User Guide
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program
(EMP) for Windows Server
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AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server:
User Guide
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AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Table of Contents
What Is AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server? ........................... 1
Features .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Concepts ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Accessing ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Pricing ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
How it works .................................................................................................................................... 4
Phases of the EMP process ........................................................................................................................ 5
Discovery ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Packaging preparation ........................................................................................................................... 6
Packaging .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Deployment .............................................................................................................................................. 7
System requirements ................................................................................................................................... 7
Limitations ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Data collection .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Compatibility Package Builder components ........................................................................................... 9
Get started ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Decision tree ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Planning a migration ................................................................................................................................. 13
High-level discovery .................................................................................................................................. 14
Install Compatibility Package Builder .................................................................................................... 16
Package an application ............................................................................................................................. 17
Standard packaging .............................................................................................................................. 20
Guided Reverse Packaging .................................................................................................................. 23
Best practices ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Package an IIS-based application ........................................................................................................... 33
Discovery ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Migrate .................................................................................................................................................... 34
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 37
Package contents ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Source package contents .................................................................................................................... 39
Deployed package contents ................................................................................................................ 46
Create templates ........................................................................................................................................ 46
GRP template files ................................................................................................................................ 47
Content directory .................................................................................................................................. 51
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Deploy an application ............................................................................................................................... 52
Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 52
Run deployment tool ........................................................................................................................... 55
Working with EMP packages ........................................................................................................ 57
Compatibility package features .............................................................................................................. 57
ForceExternalManifest .......................................................................................................................... 59
RegClassesMerging ............................................................................................................................... 60
DoNotHideDebugger ............................................................................................................................ 60
HandleInvalidHandle ............................................................................................................................ 61
NotWow64Process ................................................................................................................................ 61
NetworkRedirection .............................................................................................................................. 62
LocalMappedObjectShim ..................................................................................................................... 64
DEPOptOut ............................................................................................................................................. 65
COMVirtualization ................................................................................................................................. 66
ForceWindowsVersion .......................................................................................................................... 66
RedirectX64PackagedRegistry ............................................................................................................ 68
LoadSystemResources .......................................................................................................................... 68
Edit, upgrade, and maintain packages .................................................................................................. 68
Edit ........................................................................................................................................................... 69
Upgrade ................................................................................................................................................... 70
Maintain .................................................................................................................................................. 71
Optimize Process Monitor ........................................................................................................................ 71
Log runtime dependencies ....................................................................................................................... 74
Discover ................................................................................................................................................... 74
Filter ......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Choose processes .................................................................................................................................. 76
Update a deployed package .................................................................................................................... 77
Uninstall a package ................................................................................................................................... 79
Enable logging ............................................................................................................................................ 79
Manage custom configurations ............................................................................................................... 83
Link packages .............................................................................................................................................. 86
ODBC drivers ............................................................................................................................................... 87
Enable out-of-process COM ..................................................................................................................... 89
Add SXS assemblies ................................................................................................................................... 91
Exclude or detach a process .................................................................................................................... 92
Run cmd.exe as a child process ............................................................................................................ 93
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Security .......................................................................................................................................... 96
Data collected ............................................................................................................................................. 97
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 99
Versions ........................................................................................................................................ 102
Document History ........................................................................................................................ 103
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
What Is AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP)
for Windows Server?
The AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server provides the technology
and guidance to migrate your applications running on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server
2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2 to the
latest, supported versions of Windows Server running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Using EMP
technology, you can decouple critical applications from their underlying operating system so that
they can be migrated to a supported version of Windows Server on AWS without code changes.
Topic contents
Features of AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server concepts
Accessing AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server
Pricing for EMP
Features of AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server
The AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server toolset offers the following
features to help you migrate your applications running on legacy Windows Server operating
systems to supported versions.
Existing installation capture
During packaging, EMP tools capture the existing installation of a legacy application to an EMP
package. The EMP tools typically perform this by detecting the components of an existing
installation and extracting them to an EMP package. When installation media and knowledge are
available, the installation can be monitored and captured to an EMP package.
Fresh installation capture
During packaging, a snapshot is taken of the current state of the operating system, and a capture
process records all of the changes made during the application installation.
Runtime analysis
Features 1
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
File and registry access, along with changes that occur when an application is launched from this
section of the packing wizard, are recorded and made available for addition to the package being
created. This feature allows EMP to include first-launch changes by the application to the system.
Legacy operating system support
An EMP package is created on the operating system that is currently supported by the application
being packaged. This compatibility packaging allows you to migrate an application from a
compatible operating system to an incompatible operating system, while preserving application
Windows upgrade support
You can deploy a single package across multiple supported Windows versions. In addition, each
package supports the upgrade of the underlying version of Windows version.
Pre-deployment and post-deployment scripts
You can include custom scripts in the package to deploy scripted installations, configurations, or to
run other required tasks for the package and application deployment process.
Fast editing with no package recompilation
Test and remediation cycles for EMP packages take less time as a result of fast editing, which
requires no package recompilation. Packages can be updated to include specific application
updates or the latest EMP components without having to recompile the package.
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server concepts
The following concept is central to your understanding and use of AWS End-of-Support Migration
Program (EMP) for Windows Server.
The process of capturing a legacy application using the EMP tools on the source operating system.
Source server
The server instance on which the application to be packaged is currently installed and running.
Concepts 2
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Clean packaging server
The server instance of the Windows operating system version that is supported by the application
to be packaged. This server instance is used in the fresh install capture of an application.
Compatibility package
When the EMP compatibility packaging process is complete, the output of the package builder is
called an EMP compatibility package.
Accessing AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server offers standalone tools that
you download and install on your source or packaging instance. You can download the EMP tools
from the End-of-Support Migration Program for Windows Server product page.
New releases of the AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server
Compatibility Package Builder are provided in MSI format. To upgrade to a new version from a
previous version, uninstall the previous version by using the Add or Remove Programs feature
from legacy Windows operating systems, or from Programs and Features in the Control Panel for
later operating systems. Then, reinstall the package with the latest MSI.
Pricing for EMP
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server is available for use at no cost to
support migration of Windows workloads to the AWS Cloud.
Accessing 3
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
How AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server works
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server technology identifies the
dependencies and resources for your application, and creates an application package from them.
This application can be deployed to and run on a new version of Windows Server.
The EMP toolset creates packages for legacy Windows applications to run on any supported
version of the operating system. It includes a set of packaging tools, which are used to address
various packaging scenarios. When a package is created, application runtime analysis detects
application file and registry activity, including additional configuration changes that occur when
the application first runs. The EMP package is deployed with a command passed to its deployment
program. Deployment can be automated with scripts or managed by enterprise tools, such as AWS
Systems Manager.
Application compatibility packages include everything an application requires to run on a modern
operating system. This includes all of the application files, runtimes, components, deployment
tools, and the embedded redirection and compatibility engine. During the creation of a package,
EMP determines the application dependencies for the out-of-support operating system, and
sets the required redirections. The redirection and compatibility engine are designed to run in
user mode. When the package is deployed to the target machine, the file type associations are
registered, and shortcuts are created to run the application.
Compatibility packaging follows these three principles:
Packaging is performed on the operating system supported by the application.
Runtime analysis is performed to detect and review the file and registry activity of the processes
of the application. For a fresh install capture, runtime analysis detects first-run activity of the
application after installation.
The redirection and compatibility engine, along with the package deployment program, are
included in the package.
The package does not include the legacy operating system. This means that you do not run any
part of the legacy Windows Server version on the new Windows Server to which the application
is upgraded. The redirection engine intercepts the API calls that the application makes to the
underlying Windows Server operating system, and requests for files and registry data captured in
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
the package are redirected there. As a result, the request by the application for resources that are
present within the package are redirected to the package so that the application runs successfully
on the new operating system. This lightweight strategy means that the target application can see
a combination of the redirected and local file system and registry, with undetectable impact on the
performance of the application or local machine. The approximate RAM overhead per application is
3 to 5 MB, with no measurable CPU impact after the application has started.
Common redirections, which do not include file and registry redirections, supported by the EMP
compatibility engine include:
The application uses a fixed port. The EMP engine redirects to an appropriate and available port
on the new version of the operating system.
The application accesses data stored in a fixed location that is not available on the new
operating system version. The EMP engine redirects these requests to the appropriate location
on the new version of the operating system.
The application is hardcoded to C:\WinNT. The EMP engine redirects the application to C:
The application requires Java version 1.3. EMP packages and isolates the application with Java
1.3 so that it does not make calls to newer Java runtimes in the new version of the operating
The AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server process
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server System requirements
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server limitations
Data collection
Components of the EMP Compatibility Package Builder
The AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server process
This section provides a high-level overview of the EMP process, including the steps involved in each
phase of the process.
Phases of the EMP process 5
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
The EMP process:
Packaging preparation
During discovery, target applications are recognized using AWS Optimization and Licensing
Assessment (AWS OLA). Discovery includes identifying legacy applications that require EMP
packaging for migration to later versions of the Windows Server operating system.
Packaging preparation
Packaging preparation includes the following steps.
1. Clone the server image to the AWS instance, if possible.
2. Complete application discovery.
Discovery 6
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
3. Plan user acceptance testing (UAT).
4. Define the target environment.
Packaging includes the following steps.
1. EMP package builder packages the application on the source server version, guided by
application discovery. The source server version is the Windows Server operating system that
currently hosts the application.
2. The package is tested on a clean source server version and any required remediation is
3. The package is tested on the target server version instance following the UAT plan. Any
necessary remediation is performed.
Deployment includes the following steps.
1. Deployment and testing on the target environment.
2. Production deployment.
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server System requirements
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server supports the following
operating systems:
Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Packaging 7
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Windows Server 2003 SP2 (32-bit)
The following system requirements must be met to migrate your application with AWS End-of-
Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server.
.NET. Microsoft .NET 4.0 Client Profile, or later.
Memory. As required by the packaged applications. Minimum 2 GB.
Processor. As required by the packaged applications. Two CPUs recommended.
Disk space. 10 GB required to create the snapshots. The size of the EMP package depends on the
size of the application. It will be 10 to 50 percent larger than the application being packaged.
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server limitations
The following application and component types cannot be migrated using AWS End-of-Support
Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server.
Applications that do not run on the Windows operating system.
16-bit applications. If the target operating system is a 64-bit Windows operating system, the NT
Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) required to run these applications is available on 32-bit Windows
operating systems only.
Kernel-mode drivers that are a different bitness than the target operating system. Device drivers
are not virtualized with EMP and therefore must be compatible with the target operating system.
Compatible drivers can be deployed with the package. For example, if you are moving to a 64-
bit operating system, you must have a 64-bit driver that is compatible with the new operating
Low-level applications. For example, antivirus, firewall, and VPN applications.
Explorer Shell Extensions.
Microsoft BizTalk and Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)-based systems.
Desktop applications.
Limitations 8
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Data collection
AWS collects usage information through the EMP telemetry module during the deployment and
subsequent use of EMP packages. The telemetry module sends the collected data to an application
modernization metrics service running on AWS. To view the data collected by the telemetry
module, see Data collected by the AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server in the Security section of this guide.
Components of the EMP Compatibility Package Builder
The installation directory of the Compatibility Package Builder includes the following files and
Compatibility.Package.Builder.exe — the Package Builder program.
Compatibility.Package.Builder.cfg — Used to configure packager settings, such as file scan root
Compatibility.Package.Builder.exe.config — Contains packager program settings, such as
packager event logging level and dependencies, such as the .NET runtime version.
Compatibility.Package.Builder.log — Logs package builder events during packaging.
Compatibility.Package.CmdLineBuilder.exe — The CLI version of the Package Builder. Uses the
PackageScript.xml as its response file.
Compatibility.Package.CmdLineBuilder.exe.config — Includes the CLI program settings, such as
CLI event logging level and dependencies, such as the .NET runtime version.
EMP.GRP.exe — The GRP program.
EMP.GRP.exe.config — Used to configure the GRP program settings.
EULA.rtf and eula.base — The end-user-license-agreement files. the content of the .rtf file is
copied into the .base file, which is saved as HTML in the package root folder.
ExclusionList.json — A configuration file that contains the list of files, folders, and registry keys
that are ignored during scanning.
GRPExclusion.json — A configuration file that contains the list of files, folders, and registry keys
that are ignored by the GRP program.
Open Source Licenses.txt — Contains the license for the open-source components in the
Package Builder.
Data collection 9
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Images — Contains the graphic files used by the Package Builder application.
x64 (Engine Binaries) — Contains the EMP runtime files for packages to be deployed on a 64-
bit system. When packaging is performed on a 64-bit machine, the contents of this folder are
automatically copied into the root folder of the EMP package during the package build. An EMP
package that was built on a 64-bit machine cannot be run on a 32-bit machine.
x86 (Engine Binaries) — Contains the EMP runtime files for packages to be deployed on a
32-bit system. When packaging is performed on a 32-bit machine, the contents of this folder
are automatically copied into the root folder of the EMP package during the package build.
An EMP package that was built on a 32-bit machine will run on a 64-bit machine, however,
we recommend that you use the appropriate runtimes for the destination platform. This is
automatically handled during the deployment process.
Tools — Contains three sets of tools that are available to EMP packages.
DiscoveryTool — A command line tool that can perform a limited discovery of a server.
Compatibility.Package.DiscoveryTool.exe -d "<InstallDirectory> — Writes
a list of loaded COM servers and drivers in <Currentdirectory>\Report.json.
Compatibility.Package.DiscoveryTool.exe -l — Lists features and subfeatures of
the tool in the command console.
Editor — Used to edit existing packages. This tool has a shortcut in the Start menu, where it
goes by Compatibility Package Editor.
ReversePackagingTools (deprecated) — A command line tool set used in the reverse
packaging process, a method of compatibility packaging used when application installation
media is not available. This tool set is used during the first two stages of reverse packaging:
1. Install media reverse engineering — A reverse engineered installation media, called a
package source is generated from a working instance of the application on the server.
2. EMP package build — The package source installation is then captured on a clean
packaging server using the Compatibility Package Builder.
type <procmoncapture.CSV> | GeneratePackageSource.exe |
RemoveKnownFolders.exe > <outputfilename.json> — Generates a manifest for
Compatibility Package Builder components 10
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
the package source from the CSV file using RemoveKnownFolders.exe to remove common
known system registry keys, files, and folders.
type <filteredoutputfilename.json> | ExportFromSystem.exe >
<logfilename.txt> — Extracts the listed files, directories, and registry keys from
the operating system and compresses them along with the remaining contents of the
ReversePackagingTools folder into This file is a reverse-
engineered installation media for the application.
type <filteredoutputfilename.json> | DeployToSystem.exe >
<logfilename.txt> — Installs Package Source during the package build on the packaging
server using the package builder.
IISTools — A set of command line scripts used to enable the automatic migration of legacy
Windows IIS applications to a modern, supported version of Windows Server on AWS. For more
information, see Package an IIS-based application.
SystemTrace — A command line tool used by GRP to capture runtime dependencies for the
application being packaged. Supported only on Windows Server 2008 and later operating
Compatibility Package Builder components 11
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Get started with AWS End-of-Support Migration Program
(EMP) for Windows Server
This section helps you get started with creating an EMP package to help you migrate your legacy
application to a modern Windows Server operating system. It includes a decision tree to help you
determine whether the AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server is the
right solution for your migration. It also includes considerations for planning your migration, high-
level discovery steps, Compatibility Package Builder installation steps, procedures for packaging an
application with or without installation media, and steps for deploying a packaged application.
Getting started topics
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server decision tree
Planning an AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server migration
High-level AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server application
discovery exercise
Install AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server application packaging model
Package an IIS-based application
EMP compatibility package contents
Create GRP templates
Deploy an EMP package
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server decision tree
The EMP decision tree is a set of questions to assist you in determining whether EMP is the right
solution for migrating applications onto modern Windows Operating Systems in AWS.
Decision tree 12
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Planning an AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server migration
When you plan an AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server migration,
consider the following:
Application environment — legacy to target
It is important to understand the existing architecture of the application that is being migrated
so that the target environment can be correctly set up. In an n-tier application model, you should
identify each server that makes up the model and understand which of the servers require
migration and which of them require EMP for the migration process. Some of the servers may
already be migrated to AWS and using a step-by-step migration approach ensures a smooth
transition to AWS.
For example, if you attempt to migrate a three-tier application that consists of an Internet
Information Server (IIS) web server, application server, and SQL Server 2008, all running on
Windows Server 2008 on premises, the migration plan might look like this: the IIS Web Server
migrates to a Windows Server 2019 in AWS without the need for EMP migration. The application
Planning a migration 13
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
running on the application server is captured into an EMP package and migrated onto a Windows
Server 2019 operating system running on AWS. SQL Server is migrated to Amazon Relational
Database Service (Amazon RDS).
Packaging model
Standard packaging — Use when packaging an application with complete installation media,
and the application spans only a single drive.
Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP) — Use when packaging an application with no installation
We recommend that you use the standard packaging model if your application meets the
Packaging and testing environment
Set up your packaging and testing environments according to the results of the application
discovery exercise. For more information about each packaging scenario, see AWS End-of-
Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server application packaging model.
High-level AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server application discovery exercise
After you identify the applications to migrate using EMP, we recommend that you perform an
application discovery exercise for each application. EMP application discovery refers to the process
of gathering and documenting all of the information about a legacy application that is required to
inform the creation of a functioning EMP package and its deployment onto a modern, supported
target environment. The information required to complete application discovery comes from
both the legacy and target environments. It typically includes configuration details, installation
instructions, topology, customizations, security requirements, users, and more.
When the application discovery is complete, analyze the information against the EMP limitations to
determine EMP eligibility.
We recommend that an application subject matter expert (SME) is available to assist with the
discovery process. The application SME is a representative who knows how the application works
for the business and is familiar with the business workflows within the application. The SME can
High-level discovery 14
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
demonstrate all business workflows and also define or agree upon an acceptance testing plan for
the application if one does not exist. The acceptance testing plan can be used during the testing of
the application in the EMP package.
The following table shows a discovery checklist to guide you through the discovery process.
Checklist item Details
Application name and version The name and version of the application that
you want to migrate.
Application subject matter expert (SME) The name and contact details of the applicati
on SME to assist with the migration.
Software prerequisites required by the
The software required to be installed before
or with the application. For example, .NET
2.0 SP1, earlier versions of Java, Visual C++
runtimes, and more. The dependencies can be
included in the same package as the applicati
Source operating system The operating system on which the applicati
on currently runs.
Target operating system The operating system to which you want to
migrate the application.
Are the install media and install instructions
The answer to this question determines the
EMP packaging model to be followed for
migration (standard or GRP packaging). For
standard packaging, gather install media,
instructions, and customizations required to
carry out a complete setup of the application
on the legacy OS.
Application topology and external dependenc
For example, three-tier topology with an
application/desktop tier, an IIS-based web
tier, and a database tier all hosted on different
High-level discovery 15
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Checklist item Details
servers requiring connectivity between one
Does the application require specific drivers? If so, is a 64-bit compatible version available?
(Check the EMP limitations).
Other application details What is the bitrate of the application: 32-
bit or 64-bit? Does it use COM+ or DCOM
components? Are Windows Services installed
or used by the application? Do any services
require domain or local service accounts? Is
the application subject to Data Execution
Prevention (DEP)? Are there any firewall ports
that should be opened?
Windows features and roles required The Windows features and roles required
by the application to set up on the modern
operating system.
Known issues Any known issues of the application to
account for during the testing phases.
Cross-check against EMP limitations Verify whether the application is in scope for
EMP packaging.
Install AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder
The AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder is the primary tool used to create EMP compatibility
packages to deploy functioning legacy Windows applications on modern Windows Server
operating systems on which they would otherwise be incompatible. Package Builder is provided in
an MSI installer file that installs the tool on a clean packaging server. A clean packaging server is a
server instance of the Windows operating system version that is supported by the application to be
Perform the following steps to install the AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder.
Install Compatibility Package Builder 16
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
1. If you have not done so already, download AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder from the
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server product page.
New releases of the AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server
Compatibility Package Builder are provided in MSI format. To upgrade to a new version from a
previous version, uninstall the previous version by using the Add or Remove Programs feature
from legacy Windows operating systems, or from Programs and Features in the Control Panel
for later operating systems. Then, reinstall the package with the latest MSI.
2. After you have downloaded the EMP tools, double-click the Compatibility Package Builder file
to run it.
3. On the Welcome to the Compatibility Package Builder Setup Wizard pop-up, choose Next.
4. In the End-User License Agreement, select the terms agreement, and choose Next.
5. Under EMP Telemetry, select the check box to enable telemetry (optional), and choose Next.
6. Accept the default Destination Folder, or modify it, and choose Next.
7. Choose Install.
8. When the application installation completes, choose Finish.
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server application packaging model
The following model and descriptions show the process of packaging a legacy application using
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server. There are two packaging
Standard packaging. Use when the application media and install instructions are available to
recreate an up-to-date installation of a legacy application in its current supported operating
Standard packaging supports packaging applications that are installed only on a single
system drive (typically, the C: drive).
Package an application 17
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP). Use when the application media and install instructions
are not available to recreate an up-to-date installation of a legacy application in its current
supported operating system.
If the criteria for standard packaging is met, then we recommend that you apply this
packaging model instead of the GRP packaging model.
Application server
The legacy application server on which the legacy application is installed and runs.
Clone of the application server
Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP) is performed directly on the clone of the source server. For more
information about GRP, see How to package an application when installation media is not available
(Guided Reverse Packaging).
Package an application 18
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
If you do not want to clone the production servers, then you can skip this step and continue with
GRP. We recommend that you follow standard best practices for working on a production system.
Packaging server
The server is an original build, including service packs, of the server operating system where
the application is installed and runs. The EMP product is installed and used to create the EMP
application package on this server.
Testing Server—source operating system
This testing server is an original build, including service packs, of the server operating system
where the application is installed and runs. It is used to validate the EMP package on the operating
system on which it was created.
AWS Testing Server—deployment operating system
This testing server is the target operating system on which the EMP package must run. This server
is used to validate the application in an EMP package on the target operating system within the
AWS environment.
On-premises testing server—deployment operating system
This server is the target operating system on which the EMP packages must run. This server is used
to validate the application in an EMP package in the target, on-premises operating system.
This step is required only if there is a benefit to test the package in an on-premises
environment to validate that it works as expected before migrating the application to AWS,
or if it is required to troubleshoot any issues. It helps identify whether issues are the result
of the AWS environment setup, the EMP package, or the target operating system.
If you want someone at AWS or one of our partners to perform the application packaging for you,
then submit a request to AWS IQ.
Packaging instructions:
How to package an application when installation media is available (standard packaging)
How to package an application when installation media is not available (Guided Reverse
Package an application 19
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Best practices for packaging applications with AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server
How to package an application when installation media is available
(standard packaging)
When installation media is available, an application is packaged with the EMP Compatibility
Package Builder. The package builder uses installation snapshot-based packaging along with
runtime analysis to create compatibility packages for applications.
Standard packaging supports packaging applications that are installed only on a single
system drive (typically, the C: drive).
Perform the steps in the following stages to create a compatibility package using the package
builder when installation media is available:
Stage 1: Install capture (Required)
Stage 2: Runtime analysis (Optional)
Stage 3: Edit package contents (Optional)
Stage 4: Package Finalization (Required)
Stage 1: Install capture (Required)
1. After you install the tools from the End-of-Support Migration Program for Windows Server
product page, launch the EMP QuickStart from your desktop and choose Start Packager.
2. On the Select Package Folder page, choose Select Folder. Select a package folder to specify
where the package will be created, then choose OK.
3. Choose Next.
4. On the Start Capture page, choose Start Capture to capture the state of the system before
the application is installed.
5. Choose Next when the capture is complete.
6. Install the application, components, and any required dependencies.
Standard packaging 20
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
7. When all of the installations have completed, reboot ONLY if required by the application
installer. After the reboot completes, you can restart the package builder from your desktop.
8. Return to the package builder, and on the Install Application page, choose Next.
9. If required, proceed to Stage 2: Runtime analysis (Optional); otherwise, choose Next to
proceed to Stage 3: Edit package contents (Optional) .
When it is launched from the desktop shortcut only, runtime analysis reviews file and
registry operations (for example, read, modification, and creation) performed by processes.
This is not a required step, but can be used to review and include changes to the registry
and file system during the first run of the application. It can also be helpful to review what
the application processes do when running under the EMP engine.
Stage 2: Runtime analysis (Optional)
The package builder detects all files, registry keys, and shortcuts created or modified when the
application runs for the first time. Shortcuts are displayed on the Run Installed Applications
screen. If no shortcuts are displayed, proceed to Stage 3: Edit package contents (Optional).
Do not use any desktop or Start menu shortcuts. Start the application using only the
shortcuts displayed in the package builder. If you use shortcuts other than those displayed
in the package builder, configuration changes will not be captured by the package builder.
The following steps enable application files and registry entries that are created when the
application is configured for the first time to be captured in the package.
1. Start the application by using the shortcut in the package builder. Do not use shortcuts on the
desktop or Start menu.
2. Choose each shortcut to load the shortcuts.
3. Perform any required configuration changes to ensure that the application is configured for
users the first time it starts. If the packaged application fails during a particular workflow, or
Standard packaging 21
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
an issue is identified during user acceptance testing (UAT), try to repeat the workflow during
the packaging process.
4. Close the programs, and choose Next to continue.
5. Choose Complete Capture to record the final state of the system.
After the capture successfully completes, the following message displays Capture
completed. Please click “next” to continue. Choose Next.
Do not uninstall the application during runtime analysis or the package builder will capture
this change and create the package without the application.
Stage 3: Edit package contents (Optional)
Files, registry keys, and redirects can be added to, removed from, or modified in the package
depending on what was captured during the install capture and runtime analysis.
The following steps show how to modify the contents of the package.
1. On the Captured Files page, you can use the left-hand pane Files in package to view or
remove files, or to add redirections for files captured in the package by the install capture
2. Navigate to the file or folder, open the context (right-click) menu, then choose Redirect or
Remove Item, as required. If you choose a folder and want to redirect all subfolders, then
choose Redirect Children.
If you redirect or remove an item, the available options on the context menu changes to
Remove Redirect or Add Item, which allows you to reverse your changes.
3. To include the files detected by runtime analysis, use the right-hand pane Files requested at
4. Navigate to the file, open the context (right-click) menu, and choose Include in package.
5. Choose Next, which displays the Captured Registry Keys page. From this page, you can view
and manage registry keys in the same way as files.
6. Choose Next when you have made the required changes for registry keys.
Standard packaging 22
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Stage 4: Package Finalization (Required)
1. On the Package page, in the App Name box, enter a unique name for the application, which
automatically populates the App ID box.
2. Optionally, enter a description for the application in the Description box.
3. From the Run drop-down list, optionally select the executable that is used to load the
4. Choose Package App to create the package.
Choose Next when the Press “Next” to continue message is displayed.
6. To view the contents of the package, choose Open Package.
7. To make changes, choose Edit this Package to modify the contents of the package or to
change the name, description, and initial executable in the package.
8. When you are finished, close the package builder by choosing the X in the top right-hand
How to package an application when installation media is not available
(Guided Reverse Packaging)
You can package your applications running on end-of-support Windows servers with guided
assistance using Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP). GRP automates much of the process of creating
a compatibility package using the EMP package builder. It also provides automated dependency
recommendations to reduce the amount of manual discovery required to perform the packaging
process. The output of the GRP process is an EMP package, which can run on the latest version of
Windows Server.
GRP topics
Prerequisites for Guided Reverse Packaging
How Guided Reverse Packaging works
EMP Compatibility Package Builder GRP tabs and controls
Get started with Guided Reverse Packaging
Use GRP to monitor unspecified processes
Use GRP templates
Manage advanced configurations
Guided Reverse Packaging 23
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Prerequisites for Guided Reverse Packaging
In order to use Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP), the following prerequisites must be met:
You must be able to access the source server with the application you want to package. The
server can be on-premises or in the cloud.
You must install AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder using Microsoft Installer (MSI). For
more information, see Install AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder .
For limits and operating system requirements to use AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder, see
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server limitations and AWS End-of-
Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server System requirements.
How Guided Reverse Packaging works
The following high-level steps occur when EMP Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP) is performed:
1. Discovery — you provide entry points to the application, such as files and folders.
2. Dependency discovery
Static analysis: GRP analyzes the file and folders that are provided, and captures the relevant
dependencies of your application based on data such as dependent components, keywords,
timestamps, and application paths. You can verify these dependencies using GRP by optionally
removing dependencies that are not related to the applications.
Runtime analysis: You can start and stop runtime analysis in order to monitor the file and
registry activity of running processes on the source server. The runtime analysis integration
with GRP is supported only on Windows Server 2008 and later operating systems. To perform
runtime analysis on Windows Server 2003 servers, see Get started with Guided Reverse
3. Package finalization — you create an EMP compatibility package of the application.
EMP Compatibility Package Builder GRP tabs and controls
This section describes the functions of the GRP tabs and controls.
GRP tabs
Selected files — permits you to select files and folders to include in the package.
Guided Reverse Packaging 24
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Discovered files — displays files and folders identified by the discovery process. You can use the
interface to remove any unwanted files and folders by choosing Exclude next to the item that
you want to remove.
COM — displays discovered COM components.
Services — displays discovered services.
Registry — displays discovered registry keys. You can manually add or remove registry keys, if
required. To add a new registry key, enter the path to the key that you want to add, and choose
Add new key. The following formats for adding new keys are supported:
GRP validates the existence of the key on the source server before adding it. To delete a key,
choose Exclude next to the registry key that you want to remove. The key is moved to the
Excluded Registry Keys section under the Exclusions tab.
Exclusions — displays excluded items. To include an item that was previously excluded, choose
Include next to the item. You can use the interface to add new exclusions, for example a sub-
folder of the application folder. You can use file extension exclusions with a wildcard, for
example *.txt.
Path wildcards are not supported. A wildcard (*) can only be used in place of a filename.
GRP controls
Change folder — allows you to select a different project folder than what you initially specified.
You can switch between different GRP project folders without having to close and reopen GRP
each time a different package requires updating.
Runtime analysis — allows you to start and stop runtime analysis, so that you can monitor
the file and registry activity of running processes on the source server. The runtime analysis
integration with GRP is supported only on Windows Server 2008 and later operating systems. To
perform runtime analysis on Windows Server 2003 servers, see Get started with Guided Reverse
Guided Reverse Packaging 25
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Discover dependencies — allows you to perform GRP discovery with the data collected form the
static and runtime analyses.
Create package — allows you to create an EMP package when GRP discovery is complete.
Get started with Guided Reverse Packaging
1. Download the AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder to your source server from the EMP
Tooling for End-of-Support Migration Program for Windows Server page.
2. Run the MSI Installer to install the AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder on the source
server. If you have already installed a previous version of EMP, you can automatically upgrade
using the latest MSI. For version history, see AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server version history.
3. Double-click on the EMP QuickStart shortcut located on the Windows desktop or Windows
Start menu and choose Start GRP.
4. Choose an empty folder to start a new packaging project and choose OK. The EMP package
will be created in this folder.
5. You are taken to the Selected files tab, where you have access to other GRP tabs and controls
located at the top of the page. For more information about each tab and control, see EMP
Compatibility Package Builder GRP tabs and controls.
6. On the Selected files tab, choose:
Add folder to select the folder where the application is located/installed.
Add files to add any additional files that have not been added with Add folder.
GRP uses this data to scan the server for application dependencies. The quality of the
dependency discovery is greater when more data is provided at this stage.
If you are packaging an application for which you are initially unaware of the required
application folders, we recommend that you perform a manual pre-discovery step, whereby
you analyze other entry points of the application to trace back the required application
installation directory. For example, if you know which application services are running in
Windows services, check the properties of the application services that contain the application
installation folders and files required by GRP.
7. a. Windows Server 2008 and later — Choose Runtime analysis to perform typical
workflows for the application. For example, launching the application from the Start
Guided Reverse Packaging 26
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
menu to perform workflows, and restarting any Windows services. When you have
completed your performance of typical workflows, choose Runtime analysis to stop
To capture high-quality application runtime dependencies, we recommend that
you use the application as it is typically used in your environment. This includes
running through common workflows performed by your users, and any workflows
performed at the end of the month or quarter, such as reporting. This ensures that
relevant runtime dependencies are captured in the GRP discovery and packaging
cycle. If runtime analysis misses one or more dependencies because of not being
able to perform a unique workflow, you may have to rerun the GRP process.
b. Windows Server 2003 — GRP runtime analysis is supported for Windows Server 2003;
however, the runtime analysis buttons are not supported for Windows Server 2003. To
capture application runtime dependencies on Windows Server 2003, perform the process
described in Log runtime dependencies on Windows Server 2003 using Process Monitor.
The outcome of performing this process is one or more CSV-formatted process monitor
log files. To import the log file data into GRP, add the log files to a separate Procmon
folder within your project folder (the one you use to launch GRP). For example, if C:\GRP
is the project folder location, then you should add your Procmon CSV files to C:\GRP
Multiple CSV files can be added to the Procmon folder. The GRP discover detection
process, explained in the next step, processes the runtime data captured in these logs
and displays them in the Discovered Files tab. The Discovery approach will be labelled
8. Discover dependencies will show an amber warning. Choose Discover dependencies to allow
GRP to perform the automated discovery process. A progress bar displays the number of steps
completed out of total number of steps in the discovery process. The amber warning clears
when detection completes.
9. (Optional) Verify the data captures in the Discovered files, COM, Services, and Registry tabs.
Add or remove any required additional files or registry keys.
Guided Reverse Packaging 27
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
If changes are made to the detected dependencies, then Discover dependencies will
show an amber warning. Rerun Discover dependencies until the warning is cleared
before you move to the next step. This ensures that your package is created with up-
to-date discovery data.
10. Choose Create package when you are satisfied with the list of included dependencies. Enter
an application name and ID for the compatibility package, and choose Package app. GRP
proceeds to create a package for the application.
11. When the package creation is complete, choose Open package to navigate to the location of
the newly created EMP package.
Use GRP to monitor unspecified processes
GRP only monitors processes that it discovers in the user Selected Files. To discover
dependencies for processes that are not provided in these files, before you launch GRP,
navigate to the GRPRules.json file in the GRP installation directory, and provide the
AdditionalRuntimeProcessName or AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds of the processes to include in the
Discovering dependencies of unspecified processes can be useful when packaging IIS-based
applications, where it is necessary to monitor the IIS worker process (w3wp.exe).
Process ID example
“AdditionalRuntimeProcessNames”: [],
“AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds”: [1416]
Process Name example
“AdditionalRuntimeProcessNames”: [“w3wp.exe“, ”program.exe“],
“AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds”: []
Guided Reverse Packaging 28
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This process applies for both runtime analysis captured as part of the GRP runtime analysis
process, as well as for data captured using Process Monitor.
Use GRP templates
The purpose of a template is to automate the process of packaging and deploying predefined
applications. GRP allows you to add customizations to the template, if required. A template
consists of PowerShell scripts, JSON files, and other payloads required by the template.
Two types of templates are available:
Application templates — Templates that provide data to successfully package entire applications.
Application templates should be applied before the discovery process.
Component templates — Templates that provide data to package component dependencies
required by applications. Component templates should be applied after the discovery process.
After you apply component templates, you do not need to re-run the discovery unless
you make additional manual changes to the package.
Trusted templates are created, supported, and signed by AWS. When you first launch GRP and
select a project folder, any existing application templates signed by AWS are evaluated. If any of
the evaluated templates are applicable to your server, a template dialogue box will appear and list
them. If any custom unsigned templates are in the EMP\Templates directory and are applicable to
your server, the dialogue box will appear as well. These templates will be displayed as Untrusted.
You can evaluate the untrusted templates individually or in bulk. For more information about
creating custom GRP templates, see Create GRP templates.
The templates run PowerShell scripts with administrator privileges.
Guided Reverse Packaging 29
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
GRP allows you to add customizations to the template. For example, you may want to add a
customization when you use a Microsoft SQL Server template as part of the process of packaging a
custom application that is built on top of the database.
Manage advanced configurations
Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP) does not support automatic discovery and packaging for
applications that use local users and groups/NTFS permissions. You can migrate applications that
use local users and groups/NTFS permissions by using the DeploymentScript.xml program
task. For local users and groups, identify the local users and groups to be migrated from the source
server. Note the users added to these groups. Construct a script that creates these local users and
groups on the target Windows server. Configure the DeploymentScript.xml file program task
in the package to run this script during package deployment. For an example configuration, see
Managing EMP custom configurations.
Similar to the process for migrating local users and groups, for NTFS permissions, create a script
that migrates the required NTFS permissions, and configure the DeploymentScript.xml file to
run this script during the package deployment.
To manually add side-by-side assemblies required by the application, see Add side-by-side (SXS)
assemblies to an EMP compatibility package.
To package an IIS-based application, see Package an IIS-based application.
The GRPRules.json file in the installation directory contains predefined values to help you filter
unwanted data. The file is customizable and can be changed according to your needs. The file has
the following properties:
ExcludedKeywords — excludes keywords. This can be used for registry key and environment
variable detection.
ExcludedKeys — excludes registry keys but allows child keys to be discovered.
ExcludedKeyTrees — excludes registry keys and child keys.
ExcludedAssemblyNames — excludes assemblies specified by name.
ExcludedFolders — excludes folders. To exclude folders recursively, add an asterisks (*) at the end
of the path.
ExcludedFiles — excludes files. To exclude files inside a folder recursively add an asterisks (*) at
the end of the path. To exclude files with a specific extension, use a wildcard, for example *.txt.
ExcludedEnvVariableNames — excludes environment variables.
Guided Reverse Packaging 30
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
AdditionalRuntimeProcessNames — processes will be included in the runtime analysis.
AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds — process IDs will be included in the runtime analysis.
Best practices for packaging applications with AWS End-of-Support
Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server
Following the best practices in this section when creating EMP packages increases the likelihood of
creating successful EMP packages and achieving faster migration lifecycles.
Packaging refers specifically to the process of capturing a legacy application using the EMP
Package Builder on the source operating system.
Always package on the source server Windows version
The EMP Application Packaging Model demonstrates that the application packaging step occurs
on the source server operating system version. When you use the GRP method to package
your application, this step occurs on the source server on which the application runs. Standard
packaging is performed on a clean packaging server on which the same Windows version is
installed as on the source server . For reverse packaging, the packaging step is also performed on a
clean packaging server on which the same Windows version is installed as on the source server. For
example, if an application installs and functions on Windows Server 2008 R2, then the packaging
step is performed on the same operating system. Technically, it may be possible to package the
application on the operating system that the application is migrating to, such as Windows Server
2019. However, packaging on the legacy operating system version ensures that the application
installs and functions as expected. The application may fail to install and function on the modern
operating system and, as a result, the install capture process on the modern operating system can
result in a package created in a non-working state.
Always package on a clean server (standard packaging)
After an application has been installed or packaged on a server, we recommend that you do not
repackage the application on the same server in the same state. This is because the EMP Package
Builder compares the differences between snapshots taken before and after the application
installation on the operating system. If any legacy application components are on the operating
Best practices 31
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
system before the snapshot is taken, the resulting EMP package will not include the application
Creating snapshots of your packaging machine before carrying out any packaging would mean you
could always restore your system to a clean state if you needed to recapture the application.
Antivirus software blocking EMP software
Your antivirus software or other monitoring tools can sometimes block EMP binaries. If so, add
them to the allow list to ensure a successful package build. The EMP tools and binaries are pen
tested and signed by AWS.
Application prerequisite software or dependencies
If an application requires prerequisite software, for example, a legacy version of Java, and this
software is not included or installed natively in the target operating system, then we recommend
that you include these components in the EMP package for the application.
If an application requires operating system dependencies, for example, specific Windows roles
and features, or requires an application prerequisite software that will be included on the target
operating system, then we recommend that you set up these dependencies on the packaging
server before the application is captured using the EMP Package Builder.
Familiarize yourself with the application being packaged
We recommend that you document how the application installation is completed, and also the
application workflows. This helps to ensure that you can refer back to the documentation during
the packaging phases. This also helps to ensure that you can review the finalized list of steps
required to capture a complete working state of the application. The document should list known
issues to watch out for and help you plan how dependencies must be captured or migrated. We
recommend that you perform a test install of the application before starting the EMP process.
One package per server
When possible, we recommend that you create a single EMP package for each server that is
being migrated. This ensures a simple package design to help facilitate migration and future
management of the application.
We recommend that you understand how to structure an EMP package before you create it.
To understand the package structure and how the application works in its environment, we
Best practices 32
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
recommend that you perform application discovery. For more information about the application
discovery process, see High-level AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server application discovery exercise. You can use this information to structure the EMP package.
Package an IIS-based application
EMP supports packaging and migrating legacy IIS-based applications that run on Windows Server
2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server
2012 R2 to the latest, supported versions of Windows Server running on AWS.
Migrate your IIS-based application
Troubleshooting packaging an IIS-based application
The first step of a migration plan is to identify additional IIS-based application dependencies that
are installed on the same server as the application you are migrating. For example, an IIS-based
application can be dependent on a third-party application that generates reports, such as Crystal
If the dependency information is not available, try the following steps:
1. Navigate to and inspect the configuration files of the web application for dependencies.
The following example web.config file, found in C:\inetpub\wwwroot of an IIS-based
application, shows a dependency on Crystal Reports assemblies:
2. Capture a Process Monitor log file of your application usage. See Log runtime dependencies on
Windows Server 2003 using Process Monitor for the steps to capture a Process Monitor log file.
The captured log file can reveal third-party application dependencies.
Package an IIS-based application 33
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
The following example Process Monitor log file shows that the sample IIS-based application
depends on a legacy version of Crystal Reports. An IIS worker process called w3wp.exe handles
the web requests sent to the IIS web server for the configured IIS application pool.
Migrate your IIS-based application
There are two stages to migrate an IIS-based application:
1. Web application migration — Migrate the web application configuration from the legacy
version of the IIS-based application on an unsupported Windows Server version to a modern
version of IIS on a supported Windows Server version.
2. Standard or guided reverse packaging (optional) — This option applies only when application
dependencies are identified during discovery. Follow either the standard or guided reverse
packaging process to capture the application dependencies in an EMP package and link them to
the migrated IIS-based web application running on a modern Windows Server version.
Stage 1: Migrate your web application configuration
Stage 1 of the IIS-based application migration process consists of steps to apply on the legacy and
target servers.
Legacy server steps
Apply the following steps to the legacy (source) server that hosts the IIS-based web application:
1. Install the EMP Compatibility Package Builder on the legacy server. The EMP IIS migration
tools are located in the Tools/IISTools folder within the installation directory (64-bit
system: C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS\EMP\ or 32-bit system: C:\Program Files\AWS
Migrate 34
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
2. Launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager shortcut on the legacy server and,
within the Sites node, identify the name of the website(s) you want to migrate.
Open PowerShell as an administrator and change the directory to the IISTools folder. Then,
run the following command:
PS C:\> Export-IISWebSiteWithDependentFeatures.ps1 -Name Website1,Website2 -
OutputDirectory C:\DestinationFolder
-Name — specify the name of one or more website(s) identified in the Sites node.
-OutputDirectory — specify the folder to which the website contents and configuration
will be saved.
-DisableContent — optional argument to export the configuration of the legacy IIS
websites without exporting the web application files. This command is useful when the web
application files are stored on a network drive that is mapped on the server, and there is no
requirement to migrate them to the modern Windows Server.
When you run this command, the installation of MSDeploy provided with the EMP release and
included in the IISTools folder will be silently installed if it is not already.
When the command completes, a folder is created in the output directory location that you
specified. The folder is called EMP-IIS. In addition, this folder captures the Windows features
that are installed on the legacy server.
Inspect the output of the Export[WebsiteName].msdeploy.err and
ExportGlobalConfig.msdeploy.err files for runtime errors and remediate as required. An
empty file indicates that no errors were recorded.
Copy the EMP-IIS folder to the target server.
4. Uninstall the EMP Compatibility Package Builder from the source server.
Run the PowerShell script Uninstall-MSDeploy.ps1 provided in the MSDeploy folder to
uninstall the Web Deploy application.
Target server steps
Apply the following steps to the target server to which the IIS-based web application will be
Migrate 35
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
1. Install the EMP Compatibility Package Builder on the target server. The EMP IIS migration tools
are located in the Tools/IISTools folder within the installation directory (64-bit system: C:
\Program Files (x86)\AWS\EMP\ or 32-bit system: C:\Program Files\AWS\EMP\).
Open PowerShell as an administrator and change the directory to the IISTools folder. Then,
run the following command.
PS C:\> Import-IISWebSiteWithDependentFeatures.ps1 -Path C:\DestinationFolder\EMP-
When you run this command, the installation of MSDeploy provided with the EMP release and
included in the IISTools folder will be silently installed if it is not already.
The command will then install and set up the server with the Windows features identified
from the source server. If a feature that was identified in the source server is deprecated and
a replacement feature is not identified, a warning message is displayed. You can edit the
Config.xml file located in the root of the EMP-IIS folder if a manual change to the list of
features to install is required.
For Windows Server 2003 applications, a list of Windows features on the legacy server is not
identified. Instead, a default list of Windows features is configured on the target operating
When the command completes, the web application configuration of the IIS-based web
application is set up on the target server.
Inspect the output of the Import[WebsiteName].msdeploy.err and
ImportGlobalConfig.msdeploy.err files for runtime errors and remediate as required. An
empty file indicates that no errors were recorded.
3. Uninstall the EMP Compatibility Package Builder from the target operating system. If you
discovered application dependencies and are moving to the next stage to capture them, do not
uninstall the EMP Compatibility Package Builder.
Stage 2: Capture application dependencies (optional)
This procedure is necessary only if you identify application dependencies in the discovery phase.
Migrate 36
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
1. Follow either the standard or guided reverse packaging process to capture the application
dependencies in an EMP package. Move the package to the target server and deploy the
package on the target server with an additional /DeployAllRegistry switch.
Example command
C:\EMP\Package0001\Compatibility.Package.Deployment.Exe /acceptEULA /deploydir "C:
\Programdata\EMP" /DeployAllRegistry
The /DeployAllRegistry switch makes the EMP package accessible at the machine level
and ensures that IIS-based Windows accounts such as IUSR can access the EMP package
registry when required.
Open PowerShell as an administrator and navigate to the IISTools folder. Run the following
PS C:\> Set-IISEMPConfigurations.ps1 -WebSite WebSite -EMPPackagePath c:
-WebSite — specify the name of the website(s) identified in the Sites node.
-EMPPackagePath — specify the folder to which the website contents and configuration will
be saved. For example, C:\Programdata\EMP\Package0001.
This command will set the necessary IIS-related integration configurations required for the
EMP package.
3. The IIS-based web application migration is complete and you can begin user testing.
Troubleshooting packaging an IIS-based application
The following actions can help you troubleshoot issues that can occur when you package an IIS-
based application.
Set Enable 32-bit application application pool setting to True
Some applications require the Enable 32-bit application application pool to be set to
True in order to work on a modern operating system. This is especially true for applications for
which this setting is currently set to True in the legacy environment, or if the application has been
ported from a 32-bit system. EMP does not set this option as part of the migration process.
Troubleshooting 37
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Create IIS-based application migration log files
When you run the following PowerShell scripts, import and export log files are created in the EMP-
IIS folder.
PS C:\> Export-IISWebSiteWithDependentFeatures.ps1
PS C:\> Import-IISWebSiteWithDependentFeatures.ps1
The .err files log errors when .err commands are run. The .out files create a descriptive log of
the running of the command.
Sample log files
Use the scripts provided in the IISTools folder to help troubleshoot errors
The PowerShell scripts located in the IISTools folder support the -confirm, -whatif, -
verbose, and help parameters.
EMP compatibility package contents
This section describes the folders and files that are included in an EMP compatibility package.
When the EMP compatibility packaging process is complete, the output of the package builder is
called an EMP compatibility package. The package contains both the file and registry data of the
Package contents 38
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
packaged application, and the EMP binaries and configuration files that are required to deploy and
run the packaged application.
The EMP package, which is the product to deploy, is called the source package. The post-
deployment package is called the deployed package. These packages are slightly different at the
level of the root package folder. However, the packaged application content is the same in both
Package contents
Source package contents
Deployed package contents
Source package contents
The source package root folder contains two folders, along with a list of files.
ProgData folder — Contains the directory structure and files of the packaged application,
captured during the EMP packaging process.
EngineBinaries folder — Contains the EMP package engine binaries, which support both 32-bit
and 64-bit Windows operating systems. During deployment, package deployment detects the
bit rate of the operating system and deploys the appropriate engine binaries into the deployed
package. Both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are deployed into 64-bit Windows operating systems.
Compatibility.Package.Engine.exe — The compatibility package redirection (virtualization)
engine. When the entry point of an application is invoked, the engine is launched with the
arguments required to load the target application process as a child process of the engine. As a
result, the engine is able to intercept and redirect calls from the process.
Compatibility.Package.Engine.Launcher.x64.exe — Along with its 32-bit counterpart,
this executable file an out-of-process COM server launcher. For packages running on 32-bit
Windows operating systems, only the x86 program is required. However, both programs are
required on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
Compatibility.Package.Engine.x64.dll — Along with its 32-bit counterpart, this .dll is a library
that is used by the compatibility package engine. Both libraries are required for a package to
run on a 64-bit Windows operating system. However, only the 32-bit library is required for 32-
bit Windows operating systems.
Source package contents 39
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
HookYou.exe and HookMe.dll — These files provide an alternative method to virtualize a
process when it has not been started by the package engine.
Other source package files
_metadata.json — Contains EMP package metadata.
"PackageId": "SQL2005EXP_9482",
"Icon": "%DefaultDir%\\Compatibility.Package.Run.exe",
"Name": "SQL2005EXP",
"Version": "",
"Publisher": "",
"AWSProfileName": "default"
Compatibility.Package.Deployment.exe — The package deployment program, called with
arguments to deploy, update, or uninstall an EMP package. By default, it logs deployment
events to a text file located at the root of the package folder. This program eliminates the
need to install an agent on the target operating system.
Compatibility.Package.Deployment.exe.config — Used to pass settings to the executable file,
for example, the logging level. The default level is INFO.
DeploymentWorkFlowLog.txt — The log file created by the package deployment
program. Contains a log of deployment events according to the log level in
AppRegistry.xml — The main registry file for the package. Contains most of the registry data
of the packaged applications.
<RegistryOperations xmlns:xsi=""
NeedToBeDecoded="true" ValidateWrite="false">
\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application\Visual Studio -
<Value ValueType="ExpandString">%ProgramFilesX86%\Microsoft Visual Studio
Source package contents 40
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application\Visual Studio -
<Value ValueType="DWord">7</Value>
ComDeployment.xml — Contains instructions for deploying out-of-process COM servers, COM
+, and DCOM components. The setting Enabled="true" denotes that the deployment of
out-of-process COM servers, as well as COM+ and DCOM components, occurs during package
deployment so that they are immediately available. You may want to set Enabled="false"
to prevent this kind of deployment for some troubleshooting scenarios.
<COM xmlns:xsi="" Enabled="true">
<Path>%DefaultDir%\ProgData\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
Compatibility.Package.Run.exe — The program that serves as the entry point into the EMP
package. When invoked, it verifies that the registry is loaded and consistent with the registry
files contents. If not, it loads the package registry before launching the engine with arguments
to launch the target application program. By default, it logs high-level run events to a text file
located at the root of the package folder.
Compatibility.Package.Run.exe.config — Used to pass settings to the package deployment
executable, for example, the logging level.
Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc — The package engine configuration file. Used to apply
settings, such as compatibility features, links to other EMP packages, engine detach, and
process exclusion from redirection.
The following is a sample of the default file that is included in each package.
<AAV PackageId="SQL2005_7206">
Source package contents 41
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
<CLSID ID="" Excludes="false">
<Registration ConnectionType = "MultiUse"/>
Includes — Element that specifies the Redirections.xml of the current package. No
path is required because it exists in the root folder of the packages. Other packages can
be linked to the current package by adding their Redirections.xml files here. For more
information, see Link EMP packages.
Excludes and Detaches — For more information, see Exclude or detach a process from the
package redirection rules.
COM — Element that specifies class IDs (CLSIDs) that must be excluded from
COMVirtualization. For more information, see the steps for excluding CLSIDs from
COMVirtualization under Enable support for out-of-process Common Object Model
(COM) in an EMP package.
Source package contents 42
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Features — See EMP compatibility package features.
ComRegistryKeys.xml — Contains the COM, DCOM, and COM+ registration data of the
packaged application.
DeploymentScript.xml — Introduces custom configurations into an EMP package. See
Managing EMP custom configurations.
EMP.TelemetryClient.exe — Program that collects some basic operational information about
the usage of EMP to improve the product. The ability of EMP to send telemetry data to AWS
is mandatory to deploy packages. For more information, see Deploy an EMP package. For
data collected, see Data collected by the AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server .
EMP.TelemetryClient.exe.config — Passes settings to the Telemetry Client, for example, the
EnvironmentVariables.xml — Contains the captured environment variables that are required
to be available to the virtualized application.
<Variables xmlns:xsi="">
<Variable Name="Path" Append="true" IsEncoded="false" Value="C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\" />
FileAssociations.xml — Contains the file associations registration data for the packaged
<RegistryOperations xmlns:xsi=""
NeedToBeDecoded="true" ValidateWrite="false"> <Write>
<Value ValueType="String">ssmsee.xdl.9.0_SQL2005_7206</Value>
<Value ValueType="String">Microsoft SQL Server Deadlock File</Value>
Programs.xml — Specifies how EMP launches the programs of the packaged application. Each
set of instructions for running a program is called a RunCondition. The RunCondition is an
argument that is passed to Compatibility.Package.Run.exe. Each run condition (run1,
Source package contents 43
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
run2, and so on) is a launch instruction to package run, which contains an argument to pass to
the package engine. The package engine specifies what application program to launch, in what
directory, for how long, and includes any arguments to be passed to it.
<Programs xmlns:xsi="">
<Args>/f "%DefaultDir%\ProgData\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server
\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\ssmsee.exe" %FILEARGS%</Args>
<WorkingDirectory />
<WaitCondition TimeoutInSeconds="0">None</WaitCondition>
Redirections.xml — The redirection instruction set to the package engine, which specifies
which file, folder, or registry key requests should be redirected and to where. It also contains
a duplicate of some of the content of the CLC file, which allows it to be configured with
compatibility package features, COM exclusions, process exclusions or detaches, as required,
when it is used to link the package to another compatibility package.
The following are examples of file, folder, and registry redirection rules.
<From>%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server</From>
<To>ProgData\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server</To>
Report.json — Contains a report on any unsupported application features detected during the
package build, for the attention of the packaging engineer.
Source package contents 44
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
The following is a sample report for an unsupported COM+ property.
"Level": "Warn",
"Category": "COM+",
"Message": "COM+ application DotNetTestMultiCOMPlusApp is using roles for managing
the the security. At the moment roles are not ported across in the compatibility
package. Please recreate all the roles on target machine manually after deploying
the package. Please ensure you configure the roles at component, interface and
method level similar to how they are configured at source machine."
Services.xml — Contains instructions to configure any Windows services captured during
packaging. ImagePath specifies the package run program with a run condition. The run
condition is detailed in the Program.xml file. So, although services are installed natively, the
service image is virtualized.
<Services xmlns:xsi="">
<ImagePath>%DefaultDir%\Compatibility.Package.Run.exe /RunConditions run5</
<Description>Provides storage, processing and controlled access of data and
rapid transaction processing.</Description>
<DisplayName>SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)</DisplayName>
<Username>NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService</Username>
Shortcuts.xml — Contains instructions to configure any program shortcuts captured during
packaging. The <Target> is the package run program with a run condition as argument.
The run condition is detailed in the Programs.xml file. When a program is launched from a
shortcut, it runs as a child process of the package engine.
<Shortcuts xmlns:xsi="">
Source package contents 45
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
<Path>%CommonPrograms%\Microsoft SQL Server 2005\SQL Server Management Studio
<Args>/RunConditions run1</Args>
<Description />
<IconLocation>%DefaultDir%\ProgData\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server
<WorkingDir />
eula.html — The end-user license agreement file.
Open Source Licenses.txt — A license agreement that covers the open source components.
Deployed package contents
When the source package is deployed to the target Windows server, the contents of the .
\EngineBinaries\x64 or .\EngineBinaries\x86 folders are copied into the package root
folder during the package deployment depending on the bit rate of the operating system. The
DeploymentWorkFlowLog.txt is populated with the logged package deployment events.
Once the package has been launched by the start of a service, when an application shortcut or
other entry point into the package is launched, another log file is created within the deployed
package root folder called RunWorkFlowLog.txt.
Contains a brief log of events that take place from package invocation to the launch of the package
engine. Once the RunCondition is passed to the package engine that has successfully launched,
package run exits after logging a successful launch event.
Create GRP templates
You can create custom GRP templates for your applications or component dependencies. Custom
templates help when a common application is deployed to multiple instances, with each instance
potentially having different configurations or unique data.
A trusted template is a .zip file that contains configuration files and other data along with a .cat
file. Custom untrusted templates can be in .zip files or a folder. A sample template named Sample
Deployed package contents 46
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Template is included with the EMP installation. You can find the sample template in the default
EMP installation directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS\EMP.
Templates are loaded from the C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS\EMP\Templates directory.
To use the provided sample template, copy the Sample Template folder into the C:\Program
Files (x86)\AWS\EMP\Templates directory and launch GRP.
Required files
The following files are required in a GRP template:
Optional files
The following files are optional in a GRP template:
Content directory
Depending on the requirements of the application, you may need some or all of the component
files listed above. To figure out which files are required, you must understand what you want to
accomplish by using a template. A template can be used to modify the files, directories, registry
keys, services, and COM+ in any package created by using GRP. You can do perform these tasks
by using the Content directory JSON files and a post-packaging PowerShell script as an
option to modify the created package.
GRP template files
The sections below contain detailed information about the GRP template files.
GRP template files 47
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
The _metadata.json file is required. It provides the template metadata that is displayed by the
The following properties are required:
template_type – This can be set to Application or Component.
The following code is an example of a _metadata.json file:
"name":"Sample Template",
"description":"EMP Sample Template #1",
The evaluate.ps1 file is required. It is a script that returns a boolean to inform GRP whether
the template can be applied. It can also set environment variables that can be used to expand the
paths in content files.
Example application installation location:
$installLocation = "C:\\Program Files\\MyTemplateApplication"
The following code is an example of how to set a new environment variable with an application
$env:MYAPP_PATH = $installLocation
return Test-Path -Path $sqlInstallLocation
In the example above, whether or not the template can be applied depends on the existence of
an application folder. An environment variable will be created for the application path, which
GRP template files 48
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
is used on the TemplateAddedFiles.json. Several methods are used to verify the applicability of
the template, including checking the registry keys, paths, and shortcuts. The script must return a
Whether the component template can be applied depends on the GRP data that is selected and
discovered. For this reason, the evaluate script has two cmdlets that retrieve all the GRP files and
registry keys:
Test-GRPPath -Path – The path is the file or folder path. This returns a boolean.
The $template variable can be used to share information between the evaluate and post-
packaging scripts.
The following code is an example that uses the functionality described above:
$grpFiles = Read-GRPFiles
$grpKeys = Read-GRPRegistryKeys
$template.HasLogs = Test-GRPPath -Path “C:\ApplicationLogs”
$template.InstallFullPath = $grpFiles -match "InstallFullPath"
return ($grpFiles -match "componentfile") -and ($grpKeys -match "componentregistry")
The post-packaging.ps1 file is optional. It runs after the compatibility package is generated in
order to change the generated package. It contains a parameter that is set to the location of the
GRP package folder.
The script can add software installation and uninstallation steps to the DeploymentScript.xml
file of the package. DeploymentScript.xml can execute steps during the package installation
and uninstallation. There are two cmdlets available for this:
The cmdlets accept the following arguments:
GRP template files 49
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
PackageFolder (mandatory) – GRP package folder. This is passed as a parameter to the post-
packaging.ps1 script.
Path (mandatory) – Path that contains the program that you want to run.
WaitConditionTimeout – Time, in seconds, to wait if the WaitCondition property is set to
Exit. Zero (0) indicates to wait indefinitely. The deployment will display an error if the process
fails to close within the specified WaitConditionTimeout time.
WaitCondition – Determines whether the deployment should wait for the executable to finish
before continuing with the deployment. You can specify:
None – The deployment does not wait for the executable to finish. It runs the executable and
continues with the deployment.
Exit – The deployment waits for the executable to finish before it continues the deployment.
ProcessWindowsStyle – Determines whether the program UI should be visible. You can
Normal – Shows the program UI.
Hidden – Hides the program UI.
Order – Determines the sequence of the tasks. For example, you can specify 0, 1, 2, and so on.
PreInstall – Installs the specified programs before installing the Windows services from the
package. By default, the services are installed first.
The following code is an example of a post-packaging.ps1 script:
New-Item New-Item $packageFolder\test.txt
Set-Content $packageFolder\test.txt $template.test
Copy-Item Payload -Destination $packageFolder -recurse
Add-InstallStep -PackageFolder $packageFolder -Path %defaultdir%\Payload\test.exe -Args
Add-UninstallStep -PackageFolder $packageFolder -Path %defaultdir%\Payload\test.exe -
Args "/u /q"
In the example above, GRP assigns the location of the package to the $packageFolder variable.
The variable is used as a parameter in the subsequent commands. In the example, a simple text file
is created inside the package and text from the variable $template.test, which is defined in the
GRP template files 50
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
evaluate script, is added to it. The package deployment is modified with the Add-InstallStep
and Add-UninstallStep lines.
For more information, see Managing EMP custom configurations.
Content directory
Contains JSON files with files, directories, services, COM+, and exclusion rules that are used by GRP
when an application is packaged. Paths can have environment variables that are expanded by GRP.
Content directory is optional and can include the following files:
TemplateAddedFiles.json (optional)
List of files and directories.
"Path": "c:\\MyApp\\MyApp.exe",
"IsFolder": false
"Path": "%MYAPP_PATH%",
"IsFolder": true
GRP uses these files in the discovery step.
TemplateAddedContent.json (optional)
List of registry keys, environment variables, or COM+ applications.
"Keys": [
"COMPlusApps": [
Content directory 51
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
"Id": "a055b67b-0d22-4bbe-8f91-738f49b92d7a",
"Name": "MyComPlusApp"
"EnvironmentVariables": {
"MyAppEnvVar": "MyEnvVarValue"
This content is added after the GRP discovery. The COM+ application must be present or the
package will fail.
TemplateIgnoredContent.json (optional)
List of files, directories, and registry keys that are ignored during the GRP discovery.
"Files": ["C:\\Windows\\NativeDriver.dll"],
"Folders": ["%ProgramData%\\TempSettings"],
"RegistryKeys": ["HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\NotPortableKeys"]
After you create a template, see Use GRP templates. GRP must be restarted after the templates
are updated.
Deploy an EMP package
This topic contains information and steps to set up for and deploy an EMP package.
Requirements for deploying an EMP package
Run the deployment tool
Requirements for deploying an EMP package
When you deploy an EMP package on Windows Server 2012 or later, AWS credentials and
connectivity to the AWS application modernization metrics service are required. The deployment
Deploy an application 52
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
fails if the package cannot validate the supplied AWS credentials or cannot send the mandatory
telemetry to AWS.
There are two ways you can provide AWS credentials to the deployment package if they are not set
up on the server.
If your deployment server is not an Amazon EC2 instance, you can configure the AWS profile on
the server and update the profile name in the metadata.json file in the root of the packaged
If your deployment server is an Amazon EC2 instance, you can assign an execute-api:Invoke
IAM role to the server.
Configure the AWS profile on the server (server is not an EC2 instance)
You can configure the AWS profile on the server using the AWS CLI or AWS Tools for Windows
PowerShell. You must set up a user in your AWS environment. The user must be configured to allow
execute-api:Invoke. To configure this, use the following IAM policy to grant permissions to the
user of the AWS profile on the server.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "execute-
api:Invoke", "Resource": "*" }]}
To provide access, add permissions to your users, groups, or roles:
Users and groups in AWS IAM Identity Center:
Create a permission set. Follow the instructions in Create a permission set in the AWS IAM
Identity Center User Guide.
Users managed in IAM through an identity provider:
Create a role for identity federation. Follow the instructions in Creating a role for a third-party
identity provider (federation) in the IAM User Guide.
IAM users:
Create a role that your user can assume. Follow the instructions in Creating a role for an IAM
user in the IAM User Guide.
(Not recommended) Attach a policy directly to a user or add a user to a user group. Follow the
instructions in Adding permissions to a user (console) in the IAM User Guide.
Requirements 53
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
When you use the AWS CLI, profile information is stored in the C:\Users\<username>\.aws
directory. Use the aws configure command to configure the profile for the user you set up to
allow for execute-api:Invoke permissions. The AWS CLI can be downloaded from the Installing,
updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI page. For more information about how to specify a profile
using the AWS CLI, see Named profiles.
AWS CLI example
C:\>aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <EXAMPLE-SECRETKEY>
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:
AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
When you use AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, profile information is stored in C:\Users
\<username>\AppData\Local\AWSToolkit\RegisteredAccounts.json. Use theSet-
AWSCredential command to configure the profile. For more information about how to specify
credentials using AWS Tools for PowerShell, see Using AWS credentials in the AWS Tools for
PowerShell User Guide.
AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell example
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\PowerShell\AWSPowerShell> Set-AWSCredential -
AccessKey <EXAMPLE-ACCESSKEY> -SecretKey <EXAMPLE-SECRETKEY> -StoreAs default
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\PowerShell\AWSPowerShell>
If you do not specify a name when you create a profile, it will default to default by
both the AWS CLI and AWS Tools for PowerShell. You are not required to update the
metadata.json file found in the root of the EMP package. If you specify a new name for
the profile at a later time, update the AWSProfileName property in the metadata.json
Requirements 54
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Assign IAM role to the server (server is an EC2 instance)
Assign an IAM role to the deployment server and verify that the following IAM policy is applied to
it. For more information about how to assign an IAM role, see Creating IAM roles.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "execute-
api:Invoke", "Resource": "*" }]}
Connectivity to the AWS application modernization metrics service
The EMP deployment server must have internet connectivity to create a secure http outbound
connection to the AWS application modernization service.
Run the deployment tool
To run the deployment tool, perform the following steps.
1. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
2. Run the following command to deploy the package to all of the users of the server, where
<path-to-package> is the path of the EMP package, and <switches> are the relevant
command line switches you want to specify.
<path-to-package>\Compatibility.Package.Deployment.Exe /<switches>
For example:
C:\EMP\Package0001\Compatibility.Package.Deployment.Exe /acceptEULA /deploydir "C:
\Programdata\EMP" /DeployAllRegistry
When you run this command, the following operations are performed.
All files in the <path_to_package> folder are copied to the specified /deploydir.
All shortcuts specified in the shortcuts.xml are written to the public profile for visibility
to all users of the server.
Shortcuts for a path in the user desktop or Start menu are translated to the equivalent of
the directory of the public profile.
Any file type associations specified in the FileAssociation.xml are created in HKLM root
key of the registry.
Run deployment tool 55
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
If the /deploydir switch is provided, the package is copied to the specified folder.
The /DeployAllRegistry switch makes the EMP package accessible for all users at the
machine level.
Run deployment tool 56
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Working with EMP packages
This section includes information to help you manage EMP packages, including best practices,
compatibility package features, how to edit, upgrade, and maintain an EMP package, how to
update a deployed EMP package, and how to uninstall an EMP package.
EMP compatibility package features
Edit, upgrade, and maintain an EMP package
Optimize Process Monitor for Guided Reverse Packaging on Windows Server 2003
Log runtime dependencies on Windows Server 2003 using Process Monitor
Update a deployed EMP package
Uninstall an EMP package
Enable EMP compatibility package engine logging
Managing EMP custom configurations
Link EMP packages
Applications using ODBC drivers
Enable support for out-of-process Common Object Model (COM) in an EMP package
Add side-by-side (SXS) assemblies to an EMP compatibility package
Exclude or detach a process from the package redirection rules
Run cmd.exe as a child process to the EMP compatibility package engine
EMP compatibility package features
The EMP compatibility package (compatiblity.package.engine.exe) includes features that
can be enabled to resolve compatibility issues with packaged applications. This topic defines these
features and demonstrates how they work.
EMP compatibility package features
Feature name Description
Forces the use of an external manifest file,
which overrides the system default.
Compatibility package features 57
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Feature name Description
Merges virtual and real registry values into a
virtual key.
Ensures that process debugging remains
Ignores invalid handle errors.
Forces 32-bit applications running on 64-
bit Windows to be virtualized as if they are
running on 32-bit Windows.
Redirects hostnames, domain names, IPs, and
Converts global file mappings to local.
Identifies and handles DEP exceptions.
Prevents a packaged application from using a
native Windows application or process.
Virtualizes COM.
Forces a Windows version check to a specific
Windows version.
Redirects 64-bit registry when running a 32-
bit application.
Loads architecture-independent resource files
regardless of bitness.
Compatibility package features
Compatibility package features 58
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Windows includes a global setting in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
\CurrentVersion\PreferExternalManifest - DWORD that controls whether external
manifests should be used when a process is launched (or DLL loaded). By default, this registry entry
is missing, with a value of 0 (disable). This means that Windows uses an embedded manifest from
the exe/dll, if one exists.
The feature ForceExternalManifest allows the process launched by EMP to use an external
manifest file.
An application manifest is an XML file that describes and identifies the shared and private side-
by-side assemblies to which an application should bind at runtime. The name of an application
manifest file is the name of the application's executable followed by .manifest.
The following is an example of an application manifest that disables Windows theming, which can
cause compatibility issues with an earlier application version.
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"
xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" >
<asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="
ForceExternalManifest 59
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
If an application uses an enumerate key function to determine available keys, the compatibility
package redirections may not account for this. Adding a high-level redirection to resolve this
behavior can result in more issues and prevent your application from functioning. For example, if
the application is enumerating HKLM\Software\Classes to determine available classes, adding
a redirection for HKLM\Software\Classes will most likely result in a failure. The solution is to
enable registry merging so that the redirected and local registry keys are seen as one registry.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the RegClassesMerging
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
The following example adds a KeyMatch redirection rule for the registry key in the previous
example to Redirections.xml .
This feature ensures that process debugging remains visible. If not enabled, some applications will
pass exceptions or breakpoints to the debugger (engine) and some applications can break. This
feature is usually enabled to prevent tampering or for license protection, and is often not required.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the DoNotHandleDebugger
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
RegClassesMerging 60
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
When invalid handles cause applications to fail to run when using DoNotHideDebugger, then the
compatibility engine can be configured to ignore the invalid handles. If a thread uses a handle to a
kernel object that is invalid (for example, because it is closed) Windows notifies the debugger. The
EMP engine handles any invalid handles by default. However if DoNotHideDebugger is enabled,
the EMP engine does not handle invalid handles. If the HandleInvalidHandle feature is set,
then the exception is handled and invalid handles are ignored.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the HandleInvalidHandle
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
When enabled, this feature prevents Windows from using WOW64 redirections and forces
processes to run as 32-bit in the package by hooking the IsWow64, PrintDlgExA, PrintDlgExW,
PrintDlgA, and PrintDlgW APIs.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the NotWow64Process feature
in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
HandleInvalidHandle 61
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
This feature, when enabled, causes the printer driver host for 32-bit applications
(SPLWOW64.exe) to fail, and must be excluded if the packaged application launches it.
The NetworkRedirection feature enables network redirection for hostname, domain name, IP,
and ports. This allows server applications running in packages to redirect their network requests
to new names, IP addresses or ports, so that you can migrate applications to new servers without
changing application source code.
Use cases
Hostname virtualization with <Network ThisComputer="legacy_machine_name"> applies
to server applications for which you don't have the installation media, and the application has
been extracted from the server on which it runs. This feature virtualizes the hostname of the
server on which the application runs so that it behaves as if it runs on the original server.
Domain Name redirection with <DomainName> is for server applications for which you don't
have the installation media, and the application has been extracted from the server on which it
runs. This feature redirects from the name a server application expects to find on the network to
one that is present.
IP address and port redirection with <Connect> enables applications to accept connections
<From> one IP address or port <To> another.
Apply the Microsoft server naming conventions described at
site-ou. These are the only naming conventions supported.
The following compatibility engine configuration examples enable the NetworkRedirection
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
Hostname virtualization
NetworkRedirection 62
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
<Network ThisComputer="legacy_machine_name">
Domain name redirection
IP and port redirection
The following example redirects network connections from on port 13000 to on port 12000.
NetworkRedirection 63
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
When the <DomainName> feature is enabled, the compatibility engine logs the following.
Server redirection from %old% to %new%
Only the Microsoft server naming conventions described at
troubleshoot/windows-server/identity/naming-conventions-for-computer-domain-site-ou are
supported. The following messages are logged if a server name does not apply these naming
Server name cannot begin with a period (.) and will not be virtualized
Server name cannot be longer than 15 characters and will not be virtualized
Server cannot contain invalid character "invalid_character" and will not be virtualized
If <To> is not specified, the following message is logged.
Server redirection will not redirect from %old%
If <From> is not specified, the following message is logged.
Server redirection will not redirect to %new%
The name of the file mapping object can include a Global or Local prefix in order to create
the object in the global or session namespace. If a service or system creates a file mapping
object in the global namespace, any process running in any session can access that file mapping
object if the caller has the required access rights. To ensure that the kernel object names created
by your applications do not conflict with the names of any other applications, enable the
*LocalMappedObjectShim feature. This feature converts all file mapping objects from the global
to local namespace if no redirection rule is set for the object name.
Use cases
Enable an application that requires administrator permissions to run on an account with lower
LocalMappedObjectShim 64
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Enable multiple instances of the desktop application to run on a server operating system when
the use of global objects by the application prevents the application from installing.
The following compatibility engine configuration examples enable the LocalMappedObjectShim
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
File mapping exclusions can be applied for named file mapping objects so that they remain global
objects by including the following tags.
Applications written using Visual Studio 2008, or earlier, are incompatible with operating systems
enabled with Data Execution Prevention (DEP), this includes the following.
Systems configured with Secure Boot.
Default policies applied to the Windows operating system.
Windows running the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Threat (EMET) toolkit.
This incompatibility is caused by the forcing of DEP enablement for an application.
Use cases
Enable the application to opt out of DEP, so that it can run on the server or desktop without
configuration changes for EMET, or the default policies that are applied to an application within
its organization.
For applications running in the compatibility package, the DEPOptOut feature resolves memory
access violations by changing the memory address location to an executable part of memory.
DEPOptOut 65
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Identify whether a failure is due to DEP
If a failure is caused by DEP, the application crashes with or without an error message. When a
detailed error message is displayed, it shows the exception details, which include: Exception Code:
c0000005, which means ACCESS VIOLATION, and Exception Data: 0000008.
On later versions of Windows, the message doesn’t display the exception details. You must look at
the Windows application event log. Error Event 1000 will report the exception code C0000005.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the DEPOptOut feature in the
Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
The COMVirtualization feature is required to virtualize the out-of-process COM servers. If the
ComDeployment.xml file in the compatibility package contains one or more OutOfProcServer
entries, then you must enable the COMVirtualization feature.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the COMVirtualization
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
If an application requires a particular version of the operating system in order to run, it queries
the operating system to ensure that the expected version, build, service pack, or type (desktop or
server) is returned. EMP compatibility packages can intercept the API requests and return values
specified by the compatibility engine configuration file.
COMVirtualization 66
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the ForceWindowsVersion
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
Possible values for ProductType are:
Example scenario
An EMP-packaged application must run on Windows Server 2019. However, it fails with an error
message stating that the application must be installed on Windows Server 2003. This is because it
checks whether the operating system is Windows Server 2003 and finds Windows Server 2019. If
the application does not require a specific service pack, ForceWindowsVersion can be configured
as follows.
ForceWindowsVersion 67
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
The Compatibility Package Builder detects whether it is running on a 64-bit operating system and
writes the <Feature>RedirectX64PackagedRegistry</Feature> configuration to the clc
file so that the package knows which platform that it was created on. Packages created on a 32-bit
operating system do not require this compatibility feature.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the
RedirectX64PackagedRegistry feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
This feature loads architecture-independent resource files regardless of bitness. The
LoadSystemResources feature is useful when 32-bit applications must access the resource-only
DLL present in the native system32 directory instead of syswow64. This is necessary when the
wow64 file system redirection is enabled for a 32-bit application.
The following compatibility engine configuration example enables the LoadSystemResources
feature in the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file.
Edit, upgrade, and maintain an EMP package
The EMP Package Editor is a tool that is used to modify existing EMP compatibility packages.
You can use the Package Editor to apply upgrades, security updates, hot fixes, and service packs
to the packaged application. You can also use the Editor to maintain the EMP components. The
editor supports reboots so that you can apply an application update that requires a reboot during
RedirectX64PackagedRegistry 68
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
You must use the Package Editor to update an EMP package on the same architecture on
which the original package was created. For example, if the package was created on an x86
machine, then the Editor must update the package on an x86 machine.
The EMP Package Editor is installed with the EMP Compatibility Package Builder. A shortcut for the
Editor is included in the same menu as the EMP Compatibility Package Builder.
Edit the application in an EMP package
Upgrade the application in an EMP package
Maintain an EMP package
Edit the application in an EMP package
Perform the following steps to edit an application in an EMP package.
1. Verify that you are using the latest version of the EMP Compatibility Package Builder. For
version history, see AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server version
2. Copy the EMP package that you want to edit to the server.
3. Launch the EMP QuickStart from your desktop and choose Select Folder.
4. Navigate to and choose the package that you want to update. Then, choose Select Folder.
5. To make changes to files and folders, choose the Files tab and navigate to the file or folder
you want to edit. You can review the files and folders added to or removed from the package.
All changes are displayed by default. The following filters can be applied.
New — Display all files added to the package.
Modified — Display all files changed by the update.
Deleted — Display all files removed during the application update.
When you open the context (right-click) menu on any folder, you can Add Files, Add Folders,
or Delete files. When you right-click on a file, you can only Delete files.
Edit 69
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
6. To remove registry keys, open the Registry tab, navigate to the registry key that you want to
remove, open the context (right-click) menu on the registry key, then choose Delete.
7. When you have finished editing files, folders, or registry keys, choose Save to build the
changes into an updated package.
8. When the Package Editor updates a package, it creates a new package folder for the updated
package. It appends the folder name with a version number. The original package is left
unchanged for future reference. In addition, the package ID is not changed so that you can use
the updated package to update a deployed instance of the original package.
9. To update a deployed EMP package with an updated version, run the following command on
the server running the original deployed package.
<PathtoUpdatedPackage>\Compatibility.Package.Deployment.exe /update
Upgrade the application in an EMP package
Perform the following steps to upgrade an application in an EMP package.
1. Some patch installers check for the presence of an application before installing updates. So
verify that you are using the Windows Server operating system version supported by the
application and the update, and include the original application installed natively on the
2. Verify that the latest version of the EMP Compatibility Package Builder is installed on the
server you want to update.
3. Copy the EMP package that you want to update to the server.
4. Launch the EMP QuickStart from your desktop and choose Select Folder.
5. Navigate to and choose the package you want to update. Then, choose Select Folder.
6. To make changes to files and folders, choose the Files tab and navigate to the file or folder
you want to edit. Choose Update.
7. Install the application patch and make any necessary configuration changes.
8. When the installation is complete, choose Next and the Package Editor merges the updates to
the EMP package.
9. When the merge is complete, all of the updates made to the package by the patch installation
can be viewed in the Files and Registry tabs. The upper right-hand corner displays the total
number of files (All), as well as the number of New, Modified, Deleted, and existing files.
Upgrade 70
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
10. Choose Save to build the updates to a new package.
Maintain an EMP package
When a new version of EMP is released, you can update deployed EMP packages with new binaries.
Perform the following steps to update a deployed EMP package with new EMP binaries.
1. Verify that the latest version of the EMP Compatibility Package Builder installed on the server.
2. Navigate to the Package Builder installation directory.
Navigate to the Runtime.x64 or the Runtime.x86 folder, depending on the package
4. Copy the files (or a subset of the files, depending on what requires updating) in this folder to
the folder in the package that requires the update.
Optimize Process Monitor for Guided Reverse Packaging on
Windows Server 2003
Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that captures real-time file system,
registry, process, and thread activity. The first step of the EMP reverse packaging process is to
capture a Process Monitor (procmon) log of the entire functional running of the application on the
source operating system. The log is used to create an EMP package consisting of all of the required
components for the application to successfully function on a modern operating systems after it has
been migrated. An incomplete capture can result in missing application components.
The latest version of Procmon may not function on Windows Server 2003. Access to an
earlier, supported version may be required to log runtime dependencies. We recommend
using Process Monitor version 3.52.
Perform the following steps to set up capturing for Process Monitor. Use these steps only as a
guide. The monitoring process requirements for each application can vary.
1. Download the tool on the system running the application that you want to discover.
2. As an administrator, open the command prompt, and launch Process Monitor.
Maintain 71
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Procmon.exe /AcceptEula /Noconnect
/AcceptEula automatically accepts the EULA license and bypasses the EULA dialog box.
/Noconnect This flag prevents Process Monitor from automatically starting log activity.
3. Configure Process Monitor to save captured logs to a backing file as opposed to virtual
memory by navigating to File>Backing Files and choosing the Use file name option. Select
the location and file to which you want to save the backing file.
If the system used to capture the logs does not have sufficient storage capacity, you
can store the data in another location, such as on a different server or external storage
4. Start the capture by choosing Capture. To stop the capture, choose Capture again.
The following optional steps reduce the size of the log file, where possible. To reduce the size of
the log file, we recommend that you run procmon only when running the application windows to
reduce capture of background noise and unrelated workflows.
1. Verify that the following options are not selected:
Process and Thread Activity
Network Activity
Profiling Events
2. Select Drop Filtered Events in the Filter menu. This prevents events that don't meet the filter
criteria from being added to the log.
3. The following table contains common exclusion items related to the operating system that are
not required for the application capture. You can add these exclusions to the Process Monitor
application capture exclusion filter.
Optimize Process Monitor 72
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Exclusions in the EMP_Procmon_Exclusions.PMF filter
Exclusion item Description
Windows Start-Up Application
Windows Update
Desktop window manager
Spooler SubSystem App
Local Security Authority Process
Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation
Windows Search Indexer
Host Process for Windows Tasks
CTF loader
Host Process for Microsoft Endpoint
Configuration Manager
You can further expand the number of exclusion items by performing the following steps.
1. Run procmon for a limited period of time or without the execution process.
2. Analyze the capture logs and note any processes that are not related to the application.
3. Add the unrelated processes as additional exclusion items.
4. For applications where a complete list of required processes are known, you can start a Process
Monitor capture and include only these processes in the capture. If this method results in
missed process applications, the final logs may not contain the required information to
complete a working package.
Optimize Process Monitor 73
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Log runtime dependencies on Windows Server 2003 using
Process Monitor
The following software is required to capture and produce runtime analysis logs to use with Guided
Reverse Packaging (GRP).
Windows Sysinternals Process Monitor (Procmon.exe) — Process Monitor is an advanced
monitoring tool for Windows that captures real-time file system, registry, process, and thread
activity. Process Monitor (Procmon) can be used to log application runtime dependencies. You
can use the output log with Guided Reverse Packaging to capture and package the runtime
dependencies for your application.
The latest version of Procmon may not function on Windows Server 2003. Access to an
earlier, supported version may be required to log runtime dependencies. We recommend
using Process Monitor version 3.52.
A text editor with syntax highlighting functionality, which supports JSON and XML. Notepad++ is
a no-cost option.
Runtime dependency topics
Discover the files and registry keys used by the application
Filter the capture
Choose which processes to save in the capture
Discover the files and registry keys used by the application
The first step of logging runtime dependencies with Process Monitor is to discover the files and
registry keys that are used by the application on the source machine.
To optimize the setup of Process Monitor for GRP, see Optimize Process Monitor for Guided Reverse
Packaging on Windows Server 2003.
Prepare to discover the application
Complete the following steps to prepare for discovery.
Log runtime dependencies 74
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
1. To ensure the quality of the capture, verify that no applications or processes other than those
required by Windows are running.
Launch procmon.exe.
3. On the Process Monitor License Agreement choose Agree to load Process Monitor.
4. Enable advanced output by selecting Enable Advanced Output from the dropdown menu. This
ensures that Process Monitor captures everything that occurs on your machine.
Discover the files and registry keys used by your application
After you have installed and configured Process Monitor, perform the following steps to discover
the application:
1. Load the application that you want to discover.
2. Use the application to perform typical operations. To perform a high-quality discovery of
the application files and registry keys, use the common workflows performed by your users.
Be sure to include any workflows performed at the end of the month or quarter, such as
reporting. If you load and close the application without performing common operations,
the package will likely fail during user acceptance testing. We recommend that you use the
application as it is typically used in your production environment, and for a longer duration.
This prevents the necessity of repeating the discovery process due to missed files and registry
keys. If you are not sure which workflows are relevant, ask an end user to perform their
workflows on the application.
3. Close the application after you have used all of the features you want to discover.
4. Return to the Process Monitor application.
5. On the Process Monitor toolbar, choose Capture. The Process Monitor dialog box will open
with the following message: Disconnecting from Event Tracking for Windows
(ETW). This can take up to a minute. When the disconnection is complete the
Capture icon will show as crossed out with a red line.
Filter the capture
After you create the capture, you must filter the output and determine which items to safely
To filter the capture, perform the following steps:
Filter 75
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
1. On the Process Monitor toolbar, choose the Show Process and Thread Activity icon to clear
the selection. This removes these operations from the Process Monitor trace because they are
not required for this process.
2. On the toolbar, choose the Show Network Activity icon to clear the selection. This removes
these operations from the Process Monitor trace because they are not required for this process.
3. On the toolbar, choose the Save icon.
4. On the Save to File pop-up, verify that both Events displayed using current filter and Also
include profiling events are selected. Choose OK.
Later in this procedure, we will save only processes that we believe should be included
in the capture as the basis for capturing and creating the packaged version of the
application. The reason we save the capture at this point in the process is so that we
have the option to reload this version if we later discover that we have left something
out of the final capture. This prevents the necessity of repeating the capture from
scratch when we omit something in error.
Enter CTRL+T to display the process tree. Or, select Process Tree from the Tools menu. The
process tree displays all of the processes captured by Process Monitor.
Choose which processes to save in the capture
After you save the capture, you must choose which processes to save. Choose only the processes
required to run the application successfully.
To save processes in the capture, perform the following steps:
1. Scroll through the Process Tree until you locate the executable used to load the application.
2. Choose the executable.
3. Choose Include Process to save this process in the final capture.
4. Review the Process Tree for additional processes to include in the final capture. Choose
Include Process or Include Subtree, as required.
5. After you have reviewed the Process Tree, choose Close.
6. On the toolbar, choose Save.
Choose processes 76
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
7. On the Save to File pop-up, verify that both Events displayed using current filter and Also
include profiling events are selected.
8. Under Format select Comma-Separated Values (CSV), and then choose OK.
9. Open Windows Explorer. Verify that the log file has been created in the .csv format and that
the file size is greater than 0.
10. Close Process Monitor.
For more information about how to use the CSV files generated by the packaging process, see How
to package an application when installation media is not available (Guided Reverse Packaging).
Update a deployed EMP package
This topic contains information to guide you through the process of updating an already deployed
EMP package.
To update the contents of an already deployed EMP package with a new version of the package,
run the Compatibility.Package.Deployment.exe command with the /update switch.
Compatibility.Package.Deployment.exe /update
The package may include changes to the following:
Registry settings
Package configuration files
File type associations
If you attempt to use the /deploydir switch when a package has already been deployed,
a Failed to deploy' exit code -1 error will be returned. The /update switch must
be used to update the package to the latest version, or the /uninstall switch must be
used to remove the package first.
Update a deployed package 77
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Each component is updated as follows.
File Associations
If the file type associations source file (FileAssociations.xml) in the new package is the
same as the one in the currently deployed package, /update will recreate any missing file type
associations and restore values or types to the original values and types specified during the initial
The /update switch preserves any values that appear in the registry that are not specified
in the source file. If the file type associations source file (FileAssociations.xml) in the
new package is different from the one in the currently deployed package, /update deletes
the registry values that do not appear in FileAssociations.xml and updates values and
types that have changed.
New shortcuts specified in Shortcuts.xml will be created. Shortcuts that do not exist in the XML
file will be removed. Fields that are different between the currently deployed and the new version
to be deployed will be updated to the latest version.
A registry update will be performed the next time the application runs. This does not happen as
part of the update process. Updates are performed if the value of Last Modified Date of
Registry Added in HKCU\Software\AWSEMP\Compatibility.Package\{appid} differs
from value of the last modified date of the new application registry XML file (AppRegistry.xml).
The registry update removes all keys under {appid}, but not the values of the keys, and creates all
of the entries specified in the AppRegistry.xml file. The update then sets the last modified time
to the time of the new AppRegistry.xml file.
Subsequent application start events will not initiate registry updates because the modified time
of the file will match the value stored in the registry. If the last modified time cannot be found
in the registry, the registry will be created using the latest AppRegistry.xml file file. If the
AppRegistry.xml file file is invalid, /update will report an error and will not remove any
application registry.
Update a deployed package 78
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Uninstall an EMP package
When you uninstall a package, all of the files, shortcuts, file type associations, and registry keys
associated with the package are removed. Files in use, which cannot be deleted, are marked for
deletion for the next reboot. After reboot, Windows removes the files marked for deletion along
with the registry configuration for Out of Process COM virtualization.
To uninstall a package, perform the following steps.
1. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
Run the following command, where <source-location-of-package> is the location from
which the package was initially deployed.
C:\<source-location-of-package>\Compatibility.Package.Deployment.exe /U
If you run this command from the deployed location, the uninstall will be incomplete.
Verify that the package is uninstalled from the correct source path.
Enable EMP compatibility package engine logging
This topic contains information to help you to enable logging for the EMP compatibility package
engine. By default, logging is disabled. Logging helps you identify problems with applications
running in an EMP package.
Logs generated by the compatibiity engine are created in the following folders:
On Windows Server 2008 and later versions: *%LocalAppData%\AWSEMP\Logs*
On Windows Server 2003: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\AWSEMP
Uninstall a package 79
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
LocalAppData resolves to a special location for the SYSTEM account: C:\Windows
You can update the default log file location, if required. To do this, see step four in the procedure at
the end of this topic (Enable compatibility package engine logging).
Each time the package engine runs, two logs are created:
Log for package engine — Outputs to reversedate-time-PID-
Compatibility.Package.Engine.log. For example, 20190425-113000-000600-
Log for the child process(es) redirected by the package engine — outputs to
reversedate-time-parentPID-PID-ExecutableName.log. For example,
The package engine log for child processes includes the following columns:
Column Description
The date and time that the log file entry was
The thread ID that generated the log item.
Defines the type of log entry:
INFO — Contains general information, such
as a file redirection.
ERROR — Generated when the Windows API
function fails.
DEBUG — Contains details about how the
compatibility package engine is running.
The area to which each API belongs. For
example, File or Registry. Categories also
Enable logging 80
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Column Description
include subcategories, such as Redirected
or NotRedirected
The function that generates a log event
message. This will often be a Windows API,
although internal compatibility package
engine functions generate their own log
Typically, the from/original name. For
example, the filename, registry key, and so
Typically, the virtualized name (filename,
registry). It can also be empty to indicate that
the original name is the same.
For application logging, the FROM/TO
fields are populated when virtualiz
ing from one location to another.
However, FROM can be used only to
record the details of an API accessing
a location that is not virtualized (for
example, registry access to a non-
virtualized path). The FROM/TO fields
can also be empty when a location or
object isn't virtualized, but for which
a log event should be recorded (the
message will contain details about the
event). For example, the NotWow64P
rocess virtualizes the Windows API
PrintDlg, and the information about
this is recorded
Enable logging 81
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Column Description
Additional information related to the function
that generates the log event (for example,
other parameters). This means that the
information is different for each function. For
example, for FILE APIs, the information could
be the desired access. For COM, it could be the
class registration.
When an error occurs, the generated error
code is displayed.
The error message associated with the error
Enable compatibility package engine logging
1. Navigate to the package folder.
Open Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc in a text editor, such as Notepad++.
Create the tag using the following command and set the value for Log to one of the following,
depending on the level of logging required.
Off — The default. Logging is disabled.
On — Only high-level APIs are logged. There is no nesting of log entries/logging of any
lower-level API calls. For example, when you create a file, the CreateFile API is called.
This, in turn, calls the lower level API NTCreateFile. When logging is set to On, you will not
see entries for the lower-level APIs called, such as NTCreateFile.
Verbose — All entries, including both high-level and low-level API calls.
<AAV Log="<value>"
To customize the location where the log files are created, use an additional LogPath tag that
points to the location where you want the log files to be created.
The following example enables log files to be created in the C:\Temp location.
Enable logging 82
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
<AAV Log="On" LogPath="C:\Temp">
Managing EMP custom configurations
You can add custom configurations to your EMP package using the DeploymentScript.xml file
that is provided in the root folder of each created package. Each application works uniquely and
implementation for the same application can work differently across environments.
The DeploymentScript.xml file can handle different methods for running Windows. This
includes running scripted installations and Windows installer files, or it can use tools such as
CMD.exe, PowerShell.exe, and WSH to achieve specific results.
The following example shows the structure of the DeploymentScript.xml.
<Program Order="0">
<WaitCondition TimeoutInSeconds="0">None</WaitCondition>
<Program Order="0">
<WaitCondition TimeoutInSeconds="0">None</WaitCondition>
Manage custom configurations 83
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
DeploymentScript.xml element and attribute descriptions:
Install — Specifies what to run during the package deployment phase.
Programs — Specifies the number of tasks to run.
Program — Specifies the details of the task to run. To run more than one task, copy and paste
the entire Program element and tailor it to the new action.
Order — Specifies the sequence of the tasks as 0, 1, 2, and so on. The current release includes
only the Order attribute.
PreInstall and PostInstall— These attributes are not added by default. You can add them as
By default, the programs are run as PostInstall tasks. This means that they are run towards
the end of the EMP package deployment, after the installation of services. The PostInstall
attribute can be explicitly set as follows.
<Program Order="0" PostInstall="true">
Example scenario: deploy drivers silently as part of the EMP package deployment — The
drivers will be deployed after the services have been installed and started, towards the end of
the package deployment process. Tasks that install service dependencies must not be run as
PostInstall tasks.
You can run a PreInstall task by adding a PreInstall=“true” attribute and value as
follows. This runs the program before the services are installed.
<Program Order="0" PreInstall="true">
Example scenario: an application's Windows service requires a dependency in Windows
features to be enabled on the server on which it is deployed before it can start — A
PreInstall script can be used to enable the Windows feature so that it is set up and
configured as part of the EMP deployment process before the service is started.
ProcessWindowStyle — This attribute can be set to either Normal or Hidden depending on the
requirements for the visibility of the process run.
Path — The path to the program to be run.
Args — This attribute allows for the passing of arguments to the program that is to be run.
WaitCondition — The TimeoutInSeconds attribute can be set with either a None or Exit
condition in the <WaitConditions> tag. A program configured with a timeout will display an
Manage custom configurations 84
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
error to the user if the process fails to close within the specified time. If the timeout is set to 0, it
waits indefinitely.
If a dependency is installed prior to a service starting, you may need to add
an Exit condition to ensure that the process completes and exits before
Compatibility.Package.Deployment.exe moves to the next task, or commences services
<WaitCondition TimeoutInSeconds="0">Exit</WaitCondition>
Uninstall — Specifies what to run during the uninstall phase of an EMP package.
Example scenario: migrate local users and groups
Applications that use local users and groups can be migrated by using the
DeploymentScript.xml program tasks. Identify the local users and groups to be migrated from
the legacy source machine. Take note of the users that have been added to these groups. Create a
script that creates these local users and groups on the target system.
In this scenario, SQL Server 2005 Express creates the following local users and groups when
installed natively on Windows Server 2008 R2.
The Network Service account is added to these groups.
The following PowerShell script creates these local users and groups. It is stored in a file called
Manage custom configurations 85
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
$groups = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,string]'
$groups.Add('SQLServer2005MSSQLServerADHelperUser$' + $ENV:COMPUTERNAME, "Members
in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on
account for the associated instance of SQL Server Active Directory Helper in SQL
Server 2005.")
$groups.Add('SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$' + $ENV:COMPUTERNAME, "Members in the group
have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the
associated instance of SQL Server and SQL Server FullText Search in SQL Server 2005.")
$groups.Add('SQLServer2005SQLBrowserUser$' + $ENV:COMPUTERNAME, "Members in the group
have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the
associated instance of SQL Server Browser in SQL Server 2005.")
ForEach ($group in $groups.GetEnumerator())
$newGroup = New-LocalGroup -Name $group.Key -Description ($group.Value.Substring(0,44)
+ '...')
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group $newGroup -Member "S-1-5-20"
To migrate local users and groups, add this file to the root of the EMP package and update the
DeploymentScript.xml as follows.
<Program Order="0" PreInstall="true">
<WaitCondition TimeoutInSeconds="0">Exit</WaitCondition>
Link EMP packages
This topic contains an example Redirections.xml file to show you how to link EMP packages
so that they can interact with each other. One scenario for which this process is useful is if an
application requires access to files or registry keys from a different EMP package, for example, if
Link packages 86
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
you packaged a dependency in a separate EMP package and the main application requires access to
the dependency application to function as required.
You can link packages by loading the Redirections.xml file from one package
to another using the <Includes> tag in the EMP compatibility engine config file
In the following example, an <Include> tag entry has been added (C:
\DeployDirForPackage2\ExamplePackage2\Redirections.xml). When a process from
ExamplePackage1 starts, the engine that starts the process will load the Redirections.xml file
from both ExamplePackage1 and ExamplePackage2.
<AAV PackageId="ExamplePackage1">
When both Redirections.xml files are loaded, the process from ExamplePackage1
follows all of the redirections from ExamplePackage2. In this example, we could
add an <Include> entry for the Redirections.xml for ExamplePackage1 in the
Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc of ExamplePackage2 so that processes from either
package can access each other.
In this example, a relative path is used. If ExamplePackage1 and ExamplePackage2 are
deployed into the same DeployDir, you can enter the path as follows: <Include>..
Applications using ODBC drivers
Migrate applications that require Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers.
Microsoft ODBC drivers
Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 include several Microsoft ODBC drivers installed
as part of the operating system. We recommend that you use these versions in the package instead
of earlier versions.
ODBC drivers 87
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
To verify whether an ODBC driver is present on the target operating system, open the Drivers tab
of the ODBC Data Source Administrator application. Note that there are separate 32-bit and 64-bit
versions of the ODBC data sources and drivers.
You can also query for the installed ODBC drivers using PowerShell by running the Get-
ODBCDriver cmdlt.
Third-party ODBC drivers
Applications that require ODBC drivers that are not included by default in Windows operating
systems must be included within the EMP package so that the application has everything it
requires to run. Applications that install third-party ODBC drivers as part of the application
install process will include the ODBC drivers in the EMP package as part of the install capture
process. Applications that require ODBC drivers to be manually installed, either before or after
the application is installed, must be installed during the install capture process so that they are
included in the EMP package.
ODBC drivers 88
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Enable support for out-of-process Common Object Model
(COM) in an EMP package
This topic includes steps to enable support for out-of-process Common Model Objects (COM) in an
EMP package. There are two main types of COM servers: in-process and out-of-process. In-process
servers are implemented in a dynamic linked library (DLL). Out-of-process servers are implemented
in an executable file (EXE).
Out-of-process servers can reside on either the local computer or a remote computer. In addition,
COM provides a mechanism that allows an in-process server (DLL) to run in a surrogate EXE
process to run the process on a remote computer. For more information about how to create DLL
servers that can be loaded into a surrogate EXE process, see the Microsoft documentation at DLL
Applications with components that run out-of-process require the COMVirtualization feature to
be enabled to virtualize COM. Process Monitor (procmon) can be used to detect these components
by monitoring SVCHOST.exe. Also, APIMON can be used, filtering for CoCreateInstance.
A failure results in either CLSID not found or Component not registered when the COM
subsystem does not run within the virtual environment of the package.
The COMVirtualization feature is not required if the application uses in-process COM
objects. Applications that use in-process COM objects behave as expected without enabling
the feature.
Enable the COMVirtualization feature
1. Navigate to the package folder of the application.
Edit the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc in a text editor, such as Notepad++.
Enable the COMVirtualization feature by moving the feature tag out of the section of tags
that are commented out.
Enable out-of-process COM 89
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
For a 64-bit package, add the COMVirtualization tag to the automatically added
<Features> element that contains the RedirectX64PackageRegistry feature. If two
<Features> elements are used in the CLC file, an error will result when you attempt to run
the package.
Debugging COM virtualization
COM messages are written to the engine logs. Search for COM to find them.
COM error messages are written to the engine logs. Search for ERROR, COM to find them.
If COM instance creation fails, the engine log message will contain Failed to create COM
Resolving or troubleshooting problems with COM Virtualization may require temporary or
permanent exclusion of CLSIDs from the process.
To exclude CLSIDs from COM virtualization
In the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc configuration file, locate and edit the
<Features> tag, which is used to enable COMVirtualization.
To exclude CLSID EF66E233-9F07-4E32-9119-FF40CDDD4DCF, insert the following
<COM> tag code outside of the <Features> tag to specify the CLSID you want to exclude.
Enable out-of-process COM 90
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
<CLSID ID="{EF66E233-9F07-4E32-9119-FF40CDDD4DCF}" Excluded="true">
To include the CLSID, change the value of Excluded to ="false", or remove the <COM>
Add side-by-side (SXS) assemblies to an EMP compatibility
A Windows side-by-side assembly is described by manifests. A side-by-side assembly contains
a collection of resources — a group of DLLs, Windows classes, COM servers, type libraries, or
interfaces — that are always provided to applications together. These resources are described in
the assembly manifest.
Typically, a side-by-side assembly is a single DLL. For example, the Microsoft COMCTL32 assembly
is a single DLL with a manifest, whereas the Microsoft Visual C++ development system run-time
libraries assembly contains multiple files.
Manifests contain metadata that describes side-by-side assemblies and side-by-side assembly
dependencies. Side-by-side assemblies are used by the operating system as fundamental units of
naming, binding, versioning, deployment, and configuration.
Every side-by-side assembly has a unique identity. One of the attributes of the assembly identity is
its version. For more information, see Assembly Versions in the Microsoft documentation.
The EMP Compatibility Package Builder does not configure support for side-by-side assemblies.
If your application uses side-by-side assemblies that are distributed with installers, you must first
attempt to install them natively on the target operating system. If this is successful, you can script
the installation of these assemblies into package deployment using the DeploymentScript.xml.
For more information see Managing EMP custom configurations. If native installation is not
possible or does not address the issue, you can add the assemblies to the package as private
The following error message will appear in the Windows Event Viewer, from which you can
determine what assemblies you need, along with the version:
Add SXS assemblies 91
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Activation context generation failed for "DemoApplication.exe". Dependent
not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
Add side-by-side assemblies to an EMP package
1. Add the missing DLLs associated with the run-times to the same folder as the executable
being run. Alternatively, use Process Monitor to monitor the application process along with
csrss.exe to determine where the application is looking for these DLLs.
Locate the DLLs (usually located in C:\Windows\Assembly or C:\Windows\WinSXS
Exclude or detach a process from the package redirection rules
This topic explains how to use the Excludes or Detaches features in the package redirection
Excludes feature
We recommend the Excludes feature method to control the behavior of the package redirection
and virtualization engine. It prevents child processes from being virtualized and redirected without
affecting the virtualization of the parent processes.
This feature is useful when the packaged application is spawning local processes from locally
installed applications that you do not want redirected. This is because the redirections change the
behavior of the child processes.
Exclude a process from the package redirection rules
Open Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc.
Add the executable names to the Exclude tags.
Detaches feature
Exclude or detach a process 92
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
You can control the behavior of the virtualization and redirection engine using the Detaches
feature. After an application has started, the virtualization engine exits when the initial create
process function completes. All redirections and most virtualization features will be available to the
parent process that started.
The Detaches feature is useful when child processes do not exit cleanly, and terminate with an
The virtualization and redirection engine of the package will detach from the parent
process once virtualization is complete. Any child processes will not be virtualized, and the
detached process will not benefit from DEPOptOut or HandleInvalidHandle, even if
these features are enabled.
Detach a process from the package redirection rules
Open Compatiblity.Package.Engine.clc.
Add the executable names to the Detach tags.
Run cmd.exe as a child process to the EMP compatibility
package engine
This topic explains how to test or troubleshoot an EMP package by launching cmd.exe as a child
process to the EMP package engine. Doing this launches cmd.exe in the context of the EMP
package to quickly run tests, validate application errors, and retest functionality.
Run cmd.exe as a child process
1. Deploy the EMP package following the usual deployment process.
Run cmd.exe as a child process
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Open a new cmd.exe window and navigate to the root of the EMP package. Run the following
<pathtopackage>\Compatibility.Package.Engine.exe /F cmd.exe
This command launches the engine and runs the cmd.exe as a child process in the context
of an EMP package. A new command window will open. All redirection rules and package
configurations now apply to the new cmd.exe process. You can verify this using Process
Explorer and looking for the cmd.exe under the parent cmd.exe.
Example: Verify that application can access its main installation folder
In this troubleshooting scenario, we want to verify that the LegacyApp application packaged in
EMP can access its main installation folder, LegacyAppFolder.
Check the package to confirm that LegacyAppFolder exists.
A corresponding <FolderMatch> redirection should exist in the Redirections.xml file of
the package.
Use cmd.exe to check for the file in the local system. The system should not be able to find
the file.
Run cmd.exe as a child process
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Run cmd.exe as a child process to the package engine. This should confirm that the
LegacyAppFolder is available in the context of the EMP package.
Run cmd.exe as a child process
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Security in AWS End-of-Support Migration Program
(EMP) for Windows Server
Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. As an AWS customer, you benefit from data centers
and network architectures that are built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive
Security is a shared responsibility between AWS and you. The shared responsibility model describes
this as security of the cloud and security in the cloud:
Security of the cloud – AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs AWS
services in the AWS Cloud. AWS also provides you with services that you can use securely. Third-
party auditors regularly test and verify the effectiveness of our security as part of the AWS
Compliance Programs. To learn about the compliance programs that apply to Porting Assistant
for .NET, see AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program.
Security in the cloud – Your responsibility is determined by the AWS service that you use. You
are also responsible for other factors including the sensitivity of your data, your company’s
requirements, and applicable laws and regulations.
This documentation helps you understand how to apply the shared responsibility model when
using AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server. The following list
contains information about how AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows
Server helps you to meet your security and compliance objectives.
Migrates legacy applications from insecure EOS Windows versions to the latest secure
versions. The EMP application packaging process captures only the legacy application
components into an EMP package, not the legacy operating system components. The package
can then be deployed and run in isolation, and benefits from the enhanced security and
performance of the modern operating system. The modern operating system, in turn, runs on
modern hardware, which also mitigates against hardware-based vulnerabilities. Because an EMP
package is no longer dependent on the underlying operating system, it can run on a later version
of Windows, including future semi-annual Windows releases. This ensures that you can take
advantage of future security benefits and always run on a supported Windows version.
Application security updates. Applications contained in an EMP package can be patched with
security updates provided by the application vendors by using the EMP Compatibility Package
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Editor.We recommend that you maintain packaged applications with their latest security updates
to keep them as secure as possible in the AWS Cloud.
Application security vulnerabilities. EMP does not resolve inherent security vulnerabilities in
legacy applications. Because vulnerable applications benefit from the better security features of
modern Windows servers, EMP reduces their exposure to exploitation. Regularly updating EMP-
packaged applications with security updates where available is recommended to counter security
Data collected by the AWS End-of-Support Migration Program
(EMP) for Windows Server
AWS collects usage information through the EMP telemetry module during the deployment and
subsequent use of EMP packages. Collection of the telemetry collected during deployment is
mandatory, whereas the runtime (usage) telemetry is optional. You can opt out of sending runtime
telemetry when you install the EMP Compatibility Package Builder. The telemetry module sends
the collected data to an application modernization metrics service running on AWS.
The following mandatory telemetry metrics are collected by AWS:
AWS account ID
Windows operating system version
Infrastructure (AWS or not AWS)
Hashed package ID
The following optional runtime telemetry metrics are collected by AWS:
Windows operating system, for example, Windows Server 2008.
Windows operating system architecture, for example, x86.
Instance type. The instance type is the machine type on which the application is deployed. It can
be either an Amazon EC2 instance or an on-premises machine.
EMP compatibility engine version, for example,
EMP compatibility engine architecture, for example x86.
Virtualized executable name, for example, Notepad++.
Virtualized Application Architecture, for example, x86.
Data collected 97
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Namespace to identify whether the package run is a development or production run.
Data collected 98
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Troubleshooting AWS End-of-Support Migration
Program (EMP) for Windows Server
When troubleshooting AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server issues,
we recommend that you apply the following methodology. There are four major types of issues
related to EMP packaging.
Environment — The target system is running in production and may be subject to more
stringent restrictions than the test server. Common examples include more restrictive group
policies, antivirus restrictions, enabled controlled folders, and User Access Control restrictions.
Legacy application — It is not uncommon to find pre-existing issues in the application that exist
before packaging. For example, if a function fails in the packaged application you should test the
functionality on the natively installed application on the legacy server.
Packaging — These are issues related to the capture process and primarily an incomplete test
plan. A common example would be functionality that should have been run during the capture,
but was not included and therefore system calls to the registry or files was not captured.
EMP packaging tools — These are issues related to the EMP product. If you suspect product
issues, create a ticket so the product team can look into the issue.
To find the root cause of an issue, we recommend the following workflow, where you begin testing
on the legacy operating system and then move towards testing on the target operating system.
1. Test the package on a clean machine running the source operating system and where the
application has never been installed. A clean testing machine is a server instance of the Windows
operating system version with as little else as possible installed on the machine.
2. Test the package on a machine running the target operating system where no other applications
or policies are installed.
3. Test the package on a machine running the target operating system configured with other
applications and policies that will exist in the target environment.
This testing process allows you to identify the step during which the package is failing.
When the package fails during testing, we recommend trying the following tools to remediate.
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Check if any error messages appear when the application fails — An application failure
typically results in an error message. The error message may be from Windows and provide
details about what has gone wrong, or it may provide a Windows error code, which can help to
diagnose the problem. The message can also be from the application process that encountered
the problem. This indicates that the process was successfully started then encountered a
problem. Application error codes and other messages indicate that the error has been logged
and assist with problem diagnoses.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for application errors — Application errors are not always
logged in Windows Event Logs; however, we recommend that you check them for useful
diagnostic information.
Use the Sysinternals tool, Process Explorer — Use Process Explorer to check the command line
and environment variables used to load the application process.
1. Download Process Explorer from
2. Launch your EMP packaged application or reproduce the error you want to investigate.
3. Launch Process Explorer and look for the process you want to investigate.
4. Open (double-click) the process that you want to investigate to open the Properties
5. View the command line on the Image tab of the Properties window, in the Command line
6. In the Properties window, choose the Environment tab to view the environment variables
that are available to the process.
Use the Sysinternals tool, Process Monitor (procmon) — Check Process Monitor to see if the
application writes any log files to the drive to investigate. Also use Process Monitor to check
if there are any registry keys or files the application is not able to find (the result returned for
this scenario is PATH NOT FOUND). Or check to see if the application is failing to read or write
from registry keys or files even when found (the returned result for this scenario is ACCESS
DENIED). These results can be compared to the results obtained from a procmon log of a
working installation of the application, which should show as SUCCESS for these operations.
Enable the compatibility package engine logs
To enable package engine logging, open the Compatibility.Package.Engine.clc file in
a text editor, such as Notepad ++.
By default, the first line will contain the following: <AAV PackageId=“PackageID”>. For
example, AAV PackageId="SQL2005EXPSP4_8959">.
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Add the string Log=“on” to the line so that it reads <AAV PackageId=“PackageID
Log=“on”>. For example, AAV PackageId="SQL2005EXPSP4_8959" Log="on">.
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for
Windows Server version history
The following table describes the released versions of AWS End-of-Support Migration Program
(EMP) for Windows Server Compatibility Package Builder.
New releases of the AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server
Compatibility Package Builder are provided in MSI format. To upgrade to a new version from a
previous version, uninstall the previous version by using the Add or Remove Programs feature
from legacy Windows operating systems, or from Programs and Features in the Control Panel for
later operating systems. Then, reinstall the package with the latest MSI.
Version Details Release date
TBD Added support for Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP) November
23, 2021
1.0.0 Initial release October 15,
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server User Guide
Document History for User Guide
The following table describes the documentation for this release of AWS End-of-Support Migration
Program (EMP) for Windows Server.
Latest documentation update: October 15, 2020
Change Description Date
IAM best practices updates Updated guide to align
with the IAM best practices
. For more information, see
Security best practices in IAM.
February 15, 2023
Initial release Initial release of the AWS
End-of-Support Migration
Program (EMP) for Windows
Server User Guide.
October 15, 2021
Support for Guided Reverse
Packaging (GRP)
You can package your
applications running on end-
of-support Windows servers
with guided assistance using
Guided Reverse Packaging
November 23, 2020