Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program
Program Guidance & Application Instructions 2024
(Fiscal Year 2025)
The Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program (BHLRP) is a medical education debt
repayment program focused on incentivizing behavioral healthcare providers to practice in
underserved areas across the State. The BHLRP assists schools and employers in the recruitment
and retention of mental health providers who continue to demonstrate their commitment to
building long-term behavioral health infrastructure. The BHLRP will assist those selected by
providing up to $300,000 in tax-free funds to repay their educational debt over a period of up to
ten years of participation. New applicants and current participants compete for consecutive
2-year BHLRP agreements, requiring them to remain employed at a full-time basis at an eligible,
nonprofit practice site(s) providing mental healthcare services to ambulatory populations.
Providers must remain with the employers who sponsor them during their two-year agreements,
and employers must continue to employ the providers they sponsor during their two-year service
obligations. Employers must not use BHLRP payments to offset participants’ salaries or other
components of their compensation packages. BHLRP payments must be in addition to
participants’ salaries, which must be based on prevailing rates in their practice areas.
The application period starts on 04/29/2024 and ends on 05/24/2024.
For questions, please email Reanna Kathawa at [email protected].
Please see below for further information regarding provider eligibility and selection criteria.
This program is administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
DOCUMENT GUIDE Table of Contents
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Eligibility Criteria & Program Requirements
Eligible Provider Types • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Eligible Practice Site Types • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Prioritization • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
HPSA Designation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Employer Contribution • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Service Obligation Period • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Default Penalties & Breach of Contract • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Award Payments & Payment Process
Payment Summary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Award Amount • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Service Verifications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Registration on Sigma Vendor Self Service (VSS) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Change of Personal Information Reporting Requirements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Application Forms & Instructions
Updates to Application Process (Online Application System) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10
Application Instructions 2024 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11
Previous Loan Repayment Program Participants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12
Application Deficiencies and Disqualifications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13
File Transfer Application Instructions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14
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Eligible Provider Types:
Applicants must have one of the following professional titles** in the State of Michigan to be
eligible for loan repayment through the BHLRP:
Eligible Community-Based Provider Types:
Eligible School-Based Provider Types:
Psychiatrists (MDs or DOs)
Psychiatric Nurse Specialist
Licensed Masters Social Workers (LMSW)
Limited Licensed Masters Social Workers (LLMSW)
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Limited Licensed Professional Counselor (LLPC)
Licensed Marriage Or Family Therapist
Limited Licensed Marriage Or Family Therapist
Board Certified Behavioral Analysts (BCBA)
Board Certified Assistant Behavioral Analysts (BCABA)
Wrap-Around Specialists*
Supports Coordinators*
Case Managers*
Psychiatrists (MDs or DOs)
Licensed Masters Social Workers (LMSW)
Limited Licensed Masters Social Workers (LLMSW)
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Limited Licensed Professional Counselor (LLPC)
Licensed Marriage Or Family Therapist
Limited Licensed Marriage Or Family Therapist
Board Certified Behavioral Analysts (BCBA)
Board Certified Assistant Behavioral Analysts (BCABA)
Supports Coordinators*
Case Managers*
Provider Types NOT Eligible for the Behavioral Health Program:
Inpatient Providers
Occupational Therapists
Speech Therapists
Art or Music Therapists
Program Managers
Office Managers
Data Analysts
A Bachelor’s degree or higher that has allowed the provider to obtain employment in the above
professions is acceptable, as long as the professional stays within their scope of practice.
*For all eligible provider types listed except those marked with an asterisk (*) above,
a license number and an NPI number are REQUIRED in order to be eligible for the program.
Providers must be working on a full-time basis at their approved, eligible practice site. Of these
full-time hours, providers must spend a minimum of 32 hours per week directly providing
outpatient behavioral health services through their approved practice site(s).
. . .
**When submitting application materials, it is required that providers who do NOT hold one
of the above job titles submit an official copy of their job description from their agency, along
with other required application materials, in order for their application to be considered.**
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Eligible Practice Site Types:
Applicants must provide behavioral health services directly through one or more of the
following practice site types to be eligible for loan repayment through the BHLRP:
A Community Mental Health Authority (CMH)
A Public School or Public School-Based Site
A Non-Profit, Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic
A Non-Profit, Outpatient Community Health Organization
Practice Site Types NOT Eligible for the Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program (BHLRP):
Hospitals or Inpatient Clinics
Residential Settings
For-Profit Organizations
Private School-Based Settings
Further information regarding Practice Site Eligibility is included below under Prioritization.
Please review these guidelines carefully, as site requirements vary between organization types.
In order to be eligible for the program, providers must be employed on a full-time basis through
a single employer. While providers are eligible to provide behavioral health services out of
multiple physical practice sites, all sites must be affiliated with one primary employer.
Employers are welcome to provide part-time services through another employer outside of
their full-time hours with their primary employer, but these part-time services are not eligible
for consideration under the Behavioral Health program.
Please note that providers must remain employed with their approved practice site for the
FULL two-year contractual agreement period. As such, providers who hold a limited-term
contract (with their current employer) that is set to end during the two-year contractual period
are NOT eligible for the Behavioral Health Program. For example, if a provider is contracted to
work with an organization from 01/01/2024 01/01/2026, but their contractual agreement for
Behavioral Health is set to run from 10/01/2024 09/30/2026, they would NOT be eligible for
the program at this time.
We are aware that many behavioral health providers may be employed through one agency,
but are subcontracted out to another. In order to be eligible for the program, the practice site
from which the applicant directly provides their behavioral health services MUST be eligible
based on program guidelines. For example, if an applicant is employed by a for-profit
organization (not eligible), but is sub-contracted out to an eligible, non-profit agency, and
provides at least 32 hours of direct behavioral health services per week out of this practice site,
they are eligible for the Behavioral Health Program.
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The below prioritization system will be utilized to rank applicants:
PRIORITY GROUP #1: Child Providers in a Community Mental Health Authority (CMH) Setting
Providers within this Priority Group:
Provide behavioral health services to children (0-18 years), or to children AND adults
Practice out of a Public Community Mental Health Authority (CMH) or Tribal Health Center
Practice Sites do not need to be located within a HPSA
No employer match or contribution
PRIORITY GROUP #2: Child Providers in a Public School-Based Setting
Providers within this Priority Group:
Provide behavioral health services to children (0-18 years of age)
Practice out of a Public School(s) or Public School-Based Site(s)
Practice Site(s), including any School-Based Site(s), do not need to be located within a HPSA
No employer match or contribution
PRIORITY GROUP #3: Child Providers in Any Non-Profit, Eligible Setting
Providers within this Priority Group:
Provide behavioral health services to children (0-18 years of age)
Practice out of a Public, Non-Profit Site (such as community agency, outpatient clinic, etc.)
Practice Site(s) MUST be located within a HPSA (see below for further information)
Employer Match / Contribution (see below for further information)
PRIORITY GROUP #4: Adult Providers in a Community Mental Health Authority (CMH) Setting
Providers within this Priority Group:
Provide behavioral health services to adults (18+ years of age)
Practice out of a Public Community Mental Health Authority (CMH) or Tribal Health Center
Practice Sites do not need to be located within a HPSA
No employer match or contribution
PRIORITY GROUP #5: Adult Providers in Any Non-Profit, Eligible Setting
Providers within this Priority Group:
Provide behavioral health services to adults (18+ years of age)
Practice out of a Public, Non-Profit Site (such as community agency, outpatient clinic, etc.)
Practice Site(s) MUST be located within a HPSA (see below for further information)
Employer Match / Contribution (see below for further information)
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Prioritization (continued)
HPSA Designation:
Providers under Priority Group #3 and Priority Group #5 must provide behavioral health
services out of a practice site(s) located within a mental Health Professional Shortage Areas
(HPSAs) or at sites with a HPSA-Facility Designation. The federal government designates areas
and facilities with provider shortages as 'Health Professional Shortage Areas' for mental health
services. Providers and employers can determine if a practice site is located within a HPSA by
entering its address in the federal Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) website
located at: Find Shortage Areas ( You can search for practice sites with HPSA facility
designations by clicking on 'HPSA by State & County' on the same page where you can search by
practice site address.
Employer Contribution:
Providers under Priority Group #3 and Priority Group #5 will have an employer match
requirement. In order to be eligible for the program, employers must be willing to make an
employer contribution toward the loan repayment agreements of the providers they sponsor.
The contribution requirement for:
NON-PROFIT employers is 20% of their providers agreement amounts.
FOR-PROFIT employers* is 50% of their providers agreement amounts.
o *For-Profit sponsoring agencies (employers) are eligible ONLY by placing providers in
non-profit practice sites, such as community health clinics or schools.
*FOR EXAMPLE if a provider at a non-profit agency is granted a $20,000* contract amount for
their 2-year contractual agreement, the sponsoring agency (employer) agrees to provide a
contribution or match of $4,000* total over the 2-year agreement period.
(*Please note that the above values are for example purposes ONLY, and that the employer
contribution amount will be calculated based on each individual provider’s total 2-year contract
The Employer Contribution Amount will be split into 4 equal payments and will be paid
semiannually, due along with the provider’s Work Verification Forms every 6 months.
(See Page 7 for further information)
Employers must NOT use BHLRP award funds to offset the provider’s salary, the employer
contribution amounts, or other components of their compensation packages. BHLRP award
funds are given in addition to the provider’s salary, which must be based on prevailing rates in
their practice areas.
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Service Obligation Period
Providers who are selected to participate in the program will complete a 2-year service
obligation period, from 10/01/2024 to 09/30/2026. Providers must remain employed with
their approved practice site for the FULL 2-year contractual agreement period.
Every provider who is selected for the program will sign a contract with MDHHS that details
the requirements of provider enrollment, as well as any default penalties.
While applicants are welcome to apply to multiple loan repayment programs concurrently,
providers may not be dually enrolled in this loan repayment program and any other loan
repayment program with a service obligation (such as the Michigan State Loan Repayment
program, the National Health Service Corps, or the Michigan Opioid Treatment Access Loan
Repayment Program). Applicants are eligible to be dually enrolled in the Behavioral Health
Loan Repayment Program and the Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF).
For providers who are currently enrolled in a state loan repayment program, your contractual
agreement period with that program must be over by the start of the current BHLRP
agreement period. This means that for providers who are currently enrolled in a state loan
repayment agreement that ends after 10/01/2024, you are ineligible for this application cycle.
Default Penalties and Breach of Contract
Once a provider is selected for the upcoming program cycle and their enrollment has been
finalized, their two-year service obligation goes into effect (as of 10/01/2024) and must be
completed. During this period, providers are expected to remain employed with their agency,
at full-time status, within an eligible role, for the entire 2-year obligation period.
Upon breach of the service obligation for any reason, the provider agreement will be voided,
and the provider will forfeit the right to any award payments from the program, including the
award for the six-month obligation period with which the breach occurs, as well as any
remaining period(s) during the service obligation period.
Additionally, the provider will be required to pay back all award funds received from the
program, equal to the sum of any award funds received before their agreement was breached.
Further information regarding default penalties will be available in the personal service
contract that all eligible providers will receive if selected for the upcoming program cycle.
Each participant will be paid one quarter of their approved contract amount after each six
months of completed service obligation. Six-month payments are made directly to healthcare
providers, not to their lenders, and providers are required to pay down their qualifying
educational loans by an amount equal to the payments they receive from the program.
Employers or Sponsoring Agencies do NOT receive payments from BHLRP.
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Award Amount
Providers may participate in the BHLRP for up to 10 years and receive up to $300,000 in
income-tax free funds to repay their eligible educational debt. In order to be eligible for the
program, applicants must have at least $20,000 in eligible student loan debt. Providers may
not receive BHLRP payments in excess of their total eligible debt.
BHLRP loan repayment agreements require two-year service obligations. Two-year loan
repayment agreements will be determined by the calculation described below. Participants
compete for each subsequent two-year loan repayment agreement during every
other application period. After at least one two-year agreement, a participant’s final
agreement may be for one year if there is insufficient debt remaining to support a minimum
$20,000 two-year contract but the two-year contract may not be for less than $10,000. All
initial agreements must be for two years.
Initial two-year agreement amounts are determined by dividing the amount of providers’
eligible debt by their ten years of eligible program participation (up to the $300,000
maximum) and multiplying by two:
(Total Debt Amount) ÷ (10) = (a)
(a) x (2) = Total 2-Year Contract Amount (“b”)
. . .
Example: For a new participant with $140,000 eligible debt:
$140,000 ÷ (10) = $14,000
$14,000 x (2) = Total 2-Year Contract Amount of $28,000
Odd dollar amounts derived in this manner will be rounded up or down to the nearest $1,000
amount for administrative simplicity. If an applicant has at least $20,000 of eligible debt and
the two-year agreement amount calculated as describe above is less than $20,000, the
provider will receive, if awarded, a $20,000 two-year agreement.
If a provider is selected for the program, they will receive their fully executed BHLRP
agreement via email. This agreement will contain contract information and award details for
the provider, including their total and yearly award amounts. Award amounts will be present
on Page 13 of the provider’s Personal Service Agreement.
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Service Verifications
Providers will complete a 2-year service obligation period, from 10/01/2024 to 09/30/2026.
During the duration of the two-year agreement, providers will receive a total of 4 award
payments, roughly every 6 months. During their 2-year service obligation period, providers will
initiate their 6-month payment cycles every March 1
and September 1
by completing a work
verification process, which is completed by the executive administrator at their agency. If
selected as a participant for the upcoming program cycle, providers will receive additional
information about this process via email after their program enrollment has been finalized.
Leave, Vacation and Workdays Away From Site
During the 2-year service obligation period, providers are eligible to take personal leave
without affecting their enrollment in the program. Providers will be allotted 35 workdays away
from their worksite per obligation year, which includes personal leave, medical leave,
vacation, and employer-mandated holidays or closures. For school-based providers who
participate in summer vacation, providers will be allotted 25 workdays away from their
worksite per obligation year. For all providers, maternity leave is not counted towards the
allotted workdays away from site per year, as providers are eligible to take up to 12 weeks
of maternity leave and still have their full allotted workdays away from site each year.
Providers will work with their agencies to report these workdays away from site at the end of
the 2-year service obligation period, in September 2026. Providers who exceed the allotted
workdays away from worksite per year will have their service obligation end date extended at
the end of their agreement period, to make up any missed workdays exceeding their allotted
workdays away per obligation year.
Registration on Sigma Vendor Self Service (VSS)
All providers participating in this program are required to register for Electronic Funds Transfer
(EFT) with the SIGMA VSS System. This will allow BHLRP payments to be electronically
deposited into your personal checking or savings account. If selected for the Behavioral Health
LRP, providers will be required to provide their individual SIGMA VSS Vendor Number before
their enrollment in the program is finalized. Providers are required to provide their individual
SIGMA Vendor Number, NOT the business vendor number for their employer.
Change of Personal Information Reporting Requirements
Providers must notify the BHLRP Office of ANY personal information changes, including name,
home address, phone numbers and email address. This information must also be updated on
their SIGMA Vendor Self Service (VSS) profiles, no less than 10 calendar days before they
occur. Your personal information must be the same at the BHLRP Office AND on SIGMA VSS to
receive LRP payments.
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Updates to the Application Process Online Application System
The Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Cycle will host the next program cycle from
Monday, April 29
, 2024 through Friday, May 24
, 2024.
As of our last cycle, the program will now require a THREE-STEP PROCESS to apply:
1. Download and complete all three (3) digital application forms on our website,
2. Submit completed application forms through the State of Michigan’s File Transfer Area,
3. Complete an application through our new Online Application System.
Please follow below for further instructions.
STEP #1:
1. Download and complete
all three (3) digital
application forms.
2. Submit digital application
forms through the
File Transfer Area
3. Complete online
application through our
new Online Application
Forms available on
BHLRP Website
Register on the
State of Michigan’s
to request access
Link will be available to
online application on the
BHLRP Website
Now through April 29
(see below for more
April 29
May 24
[4 Week Window Only]
April 29
May 24
[4 Week Window Only]
Application materials are currently available on our website and should be completed
BEFORE the opening of the application cycle. Please note that the PART B APPLICATION FORM
will need to be sent to and completed by your loan servicing agency, which may take several
months to be processed and completed. Once this form is sent back to you by your loan
servicer, it will need to be uploaded with your other application materials.
Failure to submit a PART B FORM completed and signed by your loan servicer will result in
your application being screened out.
Please see below for further instructions on completing and submitting application materials.
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Application Instructions 2024
Please note that the Application Forms will NOT be considered complete unless they contain information
from ALL sections below.
1. Provider Application Part A
completed by the APPLICANT
Personal Information (Section #1)
Includes name, address, contact information, and demographic information
Education & Professional Information (Section #2)
Includes professional title, provider setting type, and license number
2. Provider Application Part B
completed by the APPLICANT and the LOAN SERVICER
Borrower Information (Page 1) for the APPLICANT
Includes name and participation status in any other state loan repayment program(s)
If you were previously (or are currently) enrolled in another loan repayment program, see below for
further instructions, as additional materials are REQUIRED for consideration into the program.
Loan & Loan Servicer Information (Page 2) for the LOAN SERVICER
Your loan servicer must list all educational loans for which you have a remaining balance, and whether
or not they entail a service obligation. Include only loans that funded your undergraduate or graduate
education, and training that led to the professional license necessary for the position at which you will
fulfill your BHLRP service obligation.***
PLEASE NOTE: If a provider holds student loan debt with more than one loan servicer and would like loan
debt from both servicers to be considered for repayment, an individual Part B Application Form is required
for EACH loan servicer. For example, if a provider has both federal loans (through the U.S. Department of
Education) and private loans (such as through Discover, a credit union, etc.), and would like all of their
outstanding loans to be considered for the program, a Part B Form will be required from both their
federal AND private loan servicers.
3. Practice Site Application and Declaration of Intent
completed by the EMPLOYER
Pages 1 7:
Includes information about Employer, Practice Site, and Type of Practice
Pages 8 9:
Signature for Certification of Compliance and Declaration of Intent
4. Copy of Official Job Description
submitted by the APPLICANT* (for SELECT applicants)
For applicants holding a job title NOT included in the table on Page 3 of this document only
Should be requested from the Human Resources (HR) Department at your agency
Must be a Word Document or PDF File, submitted with your other application materials
***Note: If you have consolidated or refinanced any eligible loan with a non-educational loan,
no portion of the consolidated/refinanced loan is eligible for loan repayment
and must not be listed the Provider Application Part B form.
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Previous Loan Repayment Program Participants:
Providers who were previously enrolled in a separate loan repayment program are required to submit
Loan Repayment Documentation (LRD) as a part of their application package.
This information is required to show that you have paid down loans listed on your Part B Application
Form, by an amount at least equal to (or exceeding the sum of) all previous loan repayment program
payments (awards) received since your last agreement start date.
The following information will be necessary in order to be considered for the Behavioral Health Loan
Repayment Program, all of which can be accessed from your loan servicer’s website:
Printouts from each loan servicer’s website, showing your payment history beginning with
payments made at the start date of your last program agreement, to your most recent payment.
o Information for each payment made must include:
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Remaining Balance
Subtotals written on the top of the first page of each lender’s payment history, to show the
provider has totaled the payments made to that lender.
Calculator tapes, totaling all of the payments for each of the above subtotals.
Brief explanations of payments.
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Application Deficiencies and Disqualifications
Applicants are responsible for reviewing all program guidelines, eligibility criteria, and application
instructions provided within this guide. Previous versions of this guide contain outdated program
information, and should not be utilized for the current program cycle.
Applicants with the major application deficiencies listed below will be immediately disqualified and
your application will not be considered for the current program cycle:
Complete the Online Application System Questionnaire, but do not submit copies of their
application materials through the State of Michigan (SOM) File Transfer Area System.
Submit copies of their application materials through the State of Michigan (SOM) File Transfer
Area System, but do not complete the Online Application System Questionnaire.
Submit blank or incomplete copies of any of the required application forms.
Submit a Practice Site Application form without a signature from the Executive Administrator at
the applicant’s agency. Applicants are NOT authorized to complete this form on behalf of their
administrator. A form completed by the applicant themselves will be immediately disqualified.
Submit a Provider Application Part B form without a signature from the Loan Servicing Agency.
Applicants are NOT authorized to complete this form on behalf of their loan servicing agency.
A form completed by the applicant themselves will be immediately disqualified.
Submit application materials after the application deadline of 05/24/2024 at 11:59PM EST.
Any application materials submitted after the deadline will be immediately disqualified
and will not be considered during review of your application.
Submit application materials in any format that is NOT a Microsoft Word Document or a
PDF Document, as these are the only document formats that are supported by State of Michigan
(SOM) equipment. It is the responsibility of the applicant to review the format of all completed
application materials before application submission. Materials submitted in the following formats
cannot be opened or reviewed by BH Program Staff, and will be immediately disqualified:
o Apple PAGES (macOS or iOS)
o Rich Text Format (RTF/RTFD)
o Plain Text files (.TXT)
Submit application materials in the format of an image or screenshot. Images or screenshots of
application materials are NOT permitted, as any printed application materials should be scanned
and uploaded with your other digital materials. Materials submitted in the following formats
cannot be opened or reviewed by BH Program Staff, and will be immediately disqualified:
o Image (JPEG, PNG or H.264)
o Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
o HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format)
o HEVC or H.265 (High Efficiency Video Coding
Submit copies of your application materials via email. Application materials that are not
submitted through the State of Michigan (SOM) File Transfer Area will not be accepted.
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File Transfer Area (Application Materials Submission)
BHLRP will utilize the File Transfer Application for application submission. This system was
created by State of Michigan and is designed to keep applications secure. Providers, NOT their
employers, must upload their applications via the File Transfer Application. To create an
account on the State of Michigan website, please click to access the MI Login Homepage.
Please note that the Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program cannot accept application
forms submitted by email, phone, or fax.
Full instructions on how to access the File Transfer Application System, as well as how to
submit application materials through this system, are available on the Behavioral Health Loan
Repayment Program website. Please locate the instructional guide on the main homepage of
our website, titled:
BHLRP File Transfer Application Instructions
It is recommended that all applicants create an account on the State of Michigan website and
request access to the File Transfer Area as soon as possible.
While access to submit materials into the File Transfer Area will not be approved until the
official opening of the application period, user access will be granted in the order with which
requests were received.
We ask that providers request access as soon as possible, to avoid overwhelming and crashing
the system on the opening day of the application cycle.
Access to the File Transfer Area will NOT be granted after 12:00PM on Friday, May 24
, 2024.
Applicants experiencing issues accessing the File Transfer Application should contact the
File Transfer Support Team at [email protected], as they are best
equipped to assist with technical issues regarding this system. BHLRP Program Staff cannot
assist with technical or support issues related to this system.
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