Exposure Notification
Cryptography Specification
Preliminary — Subject to Modification and Extension
April 2020
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Overview 3 ...................................................................................................................................................
External Functions 4 ....................................................................................................................................
Key Schedule for Exposure Notification 5 ....................................................................................................
Positive Diagnosis 8 .....................................................................................................................................
Value Matching of Positive Users 9 ..............................................................................................................
Privacy Considerations 10 ............................................................................................................................
Test Vectors 11 .............................................................................................................................................
Revision History 12.......................................................................................................................................
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
This document provides the detailed technical specification for cryptographic key scheduling for a new
privacy-preserving Bluetooth® protocol to support Exposure Notification. Exposure Notification makes
it possible to combat the spread of the coronavirus — the pathogen that causes COVID-19 — by
alerting participants about possible exposure, through someone they have recently been in contact
with who has subsequently been positively diagnosed. This specification complements the Bluetooth
specification, which contains further information about the scheduling of broadcasts and the higher-
level life cycle of the Bluetooth protocol.
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
External Functions
The symbol denotes concatenation.
HKDF designates the HKDF function as defined by IETF RFC 5869, using the SHA-256 hash function:
AES designates the encryption of a single AES-128 block:
AES-CTR designates the AES-128 block cipher in Counter Mode:
The cipher text output is of the same length as the input data, no padding is applied.
The CRNG function designates a cryptographic random number generator:
Output HK DF (Key,Salt,Info,OutputLength)
Output A ES
Ciphertext A ES
C T R(Key,IV,Data)
Output CR NG (OutputLength)
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Key Schedule for Exposure Notification
To strengthen privacy, this protocol leverages a new concept — Bluetooth pseudorandom identifiers,
referred to as Rolling Proximity Identifiers. Each Rolling Proximity Identifier is derived from a Rolling
Proximity Identifier Key, which is in turn derived from a Temporary Exposure Key and a discretized
representation of time. The Rolling Proximity Identifier changes at the same frequency as the Bluetooth
randomized address, to prevent linkability and wireless tracking. Nonuser identifying Associated
Encrypted Metadata is associated with Rolling Proximity Identifiers. The broadcast metadata from a
user can only be decrypted later when the user tests positive.
In this protocol, the time is discretized in 10 minute intervals that are enumerated starting from Unix
Epoch Time. ENIntervalNumber allows conversion of the current time to a number representing the
interval it’s in.
Temporary Exposure Keys roll at a frequent cadence called TEKRollingPeriod, which is set to 144,
achieving a key validity of 24 hours. Each key is randomly and independently generated using a
cryptographic random number generator. All devices sharing the same TEKRollingPeriod roll keys at
the same time — at the beginning of an interval whose ENIntervalNumber is a multiple of
TEKRollingPeriod. !
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
This function provides a number for each 10 minute time window that’s shared between all devices
participating in the protocol. These time windows are derived from timestamps in Unix Epoch Time.
ENIntervalNumber is encoded as a 32-bit (uint32_t) unsigned little-endian value.
The TEKRollingPeriod is the duration for which a Temporary Exposure Key is valid (in multiples of 10
minutes). In our protocol, TEKRollingPeriod is defined as 144, achieving a key validity of 24 hours.
Temporary Exposure Key
When setting up the device for exposure detection, the first Temporary Exposure Key is generated on
the device and associated with an ENIntervalNumber , corresponding to the time from which the
key is valid. That value is aligned with the TEKRollingPeriod and is derived as follows:
The devices generate the 16-byte Temporary Exposure Key as follows:
The key is securely stored along with . At the end of every TEKRollingPeriod, a new key is generated.
The total number of Temporary Exposure Keys stored on the device for a 14-day period is given by
. Since Temporary Exposure Keys roll daily (that is, TEKRollingPeriod ),
the device stores 14 keys.
The use of 16-byte keys limits the server and device requirements for transferring and storing
Diagnosis Keys while preserving low false-positive probabilities.
Rolling Proximity Identifier Key
The Rolling Proximity Identifier Key (RPIK) is derived from the Temporary Exposure Key and is used in
order to derive the Rolling Proximity Identifiers.
60 × 10
× TEKRollingPeriod
CR NG (16)
144 × 14
HK DF (tek
, N UL L , UTF8("EN-RPIK"),16)
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Rolling Proximity Identifier
Rolling Proximity Identifiers are privacy-preserving identifiers that are broadcast in Bluetooth payloads.
Each time the Bluetooth Low Energy MAC randomized address changes, we derive a new Rolling
Proximity Identifier using the Rolling Proximity Identifier Key:
is the Unix Epoch Time at the moment the roll occurs
PaddedData is the following sequence of 16 bytes:
The use of 16-byte identifiers yields a low probability of collisions, and limits the risk of false-positive
matches, while keeping device storage requirements low.
Associated Encrypted Metadata Key
The Associated Encrypted Metadata Keys are derived from the Temporary Exposure Keys in order to
encrypt additional metadata.
Associated Encrypted Metadata
The Associated Encrypted Metadata is data encrypted along with the Rolling Proximity Identifier, and
can only be decrypted later if the user broadcasting it tested positive and reveals their Temporary
Exposure Key.
The 16-byte Rolling Proximity Identifier and the appended encrypted metadata are broadcast over
Bluetooth Low Energy wireless technology.
i, j
, PaddedData
ENIntervalNumber( j )
[0...5] = UTF8("EN-RPI")
[6...11] = 0x000000000000
[12...15] = E N I N
HK DF (tek
, N UL L , UTF8("EN-AEMK"),16)
i, j
, R PI
i, j
, Metadata)
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Positive Diagnosis
When a user tests positive, a limited set of Temporary Exposure Keys and their respective
ENIntervalNumber (describing when their validity started) are uploaded to the Diagnosis Server.
This set of Temporary Exposure Keys is limited to the time window in which the user could have been
exposing other users (for example, the most recent 14 days). This subset of keys is referred to as
Diagnosis Keys. If a user remains healthy and never tests positive, their Temporary Exposure Keys don't
leave the device.
The Diagnosis Server aggregates the Diagnosis Keys from all users who have tested positive, and
distributes them to all the user clients that are participating in exposure notification.
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Value Matching of Positive Users
To identify any exposures, each client periodically fetches the list of new Diagnosis Keys from the
Diagnosis Server. Because Diagnosis Keys are sets of Temporary Exposure Keys with their associated
ENIntervalNumber , each of the clients can again derive the sequence of Rolling Proximity
Identifiers that were broadcast over Bluetooth from users who tested positive.
To do so, the clients use each of the Diagnosis Keys with the function defined, to derive the 144 Rolling
Proximity Identifiers starting from ENIntervalNumber . The clients match each of the derived
identifiers against the sequence they found through Bluetooth scanning. A +/- two-hour tolerance
window is allowed between when a Rolling Proximity Identifier derived from the Diagnosis Key was
supposed to be broadcast, and the time at which it was scanned.
The Associated Encrypted Metadata does not have to be decrypted until a match occurs. Upon
decryption, the data has to be appropriately sanitized and validated as the Associated Encrypted
Metadata isn’t authenticated.
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Privacy Considerations
The key schedule is fixed and defined by operating system components, preventing applications
from including static or predictable information that could be used for tracking.
A Temporary Exposure Key is required to correlate between a users Rolling Proximity Identifiers.
This reduces the risk of privacy loss from broadcasting the identifiers.
Without the release of the Temporary Exposure Keys, it’s computationally infeasible for an attacker
to find a collision on a Rolling Proximity Identifier. This prevents a wide range of replay and
impersonation attacks.
When reporting Diagnosis Keys, the correlation of Rolling Proximity Identifiers by others is limited to
24 hour periods due to the use of Temporary Exposure Keys that change daily. The server must not
retain metadata from clients uploading Diagnosis Keys after including those key in the aggregated
list of Diagnosis Keys per day.
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Test Vectors
Test vectors for interoperability testing between implementations of this specification are available
upon request in a machine-readable format.
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.
Revision History
v1.2 - April 29, 2020
Renamed EKRollingPeriod to TEKRollingPeriod.
Renamed Associated Metadata Encryption Keys to Associated Encrypted Metadata Keys.
Made grammatical corrections.
v1.1 - April 23, 2020
Renamed “Contact Tracing” to “Exposure Notification” throughout the document.
Temporary Exposure Keys (previously known as Daily Tracing Keys) are now randomly generated
and no longer derived.
AES is now used instead of HMAC<SHA256> for improved performance.
Encryption of associated metadata is now provided.
Reformatted the title page and table of contents for consistency across documents.
Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any
use of such marks is under license.
Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
Exposure Notification - Cryptography Specification
Information subject to copyright. All rights reserved.