animal material that may spread an animal or human pathogen
appropriately before disposal.
Human remains
Please contact the Biosafety Office (348-0489) for information regarding the final disposition of human remains and
body parts.
Disposal of biomedical waste is coordinated through the EH&S Biosafety Office. Biomedical waste is stored on-site until
removed by a licensed transporter for disposal. Refer to the Biomedical Waste Disposal Flowchart for more information
or contact the Biosafety Office at (305) 348-0489. To request pick-up service, email the EH&S Biosafety Office at
[email protected], Subject line: Biomedical Waste Disposal Request.
Transportation and treatment services for FIU biomedical waste is provided by:
Medigreen Waste Services
PO Box 403
Goldenrod, FL 32733
Phone: (800) 652-9203
In the event that Medigreen Waste Services cannot provide disposal services or there is a spill of material that cannot be
contained, secondary emergency response services will be provided by:
SWS Environmental Services
6900 NE 12
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
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FIU biomedical waste disposal records are maintained at:
Environmental Health and Safety
Modesto Maidique Campus, Campus Support Complex 146
Miami, FL 33199
Tel: (305) 348-2621
Fax: (305) 348-3574
The records maintained by Environmental Health and Safety include waste manifests, monthly account statements, annual
operating permits, and FDOH inspection reports. Environmental Health & Safety and waste generating locations are
required to maintain training records and manifests for 3 years.
Biomedical waste training is provided as required by paragraph 64E-16.003(2)(a), F.A.C, and details compliance with this
biomedical waste plan and with Chapter 64E-16, F.A.C. The main components of the training cover:
Definition and Identification of Biomedical Waste
Procedure for Decontaminating Biomedical Waste Spills
Contingency Plan for Emergency Transport
Procedure for Containment
Treatment Method
Environmental Health & Safety provides on-line training for biomedical waste generators/handlers. Employees handling
biomedical waste must complete training (Safe Management of Biomedical Waste) at the time initial assignment and
annually thereafter. For more information on how to access the training, please visit the EH&S Online Safety Training
Website at https://ehs.fiu.edu/Training/Pages/default.aspx
FAC Chapter 64E-16 Biomedical Waste
FIU Biosafety Manual
FIU Blood-borne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan
FIU Autoclave Use and Safety
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-Any material
which has come
into contact with
human blood
tissue/body fluids,
blood, etc.
-Anatomical parts,
organs, biopsy
materials or animal
- Bacterial/viral
Sharp objects:
-Needles, Scalpels
-Razor blades
pipettes, glass
-Capillary Tubes
paper cups,
plates, plastic
masks, gowns,
head covers.
Trash Bag
facility and
placed in
at point of
by, and
disposed of
Once filled,
close properly,
place in red
biohazard bag
and then place
in disposal
container with
by Waste
is it?
is it?
is it?
How is it disposed of?
How is it disposed of?
How is it disposed of?
How do I
decontaminate it?
How do I
decontaminate it?