Effects of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids on the Reproductive
System of Athletes and Recreational Users: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis
Maria A. Christou
Panagiota A. Christou
Georgios Markozannes
Agathocles Tsatsoulis
George Mastorakos
Stelios Tigas
Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
Background Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are
testosterone derivatives used by athletes and recreati onal
users to improve athletic performance and/or enhance
appearance. Anabolic androgenic steroids use may have
serious and pote ntially irreversible adverse effects on dif-
ferent organs and systems, including the reproductive
Objective This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed
to critically assess the impact of AAS use on the repro-
ductive system of athletes and recreational users.
Methods An electronic literature search was conducted
using the databases MEDLINE, CENTRAL, and Google
Scholar. Studies were included when the following criteria
were fulfilled: participants were athletes or recreational
users of any age, sex, level or type of sport; AAS use of any
type, dose, form or duration; AAS effects on the repro-
ductive system were assessed as stated by medical history,
clinical examination, hormone and/or semen analysis.
Random-effects meta-analysis was performed to assess the
weighted mean difference (WMD) of serum gonadotropin
(luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone) and
testosterone levels compared with baseline, during the
period of AAS use, as well as following AAS
Results Thirty-three studies (three randomized clinical
trials, 11 cohort, 18 cross-sectional, and one non-random-
ized parallel clinical trial) were included in the systematic
review (3879 participants; 1766 AAS users and 2113 non-
AAS users). The majority of the participants were men;
only six studies provided data for female athletes. A meta-
analysis (11 studies) was conducted of studies evaluating
serum gonadotropin and testosterone levels in male sub-
jects: (1) prior to, and during AAS use (six studies, n = 65
AAS users; seven studies, n = 59, evaluating gonadotropin
and testosterone levels respectively); (2) during AAS use
and following AAS discontinuation (four studies, n = 35;
six studies, n = 39, respectively); as well as (3) prior to
AAS use and following AAS discontinuation (three studies,
n = 17; five studies, n = 27, respectively). During AAS
intake, significa nt reductions in luteinizing hormone
[weighted mean difference (WMD) -3.37 IU/L, 95%
confidence interval (CI) -5.05 to -1.70, p \ 0.001], fol-
licle-stimulating hormone (WMD -1.73 IU/L, 95% CI
-2.67 to -0.79, p \ 0.001), and endogenous testosterone
levels (WMD -10.75 nmol/L, 95% CI -15.01 to -6.49,
p \ 0.001) were reported. Following AAS discontinuation,
serum gonadotropin levels gradually returned to baseline
values within 13–24 weeks, whereas serum testosterone
levels remained lower as compared with baseline (WMD
-9.40 nmol/L, 95% CI -14.38 to -4.42, p \ 0.001).
Serum testosterone levels remained reduced at 16 weeks
following discontinuation of AAS. In addition, AAS abuse
resulted in structural and functional sperm changes, a
reduction in testicular volume, gynecomastia, as well as
clitoromegaly, menstrual irregularities, and subfertility.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s40279-017-0709-z) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
& Stelios Tigas
Department of Endocrinology, Medical School, University of
Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Medical School,
University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
Endocrine Unit, ‘Aretaieion’ Hospital, Medical School,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens,
Sports Med
DOI 10.1007/s40279-017-0709-z
Conclusion The majority of AAS users demonstrated
hypogonadism with persistently low gonadotropin and
testosterone levels , lasting for several weeks to months
after AAS withdrawal. Anabolic androgenic steroid use
results in profound and prolonged effects on the repro-
ductive system of athletes and recreational users and
potentially on fertility.
Key Points
This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis of
the effects of anabolic androgenic steroid use on the
reproductive system of athletes and recreational users.
Anabolic androgenic steroid use results in a state of
prolonged hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in male
individuals; gonadotropin levels recover after
13–24 weeks, whereas serum testosterone does not
appear to recover, remaining reduced at 16 weeks
following discontinuation of anabolic androgenic
Anabolic andro genic steroid use is associated with
changes in sperm char acteristics, a reduction in
testicular volume and gynecomastia in men, as well
as clitoromegaly and menstrual irregularities in
women and subfertility in both sexes.
1 Introduction
First identified in 1935, testosterone is the principal hor-
mone controlling the developm ent of androgenic-mas-
culinizing effects in the male body, along with its anabolic
properties that increase lean muscle mass [1]. The anabolic
androgenic steroids (AAS) are testosterone derivatives
used since the 1950s in an attempt to maximize the ana-
bolic effects of testosterone, reduce the rate of its hepatic
inactivation, and decrease its aromatization to estradiol [2].
Anabolic androgenic steroid formulations may be self-ad-
ministered orally, parenterally by intramuscular injection,
or transdermally in the form of a patch or topical gel.
Empirical evidence in the past suggested that AAS were
mostly used by top-level competitive athletes and espe-
cially weightlifters, bodybuilders, and track athletes [3].
However, currently, AAS are widely used, not only by
athletes involved in recreational and minor-league sports
but also by non-athletes. Interestingly, at least four out of
five AAS users are not competitive athletes but rather men
who desire what they perceive to be an ‘enhanced’
appearance [4].
It is estimated that 2.9–4.0% of Americans have used
AAS at some time in their lives, while high rates of AAS
use have also been reported in many other regions of the
world, such as Scandinavia, Brazil, British Commonwealth
countries, and in continental Europe [5]. A meta-analysis
indicated that the global lifetime prevalence rate of AAS
use is 3.3%, with a higher rate of 6.4% in male individuals
compared with 1.6% in female individuals [4]. In addition,
AAS use appears more prevalent among teenagers com-
pared with individuals aged older than 19 years; notably,
4–6% of high school boys have used AAS [4].
In the short term, AAS use results in few serious med-
ical consequences, but their long-term use has been asso-
ciated with several debilitating physical and psychological
adverse effects and even increased mortality. Specifically,
adverse effects may range from the development of acne or
gynecomastia, to serious and life threatening effects such
as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and hepatic
carcinoma [6, 7].
Normal gonadal function depends on the presence of
intact hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis activity through
secretion of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) by
the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, as well as gona-
dotropins by the pituitary gland [follicle-stimulating hor-
mone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)]. Anabolic
androgenic steroid use produces dose-dependent depression
of gonadotropin release either by direct act ion on the pitu-
itary gland or by suppression of the hypothalamic GnRH
release. In male individuals, reduced gonadotropin secretion
results in decreased intra-testicular and peripheral testos-
terone levels, leading to AAS-induced hypogonadotropic
hypogonadism manifesting with testicular atrophy,
oligospermia, azoospermia, and other sperm abnormalities
[8]. Some male AAS abusers experience a lack of libido,
erectile dysfunction, or even gynecomastia. Effects on the
prostate gland include hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and possi-
bly cancer [9]. In female individuals, the changes most often
attributed to AAS abuse are menstrual irregularities (delayed
menarche, oligomenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea), dys-
menorrhea, anovulation, clitoral hypertrophy, libido chan-
ges, and uterine atrophy, with many of them being permanent
[10]. Although some narrative reviews have been published
in this area [9 , 1113], to our knowledge, this is the first
systematic review and meta-analysis using explicit
methodology to critically examine AAS effects on the
reproductive system of both male and female athletes.
2 Methods
2.1 Protocol and Registration
The protocol of the study has been submitted to the PROS-
PERO international prospective register of systematic
reviews (Registration Number: CRD42015017099) and the
M. A. Christou et al.
guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement were followed [14].
2.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Studies were included in the systematic review when the
following criteria were fulfilled: participants were athletes or
recreational users of any age, sex, level, or type of sport; AAS
use of any type, dose, form, or duration; AAS effects on the
reproductive system of athletes were assessed as stated by
medical history, clinical examination, hormone analysis and/
or semen analysis. Medical history and/or clinical examina-
tion referred to the assessment of specific signs and symptoms,
such as testicular or clitoris size, regularity of menstruation,
and changes in libido. At least one of the following three
hormone values had to be reported: LH, FSH, and/or testos-
terone. Semen analysis included the measurement of different
sperm characteristics, such as sperm concentration, motility,
and morphology. No language, publication date, or publica-
tion status restrictions were imposed. All study designs were
eligible except for case reports, case series, reviews, and meta-
analyses. For studies on overlapping populations, the one
providing the most complete data was included in the analysis.
In the meta-analysis, studies were included when the mean
hormone values and the standard deviation, or the necessary
data to compute them, were provided for at least two time-
points, i.e., at baseline, at the end of AAS use and/or at the end
of the period of AAS discontinuation.
2.3 Study Selection and Data Extraction
Eligible studies were identified by searching electronic data-
bases, scanning reference lists of included articles, and also
after screening r eferences of pe rtinent reviews. The search was
applied to MEDLINE (PubMed), Cochrane Central Registry of
Controlled Clinical Trials (CENTRAL), and Google Scholar
(from inception to August 201 6). The algorithm ‘(anabolic OR
androgenic OR AAS) AND (reproduction OR fertility OR
hormone OR semen OR sperm OR hypogonad*)’ was used to
search for all relevant studies in the aforementioned databases.
Screening of the retrieved records (titles, abstracts, full texts)
and data extraction of the included studies were performed
independently in an unblended standardized manner by two
reviewers (M.A.C., P.A.C.). Disagreements between reviewers
were resolved by consensus. If no agreement could be reached,
then a third author (S.T.) decided.
2.4 Risk of Bias Assessment
Risk of bias of the included studies was assessed by the
Cochrane Collaboration Tool for Randomized Controlled
Trials [15]. The domains used pertain to randomization and
allocation concealment (selection bias), blinding of
participants and personnel (performance bias), blinding of
outcome assessment (detection bias), incomplete outcome
data (attrition bias), selective reporting (reporting bias), and
other bias. This tool assigns a judgment of high, unclear, or
low risk of bias for each item. To draw conclusions about the
overall risk of bias for each study, it is necessary to sum-
marize assessments across the different domains. The RTI
Item Bank tool, which consists of 13 questions, was used for
the assessment of risk of bias in observational studies
[16, 17]. Each study was given a score and graded as high,
unclear, or low risk of bias based on the number of critical
appraisal items met. The cut-off score was determined, based
on previous systematic reviews and meta- analyses [18, 19]
as follows; 0.00–0.30, high risk of bias; 0.31–0.70, unclear
risk of bias; and 0.71–1.00, low risk of bias.
2.5 Statistical Anal ysis
Quantitative analysis was performed to assessthe changefrom
baseline in mean hormone values during the period of AAS
use (i.e., prior to, and at the end of a period of active AAS use),
as well as following AAS discontinuation (i.e., hormone
levels at the end of a period of AAS discontinuation compared
with those prior to AAS use and compared with those at the
end of a period of AAS use). P-values lower than 0.05 were
considered statistically significant. They were provided with
precision at the third decimal point. All p-values lower than
0.001 were reported as \0.001. Random-effects meta-analy-
sis was conducted owing to the presence of statistically sig-
nificant heterogeneity in the included studies. The meta-
analysis was based on the inverse variance method for
weighting. The DerSimonian and Laird estimator was used to
pool mean differences of each study and estimate the overall
weighted mean difference (WMD), as well as 95% confidence
interval (CI) [20]. Heterogeneity was assessed with the
Cochran’s Q test statistic [21], with a p-value\0.1 denoting
statistical significance. The degree of heterogeneity was
assessed using the formula: I
¼ 100%
; where
k represents the number of included studies [22]. The I
statistic ranges from 0% to 100% and cut-off values of 25, 50,
and 75% indicate low, moderate, high, and very high degree of
heterogeneity, respectively. Data analyses were conducted
using the statistical program Stata (Version 13.1; StataCorp,
College Station, TX, USA).
3 Results
3.1 Characteristics of Included Studies
Based on electronic databases search, 19,112 potentially
eligible citations were identified. Thirty-four additional
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Use and Reproduction
eligible studies were found through other sources. Of these
19,146 citations, 18,978 did not mee t the inclusion criteria
after reviewing the abstracts. The full text of the remaining
168 citations was examined in more detail. Thirty-five
studies met the eligibility criteria. However, in four studies,
overlapping populations were studied. Specifically, the
study by Stromme et al. [3] referred to the same population
as that of Aakvaag and Stromme [23], and therefore only
the latter was included in the analysis as it provided more
complete data. Studies by Holma and Adlercreutz and
Holma included the same distinct population, but assessed
different outcomes; they were therefore anal yzed as a
single study [24, 25]. Finally, 33 studies were included in
the systematic review. The process of study selection is
detailed in the flow diagram provided in Fig. 1.
One study [26] involved two partially overlapping
populations for two separate experiments [methandienone
experiment, n = 12 and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
(DHEAS), experiment n = 16]. Owing to the fact that
methandienone is considered a potent AAS, whereas
DHEAS is actually a natural weak androgen and hormone
precursor, results of the methandienone experiment were
included in the main analysis and the DHEAS experiment
data were used for sensitivity analysis. Regarding study
design, 11 cohort studies (33%), 18 cross-sectional studies
(55%), three randomized controlled trials (9%), and one
non-randomized parallel clinical trial (3%) were consid-
ered eligible. In the randomized controlled trials, either a
parallel [23] or a cross-over design was used [26, 27].
The publication year of studies included in the analysis
extended from 1972 to 2016, with most studies being
published between 1980 and 1990 (n = 10, 30%). The
majority of studies were conducted in Europe (18 studies,
55%; eight of which studies from Finland) and USA (11
studies, 33%). The median (25th–75th percentile) duration
of the follow-up period was 24.5 (15–42) weeks. The
language of all eligible publications was English.
3.1.1 Participants
The total number of participants in the studies included in
the systematic review was 3879 (1766 AAS users and 2113
controls), with a mean (standard deviation) age of 28.7
(4.9) years. Most studies involved only men (27 out of 33
Fig. 1 Preferred reporting
items for systematic reviews
and meta-analyses flow diagram
M. A. Christou et al.
studies), four studies [2831] referred only to women, and
two more studies included both male and female athletes
[32, 33]. The most common type of exercise was strength
training and particularly bodybuilding, weightlifting, and
powerlifting. When the comparator group was available, it
usually ref erred to athletes not using AAS.
3.1.2 Type of Exposure/Intervention
Exposure or intervention in all eligible studies was AAS
use. The median (25th–75th percentile) number of different
AAS agents per study was 5.5 (3–11) and the median
(25th–75th percentile) duration of AAS use was 12 (8–25)
weeks. The AAS substances used more often were testos-
terone esters (94% of studies), methandrostenolone or
methandienone (79% of studies), and stanozolol (67% of
studies). The large diversity across different studies
regarding the dose and route of AAS self-administratio n
made the conduction of descriptive analysis for these
parameters impractical. Characteristics of the included
studies are shown in summary in Table 1 and in more
detail in the Electr onic Supplementary Material Table S1.
3.1.3 Outcome Definition and Method of Assessment
The main outcome was AAS effects on the reproductive
system of athletes, as assessed by medical history and/or
clinical examination (in 23/33 studies, 70%), hormone
analysis (in 19/33 studies, 58%), and semen analysis (in
9/33 studies, 27%). The most common method of testos-
terone measurement was by radioimmunoassay (in 13/19
studies, 68%). Seme n analyses were usually based on
World Health Organization guidelines at the time (in 5/9
studies, 56%). In 14/33 studies (42%), athletes were fol-
lowed for a period of time following AAS cessation, lasting
12–24 weeks (25th–75th percentile), with a median of
16 weeks.
3.2 Outcomes of Included Studies
Outcomes of the 33 eligible studies included the following:
(1) changes of serum hormone levels (LH, FSH, testos-
terone) during AAS use, and following AAS discontinua-
tion; (2) changes of semen characteristics during AAS use
and following AAS cessation; and/or (3) reproductive
system changes as assessed by medical history and/or
clinical examination. To examine changes in endogenous
testosterone during AAS use, we separately examined
studies in which testosterone was included in the AAS
regimen and studies in which the AAS used did not contain
testosterone and/or the AAS compounds were such that
interference with the levels of serum testosterone was
unlikely (methandienone, mesterolone, nandrolone). The
outcome assessment is shown in Electronic Supplementary
Material Tables S2 and S3.
3.2.1 Hormone Changes During AAS Use (Comparison
of Hormone Levels Prior to, and During Active AAS
Six studies, involving 65 AAS users, were included in LH
and FSH meta-analysis [24, 26, 3437]. The random-ef-
fects model suggested significant reductions in both LH
(WMD -3.37 IU/L, 95% CI -5.05 to -1.70, p \ 0.001)
and FSH levels (WMD -1.73 IU/L, 95% CI -2.67 to -
0.79, p \ 0.001) during the period of AAS use (Fig. 2).
There was significant high and moderate heterogeneity
across these studies (I
= 88.6%, p \ 0.001 and I
= 55%,
p = 0.049, respectively). Five studies that did not fulfill the
criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis, showed that
serum gonadotropin levels decreased from baseline when
AAS use was started, or alternatively a lower level com-
pared with controls or normal values was reported
[27, 31, 3841], whereas in three studies no difference was
found [23, 42, 43].
Data analysis from studies in which testosterone had not
been used in the AAS regimen [23, 24, 26, 34], comprising
43 AAS users, revealed a decrease in the endoge nous blood
testosterone level of 10 .75 nmol/L (95% CI -15.01 to -
6.49, p \ 0.001) during the period of AAS use (Fig. 2).
High heterogeneity was found among studies (I
= 87.8%,
p \ 0.001). Data analysis from studies in which testos-
terone was self-administered as part of the AAS regimen
[35, 36, 44], involving 16 AAS users, revealed a margin-
ally non-significant increase in testosterone levels (WMD
17.55 nmol/L, 95% CI -0.77 to 35.86, p = 0.060)
(Fig. 2). There was significant high heterogeneity across
studies (I
= 75.9%, p = 0.016). The study by Bonetti
et al. [37] was excluded from the analysis as testosterone
was self-administered in some but not all study participants
and testosterone levels were provided for the study popu-
lation as a whole only (a non-significant decrease in
testosterone of 1.15 nmol/L was reported). Another two
studies that did not provide all necessary data to be
included in the meta-analysis and in which testosterone
was not part of the AAS regimen, reported a lower serum
testosterone level during AAS use [27, 40], whereas, as
expected, the opposite was reported in studies in which
testosterone was included in the regimen
[31, 38, 39, 42, 43]. Remarkably, in the study of Malarkey
et al. [31], the mean serum testosterone levels were 30
times those found in the non-AAS female weightlifters or
in the normal female population. In the study of Remes
et al. [26], results for all three hormones did not differ,
independent of whether the AAS agent used was DHEAS
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Use and Reproduction
Table 1 Studies characteristics
First author (year of
N Sex Type of AAS Duration of
AAS use
Type of exercise Duration of AAS
Cohort study
Al-Janabi (2011) [45] 24 Male MD, ND, TE NA Bodybuilding 12 weeks 12 weeks
Garevik (2011) [41] 35 Male TS, ND, ST NA Working out at gym facilities 12 months 12 months
Bonetti (2008) [37] 20 Male NAN, NAL, NAND, NALD, AL, AN, DHEAS, MT,
24 months Bodybuilding NA 24 months
Karila (2004) [39] 18 Male MD, MS, OY, ST, MT, OX, FM, MAN, TU, TES, NL,
NA Power athletes 6 months
6 months
Alen (1987) [36] 15 Male ST, NL, MD, TS 12 weeks Power athletes 13 weeks 25 weeks
Martikainen (1986)
6 Male TS, MD, ND, ST 3 months Power athletes 3 weeks 15 weeks
Alen (1985) [35] 11 Male MD, ST, NL, TS 26 weeks Bodybuilding, powerlifting,
16 weeks 42 weeks
Ruokonen (1985) [44] 9 Male MD, NL, ST, TS 26 weeks Power athletes 16 weeks 42 weeks
Alen (1984) [47] 14 Male MD, NL, ST, ML, TS 6 months Power athletes 6 months 12 months
Schurmeyer (1984)
5 Male NTH 13 weeks Active in sports, undertake heavy
physical training
Up to 24 weeks Up to
37 weeks
Holma (1976)
[24] 16 Male MD 2 months Well-trained athletes 3 months 5 months
Cross-sectional study
rjesson (2016) [30] 8 Female ST, ME, NL NA Bodybuilding, strength training,
other sports
Kanayama (2015) [53] 55 Male NR NA Weight lifting NA NA
Razavi (2014) [56] 250 Male TS, NL, OY, O NA Bodybuilding NA NA
Coward (2013) [51] 80 Male ND, ST, MD, TR, OX, OY, DP, BU, ME NA NR NA NA
Ip (2010) [32] 748 Males,
OX, NL, BO, ST, MD, TP, TE NA Strength-trained exercise NA NA
Taher (2008) [40] 30 Male MD, ML, OY, ND, TP, TB NA Bodybuilding NA NA
Perry (2005) [52] 207 Male ND, TB, BO, ST, TR, TS, TC, TE, TP, MD, OX NA Bodybuilding, weight lifting, other
Urhausen (2003) [38] 31 Male DMT, FM, MS, ML, MD, OX, OY, ST, BO, DS, FB,
NA Bodybuilding, powerlifting NA NA
Torres-Calleja (2001)
30 Male OY, MA, ND, TDP, MS, TE, TP NA Bodybuilding NA MA
Gruber (2000) [29] 75 Female ST, MA, NL, OX, MS, BO, TES, MD, OY NA Bodybuilding, weight lifting NA NA
Evans (1997) [50] 100 Male ND, ST, MD, ML, TR, OX, OY, DS, BO, TC, TP, TB,
NA Weight training NA NA
Korkia (1997) [33] 1,669 Male,
OX, ST, MD, TES, ND NA Subjects attending gymnasia NA NA
Pope (1994) [49] 156 Male TS, NL, OY, ST, ML, BO, OX, MD, MS, MT, O NA Weight lifting NA NA
M. A. Christou et al.
Table 1 continued
First author (year of
N Sex Type of AAS Duration of
AAS use
Type of exercise Duration of AAS
Malarkey (1991) [31] 16 Female MD, ST, ND, OX, TES, MI, MA, TRA, TR NA Weight lifting NA NA
Knuth (1989) [42] 82 Male TES, NTE, MD, ML, ST, TR, BO, OX, CL, MS, OY NA Bodybuilding NA NA
Yesalis (1988) [55] 45 Male MD, OX, OY, ST, ML, MS, FM, NE, MT, TES, NDE,
NA Powerlifting NA NA
Strauss (1985) [28] 10 Female MS, MD, MA, MT, OX, ST, BU, ME, ND, SA, TC,
NA Weight training NA NA
Strauss (1983) [54] 39 Male MD, OX, ST, ET, OY, MT, ND, TC, TE, ME, NP,
NA Bodybuilding, powerlifting NA NA
Remes (1977)
[26] 12 Male MD 2 months Runners NA 8 months
Hervey (1976) [27] 11 Male MD 12 weeks Weight training NA 20 weeks
Aakvaag (1974) [23] 21 Males MS 8 weeks NR NA 8 weeks
Non-randomized parallel clinical trial
Johnson (1972) [48] 31 Male MD 21 days Weight training NA 7 weeks
AAS anabolic androgenic steroids, AL androstenediol, AN androstenedione, BO boldenone, BU boldenone undecylenate, CL clostebol, DHEAS dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, DMT
4-dehydrochlormethyltestosterone, DP drostanolone propionate, DS drostanolone, ET ethylestrenol, ETT different esters of testosterone and trenbolone, FB formebolone, FM fluoxymesterone,
HM hexoxymestrolum, MA methenolone acetate, MAN methylandrostenedione, MD methandienone/methandrostenolone, ME methenolone enanthate, MI mibolerone, ML methenolone, MS
mesterolone, MT methyltestosterone, MTE mixture of testosterone esters, N total number of participants, NA not applicable, NAL norandrostenediol, NALD 19-nor-4-androstenediol, NAN
norandrostenedione, NAND 19-nor-4-androstenedione, ND nandrolone decanoate, NDE nandrolone esters, NE norethandrolone, NL nandrolone, NP nandrolone phenpropionate, NR not
reported, NTE 19-nortestosterone esters, NTH 19-nortestosterone-hexoxyphenyl propionate, O other, OX oxandrolone, OY oxymetholone, RCT randomized controlled trial, SA stenbolone
acetate, ST
stanozolol, TA testosterone aqueous, TB testosterone blend, TC testosterone cypionate, TDP testosterone decanoate and propionate, TE testosterone enanthate, TES testosterone
esters, TH testosterone heptylate, THR therobolin, TN testosterone nicotinate, TP testosterone propionate, TR trenbolone, TRA trenbolone acetate, TRB trophobolene, TS testosterone, TU
testosterone undecanoate
Duration of AAS cessation and follow-up are 6 months for hormone and semen analysis, and 6 years for fertility assessment (number of children conceived and successful pregnancies)
Data of the studies Holma and Adlercreutz [24] and Holma [25] were combined because they referred to overlapping populations and they assessed different outcomes
Data refer to characteristics of the methandienone experiment
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Use and Reproduction
Fig. 2 Hormone changes
during anabolic androgenic
steroid (AAS) use. FSH follicle-
stimulating hormone, LH
luteinizing hormone
M. A. Christou et al.
or methandienone (sensitivity analysis, Electronic Supple-
mentary Material Fig. S1).
3.2.2 Hormone Changes Following AAS Cessation
(Comparison of Hormone Levels at the End
of a Period of Active AAS Use and After a Period
of AAS Discontinuation)
Four studies, involving 35 AAS users, were included in the
LH and FSH meta-analysis [3436, 39]. LH and FSH levels
increased during the period following AAS withdrawal
(WMD 2.68 IU/L, 95% CI 1.59–3.77, p \ 0.001 and
WMD 1.89 IU/L, 95% CI 1.05–2.74, p \ 0.001, respec-
tively) (Fig. 3). There was moderate heterogeneity across
studies (I
= 70.3%, p = 0.009 and I
= 54.5%,
p = 0.066, respectively). Consistent with these results, the
two studies that were excluded from the meta-analysis
because of a lack of appropriate data, showed that gona-
dotropin levels gradually recovered when AAS were
withdrawn [ 41 , 45].
Data analysis from studies in which testosterone was
part of the AAS regimen [3436, 39, 44], involving 34
AAS users, revealed, as expected, a decrease of testos-
terone levels following AAS cessation (WMD
-28.04 nmol/L , 95% CI -45.11 to -10.98, p = 0.001)
(Fig. 3). High heterogeneity across studies was found
= 75.5%, p = 0.003). In the study of Schurmeyer et al.
[34], in which testosterone was not include d in the AAS
regimen, a statistically significant increase in testosterone
of 10.64 nmol/L was reported.
Finally, in a study that did not fulfill the criteria for
inclusion in the meta-analysis and in which a control group
was compared with a group of athletes during AAS use
including testosterone, serum testosterone levels were
lower compared with controls and did not increase signif-
icantly compared with the timepoint when AAS were
withdrawn [ 45 ].
3.2.3 Hormone Changes Prior to AAS Use and After
a Period of AAS Discontinuation
Three studies [3436], including 17 AAS users, were included
in LH and FSH meta-analysis. LH and FSH levels were
similar to baseline at the end of a period (range 13–24 weeks)
of AAS discontinuation (WMD 0.57 IU/L, 95% CI -0.60 to
1.74, p = 0.340 and WMD 0.43 IU/L, 95% CI -0.63 to 1.49,
p = 0.426, respectively) (Fig. 4). There was non-significant
low heterogeneity across studies (I
= 0%, p = 0.524 and
= 0%, p = 0.639, respectively).
Data from four studies in which testosterone was sel f-
administered as part of the AAS regimen [35, 36 , 44, 46],
involving 22 AAS users, revealed that serum testosterone
levels at the end of a period of AAS discontinuation were
lower compared with baseline levels (WMD -9.40 nmol/
L, 95% CI -14.38 to -4.42, p \ 0.001) (Fig. 4). The
period of AAS discontinuation in these four studies ranged
from 13 to 16 weeks apart from that in the study by
Martikainen et al. [46], in which a shorter AAS discon-
tinuation period of only 3 weeks was used, potentially
explaining the larger serum testosterone level difference at
the end of this study. There was non-significant moderate
heterogeneity across studies (I
= 36.6%, p = 0.192). In
the study of Schurmeyer et al. [34], in which testosterone
was not included in the AAS regimen, endogenous serum
testosterone levels returned to normal after 6 months.
3.2.4 Semen Cha nges During and Following AAS Use
Seven out of eight studies showed impairment of numerous
sperm characteristic s, such as total number, concentration,
motility, and normal morphology [25, 34, 37, 39, 42, 43, 47].
However, in one study, no significant change in spermato-
genesis was observed [48]. All studies in which this outcome
was asse ssed showed persistent quantitative and qualitative
sperm changes 8–30 weeks following AAS withdrawal
[25, 34, 39, 42, 45, 47].
In general, in the above studies, changes were assessed
and reported in a non-quantitative fashion. In the study by
Holma [25], the ‘fertility index’ was used (a score based on
sperm numbers, motility, quality of motility, and mor-
phology). This index deteriorated during AAS use from 1.7
(3.0) to 14.7 (14.6), which is interpreted as ‘severely
pathological’ [mean (standard deviation)] [25].
3.2.5 Outcomes Assessed by Medical History and/
or Clinical Examination
A number of studies reported testicular atrophy
[3234, 37, 47, 4952] in male athletes. Following AAS
withdrawal, one study found that former AAS users displayed
smaller testicular volumes compared with non-users [53].
However, testicular atrophy was more prominent among
current than past users, indicating that testicular size tends to
normalize after AAS withdrawal [49], although this may take
up to 16 weeks [34]. Some studies reported gynecomastia in
male individuals [32, 33, 37, 38, 50, 52, 54, 55], whereas two
other studies stated no effects of AAS use regarding this
outcome [34, 42]. Remarkably, in the study of Pope et al. [49],
gynecomastia was equally common between current and past
users, indicating that AAS-induced gynecomastia is often
irreversible. In the only six studies involving female athletes,
clitoromegaly and menstrual irregularities were reported as
the main AAS-related side effect during the period of AAS use
Only three studies determined AAS effects on fertility.
In the study of Karila et al. [39], subjects were asked about
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Use and Reproduction
Fig. 3 Hormone changes
following anabolic androgenic
steroid (AAS) cessation. FSH
follicle-stimulating hormone,
LH luteinizing hormone
M. A. Christou et al.
Fig. 4 Hormone changes
during the overall period. FSH
follicle-stimulating hormone,
LH luteinizing hormone
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Use and Reproduction
the number of children conceived and successful preg-
nancies, and 6 years following AAS cessation, 55.56% (10/
18) of them reported having at least one child, whereas the
same outcome during the period of AAS use was 27.78%
(5/18). Additionally, Coward et al. [51] mentioned that
11.3% (9/80) of the subjects stated infertility/low sperm
count during the period of AAS use in a self-reported
questionnaire. Similarly, in the study of Korkia et al. [33],
6% of the male athletes and 7% of the female athletes
reported having fertility problems.
3.3 Risk of Bias Assessment
Based on the Cochrane Collaboration Tool for Randomized
Controlled Trials, all studies [23, 26, 27] were rated as of
unclear risk. Regarding randomization, allocation con-
cealment, and selective reporting, the total risk of bias was
unclear. Concerning blinding of participants and personnel,
blinding of outcome assessment, and incomplete outcome
data, the overall risk of bias was low.
Based on the RTI Item Bank tool, nine cohort studies
(82%) were rated as having an unclear risk of bias
[24, 35 37, 41, 4447 ], one study (9%) as having a high
risk [39] and one more study (9%) as having a low risk of
bias [34]. Moreover, of low risk were the following items:
sample definition and selection (Question 1), soundness of
information (Question 6), follow-up (Question 7), and
interpretation of results (Question 11). All the other ques-
tions were rated as of high or unclear risk of bias. Seven
cross-sectional studies (39%) were of unclear risk of bias
[29, 31, 38, 40, 42, 43, 49], ten studies (55%) were rated as
high risk [28, 30, 32, 33, 5052, 5456], and one more
study (6%) was of low risk [53]. Furthermore, the creation
of treatment group (Question 3) and interpretation of
results were rated as low risk (Question 11). All the other
questions were rated as having a high or unclear risk of
bias. The results for the assessment of risk of bias are
shown in the Electronic Supplementary Material Table S4.
4 Discussion
4.1 Main Findings
To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive system-
atic review and meta-analysis examining the effects of
AAS use on the reproductive system of athletes and
recreational users. As few studies focused on female sub-
jects, the meta-analysis involved exclusively studies on
male athletes and recreational users. Anabolic androgenic
steroids use results in a state of prolonged hypogo-
nadotropic hypogonadism in male individuals; gonado-
tropin levels recover 13–24 weeks after discontinuation of
AAS, whereas serum testosterone remains reduced at
16 weeks. Moreover, a systematic review of available
evidence revealed that long- term AAS use results in pro-
longed hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in both sexes,
changes in sperm characteristics, a reduction in testicular
volume and gynecomastia in men, as well as clitoromegaly
and menstrual irregularities in female individuals.
In almost all studies included in the meta- analysis, there
were reductions in serum LH and FSH levels during the
period of active AAS use (Fig. 2). Specifically, AAS sup-
press gonadotropin release from the pituitary through
negative feedback mechani sms, either directly on the
pituitary gland or indirectly through suppression of the
hypothalamic GnRH release. The lack of a clear effect on
gonadotropin levels in some studies may be explained by
the low dosage and/or short period of AAS use, or by the
self-administration of synthetic AAS with weak andro-
genicity compared with testosterone [23, 42, 43].
In addition, during AAS use, the meta-analysis revealed
a reduction in basal serum testosterone levels (Fig. 2). In
addition to causing a drop in levels of endogenous testos-
terone by inhibiting gonadotropin secretion, AAS use
might also accelerate the metabolic clearance rate of
testosterone or inhibit its biosynthesis by direct action on
the gonads [24]. As expected, in studies in which exoge-
nous testosterone was included in the AAS regimen,
plasma levels of testosterone were considerably increased
during AAS use (Fig. 2).
In two studies, gonadal function was assessed by the
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or LH-releasing
hormone stimulation test. Notably, in subjects that had
been using high AAS doses for a period of 3 months, the
testicular responsiveness to a single injection of hCG was
similar to that in prepubertal boys [46]. Moreover, Holma
and Adlercreutz [24] showed that in well-trained athletes
who had been taking 15 mg of methandienone daily for
8 weeks, post-stimulation testosterone values after LH-re-
leasing hormone administration were lower compared with
those prior to AAS use. HCG has also been used as a
secondary supplement alongside AAS use or following
AAS discontinuation, in an attempt to trigger the produc-
tion and release of endogenous testosterone, by mimicking
LH action. In this respect, Karila et al. [39] suggested that
when AAS use was combined with hCG, spermatogenesis
was maintained, regardless of the AAS-induced suppres-
sion of gonadotropin secretion, although some structural
and functional sperm changes occurred.
In theory, cyclical AAS use may allow the recovery of
the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis, resulting in less
pronounced effects on the reproductive system. In the
majority of the studies included in the meta-analysis, AAS
were used in a continuous way. Because only two studies
examined cyclical AAS use [37, 39], the available data
M. A. Christou et al.
were insufficient to allow an assessment of the impact of
the method of AAS use (continuous or cyclical) on the
reproductive system.
Following AAS withdrawal, LH and FSH levels
increased to reach the levels prior to AAS use after a period
of 13–24 weeks [3436]. Interestingly, despite normaliza-
tion of gonadotropin levels in some studies, serum testos-
terone remained lower compared with baseline (mean
difference of 9.40 nmol/L) even at 16 wee ks after AAS
withdrawal [35, 36, 44, 46], indicating prolonged impai r-
ment of the hypothalamus–pituitary–testicular axis and/or
testicular atrophy. In all these studies, testosterone was
included in the AAS regimen. It is possible that a shorter
duration of AAS use, lower AAS doses, younger age of the
athletes, and highe r testosterone levels at baseline are
associated with a more ‘elastic axis’, capable of recovering
GnRH pulsation and gonadotropin secretion faster and
more completely [57]. In studies in which subjects used
AAS not affecting the measurement of serum testosterone,
endogenous serum testosterone levels were reduced com-
pared with basal values during AAS use (m ean difference
of 10.75 nmol/ L) and returned to normal after 6 months
(Fig. 2).
In men, testosterone is synthesized in the testes under
the regulation of LH, whereas FSH is mainly responsible
for initiation of spermatogenesis. Full maturation of the
spermatozoa requires the effects of both FSH and testos-
terone. Therefore, suppression of gonadotropins by AAS
use results in reduced endogenous testosterone production
as well as a decrease in spermatogenesis and sperm pro-
duction, atrophy of the seminiferous tubules , and eventu-
ally testicular atrophy [9]. In most studies included in the
systematic review that assessed semen changes during
AAS use, a number of sperm parameters were found to be
impaired [25, 34 , 37, 39, 42, 43, 47] and in the three studies
that examined these changes following AAS cessation, the
recovery of semen characteristics to normal, occurred
within varying periods from 8 to 30 weeks [25, 34, 47].
Studies that assessed AAS effects by medical history
and/or clinical examination found a reduced testicular
volume in male athletes [3234, 37, 47, 4952], which
tends to normalize following AAS withdrawal. Gyneco-
mastia was reported in several studies [32, 33 , 37,
38, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55
]; this may occur as a result of
peripheral conversion of AAS to estrogen in those men
abusing aromatizable AAS [9]. Moreover, clitoromegaly
and men strual irregularities were reported in female indi-
viduals [2833]. Notably, Gruber and Pope [29] attributed
amenorrhea to a direct effect of AAS use, or alternatively,
to the low body fat attained through a low-calorie diet.
Anabolic androgenic steroid use also seems to have a
negative impact on the fertility of AAS users, as has been
stated in questionnaires [33, 39, 51]. A number o f factors,
such as the type of sport, exercise intensity with high-en-
ergy expenditure, energy balance, fat composition, disor-
dered eating behavior, and physical and emoti onal stress,
may contribute to a state of hypogonadotropic hypogo-
nadism, evidenced clinically by menstrual irregularity in
female athletes, even without AAS abuse [58, 59]. Ana-
bolic androgenic steroid use associated with prolonged
periods of hypogonadism may have a number of adverse
health consequences such as effects on mood and memory,
reduced libido, fatigue, lipid abnormalities, low bone
mineral density/osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and
increased cardiovascular risk [7, 60].
4.2 Strengths and Limitations
An important strength of this study is that it is the first sys-
tematic review and meta-analysis to assess the relationship
between the use of AAS and effects on the reproductive
system of athletes. Furthermore, this article includes both a
systematic review and a meta-analysis of the hormones LH,
FSH, and testosterone, which are considered to be the main
regulators of the reproductive system.
Research in the field of AAS use in sports is limited by
problems and restrictions, i.e., the sample size is small
owing to the secret nature of drug use; self-selection may
produce subjects who are not representative of the overall
population of AAS users; diversity in the type, dose,
duration, and route of AAS use; most studies have not used
urine testing to confirm AAS used; AAS may be hidden in
food supplements and are not easily accessible; false-pos-
itive responses on anonymous questionnaires regarding
‘steroids’; contemporary use of more than one AAS at high
doses; different methodology of hormone measurements in
serum; and possible interactions with other commonly used
drugs. Additionally, the stated AAS doses in studies may
have been considerably lower than the actual self-admin-
istered doses and different methods of AAS use were
employed (e.g., cyclical use, stacking, pyramiding).
However, two main limitations include the fact that the
majority of included studies were rated as having unclear
risk of bias and also many studies were not considered
eligible to be included in the meta-analysis, thus limiting
the possibility of achieving greater power and more robust
associations. Moreover, eligible studies did not control for
potential confounding factors, such as age, sex, type of
exercise, and different AAS characteristics, which can be
responsible for a spurious relationship between AAS use
and the obser ved effects on the reproductive system of
athletes. Notably, there were a few studies conducted in
female athletes, and as a result, limited data were available
concerning AAS effects on the female reproductive system,
as well as on fertility. For the same reason, the meta-
analysis involved exclusively studies on male athletes.
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Use and Reproduction
5 Conclusion
The present meta-analysis showed that serum gonadotropin
and endogenous testosterone levels decr eased during a
period of active AAS use in male athletes. Hormone levels
gradually returned to normal, although serum testosterone
remained lower compared with baseline several weeks
following AAS cessation. Moreover, a systematic revi ew
of the literature revealed that the effects of long-term AAS
use include testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, and impair-
ment of sperm characteristics in men, as well as cli-
toromegaly and menstrual irregularities in women,
potentially affecting fertility in both sexes. Anabolic
androgenic steroid abuse has negative, potentially serious
long-terms effects on the reproductive system and general
health of users; further action is necessary to manage this
global public health issue, together with education of the
public, athletes, trainers, and healthcare providers.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Funding No funding was obtained for the preparation of this study.
Conflict of interest Maria A. Christou, Panagiota A. Christou,
Georgios Markozannes, Agathocles Tsatsoulis, George Mastorakos,
and Stelios Tigas declare that they have no conflicts of interest; they
have received no research grants or speaker honoraria from any drug
company and they own no stock in any drug company.
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