Threats, Abuses, Flirting, and Blackmail:
Gender Inequity in Social Media Voice Forums
Aditya Vashistha
University of Washington
Abhinav Garg
University of Washington
Richard Anderson
University of Washington
Agha Ali Raza
Information Technology University
HCI4D researchers and practitioners have leveraged voice
forums to enable people with literacy, socioeconomic, and
connectivity barriers to access, report, and share information.
Although voice forums have received impassioned usage from
low-income, low-literate, rural, tribal, and disabled communi-
ties in diverse HCI4D contexts, the participation of women in
these services is almost non-existent. In this paper, we investi-
gate the reasons for the low participation of women in social
media voice forums by examining the use of Sangeet Swara in
India and Baang in Pakistan by marginalized women and men.
Our mixed-methods approach spanning content analysis of
audio posts, quantitative analysis of interactions between
users, and qualitative interviews with users indicate gender
inequity due to deep-rooted patriarchal values. We found that
women on these forums faced systemic discrimination and
encountered abusive content, irts, threats, and harassment.
We discuss design recommendations to create social media
voice forums that foster gender equity in use of these services.
Human-centered computing Empirical studies in
collaborative and social computing.
IVR; Voice forum; Social media; Gender; Women; HCI4D;
India; Pakistan.
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CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5970-2/19/05. . . $15.00 1145/3290605. 3300302
ACM Reference Format:
Aditya Vashistha, Abhinav Garg, Richard Anderson, and Agha Ali
Raza. 2019. Threats, Abuses, Flirting, and Blackmail: Gender In-
equity in Social Media Voice Forums. In CHI Conference on Hu-
man Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9,
2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.
More women than men in the world are subjected to intimate
partner violence, early marriage, unpaid care and domestic
work, and workplace discrimination [
]. These structural lim-
itations, lack of agency to take life decisions [
], and limited
accessto education, healthcare, andnancial resources [
perpetuate the vicious cycle of gender inequality and discrim-
ination. The United Nations has identied gender equality
as a development goal fundamental to the foundation of a
peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world, and has advo-
cated using Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) to promote women empowerment [8].
Unfortunately, gender inequality also manifests in adop-
tion, access, and use of ICTs. For example, women in South
Asia, the region of our research interest, are 38% less likely
than men to own a mobile phone [
]. Even when they own
a phone, they make and receive fewer calls, send fewer text
messages, and use the Internet sparingly than men. Moreover,
they perceive barriers to phone ownership and usage, such as
cost of devices and the Internet, security and harassment con-
cerns, and limited digital literacy, more acutely than men [
While mainstream social media platforms have revolution-
ized how people communicate with each other in a wide range
of contexts, such as crises [
], politics [
], and civil disobe-
dience [
], these platforms exclude those who experience
literacy, socioeconomic, and connectivity barriers. Moreover,
socio-cultural norms driven by patriarchy impede the adop-
tion and use of these platforms by women. For example, only
one-fourth of all Facebook users in India are women [9].
Recognizing thesestructural limitations,Human-Computer
Interaction for Development (HCI4D) researchers have used
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology to create voice
forums that overcome connectivity barriers by using phone
calls, literacy barriers by using local language speaking and
listening skills, and socioeconomic barriers by using toll-free
(1-800) lines. These services let users call a toll-free phone
number to record audio posts in their local language, listen
to posts recorded by others, and act on posts (e.g., like, dis-
like, comment, or report posts). They nd applications in
diverse domains, such as health information systems [
civic engagement portals [
], agriculture advisory ser-
vices [
], and job portals [
]. Collectively, these services
have received millions of phone calls, audio posts, and associ-
ated actions such as likes, dislikes, and comments on the posts.
Despite their inclusivity, accessibility, and usability, the
user analyses of several of these voice forums revealed ex-
tremely low-participation of women on these services. For
example, CGNet Swara [
] and Sangeet Swara [
] in India
have only 12% and 6% female contributors, respectively. Simi-
larly, Baang [
] and Polly [
] in Pakistan have only 10% and
11% female contributors, respectively. Ila Dhageyso [
], a
voice forum to connect government ocials and tribal people
in Somaliland, has only 15% female users.
In this work, we examine why the participation of women
is almost non-existent on social media voice forums that are
designed to be inclusive, accessible, and usable for everyone.
To do so, we focus our attention on Sangeet Swara (or simply
Swara) and Baang, two widely popular social media voice
forums in India and Pakistan, respectively. Using a mixed-
methods approach spanning quantitative analysis of usage
logs, content analysis of 10,361 posts containing 140 hours
of audio data, and qualitative analysis of 50 surveys and in-
terviews, we examine how men and women interacted with
each other, what content they posted and voted, and what
factors aected their participation. Our work also highlights
the dierences and commonalities in experiences of female
voice forum users in India and Pakistan.
Our mixed-methods analysis indicate that womenon Swara
and Baang faced systemic discrimination and harassment in
the form of abusive, threatening, and irty posts directed at
them. Most women lacked agency to retaliate due to deep-
rooted patriarchal values and most men who behaved inappro-
priately ganged up on those men and women who criticized
their behavior. Most male users condoned unruly behavior by
men and disapproved of abusive, irty, and threatening posts
less strongly than did women. Using a feminist HCI lens [
], we investigate how these services could be redesigned to
provide an equitable and inclusive platform to women.
Although several scholars have studied the use of social me-
dia platforms by low-income communities, rural residents,
and people with disabilities [
], there is a
scarcity of research at the intersection of gender and social
media use in developing regions. Only a few scholars have
examined the viewpoints and experiences of female social me-
dia users in low-resource environments. For example, Melissa
et al. examined the potential of social media platforms to sup-
port Indonesian women in establishing business from their
home [
]. Bosch examined the role of social media platforms
in enabling young South African women to express and ex-
perience their sexual identity [
]. Bidwell et al. examined
existing oral practices, interactions with voice-based proto-
types, and gendering processes in technology production and
consumption [
]. They reported how preferences and styles
of menare moredominant inthe design oftechnology artifacts
since more technologists are men. Our work also highlights
how the user interface design of Swara and Baang had limited
support for women’s needs and styles, primarily because all
designers and most users of these services were men.
A few scholars have outlined online harassment and cop-
ing strategies of women on social media platforms. Abokho-
dair and Vieweg examined privacy practices of Saudi Arabian
women and highlighted how women leverage prevalent social
cultural norms to prevent themselves from harassment [
For example, some female users posted photos of babies as
the prole picture or used their children’s name to veil their
online identity [
]. We saw similar coping mechanisms by fe-
male users on Swara and Baang who recorded their children’s
voices or used pseudonyms to protect their identity. Wyche
studied theexperiences of femaleFacebookusers in Kenya and
found that they faced online harassment and stalking [
Similar to the Kenyan women, female users on Swara and
Baang were also targeted with sexually suggestive content
and unwantedattention. Ourwork contributesto thisgrowing
scholarship by qualitatively as well as quantitatively charac-
terizing how men and women interacted with each other on
social media voice forums, what content they posted, liked,
and disliked, and how women users negotiated their identity
in patriarchy driven social spaces in India and Pakistan.
Several HCI4D researchers have leveraged voice forums
to create digital social spaces for marginalized people in
resource-constrained settings [
], however,
the knowledge about how women experience these services,
how interactions with other community members shape their
participation, and how these services reinforce or undermine
patriarchal norms is notably absent from the existing litera-
ture. Although prior works have raised concerns about low-
participation of women onthese services and harassment they
encountered [
], and a few have provided scattered
insights (e.g., how posts by women received more votes due
to irting from men [
]), no prior work has examined the fac-
tors that result in the limited use of these platforms by women,
characterized women’s participation by analyzing usage logs,
and outlined design recommendations for creating inclusive
and inviting social media voice forums for women. Our work
presents the rst in-depth account of how social media voice
forums were used by women in India and Pakistan.
We use a feminist HCI lens to examine the design of Swara
and Baang and to make recommendations for creating ser-
vices that foster gender equity in their use. Bardzell intro-
duced the feminist HCI research agenda and presented a
range of feminist interaction design qualities such as plu-
ralism, participation, advocacy, ecology, embodiment, and
self-disclosure [
]. Bardzell and Bardzellpresented a feminist
HCI methodology and outlined key methodological positions,
such as commitment to scientic and moral objectivities, con-
nection to feminist theory, self-disclosure, reexivity, and
participatory design [
]. The feminist HCI lens has been
adopted by several HCI scholars to investigate the adoption
and use of HCI artifacts [
]. We also use an inter-
sectional HCI lens [
] to examine marginalities within
marginalities in the use of these services.
We now briey discuss the purpose, design, and deployment
details of two social media voice forums, Swara in India and
Baang in Pakistan, that are the focus of our inquiry.
Since voice forums have thousands of audio posts in local
languages with limited training data and speech recognition
models, it is dicult to automatically manage local content
produced on these services. Swara was designed to examine
whether a community of low-income, low-literate users of a
social media voice forum can categorize order, and moderate
audio posts recorded in local languages on the service. In addi-
tion to posting and listening to local content, Swara users also
voted on a wide variety of user-generated content including
songs, poems, jokes, among others [
]. Swara relied on users’
votes to lter low-quality content and leveraged micro tasks
completed by users to categorize posts. In an 11-week deploy-
ment in India, Swara received about 25,000 calls, over 5,300
posts, and 140,000 votes from 1,521 people living in 11 states.
The community moderation was 98% accurate in content cat-
egorization, and made meaningful distinctions between high-
quality andlow-quality posts. Mostof the userswere from low-
income families living in rural and peri-urban regions, and
over40% of theusers had lessthan 12 yearsof education. Swara
found unexpected uptake among blind people, who were pas-
sionate about building and maintaining the community and
used the service to expand their social network in far-o loca-
tions [
]. Because of its voice-based implementation, Swara
was perceived as an inclusive portal for low-literate people, ru-
ral residents, people with visual impairment, and indigenous
communities. Although Swara was a toll-free service that
could be accessed from any phone without requiring airtime
or the Internet, only 6% of the posts were recorded by women.
Home Menu
Record New
Listen to
Access a
Post Directly
User’s Posts
Like Dislike Share Comment
User presses 1
A user’s call is connected
User presses 4
User presses 2 User presses 3
User presses 1
User presses 2 User presses 3 User presses 4
User presses 5
Figure 1: High-level simplied user interface ( UI) design
of Swara and Baang. Additional components in Baang’s UI
design are represented in red color.
Baang was designed for hard-to-reach and low-literate pop-
ulations with a goal to achieve greater spread and adoption
as well as deeper and long-term engagement [
]. Baang and
Swara had similar user interface (UI) design with one main
exception. In addition to liking, disliking, and sharing posts,
Baang allowed its users to record audio responses on posts
and provided them a feature to report abusive posts (see Fig-
ure 1). In an eight-month deployment in Pakistan, Baang
spread virally to over 10,000 users who called Baang 269,000
times for recording about 44,000 audio posts and 124,000audio
comments, and casting 343,000 votes. Although Baang was de-
signed to be “inclusive, versatile, and exible platform of social
connectivity to provide hard-to-reach populations” [
], it also
failed to gain traction among women. Almost 90% of its users
were men, most of whom were blind, low-income, and low-
literate. In this work, weinvestigate whether Baang succeeded
in being an inclusive social space for those women who used it.
While low usage of these services among women could be
attributed to factors like comparatively lower number of fe-
male mobile phone subscribers [
], and phone sharing where
the usage of phone is dictated by male family members [
we explore whether there could be additional factors aecting
women’s participation in otherwise inclusive voice forums
like Swara and Baang. By comparing two very similar services
in dierent geographies and sociocultural contexts, we aim
to examine the dierences and commonalities in the patterns
of interaction between men and women.
We used a mixed-methods analysis spanning quantitative and
qualitative methods to examine how men and women used
Swara and Baang.
antitative Analysis
We selected all 5,361 posts on Swara and randomly sampled
5,000 posts on Baang to conduct an in-depth content analysis.
We recruited three coders (one male and two females) each
in India and Pakistan to analyze these posts. The coders were
familiar with local socio-cultural norms, languages, and collo-
quial terms. On average, the coders in India and Pakistan were
32 years old and 27 years old, respectively. They had at least
a bachelor’s degree and were from middle-income families.
We requested coders to use the following rubric to analyze
audio posts. For each post, a coder noted content type, gender
of the recorder, how the post is related to women, and whether
the recorderis threatening otherusers. The coders couldselect
content type as ‘abuse, ‘blank or unclear post’, ‘irt’, ‘self-
introduction’, ‘joke, ‘news’, ‘poem’, ‘question and answer’,
‘song’, ‘a message to other users’, and ‘pre-recorded content’.
The coders could select the gender of the recorder as ‘female’,
‘male’, ‘unsure’, or ‘blank’. The gender was coded ‘blank’ when
the recorder did not speak anything (e.g., in a blank post or
for pre-recorded content). When a post had multiple speakers,
the coders were asked to mark the gender of the person who
spoke for the most time. If a recorder referred to specic fe-
male users in the post, the coders marked the post as directed
at female users’. If a recorder referred to women generally in
the post, the coders marked the post as ‘directed at women
in general. If a recorder had a conversation with other male
users on topics that followed prior conversations with female
users or on women, the coders marked the post as ‘discussion
because of women’. The coders marked posts as ‘threatening’
when the recorder threatened other users in the post.
Initially, we assigned 100 audio posts to each coder to ll
the rubric. We then computed inter-rater agreement using Co-
hen’s Kappa coecient. The lowest kappa coecient in India
and Pakistan was 0.90 and 0.88, respectively, indicating high
agreement between coders. We thus divided the remaining
dataset into three non-overlapping partitions and assigned
one partitionto eachcoder. Collectively, thesix coders listened
tonearly 140hours ofpoststo generatemetadata thatis central
to our analysis. We analyzed this data on several interesting
probes, such as the number of female and male contributors,
similarities and dierences in content recorded by women and
men, content of messages directed at women, and interactions
between female and male users, among other things.
To examine how female and male users reacted to non-
inclusive posts such as abuse, irts, threats, or verbal harass-
ment, we mapped each anonymized phone number with the
gender of the person who used that phone number to record
posts. We only considered a phone number if it was used by
the same gendered users (male or female), and discarded if it
was used by both male and female users.
alitative Analysis
To recruit participants for interviews and surveys, we ran-
domly selected users who used these services more than ten
times and recorded at least one post. We conducted semi-
structured telephonic interviews with 32 Baang users and
structured telephonic surveys with 18 Swara users. The inter-
views and surveys explored several aspects including demo-
graphic information, limits imposed by family members in
using these services, attitudes towards irty, threatening, and
abusive posts, inclusion and safety perceptions, and sugges-
tions to make these services more inclusive for women. The
interviews and surveys were conducted in Urdu and Hindi,
and lasted anywhere from 10 minutes to 40 minutes. We took
detailed notes and audio recorded their responses. We pro-
vided mobile airtime worth 100 PKR in Pakistan and 100 INR
in India to the participants.
We transcribed audio recordings and translated transcripts
to English. We subjected our data to thematic analysis as out-
lined by Braun and Clarke [
] and rigorously categorized
our codes to identify factors that aect women’s participation
on these services. We engaged in regular discussions and iter-
ated on our codes. Our rst-level codes were specic, such as
“women ignored abusive messages, “women did not respond to
irt, and “men hesitated to recommend the service to women in
their family. After several rounds of iteration, we condensed
our codes into high-level themes, such as “lack of agency,
“structural limitations, and “systemic discrimination.
Twenty Baang participants were male and 12 were female.
Ten Swara participants were male and eight were female. On
average, participants were 24 years old. A majority of them
(62%) were unmarried and nearly one-fourth had children.
About 40% of the participants had less than 10 years of educa-
tion. Half of the participants were employed, and the rest were
homemakers, students, orunemployed. Among employed par-
ticipants, nearly 33% were farmers, 20% were teachers, and
14% each were in private jobs or government jobs. On average,
the monthly family income for a family of nine people was
USD 160. About 42% participants had basic phones, 40% had
smartphones, and the remaining owned both a smartphone
and a basic phone. Among the smartphone owners, 70% used
Facebook and 40% used WhatsApp.
Our analysis has a few limitations. First, the coders assigned
gender based on the masculine or feminine characteristics
of the voice in the audio posts. Our analysis thus excluded
non-binary gender identities. Second, since we could not de-
termine the gender of the users who did not record any post,
our analysis on how men and women reacted to audio posts
is based on those users who recorded at least one post.
Users of Swara and Baang were informed in the rst call that
their posts will be publicly available and will be used for re-
search purposes. The services requested users to not record
any private information such as their address or gender iden-
tity or phone numbers. The data we used for analysis did not
Table 1: Usage statistics by gender for Swara and Baang.
Likes Dislikes Shares Comments Report
Male 4,764 419 21,630 58,644 189
Female 275 31 270 2,636 15
Male 4,142 376 8,181 5,541 778 1,942 2,061
Female 325 31 508 253 2 25 25
have any personal identiable information. The phone num-
bers were replaced with anonymized strings. Both Swara and
Baang spread organically and no specic eorts were made
by providers to recruit people belonging to any particular
social strata or gender. Our study also received institutional
review board approval. We also anonymized names of users
and participants for use in this paper.
We analyzed 5,361 posts on Swara and 5,000 posts on Baang.
An overwhelming majority of these posts (89% on Swara
and 83% on Baang) were recorded by men. Only 5% posts
on Swara and 6% posts on Baang were recorded by women.
The remaining posts were either blank or unclear or contained
pre-recorded content. Swara and Baang users recorded posts
from 506 and 510 unique phone numbers, respectively. We
discarded data for 159 phone numbers that were used by both
men as well as women to record posts. Assuming a one-to-
one mapping between remaining phone numbers and users,
Swara and Baang had 450 and 407 unique contributors, re-
spectively. Swara had 419 male and 31 female contributors,
and Baang had 376 male and 31 female contributors.
High-Level Usage Paerns
Table 1 shows how men and women participated on Swara
and Baang. Men on Swara recorded 17 times more posts, and
liked and disliked these posts 80 times and 22 times more
than women. On average, they recorded 1.5 times more posts,
and liked and disliked posts 6 times and 1.6 times more than
women. We found similar usage patterns on Baang, indicating
that the participation on both services was dominated by men.
Even the most fervent female users were far behind their male
counterparts. For example, the number of posts contributed
by top 25 female contributors combined were less than the
number of posts recorded by the most prolic contributor
among men. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the number
of posts recorded by top 25 male and female Swara contrib-
utors. The median number of posts recorded by these men
and women were 81 and 4, respectively. A Mann-Whitney’s
U test indicated a signicant dierence between the number
of posts recorded by top 25 male and female contributors,
U =
,Z =
,p <
001). We also found signicant eect of
gender (
p < .
001) on total calls, total likes, and total dislikes by
top 25 male and female users on both Swara as well as Baang.
1 6 11 16 21
Number of Posts
Top 25 Users
Men Women
Figure 2: Distribution of the number of posts recorded by
top 25 men and top 25 women contributors of Swara.
Content created by users:
Figure 3 shows the number of
posts of dierent types (on a log scale) recorded by male and
female contributors. A Fisher’s exact test indicated signi-
cant dierences in the content recorded by men and women
p < .
0001) on Swara as well as Baang. On Swara, most posts
by women contained songs (34%) and most posts by men
contained messages for other users (39%). The second-most
popular category was poems among female contributors and
songs among male contributors. Poems and songs together
accounted to 66% posts among female contributors and 39%
posts among male contributors. On average, we found that
men recorded more posts containing abuses, irts, introduc-
tions, messages to other users, news, and informative general
knowledge questions and answers than women. In contrast,
women recorded more songs, jokes, poems, pre-recorded con-
tent, and unclear or blank posts than men.
On Baang, most posts by women (31%) and by men (40%)
were messages for other users. Poems were the second-most
popular category among female contributors (22%) as well
as male contributors (14%). While songs were the third-most
popular category among male contributors, abusive posts
ranked third for female contributors. This is in sharp contrast
with Swara where none of the abusive posts were recorded
by women. Men on Baang recorded four times more abusive
posts and three times more irty posts than women.
Compared to women on Swara, women on Baang recorded
more posts containing abuse, irts, introductions, and mes-
sages for other users, and lesser posts containing songs, jokes,
poems, and questions. Women on both services did not record
any posts to discuss regional or national news. A Fisher’s
exact test indicated a signicant dierence between the types
of posts recorded by women on Swara and Baang (p < .001).
Votes given by users:
Swara users voted on posts sixtimes
more than Baang users. This is probably because they could
listen to the next post only after liking or disliking the current
post, whereas Baang had no such requirement. Swara users
disliked posts more than liking them, whereas Baang users
Abuses Flirts Introductions Jokes Message to
News Poems Q&A Pre-recorded
Songs Misc
Number of posts
Women on Swara Men on Swara Women on Baang Men on Baang
Figure 3: Distribution of posts (on a log scale) by content types and gender for Swara and Baang.
liked posts more than disliking them. A Chi-square test re-
vealed that the distribution of likes and dislikes diered signif-
icantly between Swara and Baang (
,N =
p <
001). This is probably because the top-ranked content on
Swara (chosen based on the likes and dislikes given by users)
was featured as ‘the best post’, leading to unhealthy compe-
tition among users who disliked posts recorded by others to
improve their chances to get a higher rank.
On Swara, women were more disapproving of content than
were men. While men disliked 2.7 posts for each post they
liked, the ratio of dislike to like was 9.8 for women. On Baang,
women were more approving of content than were men. They
liked 2 posts for each post they disliked while men liked 1.5
posts for each post they disliked. A Chi-square test indicated
a signicant eect of gender on the distribution of likes and
dislikes on Swara (
,N =
) =
p <
001) and
on Baang (χ
(1,N = 14,883)= 14.9, p < 0.001).
Comments by users:
Baang had a feature where users
could leave comments on posts. Men recorded 55 times more
comments than women. Most of the comments by men were
on posts containing messages to others (40%), abusive content
(21%), and poems (16%). In contrast, most of the comments by
women were on posts containing poems (23%), songs (23%),
and messages to others (23%). A Fisher’s exact test indicated
a signicant eect of gender on the number of comments
posted on dierent types of content (p < .0001).
Reporting abuse:
Baang also had a feature where users
could report abusive posts to administrators. Men reported
posts more than 2,000 times, while women used this feature
only 25 times. Although Baang had 323 abusive posts, women
reported these posts only ve times (20%). Women also re-
ported posts containing messages to others (52%) and mis-
cellaneous content (16%). In addition to reporting such posts
(75%), men also reported poems and songs nearly 300 times
(15%). These ndings indicate that women did not use this fea-
ture completely and men misused it even to report acceptable
content. Our interviews indicated that many female users
were unaware about the process once a post was reported.
Table 2: Examples of posts focusing on women or on topics
that follow prior posts involving women.
Type of posts Example post
women user
Hello, my name is Roshan. Reshma I want to know your
mobile phone number.
women generally
Why do women wear revealing clothes? Why they want
to show skin? Why are they following western values? An
Indian girl should feel ashamed for exposing her skin.
Spiraled from
conversations on
women users or
women generally
Hello, some fool was just abusing in the last post. Do not
abuse. Women and men from all over India listen to your
messages. Do not misbehave here. (A user reprimanding
another user for abusing women in a prior post)
Those who reported posts did not receive any follow-up mes-
sage about the status of the reported posts. They expected
that they would speak to a system administrator, who would
then delete the post and block the user. Some female users
were unsure if other users could know that they reported a
post and were fearful of retaliation from them.
Our content analysis also indicated that a notable number
of posts were directed at women and a signicant number
of posts contained abusive, irtatious, and threatening mes-
sages. In the next subsections, we analyze who recorded posts
directed at women, how users were irting with each other,
and why they were threatening and abusing other users.
Posts Directed at Women
Our coding indicated that male and female users recorded
602 posts on Swara (11%) and 335 posts on Baang (7%) that
were either directed at other female users or discussed their
participation. We classied these posts in three categories:
(1) posts that called out female users, (2) posts that referred
to women generally, (3) posts that followed topics spiraled
from prior conversations centered on women. Table 2 shows
examples of posts for these categories. The rst, second, and
third categories had 372, 147, and 83 Swara posts, and 276, 49,
and 10 Baang posts, respectively.
Female Swara users recorded 19 posts (3%) to appreciate
other female users for recording good content or to cele-
brate womanhood and motherhood. For example, a woman
recorded the following poem on female infanticide:
Messages to
Number of posts
Specific Women Women in general Spiraled from prior posts
Figure 4: Distribution of dierent types of posts (on a log
scale) directed at Swara female users.
Daughters are our pride, they make a home happy.
They are not a burden, they bring us prosperity.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of Swara posts (on a log
scale) for the three categories. Male Swara users recorded
500 posts (83%) that were directed at female users or that dis-
cussed women in general. About 95% of the posts that called
out female users had abuse, irts, and adulation. Many men
also recorded posts criticizing women in general for receiving
“more votes because of preferential treatment from other men.
They often actively encouraged other users to dislike all posts
recorded by women. About one-fourth of the posts referring
to women in general had abuse. Male users recorded 83 posts
on topics that spiraled from prior conversations centered on
women. About 90% of these posts had male users ghting
with each other to impress other female users or requesting
troublemakers to avoid recording abusive and irty posts.
We found a similar pattern on Baang. While most women
recorded supportive comments for other female users, the
majority of posts from men were abuse, irts, or verbal harass-
ment directed at women. In ten posts, men either supported
or rebuked other male users for abusing women.
These results indicate that although Swara and Baang users
had only 11% and 7% of all posts targeting or discussing
women, most of these posts were harassment in the form
of abuse, irts, and threats. Often these posts spiraled several
heated arguments among community members, creating an
acrimonious environment for female users.
Flirty Posts
Swara and Baang had 171 and 28 irty posts, respectively. Men
recorded 98% of the irty posts on Swara and 75% on Baang.
A Fisher’s exact test indicated a signicant eect of gender
on the number of irty posts recorded on Swara (
p = .
02, odds
ratio = 0.3) as well as on Baang (p < .01, odds ratio = 4.3).
We also analyzed who were the target of these irty posts.
On Swara, men irted with women in 166 posts (97%) and
with other men in two posts, and women irted with men in
three posts. On Baang, all irty posts by men were directed
at women and vice versa. On both services, a Fisher’s exact
test indicated a signicant eect of gender of the recorder on
the number of irty posts sent to men and women (
p < .
Men irted with women inseveral ways.For example,many
male users inundated female contributors with adulation and
incessantly requested them to record more content. Many
of them requested female users to dedicate a song or poem
to them. Some men requested other users to like posts from
women with whom they were irting. For example, a man
posted this messages on Swara:
Sapna, your voice is so sweet. I want to be your
friend.Everyone, please upvoteall postsfrom Sapna.
Some men were forceful in sharing their feelings with
women. They often harassed female users by repeatedly pro-
fessing love, proposing to them, and asking them to recipro-
cate their feelings. They shared their phone numbers publicly
and asked women to call them. In a sample of 100 random
recordings, we found that men on Swara and Baang shared
their phone numbers in 21 and 18 posts, respectively. For
example, a man recorded:
Saroj, please call me and tell me how are you. You
have to become my friend. Where are you from?
Where do you live? I am in love with you. Call me
on xxxxx xxxxx or give me your personal number.
We found two Swara posts where men irted with other
men and shared their number publicly inviting them for of-
ine conversations. We also found three posts where women
irted with men; two women recorded posts stating that they
are looking to make male friends and another woman ex-
pressed excessive admiration for a male user. We saw similar
patterns in seven Baang posts where female users irted with
men. In our entire sample, we found only one post each on
Swara and Baang where a woman shared her phone number
and asked male users to call her.
We also analyzed users’ votes to examine their reactions
to irty posts. A Fisher’s exact test indicated a signicant
dierence between the proportion of dislikes and likes given
by male and female users to irty posts on Swara (
p < .
01, odds
ratio = 3.1 ), suggesting that women disliked irty posts more
than men. We did not nd any signicant eect of gender on
how users voted irty posts on Baang. All female participants
in our surveys and interviews reported irting to be a cause
of distress and a key reason for their low participation. In con-
trast, several male participants disregarded that irty posts
created an uninviting environment for female users . A male
participant stated:
“When guys and girls are together, irting can’t be
stopped and should not be stopped.
Although many interview participants stated reporting
irty messages on Baang as soon as they encountered them,
we could not nd any quantitative evidence for the claim.
While women did not report any irty posts, men reported
such posts only 22 times. Male and female interview partic-
ipants gave dierent reasonings for why men were irting
with women. Some male participants held movies responsible
for irtatious behavior of men. One of them stated:
“Men see lms and TV shows and think that the
only way to gain attention of a woman is by teasing
and pursuing her. That is what they see and do.
On the other hand, four female participants blamed women
for irtatious behavior of men. One of them stated:
“Some women don’t leave a good impression based
on how they talk and what they say. We are also at
fault. Not all fault is of men.
To summarize, these results indicate that most of the irty
posts on Swara and Baang were directed at women. Often
these posts were disturbing and some posts had a sexual un-
dertone. Most male users condoned irting and many female
users showed stronger disapproval for these messages than
male users. While men avoided responsibility for unjust be-
havior by blaming television soaps and movies, women en-
gaged in victim blaming to justify irtatious behavior of men.
Threatening Posts
Swara and Baang had 104 and 36 threatening posts, respec-
tively. All threatening posts on Swara were recorded by men
and the majority of these posts (62%) were directed at women.
We found a signicant dierence between the proportion
of threatening posts directed at women and men (
,N =
p <
0001). On Baang, nearly 92% of the threat-
ening posts were recorded by men and 19% of these posts were
directed at women. A Fisher’s exact test indicated a signi-
cant dierence between the proportion of threatening posts
directed at men and women (p = .02, odds ratio = 2.83).
Most threatening posts (45%) on Swara were abusive in
nature. In 56% of these posts, users called out the names of
intended recipients. Some men threatened other users indi-
rectly by singing songs and reciting poems. For example, a
man recited the following content as a poem:
Don’t pluck the owers, youwillget stung bythorns.
Don’t tease my girl, you will get a slap. If anyone
troubles Maya, I will behead them.
We found three main reasons why users were threatening
others. First, several men who were trying to impress female
users were threatening each other when others irted with
women they liked. Second, some men recorded sexually sug-
gestive content, sparking sharp criticism from other male
users. Often these arguments resulted in a series of abusive
and threatening posts. Third, a few men threatened women
who did not respond to their irty posts or who condemned
their behavior. A female participant shared her ordeal:
A man posted oensive content, when I did not
respond to his advances. It is my wish if I want to
talk to him. How can he force me? When I could
not tolerate the misbehavior, I left the ser vice.
While no female Swara users threatened men, we found
three posts where women on Baang threatened male users;
two abused male users who misbehaved with them and an-
other threatened to report a male user for recording abusive
content. In our interviews, many male participants indicated
that women should not record posts containing threats and
abuse, instead “they should tolerate it. Female participants, on
the other hand, supported women who recorded threatening
posts. They felt that these women had no choice but to defend
themselves from the abuse and misbehavior directed at them
by men.
The analysis of how users reacted to threatening posts
indicated that men on Swara condoned these posts by not
disliking them as much as did women; while the ratio of dis-
likes to likes for women was 42, the ratio was only 4.4 for
men. A Fisher’s exact test indicated a signicant dierence
between the proportion of likes and dislikes given by men and
women on these posts (
p < .
0001, odds ratio = 14.8). We found
that men on Baang gave more dislikes when women recorded
threatening posts. In contrast, men gave more likes when
other men recorded threatening posts. A Fisher’s exact test
indicated a signicant eect of the gender of the recorder on
the number of likes and dislikes given by men on threatening
posts (p = .03, odds ratio = 3.2).
These results indicate that women encountered substantial
number of threatening posts that were either directed at them
or were because of men ghting with each other to gain their
attention. We also found an evidence of systemic bias present
in patriarchal societies where unruly behavior by men was
not only condoned but often appreciated. However, the same
behavior by women received an immediate disapproval.
Abusive Posts
Swara and Baang had 109 and 323 abusive posts, respectively.
All abusive posts on Swara and 80% of such posts on Baang
were recorded by men. We found a signicant dierence be-
tween the proportion of abusive posts recorded by men and
women on Swara (Fisher’s exact test:
p < .
01) as well as on
Baang (
,N =
) =
p <
0001), indicating that
men recorded more abusive posts than women.
We also analyzed who were the target of these abusive
posts. About 46% of these posts on Swara and 34% on Baang
were directed at women. Flirting by men transpired several
abusive messages. Almost half of these posts on Swara and
one-third on Baang were because of irting. Some men con-
stantly harassed women to share their phone numbers. When
these women did not share their number, men felt rejected and
recorded abusive messages directed at these women. Some
men also abused women who thanked or appreciated other
men instead of responding to their irty messages. When
other users admonished these men for abusing women, they
ganged up on those who were berating their unruly behavior.
A man shared in the interview:
“I saw some men poorly treating a woman. I raised
my voice but did not anticipate the extent of retali-
ation. They said horrible things about me and her.
In contrast to female Swara users, women on Baang retal-
iated when men abused them or treated them unjustly. About
73% of abuse recorded by women were directed at men. Al-
though women on Baang also abused other female users in 17
posts, most of these posts spiraled from one incident where
a woman shared her phone number publicly on the service. A
few men and women recorded posts condemning the woman
for sharing her number stating “how such action is against Is-
lamic values. Soon other men and women came in her support
and defended her liberty to share the number. These argu-
ments soon snowballed into abusive and threatening posts
between members of the two groups.
We also analyzed the votes given by users to examine
whether they condemned or condoned abusive posts. The
ratio of dislikes to likes given by female and male Swara users
was 15 and 3, respectively, meaning that women disliked
abusive posts more strongly than men. A Fisher’s exact test
indicated a signicant eect of the gender of users on the
proportion of likes and dislikes given on the abusive posts
p = .
01, odds ratio = 0.19). On Baang, women expressed sol-
idarity by giving more likes and less dislikes on the abusive
posts recorded by women. In contrast, men expressed their
disapproval by giving more dislikes and less likes on the abu-
sive posts recorded by women. When men recorded abusive
posts, women gave signicantly more dislikes in proportion
to likes than men (Fisher’s exact test,
p < .
01, odds ratio = 0.31).
These ndings indicate that women encountered substan-
tial abusive posts that were either directed at them or were
exchanged between men arguing over women. We found
a systemic bias where men disapproved abuse recorded by
other men less strongly than did women. We also found that
women on Baang expressed solidarity by liking abusive posts
recorded by female users.
Our interviews indicated that a few women on Swara and
Baang were blackmailed by men. As previously outlined, sev-
eral men shared their phone numbers publicly and requested
female users to call them. Some men also recorded posts sug-
gesting that theycould help women in nding jobs or that they
need “talented female singers for their orchestra”. A few women
willingly gave their phone numbers to men. When the women
stopped talking to menafter unpleasant phone calls, theywere
threatened that their phone numbers will be publicly released
if they do not continue the private conversations. When these
women ignored the threats, men posted their phone numbers
on the service, suggested romantic relationships with them,
and assassinated their character. A woman stated:
“The man told me that if you stop talking to me,
then I will share your number with others. When
I did not pick his phone calls, he recorded a post
saying that I am not a good woman and people
should stay away from me.
These incidents were also corroborated by several male
participants we interviewed. One of them shared:
“I have heard men saying to women that ‘if you
won’t talk to me then I will share your number with
everyone. I have heard them abusing women and
talking dirty stu with them.
Such posts and predatory behavior by men strongly dis-
couraged women to use these services. Such posts prompted
a few female users to assume a dierent identity on these
services by using a pseudonym and a dierent phone number.
Although only some men participated in unruly behavior, the
abusive, irty, and threatening posts tremendously damaged
perceptions about the “inclusivity and safety” of women on
these services. Some male interviewees prohibited women
in their family and social circles from using these services
because of the indecorous content by other male users. A male
participant stated:
“I will not allow women in my family to get exposed
to these abusive messages.
Since both Swara and Baang spread virally by the word-of-
mouth, negative experiences of early female users adversely
aected the adoption and use of these services by women
since most female users stopped recommending these ser-
vices to their female friends and relatives. A woman shared
in the interview:
‘How can I ask my family and friends to listen
to these posts where men are abusing women and
other men. I would be in trouble, if my family learns
that Baang has such posts. Family members are ac-
cepting of these behaviors if a man do es it, but not
when it is done by women.
Our interviews also indicated that women were extremely
hesitant to object to abusive, threatening, and irty posts
directed at them, primarily due to deep-rooted patriarchal
values that discourages women to argue and question others.
Most women were worried that they will face backlash, on
the service from predatory men and in real life from family
members, if they record threatening responses or responded
to irty posts. They lacked the agency to retaliate unruly be-
havior or explore friendships with people from the opposite
sex due to socio-culutral sensitivities shaped by patriarchy.
Most men took the participation of women for granted and
viewed them as objects of desire, reinforcing patriarchy in
these digital social spaces.
We now examine the design of these services using the
feminist HCI lens and discuss several design suggestions to
create more vibrant, inclusive, and equitable social media
experience for women.
There are several practical barriers in digital inclusion of
women in low-resource communities. Such barriers include
comparatively lower literacy and nancial agency among
women than men which results in lack of access to mobile
phones and connectivity [
]. A large fraction of women in
such communities only have access to shared mobile devices
where usage is directed by male family members. Social media
voice forums such as Swara and Baang have been successful in
reaching some women in such communities. Once connected,
these women enjoy access to community-generated content
and play an active role in creating and moderating content.
These platforms provide them a voice, a digital social identity,
and moreindependence.Their social inclusion leads to greater
connectivity and access to entertainment, employment, ed-
ucation, and health opportunities on equal terms as men.
However, our study highlighted signicant secondary bar-
riers to women’s digital inclusion beyond the basic hurdles
of literacy, connectivity, and availability of devices. Once
connected through social media voice forums, these women
faced harassment, abuse, threats, and systemic marginaliza-
tion. Using an intersectional HCI lens [
], we found that
certain groups within marginalized communities are more
marginalized than others. For example, several male Swara
users abused other users based on the gender, caste, or reli-
gion. A few Swara users exhorted the community to downvote
posts of a female user belonging to a minority group in India
after an argument with her. Similarly, while Swara and Baang
empowered a section of marginalized communities (e.g., low-
income people, blind people), at the same time these services
disenfranchised the rights, voice, and liberty of women in
these communities. We found that access is just a rst step
towards actual and meaningful social inclusion, and these
voice forums are still a long way from providing a welcoming,
vibrant, safe, and enriching environment to women.
We faced signicant barriers in reaching female Swara and
Baang users for follow-up surveys and interviews. Most of
our phone calls were answered by male family members. Even
when women answered the call, many of them handed over
the phone to a male family member as soon as they realized
that there is an actual person (a female surveyor) calling them
from these services. We found that most women users were
comfortable engaging in an asynchronous social interaction
through the mediation of a social media service compared to
actual conversations with unfamiliar men and women. Even
among the women who agreed to participate in our surveys,
a few did not acknowledge that they had used the service and
some made an excuse to hangup to avoid the conversation.
We believe that these women had a bad experience with the
service and did not want to admit that they used it, or did not
want their family to know about their experience.
The design of Swara and Baang was partially compatible
with the principle of
from the feminist HCI frame-
work. Although the services were designed to be inclusive
of low-income people by making it toll-free and low-literate
people by enabling speech-based interactions, no special pro-
visions were made to welcome participation from women.
The prompts were recorded in a male voice, reinforcing the
perception that men are the primary target users. Simple
adaptations in prompts, for example, enabling users to select
between prompts in male voice or female voice and explicitly
inviting participation from both men and women, could lead
to signicant changes inperceptionsabout inclusivity of these
services. Another way to encourage participation of women is
by rewarding them with soft incentives for their participation.
For example, a post recorded by women could be rewarded
with extra virtual airtime to access the forum for free. Al-
though it is expected that male users may come up with ways
to deceive such gender recognition lters to earn additional
free access, we still expect such incentives to encourage fe-
male participation. This would also convey to users that these
services are not exclusively designed for men and warmly wel-
come participation of women. Even changing the perception
about a service may lead to an improvement in users’ behavior.
Another way to promote participation of women in voice
forums might be to provide optional audio lters to mask their
gender identity. Such disguise could allow them anonymous
access hence alleviating their fears regarding gender-specic
targeted abuse. These lters could also provide them agency
to retaliate against harassment while protecting themselves
against patriarchy driven social abuse. However, anonymiza-
tion is a double-edged sword. Men can also use it to hide their
identity and post inappropriatecontent targetingwomen. Sim-
ilarly, the very fact that a post is gender-anonymized could
signal vulnerability and be taken as a cue that it is recorded by
women. Moreover, voice is not the only gender-cue in audio
posts and the use of gender pronouns, linguistic construc-
tions, and women-specic discourse could also reveal their
identity. We believe that anonymization might not be a viable
solution to mask users’ gender identity, however, it may help
with masking their personal identity from people who oppose
their use of voice forums. Since nuanced treatment of identity
and self are one of the central tenets of feminism, we also feel
that taking away a woman’s gender identity is not a solution
to a problem that must be solved through an acceptance of
her identity and rights that it entails.
From a standpoint of
from the feminist HCI
framework, both Swara and Baang enabled users to partici-
pate equally in deciding whether posts adhere to community
standards. Both services masked the information from users
about who liked, disliked, or reported their posts, putting
every user on equal footing, a decision reecting the feminist
commitment to equality. Although community moderation in
Swara and Baang showed promise since users disliked blank
and unclear posts, it did not work well for abusive, irty, and
threatening posts. Most of these posts involved multiple users
in a heated exchange, and many users did not objectively vote
on these posts. Instead, the voting was based on the sides users
picked among people involved in the argument. Similarly, the
‘report abuse’ feature in Baang was seldom used primarily be-
cause users expected immediate action on abusive posts once
they report them. Community voting and abuse reporting
was also misused by some users who lobbied to downvote or
report posts of their opponents. Despite its current limitations,
we expect community moderation to play an active corrective
role in voice forums. We believe that a service that enables the
community to set its own rules and implement them through
community moderators, has a chance of evolving into an
inclusive platform for women. The service could also allow
members to hold regular elections for voting on community
rules and roles. The service could also have a user reputation
system thatis based on community votesand directly linked to
concrete outcomes like additional virtual airtime. Assigning
weights to votesbased onthe number of female andmale users
could also put judgments by men and women on equal footing.
In our surveys and interviews as well as in prior works on
voice forums [
], women requested a dedicated voice fo-
rum for them. Such a gendered model matches the pattern of
their daily social lives where they have women-only carriages
in trains and dedicated compartments in buses. Dedicated
services for women is not an alien concept even in devel-
oped countries where special interest groups around maternal
health, pregnancy, and breastfeeding are often women-only
forums. We believe a women-only service could encourage
more meaningful participation from women in low-resource
environments who are afraid to raise their voice on mixed-
gender voice forums due to the fear of harassment driven by
patriarchy or simply because they are shy to openly express
themselves in situations where men are expected to hear and
comment. A women-only service could only be successful if
it blocks uninvited participation of men. Although it is pos-
sible to identify and remove male-recorded audio posts using
natural language processingand community moderation tech-
niques, preventing passive male users from listening to posts
and expressingtheir opinions via non-verbal means (e.g., likes,
dislikes, reports) is far more challenging. A passcode-based
access to the service could make it too complex for theprimary
target user group of low-literate women. Instead, the service
could require users to announce themselves every time they
access the service. The audio could be then gender-identied
to allow or deny access.
Both Swara and Baang lacked in values of
from the feminist HCI framework. Swara and
Baang did not explain the importance of votes to its users,
confusing them how posts are ranked and ordered. Similarly,
Baang did not explain to its users how the ‘report abuse’ fea-
ture works, leading to mismatched expectations of designers
and users. These limitations could be overcome by leveraging
participatory design processes and integrating low-income,
low-literate men and women in the design process, something
that these services neglected. From a standpoint of
from the feminist HCI framework, there is a need to reect
how the design of voice forums like Swara and Baang could
transfer social injustice and patriarchy driven harassment
from oine social spaces to digital social spaces.
The interface and features of current voice forums are not
modelled to prevent harassment of women and to make them
feel safe and included. However, such services do connect
women who otherwise have no means of participating in dig-
ital social spaces. Design considerations such as the ones sug-
gested above could create voice forums that welcome women,
prevent harassment, and evolve the behavior of the connected
user-base through policies and practices that originate from
better values of the society itself.
We thankMukhtar Ahmad,Radha Akangire,Hira Ejaz,Rashmi
Kanthi, and Shrirang Mare for their invaluable support and
feedback. We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for
their helpful suggestions.
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