Reading
linear
texts
on
paper
versus
computer
screen:
Effects
on
reading
comprehension
Anne
Mangen
a,
*
,
Bente
R.
Walgermo
a
,
Kolbjørn
Brønnick
a,b
a
The
National
Centre
for
Reading
Education
and
Research,
University
of
Stavanger,
NO-4036
Stavanger,
Norway
b
Regional
Centre
for
Clinical
Research
in
Psychosis,
Division
of
Psychiatry,
Stavanger
University
Hospital,
Box
8100,
NO-4068
Stavanger,
Norway
1.
Introduction
There
is
an
ongoing
transition
of
reading
from
print
to
screen
and
the
book
is
challenged
by
an
increasing
number
of
digital
reading
devices
(computers
and
laptops,
e-books,
tablet
devices,
smart
phones).
The
paradigm
of
reading,
in
particular
for
young
people,
is
increasingly
screen-based
rather
than
paperbound.
The
theoretical
and
pedagogical
implications
of
the
ongoing
digitization
for
reading
and
reading
comprehension
are
complex
and
multifaceted,
and
a
number
of
fundamental
research
questions
remain
at
best
partially
addressed:
how
and
to
what
extent
might
comprehension
of
linear,
narrative
and
non-narrative
texts
differ
when
texts
are
displayed
on
a
screen
as
compared
to
being
printed
on
paper?
Does
it
impact
students’
reading
comprehension
and
learning
to
read
geography,
science
and
history
texts
as
on
a
computer
screen
instead
of
in
a
print
text
book?
In
the
Norwegian
school
system,
these
issues
have
become
highly
relevant
as
texts
are
increasingly
distributed
as
files
and
there
is
a
shift
toward
using
computer-presented
in
realistic
test
situations.
To
what
extent
does
such
a
shift
affect
reading
comprehension?
This
is
the
topic
of
the
present
study.
There
exists
a
large
body
of
research
on
the
impact
and
effect
of
different
aspects
of
digital
textuality
on
reading
comprehension.
Many
studies
have
been
addressing
the
impact
of
hypertext
structure
on
cognitive
aspects
of
reading
and
comprehension.
recent
review
(DeStefano
&
LeFevre,
2007)
concluded
that
hypertext
structure
tends
to
increase
cognitive
demands
of
decision
making
and
visual
processing
and
this
additional
cognitive
load,
in
turn,
impairs
reading
comprehension
performance.
International
Journal
of
Educational
Research
(2013)
61–68
Article
history:
Received
May
Received
in
revised
form
December
Accepted
December
Available
online
January
Keywords:
Reading
comprehension
Screen
reading
Print
reading
Computers
in
education
Objective:
To
explore
effects
of
the
technological
interface
on
reading
comprehension
in
a
Norwegian
school
context.
Participants:
tenth
graders
from
two
different
primary
schools
in
Norway.
Method:
The
students
were
randomized
into
two
groups,
where
the
first
group
read
two
texts
(1400–2000
words)
in
print,
and
the
other
group
read
the
same
texts
as
on
a
computer
screen.
In
addition
pretests
in
reading
comprehension,
word
reading
and
vocabulary
were
administered.
multiple
regression
analysis
was
carried
out
to
investigate
to
what
extent
reading
modality
would
influence
the
students’
scores
on
the
reading
comprehension
measure.
Conclusion:
Main
findings
show
that
students
who
read
texts
in
print
scored
significantly
better
on
the
reading
comprehension
test
than
students
who
read
the
texts
digitally.
Implications
of
these
findings
for
policymaking
and
test
development
are
discussed.
ß
Elsevier
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reserved.
*
Corresponding
author.
Tel.:
+47
00;
fax:
+47
50.
E-mail
addresses:
(A.
Mangen),
(B.R.
Walgermo),
(K.
Brønnick).
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However,
not
all
digital
texts
are
hypertexts.
Hence,
digital
reading
does
not
necessarily
entail
increased
cognitive
load
caused
by
hypertext
features.
Compared
with
the
amount
of
research
on
hypertext
reading,
the
number
of
studies
specifically
addressing
the
potential
differences
between
sequential
and
continuous
reading
of
linear,
narrative
and
non-
narrative
texts
in
print
and
on
screen
is
small.
Moreover,
as
observed
by
Andrew
Dillon
(1992)
as
well
as
by
Graesser,
Millis,
and
Zwaan
(1997),
there
is
a
lack
of
empirical
studies
using
naturalistic
texts
(narrative
or
non-narrative)
which
are
longer
than
one
or
a
few
paragraphs.
Additionally,
several
early
studies
assessed
reading
comprehension
of
print
and
computer-
mediated
texts
with
the
intention
of
clarifying
factors
of
computer-presentation
of
text
which
facilitate
reading
comprehension
(e.g.,
definitions
of
key
concepts;
access
to
background
information;
technical
features
of
layout
and
organization)
(Reinking,
1988).
One
study
(Rice,
1994)
employed
two
measures
to
examine
reading
comprehension
of
short
texts
(142
words):
a
text
recall
measure
and
a
highlighting
task
(in
order
to
examine
reading
comprehension
in
a
so-called
‘‘interactive
mode’’).
The
findings
revealed
no
significant
effect
for
presentation
mode
(screen
or
paper)
on
the
recall
measure.
However,
on
the
interactive
measure,
a
significant
main
effect
was
found
for
presentation
mode,
with
paper
being
significantly
better
than
computer.
The
authors
concluded
that
reading
comprehension
constructs
appears
to
be
the
same
between
computer
presentation
and
paper
presentation
of
text,
but
when
readers
engage
in
a
highlighting
task,
a
significant
effect
is
found
for
presentation
medium
(paper
over
computer).
In
a
more
recent
study
(Wa
¨
stlund,
Reinikka,
Norlander,
&
Archer,
2005),
two
experiments
compared
production
(writing)
and
comprehension
performance.
In
the
first
experiment,
subjects
read
10-page
documents
containing
five
different
texts
each
averaging
words
and
followed
by
a
multiple-choice
test
(more
specifically,
the
READ-test
designed
to
measure
Swedish
language
reading
comprehension).
In
the
second
experiment,
subjects
read
short
newspaper
articles
with
a
mean
length
of
words
and
were
instructed
to
create
an
appropriate
headline
to
each
article
(requiring
rapid
acquisition
and
comprehension
of
verbal
material).
Time
allocated
to
reading
was
limited
in
both
experiments.
The
authors
found
that
in
both
experiments,
performance
in
the
computer
condition
was
inferior
to
that
of
the
paper
presentation
condition,
both
in
terms
of
writing
and
reading
comprehension.
Additionally,
subjects
in
the
computer
reading
condition
reported
higher
levels
of
experienced
stress
and
tiredness
than
those
reading
from
paper.
Hence,
Wa
¨
stlund
et
al.
concluded
that
reading
and
working
with
a
computer
results
in
a
higher
cognitive
workload
compared
with
paper
(Wa
¨
stlund
et
al.,
2005;
cf.
also
Wa
¨
stlund,
2007).
Noyes
and
Garland
have
conducted
a
number
of
studies
on
the
effect
of
presentation
medium
on
comprehension
performance
in
the
field
of
ergonomics,
human
factors,
and
design
(Garland
&
Noyes,
2004;
Noyes
&
Garland,
2003,
2008).
In
one
study
(Noyes
&
Garland,
2003),
they
compared
reading
on
a
computer
[video
display
terminal])
versus
reading
on
paper
while
measuring
study
and
reading
times,
factual
recall
and
comprehension.
The
texts
were
adapted
from
an
introductory
economics
course,
comprised
of
print
pages
and
were
matched
for
size,
color
and
resolution
across
media.
In
order
to
more
accurately
measure
the
potential
impact
of
presentation
medium
on
learning
performance,
Noyes
and
Garland
employed
an
additional
measure
in
conjunction
with
comprehension
scores,
namely
memory
awareness
ratings
in
terms
of
the
Remember–Know
learning
paradigm.
Indicating
the
manner
in
which
the
material
is
cognitively
processed,
assimilated
and
retrieved,
memory
awareness
measures
are
used
by
psychologists
to
gauge
the
nature
and
quality
of
recall
and,
by
implication,
learning.
Originally
developed
by
Tulving
(1985),
the
Remember–Know
paradigm
describes
two
main
types
of
retrieval
response,
Remember
versus
Know.
Knowledge
which
is
Remembered
is
typically
recollected
in
close
association
with
related
information
pertaining
to
the
learning
episode.
By
contrast,
knowledge
which
is
Known
is
recalled,
retrieved
and
applied
without
any
such
additional
contextual
associations
and
‘‘thus,
is
information
which
is
simply
based
on
a
certain
sense
of
just
knowing
or
familiarity
[.
.
.].’’
(Noyes
&
Garland,
2003,
p.
415)
One
important
implication
is
that
the
Remember
type
of
memory
is
thus
more
vulnerable
to
fading
with
time,
than
knowledge
which
is
Known.
By
implication,
it
is
assumed
that
knowledge
which
is
Known
is
indicative
of
better
learning
(Conway,
Gardiner,
Perfect,
Anderson,
&
Cohen,
1997;
Herbert
&
Burt,
2001).
In
their
experiment,
Noyes
and
Garland
(2003)
found
no
differences
between
the
two
media
(paper
versus
in
terms
of
study
and
reading
times,
and
number
of
correct
answers.
On
the
qualitative
comprehension
measures,
however,
there
was
an
effect
of
presentation
medium,
with
Remember
frequencies
being
almost
twice
that
of
Know
frequencies
in
the
computer
group,
while
Remember
and
Know
response
levels
were
similar
in
the
Paper
group.
Noyes
and
Garland
conclude
that
‘‘characteristics
of
the
computer
screen
(refresh
rate,
high
levels
of
contrast
and
fluctuating
luminance)
interfere
with
cognitive
processing
for
long-term
memory’’
(2003,
p.
420).
These
findings
were
replicated
in
a
later
study
(Garland
&
Noyes,
2004),
which
showed
lower
Know
levels
in
the
computer
condition
compared
with
the
paper
condition.
This
implies
that
knowledge
transition
from
the
episodic
memory
(indexed
by
Remember
responses)
to
the
semantic
memory
(indexed
by
Know
responses)
appears
to
be
dependent
on
the
nature
of
presentation
format
(screen
versus
paper):
‘‘The
knowledge
transition
was
much
more
rapid
for
those
learning
from
printed
material,
suggesting
less
interference
to
the
process
of
schematization,
and
consequently
more
readily
applied
knowledge.
Hence,
this
suggests
there
still
appears
to
be
a
benefit
attached
to
learning
from
paper-based
rather
than
computer-based
materials’’
(Garland
&
Noyes,
2004,
p.
51).
One
important
implication
of
these
findings
is
that
knowledge
seems
to
be
better
assimilated
and
more
readily
retrieved
when
presented
in
paper
format.
In
one
of
the
few
studies
assessing
children’s
reading
performance
on
paper
and
screen
(Kerr
&
Symons,
2006),
the
researchers
examined
whether
children’s
reading
rate,
comprehension,
and
recall
were
affected
by
computer
presentation.
Sixty-fifth
grade
students
read
two
expository
texts,
one
in
print
and
one
on
a
computer
screen.
The
texts
were
and
words
long
and
hence
required
a
limited
amount
of
scrolling
in
the
computer
condition.
Recall
and
comprehension
measures
entailed
using
lists
of
generated
questions
that
tested
recall
of
specific
information
from
the
texts
as
well
as
the
ability
to
A.
Mangen
et
al.
/
International
Journal
of
Educational
Research
(2013)
61–68
generate
the
required
inferences
for
appropriate
comprehension.
The
results
indicate
that
children
read
text
more
slowly
on
computers
than
on
paper,
and
they
recalled
more
of
the
information
that
they
had
read
from
the
computer
than
from
paper.
However,
the
children
were
more
efficient
at
comprehending
the
texts
when
reading
from
paper
(comprehension
efficiency
calculated
as
a
product
of
accuracy
and
reading
rate).
These
findings
suggest
that
‘‘while
children,
if
given
enough
time,
may
be
able
to
comprehend
equal
amounts
of
information
from
paper
and
computer,
when
reading
time
is
accounted
for,
children
are
comprehending
less
efficiently
when
reading
from
computer’’
(Kerr
&
Symons,
2006,
pp.
13–14).
The
potential
effect
of
presentation
medium
on
reading
comprehension
is
also
an
issue
for
essay
marking
and
annotation.
In
several
countries
there
is
currently
a
shift
toward
assessors
marking
digitally
scanned
copies
on
screen
rather
than
the
original
paper
copies
traditionally
used
(Coniam,
2011;
Johnson,
Hopkin,
&
Shiell,
2011;
Johnson
&
Na
´
das,
2009;
Johnson,
Na
´
das,
&
Bell,
2010).
With
extended
essays
in
particular,
the
potential
effect
of
the
presentation
medium
on
reading
comprehension
becomes
an
issue.
The
findings
of
one
recent
study
addressing
this
issue
(Johnson
&
Na
´
das,
2009),
suggest
that
examiners
had
a
weaker
recall
of
essay
quality
on
screen
and
had
greater
difficulty
recollecting
the
location
of
details
in
these
texts.
Interview
data
support
the
suggestion
that
the
examiners’
comprehension
was
more
challenged
when
reading
from
screen
than
from
paper
(Johnson
&
Na
´
das,
2009).
In
the
present
study,
we
strived
for
a
more
natural
setting
than
that
of
a
laboratory,
employing
classrooms
in
a
test-like
situation,
hence
extending
previous
research
within
this
field
with
regard
to
ecological
validity.
The
stimulus
material
consisted
of
two
authentic
texts
that
are
both
quite
representative
for
their
respective
genres
(i.e.,
narrative
and
expository).
As
we
wanted
the
texts
to
be
as
close
to
identical
as
possible
across
presentation
media,
we
had
subjects
read
versions
on
computer
screens
and
paper,
respectively.
We
hypothesized
(1)
that
we
would
find,
as
in
previous
research,
better
reading
comprehension
when
texts
were
read
on
paper,
and
(2)
that
the
expository
text
would
be
more
affected
by
reading
modality
than
the
narrative,
due
to
the
possible
higher
cognitive
load
introduced
by
the
topic
of
the
text.
An
additional
motivation
for
this
study
is
that
the
scoring
system
employed
is
planned
implemented
in
national
assessments
of
reading
in
Norway.
Hence,
the
study
reported
here
also
has
direct
implications
for
policymaking
and
test
development.
2.
Methods
2.1.
Participants
Participants
(n
=
72;
43%
females)
were
10th
grade
students
in
two
urban
primary
schools
in
Norway.
Age
was
not
systematically
assessed,
as
all
subjects
were
selected
to
be
or
years
old
as
shown
by
class/school
records.
Thus,
we
know
that
the
range
was
15–16
and
hence
mean
and
median
age
was
>15
and
<16.
The
sample
is
middle-class
Caucasian,
and
hence
homogenous
with
respect
to
socio-economic
status
and
ethnicity.
2.2.
Material
and
procedure
All
measures
were
administered
in
the
students’
respective
classrooms
and
carried
out
by
the
authors
and
a
research
assistant.
All
students
received
pretests
in
reading
comprehension,
word
reading
and
vocabulary.
2.2.1.
Reading-comprehension
measures
The
participants
received
a
reading-comprehension
pretest
consisting
of
one
narrative
and
one
expository
text.
Each
text
was
followed
by
multiple
choice
(MC)
items,
and
in
addition
a
few
short-answer
constructed
response
(CR)
questions
(12–20).
One
of
these
texts
was
designed
at
the
National
Centre
for
Reading
Education
and
Research
(The
Reading
Centre)
in
Norway
and
one
text
was
an
example
text
from
Programme
for
International
Student
Assessment
a
study
to
assess
reading
comprehension/literacy
among
15-year-olds
(Lie,
Kjærnsli,
Roe,
&
Turmo,
2001).
The
texts
contained
1400–
words
and
included
graphical
and/or
pictorial
illustrations.
The
format
and
number
of
pages
for
each
text
were
identical
for
on-screen
and
on-paper
presentation.
For
all
texts
used
in
the
present
study
the
questions
were
designed
to
capture
five
different
aspects
of
reading
comprehension
in
line
with
the
five
comprehension
processes
used
for
item
development
in
As
in
it
was
not
possible
to
report
each
of
the
five
aspects
as
separate
subscales,
therefore
these
five
aspects
were
organized
into
three
broader
aspect
categories:
(1)
access
and
retrieve,
(2)
integrate
and
interpret
and
(3)
reflect
and
evaluate.
The
students
were
allowed
to
look
back
at
the
text
passages
while
answering
the
questions.
Those
who
read
digitally
were
able
to
scroll
up
and
down
the
pages,
and
change
between
the
and
answering
questions.
2.2.2.
Word
reading
Students’
word
reading
abilities
were
measured
using
a
word-chain
test
(
videregaende-opplaring/Lesing/).
This
is
a
screening
test
where
the
participants
are
instructed
to
segment
letters
into
their
constituent
words.
Four
words
are
combined
in
each
word
chain.
The
words
are
nouns,
verbs,
adjectives,
adverbs,
prepositions
or
numerals,
and
they
vary
in
length
from
two
to
six
letters.
Each
chain
consists
of
words
which
are
semantically
unrelated
(Anglicized
example:
housecarseafree).
There
are
word
chains
in
the
test,
and
the
students
have
a
time
limit
of
A.
Mangen
et
al.
/
International
Journal
of
Educational
Research
(2013)
61–68
min
to
solve
as
many
word-chains
as
possible.
The
reliability
coefficient,
Cronbach’s
alpha,
was
.86
in
the
standardization
sample
(Høien
&
Tønnesen,
2008).
2.2.3.
Vocabulary
traditional
single-word-item
semantic
vocabulary
pretest
was
used
to
obtain
information
regarding
students’
vocabulary
(Buch-Iversen,
2010).
The
test
consisted
of
items.
Each
item
contained
one
stem-word,
and
the
students’
task
was
to
find
the
stem-words
synonym
among
two
distractors.
Anglicized
example:
sword
(stem)
bayonet
lance
sabre
(key).
2.2.4.
Main
survey
Four
weeks
after
the
pretests
were
carried
out,
the
students
received
another
reading
comprehension
test
consisting
of
one
narrative
and
expository
text.
This
test
was
also
designed
at
The
Reading
Centre
and
constructed
to
capture
the
three
aspect
categories
of
reading
comprehension
used
for
item
development
in
This
time
the
reading-comprehension-test
was
organized
as
a
randomized
controlled
experiment,
and
the
learners
in
each
class
were
randomized
into
two
groups:
-
Group
read
the
texts
digitally/on
screen.
-
Group
read
the
texts
on
paper.
Both
groups
answered
questions
digitally/on
screen.
The
time
limit
was
h.
All
students
who
took
part
in
the
experiment
submitted
their
tests
within
this
time
limit.
The
reading
comprehension
measures
used
in
the
main
study
were
designed
at
The
Reading
Centre.
With
respect
to
reliability,
all
texts
used
in
this
study,
both
for
pretesting
and
in
the
main
survey
had
Cronbach’s
alpha
>.75.
2.3.
Instruments
The
computer
displays
were
monitors
operating
at
Hz,
at
a
resolution
of
pixels.
The
computers
were
familiar
to
the
subjects
as
it
was
the
computers
the
students
used
in
school
on
a
daily
basis.
The
digitally
presented
texts
were
presented
as
PDF-files,
read
using
Adobe
Reader
version
9.4
for
Windows
For
group
the
same
texts
were
printed
on
A-4
size
paper
(210
mm
mm).
The
font
was
black,
point,
Times
new
roman,
at
100%
scale.
The
students
had
Internet
access,
but
were
not
allowed
to
switch
to
any
other
Internet-based
activities
while
taking
the
test.
2.4.
Data
analysis
Normally
distributed
variable
are
presented
as
means
and
standard
deviations
for
descriptive
purposes.
sequential
regression
analysis
was
used
to
investigate
differences
between
the
print
reading
condition
and
the
screen
reading
condition.
To
control
for
vocabulary,
word
reading
skill
and
reading
comprehension,
the
variables
were
entered
in
the
first
block
of
the
analysis,
followed
by
sex
and
a
binary
dummy
variable
representing
experimental
condition
(paper
versus
on-
screen
reading).
The
regression
analysis
was
checked
for
multicollinearity
using
the
approach
recommended
by
Belsley,
Kuh,
and
Welsch
(1980),
and
for
leverage,
heteroscedacity,
and
normality
of
residuals.
To
investigate
possible
relative
differences
between
effects
of
on-screen
reading
versus
paper
reading
for
the
narrative
versus
expository
text,
we
computed
standardized
scores
for
reading
comprehension
for
both
texts
in
order
to
rescale
the
variables
into
directly
comparable
units.
For
each
subject,
the
difference
score
between
the
standardized
comprehension
score
for
the
expository
text
and
the
narrative
text,
was
computed.
Finally,
differences
in
mean
pretest-scores
(vocabulary
and
word-chain)
and
differences
of
mean
difference
scores
for
reading
on-screen
versus
paper
were
analyzed
using
a
sequential
regression
analysis.
All
analyses
were
conducted
using
version
18.03.
3.
Results
t-test
for
individual
samples
revealed
that
the
two
groups
did
not
differ
significantly
from
each
other
on
the
pretests
(vocabulary:
t(70)
=
.41,
p
=
.88,
word-chain:
t(70)
=
.25,
p
=
.80,
both
t-tests
two-tailed)
indicating
that
the
students
who
read
the
text
on
paper
and
on
screen
were
similar
regarding
reading
comprehension/ability.
Table
lists
mean
scores,
standard
deviations
and
effect
sizes
on
the
pretests
for
the
two
groups
of
participants.
Cohen’s
d
effect
sizes
are
considered
as
small
(d
.3),
medium
(d
.5)
or
large
(d
.8)
by
convention
(Cohen,
1988).
Table
shows
the
results
of
the
sequential
regression
analyses.
The
model
was
considerably
improved
by
each
step
of
the
analysis,
as
shown
by
the
significant
changes.
When
adding
reading
modality
as
a
predictor
in
block
three,
the
explained
variance
increased
by
4%,
p
=
.025.
The
total
explained
variance
was
42%
in
step
three
with
all
predictors
included
in
the
equation.
In
the
final
model,
word-reading
ability
(
b
=
.144,
p
=
.043)
and
vocabulary
(
b
=
.551,
p
=
.009)
were
both
positive
predictors
of
reading-comprehension
scores.
After
controlling
for
the
variance
associated
with
the
variables
vocabulary,
word-reading,
reading
comprehension
and
gender,
the
reading
modality
variable
accounted
for
additional
variance.
Reading
A.
Mangen
et
al.
/
International
Journal
of
Educational
Research
(2013)
61–68
modality
was
found
to
be
statistically
significant
(
b
=
.216,
p
=
.025)
indicating
that
students
who
read
texts
digitally
were
more
likely
to
receive
lower
scores
on
the
reading
comprehension
tests
compared
to
the
students
who
read
the
texts
on
paper.
There
were
no
significant
difference
between
the
narrative
text
and
the
expository
text
with
regard
to
reading
modality,
F(1,70)
=
.142,
p
=
.707.
4.
Discussion
The
aim
of
the
present
study
was
to
investigate
the
potential
impact
of
the
reading
modality
on
certain
aspects
of
reading
comprehension.
Based
on
existing
research,
we
predicted
that
subjects
in
the
print
reading
condition
would
perform
better
on
the
reading
comprehension
test
than
subjects
in
the
computer
reading
condition.
Our
findings
provided
support
for
this
hypothesis.
Subjects
who
read
the
texts
on
paper
performed
significantly
better
than
subjects
who
read
the
texts
on
the
computer
screen.
Our
second
prediction
was
that
comprehension
performance
would
be
more
negatively
affected
by
computer
presentation
for
the
expository
text
than
for
the
narrative
text.
This
hypothesis
was
not
supported
by
our
data,
as
there
were
no
differences
for
the
two
types
of
text
genre
(i.e.,
narrative
and
expository)
with
regard
to
reading
modality.
There
are
several
possible
explanations
why,
in
the
present
study,
subjects
in
the
print
condition
scored
significantly
higher
on
the
comprehension
tests
than
those
in
the
screen
condition.
Considering
the
length
of
the
stimulus
text,
and
the
fact
that
the
computer
condition
text
was
in
format,
the
difference
in
comprehension
performance
between
the
print
and
the
computer
group
could
be
related
to
issues
of
navigation
within
the
document.
When
reading
on
screen,
scrolling
is
inevitable
unless
the
text
is
within
the
screen
size.
Scrolling
is
known
to
hamper
the
process
of
reading,
by
imposing
a
spatial
instability
which
may
negatively
affect
the
reader’s
mental
representation
of
the
text
and,
by
implication,
comprehension
(Baccino,
2004;
Eklundh,
1992;
Piolat,
Roussey,
&
Thunin,
1997).
By
presenting
the
texts
as
we
intended
to
minimize
the
potentially
negative
effects
of
scrolling.
However,
the
scrolling
option
was
not
excluded
from
our
material.
We
have
no
data
showing
whether
or
not,
and
to
what
extent,
the
students
in
the
computer
condition
used
the
scrolling
option
when
reading
the
texts.
Hence,
it
cannot
be
eliminated
that
students
in
the
computer
condition
scrolled
during
reading,
and
that
this
scrolling
negatively
impacted
their
comprehension
performance.
Another
navigation
issue
is
related
to
the
ways
in
which
the
two
types
of
media
determine
and
restrict
one’s
access
to
the
texts
in
their
entirety.
Evidence
suggests
that
readers
often
recall
where
in
a
text
some
particular
piece
of
information
Table
Scores
on
the
pretests
for
the
two
groups
of
students
who
participated
in
the
experiment.
Reading
modality
Mean
Effect
size
a
Reading
comprehension
Paper
19.5
6.3
.02
Computer
19.7
8.2
Vocabulary
Paper
18.4
3.4
.03
Computer
18.5
3.1
Word
reading
Paper
54.2
7.2
.06
Computer
53.5
12.7
a
Effect-sizes
were
calculated
using
Cohen’s
d.
Cohen’s
d
=
/
s
pooled
,
where
s
pooled
¼
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
½ð
s
þ
s
Þ=2
p
.
All
these
effect-sizes
are
small.
Table
Sequential
regression
with
reading
comprehension
scores
in
the
main
study
as
the
outcome.
Step
Variable
change
change
b
a
p-Value
*
.35
.35
12.03
<.001
Vocabulary
.26
.019
Word
reading
.31
.005
Reading
comprehension
pretest
.19
.094
.37
.02
2.47
.121
Vocabulary
.27
.014
Word
reading
.26
.025
Reading
comprehension
pretest
.19
.098
Sex
.16
.121
.42
.04
5.24
.025
Vocabulary
.27
.010
Word
reading
.24
.029
Reading
comprehension
pretest
.19
.082
Sex
.17
.084
Reading
modality
.21
.025
Bold
values
pertain
to
the
omnibus
step-values
in
the
multiple
regression.
a
b
is
standardized.
*
p-Value
is
considered
statistically
significant
at
p
<
.05.
A.
Mangen
et
al.
/
International
Journal
of
Educational
Research
(2013)
61–68
appeared
(e.g.,
toward
the
upper
right
corner
or
at
the
bottom
of
the
page)
(Piolat
et
al.,
1997;
Rothkopf,
1971;
Zechmeister
&
McKillip,
1972).
We
know
from
empirical
and
theoretical
research
that
having
a
good
spatial
mental
representation
of
the
physical
layout
of
the
text
supports
reading
comprehension
(Baccino
&
Pynte,
1994;
Cataldo
&
Oakhill,
2000;
Kintsch,
1998;
Piolat
et
al.,
1997).
For
instance,
Cataldo
and
Oakhill
(2000)
found
that
good
comprehenders
were
significantly
better
than
poor
comprehenders
at
remembering
and
relocating
the
order
of
information
in
a
text,
hence
implying
a
relation
between
mental
reconstruction
of
text
structure
and
reading
comprehension.
To
this
effect,
the
fixity
of
text
printed
on
paper
supports
reader’s
construction
of
the
spatial
representation
of
the
text
by
providing
unequivocal
and
fixed
spatial
cues
for
text
memory
and
recall.
In
order
to
appropriately
respond
to
the
multiple
choice
questions,
the
subjects
in
our
study
were
required
to
locate,
access
and
retrieve
essential
pieces
of
information
in
the
two
texts.
It
is
known
that
comprehension
tasks
become
more
difficult
when
the
information
required
to
complete
a
task,
such
as
answering
questions
in
a
reading
comprehension
assessment,
is
not
immediately
visible,
for
instance,
when
the
reader
has
to
integrate
information
occurring
at
locations
in
a
text
which
are
spatially
far
apart
2011).
Such
integration
requires
that
the
reader
has
constructed
a
solid
mental
representation
of
the
structure
of
the
text.
Even
with
the
relatively
short
texts
in
our
study
(4
pages),
it
is
not
unreasonable
to
assume
that
the
intangibility
of
the
digital
text
might
have
challenged
the
readers’
mental
reconstruction
of
the
physical
layout
of
the
text,
which
in
turn
might
have
impeded
their
overview
as
well
as
ability
to
access,
locate
and
retrieve
required
pieces
of
textual
information.
Readers
in
the
paper
condition
had
immediate
access
to
the
text
in
its
entirety.
This
access
is,
moreover,
built
on
both
visual
and
tactile
cues:
the
reader
can
see
as
well
as
tactilely
feel
the
spatial
extension
and
physical
dimensions
of
the
text,
as
the
material
substrate
of
paper
provides
physical,
tactile,
spatiotemporally
fixed
cues
to
the
length
of
the
text
(Mangen,
2006,
2010;
Sellen
&
Harper,
2002).
Readers
in
the
computer
condition,
by
contrast,
were
restricted
to
seeing
(and
sensing)
only
one
page
of
the
text
at
any
given
time
of
reading.
Hence,
their
overview
of
the
organization,
structure
and
flow
of
the
text
(Eklundh,
1992;
Piolat
et
al.,
1997)
might
have
been
hampered
due
to
limited
access
to
the
text
in
its
entirety.
As
noted
by
Kerr
and
Symons
(2006),
‘‘difficulties
in
reading
from
computers
may
be
due
to
disrupted
mental
maps
of
the
text,
which
may
be
reflected
in
poorer
understanding
and
ultimately
poorer
recall
of
presented
material’’
(p.
5).
Admittedly,
the
potential
role
of
voluminosity
and
thickness
of
paper
versus
screens
is
of
limited
relevance
in
the
present
study
considering
the
length
of
the
texts
in
question.
suggestion
for
future
research
could
be
to
replicate
the
findings
of
our
study
and
have
subjects
read
longer
(and
potentially
more
complex)
texts,
as
it
might
be
assumed
that
challenges
pertaining
to
intratextual
navigation
(i.e.,
navigation
inside
a
textual
document)
might
increase
with
the
length
of
the
text.
The
response
mode
(in
this
case,
responding
to
multiple
choice-questions
online)
might
also
explain
why
subjects
reading
on
paper
performed
better
than
those
reading
on
computer
screens.
Whereas,
in
the
paper
condition,
the
task
of
responding
to
questions
involved
switching
between
the
two
media
(i.e.,
between
the
texts
on
paper
on
the
desk
and
the
questions
on
a
laptop
computer
screen),
subjects
in
the
computer
condition
had
to
switch
between
different
windows
on
the
computer,
one
displaying
the
text
to
be
read,
the
other
displaying
the
questions
to
be
answered.
As
found
also
in
a
previous
study
(Wa
¨
stlund
et
al.,
2005),
the
dual-task
involved
in
switching
between
two
windows
displayed
on
the
same
computer
screen
is
likely
to
present
additional
cognitive
challenges
to
the
reader.
This
finding
is
an
illustrating
example
of
how
the
ease
of
multitasking
provided
by
the
computer
might
come
at
a
cognitive
cost,
something
which
is
evidenced
in
a
number
of
studies
(Bowman,
Levine,
Waite,
&
Gendron,
2010;
Fox,
Rosen,
&
Crawford,
2009;
Kirschner
&
Karpinski,
2010;
Lin,
2009;
Lin,
Robertson,
&
Lee,
2009;
Ophir,
Nass,
&
Wagner,
2009).
Another
potential
explanation
might
be
related
to
differences
at
a
metacognitive
level.
Metacognition,
or
the
ability
to
monitor
one’s
cognitive
performance,
has
been
shown
to
correlate
with
good
reading
comprehension
(Garner,
1987;
Paris,
Wasik,
&
Turner,
1991).
recent
study
by
Ackerman
and
Goldsmith
(2011)
is
particularly
interesting
in
this
regard.
Comparing
reading
performance
from
On-Screen
Learning
and
On-Paper
Learning
(OSL),
the
authors
found
that
under
fixed
study
time
(Experiment
1),
test
performance
did
not
differ
significantly.
However,
when
study
time
was
self-regulated
(Experiment
2),
poorer
performance
was
observed
in
screen
reading
than
in
paper
reading.
The
lower
test
performance
of
was
accompanied
by
significant
overconfidence
with
regard
to
predicted
performance
(shorter
study
time
+
lower
level
of
actual
learning),
whereas
subjects
in
the
group
monitored
their
performance
more
accurately.
Ackerman
and
Goldsmith
(2011)
conclude
that
people
appear
to
perceived
the
medium
of
print
as
more
suitable
for
effortful
learning,
whereas
the
electronic
medium
(in
this
case,
a
computer)
is
better
suited
for
‘‘fast
and
shallow
reading
of
short
texts
such
as
news,
e-mails,
and
forum
notes
[.
.
.].
The
common
perception
of
screen
presentation
as
an
information
source
intended
for
shallow
messages
may
reduce
the
mobilization
of
cognitive
resources
that
is
needed
for
effective
self-regulation’’
(p.
29).
In
the
present
study,
we
did
not
measure
the
reading
time.
Hence,
we
cannot
say
if
subjects
in
the
computer
screen
condition
spent
more
time
reading
than
the
subjects
in
the
print
condition.
suggestion
for
future
studies
on
digital
reading
is
to
combine
objective
reading
time
measures
with
both
subjective
and
objective
measures
of
reading
performance.
Print
and
screen
media
also
differ
with
respect
to
visual
ergonomics.
Hence,
some
of
the
explanation
for
the
differences
between
screen
reading
and
print
reading
might
relate
to
the
different
lighting
conditions
in
the
two
modalities.
computer
screens
like
the
ones
used
in
this
study
are
known
to
cause
visual
fatigue
due
to
their
emitting
light.
In
contrast,
e-
book
technologies
based
on
electronic
ink,
such
as
Kindle
and
Kobo,
are
merely
reflecting
light
and
are
hence
more
reader
friendly
with
respect
to
the
visual
ergonomics.
Studies
by,
e.g.,
Garland
and
Noyes
(2004)
and
Noyes
and
Garland
(2003),
concluded
that
certain
features
of
the
screen,
such
as
refresh
rate,
contrast
levels
and
fluctuating
light
interfere
with
cognitive
processing
and
hence
potentially
impair
long-term
memory.
screen
technologies
differ
from
both
print
and
more
print-like
screen
displays
based
on
electronic
ink
in
that
screens
as
found
in
most
computers
and
surf
tablets
(such
A.
Mangen
et
al.
/
International
Journal
of
Educational
Research
(2013)
61–68
as
the
iPad)
are
emitting
light,
whereas
e-book
technologies
based
on
electronic
ink,
such
as
the
Kindle,
are
reflecting
ambient
light.
Light-emitting
screens
are
known
to
cause
visual
fatigue
and,
more
specifically,
computer
vision
syndrome
(Baccino,
2004;
Blehm,
Vishnu,
Khattak,
Mitra,
&
Yee,
2005;
Yan,
Hu,
Chen,
&
Lu,
2008).
The
visuospatial,
perceptual
processes
of
reading,
involving
letter
detection
and
word
identification,
depend
crucially
on
the
visual
legibility
of
the
text.
The
visual
legibility
of
the
text,
in
turn,
is
influenced
by
several
factors,
among
which
the
screen
resolution,
effects
of
backlighting,
and
luminance
contrast
(Dillon
&
Emurian,
1995;
Lee,
Ko,
Shen,
&
Chao,
2011).
The
deteriorating
effects
on
the
visual
processing
of
text
might
in
turn
have
negative
implications
for
higher-level
processes
such
as
comprehension.
It
is
impossible
to
determine
from
the
data
of
the
current
study
whether
visual
fatigue
contributed
to
the
poorer
reading
comprehension
performance
in
the
computer
condition.
Hence,
we
cannot
say
whether
the
visual
ergonomics
of
the
laptop
computer
screens
had
a
negative
impact
on
subjects’
reading.
In
future
studies,
employing
online
measures
including
eye
tracking
methods
would
be
a
way
of
appropriately
addressing
this
important
issue.
5.
Conclusion
The
results
of
this
study
indicate
that
reading
linear
narrative
and
expository
texts
on
a
computer
screen
leads
to
poorer
reading
comprehension
than
reading
the
same
texts
on
paper.
These
results
have
several
pedagogical
implications.
Firstly,
we
should
not
assume
that
changing
the
presentation
format
for
even
short
texts
used
in
reading
assessments
will
not
have
a
significant
impact
on
reading
performance.
If
texts
are
longer
than
a
page,
scrolling
and
the
lack
of
spatiotemporal
markers
of
the
digital
texts
to
aid
memory
and
reading
comprehension
might
impede
reading
performance.
Furthermore,
our
results
suggest
that
implementing
both
reading
assessment
tasks
(i.e.,
text
reading
and
response
tasks)
in
the
same
medium
the
computer
leads
to
additional
cognitive
costs.
Hence,
the
ongoing
digitization
of
response
format
in
the
Norwegian
educational
assessment
system
warrants
extra
consideration
of
important
but
hitherto
largely
neglected
factors
potentially
influencing
assessment
outcomes,
such
as
challenges
pertaining
to
multitasking
in
a
digital
environment.
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