Holcomb USD 363
Faculty Handbook
USD 363 Board of Education
Approved 07/13/20
This handbook is designed to assist school administrators with communicating important employment
information to certified staff, whether required by law, regulation, board policy or practice.
Provisions of the negotiated agreement are not in this handbook. The following items are a part of
the negotiated agreement.
jury duty
grievance procedure
pay under supplemental contracts
binding arbitration of grievances
hours of work
disciplinary procedure
amounts of work
vacation allowance
termination of contract
holiday leave
nonrenewal of contracts
sick leave
reemployment of professional employees
extended leave
terms of the individual contract
sabbatical leave
form of the individual contract
“other” leave
probationary period
number of holidays
professional employee evaluation procedures
reduction in force procedures
insurance benefits
access to teacher files
pay for overtime
association privileges
This handbook is not an employee contract. Further, this handbook is not to be considered as either an
express or implied contract between the school district and the employee.
Anytime the superintendent is mentioned in this manual, his/her designee is implied.
As a condition of employment, employees agree to follow rules and regulations
which have been adopted by the board.
This handbook may be changed or modified and items added or deleted at any time as recommended
by the superintendent and approved by the board.
* The asterisk throughout this handbook denotes more information is included in the negotiated
Introduction 2
Equal Opportunity Employer 7
Mission Statement 7
Committee Assignments 7
Site Council 7
Teaching and Learning 8
Curriculum 8
Instructional Materials 8
Lesson Plans 8
Homework 8
Grading 9
Peer Grading 10
Make-Up Work 10
Academic Assistance 10
Promotion/Retention 10
Special Education Services 11
Library Services 11
Counseling Services 11
Testing Program 11
Testing integrity 11
Reports 12
Progress Reports 12
Report Cards 12
Attendance 12
Accidents 12
Child Abuse 13
Emergency Safety Interventions 13
Vandalism 14
Schedules 14
Facility Scheduling 14
Special Events Scheduling 14
Detentions 14
Parent-Teacher Conferences 14
Teacher Work Days 14
In-service Days 14
Work Schedule 14
Duty Free Lunch 14
Planning Periods 14
Faculty Meetings 14
Final Examinations 15
Grading Periods 15
Benefits and Compensation 15
Leaves 15
Jury Duty 15
Holidays 15
Pay Day 15
Lump Sum Payments 15
Loyalty Oath 15
Reimbursement/Travel Expenses 15
Salary Reduction Plan 15
KPERS (Kansas Public Employees Retirement System) 15
Workers Compensation 16
Retirement 17
Records 17
Personnel Records 17
Required Records 17
Professional License 17
Student Privacy Rights 17
Student Records 18
Conduct 18
Prohibited Substances 18
Relations with Students 19
Text Messaging and Social Networking 20
Supervision of Students 20
Bullying by Staff 20
Confidentiality 20
Sexual Harassment 20
Racial & Disability Harassment 21
Gifts 21
Solicitations 21
Absences/Substitutes 22
Dress Code 22
Outside Employment 22
Criminal Convictions 22
Termination 22
District Procedures 22
Board Policy 22
Recruitment 23
Contract Procedure 23
Assignment and Transfer 23
Reduction in Force 23
Resignation 23
Evaluations 23
Staff Development 23
Complaints/Grievances 23
Discrimination Complaints 23
Communications 24
Lunch 24
Field Trips 24
Fund Raising 24
Interrogation and Investigation of Students 24
Searches of Students and Property 24
Release of Students from School during the Day 25
Hall Passes 25
Requests for Records 25
Distribution of Materials 25
Posters 25
Orientation 25
Personal Property 25
Use of Personal Vehicle 25
Weapons 25
Telephone Use 25
Maintenance Requests 26
Health 26
Bloodborne Pathogens 26
Communicable Diseases 26
Health Examinations 26
Medications, Administering 26
Hazardous Waste 27
Asbestos 27
Pest Control 27
Animals and Plants 27
Safety and Security 27
Safety Rules 27
Drills and Evacuations 28
Emergency Closings 29
Safety Practices 29
Security 29
Maintaining Proper Control 29
Securing Work Area 30
Keys 30
Crisis Plan 30
Student Conduct 30
Student Handbook 30
Behavior Code 30
Discipline Procedures 30
Attendance Policy 30
Dress Code 30
Detentions 30
Corporal Punishment 30
Suspension/Expulsion 30
Equipment and Supplies 31
Equipment Availability and Check Out 31
Appropriate Use of Equipment and Supplies 31
Computers 31
Copying and Duplicating 32
Ordering Procedures and Requisitions 32
Vehicle Request 32
Appendices 33
Certified Teacher Job Description 34
Bullying Plan 36
Notice of Protection under Kansas Tort Claims Act 38
Copy of Board Policy GAOA, Drug Free Workplace 40
Equal Opportunity Employer
The district is an equal opportunity employer and shall not discriminate in its employment practices and policies
with respect to hiring, compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of an individual’s
race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin. See “Discrimination Complaints,” p. 15.
The board shall hire employees on the basis of ability and the district’s needs. See “Recruitment,” p. 14.
Mission Statement
"The mission of Holcomb Unified School District #363 is to provide an opportunity for
all students to acquire skills needed to become productive and successful citizens."
Committee Assignments
Duties and committee assignments are provided on supplemental assignments or a building list.
Site Council
School site councils exist for the elementary schools, the middle school and the high school as required by Kansas
law. By-laws and membership lists are available from the building principals. Faculty members are encouraged
to participate.
Teaching and Learning
Board-approved district goals and learning objectives shall be used by the
staff as the basis for developing and implementing instructional programs.
Instructional Materials
All textbooks, videos, software, and other instructional materials used in
the district must:
support the district’s instructional goals and learning objectives; and
meet all copyright and fair use guidelines.
Videos and other instructional materials may not be used in the classroom
solely for recreational purposes. Materials may be reviewed by the
Curriculum Committee with the Program Complaint Facilitator.
Lesson Plans
Each teacher shall develop, maintain and follow lesson plans which
conform to the board-approved curriculum, the district’s educational goals
and the expected student learning outcomes. A copy of lesson plans shall
be available to the principal and to substitute teachers. Teachers are
expected to use the On Course software program provided by the district
to submit lesson plans as requested by the building principal.
Homework shall not be used as a means to discipline students. Homework
shall be assigned as needed to reinforce lessons introduced in the
classroom. It will not be used as an introduction to new concepts.
Grade School
Kindergarten through Second
4 = 90-100
3 = 80-89
2 = 70-79
1 = 69 and below
WES and HES Work Habits and Social Skills
O = 95-100 Outstanding = Citizenship
S+ = 89-94 Satisfactory+
S = 80-88 Satisfactory
S- = 70-79 Satisfactory -
NI = 60-69 Needs Improvement
U = 0-59 Unsatisfactory
Third through Fifth
A+ 100% B- 80% D 61-68
A 91-99 C+ 79% D- 60%
A- 90% C 71-78 F 59% and below
B+ 89% C- 70%
B 81-88 D+ 69%
Physical Education, Music and Computer - Elementary
O Outstanding
S Satisfactory
N Needs Improvement
U Unsatisfactory
Middle School
Sixth through Eighth
A 90-100
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59 and below
High School
Ninth through Twelfth
A+ 100 C 73-76 2.00
A 94-99 4.00 C- 70-72
A- 90-93 D+ 67-69
B+ 87-89 D 63-66 1.00
B 83-86 3.00 D- 60-62
B- 80-82 F 0-59 0.00
C+ 77-79
Peer Grading
Make-Up Work
Peer grading is strongly discouraged due to potential privacy and legal
issues. If it is used, it shall be allowed only when the teacher believes peer
grading will be a valuable learning experience for the class. If peer grading
is allowed, students shall not be asked to publicly reveal either their own
grade or the grade of another student.
It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up assignments from
teachers following any absence.
Teachers shall promptly provide make-up assignments and shall require
them to be returned in an appropriate amount of time as per board policy.
Academic Assistance
We believe that every student can learn and be successful in school.
However, some students learn at different rates or do not respond to
traditional methods of instruction. Academic assistance can be designed to
provide time for the student to receive the additional individual instruction,
guidance, and supervision necessary for academic success.
Academic assistance is expected to be assigned by an instructor to any
student who has missing assignments, fails tests, is behind in class due to
absenteeism, or is in danger of failure in the course. This may be assigned
before, during and/or after school.
Teachers may recommend students for promotion when they have
demonstrated mastery of the board-approved learning objectives.
The final decision to promote or retain a student shall rest with the
principal after receiving information from parents/guardians, teachers and
other appropriate school personnel.
Grade School Promotion
Kindergarten promotion is dependent upon readiness skills for first grade.
In cases where this may be a question, the decision will be made in a
committee with the parent or guardian, the instructor, and the principal.
Promotion to the next grade level in grades first through fifth will be
dependent on satisfactory completion of the course work. The final
determination on promotion and retention rest with the building principal
(Board Policy JBC).
Grade School Retention
A student who has a year-end grade of 59% or less of the grade level
curriculum checklist may be retained at the end of the school year.
Students with a 60% or higher may be retained when considering other
developmental factors.
In some situations a teacher may request a committee review. The
committee may consist of the counselor, the teacher, the principal, the
parent(s) or guardian(s) and another faculty member. The committee will
recommend promotion or retention to the building principal and the parent
or guardian.
The final decision in any case pertaining to grade placement of a regular
education student shall rest with the appropriate building principal. The
final decision for grade placement of a student with an IEP shall rest with
the IEP team.
Middle School Retention
The final decision on retention will be made in May or when final grades
are determined. In some situations, a student may not be making
successful academic progress to assure an understanding of the basic
fundamentals, and the classroom instructor may recommend retention. In
this case, a conference will be held with parents or guardians, the instructor
and middle school principal to discuss retention.
Special Education Services
Special education services are provided to the district through High Plains
Educational Cooperative. Each cooperating school will establish an
intervention team to provide the assistance necessary to allow students
within the normal range of learning and/or behavior problems to remain in
the regular classroom. After making thorough documentation that all
possible solutions to help a student in the regular classroom has been tried
and the alternatives have failed, a referral for a comprehensive evaluation
may be made by the intervention team.
Library Services
The district employs a Librarian/Media Center Director that is responsible
for the other library (paraprofessional) employees. The director is
responsible for determining the schedule of media center staff and will
provide as much service as possible. The director will work with the
building principals to determine any changes that are needed at each
Counseling Services
The services of the guidance office are available to all students and
instructors. The counselor’s capacity is in guidance and counseling.
Discipline situations are to be referred to the principal’s office and not to
the counselor.
Testing Program
Testing Integrity
The district educational testing program shall consist of multiple
assessments. These assessments shall include, as a minimum, individual
teacher subject matter tests, district group achievement tests, and state
required tests.
In the administration of standardized tests, licensed staff (teachers,
administrators and others) shall not:
1. Provide inappropriate test preparation.
2. Modify test administration procedures.
3. Provide inappropriate assistance to students during test
4. Change or fill in answers on student responses (paper or
5. Provide inaccurate data on student information (paper or
6. Discourage or exclude students from taking the test unless
approved by the state educational agency.
7. Engage in any other practice to artificially raise student scores
without actually improving underlying student achievement.
Failure by staff to follow district guidelines and/or state testing directions
is grounds for termination.
Progress Reports
At the end of the ninth week of each semester, progress reports will be sent
home for each student at the elementary schools and for middle school
students that are performing at 75% or lower. Grades shall be turned in to
the office on or before the established deadline.
Student progress shall be periodically reported to the student and his/her
parents/guardians. Whenever a student is falling behind or is failing to
meet the grade level/course objectives, it is recommended that the teacher
inform the student’s parents/guardians.
Teachers are required to update PowerSchool grades at least once a week
with new grades posted by the second week of each new grading period.
Report Cards
Report cards shall be issued to each student at the end of each grading
Attendance (Student)
Daily attendance records shall be maintained for each student in the
schools. The primary responsibility for recording attendance shall be
assigned to the teacher. Middle and high school teachers shall take
attendance immediately after the bell has rung each class period and file it
electronically. Elementary teachers shall file absences at the beginning of
each day. It is essential that all teachers follow this procedure so that the
office can determine if a student is unexcused or has checked out with the
office. Turning in daily attendance is mandatory. Teachers must keep
accurate attendance records.
Any school employee who discovers an accident on school property shall
report the accident to the building principal or designated representative as
soon as possible.
If the person requires medical treatment, the employee shall:
send for medical help;
make the individual as comfortable as possible while waiting for
competent medical assistance to arrive; and
notify the principal or designated representative.
Complete an accident report.
If an employee present is qualified to administer first aid, that aid may be
given. Qualified employees are those employees who have successfully
completed an approved Red Cross first aid program or the school nurse.
If an employee is injured on the job, the supervisor should be contacted
immediately and a report shall be made within ten days. The supervisor
will then be responsible for contacting the district central office, who will
in turn supply the injured employee with the appropriate forms to
The employee must keep copies of all doctor’s orders and provide a file
copy to the district central office. The employee must inform the doctor or
hospital that he/she is covered by the district workers compensation plan.
Child Abuse
Any district employee who has reason to know or suspect that a child has
been injured as a result of physical, mental or emotional abuse or neglect
or sexual abuse, shall promptly report the matter to the Department for
Children and Families (DCF) office or to the local law enforcement agency
if the DCF office is not open.
It is recommended the building administrator also be notified after the
report is made.
District employees shall not contact the child’s family or any other persons
to determine the cause of the suspected abuse or neglect. It is not the
responsibility of school employees to prove the child has been abused or
neglected. (Board Policy GAAD)
Emergency Safety
Every effort should be made to prevent the need for the use of restraint and
for the use of seclusion. All staff members are prohibited from engaging in
the following actions with all students:
Using prone (face-down) physical restraint;
Using supine (face-up) physical restraint;
Using physical restraint to that obstructs the student’s airway;
Using physical restraint that impacts a student’s primary mode of
Using chemical restrain, except as prescribed by a licensed healthcare
professional for treatment of a medical or psychiatric condition; and
Use of mechanical restraint, except:
Protective or stabilizing devices required by law or used in
accordance with an order from a licensed healthcare professional;
Any device used by law enforcement officers to carry out law
enforcement duties; or
Seatbelts and other safety equipment used to secure students
during transportation.
All staff members must be knowledgeable regarding the use of positive
behavioral intervention strategies, de-escalation techniques, and prevention
techniques. Parents/guardian will be notified any time that ESI is used with
their child and the notification will be within two days of an incident.
(Board Policies GAAF, GAO, JRB, JQ and KN)
Employees shall report any vandalism to their immediate supervisor as
soon as possible.
Facility Scheduling
Scheduling for use of facilities outside the school day is done through the
Central Office. Please contact the Central Office to complete forms for use
of facilities.
Special Events Scheduling
Contact your building principal to schedule special events- including
assemblies, parties, field trips. Requests to use rooms in the building other
than the teacher’s assigned classroom (i.e., computer lab, auditorium, gym,
etc.) are to be discussed with the building principal.
Detention may be assigned by teachers, administration, and support staff as
a means of changing the behavior. Staff members issuing detentions must
make parental contact for reasons other than cell phone possession/use,
missing, work and other basic school rule infractions. Issues that may lead
to parental frustration need to be communicated with the principal.
Middle/high school detention hall supervision schedules will be distributed
to teachers at the beginning of each school year.
Refer to the district calendar.
Teacher Work Days*
Refer to the district calendar.
In-service Days*
Refer to the district calendar.
Work Schedule*
Teachers are expected to be in the building, fifteen minutes prior to the
start of school and thirty minutes after school dismissal for students. If
teachers need to leave during the school day they must notify the building
principal and secure permission.
Duty Free Lunch*
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Planning Periods*
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Faculty Meetings*
Faculty meetings will be determined by the building principal. All faculty
are required to attend unless prior administrative approval has been
Final Examinations
Comprehensive final exams are to be given in each course in the high
school at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Copies of final exams
are to be maintained on file for one academic year.
Grading Periods
Grading periods will be determined each year according to the school
calendar. For specific dates refer to district calendar.
Benefits and Compensation
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Jury Duty*
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Pay Day*
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Lump Sum Payments
Upon written authorization from any certified employee subject to the
continuing contract law by April 1
of the school year, the board shall pay
the balance of the person’s contract compensation for the school year in one
payment not later than June 30, if all contract obligations have been
completed, and state aid money has been received.
This request for lump sum payment remains in effect until revoked in writing
by the certified employee.
Loyalty Oath
As required by current law, all employees must sign a loyalty oath and file
the oath with the clerk before beginning employment and to be eligible for a
The board shall provide reimbursement for expenses incurred in travel
related to the performance and duties of the district’s employees when
approved in advance by the superintendent.
Requests for reimbursement shall have the following attached: receipts for
transportation, parking, hotels or motels, and other expenses for which
receipts are ordinarily available. Receipts must be turned in within 30 days
of purchase. Meals are provided a per diem. For the authorized use of a
personal car, including approved travel between buildings, staff member
shall be reimbursed at a mileage rate established by the board.
Salary Reduction Plan*
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Kansas Public Employees
Retirement System
Employees who meet the qualifications for the Kansas Public Employees
Retirement System must become a member. An employee contribution as
determined by current law will be made each pay date.
Requests for information or questions about procedures should be directed to
the district office.
Workers Compensation
Notice of Accidents
Employees must notify the employer immediately of an accident or the claim
may be barred. Additional information about your rights and responsibilities
under workers compensation may be obtained from your supervisor or the
district office.
Benefits are for personal injury from an accident or occupational disease
arising out of and in the course of employment with the district. Injuries
which occur during recreational or social events under circumstances where
the employee is under no duty to attend, and where the injury did not result
from the performance of tasks related to normal job duties are not covered
under workers compensation.
Injuries Occurring When an Employee is “Under the Influence”
The Workers’ Compensation Law clearly states that compensation is not
payable if the injury was caused primarily by the intoxication of the
employee or by the influence of any drugs, barbiturates, or other stimulants
not prescribed by a physician. Under the law, the employer may require the
employee to submit to a test for the presence of any or all drugs or alcohol in
his or her system. If the injured worker refuses to submit to a drug test, it
shall be presumed in the absence of clear and convincing evidence to the
contrary that the injury was caused primarily by the influence of drugs or
Recreational and Social Activities
Recreational and social activities are not compensable unless such
recreational or social activities are an expressly required incident of
employment and produce a substantial direct benefit to the employer beyond
improvement in employee health and morale that is common to all kinds of
recreation and social life.
Injuries Suffered While Traveling to and From Work
An injury suffered while going to or coming from work is not an injury
arising out of and in the course of employment whether or not the employer
provided transportation if such means of transportation was available for the
exclusive personal use by the employee, unless the employee was engaged in
a special errand or mission for the employer, or access to the vehicle was an
integral element of the employment. An employee who is injured while
deviating from the course of his employment, including leaving the
employer’s premises, is generally not eligible for benefits unless such
deviation is expressly approved by the employer.
An employee who is injured during horseplay occurring in the course of the
workday is not entitled to benefits unless the injured employee is an innocent
victim not participating in the activity.
Retirement *
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Personnel Records*
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
Personnel files maintained by the district shall be confidential and in the
custody of the appropriate supervisor and/or the superintendent. Employees
have the right to inspect their files during regular business hours upon proper
notice and under the supervision of an administrator.
Required Records
Each certified employee must have the following records/forms on file with
the director of personnel before the first day of employment:
employment application;
K-4 withholding certificate
Acceptable use policy agreement signed
Signed copy of job description
KPERS enrollment form (if employee is eligible) and documentation;
W-4 withholding certificate;
social security number;
loyalty oath or affirmation;
health form (if working directly with students);
driver’s license and driving record (if required for position);
INS form (proof of identity);
current teaching certificate or license;
background check form.
Professional License
Certified staff must have a current license on file. A paycheck for teacher
salary will not be issued to any certified staff member whose professional
license is not current.
Application for license renewal is the responsibility of the certified
employee, not the principal or secretary.
Student Privacy Rights
Student and parent privacy rights as provided under the Protection of Pupil
Student Records
Rights Amendment and Student Data Privacy Act. All personal student data
must be stored on district owned devices. Storage of information on personal
laptops, tablets, phone, flash drives, virtual servers or any other devices not
owned by the district is prohibited. (Board Policy IDAE)
District employees may have ongoing opportunities to access information or
records that are required to be kept confidential. Much of the student
information processed by district employees is confidential, and state and
federal law limits its release; for example, driver record and vehicle
registration information, confidential student records and grades, criminal
history background check information, information obtained pursuant to the
Department of Children and Families (DCF) interventions, and social
security number information.
Employees are prohibited from divulging non-directory information
contained in the student records and files of the district, except to other,
authorized employees who may need such information for an educational
purpose in connection with their duties and to authorized persons or agencies
only in accordance with law, district policies, and administrative rules.
If an employee is approached to provide information inappropriately, the
employee must refuse to release the requested information unless authorized
by his/her supervisor or otherwise be required to release the information
under law or court order. In all cases, the employee’s immediate supervisor
shall immediately be informed of any requests.
Any employee who inappropriately releases information, or uses confidential
information obtained in the course of his/her employment with the district
will be disciplined in accordance with board policies, the negotiated
agreement, and district procedures. Disciplinary action may include
penalties, up to, and including, termination.
The general public shall not be allowed to inspect a student’s personal record
files. The custodian of student records shall disclose the student’s
educational records only as provided for by law and in policy.
School officials with a legitimate educational interest may inspect student
records without permission from the parent/guardian or eligible student.
For the purposes of this policy, school official means teacher, administrator,
other certified employee or the board of education. Legitimate educational
interest means the school official must participate in discussions involving an
identifiable student involving the student’s educational interests, progress,
grades, disciplinary action, discussions of eligibility for athletics or other
activities, or honors or awards involving a student.
Prohibited Substances
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act/
Drug Free Workplace
The manufacture, distribution, sale, dispensing, possession, or use of
controlled substance by school employees in the district, on school premises,
in a district vehicle, or as a part of any school activity is prohibited.
As a condition of employment in the district, employees shall abide by the
terms of the board policy on drug free schools/workplace.
Employees shall not manufacture, distribute, dispense, sell, possess or use
controlled substances in the workplace. Any employee who is convicted
under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring at the workplace must
notify the superintendent of the conviction within five days after the
Within 30 days after the notice of conviction is received, the school district
will take appropriate action with the employee. Such action may include the
initiation of termination proceedings. Alternatively, or in addition to any
action short of termination and placement on probationary status, the
employee may be required to participate satisfactorily in an approved drug
abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued
The employee shall bear the cost of participation in such program.
This is intended to implement the requirements of the federal regulations
promulgated under the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. It is not intended
to supplant or otherwise diminish personnel disciplinary actions which may
be taken under existing board policies or the negotiated agreement.
Employee Conduct
As a condition of continued employment in the district, all employees shall
abide by the terms of this policy. Employees shall not manufacture,
distribute, dispense, possess or use illicit drugs, controlled substances, or
alcoholic beverages at school, on or while utilizing school property, or at
school sponsored activities or events. Compliance with the terms of this
policy is mandatory. Employees who are found violating the terms of this
policy will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement officers.
Additionally, an employee who violates the terms of this policy may be
subject to any or all of the following sanctions:
1. Short term suspension with pay;
2. Short term suspension without pay;
3. Long term suspension without pay
4. Required participation in a drug and alcohol education, treatment,
counseling, or rehabilitation program at the employees expenditure;
5. Termination or nonrenewal of employment relationship.
Prior to apply sanctions under this policy, employees will be afforded due
process rights to which they are entitled under their contract. (Board Policy
GAOA, JDDA, JGFGBA, LDD). Board Policy GAOD provides information
regarding Drug and Alcohol Testing for employees.
Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Delivery Devices
The use of tobacco products in any form and/or any nicotine delivery device
by any person, in any form and including electronic cigarettes, is prohibited
on any school grounds, owned, leased or rented by the district, or in any
school vehicle. Tobacco use is defined as being in possession of or use of
products containing tobacco.
Relations with Students
Employees shall maintain professional relationships with students which are
conducive to an effective educational environment. Employees shall not
have any interaction of a romantic and/or sexual nature with any student at
any time regardless of the student’s age, status or consent.
Text Messaging and Social
Supervision of Students
It is an expectation that electronic communication (including email, texting
and social networking) remain professional and school-oriented. Staff
members are encouraged to maintain a positive perspective on the mission of
the school and the district at large when posting things to social network
Teachers should never engage in one-on-one electronic communication with
his or her students. It is recommended that teachers do not interact with their
students on social media sites. Teachers may be held liable for their words,
pictures and actions on social media sites, especially when they are in
violation of law, board policy, or affect the employee’s work performance or
effectiveness (Board Policy IIBGC).
Teachers are responsible for supervising students during school and at
school-sponsored activities.
Students will be under the supervision of appropriate school personnel at all
times when they are under the jurisdiction of the school. Activities
sponsored by the school shall include appropriate supervision.
Bullying by Staff
Bullying is prohibited in any form by any staff member towards a student or
staff member on or while using school property, in a school vehicle or at a
school-sponsored activity or event. Staff members who bully others in
violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including suspension and/or termination. If appropriate, staff members who
violate the bully prohibition shall be reported to law enforcement. See USD
363 Bully Plan in the appendix. (Board Policy GAAE)
Student Information
Confidential student information, whether written or oral, shall be handled in
a confidential manner and be discussed only with the parents/guardians of
the particular student and the appropriate school personnel. Violations of this
rule which violate the privacy rights of students could result in disciplinary
actions being taken against the employee, including termination. See
“Student Privacy Rights” and “Student Records.
Personnel Information
Confidential personnel information, whether written or oral, shall be handled
in a confidential manner and be discussed only with the appropriate school
personnel. Violations of this rule which violate the privacy rights of
personnel could result in disciplinary actions being taken against the
employee, including termination. See “Personnel Records.”
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the school district. Sexual
harassment of employees or students of the district by board members,
administrators, certificated and support personnel, students, vendors, and any
others having business or other contact with the school district is strictly
Sexual harassment shall include, but not be limited to, unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of
a sexual nature when:
submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term
or condition of an individual’s employment;
submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the
basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with
an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or
offensive working environment.
No district employee shall sexually harass, be sexually harassed, or fail to
investigate or refer a complaint of sexual harassment for investigation.
Complaints of sexual harassment by employees will be promptly
investigated and resolved. Initiation of a complaint of sexual harassment
will not adversely affect the job security or status of an employee, nor will it
affect his or her compensation or work assignment. Violation of district
policy shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employees who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment
should report the problem to their immediate supervisor. If an employee’s
immediate supervisor is the alleged harasser, or if the employee is
uncomfortable discussing the issue with his/her supervisor, the employee
should report the problem to the principal or the superintendent.
Employees who do not believe the matter is appropriately resolved may file a
written complaint under the district’s discrimination complaint procedure.
Confidentiality shall be maintained throughout the complaint procedure.
(Board Policy GAAC)
Racial & Disability
Racial and disability harassment will not be tolerated in the school district..
All forms of racial harassment are prohibited at school, on school property,
in district vehicles, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs or
events. Employees who believe they have been subjected to racial
harassment should discuss the problem with their immediate supervisor,
building principal or superintendent. (Board Policy GAACA)
Unless approved by the principal, staff members shall not give gifts to any
student or class of students when the gifts arise out of a class or school-
related activity.
Solicitation of Employees
Unless permission is granted by the appropriate supervisor, solicitation of
employees by any vendor, student, other school district employee or patron
during normal duty hours is prohibited.
Solicitations By Employees
No employee will attempt, during the school day or on school property, to
sell or endeavor to influence any student or school employee to buy any
product, article, instrument, service or other items which may directly or
indirectly benefit the school employee.
No employee will engage in sales or solicitation on behalf of the school or
use the school name without the prior approval of the principal.
Whenever a teacher knows in advance that they will be absent then a request
must be made in the META system. The principal needs to approve the leave
before leave can be taken. Once the leave is approved the principal will
contact the building secretary to secure a substitute. If a teacher is
unexpectedly ill notify Shelly Schap at school (620-277-2063) or cell phone
number (620-272-6585) as early as possible or arrange to have some other
person notify Mrs. Schap usually the night before or between 6:00 a.m. and
6:30 a.m.
Your lesson plans, class roster(s), and any supplemental materials needed
should be left in the office, your mailbox, or your desk. Do not be absent
from class and leave a substitute without thorough lesson plans. A poor
preparation for a substitute invites discipline problems and does not reflect
well on your professional integrity or the school.
Dress Code
The board encourages appropriate dress for all district employees. Past
practice has been to expect instructional staff to wear professional dress.
Professional dress had also been worn on professional development days
with a guest speaker. Casual dress has been worn on in-district professional
development and work days.
Outside Employment
The board reserves the right of exclusive access to the professional services
of certified employees in accordance with the terms of the contract.
Certified employees shall not engage in outside employment which impairs
the effectiveness of their instructional service.
Criminal Convictions
Any employee convicted of a felony or driving under the influence, or who
enters a plea of guilty or diversion agreement, must notify the superintendent
within five days after the conviction or diversion agreement. Any employee
who is convicted under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring at the
workplace must notify the superintendent of the conviction within five days
after the conviction.
Willful or consistent violation of board policy may result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination. See “Board Policy,” below.
District Procedures
Board Policy
Employees shall be familiar with and follow all policies and regulations
established by the board of education.
The superintendent or a designee will recruit personnel to fill existing or
proposed vacancies and recommend the board hire the most qualified
Contract Procedure
The offer of an employment contract or renewal of an employment contract
shall be presented in duplicate. The certified employee shall sign and return
both copies within the time period designated by the superintendent. Upon
receipt of the signed copies, the contract will be presented to the board for
Assignment and Transfer
The board retains the right to assign, reassign and transfer certified
personnel. As per board policy, this responsibility is designated to the
Reduction in Force*
Refer to the negotiated agreement or board policy.
The board shall consider any certified employee’s resignation which is
submitted to the board in writing. The board may accept resignations from
employees under contract when the resignation will be in the best interests of
the district.
Board Policy CGI governs administrative evaluations. Board Policy GBI
governs licensed personnel.
Evaluation Procedures are defined in the Licensed Personnel Evaluation
Staff Development*
All plans for staff development involving expenditure of district funds, or
which require time away from the employee’s assigned responsibilities shall
be approved in advance by the superintendent.
Any employee may file a complaint with their supervisor concerning a school
rule, regulation, policy or decision that affects the employee.
If the complaint is covered by the grievance procedure, refer to the negotiated
agreement or board policy.
If the complaint is not covered by the grievance procedures, a general
complaint shall be in writing, filed within ten (10) days following the event
complained of and shall specify the basis of the complaint. The supervisor
shall meet with the employee and provide a written response within ten (10)
days. If the employee disagrees with the decision, the employee may appeal
to the superintendent. The superintendent’s decision shall be final.
Discrimination Complaints
Discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, disability, age, or religion in the admission or access to, or
treatment or employment in the district’s programs and activities is prohibited.
The procedures for complains of discrimination will be in accordance of
Board Policy (Policy KN). Superintendent of Schools, PO Box 8, Holcomb,
KS 67851, Phone 620-277-2629, has been designated to coordinate
compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and The Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990.
Complaints of discrimination should be addressed to an employee’s
supervisor or to the compliance coordinator. Complaints of discrimination
against the superintendent should be addressed to the board of education or
compliance coordinator.
Teachers are expected to monitor and respond to district communication (both
voice mail and email) in a timely manner.
When approved by the building principal, notes, attendance center
announcements or other school-related information may be sent home with
The district subscribes to an electronic communication system (Power
Announcer) that can provide mass or select group distribution. All messages
for distribution must be approved by a director or building principal.
Elementary and middle school teachers are responsible for taking lunch count
for students eating hot meals. Elementary teachers are also responsible for
taking snack milk counts each day. High school teacher are responsible for
turning in a salad lunch count each day.
Field Trips
Field trips may be approved by the principal when appropriate educational
objectives can be established.
Advance requests for field trips, including transportation and other resource
needs, shall be submitted by the teacher to the principal at least 2 weeks prior
to the activity.
The teacher shall notify parents/guardians of a forthcoming field trip using
forms designated by the principal.
Submit completed form to principal 3 weeks prior to activity.
Send permission form to parent/guardian 2 weeks prior to activity.
Submit list of students and sponsors to principal two days prior to
An employee will only be paid extra for driving when they are transporting
students. In order to be paid extra for transporting students they must
complete the vehicle driver inspection form and on the vehicle occupants line
indicate they are transporting students. They must also only write down the
actual driving time to and from the event, sign the form and turn it into Sam
Mesa. If the form is not turned in or any of this information is missing they
will not be paid extra for driving students.
Fund Raising
All student sales projects or student fund raising shall require the principal’s
prior approval. Any fundraising, with the exception of donations, is subject to
sales tax.
All money collected from students for sales projects, or for other reasons,
must be turned in to the office.
Interrogation and
Investigation of Students
Building administrators and other designees may conduct investigations and
question students about infractions of school rules or the student conduct
code. (Board Policy JCAC)
Searches of Students and
If a certified staff member believes there is a need to search a student or
property, he/she shall contact the principal.
Searches of students or property shall be conducted in accordance with the
rules approved by the Board. Teachers shall not search students or property.
No law enforcement officer shall search students or property without a search
Building principals are authorized to search students or property if there is
reason to believe that district policies, rules or directives have been violated.
All searches by the principal shall be carried out in the presence of another
adult witness.
Release of Students from
School During the Day
Teachers shall not release a student from school during the school day. A
student seeking release from school shall be sent to the office to seek
permission and follow the designated sign-out procedures.
Teachers shall not allow students to run errands requiring the student to leave
school grounds during the school day.
For information regarding releasing students from school-sponsored activities
see the Student Handbook.
Hall Passes
Students are to be supervised at all times. Building guidelines (as stated in the
student handbook) will be used for supervising students whenever they are
permitted to leave the classroom during non-regular passing periods.
Requests for Records
All requests for records should be forwarded to the official custodian of
Distribution of Materials
Materials from sources outside of the district may not be distributed on school
grounds without prior permission from the principal. Examples of outside
materials include, but are not limited to, political materials, special interest
materials and advertisements.
The principal shall determine the time, place and manner for materials
Posters approved by the principal may be displayed in designated areas.
All certified employees shall receive a yearly orientation including the
contents of this handbook.
Personal Property
The district is not responsible for employees’ personal property and does not
provide insurance on employees’ personal property. If an employee’s
personal property is broken, damaged or stolen while the employee is on the
job, repair or replacement is the employee’s responsibility.
Use of Personal Vehicle
Private cars may not be used for transportation of students for school
Employees are prohibited from carrying weapons on school property or at
school-sponsored events, unless approved in advance and in writing by the
Telephone Use
Personal cell phones should only be used in an emergency while the employee
is responsible to students (including teaching and supervising).
The use of district provided classroom phones should not be used while the
employee is responsible for student instruction and supervision unless it is an
emergency. Non-employees will have access to the classroom telephone
extensions and may call teachers directly. (Board Policies GALA, GAT)
Maintenance Requests
All maintenance needs should be requested using the maintenance google
Bloodborne Pathogens
The exposure control plan for bloodborne pathogens is available for review
from the district office.
All staff shall receive the training and equipment necessary to implement the
Communicable Diseases
Whenever an employee has been diagnosed by a physician as having a
communicable disease, the employee shall report the diagnosis and nature of
the disease to the superintendent so a proper reporting may be made as
required by statute.
An employee afflicted with a communicable disease dangerous to the public
health shall be required to withdraw from active employment for the duration
of the illness in order to give maximum health protection to other district
employees and to students.
The employee shall be allowed to return to duty upon recovery from the
illness, when authorized by the employee’s physician or by the health
assessment team.
The board reserves the right to require a written statement from the
employee’s physician indicating the employee is free from all communicable
disease symptoms.
Health Examinations
As a condition to entering or continuing employment, certified employees
must present a district-approved form to the clerk, completed by a health care
professional, which states “that there is no evidence of physical condition that
would conflict with the health, safety, or welfare of the pupils; and that
freedom from tuberculosis has been established. If at any time there is a
reasonable cause to believe any employee is suffering from an illness
detrimental to the health of the pupils, the school board may require a new
certification of health. (K.S.A. 72-5213)
The board reserves the right to have any employee examined at any time by a
physician of the board’s choice to determine if the employee is able to fulfill
and perform the obligations of employment and to abide by and implement the
policies and rules of the board. The costs of any examination required will be
borne by the board.
Medications, Administering
The supervision of any medications shall be in strict compliance with the rules
and regulations of the board. District employees must dispense or administer
any medications, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, to
students as per board policy.
Hazardous Waste
When hazardous waste material is produced in a class, or is otherwise located
in the district, its disposal shall be in accordance with state and federal laws,
rules and regulations.
No employee shall bring hazardous material to school without the prior
approval of the principal. Such material shall be in an appropriate container
and properly labeled.
If an employee discovers waste material which is, or may be, hazardous,
he/she should notify his/her supervisor immediately.
Hazardous wastes include, but are not limited to, wastes which are flammable,
corrosive, infectious, highly reactive or toxic.
Hazardous waste must be placed in an appropriate container affixed with a
hazardous waste label which lists the specific contents.
Unlabeled containers whose contents are undetermined, which may contain
hazardous substances, shall not be put in trash containers.
All hazardous wastes must be properly labeled and stored appropriately until
they can be disposed of properly. Placing them in trash containers or the sewer
system is not an acceptable disposal method.
An asbestos management plan has been developed for the district. A copy of
the management plan is available from the district office.
Pest Control
The district periodically applies pesticides inside buildings. Information
regarding the application of pesticides is available from the district office.
Animals and Plants
With the prior approval of the principal, animals or plants may be brought to
school for instructional/educational purposes. If someone is injured by an
animal or comes into contact with a toxic plant, the incident shall be reported
immediately to the administration by the supervising teacher.
Service animals are exempt but the building principal must be informed.
Safety Rules
At the beginning of school, each teacher shall review safety rules with
Safety Units
Teachers who instruct in hazardous curriculum areas such as vocational or
science laboratories shall teach a unit of work each year or semester dedicated
to safety rules inherent in the particular subject matter. Each student enrolled
in a class in a hazardous curriculum area shall be required to pass a test on the
appropriate safety rules of the particular class. The test results shall be kept
on file with the teacher and made available to the principal upon request. No
student shall be permitted to participate in the class or operate any equipment
until the safety test has been passed and the student has demonstrated
satisfactory knowledge of the safety rules to the teacher.
Appropriate safety signs and other safety items are to be posted on or in the
near vicinity of potentially dangerous areas and devices.
Teachers shall periodically review the safety rules with students during the
school year.
Drills and Evacuation
See the crisis procedures manual. Fire drills must be held monthly as
prescribed by state law. Tornado drills will be held twice annually.
Teachers shall explain the plan for emergency drills and evacuation to
students during the first full week of school.
Teachers shall be familiar with and follow specific arrangements for the
evacuation of mobility impaired and other individuals who may need
assistance from staff members to safely exit the building. Teachers shall post
the evacuation plan in their classrooms.
Each principal together with his/her staff will develop and determine any
necessary rules and regulations relative to Fire Drill and Evacuation
procedures for occupants with disabilities. This policy along with relevant
rules and regulations will be included in faculty and student handbooks and
will be available in all school offices.
It shall be the responsibility of each building principal to instruct faculty and
staff to explain Fire Drill and Evacuation procedures to all students with
disabilities at the beginning of each school year and periodically thereafter.
Each teacher or paraprofessional in charge of any student(s) with disabilities
at the time of any drill or evacuation is responsible to see the student(s) is
evacuated safely and in a timely manner. Students requiring special assistance
may be assigned to a designated area following evacuation. Students not
needing special assistance are to be evacuated to areas assigned to all other
students. If a student(s) is assigned to a designated area, the person
responsible for evacuating will report to the building principal or his/her
designated representative immediately when the evacuation is complete and
all individuals assigned to that area are accounted for.
The following announcement or similar announcement will be printed in all
programs provided at public events that are held inside. This announcement
will be made over the public address system any time attendance exceeds 300.
In accordance with the Kansas State Fire Marshall Regulations, we request
that you take a moment to identify the emergency exits closest to you. We
have checked these exits and other emergency equipment in this building and
verify that they are operable in case of emergency.
In case an evacuation is necessary during a public event, the person in charge,
i.e., building principal, activities director, faculty sponsor, etc., will be
responsible to see that all occupants requiring special assistance are evacuated
from the building in a safe and timely manner. Those individuals that are
responsible for assisting in the administration of the event, i.e., ticket sellers
and or takers, faculty sponsors, personnel assigned crowd control, custodians,
etc., will immediately notify the person in charge of the event, when any
individual(s) requiring assistance for evacuation has entered the building and
where they are located. The person in charge will be designate one or more
individuals assisting in the administration of the event to be responsible for
seeing that this individual(s) is evacuated in a safe and timely manner.
Emergency Closings
When the superintendent believes the safety of students and staff is threatened
by severe weather or other circumstances, notification of school closings or
cancellations will be made over the following radio/TV stations: KJIL (99.1
FM), KDCK (95.5 FM), Q97 (97.3 FM), KSKZ (99.9 FM), KOOL (94.5 FM),
KANZ (91.1 FM), KBGU (96.3 FM), KBUF (1030 AM), KIUL (1240 AM),
Employees will be notified of emergencies and school closings through the
use of a distributed messaging service (Alert Now). It is the employee’s
responsibility to provide the central office with a current telephone number.
If an emergency occurs with less than one hour of warning time, the district
will keep all students under school jurisdiction and supervision. Staff will
remain on duty with the students during the emergency period. Parents may
come to school and pick up their children. Students shall be released
according to board policy for release of students during the school day.
Safety Practices
All employees shall engage in safe lifting, climbing and carrying practices.
Employees shall ask for assistance when needed.
Any district employee who believes any of the following has occurred at
school, on school property or at a school-sponsored activity shall immediately
report this information to local law enforcement:
an act which constitutes the commission of a felony or a misdemeanor; or
an act which involves the possession, use or disposal of explosives,
firearms or other weapons as defined in current law.
It is recommended the building administrator also be notified.
Maintaining Proper Control
Each employee is responsible for maintaining proper control in the school.
An employee may use reasonable force necessary to ward off an attack, to
protect a student or another person, or to quell a disturbance which threatens
physical injury to others.
Securing Work Area
Employees are expected to lock or otherwise secure any files, records, safes,
tools, vehicles or other district equipment at the close of each work day and
other appropriate times.
Keys & Fobs
The superintendent or designate is responsible for issuing keys and
maintaining a current and accurate list of all people who have been issued
building fobs and/or keys. No keys shall be duplicated without permission.
Keys and fobs shall not be loaned to anyone. Any lost keys shall be reported
immediately to the principal so measures may be taken to maintain safety and
security and to protect district property.
Crisis Plan
See USD 363 Crisis Plan.
Student Handbook
All certified staff shall read, be familiar with and enforce the rules and
regulations established in the student handbook(s).
Behavior Code (Student)
Certified staff shall consistently enforce the behavior code.
The behavior code for students is printed in the student handbook. See
“Discipline Procedures,” below.
Discipline Procedures
Each teacher shall develop classroom discipline procedures. These may be
submitted to the building administrator when requested.
All procedures for classroom discipline should be explained by the teacher to
the students at the beginning of the school year and at other times as
Attendance Policy
See Student Handbook(s).
Dress Code
Certified staff shall consistently enforce the student dress code as stated in the
student handbook.
Student detentions are an acceptable form of consequence for unacceptable
student behaviors. The detention format will be determined by each building.
See Student Handbook(s) for specific procedural details.
Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment shall not be permitted in the district.
A student may be suspended or expelled, for reasons set forth in Kansas law
and board policy, by the following certified personnel: superintendent,
principal, or assistant principal.
If a teacher believes a student has committed an act which should result in a
suspension or expulsion, the teacher shall report the incident to the principal.
Equipment and Supplies
Equipment Availability
and Check Out
All equipment to be used outside of school for non-employment purposes is
to be checked out through the Central Office. Please contact the Central
Office to complete appropriate forms.
Appropriate Use of
Equipment and Supplies
Use of equipment and supplies is for the performance of official and approved
assignments only. Use of district equipment or supplies for personal use is
prohibited without prior permission of the employee’s supervisor. Employees
are not to use district computers for personal recreation (including games) or
other personal reasons while responsible for students (including teaching and
Copy machines are to be used for school purposes only and not for personal
use. Teachers are to use discretion regarding the purpose of student copy
materials and are encouraged to provide copies of higher order thinking
To assist the district with controlling color printer costs, teachers are
encouraged to limit the number student color print materials.
Each employee must read and agree to the district’s current Acceptable Use
policy (AUP). Use of, or access to, district computer, electronic devices
(including, but not limited to Smartboard, iPad, iTouch, iPhone, eReader and
eBooks) and computer software is limited to district employees and students.
Use of computers is for the performance of official and approved assignments
only. Use of district computer equipment or software for personal projects is
prohibited without prior permission of the employee’s supervisor.
Only software purchased by the district may be loaded onto district
computers. Software licensed to the district shall not be used on computers
not owned by the district. District software shall not be copied for personal
Employees shall not use electronic communications, including e-mail and the
internet, to harass staff, students, or other individuals.
No Right to Privacy
Employees shall have no expectation of privacy or restricted access to any
information generated during the course of their official duties or entered in
any district computer or other electronic device. Employees waive any right
to privacy in e-mail messages and consent to the access and disclosure of e-
mail messages by authorized employees at any time.
Employees shall only use passwords or other encoding or security
mechanisms as assigned by the district computer system(s) administrator or
other officials designated by the board. The use of a password does not affect
the employer’s right to monitor. All forms of electronic communications are
monitored by the employer to ensure the systems are only being used for
official purposes.
Computer materials or devices created as part of any assigned district
responsibility undertaken on school time shall be the property of the district.
The board’s rules governing ownership of employee-produced computer
materials are on file with the clerk and are available upon request.
Secure Files
All employees must secure files containing confidential student information.
Inappropriate use and/or transmission of any material in violation of any
United States or state regulation, is prohibited. This includes, but is not
limited to copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material
protected by a trade secret.
(Board Policy IIBGC)
Copying and Duplicating
The copyright laws of the United States make it illegal for anyone to duplicate
copyrighted materials without permission. Severe penalties are provided for
unauthorized copying of all materials covered by the act unless the copying
falls within the bounds of the “fair use” doctrine. Any duplication of
copyrighted materials by district employees must be done with permission of
the copyright holder or within the bounds of “fair use,” as set forth in board
Ordering Procedures and
Standard requisitions have a five day processing period. Only in an
emergency and with central office approval will a teacher be allowed to pick
up items at local businesses. All purchases must have prior administrative
approval. Unauthorized purchases may not be reimbursed.
Vehicle Request
The Employee requesting the vehicle will contact the building representative
two weeks before the vehicle is needed.
Job DescriptionTeacher USD 363
Title: Teacher
Reports to: Building Principal
Supervises: Students, teacher aides, and volunteers as assigned
Purposes and Objectives of the Position: To help students master subject area specified by the
district’s curriculum guides; demonstrate that mastery on local, state and national assessments that are
the foundational elements of the school accreditation process; and develop into mature, able and
responsible citizens. As many of their duties will be supervising groups of children without the benefit
of additional help or administrative supervision, the job requires significant self-discipline, internal
motivation, and sound judgment.
Physical Requirements/Environmental Conditions:
1. Requires prolonged sitting or standing
2. Requires physical exertion to manually move, lift, carry, pull, or push heavy objects or
materials occasionally
3. Requires stooping, bending, kneeling and reaching
4. Must occasionally work in noisy and crowded environments with numerous
Essential Job Functions:
I. Classroom environment.
Creates a safe and orderly environment that facilitates positive behavior and learning for all
Takes appropriate action when students exhibit emotionally/physically distressed
Demonstrates genuine caring and respect for individual students.
Maintains a well-managed classroom in which procedures and transitions are seamless, and
students assume responsibility for the classrooms operations.
Sets high expectations for learning for all students based on their individual needs.
Supervises students as assigned.
II. Instruction. The teacher ensures student achievement for all student groups.
Uses a variety of instructional materials, activities and approaches appropriate to the needs of
individual learners.
Develops and monitors plans of improvement for students who are not meeting academic goals.
Assists students thinking skills by asking high quality questions and allowing adequate time for
students to respond.
Assists students to develop appropriate communications skills.
Uses written and spoken language well.
Monitors the progress of individual students and student groups through the use of appropriate
testing techniques with the assistance of technology when appropriate.
Displays solid content knowledge.
Teacher Job Description, Page 2
Develops flexibility and responsiveness in instructional activity.
Displays connections between other subject areas and life experiences.
III. Professional responsibilities. The teacher builds positive school/community relations.
Supports the mission of the school and district.
Facilitates cooperation between all persons in the school community.
Participates in professional activities to enhance knowledge and skills.
Maintains parental contact.
Teacher Job Description, Page 2
Handles student work and records in a timely, confidential and effective manner.
Maintain classroom hours sufficient to meet job expectations.
Follows all district policies, handbooks, and regulations.
IV. The teacher practices responsible fiscal, facility, and resource management.
Procures classroom supplies and equipment following building budget guidelines.
Establishes behavior guidelines that ensure the care and maintenance of district facilities and
Other Duties
Performs other duties as assigned by the supervisor and in accordance with the provisions of
the USD 363 Board of Education.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Required:
A valid building-level/subject area license issued by the Kansas State Board of Education.
Ability to work cooperatively and constructively with others, including the ability to communicate
effectively with a broad number of audiences.
Ability to manage job responsibilities and meet the established district outcomes.
Ability to use district-identified computer hardware and software, and other district-provided
technology as needed.
Ability to physically adapt to the compressed time schedule of a school day and year.
Ability to withstand prolonged standing/sitting/talking, stooping, bending, lifting (20 pounds),
reaching, and getting up and down off the floor.
Ability to tolerate noisy environments.
Ability to maintain regular attendance.
Ability to be punctual.
Compliant with all state health regulations.
Terms of Employment: See current Negotiated Agreement.
Evaluation: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the USD 363
Board of Education’s policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel and/or the district’s Negotiated
I have received and fully understand the job description for USD 363 Teacher. I further understand that I am responsible for
the satisfactory execution of the performance responsibilities described therein, under any and all conditions as described.
Employee Name: ______________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________
Employee Signature: ______________________________________________
Approved: 8/8/2016
USD 363 Bullying Plan
(Also see Policies GAAE and JDDC)
Bullying means: Any intentional gesture or any intentional written, verbal, electronic, or physical act or threat
either by any student, staff member, or parent towards a student or by any student, staff member or parent towards
a staff member that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or
abusive educational environment that a reasonable person, under the circumstances, knows or should know will
have the effect of:
Harming a student or staff member, whether physically or mentally;
Damaging a student’s or staff member’s property:
Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of harm; or
Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of damage to the student’s or staff member’s
Bullying also includes cyberbullying. "Cyberbullying" means bullying by use of any electronic communication
device through means including, but not limited to, e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, mobile
phones, pagers, online games, and websites.
Additionally, bullying means any form of intimidation or harassment prohibited by the board of education of the
school district in policies concerning bullying adopted pursuant to K.S.A. 72-8256 or subsection (e) of K.S.A. 72-
8205, and amendments thereto. USD 363 will not tolerate these actions by students, staff, or parents.
For the purposes of this plan and its authorizing policies, “parent” includes a biological, adoptive, or step-parent;
guardian; custodian; or other person with authority to act on behalf of a student.
Similarly, a “staff member” means any person employed by the district.
Any act of bullying by either an individual student or group of students towards a student or staff member of the
district is prohibited on or while utilizing school property, in a school vehicle, or at school-sponsored activities,
programs, and events. This policy applies to students who directly engage in an act of bullying, to students who,
by their behavior, support another student’s act of bullying, and to all staff members and parents who engage in
similar behaviors.
Training concerning identifying, reporting, investigating, and preventing bullying behaviors as outlined in district
policies and this plan shall be provided to students and staff members using district resources available for such
purpose and shall be provided through school assemblies, staff development, or other appropriate forums as
The board or the district administration on behalf of the board may seek student, staff, parent, and/or community
input on the adoption, revision, and/or implementation of the board’s bullying policies or plan as directed or
approved by the board.
No teacher, administrator, or school district employee shall engage in, permit, or tolerate bullying.
Retaliation against a victim, good faith reporter, or a witness to bullying is prohibited. A student or staff member
who engages in an act of bullying, reprisal, retaliation or false reporting of bullying, shall be subject to discipline
in accordance with school district policy and procedures. The school administration and/or board may take into
account the following factors when determining an appropriate disciplinary action for such prohibited conduct:
the ages of the parties involved; the developmental and maturity levels, special education needs of the parties
involved, and the severity of the behavior.
Discipline guidelines for student bullying may be found in student and employee handbooks. Offenses over time
or single offenses which are severe in nature may result in discipline up to and including suspension and/or
expulsion or termination from employment. Parents participating in prohibited bullying conduct aimed at district
students and/or staff members may jeopardize their access to district facilities; district property; school sponsored
activities, programs, and events; and/or district students and/or staff members through the district’s
communication systems. As appropriate, reports to local law enforcement will be filed to report criminal bullying
behaviors. (See Policies EBC, GAAC, GAACA, JGEC, JGECA and KN)
Notice of Protections Under the Kansas Tort Claims Act
As a teacher employed by Unified School District No. 363, Holcomb, Kansas, you are entitled to
protections under the Kansas Tort Claims Act, K.S.A. 75-6101 et seq.
1. What is the Kansas Tort Claims Act?
It is the state statutory scheme which allows governmental entities, including public school districts, in
the state to be sued for damages caused by the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of employees, officers, or
board members. In cases arising under the Kansas Tort Claims Act, liability is limited to $500,000 for any
number of claims arising out of a single occurrence or accident or to the extent of the district’s insurance,
whichever is greater. U.S.D. 363’s insurance with regard to tort claims provides liability coverage for such claims
up to $1,000,000. (See K.S.A. 75-6101 et seq.)
2. Are there any situations in which a school district may be exempt from liability for negligent acts?
Yes, the law contains several exemptions. A school district and its employees are not liable, under the
Tort Claims Act, for damages resulting from:
Legislative functions, such as adopting or failing to adopt a policy;
Judicial functions, such as a student or teacher due process hearing;
enforcement or failure to enforce a statute, regulation, or board resolution;
Adoption or failure to adopt written personnel policies which protect persons’ health or safety;
Any claim based on the performance of or failure to perform a discretionary function or duty,
regardless of whether discretion is abused;
The assessment or collection of taxes;
Any claim by an employee which is covered by workers compensation;
Snow or ice or other temporary or natural conditions on school property;
The plan or design for the construction or improvement to public property;
Any claim for injuries resulting from the use of any public property intended or permitted to be used as
a park, playground, or open area for recreational purposes, except in cases of gross or wanton
negligence; or
The natural condition of any unimproved public school property.
3. Is the school district liable for all negligent acts of its employees?
No. The district is only liable for acts or omissions of employees which occur in the scope of the
employee’s employment and which are done with actual fraud or actual malice.
4. Will the district provide me a legal defense for claims under this act?
Generally yes. Upon request of an employee, the district shall:
Provide for the defense of any civil action or proceeding against you, in your official or individual
capacity or both, on account of an act or omission in the scope of your employment with the district;
Provide legal counsel to you when you are summoned to appear before any grand jury or inquisition
on account of an act or omission in the scope of your employment with the district.
The district has no right to recover expenses from you for this defense or representation, except as
provided in K.S.A. 75-6109, and amendments thereto.
5. Can the district refuse to provide me a defense under the act?
Yes, the district may refuse to provide for the defense of an action against you or to provide you with
representation if the district determines:
The act or omission was not within the scope of your employment;
You acted or failed to act because of actual fraud or actual malice;
The defense of the action or proceeding would create a conflict of interest between you and the
district; or
The request was not made in accordance with law.
6. How do I request the district to come to my defense or to provide me with representation?
You must make a request for such inn writing within 15 days of receiving service of process or a
subpoena of the action. This request is to be filed with the board of education.
The district may reimburse an you such reasonable attorney fees, costs and expenses as are necessarily
incurred in defending a claim against the you for punitive or exemplary damages if: (1) The action or
proceeding arose out of an act or omission in the scope of the your employment; and (2) you reasonably
cooperated in good faith in the defense of the claim.
I acknowledge that I have been provided with notice protections provided to me in accordance
with the Kansas Tort Claims Act.
____________________________________ _________________
Signature Date
GAOA Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace (See LDD) GAOA
Maintaining a drug free work place is important in establishing an appropriate learning environment for
the students of the district. Unless otherwise specified in this policy, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale,
dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited at school, on or in school district property;
and at school sponsored activities, programs, and events. Possession and/or use of a controlled substance by an
employee for the purposes of this policy shall only be permitted if such substance was obtained directly, or
pursuant to a valid prescription or order issued thereto, from a person licensed by the state to dispense, prescribe,
or administer controlled substances and any use is in accordance with label directions.
Alternative I
As a condition of employment in the district, employees shall abide by the terms of this policy.
Employees shall not unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, and/or use controlled
substances in the workplace.
Any employee who is convicted under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring at the workplace
must notify the superintendent of the conviction within five days after the conviction. The superintendent shall
then ensure that notice of such conviction is given to any granting agency within 10 days of receiving notice
Within 30 days after the notice of conviction is received, the school district will take appropriate action
with the employee. Such action may include, suspension, placement on probationary status, or other disciplinary
action including termination. Alternatively, or in addition to any action short of termination, the employee may
be required to participate satisfactorily in an
approved drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment. The employee
shall bear the cost of participation in such program. Each employee in the district shall be given a copy of this
This policy is intended to implement the requirements of the federal regulations promulgated under the
Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. It is not intended to supplant or otherwise diminish disciplinary actions which
may be taken under board policies or the negotiated agreement.
Maintaining a drug free workplace is important in establishing an appropriate learning environment for
the students of the district. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a
controlled substance is prohibited in the district.