A Little Prettier ! 1
A Little Prettier
companies deny
health problems
related to
phthalates, but are
they secretly
A Follow-Up to the 2002
“Not Too Pretty” Report
! ! Introduction!! ! ! ! ! ! 3
! ! How the Tests Were Conducted! ! ! 4
! ! The Results! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5
! ! The Problem with Phthalates! ! ! ! 8
! ! The Product Tests in a Larger Context! ! 12
! ! What You Can Do!! ! ! ! ! 14
! ! Appendix A: New Research on Phthalates! ! 15
! ! References! ! ! ! ! ! ! 18
A Little Prettier ! 2
Table of Contents
This report was written by Campaign for Safe Cosmetics staff: Lisa Archer, Charlotte Brody, RN, Stacy
Malkan and Heather Sarantis. Thanks to Sarah Janssen, MD, PhD, MPH of Natural Resources Defense
Council for her review of the science reflected in this report. Copyright November 2008 by Breast
Cancer Fund and Commonweal.
About the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is a coalition of women’s, public health, labor, environmental health
and consumerrights groups. Our goal is to protect the health of consumers and workers by requiring
the health and beauty industry to phase out the use of chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects and
other health problems, and to replace them with safer alternatives. Founding members of the
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics include the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow, Breast Cancer Fund, Clean
Water Fund, Commonweal, Environmental Working Group, Friends of the Earth, Massachusetts Breast
Cancer Coalition, National Black Environmental Justice Network, National Environmental Trust and
Women’s Voices for the Earth. Visit www.safecosmetics.org for more information.
In 2002 Environmental Working Group
(EWG), Coming Clean and Health Care
Without Harm tested 72 personal care
products for the presence of phthalates, a
set of plasticizing chemicals linked to birth
defects, asthma, early puberty and
decreased sperm count. More than 70% of
the products tested including top-selling
shampoos, deodorants and fragrances
contained at least one phthalate, and many
of the products contained multiple
These findings were released in Not Too
a report that introduced many
people to both the health problems
related to phthalate exposure and the
glaring lack of oversight of the U.S.
cosmetics industry. For example, it is
perfectly legal to put chemicals linked to
cancer and birth defects into cosmetics.
Companies are not even required to list
phthalates on product labels if they are a
component of fragrance (“fragrance”
qualifies as a protected trade secret).
None of the phthalate-
containing products we
tested for in Not Too
Pretty” listed phthalates on
the label.
Since the release of that
report, a national
movement to reform the
cosmetics and personal
care products industry has
emerged. The Campaign
for Safe Cosmetics
launched in 2004 and
quickly gained
momentum. As of
November 2008, more
than 1,000 companies have signed the
Compact for Safe Cosmetics, a pledge to
eliminate harmful ingredients in their
personal care products. Thousands of
media stories have been published and
millions of people have checked the safety
of their cosmetics using EWGs Skin Deep
cosmetics database an online resource
that inventories more than 30,000
products cross-referenced against 50
toxicity databases.
Meanwhile, many of the largest cosmetics
companies and the industrys trade
association, the Personal Care Products
Council, have denied there is a problem.
The trade association even denies that
phthalates in baby products is cause for
In fact, many cosmetic
companies have developed aggressive
lobbying campaigns to undermine efforts
to regulate the industry.
And with only a
few exceptions, the large companies
continue to insist that using phthalates in
their products is safe.
But the Campaign for Safe
Cosmetics wanted to
know: are cosmetic
companies publicly denying
the problems with
phthalates while quietly
removing them in response
to growing concern about
cosmetic safety?
To find out, we decided to
re-test some of the
products highlighted in
Not Too Pretty. This
report summarizes
these recent findings.
A Little Prettier ! 3
The original report, published in 2002.
In 2002, in tests commissioned by
Environmental Working Group, Coming
Clean and Health Care without Harm,
72 products were surveyed by an
independent laboratory for the presence
of seven phthalates that the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) had recently found in people’s
bodies through biomonitoring studies.
The laboratory report showed that 52
(72%) of the deodorants, perfumes, hair
gels, hair mousses, hair sprays and
lotions tested contained at least one
phthalate. Twelve products contained
more than one phthalate and five
contained very high levels of diethyl
phthalate (DEP).
In July 2008, members of the Campaign
for Safe Cosmetics in Boston and San
Francisco shopped for the 17 products
tested in 2002 that contained multiple
phthalates or unusually high levels of
phthalates. Twelve of those products
could still be found in chain drug stores.
Unopened samples of those 12 different
products were then sent to Analytical
Sciences, an independent laboratory
based in Petaluma, Calif. Individual
samples were tested for nine of the
products, and four samples were tested
for Poison, Aqua Net Professional Hair
Spray and Arrid Extra Extra Dry Ultra
Clear Ultra Fresh spray (see sidebar for
list of all products tested).
This report highlights lab results for the
following phthalates: DEP, dibutyl
phthalate (DBP), butylbenzyl phthalate
(BBP), diethyhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and
dimethyl phthalate (DMP).
A Little Prettier ! 4
Products Tested in 2008
Arrid Extra Extra Dry Ultra Clear
Ultra Fresh Spray
Aqua Net Professional Hair Spray
• Charlie Cologne Spray
Tresor by Lancome Paris
• Oscar by Oscar de la Renta
• Pantene Pro V Stronghold Healthy
Hold Spray
• Poison by Christian Dior
• Red Door by Elizabeth Arden
• Secret Sheer Dry Regular
TRESemme European Freeze-Hold
Hair Spray
White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor
Wind Song Extraordinary Cologne by
Prince Matchabelli
Sealed samples were sent to an independent
laboratory for analysis. Since companies are not
required to list phthalates on labels if they are
components of “fragrance,” the only way to
know for certain if a product with artificial
fragrance contains phthalates is to test it at a lab
at a cost of about $175 per test.
How the Tests Were Conducted
Highlights of the Findings in 2008
Based on our limited sampling of products currently on the market, at least some
segment of the industry seems to have made considerable progress in removing
phthalates from hair spray, deodorants and fragrances although some companies
continue to use the controversial chemicals.
In the original tests six years ago, 12 products contained more than one phthalate.
In 2008, none of the products tested contained more than one phthalate; the
fragrances, deodorants and hair sprays tested negative for DBP, DMP, DEHP and
The new tests also reveal that perfumes and colognes don’t need to have high
levels of phthalates. Poison perfume by Christian Dior which in 2002 was the
most contaminated product with four phthalates (DBP, DEHP, BBP and DEP) had
no detectable levels of phthalates in three of the four bottles tested in 2008, and
low levels of DEP in the fourth bottle.
However, not all the data was good news. The tests found that some companies
are still using high levels of DEP, which has been linked in recent human studies to
DNA damage in sperm,
feminization of the male reproductive system
alteration in male sex hormones.
The five perfumes and colognes with the highest
levels of DEP in 2002 all still showed more than 20,000 parts per million (ppm) of
that phthalate. Three of the fragrances Charlie, Wind Song by Prince Matchibelli
and White Diamonds Elizabeth Taylor had higher levels of DEP in 2008 than they
did in 2002. Charlie Cologne Spray, manufactured by Revlon, had more than twice
as much DEP in 2008 as the same product had in 2002.
Test results reported from Analytical Sciences are displayed in Table 1.
A Little Prettier ! 5
The Results
Table 1: Comparison of Phthalate Levels Detected in Tests in 2002 and 2008
(in parts per million). Tan indicates a decrease in the detected phthalate level since 2002. Purple
indicates an increased phthalate level since 2002. ND stands for “Not Detectable.
Arrid XX Dry
Ultra Clear
Ultra Fresh
Aqua Net
Hair Spray
Cologne Spray
Pantene Pro V
Healthy Hold
ND- 500
0 -25
Red Door
Secret Sheer
Dry Regular
Hair Spray
Wind Song
A Little Prettier ! 6
What Do the Results Mean?
Based on this small sample of products
on the market, at least some segment of
the industry seems to be paying
attention to consumer and scientific
concerns about phthalates and appears
to have made efforts to remove these
chemicals. If the test results presented in
this report actually mirror industry as a
whole, then it appears that some leading
beauty products have fewer toxic
phthalates today than they did in 2002.
However, there is still reason to
be concerned:
Many products still contain very
high levels of DEP: As the test
results show, DEP continues to be
widely used in personal care products,
and in some cases its use is even on the
rise. DEP is linked to poor sperm
alterations in male sex
and feminization of the male
reproductive tract.
Animal studies have
shown links to other health problems,
such as reduced offspring size,
abnormalities and elevated cholesterol.
Chemicals with these potential risks
have no place in our everyday products.
We dont know what chemicals
are replacing phthalates in
cosmetic formulations: We know
there are concerns with phthalate safety
(see the next section for details), so
reducing their use is a significant step
forward. What we don’t know and
what is almost impossible to know since
companies are not required to inform
the public is what they are
substituting, if anything, in place of
phthalates in fragrance formulations.
The lack of government oversight of
cosmetic safety means that there are no
assurances that products are getting
We dont know how many other
products on the market contain
hidden phthalates and there is
no way to know without further
testing: These product tests analyzed
only a small section of the market. Since
phthalates are not required to be listed
on the label if they are a component of
fragrance, there is no way to know
which other products still contain
phthalates without sending them to the
lab at a cost of $175 per product.
A Little Prettier ! 7
The lack of government oversight in cosmetic safety means
that we have no assurances that products are getting safer.
Phthalate ( \ˈtha-ˌlāt\ )
Phthalates are a class of hormone-
disrupting industrial chemicals used in
personal care products like hair spray (to
make hair stiffer) and in fragrance and nail
polish (to help spread the fragrance).
There are dozens of different phthalates,
which are used in numerous types of
products, such as plastic toys, food
packaging, plumbing pipes, solvents,
industrial lubricants, wiring, carpeting,
flooring and many other products in
addition to personal care products. This
rampant use of phthalates has resulted in
widespread exposure to phthalates in the
general population.
Phthalates in Our Bodies
The realization that phthalates were
ending up in people came in September
2000, when CDC researchers reported
finding metabolites of at least one of
seven phthalates in the urine of all 289
people tested, and in many people they
found combinations of different
Every person tested had DBP
in their bodies. "The ubiquity of phthalates
in the general population surprised the
scientists: From a public health
perspective, these data provide evidence
that phthalate exposure is both higher and
more common than previously
The CDCs findings prompted
environmental and health organizations to
purchase 72 popular cosmetic products
and send them to an independent lab to
test for phthalates. The results which
found that 72% of the products contained
phthalates are published in Not Too
Pretty. The report also highlights some of
the health problems related to phthalate
Since the release of “Not Too Pretty in
2002 many more studies have found links
between health problems and phthalates.
Examples of these studies are included in
Appendix A. Follow up studies have also
confirmed that phthalate exposure is
widespread in the U.S. population. One
study found that 97% of the more than
2,500 people tested had metabolites of
DEP, DBP and BBP in their urine, and 75%
of the people tested positive for
metabolites of DEHP.
This widespread phthalate exposure
underscores the need to prevent harmful
chemicals from being used in our everyday
products. This section highlights some of
the trends in health problems that may be
related to phthalate exposure.
A Little Prettier ! 8
The chemicals women are exposed to when they
are pregnant can affect their children’s health
throughout their lives.
The Problem With Phthalates
Phthalates and Boys Health
Two decades of research suggest that
phthalates disrupt the hormonal systems
during fetal development.
Scientists have
shown that phthalates can damage the
female reproductive system (see Phthalates
and Girls’ Health), but it is the male
reproductive system that appears to be
more sensitive. Much of the evidence on
phthalates has been from animal studies;
however, a growing body of research is
finding similar impacts on humans. Below
are some examples of health problems in
males to which phthalates may be
Declining Sperm Count & Quality
Analysis of 101 studies (1934-1996) by
Dr. Shanna Swan of the University of
Rochester confirms results of previous
studies: average sperm counts in
industrialized countries appear to be
declining at a rate of about 1% each year.
Other research indicates that overall
sperm quality may also be decreasing.
Human and animal tests show a
connection between phthalates and both
decreased sperm count and sperm
Declining Testosterone Levels
An analysis of a large sample of
Massachusetts men has found that since
the late 1980s, testosterone levels have
declined on average 1.2% per year, or 17%
overall. The downward trend was seen in
both the population and in individuals
over time and is not related to normal
aging or to health and lifestyle factors
known to influence testosterone levels.
Phthalates may be contributing to this
Hypospadias is a physical deformity of the
penis in which the urethra opening occurs
on the bottom of the penis instead of the
tip. Data from CDC show that rates of
hypospadias in the United States began
climbing in about 1970 and continued this
increase through the 1980s.
trends are difficult to assess due to
inadequate tracking systems, but as of
1999 the occurrence of hypospadias
appeared to be leveling off at about 30 to
40 cases per 10,000 births.
may be contributing to the increase in
hypospadias over the last four decades.
A Little Prettier ! 9
Phthalates can be harmful to anyone, but research
indicates that boys may be at even greater risk from
phthalate exposure in the womb than girls.
Undescended Testicles
This birth defect, where testicles fail to
completely descend into the scrotum
during pregnancy, occurs in 2% to 5% of
full-term boys in industrialized countries.
Rates of the defect increased in the
United States in the 1970s and 1980s. Men
born with this defect are at higher risk for
testicular cancer and breast cancer.
Phthalates may be contributing to
undescended testicles.
Feminization of Boys
The distance between the anus and the
genitals is a measure used to determine
gender. Shorter distance between the
anus and the genitals is characteristic of
female sex in both humans and animals.
Phthalate exposure in human mothers has
been associated with a shortened distance
between the anus and genitals in male
Animal studies also support this.
Recent research in humans supports
the theory that a shorter ano-genital
distance is associated with the male
genital birth defects of hypospadias and
cryptorchidism (a developmental defect
when the testes fail to descend into the
scrotum and instead are located in the
groin or in the abdomen).
Testicular Cancer
This is the most common cancer of young
men in many countries, including the
United States. Incidences continue to
increase at a rate of about 2% to 4% each
year in industrialized countries, although
rates appear to have stabilized in the
United States after a 20-year increase.
Men with hypospadias, infertility and
undescended testicles – the same
constellation of conditions seen in lab
animals exposed to certain phthalates
are at greater risk for developing
testicular cancer.
In human males, hypospadias, undescended testes, impaired
male fertility/infertility and testicular cancer commonly
occur together.
This constellation of outcomes in humans
is now labeled testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) and
bears many similarities to phthalate syndrome, which has
been described in laboratory animals.
A Little Prettier ! 10
The decisions we make today about which products
we use and the government policies we need to
better regulate the ingredients in cosmetics may
affect all of us for generations to come.
Phthalates and Girls Health
The scientific understanding of the impact
of phthalates on male health is better
understood than on female health, but
there are health trends that appear to be
linked to exposure to phthalates. Some
examples include:
Early Puberty
In the United States girls get their first
periods a few months earlier than they did
40 years ago, and they develop breasts one
to two years earlier.
Early puberty has
been associated with polycystic ovarian
syndrome, obesity, breast cancer,
depression and a number of social
challenges such as experimentation with
sex, alcohol or drugs at a younger age.
Phthalates may contribute to girls early
breast development and early start of
their periods.
Impaired Fertility or Infertility
Many women experience difficulty or are
unable to get pregnant and/or carry a
pregnancy to term. Because there are no
records of incidence, it is not possible to
determine how many people experience
impaired fertility, but the best estimate is
12% of the reproductive age population in
the United States. This number seems to
have increased over the last two decades,
most sharply in women under the age of
Phthalates may be contributing to
this trend.
Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that
lines the inside of the uterus (called the
endometrium) grows outside the uterus
on other parts of the body, such as the
ovaries, abdomen or pelvis. Estimates
vary, but most studies find between 10%
and 15% of reproductive-age women have
About 30% to 40% of
women with endometriosis are infertile,
making it one of the leading contributors
to female infertility.
Phthalates may be
contributing to this trend.
Breast Cancer
Between 1973 and 1998 breast cancer
incidence rates in the United States
increased by more than 40%. In 2008, a
womans lifetime risk of breast cancer is
one in eight.
More than 200 chemicals
have been associated with increased
incidence of breast tumors.
more research is needed to fully
understand the role phthalates play in the
development of breast cancer, some
phthalates have been shown to increase
breast cancer cell proliferation,
and they
can reduce the effectiveness of anti-
estrogen treatments such as tamoxifen.
A Little Prettier ! 11
Companies Respond to Pressure
The test results presented in this report show that the personal care product industry
appears to be reducing its use of phthalates in response to activist pressure, consumer
demand and government regulations. The likely reasons include:
Growing public concern about
phthalates: The Campaign for Safe
Cosmetics has helped catalyze a
massive wave of consumer pressure
to remove toxic chemicals from
personal care products in the United
States and abroad.
The European Union’s
Cosmetics Directive: In 2003,
the European Union banned two
phthalates – DBP and DEHP – and
more than 1,000 other chemicals
from personal care products.
The Safe Cosmetics Act: In
2005, California lawmakers passed
the Safe Cosmetics Act, which
requires companies to disclose to
the state their use of toxic chemicals
such as DEHP and DBP.
Children’s Safe Products Act
In 2007, Washington State banned
phthalates from childrens products,
including children’s personal care
Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act of 2008. This
year, the U.S. Congress banned six
phthalates from childrens toys, and
the ban was signed into law by
President Bush.
A Little Prettier ! 12
Phthalates Are Also in
Children’s Products
The tests conducted for this report
focused on products that adults use,
but children’s products can also
contain phthalates. The Environmental
Health Strategy Center in Maine did
similar independent testing of
childrens products. Of the two
personal care products they tested,
Dora the Explorer bubble bath and
Johnson and Johnsons 2 in 1
shampoo, both contained phthalates.
But the Dora the Explorer bubble
bath contained the phthalate DINP at
five times the legal level allowed in
toys and child care articles in Europe
and the United States.
One concern with all products,
especially childrens products, is the
packaging, which can often be made of
polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC can
leach phthalates and other chemicals
into the product. There is no way to
know if the phthalate found in Dora
the Explorer came from the packaging
or the product fragrance, but it is
always better to take precaution.
Check the recycling symbol on the
bottom and do not buy products in
PVC (#3) containers.
The Product Tests in a Larger Context
Momentum is clearly building to eliminate
phthalates from products. Despite this
progress, we need smarter laws that
prevent harmful chemicals from ever being
used in personal care products. We also
need to ensure that government agencies
are funded and empowered to enforce
those laws.
The reduction of phthalates in the personal
care products tested in this report is an
important victory. While some companies
are voluntarily moving toward safer
production (see The Market Is Moving
below), we can’t solve this problem one
chemical or one company at a time.
Cosmetic companies use more the 7,000
ingredients in their products. Despite
decades of research showing that phthalate
exposure is linked to many painful and
devastating health effects, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration does not currently
have the authority or the strength to
The lack of government regulation, the
evidence that companies are still using
ingredients harmful to our health and the
clear demand the general public has shown
for safe cosmetics are all indicators that
now is the time for significant reform of
the cosmetic industry.
A Little Prettier ! 13
The Market Is Moving
While some companies continue to publicly defend phthalates, even while quietly removing
the chemicals, other companies are vocal in their movement away from phthalates. We don’t
fully understand how many companies are removing phthalates from their products, but the
examples below indicate that phthalates are not needed to make high-quality products.
Some examples that show there are alternatives to phthalates include:
OPI, the leading manufacturer of professional nail products worldwide, agreed to remove
DBP from its products after a sustained pressure campaign by the Campaign for Safe
Cosmetics. OPI is now advertising its products as free of this chemical. Other companies
including Orly and Sally Hansen also publicly announced that they would no longer use
The Body Shop will phase out phthalates including DMP, DEP, DEHP, and DBP by the end
of 2008.
More than 1,000 companies signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, a pledge to replace
ingredients known or suspected of causing cancer, mutation, birth defects or other
adverse health effects with safer alternatives.
Whole Foods, the largest natural food retailer in the United States has disallowed the use
of phthalates in products bearing its Whole Body Premium Standard Seal.
A recent study by EWG found that teenage girls’
bodies are contaminated with phthalates and
other chemicals commonly found in cosmetics
and body care products
1. Join the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and help advocate for federal and state laws
that will require all cosmetic ingredients be tested for safety.
2. Contact your governor, federal and state legislators and the candidates running for
public office and ask them to support efforts to more strictly regulate chemicals,
including those in personal care products.
3. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper or post a blog about the findings
in this report and the lack of FDA oversight of the personal care products
industry. Please refer to www.safecosmetics.org for more information (check out
the FAQs about the Campaign, and our Materials and Resources section). While
youre there, click on the link to the EWGs Skin Deep database for even more
information on cosmetics safety.
4. Spread the word! Let your friends, family and colleagues know that no one is
minding the store when it comes to pre-market safety assessment of personal care
products, and ask them to take these steps to protect us all from toxic ingredients
in products we use on our bodies.
A Little Prettier ! 14
Strong government oversight
and regulation of the $50
billion cosmetic industry is
important for women, men
and children. We all use
personal care products, and
we all need government
protection from harmful
ingredients in the products
we use every day.
What You Can Do
Since “Not Too Pretty was published six years ago, many new studies have confirmed
that phthalates cause harm and that humans, especially babies, are being exposed to
dangerous levels of these chemicals. Examples of new research on phthalates include:
In cell cultures, DEHP and BBP stimulated the growth of human breast cancer cells.
Exposure to DEP was associated with DNA damage in human sperm.
Exposure to DBP and BBP was associated with reduced sperm counts, lower sperm
motility and more deformed sperm in adult men.
Women with higher levels of DEHP in their bodies tended to deliver their babies a
little earlier compared to woman with lower levels of DEHP.
Swedish children exposed to BBP attached to dust particles in their home
experienced more allergic symptoms such as runny nose and rashes, while children
exposed to DEHP attached to dust particles experienced more asthmatic symptoms
when compared to children with lower levels of exposure.
A study of breast cancer cells suggested that the phthalates DEHP, BBP and DBP
may counteract the therapeutic effect of tamoxifen, a treatment used to combat
breast cancer.
Three phthalates, DEP, DEHP and DBP, were found in human amniotic fluid samples
collected during the second trimester. This indicates that the fetus is exposed to
phthalates during critical windows of hormone-driven development.
A strong relationship was established between a mother's exposure to phthalates
during her pregnancy especially DBP, BBP, DEP and DIBP and changes in the ways
her baby boy's genitals develop.
Lifelong exposure to DEHP was associated with the development of liver and
testicular cancer in laboratory animals.
Men who used cologne or aftershave had higher levels of breakdown products of
A Little Prettier ! 15
Appendix A: New Research on Phthalates
Rats exposed to DBP while still in the womb were born with testicular changes
similar to testicular dysgenesis syndrome in humans.
In Danish and Finish infants, breakdown products of DEP and DBP in their mothers
breast milk altered the levels of male sex hormones necessary for the healthy
development of the male reproductive system.
Indian women with higher blood levels of the phthalates DnBP, BBP, DnOP and
DEHP were more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis. The severity of
endometriosis was worse with increasing phthalate concentrations.
Rats exposed prenatally to the phthalate DEHP showed suppressed levels of the
enzyme crucial for masculinization of the male brain. The levels of phthalates used in
this study were set to match average human exposures.
Workers in a Chinese vinyl flooring factory with exposures to DBP and DEHP had
higher phthalate levels and lower free-testosterone levels than unexposed
The risk of adult-onset asthma was more than double for workers employed in
offices with plastic wall coverings. The Finnish researchers suggest that the
association is a result of increased exposure to the phthalate DEHP.
Female rats exposed to DBP during pregnancy had higher rates of miscarriage and
altered levels of female sex hormones.
A study of pituitary cells suggested that the phthalate DEHP may counteract the
therapeutic effect of tamoxifen, a treatment used to combat breast cancer.
Young girls in three U.S. cities were found to have hormonally active environmental
agents in their urine, and African American girls are found to have higher levels of
the breakdown products of DEP and DEHP than girls of other ethnic backgrounds.
Exposure to two phthalates, DEP and DEHP, was correlated to DNA damage in the
sperm of men seeking care in an infertility clinic.
Men exposed to higher levels of DEHP had lower levels of two major thyroid
hormones in their blood.
Rats exposed prenatally to a combination of DEHP and DBP had decreased
testosterone levels and decreased expression of genes important for reproductive
A Little Prettier ! 16
Early life exposure to BBP in laboratory animals was associated with increased
proliferation and change in gene expression in the mammary gland. These changes
could result in the development of cancer.
Exposure to DBP during pregnancy was associated with lower levels of thyroid
hormone. Thyroid hormone is essential for proper development of the fetus brain
and nervous system.
The breakdown products of the phthalates DEP, DBP, BBP and DEHP were found in
more than 90% of 163 tested babies. The phthalate levels measured in the babies’
urine correlates with their mothers’ reported use of baby lotion, powder and
Exposure to a mixture of five phthalates at low doses caused greater harm than
exposure to each low dose phthalate individually. The phthalates BBP, DBP, DEHP,
diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP) and dipentyl phthalate (DPP) acted in an additive manner
to lower the male sex hormone testosterone.
Preschool children in Bulgaria exposed to dust contaminated with DEHP reported
more episodes of wheezing.
Adapted from Environmental Health News and Abstracts of Selected Phthalates Studies
by Environment California and Natural Resources Defense Council.
A Little Prettier ! 17
A Little Prettier ! 18
“Not Too Pretty” and other reports about cosmetics safety are available on the Campaign for Safe
Cosmetics website. See: www.safecosmetics.org/about/reports.cfm.
According to a December 2006 press release of the Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragrance Association
(now know as the Personal Care Products Council) “The use of phthalates in cosmetics and personal
care products is supported by an extensive body of scientific research and data that confirms safety.
See: www.personalcarecouncil.org/Template.cfm?Section=News_Room&template=/
ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=4838 viewed on November 4, 2008.
John Baily, the chief scientist for the Personal Care Products Council claims: “The one phthalate that is
sometimes found in baby care products is diethyl phthalate (DEP)...DEP has been extensively
researched and has not been linked to reproductive toxicity or endocrine disruption.” (From
ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=5721 viewed November 4, 2008). This statement is false on two
counts: first, DEP has been linked to numerous health concerns, as documented in Appendix A and
other places in this report. Additionally, DiNP was found in Dora the Explorer bubble bath at five
times the legally accepted level in California, Washington and Europe, as described in the this report,
page 12.
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