To my best friend,
The kindest, loveliest, most selfless person you will ever meet. You were brave, funny, and
always there for anyone who needed it.
There is not enough paper in the world to even begin to write a tribute for you, but no one
deserves it more.
We had so many plans for the future, you wanted to do it all. My darling boy I do not know how I
will be able to survive without you.
Anyone who was lucky enough to meet you, whether they knew you as Andrew, Andy, Uncle
Mann, Harps or PC Harper ... to everyone you are a hero.
You had the best sense of humour and never took life too seriously. You treasured every
moment and always had a smile on your face.
I want to be angry that your job took you away from us but I know you loved it and always
wanted to keep everyone safe, especially me. You went the extra mile whenever you could and
genuinely cared for everyone.
The lights have dimmed on all of our lives now that you are no longer here, but it’s no surprise
that even when you're gone, you're still keeping us all going, knowing that you would tell us to
carry on and stay strong.
I can't begin to imagine a life without your silly jokes, size 14 feet, large appetite, big hugs,
Sunday roasts, and never faltering positive attitude. You kept me going if I was down and took
care of us all until the last.
Even now I can still hear you nagging me to brush my teeth, get dressed and eat something. We
are all feeling so very lost without you but we are trying to be as brave as you were.
You have so, so many friends my love and everyone loves you. The messages, support, and
kind words about you have been overwhelming and I can't thank everyone enough for that.
You loved music, movies, travel, every animal in the world, messing around with our brothers,
and chilling out with our sisters. You loved our families, every single one.
You loved to go on adventures and find new places to explore. If there was a mountain to climb,
you'd be there at the top. Bike rides and long walks, you loved it all. Never still, never down, so
full of life.
You could fix absolutely anything and always took time to offer help to family, friends and
neighbours. A pillar of strength to everyone you met.
My heart is broken without you my sweetheart but my god I feel so lucky that it was me you
chose to share your amazing life with. You have imprinted so much love and laughter onto all of
our lives and we are honoured for that.
Although we were married for only 28 days before you were cruelly taken away from me, my
husband you were perfect. I will never ever stop loving you and I feel so grateful for the happiest
thirteen years of my life.
Our superman, our bodyguard, our light in the dark. My god we will miss you. Forever you will be
remembered as the best of us.
I will carry your love with me always.
Your loving wife, Lissie x