November 2016
Intelligence Service
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Google Must Work Hard to Drive Sales of its
Impressive Pixel Smartphones
Ying Yang, Analyst, Ian Fogg, Senior Director
Google announced two premium smartphones on October 4th, Pixel and
the larger screen Pixel XL. Unlike Google’s previous co-branded Nexus
smartphones developed with partners such as Samsung, Motorola, HTC,
LG and Huawei, the new Pixel Phone is entirely branded as Google. HTC is
manufacturing for Google more in an Original Device Manufacturer (ODM)
role than the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) role of Google’s Nexus
partners. Google claims to have designed all the Pixel Phone hardware itself.
As Google unveiled this new Android premium phone in the aftermath of
Samsung Note 7 recall, Google aims to fill in some of the gaps left by Note 7’s
failure. But we believe the amount of additional sales Google can pick up from
Samsung is small, because of low Pixel production volumes and high pricing.
Instead, the biggest immediate beneficiaries will be Apple’s iPhone 7 and 7
We expect Google Pixel phones will have modest sales volumes in the short
term for the following reasons:
Google is yet to build up strong carrier and retail relationships. Because
Google worked closely with OEMs on older Nexus devices, it relied on their
carrier relationships, rather than having its own.
The prices will hold back some potential buyers. The price of the Google
Pixel phones match the iPhone and are significantly higher than Nexus models.
The initial production volume of Pixel phones is moderate. IHS believes
Google’s planned 2016 Pixel production is around two million units.
Google is not known as a hardware brand, yet. While smartphone buyers
may have confidence in Google software products but not necessarily in its
hardware gadgets. Google must re-position its brand and compete with the
enormous brand marketing spend of the smartphone market leaders, Samsung,
Apple and Huawei.
Analyzing the Potential for the Google
Pixel Phone
© 2016 IHS
IHS Technology |
Smartphone Intelligence Service
Analyzing the Potential for the Google Pixel Phone
In the long run, if Google manages to handle the problems above, whether Pixel can be a great success will rely upon
several factors. Notably, Google must be prepared to spend significant amounts on marketing and channel incentives and
be prepared to follow up the initial Pixel models with further strong smartphone designs in 2017. Google has to win three
Google Android phone (Pixel) vs. iPhone
Google Android phone (Pixel) vs. all other Android phones, which are made by almost all the existing smartphone
Premium vs. mid to low-end phones.
Google needs to build up strong carrier and retail relationships in many countries
As of now, people in US, Canada, Australia, UK and Germany can buy the Pixel phones via Google’s local exclusive carrier
partners. The Pixel phones also work with Project Fi, the company’s own MVNO programme which is available in the US
and uses with Sprint, T-Mobile and U.S. Cellular networks alongside public WiFi.
Pixel phones are also available direct from Google without subsidy on the online Google Store and sold by several retailers
which mostly focused on local markets unlike the global retailer Amazon.
Although Google’s carrier partners are among the biggest operators in their own countries, their combined size still
represents a small market compared with Apple’s reach or the wide availability enjoyed by other established smartphone
makers. As a new entrant, Google will inevitably need to work on its channel relationships.
In addition to the Pixel’s five initial developed markets, it’s worth noting Google has set eyes on India as well. India is
significant because it will be a large volume smartphone market to drive future smartphone growth. Pixel phones are
available on three Indian retailers - Cromā, Reliance Digital and Flipkart.
Carriers*1 oering the Google Pixel phone
Name Country
Scale, in mobile
subscriptions *2
Rank in country by
Verizon US 128 million 2nd
Deutsche Telekom Germany 40 million 2nd
EE UK 24 million 1st
Telstra Australia 17 million 1st
Rogers Canada 9.9 million 1st
Telus Canada 8.5 million 2nd
Bell Canada 8.2 million 3rd
*1 T-Mobile in the US introduced a limited time oer at the end of October 2016. Customers who own an unlocked Google Pixel phone will
receive a bill credit worth $325 if they sign up for T-Mobile One plan.
*2 as of end 2015
Source: IHS © 2016 IHS
Retailers oering the Google Pixel phone
Name Available Country/Countries
Google Store Australia, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, United States
Best Buy US
Wirelesswave Canada
Dixons Carphone UK
JB HI-FI Australia
Reliance Digital India
Cromā India
Flipkart India
Source: IHS © 2016 IHS
© 2016 IHS
IHS Technology |
Smartphone Intelligence Service
Analyzing the Potential for the Google Pixel Phone
The high prices of Pixel phone will discourage potential buyers
The design of Pixel phone is a standard premium Android phone with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 chipset and the
OLED display. The pricing indicates Pixel is competing with Apple iPhones and Samsung Galaxy S and Note phones. But
Pixel phones do not have any dierentiating hardware innovations or designs to justify the price such as the dual camera
on iPhone 7 Plus, or the curved screens on Samsung’s premium phones.
Partnerships with carriers and retailers will allow payment by instalment to reduce the up-front cost, but these oers are
not widely available yet because of Google’s limited channel relationships. The high prices will hold back some potential
buyers, especially those who are sensitive to pricing. Increasingly, consumers are oered high end smartphone hardware
at significantly lower prices from Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, OnePlus, and ZUK. One US example is another new market
entrant LeEco’s Le Pro3, which features Snapdragon 821 and costs just $399. But while LeEco has done well in China,
its US oer will have niche appeal because it is available exclusively via retail channels rather than through the large US
carriers where almost all smartphones are sold in the US.
Google’s biggest selling point is its powerful software support - the Google applications and clean Android user experience
on Pixel includes the latest version of Android, 7.1 and for now exclusively oers Google Assistant, the company’s AI agent.
Assistant competes with Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Amazon’s Alexa.
The clean up to date software and Google Assistant will attract a group of enthusiastic users but not likely the general
audience. Nexus phones, although with aordable prices, previously appealed to this niche group. Nexus devices were
often labelled as geeky phones and didn’t reach the mass market.
In the last year, the then current Nexus smartphones, shipped a total of 4 million units. This was split 45.3 % to the
Huawei Nexus 6P and 54.7 % to the LG Nexus 5X. IHS expects initial Pixel shipment volumes in 2016 to be a similar order
of magnitude.
2014 2015 H1 2016
LG Nexus 4 LG Nexus 5 LG Nexus 5x Motorola Nexus 6 Huawei Nexus 6P
Shipments of Nexus 4, 5, 5x, 6 and 6P
Source: IHS Technology
© 2016 IHS
shipments (million units)
The share of active Nexus phones in the Pixel’s initial launch countries are all below 4.5% of the total active smartphones.
Google has to work on its marketing muscles to make the Pixel phones known to the mass market and to dierentiate
them from other phones.
© 2016 IHS
IHS Technology |
Smartphone Intelligence Service
Analyzing the Potential for the Google Pixel Phone
Active Nexus phones *
Source: IHS
© 2016 IHS
Share of the total active
* include Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6 and Nexus 6P
Google’s display choice helps Daydream VR, but limits its ability to increase production
IHS estimates Pixel’s production is being restricted by the supplies of the OLED displays and IHS estimates initial
production volume was only about 2 million units, shared 70% to the XL model and 30% for the standard 5” Pixel.
Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) displays are one of the most sought-after components in the smartphone industry
because OLED panels have very fast refresh rates which are suited for Virtual Reality (VR), vibrant colors and low power
consumption. Companies are looking to have OLEDs to enable more functionalities on their flagship devices. Samsung
Comparison of Google Pixel phone and selected flagship phones by other brands
Google Apple Samsung LG Huawei
Pixel Pixel XL iPhone 7 iPhone 7 plus
Galaxy S7 Galaxy S7
Note 7 V20 P9 P9 plus
Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 Apple A10 Fusion
Snapdragon 820
or Exynos 8890
Exynos 8890
HiSilicon Kirin 955
5” 5.5” 4.7” 5.5” 5.1” 5.5” 5.7” 5.7” 5.2” 5.5”
OS Android 7.1 Nougat iOS 10 Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Android 6.0
upgradable to
7.0 Nougat
Android 7.0
Android 6.0
Camera 8 MP front /12.3 MP rear
7 MP front/
12 MP rear
7 MP front/
dual 12 MP
rear OIS
5 MP front /12MP rear
5 MP front
/12MP rear
5MP front/
16MP +8 MP
dual rear OIS
8 MP front /dual 12
MP rear
- Highest DxOMark-scored
smartphone camera
- Google Assistant
- Compatible with Daydream
- IP 67 Water resistance
- Dual cameras on iPhone
7 plus
- Siri
- IP68 water resistance
- Double curved screen
- Compatible with Samsung
Gear VR
- IP68 water
- Iris scanner
- Stylus
- Dual rear
- Leica certified dual
rear camera
32 GB -
128 GB -
128 GB -
32 GB -
128 GB -
256 GB -
32 GB - $769
128 GB -
256 GB -
32 GB -
32 GB - $770 64 GB - $850
64 GB -
32 GB -
64 GB -
64 GB -
128 GB -
* Retail prices in the US. Huawei P9 is not available in US hence the price is adapted from UK.
Source: IHS © 2016 IHS
© 2016 IHS
IHS Technology |
Smartphone Intelligence Service
Analyzing the Potential for the Google Pixel Phone
Display is currently the only supplier that has the capacity of mass producing the smartphone OLED displays. LG, another
key supplier in the industry and the supplier for Apple, is still deploying LCDs on its flagship phones such as the latest
V20. Apple is using LCD but IHS believes Apple will adopt OLED technology in future, most likely in 2017’s iPhone model
refresh. Chinese OEMs such as Xiaomi, OPPO and Vivo are also in the queue for the OLED supplies.
More OLED manufacturers will eventually emerge driven by the growing demand, but it will take time. Google as a
newcomer has not only entered the sales war but also the supply chain competition. It will need eorts to stand out of the
queue by proving good sales record and maintaining good relationships with Samsung.
Google’s choice of OLED panel makes the Pixel perfectly suited to support Google’s new Daydream VR headset, but also
makes it harder for Google to quickly raise Pixel production following the Note 7 cancellation because high quality OLED
panels are in short supply and neither production partner HTC nor Google are high priority customers because of their
lack of track record of large smartphone shipment volumes in the recent past.
Smartphone buyers may have confidence in Google as a software product brand, but
not for hardware
The Google brand itself has a halo eect among users and the company take prides in its software innovations and
products. But Google’s hardware developments lack the same reputation and have had an uneven record. Google Glass
has been halted. The modular phone project Ara has been shelved this September, just four months after the Ara team
announced a new project plan at Google I/O 2016. Google’s best known hardware is probably Chromecast, which is a
cheap $30 smartphone streaming accessory. Google needs to boost users’ confidence in Google hardware products. It must
convince users that their phones will be taken good care of throughout the life cycle.
The company has promised the Pixel phones will receive security updates for at least three years after the launch, or at
least 18 months from when the Google Store last sold the device. It’s also running a 24-hour phone support service which
allows users to share their screen while reporting the problem. Nevertheless, customer support will struggle to match
established players. Apple has a particular advantage because Apple’s physical stores can be found in all major cities and
the genius bar in every store is able to facilitate much easier customer interactions for troubleshooting or training.
Beyond the short-term Google must overcome even more challenges
If Google manages to solve its initial Pixel launch challenges and gain a foothold in the smartphone industry, it will be
faced with more challenges, which will be much more dicult to address.
Google Android phone (Pixel) vs. all other Android phones
The release of Pixel phones is an attempt by Google to have full grip on the Android operating system and it will upset the
company’s Android ecosystem partners. All the major smartphone OEMs, excluding Apple, are manufacturing Android
phones and almost all of them have no alternative OS on hand.
Google’s partners may take pre-emptive actions and consider alternative solutions.
Samsung will consider expanding use of its Tizen OS. The recent acquisition of Viv signals the company is setting foot
in the arena of AI, which is the dierentiator of both Google Pixel and Apple iPhone. Samsung uses Tizen on smartwatches,
smart TVs and on a small number of smartphone models aimed at India and South Africa.
OEMs may fork Android. Other OEMs, mostly China-based, may have less options as Samsung but the pressure from
Google may drive them to abandon Google Android and advance their own Android variants, or seeking partnership with
local tech giants such as Baidu.
Microsoft may have a new opening for Windows 10 Mobile. Microsoft has failed with its smartphone eorts. But if
Google antagonizes its Android partners, Microsoft oers a potential alternative, if sucient investment goes in. Windows
will not gain traction in smartphones unless there is a major market disruption such as Google taking too much control
© 2016 IHS
IHS Technology |
Smartphone Intelligence Service
Analyzing the Potential for the Google Pixel Phone
over Android and perhaps prompting a regulatory intervention which helps rival operating systems and approaches.
Google Android phone (Pixel phone) vs. iPhone
The industry sees Google’s launch event on October 4th as a shift towards an integrated hardware and software strategy,
an approach taken by Apple, and similarly underway through Microsoft’s Surface adventures in the PC market. But
Google’s entire hardware ecosystem is not as developed as Apple. The AI device, Google Assistant, is directly competing
with Apple’s Siri but it needs a big user base to contend it. Although Android is currently the dominant OS, Google
Assistant is so far only deployed on the Pixel phones and Google is likely to have the backfire from its Android partners
that are making the rest of Android phones. Google Assistant will be a much more successful AI agent if it is more widely
deployed on other OEMs’ phones and hence has access to a much larger training data set.
Another dierentiator of Pixel phone from iPhone is Google’s Daydream VR platform. But VR is yet to be a mainstream
product, and to be commercially viable among a general audience will take time.
Additionally, the Note 7 recall may have undermined people’s confidence in Android phones and make buyers consider
turning to iPhones as a safe option. The halo eect of the Google brand may oset some of the negative impacts, but it is
unclear how much the Android brand itself is hurt by Samsung’s incident.
Premium vs. mid to low-end phones
The premium smartphone segment has been facing pressure from cheaper devices. IHS forecasts the premium market
will remain flat and smartphone shipment growth will be mainly driven by mid to low-end devices.
We believe the entry of Pixel phones into the premium market is not likely to reverse this trend in short term. As set out
above, the Pixel’s dierentiators – VR and AI are not convincing enough for mass market to switch to Pixel phones at this
stage given the very high Pixel pricing.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
$30-$90 $90-$150 $150-$250 $250-$400 $400+
Smartphone Shipment and forecase by factory Average Selling Price (ASP)
Source: IHS Technology
© 2016 IHS
© 2016 IHS
IHS Technology |
Smartphone Intelligence Service
Analyzing the Potential for the Google Pixel Phone
Rising hardware commoditization will help Google’s unified software and hardware
Google may not be expecting a mainstream mass market instant success with Pixel. Instead, Google is maximising
its competitive strengths through its software, such as deep learning, rich user database and AI while delivering an
impressive high end hardware experience with a good camera.
When hardware innovation slows further, and it becomes impossible for smartphones to dierentiate by the hardware
components alone, then Google’s time will come because competition in the realm of software will become critical, rather
than simply important.
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