The degree of Master of Studies in Law (M.S.L.) is designed for non-lawyer candidates who seek to obtain a deeper understanding of legal
issues to enhance their professional development and career opportunities. This degree is designed for students who do not have an interest in
pursuing a law degree, that is, the degree of Juris Doctor.
Entrance Requirements
M.S.L. applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree or equivalent and ideally have a minimum of five years of professional experience directly
related to their area of concentration. Students whose undergraduate degree was earned from a non-U.S. school where English is not the
language of instruction are required to meet the minimum language test requirement (see below).
General Instructions
If you are a United States citizen or permanent resident,your Social Security number is required in question 1.If you do not have a Social Security
number,you must obtain one before submitting the application. If you are a non-U.S. applicant and do not have a Social Security number,leave this
space blank. If you have attended any division of the George Washington University previously, fill in all parts of questions 10 and 11. Failure to
furnish all information and supporting credentials requested will invalidate the application. All application materials must be sent directly from the
applicant or the issuing institution to:
Graduate and International Programs
The George Washington University Law School
2000 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20052 USA
Application Fee
A nonrefundable application fee of US $80 must accompany the application. This fee does not apply toward tuition and is not paid by the
Veterans Administration. A tuition deposit will be required once the student has been notified of his or her admission to a degree program.
Application Deadlines
Applications for the fall and spring semesters are accepted on a rolling basis. For priority review, applications for fall admission should be received
by March 15 but will continue to be accepted on a space-available basis until June 1. For spring admission, the priority deadline is November 1.
Application Requirements
All M.S.L. applicants must submit the following to be considered for admission:
A completed application form accompanied by the application fee of US $80;
Official transcripts* from all graduate and undergraduate schools attended;
Two original letters of recommendation, accompanied by the enclosed recommendation form;
A brief essay describing the applicants professional goals, areas of interest, and how the degree advances those goals;
If applicable, an official report of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
score. Students whose initial degree was earned from a non-U.S. school where English is not the language of instruction are required to
take the TOEFL or IELTS test and receive a score in the 100-point range on the Internet-based TOEFL test or in the 600-point range on the
paper-based TOEFL test. Those taking the IELTS test must receive a score of 7.0 or higher. Test scores are reported to the law school six to
eight weeks after the test is taken; therefore, applicants are advised to check with TOEFL or IELTS for information well before the semester
for which they are applying. For the TOEFL, the Institutional Code for GW Law is 5246 and the Department Code is 03. For the IELTS test, list
the George Washington University Law School to receive a score report. If English was the medium of instruction for an applicant’s university
education, please include documentation from the university registrar along with a TOEFL waiver request letter; and
A résumé or CV.
* Official transcripts must be sent by the issuing institution directly to Graduate and International Programs,The George Washington University Law
School, 2000 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20052 or enclosed with the application in envelopes sealed and signed by the issuing institution.
Please type or print clearly. Do not staple any materials to this application.
Return to: Graduate and International Programs • The George Washington University Law School • 2000 H Street, NW • Washington, D.C. 20052
1. _______________________________________
U.S. Social Security Number (if applicable)
2. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Last/Family/Surname First Name Middle Name
Enter the components of your name exactly as they appear on your passport, including middle names and hyphenated names.
3. Have you ever used a different name to register under any educational institution?: yes no
If yes, state other name used: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Where did you use this name?: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Current Address — Number, Street & Apt. Number
_________________________________ ________________________________ _________________ ________________________________
City State/Province/District ZIP Code/Postal Code Country
5. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone (including international calling codes) E-mail Address
6. Information in 4 & 5 is current until: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address — Number, Street & Apt. Number
_________________________________ ________________________________ _________________ ________________________________
City State/Province/District ZIP Code/Postal Code Country
8. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone at Permanent Address (including international calling codes)
9. I am applying for: As a:
Fall 20________
Spring 20_____
Full-time student
Part-time student
Area of concentration:
Business and Finance
Criminal Law and Procedure
National Security & Cybersecurity Law
In Person Online*
Environmental and Energy Studies
First Amendment Speech andexpression
General (student’s design, with course approval)
Government Procurement (indicate preference)
In Person Online*
Government Procurement and Cybersecurity
(indicate preference)
In Person Online*
Health Care
Intellectual Property
*Only the National Security & Cybersecurity, Government Procurement, and Government Procurement and Cybersecurity concentrations are available online.
10. Have you applied previously for admission to any school of the George Washington University (degree or nondegree, on or off campus)?
yes no If yes, for which semester and year?: ____________________________________________ __________________________________________
Semester Year
To which school was the application made?: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Have you ever registered in any school or department of the George Washington University, on or off campus?: yes no
If yes, when did you last register?: _____________________________________ __________________ If yes, provide your GWID number: _____________
Semester Year GWID number
And in which school or department?: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Gender: Male Female
13. Date of birth: ____________ ___________ ___________ Birthplace: _______________________ _____________________ ______________________
Month Day Year City State/Province/District Country (if other than U.S.)
14. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we are required to ask the following question of U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Your cooperation
is requested and appreciated, but is not required.
Are you Hispanic or Latino?:
yes no
Please indicate one or more races from the following:
American Indian or Alaska native Asian
Black or African-American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
15. Country of citizenship: _______________________________________
If you are a U.S. citizen and were not born in this country, indicate the date of entry into the U.S.: _______________________ _______________________
Month Year
16. Visa information for non-U.S. citizens:
a. Are you presently in the U.S.?: yes no If yes, when did you arrive in this country?: _______________________ _______________________
Month Year
What is your current visa status?: _____________________________________ I - 94 expiration date?: ________________________________________
(Optional) If presently in the U.S. on an F-1 or J-1 visa, please provide a photocopy of your I-20 or I-94 Form.
b. If you are applying from abroad, on which visa type do you intend to enter the U.S.?:
A (Diplomatic) B (Temporary Visitor) F-1 (Student) Permanent
G (Int’l Employee) J-1 (Exchange Visitor) Refugee Other: ___________________________________
c. Are you requesting an I-20 for an F-1 visa from this University?: yes no
17. English Proficiency:
For all applicants who hold degrees from institutions where English is not the language of instruction, a TOEFL or IELTS score is required.
The TOEFL or IELTS score requirement is not applicable if you received a degree from an institution where English was the sole medium
ofinstruction. To choose “not applicable”, be sure that your transcript indicates English as the sole medium of instruction or provide a letter from your
university registrar’s office to this effect.
If English was the sole medium of instruction for your university education, submit a TOEFL waiver request letter along with this application.
a. Have you taken the TOEFL or IELTS tests?: yes no not applicable
b. If yes, when?: ______________________________________________________________
c. Score: _____________________________________________________________________
If you have not taken the TOEFL or IELTS test, and the requirement applies to you, please note that your application will not be reviewed until the TOEFL or IELTS score
If you have registered to take the TOEFL or IELTS test on a future date, enter the test date: ______________________________________________________
Please arrange to send an official score report to the George Washington University Law School.
For the IELTS, list the George Washington University Law School to receive a score report.
For the TOEFL, use the Institution Code 5246, Department Code 03 for the George Washington University Law School.
18. Are you applying for Veteran Affairs (VA) benefits?: yes no (Question applies only to United States citizens)
19. Will you be funded by your employer? yes no If yes, name of employer and/or company: ______________________________________________
20. Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation, or are such charges pending?: yes no
If yes, attach a separate explanatory statement. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
21. Give the names of two persons from whom you have requested letters of recommendation in support of your application.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
22. List chronologically every college, university, professional school, or other institution of higher learning previously attended.
All institutions must be reported, whether or not credit was earned or is desired.
Name of Institution Location
(City & State or Country)
Attendance Dates Major Field Type of Degree Received
From To
23. Reason for leaving any school attended:
24. Have you ever been subject to academic or disciplinary action (e.g., probation, suspension, dismissal, warning, invitation to withdraw) from any
institution attended?: yes no If yes, explain giving dates and details:
25. List completely and chronologically employment or other occupation since graduation from first institution of higher learning. (Do not repeat material
covered in question 23 above. If unemployed for any period of time, indicate how time was used, e.g., in travel, at home, etc.)
Name and Location of Employer Nature of Work From
26. How did you hear about GW Law’s M.S.L. program?
27. Personal Statement: On a separate page or pages, please provide any additional information you think might be of assistance to the Graduate
and International Programs office in evaluating your application, such as the reasons why you wish to pursue graduate study, a discussion of your
background, or an explanation of any unusual aspects of your academic record. Include this statement with your completed application form.
28. A copy of your résumé and/or curriculum vitae is required with this application.
29. Please check that you have:
a. Reviewed your application to see that all information is complete and correct.
b. Included an $80 application fee. Do not send cash. Make check or money order payable to the George Washington University. Fee must be paid
inU.S. currency.
c. Included your personal statement.
d. Requested that official transcripts be sent directly to Graduate and International Programs, The George Washington University Law School,
2000HStreet, NW, Washington, D.C. 20052.
e. Had your TOEFL (Code 5246-03) or IELTS score sent directly to the George Washington University Law School, if applicable.
f. Included your recommendation letters in signed, sealed envelopes, or had them sent directly to the George Washington University LawSchool.
g. Included your résumé or CV.
Please review your application carefully. By signing this application form, you certify that your application is complete and accurate.
Purposefully omitting or inaccurately reporting information requested on this form may constitute an act of academic dishonesty.
If such an act of dishonesty is admitted or discovered once you have gained admission, the law school may impose sanctions
including, but not limited to: disqualification for, or loss or denial of, scholarships, academic awards, or honors; a permanent notation
of academic dishonesty on the student record; suspension or expulsion from the GW Law; and suspension or revocation of a
conferred degree.
I hereby certify that the information I have provided in response to the questions on this form, including information contained in any
supplemental material submitted, is complete and accurate; and that the personal statement I have submitted in response to question 27
is my own work, and all factual representations made therein are true and correct.
30. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________
Applicant’s Signature Date
The George Washington University does not unlawfully discriminate against any person on any basis prohibited by federal law, the District of Columbia Human Rights
Act, or other applicable law, including without limitation, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity
or expression. This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of the university, including admission to education programs and employment.
For more information, please see the university’s Equal Opportunity Policy at: https://my.gwu.edu/fles/policies/EqualEmploymentOpportunityStatement.pdf.
GW is committed to assisting all members of the GW community to collectively achieve a safe campus environment. The annual security and fire safety compliance
document is available on the GWPD website at police.gwu.edu.
If you would like to receive a booklet called “The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report” which contains this information, you can stop by the GW Police Department
at 801 22nd Street, NW, Rome Hall 101, Washington, D.C., 20052 or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 202-994-6948.
The website and booklet contain information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, fire safety, university police
law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus. They also
contain information about crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings
or property
owned or controlled by GW; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
This information is required by law and is provided by the George Washington University Police Department.
Graduate and International Programs
The George Washington University Law School • 2000 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20052 • 202-994-7242 • e-mail: [email protected].
Graduate and International Programs • The George Washington University Law School • 2000 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20052
Name of Applicant (please print): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Recommender: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
To the Applicant:
Recommendation in support of your application for admission must be accompanied by this form. Please complete the form and send it to the
person submitting your recommendation. All recommendations must be received by the applicable application deadline.
Federal legislation gives students an absolute right of access to letters of recommendation written on their behalf. If you matriculate, you may read
these letters if you wish. You may also waive this right, but such a waiver may not be required as a condition of admission to or receipt of any other
services or benefits from the George Washington University Law School.
It is entirely your choice whether to waive your right of access to letters of recommendation provided on your behalf. You should consider,
however, that writers of letters of recommendation may be less candid in their evaluations if they know the candidate may read the letters than
they would be if they knew that the letters remained confidential.
Please sign one of the following statements:
I have read the above information pertaining to letters of recommendation, and I hereby waive my right of access to this
letter of recommendation. I authorize the recommender to provide all appropriate evaluations and information to the George
Washington University Law School.
Signature of Applicant
I do not waive my right of access to this letter of recommendation. I authorize the recommender to provide all appropriate
evaluations and information to the George Washington University Law School.
Signature of Applicant
To the Person Writing a Letter of Recommendation:
Your recommendation will not be available for inspection by the applicant on whose behalf you are writing if the applicant indicates, by signing
the waiver above, that he or she waives the right to see letters of recommendation written on his or her behalf. Letters of recommendation not
accompanied by this form will be presumed to be available to the applicant. If you do not write on the reverse side of this form, please enclose it
with your letter of recommendation.
The Graduate and International Programs office appreciates your independent evaluation of the applicant, noting limitations as well as merits.
Please address, to the extent of your knowledge, how the study of law in the applicants discipline will enhance their ability to succeed in their
career. We must choose from among many more applicants than it is possible to admit. We seek, therefore, to choose those applicants whose
preparation, intellectual capacity, and maturity will best enable them to benefit from our rigorous program.
Please return your letter and this form directly to the address above.
Graduate and International Programs • The George Washington University Law School • 2000 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20052
Name of Applicant (please print): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Recommender: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
To the Applicant:
Recommendation in support of your application for admission must be accompanied by this form. Please complete the form and send it to the
person submitting your recommendation. All recommendations must be received by the applicable application deadline.
Federal legislation gives students an absolute right of access to letters of recommendation written on their behalf. If you matriculate, you may read
these letters if you wish. You may also waive this right, but such a waiver may not be required as a condition of admission to or receipt of any other
services or benefits from the George Washington University Law School.
It is entirely your choice whether to waive your right of access to letters of recommendation provided on your behalf. You should consider,
however, that writers of letters of recommendation may be less candid in their evaluations if they know the candidate may read the letters than
they would be if they knew that the letters remained confidential.
Please sign one of the following statements:
I have read the above information pertaining to letters of recommendation, and I hereby waive my right of access to this
letter of recommendation. I authorize the recommender to provide all appropriate evaluations and information to the George
Washington University Law School.
Signature of Applicant
I do not waive my right of access to this letter of recommendation. I authorize the recommender to provide all appropriate
evaluations and information to the George Washington University Law School.
Signature of Applicant
To the Person Writing a Letter of Recommendation:
Your recommendation will not be available for inspection by the applicant on whose behalf you are writing if the applicant indicates, by signing
the waiver above, that he or she waives the right to see letters of recommendation written on his or her behalf. Letters of recommendation not
accompanied by this form will be presumed to be available to the applicant. If you do not write on the reverse side of this form, please enclose it
with your letter of recommendation.
The Graduate and International Programs office appreciates your independent evaluation of the applicant, noting limitations as well as merits.
Please address, to the extent of your knowledge, how the study of law in the applicants discipline will enhance their ability to succeed in their
career. We must choose from among many more applicants than it is possible to admit. We seek, therefore, to choose those applicants whose
preparation, intellectual capacity, and maturity will best enable them to benefit from our rigorous program.
Please return your letter and this form directly to the address above.