Transferring Credit
Risk on Mortgages
Guaranteed by
Fannie Mae or
Freddie Mac
December 2017
GSE December 12, 2017 5:00 PM
i of i
© Trong Nguyen/
Unless this report indicates otherwise, all years referred to are federal scal years, which
run from October 1 to September 30 and are designated by the calendar year in which
they end.
Numbers in the text, tables, and gures may not add up to totals because of rounding.
Supplemental data are posted with this report on CBO’s website.
1. Interest Rate Spread Paid on the GSEs’ Credit- Risk Notes in 2018 8
1. Overview of the Structure of the GSEs’ Credit- Risk Notes 5
2. Loss Coverage of the GSEs’ Credit- Risk Notes Under Current Policy and Option 1 7
3. Risk Exposure on the GSEs’ 2018 Cohort of Guarantees Under
Current Policy and Option 1 13
4. Risk Exposure on the GSEs’ 2008–2012 Cohorts of Guarantees Under Option 2 14
5. Annual Net Premiums Collected on the GSEs’ 2018 Cohort of
Guarantees Under Current Policy and Option 1 16
6. Annual Net Premiums Collected on the GSEs’ 2008–2012 Cohorts of
Guarantees Under Option 2 18
Summary and Introduction 1
How Do the GSEs Share Risk With Private Investors? 1
How Are the GSEs’ Risk- Sharing TransactionsWorking? 1
How Could the GSEs Expand eir Risk Sharing? 2
Rationales for the GSEs’ Credit- Risk- TransferTransactions 2
The Current State of the GSEs’ Credit- Risk- TransferTransactions 3
Types of CRT Transactions 4
Amount of Risk Transferred 5
Options for Expanding the GSEs’ Credit- Risk- TransferTransactions 6
Option 1A: Transfer a Larger Share of the Currently Covered Losses 7
Option 1B: Transfer Losses Up To a Higher Percentage of the Unpaid Principal Balance 8
Option 2: Share Risk on Mortgages Guaranteed Between 2008 and 2012 9
Uncertainty About Pricing Under the Options 10
Eects of the Options for Expanding the GSEs’ Credit- Risk- Transfer Transactions 10
Eects on the Fair- Value Subsidy Cost of the GSEs 11
Eects on the GSEs’ Exposure to Risk 11
Eects on the GSEs’ Annual Net Premiums 15
About This Document 19
Transferring Credit Risk on Mortgages
Guaranteedby Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac
Summary and Introduction
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government- sponsored
enterprises (GSEs) that help nance mortgages in the
United States. ey were originally established by the
federal government as private corporations with a public
mission. However, in September2008, the government
placed the GSEs in conservatorships under their reg-
ulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA),
because of nancial distress stemming from the recession
that began in 2007.
Today, under those conservatorships, the debt securities
and mortgage- backed securities (MBSs) that Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac issue are eectively guaranteed by
the federal government (subject to limits). at guaran-
tee explicitly exposes the government to risk from the
activities of the GSEs.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac operate mainly in the sec-
ondary (or resale) market for single- family mortgages.
ey buy mortgages that meet certain standards from
banks and other mortgage originators; pool those loans
into mortgage- backed securities, which they guarantee
against most of the losses from defaults on the under-
lying mortgages; and sell the MBSs to investors—a
process known as securitization. e GSEs’ guarantees
1. For an overview of the federal government’s support of the GSEs,
see Congressional Budget Oce, e Eects of Increasing Fannie
Maes and Freddie Macs Capital (October2016),
2. e two GSEs also guarantee loans in the multifamily mortgage
market and invest in mortgage- related securities for their
portfolios of assets. ose investment portfolios expose the
GSEs to interest rate risk and prepayment risk—that is, to the
possibility of losses when uctuating interest rates and early
repayments of mortgages create a gap between the value of
the GSEs’ asset portfolios and the value of the debt securities
used to fund them. For more information about the GSEs’
operations, see Congressional Budget Oce, Fannie Mae, Freddie
Mac, and the Federal Role in the Secondary Mortgage Market
on MBSs provide insurance to investors that they will
receive payments of principal and interest on the under-
lying mortgages even if a borrower defaults. Some of the
other losses from defaults on those mortgages are borne
by private mortgage insurers. However, on most of the
loans pooled into MBSs, the GSEs—and thus the federal
government—bear a signicant share of the risk of losses
as part of their traditional guarantee operations.
How Do the GSEs Share Risk With Private Investors?
At the direction of FHFA, the GSEs began undertaking
transactions in 2013 to transfer some of the credit risk
of their guarantees to private investors.
In most of those
transactions, the GSEs issue bonds, called credit- risk
notes, that pay principal and interest to investors based
on the performance of an underlying pool of mortgages
guaranteed as part of traditional MBSs. Credit- risk notes
insulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from a specied
amount of mortgage losses by having those losses reduce
the amount of principal repaid to holders of the notes.
e GSEs have also experimented with reducing their
exposure to credit risk by issuing subordinate MBSs that
they do not guarantee, by having mortgage originators
retain some of the risk on the loans sold to the GSEs,
and by purchasing reinsurance on pools of mortgages.
How Are the GSEs’ Risk- Sharing
e Congressional Budget Oce examined how the
GSEs’ use of credit- risk- transfer (CRT) transactions has
3. In the case of mortgages issued to borrowers who made a
20percent down payment, the GSEs have historically insured
investors against all losses on those loans. In the case of mortgages
issued with less than a 20percent down payment, a private
mortgage insurer generally covers a portion of losses ahead of the
4. To date, those investors have consisted mainly of private- sector
money managers, hedge funds, insurance companies, and
real estate investment trusts. Public entities, such as foreign
governments or U.S. state and local governments, have not been
signicant investors in the market for the GSEs’ credit risk.
2 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
been operating under current policy and concluded the
Current CRT transactions are being executed in a
fully functioning liquid market, and the GSEs use
a competitive process to determine the price they
will pay private investors to accept the risk being
transferred. Although those transactions generate
administrative expenses for the GSEs, they do not
change the GSEs’ fair- value subsidy cost.
(Fair value
is a market- based measure of the federal governments
obligations and is the measure that CBO uses to
estimate the subsidy cost of Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac in the federal budget.)
Currently planned CRT transactions are projected to
reduce the GSEs’ exposure to risk by $2.8billion in
2018. at amount is equal to 11percent of the total
risk exposure from the GSEs’ new guarantees in that
year, CBO estimates. (In this analysis, CBO evaluates
risk exposure using a fair- value measure of losses from
defaults that implicitly puts more weight on losses
that occur in adverse economic conditions.)
If the economy performs as CBO projects in its
January 2017 baseline macroeconomic forecast, the
currently planned CRT transactions will reduce
the GSEs’ total net premium income on their
2018guarantees. e reason is that, under normal
economic conditions, the GSEs will pay more in
interest to CRT investors than they will receive
in protection from losses. e situation may be
dierent if the economy experiences more challenging
conditions, such as a severe recession. In that case, the
5. at conclusion follows directly from the denition of fair
value—which is the price paid in an orderly, competitive
market—and the exclusion of administrative costs from the fair-
value measure that CBO uses to estimate the subsidy cost of the
GSEs. (For a discussion of the accounting for administrative costs
in a fair- value estimate, see Congressional Budget Oce, Fair-
Value Accounting for Federal Credit Programs (March2012), p.10, Transferring credit risk in
orderly transactions at market prices would not directly increase
or decrease the subsidy cost of the GSEs (dened as the dierence
between the present value of projected fair- value insurance losses
on mortgages guaranteed by the GSEs and the present value of
fair- value fees that the GSEs are projected to collect in exchange
for providing those guarantees). If markets were disorderly,
transfers might occur only at “re sale” prices that would be
below fair value, creating signicant costs on a fair- value basis.
e estimates of subsidy cost in this analysis are for transfers
conducted in orderly markets.
GSEs’ net premium income may be higher with CRT
transactions than it would be otherwise, meaning that
the GSEs will receive more in protection than they
will pay in interest. (Net premium income is dened
here as the GSEs’ collections of premiums for their
guarantees net of interest paid to the investors involved
in CRT transactions and net of losses borne by the
GSEs in excess of losses borne by CRT investors.)
How Could the GSEs Expand Their Risk Sharing?
CBO also analyzed two approaches for expanding the
GSEs’ eorts to share risk with investors: increasing the
amount of risk shared on new mortgages guaranteed in
the future, and transferring some of the risk on mort-
gages guaranteed before 2013, when the current CRT
program began. CBO concluded that expanding the
GSEs’ use of credit- risk transfers in those ways would
have the following eects:
Produce no change in the fair- value subsidy cost of
the GSEs;
Further reduce the GSEs’ risk exposure in 2018; and
Further reduce the total annual net premiums
collected by the GSEs on their guarantees, compared
with net premium income in the absence of risk
sharing, if the economy performs as CBO projects
in its baseline macroeconomic forecast, or further
increase net premium income (relative to not
conducting credit- risk transfers) under a scenario of
economic stress.
Rationales for the GSEs’
Credit- Risk- TransferTransactions
In 2013, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac began sharing
with private investors a portion of the credit risk on
single- family mortgages they guarantee. ose credit-
risk- transfer transactions are designed to accomplish a
number of goals set out by the GSEs’ conservator and
regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
First, CRTs are designed to reduce the cost to taxpayers
from the risk of future losses associated with the GSEs
credit guarantees. Under a traditional guarantee, if a
6. For a discussion of alternative ways to share credit risk with the
private sector, see Congressional Budget Oce, Transitioning
to Alternative Structures for Housing Finance (December2014),
3deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
borrower defaults on a mortgage backed by the GSEs,
they assume the costs of default that are not borne by
the borrower or a private mortgage insurer. CRT trans-
actions shift some of those costs from the GSEs to other
private parties, such as investors, mortgage insurers, or
private reinsurance rms.
Second, CRT transactions help to create a broader, more
liquid market for mortgage credit risk by introducing
multiple sources of private capital. (In a liquid market,
investors can quickly buy or sell large quantities of an
asset without aecting its price.) Before 2013, providers
of private capital participated in absorbing credit losses
on mortgages mainly through the market for private-
label securities (MBSs issued and insured by private
companies without government backing) and through
the private mortgage insurance industry.
Today, the
market for private- label securities is much smaller than
it was before the 2007–2009recession, but investors
can still assume mortgage credit risk by investing in the
credit- risk notes and other CRT instruments issued by
the GSEs. Ultimately, the market created through those
CRT transactions may aid in developing a private market
for mortgage credit risk after the GSEs’ conservator-
ships end by reducing the direct role of the GSEs in the
mortgage market.
ird, CRT transactions help to create transparency
about the price of mortgage credit risk by providing a
clear signal of the price that private investors would pay
to assume a share of the risk borne by Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac. e GSEs and others may use that price
signal to gauge the appropriate level at which to set the
fees they charge mortgage borrowers for their guarantees
in the future. Although the GSEs publish their guarantee
fees (both individually and through FHFA) and provide
some information about how those fees are determined,
the fact that the GSEs are explicitly backed by the
federal government gives them a nancing advantage
over private mortgage insurers. at advantage creates
an opportunity for the GSEs to price their mortgage
guarantees at below- market, subsidized levels. Allowing
private investors to buy and trade a share of the credit
risk currently borne by the GSEs increases transparency
about the value of the risk that the GSEs have assumed.
7. Providers of private capital bear credit risk on mortgages that
are not guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or the Federal
Housing Administration. at credit risk is borne mainly
by banks (which originate mortgages and hold them in their
portfolios) or by investors that purchase private- label securities.
CRT transactions are designed to shift risk, and thus
costs, away from the GSEs, but risk transfers also create
some concerns for the GSEs. For example, although
there may be a stable supply of investors willing to
assume credit risk from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
under normal market conditions, it could be dicult
to entice private investors to assume that risk during
periods of market stress. In that case, the GSEs might
be left holding a larger share of the risk of losses on their
traditional guarantees. In addition, some analysts argue
that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pay more than a fair-
market price to transfer risk in some CRT transactions—
driven in part by FHFAs goals for the amount of risk
it wants the GSEs to share—potentially weakening the
GSEs’ nancial positions.
Finally, although current CRT
transactions have been designed not to harm the liquid-
ity of the broader MBS market, a small potential exists
that carrying out a large volume of certain types of CRT
transactions, which make the underlying loans ineligible
for standard securitization, could reduce the liquidity of
that market. (Such transactions might include senior-
subordinate securities and mortgage- originator recourse
transactions, which are described below.)
The Current State of the GSEs’ Credit- Risk-
According to FHFA, between July2013 and
December2016, Fannie Maes and Freddie Mac’s CRT
transactions transferred a portion of the credit risk on a
total of $1.4trillion in mortgages, as measured by the
unpaid principal balance (UPB) of the loans when the
CRTs occurred.
ose mortgages represent a substantial
share of the new loans that the GSEs guaranteed during
that period. e GSEs’ objective in 2017 is to share risk
8. See J. Timothy Howard, “Risk Sharing, Or Not,Howard on
Mortgage Finance (blog entry, March9, 2016), http://tinyurl.
com/y7wwmkka. Assessing the degree to which current market
prices for the GSEs’ risk- sharing transactions reect the future
costs of the GSEs’ guarantee operations is uncertain and subject
to dierences in modeling assumptions and methods. For
example, FHFA analyzed certain issuances of credit- risk notes by
the GSEs and concluded that the market- based credit costs in
those deals implied an estimated guarantee fee below the actual
fee that the GSEs charged on the related mortgages—suggesting
that the GSEs paid less than a fair- market price to transfer
risk in some CRT transactions. See Federal Housing Finance
Agency, Credit Risk Transfer Progress Report: December2016
9. See Federal Housing Finance Agency, Credit Risk Transfer Progress
Report: December2016 (March2017),
4 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
on at least 90percent of the total UPB of the newly
guaranteed loans it is targeting for credit- risk transfers.
e portion of credit risk shared on those loans depends
on the measure used to dene risk. e GSEs’ current
CRT transactions leave investors with a large share of
expected losses—that is, losses from the defaults pro-
jected to occur if the economy performs as CBO projects
in its baseline macroeconomic forecast. Under measures
of risk that include losses from the defaults that might
occur if the economy experienced more challenging
conditions, the GSEs’ current CRT transactions transfer
a smaller share of losses to private investors.
Types of CRT Transactions
To date, the GSEs have used several kinds of transactions
to transfer credit risk. e most common type of trans-
action is the issuing of credit- risk notes, which account
for 78percent of the dollar amount of CRT instruments
sold to investors. ose notes—called Structured Agency
Credit Risk (STACR) at Freddie Mac and Connecticut
Avenue Securities (CAS) at Fannie Mae—are bonds that
pay principal and interest to investors based on the per-
formance of an underlying pool of mortgages guaranteed
as part of traditional MBSs. e underlying loans are
known as the reference pool.
e principal balance of the credit- risk notes is a per-
centage of the total outstanding balance of the reference
at outstanding balance is divided into dier-
ent bonds, called tranches, that have diering levels of
seniority (see Figure 1). A fraction of borrowers’ sched-
uled and unscheduled principal payments on mortgages
in the reference pool is used to repay the most senior
tranche still outstanding at any given point. ose
payments are made on a prorated basis: For example, if
the principal balance of the credit- risk notes at issuance
represented 1percent of the principal balance of the
reference pool, 1percent of principal payments on the
reference loans is used to repay the holders of the most
senior tranche. By contrast, all losses on mortgages in the
reference pool are used to reduce the principal balance of
the most subordinate tranche outstanding. For instance,
$1of losses on the reference pool reduces the principal
10. e fact that the GSEs receive the principal balance of the notes
from investors eliminates counterparty risk, the possibility that
lenders or investors with whom the GSEs share risk will not
honor their obligations.
balance of the most subordinate tranche outstanding
e GSEs pay interest to investors on the unpaid princi-
pal of the credit- risk notes. e interest rate is a oating
rate—a specic percentage (or spread) above the London
Interbank Oer Rate (LIBOR) that varies by tranche.
For the GSEs’ recent issuances of credit- risk notes, aver-
age spreads have ranged from approximately 1percent-
age point for the most senior tranche to 10percentage
points for the most subordinate tranche. ose spreads
are generally set to ensure that the bonds sell to investors
at par, meaning that investors pay $1 for every $1 of
principal of the credit- risk note.
e spread for each tranche is based on private investors
assessment of the risks inherent in that tranche, includ-
ing credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk. Tranches
that are more exposed to the risk of credit losses on loans
in the reference pool have a higher spread to compensate
investors for the potential loss of principal. (Although
losses are less likely on more senior tranches, those
tranches are exposed to the risk that borrowers will repay
their mortgage principal early.) All tranches provide
investors with compensation for liquidity risk, the risk
that investors may receive less money if they attempt to
sell their tranches before maturity (because the market
for credit- risk notes is much smaller than the market for
MBSs issued by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac). e spread
also includes compensation for the cost of market risk,
the risk that investors face because losses on guaranteed
mortgages tend to be high when economic and nancial
conditions are poor and resources are therefore more
Besides issuing credit- risk notes, Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac have used several other types of transactions, on a
smaller scale, to transfer risk:
11. For more information about how the STACR and CAS
programs operate, see Freddie Mac, “Freddie Mac Structured
Agency Credit Risk (STACR®)” (accessed October23, 2017),erings/stacr_debt.html; and
Fannie Mae, “Connecticut Avenue Securities (CAS)” (accessed
October23, 2017),
12. Market risk is the component of nancial risk that remains
even after investors have diversied their portfolios as much as
possible. It results from shifts in macroeconomic conditions,
such as productivity and employment, and from changes in
expectations about future macroeconomic conditions.
5deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
Senior- subordinate securities—securities that the
GSEs issue outside the traditional MBS market that
consist of a senior bond shielded from credit losses
by a subordinate bond, which does not have a GSE
Mortgage- originator recourse transactions and “front-
end” pilots—arrangements in which lenders keep a
portion of the credit risk on mortgages they sell to the
GSEs, often by agreeing to repurchase certain loans
that default in exchange for paying the GSEs a lower
guarantee fee (which can exclude those loans from the
traditional MBS market); and
Pool- level reinsurance—supplementary insurance
that the GSEs purchase from a traditional mortgage
insurer or reinsurance rm to cover losses on a pool
of loans that exceed the coverage provided by the
primary mortgage insurance that the individual loans
13. See Federal Housing Finance Agency, Single- Family Credit
Risk Transfer Progress Report (June2016),
Amount of Risk Transferred
Although the GSEs have transferred risk on mortgages
with a total UPB of more than $1.4trillion, the maxi-
mum amount of credit risk that private investors bear on
those loans is much smaller than that unpaid principal
balance. Investors cover only an amount of loss repre-
sented by their bond investment (for credit- risk notes
and senior- subordinate securities), their recourse arrange-
ment, or their insurance obligation (for reinsurance). For
example, the STACR and CAS notes sold to investors
through December2016covered slightly more than
$38billion of losses on mortgages with a total UPB of
e GSEs’ recent issuances of credit- risk notes cover
losses of about 3.75percent of the original UPB of the
underlying mortgages, on average. However, only notes
covering an average of about 3percent of the original
UPB were sold to private investors. e GSEs typically
retain a small portion of the more senior tranches and
a large portion of the subordinate tranches instead of
selling them to investors. e GSEs keep some of those
credit- risk notes for a variety of reasons, including to
Figure 1 .
Overview of the Structure of the GSEs’ Credit- Risk Notes
Mortgage Borrowers’ Scheduled and Unscheduled
Principal Payments Are Used to Repay the Most Senior
Tranche Outstanding
Total Outstanding Balance of the Reference
Pool Is Divided Into Dierent Tranches of
Credit-Risk Notes, Which Have Diering
Levels of Seniority
Losses From Defaults Are Used to Reduce the Principal
Balance of the Most Subordinate Tranche Outstanding
Tranche 1
Tranche 4
Tranche 3
Tranche 2
Pool of Mortgages
by the GSEs
Source: Congressional Budget Oce.
GSEs = government- sponsored enterprises (in this case, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).
6 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
show that their interests are aligned with those of inves-
tors and, in the case of subordinate tranches, because
they judge that the economic value of holding that risk
outweighs the value of selling it at current market prices.
e 3.75percent average loss coverage on credit- risk
notes issued recently would have been sucient to
cover most of the losses that the GSEs experienced on
their guarantees during the height of the most recent
crisis in the mortgage market, which began in calendar
year 2007. For example, according to a 2015report by
FHFA, Freddie Macs losses reached roughly 3.5per-
cent on mortgages guaranteed in calendar year 2007—a
cohort of loans whose borrowers had a lower average
credit score than loans guaranteed by the GSEs since
the housing crisis.
At the time of the FHFA report,
nearly 20percent of the 2007cohort of loans remained
outstanding, so losses on that cohort could increase, but
total losses are likely to remain below 5percent of the
initial loan balance. As a result, FHFA and the GSEs
assert that STACR and CAS transactions generally insu-
late the GSEs from all but “catastrophic” losses. Another
means of assessing the risk on single- family mortgages
is bank capital standards. Such standards require banks
holding single- family mortgages similar to those guaran-
teed by the GSEs to retain at least 4percent of the loan
balance as capital.
In its latest annual report setting objectives for Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac, FHFA called on the GSEs to
transfer a “meaningful” amount of credit risk on at least
90percent of the UPB of newly guaranteed loans that
meet certain criteria in 2017. Specically, the GSEs
target is to share risk on 90percent of the UPB of the
following types of mortgages: renance loans (other than
those from the Home Aordable Renance Program or
those with high loan- to- value ratios), xed- rate mort-
gages with terms longer than 20years, and mortgages
with loan- to- value ratios greater than 60percent.
14. See Federal Housing Finance Agency, Overview of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac Credit Risk Transfer Transactions (August2015),
15. For a description of capital requirements for mortgage- related
assets, see Government Accountability Oce, Mortgage-
Related Assets: Capital Requirements Vary Depending on Type of
Asset, GAO- 17- 93 (December2016),
GAO- 17- 93.
16. See Federal Housing Finance Agency, 2017Scorecard for
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Common Securitization Solutions
FHFA also directed the GSEs to continue to experiment
with new risk- sharing structures and partners.
Options for Expanding the GSEs’
Credit- Risk- TransferTransactions
Although Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac already transfer
some risk on most of the new mortgages they guaran-
tee, the GSEs could expand their risk- sharing eorts
to promote additional private- sector participation. e
ultimate goals of such an expansion would be to reduce
taxpayers’ exposure to the risk of losses on those guaran-
tees and to make loan costs for mortgage borrowers more
competitively determined and transparent.
CBO forecasts the credit- risk transfers that Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac will conduct in future years as part
of its baseline projections of the budgetary eects of
federal programs that guarantee mortgages.
On the
basis of the GSEs’ current policy, CBO estimates that for
loans newly guaranteed in 2018, the GSEs will trans-
fer a portion of risk on 70percent of those mortgages
overall and on 90percent of the subset of mortgages
targeted for risk sharing. CBO projects that the GSEs
will sell credit-risk notes covering 20percent of the losses
equal to the rst 0.5percent of the original UPB of the
reference pool of loans and 85percent of the losses that
equal between 0.5percent and 3.75percent of the pools
original UPB (see Figure 2).
In other words, if a refer-
ence pool of GSE- guaranteed mortgages had an original
unpaid principal balance of $1million in all, the GSEs
would sell credit- risk notes covering 20percent of the
rst $5,000in losses on that pool (covering $1,000in
losses) and 85percent of the losses between $5,000
and $37,500 (covering up to an additional $27,625in
17. e projections in this report are based on the budget
and macroeconomic projections that CBO published in
January2017in e Budget and Economic Outlook: 2017 to 2027
( In that baseline, Fannie
Maes and Freddie Mac’s total volume of loan guarantees in 2018
is projected to be $935billion. In June2017, CBO released
updated projections in An Update to the Budget and Economic
Outlook: 2017 to 2027 ( In
that update, the GSEs’ total volume of loan guarantees in 2018
is projected to be $818billion. e conclusions of this report
would be generally unchanged using either forecast.
18. With notes issued in calendar year 2017, the GSEs have retained
a larger share of the losses equal to the rst 0.5percent of the
original UPB of the reference pool, including many issuances
in which they sold no credit- risk notes covering those losses.
However, CBO estimates that they will sell notes covering
20percent of such losses in 2018.
7deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
Under that current policy, the GSEs will engage in a
total of $18.6billion in CRT transactions with investors
in 2018, CBO estimates. (Although the GSEs conduct
various types of risk- sharing arrangements with dier-
ing characteristics, CBO assumes for simplicitys sake
that all CRT transactions executed in 2018 and beyond
involve credit- risk notes.)
e GSEs could increase the amount of risk they share
with investors on newly guaranteed mortgages by selling
notes that cover a larger share of the losses equal to the
rst 3.75percent of the reference pool’s unpaid princi-
pal balance or by selling notes that cover losses up to a
higher percentage of the pool’s UPB. e GSEs could
also expand the CRT program to include mortgages
guaranteed before 2013, when the program began.
CBO examined several illustrative versions of those
Option 1A: Transfer a Larger Share of the Currently
Covered Losses
In the rst alternative that CBO analyzed, for loans
newly guaranteed in 2018, the GSEs would transfer
40percent (rather than 20percent) of the losses equal
to the rst 0.5percent of the original unpaid principal
balance of the reference pool of loans and 95percent
(rather than 85percent) of the losses that equal between
0.5percent and 3.75percent of the pools original UPB
(see Figure 2). CBO estimates that the GSEs could
sell credit- risk notes covering that larger share of losses
for the same interest rate spread over the one- month
LIBOR as on their existing notes sold to investors (see
Table 1). Under this alternative, the GSEs would sell
$21.4billion (rather than $18.6billion) in credit- risk
notes to investors in 2018, CBO estimates, covering the
same pool of mortgages as under current policy.
Figure 2 .
Loss Coverage of the GSEs’ Credit- Risk Notes Under Current Policy and Option 1
Losses as a Percentage of the Original UPB of the Reference Pool
Under GSEs’ Current Policy of
Credit-Risk Transfers
Option 1A (GSEs Transfer
a Larger Share of the
Currently Covered Losses)
Option 1B (GSEs Transfer
Losses Up To a Higher
Percentage of the UPB)
3.75 3.75
1.0 1.0
2.55 2.55
Losses Covered by Credit-Risk
Notes Sold to Investors
Losses Retained
by the GSEs
20% 40%
Share of Losses Share of Losses Share of Losses
Tranche 1
Tranche 0
Tranche 4
Tranche 3
Tranche 2
Tranche 1
Tranche 4
Tranche 3
Tranche 2
Tranche 1
Tranche 4
Tranche 3
Tranche 2
Source: Congressional Budget Oce.
In the case of current policy, CBO estimates that in 2018, the GSEs will sell credit- risk notes covering 20 percent of the losses equal to the first 0.5
percent of the original UPB of the reference pool of loans and 85 percent of the losses that equal between 0.5 percent and 3.75 percent of the pool’s
original UPB. In other words, if a reference pool of GSE- guaranteed mortgages had an original UPB of $1 million in all, the GSEs would sell credit- risk
notes covering 20 percent of the first $5,000 in losses on that pool (covering $1,000 in losses) and 85 percent of the losses between $5,000 and
$37,500 (covering up to an additional $27,625 in losses). Options 1A and 1B would modify those percentages as shown here.
GSEs = government- sponsored enterprises (in this case, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac); UPB = unpaid principal balance.
8 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
Option 1B: Transfer Losses Up To a Higher
Percentage of the Unpaid Principal Balance
In another version of this approach that CBO analyzed,
the GSEs would issue credit- risk notes covering a portion
of the losses equal to as much as 6percent of the original
UPB of the reference pool of loans newly guaranteed in
e CRT programs current average loss cover-
age, 3.75percent of the UPB, is generally considered
sucient to shield the GSEs from the losses on any
19. e GSEs issued credit- risk notes with loss coverage of up to
6.5percent in calendar years 2014 and 2015. In addition, many
notes issued in 2017have loss coverage of 4percent or more.
However, CBO’s baseline projections are based on the average
loss coverage of notes issued in calendar years 2016 and 2017,
which is closer to 3.75percent.
cohort of loans they guaranteed during the housing cri-
sis. However, although annual losses have not exceeded
5percent on average, CBO estimates that certain high-
risk categories of loans have experienced losses greater
than 5percent. (Such high- risk loans represent a smaller
share of the GSEs’ guarantees now than they did during
the crisis.) In addition, losses could exceed 5percent on
future years’ cohorts of guarantees if the GSEs loosened
their standards for issuing a guarantee or if the mortgage
market experienced stresses greater than those of 2007
and 2008.
Under this option, as under current policy, the GSEs
would transfer 20percent of the losses equal to the
rst 0.5percent of the reference pool’s original UPB.
Table 1 .
Interest Rate Spread Paid on the GSEs’ Credit- Risk Notes in 2018
Percentage Points Above the London Interbank Oer Rate
2018 Cohort of Guarantees
Spread Under Option2
(GSEs Share Risk on
Mortgages Guaranteed
Between 2008 and 2012)
Losses Covered
(Percentage of the
original UPB of the
reference pool)
Under GSEs’
Current Policy
of Credit- Risk
Under Option 1A
(GSEs Transfer
a Larger Share
of the Currently
Covered Losses)
Under Option 1B
(GSEs Transfer
Losses Up To a
Higher Percentage
of the UPB)
Cohort of
Cohort of
Tranche 0 (Most senior
under Option 1B) 3.75 to 6.0 n.a. n.a. 1.0 n.a. n.a.
Tranche 1 (Most senior,
except under Option 1B) 2.55 to 3.75 1.2 1.2 1.3 2.3 0.7
Tranche 2 1.0 to 2.55 3.1 3.1 3.4 6.3 1.9
Tranche 3 0.5 to 1.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 9.8 2.9
Tranche 4 (Most subordinate) 0 to 0.5 10.3 10.3 10.3 20.5 6.2
Source: Congressional Budget Oce.
The total outstanding balance of the reference pool of mortgages underlying credit- risk notes is divided into dierent bonds, called tranches, that have
diering levels of seniority. Borrowers’ scheduled and unscheduled principal payments on mortgages in the reference pool are used to repay the most
senior tranche still outstanding at any given point, whereas losses on mortgages in the reference pool are used to reduce the principal balance of the
most subordinate tranche outstanding. That dierence in risk accounts for the dierent interest rate spreads paid on dierent tranches.
Tranches 1 and 2 would bear the same losses under Option 1B as they would under current policy. CBO estimates that investors would require a
slightly higher spread for those tranches under Option 1B, however, because the tranches would be exposed to a greater risk of losses than those
same tranches under current policy. The reason is that under Option 1B, the most senior tranche would absorb more payments of reference loans
ahead of subordinate tranches. CBO estimates that investors would require identical spreads for tranches 3 and 4 under Option 1B and under current
policy because in both cases, those tranches would be exposed to similar levels of liquidity risk, market risk, risk of losses, and risk that borrowers will
repay their mortgage principal early.
GSEs = government- sponsored enterprises (in this case, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac); UPB = unpaid principal balance; n.a. = not applicable.
9deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
However, they would also transfer 85percent of the losses
that equal between 0.5percent and 6percent (rather
than 3.75percent) of the pool’s UPB (see Figure 2 on
page 7). Under this alternative, the GSEs would sell
$31.1billion (rather than $18.6billion) in credit- risk
notes to investors in 2018, CBO estimates, covering the
same pool of mortgages as under current policy.
Adding a senior tranche to cover losses between 3.75per-
cent and 6percent of the reference pool’s UPB would
extend the length of time in which credit- risk notes
would cover losses, because that senior tranche would
absorb more repayments of reference loans ahead of sub-
ordinate tranches. at additional time would allow the
notes sold to investors to cover more losses between zero
and 3.75percent of the UPB.
For example, under current policy, the most senior
tranche of a credit- risk note bears losses between
2.55percent and 3.75percent of the reference pool’s
original UPB (with subordinate tranches bearing losses
between zero and 2.55percent). at senior tranche also
receives the credit- risk note’s initial prorated share of bor-
rowers’ scheduled and unscheduled principal payments
on the loans in the reference pool. If those payments
were sucient to repay the entire tranche within two
years of its issuance and then losses exceeded 2.55per-
cent of the reference pools original UPB in the third
year, the GSEs would receive no protection from the
credit- risk note under current policy. Under this option,
by contrast, losses between 2.55percent and 3.75per-
cent of the UPB would be borne by the second- most
senior tranche, and the most senior tranche would cover
losses between 3.75percent and 6percent. at senior
tranche would also receive the credit- risk notes initial
prorated share of borrowers’ principal payments on the
reference pool. If those payments were sucient to repay
the entire senior tranche within two years of its issuance
and then losses exceeded 2.55percent of the UPB in the
third year, the GSEs would receive protection from the
second- most senior tranche of the credit- risk note under
this option.
CBO estimates that investors buying those notes would
require spreads consistent with the ones oered under
current policy for similar risks (see Table 1). ose
spreads would range from about 10percentage points
above the one- month LIBOR to bear losses up to the
rst 0.5percent of the UPB to 1percentage point above
the one- month LIBOR to bear losses between 3.75per-
cent and 6percent of the UPB.
Option 2: Share Risk on Mortgages Guaranteed
Between 2008 and 2012
CBO also analyzed an option in which the GSEs would
expand their risk- sharing eorts to include loans origi-
nated before the 2013start of the CRT program. Such
older loans can be responsible for disproportionate
losses. For example, Fannie Mae reported last year that
mortgages originated between calendar years 2005 and
2008made up only 9percent of its outstanding guar-
antees but accounted for nearly 65percent of the total
credit losses on those guarantees.
e percentage of
losses from cohorts of mortgages guaranteed before 2013
is declining over time, but the GSEs could still share a
signicant fraction of future losses by entering into risk-
sharing agreements that cover pools of those older loans.
In CBO’s illustrative version of that approach, the GSEs
would share the losses expected to be incurred in 2018
and later years on loans originated from 2008 through
2012that were being paid on schedule by the borrowers
in 2018.
at risk sharing would take the same form
as recent issuances of credit- risk notes: e GSEs would
transfer 20percent of the losses equal to the rst 0.5per-
cent of the original UPB of the reference pool of loans
and 85percent of the losses that equal between 0.5per-
cent and 3.75percent of the pool’s original UPB. Under
this option, CBO estimates, the GSEs would sell inves-
tors $12.9billion in credit- risk notes based on reference
pools of outstanding mortgages originated each year
between 2008 and 2012.
e pricing of CRT transactions involving older loans
would provide additional transparency about the costs
of those loans. Such prices would not be relevant to the
pricing of new loans, however, because the prices paid
on notes linked to older loans would reect any deteri-
oration or improvement in the condition of those loans
20. See Fannie Mae, 2016ird Quarter Credit Supplement
(November2016), p.17,
21. is option does not include mortgages originated in 2005,
2006, or 2007because few of those loans are still outstanding
(most having been repaid, for example, when the borrower
renanced the loan or sold the property). e option also
excludes loans from the 2008–2012period that will have been
repaid or gone into default before 2018or that are projected to
be delinquent in 2018.
10 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
since they were originated. For example, CBO estimates
that investors would require more compensation—in
the form of higher spreads—for credit- risk notes based
on the GSEs’ 2008cohort of guarantees than for notes
based on the 2018cohort because loans guaranteed
in 2008 are expected to have higher losses than loans
guaranteed in 2018 (see Table 1). Conversely, inves-
tors would require lower spreads for credit- risk notes
based on the 2012cohort than for notes based on the
2018cohort because losses are expected to be lower on
the remaining loans from the 2012cohort than on the
2018cohort, CBO estimates.
Uncertainty About Pricing Under the Options
e GSEs’ current credit- risk notes provide some
information about what private investors might charge
to share risk beyond the current parameters of the CRT
program. Nevertheless, the prices that the GSEs would
have to pay to expand their risk sharing are uncertain for
several reasons.
First, the private market may be more or less willing to
assume risk on loans originated during the housing crisis,
or to assume greater risk on newly originated loans, than
CBO projects. In that case, investors would require lower
or higher compensation than the estimates shown in
Table 1.
Second, given the potential that investors’ willingness to
accept that new risk may be higher or lower, the market
for credit- risk notes issued under the options might be
more or less liquid than CBO anticipates, further chang-
ing costs. Although that new risk might be more dicult
to price initially, developing structures that enabled the
GSEs to share additional risk could enhance the benets
of the existing CRT program for both the primary and
secondary mortgage markets.
Eects of the Options for Expanding the
GSEs’ Credit- Risk- Transfer Transactions
Risk- sharing transactions are designed to reduce the
credit losses borne by taxpayers, but the impact of those
transactions on the federal government and the budget
depends on a number of factors. First, measures of that
impact must take into account the price that Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac pay to compensate investors to accept
credit risk. As such, the full cost of the GSEs’ credit- risk
transfers is net of the reduction in credit losses and the
compensation paid to the investors assuming that risk.
Second, the estimated impact of CRT transactions
depends on the budgetary approach used to mea-
sure cost. CBO and the Administration use dierent
approaches to account for the activities of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac in the federal budget, and they would
therefore have dierent estimates of the cost of the
GSEs’ risk- sharing transactions. CBO shows as federal
outlays the estimated present value of the GSEs’ new
credit activity.
ose estimates are constructed on a
fair- value basis that reects the cost of market risk. e
Administration, by contrast, reports in the budget the
GSEs’ annual cash transactions with the Treasury, which
now consist mainly of dividend payments to the Treasury
on stock purchased from the GSEs. CBO believes that its
approach more appropriately reects the GSEs’ current
relationship with the government and provides more
relevant and comprehensive information to policymakers
than the Administrations approach does.
Finally, the cost of the GSEs’ activities is shown in
CBO’s baseline budget projections as a single estimate,
reecting the price a private investor would charge to
assume the GSEs’ guarantee obligations. at single
estimate represents the central estimate from a distribu-
tion of economic forecasts surrounding CBO’s baseline
macroeconomic forecast. However, policymakers may
also be interested in how CRT transactions aect the
GSEs under dierent economic conditions. us, in this
analysis, CBO examined the impact of the options under
a scenario of severe economic stress as well as under its
baseline macroeconomic forecast.
CBO analyzed how the options would aect the fair-
value subsidy cost of the GSEs (the dierence between
the present value of projected losses from defaults on
loans guaranteed by the GSEs and the present value
of the fees that the GSEs are projected to collect in
exchange for providing those guarantees), their exposure
to credit risk, and their annual net premiums. CBO
concluded that the options would have no eect on the
federal subsidy cost of the GSEs, as measured on a fair-
value basis; would increase the amount of risk transferred
22. A present value is a single number that expresses a ow of income
or payments in terms of an equivalent lump sum received or
paid today. For budget projections, such as those published
in e Budget and Economic Outlook, CBO chooses to report
cash transactions between the GSEs and the Treasury for the
current year instead of the fair- value estimate for that year. at
treatment helps align CBO’s decit estimates for the current scal
year with those of the Administration.
11deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
to investors; and, in some cases, would increase the
annual premiums collected by the GSEs, net of losses
and interest payments to CRT investors.
Eects on the Fair- Value Subsidy Cost of the GSEs
Each CRT transaction that the GSEs undertake with
a private entity is, by denition, conducted at market
prices. Market- priced transactions have a fair- value
subsidy rate of zero because the GSEs receive a fair-
value reduction in their credit losses in exchange for
making fair- value payments to investors. As a result,
those transactions do not directly increase or decrease
CBO’s estimate of the subsidy cost of the GSEs. CBO’s
January2017baseline, for example, projects a total
subsidy cost for the GSEs in 2018 of $1.7billion, taking
into account their current policy of credit- risk transfers.
If the GSEs implemented any of the options analyzed
in this report, that estimated subsidy cost would not
e additional transactions carried out under those
options, however, would generate administrative
expenses, which are not included in CBO’s estimates
of the GSEs’ fair- value subsidy cost. For example, the
GSEs would pay rms for their assistance in selling
credit- risk notes to private investors. ose payments,
which are typically disclosed in the prospectus document
associated with the notes, reduced the proceeds that the
GSEs received for credit- risk notes sold in calendar year
2016by 0.25percent to 0.5percent of the principal
amount of the notes. With $13billion in credit- risk
notes sold in that year, the GSEs incurred about $40mil-
lion in payments, CBO estimates. Such administrative
expenses would not exist if the GSEs retained the credit
risk on the loans in the reference pool.
Eects on the GSEs’ Exposure to Risk
ere are many ways to measure the GSEs’ exposure to
the risk of credit losses, all of which capture aspects of
the distribution of potential losses. e measure that
CBO uses in this analysis is the insurance- loss compo-
nent of a fair- value estimate of the budgetary cost of the
GSEs’ guarantee operations. at measure accounts for
the market risk inherent in mortgage guarantees and thus
puts more weight on losses that occur in adverse eco-
nomic conditions. (For more details about that and other
measures of risk exposure, see Box 1.)
23. See Congressional Budget Oce, “Federal Programs at
Guarantee Mortgages” (January2017),
Amount of Risk Transferred Under Current
Policy. CBO’s January2017baseline projects that the
GSEs will guarantee $935billion in newly originated
mortgages in 2018. Over their lifetime, those loans are
estimated to produce $25.3billion in insurance losses for
the GSEs on a fair- value basis (with market risk taken
into account). Of the $935billion in guaranteed loans,
about $732billion consists of loans that are projected to
potentially meet the GSEs’ target for CRT transactions.
CBO projects that the GSEs will issue credit- risk notes
on a reference pool of about $658billion—90percent
of the total amount of targeted loans, consistent with
FHFAs goals, or about 70percent of the 2018cohort of
guarantees. e GSEs’ insurance losses on that reference
pool are projected to total about $17.7billion on a fair-
value basis.
CBO estimates that the market value of the risk trans-
ferred through those credit- risk notes will equal the
present value of the expected interest payments on the
Under their current CRT policy, the GSEs
will sell $18.6billion in credit- risk notes to investors
in 2018, CBO estimates, representing about 3percent
of the $658billion UPB of the reference pool. ose
transactions are expected to transfer approximately
$2.8billion in risk exposure to private investors—equal
to 11percent of the $25.3billion in expected fair-
value losses on the GSEs’ 2018cohort of guarantees, or
16percent of the $17.7billion in expected fair- value
losses on the reference pool (see Figure 3).
Reasons at the GSEs Would Retain Most of the Risk
of Losses. Despite those risk- sharing transactions, the
GSEs would still bear 89percent of the risk exposure on
their 2018cohort of guarantees under current policy.
In CBO’s assessment, there are three main reasons for
that result. First, about 30percent of the loans in the
2018cohort are not expected to meet the GSEs’ target
24. CBO’s estimate of the market value of the transferred risk
reects the entire interest rate that the GSEs pay to investors
and does not attempt to break down that rate into investors
compensation for credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk.
For arguments in favor of including liquidity risk in the
accounting for federal credit programs, see Financial Economists
Roundtable, Accounting for the Cost of Government Credit
Assistance (October2012), www.nancialeconomistsroundtable.
com. For arguments against including that risk, see Government
Accountability Oce, Credit Reform: Current Method to Estimate
Credit Subsidy Costs Is More Appropriate for Budget Estimates an
a Fair Value Approach, GAO- 16- 41 (January2016), p.51, 16- 41.
12 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
Box 1.
Ways of Measuring the GSEs’ Exposure to Credit Risk
The cost of Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s guarantees of
single- family mortgages could be higher or lower than initially
projected because of unexpected changes in the risky cash
flows of the guarantees. Like other mortgage insurers, those
government- sponsored enterprises (GSEs) are exposed to the
risk of higher- than- expected losses mainly because of credit
risk, which stems from their obligation to repay the mortgage
holder when a borrower defaults. The credit risk of a loan—one
of the most significant risks posed by investments in mort-
gages—results from the possibility of unanticipated changes
in the likelihood and severity of losses from a default by the
The GSEs’ exposure to credit risk can be measured in many
ways, all of which ultimately attempt to capture aspects of
the distribution of potential losses.
Those ways of measuring
include stress tests, the present value of expected insurance
losses, and the insurance- loss component of a fair- value esti-
mate of the GSEs’ cost.
In theory, potential losses on the GSEs guarantees range from
zero (no GSE- insured loan defaults) to 100 percent (all GSE-
insured loans default, and Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac recovers
nothing on any of them). However, even under the most
adverse market conditions, the GSEs’ ultimate risk exposure
is less than 100 percent of the unpaid principal balance of
their insured mortgages. The reason is that the GSEs typically
recover a portion of default costs through loss- mitigation
eorts (such as temporarily lowering borrowers’ payments
and oering flexible refinancing programs) or through sales of
foreclosed property.
1. The GSEs are also exposed, to a lesser extent, to other types of risks
inherent in the mortgage market. They include prepayment risk (the
possibility that interest rates will fall, prompting more borrowers than
expected to prepay their mortgages, thus reducing the GSEs’ premium
income), interest rate risk (the possibility that interest rates will dier from
the discount rate used to calculate the present value of the GSEs’ future
premiums), and counterparty risk (the possibility that the institutions that
service GSE- insured loans will not make premium payments to the GSEs in a
timely manner or that lenders will not honor their obligations).
2. For a discussion of the dierent approaches to measuring risk exposure,
see Congressional Budget Oce, Options to Manage FHAs Exposure to
Risk From Guaranteeing Single- Family Mortgages (September 2017),
Stress Tests
An increasingly common approach to measuring risk exposure
is to use stress tests, simulations that provide estimates of
losses under adverse economic conditions. From the perspec-
tive of federal budgeting, stress- test scenarios tied to adverse
economic conditions have the desirable trait of drawing atten-
tion to outcomes that can occur when the pressure on federal
spending and revenues is likely to be greatest. But a limitation
of stress tests is that they depend on specific economic sce-
narios that provide little guidance about the likelihood of the
estimated losses.
Present Value of Expected Insurance Losses
One possible measure of the cost of the GSEs’ exposure to
credit risk is the present value of expected insurance losses
based on the distribution of possible outcomes in a given year,
which essentially weights those outcomes in proportion to their
likelihood of occurring. That measure is the insurance- loss
component of the GSEs’ budgetary cost as estimated in accor-
dance with the rules specified in the Federal Credit Reform Act
of 1990 (FCRA).
The present value of expected losses would rise if the GSEs’
policies changed in ways that widened the distribution of
credit losses, such as a shift to guaranteeing mortgages with
higher loan- to- value ratios. But the present value of expected
losses would remain the same if policies changed in ways that
increased the likelihood of losses in weak economic conditions
and produced an equally likely reduction in losses in stronger
economic conditions.
Insurance- Loss Component of a Fair- Value Estimate
An alternative measure of the GSEs’ exposure to credit risk
which the Congressional Budget Oce uses in this analysis—is
the insurance- loss component of a fair- value estimate of the
GSEs’ cost. That measure is more comprehensive than the
FCRA measure described above because, by including an
adjustment for market risk, it implicitly puts more weight on
losses that occur in adverse economic conditions. As a result,
the fair- value measure of credit risk would rise (rather than
remain the same) if policies changed in ways that increased the
likelihood of losses in weak economic conditions and produced
an equally likely reduction in losses in stronger economic
13deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
for inclusion in the reference pool for credit- risk notes,
CBO estimates—because, for example, they have a
loan- to- value ratio below 60percent, have adjustable
interest rates, or are guaranteed under certain renancing
programs. As an illustrative example, if the GSEs issued
credit- risk notes covering all of the loans they guaran-
teed in 2018, they would increase the amount of risk
exposure transferred to investors from $2.8billion to
Second, credit- risk notes have an average maturity of 10
to 12years, much shorter than the 30- year term of most
mortgages in their reference pool. As a result, any losses
that the GSEs experience on that pool after the notes
have matured are not shared with the notes’ investors. If
the GSEs issued credit- risk notes with the same maturity
25. In the illustrative examples in this section, estimates of the
amount of risk exposure transferred to investors are based on
the assumption that the spreads required by investors would not
change with the changes to credit- risk notes. CBO measures the
value of risk exposure transferred to investors as the present value
of the expected interest payments on the notes, so changes in
the spreads required by investors would alter the amount of risk
exposure transferred.
as the reference loans, the amount of risk exposure
transferred to investors on the 2018cohort of guarantees
would increase from $2.8billion to $3.3billion.
ird, borrowers’ scheduled and unscheduled repay-
ments of principal reduce the amount of credit- risk
notes outstanding and thus the capacity of those notes
to absorb losses. If the GSEs did not use principal
repayments on the reference loans to repay note holders,
the amount of risk exposure covered by the 2018notes
would rise from $2.8billion to $4.6billion.
If the GSEs made all three of those changes simultane-
ously, investors would be at risk for $11.7billion (or
46percent) of the $25.3billion in expected fair- value
losses on the 2018cohort of guarantees. As a result, the
GSEs would bear only 54percent of that risk exposure
rather than 89percent.
However, adding loans with
dierent credit- risk proles (such as adjustable- rate
26. e 54percent of risk exposure retained by the GSEs in
this example includes the expected fair- value losses below
3.75percent of the reference pools UPB that are not transferred
to investors through credit- risk notes and the expected fair- value
losses above 3.75percent of the UPB.
Figure 3 .
Risk Exposure on the GSEs’ 2018 Cohort of Guarantees Under Current Policy and Option 1
Billions of Dollars
Without Credit-Risk
Under GSEs' Current Policy
of Credit-Risk Transfer
Option 1A (GSEs Transfer a
Larger Share of the
Currently Covered Losses)
Option 1B (GSEs Transfer
Losses Up to a Higher
Percentage of UPB)
Risk Exposure Borne by CRT Investors
Risk Exposure Borne by the GSEs
Risk Exposure Borne by CRT Investors
Risk Exposure Borne by the GSEs
Option 1B
(GSEs Transfer
Losses Up To a
Higher Percentage
of the UPB)
Option 1A
(GSEs Transfer a
Larger Share of the
Currently Covered
Under GSEs’
Current Policy
of Credit-Risk
Source: Congressional Budget Oce.
CRT = credit- risk transfer; GSEs = government- sponsored enterprises (in this case, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac); UPB = unpaid principal balance.
14 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
mortgages or loans with very low loan- to- value ratios)
or making structural changes to the notes (such as
extending the term or eliminating principal amortiza-
tion) would represent signicant changes to the CRT
Amount of Risk Transferred Under the Options. As
opposed to such structural changes, the options that
CBO analyzed would allow the GSEs to increase the
amount of risk they share with private investors on a
more incremental basis. Option1A—transferring a
larger portion of the losses up to 3.75percent of the
UPB of the reference pool—would increase the risk
exposure borne by investors on the 2018cohort of
guarantees by $0.6billion (from $2.8billion to $3.4bil-
Option1B—selling notes that cover losses up to
6percent of the reference pool’s UPB—would boost the
risk exposure borne by investors by $1.3billion (from
$2.8billion to $4.1billion). Despite those expansions of
risk sharing, the GSEs would retain the majority of risk
exposure on the mortgages they are projected to guaran-
tee in 2018 (see Figure 3).
Option 2—selling credit- risk notes based on reference
pools of loans guaranteed between 2008 and 2012—
would increase the risk exposure borne by investors by a
total of $2.2billion (see Figure 4). at amount rep-
resents 9percent of the estimated $23.7billion in risk
exposure on those loans.
e amount of risk exposure on each annual cohort
of guaranteed loans, and how much of that risk expo-
sure would be transferred to investors under a standard
credit- risk note, would depend on the UPB remaining
and the composition of the loans in 2018. For example,
mortgages guaranteed by the GSEs in 2008that are
expected to still be outstanding in 2018have less total
UPB and risk exposure than mortgages guaranteed in
2012, because most of the loans in the 2008cohort
will have either been repaid in full or defaulted by
2018. Measured per dollar of outstanding UPB, how-
ever, those 2008loans have much more risk exposure
than the loans guaranteed in 2012. e main reason
is that, in CBO’s estimation, the 2008mortgages have
higher current loan- to- value ratios (which rose when
home prices declined during the housing crisis) and the
27. For more detail about CBO’s budget estimates of CRTs under the
baseline and the options, see Supplemental Table1, available at
Figure 4 .
Risk Exposure on the GSEs’ 2008–2012 Cohorts of
Guarantees Under Option 2
Billions of Dollars
Without Credit-Risk Transfers Option 2 (GSEs Share Risk on
Mortgages Guaranteed Between
2008 and 2012)
Risk Exposure on 20082012 Cohorts
Without Credit-Risk Transfers Option 2 (GSEs Share Risk on
Mortgages Guaranteed Between
2008 and 2012)
Risk Exposure on 2008 Cohort
Without Credit-Risk Transfers Option 2 (GSEs Share Risk on
Mortgages Guaranteed Between
2008 and 2012)
Risk Exposure on 2012 Cohort
Risk Exposure Borne
by CRT Investors
Risk Exposure
Borne by the GSEs
Source: Congressional Budget Oce.
CRT = credit- risk transfer; GSEs = government- sponsored enterprises (in
this case, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).
15deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
borrowers have lower average credit scores, resulting in
higher estimated default losses per dollar of outstand-
ing UPB. Nevertheless, because fewer 2008loans than
2012loans remain outstanding, credit- risk notes based
on 2008loans would transfer less total risk exposure
than notes based on 2012loans ($0.3billion versus
Eects on the GSEs’ Annual Net Premiums
A measure of the nancial standing of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac is the net income generated by their
operations. at net income is particularly relevant
for policymakers now, while the GSEs are in conserva-
torships. Under the terms of agreements signed when
the government took over the GSEs, in any quarter in
which Fannie Maes or Freddie Mac’s net worth becomes
negative, the Treasury is obligated to buy enough stock
(subject to limits) from the GSEs to restore them to posi-
tive net worth.
In return, the GSEs must pay dividends
to the Treasury on the government’s holdings of that
CBO estimates the budgetary impact of the GSEs on
a fair- value basis rather than on the basis of their cash
transactions with the Treasury, but CBO does estimate
some of the GSEs’ cash ows in order to calculate the
annual net premiums they collect as a part of their guar-
antee operations. Net premiums consist of the income
that the GSEs collect from guarantee premiums minus
the losses they bear on the loans they guarantee. For
loans that serve as part of a reference pool for a credit-
risk note, annual net premiums also reect the interest
paid to the notes investors and the losses borne by those
investors under the terms of the CRT transaction.
Although annual net premiums dier from net income,
they provide guidance for estimating whether the
GSEs’ guarantee operations are likely to require further
28. For more details about the relationship between the GSEs
earnings and payments by the Treasury, see Congressional Budget
Oce, e Eects of Increasing Fannie Maes and Freddie Macs
Capital (October2016),
29. Under the current terms of the agreements, when Fannie Mae’s
or Freddie Mac’s net worth exceeds a specied threshold (set to
decline to zero in 2018), that GSE must pay dividends to the
Treasury equal to the amount above the threshold.
30. CBO’s interest calculation includes income that the GSEs earn by
investing the funds they receive from the sale of credit- risk notes.
Because the GSEs could use those funds instead of borrowing,
the rate of return that CBO uses to calculate interest is based on
the GSEs’ borrowing costs.
payments (in the form of stock purchases) from the
If economic conditions turn out to be consistent with
CBO’s macroeconomic forecast, the mortgages that the
GSEs are expected to guarantee in 2018will generate
positive net premiums each year through 2030, CBO
estimates (see Figure 5).
In 2018, those net premiums
are projected to equal about 0.2percent of the origi-
nal principal guaranteed, meaning that the guarantee
premiums collected by the GSEs on those loans exceed
the sum of interest paid to holders of credit- risk notes
and any losses that occur in that rst year. Net premiums
are projected to rise in 2019 to more than 0.3percent of
the original principal balance as some of the loans in the
2018cohort begin to be repaid early and as the GSEs are
allowed to recognize as income the full value of premi-
ums assessed on the borrower when a guarantee is made.
Annual net premiums then begin to decline, eventually
falling below 0.1percent of the original principal guar-
anteed, as the outstanding principal of the 2018cohort
decreases (because of repayments and defaults) and guar-
antee premiums are collected on that smaller amount of
Eects of Current CRT Policy. Under the economic
conditions in CBO’s macroeconomic forecast, the GSEs
current credit- risk- transfer policy reduces annual net
premiums slightly, CBO estimates, because the cost of
interest paid to investors exceeds the value of the losses
borne by those investors. at estimate is consistent with
the expectation that investors will require compensation
that will cover liquidity risk and some level of losses
greater than those expected under normal economic
Credit- risk transfers are nancially benecial to the
GSEs under more adverse economic conditions. For
example, in a scenario consistent with the “severely
adverse” stress scenario that the Federal Reserve uses in
its Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review exercise
31. In addition to annual premiums from guaranteeing single- family
mortgages, the GSEs’ net income is aected by their guarantees
of multifamily mortgages and their investments in mortgage-
related securities to hold in their portfolios of assets. Other
factors that inuence net income include the results of hedging
operations and changes to the GSEs’ loss reserves (an estimate of
future guarantee claims).
32. For the dollar amounts of those estimates, see Supplemental
Table2, available at
16 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
for banks, the GSEs’ annual net premiums are projected
to be higher from 2020 to 2025under the GSEs’ current
CRT policy than they would be without credit- risk
transfers (see Figure 5).
(By the end of 2025, credit- risk
33. e severely adverse stress scenario features a decline of more
than 20percent in house prices and an unemployment rate rising
to 10percent. For more details, see Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, 2017Supervisory Scenarios for Annual
Stress Tests Required Under the Dodd- Frank Act Stress Testing Rules
and the Capital Plan Rule (February2017), pp.5–6, http:// (PDF, 331KB).
notes based on the 2018cohort are estimated to be fully
extinguished under the stress scenario as a result of both
principal repayments and losses borne by the investors.
After 2025, the notes have no eect on the GSEs’ net
premiums for the 2018cohort of guarantees under that
Translating annual net premiums into projected net
income is dicult, requiring many assumptions about
such things as accounting policy. Nevertheless, the results
under both CBO’s macroeconomic forecast and the stress
Figure 5 .
Annual Net Premiums Collected on the GSEs’ 2018 Cohort of Guarantees Under Current Policy and Option 1
Percentage of Original Principal Guaranteed
2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030
Under CBO’s Macroeconomic Forecast
Without Credit-Risk Transfers
Under GSEs' Current Policy of Cred
Option 1A (GSEs Transfer a Larger
the Currently Covered Losses)
Option 1B (GSEs Transfer Losses U
Higher Percentage of UPB)
2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030
Under a Scenario of Economic Stress
Without Credit-Risk Transfers
Under GSEs' Current Policy of Cred
Option 1A (GSEs Transfer a Larger
the Currently Covered Losses)
Option 1B (GSEs Transfer Losses U
Higher Percentage of UPB)
Without Credit-Risk Transfers
Under GSEs’ Current Policy of
Credit-Risk Transfers
Option 1A (GSEs Transfer a Larger Share
of the Currently Covered Losses)
Option 1B (GSEs Transfer Losses Up To a
Higher Percentage of the UPB)
Source: Congressional Budget Oce.
Annual net premiums are the GSEs’ collections of premiums for their guarantees net of interest paid to the investors involved in CRT transactions and
net of losses borne by the GSEs in excess of losses borne by CRT investors.
CRT = credit- risk transfer; GSEs = government- sponsored enterprises (in this case, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac); UPB = unpaid principal balance.
a. This scenario is consistent with the “severely adverse” stress scenario that the Federal Reserve uses in its Comprehensive Capital Analysis and
Review exercise for banks. The scenario features a decline of more than 20 percent in house prices and an unemployment rate rising to 10 percent.
17deCeMber 2017 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC
scenario illustrate the link between credit- risk transfers
and the GSEs’ need to draw on the Treasury. In general,
credit- risk transfers may increase the likelihood that
the GSEs will need to receive small payments from the
Treasury, because interest paid to CRT investors exceeds
the value of losses borne by those investors, resulting
in lower net income for the GSEs in each quarter. at
reduction may not be large enough to result in negative
quarterly net income—and thus to require help from
the Treasury—but it does increase the probability of
that outcome (all else being equal). In adverse economic
conditions, however, credit- risk transfers would decrease
the amount that the GSEs would need to draw on the
Treasury. Losses to the GSEs that necessitated a sizable
draw, which would occur during a large or sustained eco-
nomic downturn, would be buered by the losses that
CRT investors would bear under current policy.
Eects of CRT Options. Under Option1A—trans-
ferring a larger portion of the losses up to 3.75per-
cent of the unpaid principal balance of the reference
pool—annual net premiums on the 2018cohort would
be similar to premiums under the GSEs’ current CRT
policy, regardless of whether the economy followed
CBO’s macroeconomic forecast or the stress scenario.
e same would be true for Option1B—selling notes
that cover losses up to 6percent of the reference pool’s
UPB—under CBO’s macroeconomic forecast. But under
the stress scenario, Option1B would have a noticeable
eect on annual net premiums after 2024 (see Figure 5).
Issuing notes that cover a higher level of losses would
create additional risk- bearing capacity, generating higher
annual net premiums from 2025 through 2028 than
the GSEs would collect under current policy or under
Option 1A in the stress scenario, CBO estimates.
Option 2—selling credit- risk notes based on reference
pools of loans guaranteed between 2008 and 2012—
would have a small total eect on annual net premiums.
However, the impact would dier for notes based on
dierent cohorts of guarantees (see Figure 6).
Unlike mortgages guaranteed in 2018, those guaranteed
in 2008 are projected to generate negative net premiums
for the GSEs from 2018 to 2030, even under CBO’s
baseline macroeconomic forecast. ose negative net
premiums result because the 2008loans are expected to
have higher losses than 2018loans and because the GSEs
charged lenders lower guarantee premiums in 2008
than CBO estimates they will charge for similar loans in
2018. Although the 2008 and 2018cohorts are projected
to produce dierent net premiums during the 2018–
2030period under current policy, the eect of selling
credit- risk notes based on 2008loans would be similar
to the eect of selling notes based on the 2018cohort.
Notes based on 2008mortgages would decrease annual
net premiums slightly under CBO’s macroeconomic
forecast, but they would increase net premiums under
the stress scenario (see Figure 6). e existence of those
notes would oer the GSEs protection against the large
losses associated with a severe economic downturn until
2023, when notes based on the 2008cohort would be
fully extinguished under that scenario, CBO estimates.
Like mortgages guaranteed in 2018, those guaranteed
in 2012 are projected to generate positive net premiums
for the GSEs during most of the 2018–2030period. As
a result, issuing notes based on the 2012cohort would
have much the same eect as issuing notes based on
the 2018cohort: generating a small cost under CBO’s
macroeconomic forecast and a small amount of protec-
tion in a severe downturn.
18 Transferring CrediT risk on MorTgages guaranTeedby fannie Mae or freddie MaC deCeMber 2017
Figure 6 .
Annual Net Premiums Collected on the GSEs’ 2008–2012 Cohorts of Guarantees Under Option 2
Percentage of Original Principal Guaranteed
Annual Net Premiums on 2008–2012 Cohorts
Annual Net Premiums on 2008 Cohort
2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030
Annual Net Premiums on 2012 Cohort
Without Credit-Risk Transfers Under
CBO’s Macroeconomic Forecast
Option 2 (GSEs Share Risk on
Mortgages Guaranteed Between
2008 and 2012) Under CBO’s
Macroeconomic Forecast
Without Credit-Risk Transfers Under
Economic Stress Scenario
Option 2 (GSEs Share Risk on
Mortgages Guaranteed Between
2008 and 2012) Under Economic
Stress Scenario
Source: Congressional Budget Oce.
Annual net premiums are the GSEs’ collections of premiums for their guarantees net of interest paid to the investors involved in CRT transactions and
net of losses borne by the GSEs in excess of losses borne by CRT investors.
CRT = credit- risk transfer; GSEs = government- sponsored enterprises (in this case, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).
a. This scenario is consistent with the “severely adverse” stress scenario that the Federal Reserve uses in its Comprehensive Capital Analysis and
Review exercise for banks. The scenario features a decline of more than 20 percent in house prices and an unemployment rate rising to 10 percent.
About This Document
is report was prepared at the request of the Chairman of the House Committee on Financial
Services. In keeping with the Congressional Budget Oce’s mandate to provide objective,
impartial analysis, the report makes no recommendations.
Jerey Perry and Mitchell Remy of CBO’s Financial Analysis Division prepared the report with
guidance from Sebastien Gay. Ermengarde Jabir (formerly of CBO) assisted with programming.
Kim Cawley, Michael Falkenheim, Jonathan Huntley (formerly of CBO), Wendy Kiska,
DamienMoore (formerly of CBO), Chayim Rosito, Aurora Swanson, and David Torregrosa
provided useful comments on various drafts of the report, as did Edward DeMarco of the
Financial Services Roundtable, Edward Golding and Laurie Goodman of the Urban Institute,
and Stephen Oliner of the American Enterprise Institute and the University of California,
LosAngeles. (e assistance of external reviewers implies no responsibility for the nal product,
which rests solely with CBO.)
Wendy Edelberg and Jerey Kling reviewed the report, Christian Howlett edited it, and
JorgeSalazar prepared it for publication. An electronic version of the report is available on CBO’s
website (
Keith Hall
December 2017