OHSU Intern Blank Project-Scope Template Page: 1
Proposed Project for OHSU’s Summer Internship
Project Name:
Project Director Sponsor:
Direct Manager’s Contact Info: (email) (phone)
Physical Location:
1. Project Overview:
Describe the reason for the project. Please include how this
project will align with your department processes and the OHSU strategic goals.
2. Project Goals:
Provide a description of the “history” of this project. Include any
information on its background that may be of importance to communicate in the context
of this project.
Explain your expected ROI from the project and describe the predicted impact (e.g. on the
business, on staff, patients, etc.). Explain the rationale for the project. Describe in detail
the circumstances driving the change.
3. Learning Objectives:
Document the high level learning objectives of the project
Patient and Visitor Resources Management and Website Development
Through our work in developing a concierge plan to help facilitate access for patients who
travel from afar to receive services at OHSU, a need identified to not only create a
centralized and sustainable patient resource management (e.g. hotel lists, common phone
numbers, travel options, etc.) system for the organization, but also identify content owners
for these resources to validate the accuracy of the information on an on-going basis. From
a patient experience lens, this project will help create consistency in the information
exchange from staff to patient and also facilitate ongoing improvement by having one
content owner to manage any necessary changes or updates. From a marketing lens, we
will be able to help facilitate easy access and staff resources by housing this information
on an external facing website that both patients and staff can access. This also aligns with
marketings strategy around digital engagement whose goal is to reorganize and
consolidate the patient facing resources for ease of navigation around our public website.
We believe that by starting this journey to better manage our patient facing resources and
aligning with the work with the digital engagement department, we will be able to improve
the experience for our patients and staff who use these resources. Furthermore, we will
also be aligning ourselves with our lean process improvement culture when it comes to
resource management and how to approach the constant change in resources.
-Identify top Academic Medical Center Websites and help understand best practice
regarding navigation, format, and information.
-Identify content owners for all information that would be housed on the public facing site
-Understand the current analytics of how users access our website, themes of the search
-Partner with Marketing to create and start build on new website to be accessed by
patients, visitors, and staff
-Work with other departments to determine what information would be most helpful for
patient populations
-Create/facilitate focus groups where patients could come and provide feedback on
information and navigation of a patient/visitor website.
OHSU Intern Blank Project-Scope Template Page: 2
4. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Needed:
Provide the details of the
knowledge, skills and ability for the intern to complete this project.
5. Access Requirements:
Describe the access needed for the intern to be able to
complete this project (e.g., department’s X drive or Epic-View Only).
6. Management
: Provide information regarding who will manage the project and to
whom the intern will report.
. Timeframe and Milestones:
Describe the rough overall timeframe for the main
stages in the project, and the milestones/checkpoints within each stage (if applicable).
8. Inclusions & Deliverables:
What is deemed to be included in the scope of the
project? What is not included in the project? It is essential that items appearing in this
section are clear and able to be accomplished in the 10-week internship timeframe.
Communication Skills: Public Speaking, Presentations
Ability to work independently
Decisiveness: Confidence to know when to make decisions and when to ask for help
X-Drive, CommonSpot?
Phase 1: Research on Website best practice
Phase 2: Identify web content needed and owners of content
Phase 3: Current State - Google Analytics
Phase 4: Identify Process for Website Build
Phase 5: Work with Writer on Content/Information
Phase 6: Understand/ Help develop Project Plan for Website Go-Live
The hope is have create the foundation for a future Guest Services Website and identify
content owners for all information housed on the website.
Out of scope: The ability to complete the website before the conclusion of the internship is
not a goal.