Current as of:
December, 2021
UCF Security Camera Standards
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The Department of Security (DS) is the designated security program for the University of
Central Florida (UCF) with the authority, through its Director, to implement UCF’s physical
security. The DS’s authorities and responsibilities are established in and executed in
accordance with applicable federal and Florida laws and University regulations and policies.
The Department of Security is responsible for managing the physical security systems of UCF
The Director of Security Management is responsible for developing, implementing, and
managing institution-wide physical security, best practices, plans, policies, and procedures.
This position serves the University community by assisting campus administrators (senior
leadership, staff, and faculty) with matters involving physical security. In addition, the
Director of Security Management is the designated contact, who will act as the University’s
liaison to external vendors and partners in the area of security.
The purpose of the UCF Security Camera Standards is to provide the framework for the
management and appropriate use of the video management system. In addition, it clarifies
responsibilities and procedures for accessing, using, and modifying any part of the UCF
security cameras or video management system.
This document is dynamic and ever-changing. Therefore, a standard review process
accompanied by rigorous
testing and review will ensure that these standards do not
become another manual on the
UCF Security Camera Standards
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LETTER OF PROMULGATION .......................................................................... 2
Chapter 1: General .................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 2: Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Violations and Sanctions ...................................................................... 8
Chapter 4: Installation ............................................................................................ 9
Chapter 5: Maintenance ........................................................................................11
Chapter 6: Video Management System ...............................................................12
Chapter 7: Video Management System Access ...................................................13
Chapter 8: Training ...............................................................................................16
Chapter 9: Operation.............................................................................................17
Chapter 10: Multipurpose Video Cameras .........................................................20
Appendix I: Acronyms, References & Definitions ..............................................21
UCF Security Camera Standards
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The University of Central Florida’s Department of Security maintains these standards. Any concerns or
questions can be forwarded to:
Department of Security
Departments Responsible for this plan:
Department of Security
First edition (February 2018)
UCF Security Camera Standards
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1.1. Purpose
1.1.1. To ensure the protection of individuals, property, and privacy rights in accordance with the
University’s core values and federal and Florida laws, this standard is adopted to formalize
procedures for the handling, viewing, retention, dissemination, and destruction of recorded
images. In addition, the purpose of this standard is to regulate the use of University security
cameras and the video management system installed and operated in all UCF facilities and
1.2. Principles
1.2.1 UCF is committed to using reasonable measures to mitigate potential threats and improve
solvability factors related to crime on our campus. Critical components that assist in this
endeavor are security cameras and other image capture tools.
1.2.2 UCF’s Department of Security reserves the right to place security cameras where necessary and
appropriate. The Department of Security respects the right to privacy of the University
community (Section 9.6).
1.2.3 Security cameras provide a visual deterrent to crime and assist with overall security measures.
Security cameras are not a guarantee of safety; however, they serve as deterrents and can assist
the UCF Police Department and Department of Security in identifying potential danger. The
primary use of security cameras is to record images for identification of individuals and activity
in the event of violations of law or University regulations or policies.
1.2.4 University security cameras are not monitored continuously under normal operating conditions.
However, they may be monitored for legitimate safety and security purposes that include, but
are not limited to, the following: life safety situations, high-risk areas, restricted access
areas/locations, in response to an alarm, special events, and active criminal activity.
1.2.5 UCF also utilizes video cameras for other purposes such as to support education, research, and
health care, which are exempt from these standards as listed in Section 1.3.3. Exempt video
cameras are still required to adhere to all applicable Florida and federal laws, including retention
1.2.6 All recording or monitoring of activities by University security cameras shall be conducted in a
professional, ethical, and legal manner consistent with University regulations and policies,
Florida and federal laws, and shall not be based on the subjects’ personal characteristics,
including age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or
other protected characteristics.
1.2.7 Departments installing a video camera system (hardware, software, or related equipment) for
purposes outlined in Section 1.3.3 and capable of viewing public areas or entrances/exits,
whether it’s connected to the network or an isolated system, must complete the UCF
Educational/Research Video Camera Information Form located at This includes video cameras purchased with department
UCF Security Camera Standards
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funds, grants, or any other UCF funding source. The UCF Educational/Research Video Camera
Information Form collects contact information for the individual(s) responsible for managing the
exempt system, which will assist UCF Public Safety in obtaining footage of evidentiary value
for investigating crimes. This form will not collect information regarding how to access
cameras; UCF Public Safety personnel will work with the identified point(s) of contact to
review footage.
1.3. Scope
1.3.1. All University community members (students, faculty, staff, and guests), those doing business at
the University, and those on a university-controlled property must comply with these standards.
1.3.2. Specific video cameras may be exempt from these standards. However, individual(s) operating
these video cameras are still responsible for adhering to all applicable Florida and federal laws,
including retention requirements and necessary consent. Questions about federal and state
requirements should be directed to the UCF Office of the General Counsel.
1.3.3. Exemptions to these standards include, but are not limited to: Video cameras used for journalistic purposes; Video cameras used for broadcasting public events or performances; Video cameras used to record musical or theatrical performances; Video cameras located in clinical or treatment areas, including those that are covered by
the approved HIPAA Compliant Camera Centralization Procedures; Video cameras installed or used in an office, classroom, or laboratory with controlled
access, and surveil for non-security purposes (refer to Section 1.2.7); Video cameras used for web or video conferencing, marketing, and recruitment; Video cameras connected directly to mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and
laptops; UCF Police body cameras, which are used in accordance with Florida Statute 943.1718;
or Video cameras located in UCF Police Department patrol vehicles.
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2.1. Department of Security Responsibilities
2.1.1. The Department of Security is responsible for: the realization, assimilation, and enforcement of these standards; reviewing and approving or denying any requested exception to these standards that
currently is not listed in Section 1.3.3; proposing appropriate changes to these standards to the Associate Vice President and
Chief of Police, as needed; selecting and administering the approved video manage system (VMS); advising departments on appropriate applications of camera technologies and for
assisting departments preparing for the purchase and installation of security cameras; monitoring developments in federal and Florida laws, current trends in technology, and
continuing to implement best practices; reviewing and approving proposals for security camera installations, as well as
reviewing specific security camera types and locations to ensure the best view and
image quality is captured; maintaining and testing security camera hardware and software; maintaining log files indicating users who access the camera client; and reviewing any complaints regarding the operation of security cameras and determining
whether these standards are being followed.
2.2. Operator Responsibilities
2.2.1. Operator is responsible for: performing duties in accordance with these standards, accessing live video or recorded images only to the extent permitted by these
standards, and notifying the Department of Security if a security camera is not functioning properly.
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3.1. Sanctions
3.1.1. Failure to comply with these standards could result in one or more of the following, but not
limited to: Loss of security camera access privileges; Institutional sanctions up to and including termination of employment; and Legal action.
3.1.2. Any person who tampers with, damages, or destroys security camera equipment will be subject
to applicable criminal proceedings and disciplinary action.
3.1.3. Unauthorized, unethical, or illegal use or installation of a security camera in violation of these
standards may subject an employee, student, or guest to applicable disciplinary action and
criminal proceedings.
3.2. Reporting
3.2.1. Concerns about possible violations of these standards related to inappropriate use of security
cameras or the video management system should be directed to the Department of Security.
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4.1. Installation, Relocation, and Removal
4.1.1. Requests for installation, relocation, and removal of security cameras in/on University property
must be coordinated with and approved by the Department of Security. Installations of security cameras in/on new building construction or building renovations
must be coordinated with the Department of Security and Facilities Planning and
Construction. Renovations exceeding 50% of a building’s space require the entire renovation
meets current Department of Security recommendations for security camera
installations. Space percentage is determined by Facilities Planning and
4.2. Processes
4.2.1. Requests for installations of new security camera(s)in/on existing buildings must be submitted to
the Department of Security using the UCF Camera Installation Request form located at
4.2.2. Requests for relocating, repositioning, upgrading, changing, and removing security cameras must
be submitted to the Department of Security using the UCF Camera Maintenance Request form
located at
4.2.3. The Department of Security will review and approve or deny the request based on the business
justification provided in conjunction with a site security survey. Appeals will be submitted in
writing to the Department of Security and will be reviewed by the Associate Vice President and
Chief of Police for final decision.
4.2.4. The department or college requesting security cameras will be responsible for the initial cost of
the security camera, storage hardware, and related installation costs of hardware and supporting
network, as well as initial software licensing fees. If security cameras are required in a new
construction or major renovation project, associated costs shall be funded by the project. The
Department of Security will help identify additional costs associated with the security camera
project, upgrade, or installation.
4.3. Departments requesting grant funding to add or alter any new or existing security cameras or
systems must obtain prior approval from the Department of Security.
4.3.1. Any grant or technology fee proposal for additional security camera equipment or modification to
existing camera equipment must comply with all associated standards, including UCF Security
Camera Standards.
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4.4. All new installations of security cameras scheduled after the effective date of these standards must
comply with the terms and conditions of these standards.
4.5. The Department of Security will oversee the physical installation of all pre-approved security
camera hardware.
4.6. Unless required by the Department of Security or Office of the General Counsel, signage
indicating the existence of a nearby security camera is not required. If a department or college
wishes to install signage at their own expense, only specific, approved language is permitted,
which should not be altered without approval from the Department of Security.
4.6.2. Existing signage with alternate wording must immediately be replaced by the department or
college assigned to the building, suite, or room.
4.7. It is prohibited to install “dummy” or false (fake) security cameras that do not operate. These
cameras can increase the university's liability and create a false sense of security.
4.8. The department or college in possession of security cameras that are no longer functional must
remove all devices and related hardware at their own expense and per UCF IT
Telecommunications and Facilities Planning and Construction standards.
4.9. Security camera equipment, devices, or systems installed without appropriate authorization after
the effective date of these standards will be immediately disabled upon notice if not reauthorized
under these standards. Violating cameras and associated equipment will be removed at the
expense of the department found to be responsible.
4.10. The UCF Police Department will publish in their Annual Crime Report information regarding the
number of investigations where security cameras are used to assist.
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5.1 All security camera repairs and replacements must be coordinated through and authorized by the
Department of Security.
5.2 Any maintenance, servicing, or repair performed on a security camera must be done by a UCF
Department of Security-approved vendor or contractor. At no time shall any UCF personnel
perform physical maintenance on security cameras unless authorized to do so by the Department
of Security.
5.3 If a security camera can longer be maintained, the Department of Security may require its removal
or replacement.
5.4 If a department will be responsible for funding security camera maintenance (including removal
or replacement), associated costs will be communicated to and approved by the funding
department prior to proceeding.
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6.1. The UCF Department of Security centrally manages security camera systems.
6.2. The Department of Security selects and administers the approved video management system used
to record and access footage from security cameras. All new University security camera hardware
must operate on this approved video management system.
6.3. Security camera systems installed prior to the original effective date of these standards shall be
immediately configured to provide management and viewing access to the DS and transition into
the University’s video management system. Departments operating these systems are required to
adhere to all Florida and federal laws, including retention guidelines, until they can be removed or
replaced with cameras on the approved video management system.
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7.1. University Security Camera Access
7.1.1. Accessing a physical security camera by any means other than using the approved video
management system is only permitted to those authorized by the Department of Security.
7.1.2. The alteration of any hardware, software, or network feature of a University security camera is
only permitted to those authorized by the Department of Security. Departments interested in
altering security camera features shall consult with the Department of Security to determine
7.1.3. The alteration of the physical network infrastructure connected to any University security camera
is only permitted by UCF IT Telecommunications personnel in partnership with the Department
of Security.
7.2. Management Client
7.2.1. The management client is the software used to manage the administrative controls and overall
configuration for the video management system.
7.2.2. Access to the management client is only permitted to Department of Security personnel.
7.2.3. Approved personnel within UCF IT may have access to the physical and virtual servers hosting
the video management system. However, accessing any video management system software by
UCF IT or any person outside of the Department of Security without the Director of Security
Management’s approval is strictly prohibited.
7.3. Camera Client
7.3.1. The camera client is the software used by Operators to view live video and recorded images from
security cameras.
7.3.2. Anyone requesting access to the camera client must obtain authorization from the Department of
Security. Requests must be made using the Camera Client Access Request form located at
7.3.3. Only personnel approved and trained to use the video management system are permitted to
operate the camera client. Failure to comply may result in punitive actions by UCF.
7.3.4. Operators of the camera client are prohibited from: Sharing their password or login credentials to anyone at any time. Operators will report
to the Department of Security as soon as possible and reset their NID password if they
believe their password has been compromised or used without their permission.
UCF Security Camera Standards
Page 14 Viewing the interior of residential rooms, offices, or locations with a reasonable
expectation of privacy, through windows, doors, or other means. Security cameras shall
not be directed at the windows of any privately-owned residence, residential rooms,
offices, or locations with a reasonable expectation of privacy. Duplicating images or permitting access to others except as specifically permitted by
these standards. Viewing, recording, accessing, or otherwise using the video management system in any
manner that is inconsistent with these standards or outside the scope of the usage
approved by the DS. Discussing with others any details regarding what they view in any live or recorded
footage unless there is a business need related to campus safety and security.
7.3.5. The information below identifies the different camera client access levels for Administrators and
7.3.6. Security Level 1 or administrative access is permitted only to the Department of Security (DS)
personnel. Access is assigned by the Director of Security Management.
7.3.7. Requests for public records release related to recorded images and video must be immediately
directed to the Department of Security. Operators must not release recorded images or video in
response to a public records request (see Section 9.4).
1 X X X X X
2 X X X
PD Detectives
PD Dispatch |
4 X
Parking Services
5 X X
Level Playback
6 X
Level Live
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7.3.8. The copying, duplicating, or exporting of live video or recorded images shall be limited to the
University Criminal Investigations Division and Department of Security personnel. Authorized
users are approved by the Associate Vice President and Chief of Police or the Director of Security
Management. Requests to export or download camera footage must be submitted to the Department of
Security using the Camera Footage Request form located at All suspected or confirmed criminal activity must be
reported immediately to the UCF Police Department at (407) 823-5555. The Detective
assigned to the case will have the ability to obtain security camera footage stored on the
video management system.
7.3.9. Access to all University live video & recorded images shall be limited to University Police
Department dispatch and investigators, Department of Emergency Management personnel, and
Department of Security personnel. Additional authorized users are approved by the Associate
Vice President and Chief of Police, and the Director of Security Management.
7.3.10. UCF employees may request access to view live video located within their respective departments
by submitting the access request form at Access requests will be reviewed and accepted or rejected by the Department of
Security based on the business justification provided.
7.3.11. For access permissions to License Plate Recognition devices, see section 10.4.
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8.1. Those who have been approved to use the camera client will be trained in the requirements of
these standards and the technical and ethical parameters of appropriate security camera use.
Training will be led by Department of Security personnel.
8.2. Training for the Operators will be scheduled and conducted once the access request form is
submitted to and approved by the Department of Security. The form is located at
8.3. Each camera client Operator must complete the Camera Client End-User Training provided by the
Department of Security.
8.4. Access will not be granted to the Operator prior to completing the required training courses
stipulated in section 8.3.
8.5. Operators of the video management system will receive a copy of these standards and provide an
acknowledgement that they have read and understand its contents and will perform their duties in
accordance with these standards. Operators are responsible for being aware of all changes or
revisions to the UCF Security Camera Standards. All revisions will be posted to
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9.1. Audio
9.1.1. Audio recordings shall be prohibited unless specifically requested by a department and
authorized by the Department of Security.
9.1.2. Multipurpose video cameras may record audio once authorized by the Department of Security.
9.1.3. Signage must be posted in UCF spaces where there is audio recording of faculty, staff, students,
or guests. Signage will state at a minimum:
9.2. Covert Video
9.2.1. The use of covert video may only be used in special and unique circumstances. This use must be
approved by the Associate Vice President and Chief of Police, and Director of Security
9.3. Protection & Retention of Recorded Images & Audio
9.3.1. Alteration No attempt shall be made to alter any part of recorded images. The use of personal recording devices and third-party software (including but not
limited to: cell phones, camcorders, Skype, Teams, and tablets) to record live video or
recorded images from our video management system is strictly prohibited.
9.3.2. Recorded Images & Audio Storage Recorded images and audio from security cameras shall not be stored by individual
departments unless authorized by the Department of Security. Recorded images and audio from security cameras shall be stored in a secure location
with access limited to only authorized personnel designated by the Department of
Security in conjunction with UCF IT. Recorded images from security cameras will be stored for a minimum period of 30
days and thereafter may be erased.
UCF Security Camera Standards
Page 18 A request must be submitted to the Department of Security for security cameras to
retain recordings for longer than 30 days.
9.4. Release of Recorded Images
9.4.1. Recorded images from security cameras are exempt from public release per Florida statutes
1004.0962 and 119.071(3)(a). Waivers of the exemptions may only be executed by the Associate
Vice President and Chief of Police or Director of Security Management.
9.4.2. The unauthorized release of recorded images from security cameras is strictly prohibited and
could result in disciplinary action, as referenced in Section 3.1.
9.4.3. UCF personnel and departmental requests for recorded images from security cameras must be
submitted to the Department of Security. No department personnel, including the dean, director,
or designated executive authority, can authorize the release of recorded images.
9.4.4. Recorded images under active, or may be under future, law enforcement investigation, audit or
compliance investigations, or other UCF investigations will not be released to any party without
approval from the investigating authority.
9.5. Audit
9.5.1. For the purposes of investigating misuse or disuse of the video management system, electronic
audit logs may be reviewed by the Department of Security of all instances of access to or use of
security cameras and the video management system. The log shall include the date and
identification of the person(s) to whom access was granted.
9.6. Expectation of Privacy
9.6.1. Operators of the camera client are prohibited from viewing the interior of residential rooms,
offices, or locations with a reasonable expectation of privacy, through windows, doors, or other
means (see Section
9.6.2. Where security cameras are permitted in private areas, they will, to the maximum extent
possible, be used narrowly to protect persons, money, property, documents, supplies, equipment,
or pharmaceuticals from theft, destruction, or tampering.
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9.6.3. Departments and colleges shall use the video management system for reasons directly related to
campus safety and security, including investigating crimes and policy violations or monitoring
unstaffed spaces. Using the video management system in the following ways is prohibited: to
serve personal interests or satisfy personal curiosity by monitoring employee and student
movements, associations, and activities; to interfere with an individual’s reasonable expectation
of privacy; or for purposes related to the evaluation of employee job performance, including as a
means to track employee attendance. Requests to use the video management system in ways
other than monitoring or investigating issues directly related to safety and security must be
approved by the Associate Vice President and Chief of Police or designee.
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10.1. Student Conduct Video Cameras
10.1.1. The Office of Students Rights & Responsibilities (OSRR) may utilize video cameras, within the
guidelines of these standards, for student conduct sessions.
10.1.2. OSRR may utilize audio capabilities as stipulated above in section 9.1.
10.1.3. UCF Public Safety does not actively monitor these cameras.
10.2. Testing Center Video Cameras
10.2.1. Any UCF testing center may utilize video cameras, within the guidelines of these standards, to
assist with proctoring tests.
10.2.2. University testing centers may utilize audio capabilities as stipulated above in section 9.1.
10.2.3. UCF Public Safety does not actively monitor these cameras.
10.3. Law Enforcement Video Cameras
10.3.1. The UCF Police Department may utilize video cameras, within the guidelines of these standards
and in accordance with applicable Florida and federal laws, accreditation standards, and relevant
case law to conduct subject interviews.
10.3.2. The UCF Police Department may monitor or record audio as stipulated above in section 9.1,
applicable Florida and federal laws, accreditation standards, and relevant case law.
10.3.3. The UCF Police Department recordings from interview rooms used to conduct subject
interviews will be handled as law enforcement sensitive data by law enforcement officials.
10.4. License Plate Recognition (LPR) Cameras
10.4.1. License Plate Recognition hardware and software will be managed by the Department of
Security in collaboration with the UCF Police Department and Parking Services.
10.4.2. Access to LPR software is restricted to the Department of Security, UCF Police Department,
and Parking Services personnel.
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1.1. Acronyms
1.1.1 DSDepartment of Security
1.1.2 LPR License Plate Recognition
1.1.3 OSRR- Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
1.1.4 UCFUniversity of Central Florida
1.1.5 VMS – Video Management System
1.2. Definitions
1.2.1 AdministratorsThe Department of Security is the only authorized administrator of the video
management system.
1.2.2 Camera Client The UCF-approved software application used for viewing live and recorded
1.2.3 Live Video - A video feed showing a current, real-time live video image or images.
1.2.4 Management Client The software application used for the administrative controls and overall
configuration of the approved video management system.
1.2.5 Multipurpose Video Cameras - A video camera serving additional purposes beyond general
surveillance and security. This includes, but is not limited to: testing, conduct, law enforcement
and license plate recognition (LPR) cameras.
1.2.6 Operator UCF personnel who are permitted access to the camera client.
1.2.7 Recorded Image(s) - Audio and/or video images captured by a video camera and stored for
viewing at a later date.
1.2.8 University Security Camera(s) or Security Camera(s)A University video camera primarily
used to enhance campus safety and security.
1.2.9 University Video Camera(s) or Video Camera(s) - Any item, system, camera, technology
device, communications device, or process, used alone or in conjunction with a network, for the
purpose of gathering, monitoring, recording or storing an image(s) of University facilities,
and/or people occupying these facilities. Images captured by University video cameras may be
real-time or preserved for review at a later date. Such devices may include, but are not limited to
the following: close circuit television, real-time surveillance systems, and computerized visual
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1.3. References
1.3.1 Florida Statute 1004.0962
1.3.2 Florida Statute 119.011
1.3.3 Florida Statute 119.017
1.3.4 Florida Statute 281.301
1.3.5 Florida Statute 943.1718
1.3.6 Case: Riley v. State, 2013 WL 275272 (Fla. 5th DCA 2013)
1.3.7 UCF Office of the General Counsel