6.002 Admission of Undergraduate First-Time-in-College, Degree-Seeking Freshmen
(1) FTIC Undergraduate Admission - General. This regulation outlines minimum
eligibility requirements for first-time-in-college (FTIC) students seeking admission to
an undergraduate degree program in the State University System (SUS). Individual
institutions may choose to establish more stringent admission requirements within the
parameters outlined in Board of Governors regulations.
(a) For the purposes of this regulation, FTIC freshmen are defined as students who
have earned a standard high school diploma from a Florida public or regionally
accredited high school, or its equivalent, and who have earned fewer than
twelve (12) semester hours of transferable college credit since receiving a
standard high school diploma or its equivalent.
(b) Eligibility for admission to the SUS does not guarantee admission to the
specific institution or degree program to which admission is sought.
(c) Each university board of trustees shall develop regulations governing the
admission of FTIC students that comport with the requirements outlined in
Board regulations. Such regulations may allow for exceptions to be made on an
individual basis, as outlined in subparagraph 2(b) of this regulation, when a
student, in the judgment of an appropriate university committee, can
reasonably be expected to perform satisfactory academic work in the institution
to which admission is sought.
(d) In all but the following specified cases, an FTIC student must have earned a
standard high school diploma from a Florida public or regionally accredited
high school, or its equivalent, to be considered for admission to a state
university. Students completing a home education program according to
section 1002.41, Florida Statutes, meet this minimum admission requirement;
however, each university may require additional documentation to verify
eligibility for these students. Students admitted under early admission in
accordance with university policy are exempted from this requirement during
the time they are still classified as early admission students. Early admission is
a form of dual enrollment through which eligible secondary students are
admitted to a postsecondary institution on a full-time basis in courses that are
creditable toward both the high school diploma and the students’ university
degree program.
(e) FTIC students applying for admission must submit SAT Reasoning Test or
redesigned SAT (rSAT) scores from the College Board or ACT scores from
ACT, Inc. Universities may reserve the right to require a student to take an
updated version of a test.
(f) Each university shall require FTIC applicants to submit or authorize
transmission of a complete official academic transcript of all secondary work
and from each postsecondary institution, as appropriate. Each transcript shall
list all courses for which the student was enrolled each term, the status in each
course at the end of the term, all grades and credits awarded, and a statement
explaining the grading policy of the institution.
(g) Each transcript should also specify any college credits the student earned
through accelerated mechanisms. University weighting of approved
accelerated mechanisms in the recalculation of the student’s grade point
average for admission purposes must be conducted per Board Regulation
n Mechanisms.
(h) Each FTIC student admitted to the SUS is expected to demonstrate
competency of foreign language or American Sign Language equivalent to
the second high school level or higher (Spanish 2, Haitian Creole 2, etc.). A
limited number of students not meeting the high school foreign language
requirement may be admitted; however, these students must fulfill the
foreign language requirement prior to completion of the baccalaureate
degree. These students
may meet this foreign language admission
requirement by
demonstrating competency at the elementary 2 level in one
foreign language or American Sign Language at an undergraduate
institution; demonstrating equivalent foreign language competence on the
basis of scores determined by the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC)
Credit-By-Exam Equivalencies, as adopted by the Board of Governors
demonstrating equivalent foreign language or American Sign Language
competence through other means approved by the university.
(i) Any FTIC student with a disability shall be eligible for reasonable substitution
or modification of any requirement for admission pursuant to Board Regulation
(2) FTIC Undergraduate Admission. Students shall be considered as
meeting minimum SUS eligibility requirements in one of the following ways:
(a) Standard Admission: FTIC students applying to the SUS may be considered for
admission based on the following criteria:
1. An FTIC student may be admitted if meeting a 2.50 or higher grade point
average (GPA) on a 4.00 scale as calculated by the university, presents an official
SAT and/or ACT score, and meets the requirements for college level placement
per Board of Governors Regulation 6.008 and high school credits per Table One.
Table One
Students Entering High
Prior to July 1, 2007
Students Entering High School
July 1, 2007 or Later
4 credits English/Language Arts (three
of which must have included substantial
writing requirements).
4 credits English/Language Arts (three
of which must have included substantial
writing requirements).
3 credits Mathematics (at or above the
Aalgebra I level).
4 credits Mathematics (at or above the
Aalgebra I level).
3 credits Natural Science (two of which
must have included substantial laboratory
3 credits Natural Science (two of which
must have included substantial laboratory
3 credits Social Science (to include
anthropology, history, civics, political science,
economics, sociology, psychology, and/or
3 credits Social Science (to include
anthropology, history, civics, political science,
economics, sociology, psychology, and/or
2 credits Foreign Language
See subsection
2 credits Foreign Language See subsection
3 credits Additional academic electives
in any combination of courses listed in the
Department of Education Course Code Directory
as follows:
1. Up to three credits in Level II courses in
English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Natural
Science, Social Science, Foreign Language, or Fine
Arts; Level III courses in any discipline; or Dual
Enrollment courses for which both high school
and postsecondary credits are granted; OR
2. At least one credit from 1. above and up to two
credits in courses grade nine or above in
ROTC/Military Training, or at least one credit
from 1. above and up to two credits of equivalent
courses in any discipline as determined by the
Articulation Coordinating Committee.
2 credits Additional academic credits (in
any combination of courses listed in the
Department of Education Course Code
Two credits from among Level II courses listed
in the Department of Education
Course Code
Directory in English/Language Arts,
Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science,
Foreign Language, Fine Arts; Level III courses
listed in the Directory in any academic or career
and technical education credited discipline; or Dual
Enrollment courses for which both high school
and postsecondary academic credits are granted;
2. One credit from 1. above and one credit from
grade nine or above in ROTC/Military Training,
or an equivalent course in any discipline as
determined by the Articulation Coordinating
2. Home Education or Other Non-Traditional High School Program participants:
A student applying for admission who has participated in a non-traditional
high school program must present credentials determined to be equivalent to
those described in this regulation by the individual SUS institution to which
the student is applying. A student whose high school educational program is
not measured in Carnegie Units must present a combined test score of at least
1450 on the SAT Reasoning Test (all three portions), an overall combined test
score of 1060 on the 2016 Redesigned SAT, or a minimum composite score of
21 on the ACT.
3. Applicants presenting a GED must present official GED results, official
transcripts of any partial high school completion, and ACT and/or SAT
results. Each university shall determine equivalencies to university minimum
(b) Alternative Admission (Profile Assessment): Applicants who are not eligible for
standard admissions may be considered for alternative admission.
to reviewing a student’s GPA and test scores, a university may consider other
factors in the review of the student’s application for admission. These factors
may include, but are not limited to, the following: a combination of test scores
and GPA that indicate potential for success, improvement in high school record,
family educational background, socioeconomic status, graduation from a low-
performing high school, graduation from an International Baccalaureate
program, geographic location, military service, special talents and/or abilities,
or other special circumstances. These additional factors shall not include
preferences in the admissions process for applicants on the basis of race, national
origin, or sex. The student may be admitted if, in the judgment of an
appropriate institutional committee, there is sufficient evidence that the student
can be expected to succeed at the institution.
1. The number of first-time-in-college students admitted through profile
assessment at each university shall be determined by the university board of
2. Each university shall implement specific measures and programs to enhance
academic success and retention for students who are accepted into the
institution using the alternative admissions option. The board of trustees shall
review the success of students admitted under the profile assessment process
to ensure that their rates of retention and graduation remain near or above the
institution’s average.
(c) Talented Twenty: Within space and fiscal limitations, admission to a university
in the SUS shall be granted to an FTIC applicant who is a graduate of a public
Florida high school, who has completed the eighteen (18) required high school
units as listed in this regulation, who ranks in the top 20% of his/her high
school graduating class, and who has submitted SAT Reasoning Test or
redesigned SAT scores from the College Board or ACT scores from ACT, Inc.,
prior to enrollment. A student must be eligible for college-level work per Board
of Governors Regulation 6.008 in order to be eligible for Talented Twenty
consideration. A Talented Twenty student is not guaranteed admission to the
university of first choice and should work closely with a high school counselor
to identify options. The SUS will use class rank as determined by the Florida
Department of Education.
(3) Any increase, change, or revision in standards of admission must be included in
the undergraduate catalog and posted on the university website.
Authority: Section 7(d), Art. IX, Fla. Const., History - Formerly 6C-2.42, and 6C-6.02, 11-
18-70, 5-27-74, 12-17-74, 6-25-80, 3-21-82, 4-16-84, 4-14-86, 4-20-87, 10-19-88, 1-23-90, 1-7-
91, 9-15-91, 8-4-92, 5-17-95, 11-27-95, 9-19-00, 11-28-00, Amended and Renumbered as
6.002 9-27-07, 01-28-10, 11-08-12, 11-21-2013. Amended 01-21-16. Amended: 08-31-17.