Florida Department of State
Florida History: Voter ID at the Polls
DE Reference Guide 0006(Updated 7/2016)
These guidelines are for reference only. They are not to be construed as legal advice or representation. For any particular set
of facts or circumstances, refer to the applicable state, federal law, and case law, and/or consult a private attorney before
drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon this information.
Prior to 1977, each of the 67 county supervisors of elections determined the voter identification requirements.
In 1977 the Florida Legislature required that every voter present an ID in order to vote. The Department of State
dictated what those acceptable forms of ID could be. (We do not have a record of what that list consisted.)
In 1997, the Florida Legislature specifically added the voter registration identification card to the list of acceptable
forms of identification. (It is possible it was already a state-approved ID.) The other forms of IDs are still dictated
and prescribed by the Department of State
In 1998, the Florida Legislature amended ss. 98.461, and 98.471, F.S., (the precursor to the identification
requirements laid out in s. 101.043, F.S.) to require photo ID. Additionally, it eliminated the voter registration
identification card from the list of acceptable forms of ID. The Legislature then added the Florida driver license and
state ID cards to the list of acceptable photo IDs approved by the Department of State. See ss. 9 and 10 of chapter
98-129, Laws of Florida.
In 2003, the Florida Legislature renumbered s. 98.471, Florida Statutes, as s. 101.043, Florida Statutes, and stated
12 acceptable forms of photo ID at the polls:
In 2005, the Florida Legislature eliminates the ‘entertainment identification card’ from the list of acceptable IDs.
See s. 30, chapter 2005-278, Laws of Florida. That leaves 11 acceptable forms of picture IDs.
In 2007, the Florida Legislature eliminates the employee badge/ID and buyer’s club ID from the list of acceptable
IDs. See s.26, chapter 2007-30, Laws of Florida, which left 9 acceptable forms of picture IDs.
In 2016, the Florida Legislature adds 3 new categories of acceptable forms of IDs (chapter 2016-167, Laws of
Florida) bringing the total number of acceptable forms of photo IDs to 12 as highlighted in green below:
Florida driver's license.
Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
United States passport.
Debit or credit card.
Military identification.
Student identification.
Retirement center identification.
Neighborhood association identification.
Public assistance identification.
Veteran health identification card issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
License to carry a concealed weapon or firearm issued pursuant to s. 790.06, Fla. Stat.
Employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal
Government, the state, a county, or a municipality.
If the photo ID does not contain the voter’s signature, the voter can provide another ID that includes the voter’s
signature. See s. 101.043, Florida Statutes. The signature ID does not have to be one of the photo IDs.
In Florida, if someone does not bring one of the acceptable forms of photo IDs to the polls, he or she can still vote a
provisional ballot. In those cases, the voter will not have to bring in further proof/evidence in order for his or her ballot
to count. If the voter is determined to be registered and eligible, not to have voted elsewhere or previously, and to have
voted in his or her proper precinct, the provisional ballot must be counted. See s. 101.048, Florida Statutes; R1S-2.037,
Florida Administrative Code